- feeding habits
by Jyothsna Nelloolichalil, International Petfood, UK
ne of the things that amateur aquarists are stressed about is feeding their fish. Ones who are new to this hobby is often confused about what to feed their fish and how to feed them. In nature, what fish eat depends on whether they’re herbivores (plant eaters), carnivores (meat eaters) or omnivores (both). How often and how much they eat depends on their dietary preferences, their appetite and availability of food. Herbivores fish eats throughout the day because it takes them a lot more plant materials to satisfy their dietary and nutritional needs. On the other hand, Carnivores fish eats less frequently as they are less likely to catch their food daily. Omnivores fish have it best and they have many more food intake options.
What to feed?
What you feed depends on what type of fish you have – are they carnivores, Herbivores or omnivores. Most aquarists have different types of fish so it is best to give them a combination of feed. Variety is important regardless of what types of fish you keep, as even carnivores benefit from some plant matter in their diet, and vice versa. Also make sure that the size of the feed matches the size of their mouth and make sure to remove un eaten food from time to as it can pollute the water in the tank quickly.
How to feed?
In general, its always best to underfeed as un eaten food can pollute the water with nitrite and ammonia. Try to only feed what the fish can consume in 2-3 minutes. When in doubt, start with a tiny quantity and observe how fast your fish consume it. If it is completely consumed in less than 2 minutes, give them a little more. It won’t take long to figure out how much food to give them at each feeding. Remove any food that remains after five minutes with a siphon hose or net. Another factor to take into consideration is that your fish can be surface feeders or bottom feeders. Most fish eat food whenever they get it but shy fishes are reluctant to the top. Flakes and some pellet foods typically linger at the surface for a minute or two before beginning a slow descent to the bottom, making them good choices for surface and mid-water feeders. Soaking dried foods or “swishing” them at the surface will help them drop faster for mid-water feeders.
When to feed?
It’s better to feed your fish one or twice a day. Some aquarists may even starve their fish for a couple of days to clear their digestive systems. Larger, more sedentary fish can go longer between meals than smaller, more active fish. Herbivores forage throughout the day, so they should be fed more frequently, however, only small quantities at a time. Small active fish like danios and newly hatched fry have higher metabolic rates and should be fed frequently, especially when kept at warmer
22 | November 2023 - International Petfood