Fellowship Messenger, published by CFO

Page 1





Providing a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led program through which people discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world.

8 Worry and Compassion 3 Always Flexible


9 Laying It Down

4 Come to the Table!

10 Financial Overview

6 CFO Events in 2013

12 Donor List

7 It's All About Jesus

14 CFO Eternal



Come! and pull up a chair at the ! The is an online private network where we are praying, living and serving each other every day.


The Gift of Hospitality “Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay” 1 Peter 4:9

Bed-Breakfast-Prayer Have you ever opened your home to others as they traveled across the country offering a night’s stay and meal? If you have, then you were doing what the Word of God tells us to do, sharing our homes with those in need. The gift of hospitality is Kingdom Living, which is what we do in CFO. This is the motivation for a new ministry for CFO - to provide overnight stays in homes of CFOers to other CFOers and potential new campers, called Bed-Breakfast-Prayer.

We want to create a network of Host Homes across NA and you can be the first in your area to join.

To learn more about BBP or for information about becoming a Host Home or an Overnighter, contact: David Dobra daviddobra@bellsouth.net or 678 522 7142 2



Always Flexible! Semper Gumby!

Bryan Holland ACR Chair

Over the past few months I’ve been reading comments on Facebook/ CFO Family about CFO camps held this summer. were some of the comments mentioned. Galations 5:25 encourages us, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Great food for thought, because that’s where we need to be when we talk about and promote Kingdom Living through CFO. As Robin Smalt, 2012-13 ACR Chair, put it at our recent annual meeting in California, we as CFO’ers need to be thinking and doing: 1) Ongoing Prayer Groups 2) (How we are in) Relationships to our Zones, and 3) Commitment to Outreach (Advisory Mary Uht from California further put it in the acrostic Council Ring): ctive Prayer Groups ommitted to Outreach elationship to Zones I would add “Semper Gumby- always flexible” because being in step with His Spirit could (and usually does!) take us into “unconventional waters.” Let’s think on these things and pursue them always letting the Lord be our Guide! CREDITS: Cover photo: Charlie Grassl; page 3: Gumby, www.gumbyworld.com; page 5: The Table Project, www.tableproject.org Fellowship Messenger is published annually by Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. © 2013, Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. All rights reserved. Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization North American Office: 317 S. Madison Avenue, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 607-535-4415 • staff@acfona.org • www.acfona.org www.acfona.org




to the



The Prayer Initiative … a new way of connecting

The CFO Table … prayer & praise ‘in the cloud’

We all agree that our CFO experience shouldn’t end just because our CFO camp or retreat has ended. To provide us a way to overcome the geographical separation which hinders close fellowship when our CFO camp or retreat ends, we have introduced an important new tool called . This tool is helping ACFO realize the fruits and blessings of its Prayer Initiative. The Prayer Initiative is an overarching emphasis on prayer in every element of CFO. Unity in prayer is the foundation of ACFO’s vision to expand its outreach to North America, and also to help strengthen CFO International’s outreach to the rest of this world.

We believe the is an important new tool for the CFO community. We believe this tool can help us extend the CFO experience into the places where we live, work, and play. The is a private online network that enables us to connect with other CFOers at anytime, anywhere. Instructions on how to join this exciting new CFO experience are provided at the top of the next page and at the end of this article.

The CFO Table … the vision Although the has many capabilities for interaction and building community, for now, the primary purpose is for prayer. For over a year, your directors have been



Go to: At the bottom of the page, click on and follow the directions.

using the to discover its benefits and learn its use as a tool for prayer within CFO. Organized and administered through the ACFO Zone structure, it is our goal and hope for each Council Ring to participate on the as a continuously functioning prayer group.

The CFO Table … its use You can be as connected as you want to be with your prayer group through an app on your smart phone or through e-mail on your computer. Reasons for the need of prayer in your life rarely come on the night of your www.acfona.org

scheduled prayer group or just before a scheduled church service. It has been our experience that within minutes of posting a prayer request several assurances of directed prayer are provided to the person in need. Often included are comforting and assuring words provided by the person praying. Just a few of the benefits we experience include: ● Overcoming the separation of geographical distances ● Providing the intimacy & warmth of the family dinner table ● Uniting a group through prayer ● Providing prayer at the time of need (Continued next page)



● Easy to use, free to join, and private within the CFO community or group ● Providing a way for a council ring to communicate effectively & more often will help extend the We believe the work of each Council Ring into more of our local communities where we each work, live, and play. Through an effective prayer connection within the CFO Community we will engage our friends and families in a community that is vibrant, alive, and creatively demonstrating the love, joy, and power of walking in God’s Kingdom…each moment…each hour…each day! So you are invited to and join us for prayer… we are excited, expectant, and trusting in God’s blessings and grace that will pour forth from this prayer initiative. t


Alaska Hawaii Idaho




Oregon Washington


Wyoming Alberta British Columbia


NW Territories (west of Alberta) Yukon


Table Team









Missouri North Dakota

Peter Waterman




New Mexico *


Oklahoma Cathy Horein


South Dakota




Manitoba Tina Allen


NW Territories (east of Alberta)

513-724-7137 (H); 513-720-4162 (C )






TBD Zack Rusaw


Kentucky Doug Kellogg






Wisconsin Jessica Kortmeyer


Ontario (west of Sudbury)

303-902-9370 6



IN 2013

Connecticut Maine


Massachusetts New Hampshire


New Jersey New York




Rhode Island


Vermont Eastern Canada (east of Sudbury) Ontario






Nevada Utah

Delaware Maryland North Carolina


South Carolina Virginia


D.C. West Virginia








Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee


* newly formed CR/prayer group www.acfona.org

It’s all about Jesus By Charlie Grassl As most of you know, Glenn Clark was the founder of Camps Farthest Out. A 1958 article from framed a picture of this unique and Godly man from his views on prayer and the church. Glenn’s views on prayer and the church are still evident in CFO today. The following are excerpts from that 1958 article. “Glenn taught that one’s conversation with God should not be limited merely to asking for something but one should be ready to relinquish the request into God’s hands and to ask sincerely for God’s will to be done. Glenn was at his best when talking about the teachings of Jesus. He wasn’t an ordained minister. He was free of the dogmatic teachings, customs, and rituals that the usual minister must carry. Yet for the church he held a profound reverence. This gentle man, possessing great spiritual insight and understanding, sent each CFO camper back to his or her church.” Glenn understood that to live life in the freshness and creative environment of the Lord’s Kingdom required us to daily submit to His Will in our lives. The Prayer Initiative in ACFO is providing tools for CFOers to practice this in their daily lives. Helping us along the way is the community of believers we find in our churches that provide encouragement and support for our spiritual journey. (Continued next page) 2013-14 FELLOWSHIP MESSENGER


The church is a place of worship, a place of peace, and a place of growth. CFO has always sought to work in support of the local churches by being a place that points us only to Jesus and not to doctrine. An authentic church is a community of people whose common connection is Jesus and whose common purpose is an on-going and developing relationship with God. Although in our individual churches, we may worship differently, pray differently, and interpret the Bible differently, it is now — and always has been — . Jesus is the to reconcile us to our Father. Jesus is the to guide us along the journey back to the Father. Jesus is the that we find within the Kingdom of God. Through Jesus we are able to transcend our church differences and realize the fellowship and unity possible only in the Kingdom of God. CFO is a place to experience such fellowship. CFO is a place to practice living in the Kingdom. CFO is a place !t that is

Worry and Compassion by Kayla McClurg Luke 10:38-42 & Colossians 1:15-28 Can’t you hear the affection in his voice: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things.” Jesus calls it like he sees it—and I think what he sees is not only Martha, but all of us. How prone we are to worry and distraction! We give them temporary shelter and before we know it they’ve taken up long-term residence, they and all their anxious children. We simply want to show a bit of compassion and caring, and before you know it the worries have installed new carpet and bought king-size beds. Compassion and caring call us beyond ourselves, to a bigger experience of the world, whereas worry and distraction squeeze us into smaller and smaller circles. Compassion sends our roots down into the fertile loam of God’s presence in the world, regardless of how inconvenient the actions we are called to take might be; compassion flows through us, taking us beyond our perceived limitations.

Worry, on the other hand, gains a

stranglehold bit by bit, tangling around our ankles, tripping us up, a pesky weed strutting about at the surface of things, choking off the feeding of God’s life within. Pondering the depths, where “the fullness of God is pleased to dwell,” is always the enemy of worry. In the depths we see worry for what it is—a selfish desire for control. For most of us, pondering the fullness of God brings a suffering of sorts. We simply cannot do it and continue to be who we’ve grown familiar with









imprisonment and torture, as well as struggling to convey the riches of

What kind of sorry mess would our world be in then? And that, my friends, is the voice of


worry. Finding the still point within calms

suffering was the tension of leaving the

worry and makes room for creative

work of hospitality unfinished even if no

compassion. What might it mean for our

one else did it. Each of us suffers

world if each of us chose the still point?

differently as we try to manage work and

Chose, not worry and distraction, but

relationships and homes and callings to

compassion and caring, allowing us to

co-create with God evidence of a redeemed

rejoice in our suffering and rest in “the

world. What if everyone did nothing except

better part” which cannot be taken away.

sit at Jesus’ feet and ponder the depths?

What might the ripples from that sort of




quiet revolution? t Reprint from July 21, 2013 online issue, INWARD OUTWORD seeking the depths, a project of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C.

Laying It Down for the Lord by Barbara Grassl

We are not called to choose sides but to choose God. As we search for truth, we develop opinions and perspectives about the critical issues in our world and in our faith. This pursuit of knowledge and understanding becomes a strong fabric of our beings. However as we also walk in relationship with our God we realize these carefully developed and justifiable opinions must also yield to the Perfect Will of the Father in order for us to live out His Divine Plan for our lives. Our personal opinions and preferences must never become a tool in our hands to NA Youth Retreat

elevate ourselves in the eyes of God or in the eyes of others. Dare we choose to lay down our prejudices, our

passions, and our pointing? Dare we choose to accept the mantle of humility and meekness from Jesus, the Prince of Peace? As I have absorbed His Will and His Heart into my life…my opinions grow softer…my perspective becomes wider…my preferences become His! t www.acfona.org



Financial We came through 2012 with a change in the fee structure and the CFO fiscal year and I believe we made it by God's grace! I am excited to report that feedback is positive, with most everyone feeling comfortable with the changes. I am also pleased to report that all 2012 fees are paid and almost all reports are in. Change can be difficult, but I want to thank all of the camp treasurers who worked with me to make the changes successful. This year the ACR Finance Committee will look at insurance options to try and reduce the cost of insurance for the office and the camps. Insurance is a major expense for all of us and we want to make sure we have adequate coverage at the least possible cost. In keeping with growing costs, a small increase of fees was implemented and will take effect January 1, 2014. The new fees will be an increase of 3% and will result is a total cost of $20.60 for Full-Time Adults and $12.36 for Part-Time Adults. Youth are half price the adult rate and there is no charge for children under 3. The per day rate for meetings and CFO days will be $15.45. No matter how clearly we feel we are communicating, there are always unanswered questions. We want to hear your questions. We want the opportunity to respond to your concerns. Please contact Jenni Piatt with any questions or concerns. We love hearing from you! Jenni Piatt, Financial Director PO Box 1254, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 (716)560-4400, jennipiatt@acfona.org


in the amount of: $_____________


in the amount of: $_____________/mo.


in the amount of: $_____________/mo. (Please include a voided check with this form for Electronic Transfers) )_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Please return this form, your check or voided check to the address on the back page of this publication.




Overview Event Room & Board










Registration & Fees













Asset Sales Interest & Dividends Earned Other

CFO Events & Programs






Event Leadership




















Footnotes: (1) Figures come from data contained in the 2011 and 2012 IRS filing for the 18 month period noted. (2) Event Room & Board consists of facility costs collected from campers and Dublon vouchers paid. (3) Donations include contributions received by the Camps, Zones and ACFO Office. (4) Registration & Fees consists of camp registration paid by campers and fees paid by Camps and Zones to ACFO. (5) The majority of Interest & Dividends were earned on the Dublon investment account. (6) Expenses for CFO Events & Programs consist of R&B, Insurance, Brochures, Publications, Director Travel, Consultant, etc. (7) Event Leadership expenses include Travel, Honoraria, etc. (8) Administrative expenses cover Director salaries, Office rent, Utilities, Postage, etc. (9) Contribution expenses include donations by Camps, Zones & ACFO Office to other ministries. www.acfona.org




THANKS DONORS! We want to say, “THANK YOU!” to all who gave generously to ACFO. From the $1 donation to the largest, all amounts add up to help us with our budget. The monthly donors and occasional donors are both tremendously helpful and we need you all.


Ernest & Olga Abbott Alan & Rose Addington Alabama CFO Ben & Joyce Allen David & Sarah Allen *Tina Allen Linda Ames David & Sarah Anderson Phyllis Anderson Arizona CFO Robert & Bonnie Armstrong Donna Arndt CA Arrowhead CFO Al & Kathy Axton Terry Baker Dorean Bare BettyLou Bargo John & Evelyn Bauman Ron & Joy Baumler Andy & Judy Beeman Norma Bentley Jack & Robin Bernstein Gilbert Bielefeld Grace Biggs Fred & Joanne Bigner Jack & Lolly Bittinger SD Black Hills CFO Bill & Anne Blackley Doug & Joy Bolin Joan Bowes Robert & Barbara Boyer Anita Bradley Richard & Barbara Bremiller Anne Louise Broberg Robert & Gail Brown Roland & Jean Brown Lee & Emily Brown *Jody & Karyn Brown Donald & Susan Bruestle Sean & Brandy Buell Alan & Judith Canfield WV Capon Springs CFO Andrew & Esther Carroll Gary & Mary Christensen Susan Clark Vibeke Clark Adam & Alison Cliffe Dale Coates Pasadena Community Foundation Joyce Conover Joanne Cook Phyllis Cooper Chris & Mical Cooper Brittany Cooper Bob & Barb Cooper

Pam Corker Janice Coughlin Ronald Cox Bob & Louise Crouch Charlotte Culler Guy & Edith Daniels Beverly Davies Joseph Day Linda Decker Richard & Madge Dell John & Susie Derickson Mary Dill *David & Martha Dobra Harriet Dublon Carol Dunton Dorothy Ebaugh Zone Eight James & Ann Elliott Glenn & Janet Elliott Patricia Ewell Joe & Rachel Fick *Gary & Mae Ellen Fick Donald & Dona Fieldhouse Mary Fifer Amy Filer NY Finger Lakes CFO Joel & June Fisher Elwood & Anita Ford Myrna Fouts Brian Fox Dan & Sue Franklin Rose Fraser F.G. Frederick George Furniss Roger & Rosemary Gatchell Patricia Gauvain Kay Glore David Goldsmith Laura & Bernard Gordon William & Deborah Gow Charles Grassl Comm Foundation Great River Bend Maurice & Martha Ann Gregoire Carolyn Griffin Joshua & Elizabeth Griffin Martha Hagy Patricia Hammond Jim & Earline Haney James & Betty Harrington Ken & Liv Hauge Linda Heesch Nancy Henderson Mary Ruth Henefer William & Lorna Henkel Linda Hershey



DONORS Larry Smith Marjorie Smith Norma Smith Josephine Smith Tom & Linda Sommer CA Southern CFO Larry & Susan Southwick Virginia Steele Paul & Jenny Steele Kay Stelzer Chris Stewart Linda Stipo Kristen Storey John & Debby Stratton *John & Kathryn Styer Rebecca Sutherland Charles & Marion Sutton Daniel Terrones *Bob & Debbie Thomas Zone Two Ogdensburg UMC U.M.W. Magnolia U.M.C. Pleasant U.M.C. Jane Vallar Susan Varney Donna Vaxelaire Darin Vaxelaire Virginia CFO Retreat Mary Wallan Peter Waterman Paul & Dorcas West Wayne & Ruth West Mary Wetmore James & Virginia White Budd & Jane White Danny & Margaret Wigley Terry Ann Wilhoft Marion & Faye Ellen Winger Willie & Sharon Witt Peter & Ellie Wolcott Calvin & Berit Wolcott Bill & Laura Woodson Ruth Work Bob & Linda Yearty Frank & Janice Zern Sarah Zowada

Tom Heslin *NC High Pastures CFO *PA Hilltop *Lucile Hinchey Allen & Betsey Hodges David & Lorraine Hoffman Bryan & Nancy Holland Cathy Horein Jeannee Hughes Sam & Karen Hunt Indiana CFO Darrell & Anna Lee James Kristi Jamison Joseph Jeide Leah Jennings Donald & Ruth Johnson Maynard & Jeanne Jones Dave & Jane Kampsnider NC Kanuga CFO Beverly Karr Lyon Steve & Karlene Katich Vernon & Ruth Kaufert Meredith Kelly Ray & Donna Kenison Russell & Carol Kindig Donald & Anna Krall Ken & Elizabeth Krall Catherine Kreis Doris Lasher Harry & Phyllis LaVigne Matt & Helen Leach Grace Lefever Dennis & Patricia Little Vickie Livelsberger Gloria Lomax Thomas & Valerie Lomax Donald & Charlotte Long Marilyn Luschen Kristin Mackay Adam & Ann Maddock Kathy Maier Geneveive Marriott Evelyn Martin Joyce McCallister Terry McCarthy Janet McCreary Alex & Alice McCullough Sue McDanel Gace McGeehon Arleen McLane Janet McLaughlin Beverly McLeod Lois McPherson Robert & Alice Meader Daniel & Martha Meadows

Anna Merrill Earlene Mevey Ron Meyer MI Midwest Camping Carolyn Mikels Carolyn Miller John & Valerie Montalbano Montana CFO Ginger Moore John Moore Philip & Jane Morgan Earle & Pam Morse Robert & Becky Mortvedt GA Mountains CFO Cassie Mulloy Frank & Roxanne Nowinski Linda Oliverius Glenn Olsen Helen Panitt Lois Petrella Ruth Pettibon David Peyton Jim & Edith Piatt David & Jenni Piatt Bryan Pickles James Pierce Anne Pierson Timothy & Dorine Pratt Jack Prince Major & Ordelphia Proctor Betty Putnam Joanne Rawson Verne Robinson John & Esther Robson Julie Rogers Glenn & Joann Rogers Jane Ross Donald Rudisel Dave & Lana Runyan Willard Russell Bob & Margaret Russell Edwin & Leilani Savick Katherine Scanland Virgil & Virginia Schenck Nellie Schmidt Rex & Suzanne Schrolucke Mike Self Zone Seven Dean & Hazel Severin Jerry & Ann Shepard Roger & Marlo Sherman Patricia Shinness Connie Sloan Ruth Smalt Robin Smalt





CFO ETERNAL 2012 Washington CFO

November 2012 WV Capon Springs CFO

December 2012 NH Winni CFO ME Acadia CFO

October 2012 NY Finger Lakes CFO


Dublon vouchers are still available for first time campers. Each camp and retreat can receive up to 5 vouchers per event. The vouchers are issued to first time campers, in the amount of $150 for camp and $75 for retreats. In 2012 we issued 22 retreat vouchers and 77 camp vouchers, for a total of $13,120.50. We are anticipating a total of 109 vouchers for a total of $14,475 for 2013. Forms can be downloaded from the website (acfona.org) or contact Jenni Piatt at jennipiatt@acfona.org or call 716-560-4400.


October 2012 Taconic CFO Warwick CFO

April 2012 CA Alliance CFO

2012 PA Hilltop CFO

April 2012 Texas CFO

May 2013 Texas CFO

February 2013 CO Front Range CFO

June 2013 Arizona CFO

August 2013 NY Finger Lakes CFO

May 2013 Indiana CFO

July 2013 CO Front Range CFO CO Summer CFO Council of Leaders

February 2013 Oregon CFO Indiana CFO

July 2013 NY Finger Lakes CFO ON Grace CFO Council of Leaders

March 2013 NY Finger Lakes CFO

May 2013 Warwick CFO

October 2012 Tennessee CFO

January 2013 CA CFOs Council of Leaders

J February 2013 PA Hilltop CFO

June 2013 PA Hilltop CFO

April 2013 WV Capon Springs CFO

May 2013 WV Capon Springs CFO

November 2012 CT Gateway CFO

May 2013 NY Finger Lakes CFO




and are posted daily, giving you the CFO Day and a daily prayer. Join CFOers and fellow Christians alike as we bring the world and its needs to the Lord each day.

AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS Becky Sutherland, Coordinator Sue Fairley, President P O Box 1301, Whittier, CA 90609 562-947-4448 cfoicoordinator@gmail.com www.CFOInternational.org

For prayer needs 24 hours a day Carolyn Miller, Coordinator 1501 S. Louisiana Ave., Mason City, IA 50401 641/421-6858 pray@UnitedPrayerTower.org www.unitedprayertower.org

c/o Shepherd Ministries P.O. Box 92, Milo, IA 50166 641-942-7118 matt@cfoclassicslibrary.org Matt Leach, Librarian

24558 546th Avenue, Austin, MN 5512 800-407-9078 507-396-0135 macalesterpark@macalesterpark.comwww.mac macalesterpark.com/bookstore/







Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. 317 S. Madison Ave. Watkins Glen, NY 14891-1120

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