Tws 2015

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MARCH/TWENTYSEVEN/TWO-THOUSAND FIFTEEN. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages I. Contextual Factors......................................................................................................... II. Learning Goals.............................................................................................................

III. Assessment Plan Overview......................................................................................... Assessment Plan Overview Pre & Post Observation Types of Speech Evaluation Rubric

IV. Design for Instruction.................................................................................................. Results of Pre Rubric Thematic Unit Overview Technology Transversal Themes V. Instructional Decision Making.......................................................................................

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL Decision Making Case #1 Decision Making Case #2 Decision Making Case #3 VI. Analysis of Student Learning............................................................................ Whole Class Language Proficiency & Individuals VII. Reflections & Evaluation.................................................................................

I. Contextual Factors The pedagogical practicum experience I'll be journeying for the first five months of this two thousand fifteen year AD will be coursed in a school by the name of Pedro Rivera Molina in the city of Juncos. The school is located in the countryside of Juncos, right in between the municipality of Gurabo & Las Piedras. This particular school isn't very big in size, although for a K- 9th grade school it has a heap of students. The number count of students “running around” the school is 765. There are about 50 personnel- half of which are teachers. My assigned group is meant to total a number of 19 students. It is

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL a small group when you compare it to other groups in the school. I must add that I've never seen every one of those 19 students of the 7-3 group present in the classroom at the same time. Needless to say there's a slight problem of “absentism” within the classroom. This, I've began to notice takes a toll & affects the fluidity of the class dynamic process somehow. The physical classroom is relatively spacious and allows for some type of mobility when the 25+ class students are all present. The classroom does not have air conditioning. It has 4 ceiling fans so the classroom is quite ventilated. That is until the cooperating teacher accidentally hit one of them as she attempted to move a chair by raising it over her head. That was definitely a day to remember. Now, since all the fans work in unison, the fans cannot be turned on to the highest setting. This happened at the beginning of the semester & I don't see the day it'll be fixed. This definitely affects the classroom environment & experience for the students & the teachers. As soon as you walk into the classroom, something I failed to mention before is the tables and seating designs. Both, the actual spacing of chairs and tables, & the designs of the chairs and tables themselves will hint that you are in a 21st century school. There are no “pupitres”. This is a plus & a con. It can work in one's (the teacher) advantage or disadvantage. The teacher will be confronted with the “chattery” enabling design the coop tables and seating designs will have on the students at times. At many times. I don't like using “absolutisms” like always. So as a teacher one must learn how to use these “21st century” seating arrangements in one's benefit. The classroom itself doesn't have technology. The teacher has to bring her own projector, computer & speakers if she/he intends to incorporate those technological elements in the classroom experience. Since the “21st century” classroom apparently wasn't designed with technology in mind, having 35% of the classroom walls be filled with glass window space, the projector does not function properly in

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL terms of visibility. So there are some ironies that go into the “21st century� classroom experience. In terms of the students' backgrounds. The majority of the students (surprisingly) live with both parents. A good number of the boy students are into video games of which are violence driven video games & some sporting games too. The girls are mostly into shopping & fashion. It's a highly stereotypical classroom. This helps in the sense that it is predictable. It doesn't help when one is trying to imagine something else. Nonetheless, with as much as I've learned about the students & their interests it is still very challenging when about 40% of those students are students between 13-16 year olds that are repeating this grade for the first, second or even third time. One of the students even has tribunal cases pending. A troublemaker as they call it. Although its a 19 student classroom it probably has more complex challenges than any other 30+ student classroom.

II. Learning Goals Utilizing the Puerto Rico Core Standards you'll get a slight peek into the Unit for the commencement of the second semester of the 7th grade school year. I'll mention some of these core standards and provide proof as to why they go well with the unit to be worked on this semester.

Listening 7.L.1d -Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements; apply and clarify instructions and directions; answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions. Speaking 7.S.5- Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict resolution. Reading 7.R.1- Read a variety of texts and multimedia resources (when accessible) to explain ideas, facts, events, cultural

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL identity, genre, and processes, supplying textual evidence and connections/relationships to support analysis and conclusions. Recognize fact vs. opinion and fiction vs. nonfiction as well as facts/supporting details from the texts. Writing 7.W.1- Justify opinions or persuade others by providing textual evidence or relevant background knowledge with moderate support on a variety of personal, social, and cultural topics, current events, etc. Language 7.LA.6- Accurately use a variety of social, academic, and content-specific and content area words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

This list gives us an example of the parallel between the core standards and the learning goals that are expected of the students within this 2nd semester of the 2014-15 school year. Learning Goal List: a) Be able to identify 4 different types of author's purposes of speech. (Entertain, Persuade, Inform & Teach). b) Highlight the differences between each. c) Learn key vocabulary words to trigger each type of purpose of speech. d) Take a position & learn to construct an argument with the proper evidential facts & vocabulary to support it. These learning goals are to be realized by using the thematic guidelines the department of education has provided for us teachers. The students will be exposed to a number of articles, newspapers, magazines, social forums, social networks, novels(fragments), films, poems, books & other resources in order to expose them to the diversity of resources available to construct meaning pertinent to the unit. Writing & reading are activities that can be rather intimidating for kids. The students in the 7 th grade group aren't the exception in this scenario. They aren't exactly prone to pick up a book or write a story on their own willing terms. So to begin the task achievement goals ahead, we must begin by contextually introducing them into materials they can relate with. Using films has proven effectively to motivate students into both reading & writing. It is no magical task, but it certainly helps direct & enrich the realm of possibilities with this unit.

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL Contextualizing each lesson means that the students will be able to see the daily implications of the topic at hand. That means that by learning to apply these principles of speech will not only help them in the classroom setting, but will help in their holistic development as human beings & to further develop their contribution to society. This unit not only seeks to prepare them to be able to write entertaining, informing, teaching & or persuasive speeches that will help them in their following grades, but it seeks to encourage them to fully grasp the power for social transformative potential of these. Behind each one of these types of speeches lie an opportunity of self & social transformation for the betterment of society. So the finality of the unit's purpose is to expose students to meaningful & purposeful entertaining, informative, pedagogical & persuasive content.

III. Assessment Plan

Unit 7.4 Author's Purpose intends to expose students to four different types and purposes of writing, as I previously mentioned. In order for the student to master these four different types of writing, assessment must be at hand. Yes, the students will be working on a daily basis on writing & reading.

Whether those intervals might be short or long, they will have a consistent practice in order to develop that skill to both recognize & produce these four types of writing. The plan for assessment should be: A class to introduce the topic which will be followed by an activity to differentiate between the 4 types of writing. The Pre Test will be a way that we'll be able to identify the place the students are in with the material given. With this we'll be able to anticipate how effective the introduction to the material was. So the goal is not only to get them involved and well soaked with the new material, but to know where they presently stand with writing and reading overall.

Assessment Plan Overview

Learning Goal


Assessments Format

Assessment Adaptations

Meaning of the 4 types of

Oral Questions

What is to inform?

Some students don't


What is to persuade? What is to teach What is to entertain? To activate background knowledge. Construct scaffold.

understand a word of english. Other students will assist them. Some students need to be close to the teacher in order to not be distracted or talkative.

Differentiate between the types of writing/speech

Expose to a reading of each

Magazines, Newspaper & internet articles of each of the 4 will be handed out in order to better assimilate them.

Some students will be able to use dictionaries and mobile translation devices- be it phones or tablets. The teacher will read each story and provide significant help to those that needed.

Identify examples of each

Identify Sentence Asseverations

Handout paper with 20 exercises, each one allocated with one of the four types of writing. The students will identify which they belong to.

Time constraint will be a challenge for some, so there will be a lengthened period of time for those. The instructions will be read out loud as many times as necessary.

Write the 4 types of speech/writing.

Create your story

In a form of a paragraph the students will construct a brief/short story with one of the four types of writing. Throughout a span of a week they will have created all four.

Time constraint will be a challenge for some, so there will be a lengthened period of time for those. The instructions will be read out loud as many times as necessary.

Pre Evaluation & Post Evaluation

Pre Observaion The students will be provided with both visual and written associations to the types of writing they will be encountering throughout the Unit. The stories are going to be handed out in papers to each student. There will also be projections that go according to each story. I used this as a motivating factor. Images can usually stimulate the mind and motivate the students to engage even more than without them. The stories will be about a paragraph to two paragraphs long. Some are extracted from a film, a book, a magazine article or a Huffington Post online news article. The idea is to give them a good variety of

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL articles to better expose them to such. After covering this & having them fully soaked in the different type of stories an assessment will be given. This is meant to both encourage them & measure where they're at so far with the previously given material. Every exercise will have an example making allusion to a type of speech: Informative, persuasive, entertaining, or teaching. They will identify to their best ability- which one best matches which. After this exercise they should be well equipped to start writing their own brief purposed stories. Post Observation Given that all goes well in the Tests there will be a Mini Film Fest. This Film Fest will show 8 short Films. There will be 2 short films for each type. Entertainment, Persuasive, Inform & Teach. This exercise or activity is meant to allow the students to both relax and apply what they've learnt thus far. I wanted to do something that would be pertinent, relevant & fun for them. The short films were searched for in Vimeo. Vimeo is a great source for artistic & creative film projects. In each showing, the artists were properly credited. After all this is the Author's Purpose Unit & that couldn't be forgotten. Also it gives the students a sense of ownership and encouragement to produce their own works art. Whether they be written or done in other forms like film. This activity was also done in bonus format. The students didn't know. The fun part of the activity also consisted that they would all be judges. The films would be properly put into their Genres. Thats where the application of the previously learned themes come in. The fun part was, that they had to vote for the best film. The best film would give me insight to what the majority of the students find appealing & significant.

4 Type of Stories Rubric This rubric will give me a guideline of evaluation for the exercises that the students will be completing at the end of the Author's Purpose Unit. The students that will be evaluated are the 7-3 group of the Pedro Rivera Molina School. Name:_____________________________



Area of Observation

Not Met

Partially Met


Story #1




The student had many

The student had some

The student had scarcely any


Story #2

Story #3

Story #4


grammatical errors. Mainly wrote in Spanish. The sentences were not properly constructed. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story. It wasn't creative & shown no signs of imagination.

grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

grammatical errors. The student didn't write in Spanish. The sentences were properly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.




The student had many grammatical errors. Mainly wrote in Spanish. The sentences were not properly constructed. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story. It wasn't creative & shown no signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. The student didn't write in Spanish. The sentences were properly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.




The student had many grammatical errors. Mainly wrote in Spanish. The sentences were not properly constructed. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story. It wasn't creative & shown no signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. The student didn't write in Spanish. The sentences were properly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.




The student had many grammatical errors. Mainly wrote in Spanish. The sentences were not properly constructed. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story. It wasn't creative & shown no signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. The student didn't write in Spanish. The sentences were properly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.

Five to Ten Bonus Points were assigned to those to read out loud & shared their stories.

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL ____5 ____10_____None ________________________________ Teacher Candidate

_____________________________ Coop Teacher

IV. Design for instruction Results of the Pre- Assessment The pre assessment was executed in efforts to find our where in the expectational unit map the students are at. It turns out the students were not in any level that could be deemed as remotely good. Or at least that was my initial perception of it all. For starters the students were showing little to no disposition of even attempting to at the very least pretend to be interested. A lot of time was invested in attempting to capture the students attention. Plenty disruptions occurred. Whether they be by other teachers or staff entering the classroom and shifting the already disruptive class's attention elsewhere, or simply the

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL chatty students not being able to keep quiet for longer than 3 minutes. It was very challenging. After some trial & errors (this was a couple days), I ventured to show them sample videos so they could start identifying what they felt like. If they felt taught, entertained, persuaded or informed. That itself wasn't a magical formula. Disruptions and the chatty students still remained. But it was a bit more doable. Then an exercise was given to identify the few video clips shown in a blank sheet of paper. It was a relatively short exercise. The 1-3 minute video was shown & then they had to identify the video between the 4 categories. After they did, we went on to the next video. In between two classes we were able to watch a total of 12 videos. It certainly wasn't a walk in the park. It was very, very challenging. This sort of ( I say sort of, because it still wasn't fully insightful) gave me some tactics & ideas as to how to proceed with the class in more & better effective ways.

Thematic Unit Overview:


Day 1

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Pretest Video Examples Articles Examples

Constructing the Story

Constructing the Story

Share Orally with the class




Creativity/Uniquen ess/Determination

Social Transformation

Social Transformation

Social Transformation

Social Transformation

Social Transformation


Projector/Compute r. Handouts Notebook dictionaries & Pencil

Projector/Compute r. Handouts Notebook dictionaries & Pencil

Projector/Compute r. Handouts Notebook dictionaries & Pencil

Projector/Compute Previous used r. Handouts Handouts to read. Notebook dictionaries & Pencil


Introduction to the diverse types of stories. Articles were handed out.

Videos containing the different variations were shown & properly identified.

2 Type of stories 2 last type of are constructed stories are and put to writing. constructed and put to writing.

Transversal themes Creativity

Day 2

Those who wanted would get bonus points for sharing 2 of their stories with the class.

Technology: Thanks to the Cooperating Teacher I was able to use the projector alongside the speakers. These were a key and 180 degree

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL turning shift for the class. Because the class wasn't taking an engaging vibe I decided to virtualize things a bit. By the second day I decided to make things a bit more audiovisually engaging. As of the second day, the topic became a little bit more malleable and “digestible” for the students. Via short video clips acquired through YouTube & Vimeo the class became a bit more colorful. It was never short of interruptions & clever disruptions by some students, but it went by a little bit less rough than the prior. Transversal Themes: The transversal themes were quite easily incorporated to the classes because they were in every story, article and video clip I selected. These clips had issues on Social Transformation & were done so cleverly and Creatively. I selected videos & articles about racism, gender equality, nature & animal kind preservation, kindness, respect & other themes that contribute to the betterment of the classroom environment & therefore society. All these topics in some way sparked some level of conversation between the students. There was this one video clip that touched on the topic of connectivity. It showed two people, strangers, lovers, friends, culturally diverse people. All of them sitting in front of each other in silence & looking into their eyes for a period of time. One of those couples happened to be two lesbian women who were a couple. The students quickly reacted & responded with questions like: “Mister, esas son dos muchachas?!” “Son novias?!” I quickly responded, so it seems guys. So it seems. Now, remember that we live in a world full of all kinds of people. Whether we agree or not, they all deserve, love, kindness & respect. Besides, the video doesn't center on that. It's about something far deeper & transcendental. What seemed like a chaotic polemic outrage about to happen, simply stopped there. Kids are more open & more inclusive to diversity than we deem them to.

V. Instructional Decision Making Decision Making Case #1 The very first wake up call I got was the very first day that we dove into the unit. I realized how far fetched my expectations were (not to underestimate them), but I surely had little to no context as to where they were in their level of comprehension

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL & analysis. Most of the challenged had been encountered before. This was the english comprehension. Most students level of english comprehension was very, very low. I had to physically mimic in the most simple manner, a lot of the instructions I was giving. You could simply see it in the students' faces. There were some that just had little to no interest in paying attention. But, there were some that seemed to be legitimately trying & still their faces were a confessional puzzle to be solved. It wasn't a hard puzzle to solve. It was flat out the face of someone who has absolutely no clue what you're talking about. This is when I decide to give the next class with some video examples on how to best read into a story. This would help them visually recognize the differences between the four types of author's writing purposes. When the videos were shown, I realized I gained some type of feedback I hadn't on the prior class. They were definitely more engaging and fruitful. Gathering social relevant topics make them ask transversal questions that would subsequently benefit the class in the application of the four types of author's purposes for writing. This delayed things a bit, but I had a feeling it would happen. I could care less about the delay. I was more concerned with their level of engagement. And at least, more were engaged after this alter.

Decision Making Case # 2 The students were (in the majority) not ready to write a sentence even at most. I had to change the expectation of them writing 4 stories. I ended up changing the final assessment to them simply identifying through 24 exercises the 4 different types of Speech. This was a drastic alter to the planned assessment, but I had to make a drastic one because in no way were they ready for it. It was nearly impossible. I based the final result off the grade they obtained in this final assessment.

Decision Making Case # 3 The second one came “simple y sencillamente� on the rubric. The rubric needed some adjustments. The standards and expectations were somewhat elevated & unrealistic. I clearly remember in university classes being told that one should encourage the students to give their best. Never underestimate their capacity. I guess, this is the very thing I tried to emulate. I don't stop believing the latter. But, one had to have a realistic context & understanding of where the students are at. Just like the group profile, one has to have some pre assessment exercises or post assessment exercises that'll shed some light into what the students need reinforcing in & what areas they are significantly in aid of. Due to the fact that some of the

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL students did not even meet the most basic expectations, I both needed to go over the material & at least change the rubric a bit. Here is the modified result:

This rubric will give me a guideline of evaluation for the exercises that the students will be completing at the end of the Author's Purpose Unit. The students that will be evaluated are the 7-3 group of the Pedro Rivera Molina School. Name:_____________________________



Area of Observation

Has not Met

Needs Some Strength

Partially Met


Story #1





The student had little to no intention of writing. Spend the time doodling or doing absolutely nothing to produce something at least.

The student had many grammatical errors. The sentences were not properly constructed & were incomplete. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story or showed a little hint or relation. It wasn't as creative & shown little signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote plenty in Spanish, but mostly in English. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The sentences were somewhat relevantly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.





The student had little to no intention of writing. Spend the time doodling or doing absolutely nothing to produce something at least.

The student had many grammatical errors. The sentences were not properly constructed & were incomplete. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story or showed a little hint or relation. It wasn't as creative & shown little signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote plenty in Spanish, but mostly in English. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The sentences were somewhat relevantly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.





Story #2

Story #3


Story #4


The student had little to no intention of writing. Spend the time doodling or doing absolutely nothing to produce something at least.

The student had many grammatical errors. The sentences were not properly constructed & were incomplete. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story or showed a little hint or relation. It wasn't as creative & shown little signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote plenty in Spanish, but mostly in English. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The sentences were somewhat relevantly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.





The student had little to no intention of writing. Spend the time doodling or doing absolutely nothing to produce something at least.

The student had many grammatical errors. The sentences were not properly constructed & were incomplete. The main idea of the story did not belong to the required type of story or showed a little hint or relation. It wasn't as creative & shown little signs of imagination.

The student had some grammatical errors. Wrote plenty in Spanish, but mostly in English. The main idea of the story was somewhat related & belonged to the required type of story. It had some attempt of creativity.

The student had scarcely any grammatical errors. Wrote in Spanish occasionally. The sentences were somewhat relevantly constructed & flowed with the narrative. Story was assimilated to the required type of story. It had very imaginative levels of imagination & creativity.

Five to Fifteen Bonus Points were assigned to those to read out loud & shared their stories.

_____5____10 ____15_____None ________________________________ Teacher Candidate

_____________________________ Coop Teacher

I wasn't too surprised after having to make a customized version of the Rubric. This new rubric enhanced & improved some grades. It didn't produce a miracle result, but it made evaluation & expectation a bit fairer for the students. I added some more bonus points in order to help them.


No names of the students will be disclosed to protect their identities.


Original Rubric (25pts)

Customized Rubric (25pts)

Student #1



Student #2



Student #3



Student #4



Student #5



Student #6



Student #7



Student #8



Student #9



Student #10



Student #11



Student #12



Student #13



Student #14



Student #15



Student #16



Student #17



Student #18



Student #19



Whole Class There is a slight level of progress as to what I had seen from the very beginning of the unit. However, the improvement isn't very significant from the original evaluation rubric to the edited one. It was a subsequent benefit for all the students, but I wouldn't rest comfortably that they are indeed prepared to write a story of these four categories. Given the time and the intermittent flow of the week there's so much I could do with this class with such little time. I have plenty of learning to do of course & in no way do I patent my methods as the only solutions to the standing problems. As a novice & obvious rookie I have a lot to learn.


With two particular students in mind I can see a high contrast between their endeavor in class & manifested in the assessment when I compare them to the rest of the class. They have a higher level of language proficiency. Therefore they're at a conversational level which enables their grasp level to be far greater than the rest of the class. Their pres and post are of improving nature, but it isn't a spectacular phenomena. As they understand the majority of what is spoken and given in class- it's only a matter of jumping the hurdle of application. The other students have many more hurdles to jump over. Language, application, comprehension & critical thinking are among some of them.

VII. Self Evaluation & Reflection

As a novice teacher I got a heap of room & space for learning. Even though this is my usual (or at least I attempt) attitude towards life, in this case I mean it rather provocatively and intentionally. I have a lot to learn & unlearn. The respective group (7-3) that I've been assigned is a challenge. A humongous challenge. There's a pre-scripted curriculum map with standards & all, that I need to guide myself by. To be honest, its bull. This group has so many basic deficiencies that when I even begin to try & hope teach them a level or something within a standard- I simply can't. In a small group of 19 students Given these circumstances, as a teacher it has been an enormous feat to venture into this experience with wholly fruitful results. At least fruitful results that will reflect grading improvement, I haven't accomplished that. I haven't learned to properly adjust a class where I can challenge the students with higher proficiency of language & at the same time give relevant material to those that are no where near the core standards expectations of a seventh grade. I have failed at this. Transversally speaking, I have done a lot to try and show these students valuable lessons of life that are both pertinent in the classroom setting as they are relevant in life. Those things & life matters can't be graded. Another great challenge is being placed in semester that has already commenced & even far more challenging, being placed in a second semester. Why is this? Because the students are already winding with a certain & particular culture they are dragging from the prior semester. The teaching styles are diverse, between the coop teacher & me. This comes with

UPR HUMACAO ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PROGRAM TEACHER WORK SAMPLE PEDRO RIVERA MOLINA SCHOOL advantages, but it also comes with great cons. Every experience is indeed a learning experience. I can't live in utopia, but I have to address these factors because they shouldn't be overlooked at the end. that are never & have never been all present at the same time, there's at least two that have “officially� dropped the class (because they're above level & given their age- both 15, are going to try and get a placement test). One of them comes occasionally to school & makes the class a bit more interesting (in a good way). Another student has tribunal cases pending & you can notice when he isn't in class- as the class flows somewhat better. At least 13 students out of the 19, do not speak any significant amount of English & are probably understanding 5% of what I say to them. A good 50% of them have problems with authority & are rather challenging.

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