InnerSelf NSW-QLD Issue 14 / 2008

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Spirituality X Health & Wellbeing X Wholistic Lifestyle Awakening Body, Mind & Spirit '

Your local guide to body, mind, spirit news & events in NSW/QLD





Buckwheat the King of the Grains, Living in Meditation, Unveiling 1 Reality, Woman to theBody, Feminine NSW & QLD Returning InnerSelf Awakening Mind, Spirit and more






















FLOWING CHI by Simon Blow




YOGA IN THE WORKPLACE by Swami Prema Ananda











MODERN DAY GODDESSES by Samantha Richardson


A PIVOTAL POINT by Marie-Elise Allen




























Richard Bach once wrote: “The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about those once in a while and watch your answers change.” The western mind is so overwhelmed by material pursuits that for many, this sort of questioning has taken a back seat. But if we stop and take a breath, beneath all the activity that keeps us asleep there’s an undercurrent that pulls each of us inwards, towards the unspoken ever-changing deepening in our hearts. If we take a few moments to consider Bach’s eternal questions we may surprise ourselves with the conclusions we reach … Here’s one set of answers, what are yours? 1. Where were you born? We were never born … from the beginningless beginning to the endless end we always were, always are and always will be. 2. Where is your home? Home is always here. Right where we are our heart is an open door into the eternal vastness that is our own true nature. Our home is always right where we stand. 3. Where are you going? Ah … the joys of travelling the inner path take us ever on into the Heart of God. In truth we go nowhere because we always encompass all and everything. The “going” is simply a deepening and awakening into the infinite expanse that reaches into the boundless ocean of Love and Mercy – God Itself. 4. What are we doing? In truth the “doer” is beyond the “me” that we all believe ourselves to be. The doing is done by the Divine through this form, witnessing the action of creation manifesting as “my life”, as this

life. The “doing” is always simply happening. We are Its instrument and the closer we come into alignment with the reality that always is, the simpler and clearer our life becomes. The doer is in fact one with the doing. Paraphrasing Nisagardatta Maharaj: “When the witness and the witness become one and you go beyond it, you’ve reached the supreme state.” Those of us who continue to ask the questions that fire the heart are kept awake by the pulsations of life that flood us constantly … yet for so many, this flow is so easily overlooked. This way of living is always available to those who know the keen call of Soul … to those who feel the impulse to come back in, and honour the yearning for the touch that continually awakens us to the gift that this life truly is. For those awake to the currents that flow through and sustain all life, each day is a silent celebration. Rumi draws a line in the sand ... either we join in the celebration or we rermain asleep. Those who don’t feel this Love Pulling them like a river, Those who don’t drink dawn Like a cup of spring water Or take in sunset like a supper, Let them sleep. This Love is beyond the study of theology, That old trickery and hypocrisy. If you want to improve your mind that way, Sleep on. I’ve given up on my brain. I’ve torn the cloth to shreds And thrown it away. If you’re not completely naked, Wrap your beautiful robe of words around you, And sleep.

Make the most of each moment, Leo and Enza

InnerSelf, the wholistic publication awakening Body, Mind & Spirit now with 195,000* readers in SA, NSW & QLD Spirituality X Health & Wellbeing X Wholistic Lifestyle Awakening Body, Mind & Spirit '

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Last Word NEALE DONALD WALSCH the King of the Grains, Living in Meditation, Unveiling PLUS Buckwheat Reality, Woman Returning to the Feminine and more NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit


ISSUE 14 (NSW/QLD Edition)

November-January 2008/09

SA EDITION (issue 21): 25,000 copies (CAB audited) of InnerSelf are distributed quarterly at over 800 outlets around Adelaide. NSW EDITION (issue 14): 30,000 copies (CAB audited) of InnerSelf are distributed quarterly at over 600 outlets around Sydney. QLD EDITION (issue14): 10,000 copies (CAB audited) of InnerSelf are distributed quarterly at over 300 outlets around Brisbane. DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS: health food

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InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.


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The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2007 ABN 90 478 549 757

This issue of InnerSelfNSW is &also online asAwakening an e-paper at 2 QLD InnerSelf Body, Mind, Spirit

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Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit



the little green fruit Having been in the company of seekers for over twenty years, I am keenly aware of some recurring ‘loops’ in the mind that appear to create the greatest blocks to natural being. And the biggest one of all is ego! I don’t mean the fundamental nature of ego and why we experience it, but the enormous judgment and resistance that we hold towards it. Seekers have been told that the true nature of Self is bliss and unlimited consciousness and, therefore, that anything else is false. Consequently, seekers are addicted to the quest for this thing called bliss and of becoming this limitless consciousness. Yet how can the green unripe fruit taste the same as the sweet red fruit? Trying to make the fruit ripen before its time is futile, but it’s actually possible to be completely at peace while

being the green fruit! The seeker sometimes sees the ego as the offender in this earnest quest for the sweet fruit. We feel angry at the ego, thwarted and cursed by it as if it is something that is not natural, that it should be killed, and that if it doesn’t die our life will be unrewarding and a failure. As a consequence of this, the view of life can indeed be very sour. We perceive our self as being bound by the ego. If instead we can look at it as another spectrum in the play of consciousness, we can begin to accept this complex thing called ego. We may even begin to make peace with it and discover how much we can learn from its dynamics. We may even realize that the stage of our journey as limited awareness is not actually wrong – it is simply a stage.

What we are is consciousness: a vast, infinite, field of conscious being. This vastness of our being is manifesting as an endless spectrum. And, just in our world alone, we see this consciousness manifesting from the lowest of low to the highest of high in vibrational states. The lower the vibration, the more contained – the higher the vibration, the more expansive. When contained, the state of perception is limited, driven by fear – when expansive the state of consciousness is more awakened and ultimately attains a unified state, experiencing the One Self as all. Each appears as a stage or a state in the evolution of consciousness. Consciousness is the ‘all potential’ (that which is the infinite source of all possible creations) that is simply manifesting itself through these various concentrations of vibration. In order to manifest a given form of creation the all-expanded field concentrates itself into a given point of expression – it becomes a focal point. As this focal point the ‘all Self’ experiences its nature as a little point of self. Here, as this little point of self the vibration is very reduced, as if divorced from the greater whole. It experiences itself as an individual, no longer as the all. The view of this individual is so narrow and confined that the greater state is one of unconsciousness – there is a lack of awareness of its true whole Self – there is a temporary forgetting. Along with this temporary forgetting is the perception of life as duality –

as this and that, inside and outside. The view from the inside is very small and of a low vibration. It is simply unripe. This corresponds with limited perceptions, limited visions and limited feelings. It is this state of narrow consciousness that gives rise to fear and feelings of separation. These core perceptions result in the ‘egoic’ behaviour of all beings. However, even while there is a concentration of consciousness into a confined vibration it still remains the play of the infinite. By its very nature it begins to expand again as it interacts with its very self in every moment. This expansion gives rise to greater understanding from within the small self, which ultimately expands and ripens into the realization of its whole Self, being the all. This is the journey that we all take, and it is a journey of wonder and beauty. The pinnacle of realizing that the Father and the Son are one is the fulcrum in this play of consciousness. And all of this is simply the play of consciousness. That which is infinite and eternal will continually give rise to every possible expression. The concentrating of consciousness into a given point is simply the pathway it takes to be the manifest experience. When we understand this we can truly relax and find peace with our self, with our stage in life as the play of ego. We can understand that WE are the creator of this play. We are the infinite being seeking

to fulfill every given possible experience…from the tree to the seed to the tree. As the seed we may perceive our self to be separate from the tree, yet as we expand and grow, becoming the fruit, we eventually bear the seeds and realize that we are that very One Self – the tree that birthed the seeds and the seed that grew to become the tree. Along the way we may complain when we are the hard, green, sour fruit – only because we compare our self to the sweet ripe fruit on the neighbouring tree. And because we have forgotten that we too are that tree. We have forgotten that we are the one who is playfully, freely creating the experience to be the sour green fruit, to be the seed, to be the flower, to be every stage in the play of consciousness. When we realize this we can relax and enjoy the adventure of exactly where we are. We no longer see our ‘limited’ experience as some sort of punishment. We no longer believe that we have failed or have done something wrong. Our false judgments for the ego dissolve and life is no longer seen as a fight but as an adventure to be had: exactly where we are in each moment. Imagine the joy and sense of freedom that could fill people’s hearts if they were free of this judgment! With this deeper understanding humanity could find greater acceptance for each other and true tolerance and compassion would begin to grow. What if we decided to really BE



is the motto of The T heosophical Society Society,, founded in 1875 The Sydney Branch, Blavatsky Lodge has, since its inception offered Members and Visitors a wide range of activities, such as Guest Lectures, Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Tai-Chi. The Ad ar Adyyar Lending Libr Librar aryy , Level 3 of Theosophy House, has a unique collection of over 13,000 books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, audio and video tapes, covering topics such as theosophy, religion, mysticism, yoga, health and healing. There is a large reference section. Browsing, reading, playing videos & dvds is free, low lending rates.Non-Members of the Society are welcome to join the Library. Ph: 02-9267 8607, Medita tion, our programme includes sessions most lunchtimes and early Meditation, evenings. Please see our website for more information. The Ad Adyyar Bookshop in 230 Clarence St, near Town Hall, is owned and managed by The Society. Established in 1922, it is one of Sydney’s oldest bookshops, carrying the largest range of authentic metaphysical literature, music & gifts.. The word Theosophy originates from the Greek “Theos” and “Sophia”, meaning “Divine Wisdom”, and can be seen as a worldview that gives meaning to life and as a way of service that leads to peace and understanding.

THE 3 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY 1 - To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. 2 - To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3 - To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society Levels 2 & 3, Theosophy House, 484 Kent St, near crn. Bathurst St. Website bsite: Email Email:


NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

the experience of being the green sour fruit? What if we decided to be so present that we wouldn’t miss one little moment of what it is like to be contained in a little space of consciousness? We would see each moment and every stage as beautiful, as a wonderful adventure. We would see our self as perfect wherever we are in the play of consciousness. We would simply be the play. Isira is a being of Divine Love, who lives and radiates Awakened Presence. She is here to raise the level of consciousness globally and enable all people to live in conscious Presence and impact the earth and humanity positively. As one of the modern world’s spiritual masters Isira has been teaching meditation and inspiring self-realisation for over 20 years. She is a global peace ambassador whose work is inter-faith, inter-cultural and interspirit. Her inspiring teachings unify science, religion and cultural differences. Her core teaching, The Presence, is a living meditation - it enables us to experience and access the power of true presence within. Isira delivers teachings regularly in Australia and overseas and has published her well celebrated autobiography – “A Journey of Awakening”. For more information visit or phone 02 9975 2247


Unveiling Reality

Light & Sound with PHIL MORIMITSU

Living the Awakened life A practical spirituality for today As a young child, my initial ideas of God weren’t very positive. I remember whenever I felt the need to be holy or just wanted to scare myself, I’d go into our living room and pull out a drawer in an old wooden cabinet. There, I believed, was where God hid, right in that drawer, waiting to come out and do terrifying holy things whenever anyone opened it - a kind of Pandora’s Box in book form. The old Bible was huge, like an ancient leathercovered phone book. It smelled like the seats in a bus, and I could barely lift it. I wasn’t able to read yet, so all I could do was look at the greenish engravings that were sporadically placed throughout. God was easy to spot - He was the old, naked, grumpy guy flying around with all the angry flying babies threatening everyone. If someone did that in Chicago where I grew up, they’d throw you in the slammer. I concluded that if you were God, you could do what you wanted. About the same time period I was talking with my mother in the kitchen. “Where’s my soul?” I asked her. “Uh, err, it’s in your heart,” she stammered. “Oh. So which one goes to heaven when you die?” “Umm, they both do.” It sounded like mom didn’t know, so I didn’t press the issue, so in my child’s mind, I pieced together what happened when you died: your heart, a valentine-like thing, stuck itself together with your sole (at four years, old, I thought mom was talking about the beige shoe liners she wore to ease her corns), and together, these two things floated up to heaven to spend eternity with an old geezer in a perpetually bad mood. It didn’t sound worth going to heaven for. And so for a long time, I had a subconscious aversion to God. But also in my early years, I had a number of fascinating experiences - stuff I couldn’t explain. I remember this one time when I was about four years old, I was

lying in bed trying to sleep. I had my eyes closed and face buried in my pillow. In this dark, inner world, I could see thousands of tiny lights moving into the darkness. I could change the colours, and even the directions they moved. This one time, I made them red. Finally, I decided to ask my mom what they were. “Mom, what are those red lights moving around?” There was a brief silence as she struggled to wake up and make sense of my question. “Those are tail lights from the cars on the street,” she said, sleepily. She obviously thought I’d been staring out the window to the street. “Oh,” I said, and went back to bed. Around that same time, something odd happened when I was sick with a fever. After sleeping most of the day, a strange, high-pitched buzzing sound woke me up. I stumbled out of bed to try to find the source. I thought it was coming from the bathroom, which was near my bedroom. I climbed up on the sink to get a better listen. “What are you doing up there?” my mother asked incredulously as she passed by. “This light bulb is buzzing.” My mother cocked her head in confusion with a look of, what are you talking about? “There’s no sound coming from there.” I shrugged, climbed down from the sink and went back to bed. I could still hear the buzzing sound. I’d heard that most of my life, but no one seemed to know what it was. Fast-forward to the present: it took many years and hard experiences to erase my distorted ideas of God and spirituality, and I still catch myself having strange ideas about what God might or might not be. But in the meantime, I’ve learned what those funny lights and high-pitched sounds are - and they have a direct correlation on the worlds of spirit. Almost everyone I talk to also experiences the lights

and hears sounds. At first when I ask, they look at me blankly, but when I describe them, they usually, say, “Oh, those lights and funny sounds. Yeah, I’ve heard and seen them all my life too. What are they?” In the meantime, I’ve had the good fortune to learn from some spiritually awakened individuals. They’ve taught me that those funny lights and sounds come from none other than God, the Creator Itself. When I first learned about this, I thought it must be some kind of mistake; sounds and lights a young child heard and saw, and even played around with. I’d always thought becoming spiritually awakened entailed serious, arduous disciplines that took years of ascetic behavior to attain, but it turns out, the key living an awakened life is something so subtle, so simple, a young child can grasp it. In the next two articles, I’ll share what I’ve learned about how those funny lights and sounds can totally transform your life. Phil Morimitsu is the author of two books that have gained him popularity with spiritual seekers around the globe: In the Company of ECK Masters and The Seeker. An American artist and writer, Morimitsu has traveled worldwide giving talks about his books and about Eckankar. Currently, he lives and works in Hong Kong.

Phil Morimitsu will be presenting Catching the Wave of Awakening a full day workshop in Adelaide in June 2009. For details and bookings phone Leo on (08) 8396 6752

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

We humans have such an awesome capacity... we have a full spectrum of consciousness. Through the vehicles of the mind, body, emotion, will and intuition, we can experience endlessly expansive or endlessly intricate dimensions of inward and outward movement of being. Within that, as we can later come to know, we have the capacity to share in profound depths of oneness with the universe. And what we also have is power - the ultimate kind of power, the greatest power in the entire universe: We have the power to choose to be anything we prefer, real or illusory, unlike the rest of existence which can only be itself. As beings, we recognize what moves us and what we love most within those rich and diverse experiences of humanness. We clearly know the flow of goodness beneath the sensory wrappings, and we love it. It is the human heart - consciousness, finding itself in love with the Truth from which it originates, the Truth that touches it and nourishes it in so many different ways within. Those formless touches of being, which come wrapped in sensory experience, quieten and gentle our hearts and nourish us purely. They are beautiful and they are true. But instead of residing in that same true way of being, allowing those touches to move through us as easily as they moved into us, we find their beauty for ourselves. We identify with the vehicles of form through which those touches of being came, and we begin to create an identity. We isolate what brings us joy and peace, and we begin to desire that... begin to require that. We as consciousness actually have the capacity to hold onto those experiences, claim personal ownership of them, grasp anything we find pleasing and force away whatever is not. We have the power to abandon a complete and true way of being, for an inherently deficient path of self-gratification. And that is the beginning of our own distortion as consciousness. The more space we give for an illusory identity of want and need, the less room there will be for what is real. Soon, we cannot even identify what reality is. And then we begin to seek... This mistaken “identity of being” will lead us to falsely searching for a seemingly elusive reality: the Truth that we know exists, but somehow can no longer find. It is we as consciousness, erroneously identifying ourselves as the vehicles of expression, instead of recognizing and surrendering to the reality of pure consciousness, love, Truth itself, which expresses itself through them. In that self-oriented way of being, everything we touch and everything we do, becomes tainted. If what we are living for is to take the nourishment and beauty of Truth or love for the satisfaction of the senses - to feel good, to be at peace, to have something we can claim as our own - then we find ourselves continuously seeking and never truly finding. We have become a consciousness residing in a way of insistent desire, instead of in a true way of being, like the Truth itself that we have tasted and now hunger to regain. It is so easy for everyone to just simply rest as consciousness in that same true way of being. All it requires is untainted surrender to what you honestly know is true, and all it will cost is your personal wants and needs. All it will cost is just your personal dream... your illusion. Then, as you continue to let in Truth to the point where it has replaced everything in you that is untrue, then you come into true form. You come to know your real self, and you come to realize and live the reality you were in when you were very, very young. You begin to grow as a real human being, a beloved servant of Truth, instead of as a human “wannabe,” a slave of your own illusion. Truth is so easy, it is so consummately nourishing and complete. It is everything we have always been looking for, and yet it has always been here, right here within our own hearts, within us as consciousness. Truth is consciousness, but our own distortions conceal it. Truth has always been so close, so accessible - it only waits for our open door. And the greatest power we have as human beings is choice. We can choose to create our own gates of illusion and create everything they will enclose, or we can open the door and simply let reality in - just let its purity and profound goodness completely consume us. It is all up to us.

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

But the moment we open that door - even just a crack; if we let ourselves be honest inside, then what we will find, is totally irresistible... Excerpted from “Unveiling Reality” © Oasis Edmonton Publishing 2000 by John de Ruiter, who will be in Australia for public seminars , 23-26 January 09. For details visit


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LIVING IN MEDITATION Therapy or Monkey Mind? Many people have asked me whether Rebirthing Breathwork is something that can help with their meditation practice. My answer is always the same... Rebirthing Breathwork was given to enable us to achieve effortless meditation. It does this by helping us make the transition to living in our hearts, as opposed to living in our heads, which results in the ‘Monkey mind’ which we try to stop in meditation. Disciples of God and enlightenment have been using one form of Rebirthing Breathwork (RBW) or another for aeons. RBW is THE shortcut to meditation. In the therapy we know as RBW, we go past our psychological defences and permanently release various levels of trauma ( trapped emotional energy and negative patterns of thinking, from gross trauma such as abuse to subtle trauma such as not getting our emotional needs met and deciding we weren’t worthy), which is the root of all of our automatic thought processes. Through RBW we permanently release the unconscious root of the automatic thinking, that we try to interrupt the surface symptoms of, in our meditation practice. It is like a weed. You can cut the surface off, but within time, since the roots are left, the weed comes back.

So too, in meditation. We use our willpower to control or let go of our thoughts. We may have success for time periods, but the root behind the monkey mind style thinking is left, so the thoughts come back shortly. The ‘ever present now’ is lost again. Any body can have a bit of peace if they lock themselves in a room and close their eyes, but unless the roots of your inner chaos are removed, all it takes is for you to leave the room and interact with your parents, partner, boss, life in general, and bang – the inner chaos is back. RBW enables the permanent removal of this inner chaos and you get to live in the peace & stillness permanently. The mechanism can be explained on many levels. The main one I will focus on here is the phenomena of awakening the Kundalini energy. The awakening of the Kundalini energy can be likened to the awakening of the silent areas of the brain. We roughly use only 3 10% (to be generous) of our brain. Awakening the Kundalini energy results in the equivalent of awakening the silent areas of not just the brain, but also our spiritual, bliss body & mind. The feelings that come with the awakening of the spiritual, bliss body & mind are experiences of stillness, ecstacy/ bliss, universal

love, the splendourous highs of communion with God, connection with everyone, joy, etc . The Kundalini energy is the highest evolutionary mechanism available to human beings. It is what we experience enlightened states through, and at the end of the road it is that through which we become established in the enlightened state permanently. All traditions of attainment and spiritual discipline have as their end goal the awakening of the Kundalini energy. Literally, no matter what system you will use, it is designed by God to get you closer to him/her, it just may not be stated as such. So whether it is meditating, chanting, praying to Jesus, Devotion to your Guru, Tantra, Fasting & physical cleansing, Mantra, Chakra dance, Hatha Yoga or Pranayama... All of these practices raise the Kundalini energy to various degrees. The more the Kundalini energy is raised the more the Shakti energy, which is God Him/Herself, will flow through you. The more Shakti goes through your system, the more this high vibration energy will push out of your system all that is opposite - the low vibration energy of old & stale emotions such as fear, shame, anger, grief, and negative illusionary beliefs such as I am not loveable/not worthy/ not

THE SIRIUS CONNECTION Pathways to Enlightenment Hello, my name is Keith Haswell and it is my pleasure to invite you to visit my new website (established late June 2008). I’m a professional astrologer with 20,000 clients worldwide and a qualified hypnotherapist. I have 34 years experience researching the spiritual side of life. You may be reading the InnerSelf Newspaper because you’ve experienced some type of crisis in your life or because there is a hunger inside yourself to create your reality in a more successful way. Your life is very important to you and i may be able to help you turn things around. I want to pass on the knowledge I have gained from my 34 years of research and share with you things that you may not learn elsewhere. The material available through my website can be the start of a whole new life for you as it has been for others. What is it that I can share with you that will make such a difference? I’ve provided a 6 minute introduction on my website that you can listen to that answers that question. It will take time but your life is worth it.

There are things that you do not know, the knowing of which will change everything You can start your journey by taking the following steps:

• Visit my website and read the testimonials to see how my teachings have changed the lives of others. • Listen to the 6 minute free audio message. • Visit the ‘Free Gift’ page where you can register and download a free 30 minute CD that represents a synopsis of my teachings. It’s backed with relaxing music and takes you into meditation. There are extracts out of the audio version of my book “Coming Home - The Eternal Journey”. Once you have heard this Free 30 Minute CD you then have the option to continue the journey with me by downloading the 12 CD’s that are the audio version of my book and my teachings. Many meditations are included. My website address is 6

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

good enough/ I am seperate. Two critical thresholds are reached in this cleansing. When 25% of your emotional dross is burnt up, your heart is open enough to let God’s love, through the form of the Masters, do most of the cleansing, and a semblance of peace is attained along with temporary experiences of enlightened states. When 50% is burnt up, you attain liberated consciousness, enlightenment proper, where you are permanently established in the enlightened state. That’s right, even enlightened masters have baggage to work through. All of these disciplines will gradually cleanse you and will gradually help you achieve en-

lightened states. The truth also is that just like with anything else in life, there is the slow, ineffective and outdated way and then there is the relatively quick, effective and cutting edge way . I started serious meditation at the age of 14 daily. By the time I was 19/20 for periods, I would meditate up to 3 hours a day. As a result I awoke my Kundalini energy by the age of 20/21 enough to experience the first stages of becoming conscious on the subtle planes as my physical body slept, and started my process of merging with the one Self. With this came the most extreme periods of emotional catharsis as my system was cleansed of old emotional

dross and illusion. We are talking years of daily grief release, anger and fear processing, emotions which I never even suspected were in me. With this passage also came the RBW. The main thing I learnt from the awakening was that what 1 hour of daily meditation for a month gives the average meditator, as far as raising the Kundalini energy and cleansing the system, approximately 1 cathartic style, RBW sessions will do the same. This is not to discredit meditation, on the contrary, I meditate everyday still, but combining the cleansing from RBW with meditation is always going to be the Royal Path for me. They are the King & Queen of Enlightenment. The Queen be-

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ADVANCED LIFE TRANSFORMATION INTENSIVE The Relationship with Yourself 7 day residential Are you getting to your wits end trying different approaches & seeking answers to why you just cannot seem to ‘shift’ and change the things you have been stuck with? Are you looking for something that will give real & tangible results and not just the usual ‘feel better’, ‘improve relationships’, ‘succeed & live abundantly ‘ after a weekend type promises? Are you getting bored of hearing the same philosophies, that feel and sound like they are the repeated text of the ‘same old, same old’ books out there, and which do nothing to deepen your meditation & spiritual experience? Then this may be for you... Experiential process work is what 90% of this 7 day residential intensive consists of. Experiential process work is what transforms lives, not seminar based information sessions. This is a programme for individuals and couples who are serious about arriving at a new place in the relationship they have with themselves. The relationship with yourself, the real primary relationship we all have, forms the foundation of all of your relationships. Whether it is the relationship you have to your own self value/ worth, your relationship to your inner peace, whether it is the relationship you have with your family, workplace colleagues or your romantic partner. It is even the basis for the relationship you have with your life purpose and money. If you transform this primary relationship, the rest will follow. The themes for the experiential work of this 7 day programme include: • SELF WORTH/ SELF LOVE – The foundation of the Relationship with yourself • CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS – Living in your power & heart with everyone • PERSONAL POWER, COMMUNICATION & BOUNDARIES – Conscious Relating in Action • DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES – How the ages we were wounded the most at result in our personalities & defences and how this wounding can be reversed. • SPIRITUAL PURIFICATIONS & DEEP CLEANSING – What cleansing your Chakras & Energy channels really looks & feels like. Spiritual purifications as taught by Babaji. Includes Home Breathwork, to keep yourself clear at home & help deepen meditation. The foundation work for these themes includes advanced forms or rebirthing breathwork such as water rebirthing & bioenergetics breathwork and process work designed by Jaan Jerabek who has been meditating since the age of 14 and facilitating programmes since age 20. Jaan has facilitated 100’s of residentials and group programmes and has taken 1000’s of people through the rebirthing process over the last 15 years.

DATES: 2nd to 9th December 2008 LOCATION: PORT MACQUARIE To register call (02) 9985 7278 or more information:

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

AWAKENING ing the feminine principle of surrendering into your emotions that RBW is. Whilst the King being the male principle of focus and penetration, the concentration that meditation proper involves. Both are needed to attain the final & supreme integration. Jaan Jerabek has been facilitating Spiritual & Personal development programmes since age 20. Presently, age 34, he spends most of his time in private practice & training Breathwork & Counselling practitioners. Jaan Jerabek can be contacted on (02) 9985 7278 or more info about his work can be found at

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. Confucius

SELF COMPASSION The master struggle of personal transformation is the confrontation between awareness or consciousness itself (the Self) and the ego. Transformation occurs when awareness is no longer trapped in the games of the ego and takes its place as the unconditional and loving presence that makes no judgement and takes no position. One of the greatest qualities to acquire along this path is an understanding of self compassion. Readings of Buddhists texts are full of references to the compassionate self, compassion for all sentient beings and compassion to alleviate suffering. Much to my amazement I recently came across some western scientific research on the very same thing. I never cease to be amazed by the fact that thousands of years of reflective philosophy accumulated in Buddhism still manages only now to surface in the psychology of the west. Self compassion according to western research is the ability to extend to the self unconditional and non-judgemental acceptance especially when suffering or in pain. There is no judgement of good or bad just acceptance of that which is observed in the self. Researchers have been very clear on the difference between self compassion and self esteem – a distinction I feel is fundamental to the transformative process. Self esteem is considered an ego enhancing and conditional regard for the self - it is judging the self as good (high self esteem) or bad (low self esteem). When self esteem is low the idea is to engage in self talk to make your self feel better about your self. Whichever way you look at it, changing self esteem is about manipulating conditional regard. Self esteem is about the ego making itself feel good about itself. Self esteem is considered to be difficult to change permanently. Many things can be done to make one self feel better in the short term but in the long term this trait is diffi-


cult to shift. Self compassion on the other hand is the act of accepting without judgement or condition whatever positive or negative thoughts are going through the mind. Self compassion, more so than self esteem, has been shown to be positively correlated with good health, self acceptance, and acceptance of others, learning, initiative, lowered fear of failure and a decreased tendency to avoid negative or painful thoughts. The essence therefore of self compassion is to be able to defuse awareness from the thinking about self, whether it is good or bad. No harm will come from positive thinking about the self but remember it is conditional and it too will need to be surrendered as the journey through the ego continues. The researchers have found that self compassion is based on three key qualities. The first is self acceptance versus self criticism, where there is the capacity to observe self criticism but not indulge it or follow it through with further self attack. That which is observed is accepted (“at this moment I observe that my mind is being self critical”) but instead of criticism what is extended to the self is compassion. The second quality is the understanding that what you feel is a common part of the human condition versus I am the only one experiencing suffering. The suffering that is of the mind is the same suffering that affects all humankind and has done so for thousands of years. It is the human struggle of the mind. The struggle with thought and that which thought produces. The “I” of that struggle is the “we” of shared humanity. The specific content may differ from person to person but that which holds, perceives and organises the content is not different, it is the shared experience of humanity. The final quality is being mindful of the self criticism or emotion rather than over-identifying with it and acting it out. Having the ability to observe that which is playing out in the mind and at the same time being mindful enough to defuse from it, but also not to suppress it nor act it out is a quality of self compassion. What self compassion does is to help reduce the amount of noise in the ego by (1) observing the critical self or ego in action and therefore creating space in your awareness around it and (2)reducing the criticism of self criticism. Therefore awareness is free to see things as they are not as they appear through the window of self criticism. What self compassion also does is allow you to see that the suffering experienced is shared by all humanity, we are not different in this regard, we all suffer we all have our demons that we wrestle with. Understanding our own suffering therefore also helps us understand the suffering of all humankind. The other interesting point raised by the researchers is that self esteem building can often lead you to overlook underlying patterns that drive low self esteem. Self com-

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Caring for the whole is our healing

passion because of its reliance on mindful awareness will more readily identify these underlying patterns as it allows them to emerge with sufficient awareness. Allowing these patterns to emerge adds another level to what compassion is extended to. The more that is in awareness, the more that compassion is extended to, the more likely we are able to free ourselves from these patterns to lead a rich and fulfilling life. The next time you feel self critical, self blaming, self damning or self hatred try observing the workings of the inner voice, don’t over identify with it nor suppress it - just allow it to be, accept that it is occurring and extend compassion to your self, understand that what you suffer is suffered by all of humanity – it is the working of the mind, and understand that you do not need to ‘act out’ the suffering. Then in the quiet space of the observer turn awareness to the manner in which you choose to respond and it may be that you both experience the suffering and at the same time act from love and acceptance. John Wood PhD is a psychologist and author with over 25 years experience in the area of personal change and growth. He conducts seminars, talks and has recently released ‘Truth: A Journal for Personal Transformation’. For more information go to or email John at

What would happen if we recognised our outer world as a direct reflection of our inner world? What would this say about us? As within, so without. What does our world say about our inner realm of being? There is no doubt that the spiritual perspective has brought us to a place where we are more aware of the truth than ever before. We understand that the material world is not an ultimate reality. We also understand that how we think and feel and act has a direct bearing on how we experience the world. At this stage in our evolution we are developing an unconditional point of view – a point of view beyond conditions. Indeed, a spiritual point of view. A point of view that is able to hold true awareness rather than be limited by material conditions. This is not easy in the face of what appears to be going on at the moment. We seem to live in such precarious times, surrounded by so many frightening scenarios. Today’s newspapers and television reports are full of the latest crisis that some are calling the biggest financial meltdown in American history. This crisis began in late 2007 and is associated with the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market. But this is just one of many aspects of a much larger crisis; a crisis that mirrors the new growth required from us for the last few decades. This is a crisis of caring. Do we care that 30,000 children are dying every day. Do we care that 100, 000 species are becoming extinct every year? Do we care that the traditional breeding grounds of the endangered humpback whales off the beautiful wilderness coast of the Kimberleys is under threat from industrial development? Sadly, there are so many more examples. What’s new about that, you may well ask. What’s new is the timing. Never before have we had access to our potential in the way that we now do. Never before has the call to awaken been so loud and so pervasive. There is no excuse and we really do not have any other option if we want, not only to survive, but to transcend to the next dimension or plane of consciousness.

Sri Aurobindo says, “This universe is a gradation of planes of consciousness.” Here in this third plane or dimension, our consciousness is of separation and fear. This means we are egobound which makes us materialistic and self-centered. To shift from the third dimension to the fourth requires a shift into the love frequency. Through the heart, separation can be healed. Through the heart, fear becomes freedom. In his work on evolving levels of consciousness, Don Beck identified the latest level as occurring in the last few decades. This level reflects a new holistic consciousness with a ‘global village’ point of view. This is a consciousness of unity where exploitation has become a violation of evolutionary growth. It is contrary to the awakening of wisdom foretold at this time of great potential. Spiritually speaking, we are very aware of the necessity for change. Fear and its manifestations must be transformed. Do we really need any more evidence that transformation is the imperative at this critical time? The paradox and the conundrum is that we cannot ‘do’ transformation. We can only allow transformation to happen. Transformation is what happens when we are unconditional. In other words, when we see beyond the conditions to the true nature of reality. This is love. Love is the principle and process of existence. Until we live in love, we will continue to give reality to what we fear. As within so without. Love, with its transformative power, is the key to our continued

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SPIRITUALITY existence. Love’s alchemy is the cornerstone of our emergence into this new consciousness. It is a living, breathing, evolving meditation in becoming all that we may be. Without love, we are set on a course of fearful devastation. With love, we open the channels to new expressions of being. Our values reflect those of love and we learn to care in deeply meaningful ways. Caring for the whole is our healing. In our healing, we automatically become aligned with universal order. Our lives become established in universal order and we are able to live like we have never lived before. We are able to listen to the “still small voice”. We are able to receive guidance. Our intuition, inspiration and insight allow doors to open that did not exist before. Similarly, that which is negative will simply pass us by without harm. Ironically, truly caring for the whole is the most healing and beneficial method for your own best personal outcome. We have learnt much in this material plane of consciousness. We now know that every thought, feeling, word and action that we have alters the molecular structure of existence. This is how integral and interconnected we are to all that is. We have learnt to express our power and our dominance. We have taken control, influenced and commanded. Now it is time we learn harmlessness. Harmlessness is a quality of love; a quality of wholeness and holiness. Harmlessness is a pathway from ego gratification to the consideration of the greatest good of all. An intention of harmlessness means that our intentions transcend our ego desires and reveal true caring. To care in this way, your wellbeing is just as important as my own. Indeed, your wellbeing is my wellbeing. At this stage, the question is not, “Is it going to change?” The question is, “How is it going to change?” Is it going to be for better or for worse? That’s the choice and the choice is ours. And it starts right here and now. The more we embody the frequency of love, the more we bring light into the world. And the light will set us free in ways that we cannot begin to comprehend. Making a choice for the light of eternal love is not just our responsibility. It is our purpose and it is our saving grace. Sky is an inspiring spiritual teacher whose incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit

SoulConnection with NICOLE CODY

Healing a World in Turmoil I’m here with some good news. You are powerful, and you can make a difference in our world! Have you noticed that much of the world media is focussed primarily upon the negative, and it builds a vibration of fear and uncertainty around our futures? Many of us are reeling under the constant barrage of bad news, and the latest market crash, tragedy or monstrous act of violence. It is easy to feel that we are insignificant in the scheme of things. But this is not the case. Many people have changed the world through their thoughts, and actions. And you too can play a part in lifting the vibration of our world to a place of Harmony and Peace. At the core of our distress is always lack of Love. When we live from our Hearts, violence against each other, and senseless acts of greed and inhumanity within our communities and environment dissolve. Why? These are not products of the Heart, but of the Mind. They arise from our sense of disconnectedness from ourselves, our families, our communities, our environment and God/Source Energy. So what can you do? Firstly, focus on all that IS good in your life, and in the world, no matter how small that detail may be. Do not give your attention to the bad news around you, and the unwanted things in your life. Focus purely on what is going well, and what makes you feel good. When you pray or meditate, bring that beautiful Divine Love and Light into your body and heart. Fill yourself up, and allow the Love and Light to continue to flow through you and to the people around you. Picture people and situations, and send healing energy and Love to them. Surround them in white Light and wish them only Love and Good, no matter who they are or what their actions might have been. See people and situations only as you wish them to be - full of harmony, wellness, love, creativity, joy and peace. Don’t dwell on negativity – always choose Light. Choose forgiveness of yourself and others Within your immediate circle, practice acts of love, kindness and compassion. Move outside your own needs, and begin to understand and reach out to meet the needs of the people around you. Strengthen relationships within your family, friends and community. Create a network of support for yourselves and others.

Treat others in the way you would wish to be treated, and always, always send and practice Love and Kindness. Where people hurt and upset you, send them more Love and Kindness. And when you are hurt and upset, connect with Love and Light to heal yourself. Be true to yourself. Practice self nurture, and allow yourself the time and freedom to enjoy your life and your relationships. Use the gifts that you were blessed with to do the things you are passionate about, and that you most enjoy. Doing this puts good energy back into the world, and allows you to grow and flourish at a Soul level, making ever increasing amounts of positive energy available to you and to those around you. You will have a positive impact on your immediate environment, friends and family just through your personal energy and state of mind! Reach out to others whenever you can. We are social creatures, and it is when our connections with others begin to weaken and fall apart that we are most capable of harming ourselves and others. Practice a spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness, but most of all, BE Love. Remember old people and children. Help them to feel loved and wanted. Find a way to give back to your community or a charity of your choice. Lead by example. Accept healing and nurture from nature. Spend time in natural environments, and with plants and pets. They are all here to give us Love. Introduce nature into your home and work environments and try to spend time in the fresh air and sunshine. Yes, it does make a difference! Slow down! Take time to breath, to feel, to rest and relax. Reduce your stress, and the stress you impose on others. Eat well and look after your health. Support products, services, organizations and individuals with integrity and who treat the world and its inhabitants with Love and Respect. Finally, strive for Love and excellence in all you do, and in all you are. When you raise your own vibration, it has a positive cascade effect on all around you. So, don’t buy into fear – choose Love. Like the saying goes, “Be the change you want to see in the World.” Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher who runs workshops throughout the world in Spiritual and Personal Development. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or

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For more information about upcoming events, workshops and consultations see our contact details below: 07 3256 0815 PO Box 636, New Farm Qld 4005


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Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit


Spiritual Activism Transforming yourself – Transforming the world? “Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi

How to know the Absolute Truth I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. Unfortunately we cannot also know it at human awareness. This instrument (Subtle Body) definitely lies within us. We are not aware of it. As a result of Self-realisation you get the powers. First power you get is that you can feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips. As you say the knowledge should be at your fingertips And you start feeling what’s wrong with you. You develop a new consciousness. Only thing you have to know is how to improve, to correct, and heal these centres which are in your body, who are in trouble. It

becomes an innate feeling, an innate religion within you. So nobody has to tell you, because in the light of the Spirit, you become your own master. It can guide you. It shows you the way. It’s your own power which will be awakened. Of course you can’t pay for it. It’s a living process. Like the Mother Earth, she sprouts these flowers. In the same way your Kundalini gets sprouted. You cannot pay for it. You cannot pay for the knowledge. You cannot pay for a spiritual life. May God Bless you all. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahaja Yoga Free Programs Australia wide 1300 724 252

Back in the early 70’s my husband and I were students in Southern Germany. We would go marching with all our fellow students, waving the flag against capitalism, thinking that we could change the world by our protests, screams and heated discussions. We were “anti” anything – capitalism, fascism and anything we thought was not “for the people”. We believed by marching and protesting we could finally emancipate the world. Not long after, my husband and I both had a big fight screaming back and forth at each other. But as it was happening it occurred to us both that it was so irrelevant – just senseless anger erupting out of our pores. We both realized that the change that needed to happen on the outside really needed to take place on the inside for both of us. As long as we carried that much anger and blame inside of us, it was impossible to change the external world. From one day to the next we packed all our bags, sold everything else, and were on our way to India to find somebody who could teach us how to change ourselves from the inside. We longed for a radical transformation so we trav-

elled far and wide, finally to reach a mystery school in the heart of India. We became disciples of an Indian Guru and we surrendered our lives to one single goal: waking up to full consciousness through a fundamental inner revolution. I learned to meditate, to become still, and to love silence, to understand the technologies of calming the mind. But I also learned to open up my passion for love and for life. I learned to open up my heart. I studied Humanistic Psychology and Eastern meditation techniques. I learned to give birth to a new way of being and a new way of helping others. The main teaching was: “You first have to clean up your own house before you can help anybody else”. The transformation we were looking for had to happen inside. The Sufis call it:

CLEANING THE DUST FROM THE MIRROR OF YOUR HEART Having a human heart is a very unsafe and dangerous business. It is the source of great joy and happiness and yet at the same time can be the source of immense pain and anguish. It is obvious that we can be more effective and real when our hearts are open. We can be more authentic and less reactive, and thus are more efficient agents for spiritual activism. However, as long as we are in reaction to somebody or some event, we are caught up creating even more entanglement and mess – no matter how good our intentions might be. It is hard to stay open when life challenges you with so many painful experiences. Our tendency is to create a pain-free zone by building a ring of protection and defensiveness around our heart. Unfortunately this also stops us from authentic giving and receiving. It stops us from experiencing and being Love. In the 21st century, on the one hand we are profoundly connected through the Internet, mobile phones, airplanes and technical devices to global communities and diverse cultures. Around the world technology has brought amazing opportunities of oneness and connectedness straight into our homes. On the other hand, deep down people are paradoxically more than ever disconnected and isolated from their own local communities, families and most of all from themselves. This isolation and disconnectedness actually creates great pain and suffering. We have more violence and drug abuse in our teenagers, more conflicts and prejudices, and wider gaps between rich and poor than ever before. Our reality is manipulated by the media for the benefit, it would seem, of the very few.

WHAT ACTUALLY DISCONNECTS US FROM OUR HEART? Having to be cool! Driven by media images today, everything is about being “cool”,

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

looking cool and acting cool. Even my grandsons who are young and innocent English boys, are using that word constantly, everything has to be “cool”. To show yourself, to reveal your emotions and vulnerabilities is, from early on, a value and virtue that we have forgotten in our culture.


We are under the cultural idealization that we are heroes if we are strong, goal-oriented, thickskinned impervious individualists. Self-reliance is an overvalued concept and it has been given high significance. To be needy or to ask for help or to be seen as vulnerable is perceived as weakness, sometimes even cowardly and of low value. All this clouds over the true sense of our interdependence and co-creation. It supports ambition and winning instead of partnership, community, and mutual support. Through idealizing individuality we actually isolate ourselves. It’s all about me, me, me! That again creates even more pain, frustration and separation. Above all it makes us never want to expose ourselves and be vulnerable. We avoid needing anybody. When we feel that need, we immediately feel ashamed and we deny it, as it brings up wounds of the past. But to need another and to be vulnerable is a fundamental condition of any human being, just as breathing is. It is one of the sources of our profoundest experiences of Love.


Our emotional intelligence is usually overpowered by a very reasonable mind. To be emotional is often criticized as being feminine, or even wimpy. It is true that at times we need a functional and clear mind, but even scientific research shows that the heart has its own function. The heart cultivates the capacity for emotions, empathy, intuition and relational response. All this is necessary for the well being in our lives when relating with others. We need to learn to show our feelings and overcome that sense of embarrassment and fear of being an open and feeling person. How does one do that? Well it’s not by throwing all your stuff onto others and being irresponsible, but learning to stand up for what you feel, to be honest and to show what your heart is actually saying.

AVOIDING OLD WOUNDS OF HURTS AND BETRAYAL We get wounded and betrayed mostly in relationships and with friends and partners. Relationships fail, lovers lose their connection – we get betrayed, abandoned and often so very deeply hurt that we often unconsciously shut down and dissociate from ourselves. In order to avoid this seemingly unbearable pain we would rather isolate and protect ourselves than feel it. But fortunately we all share that same wound, that common ground

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

– nobody is exempt. The question is, what is driving us at such a deep level to keep running away from that pain? So much in our lives is about avoiding that deep and seemingly unbearable pain of separation. It becomes evident in so many different ways. It might show up as avoiding the wound of rejection by trying to create the opposite – wanting desperately to belong and thus covering up the pain of not belonging and being abandoned. It might show up as pleasing everybody, so you feel accepted and liked by everybody, so you don’t have to feel the pain of rejection. It might show up as an attitude of “fuck you”, I don’t need anybody – because I don’t want to face the pain of feeling so utterly helpless and dependant. It might show up as the need to be successful so people can admire and acknowledge you, so you don’t have to feel the pain of not being seen – the excruciating pain of humiliation. It might show up in dysfunctional and unhappy relationships, where you hold onto each other; and yet out of fear of loosing security and safety, are unable to let go, and at the same time hate being with each other. It might show up in being a workaholic, so you don’t have to feel the pain of not being loved for who you really are – and in its place you are only being loved and seen if you generate excellent achievements. As one can see the wounds and hurts can show up in so many ways, unique to each of us. We’ll do anything to avoid that pain. It reminds us of a state of helplessness when we were small babies, powerless in the times when nobody was there for us. It was too much to bear that hurt when our needs were not met. Our ego and personality structure came into existence and created strategies to avoid that pain. We needed those strategies to survive often impossible and unbearable situations. Now we are grown up we still need these strategies for survival, using the power of the mind to gain a sense of control. But as necessary as this sometimes is, it covers up the deep pain of separation that is at the core of our being. And nobody is alone in this – we all have the same pain. Yet as human beings we all deeply long for oneness; we all deeply long for “coming home”, for being at peace with ourselves and the world around us.

KEY: FEEL YOUR FEELINGS And here is one of the keys to our inner treasure: The access to oneness, serenity, harmony and peace is through feeling that pain of separation. And even more surprising, once you dare to let yourself feel it, you will find in the centre


SPIRITUALITY of that pain there is timeless eternal unconditional Love waiting for you. The more you hide the pain and compensate for it, the more confused and lost you will feel. The way out is in: Allow yourself to feel your feelings. And then slowly learn to share your feelings in a responsible way. Dare to be authentic in your expression. Once you start with it, it is not so difficult.

THE KEY: OPENING OUR HEARTS So how do we open our hearts after years of shutting down and playing safe? It needs practice and it needs courage. Just as we develop awareness and mindfulness through meditation, so we can develop heart-fullness by paying attention to our hearts, and listening within. Allowing ourselves to feel all that is in us slowly but surely gives us room to open up. Acceptance of what is there creates a true ground for experiencing our feelings. To allow our fears and hurts to speak to us enables a much deeper sense of compassion and empathy. In the end, and paradoxically, I don’t think that you can change anything inside, and make yourself a “better” person. In my experience of 35 years of intense self-exploration and therapy, I find that actually nothing really has changed; yet I have found a grounded place to accept myself in my fullness. That means with all my difficulties and all my gifts, with the darkness and the light. The personality or ego is still there functioning in its own way, yet it has lost its charge. And with it left all its hostility and darkness behind. It just is as it is. Through acceptance I have a ground to stand on, a ground that is not entangled with the ego, but embracing all that I am with love and compassion. I often just sit for 15 minutes and put my hand on my heart and allow myself to open up to feelings. I give myself permission for any feelings, not only the “good “ ones. Without effort or pressure, slowly my heart and its sensations and feelings start to reveal themselves. Slowly I learn to really trust my feelings and see that they are not so threatening as I thought they would be, and learn to deal with them gracefully. As a result I can see that this approach to my spiritual activism and involvement has changed my life. I am more open to my feelings and less blaming of others. The more I am in touch with my own heart the more I can feel the heart of others. This creates peace instead of polarization. At the core of spiritual activism is the notion that when I am connected with my heart, I am acting in honesty and transparency with the whole. If everybody would be transparent and open there would be no need, no possibility, to hide anymore. We would learn to trust instead of hiding and performing. What you put out is what you receive back. The universe is an echo system. If my heart is truly compassionate it will be reflected; if it is closed that will immediately be felt and reflected by the world too. Spiritual activism starts right inside my heart and inside my being. The change we want to see in the world has to start right inside me.

FROM THE EDITOR OF INNERSELF “If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of coveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on the spiritual path.”-Denise Linn, international lecturer, healer and writer Available from good bookstores or direct from InnerSelf for $19.95 (includes p&p) Ph 1800 451 317


What do you think is impossible in your life—or nearly impossible? Is there something you have given up on that used to make your heart pound fast and your passion for living get fired up, just from the mere thought of it? Can you think of one of those things that used to make your life sizzle and become exciting just by imagining it? Do you remember those dreams that were so wonderful to dream as a child—dreams that maybe went something like this, “I am going to be a hero when I grow up!” Or, “An amazing dancer!” Or, “A famous artist and travel the world!” Or…. Maybe our dreams are a bit different now. Perhaps what we truly want is a bit hazy, not so clear, and seemingly less important than simply surviving each day. What happened to those dreams? What happened to the dreamer? The Avatar® tools have allowed me to rediscover my passionate heart. I am not so afraid of failing, not so afraid of what someone else may think of me. Not so consumed with doing what someone else thinks is right, but rather more interested in awakening the me that trusts itself and the joy that comes from that. I think it is interesting how some of us are inspired to follow our childhood dreams and passions right into success. Then, some of us work very hard to achieve even a small amount of progress toward a dream, but still we never give up. Then there are some of us who struggle a great deal and eventually, no longer feeling inspired, we quit. We settle for what we have, losing hope for what could be. We begin figuring out how to survive life instead of being inspired and having the courage to go for our dreams. I was wondering how does one create being inspired? Where does courage come from? What has one succeed and one fail? What does being committed look like and feel like? Avatar answered these questions for me.

When I heard Harry Palmer’s definition of inspiration, something clicked for me. As a mother, as a wife, and as a person interested in supporting friends in enjoying the magic of life, his definition was key. Mr. Palmer defines inspiration as, awakening a viewpoint that realizes that something that seemed impossible can actually be done! Have you ever taken notice of someone who is certain they can do something, even though others around them are not? They just keep moving forward with amazing perseverance; they never give up. They use each mis-take as an opportunity for increased awareness to apply to the next step. People like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela—so inspiring and so inspired! How about mothers and fathers, teachers, friends, or any fellow human? What does it take for a viewpoint to be awakened so we can all realize that something that seems impossible can actually be done? As parents, don’t we reach to inspire our children? As employers, don’t we strive to have inspired employees? And as teachers, don’t we work so hard to inspire our students? So a question worth contemplation may be how does one become inspired or inspire another? Maybe one of the best ways to inspire others is to be inspired! On The Avatar Course I ended up so inspired I began seeing life through new eyes. I saw possibilities in work, love, and parenting that were beyond my view prior to the course. On ReSurfacing® we explored how the momentum needed to accomplish any task, project, or goal is created and how, when we applied the Avatar tools, we can awaken that joy and passion for creating. Inspiration is the by-product of Avatar. The process and sequence of the exercises on the course ended up being the magic fuel! We learned to remove the patterning and obstacles that we have packed on top of our dreams so we could awaken our ability to be source of our life instead of just to survive it. Avatar is

like a jump-start for our hearts. I see now how I had been waiting for something outside of me to inspire me. What a wake-up call. I don’t have to wait to be inspired, hope to be inspired, expect others to inspire me, or give up on being inspired. Inspiration comes from within. It’s a product of my interpretation of reality and something I can cultivate by using the Avatar tools. I can let go of discouragement and create courage to go for my dreams. With these tools, we can actually design our future instead of repeating our past. It’s up to us. I love how The Avatar Course puts you right into the heart of things. Watching people wake up with an excitement for life that they forgot existed is such a treasure. To see them end up with joy and passion like that of a child exploring and adoring the world helps me realize how my life can make a difference. Avatar awakens the dreamer… and the courage to create the dream! Holly Riley, Nevada Avatar® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.

ALL THE BARRIERS ARE ON MY SIDE. What is separating me from you is my wall; my beliefs, my righteousness, my victimhood or my unwillingness to take responsibility for my actions. As long as I can see my unique way of building separation, I can recognize why I need to blame the other for my unhappiness, thus owning my feelings instead of creating war or disruption on the outside. We have to face our inner struggle, our inner saboteur, terrorist or tyrant, before we can truly bring peace to the world, and make a true change.

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

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The latter half of 2008 has been tumultuous to say the least. It can be challenging to focus on ‘prosperity’ when the global financial crisis has every news source reporting messages of chaos and fear. Doomsayers are predicting the worst and others claim the change is part of a shift in consciousness and a ‘New Earth’ is imminent, as described by Eckhart Tolle in his book of the same title. It’s not just happening to banks and businesses. It’s affecting each and every one of us as individuals on a micro-level. It seems so many people are struggling to cope and are living under a cloud of fear and anxiety. People are fearing for their financial security, their jobs, their homes, their safety, their children and are pervaded by a sense of uncertainty and insecurity about what lies ahead. So how can we find a way to live fearlessly throughout all this, and continue to deal with these challenges in a positive way that assists our growth and keeps us moving toward the prosperity we ultimately desire? How can we move beyond the chaos to a state of calm? While the global changes are beyond our direct control, we can learn how to deal with the fears and changes in our own lives, one by one. We can learn how to embrace and move through them, and go on to create the life and prosperity we truly want, slowly but surely, one person at a time.. Fear is not something that we just get past or that simply goes away when we get to a certain point in our lives. Fear is not absent in the lives of the bold, the famous, the brave or the wealthy. It’s how we perceive and deal with fear that makes the difference. I’m not talking here about the fear you would face if someone attacked you with a knife in a dark alley. I’m talking about the general sense of fear that so many of us feel throughout life, whether it’s on a daily basis, or when a situation like the present financial turmoil occurs and brings up that feeling of fear and not knowing what to do next or how to handle it. Fear can be immobilising. It can also be very useful – it may be a warning of imminent danger, which gives you a chance to course correct. Or it may be that you are simply moving into new, unfamiliar territory and it’s taking you out of your comfort zone, stretching you, as you venture into the unknown. Living fearlessly isn’t about an absence of fear, it’s about embracing fear and moving forward in the face of it. Ultimately, fear is simply a feel-

ing - a signpost, an indication of growth and a symptom that change is occurring. When we are faced with fear, we are simply faced with a decision – and we have a choice in how to act.

WHAT IS LIVING FEARLESSLY? I recently gave a keynote presentation on ‘Living Fearlessly’ and was asked by a young woman ‘what is the purpose of fear?’ What a fantastic question! I reflected for a moment before sharing what purpose fear has served in my life and how it has shaped the person I have become today. I’ve come to learn that fear – or more importantly, how I deal with fear – has presented a great opportunity for me to grow as a person – mentally, emotionally, spiritually – even financially - and more deeply connect with and become the person I truly am. I hope that by sharing some of these experiences, you can move through fear and beyond, to a more peaceful and prosperous 2009!

9 STEPS TO LIVING FEARLESSLY 1. Accept yourself, how you are feeling and where you are at – without judgement. Embrace the emotions and discomfort that come with fear. Practise letting go of control, surrendering to the situation, accept that ‘in this moment you are powerless’. And allow that to be OK. 2. Reach out and ask for help – whether that’s from a friend, family member, colleague, counsellor or a mentor – and especially from a higher power – the Universe, God, Source Energy, the Greater Mind, Higher Self – whatever you may like to call it. 3. Take action and support yourself, whether that’s taking a bath, preparing a meal, calling a friend, sitting in silence to clear your thoughts, reading a book or listening to CDs or watching DVDs that remind you of what you ‘know’ but which you may have forgotten. 4. Take the one small step that will move you closer to what needs to be done, or will move you toward what you really want and pay attention to the signs around you, that are showing you the way. The rest of the steps will somehow become clear from there. 5. Be vulnerable and totally surrender to the feeling and the process. Allow that which no longer serves you to fall away and reveal more of your true nature, you are beneath the masks, the ego and the exterior that tries to pretend everything is fine when it doesn’t feel that way, not in the moment anyway. 6. Trust and have faith that eve-

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

rything will be OK. Because no matter what has ever happened in your life before now, you’ve always been OK – you’re still here! And no matter what is happening in your life today, you are going to be OK tomorrow too. You may not know exactly what that looks like yet, or how it will happen, but remember that everything happens for a reason and it’s always for the best. 7. Practice gratitude. Not only for what you have - be it as basic as a roof over your head, clothes to wear and food to eat - but also for the fear and the challenges too. If you never face your fears you will not grow or change. You would not have had the chance to recognise if you are becoming stagnant, or overworked, or unhappy. Or that perhaps it’s time to stretch yourself a little more, challenge your old ideas, beliefs and ways of being. 8. Draw on your inner strength. Without fear, you would not have the chance to draw on that well deep within you that you may not even know exists, to overcome the obstacles you think cannot be overcome, to move forward in the direction of your dreams. 9. Let go of how you thought things would be, or ‘should’ be, or even of that which no longer serves you. Give yourself permission… to forget the rules, listen to what your soul really wants, and have the courage to follow that. Living fearlessly isn’t about living without fear. It’s about embracing fear and seeing it as a new opportunity for growth, for change and evolution of the soul. It’s about diving into the feeling of fear, experiencing the emotions that go with that without judgement or resistance, even if it hurts – and to just let it be there in this moment. It’s about learning to love the journey, and realising that life is as much about the trials and how we overcome them as it is about the tribulations. The feeling of fear is as important and relevant in our lives as the feeling of love - we cannot know and appreciate one without the other. So dive in, embrace it all, go with the flow, take it one day at a time. And remember, you may not always get what you want, but you’ll always get what you need. Julie Ann Storr is Chief Inspiration Officer of Nibbana ( – an online community that connects you with the teachers, education and tools to support you on your spiritual journey. Julie is also a keynote speaker, coach and mentor who helps people move beyond their fears and limiting beliefs to create a more prosperous, happy and empowered life. For more information please visit or call 1300 nibbana (1300 642 226).


Goal Setting for the New Year!

It’s amazing how often I hear people say they wished things could be different! If only I had better support! I wish I had more money, time and I could have achieved more! As we head into the final months of the year it’s like the last gasp to finish so we can have a break and start over in the New Year. Often we talk about setting goals for the New Year and think about changing, but more often than not, it stays as something we should do but don’t get around to doing. For the small group that do set goals, even fewer achieve their outcomes and even less reap the rewards. Given the benefits of setting goals are accepted and understood what is it that stops people from having the life that they desire? Perhaps a simple process that guarantees outcomes would make goal setting a more achievable process! What if it was easy to set goals and have what we want? Could it be that simple? Well, if it was that easy you could assume there was some sort of trick attached and just not bother! Over the past 50 years, there has been a great deal of research done into how people get results utilising fields such as psychology, sociology and behavioural science. As the mind body connection became revealed, so the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) came into being. NLP was

developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler and is based on the works of Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Dr Milton Erickson. One of the greatest tools to come out of the NLP phenomenon has been the advent of Time Line Therapy® invented by Dr Tad James in the 1980’s. This set of techniques has allowed people to change their lives for the better and create compelling futures. A goal can now be designed and inserted into our future to deliver the outcomes we ask for in life. Setting goals with Time Line Therapy® is different from just setting a goal. It follows a clear design process, breaking it down into a set of easy steps that is completely successful! Well that’s easy so why wait for the New Year! Start designing your new life now and enjoy the results of your goals. A prerequisite for this to succeed is the successful removal of any obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your outcomes. When you remove your limiting decisions, limiting beliefs and negative emotions the process of achieving your goals becomes highly achievable. A simple process, easily applied that delivers results, when do you want to start your new life! For further details phone Tim Tucker on 1300 135 065.

Modern Day Goddesses Eleanor Roosevelt is one of my favourite women in history. This woman had 6 children and a sick husband and still managed to change the world! She gives truth to the saying that behind every great man, there has to be a great woman. But is this statement still true? Of course it is. What we’re seeing now though is that the feminine energy is becoming more predominant as we move into 2012, stepping out from behind man to stand alongside, and often, in front of him. For thousands of years women have worked together in communities, helping each other raise their children, gather food and support each other. In ancient cultures, there were many feminine gods and feminine energy was highly regarded. As time went by and the more ego based vibration arose, things changed. Most women no longer live in that type of community environment. Gone are the days when our grandmothers, mothers, aunties and sisters all came together to raise a family. It is now more common for people to be hundreds, sometimes thousands of kilometres away from their family. Although trying, this is an important phase in the development of women. Regularly, I come across women with depression of some form or who are feeling isolated. We are tribal by nature and work best in a community environment. But with our

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“tribe” stripped away from us, we can often feel overwhelmed. The good news is that we can create our own tribe of friends and neighbours, and recreate the community that we all desire, whether we know it or not. With the huge amount of independence that women now have, it is common for us to try to be everything to everyone. In the process, though, we tend to lose ourselves and end up faring worse than our mothers and grandmothers ever did. And often we will look to the outside to try to solve a problem on the inside. Now is the time to take time for yourself. If you are truly happy with yourself, then your love and abilities will overflow to everyone else in your life. It is easier and much more beneficial for you to give when your cup is full, instead of being constantly drained and in some instances, resenting the people or demands put on you. So what can I do to help myself? Breathe! Take lots of long, deep breaths. Go for a walk in a rainforest or along a beach. Try to spend some time in nature. Whatever gives you the opportunity to calm your mind and thoughts. Every person who feels peace and joy will contribute to changing the entire world! Scientists have proven that 1% of the square root of the population can change the entire world! So let's start with ourselves. Think about what it is that

makes you happy and put some time aside each week to do it. The more things you see or do that make you feel happiness and the more you focus on the good things in your life, eg. the ability to walk, talk, see, hear, etc. and be grateful for what you have, the more good things you’ll attract into your life. None of this concept is new. Thanks to the amazing people who have written books and produced DVD’s we now have all this information at our fingertips. There is so much available through the internet, if you are passionate about something or have an interest, look it up, do some reading. If you find your passion, you will find your bliss. And it may be something very simple, in fact simple is often best. Another technique I have used many times and suggested to many people is journaling – again nothing new, it has been around for years. Each day when you wake up, write in one word how you feel. Then list everything you are grateful for. Write a list of positive affirmations and read them at least 6 times a day. Place the list on your bathroom mirror and every time you go in there, read it. Remember your language and how you feel play a huge part in what you manifest into your life. If you spend your time saying I can’t afford it, or I’m not good enough, I can’t find the right partner, my children don’t listen to me, this

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

is what you will get more and more of. Ask and you shall receive. Remember though, you also need to be open to receiving. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” This is the time of our evolutionary cycle where women and the feminine energy will shine. It is your time as a woman to be true to yourself and do what your heart, not your head, is telling you. Follow your bliss. With this will come joy, peace and love for everyone. Give yourself permission now, to be the best you can be and the best you already are. Samantha Richardson is a mother of 2, Director of Evolution Events Pty Ltd and founder of Empowering W o m e n . Samantha’s passion is to empower women in all areas of their lives by giving them the tools they need to create and maintain their own independence, confidence and lifestyle and regular workshops run across Australia and later next year the US. For more information visit or contact her direct if you have a story you would like to share or to become involved in the Empowering Women community by emailing





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How to Keep Growing while the Economy is Not The economy is a reflection of the collective consciousness and a mirror of the natural cycles of life. As spiritual beings we can still grow while the human economy is going through its natural cycle. Life does go on, so how do we keep focus on love and expansion while the economy seems to be suppressing us? If news reports trigger a feeling of powerlessness in you, then your first choice is to turn you attention to what you do want to feel and then focus on that. No one wants to feel powerless so create empowerment in your life first, by choosing how you will feel and what you will focus on. You cannot look at what you do not want, without feeling or contributing to that vibration of what you donot-want. Turn your attention away from what you do-notwant and look for the polar opposite thought, feeling and outcome. This will give you a new outline of a story that you can start ‘telling’. Attention=Love - Wherever you attention is, it is equal to the intensity of loving it. Attention to what is will confirm to you more of what is. Attention to what is will confirm to you more of what is. Are you getting the point? Subconsciously, we selectively gather evidence to prove our established beliefs. Our beliefs are practiced thoughts. Our subconscious broadcasts our beliefs through our energy field which magnetises or draw to us people and events that prove our beliefs. If you believe that you will be adversely affected by what others call a recession, then your energy field is drawing like a magnet, feelings and events which will prove your belief. If you really believe in abundance, you can create an abundant reality, without paying attention to what everybody else is doing or not doing. You are an infinite being and you can hold in your consciousness anything you wish to focus on. Decide today; I am going to tell a different story than what-is-happening. I am going to pay attention to feeling good. It is not the money that we want, it is the feeling that

money gives us: security and freedom. Freedom and security is a good feeling. That is what we want and the desire, we want to feel good. When there is challenge in your life, do you put all your attention to the stress or issue and all your focus on the problem? Do you decrease the time in Meditation, visualisation or exercise because you have to keep ‘working’ on the challenge? Where is your attention? In our striving towards feeling good, we can keep focusing on the pain. But if you really want to feel good, then can you just do that? That is what you really want, to feel good. Attention + Time = Your reality. If you want your financial outlook to change, then increase your attention to feeling good first, as if there is no lack. Increase the joy in your life. Increase the amount of exercise so your body can focus on feeling good. Allow yourself to feel good and give your attention to harmonising your internal state and the external state (the financial energy around you) will change, naturally. Meditation is more important than ever when under challenge. Through Meditation, we change our internal state, then the external state changes as we vibrate at a higher energy and we feel better. In Meditation, we do make a difference to the consciousness of the world. What we individually focus on and allow ourselves to feel is very important to empowering the earth and its collective energies. Changing our thoughts is the first part of the equation to changing our state. Every thought you can change will give you access to a better feeling. Your feelings and emotions are the real guideposts as to your vibrational alignment. If you feel dread, when you hear of the downward spiral, then your body is giving you signs that there is harmony to be yet achieved within. Pay attention to how you are feeling, no one else matters, as you change first, others may then choose to join you in your higher vibration. It doesn’t matter what everybody else is creating in their reality, it only matters what you are creating. Decide you are going to happy no matter what. If that means turning off the news and TV, than do it. If it means you are never going to pick up a news-

To find out how you can achieve these results with a new home business, in the dynamic Personal Development industry, phone Cassandra on 07 3161 7082 and visit


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paper again, then do it. It’s your choice… Decide no matter what others are vibrating at, you are going to be happy and abundant with joy. If you don’t have a reason to be happy then make one up and visualise, visualise, visualise, let your imagination run…..return to innocence, just like a child. Most of your subconscious beliefs were formed when you were a child, so by returning there as an adult with wisdom and in innocence, gives you a chance to reprogram them. If you see something that disturbs you, deal with it, don’t let it brew in the subconscious. Unwanted events or things appearing in your focus, were attracted there by a similar resonance within you. Strong negative emotions are signposts that you have disconnected from your beautiful spiritual essence of love. Take time to deal with the feelings and learn tools that can give you mastery over your emotions and mind. Choose who you spend time with and how uplifting they are. Be picky about your thoughts, just like you are picky about your car and your clothes. Be selective as to what you hold in your attention, it equals love… Start with these simple thoughts in a meditative state, if you are feeling negative or suppressed: ‘What better feeling, than the one I am feeling, am I capable of feeling to lift me up?’ e.g.: Anger is at least more empowering than depression and hopelessness. Appreciation is better than frustration. Joy is a higher vibration than contentment. ‘When I notice negative feelings, I am happy to know it is a sign from my body to choose a higher thought or feeling’ ‘It is marvellous that money and my feelings about money, are another way I can expand.’ ‘As I grow past my perceived limitations, so too does the economy’ ‘As I grow and expand, so others are free to do so as well’ ‘When I choose different thoughts, I am making a difference to the world’ ‘It is good for me to spend more time dreaming than on the reality’ ‘I feel good!’ ‘Only good things come to me’ ‘Everything is working out better than I think is possible’ Notice how these Meditations take you from one vibration to another slightly better vibration that feels better, this is how you gradually change your feelings and focus. Wanita Bahnsen is a Spiritual Psychic & Mentor, Speaker, Well Being Specialist, Empowerment Educator. MAHA. Her passion is teaching joy through self-love. More tools for Mind Mastery and Meditation Techniques like this one available at ©Wanita Bahnsen 2008


Enhancing your financial flow Many people I meet on a daily basis are stressed. Chances are that as you read that sentence you thought, “I am one of those people”. Let’s see if you fit into the category even more so. Upon questioning throughout the consultation I often find that the primary cause of their stress is related to their financial situation in one way or another. Still sound like you? Well continue reading and we will go through some very simple spiritual methods to attract more money towards you. You might not have known that many of the items in your kitchen cupboard can help to increase the energy of abun-

dance in your home. Let’s start off with colour. What colour springs to mind when you think of money? Even though we only have one note of the grassy green shade we still connect the colour green with money. A very simple thing to do is to grab yourself some green paper and write down the following: I am willing to receive $_____ on or before the __/__/__ Make sure that you sign and date the paper to give the Universe some direction. I find it works best if you start off with the amount that you truly need as opposed to what you want.

When you become comfortable with receiving money that you need from any source you can begin working on the amount that you want. Now hold your hands over the piece of paper and see yourself with the money that you need. When you can no longer hold the image in your head fold the paper in half and then half again to seal in the positive energy. You can now place the folded paper under your pillow and sleep on it until your money has arrived. Just remember to take it out after your time has elapsed and burn or bury the paper, to release any remaining energy. Basil is a wonderful money magnet. I often tell people to grab a bunch from the supermarket and pick off all the leaves to make using them easier for you. Choose three that draw your attention and pop them in your purse or wallet. This will draw cash where it is needed and ensure that you will always have enough for those unexpected expenses. You can also empower the basil that you use during cooking to make yourself a delicious money meal. Simply hold the fresh basil leaves in your hands and visualise money flying towards you. See your bank account being totally abundant and most of all see yourself being happy and totally financially secure. Then when you are finished with your visualisation toss the basil into your meal and allow the energy (and the delicious flavour) to infuse throughout the dish. The humble tea is another herb that improves your financial flow. Using the same method as you did for the basil, empower your tea

bags before you let them steep. Now lucky for you there is one particular type of tea that is even more effective than ordinary tea. Any guesses? Think back to the colour of money. That’s right, green tea! Yes you read right, simply having a cup of tea with the intention of increasing your financial flow can bring more of the green stuff your way. One of the most important points to make here is to avoid focusing on how the money will come to you. If you focus on receiving money from one avenue, for example a rise in pay at your current place of employment, then you are basically saying to the Universe that you are unwilling to receive money unless it comes from this

particular place. The reality is that you don’t care! The only thing that we want is for that money to reach us, not where it came from. Would you say no if you won the lottery? Didn’t think so. If you would like to go to a little extra effort you will need to get your hands on a nice green candle. Empower the candle using the same technique as outlined above and place on a heat-proof dish or candle holder with enough room to place a few things around it. Take any leftover basil and place it around the base of the candle. You can also sprinkle around some sesame seeds and poppy seeds to enhance the energy of abundance. Light the candle and visualise your abundance as a reality.

Now simply sit back with a nice cup of green tea and wait for your financial flow to improve and increase. Robert Reeves’ passion for helping others started as a young boy, spiritually gifted and highly intuitive Robert dedicated himself to an advanced education in a complete field of natural therapies including Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, Crystal Healing, Bach Flower Remedies as well as Angel Healing where he has been trained internationally by Doreen Virtue Ph.D. Robert uses his gifts of psychic insight and mediumship abilities to help his clients reach their utmost potential. Phone: (02) 4648 4200 or 0405 609 848. E-mail:

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1 MJ Take a practical approach to gain control 2 3 4 5 MK Knowledge and information are what is re-

1 2 MK Take a lateral approach and be objective. 3 4 5 ML Sensitivity is heightened so it may pay to heed

1 ML Emotions may run high and undermine current matters.

quired. 6 ‡ 1st Quarter K The challenge is to realise that in spite of disappointments, productive alliances are still a possibility. Idealism dominates but a lateral perspective may help get things going. 7 ML Sensitivity and empathy bring to bear on matters at hand.

intuition. 6 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon L There is a need to harness energy to make the changes required. For some this may involve separation. For others, emotional reactions under provocation may be the catalyst. 7 MA Take action and accept the challenges that are presented.

8 9 10 MA Accept the challenges and do something

8 9 MB Be practical about what can and cannot be done

about them.

11 12 MB Be aware of practicalities before attempting anything. 13 … Full Moon B The Full Moon sheds light on changes that have to be made in order to deal with disappointment and difficulties. A practical approach may be the best way of insulating emotions and ensuring that things do not stay stuck. 14 MC Do not succumb to speculation or rumour. Stick to the facts.

15 16 MD Manipulating a situation to advantage may not have the outcomes you want.

17 18 ME Take pride in achievements but ensure there is substance to them.

19 20 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon E Moon enters F The activities of the last few weeks may start to pay dividends but do not be content to rest on your laurels. You would be wise to attend to details, take a pragmatic approach and prepare for the next challenge.

as well as the timeframe.

10 11 MC Find the necessary information and ensure that your lines of communication are working.

12 13 … Full Moon C Moon enters D Things are much clearer now as the full picture emerges. The nature of the time calls for objectivity but this changes during the day so be prepared to engage with others as they may be able to help.

14 15 ME This is not the time to stand on ceremony; humility achieves better results.

16 17 MF Be careful that overt criticism does not undermine what has been achieved to date.

18 19 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon F Moon enters G Careful attention to detail and a balance outlook will bring more people on side. This will be essential to continue the good relations that have underpinned your efforts.

20 21 Sun enters J Practical, responsible and credible

21 22 Sun enters IMG Sagittarius is enthusiastic,

are the hallmarks of Capricorn. 22 MH Be upfront in all your dealings then no one can say you have hidden anything.

optimistic, visionary and inspiring.Compromise and cooperation are important but not to the detriment of objectives.

23 24 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur

23 24 25 MH The intensity of emotions may be challenging but be upfront in all dealings.

26 27 MI Optimism brings a breath of fresh air. 28 New Moon I The New Moon in Sagittarius brings with it heightened energy and a desire to achieve gains with the help of others. Be careful that enthusiasm does not ride rough shod over others.

29 30 MJ Take a hands-on approach to what needs to be done.

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

0421 326 001 or 8562 8358

things along.

than simply let things go. 4 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon A Action may be influenced by feelings and the lack of logic may influence matters or cause stresses. There is a compulsion to act which must be tempered with caution.

5 6 MB Be prepared to be patient and take a practical view and this may be the resolution required.

7 8 MC Consider all information, as this will be of importance.

9 10 MD An emotional connection with a person or matter dominates. 11 … Full Moon D Emotions are heightened and overreactions may cause quarrels or disputes. Be careful that a lack of tact coupled with eagerness to dominate or succeed in enterprises does not alienate you from those who matter. 12 ME Humility will often achieve better results than arrogance.

13 14 MF A critical perspective can be productive as long as there are alternatives.

15 16 MG Maintaining good relations is important but not at the expense of voicing an opinion or point of view.

17 18 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon G Moon enters H Comradeship and collective enterprises are emphasised and good relations are the outcome of cooperation and respect. This can result in successful endeavours.

19 20 Sun enters K Objective, knowledgeable and idealistic are the hallmarks of Aquarius. 21 MI Taking a wide view gives new perspective to matters at hand.

22 23 MJ A hands-on approach is called for as new beginnings are on the horizon.

25 26 27 MJ

New Moon J The New Moon brings with it a caution that plans made now must have some foundation otherwise there is little prospect of realisation. Effort is required as well a practical perspective as illusion and uncertainty abound.

28 29 MK Be prepared to look at things differently as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered.


A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

2 3 MA There is a need a need to take action rather

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

24 25 26 MK

New Moon K Solar eclipseThe New Moon and eclipse in Aquarius flavours new beginnings especially where it concerns groups and ideas. For some, there is the sense of wanting to make a commitment to a relationship.

27 28 ML Emotions are close to the surface and there is greater compassion or sensitivity to the environment.

29 30 31 MA Taking the initiative calls for some risk taking but not haste.

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easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

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LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can

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45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:

THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ECK This incredible little book by Harold Klemp is a staircase with 131 steps. It's a very special staircase, because you don't have to climb all 131 steps to get to the top. And what awaits you at the top? The doorway to spiritual freedom, selfmastery, wisdom, and love. Sri Harold Klemp is the living Master of Eckankar and has authored many books and discourses. For book orders and free information on the teachings of ECK, phone Nigel on (08) 8388 8891

RELATIONSHIPS WHAT PART DOES PERSONALITY PLAY IN YOUR HEALTH & WELL-BEING Personality type as reflected in the work of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung is unique among psychometric indicators in that it doesn’t measure ‘how much’ of something like our height or IQ but ‘what type’ of things we have, similar to gender, where the choices are one or the other. Jung recognised that each person has a preference for how they ‘see’ the world (perception) and how we interpret this information (judgement). There are several methods that enable us to discover these preferences including a collection of type indicators or quizzes designed to help us discover our particular combination. When each of these psychic functions or personality characteristics are put together they form a personality profile or personality type, our InterPersonality. Our personality is fixed around the time of birth and has a direct affect on almost everything we do from during our life including how we play as children to what we expect in a relationship or what we need in our work. The word personality is bandied around in many publications and on the net to describe all sorts of things from a colourful socialite to almost any measurement of mental functionality. There are many psychological measurement systems often described using terms such as personality inventory or acronyms like MMPI or DISC but

only a few indicators come close to illuminating the deeply spiritual work of C.G. Jung. Your InterPersonality (personality type) is yours for life – you were born with a collection of unique gifts and skill preferences. Most people seek the most complete experience life has to offer. Different people seek different experiences. For example: Fun filled life with lots of friends and time to play, to create beauty Safe and secure being part of the community in a steady job with a partner and kids Opportunity to grow intellectually leaving your mark on humanity

HELPING OTHERS TO FIND THEIR GREATEST POTENTIAL Unfortunately not everyone in our life understands our inner needs, our unique personality crying out to be recognised and given an opportunity to grow from seed through flower to ripened fruit. In too many cases the first people who try to ‘make us right’ are our well meaning parents and teachers who unwittingly hack away at our gifts because we are different; we should be made to be just like them, ‘chips off the ole block’. The awful old saying “The acorn never falls far from the tree”

is totally false. Our personality, unlike our genetic inheritance has little or nothing to do with our parents, rather it will always be more closely related to our Dharma, our life purpose. Our personality therefore contains our spiritual and live purpose gifts, our toolbox for life. Being able to use our psychic tools throughout our life in a manner for which they are designed is critical to whole life health and wellbeing. Imagine a doctor turning up with his bag in hand to fix your loo or the plumber arriving in his ute to examination the inflammation in your throat. From our earliest days, the way we play, the subjects we study at school to the type of work we do, we are challenged to grow, to apply our tools to the task at hand. When we are unable to use our innate gifts or the task at hand overburdens our faculties, we descend into stress, resulting in temporary changes to brain chemistry, one of the many antagonists to health and wellbeing. Over time, the stress can become chronic, which leads to more changes in brain chemistry and the immune system. In short, our health and well-being are directly related to how we feel; knowing what harms us mentally is the key to maintaining health and vigor in our life. In the past decade a growing number doctors, psychologists and mental health professionals

have become more concerned with prevention, systematically building competencies rather than correcting weaknesses and the resultant affects upon health and well being. Using a ‘preventative’ or wellness-based approach, affirming individuals for their innate strengths and abilities by recognizing how they prefer to be in the world has a positive, developmental focus that individuals find affirming when so many others may be feeling entirely alienated and not valued for who they are or how they prefer to function. Discover your innate psychic gifts, your personality; the letters and codes mean very little by themselves but understanding the science contained within your InterPersonality is a most life affirming and liberating experience. Knowing how to use your gifts effectively is the key to health and well-being for you and those in your life. You have the power to help others enjoy a rich and meaningful life; your were born with a unique collection of gifts, enjoy them! For details phone: (02) 9594 6622

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the hand that does not grasp.


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John Berry

LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF YOUR HEART I believe each person has two choices, to listen to their heart and follow its guidance or to deny and silence their heart’s voice. Most people have forgotten how to hear their hearts, because listening to one's heart requires one to take risks. It requires you to value yourself and to trust that the universe will support you. The majority of people in our society are discouraged from listening to their hearts by people who have denied their own hearts and feel threatened by someone who has the courage to follow their path. You need to realise that following your path does not mean that you will always experience joy and pleasure and everything will happen exactly how you want it to be. That is a destructive fantasy which will create disappointment, depression and anger when things are challenging. Your life purpose, which is what your heart desires for you to discover is available to help you grow, expand, learn lessons and live an empowered life. Each challenge you encounter on your path has been put there by you to help you know yourself. You learn about your inner life by becoming aware of what is happening in your outer life. Is it flowing or stagnant? Do you feel inspired or flat? Are you expanding or feeling stuck? Are you well or deteriorating? Are you dealing with challenges or pushing them away? Become aware of what types of people, situations, opportunities, challenges, jobs, health issues and money limitations you have. These will give you insights into your inner life, how you think about yourself, how you value yourself, what you think you deserve and what you can allow yourself to have. I believe that everyone needs to allow themselves the opportunity to go on a journey into themselves and through facing the difficult and challenging parts of themselves become empowered. You can not be told exactly how to take your journey, because no one else except you knows or has the ability to go on that journey. What has worked for someone else will not necessarily work for you. There is not one way or one formula. If there was we would all have the same experience of life, but we don’t, so there is always an opportunity to explore. Sometimes your explorations

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

will lead you to the flames of ecstasy and other times into the throes of pain and exhaustion. You will learn both about what it feels like to be empowered and how in an instant that can change to disempowerment. And you will discover the power of choice; that no matter what has happened previously, you can choose again and again and again. In this choosing your soul will grow. As you allow it to grow, you will also allow it to guide you to miracles. These miracles may seem to occur randomly but they are not random at all.

CONNECTING TO YOUR HEART: 1. Every morning when you wake up, ask your heart and soul to guide you. 2. You can say Dear Heart – talk to me. Tell me what you would love to do. Guide me to my passion, awaken my enthusiasm. Dear Soul, I ask that you open up my intuitive and healing abilities. Connect me to the people who will love me and help me grow. Lead me to the most expansive, beautiful and healing experiences. Allow me to be of service and guidance to others. Teach me how to love myself and others. 3. Have a pen and piece of paper handy to write down any feelings, thoughts or messages you may receive. You may have a strong feeling to call someone, go somewhere, or do something. Listen to these feelings and follow them through even if you don’t understand them at the time. 4. Also, begin to be aware of the recurring signs that the universe sends you. This is when the same thing happens over and over again. What it is showing you is that you have not yet learnt an important lesson. 5. When you have completed the exercise, state: Everything happens to me in the perfect way in the perfect time with perfect results. Allow yourself to feel the truth of this statement. Whenever you feel stressed, you can remind yourself of this affirmation. Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the best selling author of The Secret language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Healing. She has created over 30 powerful CDs to assist people with their self-healing. For more information about Inna and her work please visit

RELATIONSHIPS take ourselves with us and any inherent problems we have. It is likely we will act them out over and over again, until we take some responsibility for who and what we are. Until, we are prepared to make changes to our thinking and behaviour that brings us the changes we are wanting, especially when it comes to our relationships. Conscious loving, conscious sex, conscious communication, reaching for better feeling thoughts, looking for what feels good – always - and having a deep appreciation for what life has given you is a recipe for a joyous, happy and fulfilling life.

A Pivotal Point Love is a strange one. We can still love our partner, even though we feel and know the relationship is nothing like it used to be. When first married, we can’t wait to see each other at the end of the day, and probably can’t keep our hands off each other. Then with the advent of children, pressures of work, paying the mortgage, having an extended family and other trials life may bring, it is possible that frustration and disappointments become evident and the loving, sexual, sensual closeness begins to wane. The spark disappears. Emotional distance sets in. Mostly this is due to the complexities of life. Often as the dynamics of a relationship change, exhaustion sets the pattern and we are fast asleep before our head even hits the pillow. This may also be a way to avoid underlying issues that are not being addressed. As individuals we change over the years, we are influenced by our friends and business colleagues, work, other mothers, the pressures of parenthood. It is possible one partner will broaden and expand their horizons in a different way from the other. This need not spell the end of the relationship, rather with open and honest communication it can enhance the relat-

ing. Turning any situation around and trying to focus on the things that are working in your relationship and reaching for better feeling thoughts is the beginning of a recipe for success. It is so easy in life to notice what is not working, what we believe should be changed (usually the other person). Having some gratitude for what we have instead of beating the drum about what we do not have or what is not working is always helpful and it does bring you to a pivotal point. Some may have thoughts and feelings about wanting change, maybe even wanting to leave the relationship as it is no longer fun coming home every night, or being at home all day with children is not meeting needs on an adult level. It does not mean to say that the intention is to divorce, nonetheless the thought or the desire to abandon ship is a result of growing discontent and the failure to find a way to achieve some balance. You know that saying “the grass is always greener’? Well it may look greener, that is, until you get there. Do you know why? Being in a relationship means we are part of the problem (if there is one). Therefore if the decision is made to move on to greener pastures, we

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the very first time. Little Gidding’, T.S. Eliot

That could well mean that we meet our beloved, fall in love, play, live and bring up a family with him/her, deal with pressures and challenges, drift apart and struggle with our very own identity and then wind up back ‘in love’, renewed, as if meeting them again for the very first time and beginning a new chapter of life together. Stronger, more assured, companionable and very much at peace with each other and the life experiences that have brought you to this very moment. Marie-Elise Allen advises women on how to make safe and healthy choices when it comes to their sensual pleasure. In an industry awash with cheap, garish items Marie-Elise believes sexual intimate products have advanced in design, and are now more discreet, made of higher quality materials and have become a lifestyle accessory. Health and pleasure - definitely a winning combination. Phone Marie-Elise on 1300 797 090, email or visit the website on copyright 2008 © Marie-Elise Allen

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Woman Returning to the Feminine Women have been manipulated by society to believe that their longing for more will be satisfied by designer clothes, the next career move, a new partner or gourmet food. These things may temporarily fill the hole she experiences in herself but the true source of her longing is her inner being calling her home to reclaim her feminine essence. Connected to her feminine essence, a woman comes to know herself as love, to feel and experience the natural bliss and ecstasy that can only come from her inward journey. The essence of woman as ecstatic, tender loving has been abandoned in our society as women have been encouraged to become more masculine. Instead of using gifts of nurturing, creativity and intuition, which were revered in times past, women are living in the mind, out of touch with their bodies and their true nature. A woman living in her mind is destructive to herself and the people close to her as the mind is always attempting to be in control, leading to struggle, competition, jealousy and demanding behaviour. We have been conditioned away from our vulnerable, feeling, responsive natures – which is the true source of feminine power. The further a woman retreats into the mind, the thirstier she becomes for something real and so she demands more from the external ex-

periences to quench her thirst. In order to satisfy this thirst & inner longing, a woman can begin making aware choices for her life – slowing down, feeling herself and cultivating conscious connections with other aware men and women. A woman is most beautiful when she is vulnerable, when she allows the sensations and energy moving through her to be felt and expressed through her body and voice without expectation or censorship. Women’s workshops can be a catalyst for inner transformation, as women learn exercises to support their inner opening and also begin to have real conversations with other women. Staying in this place long term simply requires a daily practice of inner connection and staying with oneself through all the feelings flushed to the surface. A conscious man can support a woman to become more real by staying present with her and not going into reaction mode or attempting to placate her. Bringing awareness and presence to a woman in lovemaking can assist a woman in letting go and having a new experience of herself as a woman. This allows a woman to bring more of her depth, beauty, love and gratitude to the surface. Women need and want real and true inner connection – until a woman comes to experience and know herself as this she will feel

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

empty. This process begins with an inner commitment to her own truth and can be enhanced by conscious relating with a lover and with real interactions with friends. Martina Hughes of Tantric Blossoming has been actively exploring sacred sexuality, tantra, breathwork, energetic healing and shiatsu for over 8 years. Martina’s vision and passion is to inspire men and women of all ages to feel their own natural energy, joy, vitality and bliss. She facilitates a space of greater awareness, openness and receptivity for people to experience the essence and freedom of their inner being. Martina offers mixed workshops, courses for women as well as Tantric consultations to women, men and couples to expand their knowledge and energy. For more information, visit or phone 02 9664 1110.



Feeling anxious or just plain down?

Flowing Chi

Let Bach Original Flower remedies put a spring back in your step…


The year is nearly over and it’s starting to warm up again. After maintaining warmth in the Water Element, relating to the kidneys, over winter and then allowing this warmth to disperse through the body as spring and the Wood Element foster new growth and regeneration. It’s now time to dispel the excess heat from our body. Drinking green tea and flower tea can help cool the blood and the body. Also, practicing Qigong exercises and meditations which regulate the Fire Element, helping to harmonise our internal (Yin) energy to the external (Yang), creating harmony with the universe. The Fire Element relates to the Heart (Yin) and Small Intestine (Yang) The season of summer and hot weather correspond to the Fire Element. The emotions of joy and excitement can stimulate the energy of the heart but in excess, can exhaust it. The colour red is associated with the fire element. The Heart is the Emperor of the body, according to the ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) texts. It propels the blood, causing it to flow through the blood vessels and circulate through the body. The heart is also where the spirit resides. If the Emperor is in good spirits, harmony prevails throughout the whole kingdom, the body and the universe. Five Element Qigong Meditation focuses on the five solid organs of the body and their corre-

sponding element, Heart (Fire), Spleen (Earth), Lungs (Metal), Kidneys (Water) and Liver (Wood). Today we will concentrate on the Heart. Let’s sit in a comfortable position either on a cushion or a chair, keeping the back straight. Gently breathing in and out through your nose, simply relax, follow and watch the breath. After your mind has become calm and peaceful, focus your awareness on the area of the Heart. With intention, send your appreciation and gratitude to the Heart, thanking it for the work that it does. The Heart represents the Element of Fire and the season of summer. Its colour is a fiery red. The emotion of joy and excitement can affect the function of the Heart. Draw in a fiery red cloud from the universe and let it envelop the entire Heart, helping dissolve the excess joy and excitement that can build up there. After a few minutes, send your love and appreciation to the Heart, turning it into a red precious stone, allowing the light from the universe to shine down on the Heart. Then after a few more minutes, send your loving kindness to the Heart, and feel and see it smiling as it appreciates the attention we are giving it. Then rub the palms together. Consciously bring your healing energy through your heart into your hands. Place the palms over the Heart, allowing the heart to absorb the warm healing energy. Then after a few minutes, place the

palms over the spleen, followed by the lungs, kidney and liver. To finish the meditation, place one hand on top of the other over the lower Dan Tian, the energy centre just below the navel. Just relax and allow the breath and energy to settle here for a few minutes. Simon Blow is a Sydney-based master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leading regular classes for beginning and continuing students since 1992. Simon has received training and certification from Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals and Taoist Monasteries in China and has been given authority to share these techniques. He has received World Health Organisation Certification in Medical Qigong clinical practice from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Taoism by Grand Master Wu Cheng Zhen, the Abbot of the Changchun or Eternal Spring Temple in Wuhan, China and given the Taoist name of Xin Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a Standing Council Member of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing. He has also created a series of instructional DVDs and guided meditation CDs. Phone 02 9716 4696

Whether it’s stress at work or relationship strife, trying to shift those last few pounds or yet another bad hair day, sometimes things can really get you down… We all feel anxious now and again, but why not try the natural approach to help you look at things in a more positive light? With 38 different Bach Original Flower Remedies there should be something to help you feel able to cope with whatever life throws at you. “A lot of people come to me feeling tense, irritable, emotionally down and unable to cope. I always recommend the Bach Flower Remedies to help them get back on track, with great success,” says Dianne Bradley, registered Bach Practitioner. “In fact, I have used the remedies myself as well as with friends and family for over 25 years. So whenever I want to calm my thoughts, the remedies are my saviour. If you’ve got a lot on at work it can really help you to concentrate, as well as helping you get a good night’s sleep, without irritating thoughts going round and round in your head.” Anxiety is very common - one in five of the people who visit their GP are suffering from some form of underlying tension and this can make them feel tearful, tired, unable to sleep, as well as taking away their appetite, sex drive and general zest for life. It’s not just us mere mortals who are suffering – many celebrities are also under enormous pressure Winona Ryder and Sting admit publicly to battling the blues. Of

course the stars are under enormous pressure to look good and be successful – as reported in the tabloids, Elle Macpherson suffered a nasty bout of post natal depression after the birth of her second child, prompted by anxiety to look good as quickly as possible. Pressure to look good is something we all feel, especially with summer fast approaching. Crab Apple is the ideal remedy to help you get over that poor self-image and help you dress for the sunshine in confidence. Thousands of women turn to this remedy to help focus on their positives, rather than obsessing about their straining jeans or the sudden pre-date pimple on the end of their nose. “The key with the Bach flower remedies is to work out what it is that’s troubling you,” explains Dianne. “Once you’ve done that you’ll definitely be able to find the right remedy for you. In fact you can even combine up to seven and sip them through the day if there’re several things getting you down.” There is also a very popular combination, Rescue Remedy, which has been popular since its introduction in 1930 by Dr Edward Bach, but a new scientific study has proven it to be effective in reducing even high levels of stress and anxiety. The double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial, published in Complementary Health Practice Review, tested Rescue Remedy on a group of 111 participants who were put in a stressful situation.

Those who took Rescue Remedy, as opposed to the placebo, experienced a statistically significant reduction in their levels of stress and anxiety in the high state anxiety treatment subgroup. Rescue Remedy is a combination of five BachTM Original Flower Remedies specially blended for stressful situations – ideal for the handbag or desk drawer to instantly restore calm and focus when things get too much. Dianne Bradley, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, says: “The results of this study are welcome news. We have long known that Rescue Remedy and the individual Bach flower remedies are effective for quickly restoring inner calm and managing daily stresses. We’ve seen it on ourselves, friends, families and in the people we treat but we now have the scientific data to show that Rescue Remedy and the Bach Flower Remedies are effective at reducing higher levels of anxiety and stress. The great thing about Bach Flower Remedies is that they are natural and safe for everyone. With people increasingly reaching for natural medicines, it’s good for people to know that the remedies provide a stress-relieving effect without any of the associated adverse side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.” To identify the remedy for you, visit; you’ll also find general information about the remedies, training courses and practitioner details.

Come to the source and be healed Experience the miracle of Ayurvedic medicine in India! If you have any physical ailments or if you just want to tune up and reverse the clock, then book in for a Prana Healing Holiday. Travel to Kovalam, a paradise resort town at the bottom of India, and experience an amazing 14 day Ayurvedic treatment with Dr Aju George to enhance your life and receive the gift of profound health. Trip is for 3 weeks in total and includes herbal medicines, daily meditative yoga, accommodation with swimming pool and balcony overlooking the famous Lighthouse Beach, day trips to explore the local markets and experience the beauty of the area, plus a Healing Plan to make your stay therapeutic, adventurous and fun so you return reinvigorated and restored to full health.

AYUR VED A - “Knowledg e of Lif e” YURVED VEDA “Knowledge Life” AYURVEDA literally means “Knowledge of Life” and is the science of life, prevention and longevity. Ayurveda is the oldest and most holistic medical system available on the planet today.

PANCHAKARMA: Ayur v edic Complete Ayurv Detoxification and Cleansing Dr George specialises in rejuvenative Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy, Kayakalpa Therapy and special treatments and has successfully practiced these methods for over a decade. Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s primary purification and detoxification treatment used to eliminate deep rooted stress and illness-causing toxins from the body while balancing the doshas - energies that govern all biological functions.

Prana Healing Holidays have created a three week healing holiday plan that will change your life. With 4 plans on offer, the per day cost is less than your average 1 hour specialist visit. Prices start from $3,900 including treatment and domestic flights.


If you trust Google more than your doctor then maybe it’s time to switch doctors Jadelr and Cristina Cordova 20

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Ayurveda treatments can cure chronic illnesses by a combination of Ayurvedic herbal medicines and by eliminating toxins through specialised daily massage. Dr George treats all ailments eg: asthma, allergies, diabetes, digestive disorders, migraines, neurological dysfunctions, obesity, sinusitis, psychological disorders, all skin disorders, insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The treatments will leave you free of physical and back pain including sufferers of sciatic nerve damage. Ayurvedic treatment is a miraculous life transformation to rejuvenate and restore the body’s energy, nutrition and vitality leaving you feeling pain free, healthier and immune to diseases. Dr Aju George BAMS has a BA in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from the University of Kerala, one of the most famous Ayurvedic academies in the world. He also travels extensively to Western countries to introduce and help popularise Ayurvedic Therapy and conduct Ayurvedic treatment programmes.

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

You can be restored to peak health following a 14 day Ayurvedic Treatment by Dr George and his team using a combination of specific herbal medicines and massage.

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Deepak Chopra on Ayurveda, Health & Spirituality You are one of the main exponents who has brought a lot about Ayurvedic Medicine to the public’s attention. I wondered what your views are comparing Ayurveda with the Western approach. I think that the Ayurvedic approach to nutrition is a consciousness-based approach, so that more important than any approach is awareness of your interaction with food as part of conscious universe. And therefore the kind of awareness you have when you are putting food into your body, the awareness of the cook who is actually cooking the food, even the awareness of the farmer who is growing the product, all these influence the life energy or prana of the food which is a concept which is not part of Western nutrition. So that’s the first important thing about Ayurvedic nutrition. The second is the emphasis on taste as an indicator of what is in the food. Ayurvedic nutrition is very influenced by taste and the after-taste and the effects of food in terms of awareness. Whether they make you feel heavy or light or whether they make you feel congested or energised or hot or cold. And then, there is the whole notion that food affects different people in different ways which is what you were talking about. I think that it is obvious that some people can eat a lot and they never gain weight, whereas with other people, all they

have to do is look at food and they have a tendency to gain weight. Do you think that Ayurvedic medicine is evolving with time? Is the West having any influence - is it changing? I think that insights from the West – from science, are definitely going to influence some of our ideas, reinforce some of our ideas, and perhaps discard some of them. Like anything else, we have to be aware that much of Ayurveda has been interpreted and some things may not necessarily be true. We have to make a distinction between what is timeless and what stands the teaching of all time – ancient and modern. Your writing has progressed from the more medicine-based and your own experiences as a surgeon, to the more esoteric and spiritual. I wonder whether this reflects how you treat people when you see patients. I think I am more convinced than ever before that healing is a spiritual phenomenon. That the most important component is to get in touch with that part of yourself which is immortal, unchanged, timeless and that experience gets rid of all the fear that you have, including the fear of mortality. The very word “healing” comes from the word “holy.” The word “holy” comes from the word “whole.” What is your view of spontaneous remissions? I think that the best source of that


Taking Care of Your Liver… The Chinese Medicine Way now is the monograph that was published by the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Sausalito California – over 3800 documented examples of remissions in almost every disease that is known to Mankind. And as scientists we must dig into what the mechanism is and I think the mechanism is a multi-factorial transformation that involves most importantly a shift in consciousness. Although some people don’t do anything particularly different – they don’t alter their diet, they don’t go on a meditation programme, they have a remission, whereas other people do the entire range of treatment and they still die.It takes the whole universe to conspire to create a new event and we tend to want a linear explanation. It’s never like that. It’s a conspiracy of events in every area of life. It is a conspiracy of many events happening all at the same time. Thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure

With the popularity of Liver Cleansing information, diet and supplements in recent years, a lot of people have become aware that they should look after their liver. What I’ve found though is that people mostly understand it from a western medical and naturopathic point of view. It looks at the liver as a filter to cleanse and detoxify your blood and body. Due to the vast amount of “chemicals” that people consume in our current society, which can come in the form of medications, alcohol, drugs, preservatives, artificial additives in processed foods, chemical residue from sprays in your food etc. On top of that, blood from other parts of the body contain waste materials and toxins, your liver is under enormous amount of work load every minute of the day. And if you don’t cleanse your liver, it can get clogged up as well, leading to a variety of health complaints which could be very hard to deal with unless you cleanse the liver. I certainly concur with that view and would like to expand on that from a Chinese medicine perspective.

Dr Chopra has written 14 books, selling nearly 3 million copies in English alone. Deepak Chopra is Educational Director of the Chopra Centre For Well Being in La Jolla, California.

In some ways, it was most unfortunate that the organs in western medicine and Chinese medicine are called the same names because it causes a lot of confusion. This is because when we talk about “Liver” in Chinese medicine, it’s not just the liver organ, but a concept of interrelated functions of the “Liver system” based on the organs and meridians. The liver system also has a close relationship with the digestive system in that it facilitates the digestive process and when working well but can also hinder the digestion if it’s not working well. One of the key functions of liver in Chinese medicine is to regulate the flow of Qi (energy) within the body’s meridian system. So I describe it as the “pump” of Qi Constant and regulated flow of Qi in the meridian system is a key aspect of keeping one’s body healthy. When the flow of Qi is stagnant or blocked, various different symptoms can start to arise, ranging from headaches, irritable bowel, indigestion, acid reflux, aches and pains, premenstrual tension to poor immunity, circulatory problems, and if really chronic, it’s even associated with tumour from the Chinese medicine perspective. Due to space limitation, we can’t go into details of how Qi affects your health. But you can download a special report on this subject “Your Energy Explained” from Even 5000 years ago, Chinese medicine already recognised the important relationship between your mind and body, and one of the major causes of dysfunction and imbalance in the “Liver” function is actually the emotion of stress. You have to admit that stress is pervasive in our society today, both on a conscious and more often on a subconscious level, which impedes “Liver’s” function. Even more reasons for you to take care of your liver. So now you have more reasons to look after your liver. The basic thing to do is obviously avoid as much chemicals and artificial materials as possible in your diet and lifestyle. That means reducing processed foods, eat more organic and fresh foods, think twice before you pop those non-prescriptive medications into yourself, and work with your doctor to see if you can reduce your prescription medications. Always go to bed before 11pm at night because this is the time of the Gallbladder meridian system followed by 1am for Liver meridians and if you are still up and working or partying at these hours, you won’t be doing them any favours. Physical movements help the liver to flow Qi around your body, while a sedentary lifestyle impedes it. Tai chi, Qi Gong, yoga are all great exercises that are not only good for your body but also great for your Liver. A great resource to help with stress is Medical Music Therapy, which uses specific musical notes to trigger relaxation brain waves and release soothing hormones in your body. It’s extensively used in European hospitals to treat ill health associated with stress. In terms of supplements, you probably already know about Milk Thistle, and Dandelion. And you should learn about Chinese herbs such as Bupleurum, white peony, cyperus rotundus etc. A vital Chinese liver tonic herb is Ganoderma, known as Lingzhi in Chinese and Reishi in Japanese. It is a medicinal mushroom which is not only a powerful tonic for the Liver and Heart, but also has the effects of being an anti-inflammatory, maintaining healthy cholesterol and lipid levels, regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels and improving your immune system. You’ll find more information on Ganoderma at So armed with all this powerful information to take care of your Liver, don’t just sit there, get up and do something for your Liver! Dr. Quentin Chen is the first Australian doctor to be awarded both western and Chinese medicine university bachelor degrees by Sydney University and RMIT University respectively. Dr. Chen is passionate about Chinese medicine and runs Koda Wellness Centre. Visit Dr. Chen’s blog, his clinic, or call 1300368929.

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit



Buckwheat the King of the Grains The Notable Nutrients in Soba Buckwheat belongs to the family of Polygonaceae, and origniates from China, where buckwheat has been cultivated for at least 2,000 years. In addition to

the common buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum, a few variants have also been cultivated in Asia, Europe, and North America. Buckwheat has been


It’s Crystal Clear

cultivated and consumed in China, Korea and Japan for more than a thousand years, in the form of buckwheat jello and buckwheat noodle (soba). Buckwheat has recently been found to be very effective in reducing high blood pressure and slowing the aging process. Buckwheat is easy to grow, and found almost everywhere along with other crops in Asian countries. Buckwheat was introduced to Europe in the 15th century through Siberia. Buckwheat is uniquely rich in proteins (12-15%) and essential amino acids such as lysine (5-7%) that are deficient in major cereal crops, and also abundant in lipid, minerals (iron, phosphorus, and copper), and vitamins (B1 and B2) and rutin. Rutin is found in buckwheat grains and plants (but not in other grains). Buckwheat has become a highly safe and healthy medicinal plant with efficacies for vascular disorders casued by abnormally fragile or permeable capillaries. Buckwheat flowers are important honey source in Korea and other Asian countries.


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1. Rutin (a bioflavonoid) This special bioflavonoid is not found in other grains such as rice, wheat, etc. or beans, but is contained in great quantity (4-6%) in buckwheat. Rutin is important because it strengthens capillaries and so helps people suffering from arteriosclerosis (the hardening of the arteries) or high blood pressure. Rutin belongs to a group of plant compounds called bioflavonoids that also include the important catechins of green tea and the polyphenols of red wine. Recent studies have shown that the bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals. Free radicals are said to be responsible for as much as 90 percent of all the human diseases, such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, strokes, senility due to aging, etc.

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NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

2. Vitamin P This vitamin is similar to rutin in that it increases capillary strength. But it is important in its own right because it is necessary for the proper functioning and absorption of vitamin C. Although buckwheat is the only significant source of vitamin P, this vitamin is also contained in trace amounts in rose hips, cherries, blackberries, prunes, skin and pulp of fruits, vegetables, etc.

3.Choline This is a compound in the vitamin B complex that plays an important role in metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and hinders the deposition of fat in the liver. As a neutralizing agent, choline helps the function of the liver that has been particularly overburdened by alcoholic beverages. It makes sense that soba noodle soup is often served in Japan to the guests as a midnight snack after a heavydrinking party.

MAJOR HEALTH BENEFITS OF BUCKWHEAT 1. Elimination of cholesterol The high content of dietary fibre in buckwheat helps the body eliminate cholesterol, which in turn increases blood flow and therefore lowers blood pressure.

2. Prevention of fat accumulation Although other grains contain protein, the buckwheat protein has been shown to be particularly powerful in preventing the accumulation of fat in the body.

3. Promotion of bowel movement The dark skin of the buckwheat seeds ground into flour has an ability to stimulate the intestines, so the consumption of soba noodles promotes bowel movement.

Rutin Research

creasingly receiving attention as an important medicinal herb due to the discovery of health benefits of buckwheat and its main constituent, rutin. See? We have more and more reasons to eat soba in December as well as throughout the year. So keep your new friend soba by your SOBA! ...For those of you who are not up to date on my humour, “soba” also means “side” in Japanese... Dr. Oshimi is a Board member of the Japan Association for Health Care interpreting in Japanese and English. He writes many articles and gives advice for health issues. Dr. Oshimi has been involved in various projects and activities in the field of health care interpreting. He teaches English for Medical Purposes (EMP) at Nihon University School of Medicine.

Citrus BBQ Sauce - Vegan and Gluten Free By Benjamin Jett

Well it's summer again, and the most I love about it is the outdoors, here at Syndian we have been around the clock production of the new Classic Range Burgers, which did not give me much chance to spend time outdoors and enjoy the warmer weather. When everyone here agreed that enough is enough and it's time to enjoy relaxing a Sunday with a BBQ, we all thought it cannot be better than the new Classic Range Burgers for the BBQ. I thought this is the chance for every one to try my new Citrus

BBQ Sauce that I have been working on. Well, we had the BBQ. every one enjoyed the day and every one enjoyed the classic burgers tremendously (as expected) and everyone said how much they loved my new Citrus BBQ Sauce, Sammy said he loved it with all 3 new burgers (yes he had each of the 3 burgers). Wendy said she loved the Sauce with the Mexican Breeze (well, she said last week she could eat the Mexican Breeze all day, every day). June said she felt the Sauce and the Aussie Fusion “completed each other” and Nathan said he thought the Cauliflower in the Country Whispers were fantastic with the Sauce. But the rest of us, like Sammy loved the sauce with all the burgers. I bring you the Citrus BBQ Sauce: (This Sauce is vegan and Gluten Free)

INGREDIENTS 4 large ripe tomatoes diced 1 small onion finely chopped 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon sweet paprika 3 tablespoons gluten free Worcestershire sauce 60ml white wine vinegar 1 bay leaf ½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons olive oil Salt & pepper

heat for 5 mins. Take off heat and blend in mixer serve warm or cold. Use as a Sauce, dip or Salad dressing or Marinade.

TIPS • If you like some heat you can add fresh Chilli to the sauce. • Make sure when choosing your Worcestershire Sauce to make sure it is Gluten free (if you require that) not all the Worcestershire Sauce in the marketplace is Gluten free. Enjoy

METHOD Heat olive oil in a saucepan, add onions and continuously stir until brown. Add tomatoes, sugar, sweet paprika, Worcestershire, white wine vinegar and bay leaf. Cook on med/low heat for 15 mins stirring occasionally, add orange and lemon juice and leave on low

For more info contact Syndian Natural Food Products on 02 4577 7551 or visit Unit 9, 10-12a Wingate Road Mulgrave NSW 2756 Australia Open Hours: 9am - 2pm Monday - Saturday

Beauty isn’t something on the outside. It’s your insides that count! You gotta eat green stuff to make sure you’re pretty on the inside Akayuki Ikkaku

Historically, buckwheat has been a food crop, and recently it is in-

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit



YOGA IN THE WORK PLACE Yoga has become acceptable in the general work place today. It is no longer viewed as some weird and wonderful exercise program that “hippies” do in order to find a foreign, tranquil state of mind that the “ordinary person” would never be able to obtain and may not want to. There is a great deal of evidence to substantiate the benefits to both the worker and the employer. According to a financial impact report on the comprehensive multi-site workplace health promotion program, investing $1 in a workplace Health Program saves $15.60 in the long term. 1. Unhealthy employees lose 2hrs per day in lost productivity. 2. It has been shown that working on the mind/body with very detailed and workplace specific Yoga techniques will enhance health and wellbeing effectively and efficiently. Yoga combats stress, absenteeism and low morale. Fatigue and job stress are predictors for sickness, absence etc. Unlike other programs Yoga is holistic in its approach and aspects can be practiced anywhere at anytime with little interruption to daily activity. Breathing techniques result in clarity of thinking and improve the mode and effectiveness of the completion of work targets. According to Assoc. Prof. Smith, “Stress has become a characteristic of modern day life in the 21st century and it is something we all hear a lot about as a core health and wellbeing issue for people today. At the

same time there is a long tradition dating back centuries and emanating from different cultural traditions that practices such as yoga, relaxation and meditation can decrease stress and improve health” 3. So often yoga teachers offer yoga in the work place but the participation quickly dwindles and the classes do not continue. The reason for this can be the worker does not have enough time to eat lunch and attend a class without rushing and that’s not what Yoga in the work place is about. Before or after work classes too, can prove difficult for the very time-poor worker as they have family commitments and more and more is being asked of the worker. Their thoughts are filled with how quickly they can get home to do the everyday chores that have to be attended to. The morning may well be occupied with children and simply getting to work on time. We all start out with the best of intentions to change the way we work, play and rest. This is good in theory, but not good if attending classes puts us under more stress than we are already coping with. Adjustments to the presentation of Asana need to be made so as to accommodate this time poor, stressed office world we live in. It would be totally inappropriate to expect the participant to take part in a floor class wearing restrictive clothing in an area with limited space and maybe the floor coverings having more traffic than in a yoga studio. In

naturaltherapist with CATHERINE BELL

WHAT IS A NATURAL THERAPIST? an ideal world, all work places would have a retreat area where Yoga and Meditation was a part of everyone’s working day. How great would that be? And just imagine how much more work would be achieved with no stress, minimal absenteeism and true harmony in the workplace and our private lives. One day this might be the reality. Until this day happens, we need to encourage people to do small amounts of Yoga frequently though out the day to assist them with better health and well being. This can be achieved by simple eye, hand/arm, twists and balance postures at the work station. We hear such a lot about power napping. This to, can be done at the desk. The recommended time for power napping to achieve the maximum rejuvenation is somewhere between 10 to 17 minutes. The easiest way to do this at the desk or anywhere quiet, is to sit with spine in alignment, hands resting on the lap, close the eyes and using the diaphragm; breathe ... breathe deeply and slowly noting that the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. Any time the mind becames active,

Inner Cor Yoga • Unique range of exclusive products such as clothing, mats etc. • We have Australia’s only DVD’s with Auslan. • Yoga/retreats for the corporate world. Proven to increase: - Productivity - Morale - Work ethics • Specialising in workshops, seminars and teacher training. • Swami Prema Ananda has over 30 years of experience. Telephone: (03) 5244 1130 • E-mail:



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focus on the breath and feel the body releasing tension and stress. Practice this technique daily and very soon it will be a part of your “must do” things in life. To assist with all aspects of Yoga at the desk, you can purchase a copy of “Officise Made Easy” from Swami Prema Ananda founder of Inner Cor Yoga .™ Author of “Officise Made Easy”.™ Director of Trinity Inner Cor Yoga Academy, and producer of DVD’s. Swami Prema Ananda has had the privilege to work with many walks of life. Fitness professionals, pregnant women, children, injured, infirmed, the elderly, the Deaf community, people hard of hearing, and has created a very specific programme to accommodate the need for those with eating disorders.If you are interested in expanding your knowledge in Yoga, particularly in a specialized area please contact (03) 5244 1130, visit our website or email

When you consult a Natural / Holistic Therapist, they will be looking for the cause of your problem, not just the presenting symptoms; because while you can treat the symptoms, your problem will continue to trouble you as soon as you stop the prescribed medication We are all more than just a body, we are body mind and spirit, we are feeling beings and what we feel, see, hear, taste, smell and breathe can have a positive or negative affect on us and creates tension or relaxation/calm in our bodies, and this is all taken in via the filters of our personalities (A.B.C.D or a combination of any of the above) and our past experiences. On the first consultation with a patient, I will not only be asking questions about their physical body and presenting symptoms, I will be asking about home life, work, social life, relationships, past and present stress experiences, I will be using my training in personality types to determine their personality, this gives me the key to their core emotional needs and then I use Iridology to complete the

picture. From this I can tell them the cause of their problem, how to treat it and how to prevent it from coming back. Our diagnostic tools, medications and treatments are natural and in the correct dosage, non-invasive and gentle; a bit like using a feather instead of a sledge hammer to bring things back into balance. We use Reiki energy healing, meditation, ear candling, healthy diet, exercise, sunshine, herbal and homeopathic medicine, thought field therapy, neuro-linguistic programming. We may suggest certain vitamins / minerals or essential oils, all of which are very gentle/comforting to the patient and can give them long term relief without nasty side effects from the medication/ People come to Natural Therapists for a variety of reasons. For example, sleeplessness, digestive problems, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhoea, headaches, hormonal problems, anxiety/panic attacks, weight problems and low immunity. They often have their first consultation with a natural therapist when all the tests have been completed and there doesn’t

NATURAL THERAPIST Catherine Bell (By Appointment Only)

Phone: 1300 304 781 Mobile: 0438 514 781 (02) 4751 4781 Catherine has worked as a natural therapist for almost 20 years. She is a Graduate of “The Australian Institute of Homoeopathy” and the “Dorothy Hall College” with diploma’s in Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine, she is a certified N.L.P. and T.F.T Therapist, and an advanced Reiki Healer, with Homoeopathic Training in Fertility treatment, and Iridology Diagnosis. Catherine takes a wholistic approach to everything she does, whether its improving a yound woman’c chances of falling pregnant, or helping parents prevent their child from getting another ear infection. Catherine has helped many people lose weight the natural way when all else failed.

Try T.F.T & N.L.P for those Panic/Anxiety attacks. Great to get rid of phobias and addictions.


Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

HEALTHY LIVING seem to be any reason for their present symptoms, or they have decided to take the natural approach first before seeking the suggested drug or mainstream therapy. I am always impressed by how beautifully the body responds to this gentle natural approach. If I feel a patient needs further tests or help with emotional issues I will refer them and await the results. Quite often all this has been done prior to them consulting me, so I take the time to really listen and record what they have to say. My consultations take an hour plus, and sometimes this is the first time the patient has had the opportunity to tell their story. This might come with a flood of tears, and that is ok, because tears are a release, and can contribute to the healing process. We have to stop treating our bodies like machines, we drive them into the ground then take them off to the doctors for repair, we have to become more involved in our own healing/maintenance programs. This is where natural therapy has so much to offer, good for the patient, good for the environment and good for all the people who come in contact with the person after treatment. They become relaxed, happy and energized as opposed to the anxious sick tired person they were before. As a society we have to become a little more holistic, in our approach to everything. For example, the school canteen; let’s teach the children what is healthy and how it can also be tasty. How about we bring a few more natural products in to aged homes, perhaps we could start by using a cup of chamomile tea and some lavender oil at night for the aged instead of sleeping pills. What about the public hospital? People should have a choice, public hospitals are for the public, and in this day and age we should have homeopaths, herbalists and all forms of natural therapists available in our public medical system. This is because natural therapy works in not only curing illnesses, but preventing further attacks. With the government’s medical budget blowing out every year, looking at preventative medicine might hold some answers. When building new hospitals or renovating existing ones, perhaps the therapeutic benefits of colour, light, sound and aqua therapy should be considered? Write to your State and Federal Health Ministers and have your say. After all, it is your money, and the health of both you and your family.

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Dr Jay White NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit



Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century

Vibrational Healing & Western Medicine In 1990, when I lived in Britain, I was receiving treatment from an extraordinary and brilliant dentist in London. She was removing my countless amalgam fillings, a substance which had contributed hugely to my extremely low energy levels and dangerously poor health. At the end of each session, she would administer cranio-sacral therapy to me, to assist in my recovery from the invasiveness of the dental work. Her dental assistant was also trained to “Clear the aura” of any client who may need it. Here was a wonderful example of Western Medical professionals combining with various Complementary Modalities. After one particular session, she told me that, “In your work as a Sound and Colour Healer, you will, at some point in your life, start to talk more to your clients. The words that you will use will be just as powerful vibrationally as the sounds you create for them in their healing”. At that time, I did have a Degree in Psychology, but was not practising as a psychologist. I used whatever energy I had to practise exclusively as a Sound and Colour Healer, seeing this as a form of Complementary Medicine, in the branch of Vibrational Healing. On my return to Australia I came to live in Alice Springs, to make a deep connection with the land, and with the Aboriginal people and their culture. I was receiving Vibrational Healing from the energies in the land, and storing up experiences for use with my own clients. At Uluru and Kata Tjuta, I was blessedly given permission by the local Elders to take my violin and other instruments into many sites around those powerful rocks, and to record whatever sounds I created in those places. One day I managed to identify the pitch of the sound of the wind which was blowing strongly around ever-sored Uluru. Any guesses what the



Interview with Dr Richard Gerber An interview with Richard Gerber, author of Vibrational Medicine, about the range of treatments available, along with conventional medicine, in a holistic approach to healing.

name of that sound was? You are right, C, of course. On another day I took a stethoscope to Kata Tjuta and placed it on the base of one of those giants. The vastness of the vibration in my ears was nothing short of amazing! All my healing work since that time has been inspired by and supported by those Vibrational Energies of the land in Central Australia. Today I now practice as both Psychologist and Healer, seeing both these as forms of Vibrational Healing. The services I offer include: Counselling (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), Relaxation, Metaphysical Therapy and Healing through Sound and Colour. I am very grateful to my longago dentist in London. I am delighted to know that Vibrational Healing can be offered within both Western Medical Therapies and Complementary Medical Modalities. Many of my clients say they feel the benefit of “receiving help from both sides of the fence”. Dian Booth, Master Sound and Colour Healer, B.A.(Hons) Psych. MAPS PO Box 1609 Alice Springs NT 0871, Tel 0417 800 219 Fax 8952

Richard Gerber, MD, is the author of the book, Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves, a publication that has been reviewed as ‘landmark’ and ‘encyclopedic’, and in many ways bridges the gap between science and esoteric healing. Vibrational Medicine cites hundreds of scientific studies that support the energy model of health and healing and presents the theoretical foundation for such therapies as homeopathy and acupuncture. Richard Brown: Can you tell our readers what vibrational medicine is exactly? Richard Gerber: Vibrational medicine is a diagnostic and healing approach to illness using energy in various forms and frequencies. As a therapy, vibrational medicine is the application of different types of energy for healing, including approaches as traditional as X-ray and radiation therapy for cancer, the use of electrical nerve stimulation for treating pain, and electromagnetic field stimulators for accelerating the healing of fractured bones. Even full spectrum light is used for treating seasonal affective disorders or the ‘winter blues’. However, vibrational medicine also covers the more subtle forms of treatment such as acupuncture, homeopathy, flower essences, therapeutic touch, and that sort of genre. The latter involve using subtle life-force medicine, but they are energetic therapies nonetheless. This is the spectrum from the more traditional to a range of therapies that stress treatment of the whole person, sometimes referred to as ‘complementary’ medicine. RB: How does orthodox medicine view complementary therapy? RG: I don’t see complementary medicine as an absolute alternative to orthodox healing procedures. I think that if the conventional medical community sees itself as being rejected by an alternative medical faction, this would create much more conflict than what I see as a gentler, more gradual transitional approach. Ultimately, what we need is a larger base of experimental evidence and research to support complementary vibrational therapies in order to convince the conventional medical community that they have value. There is much anecdotal evidence for vibrational therapies, but not always the type of rigidly controlled scientific studies that most doctors like to see. In some ways I see vibrational medicine

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

as an evolving sub–specialty of medicine. The vibrational approach, especially the subtle energy medicine approach, works by injecting selective frequencies of energy into the body that encourage the body’s own self-healing systems to do the work. Some of the most elegant approaches in the future for healing cancer and AIDS may involve the use of selective frequencies in energy medicine or even the use of electromagnetic fields in healing. There are indications this technology has been around for some time, but unfortunately it was suppressed.

UNSPOKEN BIAS RB: Do you feel there exists a bias within medicine against treatments that do not involve drugs or surgery? RG: I haven’t directly experienced it, but I think there is an unspoken bias that exists not only in the medical community, but also in the research community. I know people who have approached various research societies and foundations asking for grant money to study the use of a very effective energy medicine modality. Because the therapy was not pharmacologic, not drug oriented, they were not able to receive funding — just because the treatment didn’t fit into the paradigm that the foundation was trained to look at. That’s really very sad because the goal of medicine should be to heal illness, not to promote one system over another, especially if the one system is reaching its limitation. I think modern medicine is wonderful. We have very effective treatments for a variety of illnesses from which people died earlier in this century. But we are seeing the limitations of technological medicine in many ways: the high cost of medicine today limits people’s access to health care; in industrialized nations, chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are not curable, but are only palliated by our treatments. And in many cases the side effects of some of our treatments are worse than the disease. The potential of non-invasive energy medicine to benefit people at a much lower cost is phenomenal. However, because the drug industry is so entrenched within the medical system, when research money is granted, it is very much biased toward the pharmacologic approach. Molecular biology is the new buzzword, and systems that exist outside of that are not getting the research funds they deserve.

Vibrational medicine has the potential to scan the body not only for illness states, but also for a disposition toward illness, that is, a prephysical energetic disturbance that will lead to illness. There are a variety of diagnostic systems that are evolving. One of these involves assessing the acupuncture meridian system. If we can detect disturbances in the etheric body before physical disease develops, then we have the basis for a whole new level of preventive medicine, which we have never really seen before. One of the problems with the existing medical system is that we are so problem oriented that when a person has a very subtle illness, it’s very hard to pick up with conventional blood testing. The electroacupuncture diagnostic system is capable of reaching a very subtle level of diagnosis that is extremely impressive. The electroacupuncture system was compared with RAST blood allergy testing and showed good agreement in identifying allergic sensitivities. That’s the kind of testing we need to do. However, I think the electroacupuncture system goes way beyond what we can pick up with conventional blood tests. The acupuncture meridian system appears to be the interface between the physical body and the higher energy control systems. So you can not only pick up a disturbance that’s at the physical level, you can actually pick it up at the subtle energetic level before it is even manifest as illness. The treatment may be homeopathic remedies, flower essences, acupuncture, or it may involve a combination of these modalities, in addition to working with nutritional modification, lifestyle changes, and attitudinal and emotional changes. I don’t think we should look at vibrational medicine as individual modalities targeted against specific illnesses in the same way that allopathic medicine has evolved to think of the right drug for the right bug. If we are going to be truly holistic, we have to look at the whole person and design therapies that encompass the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of illness. RB: I’m sure many of our readers would agree that karma and reincarnation are factors that need to be considered in the healing process. How do you see these factors becoming integrated within mainstream medicine? RG: Vibrational medicine is the first scientific approach I’ve seen that is able to integrate science and

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

spirituality, something which has unfortunately been left out of the medical model. It’s only by viewing the body as a multi-dimensional energy system that we begin to approach how the soul manifests through molecular biology, if you will. Ultimately, that comes down to the whole issue of reincarnation and karma. It’s a difficult issue to grasp, especially for the larger medical community. They still have problems buying into homeopathy, let alone reincarnation. I think it is an area we need to begin to explore. There are various people doing past life regression work who are beginning to envision the soul’s progress through life, and illness as an expression of obstacles the soul is trying to overcome in the whole process of learning. How karma fits into this is a very individualized thing. The vibrational practitioners influence the individual’s consciousness, helping them gain insight into the factors predisposing toward the creation of their illness, or why the illness crystallized at this time in their life. As to what are the effects of past life carry-overs, I don’t have a simple answer, and it’s something I’m still grappling with. What I have discovered is that the most powerful healing force in the universe is love, unconditional love. When you work from that level you begin to open up whole vistas of discovery in self-exploration and spiritual transformation. You begin a new level of healing, not just fixing the body, but helping the individual to grow to a whole new understanding of their life and their awareness as an evolving spiritual being.

SPIRITUAL UNIFICATION RB: Is there anything else you would like to mention? RG: I think we need to work together on a spiritual level if we are going to create the kind of healing research center that I have envisioned and that many others have dreamed of. In order for us to create a healing centre of lasting value and benefit to the planet, the scientists and the workers who come together will need to have a higher perspective of spiritual unification. We have to be aligned with the higher spiritual sense and purpose in order for us to manifest this goal. If we are, then I think we can really change the entire medical system. One of the secondary agendas of the healing research centre is to heal not just people, but the planet. R i c h a r d Gerber, M.D., received his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine, and devoted his life to furthering research and clinical applications in the pioneering field of energy based medicine. He practiced internal medicine near his home in Livonia, Michigan, and lectured throughout America. Dr. Gerber’s book Vibrational Medicine is regarded as the definitive and most in-depth survey of energetic and alternative healing methods in print. He is also the author of A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine and Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century.

The Truth about Tantra


the Art of Uniting your Innerself with your Divine Energy Tantra is based on the truth “that all people hold a divine energy stream within them”, internally sourced from within, able to be accessed and awakened through the practise and art of awakening and circulating this divine energy. In many schools of thought, Tantra is known to open the flow of divine energy within your sexuality, but Tantra is much more than this as it is the art of awakening your divine energy through your primary 7 chakras for the purpose of union in relationship, bliss experience, building your health and attraction, and developing your communion with God/Presence. The opening of your heart is a very large part of the journey of Tantra because of this. Divine bliss, ecstasy and physical bliss in the body is sought by many who open themselves to the path of

Tantra in life but many are unable to awaken their divine energy or Tantra simply due to their hearts not being the central focus of this process and the sexual experience being the primary focus of the practise. The lack of focus on the heart centre can create difficulty or a great deal of illusion on the Tantric path. Of course, awakening “the shen” and “the sha”, the feminine and masculine serpents held coiled in the base of each person’s body naturally occurs for all souls, when the chakras fully open and the spirit grounds into the body. When this spiritual connection is deepened it energises a soul’s kundalini awakening in life. If the heart is not open during this experience, the power of this serpent awakening can create pain and ill health or even depression in many. Many experience the kundalini awakening naturally

'Gravity. It keeps you rooted to the ground. In space, there’s not any gravity. You just kind of leave your feet and go floating around. Is that what being in love is like?' Josh Brand

after the age of 38 though generally it occurs for the majority of people in the world in their 40’s or even later than this age. It sometimes takes place later for those whose consciousness is very blocked with fear. It sometimes awakens earlier for those souls who hold little fear and are more deeply connected to spirit early in life. People can experience this many years earlier due to a very open spiritual connection although often this will only be a kundalini experience and not the full awakening taking place. When a soul is very open and connected to Spirit in life, and they are very grounded in their body, their kundalini can awaken earlier in life. The fire ignition from this serpent energy can also create great wounds to arise, if there are deep blockages in the lower chakras. When the kundalini awakens it will bring up the wounds or deepest fears of a soul and it can manifest them into physical blockages if this occurs when the heart is not open. The serpent current's purpose is to ignite your spirit and ground it into the Earth and the cells of your body. It is held inside your body, for the purpose of infusing your body with divine energy. It carries an immense voltage of light that is held coiled inside of your body, waiting for the right time when it will ignite and ground the spirit of your soul into your body. This is so the spirit of the soul can infuse the body with divine energy. This is a natural process of evolution and the awakening of the divine energy and flow of it through the chakras supports a soul to experience the ecstatic dance or “Tantra of life”. Tantra is the art of the alchemy of harnessing this divine energy and creating its flow for the specific purpose of regeneration of the body, union with another, communion with God/Presence or for the ignition of the magnetic body of attraction. The divine energy is released from the base chakra into the chakras, via the serpent current, as the spirit of your soul is grounded into the body. This can only take place if the heart is open and your masculine and feminine energies are united through your heart and your heart is open to generate the energies of Tantra through the 7 chakras. “The Shen” is your male serpent current and “The Sha” is the feminine serpent current. Shen-Sha is the marriage of the masculine and feminine energy currents. The purpose of Tantric practise is to support your natural Shen-Sha to flow up through your chakras. The opening of your Tantric heart is an essential part of Tantra and is the first step to safe and clear Tantric practise. Once you have learnt to develop and open your Tantric heart to have a deep connectedness in relationship and learnt to release divine energy through your heart and share love deeply, your own spirit is able to be brought into more of your 7 chakras. As these 7 chakras are cleared, your own natural Shen-Sha is able to begin to flow to ignite your spirit and create the flow of divine energy within and between each of your primary chakras, creating a flow of the Tantra energies through not only your body but your aura. When your aura is filled with your natural Shen-Sha, you carry your special spark in life. When your chakras exchange your Shen-Sha with your partner through intimacy, your Shen-Sha raises in vibration and begins to travel up your spine and central chakra column to fill your body with ecstasy. Your Shen-Sha can be ignited in meditative Tantric practise to fill your organs and your body for regeneration and building of your body’s vitality. If it fills and overflows through your chakras and aura, it can take you into altered states of oneness with the universe and communion with your Divine Presence. Qala is an International Presenter, Spiritual Teacher and Author, whose deep connection to the Enlightened Masters has blessed many people’s lives and opened their hearts to their inner source of love - their divine connection. Through Qala, the Enlightened Masters offer to powerfully assist all who are ready to awaken the inner light, love and empowerment of their Divine Presence. Qala is the creator of The EASE Program ( and The Self Mastery School of Tantra ( and is the founding mother of the Divine University Project and The Academy of Energy Science and Consciousness.

NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit



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reaching epidemic proportions. As one clinical ecologist commented, unless we do something about it, many of us will be burying our children. Science concentrates on discovering specific causes for each disease but an alternative concept, is that of a ‘Total Body Load’, unique for each person. Imagine that at birth our bodies are empty barrels. Exposed to the toxins of our technological society, we load the barrel with ‘stressors’. Eventually, the barrel overflows – our defences collapse and we become ill.

Viruses Heavy Metals Chemicals Food Allergies Moulds, Fungus Radiation Stress OVERLOAD The Bioresonance View – chronic illness is the result of the individual’s body load of many strains Whatever the illness, everyone has their unique ‘signature’ of stressors and treatment is different in each case. With BICOM therapy we first

identify the client’s stressors. They may be biological (foods and infections); chemical, (pesticides, food additives, toxic metals) or from physical causes (nuclear radiation, power lines, mobile phones, computers). Then, the painless, drug-free treatment neutralizes the stressors. As one client put it, “I felt as if I’d been walking around with a backpack full of pebbles. Each day another pebble was added. Now you’ve taken the backpack away!” How does BICOM therapy work? All cells emit weak electromagnetic waves similar to brain

waves. BICOM therapy uses these plus those of substances (foods, bacteria, etc.) for therapy. It separates these waves into healthy and unhealthy components. The healthy waves are boosted and returned to the client to strengthen normal functions. The unhealthy are only returned after being ‘inverted’, thus cancelling their effect in the body. With a food allergy, eliminating the unhealthy response means the client can now eat the food without suffering allergic symptoms. For a virus, such as Ross River Fever, the whole ‘signal’ is cancelled and

symptoms such as joint pain and chronic tiredness diminish. Students have come from varying backgrounds. Some were already health practitioners but many have been people interested in complementary health techniques, who decided to turn this interest into a career. Training begins with a low cost introductory weekend with handson experience so potential students can see how these complicated concepts can be simple to apply. BIOMED 03 6229 1114 and

Want a rewarding new career? Help people overcome allergic & chronic disorders with BICOM Bioresonance Therapy BICOM is Europe’s leading allergy therapy with 10000 instruments sold worldwide. Drug-free and painless. After treatment, over 80% of people with food allergies (*) can eat the food again and be symptom-free. Other allergies are also treated and conditions helped include digestive complaints, asthma, eczema and ADHD. Go to our website for details on training, case studies and local practitioners.

(*) In Biophysics, the term “allergies” includes “intolerances” and “sensitivities”

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Ey Eyee on the Sky

with Robert Crawford, Astrologist and Teacher

Regular Planetar w Planetaryy RReevie view

COURSES for the Spirit

Classes, courses and workshops for the Body, Mind and Spirit

TMP WORLDWIDE PEAK STATES AUSTRALIA ADDICTIONS PROFESSIONALS How would you like to actually have at least 80% success rate in treating your clients? We know it’s a little unbelievable, as it’s generally understood that addictions are mostly only manageable - not curable. Hosted by the GATS Treatment Centre, the “Whole Hearted HealingTM for Addictions” training course offers new technology and approaches for Substance Abuse Counsellors. In particular, we teach you the “Body Association Technique” to eliminate or greatly reduce cravings, which constitute the biggest risk for relapse in the early recovery period. “This technology has proved to be the most powerful series of interventions I have encountered for the treatment of substance abuse. I have had success with the majority of my clients, with positive results from follow-ups for over three years – and you will experience similar results in your professional practice after you take this training.” Matthew L Fox - Facilitator, Internationally Certified Addictions Counsellor. September 17–21 @ GATS Treatment Centre Booking/Info: (02) 6689 7455

Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right. Mahatma Gandhi, 1931

With the re-emergence of natural therapies, more people are looking for holistic approaches to their health, leading to an increase for trained personnel within this industry says Gold Coast TAFE Institute Director Deb Daly. “The benefits of complimentary medicine for general health maintenance are well recognised, and students who train at Gold Coast Institute of TAFE seeking to join this industry will do so as highly skilled professionals”, she says. Gold Coast TAFE provides certificate and diploma level courses in massage and remedial massage, as well as accredited short courses in the areas of Swedish massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, seated chair, day spa, hot rock and Shiatsu. For more information call 5581 8300 or go to

Pluto entered Capricorn in January 2008, retreating back into Sagittarius by mid-year. this took nplace as a brief visitation, as if to appraise the situation prior to re-entering Capricorn in earnest on 28 November 2008, for the next fifteenyears. When Pluto first enters a new sign the initial impact can have a resounding effect, likened to a new boss with broom in hand sweeping clean the debris from out-dated protocol. Pluto, ‘The Universal Taxman’ is issuing a collective summons for our consumer driven lifestyles. His debt collecting is impacting the banking sector and ‘gunning down’ corporate Capricorn prior to infiltrating the lives of ‘Joe Citizen’. I may not have painted a pretty picture but one that has been landscaped throughout this year, so will not come as a surprise to y’all. · The Sagittarius ‘credit bubble’ has burst and the Capricorn ‘think tank’ is now in redress. The US elections exquisitely timed with Pluto in ‘promise the world’ Sagittarius during the electoral race and as the counting is done Pluto enters Capricorn to ratify that which is achievable and that which was simply ‘vote buying’ rhetoric. · The plight of Pakistan is another case in mind. Benazir Bhutto was assassinated 12 months ago when transiting Pluto opposed her natal Sun and Pakistan’s Midheaven. Pluto now at this same placement, Pakistan finds it-

self with a new political leader. The opportunity to form a new socialconsensus now exists, driven by the mass populace whilst Pluto transits their 4th House of Home/ Country and cultural roots. Pluto - The Power of Regeneration. Pluto is the god of wealth. He aims to leave us better off than we were when he found us. Empowerment not destruction is his game”. – Dana Gerhardt As a small child I clung to a security blanket; my ‘itchy blanket’ accompanied me wherever I went and provided a sense of protection. I guess it must have worn out or out-worn its purpose at some stage, because it’s no longer with me. This is a Pluto story; once I let go of the protective thought my ‘itchy blanket’ provided I was able to grow. It is old thought patterns no longer serving us that stifle our growth and once relinquished one is never the same again. Transfigured through the power of regeneration a healthier and wealthier conscious objective has room to grow. Personally and collectively Pluto in Capricorn seems to be transfiguring a consumer driven society that now recognises its ‘exhausting omissions’ and is left to re-structure an economically and ecologically sustainable future, through ‘letting go’ of an attitude or philosophy that no longer serves the planet and its inhabitants. It is not the planets that ‘do’ any-





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thing ‘per se’. They do form a ‘psychological footprint’ steeped in antiquity from myth, symbolism and ‘archetypal patterning’ and do sway our actions in accordance with their alignments. Yet the ‘power of the now’ remains forever in our hands and we a free to choose - influenced by the collated data of our psyches and limited only by the consequence of our actions. Saturn in Virgo – To keep the bucket upright. December 2008 to February 2009 sees a ‘bucket-like’ configuration with all the planets housed in the last three signs of the zodiac, except for Saturn in Virgo – known as the ‘handle’ of the bucket. So much planetary energy in the final sector of the zodiac reminisces that a need to reconnoitre our way forward is necessary. To recognise in Capricorn, seek alternates in Aquarius for salvation (to recoup) in Pisces. Saturn in Virgo, as the handle of the bucket has a major role to play. Virgo allows Saturn to discern and discriminate, the planet and sign equate to hard work and practical, solution-based application. The negative effect could be over-regulating with no real means to an end, hence losing sight of its original purpose. Kevin Rudd is a Virgo and it could be said, is ‘carrying the Australian can’. Saturn conjoins his natal Sun in 12 months and that which he implements now likely to be mirrored back at that time. Saturn’s astrological position shows its prominence when a chart is cast for both the Summer Solstice (11:05 pm, 21 December 2008) and the New Year. A Mars/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn also contributes and impels activity. Acting out the fear of losing control by those in positions of power could impinge people’s rights or conversely positive steps forward utilising controlled and measured strategy from those in ‘seats of power’ a much more hopeful and opportunistic implication into 2009. None the less; the New Year chart marks the serious overtones to idealistic notions as the ‘bottom line’, with Saturn (stationary/retrograde) opposite Uranus and in-conjunct Neptune/Moon/Venus. The hangover we awake are the sobering implications that economic contraction forebears in 2009. *Charts used Midnight 31/12/08, Greenwich & Canberra Given the gravity of more pressing agendas and as an interesting aside; the New Year chart for Australia - brings to the fore the debate to become a republic, marked by Saturn opposite Uranus, on the Ascendant/Descendant. Prepared by Robert Crawford ph: 07 4057 4554 / 0427 795 534

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Are you a reader of InnerSelf looking for a distribution point near you? 40,000 copies of InnerSelf are available in over 800 outlets around NSW & QLD. Below is a partial distributors locality guide for your convenience, made up from some of the distributors who choose to promote their services through innerSelf. For more information on other distribution points near you please phone (08) 8396 6752 or email us at


Glebe The Glebe Healing Centre - Large range of Wholistic Therapies. 34b Taylor St, Annandale. (02) 9566 1222.


evard and Chambers Place, Woy woy, NSW 2256; 02 4342 0434


Crystal Twins - Wholesellers crystals, minerals, jewellery, beads; Unit 42, 556 Gardeners Rd, Alexandria, NSW; 02 9693 1373.

Aurora Crystals - Gifts for the Soul; Shop 3059, Westfield Miranda, NSW 2042; 02 9525 1150

International Institute of Kinesiology Australia - Certificate IV - Diploma in Kinesiology. 39 Mitchell Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015. Phone 0438 256 738.

Goodies Gems - Indian New Age Products. Shop 7/260 Military Rd, Neutral Bay NSW. (02) 9904 9921.

All About Health & Body - 168/170 Cavendish Rd, Coorparoo QLD.




Rapt in Earth - Alternative Health Clinic. The practice of natural therapies for spiritual, physical and emotional healing. 3/25 Hyde St, Bellingen NSW 2454. Phone Karen & Jo (02) 6655 0333.

Beyond Newtown - For all your newage needs; 207, King Street, Newtown NSW 2042; 02 9557 7269

Crystique New Age - Shop 1075A Westfield Helensvale Town Centre Drive Helensvale QLD 4212. Ph 07 55194778

Mood Moments. Reiki Master, HandMade Soaps. Shop 3, 44 Hyde St; Bellingen NSW 2454. Ph: (02)6655 2627 Kombu Wholefoods - Thriving shop in Beautiful Bellingen. Also large online store. 105 Hyde St, Bellingen NSW 2454. (02) 6655 9299.

Blackheath Lotus Temple - 38 Govetts Leap Rd., Blackheath NSW 2785; (02) 4787 9003.

Blacktown Bowen Essence - Gentle, Dynamic form of Bodywork; 14 Springfield Avenue, Blacktown, NSW 2148; 0418 470 166.

Camden The Crystal Shop - Crystals, massage, reiki, kinesiology, workshops; Shop 8, 166 Argyle Street, Camden NSW 2570; 02 4655 3703

Campbelltown Blackcats & Broomsticks. Magical Supply Store. Shop 3b, 263 Queen St, Campbelltown NSW 2560. Ph: 0437 106 763

Carlingford AJM Quantum Health-Allergy Testing & Bicom Therapy Clinic. 6 Parkland Rd, Carlingford NSW 2118. Ph: (02) 9872 2640.

Cooranbong Pure Organics - Certified organic fruits, vegetables, groceries; 4/37 Currans Road, Cooranbong NSW 2265; 02 4977 4015

Dee Why Essential Wellbeing Therapeutic Retreats - Comprehensive natural therapy centre. 16a/818 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why NSW Ph (02) 9982 2666.

Greystanes Crystal Clear Intentions - Reiki / Seichim Master, Crystal and Angelic Healer, Readings, Workshops, Meditation. 24 Carnation St., Greystanes NSW 2145; Ph 0403 027 732; email

Neutral Bay

Randwick Ambrosia Health Centre Accupuncture and Natural Therapy; specializing in women’s and children’s health; 193, Cloverlly Road, Randwick NSW 2031; 02 9665 4341

Cannon Hill Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse Bunnings Centre, Cnr Creek & Wynnum Rds, Cannon Hill QLD.


Maleny Maple St Co-op - 37 Maple St, Maleny QLD.



Planet Matterz - Cnr Wynnum Rd & Burri St, Morningside, QLD.

A Thousand Paths - Tarot reader, Kinesiologist, Reiki & New Age Giftware. Shop 6, 285-289 Windsor St., Richmond NSW; Phone (02) 4578 0400

Fundamental Foodstore - 219 Given Tce, Paddington QLD.

Sans Souci Satori Hypnosis - Clinical Meditation, NLP, Life Coaching;; 38, Meriel Street, Sans Souci NSW 2219; 02 9553 6788

Springwood Catherine Bell and Assoc. Naturopathic Clinic. 359 Great Western Highway; Springwood NSW 2777. Ph: 1300 304 781.

Strathfield Sai Import - Wholesaler of Gemstone Stirling Silver Jewellery. 2 Noble Ave, Strathfield NSW. Phone (02) 9642 1038 or 0402 887 773

Surry Hills Colon Care Centre - Colonic Irrigation, Weight-loss, Digestive problems; Suite 4a2/410 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010; 02 9211 1174

Sutherland Crystal Garden Crystal Shop & Healing Centre - Psychic Readings, Tarot classes, Palmistry, crystals, new age music, clothing, books & jewellery. 7/754 Old Princess Hwy Sutherland NSW 2232. Ph (02) 9545 6299

Sydney Adyar Bookshop - Australia’s largest alternative & metaphysical bookshop; 230 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000; 02 9267 8509

Tintinbar Pure Indulgence - Health and indulgent getaways; 71 Fredericks Lane, Tintinbar NSW 2478; 02 6685 3021

Woy Woy Gnostic Corner - Healing, organics, florist, spiritual cafĂŠ; Corner of Boul-

Paddington Southport Crystique New Age - Shop 1027, Lvl 1, Australia Fair Shopping Centre, Marine Parade, Southport 4215. Phone (07) 5527 0144.

Stones Corner New Dimensions - 425 Logan Rd, Stones Corner QLD.

Upper Mount Gravatt Crystal Living - Shop 1069 Garden City Shopping Centre Cnr Logan & Kessells Roads, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122 Ph 07 34206700

Victoria Point Tranquil Spirit - Spiritual gifts & Natural Therapies. Shop 6, 119-123 Colburn Ave, Victoria Point QLD. (07) 3820 8835

Woody Point Purple Unicorn - Magical gifts and supplies. Shop 4, 58 King St, Woody Point Qld. Ph (07) 3283 1055

Woolloongabba Mrs Flannery’s Natural Grocers - 52 Annerley Rd, Woolloongabba QLD

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NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Prayer is the most important part of the human experience. It is the most important part of our daily activities. The reason it is the most important part of our experience and our activities is because it is the process by which we create our lives. It should be understood by anyone examining the subject of prayer that everything we think, see, and do is a prayer. Life is a prayer in the sense that it is a continuous request to the universe and its God to present us with what we choose and desire. God understands our desires not just through the occasional utterances that we call “prayers� in the traditional sense, but through every thought we think, every word we speak, and everything we do. Our thoughts, our words, and our actions are our prayers. Most people do not think of life as a constant prayer; most people believe they are praying only when involved in that deliberate, peculiar activity we know as prayer. Thus, many people feel that their prayers either go unanswered or are answered sporadically and only in the affirmative. But the truth is, prayer does not begin with kneeling down, or lighting a votive candle, or sitting in meditation, or picking up our prayer beads, or performing some outward or inner ritual. If we understood that every word, thought, and action was a prayer sent right to God, a request sent right to the Heavens, I believe we would change much of what we think, say, and do. Further, I believe we would better understand why our more formalized prayers seem to be answered only sporadically, if at all. For here is what really happens: In our formalized prayers we seek God’s intercession or intervention in our affairs, hoping that God will somehow alter or create something for us. Yet these formal prayers only take a moment or two each day, or for some, each week. The rest of our time — probably 95 to 99 percent — is spent sending, oftentimes unwittingly, prayers to God that work exactly in the opposite direction of our formal prayers. So we pray for one thing and we go out and do another. Or we pray for one thing and we go out and think another. Let me give you a typical example. We may pray for greater abundance in our life, or for help with a financial problem. Those prayers are earnestly offered, earnestly said, and earnestly sent to God during our formal, ritualized time for prayer. Then for the rest of the week we go around harbouring thoughts of insufficiency, saying words of insufficiency, and demonstrating insufficiency in the everyday actions of our lives. So 95 percent of the time we send prayers that affirm we don’t have enough and 5 percent of the time we ask God to bring us

enough. It is very difficult for the universe to grant us our wishes when 95 percent of the time we are, in fact, asking for something else. This is the single most misunderstood aspect of prayer in our human experience. This truth is that the universe is a giant xerox, sending us, all the time, the answer to our prayers. And we are, in fact, sending prayers to the universe all the time, from morning till night, from birth till death. This is at once both empowering and, for people who are unwilling to take the responsibility it inherently creates, frightening. Only for those who understand the great gift that God has given us — the gift of our ability to create what we want — does this form of prayer seem inviting. For those unable to accept this level of responsibility for their actions, this form of prayer — morning to night, birth to death, in the shape of our words, thoughts, and actions — seems intimidating at best and unacceptable at worst. Only when we are willing to accept that our words are creative, our thoughts are creative, and our actions are creative, could this be attractive. Many are unwilling to accept this as truth because they are not very proud of the majority of their thoughts, words, and actions and certainly don’t want them to be considered as actual requests to God. And yet they are. The injunction then is to speak, think, and act in a way of which we can be proud — in a way that sends to God our grandest thoughts and produces our highest visions and thus creates Heaven on Earth for all of us. The thoughts expressed here are not new nor are they what one would usually think of as “new age�. As a matter of fact, a wonderful minister at the Marble Cathedral in New York City named Dr. Norman Vincent Peale spoke many of these same words when he authored what is arguably one of the world’s ten most famous books, The Power of Positive Thinking. What Dr. Peale said is what I am saying here: Your entire life is your prayer. When we become consciously aware of this, and when we accept this truth with joy, our entire lives change — sometimes virtually overnight and other times more slowly and subtly. When we accept this truth, we suddenly understand that God is our best friend and has given us tools of unlimited power to create the reality we seek to experience. I have had the beautiful gift of experiencing my own conversation with God, and the most urgent prayer of my life has been answered through that conversation. Every question I ever had in my life was answered in that conversation, including how best to pray. Two important points about prayer were made in that conversation.

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

NEALE DONALD WALSCH The first point is that the most powerful prayer is the prayer of gratitude. When we thank God in advance for what we wish to use and experience in our lives, we affirm that we have already received it and all that is awaiting is our perception of receiving it. Therefore, the power of a prayer exists in direct proportion to the degree of gratitude contained within the prayer. The most extraordinary prayer I have ever heard is one sentence I find myself saying continually throughout my life: “Thank you God for helping me to understand that this problem has already been solved for me.� This prayer has moved me through the most difficult moments in my life into peace and equanimity and even serenity. My second major point about prayer is that everyone may have a conversation with God. The process by which we communicate with God and by which God communicates with us is open to all of us, not just to a select few — not to the prophets, the sages, and the wisdom bringers of all time but to the butchers, the bakers, and the candlestick makers, and the barbers, lawyers, homemakers, politicians, teachers, and airline pilots — all of us. God’s communications with us is two-way, not one-way. God says to us that it is not necessary to pray a prayer of supplication. A prayer of supplication is a statement that we do not now have something, or we would not be asking for it. Therefore, asking for something literally pushes it away, for one does not ask for something one already has. In the request, then, is hidden our scarcity. That statement produces the result of not having. That is why all the great sages and all the great teachers of all the world’s mystical and religious traditions, bar none, have said to pray a prayer of gratitude. Thank you, God, for allowing me to know that this problem has already been solved for me. Then go on with your day and notice the miracle. Neale Donald Walsch lives with his wife, Nancy, at Heart Light, a retreat site they have founded in the woodlands of southern Oregon. Together they have formed ReCreation, an organization whole goal is to give people back to themselves. Walsch is continually touring the country, answering requests for lectures, and hosting workshops to support and spread the messages contained in Conversations with God. Visit his website at http://


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NSW & QLD InnerSelf

Awakening Body, Mind, Spirit

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