Business Digest Magazine featuring Celia Sawyer

Page 26



Sales pitch is a sales presentation strategy that initiates and closes the sales of a product. It is aimed at persuading potential clients in buying the goods and service you are offering. Certain benchmarks need to be met in the creation of an effective sales pitch. These benchmarks are:

PRIORITIZING BUYER’S NEEDS Placing your customer’s needs first is essential in capturing their attention. Displaying customer care in your presentation is very important. Create a pitch that the client will be able to see increase in revenue and decrease in cost of the operation. A smart way in making a pitch is by adjusting to the different client’s personas.

BUILD YOUR PITCH AROUND A CAPTIVATING STORY As humans we tend to understand things better if they are inform of a story. Creation of a good sales pitch is no different. These stories help in evoking customer’s emotions and also in acquiring the moral lesson. These stories should also help the buyers on how they are going to effect change in their different departments in the organization. Many sales pitch become successful if they are built around a good story since it helps the buyers relate to your products on a personal level. And once the personal connection is there it convinces them more to purchase the product.

PROVIDE A SUITABLE STRUCTURE FOR YOUR PITCH Give your pitch a simple structure that will help the buyers to follow. The structure may entail a buyer’s problem, presenting possible solutions and agreeing to the next step with the buyer. A pitch that lacks structure is often seen cumbersome to follow through. A pitch that is well structured is what will make many potential buyers to pay attention to your presentation. Structuring it makes it simple and helps many buyers overcome the challenge.

CREATE A TWO-WAY MODE OF COMMUNICATION For an effective pitch presentation ensure that you not only talk alone but also involve the buyer. Create a scenario where the buyer will be compelled to agree with you or disagree, at intervals of five minutes ask the buyer relevant questions and if they need clarity at the end of each segment. All these will facilitate a two-way communication between the buyer and the seller.

OUTLINE THE BENEFITS OF THE PRODUCT As you have already put the buyer’s needs first and captured their attention through a story the next essential step will be informing the buyer on the benefits of your products. Make them aware of the benefits offered by your products and why they need to purchase it. Make your products outstanding to those offered by your competitors. Once buyers know the value of your products it will position you on a better ground.

“Establishing trust is better than any sales technique.” Mike Puglia


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