Intermania April 2019

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We as humans distinguish ourselves from the animal kingdom. If you look at how we evolved over the last millennia, it seems reasonable to think so. We took over the world, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, whereas different animal species became extinct. Still, I do not believe that humans are better than animals. As a farm girl, I grew up with animals. Over the years, I noticed the similarities between my animals and me. My horse can also have a morning mood and my dog shows some kind of guilty feeling when she does something wrong. These are things we would say are human characteristics. But maybe they are animal characteristics we do not know we still have. In the end, we are all made out of flesh and blood. In this edition, we try to show the similarities between humans and animals. On page 22, Evie describes two experiments about the self-consciousness of animals, a clear showcase of the similarities between them and us. Besides psychological similarities, we also make a fun comparison by looking at animals with a job. This article can be found on pages 17-18. If you still


haven’t read enough about animals, you must try the article about insect food from Julia on page 27-28. After reading this, you can make your own delicious insect food. We also have a lot of committees talking about their stories and adventures. On page 24-25, the First year Committees of 2019 prove themselves as Intermate worthy sjaarzen, while the SExCie brings you in the mood for their excursion to Lille on page 7. We were very excited to see that so many committees are willing to share their activities with us. Enjoy your Intermania and have fun looking at all the cute animals we added to this edition!

Table of contents Never Seeing the Daylight


Orchestra of Angels


Beat the Bataviers


Sjaarzen in Action 24 The First Years Committees introduce themselves The Best Memories of IPO


#Doeslief 31* Lille, C’est un Beau Ville!


The Tosti Contest


In het Midden


Enactus Eindhoven


The Truth of the Electric Car


How to Find Your Way in Altas TU/e for Dummies


Vermist: Alle Oranje Katers


Ode aan de Ratten


Sustainable Agriculture 41 Arjun shares his finds about Sustainable Agriculture

Hei! It’s Freezing Out


Column Hub


Games and Self-Determination


PhD life: Free the Caged


Theme: Animals Cartoon: Isabel Blijenburg


Animals at Work


Party Animals of Intermate


Self-Consciousness in Animals


All Politicians are Equal, but...


Would You Like Some Crickets?


Exploding Kittens 48 Emma explains her favorite Wintermate drinking game

*Dutch Articles

Cuddly Robotic Companions 29 How pet robots can help elderly people Pokemon the Movie


Which Career Animal Are You?


Animal Testing


Borrowing from Animals




Table of contents

“However, this plant died within a week.” - Fenna, p. 14 27.




Colophon Intermania is the magazine of study association Intermate, home to the bachelor’s and master’s programs of the department Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology. The Intermania is released four times a year, with a total of 400 prints. Members of Intermate can ask for a private copy by filling in the opt-in form.

Content for the Intermania may be submitted in consultation with the editors. The editorial staff shall not be liable for any consequences arising from its content and reserves the right to, without notice, amend or not publish any submitted content. Articles may only be redistributed with permission of the editorial staff.

Study Association Intermate Address: De Rondom 70, Atlas 2.325 Postbus 513, 5600MB Eindhoven Phone: (040) 247 44 30 Website: E-mail: Advertisements:

Intermania Chief Editor: Editorial Staff: E-mail: Printer:

April 2019

Michelle van Ardenne Benedetta Malagoni, Cécile Geertman, Colin de Bruin, Evie Tossaint, Frank Vendrig, Hugo Bezombes, Ileen Smits, Isabel Blijenburg, Manon van Hastenberg, Marit Loonen, Nienke Buikstra Drukkerij Snep




Never Seeing the Daylight If you’ve been in the boardroom in the past week, there’s a chance that you’ve seen Rob or Maithe. Or both. In contrast to the rest of the board, they don’t really have meetings to attend, or places to go. Here, they will try to explain how they fill their days without obligations. Text & Image: Maithe van de Wal and Rob Janssen, Members of the 35th board of Intermate

Rob The only weekly meetings I have to attend are the LiftCie and the board meetings. This entails that besides these three to four hours I have to find ways of filling my time in the week with money- and board-related activities. At the end of a month, you can always find me counting coins, examining SumUp, and checking the bank account of Intermate. After this week of bookkeeping the work is done and there are still three more weeks to fill the month. In these weeks I will usually spend my time sending invoices or reminders to companies that still have to pay Intermate. I will also pay companies and declarations, as people dislike having to wait a month for their money (or sometimes even an hour). The board also organizes some activities, for which I am usually some extra manpower who can fix things last minute. Or I am the sugar daddy who can go around and pay for most of the things.

In December and January, I was working full time on the financial statement. In the months afterward, I am mostly trying to fill my time with extra activities. You can find me learning bridge or playing foosball when there are not that much extra tasks to do. Relaxing in the Internaat is something I still enjoy a lot after some hard work. Especially “accidentally” opening the bar too often in a week.

“I still enjoy ‘accidently’ opening the bar”

However, sometimes things do tend to get busy for me. When I was working on the semi-annual financial statement, you could find me at Intermate until 7 or 8 PM. This shows that the treasurer’s workload is not that equally divided over the year. 4

Rob Janssen, Treasurer of the 35th board



“It is a lot of fun to have you guys around, so I totally encourage you to come by our boardroom.” - Maithe

Maithe van der Wal, Internal Affairs of the 35th board

Maithe When I look at my calendar on a typical morning, it is filled for approximately three hours of the day. This time is mostly filled with things like committee meetings, FSE, board meetings, or counting the BorrelCie stock. Beside these scheduled tasks, I have to get my stuff done on my own power. In my case, the tasks mostly involve bookkeeping, paying invoices, and sending invoices to others. This gives the sensation of having a lot of free time, but what it really means is that I have to keep motivating myself to not get behind on my tasks. This is because if I do not tell myself to do my tasks, no one will. I personally like April 2019

it that I am able to do things myself (and also plan them myself), but I can imagine that not everyone would feel that way. However, for me this way of working gives me freedom to work whenever I want (and feel like I can). The only downside to bookkeeping is that you are never really done. I like finishing tasks and checking off to-do lists, but that’s not really possible when bookkeeping, as you’re always “behind”. Then again, this is the only disadvantage I can think of. Not only for me, but also for the other board members my schedule can be very beneficial. As Rob already pointed out, we are very easily able to switch our schedules around to help out with certain things last minute. I really like this part of the job, because now I truly am able to contribute to pretty much every activity we organize! If you have a lot of obligations, you simply do not have that opportunity. Another very fun part of always being around is the contact I can have with members. It is a lot of fun to have you guys around, so I totally encourage you to come by our boardroom if you feel like having a chat. Because I probably do too!





Orchestra of Angels Nog een Intermania, nog een borrel en nog een legende. Deze editie vertelt Bas over de frisse Orchestra of Angels. Pak je slippers en zonnebril er maar vast bij, want na dit artikel ben je helemaal klaar voor de zomer. Tekst: Bas van Rhenen, Borrelbaas

De lente komt er weer aan, en dat betekent maar één ding. Zet je dubbels, bokbieren en stouts weer in je kelder, en haal die frisse, jolige bieren voor in de zon weer tevoorschijn! Menig Intermate lid kijkt weer uit naar de verfrissende smaken van witbier, blondjes en IPA’s. Een hoofdrolspeelster tussen de IPA’s in onze koelkast is natuurlijk de Orchestra of Angels van Stadsbrouwerij Eindhoven. Deze New England IPA zit vol met tropische smaken en heeft een vriendelijkere bitterheid, waardoor dit bier vaker wordt benoemd als een fruitsap in plaats van een biertje. De stijl New Engeland IPA vindt zijn oorsprong in Noord-Amerika. Dit bier is met opzet een beetje wazig of troebel, wat ervoor zorgt dat het een zacht en romig gevoel kan geven in de mond. Waar een normale IPA de bekende scherpe hopbitterheid heeft, tref je dit (bijna) niet in een New England IPA. Dit komt omdat de bitterhoppen niet, of nauwelijks, worden toegevoegd in het brouwproces. In plaats daarvan worden enorme hoeveelheden aromahoppen gebruikt aan het einde van het brouwproces. Dit geeft die herkenbare verfrissende smaak aan deze stijl bier. Zo wordt elke zonnige dag nog net iets zonniger. De Orchestra of Angels is dus een prachtige New Engeland IPA die alleen in Eindhoven wordt gedistribueerd. Wij kunnen ons dus gelukkig prijzen dat wij dit prachtige exemplaar met zijn 6,3% alcohol mogen proeven en ervan kunnen blijven genieten. Bij de eerste slok lijkt het alweer zomer en haal je de mooie zwembroek alweer uit de kast. Slippertjes erbij, zonnebril op en een sixpack van deze klapper maakt jouw namiddag in de zon tot een waar succes. Mocht je je middag nog willen afsluiten met een toepasselijke barbecue, dan raad ik je aan om hier een lekker visje bij te pakken, want daar combineert dit biertje super mee. Geniet alvast van de lente, het liefste met een flesje Orchestra of Angels erbij! 6


Beat the Bataviers


InterT.E.A.M. is here to ensure none of us become couch potatoes and suffer from the nasty affliction known as bierbuikje. On that note, Mick explains what the so called ‘Bata’ is, and why it is so much fun! Text and Image: Mick Ceelen, InterT.E.A.M. member

The fastest land animal in the world is the cheetah, which can reach speeds up to 120 km/h. In contrast, the slowest animal in the world is the three-toed sloth, who does not think it is necessary to go any faster than 0,005 km/h. During last year’s Batavieren Race, we have seen examples of both in the participants, with some of them finishing in the top 20 of all runners on their distance and others who, well, at least tried. Overall however, we did very well, with our two teams finishing 70th and 190th in the overall competition of the 307 teams competing, something of which we are of course very proud! For those of you who don’t know, the Batavieren Race is an annual running competition for students. In the Batavieren Race, you can participate with teams of 25 people, which are divided into three squads, which then run in relay all the way from April 2019

Nijmegen to the campus of the TU Twente. This race takes place from midnight on Friday until the afternoon on Saturday, after which a big party is organized to close off the event. Ask anyone who has ever participated in the Bata, even if they are not that into running, they will say the Bata is a lot of fun every year! Whether it is running off-road just across the border in Germany with no one around but your partner on a bike, or just having fun in the van driving your squad around from and to the starting points, each edition of the Bata holds a lot of special and memorable moments. This year, we are again joining the Batavieren Race with two teams, and of course we are aiming to make it such a success as it was last year. We are looking forward to try to finish even higher this year, and of course to make not only the Saturday evening, but the entire weekend one big party! 7




Lille, C’est un Beau Ville! On the 17th and the 18th of May, 35 Intermate members will go on a trip to Lille. SExCie member Jaïr, who organizes the trip, tells you about this amazing city to get you into the French mood. Text: Jaïr Campfens, SExCie member

The Seminar and Excursion Committee is organizing a new excursion. However, this time we are doing it a little ifferently. While other times we would stay within our borders, this time the SExCie is going abroad! And not just to any place, but to the Paris of the North: Lille! Going to Lille is of Course awesome enough, but to make this trip unforgettable, we are going to stay there for two days. We will go the 17th and 18th of May. We’ll be leaving in the morning on Friday and we’ll be back before dinner on Saturday. The group is already constituted, and the program is set. All that is left is to get you Intermate-folks into the mood! Parce que Lille est… Lille est … étudiant Lille is home to over 100,000 students within 4 universities! This is a really high amount, especially considering the population is around 250.000 (comparison with Eindhoven: 11.000 students over a population of around 225.000 people). That is 40%! The culture, nightlife and daily activities within Lille are highly geared toward the city’s student population.


Lille est … artistique Lille counts nineteen museums. The classical Palais des Beaux-Arts is France’s second biggest and second most important museum, after the well-known Louvre. The art collection is composed of works of Rubens, Monet and Van Gogh.

“...geared toward the city’s student population.” Lille est … très varié Lille was founded as an old textile town in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, remotely located in the corner of France. Because of the arrival high-speed trains, the town was suddenly viewed as a well-positioned center between London, Brussels and Paris. Around the new station a modern area with shops, hotels and offices appeared, which is attractive to tourists. But Lille also has a lot to offer when it comes to history, for example the Place du Théatre and the old city Vieux Lille. Lastly, Lille has the largest flea market in Europe.



The Tosti Contest

Every two weeks the TostCie provide us a special “tosti” (grilled cheese, for all you foreigners) alongside their normal ham and cheese version. Where do they get their inspiration for those special creations? Melissa explains. Text & Images: Melissa Baars, Chairman of the TostCie

Over the years the TostCie has introduced tosti’s that are much more than just two grilled slices of bread with melted cheese and ham. What makes a tosti successful at Intermate? And how do we meat (haha!) all the wishes of our members? Currently, the TostCie members have a broad variety of dietary preferences, including a vegetarian, a pescatarian and two flexitarians. Can they convince the meat and fish eaters that they will not miss the taste of animals on their tosti? Evelien (vegetarian): “As the saying goes: “Never change a winning team”. Being one of the most standard vegetarian options, a caprese tosti never fails. In my opinion, it has proved to be that one option that is not really perceived to a “vegetarian option” in that sense. With only the three ingredients mozzarella, pesto and tomato, it is easy and cheap to make, but you can still enjoy a very nice meal.” Leonie (pescetarian): “The tosti with salmon and cream cheese really gets my salivary glands running! No meat for me, but I still cannot say no to salmon, tuna or those yummy fish sticks from Captain Iglo… At first, I was skeptical about whether I could handle such a heavy tosti, with velvety cheese and rich man’s fish. But after the first bite, I was sold. Additionally, April 2019

“Eating less meat is something that everyone can do now and then.” instead of smelly meat fingers, you are able to experience the greasiness of this fancy fish. Someday, I will transform from a hypocritical pescatarian to a vegetarian, but until that day, this tosti will be my favorite.” Teun (flexitarian): “Although I do not want to give up meat, I do think that eating less meat is something that everyone can do every now and then. So I’ll give a recipe for a tosti that can be either vegetarian or it can contain some of that delicious meat. Making the base of this tosti is simple, you take brie, some mustard and a drop of honey. If you want a vegetarian variant you just put some walnuts on it, but if you want to enjoy the good stuff you can add some smoked ham on it. If you want to enjoy everything life has to offer you can add both the ham and the nuts for a deluxe edition of this tosti!” 9


en TU/e for Dummies

How to Find Your Way in Atlas As you have probably noticed, we have finally settled into Atlas. But where can you find essential things, like toilets, coffee machines and printers? Michelle will help you out with her Atlas treasure map. Text & Images: Michelle van Ardenne, Editorial Staff

Finally, we have moved to our new building Atlas. It is a big improvement in comparison with IPO, our former faculty building. While all students incorporate Atlas in their daily lives, we from the Intermania committee see that there are still some things missing or unclear. We thought we could help you by providing a treasure map of Atlas. Our starting point on the map is ‘het Internaat’. This is the new Intermate bar on the first floor. This is the easiest room to find, so if you have not found that room yet, you are probably in the wrong building. The Internaat is still not completely finished, but already a lot of Intermate members fell in love with it. The HousCie has done a great job! So if you haven’t seen it yet, it is worth making a detour.

Toilets Unfortunately, there are still some things untraceable. A precious treasure at certain moments is the toilet. You may expect one on the first floor, but there are no toilets near the Internaat. Luckily for you, an Intermania member has already marked them on the map. There are two options: the easiest one can be found on the second floor. When you leave the Internaat, you go straight through the door in front of you. You take the stairs or the elevator to go to the second floor. Across the elevators, you find the toilets. A second pair of toilets can be found on the ground floor. Across the stairs, there is a small inlet in the wall. That is where the other toilets are located. These are useful during the Intermate drinks, because they are on the way out, and there are more places. Follow the red lines on the map.

Coffemachine The toilets are not the only things that are missing. Students also find it hard to get their cup of coffee in the morning. We don’t blame you, the coffee machines are not in very noticeable places. Still it is a very important thing to know, especially on Monday morning. Therefore, we added it to the treasure map. Again, we start at the Internaat. This time you must go to the second floor. If you follow one of the stairs that goes up, and then go right at the boardroom, you end up facing a door that leads you to the ‘200’ department of the second floor. Here you find some kind of chill space, which also contains a coffee machine on the back side of the lockers. Now you never have to worry again about having a coffeeless day. You must follow the green lines on the map if you want to find them. Of course, you can also find your coffee in the Internaat itself or in the Intermate board room.



TU/e for Dummies

Printer Some other things we thought were very hard to find, were the printers. In IPO, we had special printing rooms, just like the big one in meta. However, in Atlas you have to search for a random printer. Be warned, because this will not be an easy journey. The nearest printer is guarded by the Lucid board. Their board room is not far from the coffee machine in the 200 department of the second floor. You just have to continue the journey towards the south side of the building. The printer is stationed across the boardroom, hidden in some kind of inlet. That means you have to search well. Follow the blue lines on the map and you will get there.

After reading this article, you can hopefully find all the essentials you need in Atlas. But don’t forget to explore the rest of the building. Perhaps there are still some great treasures left to discover!

Extra Tip Intermate members have created a new Internaast across the Intermate boardroom. Here you can work in peace, but still feel the Intermate vibes when you are sitting at one of the tables.

April 2019




In ’t Audt

Vermist: Oranje Katers In Eindhoven gebeuren de laatste tijd gekke dingen. Er blijken bovengemiddeld veel oranje katers te verdwijnen. Martje en Sietske van In ’t Audt hebben tips om ze terug thuis te laten komen. Tekst: Martje Wijnen en Sietske Wijffels

Baasjes lijken een patroon te zien, om de week op woensdag zijn de katten nergens te bekennen. Eindhoven hangt vol met ‘vermist’posters van de oranje katers. De wachttijden voor een poster van de PromoCie zijn nog langer geworden. Gek genoeg zijn de oranje katers nergens te vinden in de asielen in Eindhoven. De bezorgde baasjes zijn ten einde raad en weten niet hoe ze hun geliefde kater terug kunnen vinden. In ‘t Audt geeft de bezorgde baasjes tips om de oranje kater terug te vinden. 1) De eerste en beste tip om je oranje kater terug te vinden is de avond beginnen met een shotje oranjebitter. “Helaas” zijn door de borrel inkoper het dubbele aantal flessen oranjebitter besteld. Hierdoor drinken de In ‘t Audt leden dubbel zoveel oranje bitter, waardoor dubbel zoveel oranje katers zich verzamelen bij de In ‘t Audt leden. 2) Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat de kater evenveel van speciaalbier houdt als de mens. Wanneer je 4 speciaalbiertjes drinkt op een avond, dan staat je oranje kater de volgende ochtend gegarandeerd naast je bed. 3) Als je alle asielen hebt bezocht zonder succes, kun je bij Proeflokaal de Gaper je verdriet wegdrinken. Om de week op woensdagochtend vinden de gasten van dit café een oranje kater naast hun bed. 4) Het is ten zeerste aan te raden om posters te maken van je favoriete huisdier. Hoe meer mensen afweten van de vermissing, hoe meer mensen zich zullen ontfermen over alle mogelijkheden om samen met jou je kater terug te vinden. 12

5) Uit ervaring blijkt dat paracetamols naast je bed leggen ook helpt je oranje kater te vinden. We hebben het vermoeden dat oranje katers fan zijn van paracetamols en daarom graag bezoekjes brengen aan mensen met paracetamols naast hun bed. 6) Liever een schattige kitten dan een brullende tijger? Helaas, je hebt hier weinig over te zeggen. De kater kent net als de mens het proces van verouderen; de kater ontwikkelt valsere karaktereigenschappen met de leeftijd. Er bestaan trainingstechnieken om de nare eigenschappen te onderdrukken, zo houden katers niet van water en zal het helpen om het beestje te laten afkoelen wanneer het niet naar je luistert. Als deze tips niet hebben geholpen kan je nog proberen je kater bij zijn naam te roepen.


According to Arjan

Ode aan de Ratten Katten, konijnen en knaagdieren, Hoorden evengoed bij IPO als onze bieren Want zij huisden getrouw Naast het vertrouwde IPO-gebouw Het waren altijd fijne buren Om als een SOG naar te kunnen turen En ook voor hen was het een feest Als er een activiteit was geweest De buren van het Summa en de Fontys Waren ook niet altijd mis, En nu word ik misschien een beetje kattig Het zijn allemaal fijne personen Hopelijk ook voor de persoon die er nu gaat wonen Maar ze zijn wel minder schattig. Een grote verrassing, een naar beest Is daar ook sinds tijden bij ons aanwezig geweest, Maar niet iedereen gaat altijd prat Op een vieze, dikke rat. Dit vierpotige ongemak Zit altijd bij de vuilnisbak Niet omdat die schoon zijn En hun aanwezigheid is niet fijn? Toch waardeer ik hun aanwezigheid Want het herinnert aan die fijne tijd Die tijd zonder al te veel gezeur Want waar hij zat, Die kleine rat, Was bij onze eigen achterdeur Een hulde aan die kleine vriend Die meer waardering heeft verdiend Zeker en de vorm die hij vroeger had Die irritante, kleine rat Arjan Derks April 2019




Studying Abroad

Hei! It’s Freezing Out! Intermate members are studying all around the world, and we love hearing their stories. Fenna is currently in Finland, where she is battling the cold and warming the hearts of the ‘distant Finnish’. Text & Images: Fenna Wit

When I made the decision to spend the international semester in Tampere (Finland), a lot of people asked me why I would want to go there. However, I was convinced it would be fun and after reading this article, you might be convinced too! I chose Finland because the nature and the well-organized and high-level education in Finland attracted me. Also, I had never been in Scandinavia before, meaning it would be a completely new experience for me. Additionally, Finland is not so far from the Netherlands and it would be easy to go home or to receive visits from friends and family. I was aware that it would be cold and dark here and that the Finnish people were distant. Still this did not scare me, since I knew that the weather would slowly

improve and that the amount of light would increase significantly each week. That the days here are short and the weather is cold became painfully clear in the first days after I arrived. On my first day in Tampere I decided to buy a plant to decorate my new room. However, this plant died within the first week due to the cold and a lack of sunlight. Furthermore, I had to put my Pokémon Go career on a down-low, since my hands were freezing every time I tried to conquer a gym. However, there are of course also things that surprise me here. I knew that Finnish people would be distant, but whenever you ask them for help or start a conversation they are always very polite and helpful. When I was lost and could not find my apartment, bus or the post office, I could always ask a random Finnish person to help me. The woman that showed me the post office even walked me there, to make sure I would not get lost again. The distant behavior disappears quickly when you put a Finnish person in a sauna or give them a beer. Then they immediately turn into crazy, wild people. Furthermore, the student life in Tampere is very active. Every faculty has their own guild that you can recognize by their own overalls. These guilds organize activities for their students

“ get the honor to get thrown into ice-cold water at the end of the semester! ” – Fenna 14


Studying Abroad trip was organized for and there is even a guild international students in for international students. Finland and it was a week There are activities like “However, this full of nice activities. game or movie nights, We had a workshop in hikes, pub crawls, an plant died within cross-country skiing international food party, (‘langlaufen’), met and and ome smaller and the first week” ate reindeer, met and bigger trips inside and learned about the original outside of Finland. By inhabitants of Lapland, did a snowshoe walk, participating in these activities, you collect met the ‘real’ Santa in Rovaniemi, learned patches or points that you can sew on your how to survive in Lapland, and went into the overall. If you collect enough points you get sauna and afterwards took a dive into the the honor to get thrown into ice-cold water at Arctic Ocean. But the most fascinating thing the end of the semester! during this trip were the Northern Lights, we So, as you can read, being in Finland is not were so lucky that we could see them every so bad. But if I have to mention something night in their fullest glory! that annoys me, it would be the snow on I am sure you would all want to visit Finland the roads. Of course, snow is beautiful, and by now. But for the ones that are not convinced the sledding and snowball fights are a lot of yet, there is more. The Finnish cuisine is fun, but what I did not consider before going here, is that the snow also means that the amazing. Firstly, there is ‘Hernekeitto’, a roads are slippery and that every walk means delicious soup made from peas and different taking a risk of falling and that going by bike kind of vegetables and meat. Secondly, there is actually quite impossible. I cannot count is the ‘Pulla’, which are delicious cinnamon the times I fell because of the icy road on two rolls. And lastly, ‘salmiakki’ or salty licorice, hands anymore, but in a few weeks the snow typical Finnish candy. They even have a liquor should disappear and the struggle of falling with this taste. Okay just kidding, you don’t should be gone. But if you are a true snow have to visit Finland for these Finnish treats, lover, you should definitely visit Lapland, the you can just find them in the Netherlands. But at least, you don’t have to miss your ‘drop’ most northern part of Scandinavia. Going when you come here! there was my best experience here so far. This

April 2019






Isabel Blijenburg


Animals at Work


Humans are not the only creatures that have jobs. Animals can be employed too. For this edition, Michelle looked into the lives and adventures of animals who have become famous because of their interesting jobs. Text: Michelle van Ardenne, Editorial Staff

You may not believe it, but nowadays even animals can have a job. Of course, their number one job is being cute, but for some animals working means actual work. They have in common that the function of the job is done better by animals than by humans. In this article you will meet different kind of animals who have become famous with their job.

Emotional support duck Daniel

Influencer Boo

Everybody is sometimes in need of some emotional support, right? This woman did not reach out to humans, but she decided to get a duck instead. Daniel Fitzgareld is the emotional support duck of Carla Fitzgareld. After a bad traffic accident, Carla ended up with PTSD. She is unable to control her panic attacks. Fortunately, Daniel is trained to recognize these panic attacks. If Carla is going to have a panic attack, Daniel will give Carla a cue to lay down by trying to climb her. Noticing panic attacks is not the only thing Daniel can do. When Carla feels sad, Daniel will give her hugs and kisses to cheer her up. “It’s funny” Carla said in an interview with the Washington post, “Daniel doesn’t recognize himself as a duck, but as a human with feathers.” Daniel became famous when he was on his first flight. He went viral in no time!

On the internet you see a lot of photos and videos of animals, but not every animal can make a career out of it. Boo was one of these animals that became famous through the internet. Boo can be seen as the cutest dog in the world. The owner captured the life of Boo in a lot of pictures and shared them on social media. On Facebook, more than 16 million people followed Boo. He even made it on live TV. Due to his fame, Boo also got the opportunity to meet celebrities. Unfortunately, Boo has passed away this year at the age of 14. Nevertheless, the owner continues with the social media. But what made Boo so special, besides that he looks cute? Well, Boo was a teacup Pomeranian dog with a special short hair texture. A Pomeranian dog often has a long hair texture. This hair texture gave the owner the opportunity to create Boo’s unique look. Doesn’t he look adorable?

April 2019



en Theme “Larry is also a member of the welcome committee and examines the furniture to see if it is a proper place to sleep on.” – Michelle

Military Dog Nemo

Animals do not only support normal citizens, they can also serve important people such as the prime minister of the UK. A cat named Larry is the Chief Mouser in the house of the prime minister of England. Although the title has only recently become official, the British officials have long kept cats in this capacity, with the first mouser dating back to the 1500s. The main job of the cat is to kill all the mice in the official resident of the prime minster. But there is more the Chief Mouser can do. Larry is also a member of the welcome committee and examines the furniture to see if it is a proper place to sleep on. Especially the last task is one of Larry’s talents. The UK is not the only country that has ‘hired’ cats. The prime minister of Canada also had a Chief Mouser to kill the mice and rats.

Animals who really make a difference are military animals. Military animals are animals who are trained to participate in warfare or other combat related activities. They serve different functions, like transport, communication, but also as an animal soldier. The best known example of the military animal is the dog. Dogs are often used as a handler. A famous military dog was Nemo. His actions during the Vietnam war are famous. Nemo helped his soldier by warning the camp when the enemy was coming. In this way, Airman Throneburg had enough time to call for help. During the attack, Nemo almost gave his life when he was protecting his soldier. After the war, Nemo returned to his home country the United States of America. Here he got rewarded for his actions. He received two special medals; The Purple Heart and the Bronze Star medal.


Chief Mouser Larry

All these examples show that the capacities of animals can be used to help people. No matter how dumb they might look, every animal can participate in our human society in a useful way. So next time you see a funny home video with a animal in it, remember that he already made it on television 18


Humans of Intermate

Party Animals of Intermate

In line with the party animal types that Julia found at the last AC party, Evie has found some real-life examples of Intermate members that resemble one or more of these party animals! Text: Evie Tossaint, Editorial Staff & Julia Verburggen, chairman of AC committee


Adriaan, or one of the Aads in Aad Kwadraat, is a real party animal from head to toe. We know him from his performance at Bold 45 at the last AC Party, where people bought tickets especially to see their performance. His favorite drink is jägerbomb, which he uses to stay energized throughout the whole night. Adriaan actually has another nickname, namely Aad Afhaak, but before you start to worry, this is not because he skipped on going out. He loves dancing and singing to Disco Pogo from Die Ajzen, Brabant from Guus Meeuwis and some occasional hardstyle song, together with his friends from VanAlles (including the other two from the golden trio; Abe and Sander). His favorite snacks are a tosti and a banana, which result in a good night’s sleep and prevent him from having a hangover. He recommends it to everybody who wants to wake up feeling snappy and energized. We all recognize Adriaan by his cap, and for going out he has a special black one. This is so that it doesn’t seem to be dirty even when it is. He has many favorite bars where he spends his time partying; Peppers, Kix, Miller Time, Ameezing and the Feestfabriek are all good choices according to him. His golden tip is puke if you need to because otherwise you will regret it the next day. In his opinion, a good evening is when a normal evening with not too much potential completely goes off the rails and escalates into a crazy, fun evening.

The Bipolar Cat That perfectly jovial and friendly person that turns into the Hulk after a few too many beers. Like the two sides that hide behind the cute exterior of a cat, these people can change in the blink of an eye. They can become the newest prisoner because they have picked a fight, or steel the show with their new showbizz talents. April 2019




Humans of Intermate

The Social Butterfly Fearless, never intimidated, and has a foolproof technique of making a genuinely engaging conversation with anyone in the room. The social butterfly flies around with the ability to effortlessly chat with everyone and nobody will simply forget the authentic talks they had with this winged friendly face.



Our enthusiastic party animal from the board, as well as board responsible for the AC-Team; Pam loves to go wild on Never Say Goodbye (Wild Stylez Remix) while holding her favorite drink, a gin tonic, in her hand. In her opinion, a good night consists of dancing as if your life depends on it. She does this in her favorite party outfit; a black loose flared pants with white stripes. She loves these pants because they are cute and say she is ready to party! Pam actually has an agreement with one of the AFExCie members (Fabian) that if she is wearing her party pants, they will have to do a shot of vodka to celebrate it. Her favorite bar is the Kix, because of the people, but the Villa Fiesta makes a good second because Pam really likes the music there. She loves to go out with her friends from Aadlex, to share a kaassoufflÊ with satay sauce with them afterwards. One of her favorite memories is when she and the committee members of the AFExCie Krakow went out late on the night before the flight and were just dancing, making funny pictures of each other and eating McDonald’s. Her golden tip for everyone is to always prepare yourself with a goede bodem (solid basis), so that the evening can also end on a high note.



Humans of Intermate



Lars is the kandi party animal. He is in a good mood when he has a glass of red wine in his hand while singing along at the Ameezing to either ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ or ‘I Want It That Way’. He loves to do this with people from Intermate and his friends. A good evening for him consists of some puking (out of necessity or solidarity), having a lot of fun, dancing and singing, and coming home at five o’clock while leaving Stratum at two o’clock. Lars isn’t really a late night snacker, but what he does take is two ibuprofen with a glass of water. Because when the sun rises, Lars needs to be on top of his game again; there is no time for slacking. Of course, he always looks good when he is going out, but he does have the habit of picking out a party outfit that is too hot for going out. But that might also be because Lars is never standing still. He says that standing still is a no-go. “It doesn’t matter if you cannot dance, at least do het vingertje. Don’t be ashamed!” His favorite story is when he celebrated his 21st birthday in Prague with the AFExCie. He gave everybody a free beer, Happy Birthday was played especially for him, and he facetimed his twin David. He also had one too many shots and got lost in the biggest club of Europe, so overall it was a very good birthday thanks to people from Intermate.

Dancing Monkey Two or three drinks into the night and suddenly Beyoncé’s less talented back-up dancer is standing besides you. Like a monkey possessed with the dancing fever they are swaying, shaking and jumping all around the place. Wherever the beat may be exactly, you’ll know they are going to be far away from it.

April 2019


en Theme

Self-Consciousness in Animals There have been many experiments on the behaviour of animals where animals have learned simple associations through conditioning. They are not considered to have higher order thinking processes. But do they have a self-consciousness? Text: Evie Tossaint, Editorial Staff

keyboard lexigrams. The lessons were meant for his sister, but remarkably Kanzi used the lexigrams to express language. He learned language aspects in a naturalistic way without training. He learned about two hundred words through these lexigrams. Kanzi used these lexigrams to show his thoughts: in an outing in the woods in Georgia, Kanzi touched the symbols for “marshmallows” and “fire”. Given matches and marshmallows, Kanzi snapped twigs for a fire, lit them with the matches and toasted the marshmallows on a stick.

Another animal that has shown remarkable features, is the ape. A bonobo ape at Georgia State University named Kanzi, exhibited some extraordinary behaviour. As a young ape, Kanzi accompanied his sister to lessons where she was taught language through

Both of these examples show that animals aren’t as stupid or simple-minded as we might think. They show that they can learn complex skills and a have higher order thinking. Selfconsciousness is thus not only present in humans, but in some animals as well.


Being one of the few animals that have self-awareness, elephants have exhibited behaviour that is thought to be only shown by humans. In Atlanta, they put multiple elephants in front of a huge mirror. After some exploring, the elephants recognized that they were looking at themselves; they did not make the mistake of greeting their reflections. They tried to repeat actions in front of the mirror, such as waving their trunks and moving in and out of the view. There even was one elephant that repeatedly touched a painted X on her forehead, a spot that she could not see without the mirror.


“The elephants were waving their trunks and moving in and out of the view” Intermania

Column Peter

All Politicians are Equal, but... All politicians are equal, but some politicians are more equal than others. It is the aftermath of one of the big surprises in Dutch politics in the past decades. A new party has just become the biggest party to be voted in the senate. I am watching the victory speech of their leader, and I can’t help thinking about George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, the book in which a group of animals start a revolution to free themselves from their farmers. On television, the politician states that we have been slaves to the so-called ‘party cartel’ for far too long. We should free ourselves from them, he says, start a democratic revolution, and reclaim power. When the animals reclaim their power, they start having meetings in which all proposed policy changes on the farm are submitted to a vote. The politician wants to reinstate referenda for major policy decisions, in which the people get the final say. As time goes by, life on the farm deteriorates, and as the animals are cut off from neighboring farms, it becomes harder to get supplies. Meanwhile, the politician describes why in his view we would be a stronger nation if we disconnect ourselves from the European Union. The leader of the animals uses big words and cryptic language to confuse and intimidate the other animals. The politician has so far mentioned in his speech an owl from Minerva, a Boreal world, and the death cult that once afflicted Easter Island. “Animal Farm” ends with the animals’ realization that the leaders that were thought to have the best intentions for the animals are no better than the farmers that ruled before them, and that life has become significantly worse. The politician is about to end his speech, while he describes his party as the flagship of the renaissance fleet. I then realize that I can no longer tell the difference between the politician and the pig that was the leader in “Animal Farm”. April 2019

“I can no longer tell the difference between the politician and the pig” –Peter




First Years Committees

Sjaarzen in Action Are you ready to meet the sjaarsjes that will run Intermate in the future? Three committees have been filled with eager first-years, ready to show their skills. Let them introduce themselves and their plans! Text & Images: The First Years Committees of Intermate

SmoBo We, Niek, Esther, Jet, Lisa, Timo and Laura, are this year’s SmoBo committee and we are going to make the best yearbook Intermate has seen up until now. Firstly, we’d like to establish that we are the best firstyear committee, as we have shown in the Battle of the Committees. Sure, we may not have won the battle itself, but our sweaters were the only ones printed with our beautiful logo (thanks PromoCie), as you can see on the picture. Last year’s SmoBo thought they were good since they made the first full-color book, but we believe that our yearbook will be even better, because we don’t have to depend on color to make the SmoBo amazing, since we have a better theme. Maybe not the most original, but our journey through time will have all the best eras; the Greeks and Romans, Middle Ages, Roaring Twenties. We are very excited for the photoshoot with all our attributes, which will make our generation look even better than we already do. And, as Niek likes to say; follow us on Instagram @smobo2019 #SMOBOLETSGO,



First Years Committees


Parentsday Who did not grow up binge-watching the amazing Nickelodeon TV-series Ned’s Survival Guide?!? We, the Parentsday committee, could not think of anybody! This is why our committee chose to invite all first-year students’ parents to Eindhoven and show them how to survive university, with our very own Intermate’s Survival Guide! Our committee consists out of 6 enthusiastic sjaarzen (Jane, Eva, Marloes, Luc, Anouk, Meie) and an amazing board responsible (Maithe). We are proud to be the last generation who remembers all the fun drinks at IPO and we look forward to many more Intermate drinks, seminars, and trips with all of you!

SjaarsCie Dear Intermates, I’m sure that all of you are extremely curious as to which first year committee is the best. Today, we, the SjaarsCie, will relieve you of this struggle by explaining why we are the best first-year committee of Intermate. We’re sure that we don’t have to tell you this, because you probably saw our Instagram post (if you haven’t, go follow @sjaarscie2019), but we were the best first-year committee at the Battle of the Committees! This obviously means we are the best. But to tell you a little more about the people in the committee, let’s do a voorstelrondje. First, there is Guusje, our chairman. Guusje knows many songs. From Dutch bangers to international hits, Guusje recognizes them all. Then we have Emma, our promo girl. Emma can’t cook. Or clean the dishes. But we need posters, so that’s alright. Furthermore, there is Naud (Day Commissioner), Thomas (Treasurer), Bram and Bart (External Affairs), and finally we’ve got Marit, our CoMa (Commissie Mama). Needless to say, with a lineup as stacked as this one, and Guusje at the helm, the 2019 SjaarsCie activity can only be amazing, so make sure to be there! (PS. We also have the coolest logo).

April 2019


en/nl IPOrtret

The Best Memories of IPO Last month, we asked Intermate members to write down their best memories about IPO. Here you read what they had to say.

Yoga tijdens het Intermania Layout weekend

Sander als promo voor de After Intro tijdens de Intro 26



Would You Like Some Crickets With That? According to Julia and Evie, we will not only eat meat or fish in the future, but also insects. In this article they share their point of view about why we should try them out and they provide you with an interesting recipe. Text & Images: Julia Verbruggen, Intermania freelancer; Recipe: Evie Tossaint, Editorial Staff

The last couple of years the globally growing meat consumption has gained a lot of attention. In reaction to this, humans start looking for a replacements for the amount of meat that is consumed. The result: ‘fake meats’. But not everybody seems satisfied with these substitutes. Therefore the question still is: How are we going to feed all those hungry mouths with something that puts less pressure on the environment, but is still able to fulfil our protein needs? Presented as a sustainable replacement, insects as a source of protein are all the rage right now. We know that these tiny animals are treated as delicacies in some more exotic countries, but maybe we can let these grasshoppers, worms, tarantulas, scorpions and centipedes crawl into our own menus as well. They contain a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals and a very small amount of salt, which on a first glance sounds like a nice healthy option. However, the idea of this gives a lot of people the creeps and almost makes them feel like these tiny animals are crawling all over them. Putting this unpleasant feeling to the side for a moment and looking at the facts, how do we know this really is a sustainable solution? There are three main advantages to the use of insects in our meals. The first and main reason to use these insects in our diet is that they are little champions in the conversion of food. The nutritional value of one kilo of insect meat is similar to one kilo of cattle meat. In contrast to the current livestock they have a very high percentage of edible parts; 80% of crickets can be eaten versus 40% April 2019

of beef. This efficiency difference is mostly due to the cold-bloodedness of these insects. They do not use their food to keep themselves warm, as opposed to warm-blooded livestock like cows and chickens. On the other hand, the claims that it would release the tension on the environment are not very well proven yet. The amount of research that has been done on this subject is still very minimal. Dennis Oonincx from Wageningen University and Research performed a Life Cycle Analysis, a concept loved and hated by our Sustainable Innovation students. This

“The nutritional value of one kilo of insect meat is similar to one kilo of cattle meat.”

showed that mealworms are the clear winner when it comes to relieving environmental pressures when compared to milk, chicken, pork and beef. This is due to the extremely small amount of land they use as they are, of course, exceptionally little themselves and they also like to crawl close to each other. On the aspect of their greenhouse gas emissions the outcomes are not that spectacular as they can be compared to the same level of emissions as that of chickens or pigs. 27


en Theme “Mealworms are the clear winners when it comes to relieving environmental pressures .” – Julia


Besides the possible environmental benefits there are also some other features that are favourable. Due to the ‘animal friendly’ way of slaughtering these tiny beasts it becomes a bit more socially acceptable to use them for our nourishment. By regulating the temperature, these insects are put into a natural state of hibernation. Afterwards, the temperature is lowered to a freezing state to stop their hearts. It is just like you put them to sleep carefully. For the diehard vegetarians it is undoubtedly still not an option to consume these insects, but for the flexitarians there lies a new possibility. After considering all these positive effects of implementing insects into our food chain, I do not instantly believe that this is the holy grail that is able to solve all our problems. I do think it is interesting to see how this might be a refreshing addition to our diet. If you would like to try it for yourself, you could go to Strijp-S where the start-up ‘Wurmpie Wurmpie’ bakes brownies made with mealworm flour and makes more standard products, like high protein pastas made of the same flour. You can try out the recipe Evie provided for you to find out if incorporating these insects into your diet is something for you.


Fried Insect Risotto Balls Ingredients: • 200 g risotto rice • Vegetable broth • 1 onion • 1 clove of garlic • 1 leek • 200 g of assorted vegetables • 200 g of mealworms • Filo pastry • Grated cheese 1. Soak the vegetables. 2. Wash the rice, chop the onion, clean the garlic clove and crush it, cut the leek in very thin, short strips 3. Heat some oil in a pan, fry the onion and garlic, add the washed rice, the leek and the vegetables and fry everything together. Add the vegetable broth to the pan a little bit at a time. 4. Bake the blanched mealworms crispy in a little bit of oil 5. When the rice is cooked, add the butter, the mealworms and the cheese and let the risotto stand for another 20 minutes 6. Cut the filo slices into 4 squares, place two on top of each other (star shape) Put a ball of rice on top and fold opposite ends together 7. Bake in a frying pan or in the oven 8. Serve with spring roll sauce and enjoy!



Cuddly Robotic Companions Robots are increasingly present in our daily lives. While diving into the topic of robot animals, Isabel ran into a video where an older lady in an elderly home was presented with such a robot. Text: Isabel Blijenburg, Editorial Staff

The woman in the video already started flourishing just by looking at this mechanical but furry robot when it moved its head and eyes a bit and started making meowing sounds. She quickly switched to talking to the cat with some low-voice “oohhh, awww” jabber as if she genuinely wanted to comfort the cat. The moment she was holding the cat herself she seemed completely engaged and relaxed, which gave me a warm feeling

“Pets are known to help reduce stress and increase social

animals. At their new home, it is simply not possible to house pets due to a couple of reasons. We are talking about an environment where everything needs to be as clean as possible and this obviously gets problematic if there are all kinds of pets making their own mess in the form of hairs and turds. Since most residents would not be able to take care of this waste themselves, the workload of the cleaning staff would get too high. Talking about this kind of responsibilities, a person with dementia might fail to feed or take care of their pet. In other words, the staff would have to take responsibility of looking after the pets next to the elderly themselves. Considering that Bello or Simba are not allowed in the retirement home, a step has

interaction.” inside as well. At the same time, questions started popping up. Does this lady know this lovely cat is actually a robot? This may not come to her mind as she suffers from some form of dementia. And if she knows, would that really matter? Looking again at the sincere happiness she shows when interacting with her new furry friend, I would say no. These questions made me want to know more about the possible benefits of introducing these robots to the dementia suffering elderly who seek some cuddling company. One of the main problems for pet-owning elderly that are moving to a retirement home is having to say goodbye to their beloved April 2019



en Theme been made in the direction of developing something that could possibly replace real animals. Interest in this development has grown because of the significant benefits of being a pet owner. For instance, pets are known to help reduce stress and increase social interaction, as well as to have an astonishing effect in reducing the feeling of loneliness, which is one of the most common problems among elderly. By providing elderly people, especially the ones that have owned pets in the past, with a robot pet, you could seriously deal with these problems. This pet can provide the first step as a conversation starter for the dementing elderly, who generally face problems in initiating a chat with one another. By bringing in the furry mechanism, one might start talking to it, others respond to that and they will hopefully have a conversation with each other. They

interact with the person cuddling it. But even though the robot is a well-developed lookalike of a real animal, you can clearly see it is a small machine. The elderly for whom the mechanism is developed do not seem to mind though, due to them not being fully aware that it is not a living animal, or because they simply do not mind. As long as they can interact and cuddle with their friend. Before we massively start handing out mechanical cats and dogs to our grandparents, I want to provide some advice coming from the producers of the robot. If grandma’s or grandpa’s new pet gets dirty, please make sure they do not throw it in the washing machine. Surprisingly, their pet won’t work anymore after doing that. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to the holo-pet I will receive for my 100th birthday, I hope.

“I’m looking forward to the holo-pet I will receive for – Isabel my 100th birthday, I hope.”


have also been cases where the pet served as a therapeutic tool such that the robot helped calming the person down before having surgery, for example. But what about its appearance? At first sight you see its furry appearance and it appears to be making small movements, such as movements of the head, eyes and paws. The robot also produces sounds such as barking or meowing to draw attention and to



#Doeslief Personeel van hulpdiensten bekogelen met vuurwerk, tweets vol scheldwoorden over presentators van tv-programma’s, bedreigingen naar politici, elkaar opzij duwen om de trein in te kunnen of een middelvinger opsteken naar die ene automobilist omdat hij doorreed. Soms kan ik zo verdrietig worden van dingen in het nieuws en gebeurtenissen om mij heen. Niet dat ik negatief over de wereld denk, integendeel; ik ben eerder een optimist dan een pessimist. Of dat iets van de laatste tijd is, of altijd al speelde, daar heb ik geen idee van. Ik weet in ieder geval één ding zeker: we kunnen wel wat aardiger doen naar elkaar. Blijkbaar ben ik niet de enige die er zo over denkt. SIRE is begonnen met een campagne tegen ons asociale gedrag: #doeslief. Ik ben een groot voorstander van deze reclame. Ik ben het namelijk ook helemaal zat dat iedereen denkt elkaar maar te kunnen uitschelden, omver te duwen of te negeren. Als je ontevreden bent over een bepaalde winkel, hoeft deze niet op social media compleet door het slijk te worden gehaald. Ook slaat het nergens op dat je nog even snel doorrijdt bij een zebrapad als er een vader met zijn kinderen aan komt lopen. En ik kan ook zo verdrietig worden als ik hoor dat conducteurs van treinen worden onder gespuugd omdat iemand geen kaartje heeft. Natuurlijk gaat het er niet bij iedereen zo heftig aan toe, maar ik denk wel dat iedereen de essentie van dit gedrag uitvoert. En daar heb ik zelf ook vaak genoeg last van. Als ik weer eens veel te laat met een paper begonnen ben en daarbij ook nog een midterm heb in die week, betekent het niet dat ik iedereen in mijn omgeving mag afsnauwen. Het heeft geen nut om in die stress bij de winkel de caissière geen gedag te zeggen, een oude man geen voorrang te verlenen bij het instappen van de bus of mijn broertjes een sneer te geven als ze iets doen wat ik niet leuk vind. Daarom wil ik vanaf nu dat iedereen begint met wat aardiger voor elkaar zijn. Niemand wordt er blij van als we zo asociaal met elkaar omgaan. Dus de volgende keer dat je bij de trein staat om in te stappen, stop met duwen en laat de ouderen voor. De volgende keer dat je stressgehalte hoog is, hoeft een ander het niet te ontgelden voor jou, dus blijf aardig. En de volgende keer dat iemand doorrijdt bij een zebrapad, steek je geen middelvinger op, maar zwaai je even. Want hoe cliché het ook is, het is wel waar: ‘Een betere wereld begint bij jezelf’. Als jij begint met aardig doen, volgt de rest vanzelf. Kortom: #doeslief April 2019

Column Emma


“De volgende keer dat iemand doorrijdt bij een zebrapad, zwaai je even” – Emma



Intermania Rates

Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! Every edition the Intermania committee watches a movie which matches the theme of the edition. This time, Pokémon the movie: I choose you! was the lucky one who got choosen. Text: Intermania Committee


Overall opinion/quotes: Michelle: Very nostalgic, especially when you have played the game!



Evie: The story went as fast Pickachu using Quick Attack, which lead to the movie feeling a bit rushed at some points. Cécile: If someone puts on their hat backwards, things will get serious. Isabel: Many things happen in a very short time, which felt a bit chaotic but funny at the same time.

Well thought-out


Final verdict




In het Midden Puzzel: Nienke Buikstra & Colin de Bruin, redactie



3. Gladde springer 9. Heeft het middenwoord niet 11. Kan je omheen geleid worden 12. Tijdelijk verblijf 14. Kan je aandachtig aan hangen 16. Bestaat geen tweede van 18. Aanpassing 20. Glimmende schijfjes 21. Bidden de Fransen tot 22. đ&#x;‘? 23. Extraatje 25. Band 27. Jazz zangstijl 28. Gloeit onder druk

1. Projectiel van de lama 2. Beeltenis 4. Onderdelen 5. Larie 6. Zes 7. Niet vanzelfsprekend 8. Schoon schuim 10. _ pocus 13. Als je dobber wiebelt 15. Er gaat een lampje branden 17. Dorp in de gemeente Wormerland 18. Stand 19. Uit de wind 22. Eveneens 23. Past voor oren of na eenden 24. Matriarch 26. Digitaal adres

April 2019



en en

Career Corner

Which Career Animal Are You? Ik Everybody heb hier even has an een special sprookje Career neergezet Animal inside voor jullie himen or her. het The is suuuuuper only thingspannend, you have to daarbij do is staat makede thisfoto test, van soKoos you can er find nog out steeds, which wat Career het nog Animal veel matches spannender yourmaakt. character. NogKari een zin willdan guide omyou hetthrough op te vullen. the test. Groetjes. Text: Kari Breider, External Affairs Organ

Nowadays, to get an awesome job, it is not enough to just have a degree. Recruiters will look at skills, interests, ambitions, and more. The TU/e continuously provides activities that help you develop into the best you can be. Do you prefer to be as prepared as possible or do you live in the moment and will you ‘wing it’ when the day comes? Answer the questions to find out what kind of career animal you are!

1.When Intermate organizes a career activity… a. I’m free, so I’ll go. Plus, there’s free lunch! b. Present! I cannot wait to hear which companies might be interesting for me. c. There was a career activity? 3. After my studies, I… a. Am going to look for a job, somewhere in an innovative company. b. Am going to work for [company name], my dream job! c. I don’t know what I’ll do, probably look for nice companies or travel a bit.

5. The professional skills… a. Are okay, but I don’t feel like I learn much. b. Are interesting, I can use the practice! c. Are so bothersome, I even had to repeat one of them!


2. Besides studying, I… a. Have a part-time job. b. Am active in an association’s board! c. Am in a sports team!

4.My curriculum vitae… a. Is a basic black and white, two-page document with all my information. b. Is a very neat document I’ve spend a lot of time making. It’s compressed into one page and made sure the most important information stands out. c. It exists, but I can’t remember what it looks like.

6. In the summer I… a. Take a part-time job to not feel bored b. Always seem to be busy, I can’t sit still. c. Am free!


Career Corner 7. I go to the Wervingsdagen events... a. Skill Sessions and Career Expo. b. Career Expo and Interviewing Days. c. Activist Stunt and Career Street.

9. When I picture my future job… a. I have an idea of what I want to be, and I know how to get it. b. I know exactly what I want and I know how to get it. c. There are so many things I can become, I have no idea where to begin.


8. My LinkedIn profile… a. Is up-to-date, but I don’t go online as much. b. Is filled in as much as possible, and I log in frequently to keep up-to-date. c. is non-existent.

10.When I want to improve my skills... a. I go online, you can always find what you need there in the moment. b. I join an activity provided by the TU/e Career Academy. c. I ask around and hope someone can help me.


Mostly A: Happy

Mostly B: Career Tiger

Mostly C: Social Butterfly


The word career always gets

Career? You’ve heard that

You seem to have an idea

your attention, whenever

somewhere before. But

of what you’re doing.

there is an event, you

you’ve got more important

You attend some career

are there! You find it very

things to do. You are

activities, but only the

important to be prepared to

confident you have what

low-effort high-reward

get into the workforce. Not

it takes and everything is

ones. You find it important

only after your graduation,

going to be fine. You live

to be prepared when

but also for later in life. You

in the moment, and any

graduation comes,

never know what might

problem that might occur

because you’ll need the

happen, now is the time to

you’ll deal with it when it

skills to get the job for

acquire the skills you need to

comes. Life can’t be that


succeed in life!

hard right?

April 2019


en en

en Theme

Animal Testing Most of us are not directly involved, so most of us are not aware that our beloved furry companions are also used as test subjects in scientific experiments. Cécile shares some major breakthroughs we owe to these animals. Text: Cécile Geertman, Editorial Staff

Russian dog Laika in 1957. After having engaged in a space training, the dog was sent into space with the Sputnik ll. With this action, Laika became the first living creature that left the earth for an adventure in space. However, Laika felt like a fish out of water in space and died after a few hours as a result of stress and overheating. An example of a revolutionary medication realized as a result of animal testing is insulin. The development of insulin started in 1921, when a specific extract was isolated from laboratory dogs and then tested on dogs that had symptoms resembling those in humans with diabetes. This experiment eventually led to an improvement of the treatment of diabetes, with the discoverer, Oskar Minkowski, even receiving a Nobel Prize for the discovery.


In certain scientific disciplines, it is not uncommon to come across animals in labs or on the field. In these areas, animals are mostly used as guinea pigs undergoing experiments that are not suitable for human beings to participate in. The popularity of animals in research is testified by the fact that were often refer to test subjects for experiment as guinea pigs, a rodent often found in laboratories. The use of living creatures in research generates an ethical debate, since certain groups find animal testing unnecessary and cruel. However, proponents argue that experiments on animals are increasing the well-being of humans. The most obvious example is animals’ contribution to the development of modern medicine. Since animal testing has led to successful results, scientific researchers will not stop these practices. To prevent the researchers from weaseling out of their ethical obligations, guidelines have been developed for proper testing methods, referred to as the Three R’s: 1. Replacement, meaning that if there is a possibility to do the same research without animals, this is the one preferred. 2. Reduction, refers to the aim to minimize the number of animals used for testing. 3. Refinement, which refers to methods that minimize the suffering of the tested animals. A famous experiment that included an animal was the space journey of the



Borrowing From Animals


Biomimicry, also called biomimetics, is an interesting approach to solving engineering problems by taking ideas from nature. Colin shows you a few examples of what can be achieved using nature as a source of inspiration. Text: Colin de Bruin, Editorial Staff

One of the eldest examples of biomimicry is the modelling of the very first flying machines in the early days of aviation. People looked at birds and wondered how they flew. Da Vinci was one of the first to design flying machines based on what birds looked like. It is unknown if his designs ever flew, but eventually the shape of a bird’s wing did help early aviators devise the first aeroplanes that actually took off from the ground. Another well-known application is the design of the Japanese Shinkansen bullet train. You may know of the kingfisher, a colorful bird that hunts for fish by diving into the water. This act of plunging into the water has to be relatively splash-free in order not to scare the fish away. The train’s nose borrows the shape of the kingfisher’s beak in order to minimize sonic booms when exiting tunnels, thereby solving the problem of noise pollution among nearby residents.

Have you ever watched those documentaries on underwater life and noticed how effortlessly sharks glide through the water? Engineers have studied the skin of the shark and were able to copy the microscopic patterns present on it. This tech can be applied to the hulls of ships and the fuselage of aircraft to reduce drag and thereby making them more efficient. An added bonus is that algae do not easily attach to such a surface so that cleaning is easier and less frequent. April 2019




Student Team

Enactus Eindhoven Every edition, a student team is asked to write about who they are and what they do. For this edition, it was the turn for Enactus Eindhoven to introduce themselves. Text: Evie Tossaint, Enactus Board

Enactus is a world-wide network of students, educational institutions and companies. It helps students with their development into innovative and responsible leaders for the future. Enactus creates social entrepreneurships; these need to make a profit as well as have a positive impact on society. The problems these entrepreneurships tackle are based on the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations. There are more than thirty countries with Enactus teams, and in the Netherlands there are fourteen teams spread over universities and colleges. These fourteen teams are supported by the overarching team of Enactus Netherlands. They help with the structure of the teams and organize many events for both students and business partners. Enactus Netherlands works together with some of the biggest companies in the Netherlands such as Rabobank, Heineken, Allianz and Randstad.


Enactus Eindhoven Our team in Eindhoven focuses on bringing entrepreneurship and a technical background together, by applying our technical knowledge to solve real-life social problems. We do this with ten people who all have different tasks and backgrounds. Some people focus on external affairs and the business plan, while others focus on the design and the technical aspects. We also have a board that supports the team members in achieving their personal as well as team goals. The team members learn how to build a network, present their progress and inspire other people. There are several events organized by Enactus Netherlands every year where teams and business people can meet and learn from each other. These events are held in unique places, such as the Amsterdam Arena and the top floor of the headquarters of Rabobank in Utrecht. At the moment, we only have


Student Team Eindhoven, people from Schiphol Airport, social startup Confed, as well as an advisory board with people from several companies, including Renewi. At the moment, we are working on optimizing the design so that it can be as sustainable as possible and easy to use. We are planning to have our first contract before the end of the summer, and maybe you will see one of our BrightBins lighting up the street very soon.

one project running, but we hope to broaden our scope and have more projects on several topics running before the end of the year. Of course, we also have a lot of fun with the team and organize team activities every now and then. BrightBin Our project BrightBin tackles the 13th sustainability development goal: Climate Action. We try to reduce the amount of litter on the streets by bringing more attention to trash cans. We light up the trash cans by making plates that can be attached to the trash cans. These light up when people throw something in it. There are sensors on the plates that send a signal to the Arduino that is attached, which in turn changes the color of the light to green. It is sort of like “Holle Bolle Gijs” from the Efteling. People get positive feedback from throwing in trash, which will hopefully help to change people’s behavior in the long-term. They will be more inclined to throw away their trash, and thus the amount of litter on the streets will decrease. Also, lighting up the trash cans will help people find the actual trash cans, because sometimes they are not clearly visible. BrightBin works together with several people from the business sector. We have contact with the municipality of April 2019

National Competition Every year, each team presents their ideas, projects and progress of the whole year at the national competition. You get to present on a big stage for an audience of 200 people. The audience consists of other teams and people from the business partners of Enactus Netherlands. This event is at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht and it is truly one of the most inspiring events. If you win this event, you and your team get to go to the World Championships in Silicon Valley where you get to present your work to teams from all over the world as well as CEO’s from some of the biggest companies in the world.

“...maybe you will see one of our BrightBins lighting up the street.”

If you want to broaden your knowledge, Enactus is the place for you! You can develop your own ideas into an entrepreneurship in real-life. Or you can brainstorm about a problem together with your teammates. There is no limit to the scope of the projects and to the opportunities to learn. If you are interested in joining our team, please email us at We are looking forward to your application! 39



Guest Column Christian

The Truth About Electric Cars “ kilometer on one percent, but now it was even less, even though I drove like my grandma” – Christian Text & Image: Christian van Erp

For two months, I had the honour of driving an electric car. The electric car in question is a First-Generation Nissan Leaf. The range is about 100 kilometres, which is quite small. Nevertheless, it is a well-fitted car which could easily cover the distance from Eindhoven to your parents. This went well for two months. I was used to the car, and I knew exactly which distance I could cover with the remaining percentage of the battery. This was necessary as the range displayed by the car was always higher than the actual range. So, I dared to use the Leaf for the Wintermate committee night. We would go skiing in SnowWorld, which is in Landgraaf, 100 kilometres away from Eindhoven. So, only one full charge would not be enough. Luckily there is a Fastned station, halfway to Landgraaf from Eindhoven and I could charge the car at SnowWorld. However, on the way back something went wrong. Normally I could drive one kilometre on one percent of charge but now it was even less, even though I drove like my grandma. When we arrived in Eindhoven, multiple lights lit up to remind me to charge the car. After an agonisingly long journey, the university came in sight, but at the gate it went wrong. I reached for the ticket, but the car did not want to move anymore. Luckily, I could still put the car in neutral, so there was no option but pushing the car to the nearest charger, which was at Paviljoen. This charger apparently does not work during the night, so I had to call the ANWB to get me to a working charger. Eventually I was dropped off at home at 3:30 in the night. So, a conclusion and advice I want to give is that I certainly think that electric cars have a future. The driving experience feels luxurious and the range should not be a problem when you make a decent calculation before departing. But you should really buy a car with a range of more than 100 kilometres, and when the car warns you to get to a charger you should really find a charger, even though that means you have to wait for a long time when it is already late in the night. 40


Sustainable Agriculture


All around us, people and businesses are adopting more sustainable practices. However, how fares the industry that provides us our daily food? Arjun dove into the topic of sustainable agriculture and shares his finds. Text & Images: Arjun Tyagi, Intermania Freelancer

Agriculture is one of the oldest and most important occupations in the world. Since around 20,000 BC farming has existed providing nourishment for the civilizations or communities. It has existed throughout the world for a long time and the practice was manifested in different ways across different cultures and civilizations. For instance, many cultures that lived as a nomadic tribe had the practice of what is known as “Slash and Burn”; basically after harvest of one season, they take the produce from the crops, burn the crops on the land and move on to another location. Crop Rotation was another method, where on the same plot of land different crops were grown one after another in different seasons, based on needs, or based on what was more ideally suited for the weather. This method was better for the soil. Since every plant required different nutrients from the soil to grow and to be harvested, doing such a rotation ensured that it did not deplete

“The tiny Netherlands has become an agricultural powerhouse” April 2019

a specific nutrient from the soil and make it completely unsuitable for farming. Crop rotation ensured that there was enough time for soil to recover and replenish its nutrients over time. Eventually, a cycle was created that allowed agriculture to continue around the same regions and settlements, which allowed those to develop into villages and then into cities. Even though slash and burn is eradicated due to the fact that it is spoiling

the land and making it unsuitable for further farming practices, crop rotation is still widely practiced throughout the world. This is due to the benefits of the technique of which the main one is to provide a variety of yield and at the same time prolong the life of the land in terms of nutrients it holds which makes it suitable for farming. The farming practices adopted in this country are quite modern and highly efficient. The tiny Netherlands has become an agricultural powerhouse — the second 41


en Theme largest global exporter of food by dollar value after the U.S.—with only a fraction of the land available to other countries. Not only that, The Netherlands leaves the smallest water footprint of tomato production in the world and yet it has the highest yield of tomatoes per square km. How has this been achieved? The Dutch employ innovations on a large scale, like hydroponic farming; a technique where plants are grown in nutrient rich solutions without the use of land, which helps save both water and money. But knowing this an important question arises; is this practice sustainable? This leads to another question. What is sustainability in terms of agriculture? Does sustainable agriculture equal organic produce or does having solar panels or windmills at the farm solve the issue? “Organic” and “sustainable” aren’t quite synonyms. Current organic standards don’t leave room for practices that are not optimal from a sustainability point of view, and not all farmers who use sustainable practices have an organic produce. Still, the certified organic fruits and vegetables at your supermarket are highly likely to have been produced more sustainably than their conventionally grown neighbours. So, if your rule of thumb is “look for the organic label”, you’re unlikely to go wrong.

“... working with nature rather than against it..”

In agriculture, sustainability is a complex idea with many facets, including the economic, the social and the environmental aspect. A sustainable farm should be a profitable business that contributes to a robust economy after all. The social aspect involves dealing fairly with its workers and having a mutually 42

beneficial relationship with the surrounding community. And most importantly the environmental aspect; environmental sustainability in agriculture means good stewardship of the natural systems and resources that farms rely on. Among other things, this involves building and maintaining healthy soil; managing water wisely; minimizing air, water, and climate pollution; and promoting biodiversity. There’s a whole field of research devoted to achieving these goals: agroecology, the science of managing farms as ecosystems. By working with nature rather than against it, farms that manage to use agroecological principles can avoid damaging impacts without sacrificing productivity or profitability. In short, sustainable agriculture is economically viable; if it is not profitable, it is not sustainable. It is socially supportive; the quality of life of farmers, farm families and communities are equally important. It should also be ecologically sound, since we must preserve the resource base that sustains us all. Beyond the Congressional definition, sustainable agriculture has been defined in several ways, for example, as a system that can indefinitely sustain itself without degrading the land, the environment or the people. It reflects our concern with the longterm viability of agriculture. Intermania

Animal Sophistications Do you want to stick your TV to the wall? Just get some gecko feet and seal the deal. A friend of mine explained the mechanism: Van der Waals interactions of a gecko skin with the surface make this possible. This knowledge makes it possible to design powerful stickers which can actually attach TVs to walls given a relatively small surface. Totally too gecko (this joke works better in Dutch). These inspirations can be found all around in nature. The reason my friend shared this fun fact was that he studies in this direction; learning from existing natural mechanisms and applying them for engineering purposes. Rationally speaking, animals are literal living labs; billions of evolutionary experiments resulting in fascinating complex biological successes that still serve as an inspirational source. One that humankind can take advantage of and revolutionize both the living and non-living world. Emotionally speaking, animals can be plain entertaining. My girlfriend’s seemingly-endless collection of Instagrammed animals proves that. One doesn’t have to be a smart-ass engineer to enjoy the effect of animals on our mood. Technology also plays its role in this emotional part though. Think of the stuffed and robot animals being produced for fun or to support the elderly. But one thing all animals have in common, is their Zen way of living. It always strikes me when visiting a zoo. Should I feel sad or glad for them? As sophisticated the bodily mechanisms are, the simple their satisfaction is. We expect birds to fly, because that’s pretty cool to do right? It turns out they don’t like to fly at all if it’s unnecessary. Eat, drink, sleep, repeat. And before bed time, just hanging in the hay or whatever comfy place they have in their environment will do. The space and toys are seldomly used. Our Labrador celebrated his sweet sixteen last Saturday. Such a day is special for humans, but redundant for a dog. And you wouldn’t be able to tell him, because he is deaf. You wouldn’t be able to treat him with a big tasty bone, since he only has 4 randomly distributed teeth left. You wouldn’t be able to take him for a nice long walk, since he barely can’t stand on his four legs. After all those years he had quite his moments of annoyance, which I highly suspect him to be totally aware of. Being nervous only when you are just watching TV, choosing any food above us, peeing and pooping at the exact spot where he’s not allowed to, walking away with strangers, jumping in gross ditches when you’re screaming he should stop, never letting us pet him. After all these years I can only be touched. You just got to love the autistic sweetheart. And he himself? He doesn’t care at all, as long as there is food, water and a basket to sleep in. Until the moment the complex systems in his old body give up. April 2019

Column Hub


“ Bird don’t like to fly at all if it’s unnecessary” –Hub




Games, Games and (you guess Every edition, we provide you with an insight into the life of a graduating student. It is Jolijn’s turn to tell you about the topic of her graduation project, gamification, and its current popularity in our society. Text & Images: Jolijn van de Laar

Nowadays, games are all around us and when we talk about games a lot comes to mind. For me the words fun, family time, cards, ‘a guy thing’, controversy and thesis come to mind, but of course this differs immensely per person. However, most of us wouldn’t immediately think of things as useful, integrated and motivational. Although the end goal of a game is not to be useful, in fact it is the opposite, games do have the potential to be useful. As Jane McGonigal (the author of the book Reality is Broken) would say, games can be teaching, inspiring and engaging in ways reality cannot. This engaging power is exactly what can make a game useful. Games with such an additional educational value are called serious games.

“ can be teaching, inspiring and engaging in ways reality cannot” For example, flight simulators can help people learn to fly planes. Or, more recent examples are Foldit and A world without oil. With Foldit the collective knowledge of people helped to recreate the crystal structure of an AIDS causing virus, which in turn helps treatment for this disease. Moreover, in A world without oil an oil-crisis was simulated. People played the game for a month and described what the situation was in their area and how it affected them. This provided valuable data about what 44

would happen in an oil crisis. So, games are already used in areas like the military, education, business and health to motivate people to learn, change their behavior or to collect information. Making every part of your life a game, although Jane McGonigal would like it, is hard and unrealistic. This is where gamification comes in. Gamification is the use of game design elements in a non-gaming context. Meaning, gamification only uses certain elements of game design and therefore cannot be classified as a fullfledged game. Naturally, which elements are used depends on the context gamification is applied to and, like serious games, it can be applied to a variety of domains. For instance, Nike has used the implementation of points, leaderboards, levels and badges in their Nike plus application to enhance peoples’ physical activity. Or, via a narrative, role, competition and via challenges, teenagers in Sweden were motivated to reduce energy consumption in their homes. The persuasive system tried to enhance energy savings via a gamified application that allowed the home to be a hands-on test arena for energy use. And, maybe more known to all of us, Duolingo encourages people to learn another language via the use of challenges, badges, levels, progress bars and so on (for those who don’t know what it looks like, check out the picture). How gamification is able to elicit motivation is one of the things I am researching in my master thesis. According to self-determination theory, you Intermania

ssed it) Self-determination need three basic psychological needs in order to be intrinsically motivated, specifically autonomy, competence and relatedness. This type of motivation can allow for a lasting change in behavior, since it stimulates people via an inherent need and not via, for example, money which is an extrinsic motivator. Luckily, game elements are able to fuel these basic psychosocial needs and thereby motivate people for the gamified goal. But, hot topic or not, gamification is still in its early stages and needs more research in order to find the best practices and to be grounded in theory. Where some research provides support for what I have told you above, not all research finds similar results. For example, some authors claim that reward based game elements do have the power to elicit motivation, where others

April 2019


say they don’t or, even worse, that those elements may harm motivation. Therefore, by researching how specific game elements work in a given context, in my case an educational one, I hope to contribute to the knowledge about how to apply gamification in the best way possible. Since I haven’t conducted my research yet, I still have hope. Besides, like I already mentioned, games are all around us. When there is an inkling that something so readily accessible possesses the power to help us, I believe it is worth some time to investigate how to best harness this power. And now, the next time your parents tell you to stop playing a game, you can tell them about the motivational value games can have (but obviously don’t mention that playing Candy Crush or Call of Duty does not help you to study for exams).





PhD Life: Free the Caged animal?! Every edition a PhD’er shares her or his academic story with the Intermania readers. This time Tanja will tell us about her adventures from her scientific safari on the TU/e campus. Text & Images: Tanja Manders, PhD’er

“What is it like to do a PhD? Don’t you get lonely? Isn’t it boring?” During my PhD, I have often received such questions, and I also asked them myself before I applied. There is apparently something about the “PhD life” phenomenon that occupies the minds of many people (check out: http:// As some of you might be considering doing a PhD, in this article I will try to give you a hunch of what it is like. If you had hoped to hear more about my research topic of transition processes, experimentation, and smart mobility, sorry, but you can always drop by for a (free!) coffee or check (Manders, et al., 2018, :-P). The basic principles of doing a PhD are built around an iterative process of reading, thinking, writing. You will spend much time behind your screen, accessing academic literature, documents, websites,


email, and the required software. It is actually quite comparable with the life of a caged animal that gets water, food, and a safe shelter. In your PhD cage, you do not have to leave your desk and your basic research needs are accounted for. With the campus card you can even get free coffee and there are always food leftovers to be found. Furthermore, like a proper pet owner, your promotor or supervisor checks on you regularly and makes sure you are okay. Sometimes providing you with some extra water or food in the form of feedback or interesting reading material to keep you going. Although caged, it feels safe and comfortable. Therefore, it is tempting for many to spend their four PhD years in the comfortable cage. But yes, it might then evolve in a lonely and


PhD’er boring process. Luckily, there is another side as well. Being in a cage also means that you can escape the cage, and start exploring additional things. In other words, you can go on an adventurous safari. This is the exciting part of a PhD! By going on a safari you will come across different species, you will have to adapt to circumstances, and you might spend a lot of time finding no animals at all. Upfront you never know what you will encounter, but it is sure that you will enjoy the adventure. Doing your PhD, you have the opportunity to start collaborations with academic peers or practitioners, visit a fellow university abroad, follow different trainings, organize workshops, work on advisory projects, etc. Sometimes you spend quite some time trying to set up something which does not work out in the end. This is similar to when you do not spot an animal for a while during the safari. You are slightly disappointed, but when you continue the journey you will always come across something else. For example, a group of enthusiastic, curious, and

take a while to spot. I started, for example, an initiative to reduce the travel footprint of the TIS group and we are currently working on low-carbon traveling with a group of enthusiastic volunteers. By the way, if you would like to join this herd to do your BEP or Master thesis on low-carbon travel and changing academic travel behavior, you are more than welcome!

So, what is it like to do a PhD? I think it is about finding a balance between a comfortable cage and the adventurous safari. With other words, a balance between the basic principles of research and the sidethings. The side-things are time-consuming

“... a group of enthusiastic, curious, and motivated meerkats, willing to learn about sustainable innovation� motivated meerkats (stokstaartjes), willing to learn about sustainable innovation, and asking questions that also trigger your own mind. Or you come across other people on a safari, who might have been less successful in spotting animals, but in an advisory project you can help them to spot the elephant in the room. You also have to find your own herd of like-minded people, which might April 2019

and sometimes distracting, but I think that exploring, interacting with others, and trying out various things, improve the quality of your research and make the PhD trajectory an exciting process. The same probably applies to the graduation process, so enjoy the safari. And remember, the cage will always be there, to which you can safely return when you feel like it (or when a deadline is approaching). 47




Exploding Kittens When packing my last stuff for Wintermate, I picked a game named ‘Exploding Kittens’, not knowing that this was the start of a whole week of ‘escalatie’ in the Apremskilatie room. Text: Emma Urselmann, Apremski

I will explain to you the way we played it on our fantastic Wintermate trip. The first thing you need to do is grab a bottle of booze, which has to be Jägermeister by the way (second and third bottle are free choice). For those who have never heard of this game before; When you draw an ‘exploding kitten’ card you will die. However, here are cards that can save you, so normally you can pick two kitten cards until you are dead. With the rest of your cards you can do things like stealing cards from others, predicting the future or skipping your turn. While you are playing, put some effort in reading the cards because they contain some crazy shit.

“The first thing you need to do is grab a bottle of booze”

Some extra tips to make the game even more successful: • • •

• •

Do not sit next to Bart Never let Jelle win, make sure he becomes second Do not let Skiranda do the probability calculations, 1/4 or 1/25? Always go for the ‘Harige Pieperpoes’ Nope the nope of the nope card

Keep playing until you finish all the booze you have in stock. So, the only thing that is left to do is to turn on the volume and play these crazy songs as loud as possible: Mama Lauda, Anthony Modeste song, Die hütte explodiert. And last but not least Helicopter 117 AKA Der Propeller, -peller, -peller Immer schneller, schneller, schneller AKA Wir sind doch keine Streber?! Good luck!

So, back to the drinking part. The most important rule: When you draw an ‘exploding kitten’ card, you have to take a shot. We prefer to drink straight out of the bottle, but you can also fill an espresso cup and take that as the shot. When dividing the cards at the start, you have to keep the exploding kittens in the deck, even though the game rules tell you not to do. In this way, you can already start with an extra shot if you are lucky. 48


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