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> september 2011 | edition 4

Connected Cities

TIC tools represent infrastructure solutions for a sustainable development

CISCO IN 2012 Brazil operation acquires status and wins possibility of investments

THE PARTNER HAS VOICE Cisco eco-system reports the business priorities for next year

FINANCIAL AREA Bank agencies use vide o and cooperation to “welcome� clients PAID TV Video on demand changes the sector profile 1







t is possible that, in short time, we will have the impression that Brazil became a huge jobsite. At least until 2016. And not only of projects focusing the civil engineering, as there is the need and urgency to invest in structural technologies to accelerate the companies productivity and the public services efficiency, together with new ways to educate children, young people and adults in classroom or outside it, just to mention a few sectors. The country is in the middle of the world economy, and the bets are the new tools of cooperation, mobility, virtualization and video. In Cisco, the thought and the practice are not different. We have to keep focus in our core segments, such as rotators and switches, but we cannot ignore these growth tools for the new phase of information and communication technologies. In Brazil, Cisco bet wins larger vitalities due to the economic support and the forecast of investments in infrastructure. These are interdependent concepts and guidelines for the strategy which we put into practice as for this new fiscal year, which began in August. The local operation won the status of “Americas” within the Parent Company, and this should result in investment fruits in production and in a larger stimulation to our partners network and our strategic alliances. Among these changes, one is the periodicity of our Cisco LIVE Magazine, recently awarded by the Segmented Publication Editors’ National Association (ANATEC in the Portuguese acronym), which from this issue on will be quarterly published. And everything connected – Radio Cisco, Social Networks and another show in the new Cisco Pavilion during Futurecom 2011, with great news. Cooperative content, in the best Brazilian style. A new fiscal year, with great success opportunities for Cisco do Brasil and our business partners. Therefore, roll your sleeves!


Inclusion Rio de Janeiro municipality and Cisco offer courses in destitute communities. Rocinha is the first community to certify professionals


All you need is download Tablet Cius wins applications store in web


Education Latin America is the most optimistic area in the use of state-of-the-art technology in the classroom


Connected cities How TIC tools can improve the infrastructure and the services rendered to citizens


Mutation Cooperation and mobility transform the work environment


Telepresence Itaú Unibanco wins time, saves and reduces executive wearing by making new rooms available


Futurecom Partners and clients show solutions applied in practical cases in Brazil


Bets for 2012 Parceiros Cisco revelam suas crenças para o próximo ano


Business on the rise Executives of Cisco do Brasil discuss the company plans for the new fiscal year


The new bank agency Video resources and cooperation help to please and attract clients


Paid TV Video on demand impose the rules of sector


Demand management NET uses Cisco solution to render a new service


Virtualization Senai/SC adopts solution to optimize processes



Best regards, Marcio Barcellos

CISCO LIVE MAGAZINE IS A PUBLICATION OF CISCO DO BRASIL RESPONSIBLE TEAM Cisco do Brasil President Rodrigo Abreu Systems Engineering Director Marcelo Ehalt Channels Director Eduardo Almeida Marketing and PR Director Marco Barcellos Editorial Council Adriana Bueno, Carolina Morawetz, Isabela Polito, Isabella Micali, Jackeline Carvalho, Kiki Gama, Mariana Fonseca, Monica Lau e Marco Barcellos

PRODUCTION Comunicação Interativa Editora Accountable Journalist Jackeline Carvalho MTB 12456 Publisher Jackeline Carvalho Editting Luciana Robles Reporters Francine Mendonça Marcelo Vieira Ruan Segretti

Copydesk Comunicação Interativa Editora Press Service In Press Porter Novelli Photos Ricardo Kataoka Cimagem Produções Layout Marcelo Max Printing ship Prol Editora Gráfica Circulagtion 5500 copies

Special Contributor Carmen Lucia Nery (RJ)




THE PPP OF TRAINING Rio de Janeiro Science and Technology Secretariat and Cisco offer classes in destitute areas of the city. Rocinha Hill is the first community to certify professionals The Course


io de Janeiro municipally, by its Science and Technology Secretariat, in partnership with Cisco, introduced an exclusive program to offer training in Information Technology for professional capability and certification in network IT to destitute communities in the city. The partnership is offering telecommunication and technology courses of Cisco Networking Academy, at Casa Rio Digital, tele-centers located in destitute areas. The first team began the classes at Rocinha hill and will be the first community to obtain Cisco certifications. We foresee that 500 students will receive their certifications this year in Rio de Janeiro, including CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), in the data communication network area, and CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) for the network professionals.


By attending the program, the students have access to IT Essential, a module that brings basic IT concepts in hardware and software, such as computer assembly and configuration and operational systems installation and software. The program prepares the student to obtain certifications that are praised by the work market and which are very important to have better opportunities and career development. The project includes Rio de Janeiro communities in a large academies network which receive more than one million students in 165 countries. Out of this number, 25 thousand are Brazilian students. The project was introduced in the country in 2001, and more than 100 thousand students have been graduated by means of Cisco partnerships with about 300 educational institutions in Brazil. Cisco Networking Academy program will immediately attend 10 Casas Rio Digital and the purpose is to replicate the course in six other Houses by the end of this year. “Cisco Net Academy project, integrated to Science and Technology Public Policy, contributes to the effort of the Federal, State and County governments in prioritize the qualified formation of a new work labor, with the ability to absorb new skills integrated to efficient innovation systems”, says Franklin Coelho, Municipal Secretary of Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro, who

concludes: “taken to destitute communities, known as ‘favelas’, the initiative is part of the pacification policy of those territories and of an effort so that topping the expectations is not accomplished just socially and territorially, but also in terms of science and technology”. “The introduction of Cisco Networking Academy program in destitute communities of Rio de Janeiro represents an important step given by the Municipality in offering professional education to low income young people, reinforcing as well the fundamental role of education as a means to overcome violence”, says Rodrigo Abreu, president of Cisco do Brasil.

COMMUNITIES 1 Gamboa 1 Santa Cruz 1 Ilha do Governador 1 Alemão 1 Vila Cruzeiro 1 Maré 1 Vila Kennedy 1 Campo Grande 1 Pedra de Guaratiba 1 Caju 1 Macacos 1 Cidade de Deus 1 Cidade da Criança 1 Centro 1 Formiga 1 Acarí

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Cisco Cius

NEW TABLET APPLICATIONS STORE AppHQ harmonizes freedom and management in tested apps packages for companies

of corporate applications with new resources. All the available apps in the platform underwent validation tests, regardless if they were developed by Cisco, by partners of users. The process includes inter-operability tests, of both the application per se and the device typical configurations. Cisco, by the way says that it will provide support to the developers community for AppHQ. Cisco products director, Tom Puorro, says that Cius association with AppHQ consolidates in a practical way the devices that are used within a company. After all, the consumerization is irreversible, and the persons want to use devices as they work. “AppHQ is the first corporate applications store, just like Cius was the first corporate tablet. This is every IT manager’s dream”, says Puorro.


Cisco will keep on adding applications to AppHQ according to its customers’ demands. Furthermore, the IT managers can select new resources within the



All the available apps isco brought together its main apps will be used, besides permitting the creation of resources packages in the platform underwent world-wide executive in the cooperation area to introduce which are specifically personalized validation tests, regardless the AppHQ, applications eco-system for their organizations. Thus, the em- if they were developed by specifically created for Cius corpo- ployees can find, publish and acquire Cisco, by partners or users rate tablet. Based on Android opera- applications that complement their business environments. This resource tional system, the tablet harmonizes Android Market, of Google, which has voice resources, video, cooperation permits do balance individual free- more than 200 thousand apps available. and virtualization, with the purpose dom and corporate policies, always And this is very easy to do: the AppHQ to offer the organizations a unified having in mind safety and costs effi- interface is customer friend, making it and safe mobility and communica- ciency. easy to find and install applications, tion solution, which is integrated to which are separated in easy to identify the corporate network. Control categories. Introduced world-side on July How well an applications moAs far as the cooperation is concerned, 31st, Cius arrived in the market al- del can work in large companies? Cius also offers an integrated access to ready with an important resource, AppHQ, according to Cisco, is the Cisco Collaboration package, which which offers to the companies new answer. Cius represents control and includes WebEx, Quad, Jabber and Teways to create, manage and imple- was specially developed for the IT lepresence. Besides, the customers will ment applications: the AppHQ. By safe management, says the company. have, as an extra benefit, the corporate means of this ‘corporate store’, IT Based on cloud computing, guarantee and a support central with an managers are able to control which AppHQ is a new and reliable source exclusive number.


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1 A

A survey requested by Cisco shows Latin America as the most optimistic regions in the use of state-ofthe-art technology in the educational sector

global survey, made by Clarus Research Group, revealed a near unanimity: in Latin America, 99% of professionals think that the technology has a fundamental role in the way the students learn in the school environment. The study established positively that in Brazil and Mexico professionals and directors are the most enthusiastic ones, with a higher percentage as compared to USA, India, China (84%) and Japan (68%). Most Brazilian respondents (88%) think that technology is positive in the learning process, by helping teachers and educators. World-wide, the average did not exceed 76%. “The survey main point is to show that technology represents a great opportunity for education”, says the senior director for Cisco education market, Frank Florence. The education segment ranks today in the fourth position in investments for Cisco, after banks, governments and industries. “The hope that Latin America has in the sector is higher than anywhere in the world. The governments of this regions see with increasing attention the relationship between state-of-the-art technology in the education and a future with social well-being”, says Florence. In Brazil, Cisco the vertical education activities began in December


“The adoption of new technologies in the classroom stimulates the sector”

pondents were from fundamental and secondary schools and the other ones from universities. In Brazil and Mexico, 94% of respondents believe that technology will guarantee a good preparation for the students, for an increasingly globalized economy. The study points toward a news ‘connected learning’ in a network economy, which requires the technology development to increase the education global competition. Considering the countless challenge that Brazilian education still has to face, Ricardo Santos is optimistic: “the adoption of new technologies in the classroom stimulates the sector. The teachers feel appreciated with the acquisition of equipment which improves the way to teach and learn.”


last year. “In spite of being recent, the demand for solutions in the area, sucvh as servers virtualization in universities, wi-fi networks and safety equipment in school is surprising us”, sys Ricardo Santos, local unit director. 1.1 thousand teachers and managers in the education area, besides IT professionals who are directly involved with the sector were interviewed between September and November 2010, being 600 in USA and 500 in other 14 countries. Half of the res-

STIMULATION 199% of professionals think that technology plays a fundamental role in the way the students learn in the school environment 1 88% consider that technology is positive in the learning process 1 94% of respondents believe that technology plays an important role in the preparation of the future work force




THE URBAN LIFE UNDER ANALYSIS Tools assess the status and show how municipalities and states can adopt information and communication technologies to improve the infrastructure and the services rendered to citizens 10


isco promoted, in Rio de Janeiro, for the first time in Latin America, the event Smart+Connected Communities Institute (S+CC), which congregated local and international experts, academicians, public managers and the private sector to discuss the urban sustainability challenges the role of technology in health, education, transportation and public safety. The context for S+CC events is the transformations of the cities, as for the first time most world population lives in urban areas. Data presented during the event show that in 2050 more than 100 cities will have a population in excess of 1 million inhabitants. To develop the infrastructure of those large cities will consume trillions of dollars, and the environmental impact of this massive urbanization is a considerable one. For example: the urban

centers consume 75% of the energy and are responsible for 80% of greenhouse gases emission. The S+CC consolidated message is that the cities which use Internet as a platform for planning, building and manage daily operations will have a better management of public services, continuous economic growth, a better quality of live and sustainable urbanization. The S+CC is a Cisco global initiative, created in June 2010, as a large knowledge area about the use of technology for the urban development. The Institute counts with 10 members of different areas of the public and private sectors, and is formed by a global community which congregates the representatives of governments, companies, universities and more than 100 cities all over the world. To disseminate these practices and concepts, the group coordinating

the S+CC promotes events in several of a network infrastructure, safety and video, solutions for health serviparts of the world. Rio seminar was promoted in ces – via videoconference, transporpartnership with Metropolis Insti- tation, education and public services tute, a non-governmental organiza- with emphasis in world events, such tion with headquarters in Barcelona, as the World Soccer Championship Spain, which congregates 160 cities and the Olympic Games. “In Brazil, there are projects in all over the world. During two days, themes such as integrated urban plan- São Paulo. And many countries are ning, sustainability social inclusion investing in the infrastructure deveby means of technology, intelligent lopment and in the economy in order transportation and technological to be prepared to have sustainable infrastructure to support all those cities, from the social, environmental things were discussed. Rio was se- and economic standpoint. This is the lected for the seminar because of central point of our work. We are the important sport events that will promoting a number of projects in happen in the city, and this represents challenges and opportunities.


“The city already has an Operations Center, implemented by IBM in partnership with Cisco, which is the heart of the technological infrastructure. But, around it, a number of surveillance and monitoring should be installed, besides transportation management, land traffic and bottleneck monitoring. The city also needs to build airports, hotels and stadiums infrastructure. There is a lot of work to be done”, says Amr Salem, who opened the seminar as the director for the Smart Connected Communities strategy, and the person in charge for cities and national projects of infrastructure in developing countries. Salem says that Cisco is following the development, or is implanting projects, in several parts of the world, involving new cities in Korea and China or even in Brazil, such as Comperj – petrochemical complex that is being built in Rio metropolitan region. The diversified projects already are consolidated in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Mexico City, Jalisco, Bogota and in other places, where it has been possible to develop, by means

several cities to enable better quality of life, with better services, safer communities, and lower operation costs, with the support of technology”, says Salem. Sudarshan Krishnamurthi, S+CC global manager, invited Brazil to integrate the institute global community, as a result of its huge challenges with the international events and for the opportunity to share experiences with other cities. “To face these challenges, Brazilian cities can take advantage of the experience of experts and managers of other cities. The purpose of the institute is to congregate people with backgrounds and share better practices”, he says. On the first day of the seminar, the projects of the cities of Chicago, which disputed with Rio de Janeiro the opportunity to host the Olympic Games in 2016, and London, which will host the Olympics in 2012, were presented. This last city opted to create two plans: one for the games and another one for what will happen with the city after the event and how to deal with the legacy that it will leave.


“The Brazilian cities can take advantage of experts and managers of other cities. The purpose of the institute is to congregate people with experiences and share better practices” — SUDARSHAN KRISHNAMURTHI, S+CC GLOBAL MANAGER

The event also had the presences of the Public Safety Secretary of Rio de Janeiro, José Mariano Beltrame, and the Municipal Conservation and Services Secretary Carlos Roberto Osório, who discussed about the transformations of the city toward a new level of urbanization, safety, economic development and citizenship. Hardik Bhatt, S+CC member and director of Cisco Globalization Center, was, for nine years, Chief Information Office (CIO) in Chicago and took part in the city candidature for the Olympic Games of 2016. At that time, one of the diagnoses about the city was the need to build an optic fibers integrated network, connecting a series of already existing segmented network. He said




“In Brazil there are projects in São Paulo and many countries are investing in the infrastructure development and in the economy to be prepared to have sustainable cities from the social, environmental and economic standpoint.” — AMIR SALEM DIRECTOR FOR THE COMMUNITIES CONNECTED SMART STRATEGY,

6 The urban centers already consume 75% of the energy that the example can be replicated in Rio de Janeiro, as the city intends to implant a very high speed network, integrating the private operators’ networks the academic networks and the government networks.


Cisco. The region has several technological parks, and the Jalisco Information Technology Institute has three centers: one in Guadalajara, where there is a software park. There is another one in Japala, which has a multimedia park; and another one in Guzman, which has an outsourcing site and managed services. “We are designing with Cisco a digital community, a community center which will be a model in its conception, architecture, services and in the monitors’ capability for the other centers of the state. Furthermore, we have a WiMax digital network with Cisco products. The network connects schools, hospitals and companies. We are now working in a network for rural areas with WiMax and satellites technologies”, informs Victor Manual González Romero, Planning Secretary of Jalisco state, in Mexico.

After the event, Ghatt visited the Rio de Janeiro mayor Eduardo Paes, to explain his experience in managing a mega city such as Chicago, which during the preparation for the games, focused in several areas, among them transportation, education and infrastructure. “My background says that the technological infrastructure is the answer for the municipality management, something that we are showing to mayors. Our message is that technology is the main leverage for the economic and social development”, says Bhatt. Another project that was introduced in the event was Jalisco the Visions Mexican state which is an important SAccording to Rodrigo Abreu, producer of technology, and that is president of Cisco do Brasil, the implanting a number of projects with company already has in the coun-


try a team dedicated to S+CC with a number of segmented focus areas of vertical government. He says that the most important focus of infrastructure creation is the public sector, but also involves private segments such as ports undertaking, creation of new cities, new districts, urban areas development projects where, many times, the guideline is public but the implantation is a private one, or by means of Public/Private Initiatives. “One example is Maravilha Port, a revitalization project of Rio harbor area, which was designed by the public sector, but became a reality by means of a PPP. The consortium between Odebrecht and OAS contractors won the bid and is taking care of the whole investment in the area private infrastructure”, he says. The project, according to him, is in its first implantation phase. “We are discussing a number of proposals. The decision involves the whole connectivity infrastructure and all the applications that this infrastructure permits, from surveillance and public safety to environmental control, video communication system for the private sector, in short, there are many opportunities”, says Abreu, president of Cisco do Brasil. He makes a distinction between the digital cities concept, an area in which Brazil is obtaining progress, and the connected cities concept. The first one is the oldest concept of cities that offer connectivity for the population, access to wide band, and wireless access available for the citizens. Cisco made a number of projects in this line, including in Rio de Janeiro, where it is accountable for the whole Baixada Digital. As far as the connected city concept is concerned, it goes beyond offering connection to the population, and includes the use of technology to manage the city and the public ser-

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make these projects as an important part of vertical in the public sector, cities will have populations which is one of the fastest growing in excess of 1 million areas in Cisco”, he says. inhabitants Darren Ware, of Cisco business development strategy unit, introduvices, to improve the health, public ced a methodology and diagnoses tool which was already used in six safety and education efficiency. cities: London, Seul, Amsterdam, Austin, Toronto and Sydney. The tool Integrated vision “We are beginning a number of pro- assesses five areas: basic services, onjects in this line. Rio de Janeiro has line services, internal administration been one of the focuses for obvious (BackOffice), TIC environment, and reasons, but São Paulo municipality wide band penetration. In BackOffiis also a focus to adopt technologies ce, the tool evaluated how the admiin urban planning. The projects of nistrators are using the technology Data Processing Company (Prodam to manage the city in areas such as in the Portuguese acronym) are ena- budget, telephone and data centers. bling this more integrated vision of In the TIC environment, the purtechnology implantation. And in all pose is to assess municipal policies the cities which will host the World and rules which affect the adoption Soccer Championship, the idea is to of technologies. In other words, to identify if the city has a connectivity and wide band program, areas where it can influence and make interventions to foment the use of technology. And, finally, the fifth item analyses how the city is managing the municipal and residential wide band penetration. The analyses found that, in average, those six cities offer many online services to the citizen, but have a slow progress in backOffice. “This, on one hand, is good because if focus the citizen, but it is complicated because the backOffice, the administrative part of public services, runs the risk of not meeting the demand. There are cities which offer many e-gov services, but have a low wide band penetration and, therefore, are offering things that the citizen “Our message is that the cannot use. One of the alternatives is that the city opens its infrastructure technology is the main to a new services provider. There are driver for the economic any actions that can be done”, he added. and social development” The diagnosis was published in — HARDIK BHATT, S+CC MEMBER the World Economic Forum, in MarAND CISCO GLOBALIZATION ch 2010. The tool is online to be used CENTER DIRECTOR

6 In 2050, more than 100


“The biggest concern is to open the administrators’ mind to the role that the technology can have when they face the city problems in the areas of health, safety and transportation” — DARREN WARE, CISCO BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND STATEGIES AREA FOR DEVELOPING MARKETS

in cooperation with the cities. After the diagnosis, done based on interviews, the data are inserted in the tool and then a report is generated to be shared with the city, with the indication as how Cisco can contribute and begin an action plan. According to Ware, the company deals with cities all over the world. “But the big concern is to open the administrators’ mind for the role that the technology can have when they face the city problems in the areas of health, safety and transportation. Many times they are more concerned with civil architecture, building roads, subways, etc. What we want to say is that the technology can optimize the existing infrastructure and increase the basic public services efficiency”, he concluded.




COOPERATION AND MOBILITY TRANSFORM THE WORK ENVIRONMENT Event discuss connectivity technologies, unified communication and cooperation to increase the corporate productivity


he technology is changing people, and we all know this. The persons change the way they think, consume and, of course, work. The discussion about how the new collaborative technology resources are definitively transforming our productivity was the purpose of the “Cooperation Without Frontiers” event, promoted by Cisco do Brasil at Villa Noah space, in São Paulo.

Rodrigo Abreu, Cisco president, opened the event


The way people cooperate and interact in the companies should have a drastic change in the next years, says Cisco, as the use of video, tablets, social software, cloud computing content and virtualization becomes more intense. The video, by the way, is “the new voice”: the company believes that the future to the images nothing less than the omnipresence. “The video will represent 90% of the Internet traffic in the next four or five years”, said Rodrigo Abreu, Cisco do Brasil president. Until recently, a very restrict resource, the video should be integrated to all the devices and will follow the user anywhere, when allied to the wireless and virtualization resources. Cisco bets that Cius corporate tablet is an evidence of this trend. The social media are also part of this company imagined future. “They are here to stay in any collaborative work environment”, defends Abreu. The SocialMiner, a Cisco developed program to enable the companies to monitor what is said about them, and to proactively answer to publications in social networks such as Twitter, Facebook or blogs, proves its growing importance. Conceived to enable the executives of all industries to know and test Cisco cooperation solutions, the event counted with the participation

of 20 partners, all of them engaged in changing the way people communicate and work, increasing the productivity, speeding the business processes and, consequently, the companies will be more productive.


He/she attended could see, for the first time in Brazil, a demonstration of the VXI desktops virtualization system (Virtualization Experience Infrastructure). During the event the Unified Communications 6000 Series, a cooperation integrated system for companies with 100 to 1000 employees, was also introduced. Optimum for the migration from analogical telephone systems to digital or hybrid systems, the UC 600 has resources such as voice, unified messages, mobility, and availability of presence and video. The event also had presentations given by Cisco global and Brazilian executives, who showed what are the new experiences that are expected by the company for the future of communications. Cisco believes that the globalization process and the high speed imposed by the new technologies change our way of life. A very unusual survey shows that 87% of people take their smartphones to bed before sleep, and 84% read

1 e-mails. This proves that the traditional structures (the most important symbol of which is the computer) are not what you would expect from the corporate environment any more. Therefore, a new architecture and IT network is required, to support an enormous diversity of devices. Because of this, unified communication tools in multi-platforms (such as Jabber), or a version of WebEx for the Android, besides, of course, those devices focused on the corporate use, such as Cius, emerge from Cisco vision that, in the next

Andy Chew, Cisco collaboration senior director.

five years, the video will be “in all terminals”. Allan Bjo-rnstad (incluir traço na letra o), Cisco collaboration business development director, believes that the future communication includes the video because “in voice equipment you lose 100% if non-verbal communication, thus the importance

The event ended with a speech by the TV comedian Marcelo Tas

to see whom we are communicating to. So, if they know what the telepresence can do, everyone would like to have.” The telepresence, another one of Cisco great drivers in terms of collaboration and video, meets the needs of ten among ten executives: reduce costs. With no need of long and expensive travels, the managers can get together in a safe and practical virtual environment – the telepresence rooms, although they require investments in infrastructure, are connected with smaller equipment anywhere in the world, like Cius, for exemple. Mobility, after all, is what is really going to change the world, said Cisco collaboration senior director Andy Chew. “The mobility should be an imperative, and be part of the companies’ collaboration architecture strategy, since these two factors together represent a great competitive differential”. If before the work was a determined space, generally an office with desktops on the tables, the mobility and the collaboration have altered this notion.




LESS POLLUTION, MORE EFFICIENCY Itaú Unibanco Bank installs telepresence in a sustainable initiative which permits costs reduction with travels and new ways to close deals


mong several success cases discussed during the “Collaboration without Frontiers” event, the use of Cisco Telepresence by Itaú Unibanco attracted a special attention. The bank seven telepresence rooms began to be implanted in 2009 when, besides the real time and high resolution image transmission equipment, the financial institution also acquired some servers to support its executives’ exclusive use service. One year after they installed five more rooms and, for 2011, the expansion plan goes on. According to Robinson Patara, accountable for Itaú Unibanco’s Telepresence functions, the objective is to have rooms available in the bank’s several administrative buildings, either in Brazil and abroad. “The satisfaction rate among the users is very high”, says Patara. “Besides the costs reduction with travels and the executives’ productivity increase, who


do not need to spend large periods of tie in transit, it was possible to observe an improvement in those contributors’ life quality.”


Although we do not know precisely how much the bank saves with the use of this technology, the executives are not travelling thousands of kilometers any more. With the telepresence rooms expansion in the network and the consequent reduction of carbon gas emissions by cars and planes transporting executives,

“The rooms are a success and everybody wants to use them”, — ROBINSON PATARA, RESPONSIBLE FOR ITAÚ UNIBANCOTELEPRESENCE FUNCTIONS


the bank reassures its environmental and sustainability responsibility. His is the so called “Sustainable IT”, according to which all the CO2 emissions are reverted in trees plantation. Furthermore, with the recent integration between BBA and Itaú Unibanco, this resource is a facilitator when the time comes to leverage deals. “We invited the great customers and investors to close deals by using the Telepresence”, says Patara. Today, the access to the technology is not restricted to executives. Managers and other employees can also use the rooms. “In May 2011 we almost reached the same utilization frequency of Telepresence which we recorded last year”, celebrates Patara. “The rooms are a success and everybody wants to use them. The engineer explains that there was no resistance whatsoever by the employees when the time came to use the new technology. On the contrary: the system advantages overcome the obstacles of use. The network that supports the whole infrastructure was mounted on Itaú backbone, and each and every Telepresence room uses an average band of 15 Mbps. In the case of international meetings, this band goes to 30 Mbps. The room reservation logistics is done by a dedicated team, which was already responsible for the bank videoconference resources. The next step of the project, besides increasing the number of active rooms, is to integrate its use with the institution’s Premium clients.

Ela é exigente, quer atendimento excelente e pelo canal que preferir. Isso é um problema para sua empresa? Para combinar a melhor perfomance de recursos e um atendimento personalizado, conte com as soluções Wittel. Collaboration Center Tenha ainda mais colaboração e interatividade na sua central de atendimento, com respostas mais rápidas e precisas. Atenda seu cliente por meio de chats, vídeos, redes sociais, blogs, telefone e e-mail, de onde estiver. Quanto à estrutura, você decide: a Wittel projeta algo totalmente novo ou integra as novidades aos recursos já existentes. 19


Futurecom 2011

THE CUSTOMER’S EXPERIENCE IN THREE DAYS A 300 square meter space will congregate partners and customers, showing the most modern technological solutions applied in practical cases in Brazil


isco shows how its technological solutions are transforming its customers’ businesses during the most important telecommunications event in the Country, the Futurecom 2011. Renewing its participation at every passing year, the initiative presented from September 12 thru 14 will be determined by the customers. Some of them will be together in the 300 square meter booth to discuss their experiences results with the use of innovating technologies. Some of the companies are Telebrás, O Boticário, NET, Embratel, Telefônica, SENA, HSBC and Terremak, among others. To point out those companies’ experiences they will choose the main Cisco technologies. In the case of NET, for example, they will demonstrate the NOW, a new on demand video service of the cable TV operator, designed from Cisco CDS (Content Delivery Systems) solution. The demonstration of Cisco solutions for O Boticário includes network infrastructure, wireless, safety and rotators, implanted on the brand stores in the country. For Telebrás, Cisco points out the state-of-the-art solutions supply for the operator backbone network, which will make possible the Plano Nacional de Banda Larga (PNBL), and customers such as HSBC bank and SENAI will also how innovating solutions in infor-


Cisco participation in Futurecom can be remotely followed by the company website

mation technology. Besides the customers, Cisco 2011 booth will also introduce some services from a number of business partners such as CaaS (Collaboration as a Service), offered by Damovo, the

WAAS acceleration service offered by Telefônica and the TPaaS (Telepresence as a Service) operated by Embratel. Panduit will show its integrated proposal of Next Generation Data-



CaaS (Collaboration as a Service)


WAAS (Network Acceleration Service)


TPaaS (Telepresence as a Service)


Next Generation Datacenter






Futurecom 2011

center, already implanted in SAP and Teltec brings SENAI’s Virtualization solution in Santa Catarina state. Cisco also shows in its booth the recent project that was designed for the 5th Military World Games, which took place in July in Rio de Janeiro. The company supplied all the connectivity platforms, video and safety for the event. “Cisco’s most important objective is to keep on betting in innovation to reinforce our ‘DNA’ and, more and more, the power of a potent and consistent eco-system, involving our customers, partners and strategic alliances”, says Marco Barcellos, Cisco do Brasil marketing director. “The best way to demonstrate Cisco solutions is by showing the actual

applications in our customers and how Cisco can work together with our partners to increase the companies’ productivity”, he adds. Besides the applied technologies in its customers, Cisco showed in Futurecom its recent introductions. Among them is Videoscape, a far-reaching TV platform for operators, which includes the digital TV and on-line content as well as social network and communication applications, making available the TV programs in a number of different devices, with more interaction by the users. Another introduction is Cius corporate tablet (more information on page 6), the only tablet in the market which combines resources of voice, video, collaboration and

virtualization, with entrepreneurial level safety as a natural extension of the corporate network. The product enables resources such as mobility, centralized management, virtual and computer contents creation resources, besides a far-reaching package of collaboration applications. Cisco do Brasil promises a totally innovating Marketing exposition in Futurecom 2011, in synchronism with the new 2.0 communication trends. During the fair, besides real time coverage by its Social Networks and real time Video, the company will also have the “Virtual Cisco Pavilion” – a virtual booth where the remote visitors will be able to navigate with a virtual environment and look for the information and so-

DISCUSSION ABOUT THE SECTOR Cisco will also be present in the main discussions about the telecommunication market during the Futurecom Congress. See the program:


Cisco Executives


9/12, from 11:15 am

Rodrigo Abreu, Cisco do Brasil president

Connected societies, connections that transform

9/12, from 5:20 pm

Amos Maidantchik, Cisco do Brasil Public Sector director

Intelligent Cities Improving the Citizens’ Safety and Life Quality

9/13, from 2:40 pm

Marcelo Menta, Cisco do Brasil Manager & Cloud Services

Can the organizations obtain safer and more economical solutions with the use of cloud computing?

9/13, from 4:40 pm

Giuseppe Marrara, Cisco do Brasil Government Affairs director

Discussing the great regulation challenges in Latin America

9;14, from 10:10 am

Rodrigo Uchoa, Cisco do Brasil Business Development director

The World Soccer Championship and the Olympic Games: the great infrastructure challenges to be overcome

9/14, from 2:40 pm

Ricardo Ogata, Cisco do Brasil collaboratioin business development manager

The extraordinary world of tablets and smartphones as a revolution in people’s life style

14/9, a partir das 14h40

Marco Barcellos, Cisco do Brasil Marketing director

The impact of social networks in people’s lives, in the Govern and in the companies’ business


lutions that Cisco and its partners will show during Futurecom 2011. Radio Cisco 2.0 will also cover the event with interviews, information and ads directly from Transamerica Expo Center in São Paulo. By means of these actions, Cisco will enable the participation of its customers and partners who are out of São Paulo during the event.

Radio Cisco will have a special program during Futurecom, with interviews, information and ads

Cisco Virtual Pavilion:







THE BETS FOR 2012 Our partners’ opinions about the technologies that will generate business in the next years “Cloud Computing is irreversible. This trend is here to stay. The only question is the speed of this concept and the safety. We also believe that the cloud computing solutions will be hybrid ones, in three levels: the practical, the private and the on premises cloud computing. The customers always want more efficiency on the network, i.e., they want more SLA and upgrades increasingly less perceived – the infrastructure needs to have more flexibility. The companies will also try and do more Opex. They are concerned with the equipment depreciation. Formerly, the depreciation was of 10 years. Today we can find depreciation in three, than why should I buy? I also understand that more and more the System Integrator needs to understand what the market wants and find solutions, in order to minimize or totally solve these problems”.

Alberto Ferreira, DAMOVO BRASIL PRESIDENT “Cisco is an extremely strategic international partner. Thanks to the company’s strength we here of Fluke Networks see that the great market trend for the coming years, based on the big demand that we are receiving, is the management of the companies’ business critical application. Today, the networks are not only critical factors, but alto this management ends by converging a little to the applications management. Our vision and bet


for the next year are in collaborative tools that permit IT professionals to work not only in the network but also in the application. Another trend that we notice is the wi-fi networks. The companies are putting their production networks not in cables any mire, but in wi-fi. The skepticism about this practice being unsafe is beginning to disappear. The partnership with Cisco is very important for us, due to the great company penetration in the world-wide market. For us and for Cisco it is important that our partners are ready to face the IT market, which undergo constant changes.


“Even within the mobility, there is the could computing vision, something that we believe to be a trend and with which we are engaged to with Cisco. We also have some communication projects being sold as a service. By the way, this happens not only in communication, but also in unified communication and collaboration. Cisco is specialized in connectivity, it has servers, who are the base for cloud computing, and NEC has, as its main specialty, the platform which provides it the sustainability for all this. We also have the question of mobility, which will require more band because people are demanding more and more capacity. We also deal with the big problem of quality of 3G and 4G networks, and this will demand many investments in the support infrastructure to the mobile environment. In the enterprise market, along the same line, what is increasingly demanded is the unified communication – the professional wants connection wherever he/she may be. The tablets and smartphones expansion is an evidence of this. And

this communication quality depends on the network quality where the professional is, i.e., this generates the corporations requirement so that the open networks offer the same quality as the private ones. And we bet that all this will be offered as a service. The companies, probably, will not spend anything else by investing in infrastructure. Here are, however, some problems, including cultural ones, which need to be solved, because this proposal changes the CIO’s profile”.


“Notwithstanding the uncertainties generated by the world crisis, during which the investments should be rethought, we are optimistic and believe that the TIC market in Brazil s should keep on warm, including because of the proximity of sports events that we will have as of 2014. We have already noticed movements in the companies to adequate their network infrastructures to the new services demands. The networks, in general, the corporative ones and those for the SMB market, should enlarge their wireless coverage, making available more accessibility for mobile users, as well as migrate or replace their network assets to the new “green IT” technologies, which offer important costs reduction , mainly as far as the energy consumption is concerned. Another aspect that should be pointed out is the growing search for VoIP and Unified Communication solutions, which already are a reality and today have competitive prices in SMB as well, generating a new business wave”.


“The UC (Unified Communication) is our focus. It is still in the beginning, but has an enormous area, and our partnership is precisely in this opportunity. We are infesting a log in our new products, looking for customers who need UC, besides the simple headset. We are also focusing

in software to integrate our products and in our relationship with Cisco. We have contributors who are fully focused in this partnership with the purpose to offer a full UC solution for the customers. Today the network area in USA is still very different from ours, but I see that Brazil is going to the same direction. The American market is some years ahead of us, but we see a great deal of investments in Brazil. As far as UC solutions based in wireless are concerned, in Brazil they are different from the rest of the world, just as Europe is different from USA. The optimum scenario would be to have a world-wide standard, as this differentiation retards the UC Wireless devices development”.


“Panduit shares the vision about the growing importance of Information and Communication Technologies in the world-wide scenario. A growing number of devices are connected to the networks and they require a larger band and higher performances. The users do not access the networks only from their computers, but also from tablets and smartphones, and they are becoming rapidly more accessible and popular equipments. The accelerated utilization growth of these network devices and the strong demand for new applications will result in a global IP traffic which is foreseen to be 70 hexabytes per month until 2014. The video traffic already is a reality and will keep on exponentially growing not only due to the new applications, but also thanks to the companies trend in opting for the networks convergence, to a unified physical infrastructure by which data, voice, video, control and energy are transmitted, and this will require more robust networks, with high speeds and with elevated reliability levels. Panduit infrastructure solutions already are prepared for this new and growing reality. Annually investing more than 8% of its annual sales in research and development, , we count on state-of-the-art solutions which offer high performance, reliability and a number of differentials in terms of energetic efficiency, risks management, high densities implantation, economy of space and installation




easiness. The alignment between both companies’ visions is such that a number of solutions have been developed together by Panduit and Cisco engineers. We can point out the Net-Access closed racks, which underwent several thermal studies with Cisco switches. Solutions for managing the physical layer, which add value by offering more safety, management, organization and functionality, such as thermal and energy consumption monitoring on the rack, are also strategic solutions for Panduit. We believe that the networks will be increasingly more critical for the companies’ success, and their monitoring will be not only desirable, but necessary.”


“Na essential requirement for the customers is the capacity to record and analyze the calls and other interactions with the consumers. This is of fundamental importance in some sectors, such as finances, insurance and health and in some application areas, such as call centers. Verint keeps on working very close to Cisco to develop new technologies, according to the market demands and the industry trends. Looking to the future, both companies see the importance of the hosting market and they are supplying solutions to those customers who are leaders in the way they implant hosted collaboration solutions”.


“We have identified two great trends: the first one refers to mobile devices safety. According to Gartner forecasts, until 2013, the number of mobile devices will exceed the num-


ber of PCs. His scenario brings a great information safety concern for CIOs, as this equipment is not prepared or do not bring safety systems that hinder information theft. He second trend is the cloud computing. With the mobile devices massification, it will be increasingly dependent on applications, which will need to be available on the cloud to be used by means of those devices. The customers will absorb these trends in a natural way, and the use of mobile devices will grow. Together with them, a great number of corporate applications, from the most variable categories and associated to the benefits for the mobile devices users, will win more space in this market, until then focused to personal users. This, more and more the corporate users will be benefited. We are sure that, in partnership with Cisco, we will develop important business for this new market called Mobility”.


“Many companies still have outdated communication systems. For the coming years, we believe that they will begin to become concerned in updating their communication systems to VoIP. We should not forget other trends that should move the market, such as convergence, collaboration and mobility. The focus of our partnership with Cisco will be the commercialization of contact enter and unified communications solutions. This partnership is important because Cisco is a company with notoriety and confidence in the world-wide market. And this, added to our service rendering quality and to our far-reaching experience in integration, are competitive advantages”.





THE GOOD NATIONAL ECONOMY PHASE AND ITS REFLEXES With a 35% growth and ranked among the 10 largest global operations, Cisco do Brasil bets in the economy expansion and, consequently, in the new Brazilian society demands to keep the accelerated results


iving the duality of optimism and the international difficulties, Cisco fiscal year, which began in August, brings the challenge to reduce expenditures of global operations, without leaving off the sales opportunities as a result of the high world-wide demand for network devices. Before this good harvests scenario and calibrating deficient businesses, the company announced in May a restructuration which, among other measures, discontinued the Emerging Markets unit – in which Cisco do Brasil was inserted. A new player of the great Americas area (the other two are Europe and Asia: and Mid East and Africa), Cisco do Brasil shows “extraordinary” results, as defined by Rodrigo Abreu, the operation president. “In the last quarter, we had a35% growth, what represents very well he results during the year. In fact, this ranked Cisco do Brail among the company operations with a higher growth, not only during last year, but during several ones”, he says. The results were so expressive that, in practically all the quarterly announcements of last fiscal year, remarks were added about the Brazilian operation performance. It should be


pointed out that, for the first time, Cisco do Brasil integrated the block of the 10 largest global operations of the company. This fact occurred last quarter and, according to Abreu, has a higher importance when we consider that it is only 17 year old (its activity began in 1994).


“It was a very balanced growth in all segments and technologies. We could increase our share in practically all market where we operate, even in those where we were the leaders already”, celebrates Abreu. According to him, the explanation for this result comes from the optimum economic and structural moment of the Country. But this is not the main explanation. During the last years,

efficiency. This is a fundamental understanding, says Abreu, so that Brazil reaches closer levels of technology utilization of developed countries. “Furthermore”, he adds, “the bet on the sales model based on a channels partners’ eco-system proved to be a very solid one.” But what about Cisco’s global operations restructure? Does it affect Brazil? “From the structural standpoint, practically nothing. On the contrary. We are near the Americas area structure”, says Abreu. The executive, in fact, is very optimistic with the new company strategic moment, because the entrance of Brazilian operations in the Americas area can bring economic advantages. “We can receive more resources because the Americas area is the largest Cisco

6 Cisco has being investing in an awareness work about the use of technology as a competition tool, either in governments as in companies Cisco is invested in a awareness work about the use of the technology as a competitive tool, either in governments as in companies. This approach thinks the use of technology not as an end per se, but as a way to increase the businesses

businesses structure today, accountable for practically half of what the company does all over the world”, declares the president. Although some products lines have been discontinued, such as the Flip video cameras with focus on the

end consumer, they have a small impact on Cisco do Brasil businesses. The company focus in Brazil, always turned to B2B is dependent on the company’s core products: rotating, switching, video, safety and wireless, just to mention the umbrellas. And the strategy should remain the same one, but not losing space for innovation.


Cisco do Brasil business model for this new fiscal year is part of a bigger plan, designed almost three years ago, which strives to give continuity to such actions like “increase he basic operation efficiency, make use of all the bit growth opportunities, regardless if they involve architecture, technology, segments or products, and keep on betting in the Country, in the long term “, enumerates Abreu. Among the big bets, a larger presence in the public sector and the dedication to important projects, such as the World Soccer Championship and the Olympic Games is included. The purpose is to keep growing as rates in excess of 30%/year. “It is obvious that the challenge is being intensified, as he growth delta will have to be much better in absolute number”, acknowledges the main executive of Cisco in the Country. He explains that those events and consequent great jobsites are the tonic of medium and long term future plans, as new growth areas are created, which to beyond the share accomplishment where the company is considered as a traditional player. “We are talking about areas such as data center, where we are winning a meaningful space, collaboration and communication unified, connected to entrepreneurial video”, declares Abreu. Another one of Cisco’s bets is verticalization. With the growth, this pro-

cess intensely affected the company structure in the Country. In the last fiscal year, the verticalization enables Cisco to act in a number of sectors in an individualized manner. In the entrepreneurial segment, there are six verticals: finances, energy and utilities, oil and gas, manufacture, services and retail. In the public sector there are four: health, education, federal government and local governments. In the education vertical, after investments in the construction of an experts’ team, for the development of business as well as to sell engineering, the result was a 400% growth. “Last year was a year of construction of presence, strategies and opportunities. This year we expect to begin really looking at great projects”, says Rodrigo Abreu.

Segmented Warmth

Brazilian economic scenario also serves as a justification for the optimism. In this scenario, the technology is a good solution for a number of problems and challenges in the Country, such as competition increase and efficiency in investments, besides transparence. “With no fear to make a mistake, we can say that Brazil could double the use of technology”, considers Rodrigo Abreu. “It is obvious that there are problems, but we live a very good structural moment.” Among the new business opportunities in Brazil, is the cable TV sector,

Rodrigo Abreu, Cisco do Brasil president: Optimism with the new company strategic moment, because the Brazilian operations entrance in the Americas area can bring economic advantages as well

which should have an explosion in the next two or three years, thanks to the approval of PLC 116, which alters the video and data services rendering rules in the Country. It is with a solution focusing this sector that Cisco do Brasil began the local manufacture of set top boxes. Announced last year, the national manufacture plant of equipment delivered the first units a few months ago. The idea is to accelerate the

BUSINESS MODEL The new Cisco strategy is threefold: 1 Efficiency increase of the basic operation 1 Make use of all big growth opportunities, regardless if they are of architecture, technology, segments or products 1 Long term bet on the Country growth




“All these Technologies are in evolution and are being worked in Brazil” — MARCELO EHALT, CISCO DO BRASIL ENGENEERING TEAM LEADER

production rate and extend it to the company’s traditional products lines in the next 12 or 18 months. The business plan is still under study. Among the national manufacture advantages we include the competition increase, the local availability and the agility, mainly if we consider the bureaucracy resulting from importing great volumes of products. “We will have the possibility to increase our presence, acknowledgement and relevance as a company which does business in the Country”, explains Abreu. “It also becomes possible to keep on growing in those areas where we would eventually reach penetration plateau. Now we can look at new markets.”


The channels model should keep on evolving, and the partners will be the main Cisco entrance strategy in


the market. They will have the new role of integrators. “In many cases, it is necessary the ability to integrate other products, such as software and systems, and then the partners have a fundamental competitive differential”, explains Abreu. According to him, the program should not only expand, but also have quality gains, to be obtained by means of training and a larger number of products in the portfolios. Abreu says that the value of this also reflects in the relationship with the partners. “To continue with the program permits innovation quality and maintains the model healthful, and the partners will grow on the same rhythm of Cisco. The result of this equation ends up being a very positive one”, he says.


Despite the highly expanded Cisco portfolio, the technological focus of the company is on a base strategy, the “network as a platform”, on the center of the technological utilization of telecommunications and information technology. As a result of this, the internal priorities turn to five great versants, explains Rodrigo Abreu. First, we will augment the partici-

pation of the network core products, such as rotators, switches and the services to support them. Next the collaboration area which involves all the entrepreneurial video applications, such as unified communication. The next generation networks for telecom operators is the third point and in them products for mobility, wide band and network architecture are inserted. These here areas represent the consolidation of the company positioning in the market. The other two areas are video – with the introduction of VideoScape architecture – and data centers, or more recent operations in the Country, are symbols of great growth possibilities. Specifically about data centers, Abreu says that the increasingly intense utilization of cloud computing is one of the great drivers. “In Brazil, our actuation is more recent, but the idea is to look at the market with appetite”. “All these technologies are in evolution and are being worked in Brazil”, says Marcelo Ehalt, Cisco do Brasil engineering team leader. “Cisco has more technologies, but these are the focus not only in Brazil, but also in the world-wide operation.”

GUIDELINES Cisco internal priorities are focused to five great versants: 1 First – to augment the core network products participation, such as rotators, switches and the services to support them 1 Second – to emphasize the presence in the collaboration area, which involves all the entrepreneurial video applications, such as unified communication and collaboration 1 Third – to consolidate our positioning in the market, by focusing the next generation networks for Telecom operators. In them, products for mobility, wide band and network architecture are inserted 1 Forth – to determine territory in the video area, with the introduction of VideoScape architecture 1 Fifth – to establish presence in data centers




NEW GENERATION OF BANK AGENCIES Financial services use more video resources and collaboration to please and attract clients


isco took active part in Ciab 2011, 21st issue of the information technology congress and exhibit, with focus on financial institutions and promoted by Brazilian Banks Federation (Febraban in the Portuguese acronym). Ciab is considered the most important Latin American event in the industry. The event theme was “The technology beyond the Web”. Technologic solutions which mainly improve the financial institutions service rendering to their clients were Cisco’s bet in the event. The company purpose was to promote a new generation of more agile, efficient and clients’ friendly bank agencies. Among the presented items were video solutions, safety, virtualization, mobility and, of course, collaboration. Furthermore, three Cisco’s executives (including from abroad) contributed with discussions about the bank sector. Philip Farah, Cisco financial services director, spoke about the customer’s experience new era; Airton Melo, Cisco do Brasil data center expert, discussed about how the next generation data center will be like: and Michael David Capellas, CEO of VCE – joint venture created by Cisco, VMware and EMC – discussed the ways of IT infrastructures in bank institutions. In the future, the bank agencies will be very different from the present ones, with convenience spaces


and technological tools available o increase the institution/client interaction. Resembling bookstores more than banks, these environments will have the purpose to maintain the user within the agency internal space, and not to fright him/her. Therefore, no passwords or lines whatsoever, as good part of the clients do not need them anymore. Many services will be accessed online or in automatic teller machines

Sales point

In order to make this vision to come true, Cisco introduced, during CIAB 2011, a number of collaboration solutions, mainly of video and unified communications. “In the future, the bank agencies will undergo a paradigms change, which will enable their transformation from mere service rendering agencies to financial product seller”, says Rodrigo Gonzales, Cisco financial market solutions director for Latin America. Therefore, solutions such as the Remote Expert win importance. For example: if one client has doubts about a financial product and wants to talk to an expert in the subject, he/she is invited to attend a telepresence session with employees of other bank branches The solution guarantees virtual meetings with audio and video advanced functionalities and practically eliminates special barriers, enabling the clients who live in remote areas to have access to information which before

social networks (such as Twitter and Facebook). This enables the banks to act in a pro-active manner in case of problems of negative repercussion, preserving the brand and augmenting the interaction with the clients. The mobility can also play an important role in the future imagined by Cisco. Solutions such as Cius corporate tablet can function to personalize even more the service rendering, by taking the agency to the client. “The mobility permits new ways to render services. Connected to a 3G network, a manager can, for example, use the Cius during a visit to one of the clients, says Gonzales. Cisco introduces products and services in Cab 2011

were only available in large centers and speeding up specific services. Another alternative for banks would be to offer telepresence as an added value in services portfolios for premium clients.

Recognition and safety

Another agility gain is possible by means or the multi-channel integration concept, which includes unified communications in the already existing network platform in most Brazilian institutions. This implantation integrates all the bank service rendering channels speeding up and optimizing the service. “The interaction with the client enables an income increment, as the agency becomes more pro-active”, says Gonzales. Imagine that if, when he/she enters the agency, the client was automatically recognized by the bank internal system and next receives offers of personalized products and services. This is possible with the DMS - Digital Media System, which permits integration with the recognition and business analysis systems, and can make available dynamic offers in actual time. “The bank will know who you are and what you like, by strategically offering products and services which can please your profile”,

explains Cisco financial solutions director. The facial recognition can assume another fundamental role for the safety agencies. Cisco video surveillance solution, the Physical Security, can minimize criminal actions by capturing images and enabling the recognition of faces recorded in a specific data bank. After this identification, the system can be programmed to trigger an alarm or make a telephone call to emergency services, for example. It is also possible to identify strange behavior standards, like someone standing for large periods of time


To support those services, however, can be a challenge for the financial institutions, which need to integrate all their channels. Besides the technologies directly focused on the client, Cisco presented during Ciab some solutions focused on the network structure expansion and costs reduction. Among them is the VCE (Virtual Computing Environment), developed in partnership with VMware and EMC and focused to solutions development for virtualization and data centers. This solution purpose is to simplify the banks management, based on the expenses reduction with hardware

6 Multichannel integration includes unified communication in the network platform of financial institutions to simplify the clients’ access in the agency. Another safety solutions demonstrated by the company is the Wireless IPS (WIPS), which avoids the invasion of the agencies wireless networks, identifying the invaders and blocking illegal access. The social networks should also be an important factor in bans actuation in the following years. Cisco demonstrated during Ciab the SocialMiner, a solution which monitors citations in the main

(which most of the time remains idle), by optimizing the agencies physical space, saving energy and drastically reducing the maintenance costs. The agencies virtualization proposal also includes the XVI (Virtualization Experience Infrastructure), desktops or work station virtualization, which helps to protect the bank information in a data enter, also meeting the great institutions expectances for more




protection in their networks. After all, the future brings dangers as well.


Community banking

The future data centers will be smaller, more efficient and denser ones, accommodating a larger quantity of equipment in smaller spaces. This is Cisco, Emerson Network Power and Panduit forecast. They announced, during the 2011 edition of Ciab Febraban a partnership for the next generation of data centers. The purpose of the “Data center Next Generation Team”, as they are called, is to have synergy among the companies in building data centers which think, at the same time, the virtualization, the management and the green technologies. “We have to think the data center in a different manner, living together with the bequeathed structures and improving those environments, from the standpoint of energy, services and virtualization”, says Cisco’s Airton Melo. According to Pandiuti’s Douglas Ozanan, the partnership idea is to render a service in three different fronts: project, infrastructure and services. The companies allege that this way they can build a structure from zero with the assembly architecture. “Our network should be qualified and certified for new speeds and new generations”, says Melo, emphasizing the need of an infrastructure to provide support to the increasing demand for heavy data in transit such as videos. “In building a data center, it is necessary to take into consideration the next ten years”, says Ozanan. According to a group of companies, the consolidation is a pre-requisite for virtualization. “We recommend buying just the necessary, and afterward this hardware needs to be constantly managed to improve the performance. To talk about cloud is easy, but we need to think first about the structure”, says Melo. For Marcio Kenji, sales manager for Emerson Network Power, the adoption of better practices is also of fundamental importance. “To avoid performance and disconnection problems it is necessary to pay attention to the new technologies and cooling solutions.”

The Umpqua international bank became a community banking: it helps small and medium companies (SMC) to communicate their products and services, just like a collective purchases site, which attracts and increases the local sales. “This is an added value service. This bank offers classes and films”, explained Philip Farah, Cisco financial services director, during the “The new Era of the Consumer Experience” conference, which took place in Ciab Febraban. In Japan, Citibank prepared its strategy by catching a glimpse of large cities scenario and the transactions volume, besides clients with little available time. “The interaction involves videoconference, access to interactive media, besides information about what happens in the city”, reports Farah. When HSBC most important clients travel, they have their profiles and banking history recognized via radiofrequency devices in other agencies outside their origin countries. This way, they have the same credit conditions and differentiated services rendering anywhere in the world, and this enables the bank employees to become global consultants. The executive also mentioned that in Canada there are banks working with videoconference to meet those clients who have summer houses in areas where there are no banks, and the clients can make contact to the agencies more rapidly, improving the relationship. Farah also pointed out as another advancement that JP Morgan does not use paper in deposit or bank checks, and that when Bank of Americas introduced the Internet Banking in an impersonal way, it got the adhesion of just 11% of its clients, but by involving its employees in more customized presentations about the advantages of using the web


Green data centers According to Kenji, with the increase of the environmental awareness in the companies, it is necessary to think more efficient data centers. “Based on the use of better and more modern energetic sources, with the use of virtualization and cooling in high densities, it is possible to obtain considerably high efficiency rates”, he says. Contrarily of what people think, says Kenji, most energetic consumption of a data center, or 52%, is responsibility of computing equipment, whereas the consumption of cooling, illumination, transformers and energetic losses account for 48%. However, most data center administrators do not measure how much they spend with cooling, and this represents a big problem”, says Douglas Ozanan. The problem is bigger yet because if considered in an isolated manner, the cooling cost is the biggest villain of a data center, representing along 38% of the total.




On-line service rendering in actual time in agencies or by Internet will make a difference

in banking transactions, about 50% of its clients began to use the medium.

National solution

The speaker also praised highly one solution which was found in the fair: “boxes with facial recognition, which record when the clients do not finalize a transaction and block if another user tries to use the information in an improper manner for a different operation in the sequence”. He also pointed out the measure of national banks to stain the robbed bills to contain the automatic teller machines explosions. The interactivity between banks and their clients changed the relations. “The users should access 30% of Internet and video banking products by the social networks. Globally, there are institutions using Facebook to share better practices internally and there are consultants who are bringing more business by these networks”, commented Farah. The executive notices that the clients increasingly more will dictate the ways of banking service rendering and innovations. “The financial institutions will have to be segmented and the technology will help. It will be necessary to know who the clients are and what they want, besides to reward them. This is not a matter of


selling more, but selling better”. One successful example between banks the university people comes from Hong Kong, where the students had access to consultants, received advices in planning their travels and other assistances, going beyond the classic banking service. In Holland, Rabobank created work opportunities for this public, increased the relationship with the family and kept the parents informed about their sons1 and daughters’ credit cards movements.


The executive says that Cisco can be a strategic partner not only with solutions, but sharing successful cases, exploring innovation in social networks and studying possibilities in Google, with the collaboration or telepresence. In Brazil, he pointed out an Itautec

McKibben, of Gartner, has foreseen that in the United States and in the United Kingdom, 25% of consumers will interact with sub-products which were generated in social media. The forecast is for 2013. “Today, 3% of adults of those countries are connected to banks by social networks.” The executive believes that those channels cannot be used by financial institutions to “control” what will be commented about them, but know what the internauts who are in their focus group do, want and like, making more specific approaches. “And increasingly more the social media users will interfere in those banks planning”, he says. McKibben does not suggest the use of social networks to sell products: “their utilization has to be a more strategic one, with engagement to the clients. There are institutions offering sports information and increasing their relationship with their clients in a highly differentiated way”. The ideal, according to him, is to follow-up what they write about the banks and involve the clients in the companies’ decisions. “It is possible to personalize the interface of this interaction with the client”, said the executive. As far as mobile services are concerned, he believes that it is not enough to offer mobile payment. “It is necessary to offer products which are “transcendent” to the bank. Some insurance companies track

6 National creations such as stains on money bills that are stolen from automatic teller machines and clients’ identification are pointed out by Cisco executives solution which warns when someone observes, in a suspicious way behind a client in the automatic teller machine, besides the functionality to locate displacements by the cell phone. In the same speech, Douglas

the car and the credit card operators follow the client: if he/she is in São Paulo and there is this expenditure with the card in another city, they block the plastic”, explained McKibben.






Cisco introduces solutions for operators during ABTA 2001


ideo in all screens: smartphones, tablets, computers, videogames, intelligent TVs… The TV Everywhere concept a world-side trend of content delivery, was the biggest Cisco highlight during ABTA 2011, fair and congress, promoted by Associação Brasileira de Televisão por Assinatura (Cable TV Brazilian Association), in August, at Tansamérica Expo Center, in São Paulo. The video consumption is undergoing a real revolution, mainly with the ascension of sites such as Youtube and services like Netflix and Hulu. In them, millions of clips are added by consumers and studios. “The content is assessed and commented by other consumers, and the most popular one goes up to the top of the page and reaches higher rates”, says bob McIntyre, CIO of Cisco Service Provider Group.


Among the solutions that were presented at the company booth was the Videoscape, a TV platform focused on the operators which offers digital and online content to social network and communications applications. But this convergent evolution will demand many changes by the services rendering companies to be able to enrich the experience and win the user. “In the new TV revolution,


we will see interactive content and will be an omnipresent resource. “In multimedia in a diversity of screens, the future, the applications will move coming from a diversity of sources”. to the cloud and will run in any deTherefore, it is possible to make vice, including virtual set-top boxes, programs available in a number of de- permitting cheaper devices”, says vices, increasing the interaction with McIntyre the users. The Videoscape confirms The solution is part of the comCisco vision that, one day, the video pany video strategy: to simplify the

access to the next generation of TV content for consumers and to generate new opportunities for service rendering companies – including ability to deliver applications, telepresence at home or e-commerce. Using cloud computing, the Videoscape delivers linear video content (broadcast) and non linear video content (on demand). For McIntyre, the limits dilution between television and web will require that the providers of these services get together. “I advice the service providers not to compete with the ‘over the top’, but unite to them in partnership” he said. The new scenario, according to McIntyre, demands that new and more profitable business models be thought, so that the access providers are not limited to the role of mere pipe for data transportation.

6 The Videoscape confirms Cisco vision that, one day, the video will be an omnipresent resourcedifferent sources Cisco also introduced the 4682DVB D digital Interactive Media Server, a high definition set-top box which is being produced in Brazil. The product was customized to offer the complete assembly of NET video services, such as NOW (on demand video service) – see details on page 40 -, HDTV, 3DTV, programs electronic guides and interactive games. Among the other introduced video solutions were the Content Processing Display, part of Videoscape which congregates solutions of processers, transcodes and enconders used to transmit the content to any screen, besides access networks such as CMTS (Cable Modem Termination Systems), DPON, Indoor Amplifier, Mini-Node and others.

“In the new TV revolution, we will see interactive content and multimedia in a diversity of screens, coming from different sources”, — BOB MCINTYRE, CTO CISCO SERVICE PROVIDER GROUP CTO

6 FTTH is the wide band of the future

EIn three years, the FTTH (Fiber to the Home) optic fiber networks should dominate the domestic wide band connections in USA, and they represent the future of rapid connections market. The forecast was made by Bob McIntyre during his participation in the “New technologies for new services” panel, during ABTA 2011. McIntyre admits that the popularization of this technology is still hindered by the implantation costs and by the little traffic generated by most users. “In any case, people do not need a wide band”, he said. Another participant of the discussion, Antônio Carlos Marteletto, Via Embratel planning and operations director, agrees with McIntyre. “FTTH is the future, but there is a long way to go before it. We are in the state-of-the-art of HFC, what makes more profitable the business in this standard”, he says. Rodrigo Duclós, Net Serviços technology and projects director, believes that the Brazilian technological dichotomy - according to which the consumer demands increasingly advanced services in still legated networks – is part of the sector activity in the Country. “We have to facilitate the consumer’s experience and augment the quality, ad value, to after what the others are not doing, as we are the detainers of this asset which is the network”, he says. Virgilio Amaral, technology director of TVA/ Telefônica, a company which already explores commercially in Brazil the FTTH technology, said that the user’s experience with the optic fiber is a “sensational” one. “It is a stable network, which does not suffer any kind of interference, and that I use at home to test streaming services, for example”. Besides McIntyre, Timothy Brophy, networks architecture director of Cisco, attended the “Solution in Triple Play” discussion, and introduced efficient technological solutions for the offer of data, voice and video packages. The Country will soon live an expansion in cable licenses, and the HFC networks evolution alternatives, besides managing the band in this scenario, were discussed by the executivediscutidas pelo executivo.




TELEVISION ON DEMAND AND IN HIGH DEFINITION Cisco CDS guarantees flexibility Furthermore, each CDS server and scale abilities to NET, meeting can be optimized for one or more the necessary quality and efficiency tasks, such as content insertion, cenrequirements in the VoD offer. The tral storage, intelligent decentralized solution distributes architecture storage and distribution system baoffers a highly decentralized de- sed on the SSD (Solid-State Drive) sign. This minimizes the IP network technology. infrastructure impact and the most watched videos are always available National set top box in the main NET distribution centers. Besides supplying the infrastructure for the new NET serve, Cisco began, this year, the Brazilian production of high ET multi-services operator  The NOW was first definition Set Top Box for the operator. via cable of Latin America, introduced for NET HD and The Cisco 4682DVB H E Digital Inteselected Cisco CDS (Conractive Media Server was customized tent Delivery Systems) for NET HD Max in some regions to offer the complete video services paits new on demand video service, the of the city of São Paulo ckage of NET, including NOW, HDTV, NOW. The solution enables the NET 3DTV programs electronic guides and client to choose the content he/she The Cisco platform is formed by interactive games. The USB2.0 portal on wants to watch in his/her TV, at any one or more distribution servers, or the set top box also enables the connectime, with the highest sound and image Content Delivery Engines, which can tivity to consumer’s electronic devices, quality, as if he/she had a video rental be grouped as one single logic sys- so that the users have new ways of enstore at home. Cisco was also respontem, thus enabling the easy inclusion tertainment such as photos and audio sible for managing the systems integraof new servers in the NET infrastruc- in MP3. The future improvements that tion for this NET project. ture for a virtually unlimited video are forecast for the joint development NOW was first introduced for NET storage and with a great distribution include the ability to record videos in HD and NET HD Max in some regions capacity. digital format of the city of São Paulo. The service now is being expanded to Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Campinas and Belo Horizonte. The implantation will be gradually and the forecast is that NOW will be available to all HD users of those cities until the end of the year.

NET operator service uses image content management system to simplify the program selection




“With NOW, NET is transmitting to thousands of personalized channels. It is a channel to each and every user, so he/she can watch whatever he/she wants, anytime”, says Márcio Carvalho, NET products and services director.










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SENAI/SC GOES TO VIRTUALIZATION The project goal is to speed up the information technology structure processes


ENAI in Santa Catarina state implanted Cisco Unified Computing System – UCS. The investment was a result of the need to enlarge the institution servers’ park to meet the growing IT demands in professional education. With the new system, the 35 SENAI units in the state, their about three thousand contributors and one-hundred thousand students who are enrolled every year, in both with the students’ presence and remote modalities, will be supported in a more reliable and safe way. The great solution differential is the fast services rendering, enabled by the US resources, such as the integration among the local network (LAN)

and data storage (SAN), which redu- 22 physical servers will be virtualized ce the complexity in the data center in three Cisco UCS blades. environment. Even with all complexity inherent According to Paulo Alberto Vio- to data centers and the need to install lada, SENAC/SC IT coordinator, the the services non-stop solution, the services provision tie will be reduced project was considered as a success. from eight to one hour, besides ena- “One of the reasons to adopt Cisco UCS solution was the ability to attack all the complexity items with a unified The services rendering solution”, says Rafael Silva, projects time will be reduced manager of Teltec, a Cisco partner and accountable for the project and the from eight to one hour solution sale. According to Marco Antônio bling preventive maintenances during Dociatti, SENAI/SC director, “to be work hours, with no interruption or an early adopter means to have conthe services quality degradation. fidence in a manufacturer like Cisco”. The adopted solution brought Nevertheless, the main purpose is to other gains, such as the communispeed up the service rendering to all cation speed increase in the data publics. “The changes are being made center, by means of the integration to offer a differential to the market as between the UCS and the Nexus far as service rendering to our clients is 5000 platform, the easiness and simconcerned”, concludes Dociatti. plicity to enlarge the computational For Marco Sena, Cisco commercial environment and the electric power director, the needs that were mentioconsumption reduction in about 18%. ned by SENAI in Santa Catarina were Now SENAI/SC is prepared to enter solved by Cisco. “After the project insthe cloud computing era. In this phase, tallation final phase, we are sure that all the premises have been met and that this innovating case is a success for Cisco and for Teltec”, concludes Sena.


PAYING CASH SENAI/SC bought the following equipment: 1 Cisco UCS B-series (B-200 M2 servers) 1 Cisco Nexus 5020 1 Cisco MDS 9 148





GOOD READING! LIVE MAGAZINE recommends the CISCO FIREWALLS book written by Alexandre Moraes BY marco barcellos


he book “Cisco Firewalls: Concepts, design and deployment for Cisco Stateful Firewall solutions”, published by Cisco Press in June 2011, written by Alexandre M. S. P. Moraes, is the product of the Brazilian author’s large professional experience in the Safety and Network markets. The book is already available for acquisition by the Internet, is sold in Amazon and Barnes&Noble American bookstores, and it should be sold here by year end. Only English versions will be available – what is a commonplace for the main technical books and moiré advanced materials in the information technology area. Although the title suggests a book about products, it is a work the purpose of which is to promote the proper understanding of the main theoretic concepts, going beyond the traditional configuration manuals. Based on the classic discussion about the importance to define a Safety policy before investing in any practical implantation, the author shows a h history of the diversified firewall categories and devotes a particular attention to the stateful firewalls technology and its evolution. By adopting a very peculiar approach, Alexandre details the use of

THE BOOK As of now, the most economic way to buy the book in Brazil is by the Amazon site: dp/1587141094/ref=dp_return_1? ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books

tools that permit to understand the firewall functionalities operation and he constantly resorts to such resources to create the important connection between theory and practice. All the concepts mentioned in the book are fully illustrated with the purpose to permit the reader a conscientious utilization of each and every protection technique in a “safety project”

THE AUTHOR AAlexandre M.S.P.Moraes is graduated in Electronics Engineering by Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) and acts a Systems Engineer at Cisco since 1998. He is based in Brasília and has the CCIE (Routing/ Switching, Safety and Service Provider) and CISSP certifications. His main areas of interest are Safety, Rotating, Multicast and MPLS Network Projects.


context, characterizing that the Safety discipline should be treated as systems vision and that one cannot blindly trust in the so called “magic boxes which allege to solve all the problems. Besides the structured way to organize the content, another noteworthy merit of the book is the fact that it brings elaborated discussions about subjects which, despite their practical importance, were historically neglected. In a very didactic way, the author explains, for example, hoe to add Safety to environments which involve IPv6, AAA, PI Telephone System, Multicast and Virtualization. The last chapter of the book, called “Firewall Interactions”, deserves a special mention, s it brings an interesting analysis of Firewalls interactions with other technologies such as Intrusions Prevention Systems (IPS), safe connectivity by VPNs (SSL or IPSEC), load balance (SLB), Service Quality (QoS) and MPLS networks. Besides the value of the technical discussion of each and every item, the consecrated principle to invest in multiple defense layers is once more emphasized. Undoubtedly, this is an indispensable work for any professional who wishes to develop in the Networks Safety area and for those who aim at extracting the maximum from the products that Cisco provides in this domain (whether they are firewalls dedicated to the ASA family or Cisco rotators with Safety interconnected services). This is a more than recommended reading!

Read also: Article written by the author (“Revisiting Firewall Performance Parameters”) docs/DOC-16954

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