Best Advice Ever On The Business of Art

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The Best Advice Ever On The Business of Art & Photography — Ramit Sethi on #cjLIVE — Tues Dec 13

No one has single-handedly given me better insight about the business side of art/photography than has Ramit Sethi. [Go ahead and read that again.] In a single conversation earlier this year he dropped so much knowledge on me that I couldn’t take notes fast enough. So right now, you should be asking yourself “Who is this guy?” and “How can I learn from him?” Questions answered: Ramit is a business guru, the author of #1 Amazon & New York Times Best-Selling “I Will Teach You To Be Rich”, AND–lucky for all of us–he’s my guest this Tuesday, December 13th on chasejarvis LIVE. Do yourself a favor – tune in to that show. Ditch the idea of yourself as a starving artist. Throw away the notion that you’re doomed to be another poor creative soul. This won’t be a fluffy episode about theories or what-ifs, this will be a hart hitting, no BS, hit list for succeeding at the business/financial side of art, photography, design, or any creative pursuit. Ramit (@ramit) blows me away because he can put into words (and actionable to-do lists) all the stuff you’ve been thinking you could say or do…or wanting to say to your clients past, present and future. Who: You, Me, Ramit & a worldwide gathering of creative people What: Q&A with business coach/NYT best-seller Ramit Sethi When: this Tuesday, December 13th at 11:00am Seattle time (2 pm NYC time or 19:00 London time) Where: tune in to It’s free and anyone can watch. Among other things, we will discuss: -

Specific techniques to negotiate with your clients Concrete strategies to help you earn more money per job, shoot, photo, etc How to –in very specific terms– illustrate the value of your creative work to your clients\ When to work for free (or cheap) and when NOT to How these principles can guide so many other parts of your life and a metric tonne more…

Also, we will be taking a boatload of questions from YOU, so cue them up now and ask them all during the show using my Twitter handle @chasejarvis and hashtag #cjLIVE. If you don’t come away with a new vocabulary for talking about the value of your work AND a new bad-ass approach for negotiating, I’ll eat my shorts.

***Lastly, for a little fun and to pimp this show, we’ll be giving away two signed copies of Ramit’s Best-Selling book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, to the two people who send out the best tweet that contains the URL (or short url) to THIS post AND hashtag #cjLIVE, starting right now and ending at the beginning of the show on Tuesday. Enter as many times (tweets) as you want.

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