“BUNJI” Decolonization through Food Systems - Assignment 2 Cristina Sanchez Gamez Maria Clara rios Toro DDD80017 Design Futures Semester 2, 2017
READING REPORT Everything has a story: Decolonization, First Nations sovereignty, and the 7 pillar of food sovereignty in the Australian Context.
Resume The seven pillars of food sovereignty talks about the relation between people and the earth. They were created for the disconnection between people and food,know we do not know how plants grow or even when and where. The reading starts with a story of an indigenous community in New South Wales and how they were brutally take appart from their land and their sources and hence their food. Later the reading talks about a community named Gamilaraay who talks with a company names Santos but they do not keep their word and know that community was in danger. Santos was really interesting on that land but not for helping them but for the natural gas of the area. Another company that is immersed in an areas near Moree call Liverpool was a Chinese company named Shenhua Watermark, they will make a mine that will last 30 years and they will affect million tonnes of yield affecting local farmers and the communities near the area. That will leave a long term important impact on the space. That will means farmers going for mining coming and in a certain way it was the same when aborigines were on that area, they were kick out by farmers.
Then the text talk again about Moree and how the government limits them in every single aspect, this time the Basics Healthy Welfare Card where mention and how they try to recolonized and obligate aborigines to live as they think they should live. Australia is the only Commonwealth country that has not make an agreement with the original inhabitants. The text make a comparison between imperfect laws against no laws at all. With all those facts know the text introduce the food sovereignty into the Australian context. The 7 pillars of food sovereignty were created on 2007 by 80 different countries in were they put the earth and the people before the money. At the beginning they were only 6 pillars but in 2008 an intergovernmental panel in the UN in Canada start calling it Indigenous food sovereignty so they ad and extra pillar in name of the indigenous of all the world. Here they are the 7 pillars.
The text talk about all the injustice around the aboriginals and all the colonialism around them for the last 227 years.
Values food providers.- right to live and work with dignity
Focus on food for people.- food should be healthy and culturally appropriate.
Localised food systems.- first for the community then for trade Puts control locally.- local people control local land. Builds knowledge & skills.- support traditional knowledge & skills for agriculture
culture and how they are affecting the aboriginals culture although they say they are doing things for the aborigines. Facts like diseases and hunger into aboriginals communities are the daily bread on many of those communities and the non aboriginals blame the alcoholism or the bad diet of them instead of realizing what is happening.
Works with nature.- production & distribution in a safe & healthy way. Food is sacred.- Recognizes that food is a gift of life, not to be squandered and it should not be commodified Then the text related the 7 pillars with Australia and their aborigines, how they have a strong connection with sustainability and the land although since the colonization those connections start to broken. Mostly because of the Aboriginals genocide or the separation of kids with their families. Another important point that is mention on the text is how Australian government let decisions that only concerned aborigines to all the people and som, most of them have not idea on what is happening. Know people is trying to make a decolonization with the few aboriginals that are left on Australia and recover their traditions and culture by the 7 pillars. Aborigines have the idea that the two important relationships in life are first one with the land and secondly with people. Making those declarations we should make more for helping and saving those cultures. The text continue talking about the broken relationship between the aboriginals and the non- aboriginals and how the non aboriginals try to give them some “solutions� of problems that they created not the aborigines. How the racism is an important part of the non aboriginal
Reflection by Cristina Sanchez It is impressive how aboriginals are blamed for their problems that in fact were created by the non aborigines. The world recently understand that and is trying to make something to compensated and eradicated all that injustice, unfortunately it is not as easy as it might sound. Australia is one of those countries that continue discriminating and killing the traditions and the culture of their land and the people that came here before them. It is important to realize how damage is a culture when they replaced their roots for money. Some of the big problems of the country not only of the aborigines are because of how they have been looking for money instead of the earth. But the problem is not only the aborigines vs the non aborigines, the problem concerned to all of us, it does affect us in very different aspects like how we treated the earth ( and as we could see, we are doing it very bad) but it also affect our daily lives on how we eat and what we eat, not for nothing we have all the diseases that we have, it also affects the people that grow that food and we it and how they grow it what chemicals they put to those plants and at the end what chemicals are we putting inside our body. It is time to rethink the whole system not only separated details.
The seven pillars of sovereignty are a good beginning for creating a culture around food, for knowing what we are eating and from where does it come, for healing the earth but also but healing us, and for created a culture of respect and love. Because it might be a beginning of respecting and admired the traditional cultures in all the world and start learning from them instead of eliminating them.
Reflection by Maria Clara Rios Everything has an origin, a connection with the land, a connection with the past and a reason of being. This document inform our project in many aspects. First, it gave us a context with much information and knowledge of what are the realities for aborigines in Australia. It also bring an understanding of the 7 pillars of food sovereignty focusing of what is happening in the Australian context and in regarding the aborigines situations. Taking as an examples other countries that have done a better role and connection with their aboriginal communities like Canada, or like latinoamerica, if I put my own experience in relation to this document, I can understand in a better way what is the reason of the situation of the Aborigines in Australia. Australia have being destroyed their past, their roots, their cultures. As the document says, even the native source of food of aboriginal people have been taking away from them. Therefore, how can the Australian government pretend to do that without create a problem in the aboriginal community?
Food is definitely sacred as the seven pillar is defined. For a lack of food people can die, people can kill others, people can get contagious of any illness. Food should not be a commodity, should not be a privilege, It should be a right.
Our topic The 7 pillars are related to our topic because we are trying to created a connection between kids, healthy food and the earth to teach them about the plants and the seasons. People need to relearn about the food they consume. We focus on the 7 pillars for creating a culture around the culture they are loosing to make it survive. We analysed the 7 pillars and try to created small but significant changes in every pillar creating a product that could help in the decolonization.
Resume John Pilger talks investigated the life of an aboriginal community ironically named Utopia, in the Northern Territory is one of the poorest and desolated areas in Australia. Almost 30 years before Pilger made another documentary of that place so he decide to go and film all the “changes� that had happened since the first film, only to discover that the aborigines are in the same way as they were does days. That they are dying from common diseases because of the lack of sanitation, or health in the place, they live in horrible conditions and the department of the state that is in charge of that had made nothing for changing it. The film inquire in different problems that Australia was facing on those moments most of them in relation with the aborigines and how non-aborigines are not even conscious about what is happening and some of them even feel offended if you try to tell them about those topics. He mentions topics as the slavery of the aborigines and how different companies had take their land make profit and ignore the aborigines. Pilger also visited an old prison where most of the prisoners were innocent aborigines, he explain how it works and he let us know that white people
Reflection by Maria Clara Rios is trying to cover and disappear aboriginals and all the techniques they have for doing that. He also explain how aborigines are suffering from different diseases but also how the suicide number is increasing mostly because of the lack of opportunities and the racism they suffer from the non-aboriginals. At the end he mention how other Commonwealth countries like USA, Canada and even New Zealand had made triads with their aboriginal people to created a better environment for all but Australia continue mistreating them, he mention how Australian government actually can take all the aborigines out of poverty but why they do nothing for that.
Reflection by Cristina Sanchez One of the most frustrating documentaries I have seen in my entire life. It is frustrating to know that one of the most “developed� countries in the world is actually a double moralist country where they celebrated the Australian day but they do not even know why and they do not really care about. It is impressive how under developed their minds are, how they see themselves above others and how they allow and encourage genocide to their aboriginals but they always remember them. As if they were already extinct but in fact is the non-aboriginals the ones that are killing them. It is impressive how in the 21st century those things still happen and they happen in every country on the world. Utopia gave me a new perspective of what is the real Australia how it looks, under their nice dress. How racism, injustice, cruelty and bribery are part of this country, but they are really good covering their bads, or that is what they think.
Along this video, it was hard for me to understand why it is happening. Australia do not have idea of what riches means. It is a country full of everything but empty in what is importantly real. This video have change my perception of this country in many ways, after 4 years of living here I can not define what is something Australian, how Australia smell, how Australia taste, but now I can say why. What this video shows in my opinion is a total careless of what happened in this land before. In my opinion nothing have changed since the colonization beginning, I would say it have not stop. The lost generations are still there, there are 2 Australian countries, the indigenous and the whites, and the problem is that even the promedy workers whites do not care. According to the video, white australians believe that aboriginal people are a problem. So how can you recover their culture, knowledge and traditions if the white australians does not perceive value on that? And if they do not perceive value on that, I would say they have a big problem.
Our Topic
This documentary help us with our project making us realized how Aussies look aboriginals and how we can make them relearn all that. It is important to make them realized what is happening but it is more important to make them part of what is happening, with the documentary we realised Australia do not have a unique culture around their country and creating a culture where they have unique flavors will help them to connect with the aboriginals. It also help us giving us the idea of how they are living and how they should be living. By changing Aussies and making them connect with the aboriginals culture we could also help aboriginals and their culture.
Our daily bread
Resume It is a documentary created with a compilation of small videos of different food products like vegetables, or meat. The documentary has no voice but thanks to the sounds of the different videos it gave a feeling of disconnection. The video shows different unhuman process like how they treated and kill animals like chicken, cows fishes and porks, but it also shows how people grow different plants and put pesticide on them or how they collect them.
Reflection by Cristina Sanchez On my opinion this video show us how inhuman we are and how we have lost all connection between the earth and us, we have no idea of how that food came to our table and some people just disconnected from the reality, all those videos not only show the process but they also show how many of us see the world, how we have no sensitive for other animals but also how we do not care on what is happening on the world if we have food on our tables. It is impressive how we have the knowledge of all those process but
we decide just to ignore them, humans have found the way of industrialized lives and nature. That just by how it sound is terrible and it does express pretty well why the world is dying by our hands.
Reflection by Maria Clara Rios This video is the reality, is what happen when food are not considering sacred. It is happening when you lost sensitive, when you lost logic and then you lost the past. It is not the same that our ancestors teach us, it is going against nature, it is unnatural. Some messages were giving while the video plays. however, the most controversial was the moments where people that works in the production where having break and eating. We lost the morality, the meaning, the knowledge and the past benign the food. we lost the cults around eating, it became invaluable, know people eat without think, without conscience.
How we can eat our landscape
Resume Our Topic
We are trying to created a connection between the land that the kids are inhabit, the plants, seasons and the people. The main point of our product is the deindustrialized the food, to teach the kids how to cook for making them more conscious of what they are eating but also to teach them about more natural products about local farmers and local plants. Also to make adults relearn the products that they consume and what relation does they have with the land and how they damage or not the earth.
Pam Warhust talk about her hometown and how they as a community decide to change their lives and they have the will to make it. She show how some people of the community decide to convert a sad place into a green, healthy place,they start growing fruits and vegs in all the community even in the cemetery, they created a vegetable tourism where they show people different growing plants. They created that project for making a revolution around food system, they understand that the only unify language in the whole world is the food and it is a language that can grow and get reacher. Food help people to live, interact different so they created a game plan without any permission or creating any document they just decide they need to make a change and they actually make it. They call for a community meeting where they exposed the idea of imagine a community plate where everybody collaborates and then a learning plate where people can actually learn about plants, how they grow and finally a business plate where the local farmers and local business. They start to make resilience by themselves and they start changing the community just by taking some actions. What actions? they start with small changes like putting vegetables and fruits and herbs for people to peak them and
growing them, planting fruit in parks and in every single green area, they change ornamental plants for vegetables and fruits, they created new ideas for promoting the vegetables in their natural space where everybody can learn and take them, then they start giving classes at the schools of agriculture, kids are helping creating new aquaponic and orchard where the kids of the community created, they created different ideas for local businesses to use local but they also created different green routes that take people all over the town, it is a way all the community gets involved and know all the local not only the supermarket.
Then the community start creating their own local products and start producing new local food that at the end they actually increased the sells and the life of the whole community. They created a community that works by and for the community, now 49% of all the food that is consume and eaten there is created by them just in 3 years since the idea starts. She says that many other communities in the world have copying them and how successful it is. At the end she give a reflection of how things can change and it does not really needs money or the government but the community to involved and believe in. This is a movement for everyone it is inclusive, that involves everyone does not matter age, culture or anything.
Our Topic
I really likes that a small idea actually change a whole community and know it is a community that created a connection with the land but also with their people. They without any knowledge of the 7 pillars created something that involves all of them and it work pretty good just by engaging the community. It is a great example of how food affects everybody and for that everybody can make a change. She says at the beginning of the Talk that food is a singular language, it is a language that is talk in the whole world and we used it for communicated feelings, traditions, and culture. I selected that talk because the solution was simple but really efficient, the idea of teaching kids new skills and giving them part of the responsibilities make the kids more engage with their community and they learn about their land and see on it an opportunity for the future and not something that you buy on a supermarket. That is our idea to teach kids about the culture of the land they live in but also to make local fruits and vegetables part of their lives.
TED: Food is not only Culture, It is diplomacy. Leah Selim
In this Tedtalk Leah claims how food is one of the most powerful ways to experience the culture of a place. She is an American entrepreneur that narrates their experience feeling homesick in a foreign country, and how the food was maybe the most that she missed. She talk about America as an immigrant country and how it makes the country very rich in cultures but at the same time very diverse and difficult to determinate the traditional taste of America. Perhaps that, she could visualize and identified the american taste of food when she was abroad. When she was travelling, in Uganda, she could have the experience of living with a native family and spend time with them and experience their traditions. She said that when they were cooking all together as a family and as a community, where that moment when she felt the most stronger connection with them. “Cooking and sharing food have become a powerful tools for preserving culture outside of its cultural and geographical context” with is that happens with the immigrants, and why some generations can lose their traditions if
they do not have this contact with food. “What we cook is an expression of who we are and where we come from”. Is through food that we feel connected and nostalgic about our roots. She introduce the concept of gastrodiplomacy, which define as the communication of your culture and identity through food. This text inform our project in two ways, first, confirming how important is the act of cooking to connect people with the culture, and second, giving us advice and example of a similar case of an immigrant Country with a food culture very difficult to identified.
Design Concepts
Food Systems Today TODAY
Focuses on food for people -Non healthy food -Fat, Sugar, Carbohydrates -Non connection with the food -Non connection with producers and land (We don´t know who produces the food and how -Non access to fresh and organic products -Fruits and vegetables but with pesticides and chemicals that generates illness. -Non value in the food that people buy -Price is the value -Bad food - Easy to find and buy -Imported -Other cultures
Values food Providers -IMPORTATION: we do not know where the food is from and who is the producer. -Monopoly (power) -No guaranties to compete with cheap food from overseas
Localised Food systems -Australia export the 70% of their food production and just the 30% is to feed the country. -Importations dominated the market -Importations compete with prices and take sales and market from locals products. -Exportation is a big business as well -We are not sure about the food background -The lack of culture around food made other cultures have more power on the food systems.
Puts control Locally -Australian government control seeds and natural materials coming from overseas -To be mass productive there should be chemicals and pesticide -Because the trade with other countries the control about what we eat is difficult -Non local species damage the ecosystem
Builds Knowledge and skills -Aborigines Knowledge is not been sharing -The knowledge of how grow the land but it is not what government want -There is a gap of knowledge between the indigenous past and the present -There are being growing no native plants. -Loosing species, extinction -The mass production is killing the land taking their minerals
Work with nature -Nature as a resource and not as partner -Exploitation of natural resources -Money over nature -Non responsible consumption and production -The artificial production -Categorise food by aesthetics
Heritage Recorded
Heritage Recorded
Focuses on food For people -Healthy and local food produced by aborigines -Created a connection with the food and it background -Free pesticides and chemicals food (Organic) -Accessible healthy food -Knowledge of sustainable production and consumption
Values food Providers -Recognition of Aboriginals as part of society and their economy -Created productive role for Aboriginals communities in the society -Influencing currently food systems with their cultures -Created values on local food
Localised Food systems -Created sustainable food communities -Better conditions and policies to benefit the local production to compete with importation, specially if their are indigenous. -Accessibility of local and healthy food
Puts control Locally
Re-learning _ Retrofitting _ Environments of Equity
-Encourage small scale production -Consume more local species -Create concisions about origin of products and their production process
Builds Knowledge And skills -Sharing and communicated aborigine knowledge empowering them -Giving priority to producers that use ancestral knowledge -Priority to users of local species -Make sure that their knowledge stay in the future.
Work with nature -Nature as a partner. -Protection of natural resources with a more responsible consumption. -Nature as priority -Using natural techniques to produce food. -Make aware about the relation between food and life
Cooking for Kids with Aborigine Legends and Believes
Kids Snack “Womnuts� Creating a connection From early age
Experiential dinning Museum. Connection with aborigines
Concept and Design solution selected
Sharing Economy:
Sharing Economy:
Sustainable communities
Sustainable communities Tomorrow
Focuses on food For people -Healthy and local food produced by aborigines -Created a connection with the food and its background -Free pesticides and chemicals food (Organic) -Accessible healthy food -Knowledge of sustainable production and consumption -Being part of the system
Values food Providers -Recognition of Aboriginals as part of society and their economy -Created productive role for Aboriginals communities in the society -Influencing currently food systems with their cultures -Created values on local food -Protecting their land and their cultures -Make them an important part of their community, change actors. -Understanding their needs -Giving to the opportunity to rebuilt their culture
Puts control Locally -Encourage small scale production -Consume more local species -Create concisions about origin of products and their production process -Protection of their land and knowledge
Builds Knowledge And skills -Sharing and communicated aborigine knowledge empowering them -Giving priority to producers that use ancestral knowledge -Priority to users of local species -Make sure that their knowledge stay in the future. -Creating culture to educate future generations -Educating them to have a role in their community -Rebuilding their culture
Work with nature Localised Food systems -Making the Aborigines independent of the government help -Creating an economy for them and by them -Their own sustainable food system -Access to their own food
-Nature as a partner. -Protection of natural resources with a more responsible consumption. -Nature as priority -Using natural techniques to produce food. -Make aware about the relation between food and life -Strengthen their believes in relation with the land
Re-learning _ Retrofitting _ Environments of Equity_New Institutions
Sustainable community to Empower aborigines
First farmers program Where aborigines develop Role developing their culture and Connecting with non-aborigines
Natural park where aborigines Habit with their culture and People can visit them (Tourism) to Learn from them
Focuses on food For people -Healthy and local food produced by aborigines -Created a connection with the food and its background -Free pesticides and chemicals food (Organic) -Accessible healthy food -Knowledge of sustainable production and consumption -Being part of the system -Make a fusion and created a food culture. -Create spaces to exchanges
Values food Providers -Recognition of Aboriginals as part of society and their economy -Created productive role for Aboriginals communities in the society -Influencing currently food systems with their cultures -Created values on local food -Protecting their land and their cultures -Make them an important part of their community, change actors. -Understanding their needs -Giving to the opportunity to rebuilt their culture
Localised Food systems -Created sustainable food communities -Better conditions and policies to benefit the local production to compete with importation, specially if their are indigenous. -Accessibility of local and healthy food -Their own sustainable food system
Connection Tomorrow
Puts control Locally -Encourage small scale production -Consume more local species -Create concisions about origin of products and their production process -Protection of their land and knowledge -Create a bond between people and producers
Connection Re-learning _ Retrofitting _ Environments of Equity
Builds Knowledge And skills -Sharing and communicated aborigine knowledge Empowering them -Giving priority to producers that use ancestral knowledge -Priority to users of local species -Make sure that their knowledge stay in the future. -Creating culture to educate future generations -Create a mix-culture -Create a space for sharing -People understand and appreciate the cultural value of aborigines -Adopting their culture
Work with nature -Nature as a partner. -Protection of natural resources with a more responsible consumption. -Nature as priority -Using natural techniques to produce food. -Make aware about the relation between food and life -Strengthen their believes in relation with the land -Create a connection with the nature and land as the Aboriginals have.
Photography ADD campaign to show how Australians non-aborigines and aborigines are Connected by the land where they live.
Create the taste of Australia by a co-working space +Between cookery students and aborigines communities
Food Systems Today Focuses on food for people
-Healthy food -Kids (Future adults) buying food to local farmersOrganic products. -Kids (future adults) will know how to grow local seeds -Kids will make a bond with aboriginal culture -Food will be culturally appropriate for Australians.
-Create a bond between people and local products -Local species bill be more consumed -Low production and organic product as the market trend and reality. -Native products will be consumed on large scale
Values food Providers -Local food and markets will be the first option to buy food in Australia -Local spices will be known and recognized by Australians -Small-scale production will be the number 1 option in Australia (generating work opportunities) -The demand for local seeds and aboriginal knowledge will increase. Therefore, aboriginal people will be valuable. -Aboriginal people will be part of the community.
Puts control Locally
Builds Knowledge and skills Cooking set for Kids
-Good cooking practices -Kids will develop a connection with a cooking process with the Australian origins and tradition from the first people. -Kids will relearn Australian origins and will incorporate this into their own culture. -kids will learn about their land and which season is more productive than others. -Kids will have fun and be creatives while they are connecting with the native Australia -Empower the use of local spices.
Localised Food systems -Fairtrade products -Foreign food and products will be replaced by local and native food and recipes. -Communities will be more sustainable. -The local image will be more valuable than the overseas image. (Representation) -People more conscious of all the food system. of these will depend on the decision making of what they buy -People will be aware of the season production and what they can buy more fresh and local. -Good cooking practices.
Work with nature -Kids will know how to grow food on a small scale -More sustainable communities -Eating more responsible and more seasonal -Create awareness about the relation between the food and the land
Cooking set for Kids
Sustainable Design strategy Re-Learning
Aboriginal Food System elements Consuption & Representation
RESEARCH DESIGN Fruit Season Aboriginals were really good with sustainability that does not mean that they know the meaning of sustainability but they have a special connection with the earth and they understand that everything has a cycle, they also understand that they are part of the land and they should work with it for covering their needs. That is an important lesson for all non aboriginals we should stop mass producing without having any knowledge of seasons, or the land. Aborigines have more than 4 seasons depending on the climate of where they live, they understand some plants grow in some seasons by hence they could consume some ingredients in some seasons and some others in a different season. Although we know aborigines have from 6 to 8 seasons our book recipes is based on the 4 western seasons because for making people accept something is important to introduce those new ideas of something they already know ( the relearn process) in a subtle way. We select the seasons for making them realized that food have a cycle and we need to work with that cycle, and by selecting the for western seasons we are giving them a “reason� for connecting with our books but at the same accepting the new information for make them relearn about the culture of the space they inhabit.
Museum Visit With the visit to the museum we learn that Aussies do not know much about their aboriginal culture they only know they eat some fruits but they do not represents the aboriginal cultures as they are. We also learn that many Aussies have no idea of what was the past of their land but also they think that aboriginals need their help, they do not even know about aboriginals artcraft and techniques but many of them are pretty sure aboriginals are savages and need help. The museum also make use realised the importance for the aborigines about their land, their animals and their communities, they had a huge bond with the earth but also with the people, they have the believe that people should created a relation with the land and with other people. They created a connection with all the nature from plants, to land or fire and using those elements for our design concept make us be focus on who the aboriginals are and what the world need from them and who needs to change ( not them but the non-aboriginals) decolonization not only means giving them back their culture but also learning from it.
Legends We select some of the most common stories of the aboriginals and re write them for the children in a way where kids can created a connection with those stories and their childhood, that will mold them and will help them to accept aboriginals as part of their culture and them as part of aboriginal culture. Knowing the legends and stories of a culture help people to see the world with different eyes and that will help kids to created a connection between their land and their lives.
BRANDING The Typography
The branding was thinking for kids. The typography used is Cooper Std, which is a typeface with big personality, playful and organic which goes very well for a kids target market
Bunji means mate in an aboriginal language part of relearn is understanding that aboriginal language is also part of their Aussie language without no matter where they come from. The J represents an aboriginal surrounded and welcome with non- aboriginal “letters”
Design Process
people, this will help kids to learn that we all are the same but also the adults to relearn that aborigines are part of the history and culture of this country by hence they should have them in mind. The slogan says “cooking set for little ones” making a reference that it does not matter where are you
from but if you are a children then this book is for you, as well as the name it try to make adults relearn the concept of nationalities because it is never the same to call people by their nationalities, than to call them just humans, people, kids, adults...
N BU I e n o
oking set o C fo
r Li le tt
N BU I e n o
oking set o C fo
r Li le tt
The colors are based on the Australian colors but it also works as a relearning by giving a new significant and also teaching what is the real reason of those colors, the colors are based on the wattle-gold tree is one of the most important trees for the aboriginals but also for the Aussies it represents their land but also it is an important ingredient of the aboriginals by related those colors with the aborigines we try to make people relearn the idea they have with Australia and connect those colors with the unknown
aboriginal culture. They will learn that those colors do not means sports but nature and food and identity.
Product Design Process
Reference images
Sketching Process
Packaging Design Process
Recipes Design Process
Product Design Outcome
on rL it tl e
on rL it tl e
x1 Recipe Book
The yummiest flavors of Australia
oking set e Co fo on rL it tl e
ngg sse kiin ok ett f Cooo C nee f oo r r LL i t tllee oon it t
oking set Co fo
ng n gg ssseeet ok kiiin k o o eee oooo tt fffo C Co C C oorrr L o nnn Liiittttttllleee oo L
The yummiest flavors of Australia
on rL it tle
ngg ssee kiin ok o tt ff Coo C nnee oorr Liittttllee oo L
oking set e Co fo on rL it tl e
oking set Co fo
oking set Co fo
g set fo r L i t t l e kin oo C
Other cooking season are collectible
Other cooking season are collectible
r Li le on tt
oking set Co fo
e r Li le on tt
g set f o r L i t t l e kin oo C
x1 Recipe Book
oking set Co fo
Rolling Pin
My Native
Rolling Pin My Native
x1 piece
x1 piece
Cooking Kits Have been designed 1 per season
on rL it tl e
B UN I oking set Co fo
My Native
on rL it tle
B UN I oking set Co fo
oking set Co fo
on rL it tl e
r Li le on tt
The yummiest flavors of Australia
Food Mixer
Other cooking season are collectible
B UN I oking set Co fo
oking set Co fo
on rL it tl e
Bowl My Native
x1 piece
o rL it tle
r Li le on tt
NI BU g set f o r L i t t l e kin oo C
x1 Recipe Book
Summer Season
ngg ssee ok kiin o tt ff Coooo C C nnee oorr Liittttllee oo L
The yummiest flavors of Australia
oking set e Co fo on rL it tl e
Ki wi
oking set Co fo
g set fo r L i t t l e kin oo C
oking set Co fo
r Li le o tt
Other cooking season are collectible
x1 Recipe Book
oking set Co fo
x1 piece
Elements of Cooking Kit
Ki wi HOW IS IT RE-LEARNING The kitchen tools help with the relearning process by connecting aboriginal art and Australian animals with object that are well known for the adults in how they are used but also by the children because they look at them constantly when they saw their family cooking, the people will connect the known tools with aboriginals culture by using and watching those products in their home and use them with frequency.
The local animals that are used on the packaging and on the products work for creating a relation between their old knowledge of Australia and what they are relearning with the new flavors, colors and textures of the ingredients. The materials and colors are though for helping the people make the relation between nature, food and aborigines make them realized that aborigines ass them have a culinary culture.
Elements for connection with the land
My The boomerang is a tool that aboriginals use for hunting and eating small birds and the egg with a plant have two meanings the egg represent the egg of brolga and the legend of how the sun was created but it also represents live giving the kids a chance for grow their own australian plant. The idea of having those elements is to created a connection between the children and the aboriginal culture, many of them have seen boomerangs but they do not relate them with food and by
having the boomerang with the set and make them build it, the kids will make a connection between cooking, food and the boomerang. The egg will make them created a connection with nature but it will also help them on understand the seasons and why some ingredients are not available on different months, they will created a connection with the land and with the nature making them respect it more.
Elements for connection with the land
B UN I e
oking set Co fo
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My Native
My Native
Other cooking season are collectible
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oking set Co fo
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oking set Co fo
oking set Co fo
on rL ittle
The yummiest flavors of Australia
oking set Co fo
B UN I s
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Packaging Design
What is in this Cooking set?
oking set Co fo
Penguin Bowl
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oking set Co fo
rL ittle
The yummiest flavors of Australia
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B UN I oking set Co fo
Meet BUNJI, the new friend of all the little ones who likes cook and create the Yummiest recipes with incredible ingredients that we just can find here in our country. BUNJI is coming with some friends to help and play with you. Koala, Penguin, Platypus and Kiwi will help you to mix, to cut, to mold, to whip and to serve the most amazing food in the world.
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B UN I Spring
B UN I oking set Co fo
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oking set Co fo
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Meet BUNJI, the new friend of all the little ones who likes cook and create the Yummiest recipes with incredible ingredients that we just can find here in our country.
All the packagings are based on Australian landscape on + their animals but also on Aboriginals, this work as relearning because it make a direct relation between the unknown in Australia with something the packaging as a new product Season make them relearn that an old culture is as attractive and interesting as other cultures but that one is part of the land that Grow your own native plant and assemble your own boomerang they inhabit. s
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oking set Co fo
Grow your own native plant and assemble your own boomerang
B UN I oking set Co fo
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oking set Co fo
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www.bunji.com.au Created by Bunji Recipes
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oking set Co fo
oking set Co fo
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Kiwi Food Mixer
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Other cooking season are collectible
oking set Co fo
Recipe Book
B UN Iin Spring
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oking set Co fo
Made in Australia
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My Native
Recipes Design
Spring Book
Summer Book
Autumn Book
Winter Book
oking set Co fo
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oking set Co fo
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oking set Co fo
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B UN I s
oking set Co fo
B UN I s
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Autumn Recipe Book
N BU I e r Li le on tt
oking set Co fo
Spring Recipe Book
N BU I e r Li le on tt
oking set Co fo
Shopping Guide
The name “Bunji�means good friend or mate in an aboriginal language it does refered to a word that is common with used by the Aussies it help with the identity of children and their vocabulary, by relating a common word and a aboriginal word will help them to see the aboriginals as equals.
Why the colors of logo
The colors are based on an important Australian plant it is one of few connections that exist between aboriginals and non-aboriginals, for the aboriginals those colors represent the wattle-gold tree a medicinal and food plant, and for the australians those are their identity colors as a culture separated from England. Selecting those colors we are making a connection for those to cultures that live in the same place but have nothing to do with each other. For the Aussies those colors also represent the golden landscapes and the green of nature.
Why materials
We select mostly cardboard and wood for the materials of the packaging, the book, and the kitchen tools because we have in mind the life of the products and their ability of incorporation to the nature, also by selecting those materials we are trying to created a connection between food and nature making kids re-learn the origins of food. Those are also colors that represents the aboriginals because of their skin color, with the earth, the land and the soil of Australia.
Why the logo
The logo have a playful letter for attracting the kids it also use the two brand colors (the australian colors yellow-gold- and green) the J represents an aboriginal with a different color and appearance, it represents the aboriginals surrounded by non aboriginals. The logo is creating a connection with kids and have some details as the J drawings that are based on aboriginal artcraft. The movement of the logo make it more playful and friendly for the children making them understand that a kitchen can also be a place for them.
Why the packaging
The packagings are based on different Australian animals, that help with the connection process of nature, their country and food, the packaging seek to be playful so the kids can get attracted to it. They were thought for showing all the elements on the box so the kids can have an idea of the products and feel engaged with them.
REFERENCES Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance 2014, Food is sacred,Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance, 16 March 2016, view 15 Oct 2017, https://afsa.org. au/blog/tag/food-sovereigntys-seven-pillars/
Readings, Indigenous Australian Children´s books, Readings, view 10 Oct 2017, https://www.readings.com.au/collection/recommended-indigenousaustralian-childrens-books
Australian Government 2015, The dreaming, Australian Government , 31 March 2015, view 10 Oct, http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/ australian-story/dreaming
Roden C 2015, About Culture and food, Ted Talks, 6 Nov 2015, view 30 Oct 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is7IJgibSxE
Baskerville P 2012, Why Australia´s colors on sports jerseys yellow & green?, Quora, 5 August 2012, view 25 Oct 2017, https://www.quora. com/Why-are-Australias-colors-on-sports-jerseys-yellow-and-green
Sam Burch Everything has a story: Decolonization, First Nations sovereignty, and , the 7th pillar of Food Sovereignty in the Australian context. Forthcoming in 2017 Food Democracy, Oliver Vodeb (editor, curator) Intellect Books UK
Seasonal Food Guide Australia 2016, Melbourne and Victoria Seasonal Produce,Seasonal Food Guide Australia, view 20 Oct 2017, http:// seasonalfoodguide.com/melbourne-victoria-seasonal-fresh-produce-guideFood in Every Country, Australia Aborigines and bush tucker, Food in Every fruits-vegetables-in-season-availability-australia.html Country, view 20 Oct 2017, http://www.foodbycountry.com/Algeria-toTaste of Australia 2015, Native taste of Australia, Taste of Australia, view France/Australia-Aborigines-and-Bush-Tucker.html 15 Oct 2017, http://tasteaustralia.biz/bushfood/ Geyrhalter N 2006, Our Daily Bread, Youtube, Upload 19 march 2016, Warhust P 2012, How to eat our landscape?, Ted Talk, 2012, view 30 Oct view 13 Oct 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXAVnE-DQn8 2017, https://www.ted.com/talks/pam_warhurst_how_we_can_eat_our_ landscapes/details?language=es Ormond J 2016, Top 10 iconic Australian food, Good food, 18 June 2016, view 20 Oct 2017, https://www.goodfood.com.au/eat-out/best-of/top-10White G, The bush tucker survival guide, Survival Tracking and awareness, iconic-australian-foods-20160125-gm8zqj view 15 Oct 2017, https://www.survival.org.au/bush_tucker_survival_ guide.php Pilger J 2013, Utopia, Vimeo, upload 27 May 2016, view 3 Oct 2017, https://vimeo.com/168410495 Woodgate T 2017, Australian food: 40 dishes locals like to call their own, CNN, 13 July 2017, view 16 Oct 2017, http://edition.cnn.com/travel/ article/australian-food/index.html Food Company, Created Australia´s best Kangaroo dish, Food Company, view 10 Oct 2017, http://foodcompanion.com/comp/kangaroo.php