InJoy Magazine, October 2018

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InJoy Magazine A Collaboritave platform for art, encouragement and loving life in the bay October 2018


InJoy Magazine, October 2018




art, encouragement & loving life in the bay

Enjoy magazine is a digital publication distributed monthly. We feature articles, short stories, poetry, reviews and all around encouragement from local authors. ...

We aim to grow into the largest local publication for women in the region. All content submitted by local authors. A new theme featured each month: November: Confidence December: Don't Stress!!

Janurary: Self-Trust

Visit our website for submission information and deadlines.

Layout of this page was designed by Keeley Farkas 3

Inside this Issue 8.....Romantic Relationships 12.....Marriage Relationships 16.....Parent-Child Relationships 20.....Relationships with Co-Workers 24.....Relationship with Yourself 30.....With the World, Relationship

InJoy Magazine, October 2018


About our Cover Arthur and I met through mutual friends when I was in high school. In 2011, we reconnected through messages on Facebook. We instantly had a strong bond and have been together ever since. Our engagement happened on December 15, 2017 at the home we share with our daughter, Madison. My best friend was there to catch the whole proposal on video. Our wedding day is Saturday, October 13, 2018 at Martin’s West in Baltimore, Maryland.

Congratulations Cortney and Arthur

Photographs were taken by Tiffany Bohannon. Tiffany owns Luner Photography in Howard County. You can find her at: and 5

Healthy Relationships

I am by no means a relationship expert. Even the certified, licensed, self-proclaimed or opinionated ‘experts’ couldn’t possibly be all-knowing in a word so vastly meaning as ‘relationship’. For the purpose of our monthly theme, we are going to do something different this month and break down our generalized theme into specific sections. InJoy magazine is a collaborative publication. Which means, we are not a blog. We are not showcasing one person’s view-point and opinions. What we’re doing is gathering multiple thoughts and opinions together in monthly themes. It’s about the culture and lives of women in our community, sharing advice tips and stories with each other. In addition to our regular submissions, we have included some excerpts from books, movies, world-leaders and music. These are meant to enhance, encourage and support you’re very own thoughts. Since our magazine is primarily digital, if you’re reading the interactive parts, don’t be afraid to jot down some thoughts on a notebook, sticky-note, envelope, the back of a receipt. Because we want you to take something from this. InJoy!! -Crystal

InJoy Magazine, October 2018


Who is important to me 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14.


c i t n a om


InJoy Magazine, October 2018


Love is...



he turned first one way, then the other, looking at herself in the bureau mirror. That’s about as good as I can do, she thought. And then, pleased, said half out loud, “It’s pretty good, though.” Robert Kincaid was working on his second beer and repacking the cameras when she came into the kitchen He looked up at her. “Jesus,” he said softly. All of the feelings, all of the searching and reflecting, a lifetime of feeling and searching and reflecting, came together at that moment. And he fell in love with Francesca Johnson, farmer’s wife, of Madison County, Iowa, long ago from Naples. “I mean”-his voice was a little shaky, a little rough-“if you don’t mind my boldness, you look stunning. Make-‘em-run-around-the-block-howling-in-agony stunning. I’m serious. You’re big-time elegant, Francesca, in the purest sense of that word.” His admiration was genuine, she could tell. She reveled in it, bathed in it, let it swirl over her and into the pores of her skin like soft oil from the hands of some deity somewhere who had deserted her years ago and had now returned. And, in the catch of that moment, she fell in love with Robert Kincaid, photographer-writer, from Bellingham, Washington, who drove an old pickup truck named Harry

-The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller, 1992

Trust, respect and adirmation equal love. -Trust (A Movie) 1990

“I am someone who is looking for love. ... Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-livewithout-each-other love.” Sex in the City, Season 6 2004

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” -Pride and Prejudiced, written by Jane Austen 1813



t it’s peak, the “in love” experience is euphoric. We are emotionally obsessed with each other. We go to sleep thinking of one another. When we rise that person is the first thought on our minds. We long to be together. Spending time together is like playing in the anteroom of heaven. When we hold hands, it seems as if our blood flows together. We could kiss forever if we didn’t have to go to school or work. Embracing stimulates dreams of marriage and ecstasy. The person who is “in love” has the illusion that his beloved is perfect. His mother can see the flaws, but he can’t. His mother says, “Darling, have you considered she has been under psychiatric care for five years?” But he replies, “Oh, Mother, give me a break. She’s been out for three months now.” His friends also can see the flaws but are not likely to tell him unless he asks, and chances are he won’t because in his mind she is perfect and what others think doesn’t matter. Our dreams before marriage are of marital bliss: “We are going to make each other supremely happy. Other couples may argue and fight, but not us. We love each other.” Of course, we are not totally naïve. We know intellectually that we will eventually have differences. But we are certain that we will discuss those differences openly, one of us will always be willing to make concessions, and we will reach agreement. It’s hard to believe anything else when you are in love. We have been led to believe that if we are really in love, it will last forever. We will always have the wonderful feelings that we have at this moment. Nothing could ever come between us. Nothing will ever overcome our love for each other. We are enamored and caught up in the beauty and charm of the other’s personality. Our love is the most wonderful thing we have ever experienced. We observe that some married couples seem to have lost that feeling, but it will never happen to us. “Maybe they did not have the real thing,” we reason. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, 1992

InJoy Magazine, October 2018


The story of our romance...

And if you are still waiting for your love...what is your wish?


e g a i r r a



“Can’t make special. Special happens. My perception of love hasn’t changed in 20 years….just learned all the different ways love makes our lives better.” Mark Rodgers, after celebrating his 20yr anniversary.

InJoy Magazine, October 2018



ne of the most difficult challenges in our loving relationships is handling differences and disagreements. Often when couples disagree their discussions can turn into arguments and then without much warning into battles. Suddenly they stop talking in a loving manner and automatically begin hurting each other: blaming, complaining, accusing, demanding, resenting and doubt Men and women arguing in this way hurt not only their feelings but also their relationship. Just as communication is the most important element in a relationship, arguments can be the most destructive element, because the closer we are to

someone, the easier it is to bruise or be bruised. For all practical purposes I strongly recommend that couples not argue. When two people are not sexually involved it is a lot easier to remain detached and objective while arguing or debating. But when couples argue who are emotionally involved and especially sexually involved, they easily take things too personally. As a basic guideline: never argue. Instead discuss the pros and cons of something. Negotiate for what you want but don’t argue. It is possible to be honest, open and even express negative feelings without arguing or fighting. Some couples fight all the time and gradually their love dies. On the other extreme, some couples suppress their honest feelings in order to avoid conflict and not argue. As a result of suppressing their true feelings they lose touch with their loving feelings as well. One couple is having a war while the other is having a cold war. It is best for a couple to find a balance between these two extremes. By remembering we are from different planets and thus developing good communication skills, it is possible to avoid arguments without suppressing negative feelings and conflicting ideas and desires.

Men Are From Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray, PH. D, 1992

The life-support system of marriage is fun, not suffering. Mama’s going to seduce you into using your good times as a compass to navigate the hills and valleys of your married life. This is a world that excludes compromise and includes all that you desire. Why? Because you have no idea how good marriage can get. And I want to shake you awake to your potential in partnership.

Don’t think you deserve it?

Mama Gena’s Marriage Manual: Stop Being a Good Wife, Start Being a Sister Goddess by

Regena Thomashauer, 2004 13

Diverse Marriages


very single person you encounter has a unique story. Unique in the minor details, but the theme of love and marriage is prevalent in every single culture and society that has ever existed on this planet. Seriously, you could argue some ancient culture who had a different way of living, but since reproduction is a requirement of a society, (college freshman human development class speaking here), there you go! That just goes to show that within our diverse world, each of us have a unique story about love, marriage and relationships. When I was a teenager, I was convinced my first relationship was about as good as it could get. When I was in my early 20’s, I was convinced that love was all about compatibility and getting along well. In my 30’s I had realized that the idea of love was so much broader than I first thought. Now that I’m in my later 30’s …I am convinced I had no idea what I was talking about in any of those instances. Honestly, I am no more an expert at love and relationships than the beautiful successfully married-for-50-years grandmother. I could seriously back up every idea with some off the shelf literature. Here is my point: we all have an opinion and can give great advice to our sisters because we’ve been through some crap in life, without a doubt. It’s our very own sharable experiences and viewpoints that makes us unique and special. You don’t have to be ‘right’ or even a little bit sane here…just be yourself, with the genuine intent of encouragement and helpfulness. Withhold your judgement and just LOVE.

InJoy Magazine, October 2018

Love your spouse first. Love your children. Love your community. Love your life. Because this is the life you were meant to live.


When did you know you loved your husband?

Why did you agree to get married?

After reading these exerpts, what kind of emotions are you feeling towards your spouse?

What are


best qulities?

How can your story help others?

Name three things you can do for your husband to show him that you love him.


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To Women: You and I, being women, we have this tremendous thing in us, understanding love. I see that so beautifully in our people, in our poor women, who day after day, meet suffering, accept suffering for the sake of their children. I have seen mothers going without so many things, even resorting to begging, so that the children may have what they need.

Mother Teresa from the book, The Joy in Loving, compiled by Jaya Chalika and Edward Le Joly (1996) Published by Penguin group.

InJoy Magazine, October 2018



m not even sure I’m doing s good job. But my most important thing is to let him know I love him everyday. He may or may not care now, but when he looks back at this time, he will KNOW that I love him something fierce. He will know that I tried to be up with him every morning for school, not because he needed me to be up, but because I wanted to say 3 things, “Good morning.,” “I love you,” and “Have a great day!”

Everyday before he left for school.

My other thing is that I try to show him that I am a real person. I have real flaws and I don’t know everything. I think when I was young, I thought my parents had it all figured out. I thought they never made mistakes. I didn’t think of them as actual people, they were just my parents. That meant I couldn’t hurt their feelings; they didn’t have any. That meant they were perfect and I needed to live up to that perfection. So, when I wasn’t perfect, I hid it from them, I lied to them and I pretended to be who they wanted instead of letting them help me with my worries and flaws.

What special things to do you to make sure your child knows you love them?

So now, I try to show my son, he can be his imperfect self around me because I too am imperfect.


There. Re-read your answers. That is why you are a good parent. Now, give yourself a hug.



ome people worry that the findings of attachment research indicate that our early years create our destiny. In fact, the research shows that relationships with parents can change and as they do, the child’s attachment changes. This means that it’s never too late to create positive change in a child’s life. Studies also demonstrate that a nurturing relationship with someone rather than with a parent in which the child feels understood and safe provides an important sources of resilience, a seed in the child’s mind that can be developed later on as the child grows. Relationships with relatives, teachers, childcare providers, and counselors can provide an important source of connection for the growing child. These relationships don’t replace a secure attachment with a primary caregiver, but they are a source of strength for the child’s developing mind.

Parenting fron the Inside Out:

How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J Siegel, MD and Mary Hartzell, M.Ed. 2003

“It is never too late”

Nurturing your relationship with a child InJoy Magazine, October 2018



What do these words mean to me?









“As you care less about what people think of you, you will care more about what others think of themselves.” Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

InJoy Magazine, October 2018



hat does it take to be a great leader….or even a good one? None of us, no matter the experience level, could have all the answers to such a vast question as this. We can only pull and then relay from our own experiences and vision of what is important…which means we’re all different because we’re all human. Surprise! However, since I’ve been afforded some writing real-estate, I’m going to push my own agenda on leadership. Maybe we should stop internalizing the idea of ‘being a great leader’ (inward focus of self) and instead consider the growth in what’s outside yourself. Think about those in positions below you, your supervisors above you, peers next to you, then think about your organization as a whole. Are all of these areas growing in a positive direction? Is it stagnant? Or are they in a period of destruction? This part you can and should internalize simply to consider, what are YOU doing to ensure the growth in others? Is your organization performing at its optimum level? If not, then where exactly is your focus? If you’re focused on ‘becoming a great leader’ or even making it to that next position, or if you’ve ever worried about the person next to you getting more than you think they deserve, then you are looking in the wrong direction. Instead, our thoughts should be directed outward toward, ‘How can I ensure Joe Snuffy or Mr Whats-his’sname’s absolute success!’ Don’t let it escape your mind that even if you’re at the bottom of your inner-office ranks, you still have a huge part to play. Our motivations to achieve success should not be based on moving up into the next position…it should be based on helping those around us to succeed. Take some time for some honest self-reflection and step outside yourself. This is what will make you a great leader.

Consider the growth in what’s outside yourself

Written by A-not-so-great-leader



very single employee is someone’s son or someone’s daughter. Parents work to offer their children a good life and a good education and to teach them the lessons that will help them grow up to be happy, confident and able to use all the talents they were blessed with. Those parents then hand their children over to a company with the hope the leaders of that company will exercise the same love and care as they have. “It is we, the companies, who are now responsible for these precious lives,” says Chapman, as he balls his hands into fists with the conviction of a devoted preacher. This is what it means to be a leader. This is what it means to build a strong company. Being a leader is like being a parent, and the company is like a new family to join. One that will care for us like we are their own…in sickness and in health. And if we are successful, our people will take on our company’s name as a sign of the family to which they are loyal. Those who work at Barry-Wehmiller talk of their ‘love’ for the company and each other. They proudly wear the logo or the company’s name as if it were their own name. They will defend the company and their colleagues like they were their own flesh and blood. And in the case of nearly every one of these kinds of organizations, the people use the company’s name as a very symbol of their own identity.

“It is we, the companies who are now responsible for these precious lives”

Leaders Eat Last” Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sine InJoy Magazine, October 2018






Yourself Yesterday - A poem Yesterday I wanted to run run, drive, whatever far far away. I wanted to escape the hand of God that was touching me deeply. I wanted to run far far away. But then I realized that's what I always do and really where has that brought me? Where has the constant far road taken me but far far away? Have I ever reached that place of peace? No. What would happen if I stayed and stayed? If I didn't run but stayed? What would happen if this time I was brave and stood my ground? Shaky knees oh God. I don't know how to stand - only run far far away. InJoy Magazine, October 2018

Wait! Shaky knees equals fear. I do not fear Oh God. Your ways are good, Your paths for me rightness. Your paths lead to peace, like a quiet stream on a beautiful breezy day where there is no chaos. Peace. Oh God I want to be a girl who lives lives and dwells in that peaceful place with no fear. I am not afraid. No, I am not afraid to stand. I stand before you God my God Your precious little girl I am. Older now, but Your own little girl. I stand in your strength and might. I am not alone and I am not afraid to stand. Duchess ME


The relationship with myself: Things I would tell my 20 something self. A

relationship with yourself is a bit of a slant on the relationship talk, because it’s not something that most people think of when they think of relationships. It’s also different from self-care. Self-care speaks to things like taking yourself on a date, or getting a pedicure, or getting the rest you need and things like that. But the relationship you have with yourself will actually spread and infiltrate all the other relationships in your life, because let’s face it… you have to live with you no matter where you go or what you do in your life, and so does everyone else. At 56, there are things that I would have liked to tell my 20 something self that are so key to having a relationship with yourself, and are things I didn’t know I needed to know. You are an odd duck! Here’s some truth for you… there is no one who is like you before or will ever be again, and it is perfectly okay, alright and just peachy that you are not the cookie cutter copy of other people. You were created to be just who you are and part of the relationship with yourself is to embrace that. Your personality fits you. There are different kinds of personality types, and combinations of those. Your personality type has both strengths and weaknesses, but they are perfectly suited to you and for your purpose here on this earth. Embrace that too. You are no dummy! I have an awesome sister who just happens to be a wiz at anything mathematical and scientific. I mean she can just look at a random set of numbers and immediately grasp what they mean, even when she was young. In fact, my whole family is mathematical and scientific. But me… well, let’s just say that I never successfully finished Algebra in high school. They kept sending me back and back again because I would get so lost. I had teachers even compare me to my year younger brother, and I have to say that if you didn’t do math or science you were a dummy in school

back in the 70’s. That was the mindset which in turn caused me to think I was really stupid for many many years. School and adult years. You know what I liked? I liked the stories of great explorers, and I loved to read the old languages of ancient literature, and to discover other parts of the world. I loved that! I didn’t grasp that I was just as smart although in a different way and in different subjects than my awesome sister. The point here is that I would tell my younger self… you are no dummy! Even if you can’t do or don’t have the gift some of the rocket science people have. Each and every person has those things that make them the best at what it is they have in their DNA. Not a dummy or an idiot or stupid just because math is not your thing… throw that stinkin’ thinkin’ right out the window right now. Strengthen your strengths: Speaking of your thing. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses and trying to better at things you have no gift for, strengthen your strengths. I once heard Joyce Meyer, author and speaker, teach on this. She was saying that speaking is her thing. Even while her voice does not belong to someone you would think is a great speaker. This God given ability is like a 10 for her now if you were to rate it. But there are other things that she is just not gifted in, like sewing. She tried and she just didn’t get it, didn’t like it, and was no good at it. She had always heard that you should strengthen your weaknesses, but then she realized that if she didn’t nurture the gifts that may be currently at say a 6, and instead focused on the weaknesses down on level 2 or 3, then she would be a well-rounded 5, but have no strengths reach the highest level. The key is to strengthen your strengths and surround yourself with people who are strong where you are weaker. “Either poop or get off the pot”: A famous quote from my mother and it’s not about bathroom habits. Sometimes, making a decision after ooooooodles 25 of bad ones or well-intentioned bad

ones can cause a person to dawdle. Carefully consider the choices, weigh the pros and cons, then go for it. Don’t be so afraid to make a bad decision that you make no decision at all. Do not panic! Alright now, one thing I have always been able to embrace, thank you God, is the hope factor. I have always had and continue to have hope that things will somehow work out. God is on the job and He’s working on it. In the meanwhile though, while I’m working thru whatever the issue happens to be and while I am hanging onto hope for dear life, it is a good thing to just not panic. Breathe deep, be still. A moment does not a life make. Don’t MTF: Oh and this is a favorite one for me. MTF equals move too fast. Me, who used to not only panic, and hyperventilate while doing it, but I also made wild decisions while trying to solve whatever crises or fire had popped up in that moment. As a natural fixer type personality, it is best to just follow the above advice and not panic. But also not to make snap decisions based on the emotion an issue is causing today. I continue to tell myself to not make any none nada decisions based on the reactions of a moment. To just chill out and make a decision once the fires have cooled. And if a decision is needed right away then refer to my mom’s best quote about the pot. Adventure or running?: One thing for sure to ask yourself is, are you running from something or is this really for adventures sake? Running has a desperate feel to it, and so before you move across the country just ask yourself what is the root of this before you go. “Just be yourself”: For years whenever I heard that statement, it was like uggggg. Especially after what seems a lifetime of being a people pleaser and you tell yourself, “I would be myself if only I knew what that was”. You in all its created glory is still there. It may be like the onion you have to peel back layer by layer to find, but your real self is in there I promise. Speaking of onions, don’t you think that is a smelly analogy? I have long thought that if you are referring to something that needs to be peeled back to find the beauty of the inside it should be a rose. Something beautiful and fragrant. Don’t be a people pleaser: the end. InJoy Magazine, October 2018

Dreams change and that’s okay: I would tell my 20 something self that dreams and desires change as life goes along and that’s okay. There are new discoveries and new wonderful facets of life that come along and so new dreams or perhaps more mature dreams come. Just don’t ever quit dreaming, and reaching for the stars, and looking forward to new and wonderful things that may come along. Life is good. Embrace that. Lastly, note to self: You are loved. I would for sure make it a point to let myself know that I am loved. I am loved by a big merciful good and kind hearted God. Loved by my family. Loved by the people around me. You have value and you are loved. Don’t have to earn it, don’t have to work for it. Don’t have to change yourself to get it. You are loved. Just like you are. Unique and all. Odd duck and all. Personality and all. Character, strengths, weaknesses… all that you are is loved. Rest in that. Duchess ME


“Message to my friends: Hey girl you are beautiful. You don’t need to photoshop your photos to look younger or skinnier or tanner or… Those imperfections you see in the mirror the rest of us don’t see. You are perfect in the eyes of those who love and care about you. Are you older than when we first met, sure but your beauty has enhanced not faded. Be you because you is who we love.” From my friend, Gabrielle Ringmacher, used by permission

What would I say to my younger self?


To be Awake How easily we get caught up in defining who we are in relation to those around us. I remember walking home from school in the fourth grade, when I noticed Roy, a classmate I didn’t really like, walking at the same pace as me on the other side of the street. Until I noticed Roy, I was lost in the joy of walking home, free of school, not yet enmeshed in the anger that waited inside my house. But once seeing Roy, I began, without a word, to walk faster, to try to outwalk him. He, of course, sensed this immediately and picked up his gait. As he strode ahead of me, I felt lacking and so stepped up my gait. Before I knew it, we were both racing to the corner, and I felt that if I didn’t get there first, I would be a terrible failure. I have lived enough in this world to know by now that this is how our ambitions often evolve. We first find ourselves alone in the joy of what we’re doing. But somehow, there are suddenly others along the way, and we lapse in the breathless race of comparison, and then we are hopelessly running to avoid being termed a failure. InJoy Magazine, October 2018

There is always purpose in being, but not always being in purpose. From here, we often latch onto the nearest goal as a purpose; if we can’t find one nearby, we are thought to be adrift. But our lasting sense of purpose is in our breathing, in our being. As the humanitarian Carol Hegedus reminds us, “Our purpose is that which we most passionately are when we pay attention to our deepest selves.” So underneath all our worries about careers and jobs and retirements, our purpose really comes down to living fully, to being alight with who we are beneath all the names and titles we are given to aspire to.

The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo


• Sit quietly and meditate on the things that have come to define you. • Feel what you do with your days and say, “I am more than my job.” • Feel where you sleep your nights and say, “I am more than where I live.” • Feel who you love and say, “I am more than my relationships.” • Feel all you have suffered and say, “I am more than my history.” • Feel your very name and say, “I am more than my name.” • Feel your breath enter and leave your heart and say, “I am the flame of life living in this body.”


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InJoy Magazine, October 2018


“I think the world today is upside down. Everybody seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater development and greater riches and so on. There is much suffering because there is so very little love in homes and in family life. We have no time for our children, we have no time for each other; there is no time to enjoy each other. In the home begins the disruption of the peace of the world”

“How do we love? Not in big things but in small things with great love. There is so much love in us all. We must not be afraid to show our love.”

Mother Teresa from the book, The Joy in Loving, compiled by Jaya Chalika and Edward Le Joly (1996) Published by Penguin group.

Nurture the world beyond you 1)

Volunteer at a local food bank


Weed your closet and give to charity


Help deliver meals on wheels


Help build someone a house with Habitat for Humanity


Find a charity or organization you can embrace and get involved in

6) __________________________ 7) __________________________ 8) __________________________

Take a few moments to list some ways you can nurture the relationship with your world. 1)

Smile at a cashier today


Tip higher than normal


Buy someone’s coffee, or the whole office


Mow grandma’s grass


Take a friend for a cup of tea

6) __________________________ 7) __________________________ 8) __________________________ 31

Local volunteer opportunities worth considering: Blue Ribbon Project: Supporting victims of child abuse and youth in foster care. This is a 100 percent volunteer organization with many opportunities to serve. They also have an excellent back pack program so that kids placed in emergency foster care have necessary school supplies, change of clothing, and personal hygiene items. You can find out more information on their website Samaritans Purse: Among the many global outreaches of Samaritans Purse, one of which is the Operation Christmas Child aka the shoebox gifts, Samaritans Purse is also one of the major disaster relief aid charities. Currently, after the hurricane that hit North Carolina, they are accepting volunteer help for clean up in the affected areas. You can get more information here Meals on Wheels: Another popular and established volunteer opportunity to take hot meals to homebound seniors. Walk the Walk Foundation: This is a local foundation that gives out diapers for babies, backpacks for children and Christmas for children as well. From what I understand, you can volunteer individually and/or with a group of your co-workers or friends. You can find out more on their website Food Pantries: Many local churches have food pantries that may offer volunteer opportunities, and at the very least you could familiarize yourself so you can refer someone in need. This is always good information to have at your disposal. The Anne Arundel Food Bank information Habitat for Humanity: Excellent volunteer opportunity even if you don’t have building skills. Painting is always needed you know. But if you do have building skills, this is an excellent way to help your community, and a friend told me that you can make lifelong friends here.

InJoy Magazine, October 2018


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