Innerself Newspaper

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Retreats, Courses & Workshops FOR THE BODY & SOUL


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GREG BRADDEN A Powerful Meditation for Peace & Calm




MOON Calendar Oct-Dec2016

NOV 25-27 2016

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20 ASTROLOGY: OCT DEC 2016 by Gerry Crow


20 SOUL TO SOUL by Cinzia Vuat




THE ART OF MINDFULNESS by Dr Graham Williams





whole life expo 2016

AdelAide’s lArgest showcAse of

NAturAl heAlth growth & developmeNt music, dANce & culture November 25, 26, 27

21 DIVINE JOURNEYING by Carolynn Milne







Friday 3 - 9pm Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 10am - 6pm





HEALING 19 LIVING IN HARMONY by Susanne Marie 19 TIRED ALL THE TIME? by Rachelle Terry

Here we are in the last quarter of 2016. So, how has the year unfolded for you? What goals have manifested? What surprises have you been gifted with? All the joys and the sorrows coming together into this life you are now living. It’s all a gift really, even the stuff we feel we could rather do without … We’ve all been given exactly what our Souls have yearned for and needed for our continued deepening and awakening. We here at Innerself have been on the challenging yet wonderfully rewarding ride of our lives, beginning with visualising our Whole Life Expo in our hearts in Bali last January, through to exploring what’s possible and mapping it out with our minds, through to presenting our vision of this bold coming together of all things positive, healthy and uplifting to the world in the shape of all the stands, workshops, music and dance – this conscious cultural explosion that’s actually an expression of the awakening that’s reaching out to all with ears to hear and eyes to see. See page 11 for the Whole Life Expo Highlights Lift-out guide, and join us if you can! So here we are, this issue of Innerself is the vehicle that has allowed the Whole Life Expo to be given wings, and we are so grateful. In the following pages you’ll find heaps to inspire and uplift, beginning with Alan Cohen’s tips to end terrorism; an exclusive mini-interview with featured Whole Life Expo special guest and performer/presenter Ben Lee sharing his perspective on Life, Love and Awakening. Gregg Braden offers a 2 Step Meditation for Inner Peace followed by Dr Graham William’s Art of Mindfulness reminding us that “thoughts are OK”. IKON Institute offers “Three Ways a Transpersonal Counsellor can Help” while our resident naturopath Belle McCaleb shows us how to “Sleep more soundly

– Naturally”. Lynne Singlewood, our trusted resident Iridologist reveals the perfect way to a Healthy Heart, while Marion Weatherburn explores just how our kids could actually be helping us to navigate through these challenging times. Rachelle Terry, much loved Medical Intuitive shares her perspective on fatigue, looking at ways of balancing all the stressors that create the fog so many of us are living through each day. Gerry Crow once again has her “Eye on the Sky”, illuminating the October -December quarter; Susanne Marie gifts us with her ways of “Living in Harmony” while Cinzia Vuat in her “Soul to Soul” column looks ahead to answer key questions for our readers. Carolynn Milne shares her musings with Archangel Raziel while Fran Tomlin explores the “Innocence Principle”. In the centre of the paper where the Moon Calendar usually sits, you will find the 2016 Whole Life Expo Highlights Lift-Out guide. Check out this wonderful array of presenters, musicians and conscious community coming together in this huge celebration at the Adelaide Showground on November 25 - 27 2016. This guide is only a taste of what this fabulous event has to offer. For more detail visit or follow us on our Whole Life Expo Facebook page. We invite all our Innerself readers to join us at the Whole Life Expo . Just as Innerself has acted as a vehicle for the shift in consciousness over the years the Whole Life Expo has been birthed as an invitation to be clear, open, curious, courageous and deeply receptive. In coming together in this manner, miracles happen and what is possible in our hearts becomes reality in our world. With love and gratitude, Enza and Leo

awakening one community at a time...

innerSelf HEALTHY LIVING Tools to Stay on Track

Retreats, Courses & Workshops FOR THE BODY & SOUL


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GREG BRADDEN A Powerful Meditation for Peace & Calm




MOON Calendar Oct-Dec2016

NOV 25-27 2016

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VOLUME 29 - Issue 4

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CONTACT US GENERAL ENQUIRIES: (08) 8396 6752 EMAIL: ADDRESS: PO Box 146 , Highbury 5089 WEB: InnerSelf Newspaper is independently published by InnerSelf P/L © 2016 ADVERTISING DEADLINES

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PUBLISHER’S NOTE The InnerSelf editorial team is working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. FOLLOW US

DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for personal or health problems.

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at October-December 2016



Where Terrorism Ends BY ALAN COHEN

Terrorism is running rampant on the planet because it is running rampant in our minds. We must pluck it from our hearts before we can pluck it from the world. The rash of terrorism around the globe is a problem of highest concern. The recent attacks, make it seem as if we are not safe anywhere. Any sane person has to wonder, “What is our world coming to?” How, then, do we deal with terrorists? How do we get rid of angry, insane people who hurt others? How do we stay safe in a world so filled with danger? The world we see is a representation of the thoughts and beliefs we hold; a reflection of the dynamics playing themselves out within us. James Allen said, “We think in secret, and it comes to pass. Environment is our looking glass.” If the world is our mirror, what is it showing us about our consciousness? We cannot effectively address external terrorists until we face and defeat our internal terrorist. There is a voice in your mind that terrorizes you. It is continuously hypercritical, telling you how worthless, unattractive, small, stupid, and guilty you are, and how you will never find the partner, success, health, or inner peace that eludes you. That scary voice fabricates stories that the world is filled with nasty, evil people who will take advantage of you and hurt you at every opportunity. The inner terrorist is far more dangerous to humanity, since it belittles and disempowers all of us from the inside out for much of our waking life, and creeps into our dreams. As Sally Kempton said, “It is impossible to defeat an enemy who has an outpost in your head.” You were not born with an inner terrorist. Babies are not terrified. Infants enter the world with just

two innate fears: falling and loud noises. All other fears are learned. Being terrified is an aberration of our natural state, not the truth about who we are, where we came from, or where we are going. Before we can hope to defeat external terrorists, we must defeat the internal terrorist. It is tempting to say, “the problem is out there and we should get rid of evil people,” rather than, “let me look within to find where my own fear lives and heal it.” Here are three steps you can take to end terrorism: (1) Quit terrorizing yourself. When you beat yourself up, you are a tool of terrorism. When you rise beyond the inner terrorist and don’t allow it to bully your mind, heart, and life, you are defusing terrorism from the inside out. Clarity begins at home. (2) Refuse to be terrified by external people or events. When you indulge in fear-based thoughts and feelings, you are adding to the sum total of terror on the planet. When you choose inner peace no matter what the outside world is doing or choosing, you are diminishing terror on the planet. That’s how powerful you are and how important your contribution is. (3) Don’t terrorize others. When you use fear, guilt, threat, or punishment to control someone who bothers you, you add to the dark mess. Teaching others that they are guilty, small, stupid, or owing are forms of psychological terrorism. When you release others, you release yourself. Two men were fishing from a river bank when they heard a loud

cry, “Help! Help!” They looked upstream and saw a woman caught in the rushing river. One of the men jumped into the river and saved her. They phoned for medical aid and the woman was taken away. Ten minutes later they heard another cry for help, this time from a man being carried away downstream. Again the fishermen saved him and dispatched him to medical attention. A little while later they encountered another person almost drowning, and they repeated the procedure. Stymied about where these drowning people were coming from, the fishermen hiked up along the river a few hundred yards. There they saw a bridge with a man standing on it. When a woman began to cross the bridge the man grabbed her and started to throw her in the river. The fishermen rushed to her aid, subdued the crazy man, and had him arrested. A crazy person stands on a bridge in your head, intercepting positive, loving, creative thoughts, attempting to stifle or kill them. So far this lunatic has achieved much of his or her dark mission. As long as that insane person is in charge, your positive intentions don’t stand a chance. It will do you no good to keep sending more noble thoughts across the bridge. The saboteur will intercept them and they will be tossed aside. Get the crazy person off the bridge and allow your visions to manifest. Then you will be free of fear and fear-based actions, you will know exactly how to deal with external terrorists, and the outer world will show less terrorism because you have changed from the inside out. Terrorism is running rampant on the planet because it is running rampant in our minds. We must pluck it from our hearts before we can pluck it from the world. Until then we are simply fearing and fighting ourselves. Healing the world is an inside job. There is no other way around it.

© 2016 Alan Cohen Publications. Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspirational books, including the justreleased Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. For more information about Alan’s other books and free daily inspirational quotes via email, visit

LIFE, LOVE & AWAKENING An Interview with Ben Lee

Much loved singer-songwriter, multiple ARIA Award winner and humanitarian Ben Lee returns to Adelaide in November for a diverse series of events from workshops to lectures and live shows at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO on the 25-27th November 2016. We catch up with him about his life journey, his awakenings and the spiritual dimensions of song writing and creativity. Innerself Newspaper: You have been on amazing journey over the last 25 years, from teenage pop star, through to punk rebel, through to spiritual seeker … leading into awakening and transformation. Where are you today and what is your life’s focus right now?

BL: Today I am trying to awaken myself. All of these stories from the past, victories and failures, bear little relation to the task at hand today. So I am trying to look at myself honestly. I have some strengths. I have many flaws. I am trying to pay attention and create enough friction to further dismantle my psyche and see the love that is at its root. IS: Your new album “Freedom, Love & the Recuperation of the Human Mind” is a fresh and inspiring collection of heart felt songs exploring consciousness and awakening, each song an invitation into our own depths … what does being a song writer means to you and what is your song writing process?

BL: It’s a very mysterious process. I enjoy it, and enjoy its limitations. I have always liked the archetype of the craftsperson, one who slowly but surely gets better at something of the course of their life. I think that’s what I am trying to do with song writing. Be a true craftsperson. IS: You seem to be happy to be open and willing to reveal just who you are through your music, is this how you

BL: I hope I reveal the best sides of myself through my music. I try to write at a level I aspire to live at. It’s a work in process. I would say I generally have a happy temperament and can be reasonably transparent. But like most people, I also have an intensely private side that I save for my more intimate relationships. IS: You have had a guru, is a teacher necessary?

and performing at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO in workshops and talks and also headlining the Saturday evening conscious music concert, Life, Love & Awakening in November. What will you be sharing with everyone there?

BL: I have been invited to speak on a few different subjects that I am passionate about: Concepts about resisting conformity, learning how to die from moment to moment, being an artist, inner work and song writing towards virtue. For the music I will sing my songs :)

BL: I had a guru for a period of time in my twenties. I have no gurus now, no special teachers, or religion. I admire all religions and find many people who I can learn from. But the idea that someone special outside myself can offer some type of meaningful relief in this process of coming to know my inner being … I no longer ascribe to that possibility. IS: How did taking Ayahuasca affect you? What spiritual and creative doors did it open up for you?

BL: I have used many different tools in my process – meditation, breathing, prayer, mantra, concentration, plant medicine. But these are tools. For me, it’s important to remember that it isn’t the tool that is giving you the experience; it is the Great Spirit Itself. IS: You will be in Adelaide presenting


25 - 27 November 2016 Ben Lee will present workshops and live shows at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO 2016. For more information see the 4 page Lift-Out in the middle of this issue.

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A Powerful 2-Step Meditation for Inner Peace & Calm

Great Gifts for the


BY GREGG BRADEN New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden shares with us a a powerful technique that will allow you to shift from stressed-out to instant inner peace and calm. This meditation is a powerful technique that will allow you to shift from stressed-out to instant inner peace and calm. The technique cultivates heart-brain coherence — what athletes call being in “the zone” — and is appropriately called the Quick Coherence® Technique and has been refined into two simple steps that you can do right now — wherever you are. Independently, each of the following steps sends a signal to your body that a specific shift to peace and calm has been put into motion. Combined, the steps create an experience that takes us back to a natural inner harmony that existed in our bodies earlier in life, before we began to separate our heart-brain network through our conditioning.

STEP 1 Heart Focus & Steady Breath

Heart Focus. Shift your focus into the area of your heart, and begin to breathe a little more slowly than usual, as if your breath is coming from your heart. This step is a powerful technique unto itself and can be used when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the day’s events or when you simply desire to be more connected with yourself. As you slow your breathing, you are sending a signal to your body in general, and your heart specifically, that you are in a place that is safe and it’s okay to turn your attention inward.

STEP 2 Activate a Positive Feeling

Activate a Positive Feeling. Make a sincere attempt to experience a regenerative feeling such as appreciation or care for someone or something in your life. The easiest way to do this is to think of a beautiful place you have been or to think of a very close friend or loved one. The key in this step is to first create the feeling, to the best of your ability, and then to embrace the feeling, again to the best of your ability.

in your Life Why Dig a Well to Find the Sky? Q & A WITH ENZA VITA

Please email your questions to Your ability to sustain the feeling is what maintains the optimal conversation between your heart and your brain. As with any skill, you’ll find, I think, that the more you practice creating coherence between your heart and your brain, the easier it becomes to do so and find that inner balance. And the more you consciously practice this 2-step meditation, the more natural the experience of achieving coherence begins to feel to you. With the growing level of ease in achieving heart-brain coherence, you’ll also discover your ability to sustain the connection between your heart and your brain for longer periods of time. Finding inner peace and balance will be something you can begin to cultivate at will, allowing you to be more resilient when conditions in your life become more challenging and stressful. You can practice this technique anywhere and any time. New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world! Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries have led to 11 award-winning books published in 38 languages. Gregg has received numerous honours for his work including a 2016 nomination for the prestigious Templeton Award.

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Even though I can access awareness, and I do experience its vast, spacious, blissful nature, it never seems to last long before my thoughts begin to intrude again...

As you already know, thought will never liberate you and the challenge you are now facing is the same one we all face when we come to the threshold of pure beingness. As soon as we say “ I see but” we are right back in again. You cannot end the story in the mind When you “see”, relax and allow the natural realization of pure beingness to just be. If we want more light in a room, we switch on the light and when the light is on we don’t have to do any¬thing else. If we keep pressing the switch, we will be turning the light on and off continuously. The same with the practice, once we “see” if we don’t let go and we keep thinking ‘I want the light on, I want to keep on seeing” or even “Now I see”, then it has become a “mind” act. So when you “experience” awareness, don’t do anything more with the seeing, just let it be seen. Don’t make anything more out of it, don’t be tempted to “dance with thoughts”, just see it and let it go. At first the “seeing” may not last very long at all so when a thought distracts us, we simply recognize the thinker of that thought and then we watch the thought disappear. Then we have arrived again and so we relax and let it go without trying to prolong the “seeing”. The problem is not that it is complicated, but that it is too simple and we don’t trust it or think, “This doesn’t feel very special … this can’t possibly be it”, but if we chase after something different, some altered state instead of the natural awareness that is right here, then it becomes difficult to recognize it when it appears. When we dream, our thoughts create pain and suffering, enemies and friends, but at the moment we

wake up, everything disappears, gone without a trace. These same thoughts create the whole drama of life and all suffering will also cease the very moment you see the “dancing with thought”. As you said, “it’s very easy to fool oneself into thinking we are watching the thoughts and sensations, but in reality we are thinking about it”. This statement is key to your liberation. The “thinking we are watching” is the “dancing with thought” again. Notice how easy it is to see it, then how we create a problem around what is seen. This is the only subtlety that needs to be witnessed. Thought needs a dancing partner, so simply refuse to dance. When you do this, spacious, clear, natural awareness will be seen as the only true reality. End the search by refusing to dance with thought and you will be free. Enza is the editor and publisher of InnerSelf Newspaper and founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation , a nonprofit organization dedicated to the awakening of all beings. Enza is also the author of the book Always Already Free and her latest book Instant Presence . Based on Enza’s own experience, Always Already Free and Instant Presence guides the reader from the seeking process through the integration of enlightenment into everyday life and reveals that spiritual enlightenment is not a faraway dream, but the ever-present reality always available here and now. For more information, visit or connect with Enza through her Facebook page

Free download of 3 chapters from the book Always Already Free, are available from

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Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University.


BARAKA PUBLISHING, an imprint of InnerSelf Pty Ltd, the same publisher that publishes InnerSelf Newspaper, is a proudly independent Australian book publisher. The staff at BARAKA PUBLISHING are a passionate, spiritually-oriented team who publish books and other materials that that inspire and encourage others to express their true essence. BARAKA PUBLISHING serves independent Australian authors, organisations and businesses requiring publishing solutions for niche audiences or for mainstream distribution, both in printed and digital formats. By publishing a book with Baraka Publishing, a division of InnerSelf PTY LTD, you can: • Achieve your goal of becoming a published author • Retain control and publish on your own terms and on your own schedule • Publish, market and distribute your book to your readers speedily without compromising on quality • Gain access to unique marketing opportunities from InnerSelf Newspaper, our sister company



It’s true that we all get caught up in our thoughts from time to time to the point where we get stressed. It’s also true that our lives tend to be run by the undercurrent of emotions which they generate. And yes, they can drive us completely crazy. But thinking is what we human beings do. It’s what made us the dominant species on this planet. Through thinking we are able to plan, assess, collect facts and discover and examine patterns. And it’s through thinking that we’ve built languages. Without thoughts I wouldn’t be able to be talking to you now. So I think that thoughts are OK. Why then, do they tend to have such a bad press in the meditation world and why do so many meditation teachers and practitioners believe that they should never think when they’re meditating? Perhaps it comes from discovering how wonderful it feels when you have a taste of being balanced and still, completely free from the incessant conversation going on in your head. It’s easy then to say that thoughts are bad and they create all our problems. But thinking is a natural part of our minds. It’s not that we somehow artificially created a thinking monster in our minds. Thinking is an ability whose potential has always been there, but we, as a species, have particularly developed it. The three levels of the brain There are three distinct levels in our brains; the brain stem which could be called the Reptilian or Instinctual Brain because it predates human evolution and is the seat of our instincts, the Mammalian Brain which is about 50 million years old and is the seat of our emotions, and the Thinking Brain or the neocortex which is by far the youngest. Our bodies aren’t specialised for any particular skill. Every other animal on this planet has at least one sense which is far more highly developed than ours. It’s the extraordinary development of our

brain, and especially our Thinking Brain, that makes us human. Therefore, trying to get rid of our thoughts is like cutting off our arms and legs; they are an integral part of our minds. And if you have ever been told, or have read, that when you are meditating you shouldn’t be thinking, then you have been done a serious disservice. You actually tie yourself into a complete knot of you try not to think because thinking that you should not be thinking is still thinking! The skill of meditating The wonderful thing about meditating is that it gives you the tools to develop the skill of being able to be in touch with all three levels of your brain. It begins by moving your focus from your thoughts to your senses or, in other words, from your thinking mind to your instinctual and emotional minds. Every meditation does this because, in various different ways, it focuses your mind on the immediate experience of your body and your senses. However, the skill of meditating also incorporates whatever thoughts and emotions you have while you are meditating. The Four-Step Meditation Technique consists of relaxing your body, calming your mind by focusing on a meditation object, noticing whatever thoughts come along during the meditation, and finally, when you are ready, returning to focussing on the meditation object you have chosen. This is the anchor, or the hand-rail, which holds you steady so that you don’t get lost in your thoughts. Keeping your mind and body together The third step, noticing whatever thoughts you have while meditating, is where mindfulness begins. You need to be calm to do this, otherwise your thoughts would simply drive you to do something, just as they normally do. It is invariably a shock when people notice how much traffic is actually going through their minds!

Buddha House welcomes spring with the arrival of Geshe Konchong Kyab – its new resident teacher Geshe Kyab’s Programs at Buddha House

The fact that you are able to notice your thoughts means that you are meditating – you have the calm, the balance and the space to be able to see them and not be caught in them. You can be mindful of them and so start to see where they come from, where they go, and the space around them. This is the art of mindfulness, paying attention to your thoughts while keeping your balance. You can then also see how they affect your body. Discovering the emotions they generate in your body also enables you to see that every thought and emotion you experience has its own breathing pattern. By taking notice of your thoughts in meditation you can have moments of insight when answers to questions you might be asking suddenly come to you. You can also find that it becomes easier to see what you are doing more clearly and make better decisions in your everyday life. The art of mindfulness can then be not just something you do when meditating, but also an integral part of your life. Dr. Graham Williams has over thirty years’ experience teaching both meditation and mindfulness, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. He has written two books, Insight and Love which is in its third edition and Life in Balance. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats at their retreat centre in a beautiful, relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001 W

Anyone and everyone can meditate. rs Over

30 yreieance! expe

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Come and Try 4 FREE sessions from 17 Oct Kids’ Come and Try Tues 18 Oct

call 8379 9001 intro courses • practical classes • retreats

Learn to Meditate 7-week courses from Mon 24 Oct (5 courses avail Frewville & Wynn Vale) Kids’ meditation: starts Tues 25 Oct Weekend Learn to Meditate Sunday course: 6 & 13 Nov

Buddha House welcomes spring with the arrival of Geshe Konchong Kyab – its new resident teacher And for dharma students, there are more reasons to usher in the new season, with the arrival of the highly qualified Geshe Konchog Kyab from the Tubten Kunga Center, Florida. As Buddha House’s new resident teacher, the venerable Geshe Kyab is here to guide students on their spiritual path.

About Geshe Kyab

Geshe Kyab was born in 1961 in Sikkim. He became a novice monk soon after joining the Sera-Je Monastery in Karnataka in South India when he was 12. Through dedicated study of the five major texts of Tibetan Buddhism, he successfully took full ordination at 22 years of age. In 1993, Geshe Kyab graduated with the highest monastery degree of Geshe (equivalent to a Doctorate in Philosophy from Western universities) from Sera-Je Monastery University and went on to complete the Lharam Geshe degree. All that involved at least 23 years of rigorous study, an outstanding accomplishment by any monastic standard. Following further education at Gyumed Tantric College, Geshe Kyab taught at Sera-Je Monastery. In 1996, he was elected as Discipline Master of Tehore Khamtsen House of Sera-Je which has 1300 monks. In 2000, Geshe Kyab was invited by Lama Zopa Rinpoche to Tubten Kunga Center in Florida where he had been the resident teacher since. The good news for dharma students here is, Geshe Kyab will teach in English, and they will be able to benefit exponentially from his vast knowledge and wisdom.

Lam Rim Geshela will be teaching on topics from the Lam Rim on Tuesday evenings for newer students at introductory and intermediate levels. This great treatise on the ‘Stages of the Path to Enlightenment’ by Lama Je Tsong Khapa (1357-1419), is one of the most renowned Tibetan Buddhist texts. Presenting this teaching requires a qualified teacher of Geshe Kyab’s calibre and students can take this wonderful opportunity to attend. While it takes months to cover, it is suitable for students to join anytime, and at any level. Realisations of the path come from study, reflection and meditation on the teachings and one cannot hear these teachings too often. Even the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche regularly attend teachings. It will help to open minds and support practice. Mind Training Mind training on Thursday evenings for the more advanced students includes Lojong teachings that are quintessential Mahayana teachings aimed to eliminate both our self-cherishing attitude and self-grasping. Mind training tradition is embraced by all Tibetan lineages.

Welcome spring. Make meaningful plans and plan meaningful projects. Go to www.buddhahouse. org to find out more about how Geshe Kyab can guide you on your journey. Live with compassion. Work with compassion. Die with compassion. Meditate with compassion. Enjoy with compassion. When problems come, experience them with compassion. Lama Zopa Rinpoche

InnerSelf The WHOLE LIFE EXPO, held on 25-27 November 2016 at the Adelaide Showground, is Adelaide’s largest showcase of Natural Health, Growth & Development, Music, Dance & Culture.





NOV 25-27 2016

day ENTRY 3pass $

10 35



KIDS under 12 FREE


• KEYNOTE WORKSHOPS with Australia’s Leaders in Health & Wellbeing and Personal Development • WHOLE LIFE RHYTHMS, 3 Days of Conscious & World Music from around the world • Presenters, Musicians, Artists, Conscious Community, Yoga, Dance, Indigenous Wisdom, Artisan Food, Creative Kids • 300+ Exhibitors, 120+ Free Workshops & Performances









SOME OF THE GUESTS AT in the award winning 7 week THE WHOLE LIFE EXPO TV series shown on SBS and now around the world “Is your 2016 INCLUDE: Home Killing You”. • Ben Lee – Much loved singer-songwriter, multiple ARIA • Ian White – Founder of the Award winner and humani- Australian Bush Flower Essences and 5th generation tarian. Australian herbalist who has • The Gyuto Monks of Tibet been practicing successfully – Creating a Sand Mandala as a Naturopath for 30 years. over the 3 days and presenting regular mantra chanting • Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen - IndiaJiva – The top ten and meditation sessions. best-selling artists in the Yoga • David Young – Twice Gram- and New Age categories. my Nominated musician who They have released over a has recorded 57 albums and dozen albums internationsold over 1,000,000 copies. ally as well as workbooks on yoga, sound and spirituality. • Dr. Peter Dingle – Has appeared on the Media for the • Celebrity Chefs - The Donelast 20 years as expert in en- hues - Winners of the “Chanvironmental and health is- nel 7’s Restaurant Revolusues and recently presented tion”, Reine and brothers

David, Anthony and Asa took out the reality cooking competition and in the process, scooped the $200,000 prize. • Monnie Gi (aka Monica Gagliano) PhD - Professor of Evolutionary Ecology and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia. With over 120 Free workshops and performances, this is just a taste of the many Australian and international presenters & performers at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO in November. For more information, check the 4 page lift-out in this issue of InnerSelf or for a full list of speakers and performers and/or to download the full Expo Program visit

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InnerSelf Vision Quest - The Most powerful Way to Unblock Supressed Emotions

Vision Quest is a term used by native cultures when a person goes to a special place in nature, alone, seeking guidance for a particular issue in their life. By providing a sacred space, setting a powerful intention, using a melodic didgeridoo or drumming sound track and 13 to 16 Young Living Essential Oil blends, Room2Heal offers a powerful way to move through stuck emotions and psychological blocks. Emotions are energy. A negative emotion that hasn’t been released

can store in skin tissue and organs of the body. These suppressed emotions vibrate lower than a normal healthy human body. Essential oils have a frequency and they vibrate much higher than the human body, so when an essential oil comes into contact with the skin or organ it raises the vibration of that area, which releases the energy that was stuck there. This is a very powerful and gentle way back to restoring emotional health, without the need to talk about or even consciously know

Learning and Practicing Cupping not for Athletes only! In the Rio 2016 Olympics, the round purple coloured cupping marks on athletes’ bodies attracted significant public attention. What were they and were the athletes really working on their spot injury? How could the ancient methods play such an important role in their achievements? Why did top international heroes choose cupping instead of other modern medical technology? It certainly reminds us of the need for further


studying in the true value of the ancient healing method, which originated from Traditional Chinese medicine. Every four years, thousands of athletes try their best to fulfill an Olympic medal dream. The unexpected sporting injuries often hold them back. Healing the injury, recovering from excessive physical training and maintaining high quality performance have become the

what the issue or blockage is, or what caused it. “I achieve great results for all my clients and offer a money-back guarantee, along with 3 Vision Quest sessions for $300.00 Call Grant James on 0481 221 642

main part of an athlete’s daily life. One of the best instruments to assist them is CUPPING. The Rio 2016 Olympics have definitely drawn much more study and research attention on this ancient technique. Learning and practicing cupping has been one of the study activities in the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SITCM). SITCM offer the courses: Bachelor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Diploma of remedial massage. All courses are with government “Fee Help”. Address: level 5, 25-29 Dixon St., Haymarket, NSW 2000. The next Open Day for 2017 enrollment is Saturday 12 November, 2016, 10am to 2pm. Cupping and acupuncture demonstration will be performed on the day. The courses will commences: 13 February 2017. SITCM Teaching Clinic is offering FREE CONSULTATION AND CUPPING + ACUPUNCTURE treatment till 10 February 2017! Please call 02 9212 1 968 to make an appointment.

InnerSelf perspective

Transpersonal therapy encourages the individual to shift awareness from inside the self to a more expansive, universal perspective. In transpersonal therapy, you may find yourself exploring the mythological imagery of a dream or spiritual experience. By learning about and connecting with ancient mythology and spirituality, you may be able to view narratives from your own life from a deeper and broader perspective.

3) A transpersonal counsellor can help you explore other states of consciousness

Three Ways a Transpersonal Counsellor Can Help

Have you ever wondered if there is something bigger than yourself, if you have reached your highest potential, or if there is a way to feel peace even amidst suffering? If so, then you have asked questions that touch the realm of the transpersonal.

What is “Transpersonal”?

Transpersonal literally means beyond the personal or self. Transpersonal counsellors believe that human psychology encompasses a broad range of experiences- from behavioral and cognitive, to the spiritual and mystical. While traditional counselling focuses on addressing issues within the individual, the goal of transpersonal therapy is to transcend, or go beyond, the self.

Unlike other therapy approaches, which aim to reduce anxiety or suffering by controlling or changing it, transpersonal therapy teaches us that we have emotions and we feel pain, but these experiences do not encompass who we are and do not change our deepest self. We have thoughts, but we are not our thoughts.

2) A transpersonal counsellor can help you gain a broader

Human beings have explored various states of consciousness since the dawn of time. By learning to access our full spectrum of consciousness, we can gain clarity, improve concentration, and have insight into patterns and behaviours. Transpersonal counsellors may use a variety of techniques including meditation, dream work, and ritual to alleviate problems and foster growth. View IKON’s Counselling qualifications at or download the 2017 Prospectus here (link to advanced-diploma-of-transpersonalcounselling/)

The Quest2Restore emotional health Vision Quest, emotional clearing by Young Living Essential Oil practitioner educator and team builder, Grant James. Ayurvedic Massage and bodywork for physical well-being, maintenance and injury recovery. Includes money-back guarantee and 3 Vision Quest sessions for $300.

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How Can Transpersonal Counselling Help? 1) A transpersonal counsellor can help you manage pain, anxiety, and suffering



Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2017 Enrolment Open day 12 November 2016 Course commences 13 Feb 2017



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Your Journey to Deep Peace and Stillness

Healing through Sound and Colour—The ‘Anami’ Way ‘Anami’ (meaning ‘Nameless Healing’) is the highest state of being in an Ancient Indian Spiritual system. Native American Elders also hail Dian as the one who brings this healing at this time.

Dian Booth Master Soul Healer Australia, UK and the USA Sounds from Aboriginal Australia, Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, The Elements and Sacred Geometry. “One of the truest healers of our age.” (Alan Gutierrez, Emerald Energies, USA)

Ring Dian: 08 8952 2259 or Mobile +61417 800 219

October-December 2016







Whole Life Expo 2016

Adelaide’s largest Showcase of

Natural Health Growth & Development Music, Dance & Culture November 25, 26, 27 Friday 3 - 9pm Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 10am - 6pm






YOGA, DANCE, INDIGENOUS WISDOM, ARTISAN FOOD, CREATIVE KIDS ENTRY TICKETS: Friday: 3-9pm ($10) ~ Saturday: 10am-8pm ($18) ~ Sunday: 10am-6pm ($15) ~ 3 Day Pass($35)

The “entry ticket” gain access to the Exhibit Hall with 300 holistic exhibitors and over 120 FREE workshops & performances. The ones featured on these pages, are just a taste of the many Australian and international presenters & performers at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO in November. For a full list of speakers/performers please visit Alongside the Free Workshops & Performances, WHOLE LIFE EXPO 2016 presents “Keynote Workshops” with Australia’s leaders in health & wellbeing and personal development PLUS “Whole Life Rhythms” 3 days of conscious & world music in the mezzanine area of the expo for which an ‘entry ticket’ + additional tickets are required. See page 4 of this lift-out for more information.


The Gyuto Monks will start the Expo by “Blessing the Space & Pouring of the First Sands” on Friday, when they will start creating the powerful “Inner Circle of the Sand Mandala of Yamantaka” in the middle of the Exhibit Hall. Beautifully detailed and highly symbolic, the sand mandala will take 3 days to complete, with the process culminating in the spiritually charged dissolution ceremony on the final day, Sun 27 November. Only in the last few decades has this ancient sacred art been brought out of the monasteries for all to witness. The monks will also present daily public talks, medita-

tion classes, sacred chants, conduct personal Pujas by request and present a special “Culture for Kids” program where the monks will teach children how to make “Peace Trees”, “MYO Tibetan Yak” and ’“Tibetan Flags”. On Saturday there will be an harmonic chanting concert “Sound of Selflessness (see “Keynote Events” on the next page). On Sunday, the monks will also present “The Tara Healing Ceremony”, a blessing for health & longevity and to heal and balance the mind and body.



Of White Russian heritage, Australian-born Irinushka is a poet, dancer, singer, songwriter and performance artist, Irinushka's art is centred on the desire to encounter the Sacred Feminine. Her work is recognised internationally and she is invited to perform at the next Fringe Festival in Melbourne.

Featuring on the main stage on Saturday and Sunday, Alan is a Sitar Master, and his deeply spiritual music evokes the human soul’s yearning for the divine. Alan will perform on the public stage on Saturday & Sunday.




Author, professional speaker, workshop facilitator, and Dream Analysis therapist, Diana will present workshops throughout the weekend.


Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbal Medicine, Medical Sciences and Bachelor of Health Science. Lynne will present workshops on health & wellbeing on Saturday & Sunday


Ian White is the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and a 5th generation herbalist. On Sunday morning (11am), Ian will present a free talk about his range of Australian Bush Flower Essences a system of healing that anyone can use for themselves or prescribe for others. From 12noon he will present a 2 hours intensive workshop “The Emotional & Spiritual Healing Power of the Australian Bush”. (see “Keynote Events” on the next page for more info.

The Adelaide quartet, led by sister Reine Mills and also featuring brothers David, Anthony and Asa Donehue, took out the reality cooking competition and in the process, scooped the $200,000 prize. Come and taste a delicious dish prepared by the quartet on the Saturday and Sunday at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO.

She’s the ‘Animal Whisperer’ in Australia’s Woman’s Day magazine, thanks to her special gift of being able to connect with animals – either passed-over or alive. Amanda will present free demonstartions and workshops on Saturday and Sunday. People always come away from Amanda’s appearances feeling a sense of comfort and closure. Amanda is well known from her TV appearances on shows such as “The Project”, “Mornings with Kerri-Anne” and “Today Tonight”.

DAVID YOUNG Twice Grammy Award Nominee he is known for his ability to play two INDIAJIVA RON RAGEL AND VICKI HANSEN Top 10 best selling recording artists in the World/Yoga/Mantra/Spiritual category, IndiaJiva are multi-instrumentalists and composers who have carved a niche for themselves in the field of world fusion music. Watch Ron & Vicky on the main stage on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and attend their free workshop on “The Healing Power of Sacred Music” on

DR. PETER DINGLE Professor in Health and the Environment and SBS and ABC presenter & author of over a dozen books on health and wellness. Dr Peter will present on the main stage on Saturday and Sunday about genes that make you fat and how to control them. He will also present on both Saturday and Sunday an intensive workshop on Saturday and attend their free workshop on “Unlock your Genes for Weight Loss” (see “Keynote Events” on the next page for more information)


recorders simultaneously. David Young is also known as a teacher and facilitator of “Soul Ascension” workshops which David Young will perform on Saturday and Sunday. Whether people have been meditating a short time or for thirty years, attendees consistently say they’ve had the most profound, spiritual experience of their entire life. David Young will also be one of singer/musician at the “Conscious Music Concert” on Saturday night (see “Keynote Events” on the next page for more information)


Much loved singer-songwriter, multiple ARIA Award winner and humanitarian Ben Lee returns to Adelaide fo the WHOLE LIFE EXPO, offering a very diverse series of events from workshops to lectures and a few live shows. Ben will present free talks on Friday with “Thinking Outside the Box”, “How To Die & Other Aspects of Being an Artist” on Saturday and“What Is Inner Work?” on the Sunday. He will also headline a fabulous “Conscious Music Concert” on Saturday night and present a songwriter workshop “Song Writing Towards Virtue” on Sunday (see “Keynote Events” on the next page for more information)



Yogic monk and meditation teacher since 1995 he has taught meditation around the world and he is going to present a series of workshops on Saturday and Sunday.


Columnist for “That’s Life” magazine, Jason will present public demonstrations of mediumship on the Saturday and Sunday. Jason McDonald is one of Australia’s most active psychic mediums he has helped thousands of people around the world with his amazing ability to pass messages on to people from the spirit world.


Author, Earth Medicine & Zoomancer, Scott will present free talks and workshops throughout the 3 days. Scott sees animal spirits or ‘power animals’ of the people he meets. They tell him much about the people they accompany – their strengths and weaknesses, hopes and desires helping Scott explain to them, the best way to reach their potential, – all because of the spirit animals that accompany each and every one of us.

Join Andrew, international author, mystic, spiritual teacher, in a live Skype presentation facilitated by Lisa Page.



Author, Energetic Healer and Trainer, Lorraine has ancestral ties to the Kokatha/Ngadjuri tribe. Lorraine will present a free workshop on Saturday.


Zaffit will presents the traditional arts of Middle Eastern folk music & dance in fabulous contemporary style. Traditional Lebanese, Egyptian, Iraqi, Turkish and Afghan music & dance, featuring the famous Tuble & Zamer.

High energy music from West Africa! The Damushi Ensemble is a 10 piece dance band that plays African Highlife, Funk, Soukous, Reggae and Afro beat playing traditional acoustic West African drumming rhythms and songs from the West African tradition. They will perform on the public stage on Saturday and Sunday.



Founder of ‘Soul Satisfaction for Women, Lisa will present transformational women’s work grounded in feminine embodiment .


Publisher, spiritual teacher and author of “Instant Presence - Allow Natural Meditation to Happen” will present a workshop on Natural Meditation.


Author and teacher in shamanic and transpersonal processes, sweat lodges & vision quests.


Wo r k s h o p b y C o l o n Hydrotherapist, Complementary Therapists (IICT), Founder Bottoms Up Colonics


Mindfulness Educator, Dance/Drama Specialist, Playright and Artist will have a Labyrinth to the WHOLE LIFE EXPO


Bringing together a performance of Rumi songs and poetry, and Rumi inspired music and dance on Saturday and Sufi Music from India/Pakistan & Afghanistan on Sunday with improvised Lyrics and famous texts from the greats of Sufi poetry.



As a top contestant on Australia's cooking show and food entrepreneur food is Heather's life.

Enjoy a mesmerising performance of the ancient art of Belly dance with Influences from India, Spain and the Middle East. Performers include Acushla (Body Temple Dance) and Regan along with dancers from Belly Dance Arabesque. Be prepared to be taken on a magical journey along the Silk Road!


An uplifting fusion of contemporary and ancient sounds of the spirit bringing together sounds of India layered upon rhythmic classical/folk guitar, creating a dynamic and rich sound-scape as they take you on a journey of divine mantra in song.


Author of The Modern Oracle Deck. Winner of the 2015 People’s Choice award for “Psychic of the Year 2015



Professor of Evolutionary Ecology at the University of WA, Monica will present a workshop on the consciousness of plants.

Presentation by psychic medium, tarot reader and teacher, he can connect with your loved ones in the Spirit world.



Author, spiritual teacher and healer, workshop facilitator in meditation, shamanism, and mindfulness presenter.


Mark and partner Dalice Kennedy work with the extraordinary “Pandora Star Deep Trance” meditation light machine.

Author of “Vision Boards Made Easy” and workshop facilitator. Vision Boards Workshops /Positive Development



Workshop by Marlene who specializes in Reiki, Isis Seichim, Cranial Sacral, Touch For Health, Kinesiology and more

Workshop Counseling, personal and spiritual development and energy healing.


Steven believes that each product should tell a story to enrich the human soul.


Mediumship demonstrations from TV metaphysical presenter and winner of the 2013 celebrity psychic of the year (VIC)


Philippe lectures nationally on “Recovering from Food Intolerances with Natural Medicines ".


Presentation by International Clairvoyant Psychc, Astrologer and winner of the Psychic Hall of fame 2014.


Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Healer, Teacher and Tarot Reader. She connects with passed loved ones.


Afghan songs from SA’s foremost Afghani singer and harmonium player. Farid has performed widely throughout SA city and regional areas and has a powerful voice and charming performance style.


Presents a fusion of traditional Chinese music with European traditions and global influences with Guzheng virtuoso Zhao Liang, folksinger Mary Heath, Japanese jazz percussionist Satomi Onishi, world musician Keith Preston and keyboard player Shivani Preston.


The Belly Dance Arabesque Troupe will perform an exciting dance straight from the Bollywood movies. Bollywood Dance is a fusion of: Modern Indian, Classical Indian, Jazz, Hip hop, Funk, Latin dance, Arabic dance and Bhangra.


Author of “To Evoke the Odyssey”, Virginia entered this lifetime with full memory of what we call Heaven


Trained at the Summit Lighthouse Organisation, John will present The Teachings of the Ascended Masters..



International Teacher on Relationship Skills and Sexuality, Mo will present a Men Mastery workshop


Founder of the Nayima’s Belly Dance Academy Nayima has danced for Mick Jagger and Prince Edward.


Publisher, editor, singer songwriter, spiritual teacher, workshop facilitator and author of “Every Moment’ s a Miracle”


Intuitive Building Biologist, medical intuitive, inventor & manufacturer of the Geoclense home harmoniser

Presentation and workshops by hypnotherapist, psychic & past life regression practitioner Dagmar



Assistant to Dr. Doreen Virtue PHD, Angel Intuitive & Angel Therapy Practitoner, Integrative Mindset Consultant

Visiting Bengali musician Siddhartha is the director of Vistra Music School in Kolkata (India).

... PLUS MANY MORE, 120+ FREE WORKSHOPS/PERFORMANCES ON OFFER For a full list and to download the full program, please visit October-December 2016





FROM AROUND THE WORLD Alongside 120+ Free Workshops & Performances, WHOLE LIFE EXPO 2016 will also presents “Keynote Workshops”, with Australia’s leaders in health & wellbeing and personal development PLUS “Whole Life Rhythms” 3 days of conscious & world music in a second stage in the mezzanine area of the expo. An ‘entry ticket’ for the day + additional tickets are required for the following events.

Only 60 tickets are available for each “Keynote Workshop” and 300 tickets for each “Whole Life Rhythms” performance. Book now by visiting


Unlock your Genes for Weight Loss Workshop by Dr Peter Dingle Sat 26 November (11am-1pm) - $20/$15 Sun 27 November (3-5pm) - $20/$15 Learn to retune your genes to lose extra kilos of weight without dieting with Dr Dingle, Professor in Health and the Environment and SBS and ABC presenter & author of over a dozen books on health and wellness. Nobody knows weight loss and wellness like Dr Peter Dingle, Australia’s most engaging and innovative thought leader on health, wellness and weight loss.

The Emotional & Spiritual Healing Power of the Australian Bush Workshop by Ian White Sun 27 November (11am-1pm) - $25/$20 Attend this workshop by Ian White, founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and learn how Ian White’s range of Australian Bush Flower Essences are used in the modern world to address emotional and spiritual issues such as fear, guilt, grief, panic and burnout. Anyone can make up a Flower Essence and help themselves, friends and family – animals too.

Song Writing Towards Virtue Workshop by Ben Lee Sun 27 November (2-3pm) - $25/$20 This workshop by much loved singersongwriter, multiple ARIA Award winner and humanitarian Ben Lee, is designed to look at the songs we are writing from a new perspective, searching for evidence of virtue but also of the ego. From this space, we can make decisions about what it means to craft music for the awakening of consciousness. Ben will guide aspiring songwriters through his method for analyzing his own intentions through his songs, and how they can do the same.

WHOLE LIFE RHYTHMS 3 Days of Music from Around the World Presented by GLOBO MUSICA, SA Music Project supporting and developing South Australian World Music artists, in conjuction with WHOLE LIFE EXPO 2016

Imijri Songs for the Heart & Soul Fri 25 November (7.15-8.15pm) - $12/$10 Inspired by nature, multi-instrumental husband and wife duo, James and Michelle Byrne, write songs that touch the heart and soul. This performance features Australian made instruments, including the Cosmic Tone drum made by James, Didgeridoo and Woodskin Cajun along with guitar, mandolin and exquisite vocal harmonies.

Dance of Life Get your feet moving & your spirits soaring Fri 25 November (8.30-10.30pm) - $20/$15 Bring your whole body to the WHOLE LIFE EXPO’s opening night party. Dada Nii & The Damushi Ensemble, a 10 piece band capturing the uplifting spirit of West Africa and led by renowned Ghanaian musical elder DadaNii, World Drum Ensemble, featuring drums and drummers from around the world and Moonta Street, a fusion of traditional Chinese music with European traditions bring you a night of infectiously groovy dance music and high energy stage show. West African drumming rhythms and songs, Indian Tabla, Middle Eastern Darabukka, Persian Daf, Celtic Bohdran, African Djembe and Jazz Kit. All in one night. Rhythm, song and movement all-star in our colourful and vibrant celebration that will get your feet moving and your spirits soaring!


Nature Meditation Chinese Music by Zhao Liang Sat 26 November (11.00 -12 noon) - $12/10 Zhao Liang, Australia’s foremost exponent of the Guzheng (Chinese Harp) an instrument with an ancestry that stretches back over 2500 years, will present a cycle of meditative pieces of ancient tunes inspired by and simulating the sounds of nature, animals, landscapes and natural features such as water, wind, horses, birds and tranquillity. Zhao is an exciting and highly accomplished performer and teacher and she has played solo and with groups at the OzAsia Festival, Government House and the Festival Centre.

Drums of Peace World Drum Group (Africa/India/ Ireland/Persia/Jazz) Sat 26 November (12.15-1.15pm) - $12/$10 Sun 27 November (12.15-1.15pm) - $12/$10 This special performance prepared especially for The WHOLE LIFE EXPO, features an array of traditional drums fused with contemporary beats. Featuring drums and drummers from around the world: Indian Tabla, Middle Eastern Darabukka, Persian Daf, Celtic Bohdran, African Djembe and Jazz Kit presented by Moonta Street, Samadhi Ensemble, Farid & Armaan Drokhshan, Zaffit Middle Eastern Drum and Dance Ensemble, Nava Persian Ensemble. Leave this session uplifted and more appreciative of the power of drumming as a tool for community building and the empowerment of the human spirit.

The Mystic Sitar Indian Raag on Sitar by Alan Posselt & Siddhartha Roy Chowdhury (India) Sat 26 November (1.30-2.30pm) $15/$12 Sunday 27 November (2.45-3.45pm) - $15/$12 Alan Posselt, one of the few Sitar masters in Australia, will present a recital of Indian Raag on Sitar accompanied on Tablas by v i s i t i n g Bengali musician Siddhartha Roy Chowdhury, director of Vistra Music School in Kolkata (India). Posselt’s performance of this music is deeply spiritual and evokes the human soul’s yearning for the divine. “The deep understanding of Hindustani Classical music that Alan Posselt has is almost enviable... Alan played an uncommon raga Barwa which is never heard on the sitar. Not only was he successful but he could also project his thoughts, devotion to perfection of ragdari and mastery over the instrument.” - The Times of India, Bombay

Rumi – Touching The Divine Afghan/Indian/Persian Music/ Song/Dance Sat 26 November (2.45 - 4.05pm) - $20/$15 Meet Rumi, the famous mystic/poet from the 13th Century, still one of the world’s most popular poets and founder of the Mevlevi Sufi Order of Dervish Mystics. His poetry can guide a spiritual seeker’s journey home. A stunning collaboration of artists, bringing the lyrical and spiritual power of Rumi to life in a heart-moving celebration through this multidimensional feast of poetry, music, dance and story performed by Samadhi Ensemble, Farid & Armaan Drokhshan, Zaffit Middle Eastern Drum and Dance Ensemble and Nava Persian Ensemble

Drum Africa Ancient Drum Rhythms of West Africa by DadaNii & The Damushi Ensemble Sat 26 November (4.30-5.30pm) - $12/$10 Sun 27 November (4.00-5pm) - $12/$10 DadaNii & The Damushi Ensemble is a 10 piece dance band that plays African Highlife, Funk, Soukous, Reggae and Afro beat playing traditional acoustic West African drumming rhythms and songs from the West African tradition. Led by renowned Ghanaian musical elder DadaNii, the Damushi Ensemble brings together music, song, dance and drumming and they will present a window into the timeless heartbeat still beating through the ages in African life through a presentation of accessible percussion and West African rhythms.

Sound of Selflessness Harmonic Chanting by the Gyuto Monks of Tibet Sat 26 November (5.45-7pm) - $20/$15 The Gyuto Monks of Tibet are a 600-year-old lineage of the Gelugpa School of Tibetan Buddhism—to which the Dalai Lama also belongs. Regarded as masters of tantric ritual, they specialise in deep-voiced harmonic chant. Each monk is able to produce several notes at once over a threeoctave range using a combination of fundamental notes and overtones, including some of the lowest notes ever recorded. Their unique sound is also much more than music; it is sacred tantric practice. The sound has been compared to the resonance of a drum or didgeridoo, which has a visceral positive impact on the listener.

Life, Love & Awakening Conscious Music Concert with Ben Lee Sat 26 November (7.30-10.50pm) - $50/$40 Headlined by Ben Lee, much loved Australian singer-songwriter, multiple ARIA Award winner and humanitarian, this concert celebrates consciousness in a fun, entertaining yet profound way. Supported by Sundar, Leo Drioli with The Reverend & Mrs.Rowdy and twice Grammy Award nominee David Young, direct from the USA. Every ticket to “LOVE, LIFE & AWAKENING” receives FREE ENTRY to the WHOLE LIFE EXPO 2016 on Saturday 26th 2016 (valued at $18).

Kashmir Santoor Music of the Mountains by Kathos Sun 27 November (11.00-12 noon) - $12/$10 Kathos is one of the few Santoor players in Australia and performs with the renowned Dya Singh World Music group, Sufi Soul and Silk Road as well as presenting solo Santoor performances. A morning meditation on one of the most delightful traditional instruments, the Kashmir Santoor an instrument made famous by Sri Shiv Kumar Sharma and transformed into a key instrument of Indian classical music.

Love, Music & Song Mystic Music by Nava Persian Ensemble Sun 27 November (1.30-2.30pm) - $12/$10 Nava Ensemble will present a series of passionate and meditative songs by famous Persian Sufi and ancient poets such as Rumi and Hafiz and will take its audience on a journey through the many ways in which our lives are transformed and moved by love and music. Nava are one of Australia’s foremost Persian ensembles performing the mystic music of Persia. Members of the ensemble are Persian trained by masters of their instruments and feature: Daf, Tumbek, Tar, Santur and the hypnotic vocals of Maryam.

Songs from the Heart Sufi Music from India/Pakistan & Afghanistan by Noor Samadhi & Ravikesh Singh Sun 27 November (5.15-6.30pm)- $20/$15 A truly cross-cultural collaboration with Noor Samadhi, Afghan singer and harmonium player and Brisbane Tabla maestro Ravikesh Singh. Deep music bedded in the Sufi traditions of the region. With a combination of improvised lyrics according to the singers’ heart space, and famous texts from the greats of Sufi poetry, Noor has a marvellous voice and presents Sufi songs from a number of different regions of Afghanistan, including Hazari, Kathargani and songs in Pashto.

This page only covers “KEYNOTE WORKSHOPS” and “WHOLE LIFE RHYTHMS” performances at the WHOLE LIFE EXPO 2016. For the complete 2016 program with over 120 free workshops and performances visit

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Dance is so much more than moving, more even than simply a form of art or selfexpression. Throughout the course of her career, Seda has developed her dance to meet the needs of a number of physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. From childbirth to fitness, from prayer to depression, Seda has a dance to teach you.

I Am Seda. I Am the Dance!

Trapped by the mundane and overwhelmed by negative experiences with her family, Seda waited to be alone with her music and dancing at the end of each day. As she grew, she became one with the music, dancing on her own and she has meet with her highest self dance with spirit, and heal herself and she became a dance healer recently. She didn’t even know how much talent she had until she won first place in a dance contest at the local children’s disco. It was on that day that she opened the door on her path to spiritual freedom and selfdiscovery through dance, Now, Seda wants to share the wisdom she’s learned with you with her knowledge after all she became dance healer, movement and dance philosopher,public speaker because of her experience she wants teach you dance and speak to you dance.

Visit her online at for videos, instruction, and dance seminars and courses. Keep dancing! “ Life is a movement lets move in the right direction” “In order heal your body you must hear your body In order to hear your body you must move and dance your body”

Seda Star


Seda Star

the celebritiy dancer from the national tv channel 10 in Australia Seda has been dancing since childhood. Her love of dance and fitness led to the development of a international televised program called SEDADANCE BellyRobics with Aerobics Ozstlye team. She has also created two DVDs, Belly Dancing for Baby and AOS Belly Dance Fitness, to share fun and energizing ways to achieve good health through dance. She currently lives in Australia and travel around the world for teaching and dance to make people happy and help people to heal through the dance.

PH :041 271 9961 • www

Seda Star

You could be in this space for

I Am Seda. I Am the Dance!


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144 pages/$19.95 (including delivery) Digital: $9.95 (to your Inbox)

“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ” – DENISE LINN, author of “Soul Coaching”


Professional Psychic • Medium • Clairvoyant Tarot • Healer • Spiritual Advisor

Leo Drioli, Editor of Innerself Newspaper


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yourNATUROPATH WITH BELLE MCCALEB Naturopath, Herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s Health

Sleep More SoundlyNaturally!

The consequences of poor sleep patterns include fatigue, exhaustion, depression, irritability, cognitive disturbances and an increased rate of accidents. Sleep disorders increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke. Disturbed sleep is also associated with increased cancer risk. There are more than 90 distinct sleep disorders including sleep loss, sleep-disordered breathing, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome and “back to front” sleep cycles (circadian rhythm disorders) . The use of substances such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and many prescription and over the counter medications can cause or exacerbate the problem. Women are more likely than men to experience poor sleep patterns particularly during the premenstrual period, pregnancy and menopause. Although a specific type of sleep disorder may require specific interventions in general sleep disorders respond well to a diet, lifestyle and natural medicine approach. Dietary considerations obviously include limiting or eliminating nervous system actives such as caffeine, chemical additives, preservatives & high sugar intake. Avoidance of heavy meals too close to bedtime often helps although it is not wise to go to bed hungry. Alcohol is best avoided full stop but one should at least abstain for 6 hours before bed. If one is waking at around 3 am with sweating &/or flushing a gut and liver detoxification program may help. We know genes in these areas “switch on” at about this time and if there is imbalance in the micro-flora of the gut & /or liver stress it may contribute to the pattern of sweating, flushing and waking. Following a “low stress” diet and rebalancing the system with special probiotics/prebiotics and liver support formulas often helps restore restful, uninterrupted sleep. Sleep hygiene is the term given to a set of practices that promote restful sleep. Regular routine is a key feature: regular bedtime, getting up at the same time daily,


regular daily exercise (no vigorous exercise within 6 hours of bedtime), regular daily meditation or relaxation practice and a regular daily schedule of meals, chores and other activities. Of course shift work makes this approach very difficult. A regular bedtime ritual is very helpful as it helps us “shift gears” in preparation for sleep. Some gentle stretches, a warm bath, diffusing a little lavender oil (a slight sedative) are some prebed activities that help calm the body/mind. Sometimes people find reading before bed is helpful and it can be, but this should be part of the pre-bed ritual and be of a set duration for example 20 minutes (or less if you get sleepy). A yogic practice which is very useful as part of a bedtime ritual is candle-gazing. Place a candle about 18 inches from you at eye level and using a soft gaze simply look at the base of the flame for as long as you can without blinking (a few seconds) then close your eyes and see if you can see the image of the candle behind your closed eyes. When the image fades repeat the process. Aim for about 3-5 minutes of candle gazing nightly. This practice calms the mind, lowers stress and induces a state of relaxation. Another yogic practice that calms the body/mind is slow deep breathing – counting back from 21 to 0 taking one breath in and out per count. If you reach zero begin again at 21. Another key feature to consider is the sleep environment. The bedroom should be quiet & pitch black dark – no lights, no glowing clocks, screens, phones etc. De-cluttering the room of as many electronics as possible is important for several reasons – one being the amount of electromagnetic radiation being released but also so as to not be tempted to “just check my emails” or similar. The WORST thing you can do before bed, if you are struggling to get to sleep or if you wake up in the middle of the night is to turn on ANYTHING ELECTRONIC including lights. This immediately sets your brain into wake mode and upsets the levels of melatonin

(sleep hormone). There are numerous herbal medicines that can help ease the transition to sleep and promote restful & restorative sleep. My favourite combination is California poppy, Jamaica dogwood, Skullcap and Corydalis – but other commonly used herbals include Lavender, Passion flower, Lemon balm and Hops. I am not a fan of Valerian, which is commonly found in over the counter sleep remedies as it can have a sleep disrupting effect – many people report having disturbing dreams with Valerian. It also has a tendency to give one a “hangover” in the morning whereas the other herbs listed are less likely to. And finally it is very important to assess and address stress levels. Chronic and/or acute stress can lead to adrenal depletion. This contributes to sleep disorders via several mechanisms including disruption in the sleep/wake hormone cycle. Adrenal support herbs used during the day can certainly help with sleep patterns at night. There are many to choose from – my favourites are Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola, Withania and Conodopsis. Many of the approaches mentioned above will also help lower baseline stress and relieve adrenal depletion states.


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Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT, AYT is an Accredited Naturopath, Herbalist, Yoga Instructor & Yoga Therapist as well as a Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Nurse. She has specialised in women’s health since 1986 and holds advanced nursing qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Belle is also passionate about holistic cancer support and keeping cancer patients well during medical treatment and beyond. She has worked extensively with cancer patients since 2003 and is the founder of the Cancer Support Alliance (www.cancersupportalliance. Belle is a certified therapist in Yoga of Heart (for cancer & cardiovascular disease) and Critical Alignment Yoga Therapy (for musculoskeletal issues). Belle’s counselling practice “Innersight Counselling & Psychotherapy” is informed by Integral Yoga Psychology & other mindfulness based approaches and blends clinical counselling skills with age-old techniques of yoga including breathwork, deep relaxation & meditation. This therapeutic approach provides you with practical tools for health, happiness and well-being. Belle’s specific counselling interests include chronic health issues, infertility, pregnancy loss, coping with cancer, loss, grief, bereavement, anxiety & depression. Her practice is located in St. Georges (Burnside). For more info see or ring (08) 8379 0220.


Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine

A Healthy Heart

I’m sure each and everyone reading this column knows someone with a heart disorder of some form, be it high cholesterol, hypertension, artherosclerosis, thrombosis, cardio-myopathy or some such. So it is my aim today to give you all some helpful tips to improve the health of the cardiovascular system and in doing this, we enhance the health of the whole physical organism. As we all know the heart pumps blood and oxygen around our body to keep all our organs healthy and without this medium we simply do not exist. The ball is in your court so to speak, by making a few lifestyle changes I believe the quality of your life may improve. Here is a valuable example: my brother came into my clinic three years ago to give me a helping hand, he has cardio-myopathy, which is an enlarged heart, he has a pacemaker, he was overweight and also has insulin resistance. During the last three years, I’ve been making him up herbal formulas, he has changed his diet and I’ve supported his body with various supplements such as a good quality fish oil, CoQ10, Multi B vitamin, magnesium and zinc with B6. Fortunately he has always been good with exercise, he plays golf

several times a week and dances on most weekends. The improvement in his heart health has taken some time as with most natural supplementation, however, as his heart has gradually reduced in size, coming back nearly to normal, his cardiologist has gradually reduced his medication, going from taking five medications a day to one. “How good is that!” We are all unique individuals and this case was just an example, but nevertheless, it shows that we may be able to make positive changes over time by changing our diet and lifestyle. A few things to consider when looking at the cardiovascular system is that the most common underlying reasons for an imbalance in this system is inflammation, oxidation and immune dysfunction. When we look at cholesterol for example, we look at the variation between the LDL (low density lipoproteins) and HDL (high density lipoproteins) and we also look at the level of triglycerides. One of the key factors found today is it’s not so much the levels of LDL, it’s the oxidation of the LDL cholesterol that is the problem and a key factor in development of atherosclerosis. Dietary choices such as high levels


of glucose, as in soft drinks etc. appears to be one of the problems leading to the oxidation. Cholesterol (lipoproteins) also vary in size, HDL’s are smaller and LDL’s are larger, it’s also important to measure the particle numbers and this can be done with an advanced lipid test by a company called Nutra Path. What can you do to help? A Mediterranean diet has been found to be very beneficial as it may reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) by enhancing clearance from the circulation. Increasing fibre such as oat bran, psyllium husks and pectins, which can be found in brans, apples and bananas and reducing saturated fats because they slow the clearance of the LDL from the system. Exercise is really important as it may help boost HDL, the good cholesterol levels. Some supplements that I’ve found beneficial are the omega 3 fish oil, which appears to be best taken with GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and vitamin E to reduce Omega 3 oxidation. Omega 3 is an antiinflammatory and it may reduce cholesterol particle numbers and lower triglycerides. CoQ10 is an amazing anti-oxidant which may reduce LDL oxidation; it may reduce hypertension and is also known to support arterial and vascular health. Green tea and pomegranate juice are powerful anti-oxidants. Lycopene found in tomatoes may improve HDL functionality and reduce inflammation. Magnesium is important to support the heart and increase solubility of calcium which in turn reduces calcification of arterial walls. Niacin (B3) increases circulation and lowers fibrinogen levels, herbs such as Olive leaf, Hawthorn and Goldenseal have

Healthy Living tools to stay on track also been found to support the cardiovascular system. Resveratrol found in grapes and red wine is also a very good anti-oxidant and has been found to be beneficial. Last but not least I wanted to mention lifestyle in regard to stress. When I was growing up my father smoked too much, he drank too much which stemmed primarily from the life he had to endure going through a war, he was a lovely man but in the end he had a stroke and died. You can’t abuse your body continually without consequences, so if life is too stressful and you’re using those vices, you need to find a way of managing that stress, you need to find something that brings a smile back on your face to give some reprieve from the humdrum of living in this world. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Constitutional and Emotional Iridology at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421 618 792 or email lynne@irishealth. Web site:


Though still young on Australia’s health food scene, Konnyaku shows every sign of becoming a bigger and bigger player. Enza Giardina, nutritional therapist, spotted a demand for Konnyaku/Shirataki noodles, and founded ZERO SLIM & HEALTHY NOODLES whose sales have quadrupled over the past year. “Our ZERO SLIM & HEALTHY NOODLES (we now also produce rice, fettuccine and lasagna sheets) are organic, gluten free and are made in facilities in China, dedicated to the manufacturing of foods for the Western market.

Originally I started importing Konnyaku/Shirataki noodles for myself and my family so naturally I looked for the best. Our ZERO SLIM & HEALTHY NOODLES are made of100% premium grade Konjacmannan (Glucomannan) fibre, an all-natural vegetable fibre derived from the root of the Konjac plant, which has shown beneficial effects backed by medical researches for Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure and Constipation!” We don’t add fillers of any kind and we pack them in purified water in BPA free packing.”

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everyday life, and helps us to see our heart. eady Free - Recognizing the natural wakefulness that we were born with



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EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE

ments are unimportant if we nary way because the greatest d to the Personal for us to be

EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE


Finding your Personal Key to Enlightened Living

lEo Drioli

ForEworD by DEnisE linn, author oF Past livEs, PrEsEnt MiraclEs

144 pages/$22.95 (including delivery) Digital: $9.95 (to your Inbox)

“If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ”

– DENISE LINN, author of “Soul Coaching”

Let Your Spirit Sing CD by Leo Drioli “Clear, pure, simple, inspired and deeply authentic… Feel the gift of Presence in these 5 Heart Songs.” EP: $12.95 (including delivery) Digital: $7.50 (delivered to your Inbox)

“Leo Drioli’s sound is similar to that of Cat Stevens and John Lennon – ruminations that are of an inspirational, motivational and expressive nature.” — Kyle Jarminer, The Examiner “I was on my way to work and just felt like I needed to listen to your EP again. ‘Let Your Spirit Sing’ is such a beautiful song. When I heard the words ‘Open Up My Heart, Show Me How To Love’... I just started welting in tears, seriously … I was trying to be conscious of other drivers not seeing me cry (ha ha). I played that about 3 times in the car this morning and just started singing to it.” — Elio, Composer of The Healing Codes

Listening with the Ear of your Heart BY LEO DRIOLI See the one you’re with. Do this today if loving them is a challenge for you right now. You know, what isn’t lovable is not that one before you, it’s your image of them that obstructs the truth and beauty of what’s right in front of us. This “seeing” is not done by the eyes but the eyes can help. If you breathe in, relax and drop back in to the chest where breathing starts and ends, there you’ll find a secret seeing. It’s always there but not always noticed. When we drop back into this, our whole body begins to “see”, not just the eyes but every cell in our being becomes an “eye”. Sit in this by being here and simply breathe … Now let this be a felt experience. Encounter what is happening from here … you’ll quickly notice the perfection that surrounds you and fills you. As you look around, begin with the sounds you hear … this is the pulsation of Presence, reverberating in you and around you … feel into it with this “seeing”. Rumi reminds us to “Listen with the ear of the Heart”” … this is the “seeing” we are experiencing here. Sit in this and let the atoms storm your ears. You’ll notice with the felt sensation that the stillness that begins to establish itself emanates a sweet inner sound … a soft almost imperceptible whoosh or hum … let this inner sound sweep through you as you look and listen. Notice how the atmosphere shifts … every little sound and sight feels so right and so perfect. This is pure Heart Song. Now, take note of this beingness you are immersed in. This never really leaves you. This is always here, it’s simply a matter of taking the time to “see”

this. The next step is an important and powerful one. When the one you are with comes near you now, drop back into this and “see” them. Try it, simply “see” them, and see what happens in this seeing. Try it today and watch your life transform.

There’s a constant eternal hum Flows through each and every one As we go and as we come back in. There’s a constant eternal call Reaching out to one and all Can you feel it? It’s calling us all back in. Anahad ... open up wide and feel It. Anahad ... come deep inside and meet It. Anahad ... open the ear of your heart ... to the call of the Silent One. There’s a pull that will lift you inside Simply watch for the turn of the tide It’s just waiting for you to subside and come back in. Anahad ... Anahad ...Anahad … © From the song ANAHAD by Leo Drioli

Parenting in the “Spiritual Age” BY MARION WEATHERBURN We Parented our children in the “Cyber-age”, now it’s their turn to Parent us into the “Spiritual Age”. It’s true! We all want to be the very best parents we can be. But, now it’s our Children and “Teen~ Angels” turn to parent us. I like to model myself on Caroline Ingalls from the Little House on the Prairie. Remember her? She led a simple life. Her kids were happy. Her husband was happy and her kitchen smelt like cookies! I believe children deserve our time, listening, guidance, love, praise, wisdom, fun, discipline and home cooked meals served together at the dinner table as a family without an electronic gadget in sight. The best way to learn anything in life is to either “do it” or learn from someone who has “done it”. When the internet first came into our lives, we revelled in it. Finally as parents, we had a resource for everything we needed! Does this sound familiar? How do I cook scrambled eggs? Google it Where’s Heaven? Google it What is a Soul? Google it How do I do long division? Google it “Google” is now a part of our family as much as you and I. We have a Google “To Do” list. You would think that with the introduction of modern gadgets and technologies, that spare time “gained” could be spent as quality time with our children and families. But, we fill the time with everything else and our kids miss out, on us! For me: Technology means:Seeking answers from a resource not your

own Spirituality means:Seeking answers from a source that is your own I know which one I trust. Everywhere you look, you see people sitting side by side communicating with each other via technology. I have seen siblings sitting within the same room, couples sitting opposite each other in restaurants, communicating with each other via text. I have even seen a couple sitting in the same room as others, fighting with each other, but, by text. I see people texting as they drive, oblivious to the family in the car next to them that they’ve just run off the side of the road as they delete an error in their message. What that message should read is : “I’m just on my way to my own funeral because I’m texting whilst I’m driving”. Nobody seems to want to talk to each other anymore, unless they are doing it by text! People have forgotten how to communicate with each other in person. They don’t want confrontation! But, they do want love. Love is something we are all craving in life. People long to find that special someone that they can live with happily ever after. People propose by text or Facebook and they break up the same way. Parenting in the Cyber Age has been a blessing, sure, because we have instant access to how to solve our problems/issues or crises. Our kids also have a Google “To Do” list, albeit different. Sure, they research for school assignments but also to embark on their own quests to find instant gratification, friendships and love. They seek to

Psychic Development Classes, Meditation/Spiritual Practice Sessions and Empowerment w/shops Leo Drioli is the Editor and Publisher of Innerself Newspaper, the author of “Every Moment’s a Miracle” and as a singer/songwriter he has released his CD “Let Your Spirit Sing”. The process of awakening is at the heart of all of Leo’s work. Leo Drioli’s words and music, dig deep into our collective search and yearning for what is true, real and lasting in this world and beyond it. All his songs stem from that innate urge to connect to the depth of things and to realize our own true nature as Presence.


8396 6752


Fran Tomlin has been involved in the paranormal and psychic worlds since a very young child in Africa. It was an everyday occurrence to experience Spirits around her ranging from full flesh apparitions, Angelic and Alien encounters, receiving astral art Lessons & ‘seeing’ the Supernatural. She fully committed to embracing this lifestyle both as a devotee, and professionally as a therapist, after 50 years of experiences, growth, study & research, approximately ten years ago. Nowadays she is known as the “Soul Whisperer”

by Fran Tomlin

for her deep insightful, empathic and accurate readings, which in themselves become healings. One of her specialities is Past Lives and Patterning thereof. She also conducts Past Life Regressions. As a visual artist, Fran is also able to ‘see’ and channel a client’s individual Spirit Guides, painting them as portraits upon Commission. Having a Diploma in Advanced Counselling, Fran is known as a Spiritual Coach and teaches popular One day Psychic Development classes, as well as weekly Meditation/Spiritual Practice Sessions

in Magill, also Soul Art & various other Empowerment w/shops. Readings are done at Kensington Pk, Goodwood & Paralowie. Having worked internationally, she is an accredited full professional member of the International Psychics Association, and the author of the “Healing Energies from the Crystalline Realms “ Meditation CD. ‘Fran Tomlin Psychic Medium’ . ** “Great Reading ,Highly Recommend” - M.S. “An Empowering Psychic Medium & Humble Teacher” – J.H.


“Warm, Friend• Quality Rea ly & incredibly Spiritual G • Deceased C Accurate Psychic • Psychic De Medium, Highly • Past Life R • Soul Art & Recommend” – Qualifica M.H. Counse IN “Incredibly InNO sightful, WonderPhone: 0405687930 ful experience, can’t recommend Facebook: Fran Tomlin Psychi highly enough” – M.L. Contact her on 0405 687 930 or www. email at or Facebook page

InnerSelf answer their own questions about life, love and direction. They are Googling things like: How can I get my Mum/ Dad to listen to me or understand me? How can I limit my Mum/ Dad’s time on the phone/internet? These days more than ever before, people are searching for love and a real feeling of connection. A Spiritual connection. Your own inner voice knows all the answers to the questions on your Google list when it comes to living a more Spiritual life. And what you don’t know, your children and “Teen Angels” can teach you the rest. Our Teachers are right under our feet. They are our children and “Teen Angels”. Psychic children have the ability to perceive reality through their subtle psychic senses in addition to their physical senses. These children are often referred to as “Old Souls”. These “Old Souls” are coming back into the world to help put the world back into balance, one family at a time, starting with yours! They don’t need the Internet or Technology to do it. They want you! Their parents! Their families. This is what they have come to show you and teach you. They are Human BEings NOT Human DOings! And we can learn from them. They are our Teachers. Bringing us back into our Souls. They are “Parenting Us into the Spiritual Age”. If you have an “Old Soul” in your life, embrace them. You have been blessed. If you are struggling with parenting and understanding your psychic child, please DO NOT hesitate to contact me as this is a field I specialise in. Come sit down with me over a pot of tea and we’ll “Giggle” rather than “Google” And have a good old fashioned “chat”. You can read this full story in Marion’s new book “Caught Between Two Worlds” to be launched at the Whole Life Expo on Saturday 26 November 2016. Marion will be conducting a book signing complete with personal message with your copy. Look out for her at Stand B24. For further details phone 0407 812 233 or email

on a sugar high/low cycle? The emotional component of this can be boundary issues. You may want to contemplate, “What is draining my energy and where do I need to set boundaries?”

Power Imbalance

TIRED ALL THE TIME? A Medical Intuitive’s Perspective of Fatigue BY RACHELLE TERRY There are so many types of tired. Each one carries with it a unique blueprint which is demonstrated in the energy field. This is why when I look at a clients energy field, I may describe their states as, “weary”, “heavy”, “foggy”, “lethargic” or “depleted” because each state will appear differently to me. Just as each pattern will appear differently in the energy field, a very specific state of emotions lead to this block occurring. If your symptoms are ongoing or chronic, of course it’s important to seek medical assistance to identify the cause as it can be related to other illnesses. So while this article is not diagnostic it may share some observations of emotional/energetic patterns that may be underlying your fatigue. Below are a couple of examples of the different types of fatigue patterns I have seen:


stress, be it environmental, physical, illness, nutritional or emotional and so forth.

In a Fog

If you have a cotton woollike appearance in the head area and the gut area, it can be associated with a yeast/ candida imbalance. You may feel foggy, disconnected or distracted (especially after consuming too much sugar or alcohol). The fog is often the same energy block I see in someone who is procrastinating. If you can relate to this pattern, you may want to ask yourself “What am I avoiding in my life due to fear?”

Leaking Bucket Syndrome

This appears as if there is energy leaking out of the system. You may feel that no matter how much you rest or eat, you feel empty, drained and depleted. It may help to check in with your blood sugar levels. Are you getting enough protein throughout the day or are you

Some clients with a diagnosis of endocrinological issues, including thyroid problems and adrenal fatigue. These carry with them their own energy patterns such as loss of personal power in the case of underactive thyroid and fear of loss of control, in the case of overactive thyroid. In the case of adrenal patients it can often be related to overwhelm. You may have felt like you have become a workhorse and disconnected from your purpose, passion or spark of your life/work. If you relate to this pattern, ask yourself, “What brings me joy?”; “What is causing me to feel overwhelmed?”; and “Where am I experiencing excessive pressure or do I have unrealistic expectations of myself?”. If you are feeling excessively tired, in conjunction with your physical treatments it might benefit you to seek healing or therapy so that you may move forward in your life and heal yourself on all levels.

LIVING IN HARMONY WITH MY THOUGHTS ON LOVE 2016 BY SUSANNE MARIE Every year at some stage I feel the need to reiterate some of my thoughts about love. It is one of my favourite topics. Today is that day for 2016. For most of my life that I can remember, I have thought that love is so very important. Even when I was a young child I often used to wonder why anyone would want to find something nasty or hurtful to say to anyone .It used to make me feel sad to see others who were hurting physically, mentally or emotionally. Why do some people seem to find pleasure in saying things that are nasty and hurtful and lead to someone feeling upset. I often wondered why anyone could be like that. I still do wonder but I realise that some people make that choice for some reason or another. Some of those reasons can be hurtful and profound. I feel that all who behave in such a way are just passing on deep hurts that they felt at some stage. Often we emulate what is modelled to us in our home. At the age of eleven I remember making a conscious choice to try to be as nice as I could to those around me. I am sure I did not always succeed but I was starting to gain an awareness of it and I really tried to do my best. Unfortunately when things do not turn out the way we want, we look for someone to blame. Part of the key is to fully take responsibility for our part in whatever is happening. Not

For consultations or more information, see: Rachelle Terry – Medical Intuitive. Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients by means of private consultations and group healings. Wonderful results are experienced after having life, health or relationship patterns cleared and it becomes possible to be in flow again. For phone, Skype or in-person consultations with Rachelle, email: auratherapist@gmail. com *Baby and child readings also available*

This is a huge category – I could give as many definitions of stress as there are people because the way it appears in your energy field is simply a reflection of how an event imprinted on your unique energy field and how your defense mechanisms respond to this. It is quite possible that your fatigue is some sort of

Medical Intuitive Rachelle, a Sydney based practitioner, sees and pinpoints the cause these patterns, using her ability to view the energy field. She then uses highly effective therapy techniques including Theta Healing to shift the negative patterns on a deeper level.

For appointments with Rachelle in Sydney

Susanne Marie is a Theta Healing® Master; Certificate of Science in Theta Healing®; DipTeaching (Prim); Dip Health Sciences(Remedial Massage); Dip Oriental Massage; Healer and Teacher of Theta Healing® for many years. Enrol for a seminar in October, N o v e m b e r o r D e c e m b e r. Individual consultations by appointment. Remedial Massage Therapist . Past life crystal journeys and healing. House clearing and blessing. Consulting and Seminars in Payneham and Woodside and Aldgate. For information and appointments call 0418 845 119 W: M: susanne@vitalharmony.

Be Healthy, Happy and in Harmony Thetahealing® Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant in all aspects of their being.

Rachelle Terry

Your aura stores memories, blockages, shock waves and emotions resulting from previous experiences. If these are left unattended, recurring patterns can form, affecting your relationships, career, behaviours, health and life events.

easy to do. If you are a parent, help your children to take responsibility for their actions and gently remind them that in every negative interaction, they need to look at what part they play. If a child (or adult) says “s/he made me do it”, advise them to say” I allowed myself to do...” Teach them how to always be responsible for their own actions. Talk to them in a gentle loving way after the heat of the moment has passed. I remember when I was still teaching children in schools, there were many days when a child would come in and say that everything in the world was awful and that they hated everyone and everything and that nothing could possibly go right in their world. We would then have a class discussion on the choices we make. We used to say that we could choose to have a good day or a bad day and that it was up to us. Over the years I have heard about prominent successful people who have made great life choices every day. They choose to begin each day by choosing to be happy and to be grateful for all that they have in their lives. Very quickly positivity and giving out of love grows and multiplies. I have heard many motivational speakers say similar things. Prophets from many religions on this earth have spread the message to love one another. If you are in the

midst of a disagreement with someone else, experiment with stepping out of the argument and taking time out. Then sit, close your eyes and consciously send out universal light and love to that person. Visualise them wrapped in a cloak of light and love. Stay in that position and do similarly as often as you are able. Think of anyone that you have an issue with. Concentrate on sending them forgiveness and love. Visualise the situation being resolved easily. I have been able to turn around a tricky situation a number of times by doing no more than this. If you have participated in a theta class go in to the theta brain wave and access unconditional love and send it to anyone you feel needs to improve how they feel. The most important PERSON TO SEND LOVE TO IS OF COURSE YOUR OWN SELF. Look at yourself in the mirror with love and compassion and send love love love to you. See what a loving person you are. Then go out further and think of those people in your life who may need some extra love. “What is the point of doing this? Why should I? It won’t achieve anything.” If you think any of these then tell yourself that the love vibration of every person counts. Send that love out to the world. See if we can, as a collective consciousness, change the energy of the world. I think that we can and it is just that we need to start somewhere. ‘What difference could we make to our world if we all were to consciously send out love to all people in the world every day?

 Theta Healing Consultations and Seminars As a Certificate of Science® in Thetahealing®, Susanne conducts a broad range of Seminars to the highest level available.  Remedial Massage Therapist  House and Business Clearing  Past life Crystal Journeys

(phone/Skype consultations also available):

WOODSIDE & PAYNEHAM • Ph: 0418 845 119

October-December 2016



Eye on the Sky



Dear Cinzia please can you see any plans for my fiancé and my new home? Thank you Katie

Astrologer, Clairvoyant Medium, Healer and Teacher


October-December 2016

Within this final quarter of the year, each month heralds in a Super Full Moon, along with the transits of Pluto/Mars, Uranus, Venus and Jupiter forming compelling and intense configurations in the skies. A Super Moon is when the moon is closer to the earth thus the moon’s energy is felt more intensely, emotions are potent and deep-seated. The above mentioned transits bring opportunity from the heavens that can guide each of us towards a grand finale of the cosmic kind,


to farewell and wholly release from our bodies, psyches and spirit – outdated patterns, behaviours, attitudes and beliefs that have indeed expired. In doing so we are ‘closing the stage’ on 2016, the year numerologically known for its themes of completions and endings. October dawns within the potency of the New Moon in Libra (relationship sign) conjunct Jupiter and brings in, an incentive to make the necessary changes to expand and deepen the intimacy in your

relationships through harmony and honesty. You may be inclined to think and feel more positive and optimistic, therefore broadening your communication with others and being more demonstrative of affection to those close to you and showing your support and love in more obvious ways. As the Moon waxes full into Aries (self sign) on 16/10/16 the theme of the cycle expands to ‘self consciousness within all relationships’. The flow of care you extended out to others at the New Moon will return to you and solidify your relationships on all levels. Consequently, this will improve your capacity to give and receive, build a positive reinforcement of self value, and you are likely to experience the reflection in kind, within each level of relationship. Under the influence of Uranus conjunct Moon in Aries, emotions can run high, excitement and sudden change is likely to occur, especially if you have major planets, aspects or points in Capricorn, Aries, Libra and Cancer Pluto conjunct Mars in Capricorn offers dramatic driving forces to the Aries Super-Full Moon. These forceful energies can be utilised to push through work deadlines, climb the ladder to your promotion or open to the depth of your psyche and understand all that you need to, to make changes. Be prepared to be pushed to your limits to accomplish the seemingly impossible. November can be described as a grounding month as Venus (the ruler of the full moon on the 15th) moves into Capricorn on the 12th, encouraging a steadiness in your financial affairs and connecting into the value of self –in order to sit comfortably in your authority within the work place and at home. Mercury continues to move direct in the sign of Sagittarius allowing communication to be upbeat and the mind agile. Though by the 23rd-25th Saturn will conjunct Mercury and have us thinking carefully before we engage in conversation or take action. With this conjunction there may also be a slowing up in technology, or your travel plans could be hindered, however Saturn always has reason to make us stop and think through plans again. Be sure then to double check all arrangements, projects and assignments. The Taurus Super Full Moon shines her divine light upon you on the 15th November. Due to the Taurus sign being ruled by Venus, the planet of self value and love and what you believe to be true about yourself, the energy of this moon can raise your innate negative feelings and thoughts that restrict the flow of abundance through your life.

Therefore the Taurus Super Full Moon is the precise time to move from lack to an abundant flow by reclaiming self-love and affirming positive self beliefs. It is also essential to be mindful in the moment and release any outdated thoughts and negative feelings as the come into consciousness. The first week of December begins with a Jupiter trine Mars under this influence optimistic views and beneficial actions are abound, although a tendency to be overly enthusiastic or to adopt a ‘she’ll be alright mate’ attitude could hinder doing the things that need to be done. Faith in yourself and others prevail and you will feel appreciative of the thoughtfulness of others. The final Super Full Moon for this year ascends, in Gemini at 23 degrees on December 14th Sydney time 11.05 am. Being in the Gemini sign, the Full Moon will brighten the ‘year ending’ work events in a lighthearted manner with tinsel decorations, disco lights and engaging conversations. In fact this Moon is strengthened in its air element, by a grand trine to Jupiter in Libra and to Mars in Aquarius. With Mars here, you may be drawn to different groups where the eccentric part of yourself can be entertained. And Jupiter adds a big-heartedness quality to the full moon and extends the hand of friendship to all. In the final week of 2016, the New Moon in Capricorn encourages us to dream in reality. Be sure then, as you wish in the New Year, that your dreams are accompanied with solid and practical plans for successful manifestation. Many blessings for all that you hope to accomplish and may divine light shine on your path in 2017, the year defined in numerology by new beginnings and the time to express your uniqueness. Gerry Crow: Your Spiritual Psychic for Life and Soul Matters. Gerry Crow is a natural born psychic and her amazing abilities in this field have her standing as an internationally renowned and respected Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Healer, for over 35 years. She has appeared on Psychic TV, written articles for the Psychic Directory, astrology for the A-Zen, featured in the Sydney Morning Herald and on ABC Radio. She is registered with the International Psychics Association and is a professional member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists, is based in Sydney at the Life and Balance Yoga Centre and tours throughout the year. Gerry is available for In-person, Skype and Phone sessions Awaken within the Sun – Be present with your Mind, Body & Soul Wednesday Morning Meditation in Sydney CBD Courses and Workshops: Awaken your Psychic Ability and Develop Spiritually, (Beginners) Psychic and Spiritual Development, (Advanced) Dream the Tarot, Unveiling the Mysteries of the Moon, Wheel of the Year, and she runs Full Moon, Healing, Meditation and Spiritual Circles. If you want Life and Soul Advancement, then contact Gerry: Mobile: 0449 865 473 Email: info@psychicreadingsaustralia. Visit: www.psychicreadingsaustralia.

Dear Katie I am being told by spirit guides that you are eagerly searching to buy a home I can see you researching houses on a computer, but your fiancé wants to wait until 2017 Your fiancé is correct the best time to buy will be after March April 2017 in fact your guides say you will purchase land and build a beautiful 2 storey Town House with all the trimmings and it will be within your budget ! Good luck Katie lots love Cinzia Dear Cinzia Can you help me I have had a spirit ghost living at my home for years. It all has been good but I'm just wondering why it's here and why it doesn't move on. I am not frightened of it but I have tried to have a spirit energy clearer come home and even a priest, but it's still here what should I do Please Debra Grange

Dear Debra This darling spirit has been with you for years and I feel adores you and your family and has become part of your family It may be that your both ready now to move on and let go of one another which definitely will allow this beautiful spirit to journey onward onto the Astral plane toward its heavenly pursuit. Guide it with gentle conversation to take this path letting it know as you speak to it addressing it by its name that you are always here if and when it chooses to psychically reconnect with you perhaps to pass on a message of love and guidance to you. Have this conversation everyday until you feel this precious spirit energy has moved on to the Astral plane Please let me know how you go darling Debra and if you need me I'm only a phone call away text is the best way to get me. My love Cinzia

have experienced difficulty and have had to depend on IVF I appreciate your help and any insight you can give please thank you Deb colonnades

Dear Deb My guides who are passing on information from your guides tell me you are either just become pregnant or just about to become pregnant. It's truly an exciting beautiful time for you and your extended family parents and in laws. You will not need IVF ! Dear Deb Please let me know ASAP the great news my love always Cinzia Dear Cinzia You are truly Amazing I have recently unexpectedly got married. after 10 years with my partner who was adamant he would never marry, He spontaneously proposed with a gorgeous diamond ring . We went on a getaway with our closest family and friends and had tropical island wedding and honeymoon! It was just as you had described when I sent you my question . Thank you, you gave me hope Sharnee

Dear Sharnee Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Wow that's fantastic news ! God bless you guys, you truly have earned this committed precious love. Continue to cherish the love you receive from one another with deep spiritual love and awareness. My love always Cinzia As a child Cinzia suffered from selective mutism, frightened to speak, her healing search began and intensified after a near-death experience resulted in awakening her uncanny psychic ability, now a psychic medium Cinzia is available to Innerself readers who have a pressing question they would like answered. Please indicate in any email whether you give permission for extracts to be published and pseudonym if required. Reply emails also welcome. Phone: 0410 456 540

Dear Cinzia Please could you tell me if I will fall pregnant soon. My fiancé and I are trying and I'm feeling a bit anxious as I'm 37 years old and some of my friends


ACCESS YOUR FUTURE TODAY Your important questions anwered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts

Satisfaction assured or no fee charged Special Discount Please mention inner self when booking to receive a discounted 1 hour reading By appointment only

Phone 0410 456 540 North Adelaide


Divine Journeying with Archangel Raziel By Carolynn Milne

I asked Raziel, this Angel of great wisdom, “How does meditation benefit us physically, mentally and emotionally?” Raziel, “Only by detaching from your earthly life, from your daily strife, can you hope to rejuvenate and heal that part of you which is your Divine Soul, that part of you that craves peace, love and harmony. You live in a world of lessons and hardship, of strife and striving, of profound emotions and anxieties, this is your retreat. This is your elixir. This makes you whole and strong again. Meditation is your way of connecting to the Divine light and love of where you come from, of your home and your Soul family. This exercise is simple. Let me walk you through it. Try it for yourself. First, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, shut out the distractions of your day. Now concentrate on your breath flowing in and out, calm, and gentle, not forced. Follow your deep breath all the way down into your Soul centre, which is just below your heart. This pause in your daily activities will lower your anxiety and blood pressure and you have only just started. Ask now for a connection to your Guardian Angels, Guardians and Guides. Do not be concerned about whether or not you can feel them, see them or experience them on your plane. This is something that comes to many with time and practice. Even if you never experienced this, the benefits of this simple meditation are infinite. Have faith. In faith, knowing that your Divine presence is with you, make a simple supplication or prayer for your wellbeing, advancement, or for people in your life. Always ask for positive outcomes; always ask in love and for the highest good. Know that the Angels and Divine beings are now working for your highest good. Many people feel this beautiful energy flowing through them. Many people know when Angels are working on, with them or for them. This is not necessary for the beautiful Divine energy to work and be of benefit to you. You could finish your meditation here by thanking your Angels and the Divine beings that have helped you. Even the few minutes that this practice has taken out of your day are of great benefit to you physically, mentally and spiritually. If you so choose, you could continue your meditation further by asking the Divine beings that are with you to take you to a place of infinite wisdom, healing, peace, joy, what-

ever and wherever it is that would be of benefit to you at this time. This is where you will be able to bypass your ego and be your Divine self. Remember whether or not you feel, see or experience this journey have faith that, when you return, you will have benefited in your time and space. I am Raziel, I teach the teachers, and this simple form of meditation can be of great benefit to humanity. How greatly you benefit is up to you. Blessings of love and peace, Raziel.” My voice suddenly changed in mid-sentence. The words I was saying were beautiful and elegant, but they were not mine! I was startled and confused. What was that amazing energy flowing through me? After the initial shock, I quietened my mind enough to hear Maitreya. He was with me to teach me and to work through me. This little book is the beginning of these teachings. The Love, healing and wisdom of the Angels emerges from each page you turn, opening your hearts to love, joy, abundance and miracles. These messages and blissful experiences are not just for me. I am the catalyst that helps you to connect, but all that I am, and all that I do, you can also achieve. As you read these teachings, you will come to understand this, and so much more. Allow me, together with the Angels and Masters, to teach you how. Blessings Carolynn. Find the details of my new course, Energy Master, contact me direct; Email: carolynnmilne@ Alternatively, call my mobile 0422864727.



Lina is a clairvoyant medium and healer who channels information through her spirit guides. She was voted Psychic of the year (SA) in 2011. She has been psychic all her life but didn’t know what it was until in her thirties when she met a lady who became her mentor for many years. She is a member of the Australian Psychics Association. Lina has been reading professionally for about 25 years now. She channels information through her guides to provide insight into her clients lives and as a medium connects with their loved ones on the other side. Steve Ashby from Psychics Connect says “I am pleased to describe Lina as an accurate, confident reader whose manner is friendly, bubbly and uplifting.” Lina is also a spiritual healer and a member of the South Australian Healers Association (SASHA). As a spiritual healing practitioner Lina prefers to be guided, making her healing work highly intuitive. Lina reads from the Eternal Spirit Goodwood on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. For appointments phone Eternal Spirit on (08) 8271 9666.


WHAT IS INNOCENCE ? (Obviously we are coming from the Spiritual sense of the word). To me its being in the absolute purity of your Soul. Doing no harm, having pure intentions, practicing no duplicity – its only freedom from guile, cunning or deceit, free of manipulation of others. Its simplicity & artlessness. And according also to it’s “Freedom from guilt through lack of knowledge of evil” - so basically all of the above mentioned. And yet, how many of us are innocent? Feel innocent? If I were to hazard a guess, i would say none of us feel entirely ‘innocent’, and yet we are told spiritually from countless sources & through the myriads of spiritual teachings that we are innocent. Babies are innocent. They come to the Earth plane with a clean slate. Having come straight from the Realms of Divine Love , you can see it in their eyes, they exude trust & love from every pore. They

are innocence incarnate in its purest form. But then the ‘challenges’ start. So ,speaking in general, they begin to integrate within themselves the all too often thoughtless words their parents ( who basically set the foundations for their ‘lessons’ in life) casually ‘throw out’ ; the actions & words of authority figures . They also ‘pick up’ the true energies underneath the surface that belie many words spoken , whether in ‘jest’ or otherwise, & also belie many actions undertaken. Having no fluency of language they translate all of this emotionally, forming entrenched belief systems...and because all of us humans have, in general, trod the same path from the very beginning – we mindlessly continue the cycle. Therein lies the beginnings of the degradation of pure innocence taking effect throughout our lives. Stripping away self-esteem ; as a result in essence enabling betrayals, disloyalty, distrust of others,

manipulation, dishonesty i.e lack of authenticity, humiliation & the like. All fuelled by intense anger & hurt, oftentimes leading to mental chaos, depression & sadly in some cases, even suicide. So where is the love ? where is the innocence ? Planet Earth being the so called “ kindergarten dimension” that it is, engenders in general, these learned behaviours precisely in order for us to recognise our beauty & innocence in spite of all we endure, over & above all else. So, AWARENESS is the only antidote . Full awake awareness of ourselves, of our journey. Which leads to this beautiful saying by Marianne Williamson ; “No matter what mistakes we might have made yesterday, today is the day we can retrieve our innocence” To that then, in my opinion, innocence is choosing to forgive & start again – to live life ‘through the eyes of a child’ ie meaning in wonder, in awe & full illumination of all things, all peoples. And observing with compassion & detachment all that which transpires. In other words, as

the great poet Rumi says : “Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart” And therein lies the Innocence Principle. After all, we are all children who initially came from a “heavenly” state ; a dimension of Grace. We all share the same desire of just wanting to live & co-exist in that state of Grace. And there is innocence in that. Contact Fran on 08 8331 1112 or 0405 687 930 or www.frantomlinpsychic. email at www.frantomlin@ or Facebook page Copyright FRAN TOMLIN.

PSYCHIC MEDIUM FRAN TOMLIN known as “The Soul Whisperer” • Quality Readings w/General Information, Spiritual Guidance • Deceased Connections & Past Lives • Psychic Dev Courses & w/Shops – Meditation Classes • Past Life Regression – Spirit Guide Paintings • Soul Art & Other w/Shops – Spiritual Practice Circle Qualifications: Cert. Hypnotherapy, Cert. Advanced Counselling, Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. Energy Healing, INTERNATIONAL Psychics Assoc ( IPA)

NOW AT MAGILL & PARALOWIE Phone: 0405687930 • Email: Facebook: Fran Tomlin Psychic Medium • October-December 2016




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The world today desperately needs clear voices of inspiration, peace, clarity and hope to remind us all of our own divine purpose here. Virginia’s words offer exactly this. In the time honoured tradition of the classic mystic/poets such as Kahlil Gibran, William Blake and Rumi, Virginia Lee offers up her work in joyful service to that profound one that sits within us all.

LEO DRIOLI — Editor of InnerSelf newspaper and author of Every Moment’s a Miracle

This work of poetry beginning with the first poem “The Forge” conveys the search of a human being to come to a knowledge of the self, the True Self. It builds Inner Knowingness expressed at first in the confines of time and space in “The Forge”, and then gathers momentum in recognition of further confines in “Our Christian Paganism”. Turning to mysticism, it takes a new focus for the profound truths of being. Insight grows as the search gathers impetus, and a thread of meaning is refined as the work continues through the aisles of the “Dark Night of the Soul”. A continued need to hold-fast to the enlightenment, given by love to life, throughout further empty, lonely times bears its fruit to sustain the spirit. At last reaching a haven of peace beyond all earthly love (which only reflects the Divine) the Soul Personality finds its own Self Reliance. This continuum of the Odyssey captures “that” which leads to the beginning of “The Love That Passes All Understanding” and carries all back to the beginning and its ending in the final poem “And So Be It”.

Virginia Lee entered into embodiment this lifetime with full memory of what we call Heaven, that placeless place that in truth surrounds us always, yet isn’t usually evident until we move beyond embodiment into the inner worlds between incarnation. This realm of peace and harmony inspires and informs all of Virginia’s work to this day, bringing the listener or reader of her poetry in direct contact with this same placeless place of peace and harmony within themselves.

Moontime Diary 2017

By Iris Detenhoff This Moon chart diary is specifically in Australian times to help you navigate your health, home and garden in tune with nature’s seasons and cycles. This annual favorite will show you how you can benefit from being aware of the moon phases. Every Moontime Diary 2017 purchased online comes with a free Moontime Calendar to download.

To EvokE ThE

odyssEy Poems of spiritual Transformation

Namaste Blessing & Divination Cards

By Greg C Grace If you are you are one of the many who resonate to the amazing

“This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within

always already

By Toni Carmine Salerno “I honour the spirit in you which is also in me”, this ancient Sanskrit blessing empowers, informs and permeates every card. Complemented by Toni’s exquisite art-

recognizing the natural wakefulness


With freshness and a unique blend of spiritual insight, poetry and simple life wisdom, Leo Drioli draws our attention to everyday occurences in his daily life, which gives us insights and simple techniques for attuning ourselves to the natural and dynamic inner movement of our own lives, which is the key to finding joy both within and without. An A to Z compilation of spiritual themes, the genius of this warm, inspiring book lies in its discovery of the miraculous in the mundane, and how, in our everyday life, there are many opportunities for awakening. The challenge is to recognise them. Reading this book will help you to witness every moment in your life — even those that seem filled with pain or conflict — in another way, a way that offers a sense of unity and joy, rather than separation and fear, plus a way to live a deeper, truer, more satisfying life in this world. LEO DRIOLI has been a pioneer in the consciousness movement for over 35 years. Launching one of Australia’s first spiritual magazines, Golden Age in 1988, he is currently editor of Innerself Newspaper and also a director of the MahaShanti Foundation for Awakening.

enza vita

20/04/2016 1:45:48 PM

To Evoke the Odyssey

By Virginia Lee The world today desperately needs clear voices of inspiration, peace, clarity and hope to remind us all of our own divine purpose here. Virginia’s words offer exactly this. In the time honoured tradition of the classic mystic/poets such as Kahlil Gibran, William Blake and Rumi, Virginia Lee offers up her work in joyful service to that profound one that sits within us all. — LEO DRIOLI, Editor of InnerSelf newspaper To order ring 08 8396 6752 or visit



6 Giveaways 6 Giveaways ALWAYS ALREADY FREE Recognizing the wakefulness we were born with

by Enza Vita “This brilliant contribution to our modern understanding of authentic identity and Presence brings us to a new awareness of ourselves and our innate wholeness and completeness. Enza’s personal awakening story, in the first few pages, is worth the price of admission. Enlightened wisdom is like an endangered natural resource today, which we overlook at our peril; let’s join in exploring and developing our own innate transformational resources for a change.” — LAMA SURYA DAS, author of Awakening the Buddha Within “This is a great contribution to our appreciation of the genuine voice of Pure Presence. It brings us to a deeper awareness of what it means to study the self and our intrinsic true nature as that which is already perfect, whole and complete. It is certainly worthy of your time and attention. — ZEN MASTER D. GENPO MERZEL, author of Big Mind, Big Heart

Poems of Spiritual Transformation By Virginia Lee

The world today desperately needs clear voices of inspiration, peace, clarity and hope to remind us all of our own divine purpose here. Virginia’s words offer exactly this. In the time honoured tradition of the classic mystic/poets such as Kahlil Gibran, William Blake and Rumi, Virginia Lee offers up her work in joyful service to that profound one that sits within us all.

For more information or to order ring 08 8396 6752 or visit www.EnzaVita. com or

EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE

Finding your Personal Key to Enlightened Living

lEo Drioli

ForEworD by DEnisE linn, author oF Past livEs, PrEsEnt MiraclEs


born with

virginia LEE


6 Giveaways

we were

ToEvokeTheOdysseyFrontCover.indd 1

Colouring & Drawing Calm, Connect, Create

Even the most exalted spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot be happy in the most basic and ordinary way because the greatest lesson is that the Universal must be wedded to the Personal for us to be fulfilled in our spiritual life.

To EvokE ThE odyssEy

work each card is designed to bring energy and intention with each blessing. Simply draw a card and be guided to a space of peace and clarity within you.

virginia LEE

By Ben Lee An album that uplifts the spirits, opens the heart and clarifies the mind. All these songs are pure, clear, true and deeply heartfelt. With probing and inquiring lyrics perfectly matching the simple accompaniment the listener can’t help but be taken into Ben’s inner universe, and there discover the very same universe within themselves. Each track is written, performed and recorded with extreme gentleness and care. Highly recommended.

If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. — Spiritual teacher and author of Past Lives, Present Miracles

We have some great books and CD to giveaway. Simply email in your name and address and which gift you would like for Christmas to:

EvEry MoMEnt’s a MiraclE

Freedom, Love & the Recuperation of the Human Mind (CD)

This book brings a sense of the sacred into our everyday life, and helps us to see the life we have been given through the eyes of our heart. — Spiritual teacher and author of Always Already Free - Recognizing the natural wakefulness that we were born with

lEo Drioli

phenomenon around “colouring in” these days, this book is for you. Its creator, Greg C Grace has spent many years working with mandalas and through this book has brought together a beautiful collection of 100+ mandalas, images and designs that will help you explore colour, use symbols & shapes and attune to the inner artist within.


The Moontime Diary 2017 is an astrological Moon diary which combines the yearly solar calendar with the monthly lunar cycle. It is a beautiful, sturdy companion guide and provides an abundance of practical and invaluable tips. This way, it is easy for you to access and experience the influence that the Moon has on your wellbeing, beauty, home and garden. The introduction explains how the moon influences your wellbeing and your surroundings. Throughout the year you will always know the exact position and phase of the moon, equinoxes, solstices, other seasonal markers and Australian holidays. You are provided with the best times for a wide range of activities from gardening, haircuts, dentist appointments and moving house, to planning your finances and improving your home environment. Additional daily practical suggestions make it easy to fine tune to the moon to achieve the best results. The Moontime Diary helps you understand seasonal energies, and inspires you to use these energies to your best advantage. It is an invaluable tool for laypersons and professionals who are interested in health and wellbeing, home, gardening, Astrology, traditional and New Age knowledge, crystals and more.

By Leo Drioli “If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. Leo has a unique way of conveying deep truths using simple, yet beautiful language. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on their spiritual path. ” – DENISE LINN, author of “Soul Coaching” To order ring 08 8396 6752 or visit


CD by Leo Drioli “Leo Drioli’s sound is similar to that of Cat Stevens and John Lennon – ruminations that are of an inspirational, motivational and expressive nature.” — Kyle Jarminer, The Examiner To order phone 08 8396 6752 or visit

LEO DRIOLI — Co-Editor of InnerSelf Newspaper and author of Every Moment’s a Miracle Virginia Lee entered into embodiment this lifetime with full memory of what we call Heaven, that placeless place that in truth surrounds us always, yet isn’t usually evident until we move beyond embodiment into the inner worlds between incarnation. This realm of peace and harmony inspires and informs all of Virginia’s work to this day, bringing the listener or reader of her poetry in direct contact with this same placeless place of peace and harmony within themselves.

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