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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II


IGA business plan proposal was successful (% schools)

School received IGA grant (% schools)

School received correct amount of IGA grant (% schools)

Some IGAs have started (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that their IGA business plan proposal to EQUIP-T in 2016 or 2017 was successful/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

The number of schools reporting receiving IGA grant/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Head teachers

The number of schools reporting receiving the correct amount of IGA grant/all schools that received IGA grant, expressed as a percentage.

The number of schools reporting that at least some of the income generating activities the school received the grant for have started/all schools that received IGA grant, expressed as a percentage.

Has EQUIP-T provided school notice boards? (EQUIP-T input)

School received notice board from EQUIP-T in the last two years (% schools)

Head teachers

Head teachers

The number of schools that received a notice board in the last two years supplied by EQUIP-T/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Schools

Are school notice boards publicly accessible and used? (EQUIP-T output)

Schools with notice board publicly displayed on school premises (% schools)

Types of info displayed on school notice board (% schools):


Academic results/teaching and learning related

Pupil/teacher attendance

Community and school events

JUU clubs/pupil welfare

The number of schools that have a notice board displayed publicly on school premises/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Schools

The correct amount is TZS 1,500,000 per grant

The number of schools that display information x/all schools with a publicly displayed notice board, expressed as a percentage. Schools

Are parents aware of and reading school notice boards? (EQUIP-T intermediate outcome)

Parents are aware that a school notice board exists at school (% parents of Standard 3 pupils)

Parents read the notice board at least once in JanMar 2018 (% parents of Standard 3 pupils)

Number of times parents read the notice board in Jan-Mar 2018 (mean)

The number of parents of Standard 3 pupils that reported that a school notice board exists at school/all interviewed parents of Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

The number of parents of Standard 3 pupils who read the notice board at least once in Jan-Mar 2018/all interviewed parents of Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

The average number of times parents read the notice board in Jan-Mar 2018

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Parents of Standard 3 pupils

Was a community education needs assessment (CENA) undertaken and actions taken based on it? (EQUIP-T input and intermediate outcome)

Community carried out CENA over last four years (% schools)

Action was taken by school or community based on CENA in last four years (% schools)

School/community actions taken based on CENA (% schools):

School infrastructure

Pupil attendance and punctuality

School feeding

The number of schools reporting that the community carried out its own education needs assessment and wrote it down in last 4 years (2014-2017)/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

The number of schools reporting that the school or the community took action based on the CENA in the last four years/all schools with a CENA, expressed as a percentage.

The number of schools reporting that the school or the community took action x in the last two years/all schools with a CENA, expressed as a percentage.

Head teachers

Head teachers

Head teachers

Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II

Teacher attendance and punctuality


Extra-curricular activities

F.5 Chapter 7 Conducive learning environments for marginalised children, particularly for girls and children with disabilities

Indicator name

Profile of pupil vulnerability in programme schools

Pupil has visual difficulties (% Standard 3 pupils)

Pupil has hearing difficulties (% Standard 3 pupils)

Pupil has movement difficulties (% Standard 3 pupils)

Pupil has memory/concentration difficulties (% Standard 3 pupils)

Pupil has any disability (% Standard 3 pupils)

Indicator definition

Number of Standard 3 pupils reporting seeing difficulties/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

Number of Standard 3 pupils reporting hearing difficulties/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage

Number of Standard 3 pupils reporting walking or climbing difficulties/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage

Number of Standard 3 pupils reporting memory or concentration difficulties/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage

Number of Standard 3 pupils reporting seeing, hearing, walking or climbing, or memory or concentration difficulties/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage

Standard 3 pupils

Standard 3 pupils

Standard 3 pupils

Standard 3 pupils

Standard 3 pupils

Pupil has any physical disability (% Standard 3 pupils)

Pupil takes 45 minutes or longer to get to school (% Standard 3 pupils)

Absenteeism rate in Jan-Mar 2018 (% school days in Q1-2018)

Number of Standard 3 pupils reporting seeing, hearing, walking or climbing difficulties/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage

Number of Standard 3 pupils that take 45 minutes or longer to get to school/all Standard 3 pupils, expressed as a percentage.

Number of days absent in January, February and March of 2018/total number of schools days in that period, expressed as a percentage, for each Standard 3 pupil.

Have schools received the various inputs under sub-component 4B as intended? (EQUIP-T input)

School received training on setting up and running a JUU club in 2016 or 2017 (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that the school received training on setting and running a JUU club in 2016 or 2017/all schools, expressed as a percentage.

Standard 3 pupils

Pupils self-reported their disability status by answering four of the Washington Group’s short set of questions on disability: ‘Do you have difficulties seeing, even if wearing glasses?’; ‘Do you have difficulties hearing, even if using a hearing aid?’; ‘Do you have difficulties walking or climbing steps’; ‘Do you have difficulties remembering or concentrating?’. These questions were taken from DFID’s guide to disaggregating programme data by disability (undated) that was shared with the evaluation team in early 2016, just prior to the midline survey.

Standard 3 pupils

Standard 3 pupils

Schools School received PTP girls’ education grant (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that they received PTP girls’ education grant (grant 2)/all schools, expressed as a percentage.


School received correct amount of PTP girls’ education grant (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that they received the correct amount of PTP girls’ education grant/all schools that received grant, expressed as a percentage.


The correct amount is TZS 550,000 per grant School received copies of Shujaaz magazine in 2016 or 2017 (% schools)

The number of schools that received copies of Shujaaz magazine in 2016-2017/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Schools

Are JUU clubs established, active and supporting marginalised children? (EQUIP-T output and intermediate outcome)

School has a JUU club (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that the school has a JUU club/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Schools

Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II

Number of male and female pupils in the JUU club (mean)

The average number of male and females pupils in the JUU club Schools

Number of times JUU club met in 2017 (mean) The average number of times the JUU club met in 2017 Schools

JUU club carried out activities in 2017 (% schools)

Activities the JUU club has taken in 2017 (% schools):


Pupil attendance/punctuality


Pupils’ safety

Rights to education


Outside school community


Gender equality


Some of the activities the JUU club carried out in 2017 were for particular groups of vulnerable pupils (% schools):

None Girls

Pupils with disabilities

Pupils with learning difficulties

Pupils from poor households

Pupils who don’t speak Kiswahili at home

Pupils with parents not interested in education

Pupils who live far from school

Pupils who are regularly absent

JUU club has access to copies of the Shujaaz magazine (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that the JUU club has carried out activities in 2017/all schools with a JUU club, expressed as a percentage.


The number of schools reporting that the JUU club carried out activity x in 2017/all schools reporting that the JUU club took any activity in 2017, expressed as a percentage.


The number of schools reporting that some of the activities the JUU club carried out in 2017 were for group x of vulnerable pupils/all schools reporting that the JUU club took any activity in 2017, expressed as a percentage.


The number of schools reporting that the JUU club has access to copies of the Shujaaz magazine/all schools with a JUU club, expressed as a percentage.

Has the PTP girls’ education grant been spent and on what? (EQUIP-T output and intermediate outcome)

PTP girls’ education grant has been spent (% schools)

The number of schools reporting that the PTP girls’ education grant has been spent/all schools, expressed as a percentage.



Infrastructure and furniture

PTP girls’ education grant was spent on (% schools): The number of schools reporting that the PTP girls’ education grant was spent on expenditure x/all schools reporting that the PTP grant had been spent, expressed as a percentage.

Admin expenses


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