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> 2nd quarter 2012 – issue 6

Gas station

of the future Installation of Petrobras in RJ is the first application of Cius tablet in Brazil

CiSCo PlUS 2012 Event introduces innovations which can support the 2014 Soccer Cup

A SUCCESS CASE itaú BBA integrates international agencies with state-of-the-art technology

MEGAStorE Cisco products e-commerce attracts small and medium businesses 1





Infrastructure for the consumer


e have millions of cell phones in operation; the quantity of tablets grows exponentially, not to mention the number of netbooks and notebooks in Brazilians’ hands. In short, the data production, the voice traffic and the video and photos transmission

are part of the Brazilian user’s routine, which also concurs with the companies created content.


Tablets Allied in businesses, enemies of it managers?


Explosive mobility Mobile data traffic will grow 18 times until 2016


Short news Cisco, a great place to work; new regional sales channels; UCS exceeds 10 thousand customers; CPM Braxis Capgemini receives Cisco Connected Grid certification

Besides being one of the main bets of the government to guarantee an exemplary service during the great sportive events, in special in 2014 and 2016, the mobile networks will be of fundamental importance for the digital consumption of this user who wants, not only the voice communication, but, mainly, the data transmission and the access to Internet. By the way, our cover article brings the “Station of the Future” of Petrobrás, recently open in Rio de Janeiro, where our Cius Cisco tablet showed one of the first applications especially developed for Brazil. This is an excellent example of efficiency of a mobile device, for the innovation in businesses in different segments. In fact, in this issue of Cisco LIVE Magazine, we also bring the results of a revealing survey: the mobile data world traffic will increase 18 times, reaching a total of 10.8 exabytes/month – or 130 exabytes/year, the equivalent to 33 billion DVDs – until 2016. The data were extracted from Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) – Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast for 2011 to 2016 report. It is pays to check. For Brazil, a 19 time increase is expected, reaching a total of 0.26 exabytes per month until the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Talking about this, we are taking, for the first time, to the wonderful city our main event in the Country – the Cisco Plus Brazil 1012 (the old Cisco Networkers). Beginning on April 2, we will have three intense days to discuss about the main solutions to meet the networks demand and also to improve the bit, medium and small companies’ productivity. We will talk about local and long distance network infrastructure, passing by the new Cloud Computing scenario – including video, data center and virtualization, to the new unified communications applications collaboration. Our main partners and customers will attend this meeting, one of the most important Cisco global events. Tens of exhibitors will be distributed in a more than 10 thousand square meter area of Sulamérica Conventions Center, where more than 2 thousand participants are expected, among congresspersons, sponsors and visitors. With the theme “Building the Infrastructure for the News Brazil”, Cisco Plus Brazil will discuss the importance of technology for the big events in the Country, with national and international speeches. And finally, we are preparing great introductions and investments releases for our country. So we are expecting you in Cisco Plus Brazil 2012, and in all our other CiscoDoBrasil events and communication channels – in the Social Networks, Quint@sQuinze, Radio Cisco and much


Cisco Plus 2012 Company and partners discuss opportunities for the World Soccer Championship and the olympic Games


Full tank Petrobras fuel station of the future breaks paradigms with the use of Cisco Cius

24 28

International expansion itaú BBa uses Cisco technology in latin America Eliminations 10GbE Grid supports the World Soccer Championship eliminatory keys.

30 32

defense Cisco shows solutions for the military sector

Utilities Connected Grid portfolio wins new solutions and services


Awareness implementation reluctance is not justified. Collaboration brings and expected roi!


Cloud Index Cloud data transmission should grow 12 times until 2015.


Small and medium companies Cisco and intelbras sign a partnership to win PMEs


Megastore Cisco the first virtual dealer makes easier the equipments purchase and delivery


Financial partnership With a national office, Cisco Capital supports Cisco partners and customers


Article remote expert for the financial services

more. Together will help to build this New Brazil! Regards, Marco Barcellos


Marketing & PR Director Marco Barcellos

President rodrigo Abreu

Editorial Council Adriana Bueno, Carolina Morawetz, isabela Polito, isabella Micali, jackeline Carvalho, Kiki Gama, Mariana Fonseca, Monica lau e Marco Barcellos

Systems Engineering Director Marcelo Ehalt Channels Director Eduardo Almeida

ProDUCtion Comunicação interativa Editora Responsible Journalist jackeline Carvalho MtB 12456 Editorship Director jackeline Carvalho

Reporters Claudio Souza Francine Mendonça Marcelo Vieira ruan Segretti Special Collaboration Carmen lucia nery (rj) Review Comunicação interativa

Press Service in Press Porter novelli

Printing inergraf

Photos ricardo Kataoka Cimagem Produções

Circulation 5500 copies

Art Marcelo Max



SHort nEWS



The consumerization, however, still generates insecurity in the IT


isco communicated data of a global research about the IT managers’s and executives’ awareness in the use of tablets in companies, a phenomenon known as consumerization. In the research, the respondents are unanimous: the customizes applications for these devices should bring important benefits for the businesses. Entrusted to Redshift Research, the study heard 1.5 thousand IT managers and executives in USA, Canada, United Kingdon, France, Germany and Spain to evaluate the attitudes, fears and hopes for tablets in the work station. It is hoped that, in 2012, meaningful changes occur in the corporate use of tablets. The respondents are primary IT decision makers or they have a fundamental role in the decision process for all IT products. Individual businesspersons were excluded from the study. The interviews were made by the end of 2011. Among the surveyed countries, USA and France are adoption leaders, with one tablet for 21% of the workforce. Senior executives have more probability to have a tablet in USA (38%) and less in the United Kingdom (27%). Spain leads the list of the most excited businesspersons with the technology, with 90% of IT managers, betting that the tablet will become more popular in the next two years. Among those professionals who use the technology for sales, the tablets are more common in Germany (31%) than in all the other countries (average of 21%). And in the war between tablets vs smartphones, the IT departments report a tablet order for every three smartphones orders.


Safety The USA, a country with more experience in tablets management, is also ranked in the first place as far as safety is concerned: 75% of IT managers said that new rules should be established for the safety and use of tablets. Almost half (48%) of all respondents agree that the company should have restricted access and applications. Canada and the UK were the most interested countries in restricting the access to tablets applications (55% and 56%, respectively). Globally, three quarters of IT managers point out e-mail and documents sharing as the essential characteristics of tablets. Half of them agreed that other desirable features are video conference, instant messages, access to the company data base and the perfect synchronization with other businesses devices.

You should bring your own device? Almost half (48%) of the research respondents say that their company would never permit the employees to bring their own devices to the work, but 57% agree that some employees do it without permission. More than half (51%) say that bringing personal devices to work is a growing trend. The use of personal devices without the company permission was more evident in USA (64%) and less in Germany (49%). The access to the company’s servers was mentioned as the “great problem” of the BYOD – (bring your own device), due to the possibility to have it lost or stolen (64%). Globally, 44% say that dealing with BYOD matters diverts the attention to other important projects. “The mobile employees and the virtual work stations are here to stay, just like the IT need to keep on assuring the safety in the corporation level, management and interoperability”, says Tom Puorro, Cisto product management director. “2012 promises to be an exciting year; and the IT leaders are a critical component in the innovation and to permit that the organizations make use of the nest businesses and opportunities growth wave.”



SHort nEWS

THE MOBILE EXPLOSION The data traffic will reach 130 exabytes/year until 2016


he world mobile data traffic will increase 18 times, reaching a total of 10.8 exabytes per month – or 130 exabytes/year, the equivalent to 33 billion DVDs – until 2016. For Brazil it is expected a 19 time increase. Reaching a total of 0.26 exabytes/ month in 2016. The data were extracted from Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast report for 2011 to 2016), according to which the strong increase in mobile traffic is, in part, a result of a forecast increase in the number of mobile devices connected to internet, which will exceed the number of the world population (7.3 billion inhabitants in 2016, according to the United Nations). In the period, Cisco foresees that the mobile data global traffic will exceed in three times the fixed data global traffic. This traffic volume increase represents a 78% composed annual growth rate (CAGR) for the same period of time. Just the additional traffic volume for the mobile interned between 2015 and 2016 is equivalent to approximately three times the estimated size of the whole mobile internet in 2012. The trends which are considering these expressive increases include more and more content by streaming. With the consumers’ increased expectance for ondemand or streaming contents, the cloud traffic originated by mobile devices should grow 28 times between 2011 and 2016, with a 95% annual growth.


The higher number of mobile connections is a factor: there will be more than 10 billion mobile devices connected to the internet in 2016, including machine to machine (M2M) modules. The mobile devices are also becoming more powerful and, consequently, able to consume and generate more data traffic. Tablets are an excellent example of this trend, generating traffic levels which will grow 62 times between 2011 and 2016 – the highest growth rate of any device category considered in the forecast. The mobile data traffic volume generated by tablets in 2016 (1 exabyte per month) will be four times higher than the mobile data global traffic total and monthly values in 2010 (237 petabytes/month). The network connection speed is a fundamental factor for the mobile data traffic growth. More speed means more consumption, and for the connection speeds (including 2G,3G and 4G networks) a growth of nine times was forecast between 2011 and 2016. The mobile devices users want the best possible experiences and in general this means mobile videos, which will represent 71% of mobile data traffic in 2016. The study also projects that 71% of all smart phones and tablets (1.6 billion) could be capable to be connected to a mobile network internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) until2016. In a far-reaching perspective, 39% of all mobile devices in the world (more than four billion) could be compatible with the IPv6 in 2016.



SHort nEWS




n a professional environment with a flexible work journey, the office can be located in any address, there is no personalized desk and there is no need to be present. the professional who comes to work for Cisco, is quickly adapted to a differentiated actuation model, which is standard all over the world: he she is accountable for targets. this is a differential which took the company to the 25th position in the ranking of “100 Best Companies to Work” of época magazine. “this Cisco model gives mobility and flexibility to the professional, who is motivated by what is forecast in the business plan”, says rose Mary Morano, Cisco Brazil Hr director. Cisco supplies all the equipments and resources so that the professional can connect to the administration, such as cell phone, computers, wide band systems, smart phones and also an extension for direct calls to the office. Another factor which also attracts the Brazilian professional is the possibility to develop an international career, according to luciana issa, Cisco talent acquisition manager. “there is the possibility of a career plan in Cisco. And this is, at the same time, an important and motivating factor”, she concludes.

From left to right, Rose Mary Morano and Luciana Issa, who are accountable for Cisco HR program maintenance in Brazil.





Cisco Home networking, the linKsys brand products businesses division, signed a partnership with Golden Distribuidora and All nations, which work in the informatics equipments distribution market. the new distributing companies will now commercialize all linKsys products, which include advanced rotators, adaptors, acccess points, among other state-of-theart technology equipments for the residential and small offices market. the partnership is part of Golden strategy to invest in its growth in the hardware segment. the company is in the informatics market for more than 20 years and has a strong presence among the main dealers all over the country. All nations, on the other hand, with headquarters in rio de janeiro, is present, for almost two decades, in the technology market and, just like Golden, is a partner of the main global manufacturers.

6 UCS HAS EXCEEdS 10 000 CUSToMERS MARKS Plataform hold world records 53 benchmarks


isco announced that, in a little more than two years since the introduction, its Unified Computing System – UCS, which integrates computation, networks, management and visualization, has attracted the attention of data centers and Cios: more than 10 thousand customers all over the world, including 3 thousand in Europe and hundreds in latin America, have the solution already implemented. Many analysts of the industry were skeptical about the capacity of this technology to win positions in such a competitive market. nevertheless, according to Cisco, the system enabled costs economy and meaningful businesses benefits in all industries and scenarios. Since the beginning of its distribution, in july 2009, the UCS won 53 performance benchmarks world records, besides dozens of awards from the industry by its innovation.

According to a recent study conducted by theinfoPro, Cisco maintains the leadership among all server suppliers. the company was considered by 33% of respondents as “the manufacturer of the most interesting servers , with eight percent points ahead of the company ranked in second place. the 2011 Cisco Cloud index foresees that cloud computing is transforming the businesses: more than 40% of data centers’ work load will be based on cloud until 2014. in general, the cloud traffic will grow 12 times until 2015, or 1.6 zettabytes per year, the equivalent to more than four days of corporate video for each and every inhabitant on earth. this explosive growth, according to Cisco, demands data centers’ advanced capabilities forecast by UCS to support the

delivery of cloud application from point to point. UCS is a matrix computation platform which combines network servers standard x86, with the grid and access to storage in an integrated system. Cisco works with manufacturers which are industry leaders in software infrastructure, including BMC, CA, Citrix, EMC, Hitachi DataSystems, Microsoft, netApp, oracle, red Hat, SAP and VMware.




CPM Braxis Capgemini, part of Capgemini Group, was awarded Cisco Connected Grid certification, as is certified to commercialize all Cisco Smart Grid product lines and services. the company is the first one to receive this habilitation in Brazil and the fourth in the world to meet all the required criteria. the process to be entitled to this certification began in july 2011,

when the delivery, pre-sales and sales areas were trained and qualified for commercialization of the offers. According to McKinsey advising company, the technology and applications market for Smart Grid should reach global investments of US$ 31 billion annually, until 2014. the data are part of McKinsey Study on Smart Grid McKinsey & Company, Summer 2010.





The event will show the main trends of the industry and should congregate more than 2 thousand attendants in this issue



etween April 2 thru 4, Rio de Janeiro, stage of great international events, such as Rio+20, the World Soccer Championship and the Olympic Games, will also host Cisco Plus (exCisco Networkers), one of the main Cisco global meetings with customers and partners. The new identity is a result of the market advances. According to Marco Barcellos, Cisco marketing director in Brazil, in the eight years of event

international speakers. The attendants will also be able to follow forums about the use of technology in education, health, finances, telecommunication among other areas. Cisco and its partners will introduce their most recent technological news in unified communication, grids, mobility, safety, data centers, virtualization, cloud computing, video and DMS, ISR G2 (new line of Cisco rotators), among others. “As far as the technical training

6 Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 will discuss the importance of the technology infrastructure for important events in the Country the world economy and the adopted technologies to connect people and companies have drastically changed and Cisco followed each and every step of this metamorphosis. “Today, Cisco offers increasingly far-reaching solutions and architectures, altering the market dynamics, including data centers and videos, as well as the trends and businesses models, such as cloud and managed services”. Cisco Plus 2012 intends to capitalize these changes to leverage businesses benefits for partners and customers. To this purpose, 11 exhibitors will be distributed in a 10 thousand square meter area at Sulamérica Conventions Center, where more than 2 thousand attendants among CIOs, congresspersons, sponsors and visitors are expected. With the theme “Building the Infrastructure for the New Brazil”, Cisco Plus Brazil 2012 will discuss the importance of the technology infrastructure for important events in the Country, with national and

(Networkers Program) is concerned, we will have more than 70 technical sessions including architectures, solution and products, besides cour s e s and Cis co Online Certification. Part of the cost will be subsidized by the company. In the business sessions, we will discuss the new verticals, such as Energy (Oil & Gas), Education and Public Sector. In the exposition, we will have a live laboratory for “Concepts Proof”, says Barcellos.

“today, Cisco offers increasingly farreaching solutions and architectures, altering the market dynamics, including data centers and videos, as well as the trends and businesses models, such as cloud and managed services” — MArCo BArCElloS, CiSCo Do BrASil MArKEtinG DirECtor

6 AWARdS The event will also award prizes to customers’ projects, who were differentiated and had an outstanding presence for the use of advanced Technologies in their respective actuation areas. The winners of the third issue of “Cisco Innovation Awards” will be announced on April 4, in the following categories: Cloud, Data Center and Virtualization; Cooperation, Borderless Networks, IP NGN Infrastructure and Video Solutions..




CISCO PLuS 2012 Check introductions and new things that some of the companies attending the event will show in this issue: DIMENSION DATA


fter planning and integrating the IT infrastructure of six stadiums in South Africa World Soccer Championship, including the Green Point – considered as the most modern stadium in the world, the Dimension Data – integrating IT services and solutions, present in 51 countries – is now prepared to apply its experience in the Brazilian World Cup. The company will show during the event all its accumulated knowhow. The dealings with contractors and consortiums are already on the way. “We are also trying to leverage other business opportunities with correlation to the stadiums, such as hotels and airports”, says Jack Sterenberg, president of the company in Brazil.

The company booth is built in such a way as to show the platform as an implantation strategy phase and, so, to pave the way for Cisco community professionals’ adhesion.



or this issue of Cisco Plus, RedDrummer will show a service for Cisco partners, based on a project which was jointly developed with Cisco marketing directors, known as Cisco Vibe. The service is an interaction platform between professionals and partners with focus on the professional relationship in the work environment. According to RedDrummer, the project main objective is to build a more agile communication flow, to permit an evolution in the relations among professionals connected to Cisco and o the partner companies, to make the company development and Cisco business in the market easier. The project will be presented for the first time to Cisco Plus partners.



lcateia will transform its booth in Cisco Plus into a meeting point for the whole Cisco community. The place will be equipped with all Cisco products which are worked by distributor, according to Rodrigo Silva, marketing manager. “We want that our booth be a meeting point, where will have a skilled team to welcome all our partners and will find adequate solutions to their projects”. Alcateia’s flagship will be the Classic line, switches portfolio recently recorded by the distributor.






luke Networks will show hardware and software solutions for diagnoses, analysis, performance monitoring and reports of applications and corporative networks, for both cabled and wireless networks. Aligned to the market trends and concerned in innovating, the company introduces, each and every day, products that meet the challenges referring to the virtualization and the proper monitoring of a cloud computing architecture.



romonLogicalis participation will be based on the importance of the business vision connected to new technologies adoption. By means of technical speeches and successful cases, the company will show its services offer and its professionals’ consultant expertise that makes them capable to translate the technological innovations into solutions for the companies’ daily problems. “One of our main differentials is the consultant approach. Our team is prepared to understand the customer’s challenges and to propose innovating and adequate solutions to their business models”, explains Luis Minuru Shibata, PromonLogicalis consultant director and one of the speakers during the event.



ntelbras will reinforce the incentive to small and medium Brazilian companies to migrate to the IP telephone system. And will show the products that compose the Unified Communication solution offered together with


Cisco. The solution is a result of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 3000 (BE3000) adequacy to the Brazilian market and the licensing of Cisco Unified Communications technology for certain IP telephone models and Intelbras voice gateways. The commercialization of the complete solution, under the name CIP60300, will be exclusively accomplished through Intelbras integrating channel, and will be available for sales as of April 2012. This is about a Unified Communication with a capacity to render services to companies with 50 to 300 users, integrating voice, video, mobility, messages, conference and voice gateway services, in multiple localities.






lantronics will take to the event its compatible products portfolio and its certificates for Cisco platform. Among them, the company points out: - CS540: which permits the fixed telephone with the lightest DECTG wireless headset, with three options of use: over the ear (discrete and elegant), over the head (to improve the stability) and behind the head (super discrete, without relinquishing the stability); - Voyager PRO UC Bluetooth headset system: a new intelligent sensors technology for the user’s continuous and intuitive experience, which permits the calls management and a high audio quality; - Savi 740S: also with three options of use, (ear, head and behind the head), Savi is an option for those who want more practicability and mobility, as, by means of its high power Bluetooth connection, enables a distance of up to 100 meter from the devices. Another differential of the product is its battery, which just with one load, it is possible to talk for 9 consecutive hours.



amovo will show during Cisco Plus a new offer of Collaboration as a Service in Brazil (CaaS), in partnership with Cisco. According to the company, this hosted service makes the unified communication adoption faster in Brazil. The CaaS offer is based on Cisco Hosted Collaboration Service architecture and works from two redundant data centers located in Brazil. Damovo says that, with the “as a service” model, which uses the cloud power, the offer permits that the customers in Brazil have access to what is more updated about the cooperation solutions, with no need of heavy investments in dedicated infrastructure and with the monthly effective costs forecast. The additional benefits for the customers include the costs reduction with power energy, physical space and people, as the services integrated management will be


done by a Damovo dedicated experts team. The CaaS offer includes new advanced integration resources between fixed and mobile telephones, the use of soft client, instantaneous messages and presence. The products also make video calls inside and outside the office.



urukawa shows the ITMAX solution for data center. A platform which involves infrastructure products such as RACKS as well as the Optical performance channels (OM4), Metallic (CAT6A and CAT7) and Data Center Management (DCIM). Due to the concern with the band grow th in a sustainable way in data center environments, the optical solutions are taking increasingly more space from CAT6A and CAT7 solutions. According to Furukawa, this year the company brings optimized optical solutions that simplify and make transparent the migration process to 40G/100G. Furthermore, Furukawa shows management tools which permit a better control of environment variables and the data center energy.




Furukawa no mundo: Com uma tradição de 127 anos de história, o grupo Furukawa aplica o conhecimento e a qualidade adquiridos no decorrer dos anos nos setores de Telecomunicações e TI. Soluções completas em redes: Atendem as mais distintas expectativas de redes locais, Data Centers, Call Centers e industriais, fornecendo conectividade a 10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s e 100 Gb/s Ethernet. Redes ópticas e metálicas, OM4, OM3, CAT.6A, CAT.6 e CAT.5e. Respeito ao meio ambiente: Abrir caminho para a informação através da tecnologia, protegendo o meio ambiente, é uma das filosofias da Furukawa, que oferece produtos RoHs Compliant e LSZH - Low Smoke Zero Halogen (livre de halogênios e com baixa emissão de fumaça), ambientalmente corretos. Certificações Internacionais: Produtos e soluções com certificados internacionais de desempenho e qualidade outorgados pela UL e ETL.

MATRIZ E UNIDADE INDUSTRIAL: Furukawa: Rua Hasdrubal Bellegard, 820 – CIC – Curitiba – PR – CEP: 81460-120 – Tel.: (41) 3341-4200 Metrocable: Av. Brasília, 1300 – Distrito Industrial – Salto – SP – CEP: 13327-100 – Tel.: (41) 4602-6100 ESCRITÓRIO NACIONAL DE VENDAS: Av. das Nações Unidas, 11.633 – 14º and. – Brooklin – São Paulo – SP – CEP: 04578-901 – Tel.: (11) 5501-5711




DO YOU WANT TO FILL IT uP? A routine in Brazilian drivers’ daily life, to fill the tank of vehicles wins new concepts and services based on state-of-the-art technology. Petrobras Fuel Station of the Future is the first application of Cius tablet in the Country



he fuel station of the future is already a reality in Brazil and Cisco is part of it. Petrobras Distribuidora’s pilot project, known as Posto do Futuro Petrobras, congregates state-of-the-art technologies in interactivity, services, energetic efficienc y and environmental sustainability. It was open on December 13 at Barra da Tijuca, West Area of Rio de Janeiro, and is a model that can be expanded to the other cities of the country and abroad. Cisco is taking part in the project supplying Cius networking equipments, a solution that integrates IP telephone and tablet. It was originally developed for the corporate market. Besides all the already existing functionalities in the standard equipment, Cisco customizes specific applications for the Petrobras Distribuidora’s brand, which will enable the users to have a better involvement with all the services that offered in the Fuel Station of the Future. Among those functionalities, the high definition videoconference is included. The consumers will be able to talk in actual time to experts of Petrobras Distribuidora and have their doubts solved about vehicles maintenance routines, such as, oil changes, or they can

obtain information about other maintenance services that are rendered by the fuel station. Cius also enables the voice access to Petrobras Distribuidora’s other services rendering to the consumer, such as the use of the network fidelity card, information about the products catalogue and BR Mania’s monthly promotions, besides the access to maps to identify specific addresses in town. “The Fuel Station of the Future project shows the technology role in increasing the services interactivity, bringing a new experience to the consumers. The inclusion of mobile devices such as Cisco Cius in this project reinforces Petrobras Distribuidora’s pioneering in the country, like other leader companies which are market leaders all over the world, which have adopted this equipment to guarantee more agility, safety and service rendering quality to their customers”, points out Rodrigo Abreu, Cisco do Brasil president. Init ially, Po sto do Fut uro will have four Cius unities. The equipments are ultraportable ones, they weight 520 grams and offer Cisco collaboration applications, in a mobile platform with a high safety level. Besides the total interoperabilit y of videoconference, Cisco Cius offers

“the Fuel Station of the Future Project shows the technology role in increasing the services interactivity, bringing a new experience to the consumers. the inclusion of mobile devices such as Cisco Cius in this project reinforces Petrobras Distribuidora’s pioneering in the country” — roDriGo ABrEU, CiSCo Do BrASil PrESiDEnt

HD video streaming and video inn actual time, conferences with several participants, e-mails, instant messages, internet navigation and the capacity to produce, edit and share stored content in the device or in cloud. “Cius is the visible part in this project, but behind it there a hole infrastructure of servers and wireless equipments technology, which belong to Cisco”, said the company president.




6 ENVIRoNMENTAl CoNSERVATIoN Posto do Futuro project involves modern systems of energetic efficiency and environmental sustainability. Among them, we can mention: • Mechanical timers on taps and pluvial water usage • Zenithal lighting, of magnetic induction and led • Solar energy used to charge electric vehicles and in warming water to wash vehicles • Wind energy accumulated in batteries to power emergency lighting led bulbs

Very fast Another Cius feature is the simplicity to develop applications with Android operational system. According to Leon Grek in, director of the communication and collaboration group of Cisco Customer Business Transformation director, the product application for Posto do Futuro was developed in just two weeks. Cius tablets can be used in the whole service unit and also as a credit card machine. A modern protection system renders the equipment u s ele s s remotely if someone takes it out of the permitted perimeter. Posto do Futuro was the first utilization of Cius in Brazil, but Abreu evaluates that the equipment can be used in many other areas economy. “There are so many technologies in the world which we do not use. So what we just did here was to take this available technology and bring it to be used by the average citizen. The technology makes sense only when it is in people’s lives”, said José Lima de Andrade Neto, Presidente of Petrobras Distribuidora.


“the Fuel Station of the Future, totally developed in Brazil, is a model for the industry all over the world, just like the Brazilian creativity in applying state-of-the-art technologies” — FErnAnDo MArtinS, intEl’ CEo

Vehicles Identification The corporate tablet is mainly adequate to those companies which need capillarity, constant remote date updat ing and a robust equipment. “The idea is to stimulate a more accentuated use of technologies in Brazilian society and, mainly, in small and medium companies. If the whole chain uses more technology, the companies will win more and will generate more income”, says Abreu. Besides Cius, Posto do Futuro brings other innovating technologies, such as the vehicles automatic identification (the consumer needs to be recorded as a Petrobras Distribuidora consumer before), by means of the tag plate reading by special cameras. With the identification the systems provides, automatically, information about the vehicle, like the date when the oil should be changed and, as soon as the customer stops in the fuel station to fill the tank, the system shows personalized offers on a monitor located by the side of the fuel pumps. The fuel station manages can also count on a remote automation and managing system. The information about the customers, and those referring to management, are stored in cloud on in Petrobras data centers. Posto do Futuro is a world worldwide innovation project made by means of the cooperation with Brazilian companies and counted on the efforts of partners such as Mauel, which supplied a number of displays used in the fuel station, and Multiway and Autofind, which have developed the cars and customers




identification technology, besides developers of Idealabs software and Engeset and GE, which supplied the alternative energy technologies. Intel, besides supplying its processors and servers for the project, leaded the interaction software development used in the fuel station. “Other companies can build solutions on top the Posto do Futuro’s platform”, said Fernando

Martins, CEO of the company which is also using Posto do Futuro’s initiative to test its radio-frequency identification technology (RFID), aiming at the government plans to implement the vehicles electronic tag places in the country. “The Fuel Station of the Future, totally developed in Brazil, is a model for the industry all over the world and is an example of Brazilian creativity in the application of state-of-the-art technologies”, said Martins.

Sustainability The Fuel Station of the Future project involves modern energetic efficiency and environmental sustainability systems. Among them, there are mechanical timers in taps, the use of pluvial water for gardens, floors cleaning and cars washing. Besides the rainwater collection, the water used to wash vehicles is also recycled. This reduces the consumption in up to 50%. The so called “white roof”, the use of zenithal lighting of magnetic induction and led, also points to an expressive total energy consumption reduction. The s olar ener g y is another attraction in Posto do Futuro, used for two purposes: in a station to load electric vehicles and to worm the water to wash vehicles, reducing the use of chemical




Cius videoconference system was introduced by the actor Luigi Barricelli. He is very well known by his acting on TV, but what just a handful of persons know is that Luigi has a degree in data processing, he is fanatic for technology and he made some suggestions for the fuel station automation project. A personal friend of Nelson Barbosa, CIO of Petrobras Distribuidora, he says that in one of their talks about technology, during some tennis games, they talked about what could be developed to meet the customers’ needs. “I love technology and love to talk about the subject. So I can say that there is a little seed of mine in this project”, said Luigi. In the fuel station official opening, the actor was shown on Cius screen so that the invited people could test the videoconference function that was offered for consultations with Petrobras Distribuidora’s experts about the vehicles maintenance.

products and the rinsing volume in up to 10%. The wind energy is also present. Accumulated in batteries, it feeds the emergency lighting led bulbs in the entrances of supply docks.





SUPPORTED IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO EXPAND ITS INTERNATIONAL ACTUATION The solutions include servers and network updating, safety and access increase, as well as telepresence and IP telephony access


ith a c u stomer s’ portfolio based, above all, in impor tant institutional investors and companies – the yearly average sales volume of which exceeds US$ 100 million – Itaú BBA is the bulk bank of investments and the institutional treasury of Itaú Unibanco group. Considering these customers’ businesses importance and complexity, IBBA actuation gives emphasis to the exclusivity and customization. To meet this premise and to support the creation of new offices in Latin America, the bank chose Cisco as a partner to supply new technologies.


The purpose is to implant solutions that involve the whole IT environment, including servers, network, access safety, video and IP telephony. The region has a great importance to Itaú BBA and the expansion plan includes agencies in Peru, Chile, Argentina e Uruguay, besides a bank in Colombia. The investment exceeds US $2 million. The institution’s network present infrastructure core is distributed into four main points, all of them in São Paulo: one businesses office, two of operations (which include contact center and back office) and a backup and disasters recovery data center. Furthermore, they have eight national branches which are connected to São Paulo offices, besides the international branches – USA, Europe and Asia – which also use the IBBA network to make financial operations. There are also direct connections to Bolsa de Mercados e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&F Bovespa) through Itaú exchange broker agency and the bank itself. “The network is a very critical infrastructure for Itaú BBA”, says Pérsio Gontijo, the bank telecommunication manager. “It is a non-stop 24/7 network, because it also supports operation in Asia.”

Motivated by the operational efficiency of a unique technological partner, IBBA oriented the integrator’s hiring by the regional presence, an item in which PromonLogicallis had an outstanding result. “One of the motivators was to have a company which could meet our needs in the highest possible number of disciplines, to deliver this state-ofthe-art technology”, explains Gontijo. “Cisco has videoconference, network, IP telephony, safety access to the Internet via VPN solutions as well as servers. This makes the management, availability, configuration and delivery speed of these projects much easier”, he adds. It should be pointed out that the support to this infrastructure occurs in São Paulo and the branches are extensions of the project. This way, the interoperability plays a fundamental role. “The central data network was restructured and we have increased the telephony system to give more support to more connections, besides providing security, including in the videoconference environment, what permits us a better integration”, declares the bank telecommunication manager. In the case of telephony, 70% of the bank structure is IP, and the rest will migrate to the same standard until the end of the first semester. “The whole bank telephony will be 100$ IP”, guarantees Gontijo.

Perception Even not talking about concrete results, as the project implantation is a recent one, some Cisco technology advantages can be notices already. “This choice enabled us to conclude the new localities implantation in a much shorter term. We signed the contracts in November 2011 and in January 2012 we already had our first branch in production”, reveals

Gontijo, saying the second unit began operation in February. “The Colombian bank and a new branch in Peru are being implanted and we are planning to renew our branches in Uruguay, Chile and Argentina”, informs the executive. The project also enables the bank to have a fast growth in Latin America, as it forecasts operation in prospect markets besides the already mentioned ones – and with a telecommunication infrastructure standard model. “The international expansion is one of our many ongoing projects. Everything that we do in our international branches we apply here in Brazil in the same intensity. This way we guarantee a better environment stability and availability”.

Telepresence With the purpose to reduce costs with executives travels – transportation, hotels and, of course, time – Itaú BBA followed the example of the Group and invested in telepresence rooms in all its nine Latin-American rooms, besides 16 other rooms in the offices located in São Paulo, Salvador, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. Also implanted by PromonLogicalis, Cisco solution conjugates audio and v ideo multipoint transmission in high definition, about the IP network. The aim is to guarantee to the executives the same benefits of meetings with their presence. Cisco video and videophones equipment complete the solution, together with Cius corporate tablet, which is in homologation phase for future use. “The economy that we have obtained with the telepresence technology is a visible one, as it is possible to connect all the national

“Cisco solutions make the management and the configuration easier and increase the availability and the rapidity in projects delivery” — Pérsio Gontijo, IBBA

and international branches weekly with the bank executive committee, avoiding the travels of directors and professionals”, explains Marcelo Lourenço, technology director of Itaú BBA. “We are very happy to be able to offer Itaú BBA a complete solution, which meets their business needs and also reduces their costs”, says Marcos Siqueira, business for the corporate market director of PromonLogicalis. The customers’ videoconference proprietary system was maintained and integrated to the new equipments. The project also involves the installation of Cisco TP Server technology, which permits the image transmission among up to 12 places (videoconference or telepresence, from within or out the financial institution) in one screen. Itaú BBA expectance is to make about 600 meetings in 2012 with the use of the new systems, what, besides reducing operational costs, guarantees more agility in decisions making, increases the productivity and contributes to the bank sustainability policy.


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10GbW SUPPORTS THE ELIMINATORY KEYS FOR THE WORLD SOCCER CUP In partnership with Oi operator, the project was carried out by Sonda IT using Cisco and Furukawa solutions


urukawa and Cisco brands are in the front for Brazil’s preparation for the FIFA 2014 World Soccer Championship. The first event of the tournament, held last year at Marina da Glória, Rio de Janeiro, for the selection of the eliminatory keys, was supported by a 10GbE network available in different points of the Marina. In partnership with Oi operator, the structured network project attracted the attention of accomplishers and invited people alike. “We need to point out that this structure (at Marina da Gloria) was built from zero and the whole infrastructure was the best for the selection”, said FIFA director, Nicolas Maingot, during an interview to the press people who were present. In order to sustain an information traffic in a 10GbE speed in several environments of Marina da Gloria and at Copacabana Palace, Windson/ Sofitel and Lemont Barra hotels, which have concentrated most visitors and invited persons of the event, Furukawa Lan and Wan networks infrastructure solutions were installed, with a total of 1640 data and voice connections. Five thousand meters of the manufacturer’ optical cables with OM4 multilmode fibers were also used for the optical backbone construction, which interconnected the central


switches, routers and antennas to the seven STAs – telecom rooms for the networks centralization/distribution. From Cisco, about 200 large, medium and small size equipments were used for the network nucleus and the access distribution. For the global magnitude, the event could not have been a best window for the companies. With live TV transmission, for almost two hours to 207 countries, it attracted the attention of millions spectators all over the world, besides two thousand persons who were at the ceremony, such as important names of soccer, artists, memberassociations, and FIFA executives, businesspersons and journalists. “This event became a great success case for all the partner brands which are involved in telecom infrastructure project. We are very proud of this accomplishment, which accredits us and differentiates us for future bids to be open to our sector”,

says Silmar Pimenta Terra, commercial director for Oi Telecom in Sonda IT. “A l l t h e s e te c h n o lo g i e s undoubtedly have the best cost/ benefit in the market, promoting a safe environment and the maximum availability in very high speed 100% IP networks”, says Sylmar Terra.

Full time From the integrating company, the project involved more than 40 professionals of the technical and supervision areas. Out of these, ten remained on-site daily, during the event for monitoring all net work points full time. Furukawa offered support in the Engineering and Advanced Logistics areas for the materials delivery, which were distributed by Lantelli, an accredited partner in Rio de Janeiro. The work for the official FIFA event was built in 30 days and carried out within the terms that were established by Oi and by Match, a company which hires any TIC supplier in all the Federation’s events in the world. The partnership with Green IT Furukawa shared responsibility program was also a differential in this project: in practice since 2007 in Brazil and which involves more than one hundred organizations in the

Country. According to the program, all the network topology materials for the event – in a total of 2.5 tons of cable and components – were discarded and donated to be recycled by the manufacturer’s homologated companies, and were transformed again in raw materials which serve different types of industries in Brazil. For the partnership to the Program, the companies did not deposit 1.2 ton of heavy metals on industrial landfills. Also 231.04 tons of copper ore were not explored and the electric power consumption of 23,250kW/h was reduced, enough to supply electricity to 155 houses during one month.

6 SUSTAINING BASE To support the information traffic in a 10GbE speed in several points the following solutions were installed:: • Furukawa LAN and WAN networks, with a total of 1640 data and voice connections. • Five thousand meters of the manufacturer’s optic cables with OM4 multimode fibers, which interconnected the central switches, routers and antennas to seven STAs - telecom rooms for the networks centralization/distribution. • 200 Cisco large, medium and small size equipments for the network nucleus and the access distribution





COMPLETE MILITARY APPARATUS An event held in Rio de Janeiro shows Cisco power in the defense market


is co pre s ented the “Architectures based on networks for Military Organizations” seminar, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The event has the purpose to bring Cisco near its customers in the Military Defense area, to present solutions and exchange experiences. This event was already held in Chile and Mexico. Now it came to Brazil because of the present investments potential in the country, Cisco strategic positioning and the present projects for borders control – SISGAAZ and SISFRON. According to Rubens Camargo, businesses development manager for Cisco legal department, the seminar

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does not have a previous established frequency. It happens as the market potential in each and every region is acknowledged. “The option for Brazil this time was strongly leveraged by the great SISGAAZ and SISFRON border control projects, presently in development in Brazil, besides, obviously, all the mega events such as Rio +20, the Pope’s visit, the World Soccer Cup, the Confederations Championship, the Olympic Games, among other events”, he informed. The executive says that the event was divided in the following manner: during the first day, the seminar had a more strategic approach, directed toward the highest military ranks.

The importance of open protocols was pointed out, like the internet protocol, even in critical mission application with high confidentiality content. On the second day, the main Cisco products pillars were introduced in a more technical way – borderless networks, cooperation, data center and video, ending with specific organizations of these products lines for military application, where the requirements are, sometimes, more stringent that in civilian applications.

Apparatus According to Camargo, the event had an outstanding customers’ presence, mainly those divisions which are more related to the Military Information and Communication Technology. This is the case, for example of Centro Integrado de Telemática (CITEX) AND Centro de Comunicações e Guerra Eletrônica do Exército (CCOMGEX), Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (DECEA), and Comissão de Implantação do Sistema de Controle Aéreo da Aeronáutica (CISCEA), Diretoria de Sistemas de Armas da Marinha (DSAM), Centro de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento para a Segurança das Comunicações (CEPESC), connected to ABIN, besides companies such as Space Imaging and Oi Operator. “Cisco is the best positioned c om p a ny to s u ppl y T IC infrastructure. We have the most reliable, far-reaching and integrated products line, which involves from built in routers to satellites installed IP transponders. We count on an advances services team with unmatched expertise and, above all, our highest commitment sense, Cisco’s permanent differential”, concluded the executive.

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VErtiCAl UtilitiES

CISCO TO ENLARGE PORTFOLIO OF SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES IN CONNECTED GRID With initiative, the company helps energy utilities to modernize their grids and contributes with environmental policies


reenpeace the NGO that defends environmental causes, communicated in the beginning of 2012 an updating of its CoolIT report, which classifies the best and “coolest “technology companies all over the world. The ranking shows the companies that are progressing (or disappointing) in the TIgreen area which, at every passing year, receives more attention by the socially responsible companies. For these punctuations, Greenpeace considers the companies that use their own technology to reduce greenhouse gases emissions. It also takes into consideration the company’s public and political involvement, with points for those which monitor and manage their own emissions reduction. Cisco is among those companies which are leaders in Greenpeace ranking. The reason: massive investment in technology research and development for smart grids, which not only save energy but also help to reduce carbon emissions in


countries which energetic matrix is basically dependent on fossil fuels burn. And Cisco investments in the area do not stop growing. In January, the company announced new solutions and services for its Connected Grid portfolio, which help the utilities to update their transmission lines with flexibility, safety and interoperability. The new architecture meets the key requirements about cost, reliability and scalability in those companies communication infrastructure. As the electric grid becomes more intelligent and complex, the utilities all over the world want technologies that grow to deal with a number of operational needs along the time, to support the market singularity and the organized structures, and that are designed so that systems of different suppliers can work together. They also need solutions that offer them a high degree of safety and permit to use the already installed technology base, while they update their electricity grids.

Cisco Connected Grid 100 Series Router

Transition “Cisco smart grid offers expansion will enable the public services rendering companies a more efficient transition to a highly intelligent energy infrastructure of the 21st century”, says Laura Ipsen, connected energy grids senior v ice-pre s ident. “Cisco developed solutions which will help to reduce costs and obtain more value in the transition to more robust and scalable standards of their already existing grids.



VErtiCAl UtilitiES

1 This architecture approach to intelligent grids can help the customer to accomplish long term strategic objectives, reducing operational expenses.” Considering these requirements, Cisco offers to the utilities and partners a far-reaching plan for the implantation of intelligent grids, known as Grid-Blocks Architecture. It offers a perspective view of the integration between telecommunications and the electric grid, as well as specific guidelines for the communications implantation in all the existing grids. It also supplies a structure for the management and safety solutions project and implantation for the whole grid. The new Cisco offers – which include a FAN (field area network) grid solution, as well as expanded transmission products and for substations –are based on this architecture model and are designed to meet the needs of the utilities as far as reliability, costs and scalability in their infrastructures are concerned. The resource combines smart grid measurement, distribution, data collection and one Itron utility


software with Cisco routers and switches based on IPv6.

Composition The new line of Cisco robust IPv6 routers: Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid router is part of the solution. The router is offered in models for open air assembly – the CGR 1240 – and indoor assembly on tracks DIN - CGR 1120. They support 2G,

3G, WiMAX and other standards. This also includes new endpoints and devices and grid management systems. For transmission and substations grids, Cisco announced its CGR 2000 series modules with support to DSL grids and 4G/LTE and ISDN WAN wireless grids. The products also have reinforced safety so that the utilities do not have to worry about invasions.


on UTC 2012 latin America Summit, the company discusses regulatory and safety matters for the smart grid in the Country. EIn March, Cisco will actively attend UTC 2012 Latin America Summit, an annual meeting about telecommunications and information technology for public services companies in Latin America. Promoted by Utilities Telecom Council, the conference is the most important meeting in the world of TIC executives of electricity, gas and water, oil pipelines companies and partners. The event has speeches about intelligent grids, new technologies and business, regulating and financial subjects. Cisco, premier sponsor of the conference, has an active participation in two important panels and promotes a strategic workshop one day before the summit. Cisco smart grid businesses unit director, Michael Dulaney, will be sitting at the opening ceremony table, which will also have the participation of UTC deputies and representatives of Brazilian regulating entities and companies. On the panel “Who needs safety?” Rick Geiger, Cisco executive director for utilities and smart grid, will talk about the grid independence, besides potential invasion points and management issues. The session will discuss of the adopted practices can really minimize the inherent risks to interconnections with other companies, as not all of them use the same safety standards.




THE SEED OF COOPERATION Survey shows the need of education about cooperation possibilities and results; Cisco is doing its part and employs partners in the awareness work


ublished in the beginning of 2012, a study carried out by the IDC advising communicated data, at the same time positive and preoccupying for the unified communication (UC) solutions manufacturers. The good news: those customers who make this option obtain the expected return on investment (ROI). The bad news: despite the results, many CIOs are still struggling to justify the conversion expenses to these platforms, and their main concern is, of course, the ROI. “We in Cisco believe that the UC brings return and we have been communicating this to our customers”, says Ricardo Ogata, Cisco do Brasil business development for cooperation manager. “And what we hear from our customers who make ROI analysis is that, many times, the solution is paid off in less than one year”. The cooperation portfolio advantages (which in Cisco include the UC solutions) go beyond: a Frost & Sullivan study says that a user who uses basic cooperation tools is 2.8 times more productive that a


traditional one. On the other hand, that user who uses intermediary tools is 3.6 times more productive; the one who uses advanced resources increases this multiplier to 6.1 times. Based on these figures, how can we

“the customer does not buy PowerPoint or speech. Concept evidences have been very important” — riCArDo oGAtA, CiSCo BrASil BUSinESS DEVEloPMEnt MAnAGEr

explain the reluctance? “It depends a lot of each and every company and the analysis criteria that they adopt to identify the return of solutions. No company is like the other”, Ogata ponders. According to him, the unified communication is normally considered as a set of technologies, and this is not a good brief of the facts. “The cooperation basis is a tripod with equal weights and importance: technology, processes and culture. If the three items are not implemented, it is not possible to take advantage of the acquired solutions. In the absence of the tools utilization culture to increase the productivity, the company will hardly have the maximum possible return”, says Cisco’s executive. There are other difficulties in measuring these benefits too. The return on investment itself can be measured in three different ways. The companies use to calculate the operational ROI, which basically ponders the economy resulting from a solution implantation, for example, on the cost of long distance telephone calls when the IP telephony is adopted.

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Another possibility is to calculate the ROI by considering the productivity, a more complex calculation because this is a subjective item. In this case, the focus is on the solution efficiency and no more on the pure economy with equipments. The third and most complicated method to calculate the ROI is the strategic one, the method that measures how much the business was reinvented. “Retail banks, for example, would measure the benefits to create a multichannel experience creation for the customers, using collaboration tools”, shows Ogata. “The same thing applies to segments such as retail, health, education, etc.”

Awareness The analyst Rico Costello, who wrote the IDC report, says that to educate the prospects about the UC solutions is of fundamental importance. “It is a continuous challenge for customers to understand and identify adequate corporate uses and the associated global complexities. But, as soon as the understanding happens, the technology meets the expectances.” To this end, Cisco has used concept evidences and demonstrations for prospects. The purpose is to show how these tools will make him/her more productive. “The customer does not buy PowerPoint or speech”, ponders Ogata. “We can only sell a solution when we can make a tangible return


for the customer. Concept evidences have been very important”, he says. Costello, on the other hand, also believes on the potential of success cases and recommends that the suppliers keep on developing implantation examples that show increment in businesses. The objective is to generate confidence on the customer and motivate investments. “Suppliers and partners should also watch these cases, and not only the technical aspects of a totally integrated environment”, says the analyst. Ogata agrees. “We have cases that show the solution that was used and its benefits, in Brazil and abroad”, he says. Companies such as GE, Procter & Gamble and Pepsico are some Cisco customers all over the world which use cooperation solutions. In this awareness work, the partners are also of fundamental importance. Once qualified, they are accountable to show the benefits of cooperation solutions to the end user. “I can’t imagine that Cisco will be successful in taking this message to the whole market alone. Here comes the partner’s importance. When we talk about big customers and, mainly, about small and medium companies,

to which the capillarity is a huge one, it becomes impossible to accomplish this work without them”, ponders Ogata. Today, according to the executive, 99% of Cisco do Brasil’s sales are made through our partners, “if they are not 100%”. Of course the technology should not be disregarded, and one of the trump cards in Cisco’s awareness work is its portfolio based on an end to end architecture. “Many companies talk about IP telephony, other in UC. Cisco talks about cooperation solutions, which is a UC superset which is a VoIP superset”, explains Ogata. Thus, the brand solutions become ready to adoption, not only by big companies but also by small and medium companies, which are increasingly more important in the market. Cisco Partnerships with companies such as Intelbras reinforce the service rendering potential to these companies. Not surprisingly IDC acknowledges Cisco as the leader of the unified communications market.

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ZETABYTES: HEAVEN IS THE LIMIT FOR THE GLOBAL COULD TRAFFIC The cloud data transmission should grow 12 times until 2015, to 1.6 zetabytes/year, reveals a Cisco’s survey


hat the cloud is no more just a trend and became reality in most big companies is a fact. What we did not know yet was the exact volume of transmitted data with the evolution of this services model. In order to assess what these networks will have to support in the next few years, Cisco have measured the traffic of 20 data centers all over the world – two of them in Brazil – and formulated the Cloud Global Index (2010/2015). The study foresees that the cloud global data traffic will grow 12 times in the next 5 years, from 130 exabytes to 1.6 zetabytes/year by 2015, a 66% yearly growth. To have a more accurate idea of this figure, one zetabyte is equivalent to one


sextillion of bytes or one trillion of gigabytes. These 1.6 zetabytes are equivalent to 1.6 trillion hours of high definition (HD) video transmission hours by streaming, for example. The index was developed to calculate the growth and the global traffic trends based on the cloud among data centers. And it was generated from the modeling and analysis of a number of sources, including more than 30 terabytes of data per month during 2010, as well as the measures of 45 million wide band speed tests, besides the market forecasts by experts. The cloud is the highest growth component in data centers, which will reach 4.8 zetabytes until

2015. It is estimated that the cloud presently accounts for 11% of data centers traffic, growing to more than 33% of the total by 2015. The cloud is becoming a critical element for the future of the information technology and for the video and content delivery. The mas s ive adopt ion of virtualization and improved scale economies will be key factors for the transition, which is taking the cloud traffic to a growth rate that is twice as big as the data center global traffic. Whereas the latter will grow four times (33% yearly) between 2010 and n2015, the cloud global traffic will grow 12 times (66% yearly) in the same period of time.





Most part of data centers traffic is not generated by end users, but by data centers and clouds, in activities such as backup and replication. By 2015, 76% of data centers traffic will remain in the data centers, whereas the workloads migrate among a number of virtual machines and accomplish second plan tasks. Other 17% of the total traffic will go to the end user, whereas 7% will be generated among the data centers via activities such as cloud-bursting, data replications and updating. Due to the increase of services rendered to the consumer based on video, the data centers traffic to users will have meaningful activity peaks.



As a means to deal with this huge cloud data volume, Cisco introduced, at the end of last year, the CloudVerse, a structure which mixes the basic elements (unified data center, intelligent network and applications for clouds) that are needed to enable the companies to create, manage and connect public, private and hybrid clouds. The solution permits gains in agility, operations safety and economy.By integrating the three could fundamental elements – the Unified Data Center and the Intelligent Network for applications – the CloudVerse offers a new experience to the end user: in clouds, among clouds and beyond the clouds. Among the CloudVerse news there is the Unified Data Center structure, which automates the model as a service in physical and virtual environments. Furthermore, they are scalable with the corporate requirements, i.e. they allocate in a flexible way the IT resources in data centers, by using computational and unified grids. Among the unified management resources there is the Intelligent Automation for Cloud, which offers automated resources provisioning and management for the delivery of IT services within and among data centers. The Network Services Manager, on the other hand, automatically creates, implements and modifies the network physical and virtual resources on demand, whereas the Cloud Intelligent Network offers a consistent and safe experience whenever the uses is localized and, also, among the several clouds involved in a service delivery. CloudVerse is based on Cisco could habilitation services, which combine the company experience with that of partners, enabling that the companies receive and use the whole cloud computing potential. Furthermore, there are economic advantages: moving from a traditional and virtualized data center to a CloudVerse cloud, can reduce the total IT ownership cost (operational and investment) in up to 50%, not to mention the cloud services rendering from week to minutes.




CISCO AND INTELBRAS SIGN PARTNERSHIP IN IP TELEPHONY The objective is to win small and medium companies



isco has always had the objective to offer the best technology to any business segment. And in February it signed a partnership with Intelbras to offer the best technology to companies of any size. The agreement was communicated on February 1st and involves the supply of unified communication, the Business Edition 3000 (BE 3000) and

customers of up to 100 users, who traditionally use TDM (analogical voice) services, and will add a great deal to our business, which has always been concentrated in big corporations, says Cleber Giorgetti, Cisco business and cooperation for medium companies manager. “Furthermore, they have a network of 10 thousand commercial partners who act in this market, which in

6 the partnership intention is that small and, mainly, medium companies have access to advanced communication services telephones. Intelbras telephone and gateways are also part of the solution. With this offer, both companies hope to meet the fast growing IP telephony market in Brazil. They are working together to stimulate the communication centers migration the IP technology. “Intelbras is the leader of the telephohy corporate segment, with

Brazil involves about US$ 230 million”, he adds. Intelbras will be accountable for the pre- and post-sales technical support for the complete solution to customers and partners. The partnership intention is that small and, mainly, medium companies have access to advanced communication services such as

IP telephony, Wi-Fi telephony, softphones, videoconference, instant messaging, among others. Cisco and Intelbras are sure that the agreement will accelerate and adoption of unified communications in the small and medium companies market in Brazil, by means of the integration of high technology produc ts incor porated the Intelbras expertise in the Brazilian communication market. “All these services and facilities will be offered in an integrated way to the fixed and mobile telephony of companies, which will have access to all this for a cost that is adequate to the size and use profile”, he explains. The solution, according to Giorgetti, integrates voice, video, mobility, message, conference and gateway services of voice in only one equipment. “The system is easy to configurate, manage and use, and this helps to reduce the total ownership cost, enabling a smooth transition from traditional telephony systems to unified communications,” he says. The cooperation with Intelbras represents a large step so that Cisco can improve its presence in the Brazilian market. Cisco BE 300 version adapted to the Brazilian market and the Intelbras IP telephones and gateways are available as of April 2012.

Business Edition 3000 (BE 3000)

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ECOMMERCE: RECORD IN SALES FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM COMPANIES With a stock and its own financial line, the first Cisco products virtual sales unit attracts for the easy purchase and fast delivery


new commercial model is coming to view during the last months. We are talking about Cisco Megastore ( br/), an initiative put in operation in November 2010 which began the manufacturer’s equipments unit commercialization. With this profile, the Megastore won the small and medium companies. Today they represent 95% of its customers. This is a unique initiative of a Cisco do Brasil dealer, which decided to create a differentiated strategy approach for the small and medium companies segment, of which until then it had a very timid participation. “It took us six months until we identified Lojas BestMarket (the dealer in charge for Cisco Megastore) as interesting partners. They already were great dealers of other TIC products by the internet” says Sandro Sabag, Cisco Manager for the small and medium business market. The online sale is characterized


Megastore ( won the small and medium companies. Today they represent 95% of the site

by the stock availability, delivery on time and differentiated price. This is a consolidated compound which permits Cisco Megastore to accumulate a 35% customers’ return rate. They are going very well. As this is a new market and a commercial model which is different from the assessment, project, sale and post sale actuation routine, this is an initiative that becoming outstanding in Cisco eco-system”, reveals Sabag. “The sales volume is growing. We already consider it as a commercial success”, he adds. With a little more than one year of operation, the Megastore already is a Select Cisco Partner and offers, as a differential, the online quotation tool and via Google sponsored links action it is today the Cisco online most consulted dealer in the internet. There are about 50 campaigns on the searcher to communicate the e-commerce, the main identification of which are the

small and fast switches and low-end routers sales. “Any product that the customer wants with Cisco brand on Google will have as the first answer an ad of our store”, says João Paulo Camargo, Megastore director. For him, the partnership with Cisco was only feasible because of the positive sales balance by the internet that the company accumulates. “It was a very big challenge. We broke paradigms and our business became a success”, he celebrates.


Expansion Plan

In 2012, Camargo plans to surprise even more by increasing the products line that are sold by Megastore and begin the offer of solutions for the small and medium companies market, such as supermarkets, bakeries, offices, etc. “Furthermore, Megastore is looking for partnerships with banks, in order to make the credit to our customers easier”, concludes Camargo.



COUNTDOWN TO THE GREAT SPORTIVE EVENTS IN BRAZIL The Country is being watched closely by Cisco, which foresees that investments of R$ 2 billion to R$ 3 billion are necessary in infrastructure just for the 2014 World Soccer Cup


he most important sportive events are on the way to Brazil. Increasingly closer to this reality, the Country is being prepared to offer the world a unique experience during the FIFA World Soccer Championship in 2014 and the Olympic, Games in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil is being watched closely by Cisco, as informs Márcio Abreu, Cisco Services regional director. “We have been investing for some years in Brazil. Naturally the games guarantee a very prominent position to the country”, he says. The company foresees that about two billion and three billion reais in investments will be necessary just for the 2014 World Cup structure,

out of which 3% to 7% should involve information and communication technologies. The first Cisco actuation focus in the Country will be the implementation of telecommunication systems (mainly for wi-fi connection use) in the stadiums where the Cup games will be played. “We began by acting in the construction of those stadiums which are being projected to be sustainable so that they will not become the famous ‘white elephants’. We want to implement our technology in all the 2014 World Cup arenas. ‘Sustainability’ is the key world for Cisco”, says Abreu, who complements by informing that the company is offering technology to its partners

who are accountable for the arenas construction. “We are making a new wave of partnerships with companies which deal with construction and urbanization projects. Our role is to help our partners to operate and work with technology and guarantee that the games will be a success in both the communication technology and in the structure”. The projects forecast by Cisco enable to create stadiums with multiple finalities, to be used, for example, as expositions center and entertainment places. Abreu informs that the innovations were used in other important events and the military Olympic Games disputed in Rio de Janeiro and transmitted on-line with Cisco technology. Besides the sportive events, the Brazilian urbanization level attracts the manufacture’s attention as well. In Brazil, the urbanization level reaches 80%, whereas in China it is about 30% and in India it is 50%. These data open much more possibilities for the use of technology, not only at people’s homes, but especially in public services, such as improving the education and health services. “Brazil is the focus for Cisco”, he declares.




CISCO CAPITAL FINANCES DIFFERENTIATED PROJECTS With office in Brazil, the financial division has more flexible credit plan


o develop financial solutions to support the Brazilian branch businesses, together with customers and partners, is Cisco Capital function. Totally focused on the technology financing, the division acts in all those areas where Cisco is present. And this is a great competitive differential vis-à-vis the competition. “Our focus is 100% in Cisco technology”, explains Caio Raymundo, Cisco Capital accounts manager.”We still have flexibility to include products of other manufacturers, providing that they complement the solution up to a 40% limit.” Cisco Capital actuation is a farreaching one. It can take even part in the formulation of chronograms for more complex projects. “It is an opportunity to make long term relationships and, whenever there is a need, the customer invites us to continue the work”, says Marcela Nascimento, financial solutions manager.


With a fairly recent operation – the division exists since 2004 – and still almost unknown in Brazil, the area increased its customers base during recent years, with the opening of a local office. “We have interesting financial tools that make our businesses with Cisco easier”, says Raymundo. “We want to communicate our work so that an increasing number of customers and partners can get to know our solutions.”

Products One of the main financial solutions of Cisco Capital is the operational leasing, a modality by which the customer pays for the use of equipments. “We are one of the few companies to offer this type of product”, says Caio Raymundo. In this operation, explains the executive, one of the main benefits is that, at the end of the contract, the customer can buy the equipment (for a symbolic value) or update it partially

or in its entirety. “Furthermore, the monthly payments are lower than those of a traditional financial solution”. There are other products as well, such as the financial leasing, on which we apply the market interest rates and the international financing made directly with Cisco main office, for projects beginning with US$ 300 thousand, with “extremely low” international market interest rates. Although the interest rates in Brazil show a downfall trend, the credit of up to 60 months in the market is a very selective one, and does not include small and medium companies. This is where Cisco Capital represents a difference. “Our analysis is different from that of a bank. We have a number of criteria that make the credit concession easier. We are interested in having the companies to adopt Cisco technology and usufruct the benefits”, complements Marcela Nascimento.





ore and more the Financial Institutions around the world are using the video as a cooperation tool, with their customers and employees, with the purpose to leverage their results, increasing the income and reducing the costs. With increasingly demanding customers, it becomes necessary a portfolio of more sophisticated financial products and services that are available anytime, anywhere and to anyone. Market surveys show that meeting a request with no delay is a primordial advantage, considering that a high percentage of customers change the financial institution as soon as they do not feel satisfied, regardless the channel they are in. the customers look for personalized interactions and, preferably, direct contacts with the bank expert when they buy a more complex product and/or service.

Looking at the Brazilian market, in the last 5 years, we went from a bankarized population of 16.1% to 60.5% in 2010, as a consequence of the strong medium class growth which, in the same period of time, grew from 38.7% to 52.3% of the population. In big cities the bankarized population is already about 65% to 70% (São Paulo already has 70.5%, a level which is near the developed countries). In other words, wining new customers is becoming more difficult, as far as the customers’ base growth is concerned, and the possibility of higher financial gains is in the customers’ fidelity and retention process, with the financial services rendering with more aggregated value in search of the customer’s Share of Wallet percent increase. To increment the Share of Wallet, financial institutions are enlarging the actuations in the new channels and many of them acknowledge that the specialized service




rendering, based on the personalization, is the best business model for the competitive differentiation and for the organic growth. The personalization however becomes expensive if it has to be applied to all the bank’s localities in a present manner. On the other hand, the lack of capacity to answer to the sales opportunities by means of their channels can result in an income loss or can also generate lack of satisfaction among the customers. With this purpose in mind, Cisco created a solution by which the bank is more present as possible to its customers to maximize its experts’ value, reduce expenses, increase the productivity and simplify its processes.

Enabling a Multichannel personalized interaction: Cisco Solution® for Remote Expert In an industry with limited opportunities of product differentiation, the excellence in service is the best competitive tool. The winning business strategy combines the power and the “face to face” relationship immediatism in an automated and virtualized way. Cisco Solution® for Remote Expert connects the customers to an expert, in an immersive experience, with “face to face” virtual interaction, regardless their physical localization. By means of Cisco Unified Communications infrastructure, which many banks have, during a service rendering to a customer, the employee can easily find the most adequate remote expert for that demand and then he/she can make a connection between the expert and the customer, via Telepresence, Video desktop, voice, including the content share, as well. The result is a financial advise with the highest aggregated value and a unique experience for the customer, enabling an improvement in winning and retaining the customer, with no increase of the traditional service rendering with the expert’s physical presence. Cisco Solution® for Remote Expert also integrates CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and the CIF (Customer Information File) system to better support the expert during the service rendering, by offering a complete view of the relationship to the customer and his/her interactions, regardless his/her locality or how they are communicating to the customer (See the Figure below). And the solution includes digital voice capture of all interactions, meeting the regulatory requirements and the risks management and the market demands.

increment. Forrester estimates that, when an expert is not present and available at the moment of a customer’s initial consultation, in 70% of instances, the customer will choose another institution. Additionally, he reinforces that in the case of a contact via Contact Center, the conversion rate of an interaction between an expert is of 50%, using only the audio. On the other hand, the conversion rate with audio and video exceeds 90% (Forrester). Finally, this survey shows that the Cross Sale increases from 1.4 to 2.5 products per customer, with the addition of video resources. The conclusion is that, by permitting the face to face contact, the video offers a better experience with the customer, with the satisfaction and loyalty increase, and the opportunities of additional incomes. Efficiency – enables to increase the coverage area, reducing the experts’s travel expenses, eliminating the do-nothing displacement hours. Not to mention that the trend is that telecommunication costs will be reduced, whereas the travel costs are constantly increasing, mainly in the big commercial centers. Winning New Customers – this creates a differentiated experience which impresses and attracts new customers. Customers Retention – this enables to offer immediate access to skilled experts, even when the customers are in remote areas, with a personalized service, resulting in improving the customer’s awareness and confidence, resulting in his/her loyalty. Green Initiative and Carbon consumption reduction – the communication with video plays a meaningful role in travels reduction, saving time and improving the operational efficiency with the experts’ utilization optimization. Additionally, the same Corporate Cooperation platform can also help in daily operations and in the Back Office, making the businesses processes faster and improving problems solution. Furthermore, the business video infrastructure can be used to offer videostreaming in both “live” and/or “on-demand”, supporting the corporate communications, Digital Signage and the Employees’ Corporate Remote Training.

Benefits for the Business New Sales and the Win of the Customers Share of Wallet – means the customers’ conversion rates


* Rodrigo Montebelo Gonsales is Vertical Sales Manager FSI Enterprise - Latam - da Cisco


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