2013 CFO Worldwide

Page 1

Getting Along in the Kingdom of God


What is Your Degree of Wholeness?


Burning the Prayer Box


Building Kingdom Leadership


Start Your Own Prayer Box


News from Around the World


Start a Prayer Vigil


Directory of CFO Events Worldwide


Index of Events by Region and Country


In Your Service

Front row: Carolyn Miller, UPT Coordinator; Cathy Horein, ACFO Administrative Director Back row: Jenni Piatt, ACFO Financial Director; Becky Sutherland, CFOI Coordinator; Charlie Grassl, ACFO Executive Director

CFO WORLDWIDE is the work of CFO International, Inc. (CFOI), the United Prayer Tower, Inc. (UPT), and the Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. (ACFO). Though separate legal entities, we believe the mission of CFO in service to Jesus Christ unites us as one body. It is our prayer that by getting a glimpse of the larger outreach of CFO, you will reach beyond the borders of your own camp and retreat to participate in other CFO events, work with us to expand CFO's outreach in your local community and prayerfully consider serving in the many levels of CFO leadership. is published jointly by CFO International, United Prayer Tower and Association of Camps Farthest Out. © 2013, All Rights Reserved. Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. 317 S. Madison Avenue, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 • www.acfona.org PO Box 1301, Whittier, CA 90609 • www.cfointernational.org 1501 S. Louisiana Avenue, Mason City, IA 50401 • www.unitedprayertower.org 2013 CFO WORLDWIDE

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“Everything about our union together and our basis for working shall be as fluid as the sea and as free as the air. Christ and all He represents is central; everything else is marginal. Where and when we find confusion in our concept of Him, we feel assured that when we vision that concept through the lens of the Sermon on the Mount, the two great commandments, and His sacrifice on the cross, we shall see Him as He really is…”

Every organization has situations arise that can be the source of conflict between individuals-- a church’s finance committee, the garden club, a city council, a legislative body, or the parent-teacher group at your child’s school. People bring different ideas to every group and many problems or issues can usually be resolved or addressed in a variety of ways. As these different ideas compete for the solution, conflict can arise depending upon the degree of ownership of the ideas held by the individuals. In most groups, the strongest individual wills their solution upon the others of the group. Some groups try to deal with conflict by avoiding it at all costs and this is sometimes sold as “peace making.” CFO benefits in regards to resolving issues of conflict by a gift from its founder. CFO operates neither by the rule of the


strongest or by avoiding conflict. Many years ago Glenn Clark drafted an article that he titled, . In that document he provided a vision for how people committed to living and working by the rules of the Kingdom of God should address conflict or confusion in their dealings with one another. CFO chooses to conduct all of its business as if we were living in the Kingdom of God. To view each other through the lens of His Kingdom--the lens of love! When we dare to look through the lens of love we see in any conflict the certainties of redemption in place of the uncertainties of fear. Such a way of life is not only beneficial to CFO successfully functioning as an organization, but also beneficial to each of us in our personal relationships within our



CFO is a place where each of these relationships are developed and nourished. CFO does not work alone in providing this unique service to the Christian community. Rather it seeks to be a complementary part of the greater Body of Christ of which we are all members. Churches and all ministries that seek to enhance the spiritual lives of people through the message of salvation through Jesus Christ work together in ministering to God’s people. CFO seeks to be complementary and not competitive in the greater body of Christ! CFO is attended not joined. Its focus is a life dedicated to God. This is not something done alone nor completed in this life. It is something that can be practiced and enhanced but never perfected in this life. CFO, for over 80 years, has ministered to many generations in North America and to many cultures throughout the world. CFO can meet your need for a balanced spiritual and physical life today.

The degree of wholeness in our lives is determined by our ability to develop and reconcile three relationships. They are: (1) our relationship with our God; (2) our relationship with others; and (3) our relationship with life’s circumstances. As Rick Warren so aptly stated in his book, , “If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.” You begin life’s journey in truth by discovering Christ the King (Jesus) which leads to the discovery of his Kingdom (the Kingdom of God…a place God calls us to live). By deepening your relationship with God, you quickly discover that it is interrelated to your life with others (1 John 2:9). Our relationships with others, you soon discover, is related to how you, personally, engage or encounter life’s circumstances (our witness of God’s love for us to others of this world). The three relationships are inseparably linked in one’s life. God…Others…Circumstances. They cannot be isolated one from the other. 2013 CFO WORLDWIDE


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to Attend a CFO Event 1. 2.






Through its Christ-centered, Holy Spirit led program people are personally led to a deeper knowledge of God. Through its emphasis on prayer in all matters associated with the CFO event, the personal experience happens in a prayer-filled environment absent of any manipulation, judgment, or expectation. The people respond to God’s call from their hearts in an atmosphere of love and acceptance. The Kingdom of God and its related practices (Sermon on the Mount) are modeled throughout each event. Life in God’s Kingdom is personally experienced not abstractly viewed or studied. All ages are encouraged to attend resulting in an intergenerational experience of Kingdom living. Whole families experience together the power of prayer and God’s love in their lives, resulting in strengthened bonds within the family. God’s presence and practices within a family will be a foundation of blessings that last a lifetime! People representing many denominations within the Christian family have been blessed through the CFO experience. Jesus is the center of all that is done in CFO with doctrinal issues considered marginal to the Saving Grace of Jesus that witnessed to the Father’s love for his creation to all the people of this planet. The degree of wholeness in our lives is determined by our ability to develop Experiencing God’s love with people of all ages, and reconcile three relationships. different doctrinal beliefs, and cultures deepen one’s understanding of a universal God that is much larger than one’s own perspective about God. Life in the Kingdom of God breeds a fellowship like no other. People bonded by the love of Jesus, expressed in their daily lives, become part of a family of God’s friends. This is not a friendship built out of a common interest but from a desire to project the peace within one’s heart into the lives of others.


Daily discipline is encouraged for all attending in order to prepare oneself spiritually as an athlete would prepare physically and mentally for the unforeseen circumstances of a game. One of the common expressions used in CFO is for each of us to become in order that we cope with life’s circumstances in a manner that honors the God who loves us. 9. CFO provides opportunities of service, for those called by God, by becoming active in event planning and implementation. 10. For those discovering gifts of leadership, opportunities for training and mentoring are available. In this way leadership skills are developed from within CFO thus providing assurance that the CFO experience is Christ-centered and Holy Spirit-led.




families, workplace or society itself. This is “Discovering the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world.” Yielding ownership of our righteousness in exchange for His righteousness! Not avoiding or hiding from conflict but seeing and acting within God’s way to witness the real power of His Kingdom operating among His people.



Looking through the lens of love, we see-Ourselves as dependent upon God; Ourselves as being gentle, showing concern for others; Ourselves as being comforted by God in any situation; Ourselves as thirsting for justice and hungry for what is right; Ourselves as showing mercy and tenderness in all matters; Ourselves as dedicating our lives totally to God; Ourselves as peacemakers in any situation; Ourselves as residents of the Kingdom of Heaven; Ourselves as salt, flavoring the world; Ourselves as a light of the world; Ourselves as obedient to God’s laws; Ourselves as praying for those that persecute us; and Ourselves as forgiving those that injure us.

by Gary Fick, UPT Council Ring Chair

Glenn Clark, the man who has helped so many learn more about prayer, taught us to look for and use "levers of prayer" that activate our faith in such a way that we just trust God to provide more than we can ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). One of the most powerful of those levers of prayer is to relinquish our request to God. That means that we place the request in God's hands and do not take it back with worry or impatience. We simply trust Him to send a perfect answer at just the right time. I have found the CFO PRAYER BOX to be a wonderful and amazing means of putting the principle of relinquished prayer into practice. At a CFO camp or retreat, the prayer box is often a decorated shoe box with a slot in the top. It is a place where we can put our written prayer requests and praises - essentially secrets between us and God. The box is never opened and the messages to God are never read by anyone else. At the end of the CFO event, the prayer box is burned and the rising smoke symbolizes our prayers rising to God. As the actual notes are consumed in fire they are thus relinquished. Those particular notes to God cannot be examined again. And then in God's way and time, the answers come as blessings and as faith builders revealing God's love and care for us. It is true! The UPT in many ways is like the PRAYER BOX. People send their prayers to UPT and wait for God to answer. And God watches over those prayers offered up to Him in this way, answering with more than we can ask or imagine.



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TOWER CFO: Building Kingdom Leadership

was the inscription on the first Prayer Box. Glenn Clark asked CFO families to hold the Prayer Box in their hearts each day & give thanks for answered prayer. In early days of CFO, many prayer groups, as well as individuals and families made their own Prayer Box. They held the box…sending love to each person. They thought of themselves as one of the four men who let their friend down through the roof into Jesus’ Presence.

Providing a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit- led program through which people discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world.

The mission statement is a simple description of the Association of Camps Farthest Out’s (ACFO) purpose. All of the ACFO sponsored activities link to and are in support of our mission statement. Since 1930, CFO has grown to become an effective ministry in helping individuals discover and experience the Kingdom of God in their everyday lives. Working in support of other outreach ministries and churches in North America, CFO continues to reshape and transform its methods to better serve as a tool of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We can look at the box of requests with thanksgiving. We can look at the box full of prayer requests instead of looking at the problems. We know He knows so it isn’t necessary for us to remember. Start a Prayer Box for your family. Take time to gather together daily…place in the Box all of your burdens, problems, concerns, petty peeves, and desires. Then close with a prayer of joy and thanksgiving leaving these things in the Hands of the Father. When problems confront us, let’s learn to stand on God’s Promises. Psalm 34: 7 Jesus taught that the Father wants to give us the desires of our heart. In Matthew 6: 25-34 Jesus says we are not to be concerned about anything, not even food or clothing. Proverbs 3: 6 explains that in all our ways we are to acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths.

ACFO’s purpose is not to serve itself but to be an effective complement to all sincere and compatible efforts within the larger Body of Christ in North America. www.unitedprayertower.org



From the International Camp in Peru to the first CFO in China, God is blessing our world!

costumes from many areas of their country. Every region took turns leading meditation, singing, devotion in motion, speaking and prayer times. We learned new songs, new stories, and certainly new dances. Friendships were made that will last forever. CFO camps will not be the same, as campers bring back fresh ideas, songs, new training, and bigger love for God’s people. Thank you so much for being a part of this tremendous journey. Thank you to those who came, and thank you to those who supported the camp in prayer and with finances. Our campership fund allowed us to have good representation from every Region of the world, including 58 Peruvians. Please continue to pray for your part in CFO and walk with us in celebration!

On Sunday we marched into the meeting room, each under the flag of our own country, with our national anthem playing. Then we lived for the week in the rhythm of the Kingdom, listening together, praying, dancing and playing like children, singing as one. In the end, we marched out under mixed flags, loving our unity in Jesus. Years of preparation were all worthwhile as 207 CFOers met together August 12-18, 2012, as The CFO 10th International Camp. Words cannot describe the gratitude that comes with making true friends who literally circle the globe. Peru may be the most welcoming country there is. We were hugged and loved from first meeting to farewell, no matter the language barriers. Peruvian campers shared traditional dances and 2013 CFO WORLDWIDE


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At the 10th International Camp in Lima, Peru, we had athletes of the Spirit (CFO campers) from all eight regions, gathered to celebrated God’s goodness and our love for each other. Leadership of all camp areas was shared. It was deeply moving to sing and move creatively in prayer led by Africans, Asians, Europeans, Pacific Islanders, Peruvians and more. And all are brothers and sisters. If you didn’t make it to Peru, or certainly if you did, you are most heartily invited to Fiji in August 2013. CFOI Board members will have their annual meeting, followed by a time of CFO training and then the South Pacific Regional Camp. You are welcome to any of these, and you will feel at home as we seek Jesus and practice God’s Kingdom ways together. For more information about attending this event, contact: monica.raghwan@gmail.com. Please consider coming to any of the international CFO Camps listed in this directory. You are welcome as a family member. God meets us in the CFO program wherever we are. www.unitedprayertower.org

You are also invited to join CFOI leaders on Refresher Phone Calls to practice leadership skills in CFO. For more information, email cfoicoordinator@gmail.com or read our newsletters for call times and information. Not on the mailing list? Just ask!

Right after International Camp in Peru, East Asia Regional Vice President Paul Lu went to China to attend the first CFO camp there. Paul worked with Roger Huang to start the camp, and about 30 people came. It was held in a large, new church near Xiamen. Paul reports that “Everybody was excited. We pray for the next year camp and more camps in other cities.” Praise God for opening up doors and blessing this new CFO camp in China!



UPT has prepared Prayer Vigils for CFO special events the last three years. Those events included CFO Annual Meetings, CFOI Board Meetings, and North America Advisory Council Ring Meetings.

TBA IQUITOS CFO Iquitos, Peru Carmela Rengifo: carme_rengifo@hotmail.com 3 -6 VENTANILLA CFO Ventanilla, Lima, Peru Luis Yepez: proverbios2004@hotmail.com 11 - 15 CHENNAI CFO Don Bosco Youth Centre, Ennore, Chennai, India Aubrey Joseph: jesjos@amazon.com

By His Spirit God will give new possibilities with CFO Prayer Vigils.

15 - 20 TINGO MARIA CFO Tambillo Grande, Tingo Maria, Peru Celina Huaman: ligacontraelcancertingomaria@hotmail.com

Matthew 19: 26) Let us initiate more Prayer Vigil Plans for the following: CFO Council Ring Meetings; National Council Ring (NCR) Meetings; North American Zone Meetings; Camps, Retreats, CFO Days Apart, prayer groups meeting in homes; birthing new prayer groups; council ring members when apart from one another; the church we attend; the community we live in; the world God created… and the list goes on.

17 - 18 LIVING SPRINGS CFO Malaybalay City, Philippines Norma Montemayor: Intl text: 09164243423 18 - 20 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RETREAT Trinity Lutheran Church, Hemet, CA USA Judy Peryea: 951-306-0939 rperyea@aol.com 25 - 27 MUMBAI CFO Mamacha Gaon, Mumbai, India Sharda Nirmal: sharda.sharnam@gmail.com

● (Neh. 4:9)

26 ALABAMA CFO DAY Kingwood Church, Alabaster, AL USA Tim & Cherry Brewer: 205-663-2455 alabamacfo@gmail.com www.AlabamaCFO.org

● (1 Peter 4:7) ● (John 17:1-2)



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26 PAPUA NEW GUINEA REUNION Papua New Guinea Gemma Foo: grettabenfoo@gmail.com

28 - March 3 ARIZONA CFO RETREAT Living Water Center, Cornville, AZ USA Dorcas West: 505-598-5090 (h), 505-215-9282(c) Djoyw_7smile@q.com

27 -28 LIVING WATER CFO Calamba Mis, Occ, Philippines Helen Acibar: Intl text 9483556909

TBA COLOMBO CENTRAL Fellowship Day Colombo, Sri Lanka Sharminie Anandakaj: sharminiesamuel@yahoo.com

TBA COLOMBO NORTH Fellowship Day Colombo, Sri Lanka Mano de Alwis: lemamkt@sltnet.lk

7 - 10 ZONE 2 RETREAT St. Benedict Center, Schuyler, NE USA Kristy Thurow: 308-262-0898 Kristy.thurow@gmail.com

10 -15 NORTH FLORIDA CFO Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL USA Mary Martha Purvis: 352-429-2742 amb4christ45@embarqmail.com

8 - 10 ZONE 8 RETREAT Baptist Assembly Center, Norman Park, GA USA Jody Brown: 678-431-1773 jodyjbrown@gmail.com

14 - 16 FRUITFUL CFO – URUAN 57 Umoren Street, Uruan, Uyo, Nigeria Peace Amos Ekott: 234-8028429361

15 - 17 UK SOUTHWEST REGIONAL CFO Abbey House, Glastonbury, UK Jean Potter: jeanpotter@tiscali.co.uk

15 -21 BUJUMBURA CFO Bujumbura, Burundi Leonard Tuyishimire: tuyishimireleonard@yahoo.fr

22 - 24 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ADULT CFO Papua New Guinea Ben Foo: grettabenfoo@gmail.com

22 - 24 OWERRI CFO - Imo State G/S Mission, Owerri, Imo, Nigeria Moses J. Etukudo: 234-8081003500 ekemining@yahoo.com

22 - 24 ZONE 1 and CANADA BC VAN ISLE RETREAT George Pringle Camp, Shawnigan Lake, BC Canada Marg Pelan: 250-246-5445 mapelan@shaw.ca

27 - Mar 1 HIS LOVE CFO – IKA P/S Ikot Osukpng, Nigeria Rachael Udo Akpan: 234-8102924355 ekemining@yahoo.com www.unitedprayertower.org



22 - 24 ZONE 3 RETREAT Geneva Center, Rochester, IN USA Angel Williams: 608-295-9510 msamw70@charter.net

10 -12 ESIT EKET CFO WBC Esit Eket, Nigeria Emem S. Jacob: 234-8032500385 Emem.jacob@yahoo.com

22 -25 ADELAIDE CFO Baptist-Mylor, Australia Joy Andrews: joy.andrews@optusnet.cam.au

11 - 14 ANGLESEA FAMILY CFO Melbourne, Australia Colleen Dale: cdale@health.on.net

24 - 26 AGONA KWANYAKO CFO SHS Agona Kwanyako, Ghana Evans Gyan: 233-208174278 evansasigyan@yahoo.com

11 - 14 VIRGINIA CFO RETREAT VUMAC, Blackstone, VA USA Anita Bradley: 804-560-2884 aambrosenb@aol.com

29 - 31 EVIDENCE HOUSE CFO - Edo State KME Benin Auchi Road, Edo, Nigeria Patrick Ebosetale; 234-7056298677

TBA COVENANT CFO CLBC Rumuigbo - Port H., Nigeria Nkpouto E. Ibanga: 234-8027377266 Dr-eni2000@yahoo.com TBA KANDY CFO Fellowship Day Kandy, Sri Lanka Carmen Tissera: carmen.tissera@yahoo.com

12 -13 BLISS CFO Sibugay, Ipil, Phillipines Elena Hesoler: Intl text: 3531273

TBA LADIES’ CFO WEEKEND Winterberg-Sauerland, Germany Maren Schuettel: filzhut@yahoo.de

12 - 14 ZONE 4 RETREAT Christ the King Spiritual Life Center, Greenwich, NY USA Leanne Randall: 781-843-4355 randallmama@gmail.com

2-5 OLIVET CFO Iligan City, Philippines Luzvilla Serate: luzerste@yahoo.com.ph 8 -12 WEST AFRICA REGIONAL CFO Agona Kwanyako, Ghana Ofonime Nkoko: ofonimenkoko@gmail.com

13 NIGERIA NATIONAL RETREAT Esit Eket, Nigeria Emen Jacob, 234-8032500385 Emen.jacob@yahoo.com

10 - 12 KWESIT WIKROM CFO TSH Kwesitwikorom, Ghana Gabriel Dadzie: 233-240813207 evansasigyan@yahoo.com


15 - 17 BANGALORE CFO Shanthi Sadhana, Bangalore, India Rajendra Prasad: prasad1948@hotmail.com


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16 NAIROBI CFO RETREAT Nairobi, Kenya Kennedy Oduori: kennedy_oduori@yahoo.com 16 - 20 NATIONAL YOUTH CAMP OF KENYA Voi, Kenya Richard Chemwa: rchemwa@yahoo.com 19 - 21 ILLANA BAY CFO Pagadian City, Philippines Levita Perocho: Intl text: 214-3497 23 KAKAMEGA CFO RETREAT Kakamega, Kenya Mary Atero: maryatero2006@yahoo.com

TBA COLOMBO NORTH CFO Colombo, Sri Lanka Mano de Alwis: lemamkt@sltnet.lk

26 - 27 PAGADIAN JUNIOR CFO Pagadian City, Philippines Dorethea Flores: Intl text 63-919-3087782

TBA KANDY CFO Retreat Kandy, Sri Lanka Carmen Tissera: carmen.tissera@yahoo.com

26 - 28 PA HILLTOP RETREAT St. Mary of Providence Center, Elverson, PA USA Gil Bielefeld: 610-286-4813 gilbielef06@dejazzd.com

TBA KASHMIR CFO Kashmire, India Grace Paljor: gpaljor@gmail.com

24 -26 TORORO CFO Abundant Life Church, Tororo, Uganda James Othieno: ruthmutesi@yahoo.com

1 LUGARI CFO RETREAT Lugari, Kenya Isaac Humahuma: isaacinziani@yahoo.com

24 -27 BUTSOTSO CFO Butsotso, Kenya Alfred Okwanyi: akokwanyi@yahoo.com

1-4 AARON DE ORO CFO Mambajao, Camiguin Island, Philippines Lilia D. Milan: Intl text 63-906-8435685

29 - 31 PRECIOUS CFO 2 Mmendi Street, Nsit Ubium, Nigeria Esther Etukho: 234-8022583771 Estherukeme22@yahoo.com

4 ONTARIO TRILLIUM ONE DAY RETREAT Waterloo, ONT Canada Dianne Aitchison: 519-941-9984 Dianne.m.aitchison@sympatico.ca 9 - 11 UYO CENTRAL CFO 27 Gibbs Street, Uyo, Nigeria Olive Joshua: 234-8023469475 lifeolive@yahoo.com

TBA COLOMBO CENTRAL CFO Colombo, Sri Lanka Sharminie Anandakaj: sharminiesamuel@yahoo.com




TBA SRI LANKA NCR Meeting Sri Lanka Dulina Seneviratne: dulina_007@yahoo.com 1 ELDORET CFO Eldoret, Kenya Nancy Koech: nckoech@yahoo.com 2-7 ALABAMA CFO Sumatanga Conference Center, Gallant, AL USA Vickey Dunn & Linda Glenn: 205/969-9257 vkdunn@charter.net www.AlabamaCFO.org

10 -11 SHALOM CFO Sindangan, Zamboanga, Philippines Emma Sardual: goel_bb@yahoo.com

9 - 15 SOUTH DAKOTA BLACK HILLS CFO Camp Judson, Keystone, SD USA Sarah Crose: 402-202-3068, scrose@lps.org registrar@blackhillscfo.org www.blackhillscfo.org

22 - 29 ACFO ANNUAL MEETING Concordia University, Irvine, CA USA Brandy Buell: 714-745-9565 brandybuell@yahoo.com www.cfoannual.org

11 - 14 LILONGWE CFO Lilongwe, Malawi Richard Chirwa: richardchirwa4@gmail.com

23 - 25 ETINAN CFO 16 Umo Etukudo, Etinan, Nigeria Collins Isemin: 234-8084470676

13 -15 NSIT ATAI CFO 16 William Street, Nsit Atai, Nigeria Aniefiok B. Essiet: 234-8052336003

25 - 27 AUGUSAN CFO Montilla's Farm, Bit-os Butuan City, Philippines Ernesto Batitang: neleybatitang@yahoo.com

15 SAVANNE CFO RETREAT Savanne, Kenya Doris Mudola: doricemwanjilwa@yahoo.com

30 - June 1 PHILIPPINES NATIONAL YOUTH RETREAT AND NCR RETREAT Montilla's Farm, Bit-os Butuan City, Philippines Goel Bagundol: goel_bb@yahoo.com

19 -23 KANSAS CFO Living Water Ranch, Olsburg, KS USA Kara Rounkles: 660-745-3214 kara@cisfab.com

30 - June 2 MEN’S WEEKEND I Werningerode/Harz, Germany Harald Birth: harald.birth@t-online.de

21 -27 NEBRASKA CFO Midland University, Fremont, NE USA Jerre Mayes: 402-463-3567 jlm627@hotmail.com

30 - June 2 MEN’S WEEKEND II Pretschenreut/near Jof a.d. Saale, Germany Harald Birth: harald.birth@t-online.de



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22 -28 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CFO Cedar Lake Conf. Ctr., Big Bear Lake, CA USA Brenda DeLuna: 951-640-0726 socalcfo@gmail.com www.socalcfo.org

27 - 29 RUMUIGBO, PORT HARCOURT CFO CLBC Rumuibgo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Nkpouto E. Ibanga: dr-eni2000@yahoo.com 30 -July 6 GEORGIA MOUNTAINS CFO Georgia Baptist Assembly, Toccoa, GA USA Robyn Lowndes: 770-985-4433 redrobyn@bellsouth.net www.georgiamountainscfo.org

23 - 28 CA SILVER SIERRA CFO Camp Alta, Alta, CA USA Tasha Whitman: 415-240-7844 registrar@silversierracfo.org www.silversierracfo.org

30 - July 5 NY ADIRONDACK CFO Christ the King Spiritual Life Center Greenwich, NY USA Deborah Galiley: 315-732-3962 galil3@juno.com www.adirondackcfo.org

23 - 28 IOWA CFO Hidden Acres Christian Center, Dayton, IA USA Karen Hunt: 319-642-3649 karenelizabethhunt@gmail.com

30 -July 6 VIRGINIA SHRINE MONT CFO Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, VA USA Cheryl Finnegan: 540-338-6416 registrar@shrinemontcfo.org www.shrinemontcfo.org

23 -29 FLORIDA FAMILY CFO Lake Yale Baptist Conf. Ctr., Leesburg, FL USA Michelle Burton: 561-632-9173 registerforCFO@gmail.com www.floridafamilycfo.com 23 - 28 MONTANA CFO Methodist Campground, Rollins, MT USA Sally Johnson: 406-677-2049 sjohnsonsle@blackfoot.net

TBA COLOMBO NORTH Fellowship Day Colombo, Sri Lanka Mano de Alwis: lemamkt@sltnet.lk

23 -28 PENNSYLVANIA KEYSTONE CFO Messiah College, Grantham, PA USA Ron Hanna: 570-239-4546 Keystone.CFO@comcast.net

6 -8 DRC/BUKAVO CFO Muhongoza, Dem Republic of Congo Jacob Lipandasi: lipandasi_jacob@yahoo.fr 6 -13 CA MT SHASTA CFO Mt. Shasta UM Campground, Mt. Shasta, CA USA Mary Beth Sandoval: 650-371-4470 mamamarioooch@aol.com www.shastacamp.org 7 - 12 NY FINGER LAKES CFO Watson Homestead Conference Center, Painted Post, NY USA Sarah Allen: 716-257-9045 servantofcaring@gmail.com www.fingerlakescfo.com




7 - 12 TENNESSEE CFO Dubose Conference Center, Monteagle, TN USA George Weldon: 205-822-9926 Geowel30@gmail.com www.tncfo.org

20 NAIROBI CFO RETREAT Nairobi, Kenya Kennedy Oduori: kennedy_oduori@yahoo.com 21 - 26 CANADA ONTARIO GRACE CFO Silver Lake Wesleyan Camp, Maberly, ONT Canada Kay Wray: 613-584-2197 jevelynjenvey@aol.com

10 -13 KAKAMEGA CFO Kakamega, Kenya Mary Atero: maryatero2006@yahoo.com 11 - 13 EVIDENCE HOUSE CFO – Ikot, Abasi Ikot ObioEma P/S, Ikot Abasi, Nigeria Utibe N. Okon: 234-8064216657

21 - 26 PA HILLTOP CFO Black Rock Retreat Center, Quarryville, PA USA Gil Bielefeld: 610-286-4813 gilbielef06@dejazzd.com

13 -17 COLORADO WILDERNESS CFO Mountain Top Retreat, Montrose, CO USA Jane Kampsnider: 303-506-1760 jkampsnider@comcast.net

21 - 27 INDIANA CFO Taylor University, Upland, IN USA Bethany Puckett: 260-494-4090 Lpcs_2011@yahoo.com

14 - 20 CA ARROWHEAD CFO Arrowhead Ranch Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA USA Zack Rusaw: 949-973-3756 Rusaw.zack@gmail.com www.ArrowheadCFO.com

22 - 26 NY TACONIC CFO Camp Taconic, Milan, NY USA Mercedes Hollenbeck: 607-687-2401 2footprints.in.the.sand92@gmail.com 26 - 28 CHINA CFO Xiamen, China Roger Huang: rogerchina@21cn.com

14 - 20 CONNECTICUT GATEWAY CFO Canonicus Conference Center, Exeter, RI USA Alice Lucas: 860-663-1397 glucas01@comcast.net

27 - 31 CFOI Board Meeting and Leader Training Coral Coast Christian Camp, Deuba, Fiji Monica Raghwan: monica.raghwan@gmail.com

15 - 20 WASHINGTON CFO Black Lake Bible Camp, Olympia, WA USA Jane Morgan: 360-734-3659 JaneM1120@comcast.net 16 - 20 OHIO CFO Bluffton University, Bluffton, OH USA Andi Guess: 513-724-3032 kevinandi@fuse.net www.ohiocfo.com 16 -18 UYO MAIN CFO 1 Ibeno Street, Uyo, Nigeria Sadeami J. Udofia: 234-7035417433



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27 -Aug 3 NH WINNI CFO Geneva Point Center, Moultonboro, NH USA Arden Sherman: 207-339-9070 ardens@metrocast.net cfo.winni.org 28 - Aug 2 SINGING HILLS CFO Singing Hills, Plainfield, NH USA Leanne Randall: 781-843-4355 randallmama@gmail.com 29 - AUG 4 MN KORONIS CFO Koronis Ministries, Paynesville, MN USA Katy Swanson: 630-585-5496 info@mncfo.org www.mncfo.org

3 -10 NORTHERN MICHIGAN CFO Northern Michigan College, Traverse City, MI USA Darin Vaxelaire: 586-247-9367 DDVaxelaire@comcast.net www.northernmichigancfo.org

TBA COLOMBO SOUTH Fellowship Day Colombo, Sri Lanka Sarojini Joshua: sarojosh@gmail.com

5 -10 TINGO MARIA NUEVO CFO Sub San Jorge, Tingo Maria, Peru Rolin Salvador: renovaci贸n_rolinely@hotmail.com

TBA COLOMBO SOUTH CFO Colombo, Sri Lanka Sarojini Joshua: sarojosh@gmail.com

8 - 10 ABAK CHILDREN/YOUTH CFO Primary School Midim, Abak, Nigeria Emen O. Akpan: emmyokon2k7@yahoo.com

1-6 Regional CFO Coral Coast Christian Camp, Deuba, Fiji Becky Sutherland: cfoicoordinator@gmail.com

6-8 ABAK RAIN FORST CFO Primary School Midim, Abak, Nigeria Ofon Asaha O. Okpan: bishopsylvester@yahoo.com

2-6 FIJI CFO Coral Coast, Dueba, Fiji Monica Ragwan: monica.raghwan@gmail.com

10 NIGERIA NCR MEETING Midim, Abak, Nigeria Emem Okon: 234-7030495761 Emmyokon2k7@yahoo.com

3-5 DURIAN CFO Girl Scout Retreat, Davao City, Philippines Gloria Edejar: glofedejer@yahoo.com

11 - 17 CANADA BC VAN ISLE CFO Cowichan River Bible Camp, Duncan, BC Canada Marg Pelan: 250-246-5445 mapelan@shaw.ca

3 -10 UK SUMMER CFO Cliff College, Derbyshire, England Elaine Shelley: elaine@shelley10.karoo.co.uk

12 -17 CANADA BC MAINLAND CFO Faith Mission Retreat, Falkland, BC Canada Denise Mihaichuk: 604-514-1486 dmihaichuk@yahoo.ca www.unitedprayertower.org



30 - SEPT 4 NORTH CAROLINA KANUGA CFO Kanuga Episcopal Center, Hendersonville, NC USA Michael Zumph: 336-623-9986 mzumpf@centurylink.net www.KanugaCFO.org

14 -16 LUWERO CFO Sermon on the Mount Primary School, Luwero, Uganda Alfred Lejju: ruthmutesi@yahoo.com 15 SAVANNE CFO RETREAT Savanne, Kenya Doris Mudola: doricemwanjilwa@yahoo.com

TBA HUANCAYO CFO Huancayo-Junin, Peru Ruth Orihuela: 064-213390

18 - 23 CANADA ONTARIO TRILLIUM CFO EMC Bible Conference Centre, Stayner, ONT Canada Dianne Aitchison: 519-941-9984 dianne.m.aitchison@sympatico.ca www.trilliumontariocfo.com

TBA KANDY CFO Montefao/Lewalla, Kandy, Sri Lanka Carmen Tissera: carmen.tissera@yahoo.com 10 - 12 BY THE GRACE CFO Government School Inen Ikot Etim, Oruk Anam, AKS, Nigeria Owoidighe Ibanga: owoibanga22@yahoo.com 11 - 14 LUGARI CFO RETREAT Lugari, Kenya Isaac Humahuma: isaacinziani@yahoo.com 12 - 14 ORUK ANAM CHILDREN/YOUTH CFO Government School Inen Ikot Etim, Oruk Anam, AKS, Nigeria Itoro Ubokudom: otanakpan@yahoo.co.uk

19 - 24 NATIONAL CFO CAMP OF KENYA Nairobi, Kenya Richard Chemwa: rchemwa@yahoo.com

13 -15 GERMAN NATIONAL COUNCIL RING RETREAT Rotenburg/Fulda, Germany Angelika Wolter: angelika-wolter@t-online.de

22 -24 IGANGA CFO Iganga, Uganda Kizza Ssentongo: ruthmutesi@yahoo.com 22 - 24 UNITY CFO UKANAFUN Jesus the Way, Nkek, Nigeria Godscare O. Akpan: a_godscare@yahoo.com

18 - 20 BREMAN ASIKUMA CFO Church of Christ, Asikuma, Ghana Obio Kojo: 233-274013510 evansasigyan@yahoo.com

28 - 30 KAKIRA CFO Jubilee Christian Life Church, Kakira, Uganda Roman Okware: romokware@yahoo.com

20 - 22 HEBRON CFO – ETIM EKPO P/S Ikpe Ikot Akwa, Nigeria Emaediong Ekong: ekemining@yahoo.com 24 - 26 HILLTOP CFO – GREEK TOWN Ikot Ntung - Odukpani, Nigeria Etim Benson: 234-8038346858



www.acfona.org • www.cfointernational.org

4-6 SOUTH DAKOTA BLACK HILLS RETREAT Camp Judson, Keystone, SD USA Kristy Thurow: 308-760-3291 Kristy.thurow@gmail.com www.BlackHillsCFO.org 4-7 BRISBANE CFO Bribie Island, Brisbane, Australia Julie Price: price_3@optusnet.com.au 11 - 13 UK NORTHEAST REGIONAL CFO Scarborough, N. Yorkshire, England Elaine Shelley: elaine@shelley10.karoo.co.uk 26 - 28 GREEK TOWN CHILDREN/YOUTH CFO Efe Inwang, Akpabuyo, Cross Rivers State, Nigeria Edem Inyang: 234-8038346858

11 - 13 WASHINGTON RETREAT Black Lake Bible Camp, Olympia, WA USA Jane Morgan: 360-734-3659 JaneM1120@comcast.net 11 -12 FLAMING FIRE CFO San Francisco Agusan del Sur, Philippines Mytti Fernandez: Intl text: 9275504451

3-5 ZION CFO JMBM Udianga Enem, Nigeria Courage Akpan: 234-8166662434 akpancourage@yahoo.com

14 - 18 SOUTHERN CA HEALING CFO Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino, CA USA June Fisher: 909-797-0353 Junefisher26@gmail.com

3-6 GA GOLDEN ISLES CFO GA Episcopal Conference Ctr., Waverly, GA USA Tom Sommer: 404-252-3187 trsommer@aol.com

18 - 20 INDIANA RETREAT Fatima Retreat House, Indianapolis, IN USA Julie Hughes: 260-749-0597 justbetwnfriends@gmail.com

3-6 HUANUCO CFO Huanuco, Peru Maria Meza: cruzdemariameza@hotmail.com

18 -23 MAINE ACADIA CFO Claremont Hotel, Southwest Harbor, ME USA Terri Lanpher: 207-244-5205 tlanpher343@aol.com http://acadiacfo.org

4-6 MONTANA CFO RETREAT Twinlow Retreat Center, Rathdrum, ID USA Sally Johnson: 406-677-2049 sjohnsonsle@blackfoot.net 4-6 NY FINGERLAKES CFO Watson Homestead Conference Center, Painted Post, NY USA Sarah Allen: 716-257-9045 servantofcaring@gmail.com www.fingerlakescfo.com


19 NAIROBI CFO RETREAT Nairobi, Kenya Kennedy Oduori: kennedy_oduori@yahoo.com 19 - 20 SANDS & PEBBLES-BAYAWAN CFO Bayawan, Neg. Oriental, Philippines Clarita Maypa: Intl text: 2189104



TBA COLOMBO SOUTH Fellowship Day Colombo, Sri Lanka Sarojini Joshua: sarojosh@gmail.com

19 - 20 SAND & CORALS CFO Banilad, Dumaguete City, Philippines Enriqueta Alcaide: Intl text: 9209051952

TBA LIMA CFO Lis Girasoles-Huampani, Peru Jesus Manriquez: 988569632

19 -20 WHITE SANDBAR CFO Manjuyod Negros Or, Philippines Henry Germodo: Intl text: 9198352609

1-3 CANADA ONTARIO GRACE FALL RETREAT Golden Lake United Church Camp, Golden Lake, ONT Canada Kay Wray: 613-584-2197 jevelynjenvey@aol.com

22 - 23 SRI LANKA REGIONAL TRAINING Athurugiriya-Colombo, Sri Lanka Dulina Seneviratne: dulina_007@yahoo.com 24 - 27 SRI LANKA REGIONAL CFO Athurugiriya-Colombo, Sri Lanka Dulina Seneviratne: dulina_007@yahoo.com

1-4 CFO ACR FALL MEETING Watson Homestead Conference Center, Painted Post, NY USA Cathy Horein: 607-535-4415 cathy@acfona.org

24 - 26 ROYAL OUTREACH CFO Redemption Ground, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Kelvin Ukpeh: 234-8036770840

3-8 WV CAPON SPRINGS CFO Capon Springs Farms, Capon Springs, WV USA Rich Dell: 410-398-0682 Thedells2@verizon.net

25 - 26 LA HERMOSA CFO Zamboanga City, Philippines Elena Hesoler: Intl text: 353-1273

8 - 10 TAIWAN CFO Wanli, Taipei, Taiwan Paul Lu: paullu1211@gmail.com

25 -26 MAASIN CFO Naval, Leyte, Philippines Gloria Teng: Intl text 9209051952

11 -16 PANAO CFO Panao-Huanuco, Peru Samuel Villaneuva: 980956027

25 - 27 KAYUNGA CFO Prayer Palace Nazigo, Kayunga, Uganda John Ziwa: ruthmutesi@yahoo.com 25 - 27 UNIV OF PHILIPPINES, LOS BANOS CFO UP Los Banos, Philippines Badeen Verora: badeene@yahoo.com 26 PAPUA NEW GUINEA DAY APART Papua New Guinea Gemma Foo: grettabenfoo@gmail.com 30 - Nov 3 PALLOTI FAMILY CFO Melbourne, Australia Colleen Dale: cdale@health.on.net 2013 CFO WORLDWIDE


www.acfona.org • www.cfointernational.org

15 - 17 UK NATIONAL COUNCIL RING CFO Childswickham, Worcestershire, England Jean Potter: jeanpotter@tiscali.co.uk

6-7 GOLDEN HARVEST CFO Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines Lillian Malayang: enzomal_2002@yahoo.com

15 - 21 BUKEYE CFO Bukeye, Burundi Leonard Tuyishimire: tuyishimireleonard@yahoo.fr

6-8 MATETE CFO Matete, Uganda Earnest Kombo: earnestkombo@yahoo.com 12 -14 NIGERIA NATIONAL CFO Ikot Akpan Afaha Ukanafun, Nigeria David David: 234-8087972886 Davidsdavid886@yahoo.com

16 - 18 ZONE 7 RETREAT VUMAC, Blackstone, VA USA Anita Bradley: 804-560-2884 aambrosenb@aol.com

12 -15 MUMIAS CFO Mumias, Kenya Charles Oyoolo: oyooloc@yahoo.com

20 - 22 ADJUMANI CFO Free Evangelical Church, Adjumani, Uganda Thomas Uri: ruthmutesi@yahoo.com 20 - 23 VOI CFO Voi, Kenya Earnest Kombo: ckunya@yahoo.com

19 - 21 LAGOS MAINLAND CFO 34 Unity Estate, Agbado, Lagos State, Nigeria Friday Udofia: 234-7034874219 Feu_con@yahoo.com

21 - 23 CALABAR CFO 37 Webber St., Calabar, Nigeria Albert Asuquo: 234-8064358649

27 - 28 AGAPE-OROQUITA/ALORAN CFO Oroquita City, Philippines Ponchita Quimno: Intl text: 9265532193

22 - 25 COTONOU CFO Fifrose, Cotonou, Benin Republic Unyime Nkanta: 229-94647122 cfobeninrepublic@rocketmail.com 26 - 30 NAIROBI CFO Nairobi, Kenya Kennedy Oduori: kennedy_oduori@yahoo.com

May 22-23 Advisory Council Ring May 24 Leaders Retreat & Training May 25 Council Ring Training May 25-29 Council of Camp Representatives

TBA SRI LANKA NCR Christmas Fellowship Day Sri Lanka Dulina Seneviratne: dulina_007@yahoo.com 3-6 ELDORET CFO Eldoret, Kenya Nancy Koech: nckoech@yahoo.com


Registrar: Brandy Buell Ph: 714-745-9565 brandybuell@yahoo.com



Directory Index EVENT Alabama CFO Day Alabama Arizona CA Mount Shasta CA Silver Sierra CA Arrowhead So. CA Winter Retreat So. CA Healing So. California CO Wilderness CT Gateway, RI Florida Family North Florida GA Golden Isles Georgia Mountains Indiana Indiana Fall Retreat Iowa Kansas Maine Acadia Northern Michigan Minnesota Koronis Montana Montana Retreat Nebraska NH Singing Hills NH Winni NY Taconic NY Finger Lakes NY Finger Lakes Fall Retreat NY Adirondack NC Kanuga Ohio PA Hilltop PA Hilltop Spring Retreat PA Keystone SD Black Hills SD Black Hills Fall Retreat Tennessee Virginia Retreat VA Shrine Mont Washington Washington Fall Retreat WV Capon Springs Zone 1 & Van Isle Retreat Zone 2 Retreat Zone 3 Retreat Zone 4 Retreat Zone 7 Retreat Zone 8 Retreat Advisory Council Ring Fall Meeting CFO Annual Meeting 2013 CFO WORLDWIDE


PAGE 8 12 9 13 13 14 8 17 13 14 14 13 9 17 13 14 17 13 12 17 15 15 13 17 12 15 15 14 13 17 13 16 14 14 11 13 12 17 14 10 13 14 17 18 9 9 10 10 19 9 18 12 20


BC Mainland BC Van Isle Ontario Grace Ontario Grace Fall Retreat Ontario Trillium Ontario Trillium Day

15 15 14 18 16 11

Huancayo, Peru Huanuco, Peru Iquitos, Peru Lima, Peru Panao, Peru Tingo Maria, Peru Tingo Maria Nuevo, Peru Ventanilla, Lima, Peru

16 17 8 18 18 8 15 8

UK SW Regional UK NE Regional UK National Council Ring UK Summer Camp German National Council Ring Retreat Ladies’ CFO, Germany Men’s II, Pretschenreut, Germany Men’s I, Werningerode/Harz, Germany

9 17 19 15 16 10 12 12

Bujumbura, Burundi Bukeye, Burundi DRC/Bukavo Congo Butsotso, Kenya Eldoret, Kenya Eldoret, Kenya Lugari, Kenya Lugari, Kenya Kakamega, Kenya Kakamega, Kenya Mumias, Kenya Nairobi Retreat, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya National Camp of Kenya Nairobi Retreat, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya Savanne, Kenya Savanne, Kenya National Youth of Kenya Voi, Kenya Lilongwe, Malawi Adjumani, Uganda Iganga, Uganda Kakira, Uganda

9 19 13 11 12 19 11 16 11 14 19 11 14 16 17 19 12 16 11 19 12 19 16 16

www.acfona.org • www.cfointernational.org

Directory Index EVENT Kayunga, Uganda Luwero, Uganda Matete, Uganda Tororo, Uganda

18 16 19 11

Cotonou, Benin Republic Agona Kioanyako, Ghana West Africa Regional, Ghana Breman Asikuma, Ghana Kwesit Wikrom, Ghana Abak Children & Youth, Nigeria Abak Rain Forest, Nigeria Bremen Asikuma, Nigeria By the Grace, Nigeria Calabar, Nigeria Covenant, Nigeria Cross Rivers State, Nigeria Esit Eket, Nigeria Etinan, Nigeria Evidence House, Nigeria Evidence House, Nigeria Fruitful-Uruan, Nigeria Greek Town Children/Youth, Nigeria Hebron-Etim Ekpo, Nigeria Hilltop Greek Town, Nigeria His Love-Ika, Nigeria Lagos Mainland, Nigeria Nigeria National Retreat Nigerian National Camp Nigeria NCR Meeting Nsit Atai, Nigeria Owerri, Nigeria Precious, Nigeria Royal Outreach, Nigeria Rumuigbo-Port Harcourt, Nigeria Unity Ukanafun, Nigeria Uyo Central, Nigeria Uyo Main, Nigeria Zion, Nigeria

19 10 10 16 10 15 15 16 16 19 10 17 10 12 10 14 9 17 16 16 9 19 10 19 15 12 9 11 18 13 16 11 14 17

China Aaron De Oro, Philippines Agape-Oroquita Aloran, Philippines Augusan, Philippines Bliss, Philippines Durian, Philippines Flaming Fire, Philippines Golden Harvest, Philippines Illana Bay, Philippines La Hermosa, Philippines

14 11 19 12 10 15 17 19 11 18






Living Springs, Philippines Living Water, Philippines Los Banos, Philippines Maasin, Philippines National Youth & NCR, Philippines Olivet, Philippines Pagadian Junior, Philippines Sand & Corals, Philippines Sands & Pebbles, Philippines Shalom, Philippines White Sandbar, Philippines Taiwan

8 9 18 18 12 10 11 18 17 12 18 18

Bangalore, India Chennai, India Kashmir, India Mumbai, India Colombo Central, Sri Lanka Colombo Central, Sri Lanka Colombo North, Sri Lanka Colombo North, Sri Lanka Colombo North, Sri Lanka Colombo South, Sri Lanka Colombo South, Sri Lanka Kandy, Sri Lanka Kandy, Sri Lanka Kandy, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Regional Sri Lanka NCR Meeting Sri Lanka NCR Camp

10 8 11 8 9 11 9 11 13 15 18 10 11 16 18 12 19

Adelaide, Australia Anglesea, Australia Brisbane, Australia Palloti Family, Australia Coral Coast, Fiji CFOI Board Meeting, Fiji Regional Meeting, Deuba, Fiji Papua New Guinea Adult Papua New Guinea Day Apart Papua New Guinea Reunion

10 10 17 18 15 14 15 9 18 9


Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. 317 S. Madison Avenue Watkins Glen, NY 14891-1120

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