Monaco MBA

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WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MONACO Experience Monaco where business is a way of life The Principality of Monaco is renowned for its highly varied, interna onal popula on with more than 100 na onali es represented. It provides the ideal backdrop for students to learn and grow in a truly mul cultural environment, inside and outside the classroom. Business is a way of life here, and the Principality boasts one of the highest GNP per capita in the world.

There are more than 4600 companies, of which many are subsidiaries of interna onal companies. Low taxa on encourages entrepreneurship and business development, especially in sectors such as banking, finance, engineering, tourism, and services. In Monaco you can start making connec ons and build up your business straight away, both within the University and in the business community which is right at your doorstep.

“An MBA should not create clones ... it should show students, lucky enough to par cipate, that the world is yours and you can decide what to do with it” Vladiano Varnier, Italian, MBA 2003

A diversified economy 42%

4% 7%


10% 26%

Interna onal Trade (42%) Other Services (26%) Retail Trade (10%)


Industry (7%) Construc on & Real Estate (7%) Hotel Industry (4%)

Be part of one of the most unique universities in the world The Interna onal University of Monaco is an interna onal ins tu on dedicated to educa ng business leaders through programs based on a global focus, entrepreneurial spirit and a humanis c approach. It is recognized as one of the pioneers and leading specialists in graduate educa on worldwide.

The learning process at IUM is based on a highly demanding and rigorous approach, as well as listening and ac ve learning par cipa on. This approach contributes to make the University a place of intellectual and prac cal exchanges of the highest level.

We encourage our graduate students to go beyond the theories and data taught in the lecture hall, by using the skills learnt in real world situa ons.

“The social life in Monaco is fantas c, where else in the world can you network with so many powerful and interes ng people? The University and Student Associa on always promote social events in order to integrate and strengthen the friendship between students.� Paulo H.A. Santos, Brazilian, MBA 2008



A word from the program director Op ng to pursue an MBA is a major decision in your life. Selec ng the right one for you is even more of a challenge. Your choice now can make all the difference to your personal growth and professional success in the years ahead. There are hundreds of business schools around the world offering an MBA, and dozens of excellent programs in Europe. How to choose? To truly answer this, think less about the school, and more about yourself: what do YOU want to get out of the MBA? If it’s just the acquisi on of basic business skills along with a diploma to prove it, then just about any program will do. If, on the other hand, you want to challenge yourself in an intensive 10-month program, and emerge enriched with new skills, perspec ves, and contacts, then you should consider the MonacoMBA. Set in the unparalleled and interna onal environment of the Principality of Monaco, the MonacoMBA stands apart from all the others. Driven by a global vision and an entrepreneurial spirit, each year the MonacoMBA a racts a select and diverse student body from around the world, and enjoys one of the highest placement rates upon gradua on of any MBA program. Thanks to its interna onally recognized faculty; excep onally mul cultural environment; Mentorship Program; and ongoing opportuni es to meet with entrepreneurs and leaders from various fields, you will emerge with far more than a diploma. You will have a life-changing learning and networking experience. 4

The AMBA accredited MonacoMBA has been in The Economist’s Top 100 Global MBA programs for the past seven consecu ve years; this year it is ranked 51st in the world, CNN Expansion ranks it 52nd worldwide. Now celebra ng more than 20 years of success, let the MonacoMBA help you build yours! Dr. Marika Taishoff Program Director

Why an MBA at IUM? From its very beginning, more than the 20 years ago, the MonacoMBA has been unlike any other. Driven by a global vision and an entrepreneurial spirit, the MonacoMBA has for years now been an interna onally top ranked and AMBA accredited program. A rac ng a select and diverse student body from around the world, it enjoys one of the highest placement rates upon gradua on of any MBA program! Come and broaden your perspec ves thanks to a dynamic learning approach, an excep onally mul cultural environment, and mentoring and ongoing networking opportuni es with leaders from the fields of finance, luxury and interna onal management.

Marika Taishoff, PhD. Prior to becoming Director of the MonacoMBA and Professor of Marke ng and Strategy, Dr. Taishoff was Associate Director of the Masters in Luxury Goods and Services at IUM. She has also worked at such leading European business schools as IMD (Interna onal Ins tute for Management Development) in Lausanne, Switzerland; Imperial College Management School of the University of London; and SDA Bocconi in Milan, Italy. In addi on to her academic background, Dr. Taishoff has also been an independent consultant, focusing in the fields of strategic marke ng, customer orienta on, and leadership development, with corporate clients in Europe, Turkey, and the US. Marika has published two books—one on interna onal marke ng and interna onal law, the other on compe ng through services—and numerous case studies, primarily in the field of customer-focused transforma on. Seven of these case studies have won awards from Business Week/European Case Clearing House and from the European Founda on for Management Development. Dr. Taishoff ’s ar cles have been published in leading journals, and she is a member of the Editorial Board of MIT’s Journal of Enterprise Transforma on. She is a “phi beta kappa” and Magna cum Laude graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University, and the Ins tut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Interna onales of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

The MonacoMBA is unique in many ways:


Interna onally Recognized and Top Ranked

- The MonacoMBA is an accredited, interna onally recognized and globally top ranked program located in the Principality of Monaco. - For the past seven years it has featured in The Economist’s Top 100 MBA Programs Worldwide.


Unique Mul cultural Environment


Unique Faculty, and Faculty to Student Ra o

- The intensive, ten-month program combines theory and prac ce in a unique mul cultural environment with one of the most interna onally diverse student bodies of any MBA program. - Monaco itself is home to 4600 companies and over one hundred different na onali es

- The high faculty to student ra o ensures individual and ongoing a en on, mentoring and feedback. - Full- me faculty, 90% of whom hold PhDs, come from around the world; adjunct faculty are renowned professionals in their disciplines and industries.


Unique Curriculum and Teaching Philosophy

- The MonacoMBA delivers a solid, integrated and mul disciplinary curriculum designed around general an devolving management theory and prac ce through the use of lectures, readings, case studies and business simula ons. - The applied and prac cal focus of the MonacoMBA is further enhanced through Consul ng Projects with the many local and

interna onal companies ac ve in the region. - Unique elec ve specializa on courses are offered in Applied Finance, Luxury Management, and Interna onal Management— ac vi es that are characteris c of the Monegasque economy.

P Unique Approach to Professional Development and Career Services

- The Management Assessment Center, together with ongoing courses in Managerial Exper se, enable students to be er understand their professional profiles and so facilitate the job search process. - A personalized coaching approach coordinated by Career Services, leadership coaches, and relevant faculty is developed to assist MonacoMBA students reach their full poten al. -The MonacoMBA has an excep onally high placement rate upon gradua on.

P Unique Experience: Inside and Outside the Classroom

- Numerous conferences and networking events are held throughout the year, as are class visits to companies in European ci es noted for their exper se and talent in the areas of finance, industry, and luxury. - The unique MonacoMBA Mentorship Program links you to top execu ves, leaders and entrepreneurs in the disciplines and industries that interest you.


PROGRAM DESIGN The Master of Business Administration (MonacoMBA) is a 10-month program, 69-credit degree completed in three terms. The Common Core (42 credits) All MonacoMBA students complete the common core. This compulsory 42-credit founda on sequence teaches students to master the cri cal theories of management and prac ce, and enhances students’ thinking, analy cal, and problem-solving skills. This required program of study immerses students in the dovetailing issues and challenges of the global business environment; integrates mastery of general management concepts and skills with a subtle apprecia on of the external factors affec ng the modern firm; and mo vates students to engage with the real world by applying key business disciplines. Common core courses integrate lectures, case studies, and prac cal research in order to cer fy that students understand the fundamental managerial factors of modern business.

Specializa on Courses (18 credits) MonacoMBA students may complete six specializa on courses for a total of 18 credits. The MonacoMBA offers three specializa on op ons: 1. Interna onal Management 2. Luxury Management 3. Applied Finance


Specializa on courses are offered beginning in the second term, once MonacoMBA students have acquired the common tools and skill-sets of effec ve management in any environment.

Managerial Expertise, Professional Development & Career Planning Unit (9 credits) Today the so er facets of management such as self awareness, centered leadership, and communica on are as important as the hard skills. The MonacoMBA, supported by its Assessment Center, includes several courses to develop and hone these skills. The Office of Career Development and Corporate Rela ons assists students in leveraging their unique professional and personal abili es, and guides them in their pursuit of a successful career. Students work with the Office of Career Development and the Assessment Center throughout the program to fulfill IUM’s commitment to realizing their career poten al especially through career and personal development sessions.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

The Common Core

The Common Core

The Common Core

Financial Accoun ng, Repor ng, and Control

Compe veness - Microeconomic Perspec ve

Compe veness - Global Strategy

Budge ng & Cost Analysis

Corporate Finance

Supply Chain Management

Organiza onal Behavior and Cross-Cultural Management

Financial Markets Corporate Governance & Business Law

Data & Models Compe veness - Economic Analysis

Corporate Projects

Marke ng Management Customer Rela onship Management

Applied Finance Electives*

Applied Finance Electives*

Interna onal Taxa on Real Estate Inves ng Hedge Funds & Fund of Funds Management

Corporate Governance & Market Regulations Ethics in Finance Mergers & Acquisi ons Venture Capital & Entrepreneurial Finance

International Management Electives*

International Management Electives*

Corporate Social Responsibility International Economics Global Policy & Sustainability

Management & Leadership The Economics of Development Country Risk Analysis

Luxury Electives*

Luxury Electives*

Luxury Consumer Behavior Luxury Distribu on e-Luxury

Managing Luxury Brands Luxury Communica on & Media Planning Luxury Product Design & Development

Career & Personal Development Program Emo onal Intelligence & Presenta on skills, Communica on & Teamworks, Mentorship Program, Assessment Center

Teaching philosophy A ending the MonacoMBA program will help you learn, grow, network, and succeed. The teaching philosophy behind the program aims to reinforce these objec ves.

Learn Three integrated elements form the founda on of the MonacoMBA teaching philosophy: a rigorous approach to understanding and applying the established, and evolving, theories and tools of management; an underlying apprecia on of the importance not only of “hard” managerial skills, but also of the so skills demonstrated through team work, leadership, communica on, and self-awareness; and the crea on of a dynamic, interac ve and hands-on learning environment driven by class discussion, debate and interroga on through the use of case studies, business simula on games, and the Corporate Projects Program.

Grow Two complementary ac vi es, led by IUM’s Career Services Department, run parallel to the teaching program. The Personal Development Program and its Managerial

Assessment Center help you iden fy and build on your strengths, while being aware of areas of your personality profile which need a en on and ameliora on; improve your self-selling techniques; and prepares you for the job interview process.

Network The Corporate Projects Program is a unique addi on to the curriculum. Once students have acquired the fundamental tools of management, they are challenged to begin to apply them, outside of the classroom, in actual corporate se ngs. Corpora ons from a wide range of sectors par cipate in the IUM Corporate Projects Program, giving MonacoMBA students the opportunity not only to work closely with top management of these companies in resolving problems and iden fying opportuni es, but to also further build and enhance their network of professional contacts. The Corporate Project Program is not only an integral part of the course load, it also es together the dis nct elements: hard skills, so skills, and applied learning.

* MonacoMBA students may choose to follow an elec ve specializa on either in Applied Finance, Luxury, or Interna onal Management. In order to have their specializa ons men oned on their diplomas, they must take ALL six elec ves in that specializa on. Students who prefer to follow an assortment of elec ves across the categories may also do so, and their diplomas will not men on any specializa on.



Organiza onal Behavior and Cross-Cultural Management

The aim of the Corporate Projects is to expose students to the reali es of working in selected teams on actual issues, challenges, problema cs or growth opportuni es confron ng companies today. We inten onally invite a wide selec on of companies from all sectors and of all sizes to par cipate in this program. Students, working closely with the point of contact within the company, will have to analyze the situa on, embark on relevant research, assess pros and cons, and present and substan ate their recommenda ons to the company. Groups will be graded by faculty, the MonacoMBA program director, and senior management of the company. Examples include market entry and development strategies for different regions, growth and M&A alterna ves, global supply chain and logis cs decisions.

This course focuses on the variables that affect behavior at the individual level and then goes on to a thorough examina on of the founda ons of group dynamics – all within the organiza onal context. Students will learn how leadership, power, poli cs, conflicts, and culture can affect behavior and their implica ons for performance and sa sfac on. They will also develop the ability to recognize the influence of these factors on organiza onal system-level variables.

Financial Markets This course introduces the fundamentals and workings of financial products and financial markets; the mathema cs of the markets; and the vocabulary, par cipants, and technologies that make these markets work. Case study discussions are an integral part of the course. Students will learn to develop an awareness and understanding of current market condi ons; interconnec ons between the stock, bond, deriva ves, and foreign exchange markets; and the impact and relevance of current economic and geopoli cal events.


Corporate Finance This course examines the role of finance in suppor ng the func onal areas of a firm and fosters an understanding of how financial decisions themselves can create value. Topics covered include basic analy cal skills and principles of corporate finance; func ons of modern capital markets and financial ins tu ons; and standard techniques of analysis, including capital budge ng, discounted cash flow valua on, and risk analysis. Students will learn methods for reviewing the range of issues confron ng a corpora on as it determines the role of financing in the enterprise such as financial analysis, capital budge ng, capital structure, and cost of capital.

Combining academic rigor & practical learning By combining the best of American and European educa onal models, the MonacoMBA seeks to produce innova ve and imagina ve managers who are well-prepared to meet the challenges of global business environments. In acknowledging the unique nature of its mul cultural student body, the program recognizes the importance of mee ng the ever-changing needs of modern business students through small class sizes, personalized a en on, and adherence to rigorous academic standards. U lizing this approach, the MonacoMBA seeks to provide a fundamental understanding of business from the

Budge ng and Cost Analysis The course ini ally examines accoun ng for manufacturing opera ons with the computa on of manufacturing and produc on costs. This leads to a discussion of the cost accounting and process cost systems. Students will develop the analy cal – and other – skills necessary for the controller’s func on, and will learn to generate, analyze, and implement financial informa on for efficient managerial decisions.

Marke ng Management This course provides an overview of all the fundamental marke ng management concepts and provides students with the opportunity to integrate them. Students will learn how to scan the environment, perform market studies, evaluate buyer and consumer behavior, launch new products, and choose a coherent marke ng mix strategy (product and branding, price, distribu on, and communica on strategies). They will also learn to analyze and formulate a marke ng strategy, and select an implementa on process by preparing and presen ng a marke ng plan for a product or service. Through this process students will develop an understanding of the ways in which the customer is the focus of all marke ng ac ons, and the role marke ng plays within a company and in the general economy.

E-Business – Customer Rela onship Management This course aims to provide a basic understanding of e-marke ng concepts and how rela onship management (RM) is cri cal to an

general management perspec ve. Leveraging techniques inherent in IUM’s concept learning model, the MonacoMBA encourages students to glean and retain knowledge by inferring pa erns in factual experience. This enables students to develop strong analy cal and cogni ve skills that allow them to extrapolate schemas from examples, and provides a founda on for enduring growth and learning.

organiza on’s success. The course approaches RM from the perspec ve of the general management tasks that must be performed to develop RM within an organiza on. The course examines why RM represents a strategic alterna ve to the tradi onal 4 P’s marke ng paradigm; long-term customer orienta on; and the crucial concepts of sa sfac on, trust, and commitment, and their role in the forma on and maintenance of rela onships. The course also discusses ways in which RM can be brought to life in the organiza onal arena thanks to customer rela on management (CRM) through strategy, structure, and systems. Students will learn how the Internet has broadened CRM’s opportuni es and efficiency, and ways to develop and implement an effec ve CRM strategy.

Strategy This course focuses on the environment in which global strategy is developed at the corporate, business, and opera onal levels. Par cular a en on is paid to the processes, competencies, and vision of top management; compe ve posi oning; understanding compara ve costs; and addressing issues such as cannibaliza on, network externali es, and globaliza on. Students will hone their skills for formula ng strategy by developing an understanding of a firm’s opera ve environment. They will master a range of analy cal tools and then demonstrate the ability to take an integra ve point of view in using these tools to perform in-depth analyses of industries and compe tors.


CORE COURSES DESCRIPTIONS Financial Accoun ng, Repor ng, and Control This course provides a general overview of how accoun ng contributes to an organiza on, especially since it is the primary channel for communica ng informa on about the economics of a business. Students will learn the concepts and language of accoun ng; the ways it can be used as an effec ve tool for communica on, monitoring, and resource alloca on; and the terminology and jargon of financial statements and accoun ng reports.

Sta s cs This course covers the basics of classical sta s cs including summary measures of data, graphical presenta on of data, random variables and probability distribu ons, expected values, es ma on, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tes ng. Students will become familiar with the classical material as well as the advanced quan ta ve methods applied to managerial decision making problems such as regression, analysis of variance, and me series analysis.

Logis cs, Opera ons, and Supply Chain Management This course focuses on what opera ons managers do, how opera ons management involves a range of business func ons, and the tools that opera ons managers use. Students will develop the skills and concepts needed to


ensure the ongoing contribu on of a firm’s opera ons to its compe ve posi on, as well as an understanding of the complex processes underlying the development and manufacture of products, and the crea on and delivery of services.

Managerial Economics This course employs an intui ve, non-calculus-based treatment of economic theory and concentrates on micro-economic topics of par cular importance to assist students in understanding and improving the managerial decision-making process. The firm is treated as a unified whole rather than a series of discrete, unrelated parts. Students will gain a solid founda on of economic understanding and the “economic way of thinking” for use in strategic and managerial decision making, and an understanding of the basic forces of supply and demand and how they interact to determine the quan ty of goods traded in a market – and the price paid for those goods. They will learn to analyze market structure, examine the pricing prac ces needed for successful management, discuss ways in which real markets depart from perfect compe on, and describe the role of government in a market economy.


Financial Markets

This course is divided into two parts. Part 1 examines the role of finance in suppor ng the func onal areas of a firm and fosters an understanding of how financial decisions themselves can create value. Topics covered include basic analy cal skills and principles of corporate finance; func ons of modern capital markets and financial ins tu ons; and standard techniques of analysis, including capital budge ng, discounted cash flow valua on, and risk analysis. Part 2 builds on the founda on developed in part 1, focusing on a number of managerial decisions: how to evaluate complex investments, how to set and execute financial policies within a firm, and how to integrate the many financial decisions faced by firms.

This course introduces the fundamentals and workings of financial products and financial markets; the mathema cs of the markets; and the vocabulary, par cipants, and technologies that make these markets work. Case study discussions and ac vi es that simulate financial markets in all their components (from corpora ons to investment banks to fund management firms to clearing houses) are an integral part of the course. Students will learn to develop an awareness and understanding of current market condi ons; interconnec ons between the stock, bond, deriva ves, and foreign exchange markets; and the impact and relevance of current economic and geopoli cal events.

Students will learn methods for reviewing the range of issues confron ng a corpora on as it determines the role of financing in the enterprise such as financial analysis, capital budge ng, capital structure, and cost of capital. They will also learn valua on techniques, ways to manage working capital, how NPV and valua on techniques are related, and methods for managing debt and equity financing.

Governance and Business Law This course presents the principal legal mechanisms used in the world of interna onal business, and explores the ethical and legal founda ons of business ac vi es in an interna onal se ng. Students will master the relevant legal topics of interna onal transac ons, and learn how to analyze the problems and methods of interna onal business law and compara ve law.



indepth understanding of the mortgage market with its several sources of financing.

Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Finance This course is designed to familiarize students with the issues and prac ces surrounding private equity investments, in par cular venture capital, bootstrap finance, mezzanine inves ng, and turnarounds. This involves learning about the dimensions of risks and expected returns in a context which is characterized by incomplete informa on and lack of liquidity while gaining prac cal insights into the interac on and rela onship between the investor and management: What are their respec ve interests and strategies? How do they come to a deal? What is the process? How do they create value? The course integrates various managerial disciplines and covers the venture capital environment, financial modeling, business plan analysis, investment criteria, delivering pitches and teasers, understanding and nego a ng terms and condi ons, and preparing for due diligence and closing

Real Estate Inves ng This course seeks to impart an understanding of commercial real estate as an income producing investment. It explains real estate syndica ons as an ownership form, financing alterna ves, and the use of financial leverage. Students will learn the techniques used to valuate commercial proper es, how to prepare an investment analysis, and how to iden fy the risks of development projects. They will develop an


Hedge Fund and Fund of Funds Management This course is designed to expose students to various characteris cs of hedge funds – their classifica on in terms of the strategies employed and risk-adjusted performance evalua on, and their organiza onal structure as well as their objec ves, risks, and disclosure prac ces. The course introduces legal issues concerning the forma on of a hedge fund and their business prac ces such as management and incen ve fees structure. The “hedge fund universe,” its historical and current evolu on, and its ethical issues is presented from a variety of perspec ves, from managers to private and ins tu onal investors. Several classes in this course are taught by market professionals.

INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Corporate Social Responsibility This course resumes the discussion of fundamental ethical principles as they guide business leaders in their daily decisions to take them to the corporate level. The course explores the proposi on that businesses have a responsibility to society beyond wealth crea on; and examines the responsibili es of corpora ons and execu ves to their shareholders, cons tuencies, and local and at-large communi es.

Management, Leadership, and Global Compe on This course familiarizes par cipants with basic management processes, concepts, techniques, and tools; and presents the concepts of leadership and global compe on. Students will develop an understanding of the cri cal role management plays in modern business and learn how business func ons are linked to form an integrated totality.

Global Policy and Sustainability This course provides students with insight into the rapidly changing world of global environmental policy and sustainable development. Students will be exposed to the challenges of managing the environment and securing sustainable development from an interna onal perspec ve.


consistent marke ng strategies in the luxury sector through lectures, cases, business and academic ar cles, and field study.

e-Luxury This course is designed to introduce students to the new technologies that are influencing the luxury industry. The course focuses on new technologies used in marke ng, communica on, research, and product development in the luxury industry. These include the Internet, the World Wide Web, and e-tailing. The course seeks to answer the ques on: How can the luxury enterprise sell its goods and services online? Students will learn how to cul vate and manage an online image, and how technology can impact global luxury markets. They will develop an understanding of the Internet’s power as a marke ng and communica on tool, and demonstrate an apprecia on of ways in which consumer expecta ons are molded by the advent of interac ve technologies.

Managing Luxury Brands Luxury Consumer Behavior This course inves gates the dynamics of human behavior and how it relates to decision making in the luxury sector through an in-depth view of the many factors that influence the consumer’s decision making process. Topics include individual mo va on, personality traits, selfconcept, values, lifestyles, and psychological processes; and group membership, social classes, and (sub)-cultures. Students will learn to u lize course material to develop

This course provides an overview of the ways in which luxury brands are conceived, developed, launched, nurtured, and protected. Topics include devalua on of luxury, the mass market, “super-luxury” or “uber-premium” brands, using brands to create new market segments, and account management. Students will learn how to assess luxury product markets, manage interna onal distribu on as part of the branding process, and manage brand assets and equity by controlling a brand and communica ng its advantages. 13

PROGRAM OUTCOMES What will you get out of your MBA at IUM? P the solid managerial skill set which allows you to quickly P become produc ve and confident managers.

the ability to collaborate in a truly interna onal P acquired se ng.

P learned to work and lead in a dynamic and unpredictable


a general knowledge of management theory and prac ce, as well as specialized industry knowledge of finance, luxury and interna onal management. a life-changing learning experience: crea ng new perspec ves, a world-wide network, and ongoing opportuni es for professional growth and development.

environment, with people from different regions, cultures and backgrounds.

P assimilated not only the hard skills, but also the so

skills so fundamental to management success today and tomorrow.

“The university’s Mentorship program does an excellent job in bringing students together with local business people to help them understand how business actually works” Andreas Buelow, German, MBA 2006 Entrepreneur in Bahrain


“Throughout my MBA I had the opportunity to immerse myself into the business dynamics of major interna onal companies in various industries. It was a year combined with hard work which truly pushed me to my limits and gave me confidence in my abili es. Even more importantly, I developed lifelong friendships and business rela onships.” Caroline Behne, German, MBA 2010 Senior Marke ng Associate, teNeues Publishing, New York

Out of the classroom and out of the box…. Despite the academically intensive ten month program, MonacoMBA students also par cipate in a variety of extra-curricular ac vi es intended to broaden their perspec ves and expose them to new ideas and environments. Throughout the year, IUM hosts numerous conferences with leading thinkers and prac oners from a wealth of sectors. The annual MonacoMBA Field trip is not only an “out of the classroom” and “out of the box” team building exercise, but an opportunity for students to visit areas with centers of exper se in a variety of domains. While there, they also meet senior management from leading organiza ons and visit corporate facili es such as produc on, marke ng, logis cs and distribu on. In the last few years, the MonacoMBA students visited London, Geneva, Torino, Milano and Paris.

The MBA Mentorship Program For the last eight years, the Interna onal University of Monaco has been offering a unique Mentorship Program for its MonacoMBA students. Thanks to this program, students have the excep onal experience of benefi ng from the guidance, insight and knowledge of CEOs, top execu ves, and successful entrepreneurs from a variety of sectors and countries. Every year this program involves more than 80 mentors and has been an outstanding contribu on to student`s overall experience here, and the achievement of their professional goals. Through this opportunity to develop ongoing rela onships with successful professionals, students gain a unique apprecia on of the industry or prac ce which most interests them. This is not only beneficial for their studies, but also assists in their career aspira ons.




Marie-Cécile CERVELLON

David is professor of Organiza onal Behavior and Management as well as the Director of Academic Research at IUM. He has also lectured at the University of Toulouse, where he studied for his PhD in Industrial Psychology. He holds a B.Sc. Psychology and Pedagogy from the University of Mons-Hainaut, Belgium; an MA in Industrial Psychology from the University of Mons-Hainaut, Belgium; and an MSc in Cogni ve Psychology, Ecole Pra que des Hautes Etudes, Paris.

Dr. Cervellon received her PhD from McGill University in Montreal, Canada . She also graduated from Paris IX-Dauphine University (Master in Research) and ESCP Europe (Master in Management-Grandes Ecoles). She is professor in Consumer Behavior Sciences and Marke ng at the Interna onal University of Monaco, and researches on topics linked to luxury goods and services. She published ar cles in major academic journals such as the Interna onal Journal of Research in Marke ng, the Journal of Business Research and the Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology. Her research papers were presented at major conferences worldwide. Previous to her academic career, she had 8 year experience as brand manager in Sara Lee Corpora on.

Ingo BÖBEL Dr. Böbel’s specialty field is economics. He is a member of the “Microeconomics of Compe veness” (MOC) network at the Ins tute for Strategy and Compe veness at Harvard Business School (Professor Michael E. Porter) and a Visi ng Professor of Economics at SCQM Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. His career has led Dr. Böbel to several countries where he has been involved in dozens of research ac vi es. His academic work comprises six books and numerous refereed ar cles and is referred to in many renowned books and encyclopedic publica ons. Professor Böbel obtained his Dr.rer.pol. and Dr.rer.pol.habil. at the University of Erlangen-Nüremberg, Germany.


Douglas KENT Douglas is the Chairman of the European Supply Chain Council’s Leadership team where he is also one of a select few SCOR® qualified instructors. Douglas is an MBA graduate from Pepperdine University’s School of Management and studied at Harvard University during his post-graduate years. Douglas is also a frequent lecturer, conference lead and author of many Supply Chain ar cles. Douglas teaches as adjunct professor at the Interna onal University of Monaco.

“I was impressed by the well structured program, the highly knowledgeable professors, their level of prepara on and unique teaching philosophy. I received the right founda on for my future career by being able to go beyond the theories, skills and data taught in the classrooms and apply them in real world situa ons.” Katalin Radvanyi, Hungarian, MBA 2010 Director, Financial Services, London



Gregory started his academic career with a B.A. with a major in violin from the Academy of Monaco. He obtained an MBA at IUM, before receiving his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Paris-Est. He has worked as an account execu ve at The Golden Lender Financial group and a er obtaining his US financial licenses he specialized in dealing with NYSE securi es. He has also worked for Prime Charter Ltd. and Joseph Stevens & Co, and as a Foreign Exchange consultant for Consul Interna onal Partners. He became a Trader for the Whitsunday Holdings Ltd. and he went on to specialize in trading index futures contracts (S&P 500, FTSE 100, CAC40). He is currently the Director of the Master in Finance programs and professor of Finance at IUM.

Franco Quillico received an MS Summa Cum Laude in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan, and an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He worked for Bain & Company and Salomon Brothers. Since December 1993 Franco Quillico is Managing Partner of Andromeda Consul ng, an advisory firm based in the Principality of Monaco, focusing on mergers & acquisi ons. Mr. Quillico has advised clients in various industries: banking, informa on services, computers, chemicals, real estate, construc on materials, machine tools, automo ve, railroad, u li es, air courier, tex les, prin ng, food processing, fast food, entertainment; and in several countries: Italy, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Monaco, Switzerland and the United States.

Joseph Michael PAYTE Founding board member of the Interna onal Associa on of Financial Engineers (IAFE), Mr. Payte has also been Vice President of the Interna onal Financial Markets/Swaps/ Deriva ves Ci bank, and Senior Managing Director of the Interna onal Capital Markets Bear Stearns & Co. He has an MBA Finance & Intl Business from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Glenn WEISS A lawyer for the bar of New York, Glenn get the authoriza on to act as a Monaco Interna onal Legal Expert in 1999. He specialized in nego ated agreements with third par es, including the United Na ons, informa on technology suppliers, and banks. Glenn advises companies on corporate law and interna onal business opera ons. Glenn holds a Juris Doctorate from Boston University School of Law, Boston, Massachuse s.


ADMISSION PROCESS How to benefit from the Monaco MBA experience? We consciously select a diverse student body, one that not only reflects a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and na onali es, but a wide range of personal interests and professional ambi ons. We recognize — and welcome — leadership that may be expressed in many forms, from running an independent business to spearheading ini a ves at work. In essence, we are looking for evidence of your poten al - a por olio of experiences, ini a ves, and accomplishments that reflect leadership and capacity for intellectual and professional growth. Americas 52%

Africa 5%

Africa Americas Asia Europe Europe 29% Asia 14%


2010 2011 MonacoMBA Class Profile Female 52% - Male 48% Average age 29 Average GPA 3.2 Average Years of Work Experience 6

Learn, Grow and Network... are also elements we look for in our candidates. Through the Admissions Process, we iden fy candidates who show academic excellence, interna onal awareness, leadership ability and strong interpersonal skills. The MBA Admissions Board will review your prior academic performance and the nature of your work experience. There is no par cular previous course of study required to apply. From all over the world, we seek applicants with high poten al who wish to share their talent and ambi ons with their community. With the Monaco MBA, your experience will last a “life- me”.

“Having a curriculum which was focused on global business and being in a se ng of interna onal students for 10 months, really provided me with the exposure to global markets, their branding and methods of distribu on, specifically in the luxury sector...all of which have proved beneficial. IUM provided me with the educa on and more importantly the opportunity to be in an interna onal business environment to enhance my future goals. ” Deepa Radhakrishnan, American, MBA 2010 Account Execu ve for Estee Lauder Group, Sephora, MAC & Trish McEvoy, Los Angeles

We seek students who are open-minded and who demonstrate a strong desire for professional advancement and intellectual growth. As a small cohort in a diversified group, we are looking for students who have the ability to proac vely contribute to the MonacoMBA experience. At IUM, applicants need to demonstrate their poten al as business leaders.

Admissions Process You can start your applica on for the MonacoMBA program online on our web site. Upon comple on, you need to send the required documents by post. The MBA Admissions Board will take between 10-15 days for the evalua on of your file and a erwards will schedule a telephone interview.

Further information and application procedure To apply for the MBA program, complete and submit your application online at including all suppor ng materials. For more informa on, contact Ms. Leila Bello at or by phone at +377-97- 986-986.

Admissions Requirements Essays and Short ques ons A Bachelor Degree (transcripts) Proof of English Proficiency 2 Le ers of recommenda on GMAT score (date scheduled) CV (resume)


Please note that the informa on contained within this brochure may be subject to change

Admissions Criteria

International University of Monaco 2, avenue Albert II MC 98000 Monte-Carlo Principality of Monaco

Tel: +377.97.986.986

The International University of Monaco is a member of the INSEEC Group, one of the largest French educational institutions with campuses in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, London and Monaco.

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