General Book

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vision VISION During the course of the next five years, Clinica del Country shall be recognized as model of excellence for its scientific and human level services with advanced programs to guarantee safety of its patients. o o o

We shall double our service capacity and we shall be model of entity’s health administration programs. We shall support development of projects that permit health service growth in our environment at domestic and international level. We shall include in our portfolio research and education programs.

mission MISSION To be the Hospital that patients, physicians and insurance companies choose due to its scientific, human and quality service: o Our patients receive the best scientific, human and technical service available. o Physicians have the best professional support and top technology for performance of their skills. o Insurance companies have a cost-effective ally that supports them in the compliance of their function. o The community has a model entity in its practices and innovator in its processes and technology.

Physicians, health, administrative and services professionals of Clinica del Country welcome you to our facilities and offer all our resources for your recovery.

Clinica del Country connected the Carrera 15 and Carrera 16 units with a pedestrian bridge in order to offer more comfort and safety to patients and relatives. Main entrance to facilities is through the Carrera 16 unit, and emergency room for adults is through Carrera 16A, rear façade. The entrance to pediatric and obstetrical emergency room is through the Carrera 15 unit.

ADMISSIONS At admission, following documents will be required, without exception: s s s s

For more information please call Extensions: 1129 or 1130.

ID Membership card of health management operator Vouchers or copayment Authorization issued by corresponding insurance company

If you don’t have all documents at admission you will be admitted temporarily as a private patient. As of your admission, you will have 24 working hours to carry out the necessary proceedings to certify your condition of insured patient. For private patients: s s s

Identity document Hospitalization order issued by treating physician Credit to your account (according to fees established for each type of procedure)

For more information please call Extensions: 1129 - 1130.



HOSPITALIZATION Medical Service You are under the care of a specialist physician, chosen by you or assigned by the hospital at the emergency room. He/she will be in charge of guiding and making decisions related to your treatment. The hospital has a medical team that collaborates in the attention of patients only if treating physician requires its help or in case of emergency.

Nursing Department Each floor has a chief nursing officer and a team of qualified nurses willing to work for your health, offering service and comfort. They will make your stay pleasant; therefore, they deserve your respect and consideration. In the event you require permanent nurse assistance please request one in the morning to the chief nursing officer. This is an external service of the Hospital with additional cost. Request in advance, in order to insure availability. The certified nurse assistant is only a companion. Medical orders and care are always responsibility of the hospital’s staff that will accompany and look after your well being and comfort. For more information on nurse assistance please call Extensions: 1762 – 1763. If you have any type of removable prosthesis; hearing-aids, contact lenses, etc., please inform the nursing staff in order to give it suitable handing and avoid accidental lose.

Room In the bathroom you will find toilet elements, courtesy of the hospital. Towels have an additional cost which is not covered by prepaid medicine or insurance company and shall be charged to your personal account. In the event you need a set of towels please request it to nursing staff.

Companion A relative may accompany patient at night. Service for companion has an additional cost. Patients under 12 and over 80 years of age must be accompanied at all times by an adult. Companion service cost for these patients shall be assumed by Hospital when not covered by health plan.



Surgery If you require a surgery procedure, you will be transferred with due anticipation from your bedroom to surgery rooms. In both Units these are located in the third floor. Before surgery, remove nail varnish from hands and feet, remove make-up, and take off jewelry and removable metallic elements. The Hospital provides space and promotes good communication between surgeon and family members. If you have any doubts you may ask your physician before entering the surgical area. Likewise, at end of surgery operation treating physician shall inform your family members the result of the surgical procedure and initial recommendations.

Newborns Hospitalization of children under 30 days is at the newborn unit located in the third floor of Carrera 15 Unit. This admission is considered independent from mother’s admission. The baby will be treated by a neonatologist’s team that will inform patient’s state and evolution exclusively to his/her parents. This unit is open and allows the entrance of parents according to medical conditions at its interior. The mother’s discharge from hospital is independent of newborn’s release; mother’s release will be given by obstetrician-gynecologist and children by the neonatologist. Please note visit schedule.

Vaccination District Department of Health recommends vaccination scheme during neonatal period administered by the Hospital. At time of admission, the mother receives a document with detailed explanation of vaccines and related procedures. These do not have any cost and are administered when baby is discharged.



Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) This is located in the third floor of Carrera 15 Unit. Access to PICU is strictly restricted to parents (one at a time per patient). In order to make accompaniment of child easier at night, one of the parents may stay at his/her side. Due to hygiene and protection to patients, parents must wash their hands, take off jewelry and leave all types of accessories. Other isolation measures shall be informed in due time.

Adults Intensive Care Unit (AICU) This is located in the third floor of Carrera 16 Unit. There are critically ill patients who require specialized and continuous monitoring. In order to provide adequate recovery conditions to your relative please follow recommendations of AICU’s Information Brochure.

Clinical Laboratory The Clinic’s sample test services are located in the second floor of Carrera 16 Unit. Sample testing services are 24 hours a day. Results not available at time of release will be attached to medical history. These results may be requested later at the Statistics Office.



TRANSFUSION SERVICE Blood donors support center The blood transfusion service is located in Cra 16A # 82-61. The blood donors support center is located in Cra. 65 # 81-67. Tel: 4379999. Blood products meet all standards and transfusion parameters. Blood products have all the medical, scientific and safety support regarding infectious disease tests and handling techniques. Schedule for blood donors is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Availability of blood products will always be a limited resource. We invite you to donate voluntarily. For more information about the donation or hemoderivates transfusion please call Tel: 5300470. Ext: 1214.

Food Service Schedule:



Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner:

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Diet is ordered by your treating physician according to health conditions. For patients with normal diet we have a wide menu for their election. In benefit of your health we request that you keep diet ordered by treating physician. If you have doubts regarding diet to follow after you are released from Hospital please call Extension 1670, Nutrition Office, or ask nurse to call in the dietitian.


OTHER SERVICES Customer Service If you have any suggestions or require information regarding our procedures or services, please request assistance from one of our Customer Service Advisors. The staff is ready to give advice and attend any additional need regarding the medical attention process. You may contact them through the nursing staff. You may also go to office located in the first floor of Cra. 16 Unit. The Customer Service advisor may ask you to fill in a survey that will help us learn about your needs and improve our services. Thank you in advance for your comments.

Quality Assurance The Hospital is interested in listening to your comments regarding the medical attention you received. For this effect, you may call the Quality Assurance Department at Extension 1613.

Spiritual Assistance During your stay at the Hospital you may call our chaplain priest if you wish spiritual assistance and support for you or your family. To request his visit please call Extensions 1131 - 1135.

Notary Public Registration The Birth Civil Record for children born in the Republic of Colombia is a compulsory and free proceeding. This proceeding can be done at any notary public or at the Registrar’s Office. Although Notary Public’s home service is voluntary, we currently have the support of 42nd Notary Public which carries out this work with our little patients from Mondays to Saturdays Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning.

Detection of Neonatal Illneses The Hospital authorizes duly identified officers of PREGEN & Genetics (Duly identified) to proceed with neonatal screening examinations. These are tests used to detect newborns with endocrine disease, infectious or metabolic errors before they manifest the disease. These are voluntary and have an additional cost or in some cases are covered by the corresponding insurance company.

other services


Telephone Service Local calls: Dial 0 (zero), wait for the tone and dial the desired number. These calls have no cost. Domestic and International calls: If you wish this service, dial 9 (nine). Domestic, international and cell phone calls will be charged to your personal account. Local calls include the urban perimeter only.

Internet Service The clinic has WI-FI Internet Service. To request access call Extensions 1131, 1672, 2427, 1122 and 1770.

Restaurant The restaurant is located in the first floor of Cra. 16 unit and is open 24 hours a day. If you require information on the restaurant please call Extensions 1769, 1800 or 1134.

Drugstore The drugstore opens 24 hours to public and it is located in the first floor of Carrera 16 Unit. If you wish to consult availability of any medicament or article please call Ext. 1132. Internal drugstore is located in basement 1 of Carrera 16 Unit. It has the magistral formulation program; this gives you access to personalized doses according to medical prescription. This customization facilitates drug administration in young patients and adult patients with swallowing problems and also warrants and potentiates the results of the medicine. For more information call Ext 1810.

Maintenance The room where you are has been equipped for your comfort and well-being. We request your collaboration in preserving and maintaining elements in good condition. Your family and you may need our services again. If you find any imperfects you wish to report, call a Customer Service Advisor or Nursing staff who will gladly transmit your request to staff in charged.


other services

Visits The Hospital has specific visit schedules in order to guarantee well-being and prompt recovery of patients. Hospitalization in room: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visits of children under 5 are not allowed. For patient’s well-being we advise that maximum 2 people remain in the room. Adults Intensive Care Unit: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 m., 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 2 visitors per patient may enter simultaneously. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Accompaniment of parents is allowed 24 hours a day. At night we request that only one parent remains at the Unit. Newborn Unit: Accompaniment of parents is allowed from 8:00 am to 10 pm. Grandparents may come in from 11:00 am to 12 m. Only enter one at a time in the company of a parent.

Visitors must abstain from: s

s s s s s

Smoking (Resolution 1956 of May 30, 2008 of Ministry of Health Protection stipulates in Art. 2 that smoking is prohibited in indoor or enclosed areas and public places. In addition, Art. 3 prohibits smoking in health institutions Making noise or remaining in corridors Eating in waiting rooms Drinking alcoholic beverages Using mobile phones or cell phones in room corridors Visiting patients if you have the flu or any kind of infection.

To follow these rules insures better coexistence and is sign of respect towards other patients. Silence contributes to the well-being and recovery of patient; therefore, we require the help of relatives and visitors.

other services


Medical History Request According to Article 34 of Law 23 / 81 in accordance with Resolution 1995/99, the medical record is a private document subject to reservation, which only has access to the patient, the health team responsible for his/her care and the authorities permitted by law. Consequently, to obtain a copy of that document or Epicrisis you must follow the following instructions: Delivery of medical history can only be made when patient has been released from the Institution; therefore, to request copy of medical history contact the Statistics Department located at Carrera 18 No 82-72, phone 5300470 ext: 2914 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday to formalize the request. In the event that patient has agreed to authorize a third party for such purpose, the patient should send a letter addressed to said department, attaching a copy of his/her ID and of authorized party. Letter must be signed in original by the patient and contain the following information: s s s s s s

s s s


Patient’s full name ID Number Unit where he/she was treated (Emergency Room, Hospitalization, Surgery) Destination of the document Approximate date of entry and/or release If patient is a minor, letter should be signed by both parents or guardian or conservator, as appropriate, attaching photocopy of ID of each parent or guardian or conservator. A parent may delegate the exercise of parental authority on the other for the purpose of making the request for a copy of the child’s medical history; in this case, the delegation shall be in writing, attaching a copy of ID. (Article 307 of the Civil Code) If a newborn, the application may be signed by the child’s mother, attaching a copy of her ID. If a third party is authorized, follow the instructions in the fourth paragraph (4) above. If during hospitalization you require a summary of your history, please tell the head nurse. In the event patient has died, a copy of his/her medical history may be requested by spouse or life partner, children, parents, grandparents and siblings, indicating the reason or reasons why the document is required in accordance with those reported in T-722/09 Judgment of the Honorable Constitutional Court.

other services

SECURITY According to Resolution 741 of 1997 of the Health Department, we have some recommendations for your security.

Vigilance The Hospital has the support of a specialized vigilance company to guarantee your security and well-being. Their personnel are authorized to go through packages entering or leaving the building. We apologize for inconveniences caused by this measure but it is for your integral security. District Health Department standards demand complete identification of people entering the Hospital; therefore, you will always be asked to identify with and ID and you will be given a visitor’s badge. This visitor’s badge will allow you access to rooms and must be returned at nursing station once you leave the room.

Recommendations for newborns and children a. When baby is born he/she will be identified with a pre-numbered bracelet. Please do not remove bracelet; at any time nursing staff or security may require these data. b. Transfer of newborns or children under 10 to other departments of the Hospital can only be made by a nurse in the company of a family member. During his/her stay in the room he/she must be accompanied by his/her parents or authorized relative. c. Mother and child must identify with bracelets and ID (this requisite does not exempt them from presenting the corresponding debtfree receipt). If you notice suspicious people within the facilities of the Hospital please call the security office extension: 1777.



Identification Badge Hospital staff must permanently carry an identification badge in a readily visible place; therefore, demand presentation of same. If you have doubts, request the presence of the Head Nurse or call the Security Office, Extension 1777.

Ignore people without identification that try to distract your attention.

Personal Objects The Hospital does not assume responsibility for personal valuable objects (money, jewelry, telephones, cell phones, computers, agendas, cameras, etc.). Care of these is the responsibility of each patient, relative or visitor. We suggest that you only bring toiletry articles and necessary objects. We recommend that you close door of your room when you are transferred for attention at other departments. In the event that you left behind in your room some personal effect after leaving the hospital please call Extension 1152. In some rooms, you will find a drawer that can be secured. The key to that drawer will be delivered to you at the floor’s nursing station.

Weapons The carrying of weapons is restricted only to security people of the State and private independent security authorities with due authorization, issued by the Superintendence of Vigilance. 12


ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES In order to offer a good and timely service and guarantee a timely service, the Hospital has account closings from Monday through Friday until 6:00 pm and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays until 11 am. Please be assured that charges not covered by your medical plan shall be informed to you periodically through account statements and delivered in the afternoon at the Invoicing Office located in the first floor of Cra. 16 Unit. In this way you will be able to make the respective payments. When hospitalization of patient affiliated to pre-paid medicine extends for a longer period of time to that indicated in authorization you shall have to apply for its extension. We remind you that pre-paid medicine companies only work until noon on weekends and holidays. It is advisable that you make proceedings promptly. Additionally, we must inform you that if, your insurance company at time of auditing your account finds that your attention is not covered by your health plan due to exclusions or limitations contained in your contract, initial authorization granted by insurance company shall be reversed. In this case, you will be considered a private patient and your bill will be invoiced at institutional fees and you will be responsible for its payment. If this is your case, we will contact you as soon as the insurance company informs us of said circumstance.

administrative processes


Release Once treating physician signs release order, the head nurse shall request your bill at invoicing office. Said office shall call your room to inform that the process has been concluded and request that you approach the cashier to sign invoice, and if necessary, cancel surpluses not covered by your insurance company or prepaid medicine. Once this process ends, you will receive paid-up receipt necessary to leave the hospital. Cashier’s Office is open 24 hours. The main cashier receives all credit cards authorized in the country as well as local checks, submitting ID of issuer.

emergencies Emergencies In the event of an emergency please follow these recommendations: s s s s

Keep calm while leaving the room. Close the door. Review the evacuation route in maps located in front of elevators of each floor. Do not use elevators, take the staircase. In case of emergency please inform Ext 1777.

It is very gratifying for us that you have chosen us to care for your health or that of your relative.


administrative processes

RIGHTS OF THE PATIENT 1. Patient has the right to freely select the physician or health professionals as well as health institutions to receive the required attention within the available resources. 2. Patient has the right to enjoy full and clear communication with his/her physician, according to his/her conditions, which allows him/her to have all the necessary information regarding his/her illness, as well as the procedures and/or treatments he/she shall undergo, the prognosis and risks involved with said treatment and alternatives of same. He/ she also has the right to be represented by relatives or representatives in case of unconsciousness or under legal age, to consent or reject these procedures; hopefully leaving written proof of the decision. 3. Patient has the right to receive a worthy and considerate treatment, respecting his/her beliefs and customs, as well as to state his/her personal opinion regarding his/her illness. 4. Patient has the right to privacy and secrecy of all reports regarding his/her medical history that can only be known with his/her authorization. 5. Patient has the right to receive the best medical assistance possible during all illness process, respecting his/her wishes in case of irreversible illness.

6. Patient has the right to review and receive explanations regarding costs of services received from both health professionals as well as from the hospital. Likewise, in case of emergency, he/she has the right to receive services that are not conditioned to payment of anticipated honorariums fees. 7. Patient has the right to receive or refuse spiritual, moral or religious support according to his/her convictions. 8. Patient has the right to participate or not in researches performed by scientifically qualified personnel. Likewise patient has the right to be enlightened regarding its objectives, methods, possible benefits, foreseeable risks and inconveniences that research process may imply. 9. Patient has the right to accept or refuse the donation of his/her organs to be transplanted to other patients. 10. Patient has the right to die with dignity and that his/her willingness to allow the dying process take its natural course in the terminal phase of the illness, be respected.

rights of the patient


DUTIES OF PATIENT AND HIS/HER FAMILY Aware of the responsibility as an institution to ensure respect for the rights of patients, it is also expected of patient and his/her family the observance of duties: 1. Provide a dignified, respectful and considerate treatment to all staff of the institution as well as other patients and their families. 2. Provide accurate information about medical history and other information requested by institutional staff. Follow medical and other health team members indications, in cases where treatment has been accepted. 3. Caring for your health and your community.

4. Do not discriminate against any person because of race, sex, or religion. 5. Comply and enforce the Constitution, laws and other regulations. 6. Know, exercise and comply with full responsibility, the rights and duties granted and imposed by the social security system in health, as well as the content of the additional health plan you purchased, stressing importance to the communitythe duty to make rational use of health services. 7. Report to hospital’s staff any situation considered anomalous or detrimental to his/ her rights as human being and patient. 8. Comply with the instructions contained in the information booklet to patients of Clinica del Country. 9. Give a careful treatment to assets owned by Clinica del Country Clinic, which are for your service. 10. Cancel account for services received from both health professionals and the institution.


duties of the patient and their family

If during your stay at Clinic you do not wish to receive telephone calls please call extension N. 9



Admissions Cra 16 Unit 530 1341 Admissions Cra 15 Unit 622 8763 Cardiology 530 1342 Diagnosis Images 621 6645 - 644 9500 Emergency Room Carrera. 16 Unit. 530 1350 Gastroenterology 530 1349 Medical History 530 0470 ext 2914 Information 530 1340

Laboratory Fax 530 1119 Medical Director 530 1303 Medical Director Fax 530 1304 Nuclear Medicine 530 1348 Presidency 530 1305 Statistics 530 1270 - 530 0470, Ext. 2914 Service Center - Blood Donors 530 134 Surgery Programming 530 1337 / 38

#ARRERA . n #ARRERA . n s "OGOTĂˆ $ # #OLOMBIA PBX: 530 0470 - 530 1270 - 530 1720


9 1131 – 1135 2104 – 2105 – 2108 1129 – 1130 1105 1104 1122 – 1770 – 2427 1126 – 1117 1100 – 1137 1123 – 1124 1761 – 1762 – 1763 – 1764 1800 – 1769 1741 1670 2328 1613 – 1672 1134 2910 – 2098 – 2099 1777


Operator - PBX General information Admissions Cra. 15 Unit Admissions Cra. 16 Unit Adults Emergency Room Customer Service Cashier Emergency Room Patient Care Invoicing Infirmary Department Food Service Medical Director Nutrition Lactarium Quality Assurance Department Restaurant Room Internet Service Security

I received the Patients Information Brochure

& Directory

& PBX: 530 0470 / 530 1270

多WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY? s When you hear the siren stay calm, it will sound three times:

s Follow the evacuation route and go to the meeting point.

s &IRST SIREN means warning

s Do not go back or stand at the exits to avoid hindering passage of people being evacuated.

s 3ECOND SIREN Get ready for evacuation (family or visitors), member of evacuation brigade is ready, in position. s 4HIRD SIREN Evacuate s It is important that you know that the health staff which is prepared and trained for emergencies will be in charge of your patient or family member. s Remember not to use the elevators during the emergency.

s Get to the indicated meeting place or rendezvous point. s Do not return to the building without permission of the head of emergencies. s In the presence of smoke in the area, cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth and when asked to evacuate drop to floor and crawl.

s Identify the emergency volunteer of your area who will be wearing a green vest or the assessment coordinator who will be wearing a blue vest. s Follow the directions of the Evacuation Coordinators or emergency volunteer. s When you are requested to evacuate leave in an orderly manner, in a single line and do not answer cell phones, do so quickly and do not run.


多What to do in an emergency?

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