Intermania November 2019

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My Effective Way of Exercising As a kid, I practiced a lot of different sports. I tried football, tennis and gymnastics, but in the end horse riding was it for me (as you can see on the picture). However, as you may know, life gets harder and you do not have enough time to practice more than one different sport. Nevertheless, I thought it was important for me to exercise. So I found the perfect solution for my problem; instead of just doing things, I interpreted my normal movements as exercises. Take cycling for instance. You can just pedal from location A to B or you can add an interval training by shifting randomly between the different gear levels of your bike. This is not very practical, or safe, but it will increase your heartbeat. Another example is sitting in a chair during a lecture. You can sit there doing nothing, yes that is what students really do during lectures, or you can at least try to exercise by tapping with your hands or feet. You can increase the level of difficulty by adding a rhythm or an object. Unfortunately, the people sitting in a range of two meters will try to kill you if you continue. So be careful when doing this! I personally always use a pen, because this can easily be turned into a defense mechanism. As you may know now, I am not that into sports. Nevertheless, there are many

Intermate members that practice some cool things. On page 44, Emma Urselmann explains why she likes horse riding so much. Many people do not see this as an actual sport, but after reading this you cannot deny it anymore. If you are interested in how the members of Intermate relate themselves to sport, you can read the results of our ‘Intermate and Sport’ survey on page 31 and 32. Besides the themed articles, we also have other interesting things. First of all I want to welcome two new columnists! Wil Kuijpers (page 46) and Julia Verbruggen (page 21) start their Intermania career with interesting stories that are worth reading. Besides this, we also introduce a new column which is dedicated to the sponsors of Intermate. Each edition, one person of the editorial staff will do an interview with one of the sponsors of Intermate. On page 19 and 20, you can find the interview with Ordina. I hope you will enjoy this sportive edition just as much as we do.

Table of contents How to: Prevent “Board Kilo’s”


Word de Koning van je Eigen Bar


The Sjaars Tale


Shoot You Soon


TostCie Presents: Fitgirl Tosti’s


The necessity of human factors


Drie Keer Zoveel Genot


Why did I do a PhD?


Meet Anouck Kluytmans


Intermerch 38

Boy Issues on Campus - Emma


Selfproclaimed alcoholics in dry season 39



Skiing vs. Snowboarding


Behind the Scenes at Ordina


In het Midden


My First Column - Julia


Oranjekoorts bij Intermate


Time for BEP Talk


The Skills of Horse Riding


Intermania Rates - Moneyball


Leef Nu, en zorg voor de Toekomst


Amsterdam Excursion


Hengelen naar Data


Theme: Sport Combining the TU/e with top sport


Sports(wo)men of Intermate


Olympic Games


Sustainable Sport Stadions


eSport: Meme or Dream?


European Championships?


Intermate and Sport


Skiing vs. Snowboarding


RoboCup-Team Tech United


Legendary Latvian Losers


Sport for your own benefit


Inter Technical and Active Members 56 *Dutch Articles



Table of contents

“I train around 10-15 hours per week” - Marissa, p. 14 29.


12. Colophon Intermania is the magazine of study association Intermate, home to the bachelor’s and master’s programs of the department Innovation Sciences at Eindhoven University of Technology. The Intermania is released four times a year, with a total of 350 prints. Members of Intermate automatically receive the Intermania at home.

Study Association Intermate Address: Den Dolech 2, Atlas 2.325 Postbus 513, 5600MB Eindhoven Phone: (040) 247 44 30 Website: E-mail: Advertisements:

November 2019


Content for the Intermania may be submitted in consultation with the editors. The editorial staff shall not be liable for any consequences arising from its content and reserves the right to, without notice, amend or not publish any submitted content. Articles may only be redistributed with permission of the editorial staff.

Intermania Chief Editor: Michelle van Ardenne Editorial Staff: Cécile Geertman, Evie Tossaint, Isabel Blijenburg, Lotte van Dijk, Meike Heldoorn, Tom de Rijk E-mail: Online version: Printer: Drukkerij Snep




How to: Prevent “Board Kilo’s” Exercising is also a big theme during a board year. And as you may know, during a board year most board members become thicker. Mick will tell you all about the experiences of Dionysos when it comes to sports. Text & Images: Mick Ceelen, Secretary of the 36th Board of sv Intermate

Extra kilos are feared by everyone, but I dare to state that they are feared the most by board members. “Board kilo’s” are a common phenomenon for everyone who has ever done a board year. During a board year, you will go to all sorts of activities. These range from lunch lectures to an introduction week, parties from other study associations, and of course the regular Thursday drinks. Due to all these activities, we do not always eat as healthy as we should and perhaps sometimes also drink a beer (too much). This is also, of course, part of our name. ‘Dionysos’ was not only the god of fertility and enthusiasm, he is also known as the god of wine. This might perhaps explain why some times in our board year we will have trouble remembering ourselves. Drinking, whether it is beer, wine or soda, is one of the main causes of board kilo’s and going to a constitution drink almost every day during


“we went to the sports center on campus together, but this was perhaps a one-time thing.” the first quartile of the year has not helped in trying to cut down on this. At the beginning of the year, when asked what our goals regarding exercising during the board year was, every board member gave different answers. Fabian and Sander wanted to keep rowing, and Fabian also wanted to keep going to the gym. Lars said he wanted to sport together with friends around three times a week. I wanted to pick up football again and also continue running. David was, perhaps wisely so, quite unclear regarding this topic. When looking back to see what has actually been achieved regarding these goals, we have been mildly positively surprised for some, others have been slacking a bit and perhaps need to step it up a bit. Together with Fabian, Lars and David, I still try to help Meme Team (our indoor soccer team) as much as possible by making sure we are available during breaks. This is still a lot of fun, since we have been footballing with our friends in this team since our first year. Also, together with Lars and David, Intermania

Board I have subscribed for Pusphaira, the student football association in Eindhoven. Even though we cannot make it to all trainings and games, we try to go as often as possible and have liked it very much! We have even been so bold to already proclaim that, with the three of us, the championship is within reach. Perhaps this is not that realistic, but so far we have won two out of two games and this is stroking our ego even more. However, not everything about joining a football team helps in losing board kilo’s, since the time in the canteen after the game (the ‘Derde Helft’) sometimes adds to this quite a lot. So far, Sander, as expected, is the only one not really exercising. As a first ‘excursion’ as the board, we went to the sports center on campus together, but this was perhaps a onetime thing. Furthermore, we like to think we do a lot of ‘exercising’ throughout the day. Since moving from IPO to Atlas, we have been walking the stairs a lot. We choose to take the stairs quite often, leaving us out of breath at the top. Whether this is due to our stamina or the amount of stairs taken, I leave up to you to decide. Furthermore, we are, of course, very excited every time InterT.E.A.M. organizes a new activity, since we all consider

have this and I will train a lot for this not to let the association down. Naturally speaking, we are also excited for the party after the race, as we always are. In conclusion, we still like to sport a lot. Even though we are not exactly managing to stick to our resolutions made at the start of the board year, we have been sporting quite a lot. We will continue to do what we like (footballing, rowing, fitness, etc.), and we also ensure that we have time for this, since sporting is just a part of our lives. This will

“Naturally speaking, we are also excited for the party after the race, as we are always” – Mick ourselves to be quite competitive and we also like to sport a lot. Therefore, we entered the badminton tournament which was held and David even managed to win himself a brand new camping chair, which now proudly holds its place in the board room. We are also very exciting for the upcoming Batavierenrace, where we can now run the final stage and represent Intermate when entering the campus of the University of Twente. The other board members have been so kind to let me November 2019

help quite a lot in preventing board kilo’s, but the race between preventing and adding board kilo’s will be very exciting all the way to the end.





The Sjaars Tale We all experienced the amazing night of the first AC party. But do you remember every story of that evening? Adriaan will recap this evening for us, as some might not remember every part of it Text & Images: Adriaan Karsmakers, Member of the AC-Team

Once upon a time… That is how this journey starts, for our new “sjaarsjes”. Their journey about to unfold, an adventure of a lifetime, their first AC party! It all started on a rather uneventful Wednesday afternoon. The sjaarsjes were coming from their rather boring courses, tired out by their lecturers who continued to bore our sjaarsjes to death with knowledge from all corners of the academic world. However, their day was about to take a dramatic change, making it not just any regular Wednesday, but rather one that the wish would remain in their memories for a long time to come. Shortly after their courses, the sjaarsjes joined their introparents for dinner and started prepping themselves mentally and physically for the night ahead. Dressing themselves up in an attempt to take the grand prize of the evening for the best group outfit. Ready as they could ever be, they set off in their stage coaches named, “De fiets”. Arriving at the grotesque bar palace named the Feestfabriek, the sjaarsjes soon forgot their boring afternoon courses and entered a new world, where music, drinks and dancing ruled. Overcoming their challenges and competing fiercely with others in all kind of party sport disciplines. The fierce chugging competition that happened all around the bar palace, oftentimes initiated

by the golf balls thrown in your beer when not paying attention. Many overcoming this challenge and then proving their skills on the dance floor, sometimes participating in rather curious styles of dancing that were most likely never seen before, and preferably should not be seen again. Finally, some female sjaarsjes managed to find their prince charming and engaged in the love dance. After several more hours of partying the palace closed its doors, everyone returned to their homestead and have, a perhaps short, but nonetheless very welcome sleep. The next morning everything seemed like a blur, faded memories of what actually happened. Was it but a dream, or did it actually happen? One thing was certain though, it had been one amazing night and all the sjaarsjes could not wait till the next AC-party. The End

“The sjaarsjes soon forgot their boring afternoon courses and entered a new world” 6

– Adriaan Intermania


TostCie Presents: Fitgirl Tosti’s Tijdens je studententijd blijft het altijd lastig om fit te blijven. Gelukkig helpt de TostCie een handje mee. Bas deelt met ons zijn gezonde tosti recepten, die ook nog eens erg lekker zijn! Tekst & Afbeeldingen: Bas Gremmen, TostCie lid

Sport. Het is een woordje wat bij velen van ons angst in boezemt. Je wordt er warm van, gaat er door zweten om nog maar te zwijgen over de spierpijn die je de dag erna er aan over houdt. Sporten is afzien. En waar doen we het allemaal voor? Dit verschilt natuurlijk per persoon, maar toch ga ik iedereen over een kant scheren en het antwoord simpel houden. Namelijk, om het bierbuikje onder controle houden. Want studenten houden van bier, en bier heeft nou eenmaal veel calorietjes.

We willen natuurlijk dat iedereen van de fitgirl tosti kan genieten, dus hieronder hebben we het recept voor je opgeschreven.

Nou is er ook nog een andere optie om die buik onder controle te houden. En dat is natuurlijk minder ongezond eten. Nu maken wij als TostCie dat jullie erg makkelijk met onze oer-Hollandse bammetjes. Maar helaas zijn er nog te veel andere bronnen van verleiding binnen Intermate die het moeilijk maken. Zoals de snoepkast, de FruitCie en natuurlijk niet te vergeten de verschrikkelijk vette en koolhydraatrijke creaties van de KookCie. Om jullie, hongerige sportbazen, tegenmoet te komen, hebben wij voor jullie een Uber gezonde fitgirl Tosti.

Hoe bouw ik deze tosti?: 1. Beleg een snee brood met kalkoenfilet.

Fitgirl Tosti • • • • •

Wat heb je nodig? (1 persoon): 2 Boterhammen 1 Sneetje Kalkoenfilet Een klein stukje Brie Een halve Appel Grove Mosterd naar smaak


Snij de brie in kleine stukjes en leg naar behoefte wat brie op de boterham.

Snij de appel in dunne plakjes, 3. en leg er een paar op de boterham. 4. Pak nu de mosterd en smeer dit, de hoeveelheid mag je zelf bepalen, op de nog lege boterham. 5.

Klap de boterhammen dicht.


Rooster het eventjes in een grill of tosti ijzer. Met de TostCie hanteren we altijd 4-5 minuten.


Je tosti is klaar!

November 2019



en TostCie Denk jij: Mhm dat is wel een erg gezonde tosti, maar vandaag heb ik calorieën nodig om te bulken? Geen nood, ook voor jullie hebben wij de perfecte tosti.

Bulk Tosti • • • • • • • •

Wat heb je nodig? (4 personen): Een heel Italiaans brood 3 Ribeye steaks 500 gram paddenstoelen 1 Ui 1 Pak ontbijtspek Dijon mosterd Worcestersaus Kaas naar smaak

Hoe bouw ik deze tosti?: Begin met de bovenkant van het 1. brood afsnijden. Alleen het topje hoeft eraf, dus niet in het midden snijden. 2.

Hol het brood daarna uit.


Bak de spek, steaks, paddenstoelen en ui goudbruin.


Doe 1 steak in het brood.


Voeg beiden sauzen toe.


Voeg een deel van het spek toe, en leg er nog een steak over.

Wikkel het brood in aluminium.


Ga naar het SSCE en pak zoveel gewichten als je kan.

14. Leg deze bovenop het aluminium pakketje. 15.

Wacht 4 uur.

16. Geniet!

Natuurlijk heb je ook wel eens een ‘cheat day’, maar gelukkig hebben we daar ook een lekker recept voor!

Cheat Tosti Wat heb je nodig? (2 personen) • 4 sneetjes brood 1 banaan • • 3 marshmallows • Nutella hazelnootpasta Bereidingswijze 1. Smeer twee van de vier sneetjes brood in met de nutella. 2.

Snijd je de banaan en marshmallows in flinterdunne plakjes.


Leg hier een laag kaas over.

Beleg de eerder gesmeerde broodjes 3. hiermee.


Leg hier een laag ui en paddenstoel op, gevolgd door de laatste steak.


Plaats de andere twee lege sneetjes brood erboven op.


Eindig met een laag spek en dek deze af met kaas.


In het tosti ijzer voor een paar minuutjes en smikkelen maar!


Leg de afgesneden bovenkant weer op het brood.



Hopelijk kan je net zo erg genieten van al deze tosti’s als wij. Eetsmakelijk!!


Drie Keer Zoveel Genot


Om ons meer te leren over de prachtige bieren die in de koelkast bij Intermate te vinden zijn, duiken BorrelCie leden in de interessante achtergronden van verschillende speciaalbiertjes. Dit keer aan de beurt: Tripel Karmeliet. Tekst: Bart van de Wetering, BorrelCie lid

Als je in de Google zoekbalk ‘tripel’ intypt, is de eerste aanvulling ‘karmeliet’. Een van de bestverkopende bieren en bekendste tripels is een Belgisch bier dat in 1996 op de markt is gebracht. Tripel Karmeliet wordt gebrouwen door brouwerij Bosteels: onder andere de brouwer van Pauwel Kwak. De brouwerij is gelegen in Buggenhout in België; een plaats met een schat aan verborgen geschiedenis. Buggenhout bestaat immers al sinds de Karolingische tijd. De orde van de karmelieten, een roomskatholieke bedelorde waar de Tripel Karmeliet naar vernoemd is, bestaat al sinds de late 12e eeuw. De oorsprong van de karmelieten ligt op de berg Karmel in Israël. Deze berg was een thuis voor kluizenaars die hun leven aan God hadden toegewijd. Tussen de grotten, waar de kluizenaars woonden, werd een kapel gebouwd ter ere van de heilige Maria. Vanwege godsdienstige verschillen is de groep kluizenaars uiteindelijk gevlucht richting delen van Europa. Hier verworven ze zowel intellectuele als spirituele kennis en

November 2019

kwam er door meer behoefte aan poverheid en afzondering een afsplitsing tussen de ‘ongeschoeide’ (povere en op blote voeten) en ‘geschoeide’ karmelieten. Het is een misvatting dat deze karmelieten hetzelfde bier brouwden als wat wij nu kennen als Tripel Karmeliet. De karmelieten van Dendermonde brouwden een bier gemaakt met drie graansoorten, wat de Tripel Karmeliet ook is. De drie granen in de Tripel Karmeliet zijn gerst, tarwe en haver. Maar of dit dezelfde granen zijn als wat de karmelieten vroeger gebruikten is giswerk… Hoe dan ook, Tripel Karmeliet is een verschrikkelijk lekker biertje. Voor beginnende speciaalbierdrinkers is hij perfect om te proberen of de stijl je bevalt. Voor de geroutineerde speciaal bier drinker is het een biertje wat altijd lekker is en altijd kan. De World Beer Awards zijn het hier duidelijk mee eens: in 2008 won de Tripel Karmeliet goud in de categorie Best Pale Ale Abbey. Dus, kenner of leek, schroom zeker niet er eentje te bestellen: je zit altijd goed.





Meet Anouck Kluytmans Recently, there are a lot of new faces within our faculty. One of them is Anouck Kluytmans, quality assurance officer at IE&IS. She would like to introduce herself and the work she is doing to you by answering a few questions. Text & Images: Anouck Kluytmans, Quality Assurance Officer at IE&IS

Since we moved to Atlas, a lot has changed within our faculty. People come and people go, which of course is something that happens in every organazation. As students, we do not always see these changes. However, it would be possible that you get in contact with these new faces sooner of later, because of some reason. Therefore, we thought that is was nice to introduce some of these new faces beforehand. The first person to introduce, Anouck Kluytmans is very exited to tell you all about her work here on the TU/e.

What do you do at IE&IS? As of April 2019 I surely found these properties in the function of quality assurance officer at IE&IS! It is an umbrella term for everything relating to the quality of our education. My main focus is the course evaluations you all know well, but I am also piloting innovative evaluation methods and collaborating with other departments and TU/e central. In addition, I coordinate the university teaching qualification at IE&IS and I am a (statistical) consultant for the test committee IE&IS.

“.if you have a great suggestion for improving interaction between teachers and students in a course, you can let me know” –Anouck Can you introduce yourself? I am Anouck (29). I enjoy walks, cars (sorry!), series or podcasts, and trying to teach my cats tricks (no luck so far). After a bachelor in psychology and masters in methodology and statistics I recently finished my PhD on methods to estimate the potential societal value of innovative health technologies. Because of this background, I think I can really relate to many of the themes that students from the school of Innovation Sciences are involved with. After my doctoral studies I was looking for a role where I could be of service to others more directly, be involved in many short-term projects at once, and experience more immediate impact from my work. 10

I was not just hired to run our quality assurance processes, but also to improve them. For example, I learnt that it is not always clear to you as students what happens with the feedback you give on course evaluation questionnaires. I think it is really important to change this. With the help of others I set up several initiatives, such as asking teachers to reflect on last year’s course evaluation during the first lecture and showing my face around to explain the importance of your input. Why is your work relevant for our students? Everything I do is directly or indirectly related to the quality of your education. Regarding Intermania


“If you ever want to talk about your courses, my door is always open” evaluation data, I am always looking for the stories behind your numbers and the numbers behind your stories, because a better understanding of your experience leads to better solutions for problems you and the faculty encounter. Through my connections with teachers, your study association, colleagues from education support, academic advisors, education management and colleagues from other TU/e departments, I can make sure that the feedback you give us is heard and used. For example, if you have a great suggestion for improving interaction between teachers and students in a course or on Canvas, you can let me know through the course evaluations or you can always come talk to me. My office is Atlas 3.420. I can contact colleagues to

November 2019

pilot your idea in similar courses. You might encounter your own suggestion further along in your study program. How cool would that be! Feedback and questions If you ever want to talk about the quality of your education, my door is always open. Of course, Sander Lintzen from Intermate is also available as your study association’s Commissioner of Education. We already found several topics to collaborate on, so that quality assurance becomes more visible for you as students. One example is that we seek collaboration whenever teachers are looking for a focus group of students to evaluate a specific aspect of their courses. Another example is that we are looking for ways to better reward your participation in evaluations: from coupons to lunches to good coffee. Finally, we are investigating ways to better support students in making difficult decisions regarding tracks, elective space, and all other choices pertaining to the construction of a personalized study program.




Career Corner

Combining the TU/e with top sport For this edition’s Career Corner, Evelien talked to two of Intermates top-level athletes; Eline Cloudt and Marissa Damink. She asked them about their lifestyle and how they manage to combine their life at university with their sport. Text: Evelien Dekker, Member of the EOA committee

Studing here on the TU/e is for many students a real challenge. Imagine how it is when you practice a sport on a professional level. I spoke with two members of Intermate about their sportive lifestyle.

Eline Cloudt Eline is 21 years old and is currently in her second year of MSc Human Technology Interaction. She has been combining her university life with the highest level of Ballroom and Latin dancing, together with her brother. They have won the Youth Championship of the Netherlands and Benelux 26 times and ended second in the Adults category last year. Currently, she trains for two to three hours every day, sometimes twice a day, while also maintaining 3 jobs and an Internship at Philips. I asked Eline some questions about how she is able to combine her top-level sport with her university life in Eindhoven and these were her answers: How do you maintain a good balance between your sporting career and your university life? And have you ever felt like you had to choose? I never truly felt like I needed to choose. But my parents and I differ a little bit in where our priorities lie. For my parents, school is the most important, which is something I can understand. But honestly, dancing has priority for me. I would like see myself as a professional dancer later, but I cannot manage to spend my whole days dancing because it is very expensive. 12

In addition, if I break my leg tomorrow my dancingcareer will be over, and without a university degree, I will not be able to do something else. Do you have difficulties with planning your weeks? Yes, I do! I am not very good at it. Sometimes I am literally running around campus from one meeting to the other. I am currently doing an internship at Phillips, I am a student mentor, in the counselling pool and I am a calculus tutor. I need to have this many jobs in order to finance my dancing; the dresses, trainings and travel costs can be very expensive. I pay most of it myself. Intermania

Career Corner

“I am currently doing an internship at Phillips, I am a student mentor, in the counselling pool and I am a calculus tutor.” – Eline What are things that you needed to give up for this lifestyle? A social life? Haha. No, I do have a social life, but I am not always able to do everything that I would like to do. It would also have been nice to be able to live on my own, but it is too expensive right now, so I still live with my parents. If I go shopping now and look at a jacket of 90 euros, I think by myself “I could also have a dance lesson for that”. Also, I am doing an internship at Phillips as an alternative to the semester abroad. I think I am the kind of person that would love to go abroad to study, but it is not convenient. I also would have liked to do a double master, HTI with an Electrical Engineering master. But I do not have time to do it. And Honors would also be something I think I would have done if I was not into dancing. What do you expect for the future? After this year I will have finished my Master’s degree. Usually, at around 30 years old, the dancing career will decline. But until then, I want to do as much dancing as I can. I can become a dance teacher, take a full-time job somewhere, or maybe pick up that Electrical Engineering master. Until then, I will probably get a part-time job.

November 2019

Marissa Damink Marissa is 23 years old and is also currently finishing the MSc Human Technology Interaction. She combines university with athletics, specifically 800 meters, but sometimes 400 meters to mix things up. In 2017, she won her first medal at the Dutch National Championship of athletics (which was bronze). Since then she won bronze once more and silver twice. Last year she was able to participate in the European Championships for the Netherlands. I also asked Marissa some questions about how she is able to combine her top-level sport with her university life, and these were her answers: What does a standard week look like for you? I follow 2 courses per quartile, which will take up about 20 hours per week. And then I train around 10-15 hours per week, not including travel time etc. I also work for a few hours a week at DigiCoach at the University. And the rest of my time is spent doing groceries, cooking, cleaning and hopefully meeting up with friends or relaxing. But I mostly run in my free time, it is fun and fulfilling to me! I am always happy after a good training. In Eindhoven, I train at ESAV Asterix, where




Career Corner also all sorts of activities are organized, so if I have any time to spare in my week, I like to attend those. How has sport ffected your life so far? I have played sport intensively for a large part of my life and it is very important to me. I am very driven when it comes to sport. I like doing it a lot and I feel like I can get even better, but I have had to give up some things for my sport career. Since I have started training more intensely in the past year, I have had to cancel a lot more activities, which I think is unfortunate and I am still not completely used to it. From May to August is the track season, which means that I have a competition nearly every weekend. I am not really able to combine that with going out on Thursdays. I will go from time to time but I try to keep it to 2-3 beers (I try, but keeping good intentions is hard after 2 beers). I would like to be able to meet up with friends more often, do more committees or earn some extra money, but you have to give up some things if you really want something.

“I train around 10-15 hours per week, not including travel time etc.� What did you learn most from this lifestyle? I learned that you cannot make everyone happy and you can also not always do everything you want to do; you have to make choices. Beside this, you learn to think independently, be critical and plan (this last one might not be the case for everyone haha). Playing sport at a high level is not always easy, there are ups and downs in how much fun it is and how hard you have to work for it. What do you expect for the future? I intend to keep going for a little while longer, for as long as I am still getting better and enjoying the sport. The physical top of athletics on average is at 27, which for me is in four years. But the best 800 meter female runner of the Netherlands is now 33 years old, so there is really not something like a final date. I will have finished my MSc (hopefully) after this year. In the short term, I will probably work part-time to be able to combine it with practicing athletics. In the long term I might want to have a teachers degree for Informatics, but I am not really sure yet. That is something that I can decide later. To Eline and Marissa, thank you for taking the time to answer all my question and good luck this year on finishing your Master’s degrees. If you want to know more about their careers as a sportsgirl, take a look on their social media accounts, just search on their names. They share a lot of pictures and videos from their trainings and tournaments.



Boy Issues on Campus

Column Emma

I have boy issues, real boy issues. I just really don’t know what to do with it. The looks, the interest, the tension: it drives me crazy! Usually, I can handle socially awkward situations quite well, but when I’m with them I really don’t know how to behave. I feel so special when they are around me, and normally I really would like to have this feeling. If boys stare at me, I take it as a compliment, but in this case, it is quite overwhelming. Dozens of male students are looking at me when I enter the lecture room. Not because I’m wearing a little skirt, have gracious long legs, or wearing a shirt with a deep neckline. All this attention is just because I am a girl. I’m doing the robotics track of P&T, and this means that I follow courses with almost only boys. When I wasn’t following these courses I thought, just like the average P&T-student, that the “male” courses are sort of a zoo. We’re the humans watching these students and these students are the monkeys. The behavior of hundreds of boys in one room is fascinating from a psychological view. Nowadays, the roles are changed. It is not me that is the zoo visitor. The male students are looking at me and my friends as if we are monkeys. A stereotype of a TU student is that the male students cannot handle females, and in this case, it looks like that is true. As the robotics track is chosen most by females, we’re always in little groups of girls at these courses. Apparently, this is even more interesting for our zoo visitors than one single girl. It even looks like groups of girls scares them. Around every group of girls there are empty chairs, while the rest of the chairs are all kept. The male students are acting like we’re dangerous. It feels like groups of girls are intimidating gorillas like a ‘Bokito’. I really don’t know if I will ever get used to the dozens of looks I get when entering a room. I think it will always stay peculiar. People usually think I am cute, small, friendly, or whatever, but they never think I’m dangerous. So maybe these “male” courses are awkward, but on the other hand the feeling of being dangerous is actually quite intriguing. I never expected to find a Bokito in myself, but university has made me one!

“looking at me and my friends as if we are monkeys” –Emma

November 2019






Isabel Blijenburg


Humans of Intermate

Sports(wo)men of Intermate


Humans of Intermate is a column in which we interview the members of Intermate about their daily life. This time, the three soccer teams that are related to Intermate were so kind to tell us something about their team. Text & Images: Members of Intermate

Meme Team Once upon a time, some members who were extremely talented decided to form a futsal team in the second division of the internal Totelos competition. We can tell you a lot about all our adventures, memes, highs and lows and memes (again). But today, you will learn more about the average week of MemeTeam. It all starts at the weekend before we will play our weekly matches. Our captain Sam asks who is able to play during the matches on Monday and Wednesday. An important detail is that we have a group of 18 people and you ONLY need 5 people to play a match. Doing some math, you can see that only 30% of the team needs to be available. Should be easy right? That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. On average, just three people respond within the first 24 hours. After this, Capt’n asks the same question another time. This time, he is more successful, around 8 people give an answer to his question. We either have too few players (and we have to cancel the match) or way too many. Perfectly balanced as all things should be. In the end, it does not matter how many players we have, we still struggle in the field. Either we have a ton of chances to score but we miss most of them or we manage to take the lead but give it away in the last seconds. Despite all of that, we have a proud tradition of never relegating or promoting. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.

November 2019



Humans of Intermate

FETA Just as in the rest of the world, women’s soccer is gaining publicity within Intermate. With 13 female Intermate members, we have created a team which we call FETA. Our name is related to the other Intermate indoor soccer team Kaas because FETA is also cheese. However, we do not only interpret our name as cheese, as it is also an abbreviation for FEmale TAlent. With our team, we show that women can also play soccer, just like men. Of course, we see that there are differences in quality, our goal difference will support that, but we do not think that women should be afraid to play soccer because they have to compete against men. In order to decrease the difference between FETA and the other teams in our competition, we have found ourselves a trainer! Bart is such a cute person as he wants to help us improve our game. During our trainings, which are also new this year, we try to work on our strategy and improve our talent. Hopefully, we are able to win our first game this year!

Team Kaas Team Kaas (translated: Team Cheese) is THE indoor soccer team of Intermate. Not one current member, nor Wil Kuijpers, knows when Team Kaas was founded. We have been playing in the highest division of the Internal Futsal Competition of Totelos for years and we are not planning on changing that. Team Kaas houses a whole variety of players and, as a former team captain, I can say that this makes the group even more of a delight to play with. We have, for example, some old Intermate board members, like Alain, Gido and Erwin. Some relatively new members of Intermate, such as Naud and Sam, but also some Pusphaira (outdoor soccer) members, like Bas, Willem and myself (Abe). Every Tuesday or Thursday when we play is a successful day for these players and every game is a pleasure to experience. Our slogan: ‘Meer boos meer beter’ (translated: More angry more better) is shown by our players, but nevertheless, it remains a friendly, cheesy and orange game for everyone. Are you interested in watching one of our games for fun, or maybe even joining Team Kaas, why don’t you contact one of us?




Behind the Scenes at Ordina Two months ago, Ordina, a sponsor of Intermate, visited Intermate to talk about the importance of Web Security. After this lunch lecture, Michelle went to Ordina for an interview to get a better understanding of the company. Text & Images: Michelle van Ardenne, Editorial Staff

Despite the fact that Ordina is a sponsor of Intermate, I did not know a lot about this company before the interview. Of course, I could read the website and collect information from there, but how cool is it to actually visit their location in Eindhoven and ask them my questions myself? Luckily, I was able to arrange an interview with Bram Patelski, SecOps Engineer at Ordina, who could answer all my questions about this ITcompany. What aspects determine the quality of work that Ordina provides to its customers? Ordina has been active as an IT service provider in the Benelux for over forty years. We follow the latest technological developments very closely and make them relevant by creating innovative business and IT solutions that add value for our customers. Our areas of expertise include Agile working, development and/or maintenance of custommade applications and digital security. We have a strong internal network of around 2600 employees and many communities organized around specific technologies. We all share the drive to come up with innovative solutions for our clients in order to stay ahead of the challenges and changes in our client’s business. Altogether, Ordina provides highquality solutions giving its clients a head start.

services, the Internet of Things, digital platforms, data analytics and virtual reality are radically changing the world we live and work in. From our perspective, IT is the key to solving new challenges. Selecting and implementing new technologies is rather difficult if it’s not your core business. So that is where we come in! Today’s digitization also offers many opportunities for our employees. Ordina invests a lot in the personal and professional development of their employees, making sure that their professional knowledge is always innovative and up to date. As such, we can help our clients to be ahead of change. Besides, we also recognize the importance of a good work-life balance. Several extra activities are organized in order to contribute to a solid work-life balance. ‘Jong Ordina’,

What is the primary driver of Ordina? The catchphrase ‘Ahead of Change’ well reflects the primary drive of Ordina. Technological developments such as cloud November 2019




Interview a community for all employees younger than 35 years, organizes all kinds of fun activities, such as laser gaming, game nights and other social events. To top it off, our employees get discounts on sports facilities like fitness and health consultation. On the website, five different business propositions are mentioned. Can you tell me more about them? The different needs of our clients are reflected in five business propositions, which are called ‘High Performance Teams’, ‘Intelligent Datadriven Organizations’, ‘Digital Acceleration’, ‘Business Platforms’ and ‘Security & Privacy’. Each business proposition solves a different kind of IT challenge. As an employee you often work within one business proposition. However, with your expertise, you can help other colleagues. For the members of Intermate, I will explain the most relevant business propositions. In the High Performance Teams business proposition, we put together multidisciplinary Agile teams that solve problems in an effective and innovative way. The team members have complementary skills and backgrounds tailored to the client’s goal. As such, these teams are well-coordinated, focused on results and continuous improvement. Again, the large network of employees makes it possible to compile a High Performance Team for all kinds of IT-related problems. Our colleagues in the Intelligent Datadriven Organizations business proposition focus on managing dataflows within the client’s company. The challenge for these clients is to create insights from large


“Ordina is able to provide high-quality solutions that give their clients a head start.” amounts of data. We help them to analyze and optimize the incoming data so they can continue to improve their business processes. At last, Security & Privacy is the business proposition I’m working in. For our clients, it is important that their data, applications and services are secure and trustworthy, especially after the introduction of new privacy laws. Within this team, we use different strategies in order to detect and solve security challenges. Examples are ethical hacking, improving internal policies and increasing security awareness. With my years of experience in software development, I focus on improving security awareness with software developers, product owners, business consultants and scum masters. If I can get people to think like attackers, they can discover issues and vulnerabilities in applications, before those applications are even made and fix them in the early stages of the software development lifecycle. Why is Ordina an interesting company for the members of Intermate? Young professionals and junior consultants start with a technical or business consultancy traineeship. From day one you will be trained on-the-job and follow accompanying studies, such as classroom trainings with colleagues, technical trainings to obtain certifications and online learning modules from platforms like PluralSight and LinkedIn Learning. If you are interested in IT and developing yourself constantly, Ordina might be a company for you. Intermania

My First Column Welcome to my first column! It is possible you have read some of my articles before, as I sometimes write for one of my committees or as a freelancer for the Intermania. Some of you might already know me personally, but for those who don’t. Hi, I am Julia a third-year Sustainable Innovation student that loves to dance, cook and think about a million things at once. I am quite a straightforward person so I am going to skip the rest of the chitchat and introductory bullshit, as I believe you will get to know me quite well in future columns, and I don’t want to bore you beforehand. You might be confused at what the reasoning is behind me starting to write a column added to the articles I already write for the Intermania. As I said before, I like to think and wonder a lot about whatever comes to mind. This was already the case when I was younger. I loved writing in a diary my parents had gifted me. This might have been their attempt at opening up a conversation with me, as I was a quiet only child, but if that was the case it completely failed. I just started writing stories that took over all my time and focus. Now it seems like I am looking for some sympathy, but the opposite is actually the case. Especially as I used my diary to complain about how extremely annoying I thought it was that my guy friends were allowed to play with the building blocks, and I wasn’t. It is clear that the writing bone has been present for quite a while and the last couple of months it has been itching again. Due to me being a vigorous fact-checker, the articles I write as a freelancer cost me a lot of additional time besides the actual writing. I still like it a lot, but I believe it is also time for another challenge. I don’t have a clear view on what my column is going to be about, so I guess we are going to figure that out along the way. November 2019

Column Julia

“I like to think and wonder a lot about whatever comes to mind” –Julia




Olympic Games Hans en Grietje in het bos Koen leest dingen voor

As the Olympic Games are slowly coming closer and closer, we thougth it would be good to see how the Netherlands is doing in the qualifications. Only the mens gymnastics and eventing team were not able to qualify for the Olympic Games. For the rest there is still a long way to go and thus a lot of chances to qualify for the Olmpic Games. The qualification games for volleybal are the end of june 2020, so for them there is still a shot.

Un 1994 winter sum Olym were in the s ye

Skateboarding will be new at this Olympic Games.

Between 1912 and 1945 artists could join the Olympic Games. 22



til the er and mer m pics held e same ar.

Only four athletes won medals at both the winter and summer Olympics. Youngest Olympic athelte was only 10 years old.

November 2019





Time for BEP Talk At the end of the bachelor, every student is put to the ultimate test: their bachelor end project. We understand that you have a lot of questions about that. Therefore, two members will tell you about their experiences. Text & Images: Bert van Gestel and Daphne Vermeer, Members of Intermate

Bert van Gestel At Sustainable Innovation, I noticed that almost everybody expects the future of mobility to be ruled by electric cars. I expected a clear plan on how the municipalities in the Netherlands are collectively preparing for this. More specifically on where to place the next charging station, but I did not find much information about this. Therefore I did my BEP about this decision-making process by conducting qualitative interviews with important stakeholders (e.g. municipalities, grid operators and end-users). After identifying themes of interest, I found that the ideal governing structure would be a combination between participatory processes on a municipal level, a national goal to have charging stations at all relevant public services and a data-driven forecasting model that calculates the optimal location for the next charging station. It was fun to combine typical SI insights in order to align the future visions of all stakeholders and it even left me with some nice contacts at companies in this sector!

Daphne Vermeer Last year, as part of my bachelor end project, I focused on the creation of assistive technology for deafblind individuals as part of the European wide SUITCEYES project. My research explored whether tactile Morse code is an understandable, usable and user-friendly method of information transfer. To achieve this, I taught participants tactile Morse language in my experiment. The code I wrote translated the Morse alphabet and various words into vibrotactile stimuli. I then presented these to my participants in various rounds, which helped them to learn the language. At the end, people were actually able to understand and translate a big part of the alphabet and even some words. I really enjoyed working on my BEP. It was a great experience to be able to design and realize an entire experiment by myself. I was given a lot of positive reactions and my research was such a success that it might even get published! 24



Sustainable Sport Stadiums Nowadays when people want to exercise, they often go to indoor sport facilities. But how sustainable are these facilities compared to the outdoor environment? Cécile tells us which features can be applied on sport facilities. Text & Images: Cécile Geertman, Editorial Staff

A popular element within sports is the supporters that watch the game. Therefore, sports facilities like stadiums are built in such a way that they offer seats for thousands of enthusiastic supporters. Because of this large number of people, stadiums are large buildings which have a big impact on sustainability in the built environment. With this article we show you how this can be done. We highlight a few of the most sustainable stadiums and describe how they interact with their environment in a sustainable way. The Levi’s Stadium in San Francisco is the first stadium to host an NFL team and earn a LEED Gold certification. This is a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design certificate, which is used on a global scale to measure the sustainability of buildings. Several sustainability features of the Levi’s Stadium are: - The stadium generates energy from its solar elements found throughout the building, including three NRG solar-paneled pedestrian bridges and the one solar-panels roof deck; - It features a Green Roof of over 2.500 square meters. Another example of a sustainable sport stadium in the Metlife Stadium which is located in New York. During the reconstruction of this stadium, many innovative, green features have been implemented, including: - A post-event sorting process. The collected trash is poured down onto sorting tables to separate the trash from the recyclables; - A compost collection program. This program involves collecting compostable serving items and food waste to put them into a so-called In-Vessel Composter. Mulch is created from the composted materials to be eventually returned into the stadium ground; - The stadium itself has also been made more energy efficient. Even though the new stadium is two times as large as before, it consumes 30% less energy. At last, the Dutch Johan Cruijff ArenA has won the award for Most Sustainable Stadium in 2019. A few of the many features that contributed to the sustainability of this football stadium are: - In terms of energy, this stadium is net climate neutral; - The stadium is part of a smart grid, enabling bidirectional charging facilities for electric vehicles; - The dressing rooms and offices are cooled with water from a pond near the stadium; - The rainwater is collected and used for watering the grass field. November 2019





Word de Koning van je eigen Bar! Iedere donderdag kunnen we in het Internaat weer een gezellig biertje nuttigen. Maar van wie is die bar nu eigenlijk? Barman Bas legt ons uit hoe je de koning van de bar kan worden en wat dit allemaal inhoudt. Tekst: Bas van Rhenen, BorrelCie lid

Er zijn in iedere bar verschillende types te vinden. De barhanger, die de bar niet verlaat en met iedereen een babbeltje maakt. De bierkoerier, dit is de persoon die al zijn compagnons van bier voorziet. De opzweper, die ervoor zorgt dat de bierkoerier iedere 5 minuten weer pils kan halen en de ‘ouwehoer’, oftewel de persoon die iedereen amuseert met zijn prachtige verhalen over de domste avonturen. Stuk voor stuk zijn deze iconen belangrijk in de barcultuur, maar allen strijden ze om dezelfde titel als het er om gaat: Wie wordt er kampioen barsport 2019/2020?! Kampioen barsport word je niet zomaar. Je moet de ideale samenhang beheersen tussen hand-oog coördinatie, alcoholresistentie, weinig f*cks geven en geluk hebben. De perfecte balans tussen deze vier factoren geeft je de kans om de oranje bouwhelm te winnen en een jaar lang rond te lopen als de kampioen van de bar. Deze vier factoren zullen in verschillende uitdagingen getest worden. Niet zomaar de alledaagse spelletjes, maar alleen de echte challenges die de fervente barbezoeker kent: Kop het ijsblokje Hier draait het om de coördinatie die de man onderscheidt van de jongetjes. De scheids staat aan de kop van de bar, en schuift een ijsblokje met hoge snelheid over de bar. De deelnemer staat 3 meter verder langs de bar in een recht opstaande houding. Wanneer het ijsblokje langs schuift probeert de deelnemer het ijsblokje recht onder zich stil te leggen door zijn voorhoofd op het ijsblokje 26

te slaan, zonder het ijsblokje te breken. Mocht dit lukken is dit één punt. Stijlpunten voor de zij- of achterkant van het hoofd. Het azen spel In het tweede onderdeel komt een portie het geluk en de alcoholtolerantie van pas. Het spel bestaat uit een aantal kaarten (het aantal kaarten is gelijk aan het aantal spelers), waarvan één kaart een aas is, en een shot sterke drank (het liefst tequila) in het midden staat. De kaarten worden geschud, ieder pakt een kaart en de persoon met de aas krijgt het shot en een strafpunt, en je begint weer opnieuw. Het spel stopt wanneer de fles leeg is en dan worden het aantal strafpunten geteld om de verliezer (of grootste tequila winnaar) te benoemen.

“Wie wordt er kampioen barsport 2019/2020?!” Boer zoekt vrouw Het spel bestaat uit evenveel kaarten als spelers, waarvan één kaart een boer is en één kaart een vrouw. Een vol glas bier wordt in het midden gezet en de kaarten worden verdeeld. Degene met de boer gaat met de ogen dicht tot 10 tellen, waar degene met de vrouw zo snel mogelijk het biertje in het midden naar binnen werkt. Na 10 seconden doet de boer zijn of haar ogen open en probeert te raden wie het Intermania


biertje heeft gedronken. Lukt dit, dan drinkt de vrouw nog een biertje in een teug. Als dit mislukt moet de boer zelf een biertje nuttigen. Het aantal punten staat gelijk aan het aantal biertjes die gedronken worden. SPELTIP: met z’n tweeën wordt dit spel nog leuker. Paardenracen Ontzettend geliefd onder de deelnemers: De welbekende paardenrace. Een dek kaarten maakt dit spel tot wat het is, samen met genoeg pils, de wedstrijdcommentator en het gejuich van de deelnemers. Voor de wedstrijd wordt er ingezet op het winnende paard (soort van de kaart) door middel van slokken, en dit aantal slokken wordt direct door de deelnemer gedronken (onder de zes slokken is laf). De azen worden aan de kop van de tafel gelegd en de kaarten worden een laatste maal goed geschud. Links langs de azen worden negen kaarten op een lange rij dicht gelegd. Deze geven de lengte van de etappe aan, en zullen later ook nog belangrijk rol spelen. De commentator maakt iedereen nog even goed warm voor de wedstrijd en geeft het startschot! Een eerste kaart wordt van de stapel omgedraaid en wordt boven de aas van dezelfde soort gelegd. Iedereen begint November 2019

te schreeuwen over wat moet worden omgedraaid, en ieder juicht voor zijn eigen paard. Zo wordt kaart na kaart omgedraaid, met als doel van ieder ‘paart’ om als eerste 10 kaarten van zijn eigen soort te hebben om zo de race te winnen. Belangrijk: wanneer ieder paard het eerste vak heeft bereikt, wordt de kaart die nog dicht aan de linkerkant ligt omgedraaid, om zo een paard een stap terug te zetten. Zo zal dit geschieden bij ieder speelvlak. Wanneer ieder paard het vak heeft bereikt, wordt er weer een kaart omgedraaid. De deelnemers die hebben ingezet op het winnende paard mogen hun ingezette slokken dubbel uitdelen aan de anderen en zullen punten ontvangen voor hun inzet. Einduitslag Mochten er nog deelnemers staan na deze zware strijd zullen de punten worden geteld en zal de winnaar de oranje bouwhelm voor een jaar lang mogen claimen. Deze zal er voor zorgen dat deze helm vaak zal worden gevuld met verschillende dranken en deze met de andere deelnemers delen, want dat is het belangrijkste van het hele verhaal. Drinken doe je in mate met je maten, en daar kan geen enkele wedstrijd of spel verandering in brengen. 27

en Theme

eSports: Meme or Dream? Lately competitive gaming has become more mainstream. Therefore one of Intermate’s Fnatic gamers will enlighten you about whether esports should be considered as a real sport. Text: Timo van Helvoort, Member of Intermate

With the eSports business growing faster than ever, people are still debating about a question that has haunted darts, chess & bowling for decades: is it a real sport? I’ll let you decide that one for yourself, but, to help you along a little: here are some facts about the sport of the future. Money, money, money - ABBA In 2018, the eSports industry generated almost 1 billion dollars in revenue which made a lot of skinny, Korean guys very, very rich. But obviously this doesn’t say much without comparing it to traditional sports. Let’s talk prize money, the three biggest eSports tournaments have prize pools higher than the Tour de France & the World Snooker championship combined. The two biggest eSport tournaments are the Fortnite (30 million dollars) & Dota (25,5 million dollars) world championships, and they trump even the Confederations cup & the NBA Championship.

Audience Of course money isn’t the only thing that eSports has going for it that I can use to change your traditional mind. In 2018, eSports had an audience of almost 400 million people, that means that 1 in every 15 people in the world has watched eSports in the past year. Another little comparison, last year 4 times as many people watched the League of Legends world championship compared to Wimbledon and 10 times as many compared to the Volleyball world championship, damn. Tournaments While the Netherlands and the rest of Europe are still getting accustomed to eSports being quite the thing, Asia is of course way ahead of us. At the 2018 China games, the second biggest sports event in the world (after the Olympics), for the first time ever eSports made its appearance with 6 different games. These games were treated the same way as any other sport at the event which means the same accommodation, set-up and golden medals. Conclusion To conclude: eSports is big, booming and absolutely beautiful. And to answer the question “is gaming a real sport?”, I honestly do not think the millions of passionate fans care about that anymore. The picture on the left shows how popular these events have become over the last couple of years.




European Championships?

After missing the previous European Cup and the World Cup, the male Dutch soccer team finally looks like it might be on the right track again. Although qualification for the European Cup of 2020 is not certain yet. Text: Bert van Gestel, Member of Intermate

In 2014 we experienced a rather successful World Cup in which the Netherlands took revenge on Spain with a historic 5-1 pummeling, and won the Bronze medal by defeating Brazil with 3-0. Nobody expected the prospective collapse in the years thereafter. It started when the Netherlands was placed in group A for the qualification cycle for the European Cup of 2016, alongside the Czech Republic, Iceland, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Latvia, but did not manage to end higher than 4th place. The selection of internationals only won 4 out of 10 qualification matches. It would be the first time that we missed the European Cup since 1984. Personal defensive

the appointment of coach Advocaat, we started playing with more confidence. Beautiful soccer is probably not the right way to call it, and we did not successfully work on the amount of goals, but at least the next 3 matches would be won. The Dutch NT had the mission to defeat Sweden with at least 7-0 in the final match to make up for the goal difference. It ended up winning with (only) 2-0, which yielded a third place behind France and Sweden; not enough for Advocaat’s team to qualify for the play-offs for the final four World Cup tickets. This match against Sweden meant the unofficial farewell of Arjen Robben for the

“... showing the world how much we love soccer in our little country.” blunders of Van Dijk (who debuted at the time) and Janmaat, an unnecessary red card for Martins Indi, the sacking of coach Hiddink and the fact that coach Blind never started with the same eleven players all point to the same conclusion: the Dutch were ramshackle. Better luck next time? The qualifications for the World Cup in 2018 proved to be a significant hurdle as well with Blind’s team only collecting seven points in the first five matches. After November 2019

Dutch NT. This also meant the end of an era in which The Big Four (Robben, van der Vaart, Sneijder & van Persie) formed a Dutch offensive front that unfortunately never managed to win an international title. Despite their impressive resumés. What happened to our mentality? Have we forgotten how to play soccer? The criticasters were harsh and rightfully so. But, simultaneously, the Dutch women 29


en Theme NT colored our homes and streets beautifully orange again by showing the world how much we love soccer in our little country. The ladies crushed Denmark and brought home golden medals from the European Cup in 2017. They then proceeded to reach the World Cup finals for the very first time ever in 2019, only to lose it to a superior USA team that strategically and technically seemed from another planet. It looks like the guys have been shaken awake from by these international successes, and are determined to re-enact them at the European Cup in 2020 under Koeman’s reign. The current qualification cycle shows a team that is hungry for success. It does not have a subset of star players which are deemed more important than the other players, as opposed to The Big Four of the past. Besides, players that were young and inexperienced in the previous qualification cycles have aged, and have become key players all over Europe (examples are Van Dijk and Wijnaldum at Liverpool FC, Memphis Depay at Olympique Lyon and Cillessen at Valencia). Additionally,

“... the Dutch were ramshackle. Better luck next time?” Koeman manages to seamlessly mix experience up with promising young players that have a large drive to prove themselves, like our beloved Frenkie, de Ligt and Malen. Koeman’s starting eleven are mostly the same every match, with only a few undecided positions, and then there are substitutes that all add a clear value to the team in times of need. The result is a team that feels and functions like a tight group. A clear goal and a corresponding strategy to reach it; a team full of diverse people that all add their own thing; a manager that succeeds in forming a satisfying work environment; celebrating the small successes and turning them into a flow. These are just a few key points that can be derived from successful sport squads. The fun thing is that in our line of work, these qualities are also important in a well-functioning innovation team. Did you know that in the eighties, the Dutch NT missed two World Cups (1982 & 1986) and one European Cup (1984)? The current streak of missed international is comparable to these dire times, but luckily we all know what happened in 1988. Let’s combine our strengths and strive for the best.

Hup Holland Hup!



Intermate and Sport


For this edition of the Intermania, Michelle and Evie have looked into the exercise habits of Intermate’s members. With the help of Stata, they have discovered some interesting relations that might surprise you. Text: Evie Tossaint and Michelle van Ardenne, Editorial Staff Intermania

Intermate has a lot of active members. And as you can read in the other articles published in this edition, a lot of Intermate members practice a sport. Still, there are no statistical findings that prove that the members of Intermate exercise. How much time do these members actually spend on being active? What are the differences between bachelor and master students? And between men and women? We were very curious about the sporting behavior of the members. Therefore, we made a survey which would provide us with useful information. With the use of Stata, we tried to turn our assumption into a significant conclusion. You can judge by yourself if we did a good job. Below, we will take you through our surprising finds! FUN FACT #1 We started with investigating the oldest prejudice there is: the difference in exercising between men and women. There has always been some kind of competition between the two genders, which is still visible today. We discovered that on average, the members of Intermate exercise three hours per week. This number is very likely here in Eindhoven, due to the location of the sport centrum. It is very easy to practice a sport in between the lectures. Besides this, we discovered a surprising fact. Although there is a big range in the number of hours that people practice sports, there are more women that exercise more than average a week (8-10 hours). Within Intermate, this could be explained by the excessive amount November 2019

of hours that men spend playing foosball. This leads to less available time to play an actual sport. Of course, there is a very small number of both men and women that are just very enthusiastic, who exercise ten hours per week.

FUN FACT #2 We also looked into the difference between the number of hours that master students practice sports and the number of hours that bachelor students practice sports. All master students that have filled in the survey indicated that they exercise on a regular basis. Of course, when you are a master student, it is expected that you have really grown up and realized that just drinking beer all day without exercising does have a consequence for your body. Within that phase of life, the beers that you drink also become more visible, which could be seen as an extra motivator. Also, there are slightly more master students that exercise six or more hours per week. That is remarkable, because master students seem to have less time than bachelor students. 31


en Theme

FUN FACT #3 Which sports do all the members practice? Well, fitness is the most practiced sport by far, but this is often in combination with some other sport. This is understandable, fitness is not really an exciting sport itself. Most members probably just fitness to get fit (seeing as this is also in the name), while also participating in a sport that is actually fun. On the second place, there is of course football. This is no surprise as Intermate has three indoor soccer teams. If you want to know more about them, you should check the interviews on page 17 and 18.


FUN FACT #4 We saw that the not everbody thinks the same when it comes to sport. Most members do not see gaming and/or chess as a real sport, even though there are some sport teams active on the TU/e. If people indicated that they think one of the activities is a real sport, they most likely also indicated that they see the other one as a real sport as well. So people are either including all mind sports or excluding them all Horse riding, on the other hand, is often indicated as being a real sport, even though people are often making fun of horse riding. This could be because horse riding is the only one of these three activities that is a discipline at the Olympic games. At last, there were some members that stated that drinking beer at the bar can be seen as a sport. We admit that it can be difficult, but we do not see this exercising. However, maybe it is part of the Olympic Games in a couple of years, who knows?


Shoot You Soon


Together with the ‘new’ board Dionysos, Intermate also got a new committee: the KiekCie! Here, they would like to shortly introduce themselves and show you the things they did so far. Text & Images: Meie Kleijbrug, Member of the KiekCie

Dear readers of Intermania, We are delighted to present the newest, hippest and snappiest committee of all of Intermate: the KiekCie. The KiekCie consists of a group of super enthusiastic (and at some times somewhat novice) photographers. Some money was set aside by the board especially for the KiekCie to buy us a fantastic camera, with which we are very happy. You can send us a request to capture any of your amazing Intermate activities that you have been organizing. We will make sure to take and select the finest of the photos and send them your way in no time. So, if you are looking for a way to memorize your Intermate event forever, we will be glad to help! Shoot you soon, Love KiekCie

November 2019




After-Intro 2019 KiekCIe

After-Intro 2019


. badminton

AC-Party #1

Lunch Lecture by Ordina


TostCie Tuesday



Column Peter

The necessity of the human factor The year is 2036. Against all odds, the Dutch national football team has just won the world championships. It was a close call. In the semifinal, they beat Spain 3-2 by scoring two goals in extra time. Finally, we took revenge on Spain by eliminating them in the semi-finals. A newly developed self-learning algorithm was analyzing the Spanish team during the match and found a flaw in their defense. This was communicated to the players through their vibrating outfits that indicate where a player should go without the ball, and when and where the player with the ball should play it to prevent offside traps. Experiments with this technology had taken many years before researchers finally found the best way to communicate this information to the players in a non-intrusive manner. In the championship final, the team beat Germany with penalties, after finishing the match in 1-1. This allowed for the use of a new system that was developed for the goal keeper. Based on existing data of each opponent player and footage of him while approaching the ball, the algorithm decided in which direction the ball most likely would be shot. The goalkeeper would then get a signal when and in which direction he should dive to maximize the chance of stopping the penalty. He stopped three out of five penalties, sufficient for securing the title, making it the first time in history that the world title of a sport went to a real-time technology-aided team. Players and spectators around the world celebrated the fact that the technologies that were used did not take away their control nor did they make the outcome of the tournament predictable. In a time where technology is so powerful that it orchestrates people’s lives to the extent that human emotion is mostly taken out of people’s daily lives, this victory gave people hope. The human factor in their lives was back, and many new technologies would be developed with the aim to assist humans in their tasks rather than taking control of them. November 2019

“... the aim to assist humans in their tasks rather than taking control of them” –Peter





Why did I do a PhD? For this edition of the Intermania, we have another PhD candidate. Maaike Kompier will tell you all about why she chose to do a PhD, what she does and what her experiences are. Text: Maaike Kompier, PhD student within HTI

Why? At some point halfway during my master thesis project I started thinking of what I would want to do after graduating from Human Technology Interaction (HTI). I evaluated some experiences I had gained during my master’s in a summer internship at Signify Research, and during my semester abroad in a research institute in Germany. I realized that I like doing research, I can work independently and am rather persistent, so a PhD was something that I was considering. However, there was one thing holding me back: it would also involve some educational tasks, such as giving lectures and supervising students and that really was something that I was simply not interested in. So when my supervisor asked me whether I had already thought of what I wanted to do after graduating, I said working at some research institute would be great and that I was looking around for positions in such an institute. So you might wonder, how did you end up in this position in the end? Well,

“The basic idea is that we want to control the ambient temperature indoors less strictly.�


I am very interested in the effect of indoor environments on human behavior, so I was looking for positions in research institutes in that area. Then one day my supervisor told me they had just setup a new collaborative project that was all about dynamic light and climate scenarios for office environments, and the effects there on human functioning. Hmmm that sounded as a perfect match with my interest... I realized that if I would have seen this project anywhere else I would have applied directly for sure. I wondered, should teaching hold me back? Can educational tasks really be that big and bad? After some consideration time, I decided to just go for it! What? As explained a bit before, the main goal of the project I work in is the development of indoor environment scenarios that facilitate a healthy and productive working environment, and at the same time we also aim to save some energy. How we do that? The basic idea is that we want to control the ambient temperature indoors less strictly. This may lead to colder and warmer work environments. Some previous research provides indications that these variations out of a so-called thermoneutral zone are actually very healthy. But despite this, it could also cause thermal discomfort. This discomfort might be alleviated by specific lighting scenarios as other research indicates that thermal experiences can potentially Intermania


be influenced by light. The focus of my PhD specifically is on dynamic light scenarios and how these influence human experiences and functioning.

“... sometimes my PhD feels a bit like a rollercoaster ride� How? Now, one-and-a-half years into my PhD, I can say that I am still very happy that I chose to just go for it. The educational tasks are only a minor part of the PhD, and are certainly not as bad as I had expected. They sometimes even provide a nice break from my other tasks. This immediately relates to the thing that surprised me most, which was that a PhD entails so many different things. The work can really be very diverse, especially as a researcher within HTI which often considers human beings as a subject in studies. My PhD involves a lot of planning, organizing, programming, analyzing, writing and - yes - even collaborating. November 2019

Although you might think a PhD is a project of your own and that it can be rather lonely at times, I think this largely depends on two things. First, the frequency of meetings with your promotion team can have a big impact. I have meetings with my first promotor and co-promotor on a weekly basis, which helps me realizing that it is also a team effort. If I get stuck at some point, I won’t be stuck there for longer than a few days, because then I have a new meeting and after that I can progress. Secondly, in my project there are several PhD students with whom we closely work together, which is very insightful in taking different perspectives. Apart from this, the collaboration with the university of Maastricht and several other companies also leads to very contrasting experiences as sometimes I feel a bit lonely in the project, whereas the week after I can feel overwhelmed by all the partners (and their opinions) involved in the project. To conclude, sometimes my PhD feels a bit like a rollercoaster ride; at times it is exciting and fun, but sometimes I also wonder whether that extra looping was really necessary. Overall, I am confident that in a few years I will be able to look back at this ride with a smile. 37





After years of anticipation we are pumped to offer you these amazing socks! By looking at the survey results, we saw that this version was the clear favorite. We are still figuring out which producer we want to go with, but we promise we will give you great quality socks for a decent price. There will be a promo drink soon, so keep an eye on the Intermate website! Love, the Intermerch team




Studying Abroad

Selfproclaimed alcoholics in dry season Many Intermate members find themselves studying abroad at some time. Currently, Alex and Jorrit are in Indonesia and they will describe their new experiences to you. Text and Images: Jorrit Bakker and Alex Habraken

After a flight of about 17 hours, we arrived at Java, one of the warm islands of Indonesia. While still digesting the lukewarm Heineken we got on the plane, we start to drool by the thought of the cold island beers we are about to consume once we arrive at our apartment. As true Pintermate members, we go scouting for some local beers but our senses are not able to pinpoint anything. What starts as a scary thought quickly becomes reality when we discover that alcohol is forbidden in the area in which we are staying. After a few hard days with many withdrawal symptoms, we finally found a cure: a beer garden just outside of our area! With 90% of the Indonesian population being Muslim, alcohol is hard to find, except for the touristic places. Which makes it more expensive and less varying in taste. Thanks to tips from our veteran Toby and other local expats, we managed to keep our liver working.

“...we finally found a cure: a beer garden...” During the TBD (Time Between Drinks) we live in an apartment on top of a big mall in the northern part of the city of Depok. The university is a 10 minute walk away and the average temperature is 34 degrees. Sunscreen is not necessary since the smog will form a nice layer on your skin before the sun can reach you. To make sure our November 2019

lungs are not entirely black once we fly back home, we make sure to travel to nature every weekend. Places like Singapore and Bali are less than a 2 hour flight away and make great weekend trips! Unfortunately, we cannot skip too many classes though. Our presence will be noted, not only because we have to write down our name or check in at the scanner, but also because we are the so called ‘bule’. Bule cannot be translated directly but it can be understood as ‘white person’ or ‘western person’. So, in class, we will definitely be noticed and in public we experience this even more. People tend to take pictures of us like we are models here and frequently come up to us to take a selfie. 39



Studying Abroad

If you are a fan of dining out, Indonesia is the country for you! Malls are still a big thing in Indonesia and every mall we have seen so far has a food court. These have a lot of food vendors to choose from. An average meal there will set you back about 1€ to 4€. Don’t feel like leaving your room or standing in line? Order someone to go pick up the food you want! Physical

and coffee shops are part of the default meetup spots. They do love their karaoke here, just like a lot of other Asian countries. We tried it once, but we concluded that we did not like it enough whilst being sober. We were more attracted to shopping for some ‘batik’. Batik can be described as putting up the weirdest pattern you can think of and then making a

“People tend to take pictures of us like we are models... ” labor is one of the cheapest things in Indonesia. Someone will drive to the local Burger King, stand in line to get the order, bring it to you and this will likely only add 0,50€ to your total order. The same goes for shopping, massages, cleaning, cabs, repairs and all other things that require labor. And the best thing is; someone packed all this into a single app from which you can order. Besides dining, there are a lot of other things to do in the mall. Arcades, karaoke, cinema 40

blouse out of it. Most of these batiks have a lot of wild patterns and colors and they come in every thinkable combination. On top of that, they are being sold for only 3€-10€. Unfortunately, most sellers do not speak English and therefore we do not know when we are being ripped off, so we should be careful. Although, being ripped off means we have to pay 15 euros for a batik, which in my opinion is not that bad in the end. Intermania

In het Midden


Horizontaal: 1.Houden boeren zich mee bezig 6.Pagina 8.Spaans lidwoord 9.Past na film en opera 11.Aansteller 14.Ontleedkunde 17.Onkruid 19.Op het veld en op pagina 30 wel goed te zien 20.Zelfverzekerd Bier 22.In overmaat 25.‘Child _ Time’ van Deep Purple 26. Moet je halen op de uni 27.Schotse naam 28.Instemming 29.Werppijl 30.Nodig om te kunnen sporten 33. Basis bak ingrediënt 35.Dorp naast Arnhem 36.Pijnlijk woord 38.Deed de koning op 28 oktober 2016 39.Erepredicaat 40.Voorbeeld uit de keuken Verticaal: 1.Verbindende held? 2.Zowel mannelijk als vrouwelijk 3.Zeedier 4.Russisch water 5.Is vezelarm 6.Chinees voor Nederlanders 7. Is uitgeschakeld door Nederlands dameselftal en Duncan 10. Degradeerde in 2009 uit de eredivisie 12. Popping, locking en boogaloo 13. Automerk 15. Nationaalsocialist 16. Verzorgde het middenwoord 18. Attribuut voor een denksport 21. Nederlandse Universiteit 23. Veroorzaakt spierballen 24. Slotwoord 28. Definiëert een vogel 31. Eigenschap van Eindhoven 32. Leergierige commissie 34. Onderwijsniveau 37. Klein Engels kind

November 2019




In ’t Audt

Oranjekoorts bij Intermate Iedereen heeft er wel is mee te maken gehad; de Oranjekoorst. Ook binnen Intermate waren er laatst symptomen zichtbaar onder de verschillende leden. Vier In ’t Audt leden vertellen waarom Tekst en Afbeelding: Michelle van Ardenne & Julia Verbruggen, leden van dispuut In ‘t Audt

Iedereen herkent het verschijnsel dat eens in de zoveel tijd opduikt onder grote delen van het Nederlandse volk; de onontkoombare drang om volledig gedecoreerd in oranje kleding en accessoires zichzelf te vertonen, in de meest extreme gevallen zelfs oranje geschminkt. Dit steeds vaker voorkomende fenomeen staat onder velen ook wel bekend als de zogenaamde ‘oranjekoorts’. Het klinkt bijna te bizar voor woorden. Waar komt deze drang nou eigenlijk vandaan? Dit is een vraag die de vier kersverse leden van het Intermate dispuut In ’t Audt zichzelf ook al afvroegen. Tijdens het organiseren van het aspirant-uitje waren ze er al mee in aanraking gekomen. De voorbereidingen leidden langzaam maar zeker tot een gezamenlijke drang om zoveel mogelijk oranje prullaria de avond te laten passeren. Gefascineerd door het bijzondere gevoel dat werd veroorzaakt door deze opvallende kleur


gingen Abe, Fabian, Michelle en Julia op zoek naar de oorzaak van deze oranjegekte. Eerst werd natuurlijk een kort literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd, wat resulteerde in de conclusie dat de voornaamste oorzaak van deze oranjegekte toch wel het Nederlands voetbalelftal moet zijn. Waar de mannen het twee jaar geleden nog compleet verpestten door zich niet te kwalificeren voor het WK van 2018, heeft het vrouwenelftal in 2019 wel de finale weten te bereiken van het WK in Frankrijk. Dankzij dit succes zijn ook de symptomen van oranjekoorts in Nederland toegenomen. Na iedere gewonnen wedstrijd kleuren de inwoners van Nederland zich beetje bij beetje iets meer oranje. De gepaste kledij wordt steeds eerder uit de kast gehaald en sommige mensen verven zelfs hun haar in de oh zo mooie kleur. Kijk maar eens naar spelers van de elftallen zelf. Shanice van der Sanden heeft al meerdere wedstrijden


In ’t Audt gespeeld met oranje haar. Het zal hopelijk ook niet lang meer duren voordat Ryan Babel met dit hippe haarkleurtje het veld op loopt.

“...gingen ze op zoek naar het volledige oranje gevoel” De oranjekoorts had een flinke indruk gemaakt op deze vier spiksplinternieuwe aspiranten, waardoor er een hunkering was naar meer. Natuurlijk is alleen een literatuuronderzoek nog niet genoeg en zou er ook een praktijkonderzoek plaats moeten vinden. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. Dus op 20 september om 4 uur ’s middags ging de 12uurs opdracht van start, wat de toekomstige leden de perfecte gelegenheid leek om zichzelf bloot te stellen aan de gevolgen van de befaamde oranjekoorts. Gehuld in een oranje T-shirt en tutu, en vergezeld met een schattig kruiwagentje gevuld met lekkere oranje versnaperingen gingen de vier musketiers op pad. Ondertussen al volledig in hun element door al het oranje om hen heen gingen ze op zoek naar het volledige oranje gevoel. Ze trapten af in Atlas en vervolgde hun weg door het centrum van Eindhoven. Omdat ze allemaal bevangen waren door de oranjekoorts, leek het hen van zelfsprekend om ook hier op zoek te gaan naar Oranje. Dit ging natuurlijk niet zonder enige discussie en de verwarring sloeg pas echt toe toen we de tijd weer in de gaten kregen. Na even wat rust te hebben gepakt bij de Jumbo, waar een paar verfrissende dorstlessers werden gekocht, konden de vier er voorlopig weer even tegen aan om zo de volgende uren te verslijten. De uren vlogen voorbij en vele hoeken van Eindhoven werden bezocht. Zo natuurlijk ook het welbekende Stratumseind waar diverse November 2019

kroegen op z’n kop werden gezet door alle aanwezigen van het in oranje gehulde dispuut. Gelukkig mochten de benen even rusten na al het gedans. Jammer genoeg, stonden de volgende uitdagingen alweer te ze wachten. De lage groeps-capabelheid van deze lichting aspiranten zorgde voor een hoog irritatie gehalte bij de andere aanwezige, en een in versnellend tempo oplopende uitloop van de gehele 12-uurs opdracht. Blijkbaar bleek de tijdsdruk geen hoge prioriteit te hebben voor de vier, maar dat drukte de pret in geen enkel opzicht. Nog meer dwalen en zoeken door Eindhoven, terwijl er tussendoor opdrachten uitgevoerd moesten worden, leidde rond zes uur ’s ochtends uiteindelijk toch wel tot wat uitgeputte hoofdjes. Na zestien uren gevuld met een op z’n kop staande wereld, nattigheid, ongemakkelijke telefoontjes en cheesy pick-up lines was het einde in zicht gekomen. Met gelukkig nog alle oranje attributen in tact was de 12-uurs opdracht volbracht. De ochtend werd ingeluid met het ontvangen van het certificaat dat het hoge gehalte aan oranjekoorts voor de vier nieuwe leden voor altijd bevestigde. Daarna konden alle oogjes vredig toe gaan, na een net iets langer dan 12 uur durende opdracht hebben overleefd. In de toekomst wordt er verder gegaan met het verrijken van de wereld met dit prachtige oranje gevoel.

Pas op, op deze dagen zal de Oranjekoorst weer toenoemen: •

12 november: Nederland Slovenie, vrouwen voetbal


16 november: Noord-Ierland Nederland, mannen voetbal

19 november: Nederland - Estland, mannen voetbal



en Theme

The Skills of Horse Riding Two weeks ago, I fell off my horse and it reminded me of how easy it is to fall off and how many consequences it can have for your health. However, the next morning I mounted the horse, determined to ride again. Text: Emma Urselmann, Member of Intermate

Horse riding is one of the oldest sports and fulfils every definition of sport. Why do people think it is so easy? I think this is because the only exposure they have had to equestrianism are professionals on television, whose riding is so skilled, they make it looks effortless. What the average amateur does is not shown to the public. The hours of

“...every small adjustment affects your horse” practice, the sore muscles and bruising that riders undergo to make it all look easy. Horse riding is very dangerous, you can easily be crushed or pinned beneath your horse if you miss a stride or misjudge a distance while jumping. This makes horse riding especially a very heavy mental exercise. Riders are constantly being aware of what their horse is thinking and they are trying to predict which movements the horse can make. You need to be mentally flexible enough to change your behavior when the horse misbehaves or suddenly spooks. The ‘ball’ has a mind of its own. Besides, horseback riding is an aerobic and calorie-burning activity as well. I have always been a sportive person (as I say so myself) and sport 4-5 times a week (horseback riding, running and football). However, every time I step off my horse, I am completely soaked in sweat and tired of a one hour lesson, even though I have a pretty good condition. Not 44

to mention the grooming and tacking up the horse, only this already burns lots of calories! It takes much strength, coordination and stamina to control the movement of a 1,000-pound animal. Proper riding requires a strong core, flexible hips and well-muscled hamstrings to move in harmony with the horse. So, riding requires both endurance and fine muscle control - a unique combination among sports. The way that you sit, the position of your leg and hands… every small adjustment affects your horse. The horse reacts on every movement you make which can have big consequences when you are not careful. Last time I checked, a basketball cannot get mad at you, buck you off and potentially step on you. Still, think it is not a sport? I challenge you to try it and you will find out that it is not so easy as it looks like! Yihaaa!


Intermania Rates

Intermania Rates Moneyball Every edition the Intermania committee watches a movie which matches the theme of the edition. This time, the movie Moneyball got chosen due to the BRM2 lectures of Chris Snijders. Text: Intermania Editorial Staff





Michelle: I understand why Chris likes this movie so much, but this is too much statistics for me. CĂŠcile: Expected more.

Isabel: Sometimes the story was difficult to follow, especially if you're not familiar with baseball. Still, it was an inspiring story, due to the main character taking risks and trying out new things. Lotte: Some hardcore stata over here

Well thought-out


Final verdict

November 2019




Wil’s Wijsheden

Leef Nu, en zorg voor de Toekomst “Ik merk nauwelijks een gevoel van urgentie en actie om mij heen.” – Wil Kuijpers Je studententijd is de mooiste tijd van je leven. De toekomst is aan jou en daar kun je in grote vrijheid aan werken, maar natuurlijk moet je ook genieten van alles wat het heden jou te bieden heeft. Ik ben echter bezorgd over jullie toekomst. Als we het overgrote deel van de wetenschappers geloven – wat moeten we anders – heeft Moeder Aarde verhoging en dat zal hoge koorts worden als in de komende 10 jaar de CO2 emissie niet drastisch vermindert. Er gebeurt echter te weinig om de opwarming op veilige waarden te houden. Ik merk nauwelijks een gevoel van urgentie en actie om mij heen. Dat heeft een psychologische en maatschappelijke oorzaak. De mens is van nature vooral gericht op de IK en het NU en de politici die door hen gekozen worden dus ook. Mensen zijn niet zo met de toekomst bezig of denken dat het later wel zal meevallen. Je ziet ook psychologische afweermechanismen, die zorgen dat men zijn CO2 gedrag niet hoeft te veranderen: “Wetenschappers maken ook fouten”. “De regering zal het wel regelen”, “Ik kan dat niet betalen”, “De V.S en Brazilië doen niks, het heeft toch geen zin als ons kleine Nederland wel wat doet?” Als de regering wel iets doet, schreeuwt het ‘slachtoffer’ moord en brand. Waarom zou je jezelf tekort doen als een soort ‘Gekke Henkie/Greta’ als anderen dat niet doen of hoeven? “Wat ik doe scheelt toch niks.” Veel mensen voelen zich machteloos. Zo houden mensen elkaar en hun politici in een tragische patstelling. Sustainable Innovation en Psychology & Technology zijn studies die erg geschikt zijn om te begrijpen hoe dit komt en wat eraan te doen valt. Maar je kunt ook zelf wat doen. Kijk maar op de onafhankelijke site Milieucentraal. Bijvoorbeeld: voor een individu geeft vliegen verreweg de hoogste uitstoot. “Moet ik nu ook al stoppen met vliegen?”. Dat hoeft niet, je kunt je uitstoot ook min of meer compenseren via deze site. Vliegen is nog altijd belastingvrij en erg goedkoop. “Ben ik dan Gekke Henkie/Greta?” Nee, want je hebt nog steeds een mooi leven. In de toekomst zal blijken wie de ware gekkies waren. Reacties zijn welkom: 46


Tech United

RoboCup-Team Tech United

On the TU/e Campus, not only humans like to participate in a sport, but also robots like to play a soccer game. The Intermania contacted the team that is responsible for these robots to find out how they play a soccer game with robots. Text & Images: Laura van Houtum, Member of Tech United

Tech United is the RoboCup-team of the TU Eindhoven which consists of researchers, students and alumni. Our team competes in two competitions, the so-called MSLleague and the domestic standard platform league. MSL stands for ‘Middle Sized League’ in which our famous soccer robots compete. In the domestic standard platform league, we competed for the first time this year with our new robot HERO. Last summer in Sydney both our soccer robots, as well as our service robot became world champion! Both leagues may sound very different, but actually, the challenge is kind of similar. In both leagues, the autonomous robots should be able to move in and react to a continuously changing environment. Before HERO, we competed with AMIGO. AMIGO is fully developed at the TU/e and looks like a human in many aspects. It has a torso, head and two arms. In order to move, it uses so-called omni-wheels, the same kind of wheels as used in the soccer robots. This is an example of how the knowledge of one league can be transferred to the other league. However, AMIGO was getting old and had quite some hardware problems. That is the reason why the team decided to step over to the standard platform of Toyota. We called this new robot HERO. The remarkable thing about this was that the team was able to directly transfer 80 to 90 percent of the software from AMIGO to HERO. This means that the software is quite generic and it resulted in the first win of Tech United in the service robot league. November 2019

The most important property of our robots is that they are fully autonomous. This means that we place our soccer robots on the field and take a step back, while the robots start playing without any person interrupting. There even is a so-called WiFi-police at the official tournament to check if nobody is communicating with their robots. The only human being on the field is the referee, and the only thing (s)he can do is giving penalties, free kicks or send a robot off the field (when being too harsh).

“...the teams share all their data with the rest of the world.” Because the robots aren’t as good as the Messis and Ronaldos of this world, FIFA rules are adjusted: a smaller pitch, a smaller goal, and fewer players per team. By the time it is 2050, these robots aim to defeat the human soccer world champions at their own game. However, there is a crucial difference with human soccer: in human soccer, the coaches keep their strategy a secret whereas after the RoboCup, the teams share all their robot designs, computer code and strategies with the rest of the world. In this way, the teams can learn from each other and together improve more quickly, and so the technology innovates faster in general. 47



At the moment our soccer robots do not look like humans, but they do have a lot of the same functions. Instead of legs, they have so-called ‘Omni-wheels’. Instead of eyes, they have two types of cameras, the well-known Kinect V2 camera (Xbox) and a so-called ‘Omni-vision.’ This Omnivision operates similar to the sphere mirrors you see a lot in supermarkets, and the Kinect camera is used to see high balls. This extra camera was added after a tournament where Portugal was able to shoot all kinds of high balls, and we did only see them after they had already landed in the goal. Another difference is the brain. Our robots use a computer in order to process stimuli. Nevertheless, like humans, they like to communicate with each other through WiFi. They communicate about their own location, but also about the location of the opponents. Since a couple of years, tactics have become more important, so with the knowledge of all the positions of the players in the field, we are now able to give a deep pass for example. Yet, our soccer robots do have the same kind of roles in the field as human soccer players. Our robots are divided into the three roles of attacker, defender and goalkeeper. The defender and the attacker have the same hardware whereas the goalkeeper does look 48

different. The goalkeeper is broader, but its width is limited since the robot should still fit in a box of 50x50x80cm. Therefore, the keeper has three extendable racks. Each rack may be extended every 5 seconds. You may wonder what the use of our soccerplaying robots is to mankind? Well, that actually is not the right question. A better question would be: what is the use of soccerplaying robots to scientists? By becoming very good at soccer—a game that people master very well, but animals and machines do not—the scientists have a practical goal. The whole competition around it ensures that the development of robotics is encouraged. The RoboCup is similar to the Formula 1 of the autonomous robotics. Just as the innovations from Formula 1 lead to improvements in passenger cars, the innovations from soccer robots are used to improve care and rescue robots. If you want to see some cool videos or photos of us, like us on all our social media accounts: Twitter (Tech United), Facebook (Tech United), LinkedIn (Tech United) and Instagram (techunitedeindhoven). Or read all about the elements of the robots in the TU-feature at https:// Intermania


Skiing vs. Snowboarding

For some kind of reason has there always been a feud between skiers and snowboarders. Where does this relationship come from is the question. In this article skiers and snowboarders share their thoughts about each other. Text: Vincent Mosmmuller, Jelle Lehman, Fabian Bekker, Wintermate members

‘Vo for skiing

Every idiot can ski

As a skier I can state the obvious reasons why skiing is better than snowboarding: not being a danger to everybody else when exiting the ski lift, not having to hump-jump your way past a flat piece of the ski slope and not being the dipshit that makes the slopes icy. I want to go back to basic anatomy. As humans, we are born with two beautiful legs. The reason we can transport ourselves quickly from one place to another is because our legs operate independent from each other. It was therefore only logical that when people had to think of an efficient way to descend snowy slopes, they used two pieces of wood, maintaining the independence of the two legs. Only later some maniacs gave up this independence to become ‘onelegged pistebullies’, or as they are currently known: snowboarders.

When “pappie” and “mammie” take their kids skiing for the first time, you can already see how stupidly easy it is. 4-year olds blasting down the mountain, because they are incapable of making a valid corner, turn into grown-ups blasting down the mountain because they are too lazy to make a valid corner. The fact that they need ski poles only confirms this. Skiing is for lazy, selfish, rich people who want to have permanent cramp in their feet with those ugly, concrete shoes. We can mix ourselves into this useless discussion with those plebs, but the outcome is already commonly known. Snowboarding is cooler and more good-looking than skiing, the shoes are way more comfortable, your hands are free to make pictures and videos of the beautiful environment; we would not understand why any of you would still prefer to go skiing from now on.

November 2019





Legendary Latvian Losers From the 19th of November until the 23rd of November the AFExCie will travel to Riga, the capital of Latvia. But before you go, Annique and Sander will tell you something about Latvia’s sporting performances. Text: Sander Schepers and Annique Janse, AFExCie

When you think about Latvia, sport is not the first thing that comes to your mind, so a little help from our friend Wikipedia was necessary. Although the idea was brilliant, the Wikipedia page about Latvia was not of much help. When we searched for the word ‘sport,’ we got one result: “Until 1949, more than 40.000 Latvians were transported to Siberia”. This gave us a first impression of

“Latvia is not much of a sporting nation” something that was confirmed later. Latvia is not much of a sporting nation. Some more research was needed. After hours of browsing the internet, visiting the library, and calling the embassy, we figured out that ice hockey is the most popular sport in Latvia. The performances were indeed outstanding, finishing 7th in 1997, 2004 and 2009 during the World Championships. The pride and joy of the nation. Results about which generations of people will talk about. To be honest, even the participants of the AFExCie, Wil Kuijpers included, would beat the Latvian ice hockey team.

way too strong for the two other competitors. So, besides some 7th places and a European championship before the second world war even started, what did Latvia achieve? For a long time we thought that they were good at absolutely nothing. However, as motivated as we are, we dived deeper and deeper into these humiliating numbers. At the same time, seeing the Latvian results sink deeper and deeper. But after a long time, our commitment was rewarded. We finally found something the Latvians were good at. The Latvians earned the second place (even in this competition they cannot win) in the race for most alcohol consuming nations. The highest sporting score, if you count chugging beer a sport. This is a quite solid explanation for the low ranking in other sport disciplines as beerteams generally score lower in competitions.

The second most popular sport in Latvia is basketball. Also in this sport, the successes are uncountable. Well, they actually did win something! The European Championship! In 1935. They defeated Spain in the final, and the Latvian Legends were also 50


According to Arjan

Sport for your own benefit

Everybody knows that exercising is important for your health. Arjan will tell us more about this and why this is. And what he himself does to keep fit. Text: Arjan Derks, IS and IM master student

It might not come as a surprise, or maybe it does, but sports and physical exercise is good for your health. About 20 minutes of moderate exercise per day is recommended by doctors and the WHO (World Health Organisation, not doctor who) for everyone for a reason. And this should be more, since it has many benefits, in multiple ways. First and foremost, exercising regularly is good for your muscles and stamina, which means that you will have a better overall health and a lower chance on certain diseases. Secondly, exercising correlates with your self-image and self-esteem. It has been found that people who engage in

let’s call him Frank, goes running twice a week with a group of people. Due to running regularly, Frank is able to run longer distances for a longer period after a couple of weeks already. Asides, at his job, he feels more energetic and more comfortable in his own skin. His selfesteem and self-image goes up, due to him being positive about his own healthy behaviour. And while running regularly with the same group of people over the course of a certain period, he is able to form a new group of friends, with whom he can also have a beer, or watch a movie together.

“5 minutes of laughter is as healthy as 10 minutes of jogging.” exercise more often report a more positive selfimage and better mental state. So not only will it help you feel physically better, but mentally as well. Thirdly, and less obvious, are the social effects of training in a group. Sporting in a group leads to more social interactions with others, which is also correlated positively with happiness. These advantages can be illustrated with an example of a person who engages in running regularly. This person, November 2019

Own experience My own experience is a bit different, since I am not really trying to go running for a sport. My hobbies are Judo, Taekwondo and some fitness. I have already written about the first two earlier (A Martial Art or a Way of Life?), but this time, I’ll go more in-depth on the trainings. Not only are they really technical, but they can also push you to your physical limits, though this depends on the trainer. Both Judo and Taekwondo require a good 51



According to Arjan warming up before technical training. And this means that you do many different exercises. Martial arts can be really intensive, and demands a lot of your body, so to improve my physical state for judo, I have taken up some fitness as well. I sport 5 times per week, in a regular week. I go to judo on Mondays and Wednesday, Taekwondo on Thursday, Friday and on Saturday Afternoons, I aim to go to fitness training at SSCE. I try to push myself to my limits with the sports, as I know it will improve myself mentally and physically. In a physical sense, I try to sport a lot, also because I can easily spend whole working days sitting behind a laptop, and I want to keep my body healthy. In a mental sense, it can also be very relaxing to not have any distractions bother you during an intensive training. I always feel better after an intensive training. The social dimension differs per sport, but is very nice as well. With the judo vgroup, I know that showing to be a reliable presence, and coming back after some

“I know I can rely on their wisdom when it comes to life’s problems” ‘minor’ injuries will earn me their respect. After having trained with them for about 2,5-3 years already, most of them have come to know and respect me, and I know I can rely on their wisdom when it comes to life’s problems. With the Taekwondo group, I found a group of friends relatively more my own age. We regularly watch movies together, or spend some time sitting and talking during the third half of training. Both groups have helped me discovering more about myself in the 3-year period I have already lived in Eindhoven. But despite the gains I made, the motto ‘no pain, no gain’ holds especially well for martial arts. I have run into several smaller and larger injuries, ranging from some small blisters to a dislocated elbow. If you are able to train again next time, it isn’t that serious, but dislocated joints and bruised bones cost you valuable training and drinking time with your colleague martial artists, as it takes time to get back to health and get back in shape. But despite my health-wise occasional misfortunes, doing sports is very healthy. As I said in my introduction, 20 minutes of moderate exercise is a too low minimum of the WHO. But before you consider going jogging to achieve this goal, also know that 5 minutes of laughter is as healthy as 10 minutes of jogging. So it is as much fun, and better for your health, to laugh at joggers in the park rather than doing it yourself.



Amsterdam Excursion


The Seminar and Excursion Committee (SExCie) of Intermate is organizing an excursion to Amsterdam that will take place in the second quartile. Job will give you some more information about the SExCie and their excursions. Text: Job Harweg, chairman of of the SExCie

As for this year, I have the honor to be the chairman of the SExCie. The last year we managed to put out some amazing activities, including visits to the beautiful city of Rotterdam and la plus belle ville Francaise: Lille. Both organizing and participating in these activities was sometimes somewhat stressful, but overall great fun and really fulfilling. From the innovation-centered companies in Rotterdam we visited, to the entertainment we were offered at the port of Lille, it will all surely be part of our memories. With the new members onboard (right now already five!), the SExCie is going to try to make the coming year an even greater success! This starts with the preparation of the day excursion to Amsterdam, which is taking place at the 29th of November. The current plan, to visit a big consultancy company at the Zuid-as excites us all, and we will be publishing more exciting news on the company visits in the coming weeks. As you may already know, we will always visit

November 2019

a company that is focused on a Sustainable Innovation topic, and one that is focused on a Psychology & Technology topic. Concepts like sustainability, artificial intelligence, data and innovation have been and will be covered in our company visits. Next to this, we will enjoy the city center of the beautiful Amsterdam, through a tour set out by our newest members Theys and Bart. I am confident they will be able to live up to the high quality tour standard that the SExCie has had over the years. To top it all off, the excursion will end with a culturally-interesting dinner. One thing is for sure: the 21 students who already subscribed can expect the day excursion of their dreams. This however also means that there are only 9 of the 30 spots still available, so via this way I want to encourage you all to subscribe on short notice for this highly anticipated, and overall admired, traditional SExCie trip! Cya, Job





Hengelen naar Data Als afstudeerproject heeft Jorine gekozen om onderzoek te doen naar de effectiviteit van phishing e-mails, waarbij zowel een psychologische als technologische kant bij deze vorm van cybercrime komen kijken. Tekst: Jorine de Koning

Krijg jij weleens e-mails met daarin “Je hebt een prijs gewonnen, reageer nu” of “Je PostNL pakket is onderweg” en dat terwijl je helemaal niet aan een prijsvraag hebt deelgenomen of geen pakket verwacht? Dan is de kans groot dat je een phishing e-mail hebt ontvangen. Phishing is een vorm van internet fraude en betekent letterlijk het hengelen naar vertrouwelijke en persoonlijke informatie. Het is een steeds vaker voorkomende vorm van cybercriminaliteit en blijkt erg effectief te zijn (Verizon Enterprise, 2017; PhishMe Inc., 2016). In tegenstelling tot andere vormen van cybercrime, zoals het verspreiden van virussen of grote hacks waarbij cybercriminelen netwerken of computers aanvallen, is phishing meer gericht op menselijk gedrag. Toen ik voor het vak Professional Experience per toeval bij het Rotterdamse bedrijf Maverick terecht kwam en in samenwerking met hen een project mocht doen over de menselijk factor in cybercrime, wekte dat mijn interesse. Toen ik op zoek ging naar een afstudeerproject heb ik hen meteen benaderd en tot mijn grote geluk wilden ook zij wel meer weten over dit onderwerp. Want niet systemen en software, maar de mens blijkt vaak de zwakste schakel te zijn als het gaat om data lekken en cyber aanvallen. Na wat literatuuronderzoek vroeg ik me af waarom phishing e-mails nou eigenlijk zo effectief zijn. Waarom blijven we massaal in deze valse e-mails trappen? En 54

waarom is er nog geen oplossing voor dit probleem? Ik besloot daarom tijdens mijn afstuderen te focussen op het zoeken naar een mogelijke oplossingsrichting. Tijdens mijn literatuuronderzoek kwam ik erachter dat er zowel een technologische als psychologische verklaring is voor de vraag waarom de mens zo gevoelig is voor phishing e-mails. Buiten de technische trucjes zoals het vervalsen van URL’s of het repliceren van websites, blijken er beïnvloedingsstrategieën verwerkt te worden in de verstuurde e-mails. Deze ‘six principles of persuasion’ zijn in de literatuur veelvoudig beschreven door Cialdini & Goldstein (2002). In phishing e-mails blijken echter met name autoriteit (afzender is een autoritair/hoogstaand persoon/afdeling) en schaarste (“reageer binnen x uur”) frequent voor te komen en dit blijken ook de meest effectieve principes (Akbar, 2014; Butavicius et al., 2016; Wright et al., 2014; Williams, Hinds and Joinson, 2018). Dat wil zeggen, mensen zijn het meest geneigd zijn te

“Waarom blijven we massaal in deze valse e-mails trappen?”


Afstudeerster reageren als autoriteit en tijdsdruk verwerkt zijn in een e-mail. Het succes van phishing e-mails kan vervolgens worden verklaard door onder andere het Heuristic Systematic Model of information processing (Chaiken, 1980). Hieruit volgt dat we informatie en dus ook e-mails lezen en analyseren via onze heuristieke- (snelle en automatische) of systematische (nauwkeurige en bewuste) route. Autoriteit en tijdsdruk kunnen gezien worden als heuristieke signalencues en zorgen er dus voor dat we de informatie in een e-mail onnauwkeurig verwerken. Zo neemt de kans toe dat we belangrijke signalencues voor phishing over het hoofd zien en als het ware in de ‘val’ trappen. Vanuit andere domeinen, zoals marketing en advertenties is echter bekend dat deze beïnvloedingprincipes tegengegaan kunnen worden. Volgens het Persuasion Knowledgde Model (Friestad & Wright, 1994) is het aanleren van kennis over deze strategieën van groot belang om het effect ervan te verminderen. Ik was dus benieuwd of dit ook zo zou werken bij phishing e-mails. Dit heb ik dan ook geprobeerd te onderzoeken in mijn thesis. Voor mijn onderzoek heb ik een interventie (posters & koffiebekers) ontworpen met daarop twee karakters: een autoritair figuur en eentje die tijdsdruk uitbeeldt. Het doel van deze interventie was om mensen te waarschuwen en bewust te maken van autoriteit en tijdsdruk in phishing e-mails. Mijn onderzoek vond plaats in een organisatie met 308 participanten die op werden gesplitst in een controlegroep en een interventie groep. Als voormeting ontvingen alle deelnemers een door mijzelf gemaakte phishing e-mail. Een week later zijn op het kantoor van de interventie groep de November 2019

“Of we mensen ooit volledig kunnen wapenen tegen phishing blijft een vraag” posters en bekers geplaatst en waren deze zichtbaar gedurende een week. De controlegroep kreeg daarentegen niets te zien of horen. Een week na het weghalen van de interventie is de tweede phishing e-mail verstuurd. Het idee was om te kijken of het plaatsen van de interventie het aantal reacties op de e-mail (klikken op URL en het hierna inloggen op de webpagina) zou laten afnemen. Tot slot is er nog een survey verstuurd naar alle deelnemers om meer data te kunnen verzamelen over het experiment en de interventie en e-mails. De resultaten lieten zien dat er massaal was geklikt en ingelogd als reactie op de e-mails (zo’n 25% van de participanten!). Data-analyse toonde daarentegen geen significant verschil aan tussen de groepen en dus ook geen effect van de interventie. Echter lijkt analyse van de survey data toch te wijzen op een mogelijk verband tussen het verhogen van ‘persuasion knowledge’ en het verlagen van gevoeligheid voor phishing. Tijd voor meer onderzoek dus! Of we mensen ooit volledig kunnen wapenen tegen phishing blijft een vraag, maar als je de volgende keer een e-mail binnen ziet komen, check dan in ieder geval eens of deze autoriteit of tijdsdruk bevat en of deze dus wel echt is. Dan ben jij weer een klein beetje beter gewapend tegen deze vervelende nep e-mails. 55




Inter Technical and Active Members Willem from Intermate’s very own sports committee, InterT.E.A.M. will tell you about their committee, their past activies, and what to expect from the upcoming activities of this year. Text: Willem Arts, InterT.E.A.M. member

Most of you know that Intermate is an extremely active study association, and this is reflected through its very own sports committee: InterT.E.A.M. What some of you might not know is that InterT.E.A.M. actually stands for ‘Inter Technische En Actieve Mensen’ (Inter Technical and Active Members), representing the link between studying and exercise. As a sports committee we believe that an active lifestyle is not only healthy but also extremely fun! We try to encourage everyone to engage in some fun and new sports. That is why we organize many different sports activities throughout the year that are open for all intermate members to join.

“An active lifestyle is not only healthy but also extremely fun! ” Last month we had the first sports activity of the year, which was a camping themed badminton tournament in the SSC. It was a huge success and we saw many fanatic and well-dressed intermate members. After the tournament we set up a camp outside, cracked open a beer and played Jeu de boules, while enjoying a delicious dinner from the KookCie. If you missed this activity, don’t worry, there are many more to come!


The rest of the year also looks exiting for InterT.E.A.M. While outside it is getting wet and cold, we will not be sitting still, on the contrary. Next quartile we will be back by ensuring participation in the Van Lint Sports Week, coming up in the week before Christmas. Also, around the same time we will be hosting our own special winter activity you do not want to miss! Of course, what we are most excited about is our participation in the yearly Batavierenrace! Every year around May, 8500 participants run from Nijmegen to Enschede, making it the world’s largest relay race. Among these, our very own Intermate team. Besides competing for a fast time, this weekend is all about getting to know each other even better and partying hard when the running is done. This year’s edition is going to be on the 1-2 of May, so keep this weekend open in your agenda. We hope to see you at any of our great activities! InterT.E.A.M.



Intermania 2019-2020 The new year has begun and that means that the Intermania (Intermate’s quarterly magazine) is making a new edition. In order to receive an Intermania this year, we ask you to fill in the opt-in form. The Intermania does not take into account last year’s registrations for receiving the magazine in order to keep the dataset up to date. Therefore, if you would like to receive your own Intermania, please fill in the opt-in form using this link. When filling in the form, you can specify whether you would like to receive the Intermania and whether you want to pick it up at Intermate or want to receive it at home.

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