Welcome to Iceland! Dear Friends in Peace of Scouting! Now you must be very busy, planning your trip to Iceland. And trust you me, we‘re also extremely busy, prepairing your stay in Iceland! I hope you‘re as excited as we are and I understand that you‘ve been awaiting more information for a long time now. I therefore hope that this letter sheds a light on what you should expect during your stay in Iceland, so here goes: Transport from Airport We‘re trying to secure a special deal with the airport shuttle. We‘ll send all group leaders further information later. Accommodation You‘ll be staying at Reykjavik Backpackers, www.reykjavikbackpackers.is We will divide you between rooms up front. You‘ll have to bring a sleeping bag with you or rent linen for €5 per night. If you cannot possibly bring a sleeping bag with you, contact us an we‘ll figure something out. Money makes the world go ´round! In Iceland we use a currency called „króna“ or ISK. €1 is approx. 160 ISK. You can use most international cards litterally everywhere (even in the central fleamarket) and there are ATM‘s spread around the city. Many stores and shops also accept euros, US dollars and all the Nordic krona‘s.
Tap water Tap water in Iceland is both tasty and safe to drink. So never waste your money on buying bottled water. However, the showers smell of sulphur. You‘ll get used to it. Eventually. Emergency contacts If something comes up, you need some more information or just someone to talk to, don‘t hesitate to contact us. And if it‘s an emergency, then you can call whenever you need to, even at 5 am! Inga Auðbjörg –camp chief +354 8966120 Unnsteinn Jóhannsson –genious +354 6622204 If something so serious comes up, that neither Inga nor Unnsteinn can fix it, then you should call the Icelandic Emergency Number; +354 112. They will direct you to police or amulance services if needed.
What to bring Comfortable clothes Outdoor clothes/warm clothes –it will get extremely cold here. The weather forecast says it‘ll be around 5° celcius and you can expect it to go down to -5°, but beware, that +5° celcius in Iceland is a lot colder in Iceland than in central Europe, due to wind and difference in humidy. So bring woolen clothes, fleece jackets, gloves, hats, thick socks, etc. Nice clothes for the final celebration. Scout uniform. Towel Please remember to Sleeping bag Passport/ID bring all travel receipts Swimsuit and boarding passes! Good Otherwise we cannot Camera (optional) Laptop (optional) reimburse you. Musical Instruments (optional) Snacks or food from your country for the International Evening Meals –The first meal provided will be breakfast on the 8th of Oct and the last meal will be lunch on the 15th.
Peace Game Task Gangs During the Peace Camp you will develop a Peace Game, which will be played during the Peace Þing. A description of the game frames can be found in the following pages. During the camp you will choose one subject to work on along with an international gang of people. Please think a bit about which subject and task you‘re most interested in and where you think your skills will come in handy. You don‘t have to choose until at the beginning of the camp and we will introduce all the topics the first day. Gang Nelsonians
Task Public Speaking Group Documentation
Topic Make keynote speech for the opening ceremony Document the Peace Camp
Luthereese gang Gandhians
3 4
Central Board group WorkShop Design
Design the Central Game Board Inner personal peace
Corriese Gang Lennonians
WorkShop Design
Conflict resolution
WorkShop Design
Love & compassion
WorkShop Design
inter-cultural mindset
Vigdeese Gang
WorkShop Design
non-violent communication
Activities Take part in the panel discussions on sunday Videos, blogs, facebook posts, pictures. Handicrafts and props, design Develop 5x PSTC and 10x Peace Missions Develop 5x PSTC and 10x Peace Missions Develop 5x PSTC and 10x Peace Missions Develop 5x PSTC and 10x Peace Missions Develop 5x PSTC and 10x Peace Missions
Peace Game Frames This is the framework of the Peace Game and is only to give you a hint of what it entails. It will be explained thoroughly during the Peace Camp so don‘t worry if you think it‘s unclear. Game objective To get to level 10 as a Messenger of Peace To develop you peace skills in all the peace areas To help your country become peaceful
How to win the game The game is won when every continent has reached its full peace potential. How to finish the game An individual has finished the game when he/she has reached level 10 Central Peace Board World Board with made up continents Peace Scales (Peace potential in five areas: Inner peace of inhabitants, conflict resolution, love & compassion, inter-cultural relations, non-violent communication). Peace Index (keeps track of top score of individuals and continents). Projected on a wall.
Character Sheet When starting the game the participants draw a character sheet. The character sheet indicates which continent the participant is from (see list of continents below) and their starting attributes according to that. Each participants gets 5 points which they can spread around their attributes as they wish. Peace Skills (attributes) Inner personal peace Conflict resolution Love & compassion Inter-cultural mindset Non-violent communication
Peace Skill Training Centres (PSTC) The PSTC’s offer training activities for individuals so that they can develop their peace skill attributes in the five peace skill areas: Inner personal peace, Conflict resolution, love & compassion, intercultural mindset and non-violent communication. Every individual can do trainings and reach up to five degrees in each attribute. The training for the 1st degree of every attribute is relatively easy, but the 5th one is harder. The trainings also have to be adjustable to young participants. Peace Missions Tasks that you solve, often along with others, that give you a level up and points for your continent. Example: Game that involves communication with people from other continents: 2 x your degree of non-violent communication (on your character sheet) 1 x inter-cultural mindset (on your character sheet).
DEVELOPMENT LEVELS 0 - 10 points: Level 1 – Beginner at Peace 50-60 points: Level 6 - Active Citizen 100 points: Level 10 –Messenger of Peace etc. Continents Nelsony Teresia Gandhia Luther Lennon Islands Corrieland Aunglia Vigdis Islands