Booklet "Greening the present, saving the future"

Page 8




The project was implemented in cooperation with:

LIPU, managing body of the Oriented Nature Reserves of Isola delle Femmine and Biviere di Gela

Municipality of Geraci Siculo

This publication has been produced as part of the project Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas “Greening the present, saving the future” funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps programme.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or its Agencies. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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About Associazione InformaGiovani

About European Solidairty Corps

Volunteering Teams in High Priority Area

About the project

Aims and outcome

Project timeline

Leader training 11

Volunteering Team: Isola delle Femmine

Volunteering Team: Geraci Siculo

Volunteering Team: Biviere di Gela 14 16

17 20


Visibility In the media

ANNEX I - video and campaigns

ANNEX II - visibility In the media

Table of Contents

About Associazione InformaGiovani

Associazione InformaGiovani is a nonprofit organisation working in the youth sector in Palermo (Italy) since 2001

The association organises trainings, seminars, youth exchanges on interculturalism, inclusion, active participation and media literacy through non-formal education We regularly involve young people in voluntary activities abroad and in Italy, both funded by European programmes and self-funded in the form of shortterm international workcamps Through these activities, we aim to provide concrete opportunities for engagement and intercultural dialogue, as well as to support local communities

Since 2010, we have been coordinating the informal European network IG-net supported by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme

The network currently consists of 16 organisations in 14 European countries that share the same commitment to promoting the empowerment and participation of all young people, inclusion, solidarity and the value of multiculturalism.

The Association is a partner of the international network of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations and, since 2022, it is a member of the European Youth Information Network of Eurodesk, designated as a centre and covering the area of Palermo and Western Sicily Since 2022, the Association is accredited for the mobility of young learners and youth workers in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and holds a quality label as a lead organisation in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps programme.

About European SolidaRity Corps Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas

Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas are large-scale, high-impact projects funded by the European Union The aim is to support shortterm actions addressing common EU challenges in policy areas defined each year at EU level. Volunteering teams are solidarity actions that allow groups of at least 5 participants to volunteer for a period of between 2 weeks and 2 months.

Team composition should be international, with at least a quarter of volunteers coming from countries other than the country where the activity takes place Activities are open to all young people aged between 18 and 30, registered on the European Solidarity Corps portal and legally

resident in the European Union or partner countries

Projects should be inclusive, i.e. access to the initiatives should be promoted and facilitated for young people with fewer opportunities They should also be featured by a learning dimension, as the participants should take part in activities that allow them to acquire competences in non-formal and informal settings. The activities should take place in a multilingual context and have both a European and an international dimension.

More information on the programme can be found on the European Youth Portal https://youth europa eu/solidarity en



The project "Greening the present, saving the future" is a Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas coordinated by Associazione InformaGiovani and funded by the European Union within the framework of the European Solidarity Corps programme

The project consisted in the organization of one leader training in spring 2022 and 6 volunteering team activities carried out in summer 2022 in three different locations in Sicily (Italy): the Natural Reserve "RNO Isola delle Femmine", the Natural Reserve "RNO Biviere di Gela" and the Municipality of Geraci Siculo

The volunteering activities involved 6 accompanying persons and 71 local and international volunteers, aged between 18 and 30, from various European countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Ukraine, some of them with nationalities such as Argentinian, Colombian, Ethiopian, Malagasi, Malian, Senegalese, Venezuelan, Vietnamese, resident in the European Union)

The implementation of the activities involved the active collaboration of local organisations and authorities, in particular the LIPU (Lega Italiana per la protezione degli uccelli), the non-profit body responsible for the management of the Oriented Nature Reserves of Isola delle Femmine and Biviere di Gela, and the Municipality of Geraci Siculo Also it is worth to mention the collaboration with the Institute of Juvenile Justice and a refugee centre to support participation of disadvantaged young people

All the activities were designed to combine concrete interventions, such as planting, cleaning, restoring, and initiatives to raise awareness about the man-made impact on the environment and climate change. Each activity was prepared with a focus on a specific theme linked to the reality and the main issues affecting the territory hosting the volunteering activities.


More precisely, the dangerous effects of the intensive agriculture and its massive use of plastics (Biviere di Gela), the impact of marine litter, plastic and incorrect waste management on the seas (Isola delle Femmine), recycling and reduction of plastic consumption and decomposition time (Geraci Siculo).

To support the learning dimension, each activity had some common sessions in the agenda, such as onarrival training, mid-term and final evaluation, non-formal workshop to



To support environmental recovery intervention

introduce the Youthpass certificate and key competences scheme, Erasmus+ and ESC opportunities (held by our long-term volunteers and staff members), non-formal study sessions in the form of workshops and group discussions on environmental topics.

Finally, all activities included a small public event in the presence of local authorities or local associations and informal groups of young people

To raise awareness about environment preservation and effect of climate chang

To stimulate active citizenship of young people

To support the inclusion of young peopl with fewer opportunities


Increased interest and knowledge of environmental issues among participants. Increased participants' transversal skills, such as teamwork, creativity, sense of initiatives, multiculturalism. Active engagement of young people involved in concrete interventions and the ideation of the raising awareness campaigns

Strengthened local networks for current and future cooperation.

Visibility of the European Solidarity Corps programme in the local communities and in the local media.


Project Timeline



DATES: 30/04/2022 - 06/05/2022

Training was aimed at young and adult people interested in improving skills in managing and facilitating groups of young people during non-formal activities, such as international shortterm group volunteering or mobilities of young learners During the activity, the following topics were addressed: different forms of leadership, prevention management and resolution of problems and conflicts, teamwork and stages of group development, communication and active listening,

intercultural learning and cultural shock, example of team-building and socialisation activities, insight on Erasmus+, ESC and Youthpass key competences The training was implemented through non-formal education methodologies to stimulate active involvement of learners through work in group, brainstorming, simulations, role-playing games

LEADER TRAINING 30/04/2022 06/05/2022 PLACE Filaga, Italy TEAM VOLUNTEERING 28/06/2022 13/07/2022 Biviere di Gela, Italy TEAM VOLUNTEERING 03/07/2022 18/07/2022 Isola delle Femmine, Italy TEAM VOLUNTEERING 06/07/2022 21/07/2022 Geraci Siculo Italy TEAM VOLUNTEERING 20/07/2022 04/08/2022 Isola delle Femmine, Italy TEAM VOLUNTEERING 26/07/2022 10/08/2022 TEAM VOLUNTEERING 08/08/2022 23/08/2022 Geraci Siculo, Italy Biviere di Gela, Italy


The main activity was to support Natural Reserve’s staff in restoration of the flora of the little island with planting new plants (as part of a thirtyyear plan put in practice by the local partner Lipu), maintening the existing vegetation by watering plants, cleaning the costline of the protected area which is subject to different marine streams that bring waste from the sea At the end of the two volunteering teams, volunteers planted more than 30 plants, collected 20 bags of trash (mostly plastic) and watered 100 plants.

In addition, volunteers had different workshops about environmental education, team building activities,

presentations about natural species living on the island, meetings with a local youth association and guided visits to the “No Mafia Memorial” in the nearby Capaci, a remembrance place dedicated to the memory of a magistrate and police men killed by Mafia.

Volunteers worked together to create a campaign to raise awareness about marine litter and related-environmental disasters, reduction of plastic and the impact of incorrect waste management on seas. In fact, one group produced a video published on the social media; the other group created and printed postcards distributed to the inhabitants of Isola delle Femmine


WHAT volunteers said

It has been a really satisfying experience in which I have been able to develop many skills and get to know a new culture and integrate as much as possible within my possibilities

I have learnt more about environmental actions (especially on a local scale) but also about Italian culture In addition to that, I have learnt a lot about myself and others

I was really happy with the people that I met And also I like the experience of living in another country with other activities

It has been an amazing experience It was even better than I expected

The experience has fulfilled my expectations The description of the work and the condition of life was really accurate, I knew what I was going through




Volunteers supported the initiative “plastic free” launched by the Ministry of the Environment and joined by the Municipality of Geraci Siculo They had the chance to carry out cleaning actions of the green public spaces, the castle area and small interventions of embellishment of the fences along the path to the castle. Thematic workshops were held through non-formal methodologies, such as group discussions, simulations, games to make participants more aware of environmental issues and sustainability, share ideas to reduce the impact of plastics on the environment and how to inspire other people. Then, volunteers used their creativity to make a small sculpture by recycled

material, and prepared a campaign to raise awareness about recycling and reduction of plastic consumption and about decomposition time While producing a short video, they collected interviews from local citizens about separating waste collection, and had the possibility to interact with the community about the topic. At the end of the volunteering activities, a public moment was organised in the presence of the mayor and public authorities to make visible the contribution given by the volunteers and the ESC programme. The activity agenda was complemented with visits to the surroundings to discover local tradition and culture, and better acknowledge the natural beauty and richness of rural areas


WHAT volunteers said

I really think it is an amazing experience doing something for a goal with people interested in the field as you

It was a Very enriching experience

It was an amazing experience that allowed me to discover a lot of new things

I recommend all young people to take part in such activities as it expands horizons and changes your mind

That I got to share with amazing people I call friends now! I was able to Connect with myself, others and nature!

ESC experience helped to discover cultures and acquire knowledge about environmental and natural protection but also improve valuable skills for my future career




DATES: 28/06/2022 - 13/07/2022 & 08/08/2022 - 23/08/2022

LOCAL PARTNER: LIPU - Lega Italiana per la Protezione degli Uccelli

Volunteers were involved in the maintenance of visiting facilities and information signs to promote and facilitate the fruition of the area and the maintenance of paths and vegetation for the prevention of fire risk During the days, group discussions were held with the aim of sharing knowledge and opinions about environmental topics, such as global warming, sustainability, water scarcity and how to use this resource efficiently, and workshops on Erasmus+ and ESC opportunities. Volunteers ideated and prepared both an online campaign promoted on the social media and a flash mob in the central square of the town of Gela to sensitise local people on climate issues and global warming

Also, with the permission of local authorities, it was organised a day dedicated to cleaning the local beach; this was a further opportunity for the volunteers to sensitise local community and tourists about nature preservation. During each round of activities, volunteers had the opportunity to understand the importance to preserve the Nature Reserve from the surrounding polluting greenhouses and oil industry. Also, they had the chance to interact with local associations and youth, such as an organisation engaged in supporting children and families of migrant workers exploited by the local farmers, or the association managing the nearby Nature Reserve of Niscemi and to discover the surroundings


WHAT volunteers said

I am very satisfied with this experience because I really enjoyed it a lot, I think I got out of my comfort zone, I have expanded my cultural background and my knowledge of the environment

It has been one of the best experiences of my life

It was even more than I had expected I have met amazing people and their cultures and together we have been achieving the goal of helping the environment

Ho trovato questa esperienza molto formativa, sono uscita dalla mia comfort zone, non vedo l'ora di poter iniziare un nuovo volontariato



At the end of the activities, volunteers answered a questionnaire issued to get feedback on their satisfaction with the volunteering experience and the ESC programme in general, as well as their perception of the impact of the activity in terms of acquired or increased transversal skills

The following graphs show the results and the feedback received.

How satisfied are you with your European Solidarity Corps experience in general?

To what extent did your European Solidarity Corps experience meet your expectations?

Are you interested in repeating an ESC Volunteering Teams experience in the future?

Would you recommend ESC Volunteering Teams to someone else?

Verysatisfied 662% Raithersatisfied 268% Neithersatisfiednordissatisfied 42%
Toahighextent 451% Fully 324% Fairly 141% Toalowextent 85%
Yes 93% No 7%
Yes 929% No 71%


To which extent those competences/characteristics have been improved during the ESC Volunteering Team?

To communicate in foreign languages

To work in team and cooperate with people from other backgrounds

To take initiatives, develop an idea and put it into practice

To express yourself creatively

To see the value of different cultures

To be more tolerant towards other persons' values and behaviour

Veryimproved 394% Sligthlyimproved 268% Ifeelstronger 254% Sameasbefore 85%
Ifeelstronger 366% Veryimproved 366% Sligthlyimproved 197% Sameasbefore 7%
Ifeelstronger 338% Veryimproved 338% Sligthlyimproved 254% Sameasbefore 7%
Veryimproved 352% Ifeelstronger 282% Sligthlyimproved 225% Sameasbefore 141%
Veryimproved 437% Ifeelstronger 352% Sligthlyimproved 141% Sameasbefore 7%
Veryimproved 408% Ifeelstronger 31%
155% Sligthlyimproved 127%


The project gained visibility during and after the implementation of the volunteering activities In fact, various initiatives have been taken to communicate “Greening the present, Saving the future” with the aim to reach a wide audience.

Firstly, a logo was created to give visual identity to the project and to be used in communications with stakeholders and when promoting the project

In addition, regional newspapers, “Giornale di Sicilia” and “La Sicilia”, dedicated an article to the project This was also mentioned in the section “Green and Blue” of the national online newspaper “La Repubblica” In total, around 30 online local and regional blogs and newspaper websites relaunched the news and promoted the project between July and August. (see Annex 2).

Then, before and during the activities, press releases were issued to local and regional media. As a result, the regional TV newscast “Tele Giornale di Sicilia”, the main private channel in Sicily, reported a news about the volunteering activities during the lunch time daily news

Finally, social media were used to give visibility to the overall project, to the campaigns created by the volunteers and, naturally, to the European Solidarity Corps programme and support received by the European Union. More precisely, the project photo album created on the association social media page had a coverage of around 3.600 viewers; the video campaign "Nature needs us” had around 1 500 views, and a video-interview done to promote the volunteering activity in Isola delle Femmine had almost 1 200 views (this last video was also uploaded by the website “Giornale di Sicilia” reaching further 700 viewers)




Video - "Nature needs us" (click on the photo to see the video)

Video - interviews on the Team Volunteering in Isola delle Femmine (click on the photo to see the video)

Postcard - distributed to the local community of Isola delle Femmine (click on the pictures to see the annex to the postcard)

Graphics - "Voulez-vous recycler avec moi?" Poster
19 Graphics
"Waste decomposition" "Water consumption" "How to recycle" Flashmob (made in Gela, on the 22/08/2022)




Tele Giornale di Sicilia, 8/08/2022

TV report was shown during the lunchtime daily news - see from minute 26:39 (click on the picture)

Giornale di Sicilia, 9/08/2022


Giornale di Sicilia, 9/08/2022

La Sicilia, 9/08/2022



La Repubblica – 9/07/2022 (mention in an online article of the national newspaper "La Repubblica", section “Green & Blue”)

Giornale di Sicilia online -
(click on the picture)
Redattore Sociale
24 La Sicilia online - 9/08/2022
di Sicilia - 8/08/2022

Gela Le Radici del Futuro - 30/08/2022 (click on the picture)



Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas



Website: www informa-giovani net

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