Instituto Kensington 2017

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A Ñ O 1 3 N º 1 3 D I C I E M B R E 2 017

Especialistas en idioma Inglés NIÑOS – ADOLESCENTES – ADULTOS >>Traducciones públicas >>Salidas educativas >>Exámenes internacionales >>Cursos para viajantes >>Aula virtual Taller de inglés a niños de 3 a 5 años

Special edition


Hola! Cada niña o niño, mujer u hombre es único, original e irrepetible aunque también, debido a las influencias del ambiente, llega a ser el producto de la cultura que lo rodea. Desde el momento en que llegamos a este mundo, formamos parte de una sociedad la cual posee además de una cultura, un sistema de reglas y valores, los cuales debemos conocer, comprender y aprehender. En el mundo moderno en que vivimos y, convivimos, es imprescindible conocer las reglas pero también lo es educarnos en valores, ya que sin ellos no podríamos hablar de sociedad. Este año, en esta revista, los invitamos a hacer un recorrido por los distintos trabajos realizados basados en nuestro proyecto institucional sobre valores y su incidencia en el mundo de hoy y en nuestra vida cotidiana. Podrán observar cómo mediante distintas actividades, y desde edades tempranas, nos acercamos al conocimiento y a la transmisión de los distintos valores abarcando desde el cuidado de los seres vivos hasta temas como el bullying y la contaminación. No les contamos más, los dejamos que lo observen por ustedes mismos… ¡GRACIAS POR ACOMPAÑARNOS!

Index THE CHILDREN’S CLUB ..................................................................................... 5 ARTKINGDOM: 3 YEARS OLD Animal care ................................................... 7 ARTKINGDOM: 4 YEARS OLD Taking care of animals ............................. 13 ARTKINGDOM: 5 YEARS OLD Animals and their habitats ................... 19 KINDER 1 Animal care ...................................................................................... 23 KINDER 2 Recycling / Taking care of our planet .................................... 27 KIDS ...................................................................................................................... 33 KIDS 1 Our pets ................................................................................................. 35 KIDS 2 Our care: Healthy and unhealthy food ....................................... 41 KIDS 3 Animals in danger of extinction ..................................................... 45 TEENS, 5TH YEAR, SUPERIOR, FCE ............................................................... 51 TEENS 2 Violence against women and Tolerance Day ............................. 53 TEENS 3 Pollution and its consequences ...................................................... 57 TEENS 4 Stories about bullying ..................................................................... 61 5TH YEAR Politics, anarchy and vandalism ................................................ 67 SUPERIOR Let’s talk about bullying! ........................................................... 71 FCE A review on bullying ................................................................................... 79 FRASE FINAL ..................................................................................................... 85


THE CHILDREN’S CLUB ‘The children’s club’ (‘El club de los niños’) forma parte de nuestro Proyecto Institucional sobre VALORES, llevado a cabo por los más pequeños de la institución en compañía de sus docentes; teniendo como objetivo fomentar la educación en valores a través de juegos y actividades de interés para los niños. Además, se creó una bandera que representase a cada curso y se eligió por votación una mascota, la cual sirvió de guía e impulsó muchas de las actividades y juegos, los cuales constituyeron el canal para la transmisión de los valores y cuidados necesarios de los seres vivos.



3 YEARS OLD >>Students:

Bruno, Milena Herrera, Federico Serratrice, Carola Suarez, Isabella Teijeiro, Alma Zlosilo, Lautaro


Animal care

9 Las mรกs chiquitas mostrando los libritos que hicieron sobre sus animales preferidos y los habitats correspondientes.

Alumnas con la bandera que ellas mismas crearon. Jugaron con temperas celeste y verde.






Acevedo, Leandro Bravo, Victoria Caradonna, Matias Gandolfi, Juan Ignacio Gómez Delgado, Isabella Grison, Fabricio Maidana, Mateo Medina, Morena Mussi, Milo Osorio, Lautaro Ristagno, Nahiara Ruschioni, Ian


Taking care of animals


Alumnos armando un libro que refleja los distintos รกmbitos del planeta que estรกn afectados por la contaminaciรณn.

Actividad representativa con un grupo de animalitos de peluche para poder cuidarlos, alimentarlos, darles cariĂąo, pasearlos y llevarlos al veterinario.

Bandera del club de amigos para salvar el planeta.




5 YEARS OLD >>Students:

Burak, Lautaro González, Emma Loiza, Joaquín Medina, Nicolás Paz, Martina Robledo, Selene Vera Duplán, Sofía


Animals and their habitats

Alumnos armando la cartelera para para la primavera.


Collages de animales extraĂąos en sus habitats correspondientes.


KINDER 1 >>Students:

Ardanaz, Sofía Ascona, Priscila Henderson, Pilar Maidana, Felicitas Susino, Sara


Animal care

Alumnas de Kinder 1 trabajando en el proyecto de animales y haciendo mini libros sobre ellos.



KINDER 2 >>Students:

Alderete, Alma Álvarez, Valentino Bautista, Sofía Bayer, Alma Benavides, Santiago Liberczuk, Ambar Mendez, Martina del Pilar Rúa, Benjamín Ruzak, Patricio Segreto, Mora Villalba, María Victoria

>>Project: THE CHILDREN’S CLUB Recycling

Taking care of our planet

En esta actividad, los alumnos de Kinder 2 pusieron algunos peces hechos de papel dentro de agua limpia y agua sucia.


31 Alumnos de Kinder 2 trabajando sobre reciclaje. Reciclar es muy importante para cuidar nuestro planeta. Podemos reciclar vidrio, metal, plástico, papel y muchos otros materiales más.

Poster ‘Let’s clean the oceans’. En esta actividad los alumnos debían circular los objetos que no pertenecían a los océanos.


KIDS A diario, realizamos tareas que ponen a prueba nuestros valores; ya sea cuidando a nuestras mascotas y plantas, eligiendo un modo de alimentaciรณn correcto y saludable o tomando conciencia sobre los animales en peligro de extinciรณn. En esta secciรณn, nuestros KIDS nos muestran y demuestran como el compromiso, la responsabilidad, el respeto y cuidado personal y hacia el otro, son valores esenciales que nunca debemos dejar de lado.


KIDS 1 Students:

Filipovic, Lucia Marquez, Bruno Mosquera, Bautista Robledo, Isak Ruchi, Gonzalo Villamayor, Liam


Our pets


39 Cuadros informativos creados por Kids 1 sobre el cuidados de las mascotas para ayudarte a cuidar a las tuyas.


KIDS 2 >>Students:

Benavidez, Sabrina Canavides, Érica Cepeda, Agustina Corradini, Lola Gayol, Camila González, María Valentina Henderson, Victoria Mussi, Mateo Pellichero, Agustina Rozzisi, Gonzalo Uriona, Bruno

>>Project: Our care

Healthy and unhealthy food

Kids 2 creando un libro con objetos de comida y sus propios menĂşs.


Ademรกs, los alumnos prepararon algunos pรณsters sobre la pirรกmide alimenticia.


KIDS 3 >>Students:

Asteazarán, Agustina Bautista, Catalina Bayer, Priscila Cabrera, Valentín Cano, Cecilia Díaz Rizzo, Irina Dieguez, Florencia Estevez, Malena Fandiño, Facundo Galarza,Nicolas Giudice, Luca Graña, Lara Martínez, Giuliana Montini, Bianca Oviedo, Maitena Vega, Violeta Villalobos, Oscar


Animals in danger of extinction

Mojarra Desnuda Its name is mojarra desnuda. It lives in the chipauquil. It measures 8 cm; it is omnivore. It is intelligent, its colour is green. to help them >>People should care about animals, be respectul, care about their habitats.

>>People should’t


kill animals, and do not mistreat


Tiger The tiger is a mammal and it is in extinction. It lives in Asia. It is a carnivore It measures 120 (one hundred and twenty centimetres) long. Its colour is orange and black. It has got long legs, long tail and big mouth. It can run and it is brave. to help them >>People should take care of them and give them love. >>People shouldn’t hunt them. BY MAITENA OVIEDO

Jaguar The jaguar is an animal in extinction. It lives in Africa. It is a Carnivore and it measures two metres long approximately. It is colour black and yellow. It has got four legs, claws and skin. It is vain. to help them >>People should respect them, be responsible, behave adequately. >>People shouldn’t eat other animals, hunt them. BY FLORENCIA DIEGUEZ

Irrawaddy River Dolphin


It lives on the coast and estuaries of southwest Asia. it is herbivore. It measures 2,3metres long and it is colour grey. It has a dull head. The dorsal fin is short, dull and fins are long and wide. to help them >>People should take care of them. >>People shouldn’t use fishing nets, kill young and old dolphins. BY LUCA GIUDICE

Koalas The Koalas are a species in extinction. They have a body length of 76 cm and they are grey. Their heads are large and rounded and their ears are hairy and rounded. They live in the forests of Australia; these animals eat only the leaves and buds of these trees. to help them >>People should leave the environment clean and healthy. >>People shouldn’t destroy their habitats. BY CATA L I N A B AU T I S TA

Jaguar (Panthera onca) The jaguar has got long sharp teeth ,stains and soft hair .It lives in the forest and jungle .It eats meat and fish . It weights 59–95 kilograms. It is a feline, the largest of America and the third in the world. to help them >>People should be responsible, take care of animals. >>People shouldn’t hunt or buy skins of animals and mistreat them. BY NICOLAS GALARZA

Kangaroo This animal is brave and courageous; the physical characteristics of the animal are: his hind legs which help him to jump and walk. This animal lives in Australia. The Kangaroo can grow 2 meters long and its tail help it to balance. to help them >>People should clean its habitat. >>People shouldn’t hunt them. BY IRINA DIAZ RIZZO

Chinchilla Its name is chinchilla long tail. The chinchilla measures 26 cm. They have rounded ears, 45 millimetres, and the tail measures more than 13 millimetres. They are grey. They are vertebrate and mammals. to help them >>People should take pictures, caring for it and feed it. >>People shouldn’t kill them. BY AGUSTINA ASTEAZARÁN

snow Leopard The Snow Leopard is in danger of extinction. It lives in Asia and it is carnivore. It measures 1, 1 metres long. It is colour white, grey and black. It has got four legs and small head. It hasn’t got wings but it has got a big tail. It is shy and independent. to help them >>People should respect animals, be responsible. >>People shouldn’t keep hunting the snow leopard. BY BIANCA MONTINI

Red Tuna Fish


The red tuna fish is an amphibious and it is in extinction, it lives in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean. It’s wild. It measures 3 metres and. It is colour grey. It has got 2 eyes and a mouth, it has got 2 fins. It swims and eats, it is brave. to help them >>People should respect, help, and take care of their home. >>People shouldn’t eat it, or damage their home. BY V I O L E TA V E G A

Grey Wolf Its name is Grey Wolf of Mexico. Its activity is nocturnal and it measures 1,35 m. This wolf lives in herds. It eats dead animals. His natural enemy is the lion. to help them >>People should care for the Mexican wolf. >>People shouldn’t kill the wolf. BY OSCAR VILLALOBOS

Polar Bear The polar bear is carnivorous, its habitat is Asia, It is a marine mammal, its measures are 1.8 or 2.4 meters. It hunts aquatic animals and it resists the cold. It is Intelligent and brave. to help them >>People should leave them in their natural habitat, take care of them and help them. >>People shouldn’t hunt them, use their skin and take them to zoos. BY FACUNDO FANDIÑO


tEENS, 5TH YEAR, SUPERIOR, FCE En algunas oportunidades, el mundo moderno nos muestra una faceta poco amigable. En los tiempos que corren ciertos temas como la violencia, las diferencias políticas, la contaminación y el bullying nos reafirman la necesidad de educar en valores a las nuevas generaciones fomentando el respeto hacia uno mismo y hacia el otro, la tolerancia, la toma de conciencia y el no ejercicio de la violencia. En esta sección, nuestros alumnos compartirán información, opiniones, historias, anécdotas, artículos y hasta una entrevista, invitándonos a reflexionar y demostrándonos que mirar ‘hacia otro lado’ NO ES UNA OPCIÓN.


TEENS 2 >>Students:

Albani, Rodrigo Ardanaz, Adela Arriscal, Lautaro Fandiño, Abril Fernandez, Fernanda Figueroa, Nicolás Lezcano, Ludmila Silva Y Lápiz, Lucio


Violence against Women and tolerance Day

>>November 16th:

International Day for Tolerance BY RO D R I G O A L B A N I , LU C I O S I LVA Y L Á P I Z A N D L AU TA RO M A R R I S CA L We think that the International Day for Tolerance is very important because it reminds us that we have to co-exist with the community, respecting their religion, country, race, language, etc. Unfortunately, not all the people respect others and this causes bullying, racism, etc. People are naturally different, only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe.

>>November 25th:

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women BY LUDMILA LEZCANO, ABRIL FANDIÑO AND FERNANDA FERNÁNDEZ We find violence every day at every moment, for example at schools, streets, houses, etc. Violence means not respecting others in the way they deserve it. There are different forms of violence, for instance, sexual, physical, psychological or economic. Talking about gender violence, we can talk about violence against women. Women have been victims of violence for a long time and they didn’t ask for help. Fortunately, today we find women who ask for help when they are suffering violence.


The date for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was chosen to honor the Mirabal sisters, three political activists in the Dominican Republic, whose killings were ordered by the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo. In 1981, activists proclaimed November 25th as a Day to raise awareness about the issue of violence against women. In 1999, the date was officially recognized by the United Nations.


TEENS 3 >>Students:

Aguiar, Facundo Asteazarรกn, Iara Cimino, Chiara Espinoza, Sebastiรกn Gรณmez, Matthieu Rolando, Nazarena


Pollution and Its consequences

RĂ­o Matanza-Riachuelo.

Pollution in the Riachuelo River


B Y C H I A R A C I M I N O , I A R A A R S T E A R Á N , M AT H I E U G O M E Z , FAC U N D O AG U I A R , N A Z A R E N A RO L A N D O Y SEBASTIAN ESPINOZA The Riachuelo River is a river located in the neighbourhood of La Boca in the province of Buenos Aires. The main problem with this river is that it is badly polluted. Pollution is produced by sediments from soil erosion and people who throw waste, rubbish and organic materials in wrong places. This has different consequences for humans. Drinking water from the river was prohibited because you can have serious health problems such as asthma, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, skin irritation or skin cancer. Some of the possible solutions to improve the unhealthy situation of the Riachuelo River are: TO MAKE A PLAN BETWEEN THE CITIZENS AND GOVERNMENT TO CLEAN THE RIVER. TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF WASTE THAT THE CITIZENS AND INDUSTRIES THROW TO THE RIVER.


>>People shouldn’t throw rubbish in the river. >>People should recycle more. >>Industries shouldn’t throw waste in the river.

Read the text. Write T(true) or F(false). 1) The Riachuelo River is located in the province of Cordoba. 2) The water of the river produces skin cancer. 3) People should know the situation of this river. 4) The Riachuelo River is also called Orange River. 5) Only industries pollute the river with waste and rubbish. Answers: 1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) F


TEENS 4 >>Students:

Galván, Guadalupe González, Ramiro Goñi, Valentín Lissandrello, Valentina Rojo, Alejandro Solís, Xavier Uriona, Morena Vargas, Milena Villalba, Matías

>>Project: Stories about


I am not the problem BY MORENA URIONA It was a Friday afternoon in 2007 and a seventeen-year-old girl called Emily was in a good mood. She was happy because she had passed all her tests, and she got a new job in a new restaurant. Emily was going to stay alone at home because her mother was going to visit her aunt, who had had a car accident. Margaret's home, Emily's aunt, was in Chester, and Emily and Caroline, Emily’s mother, lived in Leeds. That place was a day trip, so Em was going to see Caroline next day. Emily was walking back home, but suddenly, her neighbour walked towards her in a bad mood and he told her: "You are disgusting, aren’t you embarrassed?", and before she answered something, he left, leaving her alone in the street. Em was in shock, she didn't understand anything. She continued her way back home, and when she arrived, to her horror, all her house was full of graffiti: "DISGUSTING"-"LESBIAN"-"STUPID HOMOSEXUAL"-"GET OUT OF THE CLOSET"- "TOMBOY". It was the second time that she was in shock that day. A few seconds later, Emily’s phone started to ring. A group of partners had uploaded photos of Emily's house. Immediately, Emily began to cry and quickly, several comments and messages began to arrive. She knew that this would be difficult, but she had never thought that her partners would do that to her home. This incident happened in 2007. Ten years later, Emily lives in Liverpool with her wife and her son, Thomas. She says: "As time went by, I learned that I am not the problem, the problem is the people who don't understand that I am not different, and that there are more homosexuals in the world". the end

My name is Thomas Arthur and this is my experience with bullying: BY G UA DA LU P E G A LV Á N When I was 9 years old, I went to a new school. I was younger and smaller than my classmates and I couldn’t make new friends. I remembered that, in my class, there was a boy called John Jackson. Children at my school called him ‘J, The horror Jackson’. I didn’t know why but, I was his victim that year. He was my bully. Every day, he made me bullying. He hit me and

more things, but one day, I was shaking with fear but inside my head I said, “Wait! No more bullying for you, Thom. Stop it, be brave”, and when he was in front of me for hitting me, as quickly as possible, I pushed him away, and told him: “Leave me alone. I’m not your pet, idiot. I’m a person like you so, if you annoy me one more time I will show you how strong I am”. He was so impressed. My dad who had seen everything, called me, and he took my shoulders with his hands and told me that what I had done was so brave and that he was proud of me. I hugged my dad, and I saw him smiling.

Next day, J.J came near me in the break and I thought that he was going to hit me but he didn’t. He apologized for everything he had done to me all over the year, and told me that if I wanted it, we could be friends. I shook his hand and, at that moment, I REALIZED THAT EVERYBODY COULD CHANGE, MAYBE WITH SOME OF HELP BUT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Now, at the age of 18, J.J has been my best friend for 9 years and, when we remember those days we laugh, but I know that if I didn’t stop him, no one would know what could happen.

“Kim, we are going to miss you” BY VALENTINA LISSANDRELLO AND RAMIRO GONZALEZ This story took place in May, 2015, in a small village located in the East of California, where a 12-year-old girl called Kim lived with her family. The life of this little girl was really difficult and problematic. She had moved to the village two years ago, and although


she had been a time there, she had never made real friends. Kim was suffering bullying at school, one of the worst things for a child, and she couldn’t stand it anymore. One day, when her mum found her crying on her bed, she decided to talk to the school headmaster, but that only made things worst. The kids who annoyed her were out of control, they found new ways to bother her. They hit her; they stole her money every day, called her names, and many more horrible things. As time went by, she became a person who didn’t talk to anyone, she had lost the few friends she had. When the teachers asked her about her mood, she couldn’t answer, she was kind of dumb. Kim wondered what she had done wrong to deserve all that. Every day, sadness consumed a little more her strength, her breathe, her life. The story doesn’t have a good end, because as she had stopped talking, one day, she also stopped breathing. Unfortunately, nobody ever knew how or why, because nobody ever really care about her.


YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE BACK TO SOMEONE WHO IS SUFFERING. YOU MUST TRY TO HELP THAT PERSON AND MORE IF IT IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE. BY VALENTÍN GOÑI While Kath and Marc were talking with the teachers and classmates, Jim asked if he could go to the toilet and the teacher said ‘Yes’. When he went to the toilet, Oscar, another partner who was older, escaped from the classroom and ran to the bathroom after Jim. At that moment, Jim saw Oscar when he was entering the bathroom but, he wasn’t afraid. When Oscar entered the bathroom, Jim was inside one bathroom. He started to feel afraid; he knew that if Oscar hunted him, he wouldn’t be able to escape. When Kath and Marc finished their talk, they saw that Oscar and Jim were not there, so they started to look for them around the school but they did not look inside the bathroom. When they went to the Headmaster’s office, they saw Jim was running with blood on his face and Oscar was running to kill Jim because he was running with a knife. Quickly, they called the police and ordered Jim to enter the classroom. When the police arrived, they arrested Oscar because he was 18 years old. Oscar was sentenced to 3 years of prison. What would happen if Oscar caught Jim? Would he kill Jim? One thing is always important: WE HAVE TO THINK BEFORE ACTING OR HURTING OTHERS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

BY MILENA VARGAS Everything happened in California. There was a set day to start classes; new classmates, new teachers, and a new institution were waiting for me. Obviously, my nerves were the only thing I thought about… Let me introduce myself. I am Camille. I am 15 years old and I am going to tell you the story of my only and best friend Lily. It was 8.15 in the morning, and I had not left my house yet. ‘Perfect, Cam! Arriving late the first day’ I thought. My entrance time was 8.20 a.m. and I had about 30 minutes of bus travel from my house to school. I greeted my mother and left as fast as I could. I went running to that huge building located in the center of the city, looked for my schedule in the director's office since I did not know where to go or to whom to go with. I arrived at my first class and a thin old lady sat at a desk in front of a huge room full of boys and girls who did not seem as lost as me. I sat in the only free seat I found. Next to me, there was a girl with purple hair and she was wearing all black clothes and on my other side, there was a boy who apparently belonged to a football team or something like I supposed because his jacket said ‘Tigers to the attack’. Later, I saw that Steve, that was the name of the boy who sat next to me, started writing something on a piece of paper and then threw it to the girl with purple hair, she read it, started to cry and ran out of the room . A few minutes later, the bell rang indicating the end of the lesson ; everyone stood up and went straight to their lockers. I, on the other hand, waited until there was nobody to read the paper that Steve had thrown to my classmate. There was a strange graffiti that formed the word "rare” drawn with faces of monsters on it. When I went out I saw the girl huddled in a corner of the school park, I got closer and greeted her. She looked up and just told me to leave her alone but, I was not going to give up, and I wanted to know what had happened. I managed to talk to her a little. Her name was Lily, and she told me that because of her dress, acting and never going to parties or talking to anyone, Steve mocked her, without even knowing her. Lily's family was too broken. Her mother was never home and her stepfather beat his brother for not being the perfect son, and his real father had left without leaving the slightest trace. Lily said that anyway, she was fine and that she did not care, but that sometimes it bothered her that silly people as Steve, said things about her without even knowing what she was going through every day.

Steve was a bully



5th YEAR >>Students: Gรณmez, Milton Pelaez, Micaela


Politics, anarchy and Vandalism

Acto de vandalismo en el Cabildo de Buenos Aires.


Values BY MICAELA PELAEZ As everybody knows, politics is a widely used concept in daily life but, what “politics” really means? It has many meanings. One of them is “the activity of those who govern or aspire to govern matters that affect society or a country”. Argentina counts with many political orientations (left-wing, right-wing, anarchism, among others) and general elections take place at least every four years. During elections, people between 18 and 80 vote for their candidates but as everything, this has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, choosing a representative makes it easier to put order in a society. A society without order is a chaos. And secondly, political organizations fight for human rights globally. On the other hand, many political mainstreams have an extreme position as it is anarchism. Although they fight for human rights, their protests are usually a bit violent. For example, in the last protest that was carried out, we could see acts of vandalism. The “Cabildo” was painted and many shops were destroyed. Overall, I think this kind of things happen when people have lack of values like cooperation and respect, specially respect. THIS WORLD COULD BE BETTER IF EVERYBODY WORKED TOGETHER WITH LOVE AND RESPECT.


SUPERIOR >>Students:

Aicardi, Maia Bottazzi, Milagros Decundo, Florencia Godoy, Martina Gómez, Santino Goñi, Agostina Laszuk, Alan Paz, Jesúan Pierroni, Agostina Pierroni, Florencia Romaldo, Victoria Vega, Ramiro

>>Project: Let’s talk about


Bullying BY M I L AG RO S B OT TA Z Z I A N D AG O S T I N A G O Ñ I Bullying is characterized by an abuse of power, by a desire to intimidate and dominate the other. The aggressor intimidates the victim, causing physical and emotional damage that generates a decrease in self-esteem and even depression, which hinders the normal development of their learning. When talking about this broad topic, you can find several types of Bullying, for example, the physical one. Physical bullying includes all corporal actions such as beatings, shoving, different forms of confinement, damage of belongings, among others. This type of bullying is the most common one and it is identified because it usually leaves body traces and according to the age, the aggressor’s behaviour, becomes more violent and dangerous. Bullying is common in this society that is the reason why we must be vigilant and dedicate ourselves one hundred percent to this task since WE ARE OBLIGED TO TAKE ACTION TO GENERATE CHANGES. Let's reflect on the way we deliver our values, love and respect. Let's not be indifferent to this. It's time to do something, With effort, you can create awareness and silence the silent cries of those who suffer this terrible evil, called bullying.

Causes and Consequences of Bullying BY VICTORIA ROMALDO Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. What causes bullying? Well, there are a lot of causes for this type of domination. It’s important to understand that every case of bullying is unique and needs to be analyzed individually, from different perspectives. Here we have the most frequent causes:


Stereotypes come in many forms. They can be of races, genders, national groups or other groups. They can be positive or negative. They can also be accurate or inaccurate. All of

these types can be damaging because they make people judge others based on preconceptions rather than on the individual’s own qualities. Stereotypes are one of the most important causes of bullying and discrimination.

>>Bullies want to transfer their feelings to the others.

While some bullies are arrogant and narcissistic, they can also use bullying as a tool to conceal shame or anxiety or to boost self-esteem: by demeaning others, the abuser feels empowered. Bullies may bully because they themselves are bullied.

>>Bullies home.





Bullies may be victims of domestic violence, and as a matter of fact, they probably are being bullied by their parents or an important family member. bullying is a damaging situation and it also has effects, as important as the causes:

>>The effect on learning

Stress and anxiety caused by bullying can make it more difficult for kids to learn. It can cause difficulty in concentration and decrease their ability to focus, which affects the ability to remember things they have learned.


Kids who are bullied are at risk of suicide, bullying itself is not the cause. Many issues contribute to suicide risk, including depression, problems at home, and trauma history.

>>Low self-esteem

Being a victim of bullying can have significant negative consequences on a child or teen's self-esteem because of their strong desire to be accepted by peers. Acceptance by peers is a large factor in a child's sense of happiness, positive self-concept, and even academic success. Being bullied can affect a child's belief in himself/herself as people. They begin to truly believe they are ''worthless'' due to bullying. In conclusion, bullying can appear due to lots of factors, and it can change your life dramatically.


Verbal bullying B Y AG O S T I N A P I E R R O N I A N D F L O R E N C I A P I E R R O N I

>>What is it? Verbal bullying is the use of insults, jokes, offensive gossips to hurt someone smaller, weaker or that they can’t defend themselves emotionally. This type of bullying is used against the teenage girls, boys with different religion, colour of skin, or with different physical appearance. Bullying can affect someone’s life in different ways like causing depression, low-self esteem and psychological problems, among others.

>>Why this people do this? Maybe they do this because they feel superior than the person who is suffering this bullying, or they want to be the centre of attention because in their inside they feel bad and because they had a family problem or something like that and doing this, they think that they would feel better.

>>How it can be solved? It can be solved with some help of your family, telling them what is happening or going to a psychologist; he/she will tell you what you have to do to stop it or that YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY.

Roles in bullying


BY ALAN LASZUK AND RAMIRO VEGA The bullying process involves a series of people who play a different role. There are many roles that people can play: the bully, the victim, and the different types of witnesses.

>>Bully: It is the person who abuses one or several

victims repeatedly with the use of force, words or mistreats.

>>Victim or bullied: It is the person or people

who suffer bullying from the bully.

>>Spectators or witnesses: It is the people

who know or observe bullying. Spectators can act in three different ways: ignoring the bullying, encouraging bullying or defending the victim. There are different types of witnesses:

>>Witness that supports: They are all those people (usually students) who do not start the harassment but who actively participate in the harassment, encouraging the harasser or encouraging other witnesses to observe the harassment, witness the mockery, etc. >>Witness that reinforces: This figure plays

a minor role in bullying and does not always appear. It is the person who witnesses the harassment and participates passively, for example, laughing at the corresponding humiliations.

>>Indifferent witness: It does not participate in bullying, but it actively witnesses it (does not laugh at it or defends the victim) or passively (does not report it). >>Defense witness: It is the witness who defends the victim against abuses, either actively (helping the victim against his or her stalker) or passively (comforting the victim after harassment or reporting harassment to third parties). In conclusion, bullying is never good, but if we can intercede, WE ALWAYS HAVE TO DO IT. s o u r c e : ‘Types of bullying and roles’ at

Bullying at school BY JESUAN PAZ

>>How would you feel if your son or a kid suffered bullying? I would feel bad because psychological abuse produces biological and mental sequelae to the harassed victims. They may suffer depression and mood disorders. I think schools play a critical role in stopping bullying, because most part of the aggression happens at school during recess, in lunch rooms, or in bathrooms. Schools should have ZERO-TOLERANCE PROGRAMMES that make it clear that bullying won't be tolerated. For example, the teachers should make it clear that bullying will not be tolerated. Another example could be that schools can incorporate the topic of BULLYING PREVENTION in lessons and activities like creating a collage about RESPECT OR THE EFFECT OF BULLYING. In my opinion the bullying shouldn’t exist because it can produce low self-esteem, school failure, alcohol and drugs consuming, among other problems.


A new trend in the world BY FLORENCIA DECUNDO AND MARTINA GODOY Why is such a big deal talking about Cyberbullying? It’s terrifying how many parents don’t know what their children do on social networks or even worst, how children or teenagers think they are free to do anything they want, just because they are on the Internet. Isn’t it amazing how easy is to fake an account? It’s worth pointing out that those who act in those ways usually do it anonymously, so you can’t find them. Tell me, how would you feel if someone you don’t know –or in the worst case, you do know- starts threatening or humiliating you? Luckily, you have someone you can talk to. But, what about the people who do not have someone or the bullying is so regular that you can’t just avoid it? We don’t see further than ‘it’s a joke’, ‘nothing can happen’, ‘just kids being silly’. However, self esteem in those kids gets lower, they isolated, and we pray nothing worst happens next. Please kids, be careful on social media. What is funny to one person might not be funny to others. ALWAYS TALK TO SOMEONE YOU TRUST IN.


FCE >>Students:

Baliño, Facundo Galván, Sofía García, Matías González, Valentina Gutiérrez, Juan Ignacio Henderson, Camila Pereyra, Sofía Vázquez, Paula Russo, Nicolás

>>Project: A review on


A special interview BY FACUNDO BALIÑO TRISTÁN A well-known of mine, my aunt to be more specific, works as a social assistant. You may be wondering -what is a social assistant? - Well, a social assistant is a person in charge of taking care of children in different schools. They spend their time working with families with lack of resources and their kids. The following text will consist of 5 (five) questions I asked her about her job and experience.

>>What moved you to end up working as a social assistant? The motivation of helping people.

>>Which was the case that shocked you the most?

I remember one of my first cases, in which there were 3 brothers, who were abandoned by their parents, so it was too difficult to integrate them in new schools. They couldn’t attend all to the same school, so they felt lonelier than they were already feeling. Despite having this issue, the three of them could get on with their lives thanks to the help of my partners and me.

>>Have you ever felt some kind of frustration when a situation escaped your possibilities?

All the time, yes. Due to an obsolete legal system, we cannot interfere in a case that could continue outside the school. If we interfere, we may lose our certificates and all chances to get


a new work in the future. We have to live with the charge of haven’t helped but because we weren’t allowed.

>>Do you have some statistics of how many kids suffer some kind of abuse? Around 5 cases of bullying or abuse are notified per week.

>>Think of any advice you could give to the school authorities, the victim and the parents.

My advice to the school authorities is that they should be more involved in the behaviour of the students. The school must know and take care of the cases of bullying. Thinking of the kids that suffer bullying, the only way to go through it is to talk with some authority or someone older like your parents or big brother. There is no other way to go through it. There’s always something to do before taking any decision we couldn’t turn back. And finally I would like to tell the parents that as in the case of the victim as in the case of the aggressor, the problem is that their parents don’t pay enough attention. If you notice any weird attitude, any uncommon behaviour, talk to him or her, there is something they want to say, but they don’t know how to.

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" BY VALENTINA GONZALEZ I have read "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" a hundred times. It is a book written by Stephen Chbosky. This book is about a boy called Charlie who is treated as an outcast. When people do not know a person, it is easy to make judgments. At first sight, he seems to be weird or crazy because of the way in which he acts, and that allows social isolation, but something else happens with Charlie who likes to be apart from the world around him. However, everything changes for Charlie once he meets Patrick and Sam, two guys who will become his best friends, and they will show Charlie how incredible is to be an outcast. But, all the characters of the book have an interesting and quite bad experience with “popular” people at school. Almost all the characters in this story have something to give or contribute for good or for bad. In my opinion, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is one of the best books I've read. It offers a variety of topics that almost everyone has experienced at some point in their lives and this book also shows HOW IMPORTANT IS TO BE OURSELVES AND NOT TRYING TO COPY OTHERS WHO HAVE BAD BEHAVIOURS. Besides, I believe that, at some point, the book wants to point out HOW IMPORTANT FRIENDS ARE.

Personajes de la película "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".


Other view on bullying BY SOFIA PEREYRA Bullying, everyone these days knows what it is about: being a victim of unwanted or aggressive behaviors, a real thing that happens every day. This time, I’m going to talk about being a viewer of these bullies and about what they do to make other people suffer. Years ago, at primary school, the class and I were outside playing games. The game was pretty enjoyable but, not everyone was having a good time. I remembered watching a girl running away from a boy who was calling her bad names; as we were outside, nobody noticed it and as I was playing, I could not do anything but only watch the situation. Days after that, I realized it was a common thing between them: the girl ignoring him while he was shouting at her names. At that moment, I decided to stop the boy and he got suspended. In conclusion, I think everyone has to ACCEPT THE SITUATION OF BEING A VICTIM AND ASK FOR HELP, and if you witness a situation like this one, YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP THE OTHER.








Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.

>>Mahatma Gandhi


>>Cursos de verano >>Actividades recreativas en inglés para niños

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