Interclean newsletter issue 2 standard

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Feature Article page 3

Welcome and thank you for subscribing to Interclean News. It’s been an exciting month over here at Interclean HQ as we work to find even better ways to help you improve cleaning and hygiene at your facility. In this jam packed edition we talk about Touch Points, why you need a C.H.I.P. accreditation and training, exciting new products along with information about our upcoming Seminars. As always, we want to hear from you, so if you have any questions you want answered in the next newsletter, comments on articles you’ve read or related stories and experiences you’ve had at your facility email Bill Bassett Managing Director of Interclean

Up Coming Events page 2

Launceston Healthcare Cleaning Seminar The Boathouse Tue 15th April 9.30-1.00pm Hobart Healthcare Cleaning Seminar Mona Centre Thurs 17th April 9.30-1.00pm First C.H.I.P. certification contractors course Interclean Training Centre 20th - 21st May Canberra, ‘Keeping it Clean’ Seminar The Brassey of Canberra Thurs 22nd May 9.30am - 1.00pm

Viva!E New Product

Now Available in 30cm

For many years I have searched for effective odour control that could be used in a healthcare setting. The traditional aerosol and spray technology was constantly an issue, causing irritation for people with breathing difficulties, particularly in hospitals and nursing homes, where the need for fresher, healthier air is at its most important. And then I found Viva!E...

Scrub-E wall and floor mop head now available in 30cm for even smaller washrooms, with a folded front edge to make it even easier to clean and scrub corners and edges with ease.

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