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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II

PTP / community engagement

Pupil welfare

School committee


Parents only received written information from the school about their child’s academic progress in 2017 (% parents of Standard 3 pupils)

Parents only met with a teacher to receive information about their child’s academic progress in 2017 (% parents of Standard 3 pupils)

Parents received written information from the school and met with a teacher on their child’s academic progress in 2017 (% parents of Standard 3 pupils)

Parents did not receive written information from the school nor meet with a teacher on their child’s academic progress in 2017 (% parents of Standard 3 pupils)

The number parents reporting receiving written information from school about their child’s academic progress in 2017 but not meeting with a teacher/all interviewed parents of Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

The number of parents reporting meeting with a teacher to receive information about their child’s academic progress in 2017 but not receiving written information from the school/all interviewed parents of Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

The number of parents reporting receiving written information from the school and meeting with a teacher on their child’s academic progress in 2017/all interviewed parents of Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

The number of parents reporting not receiving written information from the school nor meeting with a teacher on their child’s academic progress in 2017/all interviewed parents of Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

Has EQUIP-T provided PTP grants (EQUIP-T input) and have PTP grants been spent? (EQUIP-T output)

School received PTP grant 1 (% schools)

School received correct amount of PTP grant 1 (% schools)

PTP grant 1 has been spent (% schools)

PTP grant 1 was spent on (% schools):

Infrastructure and furniture

Admin expenses

Pupil welfare

Teaching and learning



The number of schools reporting receiving PTP grant 1/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

The number of schools reporting receiving the correct amount of PTP grant 1/all schools who received PTP grant 1, expressed as a percentage.

The number of schools reporting that they have spent the PTP grant 1/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Head teachers

Head teachers

Head teachers

The correct amount is TZS 550,000 per grant

The number of schools reporting that the PTP grant 1 was spent on x/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

Has EQUIP-T provided IGA grants (EQUIP-T input) and have IGAs started? (EQUIP-T output)

School and community developed a business plan for IGA and submitted a proposal to EQUIP-T in 2016 or 2017 (% schools)

Type of IGA proposed (% schools):


Livestock /livestock products


The number of schools reporting that the school together with the community developed a business plan for income generating activities and submitted a proposal to EQUIP-T in 2016 or 2017/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

The number of schools reporting that the IGA proposed was type x/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

Head teachers

Head teachers

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