Heart Failure
is Reversible Copyright by Dr. Al Sears MD.
Imagine your heart can only pump 15% of the blood it usually does with each beat. So it tries harder and harder… Then blood builds up behind your heart, flooding your lungs, causing your heart to swell up like a balloon. With less blood flow to your brain, you get dizzy and confused and eventually organs like your lungs, brain, and kidneys stop working from the loss of oxygen-carrying blood.
This is congestive heart failure (CHF). Today, I’ll show you why the mainstream “solution” only makes the problem worse, and how a pioneering cardiologist is bringing heart patients back from the brink of death. Most Doctors End Up Decreasing Your Heart’s Output… Doctors will tell you to stay in bed and take meds like diuretics, beta-blockers, statins and other CHF and heart drugs.
By following that recommendation, you’ll eventually drown in your own blood. The beta-blockers doctors prescribe decrease your cardiac output. Even worse, the statins they prescribe dramatically deplete your body’s CoQ10 levels and steal your heart’s pumping power. The solution to congestive heart failure is increasing cardiac output, not bedrest and drugs.
Bringing CHF Patients Back From Near Death Dr. Peter Langsjoen found that when he quadrupled the levels of CoQ10 in heart failure patients, heart function improved by a jaw-dropping 88%.