INVALSI 3 Carla Iozzi
Much More
PPotenziamento della lingua Inglese per la Prova Nazionale INVALSI per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo grado
NOVITà ESCLUSIVA: COMPITI DI REALTà per lo sviluppo di competenze nella lingua inglese ü
prove disponibili anche in versione digitale
Carla Iozzi
Much More
PPotenziamento della lingua Inglese per la Prova Nazionale INVALSI per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo grado
prove disponibili anche in versione digitale
la casa editrice la nave dei sogni mette a disposizione i propri libri di testo in formato digitale per gli studenti ipovedenti, non vedenti o con disturbi specifici di apprendimento. L’attenzione e la cura necessaria per la realizzazione di un libro spesso non sono sufficienti a evitare completamente la presenza di sviste o di piccole imprecisioni. Invitiamo pertanto il lettore a segnalare le eventuali inesattezze riscontrate. Ci saranno utili per le future ristampe. Tutti i diritti sono riservati ©2019 è vietata la riproduzione dell’opera o di parti di esse con qualsiasi mezzo, comprese stampa, fotocopie e memorizzazione elettronica se non espressamente autorizzate dall’Editore. Nel rispetto delle normative vigenti, le immagini che rappresentano marchi o prodotti commerciali hanno esclusivamente valenza didattica. L’Editore è a disposizione degli aventi diritto con i quali non è stato possibile comunicare, nonché per eventuali omissioni o inesattezze nella citazione delle fonti. Ristampa 5 4 3 2 1
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Il testo è una selezione di materiale per percorsi scolastici ed individuali volti al potenziamento della lingua inglese e all'acquisizione di maggior sicurezza e dimestichezza con la tipologia di prove presenti nella rilevazione INVALSI e nelle certificazioni internazionali KET. I materiali scritti e orali proposti e gli aspetti grammaticali e lessicali previsti fanno riferimento ai livelli A1 e A2 del QCER. Le prove proposte, quindi, non sono simulazioni d’esame (mock tests) o quiz d’addestramento, ma sono strumenti per familiarizzare con i vari contesti d’uso della lingua, con la gamma di compiti, tematiche, tipologie di messaggi e testi scritti e orali proposti nella rilevazione INVALSI e nelle prove di certificazione KET, ed offrono stimoli per rinforzare le strategie linguistiche necessarie per affrontare con successo le prove. Una sezione, inoltre, vera novità, è dedicata ad alcune proposte di compiti di realtà per lo sviluppo delle competenze linguistiche, come definite nelle Indicazioni Nazionali del 2012 e nelle Raccomandazioni del 2006 del Consiglio dell’Unione Europea e del Parlamento Europeo. Nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 30 del 5-2-2013 si legge, appunto, “particolare attenzione sarà posta a come ciascun alunno mobilita e orchestra le proprie risorse – conoscenze, abilità, atteggiamenti ed emozioni- per affrontare efficacemente le situazioni che la realtà quotidiana propone, in relazione alle proprie potenzialità ed attitudini”. Il concetto di “competenza” come sapere-agito intende proprio focalizzare l’attenzione su compiti che richiedono l’attivazione di strategie cognitive e socio-emotive elevate, l’impiego attivo del “sapere” personale in attività significative ed impegnative. Secondo la definizione di Glatthorn i compiti di realtà sono “problemi complessi e aperti posti agli studenti come mezzo per dimostrare la padronanza di qualcosa”. Quindi essi si riferiscono a “problemi”, ovvero a situazioni che richiedono allo studente di mobilitare le proprie risorse, le proprie conoscenze e abilità per trovare delle soluzioni. Si tratta, quindi, di situazioni impegnative per lo studente, che contengano una dimensione di sfida in rapporto alle conoscenze ed esperienze possedute, che sollecitano l’attivazione di risorse ed incoraggiano l’autovalutazione.
Un compito di realtà presenta le seguenti caratteristiche: ü è un “compito” che ci si trova ad affrontare nella realtà, quindi non un esercizio puramente scolastico; ü offre problemi e situazioni di problem-solving aperti a molteplici interpretazioni e soluzioni; ü offre l’occasione di affrontare i problemi da diverse prospettive teoriche e pratiche. In questo modo gli alunni possono personalizzare la soluzione del problema ricorrendo a percorsi vari, selezionando le informazioni più significative e giungendo a soluzioni originali; ü è complesso, pertanto può richiedere tempi più lunghi; ü può richiedere la partecipazione di più persone e la cooperazione tra singoli; ü può essere interdisciplinare; ü prevede la realizzazione di un prodotto finale che è completo e ben inserito nella realtà. IN VA L SI a n d M U C H M ORE è così organizzato: Parte 1 - Reading Presenta 13 esercitazioni di comprensione scritta che utilizzano tipologie testuali di vario tipo (narrativo, descrittivo, regolativo, mail, lettere ..) e materiale autentico (biglietti ferroviari, flyers, locandine…). Le domande prevedono: risposta multipla, risposta aperta breve (max 4 parole), risposta True, False, Not Given, collegamento e matching. La tipologia di lettura richiesta dallo studente è Lettura veloce selettiva (comprensione del significato generale del testo) e Lettura attenta (comprensione di dettagli ed informazioni precise). Parte 2 - Listening Offre 6 esercitazioni di comprensione orale che propongono contesti di comunicazione vari e autentici (dialoghi telefonici, conversazioni, messaggi automatici …) ed espongono gli studenti a modelli linguistici britannici e americani. Le domande prevedono: risposta multipla, collegamento, matching e riempimento. Parte 3 - Use of language Propone 12 esercitazioni di riflessione linguistica su aspetti grammaticali, lessicali e funzionali della lingua. Sono previsti quesiti a scelta multipla, matching e completamento. Le prove possono essere svolte in modo autonomo dall’alunno come compito domestico o possono essere utilizzate in classe sotto la guida del docente. L’insegnante può chiarire
alla classe le strategie più utili per affrontare i vari quesiti e nella fase di correzione può aiutare gli alunni a comprendere gli errori commessi e a superare le difficoltà incontrate. Le prove sono disponibili sia su supporto cartaceo che on line per un approccio più autentico alla modalità computer based prevista nella prova nazionale INVALSI. Parte 4 - Tips to reading and use of language, tips to listening In questa parte vengono dati agli studenti suggerimenti pratici per affrontare con maggiore serenità le prove proposte e la prova nazionale. Parte 5 - Topics and grammar list Elenco dei campi tematici e delle aree grammaticali previsti a livello A2. Parte 6 - Compiti di realtà In questa parte vengono offerti 4 compiti di realtà da svolgere in classe o individualmente. Viene richiesta la realizzazione di un prodotto materiale che serve ad esercitare ed accrescere abilità, mobilitare e reperire conoscenze e mettere in atto competenze. è un po’ più difficile delle abilità possedute dall’alunno allo scopo di attivare capacità di problem-solving e riflessione e mobilitare la sua esperienza attiva. I compiti di realtà proposti si prestano ad essere inseriti in UDA con finalità e tematiche diverse. Pertanto, per la valutazione del prodotto finale ciascun docente potrà elaborare la propria rubrica di valutazione declinando dimensioni, criteri e livelli di prestazione o utilizzare quella proposta nella sezione “Tabelle di valutazione” nella guida per l’insegnante.
“Un compito significativo, mobilita sicuramente competenze sociali e metodologiche, competenze specifiche di aree culturali, competenze comunicative. Esso, anche se strutturato da un singolo insegnante per il suo ambito, va a toccare comunque, per la natura stessa della competenza, ambiti diversi, offrendo in realtà elementi di valutazione a più insegnanti.” (Franca Da Re “Presentazione e commenti ai quadri di riferimento per il curricolo e la valutazione di competenze).
About invalsi Il Decreto Legislativo n. 62 del 13 aprile 2017 “Norme in materia di valutazione e certificazione delle competenze nel primo ciclo ed esami di Stato, a norma dell'articolo 1, commi 180 e 181, lettera i), della legge 13 luglio 2015, n. 107”, spiega che “La valutazione ha per oggetto il processo formativo e i risultati di apprendimento delle alunne e degli alunni, delle studentesse e degli studenti delle istituzioni scolastiche del sistema nazionale di istruzione e formazione, ha finalità formativa ed educativa e concorre al miglioramento degli apprendimenti e al successo formativo degli stessi, documenta lo sviluppo dell’identità personale e promuove l’autovalutazione di ciascuno in relazione alle acquisizioni di conoscenze, abilità e competenze.” L’ art. 19 “Prove scritte a carattere nazionale predisposte dall’INVALSI“ aggiunge che “Le studentesse e gli studenti iscritti all'ultimo anno di scuola secondaria di primo grado sostengono prove a carattere nazionale, computer based, predisposte dall'INVALSI, volte a verificare i livelli di apprendimento conseguiti in italiano, matematica e inglese.…” Le prove sono computer based (CBT), si svolgono mediante utilizzo di computer connessi alla rete internet in un arco temporale assegnato alla scuola da INVALSI (Istituto nazionale per la valutazione del sistema educativo di istruzione e di formazione). Nel documento “Le prove Invalsi secondo l’INVALSI“, reperibile sul sito ufficiale dell’’Istituto Nazionale di Valutazione o al link docs/2018/LE_PROVE_INVALSI_SECONDO_INVALSI_in_breve.pdf, vengono chiariti contesti, strumenti e finalità delle rilevazioni. Ecco alcuni concetti base: “Prove uguali per tutti servono a capire dove c’è qualcosa da migliorare.” “…le prove non sono un esercizio di memoria ma di ragionamento.” “Le prove misurano alcune competenze essenziali.” “Le prove Invalsi sono tutt’altro che quiz.”
La Prova di Lingua Inglese “Per la prova di inglese, l'INVALSI accerta i livelli di apprendimento attraverso prove di posizionamento sulle abilita' di comprensione e uso della lingua, coerenti con il Quadro Comune di Riferimento Europeo per le lingue, …” Le prove INVALSI per la lingua inglese, quindi, indicheranno al sistema scolastico e allo studente come egli si è collocato rispetto al livello A2 del Quadro Comune di Riferimento al termine del percorso di Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado. L’Istituto di Valutazione rilascerà alla scuola una Certificazione delle Competenze che, per quanto riguarda la lingua inglese, fanno riferimento agli Indicatori sintetici ed analitici del QCER. Il materiale informativo è reperibile ai link: : : Nello specifico la rilevazione per la lingua inglese interesserà le abilità di comprensione scritta e orale (abilità ricettive) e di uso della lingua (conoscenze grammaticali, lessicale e funzionali della lingua). La prova di Reading dura 45 minuti, quella di Listening circa 30 minuti. Al link: : sono disponibili alcuni esempi di prove CBT di lingua inglese.
Esercitazione Esercitazione 11
Thank you!
Hi Susan Thank you very much for the birthday present. I really needed a new computer game, so it is perfect. You’re very kind. :) How are you? Good luck with your exams. I hope you pass them with good marks. Speak soon. Tom xx
1. Read the mail. Are sentences 1-7 True, False or Not given?
True False Not given
1. Tom is writing the mail
2. Susan is Tom’s friend
3. Susan gave Tom a computer
5. is Tom’s email address
6. Susan has got exams
7. The exams are difficult
4. Tom likes Susan’s present
2. What do the following words refer to in the text? 0 is an example. 0. YOU (l. 2) SUSAN 1. IT (l.2) 2. YOUR (l. 4) 3. I (l. 4) TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 2 1. Look at picture n.1. Are sentences 1-6 True, False or Not given?
2 True
False Not given
1. The ticket is a return ticket
2. The ticket costs less than ÂŁ20
3. It is a bus ticket
4. The passenger is going to Manchester
5. This is a reduced ticket
6. The passenger is a child
2. Look at the two pictures and read the information. Do they refer to ticket n. 1, ticket n. 2 or both?
Ticket 1 Ticket 2 Both
1. You can travel by train and underground
2. It is more expensive than the other
3. It is a single ticket
4. It can be used only one day
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 3
1. Read the chat between Joe and Sam. Are sentences 1-10 True, False or Not given? True
False Not given?
1. Sam and Joe are cousins
2. Sam needs help from Joe
3. Sam tells Joe to plan his study time
4. Joe can’t have free time before the exam
6. Joe and Sam are the same age
7. Sam has got exams too
8. The chat lasts about 40 minutes
9. Joe is not happy with Sam’s advice
10. Sam writes first
5. The week before the exam Joe must study an hour and a half a day
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 4
&reading 1.Read the menu. Are sentences 1-10 True, False or Not given?
False Not given?
1. Food is served all day
2. There are special dishes for children
3. You can eat snacks at dinner
4. There are only three ice cream flavours
5. Soups are served with vegetables
6. The restaurant doesn’t sell wine
7. Salad and chips come free with snacks
8. You need to book for dinner
9. You can have espresso coffee
10.You can find vegetarian dishes
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 5
1. Read the text and for sentences 1- 10 choose the correct answer. 1. The text is about?
the book “Hunger Games”
an actress
a film
2. In Jennifer’s family there are
5 people
4 people
3 people
3. What sports does she play in her free time?
4. Jennifer was born
in summer
in New York
in Los Angeles
5. She played the role of Katniss Everdeen in
Winter’s Bone
Hunger Games
in an advertisement on TV
&reading 6. Jennifer moved to New York
to attend acting classes
to live with her family
to work as an actress
7. Jennifer has worked
as a model
at H&M
only on TV
8. As a child Jennifer liked
playing the guitar
9. Hunger games
is a 2012 film
won an Oscar
is Jennifer’s first film
10. Her in l.5 refers to the word
Jennifer TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 6 1. Look at the brochure. Answer the questions (max 4 words).
&reading 1. Where is Liverpool?
2. Who were the Beatles?
3. Who can have free admission at The Beatles Story?
4. When is The Beatles Story closed?
5. What is Anfield?
6. When can’t you visit Anfield?
7. What can everybody visit for free?
8. When is the Liverpool museum open?
9. What is Liverpool ONE?
10. How old is Liverpool ONE?
……………………………………………… TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 7 1.Read the text. For sentences 1- 10 choose the correct answer.
“Sixteen - What now?” You’re 16 and finally you can leave school! By now, you’re probably sick of teachers, desks, tests and exams. But don’t just run for the exit. You need to think carefully about what to do next. If you want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. To do that, you need to stay at high school for another two years. But you needn’t stay at the same place. There are several options in the district of Northacre. St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the district. It offers a wide range of subjects in the humanities and sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private school, so may be too expensive for you. But don’t worry, there are several other options if you want to follow the academic route. Knowle
Grammar School is a state school, so there are no fees, and it has excellent tuition and facilities. It is a boys’ school from the ages of 11-16, but from 16-18 it is co-educational. But it is selective, so you’ll have to pass an exam to get in. If you’re interested in going into Business, check out Wyle River Academy. This school specialises in subjects like Business Studies, Management and Economics. If you prefer the arts, look at the courses on offer at Northacre College. Here you can study woodwork, art, textiles and much more. Northacre College also offers a wide range of vocational qualifications. You can do a 1-year certificate or a 2-year diploma in subjects like electrics, plumbing, roofing and hairdressing. If you’d prefer to work outdoors, look at Milldown College, where there are courses in Farm Mechanics, Land Management, Animal Management and much more. A final option is to get an apprenticeship with a local or national company. You will get on-the-job training, gain certificates or diplomas and start earning straight away. But be warned - places are limited! Find out more at the Jobs Fair on 26th May at Northacre College. 1. Who is this article for?
Students who are at University
Students who are sixteen
Students who are starting high school
2. If you want to get a degree you need
to attend high school to the age of 18
to attend high school to the age of 16
to attend high school for two years
3. Which school hasn’t got fees?
Wyle River Academy
St. Leopold’s School
Knowle Grammar School
4. You can attend Knowle Grammar School
if you pay a fee
if you pass an exam
if you want to study Business
&reading 5. Girls can attend Knowle Grammar School
from 16-18
from 11- 16
6. If you want to become a hairdresser
you need to get a 1 year certificate or a 2 year diploma
attend Milldown College
go to the Jobs Fair
7. If you want to run a farm, you should attend
Northacre College
Wyle River Academy
Milldown College
8. You can get an apprenticeship if
you want on -the- job training with a company
you have finished University
you want to go to University
9. What is the problem with apprenticeships?
There aren’t many available.
They are expensive.
They don’t give you any qualifications.
10. What is the aim of this article?
To convince students to go to University
To tell young people about the options available
To convince young people to leave school at 16
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 8
A day in the life of “Mrs Elf” A few years ago, I worked as an elf at a holiday resort in Lapland, in the north of Sweden. The resort was in a forest. Visitors and workers stayed in small wooden cabins all around the forest. There was one large cabin where people ate meals. I started work there in mid November and stayed until just after Christmas. Tourists used to stay at the resort for four days. On the first day, they arrived at the airport and travelled to the resort by coach. I didn’t have to work until the evening. Sometimes I went skiing. Then, while the guests had their evening meal, I worked behind the desk in reception. I helped people find their cabins, told them about the itinerary and sold tickets for extra tours. I didn’t dress as an elf at that time; I wore the hotel uniform. On day 2, I and three other elves got up at about eight o’clock. Of course, it was still dark at that time. In Lapland it gets light at about half past ten during the winter, and it gets dark again soon after two o’clock. We dressed in our elf costumes and drove across the snow on skidoos to a cabin in the forest. Inside the cabin, there were huge presents and huge tools. We had to wrap the presents and pretend to make toys with the tools. There were mirrors in the cabin windows. These made us look very small. When tourists looked through the windows, they saw tiny elves using normal-sized tools! On the third day, we went to a different cabin – Santa’s cabin! This was the day when the children finally met Father Christmas. The children would meet Santa and get a toy. Then they came into the elves’ workshop to meet us. This room was full of toys and beautifully decorated with a Christmas tree. I and the other elves pretended to make toys and chatted to the children in our own elf language. The next day, the tourists went home and the next group arrived. I worked on reception again. Working as an elf was great fun, and a magical way to spend Christmas!
&reading 1. Choose the correct answer or complete the sentences (one word only). 1. The text is about
Christmas traditions in Sweden
a lady’s job
elves in Lapland
2. The lady worked in a ……………………….............................. 3. She worked there
all winter
in November and December
only on Christmas Day
4. The tourists’ holiday lasts
4 days
one week
3 days
5. The lady didn’t dress as an elf
in the evenings
when she works at the reception
when the guests have their meals
6. In winter in Lapland it’s dark from ……………..............…. to ……..................…………… 7. As an elf the lady
drove skidoos
wrapped Christmas presents
made toys
8. The children could meet
only Father Christmas
Father Christmas and the elves
only the elves
9. The elves speak
a special language
the local language
the children’s language
10. The lady
enjoyed her job
was not happy with her job
works as an elf for a resort. TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 9 …………………………………………….
&reading Bullying can make you feel small and weak. It can be physical, verbal or can even happen online! It also exists at home and in our wider communities. It doesn’t just happen to children, adults can also be bullied or be bullies themselves. Research shows that bullying can have long-lasting and devastating effects. We wanted to write this article to help people become aware of bullying and describe some of the most common forms of bullying and offer advice on how to stop it.
Physical Bullying
Physical bullying is when someone hurts you physically. It is also when someone steals or tampers with your belongings. Whatever you do, do not fight back or you will become as bad as the bully. To sort it out, simply tell a teacher or a trusted adult what is going on and they can help you.
Verbal bullying
Verbal bullying is where someone says something to you that is offensive, mean or rude. This can really affect your self- esteem. Try not to retaliate, instead ignore silly provocations and tell an adult.
Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is when somebody spreads rumours, posts pictures or says rude and mean things about you online. They could send things directly to you or to others behind your back. It can be humiliating and can make you feel small. Like always, tell a parent or trusted adult. You could also talk to your teacher. Remember you could also speak to a parent or friend; just tell someone what is going on!
There are lots of ways that you can stand up against bullying in your school or community: 1. Talk to your teacher about running assemblies in your school about what bullying is and how important it is to speak out about it. 2. Care about others and encourage your peers to do the same. If you see someone being bullied in your school, try to help them or speak to a staff member. 3. Create a notice board in your school about your anti-bullying work. Make it obvious to students where they can get help or report concerns. 4. Write a letter to your school or your local MP to ask what they are doing to take a stand against bullying. 5. You could run social action projects in your school such as Kindness Day 6. You can learn more about different types of bullying and how to support someone
to become aware = prendere consapevolezza to temper = danneggiare belongings = oggetti personali trusted = di fiducia to retaliate = reagire; vendicarsi rumour = pettegolezzo
1.Choose the correct answer and complete the sentences (one word for each space). 1. The text
is aimed at students and adults
is about bullying in class
wants to inform young people about bullying
2. Bullying
is only a children’s problem
makes you feel strong
can happen at home and in other places
3. Bullying can be online, ……………..........………. and …….........……………..............… . 4. To steal something from someone is a form of
cyber bullying
verbal bullying
physical bullying
5. Verbal bullying can
hurt your self-confidence
hurt you physically
use photos of you
6. How can you fight bullying? (More than one answer is right)
Never talk to a friend or an adult
Talk to adults you trust
Fight back
Take part in school projects
Get information about bullying and how to help people
React when provoked 7. Which word in paragraph 1 means “continuing for a long period of time”? ……………….. 8. Choose the title for the text
Discussion about bullying
Cyber bulling
Bullied teachers
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 10
1. Decide if sentences 1 - 10 are True, False or Not given. True
False Not given
1. The summer camp is on weekends
2. The camp is for children older than 5
3. There is a discount if you sign by the end of May
4. You can ring the Camp director from 8.45 to 9.00
5. The activities start at 9.00
6. The camp lasts six weeks
7. You can have the same activities on two different days
8. Every week there are different theme activities
9. Members pay less than the public
10. Children can bring their own packed lunch
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 11 Teenagers and healthy eating Good nutrition is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for growing teenagers. Unfortunately, many Australian teenagers have an unbalanced diet. From the 2007 Australian National Children's Nutrition and Physical Activity survey, teenage boys and girls aged 14 to 16 ate only half the recommended portions of fruit and vegetables per day. One in three teenagers buy unhealthy takeaway food every day. If you eat takeaway food regularly, you have a higher chance to put on weight than if you eat fast food only occasionally. It may be difficult to change your eating habits, but even a few simple changes will make a huge difference. A……………………………………………………………..........................................................…
&reading Many teenagers eat junk food every day. This might be sugary drinks like fizzy drinks and high-kilojoule foods like potato chips, doughnuts or French fries. Compared to home-cooked food, junk food (which includes fast food) is almost always: ü higher in fat, ü higher in salt ü higher in sugar ü lower in fibre ü lower in nutrients, such as calcium and iron ü served in larger portions, which means more kilojoules. Eating too much junk food can make you feel lazy and inactive. Eating healthier will increase your vitality and help to keep your skin clear. A poor diet can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, constipation, fatigue and concentration problems – even when you’re young. B…………………………………………………………................................................................ Small changes can make a big impact. Here there are some tips. Try to: ü Cut back on sugary drinks like soft drinks and energy drinks. Sugar-free versions are okay to drink sometimes, but sugar-free frizzy drinks are still acidic, which can have a negative effect on bone and dental health. Water is the healthiest drink – try adding a slice of lemon, lime or orange for flavour. ü Keep a fruit bowl at home for fast, low-kilojoule snacks. ü Eat breakfast every day so you will not need junk food at morning break. A wholemeal breakfast cereal that is low in sugar served with low-fat milk can give you a lot of vitamins, mineral and fibre. Other fast and healthy options include yoghurt or wholemeal toast. ü Don’t skip lunch or dinner either. ü Reduce the size of your meals. ü Don’t add salt to your food. ü Don’t eat high-fat food every time you visit a fast food restaurant with your friends. Many of the popular fast food chains now have healthier food on the menu. ü Change your meeting place. Rather than meeting up with your friends at the local takeaway shop, suggest a restaurant that serves healthier food, such as wholemeal rolls with vegetable fillings or sushi. Glossary:OSSARY:
high-kilojoule food = cibo ad alto contenuto calorico weight gain = aumento di peso constipation = stitichezza wholemeal = integrale
1. The text is about:
teenagers’ unhealthy eating habits in Australia
traditional food in Australia
how to lose weight
2. The text wants to
give recipes to Australian housewives
offer help for healthier eating
advert fast food restaurants
3. Complete the following table with information from the text.
Healthy eating habits
Unhealthy eating habits
Eat fruit Add salt to food
4. Junk food means:
exotic food but quick to prepare
expensive food
food that is bad for your body but quick to prepare
5. Home cooked food
is high in sugar and salt
is low in nutrients
is high in fibre
&reading 6. A poor diet can cause …………………..................… and ………....................…………. 7. Match the words with the correct definition. There are 2 extra words. 1. low-fat ………….......................................................................................................................... 2. kilojoule …………........................................................................................................................ 3. fizzy ………….............................................................................................................................. 4. takeaway …………..................................................................................................................... 5. healthy ………….......................................................................................................................... 6. filling …………............................................................................................................................. 7. wholemeal ………….................................................................................................................... 8. home-cooked .............................................................................................................................. a. brown flour with all the natural parts of the grain b. with a lot of bubbles c. measure of energy d. a layer of food inside a sandwich e. good for your body f. which doesn’t contain a lot of fat 8. Choose the best title for heading A and heading B ………… Healthy eating tips for teenagers ………… Junk food is poor fuel for teenage bodies …………. Lose weight with a healthy diet TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 12 Cake pops Prep: 45 mins Cook: 20 mins plus chilling. Easy Makes 12-14 For the cake For the buttercream 100g butter 75g butter 100g sugar 150g icing sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs 1tbsp milk 100g self-raising flour 200g white chocolate, melted, to dip sprinkles Method 1. First make the cake. Heat oven to 190C. Grease and line the base of a 20cm sandwich tin. Place the butter, sugar and vanilla extract into a bowl and beat well to a creamy consistency. Slowly beat in the eggs, one by one, then fold in the flour and mix well. Tip into the cake tin and bake for about 20 mins until risen and golden brown. Set aside to cool completely. 2. While the cakes are cooling, make the buttercream. In a large bowl beat the butter and icing sugar together until smooth, add the vanilla extract and milk and beat again. Once the cake is cooled, crumble into large crumbs. Add the butter cream and stir together. Take chunks of the cake mixture and roll into balls, transferring each ball to plate, push a lollypop stick into each, then put into the fridge for an hour to set. 3. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Tip the sprinkles into another bowl. Take each of the chilled cake pops and dip into the white chocolate, and then into the sprinkles. Stand upright in a bowl to dry at room temperature for an hour, or in the fridge for 30 mins. 32
self-raising = autolievitante
icing-sugar= zucchero a velo.
sandwich tin=
1. Put the actions in the correct order. a. Bake the mix for 20 mins and then cool it
b. Heat oven and grease a tin
c. Beat butter, vanilla extract and sugar
d. Let them to dry for 1 hour
e. Crumble the cake and make balls
f. Beat butter, icing sugar, vanilla extract and milk to make the buttercream ……………… g. Then add eggs and flour
h. Push a lollypop stick into each ball and leave to rest in the fridge
i. Melt the chocolate and dip the balls in it
j. Then dip the balls into the sprinkles
2. Match words 1 - 5 from the text with the correct meaning (there is one extra definition): 1. Grease
2. Beat
3. Bake
4. Cool
5. Melt
a. To become cold b. Put oil or fat on something c. To turn from solid to soft or liquid d. Cook in oven e. To mix something repeatedly f. To put something into a liquid
3. Read the sentences and choose True, False or Not given
False Not given
1.You can make maximum 12 cake pops with these ingredients
2.You need more than 1 hour to make the pops
3.You need to use an electric oven
4.You use cake crumbs to make the balls
5.It’s faster to dry the balls in the fridge
TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 13 Verjaardagskalender
&reading If you step into any Dutch home you will be sure to find a verjaardagskalendar or Birthday calendar. And where do you think you’ll find it? Not in the kitchen, or by the computer or office area. Well, in the most logical place – the toilet of course! The Dutch are very practical and in the toilet they can be sure the calendar won’t be overlooked! A Dutch person must never forget another Dutch person’s birthday. Forgetting it is a major sin in the Netherlands. So, while sitting on their porcelain throne, they can happily consult their birthday calendar. And why in the bathroom (or toilet!)!? Well, without going into detail… it’s a place where you go every day and have some time to sit and think. Remember, this calendar is not the everyday calendar. It is not used to note the next appointment with the dentist or the dinner at your colleague’s house. This calendar’s only purpose is to record birthdays. Plus it is a perpetual calendar ( without days of the week or years ) so you don’t need to buy a new one every year. Ah – very efficient! Be careful! It’s very important to remember that it is never appropriate to record your own name and birth date on another Dutch person’s calendar. If you do that, it can be considered a serious offence. You can’t find your B-day ? Well, that means that you’re just not as close or as important as you thought you were! 1. Read sentences 1 - 9 and choose True, False or Not given
False Not given
1. The verjaardagskalender is used to note appointments and birthdays
2. You can find a verjaardagskalender in Holland
3. You need a new one every year
4. You can buy it in a birthday shop
5. It is usually consulted in the toilet
6. A verjaardagskalender hasn’t got the days of the week
7. You give a verjaardagskalender on someone’s birthday
8. You can add your name and B-day on someone’s verjaardagskalende 9. On a verjaardagskalender you note close people’s B-days
2. What is the porcelain throne? a. A toilet seat
b. A bathtub
c. A big chair
3. Match words 1- 8 in the text with their meaning a - e. There are three extra words. 1. To overlook 2. Colleagues 3. To step in 4. To remember 5. Sin 6. Offense 7. Purpose 8. Perpetual a. To enter b. To not notice or consider c. Something against the rules of a religion d. Someone you work with e. Continuing for ever TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 1 TASK 1 You will listen to five short conversations. For questions 1-5 put a tick (√) under the right answer. You will hear each conversation twice. 1. What is Lucy going to buy?
A 2. What present are they going to buy?
3. How long is the man going to stay at Gulliver Campsite?
1 5 4 A
A 5. Which one is Julie’s house?
4. What time is the party starting?
TOT........../ 5
TASK 2 Listen to two friends talking about plans for Saturday afternoon. For questions 1-5 put a tick (√) under the right answer. You will hear the conversation twice. 1. Where are the two friends going on Saturday?
A 2. How are they going there?
3. What should the boy not forget?
A 4. What can the boys do?
5. What time are the boys meeting?
TOT........../5 TOT........../ 10 42
Esercitazione 2 TASK 1 Listen to a man asking for information about a museum. Listen and complete questions 1-10. You will hear the conversation twice.
NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 1. Number of students
2. Age of students
3. Ticket to events cost 4. Last event at
£ ......................................... per student ........................................
5. Event booked
“ .........................................challenge “
6. Day
7. Time
8. Name of the guide
9. Meeting point
10. Restaurants on
different ........................................ TOT........../ 10
Esercitazione 3 TASK 1 Listen to Luke telling Sarah about a course he has attended. For questions 1 - 7 put a tick (√) next to the right answer. You will hear the conversation twice. 1. Luke spent ………………. in France A. two weeks
B. four weeks
C. three weeks
2. He wanted to become better in
A. reading
B. speaking
C. writing
3. He stayed
A. with a host family B. on the University Camp
C. in a hostel
4. Luke
A. didn’t like the accommodation
B. was happy with the accommodation
C. changed his accommodation
5. He attended
A. a non-intensive course
B. an intensive course
C. a residential course
6. How much did he pay for the course? A. £ 750
B. £ 1,200
C. £ 300
7. Luke thinks that it’s important go to France learn French meet French people TOT........../ 7
TASK 2 Listen to the weather forecast and complete the sentences with one word. Use the words below. There are two extra words. You will hear the recording twice.
25, dry, windy, cold, 26, sunny, showers, rainy, changeable, 16 1. The forecast is for the ……………………th November. 2. In the south it will be ………………………and ………….........…… . 3. Temperatures will reach ……………°C in the south. 4. In the east of the country there will be …………............... in the afternoon. 5. The north will be …………………… and ….........…. . 6. It will be quite …………………….............. overnight. TOT........../ 8 TOT........../ 15
Esercitazione 4
TASK 1 Listen to Jack talking about his holiday. What did he do on each day? Match 1 - 7 with a - i. There are two extra options. You will hear the conversation twice. 1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday .............. 4. Thursday
5. Friday
6. Saturday
7. Sunday
a. Went shopping b. Played tennis c. Went to an art exhibition d. Went back home e. Went to the beach f. Went to an adventure park g. Went to a restaurant h. Visited an old town i. Worked in the garden
TOT........../ 7
TASK 2 You will hear a woman asking for information about a city tour Complete answers 1 - 7. You will hear the conversation twice. SIGHTSEEING TOURS 1. Bus Tours departure
every ……............. minutes
2. First tour at
3. Tickets prices
Children: £ ……..............
Family: £ ………………...
4. Tickets available
…...............… and from the Tour Bus Office
5. Tour Bus Office address
……...................................… Road
6. Office closes at
……………........................... p.m.
7. Buses leave
................... the train station.
TOT........../ 8 TOT........../ 15
Esercitazione 5 TASK 1 Listen to Emily talking about her classmates. Write the names of the different people. You will hear the recording twice. 1
5 47
1. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. ................................................................................................................................................ 3. ................................................................................................................................................ 4. ................................................................................................................................................ 5. ................................................................................................................................................ 6. ................................................................................................................................................ 7. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. Who took the photo?
a. A teacher
b. Mrs Carter
c. A caretaker
TOT........../ 8
TASK 2 Listen to Daniel and Jenny talking about a school trip. For questions 1- 7 choose the right answer A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. 1. Where is the trip to? a. Belgium b. Germany c. London 2. The school trip is on a. 14 th b. 12 th c. 21 st
3. The trip costs a. £ 112 b. £ 30 c. £ 55 4. How many students are going? a. 23 b. 21 c. 22 5. What do they need to take with them? a. A blanket b. Towels c. Shampoo 6. They will not visit a. The Tate Modern b. The Globe Theatre c. Madame Tussaud’s 7. The train leaves at a. 4 a.m. b. 6.45 a.m.
c. 7.00 a.m.
TOT........../ 7 TOT........../ 15
Esercitazione 6 TASK 1 You will listen to five short conversations For questions 1-5 put a tick (√) under the right answer. You will hear each conversation twice. 1.Where did the lady leave her mobile?
2. Where are the two ladies?
3. What does the mum suggest?
4. What ingredients do they need to buy?
A 5.What will the couple do?
TASK 2 You will hear a man calling a rental company. Complete questions 1- 5. You will hear the conversation twice.
1. Name
TOM .....................................................................................................
2. Telephone number
3. Type of car
cargo ....................................................................................................
4. Period of rental
.................................................................................................... days
5. Total cost
TOT........../ 5 TOT........../10
use of language
use of language
use of language
Esercitazione 1 Choose the right answer. 1. Mum, where …………… my jeans? a. is b. have c. are d. has 2. Sam ………………… very well. a. can sing b. cans sing c. sing d. can to sing 3. My new friends are from Los Angeles. ………………...... very nice. a. Their b. They’re c. There are d. He is 4. How are you? ................................................ a. I’m 14 b I have good c. I’m fine, thanks d. She is good 5. Yesterday we went to a new restaurant but we …………....... the food. a. didn’t liked b. liked not c. didn’t like d. liked
use of language
6. Susan is in her bedroom and …………………………….. music. a. she’s listening to b. she listens to c. she listening to d. she listen 7. ………………………… my dad in the garden. a. I help often b. I often help c. I often am helping d. Often I help 8. These bags are too heavy! Can you help ………………? a we b. us c. our d. ours 9. Does ……………. go to school by bus? a Mark and Tom b. you c. your brothers d. Mark 10. …………………………… play tennis? “Twice a week”. a. How much does she b. How does she c. How often does she d. When does she Read the descriptions of some school objects. What is the word for each one? 1.It makes pencils sharper
2.It is used for measuring things and drawing lines
3.It can remove marks made by a penci
4.It has got paper with lines to write on
5.It’s used for cutting paper
use of language
Match sentences 1 - 5 with the correct language functions a - g. There are 2 extra functions. 1. Can you carry these bags for me, please? 2. You mustn’t smoke inside! 3. You should wear a scarf. It’s cold outside. 4. Can I go out? 5. Sorry, where is the nearest underground station? a. Asking the way b. Prohibiting something c. Giving advice d. Asking for help e. Making excuses f. Asking permission g. Giving help TOT........../ 20
Esercitazione 2 1. Match questions 1 - 5 with answers a - g. There are two extra answers. 1. Am I on time? 2. What is the time? 3. Can you help me? 4. Would you like some coffee? 5. What’s the weather like today? a. Yes, of course b. Sunny and dry c. That’s good! d. Yes, please! e. No, you can’t
use of language
f. It’s four o’clock g. Yes, you are 2. Match sentences 1 - 5 with the correct functions a - g. There are 2 extra options. 1. Good morning! 2. That’s a good idea! 3. Why don’t we go for a bike ride? 4. No, thanks! 5. I love thrillers! a. Making a suggestion b. Talking about likes and dislikes c. Expressing opinion d. Refusing an offer e. Greeting f. Accepting an invitation g. Talking about feelings 3. Choose the correct adjective. He watches TV all the time and never does any exercise. He is very …….......………........ a. boring b. moody c. lazy d. friendly 4. Choose the correct answer. I am going out with Mark. It’s our wedding anniversary. What do you do tonight? What are you doing tonight? What do you doing tonight? What you are doing tonight? 58
use of language
5. Which sentence is an obligation? You must watch that film! It’s fantastic! You can watch TV now You must switch off your mobile I might be late tonight! 6. Choose the correct answer. What’s the meaning of the word “spoon”? S-P-O-O-N It’s a noun It is singular Cucchiaio 7. Where is the word “like” used as a verb? She looks like her dad He works like a slave He likes pizza What is the weather like? 8. Where is the word “flat” used as a noun? I live in a big flat on the 4th floor In my country there are no mountains. The landscape is very flat The bike tyre is a little flat. I need to pump it up He has lost weight. He’s got a very flat stomach now 9. Choose the correct answer. Where is the library? It takes 10 minutes Not far from school Here they are! 59
use of language
Sorry I’m late! Where do you go? Yes, please! Don’t worry! We have just arrived! Can I open the window? The weather is fine today Sure! No, he can’t What would you like for dinner? I don’t like it Anything you like! That’s right! TOT........../ 20
Esercitazione 3 1. Choose the correct answer. You have to do exercise 3 and 4 but you ………………………...................….. exercise 5. a b. c. d.
don’t have to do don’t need do haven’t to do mustn’t to do
2. We ………………………………....................…… in this town for 10 years. We love it! a. b. c. d.
lived have lived live are living
use of language
3. Today she ……………….................................................................……. a wonderful dress! a. wears b. wearing c. is wearing d. wear 4. Who are those two ……...........................................................................................……….? a. man b. woman c. women d. person 5. I think it ………………............................................................................…………. tomorrow. a. b. c. d.
rains is raining is going to rain will rain
6. Peter …………………….........................................................…. tomorrow but he isn’t sure. a. b. c. d.
is coming might come must come can come
7. There isn’t ………….........................................................................................…………. wine. a. much b. some c. many d. few 8. Have you seen my keys …………………………..............................................................…? a. everywhere b. somewhere c. anywhere d. nowhere
use of language
9. This is the hotel …………….......................................................………. we stayed last year. a. where b. which c. that d. whose 10. It started to rain ………………...........................................................…. we were playing. a. b. c. d.
while during before after
11. 10. What ………………….............................................…………………… for breakfast? a. b. c. d.
have you got have you do you have you have
2. Complete the text with the right tense of the verbs: past simple, past continuous, present perfect, will and to be going future. One day two friends (1) ………………….. (drive) to the countryside when they needed to stop for petrol. One of them was filling up the car when he (2) …………………….. (see) a penguin standing by a pump. He (3)……………………… (think) it was very strange and when he went to the cashier to pay, he asked, 'Why is there a penguin standing next to the pump?' The cashier replied, 'I don't know. It (4)…………………………… (be) there since yesterday.' The man replied 'Well, we can't leave it there, it's too dangerous. He might have an accident. What should I do?' The cashier suggested, 'You should take it to the zoo.' 'That's a good idea,' the man said. 'I (5)……………… (take) him now.' So the two friends put the penguin in the car and …………………………(6) (drive) away. One week later, the two men (7) …………………….. (return) to the same petrol station to fill up the car and the penguin was still in the car. When the man went to pay, the cashier said to him, 'I thought you (8) ……………………… (take) the penguin to the zoo.' The man replied, 'We did. It had a really good time so tonight, we 9) …………………………….. (take) him to a pizza restaurant.' TOT........../ 20
use of language
Esercitazione 4 1. Match sentences 1 - 5 with the correct functions a - h. There are three extra options. 1. I never have breakfast in the morning 2. She has got a lovely dog 3. I think you should work less 4. Can I use your mobile phone? 5. She’s very tall and slim a. Giving advice b. Giving directions c. Making a request d. Describing someone e. Giving permission f. Expressing opinions g.Describing routines h. Talking about possessions 2. Complete the conversations. Choose the correct answer. Goodbye! See you tomorrow! Ok tomorrow! I can see you! Be on time! I don’t like this film! Me too! Neither do I! Let’s watch it!
use of language
How long did you stay in New York? Every two weeks Another week About two weeks I’m very sorry! It’s fine! It’s a pleasure! How do you do! Where are you from? Italian School USA 3. Read the postcard and complete the blank spaces. Use one word. Dear Susan I’m sitting 1.…………………. the sofa in a beautiful hotel room 2……………. the moment. Soon, I’m going to have dinner with my uncle and aunt 3……………. live here in Brighton. I arrived two days 4…………………. and I am 5………………… my family. This morning we went 6…………….. the beach but the water 7………………. cold. In Brighton 8………………. are many interesting places to visit. Yesterday we visited an art exhibition and I really liked 9………..................….. . I took lots 10 ……………. photos. Love Emily
TOT........../ 20
✍ Esercitazione 5 1. Choose a, b or c. I’m starving! a. Go to bed! b. Calm down! c. Have some food! I’m late! a. Hurry up! b. Slow down! c. Have a rest! I’ve got a cough! a. Call an ambulance! b. Wear a hat! c. Have a hot drink! My finger is bleeding! a. Go to the doctor! b. Have a shower! c. Put a plaster on it! It’s freezing! a. Turn on the heating! b. Open the window! c. Have a coffee!
use of language
use of language
My back hurts! a. Go for a bike ride! b. Lie down! c. Switch off the light! I’m exhausted! a. Eat some food! b. Go to the hospital! c. Have a rest! I need some medicines! a. Go to the dentist! b. Go to the surgeon! c. Go to the chemist! I’m bored! a. Let’s go! b. Let’s do something together! c. Stop it! I’m lost! a. Check the map! b. Call the police! c. That’s ok! 2. Match adjectives 1-10 with their opposite. 1. Good 2. Narrow 3. Deep
use of language
4. Long 5. Fast 6. High 7. Sweet 8. Alive 9. Beautiful 10. Cheap a. Bitter b. Slow c. Bad d. Shallow e. Low f. Wide g. Short h. Dead i. Expensive j. Ugly
TOT........../ 20
Esercitazione 6 1. Choose the correct sentence. 1.
This is the tallest tree I have ever seen
This is the taller tree I have ever seen
This is the most tall tree I have ever seen
When she was a girl she has lived in USA for five years
When she was a girl she lived in USA for five years
When she was a girl she was living in USA for five years
use of language
I think I’ll have chicken and potatoes!
I think I’m going to have chicken and potatoes!
I think I’m having chicken and potatoes!
I would like visit India I would like visiting India I would like to visit India
What time have you got breakfast?
What time have you breakfast?
What time do you have breakfast?
2. Complete the sentences using one of the following prepositions of time:
IN - ON - AT - UNTIL - FOR - SINCE - DURING 1. The shopping mall closes …………….. 6.00 p.m. 2. ………………..…… weekdays I get up very early. 3. She moved to Italy ……………..…………... 1998. 4. I have played the piano ……… I was a little boy. 5. Do you think we will go to Mars …….. the future? 6. They came back ………………..........………... midnight. 7. We waited for you ……………............................. seven. 8. She was born ……………..…..........…… Christmas day. 9. Nobody spoke…………………..............……. the lesson. 10. They will leave …………….………...........……..….. 19th. 11. The first telephone was designed …........... XVII century. 12. I have worked for this company ….....…..... many years. 13. We walked …........ hours and then we were exhausted. 14. I have had this car ………………….......................... June. 15. The exhibition will be open ….…. the end of the month.
TOT........../ 20
use of language
Esercitazione 7 1.Read the descriptions of some shops. What is the word for each one? 1. Fresh vegetables and fruit are sold here.
G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. They sell holidays
T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. You can buy newspapers here.
4. You can have your hair cut here
5. You can buy cigarettes and pipes here.
6. It’s very big and you can buy lots of different things.
7. You can buy flowers and plants.
8. The place where they sell watches and jewellery
9. Here you can buy food for your pets
10. You can buy medicine and cosmetics
2. Choose one of the following verbs to match words 1-10.
BRUSH - LOAD - TIDY - COMB - POUR - WASH WATER - CUT - DRAW - RENT 1. ……………. the house 2. ……………. my hands 3. ……………. the grass 4. ……………. the dishwasher 5. ……………. my hair 6. …………….. a picture 7. …………….. a car 8. …………….. some water 9.……………… my teeth 10. ……………. the plants TOT........../20
use of language
Esercitazione 8 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. If I see John today I ……………………. him your message. a. will give b. give c. ‘m giving 2. The electric light bulb …………………................ by Edison. a. is invented b. was invented c. has been invented 3. Has ………………………………………… seen my glasses? a. someone b. anyone c. everyone 4. ………………….……………………………………that door! a. Not open b. You don’t open c. Don’t open 5. ……………………………………… I help you with the bags? a. Shall b. Will c. Do 2. Complete sentences 1 - 5 with one of the following words. There are two extra words.
MOST - BETTER - AS - MORE - THE OLDEST - OF - HAPPIER 1. Today I feel …………………………… than yesterday. 2. Eating fruit is ……………………… than eating sweets.
use of language
3. He is ………………………………… fast as a cheetah. 4. Your shoes are ………………….. expensive than mine. 5. We visited …………………..…. Church in the country. 3. Match adjectives 1 - 10 with their opposite a - j. 1. Early 2. Interesting 3. Light 4. Poor 5. Quiet 6. Soft 7. Single 8. Well 9. Safe 10. Polite a. Hard b. Boring c. Late d. Heavy e. Rich f. Married g. Dangerous h. Ill i. Rude j. Noisy TOT........../ 20
use of language
Esercitazione 9 Read the article about Hyde Park and choose the best word for each space. Hyde Park is ………....….. 1 of the four Royal parks. The park is divided ………….......2 the Serpentine and The Long Water, two recreational lakes. The park …….............. 3 established by Henry VIII in 1536 and he used it ……....…….4 a hunting ground. It opened to the public in 1637 and quickly became popular. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was held in the park and The Crystal Palace, designed by Joseph Paxton, was erected. ………….......…… 5 are a number of assorted statues and memorials around Hyde Park. Free speech and demonstrations ………………… 6 a key feature of Hyde Park since the 19th century. Speaker's Corner is the symbol ………...............………7 free speech and debate. ………...........………… 8 1872 and in the late 20th century, the park became famous for …………………..9 a big free rock music concerts, with famous groups …………….10 Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones and Queen. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a.
the larger by is for They were of For host as
b. b. b. b. b. b. b. b. b. b.
the largest with has been like Here have been for In have hosted such as
c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c.
the most large for was as There are as Since hosting of
2. Complete the sentences with the following adverbs of manner.
SLOWLY - SADLY - BADLY - WELL - QUICKLY 1. I have had piano lessons for years. I can play ………………………...........................… . 2. I love karaoke but my sister says I sing …………………………................................……. . 3. Please, can you speak more ……………................................................................………. ? 4. “I haven’t passed the test” she said ……………………….........................................…….. . 5. I got up and dressed ……………............................................……… and run downstairs.
use of language
3. Read the descriptions of some means of transport. What is the word for each one? 1. Vehicle designed for air travel with two wings.
2. Vehicle with lots of wagons.
T_ _ _ _
3. A bicycle with an attached motor.
M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. A small vehicle for traveling in the water.
B_ _ _
5. A large road vehicle for transporting things.
T_ _ _ _ TOT........../ 20
Esercitazione 10 1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of get + adjective.
DARK - INTERESTING - SICK - WET - HOT - COLD DRUNK - TIRED - BETTER - FAT 1. If you don’t take your medicine, you’ll ………………………..........................................… . 2. Close the door! The room is ………………………………….............................................. . 3. The lesson was boring at the beginning but then it ………………………...............…… . 4. If you don’t have enough sleep, you’ll ……………………………..............................…… . 5. Get an umbrella or you’ll ………………………….........................................................…….! 6. You’ll ……………………................................……….. if you keep eating so many sweets 7. Hope you’ll …………………………….........................… soon and come back to school. 8. In summer the weather …………...................................very ....................................……….. 9. Switch on the lights! It‘ll ………………......................................................…………………… 10. If you drink too much wine you’ll …….......................................................………………… 2. Choose the correct relative pronoun.
WHO - WHICH - WHOSE - WHEN - WHERE 1. Are these the keys ………......................................................…………. you lost yesterday? 2. That’s my friend Ann ……………...............................……….. mum is our Maths teacher.
use of language
3. Tom, ………....................................……… is my cousin, plays for the rugby school team. 4. A farmer is a person …………..................................................……….. works in the fields. 5. That’s the restaurant ………........................………….. John and I went for our anniversary. 6. The holiday ……………......................................…… we had at Christmas was fantastic. 7. 2002 is the year ……………..................................................................……… I graduated. 8. What’s the name of the boy ................................... is talking to Mary? 9. That’s my neighbour ……….......................................…………….. son won the marathon. 10. “Moby Dick” is a novel ………........……… was written in 1851 by Herman Melville. TOT........../ 20
Esercitazione 11 1. Match the direct speech 1 - 5 with the reported speech a - g. There are two extra sentences. 1. I’m not cooking tonight 2. Are you going to help me? 3. We will be late tonight 4. I have something to tell you 5. Can I show you my new car? a. She asked me if I was going to help her b. They said they would be late c. She said she wasn’t going to cook d. He said he has something to tell me e. She asked if she could show her car f. He said he had something to tell me g. He asked me to show him my car 2. Which sentence is an invitation? 1. Do you like the cinema?
2. Would you like to go to the cinema?
use of language
3. Do you go to the cinema? 4. What is the cinema like?
3. Choose the right question to the following sentence. In English we say ”nurse”. What does the word “nurse” mean? How do you spell “nurse”? How do you say “infermiere” in English? Can you translate “nurse”? 4. Match sentences 1 - 8 with the correct functions a - j. There are two extra functions. 1. How much is the T-shirt? 2. I am really sorry! 3. She is cleverer than me at painting. 4. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with you! 5. I have got a sore throat. 6. He might come to our party. 7. Very pleased to meet you! 8. We are going on a school trip tomorrow. a. Apologizing b. Buying c. Expressing a different opinion d. Comparing e. Inviting f. Talking about health g. Talking about probability h. Selling i. Talking about future plans j. Greeting
use of language
5. Choose the correct question a - g for answers 1 - 5. There are two extra questions. 1. By train 2. About 10 minutes 3. They took me to Rome 4. No, I don’t want you to take my things! 5. I have a bad cold a. How long does it take you to get to school? b. How did you get to Florence? c. How much time you take to go to school? d. What’s the matter with you? e. What did you do on your birthday? f. Can I use your mobile phone? g. Who did you go to Rome with? TOT........../ 20
Esercitazione 12 Choose the correct passive form for the following sentences. 1. “They will build a new sports centre”. A new sports center was opened A new sports center won’t be opened A new sports center will be opened A new sports center has been opened 2. “The postman delivers the mail every day.” The mail is delivered every day by the postman The mail is being delivered everyday by the postman The mail was delivered everyday by the postman 76
use of language
The mail will be delivered everyday by the postman 3. “ The waiter is serving the food.” The food is served from the waiter The food is being served by the waiter The food will be served by the waiter The food has been served by the waiter 2. Match words 1 - 10 with their opposite a - j. 1. Bottom 2. Brave 3. Empty 4. To fail 5. To end 6. Host 7. To shout 8. To permit 9. Powerful 10. To throw a. To forbid b. Weak c. To pass d. To whisper e. Top f. To catch g. To begin h. Full i. Coward j. Guest
use of language
3. Use the correct word from the lists above to complete sentences 1- 7. 1. She came to me and ………………........................................……. something in my hear. 2. Mum, we need to go to the supermarket. The fridge is completely ………............…… . 3. You can not do that! I absolutely ………….............................................................……… it! 4. It’s time to ………………......................................................….. away all those old clothes! 5. Is everything ready? The ……...........................………………… will arrive in ten minutes. 6. Don’t be …………………..........................................................….! What are you afraid of? 7. The athlete has got ………........................................................................…………. muscles. TOT........../ 20
& tips to reading and use of language TIPS TO READING and USE OF LANGUAGE
ü Leggi le istruzioni attentamente prima di iniziare ciascuna sezione. ü
Non aver fretta! Datti del tempo per la comprensione.
Non preoccuparti se non conosci tutte le parole; puoi intuire il significato dal contesto e dal resto della frase.
ü Leggi con attenzione le opzioni di risposta offerte prima di scegliere la tua risposta. ü Fai attenzione alle parole chiave, ai tempi verbali, agli avverbi. ü
Approfondisci il lessico dei campi tematici elencati nella sezione “Topics and grammar list”.
Assicurati di conoscere le funzioni comunicative e la grammatica previsti per il livello A1 e A2.
ü Controlla la sezione Topics and grammar list per un elenco dettagliato di tutte le aree grammaticali. ü
Verifica nelle opzioni proposte gli errori grammaticali presenti ed escludi le proposte errate.
Cogli tutte le occasioni che ti vengono offerte per esercitarti.
tips to listening
ü Leggi le istruzioni attentamente prima di iniziare ciascuna sezione. ü Leggi le domande prima di ascoltare. L’audio sarà proposto due volte. ü
Assicurati di conoscere la pronuncia di numeri e lettere dell’alfabeto!
Allena la tua capacità di ascolto! Più inglese ascolterai, meglio riuscirai.
Ascolta trasmissioni, film e video in lingua inglese.
 topics and grammar list TOPICS
Clothes Daily life Entertainment and media Food and drink Health, medicine and exercise Hobbies and leisure House and home Language People Personal feelings, opinions and experiences Personal identification Places and buildings School and study Services Shopping Social interaction Sport The natural world Transport Travel and holidays Weather Work and jobs
topics and grammar list
Verbs Regular and irregular forms
Modals can (ability; requests; permission) could (ability; polite requests) would (polite requests) will (future) shall (suggestion; offer) should (advice) may (possibility) have (got) to (obligation) must (obligation) mustn’t (prohibition) need (necessity) needn’t (lack of necessity)
Tenses Present simple: Present continuous: Present perfect simple Past simple Past continuous: Future with going to Future with will and shall:
states, habits, systems and processes and with future meaning (and verbs not used in the continuous form). present actions and future meaning parallel past actions, continuous actions interrupted by the past simple tense offers, promises, predictions, etc.
topics and grammar list Verb forms Affirmative, interrogative, negative Imperatives Infinitives (with and without to) after verbs and adjectives Gerunds (-ing form) after verbs and prepositions Gerunds as subjects and objects Passive forms: present and past simple Short questions (Can you?) and answers (No, he doesn’t)
Nouns Singular and plural (regular and irregular forms) Countable and uncountable nouns with some and any Abstract nouns Compound nouns Noun phrases Genitive: ‘s & s’ Double genitive: a friend of theirs Pronouns Personal (subject, object, possessive) Impersonal: it, there Demonstrative: this, that, these, those Quantitative: one, something, everybody, etc. Indefinite: some, any, something, one, etc. Relative: who, which, that
Articles a + countable nouns the + countable/uncountable nouns
Adjectives Colour, size, shape, quality, nationality Predicative and attributive Cardinal and ordinal numbers Possessive: my, your, his, her, etc. Demonstrative: this, that, these, those Quantitative: some, any, many, much, a few, a lot of, all, other, every, etc. Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular) Order of adjectives 87
topics and grammar list
Participles as adjectives
Adverbs Regular and irregular forms Manner: quickly, carefully, etc. Frequency: often, never, twice a day, etc. Definite time: now, last week, etc. Indefinite time: already, just, yet, etc. Degree: very, too, rather, etc. Place: here, there, etc. Direction: left, right, etc. Sequence: first, next, etc. Pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular)
Prepositions Location: to, on, inside, next to, at (home), etc. Time: at, on, in, during, etc. Direction: to, into, out of, from, etc. Instrument: by, with Miscellaneous: like, about, etc. Prepositional phrases: at the end of, in front of, etc. Prepositions preceding nouns and adjectives: by car, for sale, on holiday, etc.
compiti di realtĂ
compito di realtà
compito di realtà 1
You are working on a cruise ship and you are in charge of the seating arrangement at the restaurant for a group of 18 people who don’t know each other. Tables can seat 6 people. Every two evenings the passengers’ seating arrangements change. Read the information about the 18 tourists and make 3 different plans. Motivate your choice.
Erik Spalten
Is from Amsterdam 29 years old Single Very sporty, he is a skipper Has travelled around the world on his catamaran. Speaks French, English and some Spanish
Diego Lopez
From Barcelona 48 years old Divorced Painter and designer Very interested in oriental art and culture Loves water sports and winter sports. Can speak very good English and some French
compito di realtĂ
Francesco Sassi
Italian 38 years old Loves travelling and listening to music
37 years old Is married to Francesco Is a Spanish teacher, speaks some German.
Mary Holleewel
English Single 29 years old Is a jounalist Very interested in ecology and the environment Speaks some German.
Elena Mori
Amir Bavsard
29 years old Single Is from India but lives in Bristol Runs a drama school Very friendly and extrovert Can speak some German and some French 92
compito di realtà
Charles Robinson
44 years old Works for a travel agency Loves wildlife. Can speak French, English and Spanish
Giulia Merli
40 years old Housewife Lives in France but is Italian. Loves cooking international dishes.
Salvador Lopez
17 years old Diego’s son. Plays the electric guitar in a band Loves going to the cinema. Does free diving and snowboarding. Is studying Italian.
Hisaya Nakamura
36 years old Aika’s brother Loves fishing and painting Collects model airplanes and minerals. Is attending drama classes. Speaks good English and some Italian. 93
compito di realtà
Eloise Poiter
Giulia’s and Frank’s daughter 14 years id Very friendly and easy-going Plays the pianmo and loves horror films
29 years old Teaches music at the Music College in Tokyo Very timid but very kind Speaks good English and some French.
Frank Poiter
Giulia’s husband 43 years old Works as a manager for an airspace company Loves camping Speaks French and some Italian
Aika Nakamura
Tom Money
67 years old Widower Was a pilot for the RAF Lives in Bath. Loves reading, jazz music and gardening 94
compito di realtà
Paul Smith
Scottish 25 years old Studies engineering at University Loves car races and sport in general. Can speak German, Spanish and French.
Isabel Rodrigues
25 years old From Salamanca. Paul’s girlfriend Works as a nurse in Edinburgh. Loves dancing and studying foreign languages
Helen Lepont
65 years old Retired. She had a book shop Loves opera and jazz music. Lives in Paris. Can speak Italian.
Jacqueline Dubois
29 years old Helen’s daughter Works in a kindergarden in Berlin Can speak German and English. Loves nature and is learning to ski.. 95
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtà
compito di realtà 2
Your dad runs a small guest house in a skiing resort on the Dolomites and you are helping him to plan the “a la carte menu” for the guests for their evening meal. The menu includes a choice of two starters, two main courses and two desserts. The guests are arriving and leaving on different dates. Read the forms which some of them filled in on their arrival about food allergies and special food requests and decide what dishes you are going to include in your menu on each day. Motivate your choice. To get ideas about typical Italian dishes you can use the following weblinks:
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtĂ
compito di realtà
compito di realtà 3
Your family is going on holiday to London for a week. Your parents need your help to plan the trip. They want to go back to the “ROYAL NATIONAL HOTEL” at 38-51 Bedford Way, Bloomsbury, London where they stayed a few years ago. Plan your flights, your visit, your meals and your transport solutions. Motivate your choice. Use the bus and underground maps below and the list of the most popular places in London to plan your tour. Some web links are given to help you get useful tips for your journey. For your flights you can use
London buses
compito di realtà
Underground map
Helpful weblinks: (useful the “Frequently asked questions” part)
compito di realtĂ
Sightseeing in London: 1 London Eye 2. London Zoo 3. Ally Polly 4. London Dungeons 5. Globe Theatre 6. Natural History Museum 7. Tate Modern 8. Tower of London 9. Tower Bridge 10. Madame Tussauds 11. Science Museum 12. Covent Garden 13. Portobello Market 14. British Museum 15. Big Ben 16. Buckingham palace 17. Chinatown 18. Warner Bross Studios 19. Harrods
compito di realtà
compito di realtà 4
Your school is taking part in a Cultural Exchange with a Dutch school. 30 students have been selected to join this project and each one is going to host a Dutch partner. Three teachers are coming with the students. You are one of the students who are taking part in the exchange. To welcome the guests you and the other participants would like to organize a party at school on their arrival. Your English teacher will coordinate your work and will be your point of contact. To get the official permission from the Principal of your school you need to plan the party carefully making sure you have: ü The list of partecipants ü Roles and duties ü A list of rules to make the party a success which you will share with the guests ü A Safety plan ü A plan of the spaces you need to use and how you want to use them ü A programme for the party (time, activities, games, speeches …) ü Decorations ü Food, beverages, table settings and cutlery ü Expenses and costs.
Introduzione;jsessionid=gAHZnaQaEc2UvoAO9dLs-cTP.mvlas008_2?prgDoc=1&codTipFil=2&disp=attach “curricolo scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado con riferimento alle competenze chiave europee e alle Indicazioni Nazionali 2012” Decreto 16 novembre 2012, n. 254. Regolamento recante indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell’infanzia e del primo ciclo d’istruzione, a norma dell’articolo 1, comma 4, del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 20 marzo 2009,n.89. Franca Da Re “Presentazione e commenti ai quadri di riferimento per il curricolo e la valutazione di competenze”
109 _routine.htm “Stuff Dutch People Like” by Colleen Geske
pag. 9
Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione
pag. 11 pag. 12 pag. 13 pag. 14 pag. 15 pag. 18 pag. 19 pag. 22 pag. 24 pag. 27 pag. 28 pag. 32 pag. 34
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
pag. 37
Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione
pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag.
1 2 3 4 5 6
39 43 44 46 47 50
Use of language
pag. 53
Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione
pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag.
1 2 3 4 5 6
55 57 60 63 65 67
Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione Esercitazione
7 8 9 10 11 12
pag. 69 pag. 70 pag. 72 pag. 73 pag. 74 pag. 76
pag. 79
Tips to reading and use of language Tips to listening
pag. 81 pag. 82
Topics and grammar list Topics Grammar
pag. 83 pag. 85 pag: 86
Compiti di RealtĂ
pag. 89
Compito Compito Compito Compito
pag. pag. pag. pag.
1 2 3 4
Sitografia e bibliografia
91 97 105 108
pag. 109
and MuchMore
è una selezione di materiale per percorsi scolastici ed individuali volti al potenziamento della lingua inglese e all’acquisizione di maggior sicurezza e dimestichezza con la tipologia di prove presenti nella rilevazione INVALSI e nelle certificazioni internazionali KET.
Il testo è suddiviso in 6 sezioni: READING: 13 esercitazioni di comprensione scritta con ti-
pologie testuali di vario tipo con quesiti a risposta multipla, risposta aperta breve, risposta True, False, Not Given, collegamento e matching. LISTENING: 6 esercitazioni di comprensione orale con contesti di comunicazione vari e autentici e con modelli linguistici britannici ed americani. Domande a risposta multipla, collegamento matching e riempimento. USE OF LANGUAGE: 12 esercitazioni di riflessione linguistica su aspetti grammaticali, lessicali e funzionali. Quesiti a scelta multipla, matching e completamento. TIPS TO READING, USE OF LANGUAGE and LISTENING:
suggerimenti pratici per affrontare con maggiore serenità le prove proposte e la prova nazionale. TOPICS and GRAMMAR LIST: Elenco dei campi tematici e delle aree grammaticali previsti a livello A2.
COMPITI DI REALTà: 4 compiti da svolgere in
classe o individualmente per esercitare e potenziare abilità, mobilitare e reperire conoscenze e mettere in atto competenze.
Per i docenti è disponibile il fascicolo delle soluzioni e il CD audio. L VA
Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a fronte (o opportunamente punzonato o altrimenti contrassegnato) è da considerarsi copia di SAGGIO-CAMPIONE GRATUITO, fuori commercio (vendita e altri atti di disposizione vietati: art 17 c. 2 L.633/1941). Esente da I.V.A. (D.P.R. 26/10/1972, n° 633, art.2 lett. d). Esente da bolla di accompagnamento (D.P.R. 6/10/1978, n° 627, art.4 n°6).
an hM
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ISBN 978-88-32178-02-9
€ 7,20
9 788832 178029
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