Innerself Magazine Issue 17 - East/West

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Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 17 East/West


Brandon Bays

PIGS MAY FLY The Swine Flu Hype or Hazard?


The truth about Anxiety and Depression, It’s official . . . lack of sleep will kill you, Feng Shui - All you need is love, Thoughts creating our future, Rolfing and more





































HOW TO LOVE YOU! by Janeen















CHAKRAS + BALANCE = NEW YOU by Aileen Bautista







THE POWER OF ULURU by Lorraine Webb









I am sitting outside on a cane chair under our back verandah. The winter sky is filled with grey cloud but the sun still manages to shine through, even if rather dimly. Suddenly the sun breaks through the cloud layer completely, declaring its presence in full ... My heart leaps in response. “Here Comes the Sun,” I playfully sing to Enza, who’s sitting next to me ... “Doo ‘n’ Doo Doo...” Just as suddenly the sun is covered over by cloud again. “Ah ... only teasing,” I add. As I look around I am immediately struck by the aliveness of the wind ... “This too is my energetic presence” I hear inwardly. “Just as in the sun, I am also in the wind. You are to appreciate Me in all my myriad forms. Simply allow for This that is, to be wherever it may be – This is all you need ever do. For I am here always.” Synchronistically, Enza reads out a line from Master Dogen that captures this moment exquisitely: “To carry yourself forward and experience myriad things is delusion. That myriad things come forth and experience themselves is awakening.” How incredibly interconnected life is ... how can it be otherwise when in truth, emptiness or unity – however you choose to view it – “myriad things come for th and experience themselves” moment by moment. When this view is what is, there is no viewer and in truth no view ... only “viewingness”. Tibetan teacher Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche describes this more precisely: “Seen the moment you look. Free the moment it’s seen ... there is not a single thought that can stick to that state.” This is the view awakened teachers and masters speak from. This is what is meant by “living the Waking Dream”... The moment we awaken to this presence in all things we discover how incredibly magical and unified life really is. And the “interconnection” speaks to us at every turn. If we are open to it,

our innate wakefulness will “see” in a unified way just what is, as it is. To “see” or “hear” the wisdom as it reveals itself through us as insight, becomes a perfectly orchestrated encounter ... an encounter between creation and Creator on a moment to moment basis. To honour each day for its rich gift, cleaves open even the most closed of hearts, to allow for the love that shines ever so brightly to pour in and through our beings – enlightening each thought, word and action. Gently, ever so lightly held ... without fear of losing or wanting to own this view, we allow for the gift of each moment to be made manifest, to burst forth into this world for the good of all – just as the sun does each day. This is all that’s ever being asked of us ... this willingness to step back, and even step out of the picture to allow for the “myriad things to come forth and experience themselves.” You ... yes you ... just as you are. You are one of these “myriad things” and more ... simply pull back, relax, look and allow for the awakening to continue to joyfully inform your existence. With love Leo and Enza

This is NOT a process or achievement, because even this understanding is happening in the clear and solid light of non-conceptual awareness itself. It is like sweeping dust off the porch in the noon day sun. Why settle for a dusty porch? But do not think that the sun is being enhanced! You cannot even do the sweeping or see the dust without the sunlight. The sun never was, is not and never will be touched, altered or modified. The sun corresponds to your ever-present, luminous true self. John Wheeler

InnerSelf, now with 297,000* readers Australia-wide our goal is to awaken one community at a time CONTACT US

Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 17 East/West

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PIGS MAY FLY The Swine Flu Hype or Hazard? about Anxiety and Depression, It’s official . . . lack of sleep will kill you, PLUS TheFengtruth Shui - All you need is love, Thoughts creating our future, Rolfing and more

ISSUE 17 (East/W est Edition) (East/West August-October 2009

We have two separate editions of InnerSelf. An SA edition and the East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) with a total combined readership of 297,000 readers across Australia. DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS: Free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at over 2,000 public distribution points such as health food stores, bookshops, new age retailers, alternative health clinics, organic outlets, healing centres and body-mind-spirit festivals as

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.


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The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for personal or health problems.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2009

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at




BY ISIRA You will have noticed how the world is seemingly being assailed by constant reverberations of fear at the moment, and that sound is almost impossible to ignore. Fear is perpetuated by the media, making us think about it every day, and we keep it going ourselves whenever we share our concerns with others. So in spite of our spiritual endeavours, we too are threads of fear in this tapestry of world upheaval. Such fears have been echoing throughout human history for eons – it is the fear of our “impending fall”. Each great civilisation that has taken the course of excess, driven by material gain, has been faced with the terrifying reality that obsession with money and power is ultimately unsustainable and will lead to collapse. And, like all humanity before us, we feel incapable in the face of what appears to be impending ruin. The changes taking place in our world today should not be of serious concern. It is nothing but a process of transformation, and transformation is inevitable. At some point, everything as we know it will end, and what we cannot yet imagine will begin. What really underlies humanity’s greatest fear is the overwhelming sense of disempowerment: the common feeling that we as individuals are at a loss, that we are incapable of doing anything about it. We ask ourselves repeatedly, “What can I do about this?” The answer is simple: you can respond. We can look at our situation from three very different perspectives, each resulting in different responses. First, the level of the experience itself: relative and subjective (what we see is constantly subject to change and affected by our internal beliefs). Secondly from the collective and evolutionary perspective and ied thirdly, from the position of unif unified awareness awareness: the timeless, eternal One Self. Depending on which level we are looking from, our perception and experience will be very different, but equally valid as each state is simultaneously co-existing. Great truths have stated that “All is love”, and “All is one”, but that doesn’t mean that this situation is free of conflict, and neither is it beyond the law of cause and effect. Within the embodied presence of enlightened love there is still the witnessing of those in fear and conflict. We must respond appropriately according to the levels of consciousness involved. Relatively and subjectively speaking, let’s be upfront and call a spade a spade. It is greed and nothing but greed that has brought about the situation we find ourselves in. Greed is the opposite of generosity. Greed is drawn from fear and is ultimately the driving force behind the world’s divisive measures. Greed results in abundance for the few and lack for the many. Generosity, on the other hand, is drawn from love and expresses the power of unity. Generosity cultivates abundant life for the whole. We are staring in the face of Karma: cause and effect. Collectively, humanity is undergoing a process of evolution. Although the mass of humanity is in a state of duality, current events may be a catalyst for spiritual awareness and transformation. Most people are unaware that their true being is love, and is the

One life. Thoughts and actions are drawn from the perception of separation. It is this perception (even though an illusion) that breeds fear, giving way to attachments, aversions, competition and greed. At this level of consciousness humanity is driven by individual needs. The ego is the perceived reality: the sense of “self” is inherently separate and singular. And, to the ego, what is happening in the world is indeed one of destruction and chaos; it appears that “the world is coming to an end”! While caught up in these thoughts and feelings we cannot see our own link between cause and effect. We think life is being done to us. We think it is all a mistake, some incongruent accident. However this process can cause us to confront our fears. This can be the catalyst to our evolution! We begin to be aware of our suffering and this awareness connects us to a deeper underlying reality: the truth that we really are love, that we really are the One life. This essential, aware Self begins to stir. We are now compelled to expand our view and perceptions of life, bringing about a shift in our consciousness. Instead of being immersed in the belief that we are the fear, that we are separation, or that our world is coming to an end, we begin to observe a bigger process. What we see collapsing is making way for a higher, more inclusive order and we begin instead to witness our self within the whole: we become present to an evolving, collective experience. Our sense of ‘self’ is no longer solely separate but interconnected with others. We can also observe the link between our selves and the workings of cause and effect by recognising the consequences of our beliefs and actions. Instead of being unconsciously trapped in cause and effect, we become present to our own role by acknowledging the power of choice and responsibility. We can now seek to bring the essence of the One life, the eternal presence, into our own lives. And, so we begin to sense the truth: what we are witnessing is not about death. It is about transformation. It is about life and re-awakening to what life really is. Life is not about things. Life is a journey: a journey of

consciousness, of relating, of being and responding. We see that when we lose sight of this, when we attach our selves to things, we remain trapped in the confines of the ego: the world is perceived and experienced in dualistic, conflicting terms. And, yes, when seen from the Self that is eternal, that is One, there is profound peace in knowing that our life is nothing other than the working and presence of love: we become a presence of true relating. All of this is the journey and the play of consciousness. We are living through the manifestation of consciousness, evolving here on earth. We must understand its stages to be able to participate more consciously and appropriately. And, we must begin to understand the nature of this manifestation. Our life is real. How it is perceived is the illusion. This is the central cause of our fears and limitations: not that life itself is un-real but that we limit and misconstrue how we see it. At some point we must take responsibility. Why? Because no one else is going to do it for us. We are the ones who must transform and take the journey from the confinement of the ego to the heart of the aware Self. Deep in the heart lies the sense of the unified “Self”, the eternal life. In this presence we know we are the creator… and it is through the manifestation of our Self as a unique individual that we contain the power and responsibility to bring fulfilment to the whole. Let’s not look upon responsibility as something to fear, but rather as something to revere. Responsibility engenders freedom, love, respect and power. Responsibility is response + ability: our ability to respond. It is not a burden placed upon us, or a power outside of us. This power is the ability deep within us; it is our purpose; it is invested in each one of us because we are purposeful to existence. This gives us the ability to respond. Only the arrogance of the ego would make us think we are less than capable or that the life that emanates from us has no effect or purpose to the whole. In every moment we are serving a purpose within existence: every thought, every word and every action is emanating from

our being, rippling out and affecting the whole from every moment thereafter. This is our responsibility. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, thinking of this in terms of enormity, let us remember our place, our being, as it truly is. Our place, our being, is the simple presence of the Now. Just here. Just now. Here in the Now, in this moment, is the origin of the thoughts, words and actions we choose. This is us as the causative factor: the creator of the effects that will follow. Your rresponsibility esponsibility comes down to this: to your attention in this moment alone. This is not something immeasurable or transcendent. It is utterly embraceable, it is imminent. Let go of the illusion that you have to fix the whole thing, that you have to worry about the distant outcome, and that you’re not good enough because you don’t have the power to do something more. By holding onto this story in your mind you keep yourself in an illusion. That illusion keeps you from the one place where you really can make the difference: the present moment. Right here, right now, in you, is the ability to respond, consciously. Right now YOU are the awake one; you are awake to what you are reading; you are awake to what you are thinking; you are aware. Simply bring your full attention to this. Be centred here. If you are centred here you will respond consciously. You will be aware of your thoughts. You will choose your thoughts, words and actions wisely. With awareness you will be filled with love. And with love you will be filled with the power to respond to life in the most harmonious and unifying way. Take care of each little moment and watch the love ripple out to fill every other moment. Do not worry yourself with an idea of an overwhelming burden, a responsibility to the world that you cannot meet. You have the power to meet your full responsibility already: the ability to respond in each moment. Isira teachings show us the certainty of our inner power so that we can live and respond in Presence, to impact the earth and humanity positively. Isira is the author of “A Journey of Awakening”. For more information visit or phone 02 9091 6833

Mind & Hear t with BEHRAM

To The Horizon and Beyond I believe that, every creature has its rightful place, and in its rightful place, it displays magnificence. So, have you been adventurous in discovering your true place in this world or are you like a ship’s captain in charge of a voyage to nowhere? You do realize that any day you wish, you can choose to either pretend that your life is already supersonic, or craft your life into a masterpiece. But, truthfully, are you really thrilled with your present lifestyle? If not, would it not be in your best interest to actually perform the necessary actions that allow you to live your wildest dreams? Doesn’t your yearning for more joy and meaning demand to be heard? And not just heard, but lived, in a zestful, exuberant and intense manner? Well, to discover your rightful place in this world and to be one with your magnificence, you have to be brave and wise enough to acknowledge just how precious your life really is and do what it takes to live it vibrantly. It is only when you acquire the clarity to know your future intentions that you will surge forward on the crest of your present moments towards a life of true distinction. So, what do you passionately wish to accomplish with your time and talents? The answer to this question will arise naturally, when you cultivate a clear long-term vision, of what your life really stands for, and how best to live each day. Then, your choices will be consistent with what is best in you, as you stretch to the horizon and beyond. Much as you learn a new sport, you can train your natural aptitude for being joyous and creative as a way of life. And although no happiness lasts forever, you can adventure into new realms of thought and action by viewing what is familiar in new ways, thereby extending your enjoyment indefinitely. Just think how wasteful it is to be preoccupied in the presence of great beauty, in comparison to celebrating the glory of the moment. And so, to add sparkle to your life, please know that it does not come from seeking

fresh experiences, but from feeling the freshness of each experience. Your delight has little to do with spatial location or the tantalizing satisfaction that comes from fleeting pleasures. True delight arises when you are one with the miraculous moment, in which the value of human life and the beauty of creation are best experienced. Since concentrated perception is often accompanied by feelings of elation, learn to unveil the mystery of a rich and meaningful life, especially in discovering novel ways of bonding with others in ways that are astounding. Time and again, inspirational relationships have proven to be of great benefit to our overall health and wellbeing. Deep, suppor tive friendships, healthy family relations, a keen interest in acquiring wisdom and making a positive impact in society, are indispensable requisites for happiness to thrive. This is because meaningful and stimulating relationships are one of the few external factors that increase life satisfaction under almost all conditions. By comparison, monetary abundance, professional success and leisure activities are of less significance. Therefore, learn to view others, not as they are, but as they could be, because from this vantage point, you help them to build a bridge from the present to a preferred future. In this way, you reveal to others the riches they have yet to discover within themselves. When you invest in people and lift them toward their true potential, not only do they love you for it, but you too, grow immensely in the process. So, inspire yourself to discover your rightful place in this world and let your joy enhance and make better the lives of everyone around you, by aiming for the horizon and beyond. We all have a calling for more richness in our lives. How much splendour will you sculpt today? Behram is a Buddhist teacher of international repute, with over 20 years of experience. He will be teaching in Australia, January to March, 2010. To know more, please call Arooza ~ 0404 653 222 or log on to

TO THE HORIZON AND BEYOND With Master Behram Ghista Talks, Workshops and Retreats Limited space. Early bookings are essential. February to March, 2010







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THE 3 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY 1 - To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. 2 - To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3 - To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society Levels 2 & 3, Theosophy House, 484 Kent St, near crn. Bathurst St. Website bsite: Email Email:

Institute of Heart Intelligence

We suffer as individuals, as a culture and as a planet because we are disconnected from our feelings and do too much thinking. Not managing our feelings is a major cause of emotional and physical pain, frustration, anxiety, stress, depression, relationship breakdowns and poor results in life. Heart Intelligence is the missing piece of the puzzle. As we re-establish ‘Heart connection’ amazing positive transformations happen in our lives.

Heart Intelligence can help you whether your search is for: • Relief from life’s pressures: stress, anxiety and frustrations • Greater self love, self confidence and inner peace • Motivation, energy and direction in life • Fulfilling and connected loving relationships • Health, well-being and release of physical pain by resolving negative emotions • Living your life fully, being at your best, more successful and feeling more happy and contented

Institute of Heart Intelligence


August 13-16: Growing Up and Blossoming - Connect with a open, innocent enthusiastic , powerful, whole, happy and alive being - You! August 27-30: Passionately Alive Emotional Intelligence Training September 10-13: Manhood/Womanhood - Manhood/Womanhood is about men and women establishing stronger, more resilient sense of self through developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of gender differences and finding healthy same sex role models. October 15-18: Passionatley Alive Emotional Intelligence Training. October21-24: Love, Sex & Money Create true ‘Hear t Centred’ WEALTH Many of us grow up not understanding how to direct our energies to create peace, happiness and contentment.

November 12-15: Radical Break220 Basin Olinda Rd, The Basin 3154 throughs - The most profound and liberating Breakthrough is to deeply Ph: (03) 9739 8889 • experince the fact that you are not your Nicholas & Susan thoughts, body or emotions. De Castella



The Sydney Branch, Blavatsky Lodge has, since its inception offered Members and Visitors a wide range of activities, such as Guest Lectures, Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Tai-Chi. ○



BY NICHOLAS DE CASTELLA Deep within you is an infinite, unchanging well of peace, happiness, love and contentment. To access this life sustaining essence we need to tune in and connect a pipeline inside, to our heart, where such nourishment abides. Many of us have lost our “Heart Connection” in the face of unmanageable pain. The strength of your heart connection is proportional to how open your heart is. When we have this “Heart Connection” in place we can return “home” whenever we need to replenish our spirit. Sustaining a Heart Connection changes every moment of our day and every thing we do. Scientific research is now showing that we function at our peak physically, mentally and emotionally, when we are centred in our hearts. For example: We think and comprehend more clearly We remember things better Our immune system functions optimally We relate to others more harmoniously We have more energy, get less tired and we sleep more deeply We get less frustrated, more patient and our days flow more smoothly We perform at our peak physically

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THE FIVE STEPS TO CREATING “HEART CENTRING” 1. STOP AND BE IN STILLNESS Stop going anywhere, doing anything ... Spend a few moments practicing mindfulness (being in the present moment). Let yourself settle down, be still. Do not try to make anything happen.Focus your attention on the infinite stillness that is the background of all activity. 2. BREATHE Spend a few moments practicing gentle, relaxed flowing, connected breathing. Breathe in gently filling your belly ... feel the chest expanding gently (heart area). Count two counts on inhale (not forced), bring awareness to the top of your head. Exhale: imagine a balloon collapsing. Count two counts at end of exhale (into stillness) 3. FEEL Tune in to the actual physical sensations that you experience and their location.Notice which emotional state you are feeling as you are feeling the sensations. Do you feel happy, sad, excited, scare, angry, passionate, peaceful or blank? 4. ALLOW, ALLOW, ALLOW Allow the feelings to just be as they are and to change as they may or may not. Maintain a childlike (judgementfree) curiosity to the experience that is unfolding.Make sure you do not force it or try too hard to make something happen. Be a benevolent (kind-hearted) witness of your experience. 5. FOCUS ON YOUR HEART Tune into the area in your chest, especially in your heart region. Focus on love and gratitude: Think of someone that you love. Feel the love ... Allow the loving feelings to get stronger as you continue to breathe up into your heart. Notice what comes into your awareness. Enjoy this moment (it is all you’ve got). With a little practice you can centre yourself where ever you go, what ever you are doing. This means you are never going to wait again! You are just taking a moment to do some more heart Centring. You can listen to a free 5 minute MP3 of

the heart centring meditation by visiting www.breathwork/tthreecload.htm. You can also purchase 10 and 20 minute versions there. Nicholas De Castella is the Founder of the Australian Breathwork College, a Quantum Breathwork Trainer, a Quantum Process Practitioner and trained in John Bradshaw’s ‘Non-shaming’ Therapy. For more info contct the Institute of Heart Intelligence, Ph: (03) 9739 8889 or visiting

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To Stand aatt the Edg erf ect Equanimity Edgee with PPerf erfect My heart sank as I listened to his litany of woe. And the worst of it was that it was the same tired story that I had heard so many times before; the house that he had lost through the marriage break up; the father that never accepted him and still to this day dismissed all his help and effor ts to make his life more comfortable in his old age; the serial girlfriends who also didn’t appreciate him; and the awful relationship with his ex-wife who was out to make his life as unbearable as possible. Adam and I had addressed these psychological issues in great depth with much clarity emerging from this enquiry. And yet it seemed that even with this understanding, it did not shift the reactive pattern. Now the problem remaining was an addiction to negativity. I looked at this being sitting before me. Adam is an attractive man made unattractive by his pessimism and regret. This shows up in a down-turned mouth expressing derision and deadened eyes, dark with loss and bitterness. Although slim, there is a slackness to his form of one who doesn’t care about himself and has given up. I felt deep empathy and compassion for this unhappy man who felt so trapped in his past. As is my practice I centred on my heart, energetically inviting his wisdom body to be present. And, as so often happens in my sessions, a psychic flash brought a completely unrelated question into my mind. “Adam, have you ever done the fire walk?” Instantly his whole face lit up and he answered quite proudly, “Yes, three times!” Hearing this I felt both surprised and not a little exasperated - how can one do something like this without it transforming your life in some way - until I heard his next words. “I learnt how to feel the fear and do it anyway.” I replied, “I think there is more to it than that. Describe to me how you did it.” His description was so perfect. “We

were taught to focus on the light, like a beautiful star in front of us. That evening, when the bed of red-hot coals was ready, we walked barefoot across it. The first time I did it, I couldn’t believe it! So I had to do it again to prove to myself that I had done it. This time I took my attention off the light and instantly I felt the heat. Just as instantly, I focussed on the light again and managed to finish. So I had to do it again to get it right and this time simply focused on the light throughout the walk.” I have told Adam’s story many times. By focusing on the light we transcend what we think is wrong or missing. It is a perfect illustration of the shift in consciousness that is happening at this time. If we focus on the negativity and what we think and believe is going on, we remain stuck in this consciousness. Regardless of what we are experiencing, of what appears to be happening, of how hot those coals are, we have to keep our focus on the light every second. To do this requires trust. Such trust is absolute. It is the trust founded on the truth that there is nothing wrong and nothing missing – ever! In our minds, with our egos, such a statement is patently untrue. There is so much wrong and so much missing. And yet the mystics and sages of all time repeatedly say there is nothing wrong and nothing missing. Everything is divine design. How do we bridge our human experience with this metaphysical truth? First, we have to understand the true nature of reality. Both science and mysticism realise that consciousness is all there is. Then, with this true awareness, we give it our full attention. We focus on the light. Light is the ultimate truth. It is the ultimate reality and focusing on anything else simply serves to give it false reality. As we know and are convinced of something wrong and something missing, so we give reality to exactly that. As we know truly and deeply there is nothing wrong and nothing

Bringing consciousness into all aspects of your lives

missing, naturally and spontaneously this ultimate truth is made manifest. This is the shift from the old earth to the new earth. This is the evolutionary leap required for such a shift to occur in consciousness – to know the truth, to focus on the light regardless of all that may appear as burning coals. This is supreme trust, unconditional trust – trust beyond all conditions. Trust is found in the heart. In truth, it is heart awareness. It is in our heart that we have the direct experience, the true experience that there is nothing wrong and nothing missing. Without this direct and tangible experience, such a concept remains only a very attractive idea and trust collapses with the next difficult event. Knowing the truth beyond the appearance of hot coals is true trust. Thie photo above was sent to me a short while ago. When I first saw it, I felt a physical reaction in my body. I was in awe of Dean’s trust. I was even more in awe of his words. “The ledge is used for initiation into the heart centre. It looks directly at the mountain called Putukusi , which means ‘flowering joy’. It is the heart mountain of Machu Picchu and connects with the heart of eternal love.” To stand at such an edge with per-

fect equanimity is perfect trust. More and more I realise that to trust is to surrender. It is to let go of all ideas that I can really understand what is going on, or why. In our day-to-day experience, trust is knowing that all is well regardless of disappointments, hurts and crashes. I recognise that my life is lived by a force that is beyond anything I can claim personally, egoically. The pure force of life - the heartbeat of existence - propels my life, all life forward. Trust that! Sky is an inspiring spiritual teacher whose incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in nor thern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit

"I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God" Sufi Proverb

It never ceases to amaze me how universal this thirst for freedom is. It seems more and more that the world is getting smaller and smaller as this wave of awakening and healing that we are all part of is sweeping this planet. Everywhere I travel, people are longing to bring consciousness into all aspects of their lives. They long for fulfilling personal relationships, and they feel called to bring consciousness and integrity into their businesses, flourishing and empowering their employees’ and colleagues’ lives as well as their own – it’s no longer just about making a fast buck. People are now really asking how they can give back, rather than just taking. They are making healthy choices for their bodies, and in their lifestyles – opting for organic, locally grown produce and food from animals that have been humanely treated. Even in the house-building industry there has been a visible shift from conspicuous consumption to more ecologically friendly alternatives. Everywhere we go people aren’t just talking about it – they are doing something about it. And it’s awe-inspiring to be part of this global quickening. The thirst to come home, to clear blocks and face issues, to experience real joy and deep peace, is a commonly shared universal thirst, regardless of our backgrounds and cultures. It’s becoming clear that we are all one big global family, all longing to come home to the peace within. This thirst seems to find its way into the hearts and homes of people from all walks of life in schools, social programs, hospitals, businesses – even in government and politics. It seems that even politically-minded people are beginning to respond to this glo-

bal imperative to find this essential peace within There’s been a shift in what is drawing people to The Journey, and more and more I keep finding that I’m meeting kindred spirits who are not just doing this work for themselves, they are working to contribute to the world, to help heal our planet during this time of real need. It’s moving and heart-opening to be allowed to be in a room full of generous hearts surrendered to a greater purpose that extends outside themselves. It brings me to my knees in gratitude. I’ve been in awe as I’ve seen that as people have opened themselves to be used, real greatness is being expressed and life is using the greatness. With The Journey people are getting the powerful, effective tools needed to catalyse this shift – for those seeking innovative solutions and conscious, empowering results, Journeywork gives them that. With our powerful process work we are clearing our blocks, shut downs and limitations and opening into a field of expansive possibilities. Conscious, creative inspiration is becoming available. Everyone knows that for true change to happen, it will have to start from within each of us individually, for we are aware that the doors to our creative potential need to re-open, and inspired conscious action needs to be welcomed. And this is an invitation for you to play your part. Even Barack Obama in his inauguration speech spoke of this, he spoke clearly and forcefully about this need for a change in consciousness, and he admitted he couldn’t do it all on his own. He strongly invited all Americans to play their part. And it seems that everywhere, not just in America,

InnerSelf people are answering this call, they are looking for powerful, effective ways to catalyse this shift – they are seeking innovative solutions and conscious, empowering results. Together we can lift the lid off of our consciousness and as we do, we transmit that same possibility to those around us. I’m asking you to open your heart and your being and join me, and the world, in this vision. See all of us finding freedom, peace and forgiveness in our daily lives. Imagine and vision our planet healing, that people have access to tools that awaken them to their own magnificence and that together we make a change. This is a deep invitation and I strongly encourage you to play your part, make the change from within so that we may be the change we wish to see in the world. In all Love, Brandon Bays Founder of The Journey Journeywork is being made available throughout Australia at The Journey Intensive seminar. They take place in the months of August, September and October in the following cities: Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Sydney, Newcastle, Perth and Cairns. For more information, and to reserve your place call The Journey offices on 1300 30 44 14 or visit australasia


Get a FREE copy of An Introduction to The Journey by Brandon Bays. Receive a free copy of this DVD which features Journey pioneer Brandon Bays sharing her Journeywork and its profound effects. To receive your copy send an email with your name and postal details to or call 1 300 30 44 14.


BY JAAN JERABEK WHO -The World Health Organization predicts depression will be the number #1 “illness” affecting global society by 2020. A recent study on women’s health(1) gave us statistics that we are rapidly progressing towards fulfilling this prediction. The study found that 8% of young women, 14% of middle aged women and 18% of older women use anti-depressants. Antidepressants are now literally the most common prescribed medication for Australian women. The cause of Depression and Anxiety is not a mystery. Any person who has experienced either of these and have undergone some deep emotional work, can tell you. Emotional Intelligence is needed to understand the mechanism behind both of these. It all comes down to our emotions and the nature of emotional cycles, coupled with the role of the unconscious defence system. The unconscious defence system is designed to keep us sane and “spared” from unpleasant experiences at all costs, even if it costs us our happiness and freedom. The defence system automatically represses anything unpleasant which we do not have the emotional maturity/ripeness to deal with there and then. It does this from the womb onwards. Anxiety is the surface-presenting symptom of varying degrees of old emotional pain just below the level of conscious awareness. This emotional pain is close to surfacing. Painful emotions are deemed as “bad” or “dangerous” or no-go zones by the defence system, leading to the fightor-flight mechanism to activate. This fight-or-flight mechanism is fear and adrenalin-based, which is why an anxious person experiences the symptoms of being “on edge” and “strung out”, hyper vigalent, feeling as if something “bad” is going to happen or go horribly wrong. As a result they end up needing to keep busy and distract themselves from the emotional pain which is trying to draw their attention. This busyness will be either physical activity or mental activity or a mix of the two. This is often why people will experience anxiety as a precursor to depression. The extreme version of this is bipolar depression- the extreme up and down phases.

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Depression is the surface-presenting symptom of varying degrees of old emotional pain trapped deep in the unconscious layers of the mind. This trapped pain has grown so stagnant and toxic that it stops the rest of one’s energy flowing – whether positive emotional energy (joy) or positive physical energy (motivation). Our ability to keep ourselves blinded and unaware to our old emotional baggage is phenomenal! They call it the “unconscious” for a reason. We are literally “not conscious” of our unconscious due to our defence system. Many people walk around in the “certainty” that they have no undealt with baggage from earlier life and genuinely wonder why they suffer from depression or other mental health issues. It is understandable why many people think it is a chemical imbalance, hence turn to antidepressants and other more heavyduty medication, thinking that is the only depression treatment option available to them as it possibly could not be anything else at the cause. The truth is, un-dealt with emotional baggage is such an extreme stressor on the endocrine system, that it really does change blood chemistry which in turn shows up in a chemical imbalance. It is a case of “chicken before the egg”, the emotional pain/depression was there first, not the chemical imbalance.

Our emotional cycles dictate that we will have our “ups” and “downs”. Up periods are when our energy channels are clear of emotional baggage, resulting in a nice flow of “high vibration” energy through us. This results in a flow of positivity both in our emotion world, such as joy, love, happiness and a positive flow in our external material world and life circumstances. Life flowing smoothly with ease. Eventually though, all of the “high vibrations” of the “up” phase will dislodge and start to cleanse out of our system, our unconscious mind specifically. A lot of “low vibration” energy - sadness, anger, fear, shame, guilt, and the negative thoughts attached to these emotions. The nature of joy and love, the highest vibrations available for us to experience, is the equivalent of a cleansing agent of our systems. ‘Joy & love bring up anything unlike itself.’ They dislodge all of the opposite in the system: Lack of connection, distrust, grief, heart wounding, anger, fear etc. Why do you think people experience “the honeymoon” phase in a relationship, and then fights and angst and pain kicks in? The love brings all the undealt- with pain to the surface. Suddenly our experience is one of feeling negative; struggling with these emotions as our unconscious defence structures will try to do its job and will try to ”help you” avoid feeling this pain. This only results in us resisting something that is natural and real, thus causing an experience of lack of flow, inner struggle, inner conflict, hard going times, both internally as the defences fight the flow in our emotional state (and our mind’s attachment to positivity) and in our ex-

7 GROWTH ternal life, which shows up as not so flowing suddenly. Remember our internal world is reflected in our external world. If we are not flowing internally, letting our emotional energy flow, how can we expect our external energy, life around us to flow? This cycle can occur short term. Happy one day, unhappy the next. It can occur medium term. Weeks and months in the positive flow and then suddenly lack of flow. Or it can be very long term. People will wonder why life was so great for a year or ten years even, and then suddenly “everything went downhill”. Prolonged periods of happiness will result in experiencing the opposite eventually. When you view depression and anxiety from this angle you cannot but help see that they are not an illness as such but a call to introspection, a call to undergo emotional work to release un-dealt with, past their use by date, emotional issues left over from earlier life. No matter what the “depression type”. Bipolar, Biochemical, Genetic, reactive... It is not that complicated to understand. (1) Australian Longitudinal study on Women’s Health

Jaan Jerabek is the founder of The Depression Solution. Using the most up to date techniques including ‘Cathartic style Breathwork’ that displace the defence mechanism, his programmes have helped thousands of people experience relief from depression & anxiety in his 15 years of professional practice. Phone 1300 500 881 or or



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Nicole Cody has the answers! Make the most of your life! Nicole’s ability to connect with her guides and yours, her spiritual gifts and her channelled wisdoms will really help you get your life on track. Discover how to make the most of your own gifts and talents through a personal consultation or workshop. Life Direction Readings.............90mins During a Life Direction Reading Nicole works with you to clarify the essence of who you are, why you are here, and what you can accomplish in this lifetime. No matter where you live Nicole can work with you through a distance or face to face consultation.

SoulConnection with NICOLE CODY

Old Souls in New Bodies Ever wondered why children being born today seem so sensitive, or a little “different”? Notice that today many more children have ADD, Autism, Aspergers, allergies and intolerances? Have you realised that many of today’s children have a much greater awareness of the environment, social justice and world events? These children are old souls in new bodies. Perhaps you are the parents of one of these children, or perhaps you are one of them yourself! Many of the children who have been born since the 1970s (and a few trailblazers before that time) are old and wise souls who have deliberately chosen this lifetime in order to bring about change upon this planet. A soul is not “old” just because of the number of lifetimes they have had! A soul is considered “old” when they have reached a certain level of knowledge, clarity and self awareness. Some souls take their learning from the place “between” lives, as well as from actual incarnations. Many of today’s children are souls who have not been incarnate on this earth for a very long time, or perhaps not at all. They can find the transition from spiritual to third dimensional reality a difficult and confusing time. Our world is now a crazy, fast paced, polluted and energetically frenetic place, packed with a cacophony of souls. Most of today’s children knew an Earth that was quieter, and slower, with more natural environment, far fewer people, and much deeper social and personal connection. It can take some time for them to adjust to their new environment! Most people have heard of Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal and Star children. I’m not going to use those labels today, as they can often end up limiting a child, or a parent’s perception of a child. Instead, let’s look at some of the many energies these children are bringing to our planet. Some of our children have incarnated on the earth to contribute to massive change in our society, environment, science and technology. These children may not fit the mould! They may have advanced verbal and emotional skills, and be confident and mature from early childhood. They will gravitate to leadership roles and hate being treated like children! Or they may be the reverse – shy with poor social skills. They may be obsessed with electronics, technology, and sciences. NASA is full of kids like these! They won’t usually care what other people think of them. Some of these children can be labeled with Autism and

Aspergers. Not all of them will want or need relationships outside their immediate family, but many will grow up to settle into relationships and families of their own after they have their feet firmly on their path. They often have excellent senses of humour, although a little offbeat. Some children coming to earth right now have the intention of helping to raise the world’s vibration. They seek to develop our interconnectedness, psychic and intuitive abilities, and to help us to stop fighting and start loving each other. They are full of joy, love, laughter, playfulness and understanding. These souls love healing and helping. They have a deep affinity with vibrational energies, hence their love of crystals, nature, music, reiki and so on. With this heightened emotional sensitivity they can often be upset, or have their feelings hurt, and they worry about upsetting others too. There is a sense of magical wonder about them, and they may have impressive telepathic abilities. Even before they choose their parents they may start communicating with you, and then they’ll never stop! All of these beautiful children are often labeled and judged, both positively and negatively. That’s really not much use, to us, or to them. Instead these children need what we ALL need: love, reassurance, acceptance and the opportunity to develop their own personalities, talents and ideas. If you are thinking about having a child, then detoxify. This goes for Mum and Dad. These old souls have a high vibration, so raise yours as much as you can with good preconception care. Also try crystal healings, acupuncture/ acupressure, reiki, a healthy diet, meditation and other energetic and natural therapies to make your body clear, healthy and balanced. Reassure and encourage these children, and then keep doing that, no matter how old they are! Feed them healthy food, free of chemicals and additives, and get them out into nature often. Remind them often how much they are loved. Support your child to choose their own path, and nurture and encourage their talents. Celebrate the diversity that these children bring to our world, and reach out to include them in the wider family to which we all belong – humanity! Nicole Cody is a channel, metaphysical teacher and Soul Guide. For more information contact her on 07 3256 0815, or

Life Purpose Readings................30mins An intense 30 minute session where Nicole reads and interprets your Soul Blueprint, explains your Life Lessons and gives you a strong overview of your Life Purpose.

For more information about upcoming events, workshops and consultations see our contact details below: 07 3256 0815 PO Box 636, New Farm Qld 4005

InnerSelf Online Calendar The only FREE nationwide calendar of events

Our goal is to awaken one community at a time


BY DAVID LANE Scientific research shows us that all creation is made up of units of energy called “particles”. When enough of certain particles accrue or come together an atom is formed. We know that matter is fundamentally made up of atoms therefore it stands to reason that the world is made up of energy units. In fact everything that exists is some form of energy. Humans must also be forms of energy. Our thoughts are forms of energy as well. We know that once energy is formed it lasts forever. We can change its form by transforming or transmuting it into something else but it is still some form of energy. An example of this is when we freeze water into ice – they are different forms of the same energy (H2O). Likewise, with our thoughts, because they are energy they will last forever. However, we can change their form by transmuting them into another form. We can take a negative thought and transmute it into a positive. THOUGHTS AND CREA TION CREATION Creation happens through a three par t process of “Thought – Word – Deed” . We all use this process every time we create something. It can be anything from making a cake or a piece of furniture to building a skyscraper or a successful career and everything in between. Here is an example of how it works Stage 1- The Thought: First we have an idea or thought about building something. Stage 2 – The Word: We think or talk about how we plan to create the end product. This adds more power to the original thought. Stage 3 – The Deed: We make the product and thus bring it into reality (the manifestation of the original thought). It is important to understand that all three stages are necessary to create anything. We create everything in our life, including our future, using the same process. Therefore our current positive and negative thoughts are creating future outcomes. The more powerful those thought patterns are, the more they affect our future. An example; It will be very difficult for someone to create wealth in their life if they have deep fear-based subconscious thoughts about being pover ty stricken. This is because their conscious and subconscious thoughts will be in conflict. Alternately, someone with a positive subconscious attitude towards money will be able to create wealth much easier simply because

their conscious and subconscious thoughts are working together. CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS THOUGHTS We are having conscious and subconscious thoughts all the time. Our subconscious thoughts are happening at a far greater rate than our conscious thoughts and therefore our subconscious thoughts have the most influence over our future. We can see from this where the problem lays. We are not aware of the majority of negatives that are creating our future because they are getting processed at a subconscious level. We only become aware of them when they manifest into our life. Most people don’t realise that they are the cause of their own problems and look elsewhere for the answers, quite often blaming someone else for causing it. It makes sense that if we are not happy with an aspect of our life then we will most likely find its cause hidden in our subconscious. So how do we know what the negative is? There are two main ways that we can do this. First; we need to observe our feelings and emotions because they will tell us the truth about what is really going on inside of us. For example; we might think that we are OK with some situation but at the same time we may be feeling anxious about it. The anxiety will tell us that we are not really OK with it regardless of what we are thinking. Second; observe how we react to the negatives of those around us. For example; if we react by getting angry at what another person says then we know that they have triggered a negative within us. In other words, people can only trigger a negative if it exists within us. It is impossible to trigger something that is not there. We often blame others for hurting us or making us angry but we don’t realise that we must also have an issue if we negatively react. When we have healed our own issue then we will see their anger but we will not negatively react to it. It takes a lot of self awareness to recognise and then to be able to change or override a deep negative subconscious thought pattern. EXER CISE: CHANGING NEGA TIVE EXERCISE: NEGATIVE THOUGHTS TO POSITIVE ONES. Think of something that annoys you or a situation where you felt hurt.


Instead of suppressing it like we normally do, allow yourself to feel the negative – own it but don’t fear it – observe it. Now think of how you want to be and feel the positive emotion that comes with it. Concentrate on how great this feels and make the feeling as strong as possible. Now bring up the negative and its feeling again and hold it for approx 15 seconds then say to yourself; “I now let this negative feeling go and I now replace it with...............” – think of the positive and the associated feeling for approx 15 seconds - the stronger the feeling the better. Repeat the above exercise several times and you will notice that the negative will start to dissipate as the positive starts to replace it. Keep repeating until the negative feeling disappears and you feel good. When we don’t fear the negative it loses its power over us and when we embrace the positive we regain our power. By replacing the negative with the positive, we are actually reprogramming our belief system. Emotion is the most important factor in this exercise by far. This is because the more emotion we have, the more we will erase the old and imprint the new information into our memory and thus become our new truth. David Lane’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an innate inbuilt feedback system which tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David has recently released his first book called ‘the handbook to heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s website; or phone David on - 08-94148416. Mob 0414352211

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~Stephen Levine


Men-Authenticity and the Future What is a man? These are confusing times. Men are bombarded with contradictory signals from wives, women friends, parents and peers. “Be strong but don’t be macho!” says one voice, “Be sensitive but don’t be wimp.” says another. Many reading this were raised with these commandments:

Thou shalt not cry. Thou shalt not display weakness. Thou shalt not need gentleness. Thou shalt comfor t but not desire comforting. Thou shalt be needed but not need. Thou shalt stand alone.


A Time to Reclaim Your Wholeness Would your life have been different

Goddess is a journey into your Self as you honour, heal & forgive your past, empower your present & celebrate your future. If you have ever asked yourself: Who am I really pleasing? What holds me back? Am I getting and/or doing what I really want? If you have ever struggled with relationships or with yourself or... if you simply ‘know’ there is more; then this weekend could be for you. Diane McCann, facilitator of this international seminar since 1987, is well known for her ability to inspire people & she uses empowerment, humour & skill to bring out the full potential in the people she works with. She did her first workshop when she was 13 and has held the vision of world peace since then. Goddess was created to give people more choices to live their lives consciously, creating harmony and peace within their own lives, their family and thus the world.

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Background “role models” - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood portrayed men as dominant; they don’t crack no matter what, always superb lovers, always sure of themselves, always in control … of women, money and the situation; a fabrication leading to more confusion. Since the Industrial age when men went to work in factories, sons were left with mothers. Today sons are still “under fathered.” Remember “Cat’s in the Cradle?” Son wants father’s attention - father always too busy - son grows up - roles are reversed! For years we have had the Feminine Movement, women have learned to own their own power and honour themselves and they’ve been forging ahead... Where does that leave men? If we look at statistical comparisons between men and women: Women live longer. Men’s suicide rate climbs continually throughout life. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violent crime. More men are homeless. It’s so important for men to have a great deal of input into their children’s lives from bir th. Men are deeply caring beings if given an opportunity to grow and access the deep wellspring of their emotions. Men are gatekeepers of some of the world’s best-kept secrets. They lead secret emotional lives and often hide their deepest fears and insecurities. Some disguise themselves as Mr. Nice Guy or Mr. Businessman however if their inner feelings aren’t allowed to surface it can result in ill health, deep unhappiness or simply feelings of confusion. How many of you reading this can see bits of your father in yourself? Perhaps you get angry with your kids, partner or workmate and have no idea why. Most people are looking for a last-

ing fulfilling relationship and yet divorce is up to nearly 50% in this country, instigated by women in 4 out of 5 cases. One common complaint is men don’t communicate. Women want to be intimately connected (not necessarily sexually). When intimacy is missing, it often becomes too hard and women leave. Very few men have real “friends” – they have mates to talk sports with but not intimate friendships with whom they can share the thoughts of their heart. The outside of an onion is hard and dry and crumbly, first layer is very thick becoming thinner till you get to the core which is clear. We are all like that, beautiful, transluscent cores hidden by layers of “stuff” and a dry outer skin… and we think that’s who we are. It’s time men had the opportunity to feel safe enough to explore some of the areas that might free them and allow their authenticity to shine. Time to begin to unpeel some of the layers so we can recognise the gifts each sex has to offer and begin to live our purpose. Ken Druck says: Disclosure is the least exploited form of power known to men. Therefore men, it is time to tell the truth... to yourself, to your partner and your parents. You could start with these questions... Do you secretly yearn for your father’s love and approval? Have you told your parents and or kids that you love them lately and if not, why not? Do you…define yourself on what you do for a living? Enjoy your job and if not what would bring you pleasure? Have emotional suppor t from other men? Allow yourself the right to feel fearful or uncertain? Have you ever made love when you really wanted just to be held? WHAT TO DO TO MOVE TOWARD WHOLENESS: 1. Read books such as Manhood, Iron John, Flying Boy etc. 2. Find a men’s group in your area. 3. Commit to healing yourself and being totally honest in your life. The only thing we can be sure of in today’s society is change and perhaps it’s time for men to find a way to access their truth and thus connect with their sacredness. Men have to feel safe being vulnerable and telling the truth. Like it says in The Men we Never Knew: “The reason men think with their pricks is because they have never been taught to feel with their hearts”. Men, it’s time to begin to exercise the intimacy muscles of your hearts and live connected with the core of who you really are. If we can create men and women who are willing to live authentically then perhaps we can create a world that works for ourselves and our children. Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within and together with husband Robert Mathews, Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples can be contacted on or 08 82481281




Swine Flu - Hype or Hazard? ○

BY KARIN MCKAY What is the Swine Flu? Regular swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease, caused by a type-A influenza virus that affects pigs. The current strain, A(H1N1), is a new variation of an H1N1 virus which causes seasonal flu outbreaks in humans- that also contains genetic material of bird and pig versions of the flu. Symptoms include: • High Fever • Coughing • Runny nose and/or sore throat • Joint aches • Severe headache • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea • Lethargy • Lack of appetite

How serious is the swine flu really? The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide, we now have 77,201 cases of the “swine influenza” and a total of 332 deaths. As unfor tunate as those deaths are, 332 deaths worldwide from any disease, simply does no constitute an emergency worthy of much attention, let alone fear! To keep this in perspective the WHO also states, that, 5-15% of the world population are affected by “normal influenza” each year, there are between three and five million cases of serious illness and between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths. (see Australia now has more than 1200 confirmed cases of swine flu and 9 deaths. There are about 10,000 confirmed cases in Australia of “normal influenza” and about 2500 Australians tragically die every year from “normal” influenza and its complications. So, the fact remains that the regular flu at this point in time is far more dangerous than the swine flu and were you worried about the regular flu before the media started talking this up? So please, as the numbers of confirmed swine flu cases are released,

keep a level head and don’t let fear run away with your brains. The number of fatalities, and suspected and confirmed cases across the world change depending on the source, so your best bet - if you want the latest numbers - is to use Google Maps’ Swine Flu T r ac k er er.. If you want the most current stats you can go to the World Health Organization’s Epidemic and P andemic Aler t and RReesponse site. This is NOT the First Swine Flu Panic My guess is that you can expect to see a lot of panic over this issue in the near future. But the key is to remain calm - this isn’t the first time the public has been warned about swine flu. The last time was in 1976, and it resulted in a massive swine flu vaccine campaign. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the vaccine. Even healthy 20year-olds ended up as paraplegics. And the swine flu pandemic itself? It never materialized. Evolutionary biologist Paul Ewald, claims that a pandemic of this sort simply cannot happen, because in order for it to occur, the world has to change. Not the virus itself, but the world. In an interview for Esquire magazine, he states: “They think that if a virus mutates, it’s an evolutionary event. Well, the virus is mutating because that is what viruses and other pathogens do. But evolution is not just random mutation. It is random mutation coupled with natural selection; it is a battle for competitive advantage among different strains generated by random mutation. For it to evolve into a human pandemic, the strain that finds a home in humanity has to be a strain that is both highly virulent and highly transmissible. Deadliness has to translate somehow into popularity; H5N1 has to find a way to kill or immobilize its human hosts, and still find other hosts to infect. Usually that doesn’t happen.” Where did This Mysterious New Animal-Human Flu Strain Come From? Alongside the fear-mongering headlines, I’ve also seen increasing numbers of reports questioning the

true nature of this virus. And rightfully so. Could a mixed animal-human mutant like this occur naturally? And if not, who made it, and how was it released? Not one to dabble too deep in conspiracy theories, I don’t have to strain very hard to find actual facts to support the notion that this may not be a natural mutation, and that those who stand to gain have the wherewithal to pull off such a stunt. Just last month the American pharmaceutical company Baxter was under investigation for distributing the deadly avian flu virus to 18 different countries as par t of a seasonal flu vaccine shipment. Czech reporters were probing to see if it may have been part of a deliberate attempt to start a pandemic; as such a “mistake” would be virtually impossible under the security protocols of that virus. Another example of the less sterling integrity of Big Pharma is the case of Bayer, who sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable bloodclotting medicine to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, even though they knew it was tainted with the AIDS virus. So while it is morally unthinkable that a drug company would knowingly contaminate flu vaccines with a deadly flu virus such as the bird- or swine flu, it is certainly not impossible. It has already happened more than once. But there seems to be no repercussions or hard feelings when industry oversteps the boundaries of morality and integrity and enters the arena of obscenity. Because, lo and behold, which company has been chosen to head up efforts, along with WHO, to produce a vaccine against the Mexican swine flu? Baxter! Despite the fact that ink has barely dried on the investigative reports from their should-be criminal “mistake” against humanity. Your FFear ear W ill Mak Makee Some P eople VER y’ VERYY Ric Richh in Toda oday’ y’ss Crumbling Economy Tamif lu (oseltamivir phosamiflu phate) is approved for treatment of uncomplicated influenza A and B in children 1 year of age or older. According to the The Financial Times governments around the world have stockpiled 220 million doses in preparation for a pandemic

that has yet to appear. The cost of this preparation is $7 billion dollars. Please realize that Tamiflu is not a safe drug. Serious side effects include convulsions, delirium or delusions, and even death in children and teens as a result of neuropsychiatric problems and brain infections. Japan actually banned Tamiflu for children in 2007. Tamiflu went through some rough times not too long ago, as the dangers of this drug came to light when, in 2007, the FDA finally began investigating adverse event r e por ts r ela ted to the dr ug elated ug.. Additionally common side effects of Tamiflu include: • Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhea • Headache • Dizziness • Fatigue • Cough All in all, the very symptoms you’re trying to avoid. But making matters worse, some patients with influenza are at HIGHER risk for secondary bacterial infections when on Tamiflu. And secondar secondaryy bacterial infections, was likely the REAL cause of the mass fatalities during the 1918 pandemic! Just a couple of months ago, scientists concluded that the 1918 flu pandemic that killed between 50-100 million people worldwide in a matter of 18 months which all these worst case scenarios are built upon - was NOT due to the flu itself! Instead, they discovered the real culprit was strep infections. People with influenza often get what is known as a “superinfection” with a bacterial agent. In 1918 it appears to have been Streptococcus pneumoniae. Since strep is much easier to treat than the flu using modern medicine, a new pandemic would likely be much less dire than it was in the early 20th century, the researchers concluded. But here’s the real kicker. When Tamiflu is used as directed (twice daily for 5 days) it can ONL ONLYY reduce the duration of your influenza symptoms by 1 to 1 ½ days days, according to the official data Why on earth would anyone want to take a drug that has a chance of killing you, was banned in Japan, is loaded with side effects that mimic the flu itself, is expensive, and AT BEST can only provide 36 hours of SYMPTOM relief. Just doesn’t make any sense. Ho w to Pr otect Your self How Protect Without Dangerous Drugs and Vaccinations For now, my point is that there are always going to be threats of flu

pandemics, real or created, and there will always be potentially toxic vaccines that are peddled as the solution. But you can break free of that whole drug-solution trap by following some natural health principles. I have not caught a flu in over three decades, and you can avoid it too, without getting vaccinated, by following these simple guidelines, which will keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you’re far less likely to acquire the infection to begin with. • Optimize your vitamin D levels levels. Optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of all kinds, and vitamin D deficiency is likely the true culprit behind the seasonality of the flu - not the flu virus itself. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. If you are coming down with flu like symptoms and have not been on vitamin D you can take doses of 50,000 units a day for three days to treat the acute infection. • Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately, and as you likely know, a strong immune system is key to fighting off viruses and other illness. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, like tomato sauce and fruit juice. • Get Enough Rest Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. • Ha Havv e Ef Efff ecti ectivv e Tools to Address Stress . We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology too such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma. • Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system

are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads. ood sour ce of • Tak akee a ggood source animal based omega-3 fats like Krill Oil Oil. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally impor tant to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response. • W ash Your Hands Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this — antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to. • Ea Eatt Gar lic RRee gular l y . Garlic works like a broad-spectrum antibiotic against bacteria, virus, and protozoa in the body. And unlike with antibiotics, no resistance can be built up so it is an absolutely safe product to use. However, if you are allergic or don’t enjoy garlic it would be best to avoid as it will likely cause more harm than good. • Avoid Hospitals and Vaccines accines.. In this particular case, I’d also recommend you stay away from hospitals unless you’re having an emergency, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds, and could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to this new bug. References 1 World Health Organization 2Epidemic and Pandemic Aler t Response,, April 27, 2009, 3 Emerging Infectious Diseases February 2009; 15(2):346-7 4 The Swine Flu epidemic- Fact or Fiction? by Dr Mercola 5 Esquire, April 26, 2009 6 CDC, Lightning-Associated Deaths 1980-1995. 7, Mor tality—Swine Flu 8 The Independent, April 26, 2009 9 Reuters, April 26, 2009 10 Associated Press, April 27, 2009 11, April 27, 2009 12 Online Journal, April 27, 2009 13 14 The New York Times, April 26, 2009 15 Nature Precedings, hdl:10101/ npre.2009.2832.1, Emergence and Fixing of Antiviral Resistance in Influenza A Via Recombination and Hitch Hiking, Henry



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“It’s Official… Lack of Quality Sleep Will Kill You…” A study by Stanford University clearly indicates that the immune system is at its most active during the

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night. Therefore, sleep is literally the body’s way of recharging its immune system, which is bad news if you suffer from insomnia. Many conditions ranging from common cold to chronic disease have been attributed to insomnia and poor sleep. University of Chicago researchers published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association last year. Nearly 500 healthy, middle-aged Americans, who had no heart disease at the beginning, were involved in the study. After five years, the participants were given CT scans of the heart; 12 per cent had developed calcification of the coronary arteries, a sign of advanced coronary artery disease. The subjects’ sleeping patterns were also monitored. Results show that those who got a good night’s sleep had a reduced risk of coronary ar ter y calcif ica tion. R e gular l y missing an hour calcifica ication. of sleep raised the risk of calcification by 33 per cent. It has revealed that loss of sleep, even for a few short hours during the night, can prompt one’s immune system to turn against healthy tissue and organs. While asleep, the body is given time and energy to recharge the immune system such as replacing white cells that have been killed. An article published in Biological Psychiatry revealed that even one single night of poor sleep increases the inflammatory reactors in the body, which can lead to a wide range of medical conditions ranging from cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, obesity and even certain cancers!


So if you are accustomed to cutting down on your sleeping time, this is a big wake up call for you to re-evaluate the priorities in your life and get more sleep. If you are still sceptical about what I’m saying, then maybe you’ll believe Dr. William Dement, Stanford University psychiatry professor, who stated that compared to whether you exercise, smoke or have high blood pressure, slee edictor of ho w sleepp is the most impor tant pr predictor how long you will live. So how can you improve your sleep? For those of you who have trouble falling asleep, you might want to consider the following aspects: 1. Establish a regular sleep routine. It is vitally important that you establish a regular schedule to go to bed and wake up. The key to falling asleep quickly is to train your body to recognize when it’s time to shut down. It is also important that you don’t over stimulate your mind just before bedtime as it will keep you in a more alert status and make it more difficult to switch your mind off. 2. Cut down your caffeine consumption. Did you know that caffeine can stay in your system for as long as 20 hours hours, which means if you have trouble going off to sleep, then you probably should have as little caffeinated drinks as possible, and certainly nothing after lunch. 3. Get enough physical exercise into your da dayy. Regular exercise during the day is able to promote healthy sleep. A 30-minute walk or some housework in the day can make sleep come much easier for you. But don’t do strenuous exercise after 7pm. But simply being able to fall asleep does not guarantee


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12 HEALTH & WELLBEING a good night’s sleep. Some people wake up exhausted every morning even though they’ve had eight hours of sleep. Some fall asleep easily only to wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. Some wake up too frequently during the night, while others have dreams through the whole night. All of these people lack quality sleep. It’s not easy to combat these problems, but here’s two areas that you might want to look at: 1. Pay attention to Sleep Hygiene . Before bed, have a warm drink, take a warm shower, soak your feet in warm water. These are very good practices of sleep hygiene. 2. Be sure to make your slee vir onment comf or tsleepp en envir vironment comfor able. The right temperature and lighting, as well as sound-proofing your room is very important in helping you to get to sleep and to stay asleep. A comforable and well supported sleep position can exert a significant difference in your sleep quality. That’s why a quality mattress as well as the correct posture pillow will do wonders for your sleep. In my clinic, I find that most people who suffer from insomnia have put their body out of balance over the long term and simple “Do It Yourself” tips may not be sufficient to overcome their problems. That’s why I developed a unique Chinese Herbal remedy to help people achieve better quality sleep. It has worked wonders for my clients in my clinic and I’m sure it can do the same for you.

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BY MARIE-ELISE ALLEN What is all this “go green” stuff about and how does it affect you? As the line goes from that song by Shakin’ Stevens, “Green Door, what’s that secret you’re keepin’?” Women who use make-up on a daily basis are absorbing almost 2.2kg of chemicals a year into their bodies, it is claimed, and you know those old lipsticks lying around in drawers, handbags and even in the glove box of the car? Chances are they may be a hot house for bacteria and may contain lead, and even though the “lead content” made headlines in 2007, it is anyone’s guess as to whether changes have been made in all leading brands since then. Natural mineral options are the way to go. This includes your nail polish which contains chemicals such as formaldahyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate. Toluene is a human reproductive toxin. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen that has been shown to cause cancer in lab animals. Dibutyl Phthalate is a chemical used in making plastics. It is known to cause infertility, as well as uterine problems in women and testicular cancer in men. Dibutyl Phthalate is one of the most toxic chemicals to the human body, and most cosmetic companies are discontinuing its use, but it is a slow process. Richard Bence, a UK biochemist who has spent three years researching conventional products, is quoted as saying: “We really need to start questioning the products we are putting on our skin and not just assume that the chemicals in them are safe. “We have no idea what these chemicals do when they are mixed together, the effect could be much greater than the sum of the individual parts.” Mr Bence, an advocate of organic beauty products, believes that absorbing chemicals through the skin is more dangerous than swallowing them. So you have just been

given another reason to make a move to mineral makeup. Among chemicals under scrutiny are parabens (para-hydroxybenzoic acids) which are preservatives used in products including soap, shampoo, deodorant and baby lotion. Traces of parabens have been found in breast tumour samples, and even though its link to the development of the cancer is disputed, where there are unresolved questions regarding your health, the best answer is to steer clear of potential problems. Sodium lauryl sulphate, (SLS) used to help create lather in soaps, shampoo, shaving foam, toothpaste and bubble bath, can cause skin irritation. It has a low molecular weight and so is easily absorbed by the body. It builds up in the heart, liver and brain and can cause major problems in these areas as well as causing cataracts in adults and delaying the healing of wounds in the surface of the cornea. As a matter of interest I was told when training in Kinesiology years ago that the bubbles that appear in instant coffee when you stir in hot water was from sodium laurel sulphate (as used in dish washing liquid) and I was so put off that I have never to this day drunk another cup of instant coffee. Talcum Powder is another everyday item best left on the supermarket shelf. Talc is a mineral, produced by the mining of talc rocks and then processed by crushing, drying and milling. Processing eliminates a number of trace minerals from the talc, but does not separate minute fibres which are very similar to the potent carcinogen asbestos. Talc particles have been shown to cause tumours in the ovaries and lungs of cancer victims. Baby powders which contain talc are best avoided. A good substitute is cornstarch. Go organic! In a study done in 2007, University of Washington researchers found evidence of chemicals called phthalates in the urine of 163 in-

fants exposed to baby products such as shampoo, lotion or powder. There is considerable evidence in animal studies that phthalates disrupt the endocrine system Action was taken in 2004 by the European Union, which banned the use of six phthalate softeners used in plastic toys designed to be placed in the mouth by children younger than three years of age. While initial concerns over the chemicals had to do with possible cancer-causing effects — effects now largely discredited by most available research — some researchers are currently more worried about the supposed potential of these chemicals to bring about a variety of reproductive problems later in life. It has been documented that these problems are testicular cancer, diminished sperm counts and metabolic abnormalities and they are especially worrisome because they constitute what is called a “silent toxiciy”. They remain dormant for decades, so they are not readily connected to chemical exposures during prenatal life or infancy. As an advocate of phthalate-free sex toys and the supplier of such, it stands to reason that the public health implications of intimate pleasure products containing phthalates are considerable. This is what is meant by “Green Sex”. Look for sex toys made from glass, metal, medical grade silicone (NOT to be confused with industrial grade silicone), hard ABS plastics, or elastomer. There is no need for anyone using sex toys to be subjected to itches, rashes, burning and discharge!! Let your nose do the walking!! Then when it comes to “Slip, Slop and Slide” your lubricant also needs to be as natural as possible. No parabens, no glycols, glycerine, sodium benzoate, grape seed extracts and mineral oils. Whether you feel you need extra slipperyness or not, lubricant helps with the fun especially if you are using toys and there are various options available including organic choices. Remember if you use silicone toys – do not use silicone lubricant. Your toy will break down, start to erode and become gummy. A nasty consequence for those who do not know. All this may feel overwhelming to some, so the general rule of thumb is “turn the container over and read the listing of ingredients. If you are unable to pronounce the words, then give it a miss and go for an alternative, that is as natural as can be, or organic. Some manufacturers do not even list ingredients used - have a look next time you are shopping. So next time you are out shopping it may pay to take look behind the green door! Check what the ingredients are of what you are buying. Greener is Smarter, Safer and Sexier. So choose well , and ensure the health and wellbeing for yourself and your family. Marie-Elise Allen is the face behind Sassy Vibes and the originator of Sassy Vibes provides women and men with an online boutique for the purchase of safe, chemical-free pleasure products. In addition to this, MarieElise is a key-note speaker and offers workshops and various opportunities for all those wishing to delve deeper into self-enquiry of which sexuality is an integral part. Phone Marie-Elise on 1300797090 OR visit


BY BRENT DAISLEY So we hear the term “Holistic” all the time, but what does it really mean and can it be of use in our daily lives? Put simply, to practice holistic health, means taking all things into account when it comes to your health. Sounds broad doesn’t it? Well in truth it is. Holistic health is the belief that all things affect all things. In essence the body is intrinsically linked to not only ourselves but to all things external. For some this is quite a hard concept to get your head around. In essence it is not impor tant whether you or I believe this concept or not. The present level of understanding of these laws is of little importance here. What is important is to realise that they exist. Just like if we go against the law of gravity, we will suffer, so can we suffer when we do not take all things into account when it comes to our health. Luckily this is much easier than it sounds. The main practice of holistic health at the current level of understanding largely centers around the knowledge that everyone is different or everyone is biochemically individual. What does that really mean? We are beginning to understand why what works well for one person can have little effect on the next person and may well even cause detriment to a third person. Holistic health narrows the field to a manageable whole by practicing what they know in that everyone has different requirements and tolerances when it comes to their nutrition, exercise, diet and lifestyle. Accepting the fact that everybody is biochemically individual is an impor tant fact to realise, as we can sometimes get preoccupied with a one-size-fits-all-approach. So how unique are we? Well if you had onehundred thousand people at a concert, no two would look alike or even have the same fingerprints. So we must look at our health, in terms of what does it mean for me, not everyone! Trying a one-size-fits-all-approach just doesn’t cut it as is evidenced by society’s declining health. To break the complexity of it down, finding out who or what you are in a holistic context is largely centered around identifying your biochemical individuality through a platform of Metabolic Typing®, then identifying your Body Type through examining your endocrine system (hormonal system) and your current posture, then identifying what your physiological load is (that is how much stress your body is under and how well it is coping with that stress), and finally indentifying what lifestyle habits may be impeding your health. In essence you can get an owner’s manual of how to eat, move and be healthy for you and remember…it is relevant only to you. So what is Metabolic Typing? According to Healthexcel’s concepts (pioneers of Metabolic Typing®), “a rational basis for selecting the proper diet and nutritional supplementation exists only through knowledge of one’s Metabolic Type, since the behaviour of foods and nutrients in a given metabolism cannot otherwise be known”. This is best described by way of the famous saying by Lucretius “one man’s food is another man’s poison”. Even healthy foods can result in poor health depending

on the individual’s Metabolic Type. Metabolic Typing does not treat disease, but rather seeks to build health and balance body ecology through a specific metabolic therapy, i.e., properly evaluating, identifying and addressing each person’s biochemical individuality, thus unleashing the body’s natural, inherent and powerful capabilities for restoration, rejuvenation and radiant good health, programmed into every one of the body’s 100 trillion cells and to a state far beyond that of merely being free of symptoms. Then holistically you would need to look at your Body Type. What happens when you put on weight…where does it end up? (largely dictated by your endocrine or hormonal system) What’s your posture like? What are your unique biomotor patterns like? How stable are your joints and ligaments? What is your current exercise ability? What does it need to be? What’s your balance like? Through identifying your physical individuality, you can assess how you need to move in order to create balance at a musculoskeletal/ physical level. By correcting posture and bio-motor patterns, the body’s load is evenly proportioned rather than placing excessive pressure on a particular joint or muscle. Bad backs, sore knees, etc are great examples of non-proportioned loads and poor bio-motor patterns. Next you may look at your current physiological load – that is how much stress you are under and how well is your body handling that stress. By examining symptomology from the various systems of the body, a person’s physiological load can be assessed. Once identified you can go about correcting it through a two pronged approach of not only decreasing the amount of stress but also allowing the body to deal with that stress from on a stronger platform through better diet, exercise and rest patterns. Next toxicity factors can be examined. Reducing exposure to toxins is of high impor tance holistically. These toxins can represent strong blocking factors that can seriously affect a person’s health. Specific protocols to remove toxins from the body, as well as reducing future exposure are the methods best adopted. So back to where we started…holistic health is the realisation or practice of taking into account that all things can affect all things when it comes to a person’s health. It is only after indentifying what is right for you in terms of how you need to eat, move and be healthy that you can really start to effectively manage your health. And who better to be in control of your health than the very person who has to live and breathe it. Brent Daisley owns and runs the Sydney H o l i s t i c Lifestyle Centre. He is a certified Metabolic Typing Advisor, a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and a CHEK Practioner. Brent’s Clinic is based on the science and practice of

InnerSelf ‘biochemical individuality’, or that everyone has uniquely different requirements when it comes to their diet, movement and lifestyle. Brent states that determining a client’s metabolic individuality is paramount in advancing their health. Brent specialises in cases where a person’s knows they have a health problem yet their doctor is telling them there is ‘nothing wrong’. For more information on Brent Daisley and his nationwide services visit - www.TheHolistic or call 0416032905.


BY MICHAEL STANBOROUGH Dr Ida Rolf originally called her unique form of bodywork therapy “Structural Integration” when she developed it over 60 years ago. These days it’s known most commonly by the nickname “Rolfing”, a term that arose during Dr Rolf’s development of the method at Esalen

Rolf ing

Institute in California. When the residents and visitors there received her treatments they described it as being “Rolfed” – saying they’d been Structurally Integrated somehow just didn’t do justice to the experience. Then a whole generation of people trained by her became known as


Re-establishing the Na tur al Alignment of the Human Bod Natur tural Bodyy “There is one major reason to take Rolfing seriously: it works. Not only can it dramatically change people’s bodies, it can transform their lives as well. Rolfing is powerful stuff.” Larry Dossey, M.D., Director Dallas General Hospital

CONDITIONS THAT ROLFERS TREAT: • aging related stiffness • post whiplash neck pain and stiffness • fibromyalgia • balance issues • anxiety • scar tissue • sports injury • cognitive decline due to stress

“Yes. You can feel better. Stand straighter. Have your pain reduced.” Mic hael Stanbor ough, MA, Cer tif ied Ad olf er™ Michael Stanborough, tified Advv anced RRolf olfer™ 25 yyear ear s eexperience xperience PH: (03) 8802 4345 • Email: linic .html www .m www.m .myy o-f linic.html

“Rolfers”TM and the names – verb, noun and adjective – have all stuck. These days most dictionaries even have an entry for Rolfing. It appears that 100 years after Dr Rolf received her PhD in bio-chemistry from Columbia University, the work she developed is here to stay. So just what is it that this remarkable woman conceived of? Through personal exploration and academic knowledge, Dr Rolf developed the insight that the ear th’s gravity exerts a continuous influence on the balance of the body, locking into place any of the distor tions caused by injury, poor posture or post surgical scarring. Systematically manipulating the pliable connective tissue, known as fascia, held the key to structural re-balancing and from this a more aligned, energised person would emerge. These soft-tissue mobilisation techniques realign the body so that it returns to its natural posture. This is accomplished through what has become known as the Rolfing Ten Series. Each session in this series works on a specific part of the body to systematically release the accumulated stiffness and stress in that area. The posture is progressively rehabilitated from the constrictions caused by injury, poor postural controls, overuse and emotional tension. As the series progresses the natural postural controls return and “standing up straight” becomes the normal state. Balance between the inner core and the outer sleeve is re-established with an accompanying increase in vitality and vigour. As the body moves away from the debilitating effects of muscular imbalances with their associated tension and pain, movement becomes more fluid and effortless. This ease in movement shows up in everyday activities as well as in sports and the performing arts. A number of wellknown spor ts people and dancers credit Rolfing with enhancing or extending their careers. As well as being a manipulative therapy that restores natural movement and posture, Rolfing has an educational component. Dr Rolf real-


ised quite early on that the changes that the therapist brought about in her clients would go deeper and last longer if they would change their habits of body use. These days Rolfers frequently give tips during sessions on how to prevent re-injury, stretch more dynamically and replace old habits of slumping or overefforting. The evidence is now strong that good therapy and movement education do in fact help make long lasting changes to posture, pain reduction and performance. Over the decades, Rolfing has moved from being an alternative therapy that enjoyed a reputation for helping people feel more balanced and grounded, par ticularly when other approaches had failed to provide a solution, to a recognised bodywork method that rehabilitates patients with long standing soft-tissue and postural restrictions. Tom Findley, MD, PhD and Cer tified Advanced Rolfer, is Associate Director for Research, War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center, at the East Orange VA Medical Centre in New Jersey. This center is designed to specifically serve veterans with medically unexplained fatigue and pains, and has highly specialized equipment to measure balance. Findlay’s researchers have found subtle balance problems in many veterans with unexplained pains as well as in persons with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Dr. Findley did a case study with his Rolfing clients who have myofascial pain, including some who have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. He measured their balance before and after the Rolfing using balance measurement tests. Everyone who had a balance problem improved after the Rolfing. If you ask a New Yorker how to get to Carnegie Hall they’ll most likely answer “practice, practice, practice”. Renowned concert pianist Leon Fleisher, who made his Carnegie Hall debut at 16 years of age, had done just that and through a grueling schedule of practice and performance developed a debilitating over-use syndrome. This led to the loss of use of his right hand and a frustrating decade of teaching, conducting and performing pieces for the left hand. After exploring dozens of diagnostic and therapeutic avenues in an attempt to return to two-handed playing, Fleisher discovered Rolfing. 10 months later, after receiving many treatments from Advanced Rolfer Tessie Brungart, Fleisher made a triumphant return to Carnegie Hall and has since returned to touring. In early 2009 he released to critical acclaim his first CD in twenty years. Brungart was subsequently invited to present her work to the National Institute of Health. Clinically, the largest group of people to benefit from Rolfing has some type of myofascial pain such as a bad back or neck, general stiffness or noninflammatory arthritis. Rolfing is also associated with good outcomes for specific conditions such as scoliosis, cerebral palsy and post-surgical scarring. In a future article we’ll look at the application of Rolfing with children. Michael Stanborough, MA, is a Certified Advanced RolferTM and an instructor for the Rolf Institute in the USA. He has over 25 years experience and has worked in a variety of clinical settings including the Colorado Back School and Austin Pediatric Services. Michael currently divides his time between private practice in Melbourne and teaching throughout Australia, the USA and Asia.

IN BRIEF Books, CDs, DVDs A Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Stuff and Alternative Healing By Susan Saliu and Jayne Collett Want to get a simple yet informative overview of what’s available in the world of healing and spirituality? This book offers the beginner on the path a starting point. Filled with clear explanations of spiritual terms, healing forms and even affirmations and tips for growth, each page guides the reader through the many benefits available in the world of Spirit. For orders email direct at Also available through The Journey An Introduction (DVD) with Brandon Bays Brandon Bays has made an incredible impact throughout the world with her Journeywork. Presented on this powerful DVD, Brandon shares her own healing story and the Cellular Healing techniques she discovered through the process of her own healing – the essence of what came to be The Journey. Through this DVD, you’ll discover how to put into motion your own healing by accessing your own genius. For your own FREE copy of the above DVD phone 1300 304 414 or email with your name and postal details. Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle By Lucy Cavendish This wonderful set of Faery Oracle cards and Guidebook is a doorway into the realm of Faery. Easy to read, yet deep, mystical and rich, the cards and layouts allow you to access powerful, insightful and accurate readings for yourself and others. Your own ability to see, sense and feel the “Fae” accurately, will grow stronger and clearer each time you work with this enchanted, inspiring deck, steeped in authentic Faery magick. Pub: Blue Angel Publishing As It is – Vol. I & II By Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche This profound Dzogchen Master, revered by many including the 16th Karmapa, Dudjom Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was recognized as someone who achieved final realization of the Great Perfection. This two volume set clearly elucidates the spiritual practices of Tibetan Buddhism, offering immense clarity on the subtlty of the teachings through pith instruction on both “Shamatha” and “Vipashyna” and how to realize self-existing wakefulness through the realization of “Rigpa”, our own innate suchness. A wonderful set of teachings to assist all who aspire to realize self-existing wakefulness. Pub: Rangjung Yeshe Publications Dist: John Reed Books Phone: (02) 4997 2936

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AlkalineBODY with SANG WHANG

How Acidosis affects your Health It is now believed by many authorities that most disease develops because of a lowering of the function and resistance of the body due to chronic acidosis. In this connection, Dr. George W. Crile, past head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland, USA and one of the world’s greatest surgeons says, “There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the endpoint of a progressive acid saturation.” Acidosis precedes and provokes disease. The body succumbs to physical disorders when its own acid debris accumulates to the point where resistance is broken down and the body consequently becomes susceptible to cold, fatigue, nerve exhaustion and degenerative disease. When the body reaches limits of increasing toxins within the body, the digestive tract, or any of the body tissues, it begins a house-cleaning process that takes various forms: diarrhoea, headache, colds, skin eruptions, abscesses or boils, rheumatism, inflammation of the eyes or other organs, catarrhs, chills, fevers, or anything that we recognize as acute disease. But all these spring from a common originating cause, an accumulation of acid waste in the body. Commercial foods are acid foods. Acid foods are addictive, causing over-eating and weight management problems. Whole natural foods have a balanced pH. Live people need live, whole, alkaline, green food. This is a difficult concept because of the green taste. We have to cultivate a taste. Then our bodies will reject dead commercial foods, salt and sugar. Also, you have to take whole live foods over time in order to reverse the effects of many years of eating commercial foods. Adults are more like children than children. They will make a very brief attempt to change to raw whole foods or Barleygreen®, and after a few days they quit, muttering that didn’t help them. How can anyone expect to reverse the effects of years and years of poor eating habits in only a few days. Most people don’t have the determination to overcome their bad eating habits! You won’t get a simpler solution for a return to health than God’s creation of whole live food. Now more and more MDs are accepting the fact that too much acid is the cause of disease and death. After all, cancer cells are acidic while healthy cells are alkaline. This is what I have been telling the world for over ten years. My book, Reverse Aging, explains it scientifically. Health professionals all recognize the need to reduce our body’s acid accumulation. However, they try to solve this problem with alkaline food. Many exper ts do not agree that natural and live foods do indeed reduce body acid. The dietary approach may work if the diet program is just right for that individual and that the individual is persistent; however, an unbalanced diet could result in nutritional deficiency. The world is missing the point of using alkaline water for acid reduction. Alkaline water works better than

diet because it does not add more wastes in the process of reducing acids. All special diets and exercise create more acidic waste. Alkaline water with any diet and/or exercise regimen works extra well. Alkaline water with any food will do wonders. Alkaline water, special diets and/or exercise mean that there must be a change of lifestyle. It is very difficult to change one’s eating habits. Drinking alkaline water is the perfect solution for today’s fast-lane lifestyle. Many MDs misunderstand that stomach acid neutralizes alkaline water and drinking alkaline water is, therefore, useless. This is not true! The fact is that if the stomach gets too alkaline or less acidic due to drinking alkaline water, the stomach must produce more hydrochloric acid to maintain the original acidic state. In the process of producing hydrochloric acid, the stomach must also produce sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline buffer, and put it into the blood stream, making the blood more alkaline. The stomach makes hydrochloric acid by this formula: H 2 O + CO 2 + NaCl = HCl + NaHCO3 Water + carbon dioxide + salt = hydrochloric acid + sodium bi-carbonate. I learned this from a pathologist, Dr. Stephen Weiss. Pathologists know this process, but most MDs do not. If we look at the stomach alone, we can come to an erroneous conclusion. When we look at the body as a whole, there is a net gain of alkalinity when we drink alkaline water. This is why it doesn’t make any difference whether one drinks alkaline water on an empty or a full stomach. Acid leads to pain, disease, and death; while alkalinity leads to better health and longevity. Sang Whang is an engineer, scientist, and inventor, Mr. Whang specializes in electronic filters, chemistry, and water among other fields.

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1 2 MJ Be prepared to utilise what is being

1 MK Take a lateral view of matters and you may

1 ML Sensitivity is heightened so it may pay to heed intuition.


2 3 4 ML Emotions are close to the surface and there

1300 662 543

3 4 5 MK Be prepared to look at things differently as what cones to fruition is very different. 6 … Full Moon K Lunar Eclipse The Full Moon together with the lunar eclipse heralds a time when changes need to be made, as circumstances demand different ways of dealing with them. The important point is to be prepared to do things differently otherwise consequences may be difficult to handle. 7 ML Use intuition to navigate your way through the changes required.

FREE HOROSCOPE CHART with a few comments sent to you by email by

International Astrologer Keith Haswell Tel: (02) 9499 9597 Email: Website:

8 9 10 MA Take the initiative and accept the

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is greater compassion or sensitivity to the environment. 5 … Full Moon L The increased sensitivity may cause some nervous stress however cooperation between all concerned should produce excellent results. 6 MA Taking the initiative calls for some risk taking but not haste.

7 8 MB Be practical about what can be achieved. 9 10 MC The value of information is what you 11MC

13 14 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon BM enters C The

actually do with it. 12 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon C The results of the past few weeks are realised and much may have been achieved. However there may be a few delays before these can be enjoyed. 13 MD Emotional connections with those that matter play an important part.

realisation of what has been initiated is now being realised. There may be difficulties in a relationship as the intensity of the time is expressed. Keep the lines of communication open especially as information you need comes via others.

14 15 ME Take pride in what has been achieved. 16 17 MF A critical perspective can be productive

challenges which are presented.

11 12 MB A practical approach produces the results you want.

15 16 MD An emotional connection with a person or matter dominates.

17 18 ME This is not the time to stand on ceremony; humility achieves better results.

19 20


be surprised by what eventuates.

New Moon EM enters F New beginnings may be flavoured with misunderstanding or neglect so make sure that everything is clear and above aboard otherwise deception and fraud may be the outcome.ere Be careful that overt criticism does not undermine what has been achieved to date.

21 22 23 MG Sun enters F Maintaining good relations is important but not at the expense of voicing an opinion or point of view.Practical, perfectionist and with an eye for detail are the hallmarks of Virgo

24 25 MH Be upfront in all dealings and avoid secrecy as others may become suspicious.

26 27 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon I Enthusiasm abounds especially with the promise of new opportunities but a need for flexibility and adaptability is necessary. Also the need for open communication will minimise any possibility of isolation.

28 29 30 MJ A responsible attitude is called for. 31

2 3 MA Take action and accept the challenges that are presented. 4 … Full Moon A Results will call for some quick action but not haste. There is a lot of energy and motivation to keep things moving, as this will increase the possibility of a speedy outcome.


7 8 MC Find the necessary information and ensure that your lines of communication are working.

9 10 MD B prepared to ask help from others in order to get things done.

11 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon D The consequences of the actions of the last few weeks may have depleted energy reserves. The lack pf stamina or resistance may compromise the matters at hand. 12 ME This is not the time to stand on ceremony; humility achieves better results.

13 14 MF Be careful that overt criticism does not undermine what has been achieved to date.

15 16 MG A balanced outlook will ensure efforts are rewarded.

18 19

17 18

20 21 MH Be careful not to take everything personally as this may backfire.

22 23 Sun enters GMI Grace, harmony, a balanced perspective and a gift for justice are the hallmarks of Libra.Take a big-picture view of matters and use this as inspiration.

New Moon G Moon enters H There is a new sense of control and it would be best to find a good outlet for this. Otherwise, inhibitions may play a role in slowing the progress of things. An increased sensitivity may also hamper the ability to make the most of opportunities.

may be the best option.Intense and passionate are the characteristics of Scorpio

the lead by shouldering the responsibilities presented will help release tensions. Quick decisions will also help initiate and consolidate actions at this time with a view to some practical outcomes.

prepared to look at things differently as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered. The action taken now may be influential on what can be achieved in this period.

27 28 MK Knowledge becomes important to further

27 28 ML Be careful that increased sensitivity does

what has been started.

not impinge on personal boundaries.

29 30

29 30 31 MA Actions speak louder than words.


easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

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22 23 MJ Sun enters H Taking control of matters

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

0421 326 001 or 8562 8358

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can

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spur things along.

24 25 26 Moon enters K‡ 1st Quarter Moon K Be

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

Herkimer Diamond Collection

19 20 21 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help

24 25 26 Moon enters J‡ 1st Quarter Moon J Taking

A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

5 6 MB Consistency is called for but refrain from

as long as there are alternatives. New Moon F Moon enters G The energy of this period brings some excitement mixed with apprehension. For some the need for independence may see them separate from the group. There is a strong emphasis on both practicality and good relations.

For more info contact Mary on: (07) 5494 4634 •

45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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26 th Aug: Mars now gets in on the action. At 0 degrees Cancer, Mars opposes Pluto and a T- Square is created with mindful, Mercury midway at 0 degrees Libra - The table for negotiations has been laid. with Robert Crawford, The call for action, to protect and Astrologist and Teacher defend (Mars in Cancer) does not like to be contained. Quote, “People lead, politics follows” is appropriate as is “actions speak louder than words” (Mars v Mercury). 7 th Sept: Mercury goes retroThe years 2008 -2012 is a was brought forth in the administragrade from 6 degrees Libra back to period in time made significant tion of Capitalist/Governmental man21 degrees Virgo, throughout Sept. by the need for change. The con- agement (Capricorn) from which our “Think before you leap”, is the adsumption of economic and ecologic society has been built. Slow moving vised plan of attack. Pluto goes distockpiles is spent to a degree that Pluto was last at 0 degrees Capricorn rect on the 11th, creating a turning adjustments to the way we live have in the 1770’s when the banking point and is in “hard aspect” to Mars powerhouse was the kingdom of become necessary. (16th – 20th). This being prime time The first degree of the four cardi- England, falling away as America for putting your thoughts into action, nal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capri- grew in rank to become the leading personally and/or collectively. corn (called the Aries Points), marks financial institution. As the Plutonic Mid Sept/Oct: The most powthe Axis for Change and insti- cycle repeats, again we see the “fallerful astrological pattern that harks gates the need for a new approach. ing away” now of America’s position back to the 1960’s and our attitudes • When the Sun is at these points it of authority (Capricorn) as the leadtoward consumerism and free enterhas reached its maximum or mini- ing financial institution. What we are prise is when the heavyweights – mum elongation, marking a seasonal witnessing is a meltdown on an eco“Conservative Saturn” in Libra, “Libchange and we adjust accordingly. nomic level and how to address the erating Uranus” in Aries and “per• When Pluto reached 0 degrees situation personally and collectively. spective oriented” Pluto in Capricorn Capricorn at the end of Jan 08 - A What it boils down to on a level of hu“shape up in a T-Square. Dubbed change of perspective (Pluto) man evolvement however has less to the Cardinal Climax (2010), this is very much a turning point in the handling of power and authority, ecoARE YOU A BIG THINKER? DO YOU BELIEVE YOU nomically and humanitarianly. This T-Square (the cardinal climax) is alCAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN…NOW? ready “in orb” and being felt – is of Our company is looking for seriously motivated people who can visualise themselves influence. achieving big things. Do you believe anything is possible? Do you believe you can make End Oct: Saturn moves into Lithings happen given the right opportunity and leadership? Are you passionate about perbra and is in “hard aspect” (square) sonal development and personal growth? If YES, then this lucrative home business opporto Pluto. Whereby the force and intunity may be just what you’re looking for. If you are sick of working hard for no results and tensity of Pluto and the need for are truly serious about making things happen NOW…visit my website or call me today at structure and format of Saturn meet or 08 8297 2492 at a Universal Crossroads (the Aries Points) – neither planet noted for “giving way” we come to a bit of a logger-head. New forms and structures need to be built as old estabIN AUSTRALIA 24 SEPTEMBER TO 5 OCTOBER 2009 lished ways, as well as establishA w ak ening the Light Bod pt 24-28 • Byr on Ba akening Bodyy with Tantric Shamanism • Se Sept Byron Bayy ments fall away. Resistance to Learn powerful tantric and shamanic techniques that will help you transform your life. COST: $975 (early bird $899 if paid by the 31st of August) for 5 days/4 nights. Includes twin/triple share in Sangsurya change is not only a struggle but Resort, meals and workshops. You are also welcome to celebrate the Equinox with us on 23 September for an self-defeating and can usually be Spiritual Transformation Intensive extra• $50.October 2-4th • Wisemans Ferry Sylvia Brallier seen as such, with greater clarity and Into the Hear t of Healing via Shamanism. COST: $550 (ear (earlly bir birdd $499 if paid bbyy the 31st of Author of perspective after the fact. I will enAugust) Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Includes shared accommodation, meals and workshops ‘Dancing in deavour to explain and expand on in Ferndale Country Retreat on the Hawkesbury. the Eye of Transformation’ For more information, please contact Dhyana on (07) 5525 0943 or the effects of Saturn and Pluto in the next edition. Please do join me. Conclusion: Pluto is all about empowerment. This is a time to empower ourselves whatever our level and circumstance, through the employment of “authoritive” love and awareness. We are in a tremendous period of transition and change, mapped out with Pluto’s movement into Capricorn, challenging the other planets and inNO W AVAILABLE NOW deed our consciousness when they move across the pivotal “Aries - Self-Paced Email: c@hotk planet.arc@hotk c@hotkee Points” and the axis - Mentor ed Tuition Mentored Phone: (07) 4057 4554 for change. Robert Terminology - “hard ied Le tified Levv el Crawford 20 Trinidad Close h, Qld 4879 - Cer tif Close,, Trinity Beac Beach, aspect” is when the planets are sharply angled to one another; like the 15 and 30 minute markings on a clock. Hard doesn’t necessarily mean difficult but dynamic, instigating the need to display managed, concerted effort.

Ey Eyee on the Sky

Perspective and the Axis for Change

do with the economic/environmental concerns and more to do with the use and/or misuse of one’s position on Power (Pluto) and Authority (Capricorn). The faster moving planets pivot around Pluto’s position of zero to two degrees Capricorn - Triggering the human response mechanism with regard to the administering of progress (Capricorn) given one’s current position and perspective on life (Pluto). Should you have planets within 2 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn – it will be all the more felt in a certain area of life that your birth chart will indicate? 1 st–3 r d A ugust: Venus moves into Cancer and opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Home and family values take precedence. Divides between the home owner and the banks’ position creates emotional tension. Countries alike, will feel the need for protection and support. 6 th Aug: Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse (series no: 11degrees South) augurs the need for a new approach in tackling old problems. The “safety net” appears to be a long way down and polarises conservative and alternative ways of thinking as individuals and in congress.

SYLVIA BRALLIER - Personal Growth Catalyst


Astrology Centre

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All you need is Love Love is the most powerful and desired emotion on the planet. It is what each and every one of us strives for. Love is the underlying motivation for life. Adver tisers also know this as they bombard you with ideas of being sexier, richer, and thinner, all with the hope of hitting that nerve; to be loved. The desire for a loving relationship can bring anxiety; am I lovable, when will it happen, and are they the one? Females in par ticular have been raised to feel that they are inadequate unless they can immediately find a love interest and potential husband. Many a fairytale comes to mind with the outcome being a partner that adores them. “Some day my prince will come”… Well when? When will my true love ride up on that white horse? As mother says; “all in good time”, “things will happen when they are ready”; “you will know when it is right”. Mother is right of course, things do happen for a reason, the universe decides what lessons you need in order to fulfil your destiny. All relationships, be it working, family or spouse are an impor tant element on the path to fulfilment. Each interaction with another individual can teach us more about ourselves and help us to grow as human beings. Some relationships are just for fun and short lived whilst others can last longer, perhaps moving on as we reach certain cross- roads. By using the cosmic trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man, we are given insight into someone’s relationship luck. A person’s birth chart reveals when the opportunities for relationships will appear. A birth chart also shows how each person interacts in any given relationship and can hold clues to improve the situation. This information can prepare us for any chance meetings that otherwise would have caught us off guard. Your potential for creating meaningful connections can then be enhanced using Feng Shui. A person’s home will usually reflect their birth chart. So, for example, if a person has relationship problems, there is usually a block within their home preventing them from reaching their goal. Sometimes they just need their Peach Blossom sector activated. Peach Blossom is what the Chinese refer to as your “attractiveness”, your ability to draw people to you. Each person has a Peach Blossom direction that is distinctive to them and it too is derived from their birth chart. Your outlook is integral to manifesting your desires. Never underestimate the power of your thoughts; they are the nature of how you perceive your world. Using positive affirmations and surrounding yourself with constructive images, instigates your mind to generate the law of attraction. Your home is also a reflection of your mind. (Yes, I can see you laughing, is it in a bit of a muddle at the moment?) Every time you look at your belongings, it conjures memories or thought patterns that you would hope are positive. Do you surround yourself with beautiful things or are your objects tired, dirty or broken? What feeling do you re-

ceive or more impor tantly project from your surroundings, are they supportive to forming wonderful relationships? Having items around your home that remind you to channel your thoughts towards your goal are known as “symbolism” and encompass not only specific items bought for a reason but your whole décor.

MANDARIN DUCKS A pair of Mandarin ducks is traditionally used by the Chinese to represent relationships. This is because the Mandarin duck is a most loving and faithful bird. Once it finds a partner it mates for life and should its partner be separated, it would fret for its loss to the point of death. There are other such animals that show similar romantic notions. Many birds are known to form long-term pair bonds that can last a lifetime; these include swans, geese, most hawks, eagles and falcons, most parrots, albatrosses, ravens, pigeons and doves. Being in Australia, the Mandarin duck may not feel vary familiar to you so its symbolism may miss its mark. You may like to try another bird that you can better relate to, one that holds more significance for you. So there is no need to stick to Mandarin ducks if your favourite bird happens to be, say, a parrot, just make sure it’s a loving pair of birds. A pair of doves would also nicely represent a loving couple and are used frequently at weddings. It’s the symbolic representation of a loving, monogamous couple that needs to be realised and it must strike a chord within you. In 2009, a good place to position your symbolic item is in the South as here you will be caught up in the winds of romance. Cindy Coleman is the principal consultant and founder of Feng Shui Palace. Educated both internationally and within Australia, Cindy is a certified Classical Feng Shui consultant with talents in BaZi and Date Selection. Her mentors include, Rina Lee and Joey Yap with a joint lineage to Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai. Her practice has taken her to many capital cities within Australia, Asia and beyond. For more info contact Cindy on 0421 913 468.



riage. The build up of resentment and all the unspoken communication between them created a huge barrier such that everyday conversation was loaded with tension and unexpressed feelings, and as a result all sexual activity had ceased. Recently, he talked with his wife regarding what he had been feeling. In his words, “I feel better, she has noticed that I am a different person. I feel desire for her, for the first time in a long time.” What did John do that made a difference? •he spoke to an independent person which supported him to dispel the emotional charge so that he could approach without blame, shame or judgement • he gave himself permission to be true and authentic •he shared his feelings and experience without any fixed idea of response from his partner • he created two way communication – leaving space for his partner to express her feelings • he was ready for a new experience To optimise your experience of communication, create two way channels. Often, people express what they need to say without ever asking “was it received by the other person?” or “did the other person feel seen, received or heard?” The way in which we communicate has an effect on the other person. When you speak, do you stay connected to

osperity Cr ea tePr Prosperity Crea eate

with Julie Ann Storr

BY MARTINA HUGHES Do you remember the last time you walked away from a difficult conversation with your lover feeling complete, nourished and fulfilled? If you are saying yes, congratulations for bringing yourself fully to the task of clear communication within an intimate relationship. The intimate relationship is fertile ground for many communication challenges. It is easy in the beginning - you enjoy witty conversation, silent glances full of anticipation, and the frission of arms touching as you walk through a doorway. It all feels good! The ego dances – this person likes me, it is flattering, they want to spend time with me, and it feels good. And then, what happens when this wonderful person says something or does something that you disagree with or do not like. It is part two of the ego’s dance – the low, they don’t love me, they don’t respect me, they don’t want me. What to do? The challenge to the ego is to stay open – can you walk through the difficulty with another, can you express your feelings without expectation or attachment to the other being a particular way? Real communication and true intimacy is the result of being able to stay in the dance with each other, through the highs and the lows. John who has been married for 20 years had been holding onto resentment about lack of sexual compatibility from the early years of his mar-


yourself? Do you allow your feelings to be present in the conversation? Do you retreat into your head in order to stay “safe”? Are you looking to hook the other person and make them responsible for what you feel and experience? Often, people attempt to have the other person change so that they don’t have to face their own discomfort. Sally would say regularly to her lover “you need to share your feelings, so I feel connected to you.” The transformation came for Sally when she started to share her feelings because then her lover could respond to her and that created the connection. While she was stuck in the habit of telling him what to do, she was avoiding her own discomfort by blaming him and not connecting with her own feeling nature. Within the self development paradigm, people can get stuck in trying to work out “what is mine?” or “what is theirs?”,which can result in nothing being said and tension, irritation or resentment accumulating. Often people try to work out in their minds the correct thing to say, usually so they can get the outcome they want. Instead of this, taking a deep breath in the belly and connecting with whatever you feel there is everything you need. For example, if you are in a difficult conversation, take a deep breath and check in - if there is anxiety in your belly, simply say, “I feel anxious right now.”

Say this out loud, without asking anyone to do anything about it, simply use it is as a way of connecting to your own feelings. This creates an openness for responding, feeling and relaxing into the conversation and provides an opportunity to connect with your underlying concerns and express yourself more clearly. When you are next faced with part two of the ego’s dance - breathe, feel and relax inside, express what you are feeling, sharing without expectation of the other’s response. It is all part of the dance towards intimacy, being able to express yourself without judgement, so that you can equally enjoy all the different expressions and feelings that arise within relating. Staying open and responding in the difficult moments with your partner will lead to an enriched connection in your relating, as it creates mutual respect, feeling and expansion. Martina Hughes of T a n t r i c Blossoming has been actively exploring sacred sexuality, tantra, breathwork, energetic healing and shiatsu for over 8 years. Martina’s vision and passion is to inspire men and women of all ages to feel their own natural energy, joy, vitality and bliss. She facilitates a space of greater awareness, openness and receptivity for people to experience the essence and freedom of their inner being. Martina offers mixed workshops, courses for women as well as Tantric consultations to women, men and couples to expand their knowledge and energy. For more information, visit or phone 02 9664 1110.

Top 10 Tips to Feed your Soul on a Budget You may be pulling in the purse strings for a while, but this doesn’t mean your soul has to suffer. In fact, these are the times you need to nurture yourself more than ever – and send a valuable message to your mind, body and soul that you are worth it! Here are my top 10 tips on how you can feed your soul right now – without spending a cent. 1. GET OUT IN NATURE Sometimes it’s easy to forget that one of the fastest and easiest ways to reconnect with ourselves is to simply go outside and reconnect with the elements. Breathe in the fresh air, take a hike, take the time to observe the trees, the flowers, the birds, the animals, the water, watch a sunrise, a sunset…these are all guaranteed to make you feel better and gain perspective. Weather permitting, take a dip in the ocean, lake, a river or if all else fails, run a bath with flower petals and soak in silence, feeling the sensation of warm water washing all your cares away. 2. MEDITATE You don’t have to attend a course, buy a CD or book to learn how to meditate. Sure, there are some terrific ones out there, but it can be as simple as creating a quiet space for 5 minutes and staying focused on obser ving your breath. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out…allow your thoughts to come and go. Just stay focused on your breathing. You can even find plenty of free meditation resources and tools via the internet, with podcasts and so on - so do a Google search and see what you find!

3. HEAD TO THE LOCAL LIBRARY There are literally thousands of books, audio CDs and DVDs out there and they are easy to access by joining your library. Or, if you have a likeminded friend with a healthy, happy bookshelf, swap some titles. And don’t forget to read the books you’ve been meaning to get to that are still sitting un-read on your shelf. It’s been estimated that we have read only 10% of the books in our personal libr ary. I know I am guilty of that…what an oppor tunity! That leaves dozens of great books literally at your fingertips, just waiting to be read right now! 4. RE-READ ONE OF THE BOOKS SITTING ON YOUR SHELF No this isn’t a double-up of the point before. Based on my experience, as I grow and evolve, I find that re-reading a spiritual or personal development book that you have read before can literally be like having an entirely new experience. That’s because we are often in a different space and level of understanding today compared with the first time we experience it. There are many classic books, audio programs or DVDs that you can experience many, many times over and still discover new layers and messages. It is very powerful to be reminded of what you already know, but may have forgotten. Even the most simple stuff. 5. SUBSCRIBE TO PODCASTS Many of them are free and can easily be found online, as can BlogTalk Radio Shows. Try Podomatic, iTunes, Learn Out Loud, Sounds True’s ‘The Open Door’, and NibbanaRadio. 6. GO ON A SILENT MEDITATION RETREAT In October 2008 I attended a

Roni & Geor Georgge Ask You HOW WOULD $20,000 A MONTH CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Business Opportunity in the $19 BILLION DOLLAR Personal Development Industry Unlimited Income Potential Make Your Year earlly Income Your Monthl Monthlyy Income Work 15 – 25 Hours Per Week From Your Home Office yw her Or An Anyw ywher heree In The World With A Computer And Phone otic Destinations Travel To Ex Exotic 24/7 Marketing, Training And Support Provided W! Take Control Of Your Life – NO NOW!

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20 PROSPERITY Vipassana 10 day silent meditation retreat – a life changing experience. Based on the technique practised and mastered by the Buddha to achieve enlightenment, Vipassana provides a wonderfully powerful oppor tunity to access yourself on a deep level. While you are not asked to pay for the course, lodging and meals, you are invited to make a donation which will give another future student the oppor tunity to attend and have this experience. Why not check out the retreats run by Vipassana, Brahma Kumaris and so on. 7. GO ONLINE These days you can find just about anything you want online for free - or close to it! With everything from book reviews to video trailers, articles, online courses, and YouTube (go to nibbanaTV and check out our Playlist selections) - you could get lost for hours! 8.SPEND SOME TIME WITH A CHILD There’s nothing like playing for an hour or two with young kids to be reminded of what’s important in life – laughing, being carefree and being in the present moment. If you don’t have kids of your own, visit your nieces, nephews or your friends’ children. 9. WRITE A GRATITUDE LIST OR LETTER While this is wonderful as a daily practice, I especially find this a valuable technique when I am feeling most challenged as it never fails to uplift me and help me put things in perspective. TIP - write a gratitude letter to yourself, this is something many of us be grateful to ourselves and acknowledge our courage, willingness to learn, to show up and simply for taking this time out for your inner self. This is essential to allow more abundance and good things to enter! 10. REFLECT, RECOGNISE AND REMEMBER Take a moment to recognise and embrace that life IS the spiritual journey - in every moment of every day. No matter what is going on around you – whether you are faced with challenge, adversity or stress – you can pause, observe objectively and ask yourself “How is this situation helping me to become more of who I really am? How can I grow and become a better person through this? What is it that I can be learning from this situation?” This will help you hit the “re-set” button and puts things in perspective. When you remember that every experience is an opportunity for us to appreciate, enjoy and practise some of the simple things in life, you’ll start seeing new ways to feed your soul everywhere! Please feel free to send us your suggestions for feeding your soul on a budget. Julie Ann Storr is Chief Inspiration Officer of Nibbana ( – an online community that connects you with the teachers, education and tools to support you on your spiritual journey. Julie is also a keynote speaker, coach and mentor who helps people move beyond their fears and limiting beliefs to create a more prosperous, happy and empowered life. For more information please visit or call 1300 nibbana (1300 642 226).

InnerSelf Ser enity V ibr Serenity ibraa tion Healing ® & Enlightenment Tec hnique echnique

As a qualified and experienced counsellor I’ve always intuitively felt there was something more than the “talking or hands-on therapies”to assist clients (and myself) to create and live an empowered life free from the traumas and pain in the past. Several years ago, I was looking for a simple to use, anywhere, anytime, quick and efficient modality to continue healing beyond the therapy room and without using psychobabble or disempowering language. As the saying goes “when the student is ready their teacher appears” or something similar and Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique presented itself. I believe in experiencing a modality to the fullest before offering new approaches to clients. During my first session two things happened. Firstly, I became more aware of how my thoughts, words, intentions and actions were instrumental in creating my daily experiences. Secondly, to my surprise and delight I left with, as the name implies a profound sense of “serenity”. I chose to implement the tools offered and each day began to notice more subtle changes within. Notably, the biggest change was increased mental clarity, focus and the lessening of random inner dialogue or that incessant mind chatter. I also learnt clarity and focus are the intrinsic foundations of instant manifestation and I began to consistently manifest more of my heart’s desires. Since 2002, SVH has continually met and exceeded all of my expectations as a transformational leading edge “easy to use”, “easy to learn” personal empowerment tool you can use anytime, anywhere to transform and create a better life for yourself and others. So, what is Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH ? Described simply and without too much woo-woo. SVH is an active form of prayer that is used to direct the higher consciousness and the soul to apply a multitude of transformational tools, the Creator replaces your limiting formatting with new imprints to support balance, harmony, sovereignty, abundance and personal empowerment. It is unnecessary for students and practitioners of this modality to be psychic, clairaudient or clairsentient, because they are consciously choosing and directing the implementation of the Serenity Tools. Now if you are feeling blocked from your true purpose or continually attract the same old experiences of dishonouring relationships, or holding onto the past or in need of clarity these are indications of the presence random inner dialogue thwarting and inhibiting your progression and manifesting your heart’s desires. Are you ready to experience “Serenity” and quiet that incessant mind chatter, restore clarity and focus and lay the foundations for a new reality that suppor ts the life you are consciously choosing? Contact Cris to book and experience your Serenity Session or Future TeleClasses for SVH Level 1, Level 1 Mastery or Level 2. There is way more on offer from Vital Health Connections and SVH including regular “Free Podcasts” hosted by Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique. Cris Elphinstone, B. Counselling & Human Change, SVH Level 2 Teacher & Level 3 Master Practitioner, Owner & CoFounder, Vital Health Connections Heard these before? Do you feel stuck or blocked from your true purpose? Do you continually attract the same old experiences of dishonouring relationships? Do you fear or sabotage abundance? Do you hold onto the past? Do you need clarity? Email: or call 0410 525 154.

Emotional Intelligence

The Key prosperity Ingredient By Justine Crowley The current times we are living in are really testing and pressing our emotional buttons. Handling situations with ease and grace requires significant emotional mastery from the individual involved if they wish to maintain and obtain significant abundance and prosperity in their life during lean times. There are many skills and attributes an individual requires to uphold to keep themselves in a peak vibrational state in attracting abundance and prosperity as opposed to lack, and handling one’s emotions is a key element in this – be careful what you allow into your mind to ensure you are not losing your cool in certain situations while other people are losing it literally. This is what this fresh and unique personal development business is all about. Stephen Covey also mentions it in his publications that someone’s emotional quotient is more valuable and significant today in the 21st century than someone’s mental and academic IQ. Things will happen – this is part of the journey of life; issues will arise at the most unexpectant time; instead of treating such and all adversities coming your way as a curse – treat them as a blessing. These key teachings enabled me to exit the rat race two years ago and start my second business as a natural therapist; which enabled me to literally retire in my twenties if I chose to and travel all around Australia, and as a result I now travel the world and heal people through life coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), energy healing and helping people quit cigarettes in 60 minutes if I so choose to, and now I (not being egoistic with the word ‘I’ it is really appropriate to emotionalise this article) have found an awesome personal development business two months ago where I can still engage in my

natural therapies work on the side while only working part-time hours every week; and yes I am still in my twenties; I have control over my emotions and am still growing emotionally! Wow! In this personal development business opportunity I am offering you I am paid to grow; especially as a result of what this awesome business encourages its associates like myself to engage in various positive energy activities on a DAILY basis with love, faith, ease and grace in making our world a more peaceful and harmonious place. The key phrases that enabled me to successfully “slide” out of the rat race two years ago include the following: “It is not what happens to you, it is how you respond or react to what happens” – you see we all have a choice, and one of the presuppositions of NLP is that choice is better than no choice – we can respond intelligently and appropriately to the adversities, in particular to what life throws at us at any given moment; or we can react and drop our positive energy vibrationally, and now the law of attraction will start to send out to you that which you do not want. You need to remain calm and keep a cool head even if the worst thing that can possibly happen to you has happened to you! Also “every adversity brings with it a seed of an equivalent success” and through the Beyond Freedom home study through this awesome business “for every negative there’s an equal or greater positive” and if you take some time and say, go to an ocean, you suddenly start to realise that your problems and challenges are so small in comparison – in reality some things which appear to be bad and important, really aren’t that bad and important at all in retrospect.

And one of my mentors also told me while I was owning my first business in consulting just before I knew I was out of the rat race is that “your problems are someone else’s dream” and “the more successful you are, the more problems your going to have”. Bring it on, I say. In my business and as a company Director and investor I love the “high quality” problems that come associated with such activities that provide me with a life of freedom and abundance on a daily basis – bring it on! In this awesome personal development business that I now mentor, qualify and bring people into this business and help them get started – I am getting paid to grow emotionally and so are they – wow! Imagine for a moment being paid to grow, travel the world, exit the rat race, design your own life and only work with people you want to work with in an awesome business in the booming, appropriate and rewarding personal development industry; where you are first and foremost helping other people change their lives for the better – basically being paid awesome money to serve other people in making our dynamic planet a better and more enriching place to live. As Napoleon Hill mentioned in “Think and Grow Rich” that in order to make great money you need to find out how you can be of service to masses of people, as this is a give and get world, and we do not get something for nothing – we first need to give something in order to receive. This awesome business meets Anthony Robbin’s Six Human Needs, particularly the needs for growth and contribution. Humans are destined to grow, progress and to serve others if they wish to live a dynamic, empowering, abundant, prosperous and fulfilled life – either

we are going forwards, or we are going backwards in any given moment as life is an influx of change. Investing in your personal development will take care of your emotions as you go through the natural progression of life and its changes while really coping emotionally. The Buddha also says “things are impermanent, constantly changing” of which is another key to really exit the rat race and design the life of your dreams; especially where a standard 40+ hour working week can easily be condensed to 15-25 hours a week which leaves me a lot of leisure and travel time while I am being of service to other people. So what are YOU waiting for? You really owe it to yourself to contact me today for an obligation free conversation of possibility to determine whether you are qualified, and have what it really takes to own and create a successful personal development business built on integrity, ethics and leadership – not to mention a real exhilarating life changing journey for your mind, body and soul for the better! Justine Crowley is a mentor and leader in the Personal Development industry. Justine is offering our readers an opportunity to find out more if they wish to work for themselves in this industry and run their own business helping other people apply The Secret and other key universal laws in their life. Further information on this lucrative personal development business opportunity can be found at or Justine can be contacted on 1300 764 689 for a conversation of possibility. And if anyone needs some coaching only and/or wants to Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes can go to 19237 and/or can also ring Justine directly to find out more.


Fresh, unique recession proof business opportunity in the personal development industry worth $10 billion

A high quality business that values integrity, ethics and leadership where you also get paid $$$ to grow emotionally A business with an eight year proven track record and is not MLM Six figure annual income potential in the first year alone working around 20 hours a week helping people apply key universal laws in their life High quality personal development products created by ‘The Secret’ teachers such as Bob Proctor For a conversation of possibility please contact Justine on 1300 764 689, on 0403 790 303 or you can also e-mail her at

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Lorraine Webb’s Spiritual Journeys Join Spiritual teacher, Lorraine on any of these amazing transformation journeys. Lorraine is a clear channel and is able to assist others to release old energies and embrace the new energies of love and enlightenment bringing in wholeness of being. Lorraine (Nyiduru) is of the Putjantjatjara/Kokatha Tribe and connects to the ancient wisdom of her ancestors.

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11 day intensive training held on sacred land, studying at the Nyangatjatjara Aboriginal College.

Join Lorraine and friends on this small intimate journey, on either one or both legs of the through Egypt.

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You will learn the latest and most ancient of techniques in healing, connecting to Mother Earth, Ancestors and Spiritual Guides. These techniques are the way of the future.

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You will go through your own personal transformation!

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Includes: • accommodation • 200 page manual • teachings at the Rock • welcome and farewell dinner • meditations under the stars • cultural experiences with Aboriginal elder • campfire • most meals • sunrise walks. Departing: 19th to 30th September 2009 and 18th to 29th April 2010

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Departing: 30th October 2009

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BY DR DARREN WEISSMAN You hold in your hands a complete system for changing your life if you choose to take action. This bold asser tion is based on two premises: fundamental and lasting change begins with understanding that we live in an “interactive reality” whose architect is the subconscious mind. Secondly, to facilitate that change you must make a conscious choice about how you’ll live your life…the choice is between love and fear. Faced with a barrage of daily messages about global peril, financial instability, mushrooming unemployment, pandemic viruses, dwindling portfolios, disappearing life savings, and escalating wars, this can be a difficult choice to make. Many people perceive the world as teetering on the brink of destruction. There’s a collective “thought virus” of helplessness, anxiety, and pessimism perpetuating the belief that there’s little to no hope of averting a world-wide catastrophe. Perceiving powerlessness and feeling victimized, many people are succumbing to suffering; they’re choosing fear. Today, I’m offering you a different option—the power and the tools to choose love. I’m offering you a prism through which you can learn to see each and every experience, challenge, or stressful situation— whether it’s a health crisis, personal crisis, or world crisis—as an opportunity to transform your life. I call this prism The LifeLine Technique. The LifeLine Technique is a philosophy of life; it’s a science that bridges you to consciousness, and a technology for quantum healing. It allows you to discover interpret, and release the root cause of all physical pain, emotional symptoms, stress, and anxiety—emotions buried within the subconscious mind. When activated with the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, your mind, body, and life’s innate capacity for transformation and inner peace is unleashed. Coupled with the Five Basics of Optimal

Health—the proper quantity, quality, and frequency of water, food, rest, exercise, and owning your power— when you conduct a session with The LifeLine Technique on yourself (or other people), you’re empowered to live an intentional, healthy, and passionate life. Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi says, “Peace star ts with the self and then the whole world joins in.”1 World peace begins with inner peace. And the path to inner peace is Infinite Love & Gratitude. CREATING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS The secret to creating the life of your dreams is buried beneath the surface of your daily reality within the subconscious mind. In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton explains: “When it comes to sheer neurological processing abilities, the subconscious mind is millions of times more powerful than the conscious mind. If the desires of the subconscious mind conflict with the programs of the conscious mind, which “mind” do you think will win out? You can repeat the positive affirmation that you are lovable over and over or that your cancer tumor will shrink. But, as a child, if you heard over and over that you are worthless and sickly, those messages programmed in your subconscious mind will undermine your best conscious efforts to change your life.”3The conscious mind is perceived to be the driving force of life, but it’s actually only 2 -10% of your awareness. The subconscious mind makes up the other 90-98%. The subconscious directs the function of the 50 plus trillion cells like a symphonic orchestra in perfect harmony. From your beating heart and the regeneration of your cells to food metabolism and waste elimination, it’s both a filter and a distiller of information, experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The subconscious mind also is the storehouse of emotions and memories, whose affects are vivid,

hypnotic, illusionary, pervasive, and deep-seeded. It’s the reactive mind; it reacts to your environment so that you can adapt and survive. In other words it shields and protects you. You can better understand the influence and power of the subconscious mind through this example. Imagine your body is covered with a bright red, itchy, and painful rash. Notice how just reading about a rash can cause you to scratch! How does imagining having a rash make you feel? Angry? Frustrated? Or do you feel ashamed or insecure? If you had a conscious choice, would you ever choose this symptom? Would you choose to feel angry, frustrated, ashamed or insecure? The answer is an astounding no! In my book, The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, I shared a new paradigm for understanding and healing, focusing on the subconscious mind. The only time you’re aware of the subconscious mind is when it’s speaking to you through the language of symptoms. Symptoms are a dialogue to let you know you have the ability to own your power. The LifeLine Technique is a comprehensive system that guides you to unleash the infinite power we all have to heal, regenerate, and be whole. I will be returning to Australia to teach in 2010. This year we had 120 people from Australia and other parts of the world learn this simple technique. It is truly life changing. Dr. Darren R. Weissman, is an internationally renowned physician, speaker, developer of The LifeLine TechniqueTM, and best-selling author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, An Evolutionary Journey to Awakening Your Spirit . For information on the seminar or the book: Contact Diane McCann (Tel 08 82481281) or watch live videos on

Qigong Meditation – Heavenly Orbit When you are proud of your achievement it is time to stop. If you sharpen and strengthen your mind by taking advantage of people, your enjoyment will not last long. One who accumulates valuable things will not be able to maintain them without becoming a slave to them. Becoming rich and noble with pride is to invite trouble for oneself. After accomplishing one’s goal it is time to retreat. This is the way of Heaven. Lao Tzu, Tao The Ching. Chapter 9. The idea of the Tai Chi or the Yin/Yang symbol cannot be attributed to a single person, as we are all influenced by the thinking of previous generations and by our environment. From prehistoric days, our ancestors began to observe the natural cycle of nature, the rising sun following the darkness of night, the continuous change from one season to the next and how our environment changed and adapted, including ourselves. As human beings we are a microcosmic of our universe, we are one with the universe. We are influenced by our surroundings. This is why Taoist monasteries are typically set in the mountains where there are not many people, making it easier to harmonise with nature.

The Tao pronounced Dao translates to the Way; it’s not a religion but a way of harmonizing with nature. Its origins are in ancient Chinese culture dating back over five thousand years. Lao Tzu, a historical figure from 500 BC was the first great master to write down his understanding of the nature of the Tao, in the book the Tao Teh Ching, which is the basis of most Taoist thought. Some of the other healing arts originating from the Taoist tradition include acupuncture, herbal medicine, feng shui and therapeutic massage. The Heavenly Orbit also known as the Micro Cosmic Orbit is one of the foundation practices of Taoist Qigong. There are a few different approaches to this practice but they all stimulate the flow of energy or Qi in the body and enable us to harmonise with the universe. Yang energy rises up the back and Yin energy descends down the front, like a flow of water permeating and stimulating the meridian system and balance the energy system of the body. It enables the blood to flow smoothly and the organs to function correctly, secreting different fluids and chemicals, allowing the body to restore natural harmony. It also helps calm the emotions as the mind is not distracted by imbalances it detects. It resembles a large living Tai Chi symbol constantly flowing around the body. This energy works on many levels. Every cell of the body is like a tiny moving Tai Chi. When our Qi or energy is weak, this orbit doesn’t flow very smoothly, affecting our quality of life. The ultimate aim of our right of existence is to allow our internal micro environment to harmonise with the external macro environment, and through our work and positive actions, we can help those around us. This enables us to realise ourselves as a living spirit in human form. PREP ARA TION Begin by sitting cross-legged on a cushPREPARA ARATION ion on the floor or on the edge of a chair, keeping the back straight. Rest your hands in your lap, palms facing up. Sit with eyes closed, chin tucked in and as though a silken cord is pulling the head towards the sky. Relax your shoulders and place the tip of the tongue on the top palate of the mouth just behind front teeth. Lift the Hui Yin or gently squeeze the pelvic floor. Breath naturally in and out through the nose, just relax, letting the mind become clear. Use your awareness to concentrate on the energy centres around the Heavenly Orbit. A basic principle in Qigong maintains that where the mind goes, the Qi will follow. The Qi flows naturally around this orbit and our job is to strengthen this flow. It’s important not to try too hard, but to relax and feel each energy point, described below. If you feel distracted, use your breath to focus the mind. As you bring your attention to each point, relax and feel, and concentrate on this location for 6 breaths. 1. Ming Men or Door to Life Life, situated on the spine at the back of the body directly behind the navel. 2. Yu Zhen or JJade ade Pillo w at the base of the skull. Pillow 3 . Bai Hui or Hundred Points Converge Converge, found at the top of the head. 4. Upper Dan Tian or Upper Centre of Ener ergg y, the spot between the eyebrows. As you relax, let your eyes rest. 5. Middle Dan Tian or Middle Centre of En-

InnerSelf er erggy at the middle of the chest in the chest cavity. 6. Dan Tian or Centr e of Ener g y , the area beneath the navel. 7. Hui Y in or Con Convv er ergg ence of Y in Ener Energg y, situated at the base of the body between anus and the genitals, also known as the perineum. 8. Chang Qiang or End of Spine just beneath the coccyx at the base of the spine. Return to the Ming Men or Door to Life 1. on the spine at the back of the body directly behind the navel. ade Pillo w 2. at the Stop again at the Yu Zhen or JJade Pillow base of the skull. Bai Hui or Hundred Points Converge 3. at the top of the head. Upper Dan Tian or Upper Centre of Energy 4. the spot between the eyebrows, resting the eyes again. Middle Dan Tian or Middle Centre of Energy 5. the area in the middle of the chest in the chest cavity. Dan Tian or Centre of Energy 6. the area beneath the navel. To close the form, turn the palms in, one hand on top of the other over the Dan Tian. Allow your breath, mind and energy to settle. When breathing in the abdomen gently expand into your hands and as you breathe out push the hands in, just relax and feel the whole body breathe. Stay in this closing position for at least five minutes, importantly a good close can solve many problems. Simon Blow a near fatal accident at the age of nineteen lead Simon to investigate various methods of healing and rejuvenation a path he has been on for over twenty five years. He is a Sydney-based master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leading regular classes for beginning and continuing students since 1992. Simon has received training and certification from Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals and Taoist Monasteries in China and has been given authority to share these techniques. He has received World Health Organisation Certification in Medical Qigong clinical practice from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Taoism and given the name of Xin Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a Standing Council Member of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing. He has also created a series of instructional DVDs and guided meditation CDs. Phone (02) 9716 4696


CHAKRAS + BALANCE = NEW YOU!! There are 7 main chakras associated within the body and they correspond with the major nerve plexuses and there are also 21 minor chakras situated at points around our body. The 7 Main Chakras 1) Root Chakra. Colour: Red. Located at Base of Spine. Deals with survival, sexuality and grounding. A balanced chakra results in: stability, physical health, trust, prosperity. Trigger for inbalance: Fear. An inbalanced chakra results in: Feeling heavy, feeling isolated, obesity, hoarding, greed and materialism, frequent fear, lack of discipline, restlessness, underweight, spacy 2) Sacral Chakra. Colour: Orange. Location: Abdominal, Genitals, Lower back, Hips. Deals with: Sexuality, Emotions and Desire. A balanced Chakra results in: feeling stable, sexual, pleasure. Trigger for inbalance: Emotions. An inbalanced chakra results in: over emotional, lack of boundaries, excessive sexual drive, obsessive attachments, rigidity, emotional numbness, fear of pleasure 3) Solar Plexus Chakra. Colour: Yellow. Location: Solar Plexus. Deals with: power and personal will. A balanced chakra results in: vitality, spontaneous actions, strength, purpose and self esteem. Trigger for inbalance: Ego. An inbalanced chakra results in:domination, blaming acts, hostile, scattered brain, constantly active, weak will, poor self esteem, passive, fearful 4) Heart Chakra. Colour : Green. Location: Heart area. Deals with: love and relationships. A balanced chakra results in: compassion, self acceptance and stable relationships. Trigger for imbalance: grief or hurt. An inbalanced chakra results in: co-dependancy, obsession, possessiveness, lack of boundaries, shy, lonely, isolated, lack of empathy, bitter, critical 5) Throat Chakra. Colour: blue. Location: throat. Deals with: communication. A balanced chakra results in: excellent self expression, verbally and creatively .Trigger for inbalance: lies or lack of truth. An inbalanced chakra results in: excessive chatter, inability to listen and comprehend, stuttering, fear of speaking, poor rhythm 6) Brow (Third Eye) Chakra. Colour: Purple. Location:

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN CHANGING YOUR LIFE? • Spiritual Readings (Psychic/Tarot) • Metaphysical Healing (Energetic, Pranic, Crystal, Colour & Chakra Rebalancing) • Spiritual Development Workshops and Training • Home based Personal Development Course • Leadership and Motivational Seminars and Conferences • Lucrative Business Opportunity based on “The Secret” and the “Laws of Attraction” Therapy Practice: 96 Belmont St Alexandria NSW 2015 BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

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brow area (in between eyes). Deals with: intuition and imagination. A balanced chakra results in: psychic perception, accurate interpretation of events, imagination and clear seeing. Trigger for inbalance: illusion or lack of clarity in situations. An inbalanced chakra results in: headaches, nightmares and dificulty concentrating, poor memory, poor vision, can’t see patterns , denial 7) Crown Chakra. Colour: white. Location: top of head (cerebral cortex). Deals with: awareness of self. a balanced chakra results in: wisdom, knowledge. Trigger for inbalance: attachment to things. An inbalanced chakra results in: overly intellectual, confusion, disasociation , learning difficulties, spiritual skepticism, limited beliefs, apathy, materialism T he Impor tance of Balance Imbalance in one chakra results in low energy and sometimes depression. A balanced chakra results in a holistic being - who is able to work consistently throughout the day and one that also accepts other’s energies (whether imbalanced or balanced) as they are fully aware of their own internal energy. A balanced chakra system results in a higher energy frequency coming from within you. Our chakra points have chanelled universal energy within our bodies to cater for a euphoric being which expresses itself through laugher, happiness and love. How do you Fix Imbalance? There are a couple of techniques you can use to cater for inbalanced chakras. Say for example there is excessive chatter which is our throat chakra- we can use the opposite colour of it (orange) and visualise it around our throat clearing and pulling the excessive energy down so that it can be balanced. Another example you can use is “wearing” the opposite colour- so in the case of the example with excessive chatter- wearing orange is good to balance your energy. You can also use or focus your energy on a coloured candle - let’s use excessive talking once again lighting an orange candle with the intention of balancing your throat chakra helps. But the holy grail of internal balance, I believe is simple meditation. It is easily accessible, fast to apply and universally accepted. Meditation Exercise- Opening our Chakras and Grounding our Energy 1. Sit comfortably on a chair or on the ground 2. Start by controlling your breathing - in and out, at a slow but steady pace 3. Feel the energy from the ground rise up to your root chakra - let the energy swirl there in a vortex for a minute or two 4. Imagine the energy ball as the chakra colour- in this case red 5. Keep breathing in and out at a steady pace 6. Once you are ready to move th energy up, feel it swirl to the next chakra (sacral), let it swirl there in a voertex again for a minute or two and imagine the energy ball as the next chakra colour, ie - orange 7. Continue this process until you get to your crown chakra 8. You will notice as you move the energy up that the energy will sometimes “sway you” left and right. This is nothing you should be worried about as it just means your focus and energy is controlled 9. Once you have reached your crown chakra - repeat the process again so that the energy ball goes back down to your root chakra 10. As it reaches your root chakra and you are ready for it to focus your balance - imagine your legs growing tree roots in the ground- strong and stable 11. Give thanks to your higher powers and guides for the help and guidance you invoked today Aileen Bautista is a gifted Intuitive Reader, a highly sought out Empath and an exceptional Spiritual Healer. Alongside her spiritual journey, Aileen is part of the new “young entrepreneurs” movement that is taking the world by storm. Aileen now mentors others to achieve their own freedom by offering spiritual clarity through healings, readings and workshops as well as offering a lucrative home business opportunity which enable others to truly see their financial potential.

Mary Shaw presents


Beyond Oneness is a State of Conscious Being. It is allowing Consciousness to live through you. Most of us have been on a spiritual journey for years, always being told we had to reach or attain the level of Master to be at one with all. We were led to believe we had to be special to reach this peak experience of Bliss or Oneness. We were also never told that there was something Beyond Oneness. NOT TRUE. As a child of five years old attending a Catholic school, I was told that God had no beginning and no end. I asked the teachers, priests and anyone who would listen - how could this be (because in my childish mind God was a man who sat on a throne). They could not or would not answer me, instead telling me I was being blasphemous to ask this question (a word at five years of age I did not understand). One day my dear Mother or Mum as I called her turned away from peeling potatoes, sat me down and said “It’s all Energy Mary just Energy” for some reason this statement calmed my frazzled mind and gave me peace. I had started on my spiritual quest! I studied energy in many ways through both the scientific and the alternative arenas. I taught energy modalities and explored the MultiDimensional Matrix of the Soul. I travelled to the Amazon, Machu Pichu, Egypt, The Yucatan and many other mystical places. I have experienced the Bliss/Oneness state many times but always I returned to what I thought was reality. I knew there had to be something more and there is. One day whilst facilitating an intensive seminar working on the Multi-Dimensional Soul Matrix, we as a group were propelled beyond our Matrix into The Void. This was unlike any void we had been in before, this was indeed Beyond Oneness. This awareness permeated our Energy Being on all levels and this time we did not return to reality –this was reality! Beyond Oneness is conscious energy moving and living through us all. No need to reach for peak experiences or to try and work hard to attain perfection anymore. Beyond Oneness is Being in the true sense of the word. Mum was right when she said “It’s all Energy Mary just Energy” Beyond Oneness – this conscious state doesn’t happen overnight. We do need to accept our true self and release the old patterns and beliefs and now more than ever this is possible. The Earth is moving through another Dimensional Gateway and the old ways do not serve us anymore. So accept my invitation and move into Beyond Oneness with me. This is not the end of the journey just the start of a new Reality. Mary Shaw is the founder of the Beyond Oneness Seminars and also the founder of Conscious Gateways specialising in Personal Mastery and higher vibrational trainings. Contact - 08 97544231 or 0405333233

Beyond Oneness

Beyond Oneness is a three part series of experiential seminars expanding you into the State of Consciousness known as BEYOND ONENESS. Mary is an experienced facilitator and has the ability to initiate change on all levels. She has worked in the alternative energy field for over thirty five years and will provide you with a safe passage into the conscious state of BEYOND ONENESS. Mary’s passion is working with the Multi dimensional Matrix of the Soul. SEMIN AR DA TES-PAR SEMINAR DATES-PAR TES-PARTT ONE ONE: SA Adelaide 10th11th Oct. 2009 • WA Busselton 17th 18th Oct. 2009 • NSW Sydney February 2010 For more details .com - Contact Mar y www .consciousg www.consciousg .consciousgaa te w a ys 08 97544231 or 0405003233




BY ROBERT REEVES When we work with crystals , the system is pretty simple. Cleanse, program, and wait for our manifestation to appear ... So lets get this straight, we leave our crystals sitting on a bench or in a draw for months and months, then we need something right now, like more money, so we grab our crystal, spend 30 seconds cleansing it and then program it by saying something like, “I ask this crystal to bring me more money”. Hmm, now think of that crystal as a friend, whom you never speak to unless you need something. Notice how the relationship is affected? Can you now see why that money didn’t come rolling through the door? The way I work with crystals is by treating them as though they were a person, or a dear friend, after all they can help you to make all of your dreams come true! We needn’t follow strict, limiting Guides when cleansing and programming but rather we should learn to truly communicate with the stone so that you can achieve far greater results. For those of you that are new to working with crystals (welcome!) here is a quick rundown and method: Cleansing : used to remove old energy from the stone. If we acknowledge that crystals are vibrational tools then we can also assume that they will pick up energies from their surroundings or the people that touch them. Naturally you want the

crystal to be solely focused on assisting you with your desire, so it is best to cleanse it before use. A method to try is to bury the crystal in brown rice for 24 hours, then dispose of the rice as it is no longer suitable to eat as it has absorbed the negativity. The rice has the ability to balance the energies in and around the crystal, although this only applies to brown rice, white rice does not have the same effect. Programming: basically asking the stone, politely, for your wish or desire. You can take the same approach as a prayer or just speak to the crystal from the heart. What I believe to be more important than either of the above two steps is the one in the middle that has faded out of popularity, yet is essential if you want effective results ... Charging the Stone. The process of charging the stone is basically like booking yourself into a day spa. It allows the crystal to relax and re-build its profound healing and manifestation energies. This is also a great time to connect with the crystal on a deeper level, to further enhance your results. Notice its energy, or even just admire its beauty. When you do this you show the stone that you are grateful for its presence and also for its assistance in helping you to reach your goals. To charge the stone you can do a number of things: · Leave in the sunlight for five

hours (As a cautionary note make sure that there is no possible way for the crystal to reflect the sunlight and start a fire – safety first) · Leave in the moonlight for five hours · Perform spiritual healing (Reiki, Angel Healing, etc) with the intention of re-building the crystals energy stores · Rubbing essential oils into the stone (Make sure not to do this on soft or porous stones as it may cause discolouration). Alternatively you can use essential oil sprays over the crystal. · Placing near plants for at least five hours, or overnight if possible. These can be potted plants or those growing the ground You may have thought that the sun/moon is used as a cleanser rather than charger, well yes and no. Firstly I want to assure you that if you have been using the sun/moon to cleanse your crystals that it’s OK, no harm done. If, however, you want to increase your success when working with crystals then I highly suggest that you follow the three separate steps. Otherwise it’s kind of like having a shower and a massage at the same time, it would just be nicer if they were done separately. So next time you work with your crystals, be sure to treat them as though they are a dear friend and must be cherished and I can assure you that you will reap the benefits. May our friendship last as long as the stones do ... forever. For more info phone (02) 4648 4200 or 1300 668 772 Web:


BY JANEEN Loving yourself means accepting yourself just as you are, coming to terms with aspects of yourself that you cannot change. It means to have self-respect, self esteem and a positive self-image. It does not mean being arrogant or conceited. It means having a healthy regard for yourself knowing that you are worthy. It is vital to remind ourselves that no one is perfect. We all have strengths and weaknesses, we all are good at something, and we all have the resources to work on improving ourselves. We are all unique, and in order to value yourself, it is up to you to find out what makes you unique, and to further develop that uniqueness that you have. How to love yourself? Don’t sit around and wait for approval from others, instead work on accepting yourself. It is in your best interest to be the best you can be. Invest and work on your personal growth. When you love yourself you automatically take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. You take care to look and feel your best by nurturing your body, mind and spirit. On the other hand, if you don’t love yourself as much as you deserve, begin taking care of your body, mind, and spirit, and as you start to become more self-aware, you will begin to generate feelings of self worth and achievement. You take care of your body by eating well, exercising and getting plenty of rest. There are numerous books on the market to help you learn

about healthy eating and living. Cherish the temple you live in. Your mind needs nourishment and exercise too. Don’t take it for granted. Stimulate it by learning about new and interesting things. Keeping your mind active helps you stay young and alert. If you take care of your mind and body but neglect your spirit, you will lack balance and will be constantly feeling that something is missing in your life. Taking care of your spirit rejuvenates you and helps you deal with the daily stresses and challenges of everyday life. Stop all criticism. Criticism never changes anything, so refuse to criticise yourself. Stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts, be gentle and kind with yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn new ways of thinking, treating yourself exactly the same way as you would someone you really loved. Love your negatives, find ways to suppor t yourself and remember to breathe as your breath is your lifeline to mental, emotional and physical balance. Take full and connected breaths throughout the day. Most impor tant of all, DO IT NOW! Everything begins and ends with you. How you view yourself is how you will experience life. If it is positive and healthy you will experience life in a positive and healthy way. If it is unstable and weak you will find life’s challenges overpowering and at times impossible. High self-esteem is impor tant, but the term can be misleading.

Self-esteem is your feelings of self-wor th based on your beliefs about being valuable and capable. It is your self-image, either positive or negative, at an emotional level. When it’s based on emotion, selfesteem can be indecisive and helpless to threats. If it’s obtained from external factors, such as an attractive physical appearance, or being popular, you can feel on top of the world one day, and find yourself disillusioned or disappointed the next. Instead of relying on external sources for justification, a healthy self-esteem must come from with-in, it should be the outcome of self-reflection and self-analysis. What constitutes a healthy self-esteem? •The ability to know yourself; to be able to assess your strengths, weaknesses, talents and potential •The ability to love and accept yourself as you are, knowing that you can improve and develop any aspects of yourself that you choose •The ability to be honest with yourself and be true to who you are •The ability to take responsibility for your choices and actions •When you maintain a solid self esteem, nothing can rattle you or take you off your stride •If you love and treat yourself with respect, life will supply you with respect •If you maintain your own happiness, life will provide you with more happiness •If you work with yourself to feel better, life will provide you with more compassion •If you give of yourself because you love giving, life will give to you Janeen runs Whispering Angel at Narre Warren, phone 03 8790 5760

Whispering Angels NEW AGE SHOP & SER VICES RV • Readings include Tarot, experienced mediums, photos, numerology, angel cards and Aura Soma. • Massages include Lomi Lomi, relaxation, sports, pregnancy and hot & cold stone. • Healings include Reiki, Theta, Kinesiology, Colour, Bush Flower Remedies and Crystal


Seeking Psychic Protection? This practical booklet by international lecturer and teacher John Fitzsimons explains how to get (and keep) you, and your home and work environment “clearer”. Send $10.00 (postpaid) to Aspects Pty Ltd, PO Box 5171, Clayton Vic 3168 Australia. For details of Australian SEMINARS, MEETINGS and CLASSES on PAST LIVES, HEALING, MEDIUMSHIP, PSYCHIC PROTECTION etc, write to the above address or contact us by email or phone. (See us in person for individual counselling or book purchases on these topics)

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The shop includes a range of mystical gifts, crystals, incense, feng shui products, jewellery, body piercing jewelllery, rock salt lamps, belly dancing clothes & accessories and much more!

• Extra services include Ionic foot spa detox, Counselling, Spirit art, ear candelling, self defence classes and other classes & workshops • There’s a time out area to come in and relax and read from a huge range of secondhand newage books available

Whispering Angels - 3 Rebound Court, Narre Warren (next to Invitation Indian Restaurant)

Phone (03) 8790 5760





How Tapping into your Past Lives can Change your World Today Sun Vortexes – places of concentrated solar energy – are the Universe’s gift to humanity ... uplifting all regardless of race, creed or level of consciousness. Mystics have long known of the spirituality of Sun Vortexes and places like Sedona, Arizona are noted Vortex zones visited by spiritual seekers. It is through you that the sun shines and the stars shed their lustre, and the earth becomes beautiful. It is through your blessedness that they all love and are attracted to each other. You are in all, and you are all Swami Vivekananda

Sun Vortexes – places of concentrated solar energy – are the Universe’s gift to humanity ... uplifting all regardless of race, creed or level of consciousness. Mystics have long known of the spirituality of Sun Vortexes and places like Sedona, Arizona are noted Vortex zones visited by spiritual seekers. However, there is no need to go to Sedona to experience the wonders of Sun Vortexes. You can be embraced by Sun Vortexes – and the multi-colours and rods of light therein - right where you are ... in your own backyard or garden. More importantly, Sun Vortexes can be accessed, invoked and seen by all, not just by a few gifted individuals. The picture below is a Sun Vortex photographed while I was meditating and chanting in my garden. The experience of being enveloped by the Sun’s loving colours and warmth filled me with utter peace, joy and personal insight. As can be seen in the photo, the more I chanted and meditated the more the Sun Vortex and I became one ... with the coloured rods of the Sun Vortex piecing and aligning with my chakras. Why do we feel so good in a Sun Vortex? Not only is our Spirit uplifted in union with the Earth but our body and psyche are also nourished by sunlight and the colours of the Vortex. Sunlight is a well-known healing therapy; the benefits of colour have been known since ancient times and is the basis of colour therapy. Please feel free to experience the power of Sun Vortexes by placing your hands on the picture below for 15 minutes or more. Al-

low the Vortex energy to infuse into you. You may choose to do this in solitude while meditating and chanting. The picture is the first in a series. In recent months, I have been receiving intuitive insights on ways to capture Sun Vortexes by humming specific tones. As I hum, I feel a blending of the earth frequencies with those coming from the heavens. These frequencies represent various gifts for humanity. Sensing the energy fields, I see them in soft tones and vivid forms. As it is difficult for many people to see colour energy with the naked eye, my partner photographs the Sun Vortexes with a camera fitted with Dr Harry Oldfield’s filter while I hum - in various colour frequencies. After periods of intense meditation and silence, I have lately been inspired by new insights that I believe will allow positive and empowering changes for humanity – in a profound and simple way. Intuitive humming (toning), chanting, sacred words and melodies are now part of my life - and those of my clients! An Intuitive, Ingrid Johansson has had an extensive professional background as an Adelaide Director of Nursing and a general, psychiatric and gerontic trained nurse. She offers an Intuitive Counselling service dedicated to empowering you to clarify and realize your life purpose and passion ... simply and directly. After all, life answers are already within you and all you need do is tap into your inner knowing. May you be filled with the unconditional love of the Divine Consciousness. Ingrid’s specializes in the physical and metaphysical use of Dr Harry Oldfield’s Electro-Crystal and Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) Camera. As a diviner, she is also able to assess whether harmful energy fields are affecting you.

Ingrid Johansson, Director of Universal Health For You PH (07) 5441 3818

Have you ever wondered why some people annoy you as soon as you meet them, or alternatively why you feel a strong bond to someone without even really knowing them? Changes are you have known this person in a past life. Past life connections can play quite a significant role in your current life, they can explain some of the boundaries, fears and even illnesses you have in your current life. For example, I know of a case where a woman had severe stomach ulcers and no medication or western medicine was able to help her. During a past life regression she discovered that she had been poisoned and when she was feeling out of control and helpless in her current life, she manifested into form severe stomach ulcers similar to what had happened to her in her past life. There are lots of cases similar to this, and whether you are a believer or not, a regression process can release some of the boundaries, patterns and thought processes you hold in this life and free you up for greater experiences and a more fulfilling life. So how can you tap into your past life? It’s simple really. Start putting to-

gether the puzzles pieces. For example, do you have a culture or period of history that you love? What are your family origins, where did your ancestors come from? Have you ever been to a place for the first time and felt like you were at home? What games did you play as a child, or what did you want to be as a child? These are all pieces to the puzzle that you can put together to give you clues as to what your past lives were. Another great way to get clues to your past lives is through your dreams. Have you ever had a dream that shook you? Or you felt it was real? Before you go to bed at night say to yourself “tonight I want to dream about a past life that I am connecting to in my present life”. It is a good idea to have a note pad or journal next to your bed so when you wake up you can write down what you dreamt. Once you have done this a few times you will star t to see patterns and similarities to your present day life. Now you have star ted to identify these patterns you can release and change them. Another way is through meditation. There are a number of ways you can do this. Imagine yourself walking across a bridge. When you get to the

other side you are in a past life. Notice how you feel, what you are wearing? Are you male or female? Where are you? What year is it? All these things will give you more information. One of the main benefits of connecting to past lives is it releases old baggage or vows you may have that are creating boundaries for you today. It can assist in weight loss and ease or sometimes cure health problems. You can connect into talents from previous life to assist you in your present life. Another great reason is its fun! Imagine yourself as a detective putting together the clues to solve the mystery. Happy hunting. Samantha is a mother, wife and business woman. She is a director of Evolution Events and founder of Empowering Women. Samantha’s passion is to empower women in all areas of their lives by giving them the tools they need to create and maintain their own independence, confidence and lifestyle. To find out more, visit her website:

Want to know more? We will be holding a Past Life Regression workshop in September this year, for more information please email




BY SARAH LIDDLE Are you willing to awaken, to see and embrace its true meaning, the real possibility beyond the signature scent of pain? Are you willing to live your life embracing the pain you feel inside? Could you capture the pain and channel it into positive and lasting change? We enter into any sort of pain for a million and one reasons. Whatever the nature of your pain, ego, soul, external inflicted, internal, afflicted, intense, mild, hot or spicy, it is ultimately your pain that takes your consciousness to greater levels. If we observe ourselves to examine our pain a little closer we can see that we have friction in our bodies, which is caused by an imbalance. This imbalance is illustrating to us that we are not in alignment with our higher self, we are not being true to who we authentically are at our core. Erase the friction and you erase the pain by anchoring in on who you authentically are. The imbalance, or friction is caused from two opposing forces. E.g. you might want something right this very moment but you cannot have it right now. If you eliminate one of the two opposing forces by believing “although I do not have it now, I know I am a part of all things, therefore if I am willing to believe I can have it because it is a par t of me” the pain cannot exist. To grow, evolve and become more of your authentic self,eliminate the doubt by just knowing that you are already this change you are creating. You are already all that you can ever

be, you are the smaller part of the larger whole and because you are a smaller part you are connected to all that exists. Cut yourself off from this connection, and you feel separation, you feel lost, you feel insecure, you feel not good enough, you feel guilty, you feel sinful, you feel wronged. The world is not what it was, and you are not who you were a week ago, a day ago, a millisecond ago. You are now awakening to the changes that are occurring internally. These changes are happening for a reason, a reason far greater than you can imagine, they are happening for your soul purpose. Pain can be both ego inflicted and soul inflicted. The dying of the ego will cause pain, as you move from third density to fourth you will find each piece that drops of from the ego will create friction, which will cause pain. The people that will leave your life will cause pain, if something does not turn out the way you would like it to can cause pain, any change that effects the ego will create friction and pain. While the ego is dying due to the shift in your consciousness you may find that the death of the ego actually brings up your strength, vitality and soul voice. You are feeling pain because the ego is dying, the soul is being strengthened and your inner life force that is connected to all that exists is beginning to shine through to create change. It is at this time and place of pain you will meet with terror, inner de-

mons, and confusion. It is in this time that you can be easily thrown off course, you can easily resort to what will give you an instant boost and high and make you feel good. But at the end of it all you have to keep dealing with yourself. Be gentle, be patient, be loving and be kind because you are moulding new beliefs and a new way of living in a world where ego is the norm. An emerging new earth is possible because you are making it possible, because you work through the friction and the pain that it creates you are changing the course of human evolution. Now you may at times wish it was possible to turn back and go curl up into your old way of being because after all it was nice there and cosy in the dark. But there is no turning back, once the key is in the door the door flings open whether we like what we see and feel or not. The door is open and what emerges in the light of the other side confronts us face to face. The door that opens, opens because your higher self asked it to open, it asked for this growth a long, long, long time ago. To deny and run you deny yourself and the very mother universe that created you. There is no running, hiding, ducking, curling up or ignoring it. Let’s experience the growing pains, embrace the friction, and make the shift from ego to soul, from third to fourth density, and from head to heart.

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BY SONIA These days people are distracted with outside influences, feeling a need to buy this gadget, join this course, pay money to see this person, the list goes on. Although I am a firm believer in seeking knowledge where needed, beware of being consumed by too much or by being led on a path you do not need to tread . Everything you need is already there, inside you , trusting spirit brings it forth . You don’t have to climb mountains to find what is already inside you. Spirit is never far away. I come from an Aboriginal background, where we believe Spirit is everywhere and in everything. Gentle things that don’t necessarily cost money are sometimes the best things to do. Walking outside, appreciate all nature has to offer. Spending five minutes sitting feeling the earth beneath you, the wind on your face, sit and give your love to Spirit and talk to your ancestors. Having a love for your ancestors, recognizing them and talking with them quietly, these are the things that will guide you. Your ancestors are your Spirit Guides. You may have one or two that have come from outside your family to teach you something specific but generally it is your ancestors that guide you, that have chosen to protect you in Spirit. They know you better than most. Beware of people promising enlightenment,

you hold the power of this already, you have the necessary tools to bring this forth, it sits within you. There is a simple list that doesn’t cost a lot of money, that will bring you closer to Spirit: Eating well: plenty of fruit and vegetables, this raises your vibration. Sit quietly for 5 -10 mins every day, even if its lying in bed last thing at night, this gives spirit a chance to talk to you , to share news. Treating your self to the occasional massage as this releases toxins in your body. Listening to music, this will lift your vibration and bring you closer to spirit. Walking in Nature, nature places itself there for you , it shows you unconditional love, you need to feel the energy of this by spending time surrounding your self with the earth, You

have chosen to live an earthly life , you cannot do this with your head in the clouds. And lastly trust in spirit, if you have worries, concerns questions then hand them to god and wait for the answers, they will always be delivered, sometimes in the quietiest way Always remember, to tread quietly and softly brings reward. Sonia is a medium/clairvoyant, she has been working with spirit since her late teens{over 30 years}Sonia was born on King Island to and Aboriginal mother and a Scottish father. She has a wide range of abilities including seeing and hearing spirit, remote viewing, photo readings, animal communication and healing you can contact Sonia via her website:



BY CLAIRE The “everything in moderation” message also applies to spiritual work. Balance is an important word when it comes to our health. Getting everything back into balance. Finding a work-life balance. Eating a balanced diet. But what about when it comes to our overall healing of mind, body and soul? Are we unwittingly gorging ourselves on external treatments while our inner healer is starving? Is it time to do some restructuring of our healing pyramid? Consider for a moment if we applied the same “pyramid” principle to healing as many have done with food. Challenge yourself every 1-3 months: If you are constantly questioning yourself, your motivations and direction, you can find yourself spinning your wheels. On the other hand, if you never stop to assess your progress, you can get stuck in a rut. Consider challenging yourself once every 1-3 months to ensure that you are still making shifts (however small – it’s not about judgement) and that you’re not getting lost in a healing “comfort zone”. Treatment every 1-4 weeks: As we are coming to rely more on our inner selves for healing and guidance, it’s still important to be getting some help from the outside. Connecting with healers and practitioners of modalities that work for you on a regular basis help to

keep things moving and often provides much needed physical and emotional suppor t along the way. For some, this may consist of appointments on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, but during different times in your life, you may be getting assistance more or less often. The intention here is not to be prescriptive, but to offer a relative scale. Teac hing & Lear ning eevv er y eaching week: Whether it be formally through a course of study, or simply by spending time watching a child play or a plant grow, or anything in between, we move forward and inward in response to what we learn, not so much by the mind but by the heart. Open-hearted life learning is on offer to us every day. It is free, it takes little time and has a great deal to offer. If your hear t hasn’t consciously learnt something new at the end of the week, take a moment to review what you might have missed. Teaching belongs in this section because, whether you teach workshops or classes, or simply offer those around you the chance to learn by example, every student is a teacher and vice versa. Looking within, self-healing every day: We are our own best healer. When all of the layers of personality and past are stripped away, we find that part of us, right at the core, which knows exactly what we need at any moment in time. Whether consciously through medita-

tion or in simple daily reflection, communion with one’s higher self is an essential part of the healing journey. Reflecting on a healing session afterwards increases the potency of the healing immeasurably and can be the determining factor in whether or not the healing is effective, particularly in the long term. Walking it – living with awareness every moment: We can ask ourselves endless questions, visit scores of practitioners, try every healing modality under the sun, take every course on offer, even meditate every day, twice a day, all day; but it is only through walking it – living our lives consciously and through awareness – that we can truly step into our mastery. Be gentle with yourself and allow the final step to find its way more and more into your life, celebrating the moments when you are fully conscious of everything that’s playing out and accepting the moments where, in reflection, you realise you were asleep. Find true, lasting healing by consistently ensuring that the lion’s share of the responsibility for your own journey away from pain and suffering and towards self realisation lies in the best possible place – with you. An astrologer and Reiki master, Claire runs workshops and weekly meditation sessions in addition to seeing her own clients. She works out of Sahu Healing Space (, a centre she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. You can contact Claire on 0407 359 347, or email


Kaleidoscope what's on GEOFFREY RODGER Geoffrey Rodger has been helping people to “Let Your Inner Light Shine” for 35 + years with great success. Everybody has an Inner Light deep with in their “Inner selves”. Geoffrey can help you through his classes to find that Inner Light and Let it Shine. Through “Let your Inner Light Shine” not only will it help perform at our best but gives others permission to do the same. Geoffrey has a relaxing way of delivering his classes and will be holding regular classes of no more than 8 per class at Ravenswood, about 1 hour from Melbourne. So give him a call and make a booking for the next available classes. Ph Geoffrey 0417827335 / 0352315952 LOVE’S ALCHEMY Love’s Alchemy awakens our awareness to the transformative power of love.When you know what is really true, fear disappears and love is revealed to be the heartbeat of life. This course is life-changing. If you are willing to receive it into your heart, your perception of yourself and your world will change forever. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit TANTRIC BLOSSOMING At Tantric Blossoming our focus is everyday application of Tantra between man and woman; giving you simple practical exercises that you can do alone or with a partner to support you to take the experience back into your everyday life. We also provide tools of communication and connection to overcome relationship challenges – to bring you into the present moment and to be able to meet your partner to create depth and realness. By understanding how your masculine and feminine dynamics have been distorted, you can then begin to remedy this in your life and relationships. We offer women’s workshops and mixed workshops in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane using meditation, tantric practices, dance, movement and communication to support your experience of creating meaningful relationships. Visit or phone 0438 271637 for further info SYL VIA BRALLIER SYLVIA Sylvia Brallier - Personal Growth Catalyst, will be in Australia from 24 September to 5 October 2009. Awakening the Light Body with Tantric Shamanism • Sept 24-28 • Byron Bay. Learn powerful tantric and shamanic techniques that will help you transform your life. Cost: $975 (early bird $899 if paid by the 31st of August) for 5 days/ 4 nights. Includes twin/triple share in Sangsurya Resort, meals and workshops. You are also welcome to celebrate the Equinox with us on 23 September for an extra $50. Spiritual Transformation Intensive • October 2-4th • Wisemans Ferry. Into the Heart of Healing via Shamanism. Cost: $550 (early bird $499 if paid by the 31st of August) Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Includes shared accommodation, meals and workshops in Ferndale Country Retreat on the Hawkesbury. For more information, please contact Dhyana on (07) 5525 0943 or RONI & GEORGE We are Roni & George and we are par t of a Global home based Business Opportunity in

the booming $19 Billion Dollar Personal Development Industry. We are blessed with the incredible joy of assisting people all over the world break out of the rut of the rat race and live the life of their dreams, empowering individuals, couples and families experience a life without limits enjoying financial and time freedom. We are looking to partner with like-minded individuals to mentor and coach to achieve their full potential, when you are ready to move forward in your life. Contact us at: NANCY DE GIOIA. I am a Spiritual Consultant-Psychic Medium and have had my own business for 15years. I hold seminars Yearly the Saturday before Easter.I facilitate 2 Spiritual healing Services monthly and a bible study group once a month.All are welcome. Peace Be With You. Nancy De Gioia. Phone (02) 6557 5797 GARY - GENUINE CLAIRVOYANT MEDIUM 30 years experience & naturally gifted. Gary is an accurate & gifted Clairvoyant Medium. GARY will guide you in all aspects of your life, focusing on Relationships, Career, money, travel & Success in life. During your session with Gary, he will use all of the following: Clairvoyance - Mediumship, Crystal Ball Scrying, Channelling, Psychometry, Psychic Tarot, All Spiritual Readings. Gary always works with Angels & Guides. Private Readings are available: 30 Minute Sessions & 60 Minute Sessions. Spiritual Healing, & Courses are available - All Certificate Endorsed. Ph: (07) 5522 0418 or Mob: 0421 415 457 anytime. Web: UNLIMITED-CASH-POTENTIAL I’m Nereeda and I’m on my way to becoming a super-successful entrepreneur. I work with a company who, through personal development and unwavering support has directed me to my best path to reaching both my financial & personal goals. or (08) 8297 2492 CREA TE THE LIFE YOU DESER VE CREATE DESERVE Achieve your personal and financial goals working from home. Apply the Law Of Attraction in your life and business. Earn a 6 figure income while on your own journey of self development. Manifest your dream life now! Information happily provided free. Leave your contact details @ or phone: 07 3103 2757. INFINITE LO VE AND GRA TITUDE LOVE GRATITUDE – THE LIFELINE TECHNIQUE If your body is speaking with any level of discomfor t or the relationships in your life leave you feeling anxious, depressed, and empty then it’s time to awaken to your infinite potential for healing and wholeness. The LifeLine TechniqueTM is a comprehensive system that helps you transform symptoms into positive intentions of infinite possibilities that become realized. Every symptom represents emo-

tional patterns stemming from the subconscious mind. The current paradigm is to ignore symptoms or destroy them. The LifeLine TechniqueTM is the quantum healing technology for reconnecting to your power, balancing the subconscious mind, so you can thrive. PH; 08 82481281 MAN’S INNER JOURNEY An exceptional workshop for men. IF YOU: Know there is more to you than you have accessed... Wish to create deeply satisfying relationships... Want to find the essence of who you really are... Then MIJ is the journey that will take you along that path to yourself… A Man’s Inner Journey! Offering a practical blend of information and experience that enables you to develop insights into beliefs, attitudes, influences and patterns of behaviour that impact on the quality of your life outcomes and it provides the tools for the future. JENETTA HAIM - STRESSFREE MANAGEMENT (R) Jenetta Haim is a qualified naturopathic nutritionist, Reiki Master/teacher practitioner, Hypnotherapist and specialises in helping you change your life. She runs Stressfree Management (R) in Greystanes and the Eastern Suburbs and offers holistic programs to help you change negative patterns that have been holding you back for years. Jenetta uses Reiki and other healing modalities to change the underlying patterns of how your energy moves in your body helping you heal on all levels. Reiki is the gentlest way to change those patterns and Jenetta couples this with other modalities to help you relax and let go of the ways you sabotage yourself. Jenetta can help you with a life and health plan to make a foundation for a new future with physical health, increased energy, better relationships, rejuvenating your career, relaxation and meditation, giving up smoking or healthy eating. Jenetta also runs ongoing certificate courses in a number of modalities – Reiki and energy healing, developing your intuition and inner sense, meditation, diet and nutrition etc. Give her a call to discuss which course is right for you. Some sessions are health fund claimable and/or tax deductible. Check it out on or call (02)96094881 /0414680713.

ECKANKAR IN AUSTRALIA. Eckankar, teaching of the Light and Sound of God is a spiritual teaching whose followers believe that the Light and Sound are twin aspects of the Holy Spirit, the divine life current that flows from God. This current, known as the ECK, sustains all life. For nformation about Eckankar activities and resources within Australia please visit


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BY LORRAINE WEBB Uluru in Central Australia was known by its western name of Ayers Rock until it was handed back to the original owners of that land and reverted to its known name of Uluru. People come to the Red Centre from countries all around the world just to see this powerful rock and to walk around or climb it. Of course we are asked by the local custodians, the Mutitjulu people to not climb the rock. Many people think this is be-

cause of the sacred significance but a few years ago I asked one of the elders why this was so and with a grin he told me that “We don’t want these white people killing themselves, that is why. As the custodians we are responsible for the welfare of those at the rock and when people die at the rock we are responsible for their spirit.” Many people do die at the rock that we don’t hear about, it is not uncommon for someone to have a heart

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Business Opportunities attack while climbing or for someone to fall. It is not a climb for the faint-hearted and takes some effort, which many underestimate. I recall

Continued on page 30

Reiki: Connecting with Universal Life Energy

The word Reiki means universal life energy and the practice is a safe, nur turing and non-invasive method of supporting the body’s natural ability to heal by balancing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Both a spiritual practice and a healing art, Reiki was founded in 1922 by a Japanese man Mikao Usui who, following 21 days of fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama, had an experience of empowerment which led to the development of Reiki practice. This system was brought to the West in 1938 by Hawayo Takata, but did not reach Australia until the early 1980s. Many thousands of people have learnt Reiki as a personal practice and a pathway to supporting their own personal growth and healing, perhaps also using Reiki as a support within the home for family and friends. Within a healthcare setting, a Reiki treatment is usually conducted with the recipient lying fully clothed on a massage table, although seated treatments can also be given. The practitioner places their hands in a series of positions on, and sometimes above, the body, with a full treatment taking 60-90 minutes. The cost of a Reiki treatment generally ranges from $50-$90. Each individual’s experience of a Reiki treatment may be slightly different and during a treatment sensations such as warmth or coolness, mild tingling or muscle twitching may be experienced. Many recipients report feelings of deep relaxation, wellbeing, peace, reduced anxiety and improved mood. Reiki is simple and easy to learn and is one of the few healing practices where practitioners can do self treatments. Because Reiki does no harm it can be safely used by people of all ages, whether seeking ongoing health and wellbeing or relief from acute or

chronic physical or emotional pain. Reiki is gaining credibility as an integral support of pain management for people dealing with chronic and life challenging illness. Reiki Australia Executive Director, Lynette Kirkman, says “The practice of Reiki is growing in acceptance in health and community settings such as hospitals, hospices, corrective care, palliative care and cancer care units”. Facilities such as Queensland’s Hopewell Hospice and Bloomhill Cancer Help Centre; Solaris Care Cancer Support Centre and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Western Australia, and Victoria’s Windana Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Centre all offer Reiki, and staff, clients and their family members have been outspoken about the benefits received from this healing modality. Eileen Chapman, who founded the Reiki Clinic as part of the Windana Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal and Assessment Program at St Kilda, said Reiki treatment had a calming, settling effect on those who were agitated. “Recipients of Reiki also generally express feelings of peace, wellbeing and spiritual upliftment, with a greater ability to sleep after a treatment.” Cath Maddox, former Coordinator of Counselling, Education and Complementary Therapies, now Bereavement Coordinator at Hopewell Hospice on the Gold Coast said Reiki was an invaluable part of holistic hospice care. “It works beautifully in conjunction with palliative medicine and counselling to provide a sense of peace in end-of-life care,” she said. “At Hopewell, many of our residents have received Reiki throughout their time here, from the day they arrive until their death. It has helped to manage pain, treat anxiety and promote peace.”

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Yoga Hatha yoga classes for all levels $10 per class. Australian School of Meditation and yoga, 23 Kurilpa Street, West End. Ph: 3895 8944

For as little as $44 you can be a part of the A-Z Resource Guide. Call

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THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SCIENCE OF SOUL HEALING By ELISABETH JENSEN Dip App Sc (CHN) My first healing miracle experience was in 1992 when an angel cured me and my then partner of numerous physical health challenges in an instant. My whole life changed as I also became a clairvoyant and healer from that day onwards. I was not instantly enlightened but my soul started to awaken inside me and like a caterpillar who discovers that it is possible to become a butterfly one day instead of just crawling around the earth I decided to aim for the sky.

My searching took me to Egypt in 2003 and the experience of receiving a powerful healing blue light while meditating within the Great Pyramid started another time of great research in the healing science of the Ancient Egyptians. Like thousands before me I read every book I could find on Ancient Egypt and immersed myself in the study of the different Gods and Goddesses of Egypt but found many conflicting stories and theories abounded there.

The temples and pyramids were amazing to see each time I returned there but the many chaotic energies created by the countless thousands of visiting tourists were a distraction. Eventually I realised that the Egyptians had left a living legacy of light and knowledge behind but most of it could only be accessed through meditation, quiet contemplation and the channelling process. I also became aware that a far more ancient civilisation existed there about 30,

000 – to 50,000 years ago and that was the magical time the so called ancient Egyptians were trying to recreate 5,000 years ago. ALL THE GODS & GODDESSES ARE ONE The multitude of Divinities in ancient Egypt are in reality one and the same –all Gods and Goddesses are really just forces of nature and different aspects of the same Creation God or Goddess. Due to the intense ceremonial work to invoke and hon-

our them in the temples they became very powerful Light Beings with personalities much like a human without a physical body. So one by one I have met many Divinities both at home in Adelaide and in Egypt – simply they come to me and say “Hello, I am Nefertum, or Maat or Hapi” etc So if you cultivate a relationship with these Divinities you have at your service very powerful healing and protective energy forces. If

your body is very tired and you are cold late at night and you call on the Sun God Ra to shine gold light down upon you for a few minutes you will feel a warm and energising flow of light above you – rather like being outside in the sun. If you practise and meditate continuously with the different divinities you will realise you can draw to you all the energies you need for self healing firstly of many physical complaints then your soul. The creator God Amun Ra is one of the most powerful Divinities to call to you when you need a healing miracle – in reality he is just a huge expanse of bright white light so if you invoke him to spread this light throughout your house then to focus this light above you as you sleep at night you will find many every day aches and pains starting to disappear overnight. MEET TEHUTI, THE DIVINITY WHO CAN HEAL YOUR SOUL Often known as Thoth, this divinity was called Tehuti in ancient Egypt and existed in human form for thousands of years. As human bodies are not designed to last if we live life as most people do on earth he developed and taught ways of soul healing and travel to other realms – beneath the Great Pyramid to the Mystical Halls of Amenti plus to the soul plane where our souls exist as huge balls of Light. We have within us only a tiny fragment of our Soul Energy and for many of us it’s quite damaged. Tehuti taught me to look inside people’s body to see their souls and spirit energy and often its dark and damaged with much of it missing. Taking a person’s spirit in a meditation journey down to the Halls of Amenti for healing or to the Soul Plane for advanced healing of their Soul Gem is the recommended treatment for this. The ancient Mummification process was actually the physical representation of Soul Healing done by the Temple Priests to ensure eternal life in the higher planes but it became misunderstood when the ancient papyrus scrolls found in the tombs were misinterpreted by those with no understanding of spiritual energies and laws. If you were to ask sincerely in deep meditation for Tehuti to visit you in his Golden Energy Body Form and take you the Soul Plane for healing he will often do this for you. ELISABETH JENSEN is a former Registered and Community Health Nurse plus the author of Isis Lotus Oracle cards. She teaches her Isis Mystery School courses worldwide including in Egypt. Please visit



Some places that stock InnerSelf THE POWER OF ULURU Continued from page 28

being at the base of the rock a few years ago with my healers group and we could not believe our eyes as we looked up and saw a man struggling down the rock with a baby of about three months in one arm and a young two or three year old by the hand. It was scary and we held our breath watching this struggle and at times this man had no choice but to let go of the toddler and let him do the best he could. As the elder told me “People do silly things.” My calling to the rock was back in early 2006 when Spirit told me that I was to now teach my course at Uluru. I had been teaching my Energetic Healers Course as a four-module course in Adelaide since 2000. They told me that there was no time for this and that people needed to transform their lives and to get this information much faster than that and they assured me that the energy of the rock would help me to make this happen. I was very nervous about making this change as it didn’t seem possible to me, however as always, I trusted what I had been told and prepared the first course for later that year. Once this was in place things really started to happen, I received a call from an Aboriginal lady elder who asked me what I was doing because she knew I was doing something that she wanted to be involved in. Talking to this lady I felt I had known her for years. Before that conversation ended she was coming with me on the first trip. I contacted Aboriginal elder Bob Randall from Mutitjulu and he knew I was coming as well. When the three of us met for the first time at Uluru we all looked into each other’s eyes and knew we had much work to do together and we knew that we were now on a journey that had been planned for us, that continues today as our souls work together for the Divine Plan. From that very first journey and group I could see amazing transformations taking place amongst each person that attended, not only did they take on new information but they dropped layers and layers of pain and allowed the wonderful power of the rock, the heart energy of Australia and the spiritual centre of the planet, to absorb their own heart pain and open their heart chakra to love. We are so lucky to have this amazing site on our land, people will continue to be drawn to Australia seeking the knowledge and healing that is available here. I was shown in a vision ten years ago that Australia would be the spiritual centre of the world and that the Indigenous energy held the key to that power. I have connected to my ancestors and my Aboriginal heritage but as Australians black or white we are connected to this land and the power it holds and we can open to that power and knowledge and be proud that we have this ancient wisdom at our fingertips. The Indigenous people of this land are happy to share their amazing knowledge that is unique to this country yet so many Australians still seek out Indigenous cultures from other lands believing them to be somehow better, showing little or no respect for our own Indigenous wisdom. This is so sad for they don’t know what they are missing out on. Times are changing however and people are awakening, Lorraine Webb is a spiritual healer, teacher and founder of the Adelaide Healing Energy Centre. She feels that for Australia to take its place as a leader in spirituality the Aboriginal people must be recognised for the powerful healers that they are. If you would like to transform and awaken contact us and join us on the ‘Uluru Experience’, call 08 8342 4109 or email

exclusive distributor for Australia & New Zealand. I have seen so many great results in people who like myself have struggled with weight & hair loss – not to mention cholesterol, hemorrhoids, cellulite etc . All together I have lost 35kg, my hair is no longer falling out as it did – I have new hair coming and it is getting thicker….my arms and legs no longer have the cellulite they used too its amazing and I know everyone is different but my skin has improved and adapted to my smaller frame…

75,000 copies of InnerSelf (East/West) are available in over 1,200 lic distrib ution points around Australia. Below is a par tial public distribution pub distributors locality guide for your convenience, made up from some of the distributors who choose to promote their services through innerSelf. For more information on a distribution point near you or to be a distributor, please phone 08 8396 6752


shop; 230 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000; 02 9267 8509



International Institute of Kinesiology Australia - Certificate IV - Diploma in Kinesiology. 39 Mitchell Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015. Phone 0438 256 738.

Macarthur Hypnotherapy/NLP & Wellbeing Centre - CHANGE YOUR MIND CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Qualified Hypnotherapist’s, client tailored sessions. Wellbeing Workshops, Meditation, & Nurturing workshop space, & fully furnished office for rent, daily or hourly basis, 5 min from CBD C/Town close to restaurants, motels & station. Info: find us on Natural Therapy Pages under Hypnotherapist postcode 2560 or (02) 46274600 or 1300 887 1333

Bellingen Rapt in Earth - Alternative Health Clinic. The practice of natural therapies for spiritual, physical and emotional healing. 3/25 Hyde St, Bellingen NSW 2454. Phone Karen & Jo (02) 6655 0333. Kombu Wholefoods - Thriving shop in Beautiful Bellingen. Also large online store. 105 Hyde St, Bellingen NSW 2454. (02) 6655 9299.

Blackheath Lotus Temple - 38 Govetts Leap Rd., Blackheath NSW 2785; (02) 4787 9003.

Blacktown Bowen Essence - Gentle, Dynamic form of Bodywork; 14 Springfield Avenue, Blacktown, NSW 2148; 0418 470 166.

Campbelltown Blackcats & Broomsticks. Magical Supply Store. Shop 3b, 263 Queen St, Campbelltown NSW 2560. Ph: 0437 106 763

Dee Why Essential Wellbeing Therapeutic Retreats - Comprehensive natural therapy centre. 16a/818 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why NSW Ph (02) 9982 2666.

Dubbo Healthy Life - Shop 21, Centro, 177 MacQuarie St, Dubbo. Ph (02) 6884 7365

Taree Dragonfly Divinity - 140 Victoria St, Taree NSW. Ph (02) 6551 6811

Tintinbar Pure Indulgence - Health and indulgent getaways; 71 Fredericks Lane, Tintinbar NSW 2478; 02 6685 3021

Villawood Mixed Marshall Arts Centre - Specialising in Kung Fu, Kickboxing, Pankration Tae Kwon Do. 6/262 Miller Rd, Villawood. Ph: 0416 298 802

Woy Woy Gnostic Corner - Healing, organics, florist, spiritual café; Corner of Boulevard and Chambers Place, Woy woy, NSW 2256; 02 4342 0434

Young Young Community Centre - Main St, Young NSW. Beverley Walker, Community Exercise Programs inc Tai Chi, Chi Gong. Phone (02) 6382 1948

QUEENSLAND Maleny Maple St Co-op - 37 Maple St, Maleny QLD.

Hat Head


Hat Head General Store - Gourmet food, Great Coffee. 24 Straight St, Hat Head NSW. Ph (02) 6567 7540

Planet Matterz - Cnr Wynnum Rd & Burri St, Morningside, QLD.

Miranda Aurora Crystals - Gifts for the Soul; Shop 3059, Westfield Miranda, NSW 2042; 02 9525 1150

Neutral Bay Goodies Gems - Indian New Age Products. Shop 7/260 Military Rd, Neutral Bay NSW. (02) 9904 9921.

Newtown Beyond Newtown - For all your new-age needs; 207, King Street, Newtown NSW 2042; 02 9557 7269

Randwick Ambrosia Health Centre Accupuncture and Natural Therapy; specializing in women’s and children’s health; 193, Cloverlly Road, Randwick NSW 2031; 02 9665 4341

Richmond A Thousand Paths - Tarot reader, Kinesiologist, Reiki & New Age Giftware. Shop 6, 285-289 Windsor St., Richmond NSW; Phone (02) 4578 0400

Strathfield Sai Import - Wholesaler of Gemstone Stirling Silver Jewellery. 2 Noble Ave, Strathfield NSW. Phone (02) 9642 1038 or 0402 887 773

Sydney Adyar Bookshop - Australia’s largest alternative & metaphysical book-

Mt Larcom Inspired Herbals & Gifts - 33 Raglan St, Mt Larcom QLD 4695. Phone (07) 4675 1787

Redcliff Relax @ Rothy’s “Labyrinth”. 468 Oxley Ave, Redcliff. Phone (07) 3203 7745

Stones Corner New Dimensions - 425 Logan Rd, Stones Corner QLD.

Upper Mount Gravatt Crystal Living - Shop 1069 Garden City Shopping Centre Cnr Logan & Kessells Roads, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122 Ph 07 34206700

Victoria Point Tranquil Spirit - Spiritual gifts & Natural Therapies. Shop 6, 119-123 Colburn Ave, Victoria Point QLD. (07) 3820 8835

Woody Point Purple Unicorn - Magical gifts and supplies. Shop 4, 58 King St, Woody Point Qld. Ph (07) 3283 1055

Woolloongabba Mrs Flannery’s Natural Grocers 52 Annerley Rd, Woolloongabba QLD

Distributor Listing $99 for the year. Call 1800 451 317


The Weight Loss & Wellbeing Secret Sweeping Australia In 2004-05, 54% of adults were classified as overweight or obese. The proportion of men in these categories was significantly higher than that for women (62% of men compared to 45% of women). This difference is most evident in the overweight category, where 43% of men were overweight compared to 28% of women. The median age of men who were overweight or obese (45 years) is lower than that of women (48 years). The reality is that western lifestyles and pressures do not promote physical health. We rush around for our jobs, family and just the pace of life. There is little opportunity to invest time in ourselves -the majority of people overweight would like to feel better and live healthier-we live in a society where foods and health treatments are packaged and artificially ‘enhanced’ for convenience. We know these facts but most wellbeing products in the market today are disruptive to our lives and some are aggressive to our bodies. The Latin SeedTM is a totally natural product that has helped thousands of people around the world obtain dramatic health benefits. Discovered by the natives of South America many hundreds of years ago, The Latin SeedTM was found to have very positive and unique health benefits. The natives found swallowing it made them healthier, stronger and fitter. Women have found that taking the seed after childbirth helped them to regain their figure and energy. In parts of South America it is considered to be the ‘fountain of Youth’! WHAT IS THE LATIN SEEDTM? Originally from Brazil this remarkable nut is also known as Candleberry, Indian walnut, Kemiri, Varnish tree or Kukui nut tree.. Several parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicine in most of the areas where it occurs naturally. The Latin Seed is high in linoleic acid which has been linked to shrinking of fat cells and the promotion of lean muscle mass in scientific studies. The artificial form is common in a number of fitness supplements and beauty products. People have testified to its effectiveness in weight loss,

reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, hemorrhoids and even promoting hair re-growth. Unlike a number of other products on the market, the Latin Seed enables you to maintain the benefits for the long term. The seed works on the fat and toxins within your body rather than targeting what you are putting in your mouth. Imagine the amazing results you could achieve in conjunction with a healthy diet!! Probably the most positive aspect of the Latin Seed is the way that it fits into your existing lifestyle. There are no supplements to take or complex eating programs. The seed is taken in a cup of boiling water before going to bed of an evening. Within a couple of days, the seed will start to help transform your body, and give you amazing long lasting results. There are no drastic side effects and because it is totally natural, it does not interfere with medications or supplements. “Hi, this is my story- I have been fighting my weight since my teens. After my first child I weighed 109kgs, (gained 25kg during my pregnancy) I lost only a couple of kilos between having my 2 boys. Over the years I have tried SureSlim, Weight watches, Jenny Craig, Lite and Easy, Duramine, Xenicol, Chinese Weight loss tea (nearly killed me), Reductil and Liver cleansing…Most of these programs got results however with babies, work and the usual day to day, I found it hard to stick to the guidelines and put the weight back on plus some, not to mention the lack of sleep, headaches and addictive concerns with some products. I hate to think of how much money I’ve spent on trying to lose weight. Aside from my weight I had another more sinister and embarrassing problem - I was losing my hair dramatically (I was scared to shower or brush my hair because it would just come out in bundles) I managed to obtain a packet of these miraculous “Natural” seeds a couple of years ago with dramatic effect. Knowing the benefits, overseas popularity and that they are not only natural but really effective, I made it my mission to bring them into Australia. I am truly proud to have been endorsed as Latin Seed’sTM


I am passionate about this product- it’s helped so many people and I know it can help you too….I am not a doctor – however with this product being 100% Natural it has allowed people for whom other treatments were unsuitable a genuine alternative. If you would like to know more please contact me. “ Life is too precious not to care… My love & Support Nikki, 35 “After discovering these wonderful GEMS, I would not revert to anything else to assist me in maintaining my weight. I have tried a number of different programs and this is by far the BEST !!! For me the best thing is that it does not affect your social lifestyle!!! You can continue enjoying those naughty things from time to time and not feel guilty about it!!!! I am not one to weigh myself so the way I test my results is by the way my clothes fit!!! I am also a GYM freak and in conjunction with my exercising and my little gems, I have noticed my body toning in areas which I have not been able to previously achieve !! I Thank my Aunty Carmen and cousin Erika for introducing me to this wonderful product, I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone at all !!!!” Claudia, Sydney “I have been taking the seeds for 2 months now and have lost about 8 kilos so far. It was always a surprise to step onto the scale each week to see that something had happened, whilst I hadn’t made any significant changes to my diet! I would literally stare at the scale in disbelief each week checking to see if the scale was working properly... People keep on telling me how fantastic I look and it really does feel great. Thank you so much for this product, and to the people reading these testimonials, this is not a gimmick, it is an excellent product, better and more effective than any other product or diet that is on the market at this moment in time.” Claire-Sydney, 25 yrs For more information, contact The Latin SeedTM on 1300 882 506 or visit





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