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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II

Have head teachers’ SLM practices changed? (EQUIP-T intermediate outcome)

Implementation of current year’s SDP started (% schools)

Reported most common teacher performance management practices (% head teachers):

Pupil academic results

Lesson preparations

Teaching performance in class

Teacher punctuality and attendance

Use of continuous pupil assessment


Report lesson plans were checked by head teacher (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Report written lesson plan feedback from head teacher (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Report lesson observation by head teacher (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Report written lesson observation feedback from head teacher (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Report lesson observation by others in last 30 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Report lesson observation by head teacher or others in last 30 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Report receiving at least one performance appraisal in the previous school year (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Number of schools where implementation has started on at least one activity from the current SDP/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

The number of head teachers reporting teacher performance management practice x as the most common/all interviewed head teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

In the head teacher interview, only head teachers were asked this question, not assistant head teachers or academic masters answering on behalf of the head teacher if absent. But some non-interviewed head teachers were phoned for this information to reduce the number of missing observations.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report that the head teacher checks their lesson plans/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3 expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report receiving written lesson plan feedback from the head teacher/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report that the head teacher observes their teaching/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report receiving written lesson observation feedback from the head teacher/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report that the academic master or other teachers observed their teaching in the last 30 days/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report that the head teacher, academic master or other teachers observed their teaching in the last 30 days/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report that the head teacher, assistant head teacher or academic master held at least one individual meeting with them to discuss their performance and professional development needs during the previous school year/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

Standard 1-3 teachers

Standard 1-3 teachers

Standard 1-3 teachers

Standard 1-3 teachers

Standard 1-3 teachers

Standard 1-3 teachers

Four or more staff meetings in the last 60 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Number of staff meetings held in last 60 days (mean days)

The number of Standards 1-3 teachers reporting that at least four staff meetings were held in the last 60 days/all interviewed Standards 1-3 teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Average number of staff meetings held in last 60 days as reported by Standards 1-3 teachers

Standard 1-3 teachers

Standards 1-3 teachers

Standards 1-3 teachers

Staff meetings are typically chaired by the HT, attended by teachers and (sometimes) non-teaching staff, to discuss administrative and other school matters.

Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II

Rewards for teachers who perform well exist (% head teachers)

Types of teacher performance rewards

(% head teachers)

Financial Material (in-kind resources)

Verbal recognition

Certificate, cup or medal

In-school promotion

Trips or events


Action is taken for teachers performing poorly (% head teachers)

Types of actions for poor teacher performance (% head teachers)

Extra support to improve teaching

Increased lesson observation

Increased checking of lessons plans etc.

Teachers required to give extra classes

Warning from HT

HT reports to WEO

Warning from WEO

Warning from SC


Rewards for teachers who perform well exist (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Types of teacher performance rewards

(% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Financial Material (in-kind resources)

Verbal recognition

Certificate, cup or medal

In-school promotion

Trips or events

The number of head teachers reporting that there are rewards in their school for teachers who perform well/all interviewed head teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

The number of head teachers reporting reward type x/all interviewed head teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

The number of head teachers reporting that action is taken at their school for teachers who perform poorly/all interviewed head teachers, expressed as a percentage. Head teachers

In the head teacher interview, the CAPI instrument was designed only to ask teacher management related questions of actual head teachers (not academic masters or other persons answering on behalf of the head teacher). However, subsequent to the initial survey, head teachers were phoned for this information to reduce the number of missing responses.

The number of head teachers reporting action type x/all interviewed head teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 reporting that there are rewards in their school for teachers who perform well/all interviewed Standards 1-3 teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Teachers of standards 1-3

The number of Standards 1-3 teachers reporting reward type x/all interviewed Standards 1-3 teachers, expressed as a percentage.

Teachers of standards 1-3

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