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> 4th quarter 2012 | issue 9


Green and yellow The Global Sales President kicks off a series of investments in the country

SUPPORT Teams receive training in keeping communications operating in disaster areas

Robert Lloyd, President of Global Salest

BUSINESS Cisco focuses on SMBs using vertical solutions and business strategy CISCO PARTNERS GUIDE INCLUDED

CLIENT’S VOICE High performance networks connect both new towers at the Palmeiras Soccer Club 1

Soluções Cisco para Pequenas e Médias Empresas Produtos que possibilitam a melhor comunicação, conexão e segurança

Telefones - IP SPA 525G2 Roteadores - RV180

Switches - SG500-52P

Access Point - WAP121

A Cisco ajuda as empresas a enfrentar os desafios tecnológicos. Soluções de rede sem fio, infraestrutura de rede e comunicação unificada. Visite a página de Lançamento da Linha Cisco para Pequenas e Médias Empresas e saiba como podemos ajudá-lo a resolver sua crise tecnológica.







Emergencies The disaster response team keeps communications operating in disaster areas

Ethernet 06 Metro An event held in São Paulo, concludes that technology still challenges service providers


f there is a way to translate a company’s level of commitment with the economy in which it is inserted, this interpretation must be based on the investments it makes. A step that made us very proud in 2012 and that culminated with Robert Lloyd’s visit, Cisco’s Vice President for Global Operations, to inaugurate the router production line. We are proud, not only about the investments announced, but also of the consistency of the growth plan designed by Cisco in Brazil. The project, as announced, includes the manufacturing of equipment, investments in R&D and in alliances with Brazilian companies, sustainability actions, such as the training of low-income young apprentices, besides other initiatives structured with our partners nationwide. In an interview to LIVE Magazine, Lloyd guaranteed that this is not a spur of the moment thing, but a long-term commitment and that we are ready to proceed and contribute to the sustainable growth of the economy. Our focus will not be restricted to the major telecommunications corporations or service providers. We are also making efforts to support small and medium-sized businesses, as well as innovative initiatives and new technologies, whether they are headed by Cisco, its global partners or even by the local projects. In terms of alliances, this issue contains the Cisco Partners’ Guide, a new idea from the Marketing department to help identify the companies working along with our brand. The special section lists Cisco’s partners in the following categories: Distributors, Business Partners, Training, Managed Services and Strategic Alliances. The guide can be found in this issue and also by electronic means, such as the Internet, tablets, and Smartphones. Another facilitator to our local business. Finally, on behalf of the entire Cisco Brazil team, I’d like to celebrate and share this incredible year with our clients and partners and wish you all a new year with even more achievements. Enjoy your reading!


Program 08Channel The initiative gains strength due to Cisco’s growth in Brazil Mexico 10 Live! The event reaffirms the brand’s presence in Latin America manufacturers united 12Major Cisco joins major software and hardware makers to create competitive solutions


BUSINESS Endurance Executives tackle the most difficult mountain bike challenges in the country

Share 18 Market Distributors present their strategies to attract, maintain and increase their business with resellers

20 Showroom Partners use showrooms and technical demonstrations to make solutions more appealing and increase the number of clients

Business 24 Small The strategies to increase business with companies that have up to 99 employees

28 COVER INTERVIEW: Robert Lloyd, Cisco’s global Vice President, believes that Brazil will

maintain its investments and will continue to grow even after the upcoming major sports events

32 Cooperation Cisco shares revenue with its partners in order to stimulate the growth of unified communications

34 Telemedicine Technology improves service to all and speeds up processess


Communications 36 Unified The Sicoob Trentocredi replaces its analog telephones with the Cisco/Intelbras platform performance 38 High High performance networks will integrate both new towers at the Palmeiras Soccer

Marco Barcellos



40 shoemaker’s children… 42 The Integrators test, in house, what they offer to the market Retail Cisco presents solutions for Varejo 2.0

CISCO LIVE MAGAZINE IS A PUBLICATION OF CISCO DO BRASIL TEAM RESPONSIBLE CISCO DO BRASIL President Rodrigo Abreu Engineering Officer Marcelo Ehalt Channels Officer Eduardo Almeida Marketing & PR Officer Marco Barcellos

Editorial Board Adriana Bueno, Carolina Morawetz, Isabela Polito, Isabella Micali, Jackeline Carvalho, Kiki Gama, Mariana Fonseca, Monica Lau e Marco Barcellos Production Comunicação Interativa Editora Journalist in Charge Jackeline Carvalho MTB 12456

Copywriting officer Jackeline Carvalho Reporters Jackeline Carvalho Marcelo Vieira Mayra Feitosa Review Comunicação Interativa Press Service In Press Porter Novelli Translator Amanda Dardes

Art Marcelo Max Cover Glenn Douglas Desktop Publisher Intergraf


FUTURECOM 46 2012 Cisco presents solutions, discusses trends and announces partnerships Center 49 Data New partners team is dedicated to the UCS

Prints 5000 exemplares




IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES ... ... the Cisco Brazil disaster response team is ready to keep communications operating in disaster areas

DIRT volunteers from Brazil learn how to operate the emergency communication kits


ith the arrival of s ummer and the rainy season, certain areas in Brazil have to keep an eye on the possibility of natural disasters, such as floods and landslides. Tragedies such as the one that affected the mountain regions of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in early 2011, causing over 900 deaths, are responsible for a series of difficulties not only to the population, but also to those working in the rescue and assistance to the victims.


Fundamental in establishing communications between the affected areas and the rescue teams, services such as internet and telephony, can make the difference when it comes to saving lives. With that in mind, in 2002 Cisco created TacOps (Tactical Operations Support), a team of volunteers that keep voice and data communications operating during tragedies, even at the most remote areas on the planet. The TacOps team is responsible for managing Cisco’s Disaster

Incident Response Teams (DIRT), which operate satellite-based easyto-assemble network equipment, in addition to advanced technologies – such as 3G, switching and VoIP, among others – and Cisco emergency vehicles (or NERVs). These volunteers, which are company employees, are trained to provide assistance in disaster areas. In the US there are teams on the East and West Coasts. “Helping in incidents around the world with only two teams was difficult,” said Tiago Silva, a TacOps member and in charge of coordinating the DIRTs. “We then created an international expansion program in key areas of the world in order to meet the requirements faster, and also to facilitate matters from a cultural point of view.” The first international team was created in 2010 in China. Then, in December/2011, another two teams were created in Europe (United Kingdom and Russia). Earlier this year, Tiago Silva came to Brazil with the purpose of creating and training the South-American team, with headquarters in São Paulo. The Brazilian team will provide support to incidents occurring in Brazil, in other South American countries and, if required, in Central America. The required infrastructure was established at Cisco Brazil headquarters so that the Brazilian team’s equipment can be operated: four routers and two portable emergency communications kits. Among the volunteers in Brazil are employees from all departments, including directors and technicians. “It is important that people acknowledge and promote the existence of this group. The next time a disaster occurs, the organizations needing our assistance will be able to request it,” added Silva.

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METRO ETHERNET STILL CHALLENGING SERVICE To Cisco, telecom companies must plan their migration observing the quality of the new services being provided


uring MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum), held in October in São Paulo, Cisco, Calix and DragonWave executives, among other market leaders in the Carrier Ethernet market, presented the technology trends to the service providers and, among the technical issues, presented the challenges to manufacturers, telecommunications providers and professionals. According to Emerson Moura, one of the MEF leaders and Cisco solution architect, the Carrier Ethernet provides billionaire opportunities. “In 2016, the

both services. “However, the scenarios

“In 2016, the Metro Ethernet market may reach US$ 48 billion in technological and service sales”

are challenging and different; Wi-Fi, for example, makes use of a non-exclusive frequency, therefore, you tend to suffer more with interferences,” he added. In terms of migration from traditional networks (TDM) to the Metro Ethernet, Moura affirms that operators need to invest in networks and provide quality services. “The TDM networks are easy to operate, always responding well to the services and to performance management issues. So, when providers start looking at the Carrier Ethernet world, they need to think about the delivery of a quality services,” he observed.

“Wi-Fi uses a non-exclusive frequency; therefore, you tend to suffer more with interferences” —FABIANO CHAGAS, FROM DRAGON WAVE










market may reach US$ 48 billion in revenue, not only in terms of technology, but also in services. This is an area that grows with the increase of data traffic,” he pointed out. In terms of the technological scenario, Marcelo Sena, pre-sales manager at Calix and Fabiano Chagas, product line manager at DragonWave, highlighted the use of Carrier Ethernet 2.0 and networking trends such as WiFi and Small Cells. Sena considers that the 2.0 mode “adds services, such as granularity for mobile backhaul,” and adds that Metro Ethernet is agnostic technology, which allows several means of interconnection. Chagas affirmed that there’s a user demand for


“Metro Ethernet is agnostic technology, which allows several means of interconnection” —MARCELO SENA, FROM CALIX

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A PASSPORT TO CISCO’S WORLD Channel program gains strength with the growth of the company in Brazil; evolution must prioritize emerging technologies


t a time of increased investments in the Brazilian and its market share, one of Cisco’s pillars of performance in the country is of even greater importance: the channels. After all, it is one of the few companies whose market model is fully based on channels; the manufacturer’s business model is totally oriented towards partnerships. Within this perspective, the incentive programs emerge as tools that provide the business partner with an opportunity to increase its profitability. Cisco preserves the channel’s margin, offers recognition and uses financial factors as its means for building loyalty. “Our channel partnerships play a fundamental role, since Cisco’s business model is based on indirect sales,” explained Eduardo Almeida, channels director of Cisco Brazil. “The financial health and profitability of our partners are fundamental to us. Our partners need to profit while conducting business with Cisco,” he added. Cisco’s recognition program divides the channels by the generation of business and sales with added value. The more complex our partner’s


business is, the greater is the incentive offered to make the sale, according to Almeida. One example: if the partner sells a switch, he receives a certain percentage as an incentive. If the sale, besides the switch, includes security or video resources and collaboration, his

“The financial health and profitability of our partners are fundamental to us” — EDUARDO ALMEIDA, FROM CISCO

profitability is even higher. “Actually, what we do is encourage the partner to add value and knowledge to the offer,” explained the executive.

Partners Currently, approximately 3,500 partners are in business with Cisco. Our profile is quite broad, ranging from resellers and distributors to system integrators, ISVs (Independent Software Vendors, who sell applications integrated to the network’s infrastructure) and datacenters, besides companies that use technology as a secondary business. In the latter group, we find constructors, for example, which along with Cisco, are able to integrate technologies for smart buildings, industrial automation, among other applications.. There are also specific programs for distributors, which are not focused on the direct sale to the client. In these cases, the recognition takes place by means of the number and size of the resellers served, besides the frequency in which inventory is replacement and the increase in the number of new clients, among other parameters..

Almeida explains that there are different performance indexes, but that “we also recognize the distributor, differentiating and providing funds and business advantages so that they can feel motivated to work with Cisco”.

to also provide good service to the end customer. We wish to be well represented. Our clients are quite selective; therefore, our partner needs to be consistent,” the executive added.


“The pillar for Cisco’s channel program does not change,” Almeida replied, when asked about the future of partnerships. “Our target is profitability, to help our partners to earn more.” According to this logic, and as the products are sold by the company and the manner in which they are used by the client evolves, the programs will become more focused on emerging technologies, including cloud computing, consumerization, etc. “Encouraging our partner to play a more relevant role in this evolution is quite interesting,” affirmed Almeida. “Channel programs in business applications, in which the partner would have greater profitability by adding knowledge to the level of application and to the network layer. Evolution takes place in this fashion.”

Certifications, in Cisco’s opinion, are fundamental elements in its relationship with the channels. “They differentiate an opportunistic partnership from a strategic one,” pondered Almeida. “With certification, the partner establishes a closer relationship with Cisco.” The executive explained that it is essential that the specialized partner obtain certification, acquiring the privilege of selling certain products. The VIP, for example, offers conditions of up to 20% in compensation, a percentage that can only be achieved with certain levels of certification in the sold architecture. “This is one of Cisco’s concerns:


6 THREE LEVELS The business relationship categories with Cisco: ASSOCIATES When generating a new business, the partner receives credit over the value transaction SALES WITH ADDED VALUE The partner who works along with Cisco’s teams in the design of strategic plans, pre-sale actions, the implementation of solutions, etc VIP Associated to the sales of complex solutions and architectures, with a longer sales cycle and higher investments made by the partner




LIVE! MEXICO EXHIBITS CISCO’S STRENGTH IN LATIN AMERICA The event was visited by over 3,300 people; the focus was on the services rendered to sectors such as health, education and government


ancun, a Mexican tropical paradise, was the City chosen to host the 2012 Cisco Live! Mexico. The event, held in early November, received more than 3,300 visitors from 32 countries to discuss how the company’s technologies – including routing, switching, collaboration, video, BYOD and others – can make sectors such as health, education, government, manufacturing and finances more efficient in Latin America. These five verticals were the theme for debates during the symposium, in which more than 125 company executives attended, in more than 130 sessions. A training program was also offered for IT managers, which included the participation of 225 decision-making executives. 60 Cisco product and solution demonstrations were presented, with the clear purpose of increasing companies’ earnings and productivitys. “Rogelio Velasco, as VP host of Cisco Live! Mexico, and Jordi Botifoll,


in his debut as Latin America leader, did a great job in allowing relevant debates with clients and partners, to continue positioning Cisco as leader in the region, allowing for the transformation of the experience of countries, governments, clients and citizens in partnership with our ecosystem,” declared Cisco’s Latin America marketing officer, Javier Camacho, emphasizing the success of the event. This attention that Cisco dedicates to Latin America has a clear purpose. After all, with the economic uncertainties in Europe and the

weak recovery in the United States, the region became the company’s focus of growth, with Brazil as the spearhead. The company recently announced investments in the sum of R$ 1 billion over the next four years in the country. Over 30 thousand professionals linked

6,300 through partnerships – besides 25 offices.


05 Verticals were the target of lectures and trainings

125 Cisco executives attended the Symposium

130 Sessions 225 Decision-making

executives took part in the management program

60 Cisco product and solution demonstrations

to the company in Latin America –

Cisco Live! Mexico gathered 3,300 visitors in the City of Cancun, Mexico




VMware, Panduit, EMC, Verint, Furukawa and Fluke Networks are some of Cisco’s strategic alliances. Together, the companies have led areas and conquered new trends in the global market


obility, convergence and virtual environments have changed the dynamics in the corporate sector in the world and, according to a research carried out by Gartner, up to 2015 it will become priority matters to the CIOs. Eduardo Almeida, Cisco’s channels officer, reveals that, keeping an eye in this process, the company has been ready for market changes for decades, time invested in alliances with players from different segments to conquer leadership in new performance areas. “In During the fiscal year of 2012, our presence in the area of automation, for example, was higher than 80%. This result reflects the strategic investment in alliances made with companies such as Fluke Networks, which has great


presence in this segment due to its activities with plant floor devices and robots, which require an IP port – our DNA,” affirmed Almeida. According to Carlos Gustavo Werner, Cisco’s datacenter business development manager, the focus, besides relying on partnerships, is to build strategic alliances, such as the VCE joint venture (VMware, Cisco and EMC). “I believe that the concept sold by these companies, both in virtualization, cloud computing and solution development, benefit the market,” added Werner, when mentioning the Vblock solution. “This product synthesizes our alliance, since it integrates cloud computing, networking and servers in the same package.” Almeida also added that the

“When we see opportunities the in Brazil, such as demand for infrastructure, public safety and major events, we bring the partnerships that can help the most in solving “problems” and provide opportunities” — EDUARDO ALMEIDA, DA CISCO

Reduza o tempo de Inatividade e tenha maior visibilidade e controle de sua infraestrutura com soluções Panduit As soluções Panduit para Gerenciamento da Infraestrutura em Data Centers (DCIM) possibilitam que sua empresa gerencie visualmente a conectividade da rede em tempo real e rastreie os ativos de TI em instalações e escritórios remotos em qualquer lugar do mundo. A maior visibilidade das informações relevantes da rede ajuda a minimizar riscos, reduzir o tempo de inatividade e obter vantagens operacionais As soluções de hardware inteligente PViQ™ potencializam a solução ao incluir gerenciamento remoto de mudanças e ampliações e ao rastrear todos os enlaces e equipamentos da rede.

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Melhore a Capacidade da Rede e a Colaboração • Melhore a colaboração entre pessoas, processos e sistemas, através de interconectividade confiável e de alta performance entre os sistemas de gerenciamento de rede e as aplicações • Gerenciamento baseado na web para acesso local e remoto via um navegador web Faça o download do folheto sobre o Software PIM™ em Para mais informações: Visite o site, envie um e-mail para ou ligue 55-11-3613-2353



partnerships take place in different manners, such as with the injection of capital or the joint development of solutions. “We understand the strength of the company, which comprises Cisco’s solution and its importance to the client, and we combine them,” he said. The channel area, in the executive’s opinion, is strategic in this composition, since it is responsible for the alliance between partners to act in sectors of high demand, such as infrastructure and major events. “When we see opportunities, such as demand for infrastructure, public safety and major events, we bring the partnerships that

“In 2009, when the concept of converging infrastructure was created, we decided that entering this market would be worthwhile and so VCE was created” — WELSON BARBOSA, FROM EMC


can help the most in solving “problems” and provide opportunities,” concluded Werner.

Performance with partners

Cisco’s portfolio is broad regarding its global partnerships, and with some companies the partnership dates back more than 10 years, which is the case of Panduit, EMC, Fluke Networks and Verint, which act, strategically, in several areas with and for Cisco, complementing solutions, services and even architectures. “The main incentive to invest in these alliances is the market’s dynamics, which purchases and is filled with solutions that make business evolve. In the case of strategic partnerships, such as VMware, EMC, Furukawa, Panduit, among others, each company intends to supplement the offer to better serve our clients,” reports the channels officer. For Jim Daves, sales’ officer in Latin America for Fluke Networks, the performance in partnership exercises two strengths: partner and integrator. “We are partners in the development and build testing equipment that communicate with Cisco’s devices, but we also train Cisco partners, a long-lasting relationship that has helped us perform the certification work of the copper, fiber and wireless facilities and has benefited Cisco

with the physical layer – infrastructure that, if not placed in good hands, degrades the equipment’s performance,” he reported With EMC, the relationship is also long lasting and Welson Barbosa, cloud business director in Latin America, affirms that Cisco is one of the most strategic partners. “Cisco’s development of solutions is

strategic and a proof of this is our joint venture, which became a company. In 2009, the concept of converging infrastructure was developed. We decided that it would be worthwhile to enter this market, and then, VCE was created,” the executive explained. The Panduit strategic alliance manager, Mark Hwang, said that the relationship between the companies included cooperation from the engineering and strategic departments. “Panduit and Cisco develop solutions for physical infrastructure and architecture for the implementation of Cisco’s technologies. We have cooperated in the launch of the Catalyst and Nexus platforms and we are sponsors of the Networking Academy,

which trains students to design, build and perform network maintenance. With this, we gain further knowledge on the applications and technologies

that our clients implement in their IT environments and our know-how in the application layer, in network platforms, processing and storage, provide better

solutions for the physical infrastructure and architectures.” Our partnership with Verint began

in 1998, when the company manufactured its first voice recorder and started installing systems for Cisco’s clients, acting as a technology partner. Currently, Verint is a member of Cisco Developer Network (CDN). “Due to the investments in the partnership, we not only make sure that our technologies interoperate as our clients expect, but we also cooperate

by providing new resources that would not be possible if the companies continued working individually,” the company declares through its press relations departmentes through its press relations.



FROM WORK TO SPORTS Cisco Brazil executives face one of the most difficult mountain bike tests in the country and give a lesson in teamwork


he greatest mountain bike challenge ever held in the Brazil: this is how the Brazil Ride organizers define the 600 km competition of mountain, valley and river trails at Chapada

Diamantina, in Bahia. During one week in September, teams of two (formed by the relay between three members of each team) compete, the 2012 issue of Brazil Ride had a corporate category for the first time.

Fabio Piva

Awards ceremony for the 2012 Brazil Ride winners, in Bahia

The Cisco ABR Comstor team was formed by Cisco Brazil’s director of operations, Marcos Yamamoto, Cisco Capital’s accounts manager, Caio Raymundo, and Cisco Brazil’s president, Rodrigo Abreu. The team’s main goal was to do something good: the company donated computer equipment to the schools in the region. But of course this was not the only thrill during the competition. “After months of training and expectation, it is now time to ride the trails using individual skills and qualities, always keeping in mind that we are a team,” Yamamoto wrote in the daily journals during the competition. “Brazil Ride, as well as in most of the projects in our lives, no one can succeed on his own – team members must complete each stage together.” To Cisco executives, participation in the endurance test, during which they had to face extremely dry weather and temperatures, is also an incentive in search of finding the balance between work and one’s private life, and to show

how projects of this nature can help communities that need assistance; and also the obvious “endurance” component. “Better than describing the several ups, downs, sand and stones, I repeat what the Portuguese magazine Bike Magazine wrote: ‘This (stage) is one of the most difficult things to do on top of a bike,” Yamamoto wrote, referring to the second day of competition, consisting of a 144-km stage. Perseverance was the word used by the executive to summarize the experience after the seven hard days of competition. Even so, what counted the most, were

the moments of solidarity during the competition, being in touch with the local community and with nature. “And, we have already registered for the 2013 Brazil Ride,” wrote Yamamoto. “We’ll see you there!” Caio Raymundo and Marcos Yamamoto


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THE ICT PIONEERS Distributors present their strategies to attract, maintain and increase business with resellers


ocated in South America, Brazil has a territorial extension of over 8 million km², the fifth largest on the planet, with an economic ranking between 6th and 7th. During this decade, regions that weren’t as developed economically saw change with an increase in consumption by the new lower middle class, which also changed the pace of business, demanding from companies a higher investment in ICT (information and communication technologies). An economic behavior that directly impacts the distribution chain of products, since it is necessary for them to be available as soon as possible in different parts of the country; and, distributors specialized in Cisco equipment, are not only fully acquainted with this demand, but have also established differentiated strategies to attract, maintain and increase their business with resellers. Carlos Tirich, Alcatéia’s business and marketing director, said that the company intends to practically double the 10-member team, directly responsible for the marketing of Cisco solutions in 2013, precisely due to the new opportunities. “Cisco is one of Alcatéia’s main investments during the following year, due to the growth


in 2012 and the opportunities already foreseen,” the exec utive emphasized. A member of the Westcon Group, Comstor, which calls itself the leader in the distribution of Cisco products, is about to consolidate a double digit growth in 2012 and plans to continue expanding next year, but at a more conservative pace due to the economy’s behavior, according to Humberto Menezes, general director of Comstor in Brazil. “We continue with a perspective of growth, but Brazil’s GDP will probably present a 1% growth, despite the country being involved in major sporting events,” said Menezes. In the same fashion, Ingram Micro Brazil, another one of Cisco’s distribution partners, is optimistic towards the future of the business:

“our plan is to triple our turnover, and also being acknowledged by Cisco and by resellers for our operational excellence and as a partner that adds value to the business,” affirmed Renato Lovisi, responsible for the company’s Network Business Unit. The owner of a portfolio with 9,000 resellers, Ingram Micro accumulated a 35% growth increase over the last two years. Ingram Micro Brazil’s strategy with Cisco’s products for 2013 will be marked by the expansion of the small and medium-sized client base, focused mainly on the safety and collaboration segments, which is similar to what

Alcatéia is planning. According to Tirich, the market accepts Cisco products quite well, and the distributor has assumed the role as pioneer in the small and medium-sized businesses market (SBM). Another factor that has worked to increase business in 2012 was the fact that Alcatéia enhanced Cisco’s solution portfolio. “We gained access to 100% of the products,” celebrated Tirich. Therefore, the distributor, according to Tirich, has invested both to move forward in the market as well as for its work to be appreciated by Cisco; promoting, besides the pre-sale support, nearly 15 events oriented to the value segment with the brand’s products.

“Cisco is among the three main Alcatéia investments for the following year, due to the growth in 2012 and the foreseen opportunities” — CARLOS TIRICH, FROM ALCATÉIA

“In 2013, we are considering nearly 50 actions,” affirmed the business

director when reporting that the events include road shows, events with sales executives, training, among other actions.

Benefits In addition to the campaigns for the partners, biannual campaigns, target promotions with the offer of benefits for the company or entertainment for

the professionals, Alcatéia maintains a channel program called Inovar, with 120 registered resellers, with biannual goals with bonuses for the funds that may be used in the hiring or training of professionals. “In 2013, the resellers at Inovar will also have access to Cisco products,” Tirich emphasized. The rendering of services to resellers will be one of the highlights of Comstor, the business branch created by Westcon Group specifically to operate the Cisco brand. “We want our partners to benefit from a services rendering strategy designed for them,” affirmed Menezes, when pointing out the importance of distributors. “The channel and Cisco are our clients,” he added. Comstor’s project is to promote the expansion of the channel to technology verticals that are in evidence, such as big data and cloud computing, along with the datacenter and virtualization. According to Comstor’s President, the company is investing heavily in these markets and is already obtaining good results, already achieving the

same results with the collaboration, telepresence, IP telephony, in addition

“The distributor’s project is to promote the expansion of the channel to technology verticals that are in evidence, such as big data and cloud computing” — HUMBERTO MENEZES, FROM COMSTOR

to the area of borderless network architecture, which gathers routers,

switches and security platforms. In order to speed up the business, Comstor launched Comstor Express, an e-commerce service that simplifies price quoting, the consultation of inventories and the follow-up of online orders. The service is available over the Internet and will soon be launched for the iPhone (there are already trial users),

Smartphones and, consequently, for tablets. “This support convenience and reseller qualification represents

a differential,” emphasizes Menezes. Comstor currently

maintains approximately 60 people focused on Cisco, including marketing and engineering.




SHOWROOM Integrators invest in showrooms and technical demonstrations to make solutions more appealing and to increase the number of clients

PromonLogicalis Innovation Center: demonstration and relationship area


owadays, it is perfectly possible to buy a car over the Internet. The process is simple, fast and customized: all information required is found on the website, usually filled with beautiful images and an alluring language, created to convince the potential buyer. However, one may think that few customers prefer to visit a dealership personally and feel the smell of the new seats, the softness of the steering-wheel and hear the roar of the engine. The test drive made by the majority of those purchasing cars is therefore very similar to showrooms. The concept has been long used by companies in the real-estate and construction sectors,


and is being adopted by integrators and ICT solution providers. One of these companies is PromonLogicalis, which has been investing in such an area since 2011, when its Innovation Center was opened. In the cutting-edge technological e n v i ro n m e n t c re a te d by PromonLogicalis, and by partners such as Cisco, clients have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the products that meet their business needs. These solutions are part of the unified communication and collaboration, videoconference, IP telephony, corporate networks, cloud, security, wireless networks, mobility (BYOD) and managed service portfolios.

The permanent area is located at the company’s headquarters, in the district of Itaim Bibi, in São Paulo. It is a big meeting room, in which solutions are displayed so that the clients may test them. Cisco is the main partner in the construction of the Innovation Center, therein we display wireless access control solutions (ISE), cooperation and unified communication solutions, among others. The company is also one of Apple’s corporate partners in Brazil for corporate sales, and this condition is demonstrated in the Innovation Center: the concept of mobile collaboration is demonstrated in iOS devices interconnected to the corporate

network and accessing tools such as the Cisco Jabber. These are some of the permanent demonstrations, however “depending on the need, we are also able to put temporary exhibits together,” explained the PromonLogicalis business and partnership manager for Latin America, Ricardo de Abreu Sofiatti. According to the executive, the solutions are usually assembled for one year at least, and updated at the whenever the developer does the same. The advantage of this system is readiness, in other words, at any time the client may visit the area and all features will be ready to be demonstrated. “If the client requires a specific demonstration, we are able to modify the laboratory. As technology evolves, we bring in new resources to the Innovation Center and also new devices as they are created.”

The concept The concept for the Innovation Center was created approximately two years before its launch, when

“The main benefit from the Innovation Center is being able to abandon PowerPoint presentations” — RICARDO SOFIATTI, FROM PROMON LOGICALIS

PromonLogicalis made the strategic decision to operate in the large company market. Up till then, the company’s focus had been telecommunication service providers in Brazil, about a dozen companies, and with a direct, well-structured relationship focused on the clients. “When we decided to go after the large companies, we needed a more efficient way to communicate and demonstrate what we were doing, because PromonLogicalis, the IT and telecom integrator branch of Promon Group, wasn’t well known at the time, by the corporate world,” explained Sofiatti. Thus, the showroom was a perfect fit to the company, which needed to demonstrate its solutions and become a well-known brand with the target public. Since 2011, when it was opened, approximately 50 clients have visited the area, nearly the number initially expected by PromonLogicalis and a considerable proportion of approximately one third of the company’s 160 active clients. Most of the current invitations to visit the center are made to companies already working with the integrator. The goal is, of course, to assemble new solutions. However, the area also has the purpose of attracting new buyers. “When there is a new client, we take the opportunity to perform a corporate presentation about the company, and then moving on to the demonstration,” explained the PromonLogicalis executive. Sofiatti believes that the Innovation Center’s main benefit is “being able to abandon PowerPoint presentations,” in other words, making technology more evident, going beyond the simple graphic presentations in the attempt to convince the client. “Another thing is to pick-up the telephone, call from one extension to the other and observe

“NEC’s showroom does not have the role of only attracting new clients, but it is also an area that states the role of the company in society” — ANDRÉ ELETÉRIO, FROM NEC

a video automatically popping-up, besides being able to share the computer screen with another person in the same meeting. Testing these resources in person makes for a richer experience,” he stated. The expansion of the Innovation Center’s physical space is not PromonLogicalis’ current intention; however, increasing the number of demonstrations and features is a constant goal, as new investments from the partners increase. “We want to use the area more and more as a relationship center,” Sofiatti said.

From the East Another initiative under operation in Brazil was developed by NEC. In fact, every showroom created by the company’s global branches is inspired on Innovation World, located in Japan. The Brazilian center follows the template from headquarters, with a few characteristics adapted to Latin America business the Japanese and Brazilian company product and service




portfolios are different and aligned to each market. NEC’s showroom exists since the company moved to the capital of São Paulo and started acting as solutions integrator. It is 500m² of area, in which it is displayed IP telephony solutions, individual videophones, cameras, projectors, displays, customized rooms, collaboration tools and management software. “The showroom does not have the role only of attracting new clients, which in fact occurs, but it is also an area that states NEC’s role in society and reinforces the brand locally,” explained André Eletério, the company’s marketing manager. In mid-2012, the company performed a major remodeling of the showroom, updating the layout to make it more appealing. The idea was that, as the company’s and the partners’ technologies change and evolve, the arrangement and permanence of the solutions are renewed. “It is an area in constant change,” explained the executive.

equipment, including media gateways and network core routers, most of them manufactured by Cisco. Over the last few years however, the structure has not been much used for business purposes. “Usually we invite clients when it is necessary to perform tests or to demonstrate a particular feature,” explained Soares. Over the last few years, the company has worked closely with one of the major Brazilian service providers, a relationship that demands greater technical use of the laboratory, and that explains the decrease in its use for business purposes for the

obtainment of new clients. “The team is certainly interested in increasing its use, in other words, if it creates benefits for new businesses and new clients,” said Soares.

Data center Another company, which invests in the contact between the potential client and the solution before closing the deal, is Damovo. However, unlike traditional


tools, with which the client acquires the resource per user. Available since May/2012, the infrastructure supporting

the service is distributed between two processing centers, in Barueri (SP) and in Uberlândia (MG). “Every client that has closed a deal with us wanted to visit the datacenter,” Elias affirmed. “This is where we demonstrate every kind of redundancy, the safety measures and availability. It is a way to demonstrate that the solution is

Laboratory “Demonstrating to the client that a concept is feasible is essential,” stated the Italtel technology director, Rafael Soares. The Italian company has a laboratory in the capital city of São Paulo focused on IP telephony solutions focused on telecommunication service providers. “It is not a traditional showroom, such as the demonstration center. It is a laboratory where the client can, whenever necessary, make or watch demonstrations.” The laboratory exists since 2001, when the company started its activities in Brazil, and it had the purpose to allow tests to be conducted by clients. It has, in particular, infrastructure

showrooms, the integrator takes those who are interested to the datacenter that supports one of its main products: CaaS, a unified communication and collaboration managed service. “The only difference to the HCS (Hosted Collaboration Solution) is that, at CaaS, Cisco itself assembled the datacenter, and not Damovo,” explained the CaaS business unit manager of the integrator, Carlos Elias. Damovo goes to the client, builds the network and does all the necessary integration. Finally, it connects to the Cisco datacenter,” he explained. The CaaS goal is to provide simpler and cheaper collaboration and communication

reliable and, in general, the client leaves the center feeling extremely secure.” Besides the visits to the datacenter, Damovo has, at its headquarters in São Paulo, terminals connected to CaaS, which are used in demonstrations to potential buyers. Calls are made from the company,

“In general the client leaves the center feeling extremely secure” — CARLOS ELIAS, FROM DAMOVO

in particular video calls, and through the datacenter support service. The system is also demonstrated on mobile devices. “It is still a very simple demonstration. In the future we intend to present telepresence resources. We want to call every branch through CaaS, and have clients at the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo branches hosting video calls between them,” reported the Damovo executive.

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Cisco develops a strategy to serve companies with up to 99 employees and relies on its partners, in particular the distributors, to increase business



mall and medium-sized businesses represent the largest employers in several countries. These businesses are also those that need specific technology service and solutions the most, in formats adjusted to their budgets, size and payment capacity. Just so you can have an idea, in Brazil, micro and small businesses (SMBs) generated approximately 70.2% of the registered jobs in April/2012, pursuant to numbers of the General Registry of Employed and Unemployed Workers (Caged) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MTE).

Focused on these organizations, Cisco developed a special strategy, which started with the hiring business director, Ms. Plihal, to head the SMB area; including the new product area and finally, business models that are differentiated and compatible with the client’s profile; all including international support from the Worldwide Development and Sales President, Robert Lloyd (see more on page 28). According to Ana Claudia, the decision of reinforcing the specific area to business with SMBs comes from a general observation of the

entire business structure that Cisco had, observation that demonstrated the difficulty of acting in a macro level along with a segment that requires a more advisory service. According to Ms. Plihal, the decision to reinforce the specific area for business with SMBs comes from a general observation of the entire Cisco business structure, an observation that demonstrated the difficulty of acting at a macro level, along with a segment that requires a more advisory service. “Looking at the current structure, Cisco’s business area is huge, ranging from major corporations to the challenge of providing products to companies with 2 to 99 employees – a small business under Cisco’s classification,” observed

from the “boutique” template, designed for major corporations, and moves toward mass access to technology, exploring the best practices already implemented

around the world. In other words, Cisco wants, in the long run, to serve as the base of the pyramid, preserving the major contracts kept with the apex. Therefore, Cisco announced, in late November, along with the creation of the SMB strategy, a portfolio of specific

motion and of reducing physical space, but requires a connection and needs to access voicemail, make telephone calls and send and receive videos with high

• An access point • Manageable and stackable switch • VPN Router • IP Telephony • IP Video Surveillance • UC Manager

performance, something that cloudbased solutions fully meet,” Ms. Plihal pointed out. The new solution offers access points,

a manageable and stackable switch, a VPN router, unified communications

Business reorganization

manager (UC) and IP telephony with specific functionality and architecture for the SMBs. Everything integrated

Using this observation as starting point, Cisco initiated a process of

to analog adaptors and enabling the implementation of IP-based video surveillance. For Cisco partners, supported by the

organizing the service for SMBs, oriented by the most prominent characteristics in this market segment: it requires mobility; it has high employment rates; presents

low technology-friendly rates; chronic productivity and flexibility problems and fast response to demand. “Another point is that most of the

Ms. Plihal, when concluding that it is a segment that demands increasingly technological solutions, in particular regarding connectivity. Thus, the new Cisco business area is far

The new solution provides:

products for this public. “This new client has the benefit of

Ms. Plihal.

small and medium-sized businesses already explore the e-commerce and social networking benefits,” stated


distributors in which the company relies to increase business; the solution is already offered with a set of good practices for pre-sale, sale and

“This is the area presenting higher growth in Cisco’s business” — ANA CLAUDIA PLIHAL, FROM CISCO

implementation. “The line is appropriate for the market sector that requires an internet access link, safety control and connectivity,” stated Ms. Plihal. Cisco’s goals for this small and mediumsized business area (SMB) are very ambitious and will change the market’s configuration over the next 3 years, she said.





Robbert Lloyd, Cisco’s President for global sales, reveals the company’s belief in Brazil, he also comments on the European economic crisis and its impacts on the global economy, and makes the company’s resources available to Brazilian 28

authorities in order to build the infrastructure required not only to host the major

sporting events as a way to support the economy’s growth

and the new market demands


mong those recommended for the position as Cisco’s global CEO, Robert Lloyd, the current President for global sales inaugurated, in September, the production of Cisco routers in Brazil. During his visit, Mr. Lloyd spoke to Live Magazine about local manufacturing, the plans regarding the launch of new technologies and the company’s growth in the country. He pointed out the good image that the Brazilian subsidiary and the country have in the global operation of the company and stated that, among the actions, which have already been defined, there will be an increase in the production of equipment, the consolidation of partnerships and strong investment in the relationship with state and federal governments, with telephone service providers and corporations. Follow the main points of the interview. LIVE MAGAZINE: What have been the investments made by Cisco in Brazil so far, and what are your future plans? ROBERT LLOYD: Brazil has always been a focus point to Cisco. Recently, we dedicated a specific investments package to expand our local presence and stimulate national development. We have already made large investments in the training of our teams; we have reinforced our relationship with partners and clients; and we are investing in infrastructure. With regards to local production, we have already manufacture setup boxes and we are about to begin manufacturing of one of our main product lines, routers. We will soon provide for the manufacturing of switches locally. The main four pillars on which our investments are based over the next few years revolve around the inauguration of the Cisco innovation center

“There is no doubt that Brazil plays an important role and is one of the Cisco’s long-term investment plan. We have plans for local manufacturing, innovation, server excellence, and my expectation is that this market will grow faster than expected” —ROBERT LLOYD, CISCO’S GLOBAL SALES PRESIDENT

in Rio de Janeiro, where we will be able to demonstrate the innovations in the fields of health, education, urban development, sports and entertainment and public security; investments in a venture capital fund focused on IT, digital communications and economy, in the expansion of local production – as mentioned before – and on intellectual property agreements with Brazilian entities for the joint development of innovations to better serve the market. We are very optimistic. CLM: Has Cisco been working on any project for the World Cup and the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games? ROBERT LLOYD: When we talk about these sporting events, we always bring the experience we had in Sou-

th Africa, Beijing and London. Unquestionably, we have the capacity of providing the best infrastructure. We have more experience than any other company, and we will do a better job than we did in London; since, by 2016, the complexity will be greater and we will have more videos and content. We want to bring professionals with experience and know-how in events such

as these to help Cisco’s team in Brazil.

CLM: In which way do these sporting events orient the company’s investmentss? ROBERT LLOYD: We We consider these huge events as great opportunities to influence the Brazil’s development; however, I do not think that they are orienting our investments per se.




Obviously, the manner in which we look at the opportunity will determine which company will build the entire infrastructure required, and we certainly have the best tools to, for instance, execute the connectivity of the stadiums for the World Cup. However, our major concern is in making sure that the 12 cities hosting the games in 2014 will be able to take advantage of this infrastructure and that it will benefit its residents after the games. The main objective is to create a long-lasting legacy for the cities hosting the World Cup and for Rio de Janeiro after the Olympic Games. CLM: How does Cisco view Brazil’s position within the current global economy? ROBERT LLOYD: I believe that the Brazilian economy has been impacted by the slow rate of growth in the global market, in particular the drop in consumption from the Europeans. However, on the other hand, this is one of the causes for the investments made in its domestic industrialization, and the reason for Brazil’s growth over the last decade. There is no doubt that Brazil plays an important role and that it is one of Cisco’s focus of long-term investments. We have plans for local manufacturing, for investments in innovation, and two major events over the next few years. My expectation is that, on average, we will grow twice as fast in Brazil than in any other economy. CLM: What are the company’s challenges in face of the global economic crisis, which has particularly affected European countries? ROBERT LLOYD: Europe is a major challenge, because its governments are having trouble dealing with the economic crisis. This is the first point. The second point is that confidence in


“We lead and maintain our market share; in the US. For example, we are the second largest player in the blade segment. We have maintained our share at 15.2% regarding mobility, and we lead the wireless market, since Wi-Fi is a fast-growing market” —ROBERT LLOYD, CISCO’S GLOBAL SALES PRESIDENT

business is currently down, because people do not know what paths the economy will follow. The continent is officially in a recession, especially the southern block where the economy has been the most challenging. We have also seen a reduction in China’s production, because Europeans and North-Americans are consuming less. However, despite this, networks have never been such a relevant subject. The Internet has been helping, for example, consumers to deal with market challenges, and we see the adoption of cloud computing as a strategy to reduce costs. In the entertainment market, we believe in the video segment and, we definitely have an eye on the telecommunications sector, seeing great opportunities in mobility. Despite the crisis, people want to consume technology, and this is an advantage for Cisco, because we find ourselves in a good position. As soon as the crisis is controlled, we will be ready to meet the demand in strategic areas, such as datacenters, mobility, collaboration and video, and focus on the sale of solutions. CLM: Can emerging economies guarantee that company growth will be maintained in the short and medium terms? ROBERT LLOYD: We are making these investments because there is no better opportunity than in emerging countries. Brazil has 200 million people and a ma-

nufacturing, research and infrastructure oriented economy. The next Internet wave will be the Internet of things, not only connecting mobile phones, TVs and computers, but connecting everything. Well, we believe that a great percentage of sales will come from Brazil, Mexico, Russia, India and China. We have a plan for 2016, when we believe that the global economy will be normalized, and we also believe that, at that time, Brazil will continue growing somewhere between 4% and 5% per year. CLM: The lack of qualified ICT labor is one of the challenges in Brazil. What is Cisco’s strategy in this area? ROBERT LLOYD: There two points to this question; first of all, we work with the academies that initiate young people in technology. One thing that has been very successful, and that already includes over 30,000 students is the NetAcademy program. I also believe that we will have to intensify the work with our training partners and our partnerships with universities in order to have increasingly more people inserted in the trainee programs. I would like to continue hiring these more qualified individuals, because it is important to have younger talents in the company. CLM: What are Cisco’s main verticals in Brazil? ROBERT LLOYD: Government is one of the growing segments, and we

want to do more business with them, especially with the Federal Government because only investments in ICT will help to leverage the country’s productivity. We are also focused on the telecommunications sector, industry in general, finances, the areas of health, oil, and public services; but mainly retail, since it is a market that presents great business opportunities for Cisco. We are also beginning to work with partners to provide connectivity built-in solutions and

architecture for small and medium-sized businesses, something that I particularly believe to be a great business opportunity.

CLM: In the area of telecommunications, has 4G been one of those business opportunities? ROBERT LLOYD: Mobility is an

operates with Sky, in the Sky Go service, where people access the subscribed TV service through their smartphones. This is the kind of service we can to build with

NDS’ solutions, delivering entertainment on any device.

CLM: Fixed broadband is still a problem in Brazil, but the country has plans to expand the service, the PNBL. What are Cisco’s thoughts regarding this expansion? ROBERT LLOYD: I believe that broadband is one of the mbelieve that broadband is one of the main values that we can deliver to people; it is more than a telephone and electric power. We have to work with regulators, encourage the market with good practices, and deliver the experience regardless of the location. However,

6 “I believe that we will see a fast expansion of broadband services”


area of major investments for Cisco and we may provide core packages so that the mobile service providers are able to monetize investments in infrastructure and make money with content.

we understand the physical difficulties that hinder this access. This is what is

CLM: What is Cisco’s position regarding video delivery? ROBERT LLOYD: In the video segment we hold an excellent position in the set-top-box market, with local manufacturing and investments made in Brazil. The acquisition of the NDS Group was also a milestone for the company, and I consider it one of the most successful acquisitions we made this year. The solution allows for the delivery of video content through subscriptions to the consumers’ homes, and also for such content to be replicated to mobile devices. In the United Kingdom, NDS already

promoting an actual change. I believe that there is still a lot of work to be done, including the expansion of broadband to remote locations. Certain companies are working with this in distant communities in Europe, which will be common over the next few years, where we will see a fast expansion. Each government in the world has its practices and policies for the expansion of the service, so we cannot compare the pace in the United States with the pace in Brazil. I think that Brazil’s plan, the PNBL, follows the characteristics of local telecommunications, and with the possibility

taking place in Australia and Canada, for example. We have developed projects that allow us to state that it is possible to build a broadband infrastructure capable of

that the operators have to reach the most distant cities. So, I don’t believe in a lack of structure, but I think that globally, we are all headed in the same direction. CLM: Regarding its competitors in the marketing of mobility solutions, datacenters, networks and collaboration, how is Cisco doing? ROBERT LLOYD: The The market is very good. We are the leaders in the datacenter segment. In terms of blade servers we hold 15.2% of the market share. In the US, we are the second largest player, with a market share of 22%. IBM is third, with 10%. We are also leaders in mobility, delivering core packages, and we also lead the ISP Wi-Fi market. These are the areas

that are growing faster. I believe that we need to improve on certain points, such as making UCS technology more accessible; and, we are already working on it. We also need to do more in terms of collaborations, despite having better technology, we need to study our competitor’s position in this segment, Microsoft’s Link, and increase sales of safety solutions, because Cis-

co stands out in the market for delivering architecture, not only solutions, which provides an opening for tablets, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, etc.

CLM: Which areas provide greater growth and business opportunities in the future? ROBERT LLOYD: Software, cloud, services and new alliances, which will allow us to expand the business and take a step forward. I believe that, in the future, we will extract higher value from network applications. The smart networks are already a part of our reality. Cisco is developing alliances in order to create new services, which will allow us to be more competitive, when we deliver and explore the power of smart networks.




ACTUAL COOPERATION Cisco shares its strategy with partners in order to lead in unified communications


ideo collaboration has sped up Cisco’s strategy in UC (Unified Communication) segment, so much so that during an online training program for partners in October, executives linked to the manufacturer transferred to partners the convenience and importance

clients,” he said. According to Carolina Morawetz, Cisco Latin America’s marketing manager for collaboration solutions, support materials are already available with all messages focused on the market trends, such as BYOD and the use of video. Cisco is the leader in the collaboration

of increasing sales in the segmentnt.

and unified communications segment for major companies, and is currently

Cleber Giorgetti, collaboration business development manager for medium-sized businesses, highlights the “Business Edition 6000” solution for companies with up to 1,000 users. “The solution integrates telephony, voicemail, chat, contact center and videoconferencing, centralizes the operation and management of the entire platform on a single server. Thus, partners can provide medium-sized companies with a complete solution that is easy to install and manage that

better meets this market’s needs”. The company’s strategy, according to Hugo Palma, Cisco Brazil’s collaboration partner development manager, is to occupy each workspace. He emphasizes the importance of training the partners’ sales teams, “they will be required to use marketing and mobility resources in order to demonstrate the solutions to the


and in videos, the rate is of 1 to 7. It is a billion dollar market for Brazil,” he affirmed Brazil,” he affirmed.

increasing its performance with specific products for small and medium-sized businesses and has been obtaining good results in Latin America. In Brazil alone, it holds 32% of the video business market share and is the UC leader in the continent, according to executives. Ricardo Ogata,

collaboration business manager, presented the advantages of the Cisco solution

regarding its competitors. “Cisco provides an end-to-end solution, which runs on any operational system, providing the best experience for the corporate end user,” he declared. He affirmed that this is the right

moment to increase the company’s and its partners’ revenues. “We are talking about one of Cisco’s main businesses; every

US$ 1 sold in collaboration results in US$ 3 in infrastructure and services;

“The partners’ sales teams will be required to use marketing and mobility resources in order to demonstrate the solutions to the clients” — HUGO PALMA, FROM CISCO



TELEMEDICINE IMPROVES AND STRENGTHENS HEALTH SERVICES Technology democratizes service and speeds up processes


uring an event promoted by Solutione, an exclusive Global Med distributor in Brazil and a Cisco partner, the three companies discussed – and provided practical examples – the application of telemedicine in Brazil and in the world, emphasizing the manner in which ICT solutions are contributing strongly to improve the quality of health servicess. One of the event’s goals was so that participants, mainly health professionals, could experiment with the technologies and learn how they actually work. Heitor Gottberg, Cisco’s executive in charge of health services, pointed out that while in other segments the main premise is cost reduction, in health we are talking about efficiently increasing access to health services. In order to do so, one growing challenge is people management or more precisely, the lack of professionals. “A common opinion among professionals refers to the lack of expert physicians to meet the present demand,” he pointed out. In order to specifically mitigate this difficulty, the telemedicine solutions are becoming more popular. The

search of specialized service. Cisco also is on favor of the use of Cisco also defends the use of wireless networks (Wi-Fi) as basic infrastructure in health services in order to improve patient flow in Emergency Rooms for example, and in the event of a demand for constant patient surveillance. “The patient is monitored while he/she is in the Emergency Room. This way we are able to identify the bottlenecks,” he explained. According to Gottberg, there are projects in which Cisco was able to reduce the average time between the arrival and dismissal of a patient in the Emergency Room by up to 50%. “We were also able to transfer ICU patients to the ward by using Wi-Fi monitoring,” he added.

No more barriers By means of a videoconference carrieBy means of a videoconference

held during the event, the Trauma Telemedicine Director at Ryder Trauma Center, in Miami, Dr. Antônio Carlos Marttos Jr., a medical doctor from São Paulo and one of the pioneers in telemedicine in the world, reported that among

6 The main goal of telemedicine is to facilitate access and increase the problem-solving capacity of health services technology’s main goal is to provide efficient access in order to allow the physician to avoid the transfer of the patient to another hospital in the


the cases of telemedicine services he had the case of the Brazilian women’s volleyball player, Jackeline, who during the Guadalajara Pan American Games,

Heitor Gottberg, from Cisco: the lack of specialized medical doctors can be mitigated by means of remote services

in 2011, suffered trauma to her cervical spine. “She was sent to the hospital and the doctor conducted a CT scan using a tablet that was connected

to a Hospital in São Paulo, with the assistance of a back specialist,”

Marttos added. “She was released the following day and was awarded the national team’s MVP in the Olympic Games”, he said, stating that telemedicine is also a technology that can be transported easily to disaster areas.

Cisco Partner Summit 2012 Melhor Parceiro para o Setor PĂşblico



SICOOB TRENTOCREDI REPLACES ANALOG TELEPHONES WITH THE CISCO/INTELBRAS PLATFORM A credit co-operative from the State of Santa Catarina has just installed 60 IP extensions and has plans to increase the use of the new features made available by the system


icoob Trentocredi, a credit co-operative associated with the National Sicoob, with headquarters in Nova Trento in Santa Catarina, is one of the solution’s first clients created by the CiscoIntelbras partnership announced in February/2012. The co-operative replaced its entire telephony system and already has plans to intensify the use of video solutions between its branches, which is only waiting for an increase in the capacity of data communication links. The partnership between Cisco and Intelbras has the purpose of meeting the growing Unified Communication (UC) and IP Telephony markets in Brazil and particularly, stimulate small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to exchange their old telephone centrals for systems that meet the current communication needs. The agreement includes the adaptation of the newly released Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 3000 (BE 3000) to the Brazilian market, and for certain Intelbras IP telephones and gateways forming a broader and more


complete portfolio together with other Intelbras products. With direct operations in seven cities and providing service for a total of 12 cities in the State of Santa Catarina, Trentocredi has replaced its analog telephones with the IP platform. Rosiane Constante, IT manager at Sicoob Trentocredi, explained that the co-operative is still in a transitional stage from one environment to the other and that it has already been possible to observe that the migration is occurring smoothly with the concurrent use of both analog and IP environments. The idea, according to her, is to conclude the migration right after the implementation of 4 Mbps fiber optic links in all Trentocredi’s facilities. In order to compose the implemented solution, the Intelbras CIP60300 platform was adopted, which is based on the Cisco BE3000, a UC platform for companies with up to 300 users, together with telephones and gateways from Intelbras, which is responsible for the project. The users now have the TIP-100 IP telephone on their desks, considered

“Emphasis to the features of the new system, such as the reduction on the number of telephone lines, extension-toextension calls; call transfers, calls on hold and conference calls” — ROSIANE CONSTANTE, FROM SICOOB TRENTOCREDI

investments in infrastructure. With the availability of the new links, the IT manager informed that Trentocredi plans on reducing phone lines, besides using a series of features provided by the new environment, which include not only the extensionto-extension dialing in order to speak to branches in other cities, but also video communications, the user’s unique contact number, integration to smartphones, mobility, Instant Messaging, hoping to achieve a significant reduction in costs

Sicoob Trentocredi has replaced its entire conventional telephony system with a unified communications platform

the most cost effective in Brazil and that had its system modified in order to operate with the BE 3000, in the TIP100S version. Intelbras ATAs were also used, allowing the connection of analog

devices with the UC . Rosiane stated that the new solution permits the connection of the IP telephone to a local area network (LAN), an Intelbras proposal to reduce

with the complete system. “We are only in the beginning of this Unified Communication journey, but we are already seeing its benefits, and we are able to see a much more collaborative environment between users and between the

users and our clients, speeding up our business and increasing productivity, putting us ahead of our competitors,” concluded Rosiane.




PALMEIRAS ADOPTS IP NETWORK Data, voice, multimedia, security and video surveillance to be interconnected by an infrastructure installed in both new towers at the soccer club

Cisco and Auriga executives sign an agreement with the Palmeiras board


he Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras soccer club is about to inaugurate two new towers with a new communications infrastructure. The project was developed by Auriga Tecnologia & Negócios – a Cisco partner, the team opted for standardizing its cable and Wi-Fi infrastructure and its security and telephony systems. Both new towers of the soccer team will Both new towers will house multipurpose sports courts, fitness centers, administration offices, stores, snack bars and restaurants. “Our project scope included the definition of the


communications technology for both buildings, which must communicate and interoperate with the “Palestra” Arena, after the work is concluded,” affirmed Erivaldo Vidal, Auriga Business Director. According to him, the pre-project, approved by the Club’s Board, foresaw the use of Cisco technology, and the initiative of expanding it to both towers that will be used by the administration offices, leisure and amateur sports, was a natural decision. With an infrastructure for LAN connections, Catalyst 4500 core switches and Catalyst 2960 edge switches will be adopted, all

provided with support for the Power Over Ethernet (PoE). The installation of the 2500 line of controllers and the 1042N LAP Access Point is planned for the wireless infrastructure. The Wi-Fi network will be open at the administrative area and the sports courts, with restricted access for employees and support teams – including visitors – involved in tournaments, besides the press. The project also included Cisco’s IP Telephony, which will be available, after its conclusion, to over 350 Club employees. At first, the system will be connected to the legacy environment,

but the expectation is that approximately 250 extensions will be entirely changed to an IP environment. During the first stage, the installation of 60 7900 IP telephones are planned, with an onboard PABX IP integrated with the Cisco 2900 Series router, connected to the CISCO Communications Manager Express System.

Security The new network will also integrate the Club’s video surveillance system. This package includes the Cisco ASA 5500 Access Firewall with integrated IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) modules. “This solution is directed to perimeter

security,” explained Júlio Divietro, Project Manager at Auriga. In order to control the access of devices and users to the cable and WiFi connections, the Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) solution was

purchased; and in order to complete the solution, Palmeiras purchased 150 2600 IP cameras, which will be installed in the administrative areas and the sports courts, for real time

monitoring and recording,” explained Júlio Divietro, when he mentioned that this camera infrastructure, along with the central monitoring’s storage, were designed for the monitoring of Palmeiras’ assets and will be operated by the Club’s

security staff. Concluding the season of innovation, Palmeiras’ board has also invested in a DMS (Digital Media Suite) solution, directed to the distribution of multimedia content over the network. The project foresees the purchase of 45 multimedia terminals (digital media players), besides the content management center and 45 monitors. “Our main goal is to have a converging network infrastructure that can be integrated to the solutions to be adopted in the Arena and that will also be ready to support new voice services, as well as video and image services,” concluded Leandro Silva, IT coordinator of Palmeiras.





Changes in shopping habits demand that retailers be creative by investing in robust network and interactive solutions, in order to improve the consumer’s shopping experience


ithout doubt, consumers are more demanding and aware of what they want when they are looking for a product: competent service, quality, and competitive prices. A combination that is successful over the Internet, a medium that adds convenience to the shopping process. A survey conducted by Cisco confirms that the Internet combined with physical stores is not only here to stay, but has also changed the way people are shopping and is increasing the level of demands from consumers used to the cyber world; . Something that requires strategic and structural changes from retailers, starting with investments in interactive technologies. Used to searching for information on products, which they intend to purchase, on blogs, specialized forums, social networks, videos and even the opinion from family members, friends and other consumers, the 2.0 consumers do not find the same


level of information at the physical stores, which demonstrates the need to provide retailer with new technologies, according to the survey conducted by Cisco. According to the study, the combination of both worlds is the major secret for success. The study indicates that the traditional store advantages – the trying out of products, when combined with interactive resources, such as digital displays, videos, network and WiFi technologies, may increase revenues. “Consumers expect to find the Internet experience at the stores and the store experience over the Internet,” declared Dick Cantwell, Vice President of Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG).

Self check-out In Brazil, the Pão de Açúcar retail chain has already improved end consumer experience with Cisco’s “self check-out” solution, which allows consumers to conclude and

pay for their purchases a without the movement of goods. At the store’s coffee shop, the user also has access to a Wi-Fi connection, which facilitates the search for information. Another example is C&A, which has also invested in Wi-Fi networks, including the POS in order improving consumer experience that also allowed major innovations in its relationship with the consumer at the POS, such as the C&A Fashion Like project (which may be seen in detail in the video at http://, where the clothes hangers are connected to the Wi-Fi network and calculate the number of “Likes” that the clothes receive through Facebook. Certain Cisco partners, such as Itautec, Intermec and IBM, integrate solutions to present interactivity projects to retailers; initiatives that depend on the expansion of network capacities, especially WiFi, to support the increasing number of users and the variety of mobile devices.

“Consumers wish to shop anywhere, at any time and using any device,” Lindsay Parker emphasized, Cisco’s retail global director. One requirement met by Wi-Fi networks, especially free connections, which has had its efficiency proven by means of another study conducted by Cisco and presented during the 2012 Futurecom,: approximately 45% of the consumers accept advertising on their mobile devices in exchange for free access to the Internet. They feel that Wi-Fi must be adopted by stores to improve user experience.

Remote management service for physical security promises to assist security and IT teams in the implementation of videos on a large scale

Innovation To Cisco, combining marketing strategies to technology can increase sales, including these markets. Thus, the manufacturer has been investing in a portfolio of retail solutions, such as CFTV or Physical Security systems, which allow the analysis of consumer behavior and create business strategies, such as the replacement of products in the store. “The utility of video systems goes beyond the traditional use of surveillance cameras. Executives are more aware of the importance of using analytical tools in business,” explained Amri Tarsis, Cisco’s Business Development Manager for Latin America. The new IP cameras (6000 series), the management system (VSM 7.0), the UCS cloud applications, “medianet” technologies and the remote management of services and of advanced services are also noteworthy recent releases. These products were demonstrated in August, at the AISIS fair, in New Jersey (USA). The VSM 7.0, for instance, is the industry’s first certified solution designed to include cloud environment systems in the Cisco UCS – Unified Computing System. The new line is integrated with IP cameras and is

CFTV or Physical Security systems allow the analysis of consumer behavior and create business strategies

an extension of “medianet”, with remote management services for physical security, which is designed to help security and IT teams in the implementation of videos on a large scale, with robust support, network intelligence, scalability and simple management. In the Wi-Fi area, the Connected

Mobile Experiences will also be one of Cisco’s next releases to allow the extension of Wi-Fi and will deliver a customized tool, which improves the user’s experience with real time communication. The solution integrates content and may result in the increase of sales opportunities for retail executives.

6 NATURAL RETAIL FAIR (NFR) With the goal of showing the new technologies to this segment, Cisco will participate, in January/2013, of the “NRF Expo NY (Natural Retail Fair)”, introducing strategies that include tools for mobile devices, items purchased check-out, networks, interactive channels, videos, among others. The event will take place in New York (NY), between January 13 and 16 of 2013, and the registration and information are available at annual2013/..




AT THE HOME OF AN INTEGRATOR, THE PRODUCTS ARE TOP OF LINE Comstor and Dimension Data tell us how their use of Cisco solutions have improved their internal business and have reflected in easier sales, besides improving employee routines 42


shoemaker’s son must never go barefoot. The saying the orients the most rudimentary commercial relationships is also put into practice in the ICT market. Comstor, belonging to the Westcon Group and Dimension Data are examples of the advantages of testing Cisco products in operation in the heat of business. Both companies use unified communication solutions – including messaging platforms, IP Telephony, telepre s ence, video surveillance and UCS (for datacenters), and comment that the adoption of these tools have made

business routines simpler and how this reflects on the sale of Cisco products. With the recent adoption of the UCS solution for datacenters and the migration of the traditional telephony system to IP telephony in certain countries like Brazil, Mexico and the United States, Comstor has improved IT and Telecom communications, but it still intends to improve the infrastructure already installed at the datacenter, located in Rio de Janeiro, and migrate the entire content to a private cloud environment. “The UCS has already impacted our datacenter, by increasing

processing memory in the virtualized environment, the route to the private cloud,” said Andrés Irazabal, Westcon Group’s Technology Director for Latin America, when he mentioned that the next step will be the management of employee mobile devices so as to enhance the BYOD practice in the company. On the other hand, Dimension Data has been using Cisco solutions since 2005 in the areas of videoconferencing, telepresence and IP Telephony. “We were the first company in Brazil to use telepresence, also providing part of the installation to Cisco,” affirmed Ana Cerqueira, Dimension Data’s Sales Director. She confirms that mobility has made work more dynamic. “Productivity, in my opinion, is one of the main benefits. With the solutions, we save time and have a better quality of life, because instead of sitting in traffic for two hours during our commute to the office, we can start off our day at home, since our mobile devices are connected to the company’s network and allows us to conduct video calls and meetings,” affirmed the sales director. In her opinion, this convenience can be translated into quality of life. “I make better use of my time better, which would usually be wasted in traffic, by doing something for me. So, I have more flexibility,” she added. The entire Dimension Data internal net work and communication solutions are based on Cisco tools and equipment, with special emphasis to telepresence and videoconferencing considered fundamental for the company’s business nowadays. “We u s e telepre s ence and videoconferencing a lot, because all company facilities in the world are

connected, especially in the Americas (which represent our day to day activities). These solutions provide benefits, such as the reduction of costs with trips and better productivity,” said Ana Cerqueira. She adds that the solutions are transparent because they provide communications regardless of location. “My notebook, for example, is an end-point, because through it I have access to every company video room and I can make video calls to employees from various locations,” she explained. Regarding the IP Telephony system, AnaRegarding the IP Telephony system, Ana stated that all branches are equipped with Cisco terminals, which speed up internal communications.

“With these solutions, we save time and improve our quality of life” — ANA CERQUEIRA, FROM DIMENSION DATA

Virtual meetings Irazabal highlights the corporate solutions used by Comstor, such as WebEx, Jabber and the telephony system. “We have been using WebEx for several years, and I consider the solution to be a communications facilitator, because we participate in meetings with up to 20 people from all around the world, and the tool permits the sharing of content during the conference,” Irazabal pondered. In terms of IP telephony, he said that the migration took place recently. “The deactivated system was over 10 years old and was already presenting defects. So, we migrated to the new system,” he said while presenting results such as extension mobility. “We are now ready to enable remote mobility,” he stateded. One of Jabber’s benefits, in the manager’s opinion, is its instant messaging and videoconference capabilities between users. “Jabber is a safe tool, with corporate video and instant messaging. As the company employees are registered, it facilitates communications a lot,” he added. The system allows you to know whether or not people are near their computers, telephone or in any WebEx session, a convenience that has sped up communications at the Westcon Group, especially between sectors. “When we know the solution and have it implemented it in our business selling becomes much easier. Our organization has a broad client and reseller base, and bringing Cisco’s technological message to them is much easier because these technologies facilitate our communications,” explained Irazabal. According to him, the company has learned from the implementation




6 WHO’S WHO of the solutions. “When we use the solutions and feel comfortable with them, we learn several lessons. After the implementation of the IP Telephony for example, we learned more about energy management and this allowed us to understand small details and possible traps,” he emphasized. In terms of the relationship with Cisco, Ana affirmed that Dimension Data is one of its major global partners. “We entered the Cisco universe over 20 years ago and our relationship is global, present in 54 countries.” The company markets the entire Cisco infrastructure, including networks, telephony, video, security, data center, and other services. “We hold all certifications required to provide projects and services, and our sales team works with pre-sales support, which is formed by engineers specialized by each of the Cisco fronts and equipment,” she emphasized. Westcon Group’s technology director for Latin America summarizes the company’s relationship with Cisco in a few words: “it is a relationship that will last forever.” A partnership that, according to him, was kicked off in Brazil in 2008, when the Westcon Group assumed the distribution and became consolidated in the country with the Comstor business unit, whose main business is as distributor, with exclusive focus on Cisco solutions and supplementary products from other suppliers.

a surprise and we cannot disclose details regarding this action, which will be global,” said Ana Cerqueira. Internally, the company’s next step is to migrate to cloud computing. “As the market structures itself, our next stop will be to invest in applications, systems and cloud operations; thus, we acquired Opsource from the US, and we rely on the entire Cisco equipment and solutions.” According to Irazabal, Comstor has already made progress towards cloud computing. “We use UCS and have 45 virtual servers at our datacenter, which is located in Rio de Janeiro. Despite being at an initial stage, using the basic level of the UCS line, our intent is to assemble a datacenter structure and we want all servers to be connected to the storage by using Cisco’s Nexus technology, because we will be

Future Investments

“When we know the

Regarding companies’ future investments, they will be focused on datacenters and cloud services. “Dimension Data and Cisco already have a partnership plan regarding cloud computing; however, it is still


The solutions used by each company: Comstor, Westcon Group • WebEx • Jabber • IP Telephony • UCS Dimension Data • Switching and router • Videoconference • Telepresence • IP Telephony • WebEx

adopting a private cloud.” Among the new projects, Comstor intends to invest in BYODs (Bring Your Own Device) and manage mobile devices inside the company. “Mobility is also our focus. We already have users that connect to the company’s Wi-Fi network with the Jabber solution, but we still need to support devices from employees

(manage BYOD) and receive remote calls at our extension,” he stated. Regarding the good results and the consequences of the partnership, the sales director affirmed, “Dimension Data is the Commercial leader in the Brazilian market, along with Cisco, and we were awarded, for the third consecutive year for our results in this market. Our

solution and implement it in our business it becomes much easier to sell” — ANDRÉS IRAZABAL, FROM WESTCON GROUP

partnership has evolved immensely inside the companies and service providers,” she evaluated. The company has positive expectations for the 2013 fiscal year, which has already started. “There is a mutual investment so that during this fiscal year business can increase. Our challenge is to keep this leadership regarding the Commercial segment,” he concluded



THE FUTURE IS HERE Cisco participates actively in the 2012 Futurecom presenting solutions, discussing trends and announcing partnerships


uring the 14th Futurecom in October, held for the first time in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Cisco’s presence was strong, not only because of its huge stand and in lectures, as well as making clear its commitment with telecommunications in Brazil thanks to the alliances and solutions demonstrated at the various partners’ stands. Telefônica and Vivo, for example, announced their choice for the Cisco set-top box, the ISB 7100 Series, for the new Vivo TV Fibra service, which delivers paid TV to the service provider’s fiber optics clients. The technological platform allows advanced

high-definition IPTV services, which include a built-in digital video recorder (DVR), with a 500 GB HD so that the clients can pause live TV broadcasts, watch and record multiple shows simultaneously. “This project is the first of its

6 The survey demonstrated that 30% of fixed broadband clients do not know whether their providers allow free access in public locations, but consider its availability essemtial kind in the IPTV segment in Brazil, providing the market with a high level of innovation and quality as result of a successful initiative between Vivo and Cisco,” said Cisco Brazil’s business director, Hugo Baeta. “It will represent the beginning of a new era in TV experience for the Brazilian users,” he concluded.


“Half of the consumers are interest in accessing the web inside stores, which may improve their shopping

experiencece” — LUIZ LIMA, FROM CISCO


microphone, camera, video monitors, keyboard, among others), besides videoconferencing. In order to build the solution, Cisco established alliances with local companies that develop applications, pedagogic content providers and

Education is another sector supported by Cisco Brazil. The company introduced, at its stand, an integrated connectivity, collaboration, computing and content management solution based on a single device. The idea is to provide teachers and students access and means to share knowledge in and out of school. The Digital Classroom, as the solution is called, is fully enabled by the Cisco Edge 300, a device installed in the classroom with a connection to the Wi-Fi network, LAN connectivity, Bluetooth, interactive digital blackboard control, audio/video resources (speakers,

other devices connected to the Edge. Software developed by MSTech and Metasys, digital blackboards, projectors and Smart, Promethean and E-beam (Luidia) cameras were also included. Other alliances must be developed in these school management areas and teaching-learning management systems. “We hope that the Digital Classroom will create a teaching and learning environment that surpasses the physical boundary of the school, improving access and the selection of the pedagogical content with a collaborative learning platform to improve the interaction between teachers and students,” said Ricardo Santos, who is responsible for the development of Cisco’s educational vertical. “Specialized remote teachers may provide additional knowledge in certain subjects in real time or prerecorded web-conferences, among other applications.” Cisco formed partnerships with educational institutions – such as Senac São Paulo – to explore the practical use of Edge applications in the classroom.

Other partnerships must continue to be created in order to enhance the use of the technology and improve the quality of teaching and learning process. “The main challenge in teaching nowadays is quality,” emphasized the President of Cisco Brazil, Rodrigo Abreu, during a panel that discussed the subject. “The good news is that technology may help solve this problem.”

Wi-Fi Also during the 2012 Futurecom, Rodrigo Abreu presented, together with Cisco’s operational strategy director, Luiz Lima, the “What do consumers expect from Wi-Fi?” survey. The study demonstrated the increase in demand for wireless services, deemed as strategic to the business of the local operators and concluded that wireless networks are considered to be better than mobile networks. Nearly 75% of the users considered speed as the best benefit; followed by safety (55%); coverage (35%); and low cost (25%). The negative point was the lack of new resources, such as migration to 3G. The survey also demonstrated that 30% of the fixed broadband clients do not know whether their providers allow free access in public locations, but consider its availability essential. Many stated that they would change service providers, if the competitor offered free hotspots.t. “Brazil is a market that has developed a good telecom infrastructure over the last decade, but has a low Wi-Fi penetration, for it only holds 0.5% out of the 777,000 hotspots in the world,” explained Cisco Brazil’s President. “Operators should integrate the service as an essential part of their portfolio, in view of the increase in demand.” The lack of connectivity in churches,

“The main challenge in teaching nowadays is quality” — RODRIGO ABREU, PRESIDENT OF CISCO DO BRASIL

libraries, movie theaters, banks and large retailers was pointed out by the users as another negative point for the service providers. “Nearly 50% wish to access the web inside of stores, which may improve their shopping experience,” affirmed Lima.

Cloud The cloud computing subject was also discussed by Cisco during a panel at the 2012 Futurecom. Marcelo Ehalt, the company’s engineering director, affirmed that cloud computing should be a part of the companies’ strategy,

but the adoption implies in a cultural change for the IT managers. “The managers were previously used to creating solutions, but nowadays, with mobile devices and the corporate market, new practices emerge such as BYOD, and the clients request applications,” affirmed Ehalt, stating that the change requires a new vision of the business. “Managers need to adjust to change, and the best way to take advantage of this is by creating opportunities and taking part in the decision-making process.” Cisco engineering director considers that there is no doubt that cloud computing is strategic to the cost reduction and processes optimization of IT, despite the fact that the migration taking place in Brazil is quite slow. “In a survey conducted by Cisco early this year with IT managers from 13 countries, we found that 5% of the companies have more than 50% of their services in cloud computing. Although in Brazil this trend is smaller, the adoption is growing.” Ehalt, however, alerted that although the solutions are strategic, the user’s experience must be a priority. “Quality should not only be in the architecture, safety and network, because there is no use in providing a solution that is hard to manage,” the executive concluded.

6 WI-FI GOOD IMAGE The main positive points of the Wi-Fi technology:

75% of the users attribute speed as the best benefit 55% sees safety as the differential 35 % indicates coverage 25% the low cost 47



ALLIANCES, THE FOUNDATIONS OF GOOD PRACTICES During a visit to Brazil, Cisco marketing leaders explain why the company values its business partners so much


n an interview to Live Magazine during Futurecom 2012, Cisco’s global marketing leaders, Patrice D’Eramo and Javier Camacho, who operate intensely in Latin America, talked about the importance of technology for the consolidation of new business in Brazil, and assessed the good moment that the local economy

is experiencing, and pointed out the importance of strategic partnerships inside the channel program. CISCO LIVE MAGAZINE: Has Brazil been generating new opportunities for Cisco? PATRICE D’ERAMO: Brazil has been growing and we are seriously committed to investing and making choices, in

particular with partners, because we consider the country as a place that is going through a transformation, which has traced a path beyond sporting events. JAVIER CAMACHO: I believe that the greatest transformation in Brazil has been its economic transformation. Over the last ten years we have been watching the growth of the middle class, which generates new business opportunities, in particular with the government that needs to meet these “new citizens” needs with intelligent services in the educational and health segments. Technology, in this sense, optimizes and improves productivity. We have the tools and we want to invest in partnerships with the government, companies and different

organizations to carry Brazil to the next level of the technological experience.

“Our strategy is to allow technology to operate in a manner that transforms business” — PATRICE D’ERAMO, MARKETING VICE-PRESIDENT OF CISCO AMERICAS


CLM: Which were Cisco main investments in Brazil? D’ERAMO: We have invested in different ways over the past few years, such as new partnerships, the innovation center and the manufacturing of our

main products locally; and we will continue with our investments. I can affirm that we care for our relationship with Brazil and that we have great plans for the country.

“Alliances help in capturing opportunities, help growth and provide support for our clients” — JAVIER CAMACHO, MARKETING OFFICER OF CISCO LATIN AMERICA

CLM: What is the relationship between marketing and the channel areas like? CAMACHO: The channel area is essential for Cisco because it always keeps an eye on the market and works in partnerships. Our success depends on the success of our partners and here at Futurecom we are talking to some of them in order to create a strategy capable of supporting Brazil’s growth, which is translated into vertical programs. We also want to stay close to the market to provide solutions that exceed the clients’ expectations. Thus, the channel area is strategic and, from a marketing point of view, it helps in capturing opportunities.

D’ERAMO: From my American and global perspective, the work done in Brazil, in the business and government areas, may be a reference not only to the internal market, but to the world; and this is part of the relationship.

FAVORABLE WINDS BRING UCS The architecture for the datacenter, which integrates networks and storage, is of high performance and improves business possibilities between Cisco and its partners


s the leader in the datacenter and blade markets; and an average of three years of investments in the server area, Cisco celebrates the achievement of being second place in the blade sales market share in the US, third in Brazil and Latin America, according to Carlos Gustavo Werner, Datacenter Business Development Director of Cisco Brazil. The executive attributed the success of the datacenter segment to the good results coming from the implementation of the Unified Computing System (UCS) for partners and clients. “We want to expand this business. We are the datacenter leaders and our goal is to replicate this performance in the server segment, providing an architecture that also integrates networks and storage,” affirmed Werner. In order to expand the UCS business in Brazil, Cisco is searching for two types of partner profiles: those

6 “Our goal is to create new options, not only in sales, but also becoming closer to the Cisco server and application teams” —REGINA KUSUHARA, FROM CISCO

that already have knowledge and experience with datacenters; and the traditional integrators, which are looking for partnerships with other leaders, such as cloud computing. As an enticement, Werner emphasizes, in addition to the technology, the strength of the brand as a relevant item for the integrator. “The partner gains by absorbing this powerful tool and grows in importance for the client,” he added. Another benefit, according to Regina Kusuhara, Cisco Brazil’s datacenter partner development manager, is the easy communication and relationship with the application and server team. “For the traditional integrators, who know Cisco as a network infrastructure provider, there is an opportunity of opening new options, not only in terms of sales, but also from becoming closer to the server and application teams, which the traditional partners had no prior contact.” Additionally, the UCS creates new opportunities with solutions, such as the recently launched Hana, with SAP architecture. “The product is wellpositioned, because it provides a new

6 “We are leaders in the datacenter market and our goal is to replicate this experience in the server area, providing an architecture that integrates servers, networks and storage” — CARLOS GUSTAVO WERNER, FROM CISCO

approach that allows for an improved financial control; and we are only at the beginning,” stated Werner. Globally, said Werner, the UCS has already recorded consistent sales of over US$ 1 billion a year. “This market is different from Cisco’s traditional business and is considered to be one of our potentials in Brazil, not only regarding technology for the clients and partners, but with respect to turnover, which may reach US$ 3 billion over three years,” he





SING TO HELP A CHILD The project gathers executives and entrepreneurs to play music for a social cause


nt repreneur s and executives from different sectors met in October, for the third “Quem Canta Ajuda

Criança,” a jam session at the “Na Mata Café” in São Paulo, with the purpose of raising funds to promote the musical initiation and

education for low-income children and teenagers. The songs included the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Janis Joplin, and also U2, Queen, Pearl Jam and

Adele, even Brazilian hits by Raul Seixas, Titãs and Paralamas. Over 25 musicians gathered in five bands

that played approximately 30 songs.


Organized by the Association for the Musical Initiation for Low-Income Children (AIM), “Quem Canta Ajuda Criança” joins voluntary work and music, also expanding everyone’s relationship network, including the participants and guests, emphasized Cisco’s “JP” exec utive, one of the creators of the event. “The project is also noteworthy for trying to fu lfill the dreams of several executives, who would not have the opportunity of playing at a pr ofessional venue with the infrastructure of a true concert,” concluded Fábio Lacaz.

Group of executives from the ICT sector at the “Na Mata Café”



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