Intermania June 2020

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When we chose the theme globetrotters, we did not expect all of this to happen. Due to COVID-19, not a lot of globetrotting will be possible. However, Europe is slowly opening up, so maybe this is the time for a grand tour of Europe (of which Jobert will give you some more information on page 42-43) or just explore Dutch nature parks like the Veluwe or the Biesbosch. If you want something closer to home, you can go and explore the Strabrechtse heide. You can find some more tips for a holiday in the Netherlands on page 37 and 38. Not really interested in a holiday in the Netherlands? The committee wrote an article about their favorite vacation locations. Maybe you get some inspiration from this article at page 55-57. Although traveling is fun, it does have some negative side effects. Toby has written an article surrounding the truth behind the perfect Instagram pictures of touristic places at page 6-7. Besides, Meike has written about the sustainability of winter sports at page 8 and Tom explained everything about flight shaming at page 12-13. Of course, there was also room for

globetrotting committees. The Borrelcie is here with a story about the lovely history of the Corona beer at page 20. Moreover, the Tostcie has created some awesome recipes, just for you to create at home. Do not forget to send them a photo of the finished product. What to do when you finally arrive at your holiday destination? Well, we have you covered! As we have made our own Intermania vacation booklet with a horoscope and extra puzzle. This lovely booklet can be found at page 27-34. We also have some sad news. This is the last paper edition of the Intermania. After the holiday you will see us online at the Intermate website and of course on our Instagram! Hopefully you will enjoy reading this Intermania!

Table of contents Dionysos on Holiday The old board says goodby to their board year with a lovely vacation.


Hypar by Team Ignite


Freek Vonk Fanclub


#Overtourism 6

They's BEP Struggles


It's a Beautiful World




Academia: Far from Home


SExCie Explores Ghent


In het Midden


Studying Abroad During Corona


Graduation Project: Doom & Gloom


How to by the CieKlusKlus


Corona, Coronae, Coronam Corona, the most impopular beer.


Holland from a new Perspective 48 Yinan Tells about how she experienced the Netherlands as an international.

Ik Vertrek


How we Conquered #nowomen


Cartoon 50

Alumni all over the world


Gist Globetrotting


TostCie Tips


Aurelia: A Digital Metamorphosis The new board introduces herself



Globetrotters Sustainability of Wintersport

Spiraling Conspiracy Theories


What Feels off in Carbon Ofsetting


Subjectiviteit van Reisadviezen


Heimwee naar de uni

24* *Dutch Articles

Vacation Do Booklet 27 To not get bored during the holiday we made a booklet with all fun activities. Holiday in the Netherlands


History of Tourism


Weird Hotels Around the World


Our Favorite Holidays




Table of contents

“I don't regret spending this long on my thesis, I regret not being happier during all of this!” - Frank Vendrig, p. 18



26. Colophon Intermania is the magazine of study association Intermate, home to the bachelor’s and master’s programs of the department Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology. The Intermania is released four times a year, with a total of 350 prints. Members of Intermate automatically receive the Intermania at home.

Study Association Intermate Address: De Rondom 70, Atlas 2.325 Postbus 513, 5600MB Eindhoven Phone: (040) 247 44 30 Website: E-mail: Advertisements:

June 2020


Content for the Intermania may be submitted in consultation with the editors. The editorial staff shall not be liable for any consequences arising from its content and reserves the right to, without notice, amend or not publish any submitted content. Articles may only be redistributed with permission of the editorial staff.

Intermania Chief Editor: Editorial Staff: E-mail: Printer:

Lotte van Dijck Michelle van Ardenne, Cécile Geertman, Evie Tossaint, Isabel Blijenburg, Meike Heldoorn Drukkerij Snep




Dionysos on holiday Unfortunately, Dionysos' board year has come to an end. While mountainbiking in the Ardennen, they reflect on their achievements of last year. Lars shares their adventures and the whole board says their goodbyes. Text & Images: Dionysos, 36th board of Intermate

Although in a regular week Dionysos is always up for a party and loves all the goofs and gaffs, these few days off were clearly labeled in our calendars as; “Recreatief Recupereren: Ardennen”, thus it was decided to skip carnival and go to the far and sunny Ardennen. Friday at 16:00 we left the Internaat behind us and began our adventure of four days. In the car there was only one rule, it was only allowed to play straight-up bangers, which guaranteed a joyful drive. With only one pitstop at McDonald’s Maastricht Gronsveld, which deserves a big shout-out for the free burrito we got, after three and a half hours we arrived in Courtil, where we were greeted by Roland. After a tour we sat by the fire, played UNO, and went to bed early, as the next day would involve intensive mountain biking. We arrived at the bike rental all geared up and with great confidence. As the dumb lads we are, we decided to do the hardest path, because how hard can it be? We ride a bike every single day… After 5 minutes of cycling, we concluded what kind of horrible mistake we had made, because it turns out mountain biking requires quite the stamina, which we, till this day, still do not have. Thus, we switched to the 2nd easiest, path which was still quite intensive. Afterwards we went back 4

to the Airbnb to enjoy a cozy evening with the board boys. The next day after 45 minutes of driving, we arrived at our next activity, the spa in Spa. To completely recover from being board a good day in the spa is a must. We were five spa-loving gods between all the elderly visitors. After three hours it was time to go back and visit a local beer brewer. Although we decided on an alcohol-free holiday, it was irresistible not to visit Courtil’s very own brewery. On day three we took it easy, some stayed home to enjoy a book, some took a hike. This was also the moment where we concluded that this holiday looked like something our parents would do; we had transferred into grown-ups on a holiday… So, don’t rest kids, party while you still can!

Lars I started with great joy and enthusiasm, and I ended with the same feeling. I loved the Intermania


past year and feel like I have grown as a person, on a professional and personal level. Although the COVID-19 lockdown has put a small shadow on this awesome year, I get enthusiastic and glown-up when I think back about the past year. It was great but it is time to close this lovely chapter of my life and move on to the next one! Thanks to everyone for sticking with us and see you soon!

Mick “Oh my, where to even start?” was the first thing that came to mind when I was told I had to write a small piece about my board year. Of course, the workload was often very high, hours were long and the year ended on quite of a down note. However, I have learned so much, met a lot of new people, and took part in all sorts of unforgettable activities and trips. In short, it was one of the most intense but fun years of my life!

David What a year it has been with lots of ups, but, of course, also a few downs. It has been the year with my most hangovers ever and I am proud I continued Rob’s tradition of laying hangover on the couch almost every Friday afternoon, and I know without a doubt that my successor will continue this streak as well. June 2020

Besides this, I have learned and grown a lot as a person and can say this was probably the best year of my life!

Sander This year was everything I had expected from it, and more. I have learned more than I could possibly have foreseen. The fun with my fellow board mates started way before our board year started, and I am afraid that it will continue way after it ends. I have enjoyed my function more than I could have imagined, but I also wished a couple of times I chose another. I cannot wait to sit on the couch and enjoy normal member life again. Only, now I get to enjoy it with four dipshits as my new and loving friends for life.

Fabian I think it is suited to summarize my board year as a rollercoaster. I have enjoyed so much of all the fun activities. Where, on the downside, I also struggled with pressure and setbacks. One thing is for sure, I learned a great deal during my board year which will help me in my further life and career. I am grateful that I was able to do this unforgettable year with my lovely board members. Therefore, I would like to thank everyone who supported me throughout the year! 5




#Overtourism The story behind that one perfect Instagram post. We always try to capture the memories that we create from our beautiful holiday destinations. Toby from the KiekCie shares his tips to get the perfect vacation picture. Text and Pictures: Toby Serier, KiekCie member

mountain to take photos in all different poses. I guess that in the same morning thousands of almost identical photos were posted on all kinds of social media. Probably in all of these, only the photographer and maybe some of its friends and family were visible. All of their followers, probably almost a million, will see their friend standing at this idyllic place and of course, some of them will want to visit that same place. These followers are not realizing that they are actually misled by that photo, and the poster is often not realizing what the impact of the photo is. Their post is actually causing an exponential growth in the number of visitors. Not only tourists are disappointed by the crowd they encounter at touristic places, but also locals will face problems because of it and preserving the authenticity of these places is getting harder, and harder. I think we could call the way this is spreading a social media pandemic. For this pandemic, I have a more Responsible tourism educated solution than a lockdown. When I was in Thailand, we got offered a visit There is something you should take into to an elephant sanctuary. We would probably account when planning your vacation. have had a great experience in the sanctuary, I think you should be consciously

Have you ever visited popular touristic places like the Eiffel Tower or Venice? Maybe you traveled even further and visited the Great Wall of China or the Machu Picchu? There is one thing that these places have in common. That is, the reality is different from the expectations. These places are way too crowded and tourism is out of proportion. By telling about my own experiences I would like to show one of the causes of this problem and I will give some travel tips to avoid this. When I visited mount Bromo in Indonesia, the guides promised me the most beautiful sunrise of Indonesia. At that moment, in which I might have been a bit naïve, I expected the location on the cover of the Lonely Planet of Indonesia. I didn’t expect a traffic jam of Jeeps filled with tourists who all wanted to catch the same photo at sunrise. Thousands of people were traveling up that

but we decided not to go there since we heard about the terrible stories about training these elephants, and we were not sure if the owners of this sanctuary had good intentions. I think in this case the elephants’ well-being was more important than our joy (and photos) and we had a great day anyway. If you want to know more about the negative sides of elephant tourism, check out the QR-code.



KiekCie places I mentioned before, whereas a traveler would try to avoid seeing these people who speak the same language and have the same accent. Therefore, I think that in order to be a sustainable tourist you should find a good balance between being a tourist and a traveler. I think you should put some effort into your own travel schedule, and research the authenticity of the places you visit. You could still visit some of the most well-known places of course, as long as you do it responsibly. A good way to do this is by asking locals for recommendations, instead of going to a big travel agency whose goal is to make as much profit as possible by sending as many people as possible. Locals can also tell you about the impact of tourism and might help you with transportation and accommodation, which will benefit the local economy as well. aware of the difference between a tourist and a traveler. On the one hand, a tourist generally wants to relax and doesn’t come too far out of its comfort zone. A tourist often seeks a (multiple) day tours in which all touristic, and therefore busy places will be visited. On the other hand, you have travelers, who go somewhere to mingle with locals, experience their culture, and try to learn new things. Travelers don’t want to plan everything upfront and like to experience and explore. A tourist is likely to end up in the overcrowded Coming back to the social media pandemic I mentioned before, I would recommend everyone to post your most beautiful vacation photos online. But I would also recommend everyone to make an extra post when encountering a crowded tourist attraction with the hashtag #Overtourism, to give your followers a realistic view of the world. June 2020



en Theme

Sustainability of Winter sports Many people travel to the mountains to go skiing. Debate about how this influences climate change has been going on for years now. Covering the glaciers with skilifts must have some negative effects, right? Our fanatic skier Meike will explain it all. Text & Images: Meike van Heldoorn

The winter sports holiday still seems to be far away. However, it might be closer than you think. As a little girl, it has always been my dream to ski on my birthday. Being born in August does not really help with this. Last year, however, my dream came true. I was at the Hintertux gletcher in Austria, and exactly 3 slopes were open there on the 6th of August. Global warming is a problem known to all of us. Skiing is generally not seen as the most “environmentally friendly sport”, since the building of ski resorts results in a lot of damage being done to the natural habitat of the mountains. Trees are cut down to create ski slopes, water is used to make the snow more suitable for skiing and fossil fuel energy is used for, for example, the ski lift. When you go skiing, you see that a lot of ski resorts already try to do something about this. Solar panels are placed on the ski lifts and the restaurants, wind turbines are placed on top of the mountain and small hydro turbines are used to supply renewable energy. Yet, there is also another side of this. If we keep treating the environment the way we are treating it right now, all the glaciers will melt. However, when I was on the glacier in August last year, there was still a lot of snow. The fact that ski resorts make sure that there 8

is still enough snow on the slopes in August, also takes care of the glacier in a way. If the ski resort would close, no attention to the glacier would be given, and no trouble would be done to conserve the glacier. Then they might have been melted a little further already. Of course, we are now talking in “what if” scenario’s. We would never know what would happen if we just let the glaciers be. However, if it would be the case that the glaciers melt, we might have a big problem. Altogether, there is more than five million cubic miles of ice on earth. Imagine the sea level rising… All in all, I am happy that my dream came true and that the glaciers are still there, whether or not that is because of the conservancy of the ski resorts, or because global warming is going slower than we think. But the next time someone ecologically shames you because you can go skiing, you can explain that there are more sides on this story.


It’s a Beautiful World In 1990, Carl Sagan convinced NASA to turn one camera of Voyager One around and take a picture that has become known as the Pale Blue Dot. It is the furthest picture ever taken of our planet. The first iconic picture of the earth seen from space was taken in 1972 by an astronaut on Apollo 17 (the final mission of the Apollo program). I have had the pleasure to travel a bit over that Blue Marble. I have walked the grounds of Chichén Itzá, a 10th century Mayan city, which was one of the architectural wonders of its time. I have marveled at the sight of the Taj Mahal, built in the 17th century and until today described by many as the most beautiful building on the planet. I got to these places by plane,an invention attributed to the Wright brothers in the20th century, and which has driven us to having, on average, 10,000 planes in the sky at any given moment. Technological advancements have given us the ability to construct the most beautiful buildings, reach any place on earth, and has put men on the moon (we are still waiting for the first female astronaut to set foot on the moon, although we got close, since a female astronaut would have been the commander of Apollo 19 had it not been canceled). Despite having access to various travel options, today hundreds of millions of people are staying home. As the summer is approaching, people will want to get out more, go on holidays, see the world. Many of us will skip the summer holiday this year and try to experience what our planet has to offer in different ways; the Blue Marble through the eyes of writers, documentary makers, comedians. When I look up tonight, I may be able to see Crew Dragon, SpaceX’s first manned mission, on its way to the International Space Station. If the timing is just right, they may be able to give us another one of those iconic pictures. June 2020

Column Peter

“the Blue Marble through the eyes of writers, documentary makers, comedians.” –Peter





Academia: Far from Home When you start studying , you are likely to get immersed in an international melting pot. This is what Peder encountered when he started working at the TU/e. He describes what this was like. Text & Images: Peder Isager, PhD student within HTI

As an early career researcher, uncertainty dominates many aspects of your working life. However, one thing is certain about academia: it tends to be a good excuse to see the world. I am a small-town boy from rural Norway. I have never considered myself the globetrotting type. Yet, somehow, since completing my master’s degree I have worked in three different countries, have friends in at least ten, and have lived away from my home country for over three years. Here is how that happened, and some observations I’ve made along the way. Whether or not you travel, academia tends to bring the world to your doorstep. When I did my bachelor’s at the University of Oslo, my supervisor was a German, previously working at a Portuguese university. My master’s supervisor did her PhD at Oxford, and was collaborating with researchers from all over; many of whom I got a chance to meet as well.

Roughly half of my fellow master students were international. Classes were always in English and were taught by researchers from various countries. When you travel you find that academia, everywhere, is a melting pot of scholar globetrotters crisscrossing each other’s paths. In 2017, after completing my master’s, I got my first taste of working abroad by taking

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep you feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R Tolkien a job as a research assistant in Linköping, Sweden, for a summer. I stayed with a couple from Mexico who were planning on moving to the Netherlands, worked on a project with a post-doc from Australia, and played board games with colleagues from Italy, India, USA, Greece, Sweden, and Germany. Linköping, it turns out, was just the first taste. After wrapping up my summer job I was offered a 4-year PhD position in Eindhoven. Upon arrival I was immediately 10



lowered back into the international melting pot of academia. Over the past three years I have worked in the lab with colleagues from the U.S., Germany, and Rotterdam (above the rivers is basically a different country, right?). Along the way, I have had the pleasure of striking up acquaintances with scholars from every region of the world; from South Africa to the southern U.S. to southside Czech Republic. I have had the honor of collaborating with researchers from over seventy countries. I have been in video conferences spanning four different time zones. I have visited Paris with my friend from Kentucky. I have visited Limassol with my friend from Turkey. I have visited Antwerp with my friend from Chile. All in all, it has been quite the adventure for this small-town boy from rural Norway.

“All in all, it has been quite the adventure" There are some downsides to this way of life. While the last years in the Netherlands have been some of the most stimulating and exciting in my life, it has also been three long years away from friends and family that I left behind in Norway. Friends and family that I June 2020

miss dearly. I have made many good friends here in my time abroad, but I have also had to see many of those friends leave and travel far away again; sometimes all the way across the world. And while a work-life filled with globetrotting has been a pleasure and a privilege, it carries with - for me - a certain sense of being uprooted, being unsettled. I am lucky. Once my PhD is complete, I have the resources and freedom to go back to Norway and settle into a more grounded existence. Not everyone who feels the same way is so lucky. It is no secret that job scarcity and fierce competition for positions is forcing young academics to move even when they do not want to. Even at the expense of their personal life. I certainly know friends who have had to travel beyond their geographical comfort zone to stay employed.

Fortunately for me, the Netherlands is placed snuggly within my own geographical comfort zone. However, I do not think the life of academic globetrotting is one I could lead forever. This small-town boy from rural Norway needs to settle a little closer to his hometown, I think. Still, I am eternally grateful for the travel opportunities I have had up until this point, and I look forward to all the journeys that remain. If I could, I am certain I would do it all over again. 11


en Theme

What Feels Off in Carbon Offsetting? Nowadays, flying is one of the most used ways of travelling. However, it might not be the most sustainable way of travelling. Tom shares why this is the case and talks about more sustainable alternatives. Text: Tom de Rijk, member of Intermate

Somewhere between Madrid and Hampton (Virginia), Greta Thunberg was making a statement among the waves. Among the waves, instead of in the air. By sailing to the UN Climate Conference as opposed to flying, Thunberg remains faithful to her vow to avoid carbon emissions through flying during her commitment to tackle the climate crisis. To follow up, pollution due to traveling by means of burning fossil fuels will be at the center of this article – with flying in particular. To what extent is traveling by plane better or worse than traveling by other means, and what about the in popularity increasing "compensation projects”? First, some numbers: a domestic, short distance flight is worth 133 grams in CO2 emissions per passenger per kilometer, sometimes varying up to 254 grams when

seen as one of the worst ways to travel long distances emission-wise. In a societal context, alternative travel methods, carbon compensation and -ultimately- flight shaming have found established positions in the mobility discussion. In order for someone to travel by plane while remaining ecologically “at peace” with themselves, numerous initiatives are offering options to compensate the carbon emissions. These carbon compensation projects can vary from funding tree plantations, to buying so-called “carbon credits” on a larger scale. This wide array of options enables solo consumers and airline conductors to compensate alike, since increased carbon emission is a problem the concerns everybody. I would like to focus on the compensation options that are provided to us as solo

“... you buy yourself a clean conscience...” altitude and other greenhouse gasses are taken into account. In comparison, traveling by trains emits 41 grams per passenger per kilometer. In order to avoid measurements and opinions to be biased, one should take into account that usual travel ndistances and passenger occupancy vary notably between means of travel. It is therefore rather difficult to compare these traveling methods without any further situational context or constants. Because of that, traveling by plane is widely 12

consumers. The idea is to reduce your carbon footprint, or make it remain constant, while still taking the flight. The plane you are traveling with will not change a bit, but your monetary efforts will be put to good use somewhere else on the planet, in order to compensate for emissions of your flight. This would minimize any negative changes to your carbon footprint. This process of compensation is often referred to as Intermania


“carbon offsetting”. Most appealing to a lot of flight consumers are the carbon offsetting services provided by airlines themselves. As a part of the global aviation treaty CORSIA, KLM and Transavia aim to achieve carbon neutral growth, while maintaining their position in the market. In order for them to achieve this, they provide the option for passengers to pay extra on top of their ticket, which will in turn be invested in sustainability projects (e.g. research towards fossil fuel replacement and forest (re-)plantation projects). Apart from airline-regulated initiatives, there are stand-alone organizations that will calculate your CO2 emission per flight, and offer several alternatives that you can fund in order to compensate for the calculated emission. This all sounds well and good, but there is a rising debate on whether these initiatives are operating under the right ideologies. A lot of these carbon offsetting projects are initiatives managed by large profit-making companies, and are sometimes exposed as nothing but beneficial mechanisms which pry on guilt and the psychological effects June 2020

behind flight-shaming. One could go as far and state that the whole idea behind carbon offsetting is just a smart manner of dodgy accounting – not only in the world of airlines. To quote George Monbiot, journalist at The Guardian: “you buy yourself a clean conscience by paying someone else to undo the harm you are causing.” Additionally, the psychological effects behind the compensation are undergoing heavy criticisms, as more and more vidence is presented that it is more about buying off guilt than changing behavior. Arguably, the latter should be the main goal of carbon footprint measures in flight: raising awareness about the fact that your flight is affecting the environment and urging people to rethink their method of transport. The Kyoto protocol laid out rules for carbon offsetting projects, but it proves hard to determine which projects actually carry these out. If you are thinking about compensating your next flight, I would like to urge you to look into the type of compensation – and if you really want to make in impact, think about whether flying is the way to go. 13




Subjectiviteit van reisadviezen Reisadviezen. Vrijwel ieder land geeft ze af, maar toch volgt niet iedereen ze op. Wie zijn deze mensen, en waarom in hemelsnaam begeven ze zich vrijwillig in gebieden waar hun eigen overheid nota bene enorm voor waarschuwt? Tekst: Bas Mandos, reiziger

Ik zal het meteen bekennen, ook ik ben iemand die met enige regelmaat tegen het reisadvies van onze overheid bepaalde gebieden bezoekt. Dat is niets bewonderenswaardigs, hooguit wat naïef. Hoewel dit bij mij een lichte idealistische grondslag kent, heb ik door dit reizen een aardig beeld gekregen van de ‘soort mens’ dat deze, op het eerste oog, soms bizarre tripjes onderneemt. De durfals Uiteraard bestaat er de categorie van de rasavonturiers. De durfals die niet bang worden van het op de proef stellen van het geduld van voor toeristen uitgebuite wurgslangen, die een kick krijgen van het balanceren op het randje van wat op Instagram de dood lijkt. Zich afzetten tegen eenieder die ‘zichzelf tracht te ontdekken' in Zuidoost Azië (fair enough, daar kan ik me dan wel weer in vinden) en het thuisfront shockeren behoren


tot diens grootste hobbies. Hoe meer de kleur in het reisadvies over de beoogde bestemming afwijkt van het veilige groen, hoe beter. Deze groep bestaat zeker, waarom is me nooit helemaal duidelijk geworden. Schuilt hier een latente bewijsdrang, of simpelweg het krijgen van een kick bij het nemen van veel risico? Dat is de vraag. Een deel van deze groep is zich enorm bewust van de risico’s die ze nemen en zelfs opzoeken. Een ander deel is dat niet, en begeeft zich vol naïviteit in gebieden waar zij zich wellicht niet zouden moeten begeven. De ideologie Zoals gezegd, bij mij (en met mij anderen) speelt er meer een ideologische beweegreden om hier en daar het reisadvies naast me neer te leggen. Wellicht heb je het eens voorbij horen komen het verleden jaar, de uitzetting van vluchtelingen naar


zogenaamde ‘veilige landen’. Veilige landen, een groep landen waarvan onze overheid het acceptabel vindt om mensen heen te zenden. Nu is dit voor een land als Albanië prima te verdedigen, maar voor een land als Afghanistan of Irak is het hoogst twijfelachtig. Het feit dat onze overheid het dikwijls veilig genoeg vindt om mensen die in erbarmelijke omstandigheden de reis uit een ronduit hels bestaan hebben gemaakt terug te sturen, doet me treuren. Ik ben opgegroeid in een land waar me van alle kanten verteld werd dat Nederland zo gastvrij was voor hen die het nodig hadden. Hoe bedrogen kwam ik uit. Vrienden van me werden uitgezet naar Irak, en niet omdat hun casus daar de Nederlandse overheid het recht toe gaf, maar omdat de Immigratie- en Naturalisatie -dienst stelselmatig heeft geprobeerd om

“Vrije pers: wanneer de journalist alleen op spelling wordt gecheckt.”

June 2020

desnoods op vormfouten uitzettingen te forceren. Nu is dat laatste een volstrekt ander verhaal, maar het vormt voor mij de reden om overwogen te hebben om ook deze landen op te zoeken. Immers, als de overheid zegt dat het veilig is… Nu schuilt er ergens in mij toch nog een flintertje realisme wat me vertelt dat deze landen toch wel heel erg dicht bij de definitie van een oorlogsgebied komen, maar er zijn genoeg mensen die deze reizen om dergelijke redenen wel wagen. De neiging om ‘thuis’ te laten zien hoe normaal onbekende culturen kunnen zijn, zeker wanneer die in onze eigen maatschappij als eng wordt behandeld, vormt voor velen een grote factor in de beslissing om af te reizen. Maar, het bovenstaande stuk omvat de groep mensen die reisadviezen willens en wetens negeren en daarbij tot op zekere mate vertrouwen op hun eigen inschattingsvermogen. Uiteraard bestaat er ook nog de ‘normale vakantieganger’, waarvoor het reisadvies mogelijk veel meer waarde kent. Toch? Relatieve reisadviezen De vraag is eigenlijk in hoeverre deze groep zich überhaupt primair laat leiden 15



“Bij mij speelt er meer om hier en daar het reisadvies naast me neer te leggen” door reisadviezen. Immers, zou je in Afghanistan gaan zonnen wanneer het reisadvies dat aan zou raden, of houdt het beeld van het land je dan toch tegen? Ik vermoed dat het antwoord naar dit laatste neigt. Nu klinkt dit erg logisch, maar het is vrij bizar om te constateren dat de eerste besmettingen met het nieuwe coronavirus veelal afkomstig waren van mensen die, ondanks het reisadvies, vakantie vierden in Noord-Italië. Schijnbaar maakt het reisadvies ons dan toch weer te weinig uit, want Italië kennen we als een WestEuropees en derhalve veilig land. Blijkbaar dient een reisadvies als ondersteuning van de beslissing wel of niet te gaan, als het ons uitkomt. Spreekt het reisadvies ons tegen, dan zal het allemaal wel meevallen. Wat ik wil stellen is dat het collectieve beeld wat we als bevolking over een bepaald land hebben, veel meer invloed heeft op onzevakantiebestemming dan het


reisadvies. Immers, na het aftreden van president Mubarak in Egypte ontstond een situatie vol geweld en onzekerheid met de machtsgreep van huidig president al-Sisi, wat de toeristische sector op liet drogen. Het kaartje van het reisadvies verdeelt het land nog altijd in een kleurenpalet bestaande uit geel, oranje en rood. Dit, terwijl het toerisme weer op gang komt en we ons weer massaal bruin laten bakken onder de Egyptische zon en de immense stapels stenen van het land bewonderend. Tegelijkertijd zou een overgroot deel van reizend Nederland geen stap in Palestina durven zetten, terwijl het reisadvies hiervoor louter de kleur geel bevat. Het heersende beeld van bommen en granaten overstemt blijkbaar het geldende reisadvies. Zo blijven de reisadviezen in zekere mate relatief, voor eenieder op zijn of haar eigen manier.


In het Midden


Horizontaal: 1. Niet oké 6. Bekend van krabbels en R+R=back 10. Staat in verbinding met ozon 12. Past voor skelet en planeet 13. Grote boterbloem 14. Roodkleurig 16. Worden op de beurs verhandeld 20. Per individu 24. Brengt negativiteit met zich mee 25. Keukengerei 26. Stijgen op na een uitbarsting 28. Landcode van Sri Lanka 29. De A van AZC 30. Is een begrip 32. Efficiënte verdienste 35. RPG 36. Krachtterm uit het zuiden Verticaal: 1. Gehorige zeehond 2. ___ 3. Heet en droog gewaai 4. Om bang van te worden 5. Martens en van Lexmond 6. Betoverende vrouw 7. Open land 8. Uitvoerbaar bestand 9. Laatste lettergreep van veel Scandinavische achternamen 11.Volume-eenheid 15. Ben je nu mee bezig 17. Net als Engels 18. Past voor stof en jaloers 19. Bezig in een gymnastiekzaal 20. Oud gelovig lied 21. Bekend van Beautiful Trauma en Walk Me Home 22. Plaats tussen Deventer en Raalte 23. Digitaal ID 25. Talkshow host in opspraak 26. Bodem 27. Peervormig snaarinstrument 31. Iers TV en radio station 33. Verkorte vorm van middelbare school 34. Niet straks June 2020





Graduation Project: Doom & Gloom Edition Most of the time, a graduation project does not go exactly as planned, or it might not go as planned at all. Frank shares the obstacles he encountered during the project and what he has learned from it. Text: Frank Vendrig, HTI graduate

Us humans, we have a tendency to assume everything we do will go according to the best-case scenario. We’re all familiar with Murphy’s Law, and no one acts surprised when others hit unfortunate roadblocks. Yet, when it concerns ourselves, we have trouble imagining our own plans not going according to plan. This wasn’t the topic of my graduation project, but it did become somewhat of a theme. Do you recognize looking at certain people working on their thesis and thinking: “How could it ever take anyone that long? I bet that won’t happen to me!” Yes? Well, I envy your optimism! I didn’t really think I’d finish this thing in the official five months, but assumed finishing in a neat seven was perfectly realistic. Little did I know I would become one of those people to spend sixteen months on my graduation. Whoops! I’m not just here for doomsday predictions and


“I don’t regret spending this long on a thesis, I regret not being happier during all of this!” negative energy, though. Instead, I thought I’d share some of the lessons I learned from this process. Every graduation project involves struggles, but maybe some of these lessons can help you stay on the right track. Ask for Help If you’re anything like me, you might be a bit afraid to ask dumb questions. I’d feel it would be silly to bother my supervisors with a problem before really trying to solve this myself. Sometimes that would work just fine, and I’d feel proud for being able to take care of problems independently. Other times, however, I dug myself down a rabbit hole of confusion and new problems, with the solution seemingly moving further away. For wiser people this would be the moment to accept that they need to ask someone for help, but not for me. The feelings of aimlessness and frustration would fuel procrastination. I had the feeling that I’d wasted a large amount of time on little progress and talking to my supervisors about my progress seemed embarrassing. This, in turn, had me delaying the inevitable. But you know what? Every time I ultimately saw my supervisors again, the Intermania

Graduate you do end up talking about the issues you’re currently dealing with, who better to bounce ideas around with than your fellow students?

issue would always be resolved quickly, and they rarely made an issue of me not being as productive as I could have been. The situation that seemed embarrassing and terrible in my mind, would always turn out to be productive and a big relief! So please, do yourself a favor and ask help when you need it. It’s good to solve your own problems, but this wouldn’t be a learning experience if you were able to solve everything on your own.

Please Don’t Punish Yourself Did you sleep through your alarm? Better skip lunch to make up lost time. Did you not do as much as you would have liked today? Just continue working after dinner. These are some of the ways I used to punish myself for slacking. Sometimes it would result in a productive lunch hour, but mostly it just gave me unnecessary stress. I feel like guilt is a very common emotion among students working on their thesis, but do we really need the extra burden? Feeling guilty about being lazy and not progressing as fast as I’d like probably gave a much more negative view

“I feel like guilt is a very common emotion among students working on their thesis” Talk about your project Your graduation project won’t always be fun. In my case, I often didn’t feel like talking about the project or my progress with friends and fellow students, especially if things weren’t going great. I guess I didn’t feel like thinking about my little world of sadness when talking to others, and honestly, I’d be a little afraid to open myself up to criticism that could expose fundamental flaws in my work. But really, people will just be excited to hear about new research, and that kind of excitement might just be what you need to respark your interest in the topic. Rather than exposing your work for the trash that you think it is, talking about your work will help you remember why you made the choices you did. It’s easy to forget that you’re an expert in what you’re doing. And if June 2020

about my work. And when you’re in a bad mood and stressed out, it’s really hard to do things like reading papers, writing and solving problems. Ultimately, I did manage to graduate, but it was an arduous period of time for me, which it didn’t have to be. In fact, I don’t regret spending this long on a thesis, I regret not being happier during all of this. When you’re working on your thesis, I hope you’ll have an easier time. But if you recognize any of these feelings, or similar ones, realize that the stress and negativity you might be feeling aren’t helping you much. Take a walk, talk to a friend or supervisor about what you are stuck on, and before long you will finish this thing and feel really proud when you do! And moest important, remember to have fun 19




Corona, Coronae, Coronam In this last physical edition of the Intermania, an article of the Borrel cannot be missed. Upcoming borrel chairman Timo van Helvoort shares one of his favorite borrel drinks for the summer. Text: Timo van Helvoort, member of the BorrelCie

Imagine you are on a beach. It is hot and the sky is blue. It is about 4 o’clock and one of your friends says: “Hey, anybody wants something to drink?”. You have to be quick. Soda, too sweet. Water, too lame. White wine? Nah, kind of pretentious. Pils? Not feeling it. And then it hits you, fresh, light, and the ultimate drink for a sunny day at the

“... the ultimate drink for a sunny day at the beach” beach. “I’ll have a Corona please”, you say. Everyone looks at you in awe. “That’s a great idea! I’ll have one as well”. And before you know it, 14 Corona(e) are being ordered. Corona Extra, or just “Corona” as we know it, is a pale lager produced in Mexico. Not only is it one of the best-selling beers on the planet, but also the number one imported drink in the United States. Together with its signature slice of lime or lemon on the neck of the bottle, it makes for a bittersweet treat perfect for a hot day. The original recipe for Corona came to Mexico from German immigrants seeking a better life in the America’s. In 1925 the, then and now, largest brewery in Mexico, Cervecreria Modelo, made its first Corona. Initially the beer would be stored in darkcolored glass bottles, just like pilsners we know today. However, they eventually decided 20

to store it in the now famous transparent bottles. Due to the clear bottles, light is able to have more impact on the hops giving the beer a certain “light-struck” or “marijuana-like” taste, which you might recognize from other light-glass bottled beers such as Desperados. A Corona is of course not complete without an added slice of lime or lemon. However, his slice of fruit was initially not added for the taste. Mexican farmers suffered a lot from insects during the hot summers and came up with the idea to put a slice of lime in the bottle to protect it from incoming bugs. However, Corona is not doing so well today, due to obvious reasons. Its brewer decided to stop the production of Corona for a month after making serious loss in the months before. The pandemic might very well be the end of the Corona brand, so if you don’t want to lose this lovely beach-moment I sketched before, help them out, and buy a Corona when this is all over. Cheers!


Ik Vertrek This year our holidays will be different than usual. Summer vacations are canceled and borders are closed. This year holidays will consist of camping in the Netherlands‌ However, some Dutch people live at the perfect holiday destination. They escaped the Netherlands because of the regulations and decide to have their own restaurant, hotel, or camping at the end of the world, followed by a famous TV-program: Ik Vertrek. Everyone knows that these people always run into problems. That is why I do not understand why people still participate in this program. I imagine how the idea of participating would start: a couple is watching Ik Vertrek and enjoying the gloating. They laugh about the stupid mistakes and problems the participants have to deal with. They discuss that they would do much better on Ik Vertrek and that indeed the regulations in the Netherlands suck. They start imagining what the weather in France looks like at that moment and how nice it would be to run a little bed and breakfast and spending the rest of the day by relaxing and spending time with their partner and kids. The participation of Ik Vertrek is born‌ The couple gives up their job, says goodbye to their family and friends, and travels to their new home and work. Arrived at their new place, the problems commence. It starts with the fact that their French is really bad, and the French people do not speak Dutch. Then, the building they bought is more of a ruin than a real house or hotel. And after four weeks of bureaucracy they realize that getting permission to start a hotel is not as easy as expected and that they have exactly the same problems as their predecessors. Maybe the Netherlands was not that bad, with their good regulations, nice houses, and comprehensible residents. Some of the participants return and now live in the Netherlands again, but most of these people, in the end, succeed and now live in their dream place. There are even a few of them that become really famous and get their own TV program (Martien Meiland). Despite this outcome and their endless amount of hope, I think these people are crazy to participate in this program. This holiday, we will do what the people in Ik Vertrek should have done: Stay home and enjoy life in the Netherlands! June 2020

Column Emma

Stay home and enjoy life in the Netherlands! –Emma





How we Conquered #nowomen Active members Leonie, Martje and Evie joined the board of the FSE in October. Now, going towards the end of their board year, they would like to share their experiences about being an FSE board member Text & Images: FSE board

In the last five years that the FSE has existed, the executive board has only had two women before. In the year 2016, two women joined, including, of course, one Intermate member. However, this year is even more special, as we have three women in our board, and all three of them are a member of Intermate. Now, some of you might not be as familiar with what the FSE is and does. The FSE is the umbrella organization of all the study associations at the TU/e, also Intermate is part of this assosiation. Together with the study associations, we work on the tasks that the study associations have in common. This includes the central book sale, BHV courses and career orientation. We also organize some activities for all the students of the TU/e, such as the BorrelXL and MomenTUm which are really fun! As this is not all that we do as a board, we would like to share our experiences and what keeps us busy during our board year.


Leonie Being secretary involves social activities, like writing marvelous constitution and yearbook stories. Additionally, just how Mick and Sander wrote and will write the minutes of Intermate’s GM, I write the minutes of the monthly FSEAB meetings. And this is where the magic happens, because these minutes are written with the perfection of all previous secretaries of the FSE combined. The first female secretary of the FSE wrote her ‘raw' minutes (jargon for the first version) using pen and paper, which is admirable! Luckily, I get the chance to do more besides minute-making, like being involved in career initiatives at the TU/e, participating in the umbrella meetings of the introduction week, and most of all enjoying the company


FSE of my fellow board members. Discussing, brainstorming, laughing, and suffering with my board has taught me so much, and seeing us grow as a team has been very valuable. This board year gave me the opportunity to develop myself in both defending and combining the opinion of eleven associations, and it showed me the possibilities that initiate from collaboration. Martje Next to being the first female Vice-P resident of the FSE, I’m also responsible for career, education, X(L) Mas the Christmas drink, and the BorrelXL. I don’t have a lot of function specific tasks so I spend most of my time on my portfolios. Normally, I have quite some meetings in a week with many different people of the FSE associations and the university. I really enjoy seeing everyone and having small talks. During these meetings I’m representing the study associations and all students. Furthermore, every working group or

“Since the FSE is a quite old federation, traditions have developed” portfolio has its own division of roles. This year I was the treasurer of the BorrelXL and I made the budget for the X(L)Mas drink. Next to the serious work, I also really enjoy it when boards of study associations visit our office to drink some coffee. Since the FSEDB is a quite old federation, some traditions have developed. There is one vice-president tradition: the new vice-president has to cook June 2020

a dinner for all previous VPs. I’m already looking forward to the meal served by my successor. Evie As treasurer, you would expect that I spend a lot of my time working in our office on book keeping. However, I only spend a small amount of time on finances every week. This gives me a lot of time to work on my favorite part: the portfolios. These portfolios give me the opportunity to get in contact with the board members from all the study associations and I also get to work on my problem solving and social skills. During my board year, I wanted to learn how to be flexible and how to stand by my opinions. The monthly FSE-AB meetings, which are comparable to GM’s, give me the perfect opportunity to work on this. The FSE has a unique structure in which the study associations all are part of the governing board, which means that any important decision needs to be approved by all study associations. It is therefore important that you can adjust your plans quickly, but also be able to defend your own opinion to eleven strong-minded boards. There are many adventures outside of the safe haven of Intermate, and if you are looking for one, definitely check out an FSEDB board year. We have learned a lot during our year and also met people we otherwise would have never encountered. You can talk to us or all of our past board members (which we call Giants) that are also Intermate members as we have quite a few of them. Luckily, Intermate’s long standing tradition of having a member in the FSEDB board will be prolonged next year with Roxane and Adriaan, which we are very excited about! 23




Heimwee Naar de Uni Hoe ben jij omgegaan met de quarantaine? Heb jij ook een van de tips van Anton geprobeerd tegen je verveling? Zo niet, misschien heb je de vakantie nog tijd om ze uit te proberen. Text: Anton Ionov, Intermate lid

Het jaar 2020 zal vooral herinnerd worden als het jaar waarin het coronavirus ieders leven beïnvloedde, ook als je zelf geen corona had. Door de quarantaine zijn de universiteiten gesloten, is de horeca dicht en zijn alle publieke evenementen de komende tijd afgelast. Hierdoor komen velen vooral thuis te zitten, en snel genoeg beginnen de mensen hun oude levens te missen. Je mist het persoonlijke contact met je vrienden. Natuurlijk kun je het onderhouden door Skype en zo, maar dat is toch niet hetzelfde. Je mist de sfeer van de universiteit, de gezelligheid van samen in de colleges zitten, samen sporten en samen uitgaan. Zeker als je nog bij je ouders thuis woont, voel je dit gemis sterk. Je begint dingen te missen die je nooit dacht te missen, of die je normaal gesproken niet eens leuk vindt! Je mist zelfs het dagelijks de trein nemen naar Eindhoven, om vervolgens om middernacht de laatste

trein terug te nemen. Gelukkig heb ik wat tips voor je om je heimwee te verhelpen en je niet dood te vervelen!

Probeer een nieuwe hobby uit Deze heb je vast vaker gehoord, maar nu is het een prima moment door de vrijgekomen tijd. En al kun je niet alle hobby’s, zoals hobby’s die je uitvoert in een team, uitproberen, iets anders kan wel. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan leren tekenen, piano spelen of het leren van een nieuwe taal.

Onderhoud sociaal contact Kun je niet met je vrienden omgaan door corona? Dan is het alsnog een goed idee om contact te onderhouden! Bel ze, Skype ze, schreeuw naar ze vanaf je balkon als je dat wilt! Sociaal contact onderhouden is belangrijk voor je mentale gezondheid, dus sluit jezelf vooral niet alleen op in je kamer!

Blijf bewegen Ook al is de sportschool dicht en zijn je trainingen afgelast, dan nog raad ik je aan om in beweging te blijven. Het is mooi weer buiten, dus je kunt lekker gaan joggen (op anderhalve meter afstand van andere joggers natuurlijk), of je kunt thuis fitnessen door een Youtube tutorial te volgen. Yoga op je terras kan zelfs ook, als dat meer je ding is. Zo blijf je in vorm voor als je weer doorgaat met sporten en kom je niet aan doordat je de halve dag op de bank zit te Netflixen met Ben & Jerry omdat die in de aanbieding was bij de Albert Heijn. 24


Working life

Alumni All Over the World

In this article, four alumni of Intermate talk about their experiences living abroad. How did they end up there and what is it like working abroad? Maybe their stories can inspire you to do the same Text & Images: Mirjam van Esch, Alain Starke, Mara van Welle and Azel Zeijen

Axel Zeijen (Switzerland) Hi, I am Axel Zeijen, living in Zürich, where I am current-ly finishing up my PhD at ETH Zürich. It is a very international city, so I did not experience much of a culture shock. The biggest difference in my daily life is that I meet and work with people from all over the world, and this has become completely natural. During my studies in Eindhoven, going abroad was mandatory for us, so everyone at Intermate either had plans to go or stories to tell. It was never a question of whether to move abroad, but rather where you wanted to go. You could say my exchange semester got a bit out of hand. I liked the university and the city (and fell in love!), so I kept searching for reasons to come back. Going abroad makes you, in my opinion, more open-minded. It also made me realize how much I care about the quality of life where I live. I might just come back to the Netherlands, as the quality of life is really good there! I once met an expat who started to complain about how the Netherlands is a country of mediocrity. He probably did not mean it this way, but I would say it is a compliment!

Mara van Welie (Germany) Hello, my name is Mara van Welie and I currently live in Bremen, the Northwest region of Germany. As you would expect, I drink beer and eat bratwurst all day... and also work on business model development for a European research project on Smart Grids. My time at TU/e has helped me to become a globetrotter: I really enjoyed my semesters abroad (in Rwanda and Norway) and the international environment in Eindhoven. So, after obtaining my MSc, I did not hesitate to seize an opportunity to move to Switzerland for a PhD job, especially because it involved research time in Kenya. I never intended to live abroad, but I just took the opportunities that came my way. Moreover, Germany is not all that different from the Netherlands, even though I have been quite aware of the influence of my Dutch upbringing on my day-to-day work Of all the places I have been to, Norway was the loveliest one. I also would not mind getting back there in five years from now, even though it is quite cold. If an opportunity ever crosses you path to do something similar, seize it.

“I never intended to live abroad” June 2020




Working life Alain Starke (Norway) I am Alain Starke. I am supposed to be in Bergen at the moment, a city on the west side of Norway, because I work at the University of Bergen. However, I am now quarantined in my hometown Eindhoven. My wife does not complain about that, since we had been living apart for half a year. For my work, I investigate how citizens make their food choices and how they can be presented personalized advice through so-called ‘food recommender systems.’ I am not a globetrotter like others in this magazine. I was born and raised in Eindhoven, and actually like the city enough to stick around and even chose to study here. I have a big heart for Switzerland and lived in lakeside Lausanne for half a year. The biggest difference I experienced while living abroad is that you mostly run into other people who are not native to the region, and that you hang around with other ‘globetrotters.’ And, of course, no ‘kringverjaardagen.’ I think I will be back in Eindhoven in approximatly five years. Although you can never know the future for sure, my research on recommender systems has told me that historical data can be quite accurate to predict the future. We will see what the future brings.


Mirjam van Esch (USA) Hi! My name is Mirjam van Esch. I am currently living in San Franciso with my husband (who is Portuguese), working as a UX researcher for Youtube. My studies helped me to become a globetrotter. Meeting tons of international students and learning about their backgrounds certainly helped to foster the desire to keep exploring the world. I found living in different countries always fascinating, which got me even more interested in getting first-hand experiences of living and building a career abroad. From my first time studying abroad, at the age of 15, I discovered that by living in a place, you get to know the country in a way you would not from just visiting on holiday. It also opens up career opportunities, especially in the IT industry, which ultimately brought me to San Francisco. One of the biggest challenges as a globetrotter is that you tend to befriend other globetrotters, which means that while I am moving from country to country, so do my friends. Although it is great to get to visit friends all around the world, it does make it more challenging to foster and keep these friendships close. Also, if anyone is ever around San Francisco feel free to reach out. I am happy to show you bars and otherplaces.


Intemania vacation booklet 2020! Horoscope

Quiz Fill-in Story

Inforgraphic And a lot of fun

June 2020




Holiday destination horoscope Text: Meike Heldoorn

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) As a Taurus, you must LOVE relaxing in serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sound, soothing aromas and succulent flavors. If you had the choice, you would spend all day bathing in a tub overflowing with essential oils. Your ideal holiday destination is then also, not surprisingly, a beautiful resort, all inclusive, in Greece.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) The Cancer is represented by the crab, so of course your ideal holiday destination is close by the sea! You are also very good at picking up energies in the room, since your psychic abilities are out of this world! Cancers tend to be domestically oriented, and care deeply about their families. Your ideal holiday destination would be Malta, where you can go to the beach and be with your family at the same time!

Leo (July 23 – August 22) You are fire. As a Leo, you are vivacious, theatrical and passionate. You love to be in the spotlight. Leos are natural leaders, and they enjoy friendships and romances that are creatively inspired. Additionally, they put their heart into every relationship. You would be a great leader of a tour. Maybe you can make a long journey around Europe and bring a whole group of people with you. Where do I sign? Get in line!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) The Gemini can be so busy with everything that he or she has the wish to clone his or herself to get everything done. You are playful and intellectually curious. You have a lot of passion and want to combine all your passions, hobbies and careers. A city trip is the ideal holiday destination for you. Here, you can satisfy your intellectual needs and you can party with your friends. Since you also want to try new things, you should go to a city that you have never been to before.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) As a Virgo, you are represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture. An ideal holiday destination for you, is then of course also in nature. You are logical, practical and systematic in your approach to life. These characteristics can be optimally used if you go camping. Put on a beautiful tent, right in between the mountains in Austria, and you are ready to relax. 28


Libra (September 23 – October 22) Libras fixate on balance and harmony. They are obsessed with symmetry and want to create equilibrium in all areas of life. You want to help people as much as possible and you think it is unfair that people have to live in poverty. Well, go do something about it! Your ideal holiday destination is to go do volunteer work in a developing country. If you do not want to go that far, you can also look for less developed areas in Europe!

Koen leest dingen voor


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) As a Capricorn, you are great at navigating with both the material and emotional realms. For you, the ideal holiday would be a journey. You are great at climbing, so you have to go to a place where there are a lot of mountains. Maybe a journey around the Alpes?

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) The Sagittarians only question for knowledge. You are chasing after geographical, intellectual and spiritual adventures. Where can you find this more than in a city like Paris or Rome? You can go to every beautiful museum, every monument and satisfy your intellectual knowledge with historical facts. Sounds relaxing, right?

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) The Aquarius is a mystical healer. Wherever you go, you are able to make friends with people. You want to change the world as much as you can, but you also need to relax from time to time. You are free-spirited, so you do not make any plans! By not making any plans, you relax the best. Just go to the airport (or go by train, that’s better for the environment), take a dice, and go to the gate (or platform) that this dice suggests!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) The Scorpio has an incredible passion and power. Life is a game, for a Scorpio. Also, the Scorpio is a water sign. Therefore, the ideal holiday destination for a Scorpio is close to the water. You would relax most if you can just enjoy playing games on the beach, or by a lake. The ideal holiday destination for you would be at the Costa Brava in Spain.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) Pisces are known for the fact that they learn from every lesson that was thought to them throughout the years. Do not be afraid to let your head rest for a minute from time to time, Pisces! You need a holiday destination where you can sleep well, a place where you can really get some rest. A resort in Thailand is very suitable for you. You can have a nice, comfortable bed, a hammock by the beach or a patch by the pool, and sleep all day! April 2019



Koen leest dingen voor

Student-proof Destinations As a student it is always nice to go on a cheap holiday, especially after Corona is over. Michelle will introduce you to the top 5 cheapest holiday destinations in Europe which are definitely studentproof.

June 30 2020


Koen leest dingen voor



Poland can be seen as the best country for making a low budget trip. Its rich history makes that its cities have become open air museums which you can admire for free. Besides all this, fixed holiday charges such as food, hotel rooms and of course alcohol are very cheap. Romania In a traditional Polish restaurant called Romania can be seen as the a ‘bar mleczny’ you can have underdog within this list. This full Polish dinner for only 10 euros! country is still in its early years when Therefore it is for sure our it comes to tourism. However, this makes beloved number one! that a lot of the fixed holiday charges are cheap. It is possible to get a hotel room for only 15 euro per night. Also this country has some very old architecture, including castles and monasteries, which can be visited for little money.

Czech Republic This country is only 27 years old and maybe that is why it is such a popular holiday destination for students. Some students from Intermate have already experienced the cheap prices of this country when they were in Prague with the AFExCie. The only downside of this is that Hungary the prices of fixed holiday charges rise due This country is becoming famous to their increasing popularity. However, for its nightlife. Besides luring you Czech Republic is still the place to the bar with cheap beers, many bars to be when it comes to cheap know how to attract people by having bars beers and great hospitality. located in spectacular buildings, such as thermal baths and ruins which make partying a cultural Serbia experience. Unfortunately, these hotspots Not everyone would think of make Hungary gaining popularity Serbia as a holiday destination, which means that tourist locations however, the country is working on its have become more expensive make-over. Because they are innovating a over the last couple of years. lot, the fixed holiday charges are not very cheap compared to the other countries in this list. Cities such as Belgrado and Novi Sad have become a mix of different cultures which can be a great and also cheap experience. Besides this, you can also attempt 31 April 2019 all kinds of outdoor activities


Fill-in Story

The rise of [superhero group name] We all miss our wild adventures on the campus since we are not welcome due to the coronavirus. In order for you to keep creating new stories Evie came up with a fill-in story which will guarantee a fun story to tell. Text and Image: Evie Tossaint, Editorial Staff

_______________ [your name] has been at home for weeks, bored out of [his/her] mind because of the Corona lockdown. Today, ___________[your name] decided to take a walk around the TU/e campus. ___________ [your name] walks towards ___________ [favorite campus building]. Then [he/she] sees something inside the building, or rather someone. It was the figure of ___________ [least favorite teacher]. He seems to be playing a ___________ [least favorite music genre] song on a ___________ [musical instrument]. Scurrying from the corners of the building ___________ [your name] sees ___________ [animals] running towards ___________ [least favorite teacher]. ‘Spread the disease my little helpers’ [he/she] calls to them. ___________ [your name] realizes that the Corona virus does not transfer from person to person but from ___________ [animal] to person, and that ___________ [least favorite teacher] is stimulating the spreading of the disease. ___________ [your name] decides to call the people [he/she] can always depend on: the Intermate board. ___________ [favorite board member] picks up the phone and ___________ [your name] explains what [he/she] saw. Once you finished your story, ___________ [favorite board member] gives you an address and tells you to come quickly. When you arrive at the address, ___________ [favorite board member] ushers you inside. Inside are three people: Wil Kuijpers, ___________ [favorite teacher], and ___________ [celebrity crush]. You repeat your observations and together, you form a plan. As you start going outside, Wil gives you some last wise words: “___________ [Wils wise words]” before walking out. When arriving at the ___________ [favorite campus building], you sneak in through the side door and you all take out your ___________ [musical instrument] and start playing a ___________ [favorite music genre] song simultaneously. The ___________ [animals] come running from the corners and start running frantically throughout the building. They collide into the walls and each other and soon enough they are all dead. Curse you, ___________ [superhero group name]! ___________ [least favorite teacher] shouts, while running towards the exit. There, he runs straight into the waiting policemen, which ___________ [your name] called on the way. After everything is cleared out, the policemen declare that the virus is gone, and everyone can enter the building again. ___________ [favorite board member] opens the door to the Internaat and as if they could ___________ [human sense] it, members of Intermate start appearing at the doors to have a drink at the bar. ___________ [your name] also walks towards the Internaat for a nice drink of ___________ [favorite drink] with the ___________ [favorite committee] and ___________ [celebrity crush]. 32


Quiz: Find Your Vacation Type

1. You are totally exhausted because your week was endless and less than great, because for the tenth week in a row you could not visit the Internaat. How are you going to spend your weekend? A) I am going to call my friends via discord and will hold a nice online Borrel B) I will watch some Netflix, do a puzzle, or even read a book to relax.

3. Industrial engineering is trying to seduce you in doing a master’s degree at their faculty. You are doubting because the promised salary afterwards is great. However, the people of Intermate are also great. How are you going to make this decision A) I will win in information from Wil and other teachers. Put out the pros and cons and weigh them out, before making a decision. B)I will listen to my feelings. I always try to follow my heart.

2. Which of these 2 descriptions suits you more? A) The most important thing for me is what is happening here and now. I assess real situations and pay attention to details. B) Facts are boring. I love to dream and play over upcoming events in my mind. I rely more on intuition than information.

4. Only a few months from now hopefully the first AC party will be held. How do you prepare your most awesome outfit? A) I already put my outfit together with my friends a few weeks in advance, and they are going to be awesome B) Why prepare? Improvisation on the spot often lead to the best outfits.

June 2020



Quiz results Yes you have found the treasure!!! Now you can find out which vacation is perfect for you.

BAAA History excursion with a friend

ABBB Mingle with the crowds in a vibrant city

BBAB Nature retreat

ABBB Lively city trip

ABBA Somewhere with no tourists

BBAA Solo trip to a historical location

AABB Luxury getaway AAAB Highadrenaline adventure BBAA Volunteering at a relaxing destination

BABA Camping trip with a few friends

BABB Road trip with a few friends BBBB Getaway with a couple of fiends. AAAA City trip with a large group of friends

BAAB Hands-on cultural experience 34

ABAA Backpacking in the far east

AABA Picture perfect trip with the fam


Hypar by Team IGNITE

Student Team

It is already a long time ago, but you for sure remember GLOW. In this edition of the Intermania, student team IGNITE presents itself and tell you all about what their student team is about and their experiences at GLOW. Text & Images: Amy Hendriks and Anne Hopstaken, members of Team IGNITE

We are team IGNITE, an interdisciplinary student team that works on interactive light installations. With 18 students from both Industrial Design and Built Environment, we started at the end of 2017 and have been working with lighting for over two years. All with the same goal in mind: showcasing Hypar at GLOW’s edition in 2019. We first started our team with the ambition to create a large piece for GLOW in 2018. However, due to time and resource constraints, we later decided to use GLOW 2018 as an opportunity for testing our concept and the ways people could interact with the installation. We built Loop, a smaller, circular structure where people could affect the speed and color of the light through their movement. After GLOW’s edition in 2018, the time was there to work on our initial idea for the installation: Hypar. Hypar is a structure made

June 2020

of a double-curved surface in two directions. This surface is made up of a modular cube system that we developed over the past two years. In and around Hypar, we wanted to create an active atmosphere of sound and light, to be seen by anyone around and inside the installation. Using interaction modules on opposite sides of Hypar, we wanted to represent a contrast between technology on one side and nature on the other. Once both collaborate seamlessly together, it is possible to create something magical by sending a powerful stream of energy. Hypar’s shape also represents these contrasting elements, by placing the metal cubes into an organic, dynamic shape. During our first participation in GLOW 2018 we made an installation of 20 cubes, which are 0,5 meters in every direction. Since Hypar would consist of 160 cubes, there was a lot of work to be done in a year. To gain as much experience as we could, we tried to do a lot of the work ourselves, like drilling holes in the profiles of the cubes and making data cables. In the 5 months of manufacturing of the Hypar installation, we also had a lot of help from volunteers and workshops on the TU/e campus. Near the end of the project and closer to GLOW we decided to have weekly work evenings with our team to finish the project. Sometimes even more was needed, but we were all determined: Hypar needed to be finished and shine on GLOW 2019. When the days of build-up were finally there, the installation was ready to be built on the Market Square in the center of Eindhoven. Besides the rain, the cold, and some last35


Koen leest dingen voor

minute fixing of small details, the installation was up in 3 days. When the festival started it became clear that the work we had put in was all worth it. Many enthusiastic people closely listened to our story and it was a joy to see all the children that used our interaction modules to control the light in the installation. That and all the proud team members that were present around the installation every night to make sure that everything went according to plan made this edition of GLOW a great success. Nevertheless, there were some things to fix after the first couple of days of GLOW, especially when it started raining and we found that not all our electronics were as waterproofed as we had hoped. During the day hours of the festival, we practically became a part of the Market Square and worked until everything was up to our expectations. In the end, this was all worth it because the visitors of the festival were already interested in our installation even before it was opened. During some evenings, the visitors were already all around the installation as soon as we removed our first fence. At those moments, we realized that we made what we wanted: an interactive light installation that is interesting from 36

all possible sides. Now, the time is here for us to go back to our studies and find new students that can work on such an amazing project and develop all the corresponding skills. Within our team, there is room for gaining and applying knowledge in many different areas, such as electronics, interaction, software development and promotion. The new team will not only focus on GLOW, but also on other projects and competitions in the field of intelligent and interactive lighting. This team will be a long-term collaboration between students, the TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute, various companies, GLOW and TU/e innovation Space, to create a platform where an interest in innovative lighting is a common goal. If you are interested in joining our team, we are always looking for new and motivated students!

“We represent the contrast between technique and nature�



Holiday in the Netherlands

Emma tells you why she loves spending her holidays in the Netherlands so much. Even though the weather might be a bit unpredictable. She will also shares some of her favourite spots. Text & Images: Emma Höngens

Laying on the beach looking at a wonderful sea, walking through vast landscapes spotting special animals, partying until the new morning begins, discovering cultures and making new friends. Sounds like a perfect holiday right? I think so. To experience this during your vacation time, just stay in the Netherlands! Sea, nature, culture, party and so much more, we all have it in our wonderful country. You do not have to fly all over the world, drive for days or take lots of busses and trains to arrive at your ideal holiday destination. The Netherlands is the perfect country for a nice holiday. The first time in my life I went on vacation was to a place in Gelderland, a province in the middle-east of the Netherlands, and since then I love to just stay in my own country for vacation. Most of the time, me and my family go camping, but we also visited some cottages. I went to several other countries too, but the Netherlands is just special. I visited the whole country, from the north of Groningen to the south of Limburg and from the west of Zeeland to the east of Drenthe. I can tell you from these experiences that we are ‘bofkonten’ with such a beautiful country. As you know, we live in a small country. If you want to drive from top to the bottom, you are just sitting in the car for approximately three and a half hours. However, this size does not say anything about how diverse the Netherlands is. Every province has its own culture and the regions in these provinces differ from each other as well. We have tons June 2020

of accents, dialects and languages. The traditional fashion differs per village, and the typical Dutch food does not exist as every region has its own way to cook. Every city, village or ‘gehucht’ is special in its own way. In less than twenty kilometers people’s habits are already completely different. You actually could say that the Netherlands consists of lots of different worlds. Some of them will be mentioned in this article.

What to do? I have not even discussed all the places you could visit or activities you could undertake, and this is quite a number. The reason that the Netherlands is a perfect holiday country is, of course, that there is so much to do. Usually 37


en Theme people have a holiday filled with beach trips, city sightseeings, nature, partying or sport activities. In the Netherlands this all can be combined. You can have museums, walks hikes through nature, lazy beach days, shopping and partying in one! Something I always experience is the hospitality and the ‘gezelligheid’ of the Dutchies. At shops and museums for example, people have a little conversation and laugh with each other, without actually knowing each other. They are always interested in what you are going to do on your vacation and give you tips on what you should do. We, the Dutch people, tend to complain a lot about all things, especially about our country itself. I think we sometimes forget what that there are a such nice people living in the Netherlands and what a beautiful country it is. It is for a good reason that so many tourists from abroad visit our country. In whole Europe the tourism is increasing. However, in the Netherlands this increase is double as high as in other countries. Still wondering where you want to go on holiday this year? Or do you just have some spare time left? Go backpacking through the nature at the Veluwe, take the train to a cute little bed and breakfast near Maastricht, drive to a nice hotel in Leeuwarden by car, bike to a cottage in Scheveningen or just walk to a hostel in Rotterdam, and go on an adventure. Why going on holiday abroad if


you are living in the perfect vacation country? Enjoy your new favourite holiday destination: the Netherlands

“... Netherlands consists of lots of different worlds.” Some recommendations: • A few years ago I went to a cottage at Lauwersoog. The nature is so beautiful there, it is perfect to have a nice walk and bike ride with family or friends. You can also visit the city Groningen, which has too many thing to do, in one day. The accent over there and the landscape differs a lot from the rest of the Netherlands, so it really feels as if you are somewhere different. • One of my favorite holiday destinations is Vaals. It is a little place in the south of Limburg nearby the ‘drielandenpunt’. You can have nice walks over there, visit the German city Aachen, go to the zoo or have a nice day in Maastricht. For me, it really feels like being on holiday there, as I once asked for ‘ontbijt’ (breakfast) but they did not understand me. Only when I used the German word ‘Früstuck' they knew what I meant. Being abroad in your own country… • As I am a true ‘Haarlemse Mug’ I recommend Haarlem and its surroundings. There are plenty of campings, cottages, hotels, and fun things to do. Go to Zandvoort or Bloemendaal Beach, visit the wonderful city of Haarlem, have a look at the beautiful museums Teylers and Frans Hals, have a walk through the ‘Waterleidingduinen’, bike through the fields of tulips and much more. Intermania

Freek Vonk Fanclub


This year the AC-team organized one of their legendary AC-parties. Once again with a great theme of the one and only globetrotter named Freek Vonk. Keep reading to find out the highlights of the party. Text: Laura van der Bij, Images: KiekCie

Back in the day, when we could still go outside and travel the world (around three months ago), the AC-team had a party to celebrate the best globetrotter of all. With a theme like Freek Vonk Fanclub it promised to be an amazing night filled with animals, Freekimitators, even people dressed like Freek Vonk fans and it was! People yelling “Dieren! Dieren!” and dancing like wild animals filled the Miller Time on February 12th. Everyone was dressed up in a wide array of themes. Of course, the basic white girl cat outfit was well-represented by many visitors. Fortunately, most animal dress-ups were more inspiring, like a set of cows, two butterflies, a dinosaur, and a couple of jaguars. We even encountered quite a few jungles. Some of the more original outfits include Eva’s Freek Vonk fan collecting autographs from all Freek Vonk’s present, our ex-board members with their Dieren picture on a shirt, the beerbinocular, and the python-coded shirt. Even if you don’t like parties that much, the night was, at the very least, a feast for your eyes.

People could be found taking shots, spinning the wheel, stealing animals carefully handpicked by our committee, and overall enjoying themselves. It may have gotten a little out of hand in the girl's bathroom, on the street, and even in the trash cans in Atlas the day after, but damn did we enjoy ourselves! Unfortunately, our other party and activity had to be cancelled this year and we cannot show you the beautiful new addition to our decorations for all future endeavors yet. All future parties will be easily recognized as ours with one gorgeous, gigantic banner. This will be a nice surprise for next year. For now, we will focus on some coronaproof activities, like the movie night that has taken place once you are reading this. Long story short, hope to see you all soon at the upcoming activities and do not forget to appreciate the times you can be a globetrotter, it can be over in the blink of an eye. Love, the AC-Team





Theys’ BEP struggles Theys started with his Bachelor End Project in November. He will tell you about the problems he faced during his BEP and the lessons he learned from it. Hopefully, you will learn something from his struggles as well. Text: Theys Andriesse

project: the background research on the topic. Each BEP has its own story. For most people, Learning new things is actually one of the a story with lots of ups and downs in the most exciting things that there is. But, in a BEP process. You need to face certain burdens, it is not only about researching things, but also and I discovered that one burden was way about being independent more difficult to overcome in making choices on than others: motivating what you really want to myself. I received great “Learning new support of my coordinators address in your report. and a fun topic, but still things is actually Because otherwise, what is the use of it? there was this one thing that Since it took a the most exciting failed my BEP of becoming a true success. lot of time finding out Other than most people, things that there is.” what I really wanted in I started my BEP in Q2 this project, my main since this was the best struggle was motivating option time wise, due to myself. After a while each my courses and Enactus board year. My task took a lot of time, because there were coordinator was really flexible with this, days when I was just spinning around in and therefore I had a nice start with a fun my chair not doing anything. And then a topic: Sustainable energy cooperatives. second problem occurred: planning and And specifically, which aspects foster the delivering many things a bit late. Actually, this development of them. I had to create my own is something which I am also doing for this framework based on literature, which should article: not knowing what exactly to write about my BEP, and therefore taking a make clear which aspects are the most lot of time finishing the text. Perhaps, it is just important of these cooperatives in the who I am and how I work. During the entire Netherlands and Spain. It sounded really fun and challenging to BEP process, my lesson was that it is not bad think about creating my own framework, to sometimes think very thoroughly before I and I really liked the starting phase of the talk or put something on paper.

“I discovered that one burden was way more difficult to overcome than others: motivating myself” 40


Wereld-draven Wereld-draven. Volgens de encyclopedie is dit de betekenis van ‘globetrotting’. Mensen ‘draven’ in sterk toenemende mate de wereld over. Vroeger waren verre reizen voor de happy few, maar ik ken studenten die het financieel niet breed hebben en meer en verder gereisd hebben dan ik. De prijs van reizen is sterk gedaald en mensen willen de wereld zien, liefst zo ver mogelijk. Dit is de pioniersgeest van de mens. Ik lees dat het ook te maken heeft met sociale media en status. Vroeger liet je even de vakantiefoto’s aan je vrienden zien. Nu zijn de media veel krachtiger. Singapore, Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland zijn de populairste bestemmingen voor onze masterstudenten. Reizen heeft veel positiefs. Mensen voelen zich er goed bij. Je hebt de mogelijkheid om andere culturen te leren kennen, begrijpen en waarderen. Ook leer je in een heel andere omgeving jezelf blijkbaar beter kennen. Soms maken studenten die niet goed weten wat ze willen hiervoor een verre reis. Zelf ben ik in mijn studietijd in de zomervakantie naar Helsinki geweest om met 15 Europese studenten een project voor een goed doel op te zetten. Dat was een hele mooie en leerzame ervaring. Ook de reis erheen was heel bijzonder: met de Nord-West Express van Utrecht naar Stockholm en daarna nog met de boot naar Finland. Toen ik al een aantal jaren aan het werk was heb ik met mijn vrouw 5 weken rondgetrokken in de westelijke staten van de VS. Het landschap was geweldig. Veel inwoners vonden we een stuk minder: erg oppervlakkig. Een jaar later gingen we met de auto naar Noorwegen. Noren beginnen minder snel een gesprek, maar als je aan het praten bent dan gaat het ook ergens over. De toeristenindustrie is een van de snelst groeiende sectoren. Na de tweede wereldoorlog werd met belastingvrije kerosine en vliegprijzen het wederzijdse contact gestimuleerd om nieuwe oorlogen te voorkomen. Het ‘globetrotting’ staat echter pas in de kinderschoenen. Als meer Chinezen, andere Aziaten en Afrikanen ook een hoge welvaart hebben, willen ze de molens van Kinderdijk ook wel eens zien en selfies naar huis sturen. De nadelen van al dit gereis zijn duidelijk. Als dit zo doorgaat is over enkele tientallen jaren de CO2 uitstoot van de luchtvaart verreweg het grootst. Het plaatselijke milieu heeft steeds meer te lijden van de ‘dravende’ toeristen. En virussen vliegen dus ook mee de wereld over. Ik zou dus willen zeggen: Waarom zo vaak en zo ver? Mag het misschien wat minder? June 2020

Wils Wijsheden

“Mag het misschien wat minder?” –Wil



en Theme

The History of Tourism Jobert will tell you all about the history of tourism starting all the way back in the time of ancient Greece coming up to nowadays. How has everything changed and are we different from our ancestors? Text: Jobert Zoetbrood

Going on holiday is a very normal activity for most people in developed countries. During the current Corona crisis, many even appear to be stressed that they are unable to go on holiday this year. But where does our habit of traveling come from? And how did tourism change over the course of history? This article will shed some light on the origins of our beloved holidays. Tourism during antiquity The earliest written accounts of tourism in Europe can be found during antiquity, namely in ancient Greece. While religious pilgrimages to temples and oracles formed the majority of journeys, visiting historical landmarks or even beach resorts was not uncommon. Also, during Roman times tourism was an ordinary activity for the upper classes. Most Romans would prefer to escape the busy city life and spend their time at the Italian countryside, where many wealthy Roman families had luxurious villas. However, this was a much larger undertaking than we nowadays envision for a holiday. Families leaving on holiday would bring all their servants and slaves with them on the journey, as well as armed guards to protect them from any dangers that might occur along the way. Longer journeys were also popular for the Romans. Young men would be sent to Greece to be educated in rhetoric and philosophy. Other common tourist destinations were Egyptian monuments, the Olympic games, or the large markets in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), where 42

the Romans would buy exotic goods to decorate their villas. These exotic goods were comparable to our modern-day souvenirs. The seven world wonders were also in high demand, and understandably so. Who wouldn’t want to catch a glimpse of a masterwork like the Colossus of Rhodes or the Pharos of Alexandria? Pilgrimages With the decline of the Roman Empire, tourism would decline as well. An increasing number of people became farmers. This meant that they were not able or allowed to leave their lands unattended, as they needed to take care of their crops and livestock. Also, among nobles traveling faded. Nonetheless,


Theme there were some long-distance travelers. These travelers were mainly pilgrims, a phenomenon widespread around the world. While Muslims traveled to Mecca and Buddhists tracked the steps of Buddha, in Europe destinations like Tours, Rome, or Santiago de Compostela were becoming increasingly popular. Also, here entire markets for relics arose, where items that, supposedly, had belonged to saints or prophets could be purchased.

“It became customary for young men in the upper classes to make a travel through Europe.”

The Grand Tour Starting with the Renaissance, traveling gained popularity once again. It became customary for young men in the upper classes to make a travel through Europe to admire the monuments and the arts of the continent, while at the same time enjoying all the good that life can bring. By the 18th century, these trips had become an obligatory component of any aristocrat’s upbringing. This phenomenon came to be known as the “Grand Tour”. These tours usually included many Italian cities and were normally extended to France, Britain, and Germany. During the 19th century, technological innovations like steamships and railways made traveling cheaper and faster, which enabled more reliable estimations for the duration of such a trip. As a result, the wealthier middle class increasingly found themselves in the position to be able to make these tours as well. They were eager to copy these habits of the aristocracy. June 2020

Ever-increasing tourism? After the Second World War, governments began to actively promote tourism. Attracting tourists meant a monetary influx for a country, thereby increasing local wealth. However, international tourism was still by far not as widespread as it is today. One important cause of the increase in international tourism was economic growth. By the 1970s, even Europe’s working class had gained the opportunity to travel abroad on holiday. Travel costs further decreased in the 1990s by the rise of budget airlines such as EasyJet or Ryanair. The number of international tourists has increased from 25 million globally in 1950 to 1.5 billion nowadays, including an increasing share of Asian tourists during recent years. The tourism sector has become one of the largest economic sectors in the world. However, we are also starting to see the downsides of excessive travel. Touristic cities have become unlivable, sights have become overcrowded and the environment is suffering under the weight of people traveling across the world. While the current Corona crisis will decrease the number of people traveling, it remains highly doubtable whether this will be the start of a long-term trend. How will our touristic habits change in the future? Only time will tell. 43




SExCie Explores Ghent Even though the seminar of the SExCie was canceled, they still organized some nice excursions this year. They went to Amsterdam and Ghent. Their new chairman Bart will tell you all about it. Text: Bart Bronsgeest, Chairman SExCie

Hello everybody, my name is Bart and this year I had the privilege to be in the SExCie committee and chair of the weekend excursion. As most of you probably know, SExCie stands for Seminar and Excursion Committee. Every year, we organize a dayand weekend excursion, and a seminar.

“everyone had a fun and career-oriented day” This year the day excursion was a trip to Amsterdam, where we visited the two companies PWC and Sustainalytics. This was a great success, everyone had a fun and career-oriented day, even some of the sjaarzen. A couple months later, we took 40 people with us to the beautiful city of Ghent, Belgium. This city is famous for its beers, waffles, and medieval architecture. In Ghent, we visited two companies: Flanders Bio Based Valley & Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant and RoboVision. Both companies gave interesting presentations, and the first company even gave us a tour through their facility! After having 44

visited the companies, it was time for everyone to go to their hostel and have dinner. We ended the day with a fun pubcrawl, exploring the nightlife of Ghent. On the Saturday, we started the day off slowly with a relaxing boat tour, learning all sorts of interesting things about the city. When the boat tour ended, almost everyone (you know who you are) concluded the day by a city tour. All in all, the weekend excursion was a big success. However, for some people this weekend was a little rougher, because of the absolute warfare induced by the 2020 Ice Games® . This year, the seminar will sadly not take place due to the COVID-19 virus. But don’t be sad! We will definitely plan something fun and educational for next year. On behalf of the SExCie, much love and stay healthy!


Humans of Intermate

Studing Abroad During Corona Every Intermania edition, master student tell about their experiences while studing abroad. However, this semester did not go as planned for most of them. Still, Jobert and Nienke are willing to tell their stories Text & Images: Jobert Zoetbrood and Nienke Buikstra, master students

Jobert Zoetbrood – Milan (Italy) I started my international semester with the expectation of being away for over four months. However, since Milan’s region Lombardy had the first outbreak of the Coronavirus in Europe, the universities in Lombardy had to close their doors. This meant that I had to return to Eindhoven within a month. Luckily, I had picked a university with relatively difficult courses, meaning that I had enough work to stay busy during quarantine. Nonetheless, I still had a very nice time in Milan for the time being! I met some very nice people and made a trip at least every weekend, meaning that I do have the feeling that I saw a bit of the environment. However, I did not manage to visit the famous Milanese Duomo yet, so I still have a reason to travel back someday.

June 2020

Nienke Buikstra - Aarhus (Denmark) Just as for Jobert, my internal semester lasted way shorter than expected (7 weeks instead of 5 months). However, I enjoyed my time there and I would like to share my comparison between Denmark and the Netherlands. At first sight, Denmark looks a lot like the Netherlands. The people have the same mentality, everyone cycles, during the winter it rains a lot and they eat bread for lunch. The Friday bars on Aarhus University are a lot like our Thursday drinks. It’s very hyggelig (Danish for ‘gezellig’). But of course, there are still a lot of differences. Reading Danish became easier over time, but understanding spoken Danish is very difficult. It’s almost as if their written and spoken language are two different languages! Also, Danes are a bit more reserved than Dutch people. They do not chitchat to strangers. However, Danes have a high trust in people. In the beginning, I had to get used to converting Danish Krones to Euros, because dividing by 7 is not that easy but you’ll get used to it. And sometimes you just don’t want to know you’re paying 5 euros for a jar of Nutella ;). All in all, Denmark is a great country to live in and I’m definitely going back to see more of the country!



en Theme Koen leest dingen voor

Weird Hotels Around the world Unfortunately, traveling distant places is not possible this summer. However, this does not mean that it is not possible to check out some inspiring hotels to stay in once all this madness is over. Text: Lotte van Dijck, Editorial Staff




How to by the CieKlusKlus

As you might know the CieKlusKlus is the youngest committee of Intermate. In honour of this happening Christian are giving you a very useful tutorial, which they could have used themselves. Text & Images: Christian van Erp, member of the CieKlusKlus

This article is written on behalf of, and I can say, with due pride, the youngest official committee of Intermate, the CieKlusKlus. The last few months came with highs and lows, just like in a good hike. First, we expected to become an official committee in GM#170, so with high hopes, we all attended the GM to support our chariman Stefan, also called Kabouter Klus, in his presentation. However, against everybody’s expectations, our trial period was extended. Luckily, this gave us an even greater drive to come up with ideas to improve Intermate, and even a CieKlusKlus borrel was initiated where a ‘Radje’ would be revealed. Due to a global pandemic, our borrel could not be held, which was also a bummer, but our endeavours did not go unnoticed. Last GM, we finally became an official committee. Then, it was also officially announced that

June 2020

this edition of the Intermania would be the last printed edition. We all shed a tear when we heard it, because this means that we will lose our last paper-loving friend. Speaking of this edition, the theme is Globetrotters, and as we all know, a globe is round, just like a pancake. But, imagine this pancake is made from wood and you must drill a hole in the exact middle. What would be the most exact way to do that? It will be explained in the following short tutorial: •

• •

Step 1: Draw two parallel lines of similar length from one side of the circle to the other side (from A to B and C to D). Step 2: Connect the ends with diagonal lines (from A to D and B to C). Step 3: Drill a hole in the intersection point E.



en Theme

Holland from a new perspective Each edition we try to find an international student to talk about their experience in the Netherlands. This time it is Yinan’s turn, who has decided to leave her home in China a couple of years ago to pursue her studies here. Text & Images: Yinan Zheng, HTI student

8800 kilometres, it is the distance between the Netherlands and my home in the far east. Sometimes, I just feel like everything is so unreal. In middle school, I learned about maritime trade in history class; I heard about windmills and tulips from my grandparents’ Europe tours; I got to know the uncrowned king of the World Cup because of football. All of these pieces of information gave me the first impression of the Netherlands. But honestly, I once dreamed of studying in Germany, and I never thought my life would be related to its neighbour. Then after 6 years, I arrived here, as a junior student. Actually, it’s a bit of a “shame” that I can speak only a little Dutch after two years. I’d like to “blame” it on Dutch people. I still remember the kind old couple I met the first time I went back to China on my own. It should have been


an awful morning, the train ticket couldn’t be downloaded to my NS app because of some system error. I was super tired and worried when the old couple came and sat opposite me. They asked about my situation and explained it to the train inspector. We transferred together, chatted all the way and said goodbye to each other at the airport. It happened just before my last bachelor semester. Although I didn’t speak Dutch and they couldn’t speak Chinese, our communication in English went well and made me feel soft but strengthened that morning. This experience, more or less, helped me make up my mind to continue studying in the Netherlands. Every time I recall it, I feel as impressed as I did then. This beautiful memory is all due to the kindness and English ability of that couple. I am not



“I miss Chinese food sooooooooo much” sure if I will learn more Dutch in the future. I do appreciate that so many Dutch people speak English so well. And I’d like to say that the Netherlands is a foreigner-friendly country. Another thing is about football, which is not a novel story here but means a lot to me. I have been fascinated by European football atmosphere for 12 years. I grew up with my cousin. We cheered for the same team, Bayern Munich, at midnight and in the wee hours due to time difference. We didn’t do that together after he went to university in the USA. Now he is envious of me as I am in the same time zone as Bayern. And I do enjoy each football match without staying up late. Last year, I went to Philips Stadion twice for the matches PSV vs. Ajax and PSV vs. Groningen. I have to say that I’m really into the football atmosphere here. When I was in the stadium looking around, I noticed everyone enjoyed the matches, young and old, men and women. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you love football. Even though I had heard about it a long time ago, I still felt impressed and touched when I stood within these football fans. Somehow, I felt a sense of belonging among these strangers. In China, we have to leave home to go to university. Homesickness is so familiar to me that I am able to cope with it. But there is one thing that seems insurmountable for me, that is food. OMG, I never expected that I would miss Chinese food sooooooooooo much. Please forgive me that I still cannot appreciate Dutch food after living here for more than two years. I mean, bread, milk, fries and kibbeling are fine. About others… Hmmm, let’s move on to another topic then. June 2020

Europe is definitely a brilliant place for travellers. There are so many different cultures within several hundred kilometres. I never feel tired of exploring them. And of course, even if I did not go anywhere, staying in the Netherlands itself is already an adventure for me as a foreigner. The difference between the east and west is huge. The flight of 10.5 hours is also a bit annoying, although it is worth it. I enjoy the enthusiasm and confidence of people here while I still love the restraint and humility of us oriental. I’m always feeling so grateful that I get the opportunity to personally experience this difference. I do appreciate every second I spend here. Even though I still have two years before graduation, I’ve already started to miss the time I spent here. Although the exploration still goes on, I believe I will miss it very much when I go back to China. When I talk about Germany in the future, I will then say “it is a country next to the Netherlands, the place where I found more possibilities of my life and enjoyed a new world.”




Cartoon Connect the dots and reveal Intermania’s new logo! The solution can be found on the last page



Column Julia

Spiraling Conspiracy Theories The last couple of months have rekindled my fascination with conspiracy theories. I have always been completely amazed about all the bizarre theories people have been able to come up with about almost everything. I thought it would be fun to enlighten you with some of my favorite conspiracy theories and I hope that they can make you laugh as much as they make me laugh. Beforehand, I want to put a disclaimer stating that I am not a true believer of these theories but just an enthusiastic observer and researcher. One of the oldest and most known theories is about the earth being flat. In my opinion this is too outdated, and the theory of a hollow earth is way more interesting. The idea of a donut-shaped earth sounds way more fun, especially when an entire society seems to inhabit the middle of the earth. If you a’re more interested in a British scandal, the theory that Queen Elizabeth is a cannibal is maybe more for you. Apparently, a private freezer that is stocked with the finest pieces of human meat has been her key to living a long and healthy life for 94 years already and maybe even forever… The third theory is about the shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian creatures that have the goal of enslaving the human race. It seems that their strategy consists of impersonating celebrities like Beyoncé and Justin Bieber. With the support of around twelve million people believing without a doubt that this theory is true you can feel completely free to share your ideas of some new lizard suspects. If you are inspired and want to fall into an even deeper hole of conspiracy theories, here are some further suggestions that could inspire your journey: the ice bucket challenge being a Satanic ritual, the Israeli government having a pack of sharks that they can use against their enemies and Jay-Z being a time-traveling vampire. If you want to do some research yourselves, YouTube and Reddit are the holy grails to kick-off your journey for some good laughs.

“The idea of a donut-shaped earth sounds way more fun” –Julia

See you back soon! June 2020





Gist Globetrotting Niet alleen mensen, maar ook producten reizen rond op deze aardbol. Dit wordt maar weer bewezen door Paul, met zijn onderzoek naar kveik, een gist die menig Pintermate biertje tot een succes heeft weten te maken. Tekst: Paul de Hooge, commissielid bij Pintermate

Het zal iedereen verder ontgaan zijn, maar bij Pintermate zijn we de laatste tijd aan de gang gegaan met wat ongewone soorten gist. Van een boerderij in Noorwegen hebben we wat kveik (Noors voor gist) gekocht, een wat gekke gemengde cultuur waar we onder andere Mette-Marit van hebben gebrouwen. Waar de gist nou vandaan komt, specifieker dan “van de buurman”, wist de beste Noor niet. Hij krijgt de gist ook niet altijd van dezelfde buren, en waar die buren de gist dan vandaan hebben wist hij al helemaal niet. De kans dat we hier meer over te weten gingen komen was dus niet gigantisch. Gelukkig zijn wij niet de enigen die hierin geïnteresseerd zijn, dus met wat omwegen is er iets van het raadsel opgelost. Kveik heeft veel eigenschappen gemeen met broodgist, of liever gezegd, de lokale broodgist daar heeft erg veel van brouwersgist weg. De broodgist gist snel en heeft een hoge alcoholtolerantie (niet per se noodzakelijk in je bammetje). De conclusie die werd getrokken was dat kveik dus gewoon broodgist is. Die buurman liep gewoon naar de lokale SPAR en kocht daar een zakje gist, toch minder spannend dan gehoopt. Maar dan nog is het vreemd dat die broodgist zo geschikt is voor bier, terwijl daar niet echt een duidelijke reden voor is. Maar, je kunt gist gewoon onderzoeken, en gelukkig vond iemand anders dit interessant genoeg om dat eens serieus te doen. En wat blijkt, de Noorse broodgist is afkomstig van een Belgische saison gist! Dat biergist veel gebruikt werd (en wordt) voor brood 52

“Noorse broodgist is afkomstig van een Belgische saison gist” is geen verrassing. Tijdens het brouwproces wordt namelijk een flink overschot gist geproduceerd die je dus goed kunt verkopen aan de bakker, maar dat zo’n Belgische gist generaties geleden naar een specifieke regio in Noorwegen is gebracht en daar zijn eigen ding is blijven doen, is wel een verrassing. Dit is trouwens maar het geval voor 1 van de 63 recent in kaart gebrachte kveiken, de rest is nog niet specifieker dan “van opa” te omschrijven. Veel gisten zijn op dit soort manieren de wereld rondgegaan. En zoals je ziet kan er vanalles mee gebeuren. Soms blijft iets daarna een paar honderd jaar in een dorpje hangen, dat kan dus ook aardig uitpakken.



TostCie Tips

Mis jij je tosti op dinsdag ook zo erg? Wij anders wel! Teun van de TostCie deelt twee tosti recepten voor thuis zodat je tijdens deze zware tijden niet zonder ‘Tosti Tuesday’ thuis zit. Tekst: Teun Timmermans, Lid van de TostCie

Tijdens de Coronaperiode kan de TostCie helaas geen tosti’s leveren aan iedereen, dus hieronder heb ik beschreven hoe je thuis de ideale ‘normale’ tosti kan maken en een recept voor een speciale variant

De perfecte gewone Tosti: • Twee sneetjes (wit)brood • Een blok kaas • Ham(of meer kaas voor de vega’s) • Boter • Een vleugje mayonaise

Om de perfecte tosti thuis te maken moet je de tijd nemen, want een perfecte tosti kent geen haast. Ik zal de stappen één voor één beschrijven, zodat je gegarandeerd zult genieten. Na het proeven van deze tosti wil je nooit meer iets anders.

Stap 3 Leg vervolgens het plakje ham erop met het vleugje mayonaise erop. De reden voor de mayonaise is dat het een romigheid toevoegt aan de tosti, dus de uiteindelijke saus naar keuze komt nog op het einde. Stap 4 Dek vervolgens je bouwsel af met een dekentje van kaas en het andere broodje. Stap 5 Leg hem in het tosti-ijzer, wat niet te warm hoeft te staan aangezien je geschaafde kaas gebruikt, en wacht tot er een mooi korstje zich op het brood gevormd heeft. Eet smakelijk!

De Speciale Tosti

Stap 1 Begin met het besmeren van de buitenkant van de sneetjes brood met een dun laagje boter. Hierdoor ontstaat een fijn korstje op de buitenkant als de tosti klaar is. Pas wel op dat de tosti niet te vet wordt.

Speciale Tosti: • Twee sneetjes (wit)brood • Kip shoarma (of vegatarische shoarma, of varkenshoarma als je dat wilt) • Jonge kaas • Gegrilde paprika • Sambal en knoflooksaus • Rode ui

Stap 2 Schaaf vervolgens de kaas en doe deze op het brood. Geschaafde kaas smelt vele malen beter dan plakken kaas, wat de tosti ervaring verbetert.

Voor deze speciale tosti is er maar een lichte voorbereiding nodig. Check de volgende pagina voor het stappenplan.

Juni 2020




TostCie Stap 1 Allereest de gegrilde paprika, want hier zijn veel opties beschikbaar. Wil je hem zelf grillen of koop je hem voor gegrild in de winkel zo in de winkel? De eerste optie is natuurlijk een stuk lekkerder en heb je ook meer invloed om je eigen ‘touch’ toe te voegen. Als je hem wilt grillen zijn er weer twee opties, de oven en het vuur. Als je de paprika’s in de oven wilt grillen dan halveer je ze, leg ze met de bolle kant naar boven op de ovenplaat, besprenkel ze met zout en olijfolie en doe vervolgens de plaat in de oven, die op 225 graden voorverwarmd is. Na een kwartier kun je ze eruit halen en dan kun je het zwarte vel van de paprika’s af halen. Op het vuur is de makkelijkere optie, je zet je grootste gaspit aan en legt de paprika daarop. Vervolgens draai je hem nog een paar keer om en als de buitenkant zwart is dan wrijf je met keukenrol eroverheen om het vel mooi te maken. Snijdt de gegrilde paprika vervolgens in korte reepjes en zet het ergens weg. Stap 2 Bak vervolgens de shoarma, iets wat wel voor zich spreekt en waar ik vanuit ga dat elke student dit ooit wel een keer heeft gedaan, maar alsnog zal ik uitleggen hoe je dit zelf kan doen. Als eerste koop je shoarmakruiden en kip. Snijdt de kip in kleine blokjes, zodat het makkelijk op een tosti past. Voeg vervolgens de kruiden met een vleugje olijfolie toe aan de kip en laat het geheel marineren voor 10 minuten. Bak het vervolgens in de pan en wanneer je klaar bent kun je de shoarma uit de pan halen en in een schaaltje doen. Let hierbij op dat al het vet dat in de pan zit niet bij de kip komt. Maak de pan niet schoon en gebruik hem gelijk voor de volgende stap, zo geef je extra smaak aan de ui.

een bite heeft aan het einde. Dit zorgt ervoor dat het mondgevoel van deze tosti nog beter wordt. Stap 4 Zet vervolgens de tosti in elkaar. Begin met een boterham te beleggen met een dekentje van kaas. Vervolgens komen de shoarma, paprika en ui op de tosti, als je deze erop aan het leggen bent moet je erop letten dat ze goed verdeeld zijn zodat elke hap alle ingrediënten bevat. Voeg vervolgens een klein beetje sambal en knoflooksaus toe, niet te veel anders wordt het vervelend met eten. Eindig met weer een dekentje van kaas en het laatste sneetje brood. Gooi hem vervolgens in het tosti-ijzer en daarna is het genieten geblazen. Denk je nou dat je zelf een goed idee hebt voor een speciale tosti? Dan heb je geluk! De TostCie organiseert een wedstrijd waar we tosti’s van de leden het in battles tegen elkaar laten opnemen. Dus houdt ons in de gaten voor meer informatie waar je je eigen tosti’s in kan sturen (PS: Goede inzendingen gaan ook absoluut gebakken worden wanneer we dat weer mogen)

Stap 3 De laatste voorbereiding voor deze tosti is het snijden en bakken van de rode ui, zorg tijdens het bakken ervoor dat de ui nog een beetje 54


Our Favorite Holidays


With the theme of this edition in mind, it was the perfect time for the committee members of the Intermania to look back at their favorite holidays. They each share them in this article. Text & Images: Members of the Intermania Committee

Evie My favorite vacation spot is the Amalfi coast in the south of Italy, as there is so much to visit. My two favorite cities on the coast are Naples and Sorrento. In Naples, my favorite sight was the Galleria Umberto I, an indoor shopping center with mosaic floors and a very beautiful glass roof. Furthermore, Sorrento has many small Limoncello shops and a nice port. Also, a boat trip around the island Capri is definitely worth the money, only to see the very clear and bright blue water and the Blue Grotto. For the more adventurous types, you can also climb up the volcano Vesuvius and see the ruins of the city of Pompei, offering a unique view into daily Roman life in the first century.

Lars After years of going camping in France and Italy, household De Hamer decided to celebrate the high school graduation of Bobby (my older sister) and go on an extensive trip to Turkey. The holiday consisted of multiple five stars hotels and other (less but still quite) luxury resorts. While being pampered in our wonderful hotels in the morning and at night, we went on a variety of cultural excursions during the day. Whether these cultural excursions were to the beautiful beaches to relax or make a great hike in the wonderful pigeon valley in GÜreme, we always managed to enjoy ourselves. It was a wonderful experience and I recommend it to everyone, if they have the resources, to visit Turkey and travel through the whole country. Besides that, I loved my last two summer holidays which were biking through the Netherlands with the boys and visit everyone’s parental home. Cheap, healthy and fun!

55 Juni 2020


en Theme Meike From the day I was born until I was 18 years old, I always went camping in an RV. It is still my dream to have an RV for myself someday, but until then, my favorite summer holiday is to go camping in the mountains. I really enjoy every aspect about it, from being outside to sleeping in a tent while it’s raining. I mostly enjoy active holidays, where I can go hiking and cycling during the day and sing while my boyfriend plays guitar in the evening #hippie. In the winter, I like to go skiing during the holidays. I really hope that we can all enjoy our holidays this summer, just the way we want to!

“...where you see many castles and wine” Lotte I love camping as I have always done this with my family, I love the outdoors and community feeling you have on the camping. We have always gone to France, which is a country I love. One of my favorite areas is Loire, where you can see a lot of awesome castles and wine. I also love the south of France, with its beautiful beaches and lovely weather which is a lot more uncertain in Loire as it is located more to the north of France. I would like to explore the east of France some more as we only have been there once.


Cécile I am used to spending the holidays in the Netherlands, which is completely fine by me. My family owns a ship of 30 meters and ever since I was little we were spending a few weeks of the summer holiday on this ship. It does not move very fast, so the furthest we could go in these weeks was to Zeeland or Terschelling. People seem to forget that also in the Netherlands the temperature can rise over 30 °C and is thus a perfectly fine country for a sun vacation. No need for far, expensive, and polluting trips. When I am on the water, I love the opportunity for aquatics like swimming or wind surfing. So, when the weather is nice and I am able to be on the water, I have the perfect vacation. I would also like to add that I really enjoy the Dutch festivals, especially the Zwarte Cross.


Theme Michelle Maybe it sounds silly, but I have a travel bucket list. My goal is to visit all the European capitals before I die. This year I would have reached a new milestone, visiting my tenth capital Dublin, yet Corona had other plans in mind. However, now I have plenty of time to read through my travel diary and dream about the nine cities I already visited. Even though all capitals have their own charm, I see Budapest as my favorite European capital. Its architecture is amazing, as it is intertwined with nature, and visiting one of the many bathhouses gives you the real holiday spirit. On top of all this, the fact that everything is very cheap makes you want to stay there forever. If you get the chance, you must visit Budapest. I guarantee that it will exceed all your expectations.

Juni 2020

Isabel With parents that love traveling to all sorts of countries and places, I feel grateful that I have been able to join them on many amazing travels so far. One of my favorite holidays is our trip to Australia, where we have visited Sydney and Adelaide, and did a road trip in an RV along the east coast. I was blown away by the beautiful coastline, the landscape, the wildlife and the people, who were always so kind and helpful. The latter we noticed while traveling in the RV as well, where suddenly an accident happened further down the road. Due to the small road, there was no way of passing the place of accident, and a long queue of stationary traffic had formed in front of us. You would think that people would get irritated because of the delay, but instead, they got out of their car and started playing badminton or chatting to other people. They created such a relaxed atmosphere, never have I enjoyed a traffic jam like this one. Furthermore, most days were finished with a nice meal prepared at one of the outdoor kitchens that could be found at any camping. Cheers!





Aurelia: A Digital Metamorphosis After the first-ever online switch of the boards on the 26th of May, six Intermate members were able to call themselves the 37th board of Intermate. Within this article they will introduce themselves and present there future plans Text & Images: The board members of Aurelia, the 37th board of sv Intermate

After an extremely unusual kandi-period, we have suddenly become the next board of Intermate. A feeling of disbelieve and amazement was coursing through our veins, as it felt exceptionally surreal with our university closed and a world that is living in uncertainty. Also, the lack of an offline election GM, ‘overdrachtsweekend’, and a delayed constitution drink made our kandi-period feel different than expected. Nonetheless, we have been working extremely hard to prepare ourselves as well as possible for the upcoming year. In the meantime, we have managed to master working together in an online environment with many skype meetings and introductions to other kandi’s on Discord. Another important part of a kandi period is ‘feuten’. Of course, this was harder than normal with everyone working from home, but Dionysos did everything they could and were able to find creative ways to make sure this would still take place. With the help of some of our roommates or boyfriends,

they were still able to ‘feut’ us a bit. Now that we are officially the new board of Intermate, a color, name, and logo was obviously needed as well. Just like a butterfly, Intermate will undergo a metamorphosis this year on a variety of aspects that will be elaborated on later. This metamorphosis is also an explanation for our name. Aurelia is an ocher yellow butterfly that has gone through a metamorphosis since it was a little caterpillar. The name is derived from the family name of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, one of the so-called Good Emperors of the Roman Empire. Aurelius tried to find serenity in the midst of conflict by following a source of nature. This relates to the odd times we are going through, and the part about nature fitted very well with the aim of enhancing sustainability for our association. We have been working hard on our policy plan for the upcoming year, and we are extremely motivated and excited to start working on these plans and will do everything we can to achieve them. We have made a short overview of our policy highlights so you can see what will change the upcoming year. Educational policy A few big changes are going to happen during our board year when it comes to education. The educational setup will hopefully return to an offline setting, the book supplier for the whole FSE is changing, and a new plan for the education in 2030 is being set up. The start of our board year will be during the time where online education is the standard and it is very important for us to help the



department with reflecting on the previous months of online education. Additionally, the book supplier is changing from Studystore to Athenaeum. This is something we have already been busy with, as everything has to be in place for the first bulk-sale of the year, at the start of the academic year. And last but not least; the educational activities will return the upcoming year with activities like the Intermate Education Awards, BEP speed date sessions, and the International Semester Speed Dates, so stay tuned for those! Internal policy An important aspect of our board year will be the improvement of Intermate’s digital infrastructure. A real metamorphosis will take place, in which we are going to revive the website, and make sure it is an integrated platform for all our members. We have already started with the preparations for this plan and aim at having a fully developed website at the start of the academic year. We will also be focusing on the gradual reopening of the Internaat, hoping that we can bring back the “gezelligheid” of parties, activities, and drinks. We are excited to use our creativity and explore the possibilities for activities within a 1.5 m society. We are motivated to reduce paper usage significantly within our Juni 2020

association. Melissa and Meie work together on the implementation of the digital invoice system. We will promote sustainability by introducing an extra compensation of €3,70 per piece when a committee chooses ecofriendly committee clothing. External policy After ten years of male Commissioner of External Affairs, Emma will be the external this year. She will try to organize the most amazing career activities this year to make everyone enthusiastic about their career opportunities. Due to the Corona Crisis, the target this year is set on €11.500. This seems like a realistic, yet challenging target for our Commissioner! Emma will continue aiming for a better balance between all study directions to make sure there is an interesting future employee for every student. She thinks searching for, and convincing new companies is the coolest thing to do in her board year, and is looking forward to visit all the beautiful company sites throughout the country. To do so, the collaboration with Meie, the Commissioner of Internal Affairs, is THE perfect solution to win some time for contacting more companies. They will combine their powers to make the execution of the career activities more efficient. 59



Sander Schepers Secretary As secretary, my main task will be ensuring good communication within the association, and of course, writing minutes and the Newsflash. I cannot wait for the Internaat to open its doors again so we can hang around and visit the drinks as much as possible.

Abe Koster Commissioner of Education I will represent the students of Innovation Sciences in departmental meetings. I am always available if you need any educational help. For now you will have to contact me via email, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Atlas!


Julia Verbruggen Chairman As the chairman, I will do the best I can to take care of my fellow board members and make sure we are going to realize our policy plans. I really look forward to seeing everybody’s faces again and having a great time together in the Internaat.

Melissa Baars Treasurer In the upcoming year, I will take on the role of treasurer, making sure the finances of our association run as smoothly as possible. My goal for this year is to build upon the knowledge of the former treasurers and realize the digital invoice system.

Emma Urselmann Commissioner of External Affairs

Meie Kleijburg Commissioner of Internal Affairs

I will be focusing on the BorrelCie, together with the digital infrastructure and sustainability. If you ever have any feedback or questions on Intermate, I will be happy to hear them too! I cannot wait to cheers with you guys again at the Internaat!

I expect the upcoming year to give me the opportunity to push myself outside my comfort zone by organizing many awesome career activities with our possible future employers! I am looking forward to eating tosti's, play foosball and drink many beers :)


The Moment You have all been waiting for!!! Due to the upcoming transition we have decided to also give our logo a make-over.

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Articles inside

Aurelia: A Digital Metamorphosis

pages 60-64

Our Favorite Holidays

pages 57-59

TostCie Tips

pages 55-56

Spiraling Conspiracy Theories

page 53

Studying Abroad During Corona

page 47

Holland from a new Perspective

pages 50-51

How to by the CieKlusKlus

page 49

SExCie Explores Ghent

page 46


page 43

Freek Vonk Fanclub

page 41

Vacation Do Booklet

pages 29-36

Alumni all over the world

pages 27-28

They's BEP Struggles

page 42

Heimwee naar de uni

page 26

Hypar by Team Ignite

pages 37-38

How we Conquered #nowomen

pages 24-25

Ik Vertrek

page 23

It's a Beautiful World

page 11

Subjectiviteit van Reisadviezen

pages 16-18

What Feels off in Carbon Ofsetting

pages 14-15


page 10


pages 8-9

Corona, Coronae, Coronam

page 22

Academia: Far from Home

pages 12-13
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