Sex the X marks the Spot

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Cristina Sanchez




Se Marks







Assigment 3 018-HS2-DDD80016-

Integrative Capstone Studi



Cristina Sรกnchez the

io 2 (Semester 2)



Index Executive Summary

8 | 11



12 | 13


Implication of Research Findings 14 | 51 Literature Review

How Might We

Eras Map Benefits Limitations

24 | 25 26 | 27 27 27

Case Study Benefits Limitations

28 | 29 29 29

Use of methods Ethical Issues Sample Date Data Analysis

30 | 33 30 | 31 31 | 32 32 | 33

Visualization Methods Build Research Map AEIOU

16 | 23

34 | 39 36 | 37 38 | 39

Impact Gap Map

User Research Findings Personas Primary Journey Map Secondary Journey Map Secondary Journey Map Secondary Special Point Of View Statem

Concept Development Pro

Eras Map Analysis

AEIOU Analysis


Methods Framework

40 | 41 Requirements


Value Flow Map



42 | 43


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96 | 97

50 | 51

The Chosen Solution

98 | 113

52 | 71


100 | 101

54 | 69 54 | 55 56 | 57 58 | 59 60 | 61 62 | 63 64 | 65 66 | 67 68 | 69


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104 | 107

108 | 109


110 | 111

112 | 113


Strategic Communication

114 | 117


72 | 97

74 | 79


116 117

80 | 87


118 | 127

88 | 91


128 | 135

92 | 93

70 | 71

2 Ideas to 5

How it works?

Why it will work?

How, When, Where?

Executive Summary

This investigation began with an investigation of the main problems that a teenage girl might have in relationship with their health education. With the literature review interesting facts about the teenage girls, the way sexed is thought to them and what they actually know about the topic, but also where they get the information whenever they have a doubt. In the first part of the research was found that topics of sexual education (like sex, their pride, relationships, pregnancy) were some of the most important topics by being a subject with 31% search among teenagers on google. (Google Trends, 2018) (Quora, 2016)

Right now the governments and the global organizations are focused on teaching sexed at schools and that is the 42% of the sexed teenagers get although there is a study that has verified that the information that is learned at schools is of short-term effects, that means the information is forgotten quickly, that might happen for 3 different aspects the first one is because the information is not the one they want or need, the second one is because of the way the information is thought and the third one is because of all the doubts that exist but are never asked.Those doubts are solved





with other sources these ones are the internet with 34%, 28% family, and 23% of friends, meaning that their main source of information is the internet. Now that we know that they get most of their information from schools, although this is not the best form the research question was made, do teenage girls get attracted by the current programs that promote health education? (State Government of Australia 2017) (Tang C, Nutbeam D, Aldinger C, 2008) (Booth M, 1997) (Nutbeam D 2000) ( Shackleton N, Jamal F, Viiner R, Dickson K, Patton G, Bonell C, 2015) (Ackard D, Neumark-Sztainer D 2001)

Once the research question was made 2 design methods were selected to answer that question. The methods are the eras map, that will create a guide for the second method that is case studies of a successful product or service, then by analysing the case study a framework will be created for triangulated the methods and get a requirement list for the design development. But before applying the methods a secondary framework was done to ensure that those methods are going to be implemented in the right ways and to the right audience. Some personas and journey maps were

created as well as a small analysis of Jean Hailes in the area of teenage health education with a value flow map, a SWOT, a STEEPLE and an impact gap map. (Those are going to be found in this document as well as the development of the methods.) Then the development of the methods will gather the information and analyzed it to get a reliable and specially designed solution tailored to the needs and desires of the users. Next, there will be the process for designing the best solution, there will be the brainstorm that gets with different ideas related to the requirements, the brainstorm will help to get the final design. The final idea is an interactive activity that will allow the teenagers to play and answer their questions in a personal and group way, all the questions that are going to be used came from the same teenagers and their main doubts. Finally, it will be the development of the chosen idea, how it will work, prototypes and the reason why it was selected.




10 | 11


The next project will approach some of the problems that teenage girls have. It includes a literature review that guides the investigation to a point of view statement and a how might we question. The literature review will help to develop personas and journey maps as well as the analysis of Jean Hailes, the competence and the stakeholders that affect this project in particular. Once these analyses are done in different design methods will be developed for solving the HMW, 2 analysis methods plus 2 visualization methods will be used, the analysis methods are an eras map and case study and they are going to be analyzed and visualized




12 | 13

with the other 2 methods for the eras map a build research wall will be useful and the case studies are going to be analyzed with the AEIOU method. After the analysis of the methods, there will be a triangulation that will get to a list of requirements needed for the development of a solution. Once the requirement list is done a brainstorm will be developed and a first selection will be done, after the first selection and redefine of the last ideas, there will be another selection for the idea that suits better the requirements. The selected idea will be developed, including an explanation of why that idea was selected, how is used and some prototype.

Implication of Research Find

Literature Review How Might We Eras Map Benefits Limitations

Case Study Benefits Limitations




Use of Metho Ethical Sample Data An

Visualization Type of

BRW How it w How wil

14 | 15

f dings

ods Issues e Size nalysis

Methods f Data

works? ll be used?

AEIOU How it works? How will be used? Method Framwork Value Flow Map SWOTs STEEPLE Impact Gap Map

Literature Review

This literature review will analyze what is health education and how teenage girls are getting the information about their health. It is important to understand not only what health education is and what it implicates but also the needs and desires of teenage girls. The literature review aimed to create a relationship between teenage girls, their health problems and their way to get information about. First of all we need to understand what does health means. Health means to be good in every aspect of our lives, it’s not only talks about physical well, but also about social, psychological, spiritual and emotional. That is why is so hard to understand what is health education and how we can improve it. Health education is the tool for people to understand more what is happening with them, to earn knowledge and skills about what to do and where to go. Health education aimed to help people to learn how to live healthy and take the right decision about themselves and others, also seeks to teach people what kind of information is needed for them, although that information is constantly growing and evolving. (Boise State University, 2011)




16 | 17

Next we need to know what is the basic information that a teenage girl should know about their health, (the purpose of this is to understand all the implications of the health education with teenagers). Nowadays information is everywhere, but also our opinions, that has created huge changes in the basic needs, incorporating different needs as social needs, and technological, but there are others that have existed since the beginning of the times as the need to understand how our body changes with the time, puberty, adult life,‌, acne, hair growth, emotional issues, self-esteem, dating, sex/ sexuality, mental health, eating disorders, substance abuse and lifestyle, then we need to specify what does topics for girls; like hormones, menstruation, larger breast, pregnancy, visits to the gynecologist, and the exams they need. It is important to clarify that although some of those issues talk specifically about girls/ woman’s body, not only they need to know about those topics it is essential that boys/males also get involved on those topics. (Marcia Shew, 2018) Now that we know what is health, health education, and some of the most basic topics of health education for teenagers. We need to learn if teenage girls know

about health education, and what does it involve, What they understand as Health education? and Where they get the information from? All that information will help to understand the actual problems, for future problem solving. We need to understand what are the needs and desires of the teenage girls, although every human in the world is different we can have some interests in common depending on the age, the place we live, etc. Nevertheless, teenage girls have a similar interest in the whole world, and by analyzing different statistics of what they look on the internet, and looking for answers of different girls in an open question and answer social media -Quora-. The analysis shows that teenage girls common topics are, boys/ their crushes, their period, memes on the internet, school, and their emotions. Google statistics prove that 31% of the teenagers are looking for health issues on the search engine. The teenage girls search for topics in relation with health are; sex, use of drugs, pregnancy, bullying, body image and mental illnesses. (Thomson S, 2017) (Google Trends, 2018) (Quora, 2016) It is important to have in mind that 31% is not a big number; that creates a new doubt, Where does the other 69% gets information from? The next step after the question that has just emerged is to understand how good is the health education in Australia? and Where teens are getting the information about their health?




18 | 19

After learning about health education and teenage girls now we can study how is the health education in Australia for teenagers. In 2007 the World Health Organization, with the United Nations, different countries, including Australia and other institutions had a meeting in relation to Health, Education, on that meeting they focus on 5 main challenges: ——First gathering evidence of the effectiveness of school health promotion. ——Second implementation programmes in the community. ——Social and economic disadvantage and how schools get involved. ——How the media impact on health behavior. ——Support from other institutions, partners to promote health education. As we can see schools were the main topic of the meeting, and Australia understands that really well. They thought that schools are one of the most attractive ways for reaching teenagers and the government bets for that. Australia has a special health education curriculum where they teach some health topics to kids and teenagers. The health education curriculum found four main problems related to young people: drugs, eating disorders, mental health, and sexual education, if we go back and read what are the basic parts of health education, and the main trends of teenage on Google we can find a relation between sexual education, drugs

and mental illnesses. (State Government of Australia 2017) (Tang C, Nutbeam D, Aldinger C,2008) (Booth M, 1997)

Now we know that part of the curriculum of Australian schools includes health education, and it includes 4 main topics, but those that really help? According to a study made by the Journal of Adolescents Health the education that is provided by schools have short-term effects, that means that the adolescents learn the information for the school but do not apply it in their lives because the information is not what they want, or what they think they need, and is not being given in the right way. That creates a new perspective on what is happening on, what we think they need and what they really need. Maybe schools should not be the only way too involved adolescents with their health. (Nutbeam D 2000) ( Shackleton N, Jamal F, Viiner R, Dickson K, Patton G, Bonell C, 2015)

After analyzing what is happening in rewards with health education, schools and teenagers we need to know how they are getting the information that they need not only the information that is given at schools. A study made by the Journal of adolescent health reveals that 42% of teenagers obtain their health information from school health class, another 34% gather information from social media, and media, only 28% have the parents as the main source of information and 23% take information from their friends, that means that the Internet is playing a crucial informational source if we




20 | 21

have in mind that is the second most important source of information for teenagers. This study also shows how at least 77% of the teenage girls would like to talk about health with specialists. (Ackard D, Neumark-Sztainer D 2001) Another study made in New South Wales shows that teenagers usually do not seek for help in regards to health issues, and when they do, first they look for it on the internet,then they ask friends and last family. (Booth M, Bernard D, Quine S, Kang M, Usherwood T, Alperstein G,Bennet D 2004) (Ettel G, Nathanson I, Ettel D,Wilson C, Meola P, 2012) Analysing those two

studies, we can see that teenagers do not feel safe by asking about health issues, but a lot of them would like to have access to specialists, so they look on the internet where they can have access to all the information but also it allows them to interact, and give them the confidence of anonymity. (Suzuki L, Calzo J 2004) (Marcell A, Halpern-Felsher B, 2007)

Let’s sum up what we learn till now health education is the knowledge that helps us take the right decisions about health with our bodies. Second health involves is not only physical, but mental, spiritual, and social. Third, the most common topics of interest are sexual issues and mental health. Fourth Australia is focusing the health education at schools, although it is already proof that health education needs more than just schools. Finally, adolescents are getting information from other sources like friends, or internet, but they would like to

have contact with the specialist that will guide them with their personal questions. That leads to the gap that will define the research question, the information that the teenage girls are getting through reliable sources is given by schools but that information is not always acquired. Then is that information given in the right way or there is a better way to give them the information? That was the guide for the research question.




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How Might We?




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How might we improve the interaction between adolescents and their sexual education?

Eras Map

Eras map is a method based on the understanding of the situation or problem in a historical perspective, helping the design team to get a full picture and context. Eras map is a astonish tool for knowing more about a situation and the reaction of the people in regards to that topic. Eras map was selected as one of my methods because it allows the understanding of society and culture from the eyes of a teenager. An important part of my project is to get immerse of a teenage girl's mind, but at the same time understands the environment in which they evolve. The eras map helps to have a peripheral view of how teenagers react to, how and why they react like that. (Kumar V, 2013)




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Benefits ——Eras map is adaptable to different moments and problems, that helps with the understanding of a bigger situation and with the different solutions and adaptations that had to exist. ——The Eras map help organize information and created a connection between different events in time. ——Eras map allows people to see how the same problem was solved in different ways and how well those solutions worked. ——It helps to create real time-lapse and give the events a background reason.

Limitations ——Creating an eras map consumes a lot of time getting all the information and select what is important. ——It depends on the knowledge of the person that is creating the eras map, it can have really quality information or just a lot of non-important information. ——Although the eras map only takes the most important or iconic events of a specific topic, it is hard to identify those moments and it requires a lot of analysis.

Case Study

The case study is a design method that helps to collect information from extraordinary cases and analyzed them. CS is a method based on the study of 1 to 3 different products/services, the study reveals why it was successful and how they do it, what did they focus on and how they solve it. CS servers to understand how others are approaching a problem and how they solve it, analyzing other products or services might help not only on the understanding of the solution but also on the approach to the problem. Case study was selected as one of the main methods because nowadays it is hard to create something that have not been invented, that is why is important to analysed done solutions for created something new and different. (Martin B & Hanington B, 2018) (Zainal Z, 2007) (Johnson S, 2017)




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Benefits ——Case Studies let us collect really good and detail information because of the level of analysis. ——It allows comparing different solutions from different parts and moments, that solves similar problems ——That also helps people to have a deeper understanding of the competition. ——The case study allows us to see the process from the finding of a problem in the creation of a solution and the actual repercussions of the solution. ——Help explaining real-life environments, and situations, creating a more realistic view of the problem. It also allows the researchers to see the use of different methods and how does it work for similar problems.

Limitations ——Sometimes the case studies are created with manipulated information, they make the project look more successful than how it really was, or putting some insights that have no background. That could create wrong information for the study. ——Another disadvantage of the case study is that the information cannot be generalized just from one case, that is why it is recommended to analyze more than 1 case. ——It is hard to create and visualized the cause/effect of the case study if it is not well explained. ——It needs a huge amount of documents and information that need to be analyzed before the selection of a case study and after that, it also needs a lot of documentation to have a good case study.

Use of Methods

In order to answer, the research question is important to have a project plan that will help to give a structure and feasibility to the methods, the actions and the solutions for the next step (design the product/service). It is important to have in mind that the investigation will need to have contact with different kinds of people from different age woman to the providers of different products in order to understand the market and the users. That is why it is important to know what ethical issues can be faced during the project. It is also important to have a previous knowledge of the size the sample and the time it will take to being develop.

Ethical Issues First of all, it is important to mention that health education involves sexual education, social, and emotional education and in many cases that could represent a problem for different persons because of their culture, sex, or past experiences. Although it is recommended to have contact with the final user, it is hard to interact with teenage girls because this involves legal problems as it is a delicate subject and they are minors, that is




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why the methods that are going to be used in this investigation involve the least possible amount of people. Some delicate topics can come to light, especially in the service safari, but all the information will be private and just used for analysis purposes. The eras map also has the possibility to mention some delicate events for some people, especially women because it will be focused on the problem that teenage girls suffer in the past in relation to their health education.

Sample size The sample size depends on the different methods that are being used (eras map, and case study). One of the reasons that those methods were selected is that it is not necessary to interview or have contact with a lot of persons to gather rich information, even it could be just by analyzing information and not interviewing anyone. We are looking to gather quality information more than quantitative. The ideal sample is gathering information from both persons and other sources, the ideal size would be between 10 to 20 persons. It is not a

huge amount of people, but the triangulation of all the methods will help to get substantial information. For the Eras map method, it will be ideal to interview from 5 to 20 professional persons with different ages and professions, from students, doctors, psychologist and social activists that could help giving information and fill in what is missing but also understand how different backgrounds visualized the same events and then evaluate that information. On the other hand the case study can need from 2 to 5 persons. It will be divided into two parts, the first part is the analysis of different case studies and the analysis of them to learn which one fits better with our research question. The second part will be contacting someone involved in the case study that is being analyzed to get more information for a richer analysis, although as it is mentioned before, it is not necessary to do that unless there is not enough information out there.

Data Analysis For the data analysis, it is necessary to divide the process into 2 parts the first part is collect all the data from the methods and analyzed each method to gather the most important information. The second part consists on triangulated the data from the 3 different methods after that is important to divide the information and start developing the next step of the design process.




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With the eras map the information that will be captured will be how teenage girls get information about their health 50 years ago until now in Australia, that information will be divided into 4 different sections political, social, emotional and medical. That will create an understanding of the background and will give a more accurate perception of the reality. Now that we have a historical understanding the case study will help to see what is happening in the world right now. The data that will be analyzed are the procedures and the final solution they get to, the number of people they have affected and the perception of that product. Getting that will inform and analyzed it will help to understand more the teenage girls, and their desires, but also will also work as a market research.

Visualization Methods

This framework was designed to visualize the data in a simpler and more understandable way than just on a writing essay. The framework is formed by 4 different methods, the first 2 methods are the ones used for gathering the data and the other 2 methods are going to help visualized and analysed the data already collected. The 2 methods are the Research Wall mixed for the Eras map, and the AEIOU map for the case studies. Ones the information is analysed and visualized it will be easier to triangulated.

Type of data The research methods and the characteristics in which they are going to be applied seeks to get qualitative data. Every method will gather different information that will be compared between each other, it is important that most of the information gathered brings to light insights.Case study and the eras map are evidence based resources therefore the data will be based on past evidence and what will be important from those is the extra details that the investigation leaves.(Stickdorn M, Schneider J, 2011) (Martin B, Hanington B, 2018) (University of Utah, 2017)




34 | 35

Build Research Wall (BRW) 1970











How it works?

How will be used

Building Research Wall is a method that seeks to visualized the information categorizing the data and creating a logical connections that will lead to patterns in the research. Building Research Walls achieve that by using the biggest amount of means from photos to notes, screenshots or statistics and separating them in different sections. (Stickdorn M, et

Eras map explore diff and specific moments for more than just spe emotions or medical a tant to arrange the inf and understandable f search Wall helps to s correctly. This method method to be part of i a journey map they co

al. 2018)





36 | 37




fferent periods of time s on it but looking ecific occasions like advances is imporformation in a visual form. Building Resort the information d also allow other it and by adding omplement each


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other. The BRW is aimed to be divided in 4 sections and 12 different periods of time. The sections will be political, Social, Medical, and General life as teenager, the idea is to understand the context of the teenagers on those moments and what was happening. For each Section a journey map will be created to visualized that section during time. The moments will be mark every 5 years for the last 50 years starting on 1970.

AEIOU Map Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

Environment Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod


Health App

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

Interactions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod


How it works? The AEIOU method structure information in 5 segments, Activities, Environment, Interactions, Objects, and Users. The intention of this method is look to one case and dissects into the main aspects and then visualized by placing the case in the middle and the sections around it. (Martin B, Hanington B, 2018)




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

Environment Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod


38 | 39

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Environment Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod


How will be used ? The AEIOU map will help not only on the visualization of the Case Study but also on the analysis of it by dissecting it into different areas. There will be 3 case studies and each will have one AEIOU map that will created a visual structure of the information of each and the comparison will be easier. The intention of this map is to bring different aspects of the case studies and visualized all of them in the same level of importance.

Methods Framework

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RM Research Methods VM Visualization Methods




Case Study RM

40 | 41












Value Flow Map

Institutions Hospitals

Medi Expe

Dependant Universities


Government Economical Dependant


Family Planning Victoria

Victoria state and government education and trainin

Mutual exchange Amaze Australian Women Health Network



It matters

Competitors the

42 | 43

ustomers Partners

Young Adult

ical erts

Special communities

Health Direct

Better Health

Medical Center

Jean Hailes


teenagers Sexual education




Royal Australasian College of Physycian

National Health & medicla research Council


Jean Hailes Magazine (internal)



Created good and quality information (Experties) Accesibility Have investigation in different health areas or for diff kind of women Leader in women’s health Work with different institutions


Different kind of event

Jean H



Expand to other places Created new products for the different audiences they have Created their own Health and research university




44 | 45

Weaknesses It is not very well known Limitation on economical resources (fundings) Depends on the gov funds Brand


es, 2017)


Competitors Government funding can stop Other products easier to get



Easy to get and understand It is an app Design for teenagers , and young adults Help you to get an appointment with a doctor near you and reminds you




Created the app for other ages Increased their knowledge base Have more promotion




46 | 47

Weaknesses Not too much information Just for teenagers and young adults Can get the app worldwide Depend on fundings Lack of promotion

u App

n E, 2016)


Other apps that look more attractive although their information is not the best Funds can be taken away at any moment People do not use it because of all the tools it have and because it does not have enough information

STEEPLE Taboos (stigmas) Cultural background ( multicultural) Religions Traditions Media influence

Not enough funds for creating a new product Non for profit organization People do not believe is important to invest in sexed A lot of competition with low or no cost

Technology Env Social Economy There exist a lot of competence but in other fields Is competing with person to person interaction Is the new “professional” ( new teacher, doctor…) but it is not necessarily right Media is influencing on people’s thoughts




Overpopula Consumptio around the & sex

48 | 49

There a lot of restrictions around sexed Politics focus on the problem but not on how & where it beggin They want fast & visuable solutions

Cultural barriers Religion barriers People might feel offended because of their traditions




ation on of products menstrual cycle

Ethical A lot of restrictions around minors People abuse from the information Abuse of minors

Challenge Mapping

Impact g


Landscape Even though there is massive information nowadays it continues being a taboo topic. People usually only mention the basics and as less as possible. There is a lot of false information on internet.

Obstacles Taboo topic Multiculturality Religion Politics around minors and sexuality

History & future Stereotypes have been modified however they continue. There is openness just to specific topics. Doublemoral

Challenges learning The same culture close the door for sexual education There is a lack of communication that caused misunderstand with the information because of the taboo





Lack of communication the wrong information.


There is nothing focus positive communicatio Conflict of interest betw other.

Impact Opp

Created a general ope topics not just some).

Key Ins

The honest, fluent & co essential for sexual ed Created an alliance be the system.

gap Map

50 | 51

Solution Mapping



n open the access to .

ed obstacles

on creating a good & on as well as trust. ween one side and the


ening path ( all the


orrect information is ducation. etween the people &

Landscape There is awareness about the importance of sexual education. There exist many sources and is really easy to access information.

Models of change School programs web pages/apps with information Prepared medical services Museums (activities) Videos

Future scope & Scenarios Open discussion to all the topics Decreased STDs and unwanted pregnancies Common topic

Solution learning There are many teaching source. There is a lot of accessibility to information.

User Research Find

Personas Primary persona Journey Maps



Secondary persona Journey Maps

Secondary persona Journey Maps



Special POV


dary persona

l persona

52 | 53

Good Experien


Participate in a national co

Teenage girl

Share time with friends and

Seize every second of my life knowing that no moment will repeat.

Frustrations / Pains

Sophie Jones

Talk in public



Female Australian, South Yarra High School

Not been listen

Favorites : Hobbie



Design Listen to music

Pop Rock





Figure Skate




| Thai


She is doubt who s she fe re to g her bo topics

54 | 55


Bad Experiences


Mine or my family sickenesses,

d boyfriend

Not passing although I study hard

Goals/ Aims Have a success life

Motivations All the people I love

Do what I love the most


s insecure and has a lot of doubts but she only talk about those ts with her friends and her boyfriend. She is trying to understand she is and what she want to be as an adult but at the same time eels a lot of pressure from her parent, making her feel more insecugo and talk to them. She start her sexual life one year before with oyfriend and they do it a lot but she is ashamed of talk about other s that are related to sex with her boyfriend.



Friday Sex with bae

Go home


Go out of school & go eat

P Talk with bae

Plan with her friends night party

Social media


Classes of sexuality




3 4



Prepare for party

Go to school




Wake up & take breakfast

Go to sleep

Interaction that sexua

56 | 57

ney Map Saturday


Go home

Social media & prepareto sleep


Prepare for party Go to sleep

Go home Go to the cinema

Eat with bae

10 11



involved her ality



Eat with parent

12 1

10 11

Wake up with hangover & take breakfast

Important moments for her





Go to sleep Homework


Good Experien

Secondary Boyfriend

Go to spain and participate in school

Live the present

Frustrations / Pains

Bob Fishers 18

Go shopping

Male Australian, South Yarra High School

Favorites : Hobbie


Watch footie Sleep




Music Electronic




Food |



With pens feelin xual l topic

58 | 59


Bad Experiences

n a Mun for his

The divorce of my parent

Goals/ Aims


Have a family

My friends

Be successful

My girlfriend


the divorce of his parents he was shattered and he try to comsate those feelings with sex and parties. He never talk about his ngs but her girlfriend is always trying to help him. He start his selife one year ago and now he feels he know everything about that c.



Friday Go home

Sex with bae

Party Social media

Go out of school & go eat

Practice footie

Plan with friends where to get alcohol



Classes of sexuality







Prepare for party

Go to school


3 4

Go to sleep


Wake up, take breakfast & prepare for footie

Go hom talk to

Interaction that sexua

60 | 61

rney Map Saturday

Sunday Go cinema bae

Go home Party

Footie match

Prepare for party


Go home

Take her home

Go to sleep

9 10

me & bae



8 9


12 1

Wake up & prepare for footie

8 9



Eat with bae Go home

Wait for bae to be ready

t involved his ality


Important moments for him


9 10 11

Go to sleep Homework

Good Experien


Our daughter


Travel to Tailand, Cambody

Rise up, start fresh see the bright opportunity in each day “Focus on the good.�

Frustrations / Pains

Pamela & Steve

Clean the house

45 & 47 Female & Ma Australian, South Yarra Marketing & IT

Lack of communication with daughter Family fights

Favorites : Hobbie






Footie Golf

Watch Footie


Food Italian








The she bec say vitie

62 | 63


Bad Experiences Deal with teenage daughter bad actitud

Goals/ Aims Have a happy & health family

Motivations Our family

Economic stability


ey had been together for 20 years, they only had one daughter and e is her life although the last years had been difficult cause of her actitud, they try to take her to therapy but the doctor ys it is normal at that age. Now they feel more free to do couple acties so they live her alone sometimes.

Sophie’s parents



Go eat with daughter, try to talk with her

Go home Go eat toguether


Out of work



Wake up & prepare





Try to sleep wait for daughter get home

Go to their jobs


3 4


Have breakfas family



Wake up & prepare breakfast


Interaction wit

64 | 65

ney Map Saturday


Prepare for getting friends home

r Prepare to sleep

Go eat Go to the market

st in y


Have breakfast in family 10



Clean house

12 1



Friends go

Meeting with friends

th her daughter


10 11

Wake up & prepare breakfast Sleep after daughter get home

Important moments for them


8 9


Go home Sleep


Good Experien

Secondary Teacher

Travel to Asia and Europe Engament & wedding

When you learn, teach. When you get, give.

Frustrations / Pains

Teresa Taylor

Students don´t collaborate


Being far from her family

Female Australian, Southbank Master on education

Favorites : Hobbie







Watch Tv shows








Pop Rock






She ses h she w job. T scho reful alwa

66 | 67


Bad Experiences Grampas dead

Goals/ Aims


Be happy

My cat

Leave a positive footprint in the world

My job My family My husband


just get married 3 months ago, she is really happy but she misher family although she go there at least once a year. She knew wanted to be teacher since she was a kid and she loves her There are some topics hard to approach mostly because of the ool rules and the values of the parents so she has to be really cal when she touch topics like sex or genders, etc.. Although she is ays studying new ways of approaching those topics at school.

Good Experien

Special Teen Meltal Disability

Vacations with my family Play with my pet Be out with friends

What we achieve in inwardly will change outer reality.

Frustrations / Pains

Melinda Dorm

People judging me

18 Female Australian, Malvern High School

Favorites : Hobbie


Sing Go out with friends




Fish and Chips





Meli tion coup guy the r




68 | 69


Bad Experiences Going to the doctor Not being accepted from my classmates

Goals/ Aims


Be happy

My family

Leave a positive footprint in the world

My pet My friends


inda has had a difficult life but she always overcome any situawith a smile and positive thoughts. She is just learning about ples and sexual education on her special classes. She meet a there and she really like him but her family is not sure is that is right moment for her.

Point of View Statement




70 | 71

Sophie, a teenage student in Melbourne needs to have a better communication around sexual education and the social, emotional & psychological factors around it because she feels insecure, alone and unprepared for what she lives day by day.

Concept Deve Process

Analysis Eras Map


Analysis AEIOU Sapiensex Consexuados It Matters






1 Idea to 5



72 | 73

Analysis Eras Map

Protests against major problems with violence and sexual abuse of women

Equal opp amended sexual ha

(Andersen B, 2012)

(Victorian w

Concern about sexual rebellion in adolescents

First law against gende discrimination (National Museum Australia, 2018)

(May J, 2007)





Politics & women

Sexual health was not available (May J, 2007)

Social issues & women

Only men had sex education classes (May J, 2007)

Sexual health & women

Schools were single gender (British Pathé, 2014)

Education & women

Community participation was key to incorporating sexual education (Victorian women´s trust, 2018)

Was announced a curriculum services enquired by the health education program (Lesley F, 2014)




H&HR policy was prom (McLeod J, 1980)

Several schools were attacked by the ‘Conc Parents Association’ (Weaver H, 2007)

74 | 75

portunity act d to outlaw arassment

Law against sex discrimination was updated

women´s trust, 2018)

(National Museum Australia, 2018)

Abortion was decriminalized in Victoria


(Victorian women´s trust, 2018)





Protestants of the anti-abortion law, harass and film women in the maternity clinic (Victorian women´s trust, 2018)

Big problems with bullying and sexual taunts for political women. (Hanson S, 2018)

In 3 women experience violence in an intimate relationship (Stilinovic M, 2018)

1 in 5 experience sexual violence since 15 y/o (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2018)

Sexed focus mostly on the biological factors and on STDs (Victorian women´s trust, 2018)

Teachers spend aroun 5 hours a year with sexed (Helmer J, Senior K, Davidson B, Vodic A, 2015)

Teens are more concern about the social, emotional & psychological factors in sexed

moted (Helmer J, Senior K, Davidson B, Vodic A, 2015) Big issues with domestic familiar & sexual violence


(Helmer J, Senior K, Davidson B, Vodic A, 2015)

People see pregnant teens or with STDs as dirty and promiscuous (Mitchell L, 2011)

After the second world war, women in the whole world began to demand rights on equality and sexual liberation. Australia was not the exception since the 1950s women had been fighting for equality of rights but also on topics related to sexuality. The sexual education for women had created different opinions from extremist male opinions that do not allow women to go out to a bar by themselves to women that decide to confront them and fight for their own rights. So we could say that what takes us to how Australian teenagers act nowadays began 80 years ago with the beginning of the second world war, but it wasn’t until 70 years ago that the world starts to feel it. (May J, 2007) (National Museum Australia, 2018) (Women’s health, 2007) (British Pathé, 2014)

After the war, people were traumatized and their minds had changed in an unbelievable way teenagers began a revelation against the social structure and with that they began to be more sexually free. Women had already tried what work and having their own money and freedom means so they won't let that go without fighting for it. But there were also men that want everything as it was before, luckily that never happen. Those men will continue fighting and teaching their kids to fight for their “right” to be owners and kings of their families. That is the reason why before all those changes happen a lot of confrontations occurred, one of the most important was and still is the freedom and equality of sexuality. (Victorian women´s trust, 2018) (Lesley F, 2014) (ABC News, 2018) (Ting I, 2017)




76 | 77

Australia had tried to change those problems by creating laws against discrimination and by promoting a policy of health and human relations where they intended to talk about sexed and equality and in a way it works, because since 1974 sexed was implemented in most of the Victorian schools until all of them have them, but in a political way women continue being a minority and with that the way people look at them continue on the wrong path. (National Museum Australia, 2018) (Lesley F, 2014) In 2010 the safe school plan in Victoria was established improved the curricula for sexed and discrimination, nevertheless violence against women persist, so analyzing what has been taught as sexed, we discover that is based mostly on the sexual organs, diseases, and pregnancy, and the information given at schools have a lack of commitment from the part of the teachers since they do not spend around of 5 hours a year talking about sexual education. (Victorian women´s trust, 2018) (Helmer J, Senior K, Davidson B, Vodic A, 2015) (Mitchell L, 2011)

It is also important to mention that the teenagers are looking to know more about the lack of authority in their own bodies and how that should change, about emotions and the social factors more than the physical aspects like the body parts or the STDs. Since 2010 there had been a lot of campaigns focusing on violence and the acceptance of different identities.

As we could see from the analysis teenagers nowadays continue living a kind of repression from the men and even though they live in an open mind place where everybody respects everybody on the street, the situation indoors might change and they feel they do not have a safe place where to talk about it. The analysis gets me to focus on the social, emotional and psychological factors in relation to sexed. (National Museum Australia, 2018) (Stilinovic M, 2018) (Victorian women´s trust, 2018) (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2018) (Hanson S, 2018) (find on the index the photos of the eras map, and the digitalized eras map)




78 | 79

Analysis AEIOU Map


(Carmona R) (Sapiensex, 2016)




4 categories Interactive

3 cate


Schools Fun, attractive

Fam Open


Gives confidence

I O U Se



Personal & professional

Adults own q

Online interaction


Similar to Trivia






e V, 2018) (Guzman JP, 2018)

80 | 81

It Matters (Sanoff R, 2015) (It matters)


2 categories



miliar ning to dialogue

s & teens have their questions

sical game

tte and cards

Personal Answer personal questions Give privacy

Created a confort zone

Personal decision




nts (Adults)

Parents (Adults)

For the case studio / AEIOU method 3 different new form of teaching sex ed, the three were designed for teenagers and two of them are games, trying to achieve more empathy with them, the third one is an app that answers all the questions of the teenagers and it also allows them to ask anonymous questions to specialists. The three forms were specially designed to connect with the teenagers for improving their trust around sexed.

Sapiensex, Class game




82 | 83

Sapiensex is a program designed by a Spanish psychologist who understands that the current teaching methods are, the game is divided into 4 different parts, sexuality and love, sexuality and gender, the human body and finally health, with those topics Sapiensex is trying to incorporate all the topics that are most important for the teenagers, part of the activity includes two small questionnaires asking for the debts they have and the second one asking for their opinion of the game and if it helps them to improve on their trust. The game seeks to create an environment of trust and by doing it in the schools and on mix teams they get to make teenagers to be more honest and to open without having prejudices. By analysing the game I get to the conclusion that although it really helps teenager to be more open and have more confidence with themselves, it only works at the school and education needs to be part school and part house so even if they get perfect information at the school it is essential that they get to learn to communicate with their families in the same way. Although is really interesting that they apply games and playful activities to understand the topics and they always give the right answer, it will be interesting if they created something that helps with the communication with the families. Finally, the game is well designed with the fact that it gives pleasure and created a healthy competition between teams. (Carmona R) (Sapiensex, 2016) (Find the AEIOU map on the appendix)

Consexuados Consexuados is a board game design for playing between adults (parents) and teenagers unlikely to Sapiensex was designed to be played individually and more than activities the game is about solving questions and open conversations, it has 3 different sections, What we do? What we talk about? and What we know?. What we do, create hypothetical scenarios and ask the participants what they will do in that scenario. What we talk about make questions about what you think of some topics and how you were taught to think and question that, finally, what we know make questions about the real facts and the body. In this game there are right or wrong questions unlikely to Sapien-




84 | 85

sex, here the participants give point to the other participants depending on what is their answer. Consexuados seeks to open the discussion about sexed in the families in a playful way, although it doesn´t give the answers to the questions it allows everyone to give their opinion and talk about their experiences. The analyses reveal that with the difference of Sapiensex that allow teens to open in a space they know how to manage with Consexuados could get uncomfortable if the families are not open enough and although the game seeks the communication between the members the personalities are an important factor. Although it does attack an important gap in sexual education that is the communication between parents and kids, and it allows them to know each other in a deeper and more honest way. The game is really easy to play and it has the main questions a teenager might have nevertheless because is a physical game, it cannot be modified for adding new questions or scenarios that depend on the time we are living and on the new information or problems that might appear. As a final analysis for Consexuados, it is a great form to open conversations, although teenagers might reject it if they do not have a good communication with their families. It allows people to give their opinions and thoughts without judgment. Although it is a game, it does not have a structure that provokes fun and pleasure as a game should. (Find the AEIOU map on the appendix) (Araque V, 2018) (Guzman JP, 2018)

It matters The difference with “It matters” and Consexuados, Sapiensex, is that “it matters” is an app that its only purpose is to inform and make teenagers more comfortable with their sexuality, but it was also developed for adults helping them clarify the doubts of their children. It matters only have two topics the STDs and the sexual and reproductive system, although they give you the opportunity to make personalized and anonymous questions to experts as well as find nearby clinics. The good part of It matter is that it is an app so it is easy to improve,




86 | 87

but also everyone can have within their grasp, and they can solve the questions in the instant they have it that is an important difference with the other two as they depend on the person to play with them and also to be with more persons and this app allow the person to solve their doubts in privacy making them feel safer to make questions. Another important aspect of It matters is that it is mainly based on the physical aspects, although they do talk in an inclusive way, trying to involve the LGBT community. It matters team realized that all the information in relation to sexed is explained for heterosexual activities, making the LGBT community feel rejected, so they do not accept or understand the consequences of their acts, at the end a guy will not get pregnant with another guy. So It matters tried to explain all the doubts in a way every person can relate to. The analysis of “It matters�, it makes us realize that it is a great tool due to a teenager use in average 9 hours a day their phone, and having an app can solve their doubts in the same second they have it, although it is just a question solver, so it does not make the teenagers think and evaluate their experience and it only talks about the physical part of the body, meanwhile the teenagers have more concerns about the social, emotional and psychological aspects that involve their sexuality. (Find the AEIOU map on the appendix) (Sanoff R, 2015) (It matters)

Triangulation between methods

It is important to triangulate the information gathered from the eras map and the AEIOU in order to understand the modern teenage Australian girls, their needs as well as the aspect that had been working on other parts of the world and how we can implement that in order to improve their lives by giving them what they really need and want instead of what other older generations thought they might need. The triangulation will generate a requirement list that will be the structure of the developed design. As we could see with the Eras map the most important aspect for teenage girls nowadays is to feel strong and with the capability to manage their own lives, they like to know more about the psychological, emotional and social factors. One of the reasons is that domestic violence continues, but now they are aware of the problem, although they do not know how to manage it. On the other hand, there are some new products/services that are trying to implement those social concerns to their structure, helping teens feel safer a great example is Consexuados as it allows everyone to give their opinion, but also it asks for specific scenarios that make people be more aware of what they should do and it




88 | 89

also created a safe and open space to argue about their concerns. But Consexuados only work when the family has an open mind, otherwise, it will not be used, unfortunately, many of the families with problems do not have an open mind so the problem continues. There are two other options where a person can get the information from, at school and from the internet (on this case from an app) but as we see on the eras map professors do not spend enough time talking about sexed and most of the topics they talk about are related to the physical aspect, a good option to solve that is Sapiensex as we could analyze from the AEIOU Sapiensex is a game that involved other teenagers making them feel more comfortable in the end and it is at school so every kid will have the tools, they also involved the experience of the teenagers as well as different activities that might gain their attention. But there are many times that doubts come and Sapiensex do not allow teenagers to have that information with them all the time, although it does make them learn and have it in their minds.

The third option that can solve the problem of not having the information everywhere they go is an app, that is the more simple and obvious solution like “It Matters� nevertheless an app will bring back all the problems that the other two solutions solved like the interaction with others or the emotional, social and psychological aspects (since the best way to interpret the feelings or thoughts of others is through personal contact). So while, an app can solve the problems of updating the data and having access 24/7 it actually developed more problems.




90 | 91


It needs to focus principally on the emotional, social & psychological aspects of sexuality Needs to create self-confidence

Needs to involve family, friends, and other authorities & give them equal importance

Fun, entert attractiv and to se




92 | 93

Need to be easy to get and easy to update

taining and ve (to do ee)

Use and understand by both genders

Needs to get inclusive information (LGBT, disabled people‌)

Brainstorme Workshops for parents & teens (do different outdoor activities, that get to have a more open conversation)

Interactive craft courses for teenagers where they do different activities to play and learn about sexuality

Interactive sex exhibition (museum)

A board game similar to Monopoly, but for learning sexed

An app with rewards if you know the answer




94 | 95

Special nightclubs for teenagers with publicity (or special events)

Shortcuts at the cinema

Space to hang out and talk about the topic (special spa)

Underwear that provides the information in a fun and visually attractive way.

Indoor activity, similar to, "Find the clue and scape" but inside the male and female body

2 Ideas to 5 School play day exhibition, interactive exhibition take to the school, the exhibition has different activities for play and learn like roulette, dice, put the tail on the donkey‌

Play & win rally (secre seums, kids have to m ve all the answers of a by looking for the hide inside the museum, th a price

Indoor activity, similar to, "Find the clue and scape" but inside the male and female body




96 | 97

et exhibition) in mumake teams and sola booklet they have e solutions that are he winning team get

Interactive sex exhibition (museum)

Pop-up exhibition in malls where you can go and try different things with your 5 senses to answer questions made by teenagers and experiences of different persons.

Art contest for an exhibition in a museum, the teens have to create something artistic (drawing, photo, music, collage,...) to answer a doubt they have around sexed, their object will be sent to an exhibition in a museum and it will participate in a contest (the winners will have their project in the museum for 6 months and will have an economic reward.)

A personalized sexual exhibition, before entering the exhibition the persons will need to select the doubts they have from a board, then put their age. The exhibition will change depending on what questions you select in order to answer your doubts, at the end of the exhibition you can add more questions to the exhibition and experts will answer them and add them to the exhibition.

The chosen so & rationale



Parts of the design

Why it will wo

Prototypes How it works?






98 | 99


The solution that was selected was based on the findings, taking in consideration that what is important to teenagers is to have fun while learning (doesn´t matter their age) and that they are more concerned about the psychological factors more than the physical ones. The chosen design is an activity similar to the treasure hunter activity, but placed in museums with a sexed thematic, where, the teenagers have to create mixed teams and fill a paper with different answers that they will find hidden in different parts of the museum. The first team to answer all the questions gets a prize chosen by the school. The questions are the most common questions made by teenagers and most of




100 | 101

the answers are meant to be an analysis of the question more than a straight answer, they will be solved by different games, activities or riddles. The name of the activity is “Sex the X mark the spot� making reference to the doubts that teens have about sexed with the X and marking the spot is a playful reference to answering those questions but also in making a reference to the activity itself. The colour palette was selected were chosen health colours, but also young and attractive ones.

Parts The design is divided into 4 parts the first part is the museum plan where the teachers and museum employees will know what question or activity is and where they are, the student will also have a museum plan but that one will only show them the areas where the activities could be. Ground Floor

Grollo Equiset Garden

Great Hall


NGV Shop


St Kilda Road

The second part is a booklet that every teen will have where they need to write all the questions and the answers, the booklet is divided into 4 parts, my body, my mind, my sexuality and my feelings each section has 6 questions with a total of 24 questions, it also includes the museum plan.

nlyidty MyMsyexbmuoaid 270 13



8 15



14 19 9


17 10 6



Se 23 the 18 5 s k r a e m11 th 2 pot 1S 2 16 2 4

102 | 103

The third part is the questions and the answers, those are taken from interviewing different teenagers and the most common questions are used for the activity, at the end of the activity the teenagers can add new questions to the database and if a question asks a lot it will be added to the activity.

? Finally the activities are the four parts of the design, there are 3 kinds of activities, the first one is funny questions that will help to understand the world and with that to answer the primary question, the second activity is challenging games between 2 teams and the last one asked to make things from acting to draw or sing.


y t d i y l n d i a o u m b x e y s MyM 270 13

8 15





14 9 1 9


17 10 6



Se 23 the 18 5 s k r a e 1 h m1 t 2 pot 1S 16 22 4

104 | 105

My feelings My sexuality My mind My body





106 | 107

How it works?

Beginning X

Se the marksthe Spot


o r

The “Sex the X mark the spot� team will contact the different museum and schools to work all together, Sex the X will provide the materials and the questions, the museums will put the places their time, and the schools will provide the teenagers. After the 3 parts get to an agreement and the activities get placed in the museum, the teachers are going to make mixed teams of 4 to 5 people and get the teenagers to the museum, once all the teams are done and the teenagers are in the museum a member of the Sex the X will give each person a booklet and will explain the instructions and rules. Now is time to start the activity the teams have to look at the designated areas for the different questions, solve them and go to the next one, the questions will be




108 | 109



Grollo Equiset Garden

Great Hall

NGV Shop

Foyer Waterwall

St Kilda Road

c divided into 4 sections, making the teenagers go to 4 different spaces in the museum. Once all the questions had been answered the teenagers need to go back to the entrance and deliver the cards to the staff, the person will check that all the questions are answered and they will give back the cards to the teenagers, the first team to answer all the questions will get a prize that the school chooses. In the end, all the students will go back to the school and will fill a small questionnaire about how they feel the activity, what they like, what they don’t if it was helpful and what questions will they add to the activity, Sex the X will get those questionnaires for making improvements. In addition, schools can have a class about what they learn and how it helps them, to reinforce what they learn on activity.



No Feasible

Is easy to get the questions and the answers

It could be expensive to develop the objects

Is easy to update and modify

It needs the cooperation of schools and museums Ideas for activities need to be more develop

Materials are easy to get

Easy to recreated Easy to do




110 | 111

As it is shown on the graphic there are more reasons that make the project feasible than reasons of not being feasible, although it is really important to work with the infeasible reasons and change them, one of the most important ones is the development of all the activities taking in consideration that every question is different is important to analyze them one by one and design an activity for each, even if the activities are really similar all the answers are different therefore the activities will need to change and adapt. The other important reason is that is important to have the support of the museums and of the schools so the activities need to follow the values and ideas of both and that is a challenge just by itself, but if the activities, questions, and answers are based on the right source of information and can help the teenagers it should not be any problem connecting with their values and ideologies. The last reason is the fact that developing each activity could be expensive, although working with different organizations and brands that sponsor the developer could be a solution and a benefit to more people.

Why it will work?

——Is follow the requirements that the design methodology throw. ——It is feasible ——Questions are made by the same teenagers ——Attractive & fun ——Help to open dialogues ——Improve communication between teenagers and teachers but also it give them confidence to talk with their parents




112 | 113

Strategic Communicati

How, Where & When? Poster





114 | 115

How, Where, When?

It will be promoted by the 3 institutions (schools, museums, and Sex the X) it will have posters at the museums and at the schools, Sex the X and the museums will also promote through social media. It will be promoted 1 month before the event happens and it will last for 2 months where different schools will bring their students to the museum. The material for making the activities will be available at the museum in case someone wants to participate with its family and friends. The activity will be placed twice a year, each time it will be in different museums and some of the activities or questions will change each time, with the comments of the past participants.




116 | 117

Compete the 5 May 2019 at 10 am on the NGV

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Appendix Eras Map




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Methods link.-





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Methods photos




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Product comprobation

Sexual habits?? In animals‌


Female dildo?

Female dildo?



Anal Sex?



Anal Sex?



134 | 135 Carlos Sergio MĂŠndez 19 years old Me: If in your high school they had taken you to a museum to make a rally (like treasure hunting) but where the questions are the ones you give me last week specially in relation to sexuality & the way of solving it is with mini games, activities, & trivias, Do you think 16 to 18 years old teenagers would accept to do it, or they would like it? Carlos: Yees, it all depends on how is it plan Me: How? Me: They are mix teams Carlos: OK Carlos: There is a reward, how are the bases? Me: Yes, there is a reward although I do not know what it is, the bases are hidden & there are 2 kind of bases, one with games like do X or act, and other team has to guess, the second will be questions like, guess what animals used dildo, bla bla bla ( I mean funny questions but that they might help to solve personal doubts) Carlos: The answer of the dildo is Dolphins, monkeys and I do not remember what others Carlos: HA HA HA HA Carlos: Yes I like it Me: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha effectively little boy Carlos: It is cool Me: Good he he he I am going to use your opinion as a validation for my project Carlos: HA HA HA HA it is good




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