CFO 2012 Annual Report

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Through prayer we are guided, sustained, and protected both organizationally and personally. ACFO Core Value

Providing a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led program through which people discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world.

Mission Statement

An Introduction The mission statement is a simple description of the Association of Camps Farthest Out’s (ACFO) purpose. All of the ACFO sponsored activities link to and are in support of our mission statement. Since 1930, CFO has grown to become a more effective ministry in helping Jenni Piatt Financial Director

individuals discover and

Charlie Grassl Executive Director

Cathy Horein Administrative Director

experience the Kingdom of God in their everyday lives. Working in support of other outreach

From the Directors

ministries and churches in North America, CFO continues to

Having just completed our second full year of service to ACFO, we are delighted to report that our

reshape and transform its

work together continues as a labor of love. What a joy to continue the work of CFO in the company of

methods to better serve as a tool

so many dedicated and devoted workers who so freely share their treasure, gifts and talents in the honor

of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The daily CFO program, used at its various events, serves to be inspirational and motivating for those individuals

of our Lord Jesus on behalf of CFO. The foundation of our work together is prayer. Each Monday morning we join in a telephone conference call where we share our plans for the week to come and then conclude in prayers of worship, thanksgiving and petition. Your directors believe this prayer time essential to our staying in harmony with ACFO’s Core Values and God’s will for CFO.

who desire to discover new

God’s will for CFO is to be a beacon or signal of God’s Kingdom here on this earth. To be a place

depths, new heights, and new

where real people project the presence of God’s Kingdom into the world in which they daily function.

breadths of God’s expanding

This is the meaning of ACFO’s vision of

Kingdom in their lives. These

our Lord we are able to project His Kingdom into the world around us both individually and corporately

individuals become prepared to be effective and dedicated disciples of our Lord while serving their community through their local ministries and

. By walking in daily prayer with

through our numerous sponsored events. On the first Wednesday of each month, the three of us join Becky Sutherland (CFOI Coordinator) and Carolyn Miller (UPT Coordinator) in a telephone conference call centered in prayer for all of work. CFO International and the United Prayer Tower share a common purpose and mission of outreach to

churches. ACFO’s purpose is

all the world with the message that “the Kingdom of God is near”. Each of us is conscious that all of

not to serve itself but to be an

CFO is fueled by the voluntary time of CFOers serving in many capacities within CFO. We want to

effective complement to all

recognize those contributions and let you know how deeply your gifts of time, talents, and treasure are

sincere and compatible efforts

appreciated. We seek your continuous prayer support to help us always keep CFO in the hands of God

within the larger Body of Christ in North America.

for His use and purpose.

THE VISION Vision 2020 In 2009, ACFO accepted the challenge of increasing its outreach from 3,000 to 30,000 people by the year 2020. This new vision of outreach for ACFO has formed the basis of a new strageic vision of

. Taking CFO to the

people will be accomplished by an expansion of the CFO experience from merely a once a year “camp� to that of encouraging the daily living in the CFO day. At the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Council of Camp Representative (CCR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan a ten (10) year strategic plan was approved. Authorization was granted to begin implementation of Phase I of the plan while approving Phases II & III in concept only. A Leadership Development Team was formed in October of 2010 to begin the process of developing the materials necessary to implement a small group initiative within ACFO and to provide a method of keeping the vision alive within the leadership of ACFO.

We seek first the Kingdom of God, applying its principles and modeling its realities as set down in the Holy Bible. ACFO Core Value

VISION 2012 Some might question the purpose of a strategic plan for an organization who claims to be seeking the Will of God in all matters. Is the strategic plan making God’s Will secondary to the objectives, strategies, and tactics of this plan? Well it would seem the answer to that question is related to the final vision of this strategic plan. What is the plan intended to produce? ACFO’s mission statement talks about helping “people discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world”. But discovering the Kingdom of God is

We search for God’s will and in all matters seek to surrender to it.

world with people who are learning to blend their life on this planet with life in the Kingdom of God.

ACFO Core Value

This is quite a different person from that honored in this world. So what does a person look like who

not the final vision of increasing CFO’s outreach in the world. Rather it is to populate the

devotes him or herself to daily living in the Kingdom of God? What does this CFOer really look like? One of the ways we talk about the strategic plan is to use the acronym PRIME to list the five (5) key objectives of Phase I of the plan. Using a first word of an objective that begins with a letter in the word PRIME we create a list of objectives that are easier to remember. Prayerfully we also chose a unique scripture that provides a picture of what that objective is intended to do. In every case it provides a spiritual insight into a person who would fulfill that objective which is ACFO’s PRIME objective.

Actual Vitality Index

Projected Vitality Index

We seek to work side-by-side with Christian ministries and organizations to further the Kingdom of God here on this earth. ACFO Core Value

for service ● Changing the mission of the Council of Leaders to that of developing CFO leadership from within ACFO through training, example, and mentoring.

to strengthen and enhance their experiences ● Institutionalizing prayer throughout the structure of ACFO…every level is a prayer group first.


to all challenges

● Seeing ACFO as a tool of God…one that serves God and cooperates with compatible churches and ministries within the greater Body of Christ. ● Emphasizing and enhancing the daily prayer life of every CFOer.

… to

of outreach

● Providing Council Rings the tools, training, and methods that offers the CFO experience in unique and creative ways… where people live, work, and play.

… to

with purpose and meaning

● Council Ring Training to strengthen and enhance the experience of serving on a Council Ring. ● Measuring the effectiveness of all Council Ring vitality initiatives.

FINANCIAL PICTURE The following is a summary presentation of the ACFO financial statement. With approximately

received going directly in support of outreach

activities, ACFO continues to demonstrate good stewardship of its funding. Without the use of professional fund raising activities, ACFO clearly demonstrates its dependence upon God touching the hearts of all who attend its events to support the ministry of “helping people to discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world.”

We seek to function with honesty, integrity, accountability, and transparency, in all matters, in accordance with the Holy Bible. ACFO Core Value

ACFO Financial Overview Data from IRS 990 for fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012

Event Room & Board



$ 728,641





$ 405,572


Registration & Fees



$ 238,654


Interest & Dividends



$ 12,881


Net Product Sales



$ 6,423


CFO Events





Event Leadership



$ 231,204





$ 132,173





$ 37,217




$ 2,869



OUR VOLUNTEERS We seek to love God with all the intelligence of our dedicated minds, all the Our Annual Report would not be complete without the recognition of the extraordinary efforts of the

loyalty of our dedicated hearts, and all the devotion of our dedicated souls. ACFO Core Value

hundreds of individuals who so generously give of their time to provide the many events within ACFO each year. ACFO has uniquely depended upon individuals whose hearts, touched by God through their CFO experience, continue to

with their loving service to all

of us in CFO.

THE DAILY PROGRAM The Rhythm of Spiritual Breathing This “hallowed frame� is our beloved CFO which so wonderfully provides a place where we can all be loved by God. At CFO we are welcomed into His Kingdom to seek His face, to know Him more, to understand the

Meditation (Taking-in) Breakfast Singing/Worship (Giving-out)

depth of His love for us, and to recognize His constant

Morning Talk (Taking-in)

presence in our lives. We believe Proverbs 11: 25 that



(Giving-out) Our fellowship, within CFO, is a true treasure

because it is birthed within the heart of God and nourished by His Holy Spirit. We are refreshed in our service to God through CFO.

Creatives (Taking-in & Giving-out) Lunch Rest (Taking-in) Recreation (Giving-out) Prayer Groups (Taking-in) Dinner Singing/Worship (Giving-out) Evening Talk (Taking-in) Fellowship (Giving-out) Bedtime

GOVERNANCE GUIDING THE VISION How ACFO is Governed The Directors are employed by the ACR for the pupose of planning & conducting the daily business of ACFO as a 501(c)3 organization.

The Advisory Council Ring (ACR) are formally elected volunteers, meeting twice per year, overseeing the policies & practices within ACFO.

The Camp Council Ring (CR) volunteers function as a prayer group, that plan & implement local CFO events.

The Zones are seven (7) regional geographic groupings of the operating Council Rings for the purpose of enhancing the vitality of ACFO.

Council of Camp Representatives (CCR) are formally elected volunteers who monitor and guide the practices and policies of ACFO.

Annual Meeting is an offical meeting of the CCR for the purpose of policy decision making and overall assessment of the vitality of ACFO.

ACFO supports all chartered activities of the association within the United States and Canada

OUR BOARD We are called to respond to opportunities of service in the manner of Jesus Christ through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. ACFO Core Value

The Advisory Council Ring Tina Allen

Joe Jeide

Marion Sutton

Doug Bolin

Karleen Katich

Kristy Thurow

Roland Brown

Rayner Kenison

Peter Waterman

Karyn Brown

Adam Maddock

Nancy Valdez

Sean Buell

Ron Meyer

William Woodson

Chris Cooper

Carolyn Miller

Laura Woodson

David Dobra

Helen Panitt

Charles Grassl Executive Director

Gary Fick

Julie Simmons Catherine Horein Administrative Director

Thomas Heslin

Robin Smalt Jennifer Piatt

Bryan Holland

Rebecca Sutherland

Financial Director

“We seek to respond in love to all people. The resolution of conflicts can only be accomplished by viewing situations through the lens of the Sermon on the Mount, the Two Great Commandments, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.” ACFO Core Value


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