My Portfolio
Main Projects Mexia K - You Museum Duplo Records Boy London Rotoplas Bunji
Secondary Projects Kirin Orange is the world Sea Calm Hips-table Bier Haus GTRS
Other skills Graphic Design 3D Printing Photography Stuffed animals
6 | 19 6|7 8|9 10 | 11 12 | 13 14 | 15 16 | 17 18 | 19
22 | 29 22 23 24 25 26 27
30 | 33 30 31 32 33
Identity Book
Personal Identity book
Recommendation letters
Mitch - Mexia - Australia John - Pista Bikes - Australia Samantha - GRTS - Australia Ignacio - I.P construction - Mexico
36 | 37 36 | 37
40 | 43 40 41 42 43
Main Projects
Mexia & Deloitte Project description and outcome Case 1
Case 2 Statement
Branding Guide
Identify and understand the companies identity, to create a brand identity book, easy to understand and use.
In Mexia, everyone is equally important, staff members, clients & Stakeholders.
Support team deploys solution to UAT using documentation & guidance from the project. Support team audits solution, provides feedback & actions for rectification by the project.
Support responsible / project involved
Deploy solution in UAT Incorporating feedback from support, the project builds solution & deploys to preproduction & conducts testing.
New project initiated to develop a technology solution.
New Project
Design Review
UAT Supportability Audit
Knowledge Handover
Project Delivery
Production Deployment Project documents solution design & architecture. Support team reviews design & provides feedback on supportability.
Retrospective Review
Mexia seeks feedback from the customer on the transition process, and conducts an internal retrospective review. Learnings are incorporated into the transition process.
Support team deploys solution to production with assistance from the project.
Warranty Support BAU Support
Support team provides audit checklist document to the customer. Checklist highlights outstanding actions to be addressed by project or under a support activity.
Support team supports solution. Project team acts as a technical escalation point during warranty period.
Project provides documentation, conducts knowledge transfer & source code walkthrough sessions with support team.
Project responsible / support involved
Communication is a key element in Mexia
Mexia have an internal story that integrates every member (unicorns)
Projects Support
Final design
Design & redesign
Internal & external analysis
Link to Branding Guide
Generating an operation diagram for their clients to understand how Mexia - Deloitte - can help them to improve their processes. In order to explain & highlight the relation between the process, the clients needs and the companies outcomes I developed a diagram by understanding the process flow.
Check and send back to redesign
Analysis with the marketing area
Defining Mexia´s identity in a visual manual to help every member of Mexia to easily understand and use it as a standarized internal guideline. After, Identifying the clue concepts , I created a brand identity guide for all their employees.
Talk with different members of the company
Created a Brand Identity booklet divided into 3 sections: brand, visual & communication identity.
Our unique Mexia brand embodies our values and history, and we differentiate ourselves from the competition by developing and nurturing mutually beneficial partnerships with clients seeking the highest quality outcomes. We pride ourselves on our story, and our unwavering commitment to the idea that success is not simply measured as a dollar value. The happiness of our champion team and our customers are the main priority and it is this philosophy that contributes to our success in the market.
Visual Identity Our Essence
8 Mision 8 Vision Mexia Insignias 9 Values Logo Mexia isOur notdifferentiators a hugely ‘formal’ 10 Brand Icon Our story consultancy that is steeped in 11/12 Descriptor process and tradition, so our Tagline 13/16 Buyer Personas marketing and branding should reflect that same sentiment. Instead of aiming to achieve a highly conservative corporate look, we use modern colour schemes, two tone shaped logo and a clear and stylish font to establish a fun and fresh connection with our clients.
Corporate Colours 35/37
Communication Identity 19 20 21 21
Primary Colours Secondary Colours
Segoe UI Complementary When creating a brand identity, 22/34 there are 3 fundamental parts: the essence involves our values Variations 23which Iconography and principles, the visual Logo Colours 23 Icons identity Logo Grid 24that helps to define how looks, and one more part that Brand Icon Grid Mexia 25 Photography Logo Clear Spacedefines26how people interprets the Characteristics Mexia brand. Brand Icon Dont´s Clear Space 27 Persons identity is not Minimum Size The communication 28 Architecture with exWhere to use theonly how we communicate ternals29 but also howB&W we | C&W brand icon? communicate internally. The Background 30 Stationary identity identifies, Incorrect Uses communication 31/32 understands and explains roles What the we wear? Descriptor 33 of every the team. Pack The Tagline 34 member of Welcome communication identity helps to give a voice to every Unicorn and to Mexia as a Unicorn’s world.
Insignia Parameters
36 37
39 40
44 44 45 45 45
59/68 69
Our personality
Mexia Online
Who we are? Internal Communication
Web page Social media Email Signature E-mailer / Internal Newsletter
71 72/74
76 77 78 79
K - You Project description & outcome
Design, prototype, tests & redesign with experts and users
Create personas and journey maps
“Know Yourself” is an educational system that pretends to teach the new generations about sexuality in a dynamic, fun way based on pedagogical information. K-You works through an app, toys, and a website interaction, where parents, kids, and school staff are able to intercommunicate. After researching about the lack of information on sexed in kids I collaborated with a team designing the tools to ease the teaching-learning processes.
Read and understand the brief
Search for problems & select the most important issue
BrainStorm & selection of the best solution
Final design & sale the product
In collaboration with Malenne Escalante & Gabriela Aguilar
Focus on sexual education from the social and emotional point of view, giving information and knowledge about sexuality to make people’s mentality more open while talking about these topics, diminishing the prejudices to respect their& foreign bodies and prevent sexual abuse
The ideal learning age is 0 to 5 years old this, goes hand by hand with the appropriate language to teach them.
Link to Video
K-You is an educational system designed by psychologists, school teachers, and designers from different areas that offers a platform that connects schools, students and parents through an app, a set of toys and a webpage which reviews topics related to sexuality education focused on kids within 3- 6 years old.
In Mexico, 20% of children are sexually abused before age 8
The best way for adults to learn is by using interactive tools where they can feel in control of what their are reviewing.
The shiny side of everything Project description & outcome
In collaboration with M. Walhimer , M. Escalante, T.Fontecilla, A.Aguirre, N.Rodriguez, D.Cruz, G.Aguilar
Final design & presentation to museum management
Process Proposal
Link to Museum document (Spanish)
Define the topic, subsections and general view for the exhibition and do more research
Insights Statement
Generate a visual exhibition where kids of 8- 14 years old can learn about the origin of the lights from the space to natural light sources on the earth, and the aesthetic application humans have given to it. After understanding all about light, and making a research about the users, their needs, desires and their view of museums we design a general exhibition where I was in charge of the outside view, and the light in the universe display.
Read Brief and research all about light.
Design, prototype, test with users & museum management and redesign
Build exhibition
Teach kids between 8 and 14 about light and its different aspects through a temporary interactive exhibition, engaging them to participate and be interested in science and museums. Having an iconic character to get related with, helping the learning process to be easier.
Interactive activities improve the learning process.
The divisions between the rooms helps people process better previous information
Museum exhibition with 3 internal areas, the first area is divided into 2 displays and talk about the light in the universe, the second area is divided into 3 displays introducing the natural sources of light in the world and the artificial sources of light, the third area is divided into 2 displays presenting how humans manipulate light. Finally, the external view has the shape of a bulb evoking a everyday light source.
Sex the "X" marks the spot Project description & outcome
Se the marksthe Spot
o r
Great Hall
NGV Shop
Foyer Waterwall
St Kilda Road
Deeper research through design methodologies
Design, prototype, test, and redesign
Grollo Equiset Garden
Link to Research document
Se the Marks the Spot
Define the main topic
Insights Statement
Jean Hailes, a non for profit organization, was concerned about the sexual education of teenagers and how that affects their decisions in the future. “Sex the X marks the spot” was an event design for teenagers between 14 and 17, where schools and museums work together to create a sexed treasure hunt activity where teenagers have to find clues and solve some questions in teams. Once I researched and analyzed about the main problem on sexed through design methodologies, I produce an event with different activities to improve the communication around sexual education.
Read Brief, & research all about sexual education in Australia
Get the final design and write a report for H.J.
Brainstorm and select the best
How might we improve the interaction between adolescents and their sexual education?
31% of the teenagers are looking for health issues on search engines.
Adolescents learn the information for the school but do not apply it in their lives
42% of teenagers obtain their health information from school health class
“Sex the X marks the Spot” was a treasure hunt body mind MyMysexuality event where teenagers in teams with a booklet had to find different mini-games and activities 20 7 hidden in a museum to answer the questions from 13 the booklet they had, the first team that answers 14 correctly all the questions get a reward at the end919 of the event. Later the teachers have a special 8 session with the students to talk about what 21 15 they have learned.
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Duplo Records Project description & outcome
In collaboration with Malenne Escalante & Tania Fontecilla
Created personas and journey maps and links between the personas
Design, prototype, test, and redesign
Process Insights Statement Proposal
Duplo Records is a toy for 2 to 4 years old kids that help connecting the parents generation with their children, through their music by building musical iconical figures with the Duplos, at the same time the song of that icon is being “build” (with every correct block placed, the next note of the song is played). The adults select the song they like through an app, creating a wonderful experience for all the members of the family connecting them in a new way. Once we found the connection between Lego and music, I design part of the final forms with their songs, the app’s appearance and the testing with the final user.
Read and understand the brief, find areas of opportunities and select one.
Research the relationship between music and personal connections, and building and personal connections
Brainstorm and select the best
Final design
How could we connect the new generations and their parents through LEGOS and music?
There is a lack of Connection between generations..
Music improves memory and concentration and LEGOS increased spatial awareness.
A musical Duplo toy for kids between 2 to 4 years old, where kids created iconic forms of the ’80s and 90’s musical artists. The toy plays a different note each time a Duplo is placed on the right place finalizing with the full song once the form is done.
Music and LEGOS created intergenerational links
Boy London Stand Project description & outcome
Final proposition
Brainstorm and selection of the 3 best ideas adapted to users and clients
Design, render, check & redesign
Insights Statement
Research users, store market and trends
Designing the stands for Boy London in Coppel stores, outstanding the juvenile and fashionable spirit of the users. After analysing the users behaviers and tastes as well as the identity of the brand I design a shop display with the main elements, colours and textures that attract the users and make them feel part of the brand.
Read the brief and talk to the board and marketing team of Boy London
Furniture production and created the store
How might we match the identity of Boy London with the style of the users and Coppels store?
The logo with light makes the cloth to stand out.
The front wall needs can standout with light and the mix of different material
Showcase with a main wall of wood with a brick background and the logo in 3d with led light. Black metal furniture with wooden details and the Boy London logo
The main clients of Boy London are young people that like to show the brands they are using.
Rotoplas drinking fountains Project description & outcome
Bebedero integral Sistema de purificación con purificador de microfiltración Manual de Instalaciones Manual de Operación y Mantenimiento 1a. Edición - Julio 2015
Descripción de las notas Importante
Considerar esta nota ya que de no ser así puede afectar la funcionalidad del producto.
Advertencia Tomar la importancia debida a esta nota ya que puede poner en riesgo la integridad del producto.
Esta nota le indica que de no tomarla en cuenta puede poner en riesgo la integridad del usuario. Purificación
Free access to water encourages people to drink more.
The price of bottled water is equal to or higher than soft drinks.
Bebedero de cilindros desfasados
In collaboration with Marlenne Escalante 1.Bebedero de cilindros desfasados: Mueble diseñado para disponer de agua purificada de una forma fácil.
Design, prototyping, rendering, and redesign
Release the products to the market
Improve access to drinking water in public spaces like schools and parks.
Componentes principales del sistema
Final design with manuals and production
Research about the main users and their needs and about drinking fountains.
Insights Statement
Link to manual (Spanish)
Designing drinking fountains that become easily adopted by the population where they are installed, that help reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and increase water consumption as well as reduce waste related to beverages. After the research of the use different drinking fountains with different users in different scenarios, I in collaboration with a team we created a set of drinking fountains specially design for specific places, and its installations, operation and maintenance manuals , and marketing strategy.
Research for different problems and solutions in relation to water consuption in Mexico
Drinking fountains with access for bottles and drinking at the moment, some of them also have access to hot water
People want to have access to cold and warm water.
Secondary Projects
Kirin Interactive stand -Experience the classics-
Hugo perfumes -Orange is the world-
Project description & Outcome
Project description & Outcome
“Experience the classics” was a pop-up exhibition focus on young adults inviting them to be part of Kirin´s history. The exhibition was a tunnel with mirrors and 3D projectors on them; The persons walk through a tunnel with mirrors and 3D interactive projectors on them where they could see how Kirin had been part of Japan’s history and they can see themselves as if they were in those moments. At the end of the tunnel, the person gets to a mirror with a beer inviting him to relax and continuing writing Kirin’s history together. After understanding Kirins’ history and its importance in Japan, we research the new generations to find out their needs and pleasures. After, we brainstorm different activities that made them feel the connection with the beer, but also that invite them to continue that history. Finally, we deliver a set of renders and a manual on how to produce the exhibition.
Orange is the world was a temporary marketing campaign that allowed young people to connect with persons from other parts of the world. With the purchase of Hugo´s perfume, people received a postcard from someone in another part of the world as well as a hot air balloon for placing the perfume. After buying a perfume, they could write an electronic postcard and select where to send it, send it, printed and given to another Hugo´s client. For this campaign, I did the main research on the users and the final process graphics of how it worked.
In collaboration with Marlenne Escalante
In collaboration with Marlenne Escalante
-Sea Calm-
- Hips-Table -
Project description & Outcome
Project description & Outcome
A lamp based on the golden ratio and different elements of nature, the lamp seeks to evoke a sense of calm and peacefulness through the combination of light and scattered shadows. The lamp is made with tense structures, helping dissipate the light, creating different forms with it. The brand name of the brand is Dazzling referring to the light and brightness it makes, as well as the ingenuity that illuminates the world. For this project, I analyzed different aspects of how the light and shadows work, in the people’s mind, what colours and forms evoke different emotions and how to use the light to create those emotions.
Hipstable is a service table in the form of eyeglasses designed for young adults between 25 and 35 who live in small apartments. When the eyeglasses are folded it becomes a table and when it is unfolded it looks like a pair of lenses. The table comes with a frame for the wall with a drawing of the eyes that the client chooses, to put away the table the person only needs to unfold and placed it over the eyes in the frame creating a different, unique and useful furniture for small spaces. For this project, I research the main needs of the users and different ways of how to solve the structural problems.s.
In collaboration with Tania Fontecilla & Adriana Aguirre
Brand Identity
Bar Renovation
-Bier HausProject description & Outcome
Project description & Outcome
“Bier- Haus” changed their image by redecorating their facilities, switched their menu dishes and the design of the menu. I was in charge of the analysis of the current clients and the needs and desires of the new clients, as well as the internal analysis and giving the ideas for the final result as well as creating a new logo.
Design the corporate image of the company from the colours, to the printed publicity, icons and the design of the offices. GTRS is an internship recruitment agency, relatively new, who needed help creating an identity that could make their clients feel more confident. Their clients felt that they were wasting their money instead of investing in their futures, that is way GTRS start focus on how to make their clients feel part of GTRS. After, understanding the mission, vision, and values of the owners and the employees I created a corporate image booklet that all the members of the company have and used. qw era t y u s Let GTRS find i o p d your next career move! fghj klzx vcb nmq lh ―
Tips & Advice
Ongoing Support
Interview Preparation
Career Opportunities
Job Search Strategies
Group or 1-on-1 Skills Training
Career Counselling and Advice Guaranteed Internship Placement*
Resume Support, Cover Letters, Digital Portfolios and CVs
Call now: 03 9994 7302 Email us: Level 1, 9-12 Hood St., Collingwwod, Vic. 3066
Certification of
trabajo en australia Awarded to
name... Jun - July 2017
Sandeep Dabas Director
follow us
ab fqw erty uiop sdfb bnmq wrt tmy bn As long as you’ve got passion,
faith, & are willing to work hard. You can do anything and have anything you want in this world.
version IPT 1.000
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FC_1.000 28/04/2017
Interview Preparation
GTRS, Level 1, 9 – 12 Hood Street, Collingwood (03) 9994 7302
Other Skills
Graphic Design
3D Design & Printing
Photography Nature, get back your world!
The unnamed
Stuffed animals
Personal Identity Book
Personal Brand Identity Created a persona
Identify my mission, vision, values and created a visual identity that demonstrates my essence, and my personality by giving unity to my personal documents.
Machado) A pair of well-trained eyes are as good as a dozen inexperienced eyes
(Baden Powell)
The product by itself cannot save the world
The devil is in the details
Freedom, harmony, loyalty, balance, growth, stability, joy & creativity
serve to live (Baden Powell)
Wisdom, professionalism, sophistication, & security
is made by walking (Antonio
Honesty & integrity
If you do not live to serve, you do not Elegance, sweetness, passion, determination, power, balance, & energy
Walker, there is no path, the path
Insights Proposal
G 166 R 105
Research the market niche I am focused on, the meanings of colours, forms, typographies.
Created the identity manual
How can I show my identity, culture, and essence through images?
B 166
M 18% C 62%
# 69A6A6
R 101
C 60%
R 174
Y 35%
K 2%
K 27% B 112
Y 39% M 51%
B 191 G 177 # 656570
G 101
K 2% M 27%
C 36%
Y 20%
B 118 G 55
M 89% C 36%
# A73776
R 167
Personal Brand Identity
Y 18%
K 6%
Link to Branding Guide
Selection of colours, forms, & creation of Icons and logo
Created a mission, vision, and values based on the persona
It is easier to remember an experience than a product.
A brand book created a holistic view of the identity of the person .
Created a personal identity book as a guide for all the object that surrounded me & allow people to have access to it.
An experience can evoke different feeling and created a connexion.
Service Operations Manager Melbourne, VIC 0422 355 289 19th March, 2019
To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to offer my unreserved recommendation for Cristina Sanchez for any graphic design or research design related positions. I had the pleasure of working with Cristina during at my previous employer on various initiatives. During this time I worked closely with Cristina on various initiatives, so I fully understand Cristina’s capabilities. Cristina has the ability to sit down with a customer that has an idea, but is struggling to present the idea in an easily digestible and attractive format. Her business acumen and requirements gathering skills, coupled with her exceptional graphic design capabilities allow Cristina to quickly engage a customer and convert their requirements into reality. An example of where Cristina excelled was in our last engagement. I needed to take a very large and complex business process and convert it into a graphical representation that was easily understood by my customers. I had no idea how I wanted the output to look, and put my full trust in Cristina’s abilities. Cristina organised discovery sessions where she gathered requirements and clarified information on my process to ensure the process was fully understood. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly Cristina understood and confirmed my process and subsequently managed to convert the process into an infographic that perfectly summarised what I was trying to convey. Cristina was not afraid to ask questions to clarify any unknowns, and was extremely quick in providing the final design. Cristina’s work has enabled us to provide sales collateral that resulted in significant new business and revenue, whilst also helping us deliver new and improved processes to our existing customers. Cristina will be a valuable asset to any organisation that is lucky enough to secure her services. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me immediately. Sincerely,
Mitch Bagan
Mitch Bagan