Houses and Charity
House System The House system is an important part of school life. Each of the girls belong to one of three Houses – Arundel, Balmoral or Caernarvon. There are a number of competitions across the year in which the girls compete against each other while representing their House. These are hotly contested and vary each term, but recent battles have included a selection of sporting competitions, as well as our joint Prep annual singing competition. Every year usually culminates in our Sports Day and 2020 was no exception, except that this year, we held a House Spirit Day which was completed virtually and included artistic and musical elements. Each House is led by a teacher and two House Captains. The Year 6 girls are given the opportunity to put themselves forward as the most eligible candidates to lead their House to victory. Voting takes place each September and the elected captains are responsible for leading their House for the rest of the year. Throughout each term, all the girls in the School are keen to receive House points that go towards the weekly totals.