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'Youth of W• Chiom in dlmrrit11


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MARCH 2014


--·--��g����A �@g��Lisa & Gary JI Graduate REALTOR Institute Certified Negotiation Expert Broker, Realtor, Agent, Owners BRE Lic#01713310, Lic#01865093

i�/flii�R: cr�il:

(858) 344-2709 (950) 40450308

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,fD$f:£?Eii'-'J�, �:ff*�ff-'¥!­ flI ITT �*, -1'-'JJiX� T ifil.!!JI� i'J}c _t • lffi , #jg ft ffJ tit * T 3 �:ff�ITT!Ri!lo �>c#aITT:ll i!l�*f151?t�11\ii��. %x�J!. -t-13 § ITTJ VLocx� ifIT ft?&�*a #tRtlZ�:fJP «:f#AlJW-f�)) l2J. J§$1J.ITT�11JmiJJ o :ff-�;t:!'j!i�%L riJ ftiP 4-ftxl;,S:: 61;1ITT David 11'Jffi.tz X1HIR ITT:A:f:��$1�:ff ��. &<J\:f:��$*IffITT81i'8J, fill m�Jm"f'H)t�, i&i&1''%o 3!.:f:�:J:ft1'ftfilgJE9 T %£ :ff �ft�ITT%-lf ITTEl:I� @J·tl? Pf! , ft ITT J L�11'f1� J1-!: Wt ftJ!. ffllft, tf-t-1N��M:ttt»fr § :!! "��,, ITT :f:��$ ili; -!: o iM iM ft, David1J\ MR, �ft ff] ** TPoJltJ'tWLi.�ITT;t:!'j! ! 9;p;g[l{J "��1NIJVJZit%" Perry l'-'l � l� � T X1 z;1J L!llJ Jtl, � ((Frozen)) ITTx]J§�, :A %r!J 12J.11X�--r1illITT�9r�t\l\Jf3 o m Jti,Jl!JfD z;tJ L!IDiMff���ITT l'-'l � ff] riJ 12).�Pe rry '.§] f§ 3( ¥fit Jlft, ft ff]filr!J 12).f��ftITT*f§ 0 00 i*J9;o;g ITT1J\ i:ij:A, 1Hf %$'¥1£1'-'J�, /f917-*o J!. <J\)2]� TtimITTJL� "�ff)(" fD��)J-' $0 �i:j:iITT-� ":ti

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and CaltechJ!.®!ltl1,$iwITT?JT:ff

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858 484 3990


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website: www.dragonrus.com


l �t i�i"�Iitll rti:Jc, J}J�, ��. r�H,J!, �:Jc™1�•· �:Jc�1'i:, 0!\ll��. m�. ,;: iii ���tJt, I�, �ml. �I, fI, I�, 1H��. �;, J!J;J<, 9:­ L� I�,, 11, 1�, m�.1,,1,, �t,,' ·




i! ;a; I.ff �t 1 � i" ( 1) d> �ll�:llj}I: Slillshine Art studio 1�4':t§i1lMs jenny C2) :Y��JMHfl��JjlI3�.f.f6�, 1��:t§i1l�u!Jl!! C3) -i>J-1J\���. B3£'.ifil�:gfX:l�ll1NH�¥

Domenico Hueso¥Jt�

(4) -i>J-���. ffiifb�U/ll �Uessica Couto ¥Jt� Cs) �1'R�.llUrlM\, t��:t8i!i�1'R


MARCH 2014



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19 tw1¥�*0J*in� ct��tt) 21 - :f:h 'fi1J � 8"J l;J< _t:rz f>& c �JfX'�il, "$1:£�, :XLlJ)ijl\Jfil) MARCH 2014 05

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Sixth grade camp

(Jasmine Jin,

Mabel Song, and Allison Shao )

35 tit a:£ :1:-t!t�IE'. m 91¥: JJJ j: tw !lo/J 'i1l 06

MARCH 2014

{�;it:[!� e_=Ej)(�) 6 3 1* -f- Mi� llID fM'F c 1* -f-1ffi ) 37 m"f'.1:=H'&ft: ::t:i2!f c m"f'.1:t) 40 Nicholas ChenEl<J*:Jta llID 41 M tit tr: :k c 1hJD

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MARCH 2014




Ji1J�lj � ·tB-ir l6l � ( Charles Yu) at , 1tltJE {£ �aoom��m @�rr �� L@��A�@. -�-��@W���A�00*��9*00W �' -�m:ffB*G�:�@OO�m. Mffl-� ��oom��NMl±JOO�·���, G$�� L��'Jt_�IJi:K�m-=t-M�@OOW�······. ·1'€f�

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Jiff ij,

1H#AITTJIM}JfO;f'tJ!i--'=J1=.1Jt*, --t-A:tE *· #ii��. as-��.±&�MITT�. •• t£�$3l00-1.WM. ��.±&��. ��.±&�* Jis: 12Li# AJ!� ITT� ,L,,t!:!:JT-, Jis:�-1-:t:*�.IS ITT Mt¥, �:7g� tB *ITT£--t-�'.tf'.1L,'ITT l}(J§� .±&: -�. $�. �-· fie--'=J��o

:;!¥, *!$, r��a. 1Et'®� JL-=f ITT 9e--'=J••· 1JJJ6Uis:� 1t'tif1L H 1�f§J �-Bl*ITTi# ,illJ!1JJJ 6L Jis: :m-;js.:i#. ((Where on Earth am I going? )) tE

l'iJ��A§2#/G�m1'ii��#:;!¥aITTs .

(To My Mother)

�1J:3f�ila1'�1�#/G.ts, rm£L·�. �'ltt�;;J;tnfl

o � � ·tir 1L /G .ts•.�..±&iJl Jis: 1ti#:ff 2 " fl A"

Aii� ! J>)d26'7�i#. �J§�i#. 1.§ § 2X 1tt

:JG 1t tB AA, 1El :flU!! 1thITT -Bl *- !E � � � 1tt � •Jis:

�/G�-rm�•-=f-NAS�•�*rm�; rm�

§ 1j\i# !

-BJ:X�'/tt��MS�-���-�tB*. �*

if fJ" 1'i5 -T20 12 :q::.Ji J=l 8{] Jj� § <<.Ji+ :q:: _t � , �§�ill»�ITT :"�§�ill��-��' �­ oZ;tt�, �Ill ? JJ�, R£ill1fJ\:3f1L," 1=. B ·tf(*, -Bl *' " ; B§«Jis:��ITT�·· �*»�:"a

��:JG�. ��JI�.ff<n�-r:ff-t-��Jis:* �-)o $����1z:�-BJ:R�MITT S�•" m�" ITTJis:-t-�oo. a��:JGtt�*�. m� 1l,> x fiJ a1'* ftg)C ��•ttiJ:

./$ }):[ -1.:@i:tt i:tjj "J!t!\�-BJ: *"


&:ff§2ITT� ·· &:fftlAITITT M�. m•� ii 1fJ\ ITT J6 if!! , 1t Jf( ii1fJ\ ITT lfn. Jlik " .... �lff dJli Jlik!b:k •

ITT �-=f�@�7�1z:m�-Bl*AITT•--'=Je, M :JG•�.t&���m�m��*�tB*· m•m xi:&o

��. J!$ITT���mmITT. fJ"��f!Jm� ITT , rn $ Jifi.�. Mi tB M ITT '.if'. � Jiff�� JI ft ITT , l'iJ �Jis:m1=.*�ttam. s:ffme•f!Jffi�� �-ITT�:q::. -���§2mA1=.ITT •m. m 1=.�ITT�•. mH•ITT��. mm�m�ITT• *· mGJI[ITTilim, m:JG0ITT � fOJ ...... ..ITT MtE 7 �_to ig*'L,'�ff!Off:


Jis:���*�ITTt!:!:JT-�. �rm, i1'tiitiJla1n��'lttm

IT�D ·tir 1L ITT-Bl *Jiff§ : ��§ 2ITT f!<-=ftE

.tlt.±&? .. .. ·rma1nm ±.ITT m L, m:JG :jij.� 7CJ.t�

•�**· Mhl��-1-Jis:�ITTI!<-=f���tt

ITT ; 1:l<.ffITT £*§�m�-t-ITT •fD��. aa1n ITTt!:!:JT-/G � 1¥ :tE ITTa1'1� l'iJt!:!:JT-/G :jij. � 5$. Iii lj,��, ,; ":tE��a�-�1��. :7g5R�rm

��-=fITT o $filITT �1z:. �:7g*�•-ITTJ!< -=f' - H ttl� il,> PJJJtf'� lf ii

�. �ml*:&U*5<.i_$;��7C�_9:L8.±& ...... " ·tir1z:





· ·· · ··



fA {i-{i-t;Jjt;Jj' �


MARCH 2014 11

�1fl\f$tk:��" ..... . �ir. aitEf:Jx±m£-ff::k , -;zyw �mmEf:Jm•. -*�*§Y:�Ef:J�� oo�. ®-�w���Ef:J::k®. mm�

�x��o M�-tE�*Ef:Ja���J:Im

-ff ���. -�"�M"#ff, �VH "!!' Y:*fi�lt�fiEf:J.{f�: "�� �f! " , IJ.�17�Ef:J·tfriL, S�m�i! Ef:J r'i'l:i-¥ 11" t�A. ¥ili ITT :IF'\>'..�fthITTffl ffl ;;t *, m�m�Ef:J� ��Ef:J �*��. a�� ����-�#��M±��Ef:J��. fih 1IJ *IJ 'L" !if� f;JJ ffi o �!b �!b m: " ft111 � 0

��ili-�••tR���Ef:Ja�. ftm•�il

�Yi: 1!H@.���ito *£�14��-;lii; tffEf:J� ir, 11 :7 J tn���ffl�ll�-¥m. -¥m�rn n�����Ef:J�ft: �-m-Ef:J•reft�§am ***•o ������Ef:J$�Mfi*IM# •:�-��Mn��m�. m�m��Ef:J� �§am. ooH��a�••���•iliEf:Jm �uAAtR-ff IS 7, :t-tE::kH=tlTEf:JM1���: � �a�. �SfilM���·*· �it��. �� ®nm�. ��ili��•· ft������� ��HEf:J��®��. ��L��m��. � " .7'1fih §iA..7'1§ BEf:J!i:m "Boring" ( Vl:fc.:J) , �tt�mmEf:J", �Ef:J!i:m£��"��. M ±f;. �3*. tfl&. �:i>-····" �®JYl§WSo

��-�m. X>tA!i:X>ttt�fi��---�� �fih§ BEf:J*IJ:f!P*lmo " �iL.mit��wEf:Ja�. ��Ef:J����w -o���y, ®Hrn*��RftITT*�*L '§j � 7 -{!]: "hard work temps talent when talent " does not work hard" , 1't.FoiA.�±&�•ftiJt

��-��y ·�--�tt' ITTfi��? " mitEf:Ja�. 1fl\Ef:J1ilIOO�-��gEf:Jx� ®-#o tt1ilr��. ��Ef:J-��A!i:Ef:J�# �H. l!l.7'11fl\� -�7.Ks'1i•L.' o T-.17,.��*m � >t, ·Itli�i:i �£�)X1H:��)���

Sophia Wang

C@. 4-fih!JJffhJEf:J� 1®-t:!r ��* � flNIR 66�. IYil,-lifihm!J.f$67� ! '*'* ! �

irM17:#fffr�, Wtit:Ma1s;71ilJ$x

f$wg�-Om-t:!r�) o tilirEf:J "filEI" ilAPJEM��. 7C U: .if-�!b �!b m fihEf:J ��if- � :i:I iE :Sd: a "7'1��iil15S\ m tb,, Ef:J �fr�: .J: ·1n-��'-l El*llJl, �mmwi: .x>t il!;,WHn���{ljijit: H�L::k�li!. , Ef:J "�JJ&m�-ait , ��, �i'J� �����Ef:Jmfttt, ����. � ,tia M�}:. t�_tia !i: it······Y:�X>t fifl.Ef:J 11£ ���-�•. MFom"�MfiFo:i:I 12

MARCH 2014


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::EV<:�§ �u mti'f!'fPacific Ridge School+if�,JL


no* 15i:�JI #.i't s"J " r:F� �ff " , 3SU fffiff ffi B"J � 1¥1 1Frll m;fo ffe: J'l·J w

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[*fUiTll 2014lf3JHJJ,

« ¥A ffeJT-1�)) s"J t±:\ 5 1J\ gc �, Pacific Ridge School B"J ::E Vl:�fr#.\Rf.\{J� f� t:� § :A *� �B"J@f!{'Z TEdmund J. Sullivan Award

()ttig�J. ¥'9;fiJJt�) ;fD

High School Hybrid Publication Gold Crowns


( � r:F :$iii:±:\ hR

) j),j\jJ�A�o �100�

J� ±���1m�Jt1m/\ fir rPJ * - it9 � � s"J fr 15i: * '.± fl a.&

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11F� UJl1Af,JT-1-0 l't:ttt1J\ gc�, ::E V<: � rPJ *1i 1' *11� no*!

a.tt±�Wf B"J-&1imj}J 1th B"J�.N �Jf!j{;fDM1l.', :Jll'�f.til:A� Wr T1*�U s"J 6� � o aiilt 111,�1ffiJ!i fm:, flt 111, $ M§ � r:F*'.± /G ff fr 11)( :El ft N * ;fo i'i- � :1J TIO :rz f� 0

::f 1-fr, £ ��frAJt��:IE)G -th ��Jll

mMt�;foJ!iAP>G�l ! lit�S'il

«Global Vantage)) B"Jf-.t�Jl t±:\ 5


https://www google_com/#q= Edmund+J+Sullivan+Award

AA�lo �il!::E8�f�t:�§:A**1ti gc�il5JJ1¥WF�5J��i.'t€L��&� �r:F*'.±gc�B"J���o a5¥1if

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::E5$l:��o1Ail.,5z:M=ftk�1JQU�0���8".J-@-@ ������o MARCH 2014 13

"*$il, �Ht@l�01:CF:" , :W:�:J't?t\, "�±t!!.IE�$5!9=1 Jt $ tlZ " ;If� ,ff; tlZ *8<.J x-{Ji: RX; r)JJ-$-�8<.J ":W1Jmt!ITJ � "' -9-$£;&JJJ "1h$" ' 1iz:-TMiramar CollegelE.8<.JmtlrrJ �_tttfiiT ftl$ "1h$" 8<.J_g 11( 00 100 lj ». :k �I� 8<.J 9=1 00 1�m

M�. �fiJ!f-_t10,8. mt!ITJ� 1E. B�.2£�1iz:-¥�. Am�g�g tlUllo 1£�.lE.. 1fJ\ifD.*A���� fH�m8<.J "�ft��YV��" * lJi[, ll1J�8<.J "���P&rJlt#" lJi[I±\, ���J'li�fLl�*8<.J.*3Y 8<.J1J\rlZ:�IJ5f. bt:tm "�tf�" "mt&" "'-*�" ":i'Ez�m �" "$JM$." "x�B$?f" � �1iz:Jttr,�,£ti��-lf-lf8<.J�Ao � 14 MARCH 2014

:l:ffeJ_tft{$mt�ifD5J��X� 51 �

- ][fiJ T er 8"12,8, �-4.:J,A - WI:

� -f'1n 8<.J �i gn , B1 a•HW tt1m

It fiJ �B :J1t Ml 1� � 1£ £ �� ';\% ,g. 1f if§ 1"�J71� � )JQ X � 8"J 9 ;g Ij\ ic�ifDA$mtA-;t¥, �ttT -1-'tR-*8<.J1h$:W1Jmt!ITJ� i:J,EJ$, «$A�Jf-1�!! it �iJiI:�W*�1Jo�1-mt lrrJ � :A:8"1£+�if�xifg)(o if ��RX;n «$Aff.JT-1�11 ;J,ic �8<.J� $1i'J , 1-w --'=3�1i'J Email ��:

1i'J!l$11$�F" 1£;1f�,ff;f5l-lf8"1icti�T, 0

« $ )d�JT-1� )) 8"1�45 x.��1iz: 1ir -Tmt * lrrJ 8"19=1 ;k:$1iz:, 1£� JE. .J'l}{Ji: � �rn� f5l -If M «$Aff.Jf

-1� >I 8"1 3t t�L

" ff.Ji -1� "

8<.J 1J\ ic �1i'J * JJJI. Rm W(. lR �& ±t!!.r::D mtAfl#:f\'mff.Jf�;t «$ Aff.JT-1�!! ; 11B1i'Jlli� 51 fiJ § BA$8<.J�$--'=3Mffi:lmW:T � ;t, 1�$�1Li,8"1.*-Jflli1JDAfiJ X. � 8"1�A1n 1E. if§ bt Jf!\31- Jl






lW "ff.JT-1�" �-{}i:fl{ff 8<.JX. �¥&l9J, 1J\ic�1n8<.J?KSf :kn �� 1fil1i'J3t3:::*JJJl.1�m:m::k 1J, o&�wlltfi, WfJt::�f*Lo x.�¥&l9J}-A , !f-_t 10 ,Si: ff �f:I 0

l;J T £�{):�1JoX.�B<.J� ,c,,1J\ic�1n;g $. c w't�iw� �lJJl.:l:ffeJR�Jt ) ifftW (Daniel Xu) o

f1X;ffi JO:

(Apri 1 Cheng)


JJ.X;tl(m§ ( Elaine Cheng) tHISZ �

(Sarah Du)

i3B�lffi: <Jessica Zou) fM�� (Ella Yan) .tf\-f-m§ CEmma Lin) -§!lf•it (Cynthia Bao) 5-k.!J:!� (Claire Zhang)

iti:ft�,�,��.!F-* �lj)l...�IJ,i!:ijj


MARCH 2014 15

... ...

II •

,�,@J�§�i:it "'Ji���Jt*�*�, �Jila�'J'ic:tt�

=mwi!l@TJt* § T§�i�iJ!a�RIH'F




16 MARCH 2014


--t �tfi&� (Vivian Ye) ����J:t Of:(J'iL�, 1J\i;1J'il(1J'il(, �Jti; : Vivian Ye, �:'if8j't, JJl.tE�Carmel Creek= if� 811J\"¥: :'t


1J'ili1l'ili��1jtj:x,Xnf17j(, JJl\tEtEice Arena Shining Blade Youth Synchronize Teamo -1.1-•=¥, J}.2013-f:fllJ=l ¥u2014-f:f2J=J, §§®����illB�-���7=��ffl ffl���m���·, ���·���T� �}.�-::g 8"1PfP>G��o §§$�$Z, m��*���@@, 1JfXXl3*1'rl·nUH'R:�o §§��San Diego Youth Symphony8{]-i; P>Gffl , �Jfll.1'Ei'Etf5�5f,�}.£

fi!::-ff i!JtJi1J\8"J 1H'R: �-f- o


MARCH 2014 17

18 MARCH 2014


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ijl, mm)(1J�t+o ft&�)(1Jm

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f01l**1.7i\�1t�? To�OO*: :fldi'JpqMff.J±ili±t �www.bohuausa.orgo ��jtig �M�ID��1±�£tt�ftID

{±-l§o ff,l(J3�mf�%.IJX;--t­

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i2�: �flt1ff�&�M!¥!J !Jl.{±�:JZ� $81.IJX;� ORI? T 6Ei 00*: 1.9:�M! ¥1Jo ft


El3-T I1'P 811* 129, 1tBifl��ijt

MARCH 2014 19

•�•oo�*rn�sYtzfL+ ooAmiJt$x. ��•�•· Pil]Pilj !

icilf= 18\X1��f�>Jir% s<JwJ>��1t��w.? :x-11Jtwtlifm= -�. �� **xMfttm:�. ¥9:�**00 xMff.Jt��� m-f-OO#:tm � # Z *m Z9J 001J-tf ifD ;trl�. =�. �jJ.L!::- �1ffia& : �­ �>]a**az*oom-f-rn�iz: -� i:J ..t Yt �� i:!T+� J}J " 00iE {ljfj 00�>J �J\l � t}] i7J �.t: � iJ *� ®!i£�1itti-iJI[ fi. x1�>1**wd>�*it 3 . ��� • (�P�) �y�(lb§;}f�f� .t:�. ®�L�OO�*�-iJllfiifD 1Jliffl.tJf*OO�*•itOO�>J. ;t�� Fo�rn Z*'.:E $00 � "




���a�crr&�•�..tmm�•���«���» tt�oo�•�M�A400�* �. ��-�*rnooM��* �#: �M�*�· ••z* ·�· icilf: 1fJ\'.%1�ttI11=..t:ii

�W$00�$00**· m•� �m�����$OOOO��z *�x�: ooft�a��*rn m�OOI�§���•H•re •** rn i11 �JlL -i)I[ fi,iJX�-� HU�-�#�$*MR*� •�*�� ���*00$ c *)���•�*rn· . fil-:���-$�*� #OO*W? ���m�: M$00*W ��11too2*· -�*rnoo�• �OO �Att*�72**W: ��¥�M. ftrnrn��*� i;r atJ-f-®�-�oJl Pl*l�•�. �-(j(�*OJlPl*J00�1�. M !L �A�•�· m���. �a

ffi*OO�e�aOO�*�? ��wmm: fi'.%�•� •oo�rnmoo�A§OO�*rn 00§�00M�· **�AM$ oo��m*¥m��iz:oo�• ilf, M�•oo��tt��(lb JL. 13 9*13 *--§ c:Hil:i' 13 a�*ff.JtM. �A*ffizFo. �A§OO�*ffiOO§��W* OO&ft!L Jmz-t1�5tffim � " § �,iJX;t" . tt�*J}Jl)ll�. aa*��*��•*11®.

ftffiB��MSTW�. � tt. fl***�OO. $��00��-�*ffi· �=��� �. ��ffimOO�*�· Z* -�OO*m�ma. #�M$ * ffi, ���*��fiifD� 1±\.

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ftffiill��*ffi�**�>Ja *��-*R��. Z**OO � *M�. ����� - �

fi��: M�*���. M:ii ��OOa*�Z*•*H�� >J. �-�§aOOZ*•�·

20 MARCH 2014



ic•= �HM�11J��f.it00 .7thJJ ! �--*�*ffitt2014 ��!!M00 ;tu_m !

He. � M1 �$, -t '# J ':f .E. lf- � ':f 1- � 1,li, '.t � ff. .:xl :'.!- J;ii!, .:1E. � #? ii'- !\. ff. 00 .ii't. 'Hf.; A ftL �7J•ii.± « it i* i1L » « i





$. 1) JttliJ » ( ,ft,JL� '.l'lf- » ;f 1) m €f.JiW tl: �€f.J '.t-ff:i£ � Jt-l).t � ;fp @i � "




@.kt 1tt;

(Cynthia Bao)

2014:if.1J=l22El, Annabelle, Yao;f:Oft* :fi]Valley View Casino Center x_fil� Disney on

Mickey Mouse;f'llffilB{J /J,1:k1* Y... l±l *-ftm Rapunzel�x.filA. Rapunzel ;f:O F1ynn BSJL-i"Jm

Ice. ft1fJ-ill-i;ff.i ; �:f1JAMillillt±H±l, 1�� ft1f] BS!�IHiz:�lJJctm1�ili:, pJT t), fjg��1�

;&-:@_�Pl"!"I Have a dream", M!:-*Ef31lt7f�i). 3Rapunzel�*at, !l:i!lE-iffTGothelW!W!�BS

••· 3nft�r*, **Wmtt��. �� 7fMJT. {!f*Jl'fuiuJ:@_, Mickey Mouse, Minnie

;it. GothelW!W!i-52.!l:i!l BS !t'!��{�BS, #-Pl"!�: "Mother Knows Best." 3Goth el W!W!l:±l-t;;ltf 4il11(

Mouse, Donald;f:O Goofyffl �lJJd£r 1l!rm 1:±:1. fOJ

�51.1:. El BS*®at, F1ynn'fi}.�Rapunzel -i;;� T*. l:�BS-*JtBSn�. ftMfH�·tR:1�9;!JRapunzel mt�i!�BS0±. Rapunzel /1'1.EIA�:fiJ T � cBS

� lifil


* * fOJ {1�. ?� J§ GoofyfOJ **fr ill T 1kA 1il Ariel. Ariel 3-fl:T�A�BSEric±-T. !J:i!l-±dz:Ee;

ii: Y...�@11/k_A 1il :#- 13.1i<ili<P.l47'1UrsulaBS fr:Z)R.

*1:.x: a , rm13.iEJf:OBynnts 3-f, fill1n ¥-t�:lih1:. nstE-®- T. r--i"M/:-*�*rMerida 0±Jf:O!J:i!lYJJ; YJJ; Elinor� ]§. M!:-*-7f�if, �Merida0±Jf:O Elinor�J§ifi#m,@BS-*'11!. Merida/GM!m,@,

J§ *Eric±-T )f:O Ariel'ilfu ·l'R::lihfilj� � , ±-T*� T

1.El.�Elinor�J§tp � Wi.l !J:i!lm,@. m-J§!l:i!l1fH�

�, JA!lt1lli1fJmt¥ ti BS1:.tiS tE-®-T

'.iEi.10± .i1£tf-# bt .Jf, flE ®M! � !J:i!l BS /H;k -T

u rsulaflE .m , ;:J<u rsula� !J:i!l -x;z A� BS Ai!. rm Ariel�,��U rsula!l:i!l BS 1k1rn BS Jl'f {!ffF:7'15z:�. m��*El�z�±-T)f��*�!J:l!l, ��


MARCH 2014 21

� �• T • . � �� � - . 0I�* T M � � � . �M�£�%� � M � re�. �-�$� - B EB H � T re,c,- . � iiJMerida T . •m � J'J

� . re re � M � . � = * z - E8 re� � T T ?le �FoAit� T . JA.tlt l;),Fo•WM T Merida. ::f W.�-�� T .

���-·�. Mtley Moo� ®�EB�# ff] l±l * i3l l±:l T -JiFo - 1iz. 0 I E8 :3 '.'f:Belle ! t!{ - 1'1!.� �P4Gastonf81f:::p , § flt�:%¥HW H . ftl!. 1� r£ {DBelle� � ' {El. Bellet§ �� T ft!!. EB $

� . Belle-� A � f3 iiJ -�tn\\ � 1'1!. . � Jlr!. T Beast. •%x.XI. T ft!!.. Beast:i:Mfl-T Belle -

� ::k l!l i=H'§ , W. Fo* ftl!.fn t§ � T . .5J .tit IPJ at , Gaston .tftn\\ 1'1!.iiJ:!ztiJtBeast E8Wi!. tn\\ 1'1!. EBA -J&IP]�ff; TBeast. Gaston{fj�ilJ TBeast, t£

�FoMI.��M T - n . �a�at . -m � � J:,1JJ1 , Gastonfffi'. IAJ �Itr� T . BelleM;fBeast� W . 15- W fm• §; � �ftl!. . BelleEB�ilBeastJ[ @J TA. *• �* T . �A-� l±:l �� E8 $ � . � �*-�ff� T ! - � tf�I.E8-�ttft . tt

/j(?ilj!ll[ . ftl!.fn�at[Fj�lf3(%r� ' �at�)'A-ff,}y\ ilJ<.I.:±:.11:11 . fmm �:i!?K-f;J:�mf8• � . �th• l±l E8mfal ill � �?t��,�" �::k�iE , 10 , �� E8��, 7}( � , � ¥ , m , � � � . ��, � 11: , 11J:*tD�fH1P �:i!t-tH!i!illiiJ't1J;J:�,G·19:it f8 , � -wre�A*A T -���EB-�@�. Disney on Ice�-:f:mti!!� 81,_J{;j(_t*• , :W. 1�.:gx.x .

AW� b � Slbmw By Cynthia Bao

( � Jfk_,ff; )

On January 22, 2014, Annabelle, Yao, and I met introduced us to Rapunzel. It started out when at Valley View Casino Center to watch Disney on Rapunzel and some of Flynn's friends started Ice. As we went inside people were bustling in and out. Our seats were really close to the ice rink, so we could see everything clearly. When the lights dimmed, everyone held their breath. The show was

singing "I Have a Dream". When she woke up, she told Mother Gothel of her dream . Mother said it was nonsense and sang "Mother Knows Best". When Mother Gothel left to get paint for her

starting! The loudspeaker boomed, and Mickey birthday, Flynn led Rapunzel to see the floating Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald, and Goofy came lanterns. They soon discovered Rapunzel was the skating out and greeting the audience. After a while lost princess. Rapunzel found her real parents. Flynn and Rapunzel fell in love and lived happily Goofy introduced us to Ariel the mermaid. Ariel fell in love with the human prince, Prince ever after. Then there was Princess Merida and her mother, Eric. She went to the sea witch Ursula and asked for her to give her human legs. In return Ariel gave Queen Elinor. The scene shown in the rink was Ursula her beautiful voice. However, if she didn't Princess Merida and Queen Elinor talking about get Prince Eric to kiss her by sunset, she would turn marriage. Merida didn't want to get married, but back into a mermaid and be Ursula's forever. Later Queen Elinor insisted on it. To win her hand, in the day Prince Eric and Ariel danced and kissed, they must defeat her in whatever she chose, and she chose archery. Two princes missed the target and they lived happily ever after. Mickey Mouse and his gang came out and completely while one got a lucky shot and hit a 22 MARCH 2014


bull's eye. Merida shot so hard that one-third of the target fell off. The que en gasped. L ater the queen forgave M erida for acting that way.

human. When the show was over, the audience burst into a shout of applause . It was a wonderful show!

Next Mickey Mouse and his friends gave us

The ice skaters were really graceful and talented.

the last princess's name: Belle! Gaston was admiring

Sometimes they leaped into the air and twirled.

himself and asked Belle's hand for marriage . Belle

Sometimes they sped through the ice rink like

refused and wandered into the castle . B elle met

the wind. They were amazing skaters and actors/

the B east and instantly liked him

The B east gave

actresses. There were also interesting props, such

Belle the whole entire library, and they fell in love .

as octopi, horses, sea creatures, crystals, seaweed,

M eanwhile , at the town Gaston was telling them

bridges, mountains, and etc . ! The lighting, action,

about the B east. The townspeople all agreed to kill

scenery, and costumes were all delicately designed,

the B e ast. Gaston went and found the B east and put a

which brought the audience into a different but

big cut through his back. Suddenly Gaston was killed

beautiful world!


by lightning. B elle staited crying and told the B east that she loved him and that changed him back into a

Disney on Ice is a great show on ice. I like it very much.

Go Rock, Mickey ! by Annabelle Lee

( �1i j1. )

"Mickey !" I was jumping out of my seat when

The show started soon after we got seated.

I saw Mickey and his friends sliding out to greet

Mickey and M innie came out first, said 'hello' . And

the audience.

My mom and I got invited to watch

then Donald, Goofy also appeared. Goofy tangled

' Disney On Ice' on the first night of this season. I

himself up with some music sheets. He grabbed a

was really excited!

clipboard and looked at it. They all started dancing


MARCH 2014 23

and singing love the song they sang.I love the .I


reallyimpressed when the lanterns were lit to

rong they sang. Suddenly. Pinocchio showed up as

celebrate herbirthday.I realized they really lit and

141311. Mickey. Minnie. Donald,Goofy and Pinocchio

floated up to the ceiling. That ™1S so amazing!

started ttlking. Pinocchio told a lie and his nose


grew.I laughed to myself. They were so cute with


their costume and skated ro well.

other princesses. but Ariel



During the intermission. mom got me a princess

Later, there were a few princesses came out. Ariel.the little mermaid, appeared the


first.I was so

ama:zed she spun around on a rope when she lost

cup filled with colorful icee. 'Cool! 'I yelled and noticed even the spoon came with the cup had a beautiful rose onit.

hertail. She even went upside downl She alro did a

I had lots of fun watching 'Disney On Ice'.!

few reallydifficult jumps and split spins with Prince

wish I could go backto ™1tch it again. And I could

Eric.I wish one day I could do it too. Next up was

sayto Mickey "Go Rock, Mickey!".

Rapunzel. She was a princess that had magical hair.I

ByYaoLiu (.it] -. J&) Didyousee DisneyonIce? Well ifyoudidNOT. you should read this article . Disney on Ice is a show that has most Disney

Beauty and the Beast. My favorite show is Brave. There

are also some small Disneystories.

The first part of the show is Mickey. Mickey's

characters skate on ce i . The stories in the show are

friends and skaters in pink, purple, blue and white

Ariel-Little Mermaid, Rapun:zel-Tangled, Brave, and

costumes come on the rink. Next theystart skating

24 MA.RCH 2014


to do twirls, spins and more. Then Goofy says the

persons on the list and Donald duck entertains us by taking pictures of the characters. Mickey and his

friends are not always on ice. The show only tells a little bit of each story. There is one 20 minute break in the middle of show be足 cause they need to do the ice-cut so that ice is fresh for the skaters. There are lots of foods sold like pop足

corn, snow cones, and ice cream. But you might want to bring your own foods because everything is really expensive. At the end of show, Mickey and his friends start dancing; the characters come on the ice with their

costumes; and there are also fireworks. It is a won足 derful show ! I hope you could come.

Oh, I forgot to mention, remember

to run out

as fast as you can after show, because there are so many people come to see Disney on Ice, you don't want to be waiting in the parking lot!


MARCH 201 4 25

t_m i!t-Mi& ( David Lai )

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� fro cf=' (i) -f 1i : Off The Wok

""'w ,± .,;. b '.Wib1u;;Q

( S ean Wei· )

20 13'.if + = J=l + [9 B , ftl'D flttf.J rp )(*;fQ !OJ *�� II.Off The Wokrr � •m o �*•mti:� ±-t!! 3f � 8{] Zion Market Woo o a1r� ti: •mm � -f- , x -f- , :rut-f- , *El: rtJ , *n -f-,f[J�-f- � rr fi• �tt� - � ® • A m � m * m't8X:�Jm11iz B{] , ?JT � fwArrar � i� @l �� o •mWooB{]I�Aft mR� ��-•� . a ti:•�Woo� � 11!1 M * * B{] � m . � R * *-! B{] � · B{] �ffio ftili� � - * · � � tt*�W# *ill � o � � � � m � � � � -f- ill � o ftfil� � - M � m . �M� m m �R**-! B{] * �ffi o

F* i:. -if ( Andrea Chen )

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MARCH 2014 27

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(Amanda Martm . )

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MARCH 201 4


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( Austin Chen)


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( Julie Wu)

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( Calvin Leu)


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MARCH 2014 29

�k-t Ht c Beatrice Au)

r ,J, @%rilJ :fr- J �-=f� (Beatrice Au) � ifll � , :W[ JftCaimel Creek elementary school transitional kindergarten ;;}!: Pf i1J terii i¥J o

���•amm, ���m • o ••� ••�mDU�

�1¥J-�, 9 T l¥J � � m ii � � o · � • • i¥J ��-· � " ••�m � � l¥J , tt• ili� ���- � " o

30 MARCH 2 0 1 4


Dancing My Heart Out Allison Fan age twelve, I returned to a studio.

so no matter what other people

Later, I figured out that even

think about me, I will just dance.

though you have started late, it

I can freely express myself as if

doesn't matter, all that matter

I was in some sort of "blissful

is your love for that particular


thing. For me, dance was my life.

venom of the smiling vipers"

Every moment I could I would be




Dance is my way of venting

dancing. If you ask other person, they







would say that dance is ust j a

happiness. It is sort oflike a have

sport or a hobby. Yes, dance is a

for me. Whenever I am extremely

sport and/or a hobby. However,

stressed, no matter how tired or

for a dancer, it is more than that.

sad I may be, dance is always

Dance is like music. Music is

there for me to come and be safe.

the inspirer of poets, composers,

I have a dream that through dance

"I have a dream that I want to

and architects. Dance is basically

I can comfort those in despair

be a ballerina when I grow up".

my inspiration for anything I do,

or heal that n i pain, physically,

At age five I had declared that I

including writing When dancers

mentally, and emotionally.

wanted to be a ballerina after first

dance, they seem to enter a new

"On the wings of dance, my

watching the Nutcracker movie

world where it's just them and

heart's love far away speeding



the music or other dancers. For


Later, majority of my books and

me, dancing is just a way to vent

Gange's blue water play. Where,






movies had something to do with

out all my emotions and just be

hidden glorious garden. Beneath

ballet or dance in general. My

me. Dance is like a best fiiend in

the gleaming moon the locus

mom had let me take classes at

which you can confide n i . It is ike l

flowers are longing to see their

a local recreation center for little

a writer who uses their words to

sister again" these lines written

while, but

an Oriental parent,

vent or a painter who uses their

by poet Heinrich Heine have

she then decided that I should

paintbrush to vent. I love the fact

inspired me when writing about

do something more educational,

that I can ust j dance and no matter

what makes

so I had stopped taking dance

how bad it is, no one can judge. Jn

dancing has been hidden until

classes. So for a while, I didn't

addition, its like ''nothings gonna

under the moon is it then revealed.

take classes at a studio, but that

hold me back [so] I'm gonna fly

And later continues "And there,

didn't stop my love for dance. At

so high, so high away" ("Wings")

in its






freedom, wandered the MARCH 2014 31

timid tender gazelle whi l e in the

For the WRD takes pleasure in

dance. I can also see a line of


the flowing

His people; He will beautify the



stream's soft spell" in these lines,

humble with salvation." I believe

of me



and old pictures

a dancer, because this

dance has allowed me freedom

that dance is something tha: G-d

is ...mat first sparkled the love

like a gazelle and in the di stance

takes pleasure in because when

for dance. I can foresee myself

are other people whose voiced

you dance it doesn't have to


have a soft murmur that isn't

be extremely complicated, just

mentally, physically, emotionally,

important anymore. I believe that

simple movements are fine.


and spiritually. I hope to help

this is important to dance because

is sort of like dance is a way to

others understand that no matter

you cannot only just dance and

humble yourself in front of the

what others think about you, it

show emotion, you must also be


only matters what G-d about you.

With this gift, I cannot only

musically talented and be able to help

dance to any music at anytime. In




references of dancing such


but also inspire


others. Instead of just focusing


on me, I can a foresee in the


others who



And it all started from watching a Nutcracker ballet..

••Note: I do not own " On

Psalms 149:3-4which says " Let

near future of myself

and my

the Wings of Song" by Heinrich

them praise His name with the

sister opening a studio where we

Heine, poems by Gibran and

dance; Let them sing praises to

teach music and dance. My sister

"Wings" Kimberly and Alberto

Him with the timbrel and harp.

teaching music and me teaching


Allison Fan dance artwork

32 MARCH 2014


SIXTH GRADE CAMP b •! 1 BB, V9lsd .. _,,Mllllegp m. ( Ocean Air Elementary School )

a little taste of \!\hat the exciting week would be like. After dinner, they had the

campfire, \i\hich

was basically a meeting of every student at camp to learn camp songs and have fun. Finally, they went


to the cabin, learned

the nighttime routine, and had a bedtime story. On Tuesday, they started off by doing their all-day adventure. The all- day adventure was an awesome six hour hike, in \i\hich they would hike all day long from 9:00 to 3:00. Allison and Jasmine went with Angie, and Mabel went Wow! It was only 7:30 am

the girls went to their cabin and

with Shawna. The scenery was

when we got to our school, Ocean

got their den assignments. Mabel

beautiful, and truly unforgettable.

Air Elementary.

and Allison

Some things their group

It was a chilly


assigned to



Acom Woodpeckers and Jasmine

were many deer that were staring

of our adventure to sixth grade

to Red-tailed ha-wks (dens were

at them. The group had many

camp. 1\vo gigantic buses had

types of birds). The \!\hole cabin

breaks along the way, but for

arrived at 8:00 to send everyone

got introduced to the cabin mies


to Cuyamaca Outdoor School.

and learned that we only got

and ate sandwiches, sunchips, and

2-MINUTES for showers.

TmMoo (chocolate milk). When

October morning



As excited as kids on Christmas


sat on rocks

morning, we went on ourway. The

After a chaotic first lunch,

every group got back, it was three

first thing they did there was to go

they found out that Mabel was

o'clock and time for recess. After

to Fox Lodge to get their cabin



recess, they had the first 2-minute

assignments. The girls' cabin was

Jasmine in their hiking groups.

shower of the week. In fact, it

called Eastwind, and the boys'

Afterwards, they had the welcome

wasn't as hard as they imagined

cabin was called Northwind. Next,

hike to introduce everybody to

it to be. After showers, they did




MARCH 201'1 33

the things that they would usually do.

On Wednesday, Mabel, Jasmine, and for






After that, they went






back to the cabins and did the night


slideshow of all the

time routine, listened to a bedtime

pictures they took of everybody

story, and fell fast asleep.

at camp . It was very sad but

different activities. They

Thursday was a big day Allison

memorable watching how much

did geocaching, archery, and a

had entered in the talent show,

fun they had at camp . At 1 1 :30,

game called Toxic Lake. Since it

and sang a song called "Mean",

they went outside to get the snacks

was raining, they were provided

by Taylor Swift. There were also

that were laid out on the tables for

with green ponchos to protect

many skits that the camp director,

our last snack at camp. On the bus




ride, they watched "Toy Story

required to wear many layers of

students to act out. Jasmine and

3" . An hour later, they arrived at

Ocean Air. When Mabel's dad





com posed


clothing in order to keep warm.

Allison's teacherfrom school, Mrs.

During geocaching, every group

Parker, played "What Makes You

came, he gave her a bouquet of

used a GPS to find blocks of

Beautiful" by One Direction on

beautiful flowers.

wood tied to tree stumps. On the

the piano. Everybody was singing

to go home with a friend of her

wood blocks, there was riddles

along, dancing to the beat, and

mom's. Allison's dad picked her

in which the group had to solve.

having fun.

A girl named Tijme

up at around 1 :30, so most people

In archery, they were taught how

did a dance to the song, "Just

had left already. When all of them

Jasmine had

to hold a bow properly, and the

The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars.

had arrived at their homes, they

proper 5tance in order to shoot an

Everybody had a really good time.

had gone up to room and relaxed.

arrow. Toxic Lake was when the

After the talent show, we went

They were all thinking, "That was

counselors placed a huge black

back to our cabins.

a truly memorable and amazing

tarp on the ground, which was the

On Friday, they went to Fox


"Toxic Lake." They had to use a certain number of wooden planks to get our whole team to the other side. It was very mind turning and fun. That night, the hiking group had their Night Hike. Since it was raining, they were not able to go on a real hike. Mabel's hiking group joined up with Jasmine and Allison's hiking group to walk for about 10 minutes to a small museum. When they had gotten to the museum, the hiking leaders had them search around the





to questions that they gave to 34 MARCH 2014



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36 MARCH 2014


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Nicholas Chen

[ 1I'mi :ffrgg l Nicholas Chen, 10� o ik.-1#,: -fFlora Vista Elementary School Sit-M.. o �� ;fo'.t-» : rtmi ' J!tl -j#,: ;foMX_,f&,J;j<. o

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40 MA.RCH 2014


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frj;�t5$- ( Perry Chen ) close, shuts her out and stays confined in her room. On the day of Elsa's coronation as queen, the gates and doors are opened, yet Elsa is still cold and distant to Anna, vowing to keep complete control over her powers. However, Elsa looses her temper when the naive Anna asks Elsa to bless her love with Prince Hans from a neighboring country, who is a complete stranger that she had just met that

3/25/2014 Perry Chen with Frozen poster and DVD


very san1e day. Elsa freezes the palace, starting a never-ending winter in July, and flees to the snowy mountains. With the help of Kristoff, a young man

In the new Disney animation "Frozen" (directed

who makes a living as an ice cutter and his adorable

Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee), Elsa and Anna

reindeer, Anna must find and bring back her sister

are two inseperable sisters and are both the young

at all costs to stop the winter, understand the power

daughters of the wise and noble rulers of the

she knows nothing about, and reconnect with Elsa.

Scandinavian kingdom called Arendelle. The older

I liked how the characters are complex, with

daughter Elsa was born with the power to create

positive attributes as well as negative character

snow and ice with magic energy that appears

traits. Elsa has a strong sense of duty/responsibility

instantly from her fingers. One day, however, when

and cares deeply about her sister and wants to do

Elsa and Anna were playing in the snow, Elsa

whatever she can to protect her. On tl1e outside

accidentally blasts her sister in the face and freezes

she is calm and composed; however, she harbors a

her in the head. Anna's memory has to be erased as a

secret that she can tell no one, not even her sister.

consequence by the forest trolls, and Elsa promises

Her negative trait is that she is careless and doesn't

her parents to never use her magical powers again,

think about the consequences of her actions, like

and to keep her ability hidden from the world. Later,

when she created a snow monster that nearly

their parents were tragically drowned at sea, leaving

killed Anna, and when she hit her sister with ice

Elsa and Anna as orphans.

while she was singing. Anna is very daring and

After many years of not g etting a glimpse of

courageous. She is, however, naive especially in

her sister, Anna feels heartbroken tl1at Elsa, once so

terms of romance, and, more often than not, acts


MARCH 2014 43

before she thinks. Anna is still very optimistic in

all of the noble faces looking perfect, it's no surprise

adversity, and extremely determined to do what is

that they all look similar, especially Elsa and Anna,


and Prince Hans and Kristoff, with the same facial

I also enjoyed the visual effects, the best

features and built, and were only differentiated by

thing about this movie, such as the formation of

different hair color, voice, and facial hair (Prince

snowflakes from a single drop of water, the clear,

Hans has sideburns).

glassy ice, and the swirls of magic that Elsa created. I also noticed an interesting detail: Hans, the name

(Spoiler alert) At the end of the film, to showw her gratitude for helping her and saving her life

of the prince Anna fell in love with, shares the name

multiple times, Anna bestows the title of "Royal Ice

with Hans ChristianAndersen, the writer ofthe fairy

Cutter" to Kristoff (who has also fallen in love with

tale "The Snow Queen" which was the inspiration

Anna), and pays him a brand new sled. I thought

for this film. However, the fairy tale was completely

that the idea of the "Royal Ice Cutter" is completely

different from the film. The original story was about

laughable, because Elsa could make ice to the castle

a girl who tried to save her brother from a wicked

whenever needed. And the quality of ice that she

snow queen. The movie is completely different,

could produce is far superior to any ice that Kristoff

and only borrows the general idea of Andersen's original fairy tale.

could find and cut. So, the title given by Anna is utterly useless. The only thing of value that Anna

"Frozen" has a few flaws. If the royals have

gave Kristoff is a new sled, a gift that required

normal feelings like us, how come Anne did not

absolutely no sacrifice on her behalf. To thank him

hold a single grudge against her sister shunning her

for saving her life, she gave him a useless title and

for so many years, and was still undyingly loyal

a meaningless gift with absolutely no importance.

to Elsa even after she blocked her out of her life

But, I suppose it's better than nothing. Although

for no reason after they were so close before? The

I admire Disney's efforts in trying to bring a new

snow monster that Elsa summoned was the source

twist to the age old romance, it completely bombed

of a story flaw and an aesthetic flaw. First of all, the design of the snow giant seems so crude and

here. I give Frozen

out of place in the story. The CGI quality on it is

of "The Princess and the Frog" and "Aladdin," I

the kind of visual effects you would expect to see

noticed that every Disney movie about princesses is

on a low-budget animation film, not a multimillion

about white European princesses with perfect faces


starfish. With the exceptions

dollar Disney production. The story flaw is that the

and "ideal" hour-glass figure. The recent Disney/

massive snow giant that Elsa summoned to keep

Pixar movies about princesses such as "Brave"

her sister out of her castle nearly killed Anna after

and "Tangled" have essentially the same characters

it became vicious and emaged. The beast provided

and personalities: feisty, determined, more daring

some action to the film, but I don't understand why Elsa summoned something that could kill her sister.

than graceful. The only differences are in their appearances and outfits. I wish the studios have

How would she forgive herself if her only living

more imagination in creating interesting characters

family member died at the hands of her creation?

and stories.

The final design flaw is that all of the royalties have perfect and unblemished facial features, yet all

"Wreck-it-Ralph" from Disney last

year is far more interesting and refreshing. In contrast, I truly enjoy watching Japanese

of the townsfolk and commoners had unappealing

animation such as "Spirited Away." The animation

faces: too fat, too thin, or wrinkled and bony. With

looks so rich and people seem so real and relatable,

44 MARCH 2014


Awards for Animation, he drew me Olaf the Snowman. "Frozen" won several Annie Awards, including best feature, best director, best voice

actor (Josh Gad for Olaf the


http ://comicbook.com/wp-content/ uploads/2013/09/Frozen-movie-poster.jpg

Perry watch Frozen director Chris Buck draw for him

"Frozen" won the 20 1 4 best animated feature Oscar, For more of Perry's Previews movie review,

unlike puppets. Even though CG adds another

visit www.PerrysPreviews.com"

dimension, hand-drawn animation can never be replaced for its pure j oy and artistry. Update:


enj oyed meeting and interviewing

"Frozen" co-director Chris Buck at the 20 1 4 Annie

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46 MARCH 2014


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( Jessica Zou )

� $ s"J 1J\ JJJ1 � 4?u*iw �

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1tr�, � 8"J�1ff�1rJrft, �

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s"J � 1ff � 1rJr i}J � o 7Gi12: 1t

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� � 1'51 , 1th 1r'J # '19: � � _t ;E ri'tJ

m ::f t§ fPl 0 4ij - 5*�'1l'�m�3@'

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flt�5l w T -!:�JtJH�1 �3@' flt s"J � � B"J!lr � o fltf[t1J\ B"JB>j{IJ(, mtxt1ff�®

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� 00 1* * , 1th -& * - * * � * MARCH 2014 47

[ 1J\ lfilJ % faJ k l t±:L':t ft� 00


rm frlB 8{] :SZ.-BJ JnU :�H�

9=1 00 1Bli 1·1'1 a � �t � 7ft 8{] frlB

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�ilift�����I 9=1 x��_t

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Jr; Jr; fPJ flt 7'J 1t � � fE at !'SJ ft :fJT � _t TIO ? flt 1'! : flt$� 8{] ft!: -

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xt flt� :ff f$ � 8{] ;il!}J 48 MARCH 201 4



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CElaine Cheng )

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ft mt � Ll fl\l:tj( t-1!?.=tE ft !l! � t:!G 61

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[ 1'1=�f8J 11' l A:R ,:Ji , 13� , JtCarmel Valley Middle School

A-f� f 1-o 7' -f� Bt1-1-:i:Ht .9:. rt :f±-f � � -jj ' &J1h, JE � 'I' j:_ 1t j:_ J;l:. :f 11- i&1£ � � o t- :t 'f $- .9:_ 1t , 'l' � .9:.1!!-1! ' � •1'.;:fl l_R 1,\..ji "f � o


MAR C H 20 1 4 49

1.f rf � ( Kewin Fu) [ � �Wfr l � � $-�f�- � � � � 7 if'. � *'3 )\: g; � 1 3 :17 :S'��WH\!.' EtJ � � ­ o

� ' • n B � *'3 � , � - *° � � n n � lifi L fit11J1lt � �OJdfil EtJ io;f £ ;w iiJ Y 1fil EtJ P'J 1L,\*'3�H.� o

I am a McDonald's manager making my customers I must be red pepper flavored ice cream, Topped with SUPER SOUR lime That is because I am very unique

Mom must be simple and original vanilla Topped with more sugar That is because my mom is must simply nice and kind

My dad must be bitter mint ice cream Topped with even more mint That is because he is very smart

My sister must be rainbow sherbet blast Topped with all the variety of toppings That is because she is nice, kind, mean, and smart She contains all the good and bad traits.

happy I am in the

NBA beating other teams

I am flying in the sky I am getting average grades on my report card I am sleeping and knowing that I have a life In a world of possibilities I see . . . . . . The blue sky full of eagles I see me going somewhere over the rainbow I see the moon dominated by humans In a world of possibilities I listen to . . . . . . . The sound of waves crashing against the rock The sound of tsunamis hitting the shore The birds singing The swish when you make a basket The sound of people saying "Hi" In a world of possibilities I feel. . . . . .

lll A

The joy of people enjoying getting to McDonalds ' The sound of my basketball fans cheering The leaves fly

In a world of possibilities

A flower that is black

I am . . . . . . .

The beautiful blue sky

50 MARCH 2014


b!i ;TX.:rJl C Angel a Ma ) &1.X���l?i�w�-*9 001*W¥1*�. �111

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• �J:J � VR :J;JH � rr oo - -t- 1JH� ft B{] :* m m , 1.E!

• i fil � z s re fil � �� B{] • � mm� � m �

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MARCH 2014


1*tJi1 8"J*ff'-* $ T , ilt�1�fr'J M•11'n1JL1±� B"J :


1*tJil�tt7'1 dtt l¥J Q11 :AiS *z.r , *

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l'i1tHfe:, � 8 :7Gti , 1tmf :liQ ll .


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&:rt , � 8 ��, �*� � , � a � � , � mt �nz- , *�* � B"J m s � , �mn�ey o , tiQ ll , 2 . 1¥J w mt t�� :li 7'I � iS , 1¥J w mt t�� 1rJi tt � • T- � 1C ¥'9 :ft , :fii 1Jc 1LEi 3/ Ed*tJil r¥J � , 9rt � 7 Q $ i:j:': BJ � , JlJf f' mJ f�� � mJ :liQ ll , A iiQ Wll o , -1-� °f ff � , r¥J w mt� � r¥J w � tt � � 1m�, 3. �1'§.fw;\ �B���'¢ffi , � � $ )-lj[ $

D , ¥!J; � , _tjy� ±1J! o {_§ l'.)Jyjt�:li7'J t±:\ i'; , 6 .

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52 MARCH 2014

Pf � ¥Hir:ill :A tl�t� � ��it !f: 8"J � m � ill it , 1'51 W m £ 1�1� ±fil*P>G T $ � " �1t 1W' , � &

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. ,fl §� i-f :f�

( Jessica Zou )

r nw��ililt�f�-1 �f§m: J:ft �!i:i3B��91 (Jessica Zou) 1¥JftX o 3a1£ftiJ¥:1:i.1 � � ITT � fil + � *# , � Foil�ITT D � § B�fil � � � o Wl: � T ��-1¥J D �fil� TlUf , ?JT � . i.l ruME § B D �i¥l *lffi '.§J � * o

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5JdfB l¥J 1IY 1- � M � t"J � -M 1:±1

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� § � • 1¥l m r o !J- il � l: T

-t;: rlZ; t'R o 1J, iI _itJ T •tB � Fo �

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§���' iiJ 1�� _¥1J T -1' l=j _t {jz� flt /f � l¥J WT tit Jr. : �B 7't BA Ml 1¥J.fit

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g-; t£ff.JtfE.5T� oo 1¥l -e1���WT3f

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ITT�£ § B * mr � . f,f�*

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xt § flt :Ef �1f tt 0. � � ? X1ft !J-il��� � T

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MARCH 201 4 53

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MARCH 2 1)1 4

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MARCH 20 1 4 55

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MARCH 2014

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MARCH 2014 57

*'fil ITT . rmaTm flLt t1J 1t:21t ITT •WJ, :x-r + a Till ITT Y3� �, § f§ 'L».f0 �1J!J�$J ITT J*$J}J Ji:

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��*'frM�ITT .

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&#�Ji:���-, R R::- -t�*�B.

T , {!==! Ji:: , {!==! Ji:: , aTfr T • WJ • , JJ�iE R::-

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141tl!MITT $'t�.

BJ<J3'. -t:cy! § * m- T:


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-, �ffiMllb��= J3:-� ITT 1t:i'.R:: • $ ITT . § fir�*' •* R:; ITT PJfSt• WJ •R:: Athletic DNA,

)3'. fi:: - *RfrJL;# ITT 1t:i'., ���[l�.f[]

S O L ln c o® Solincofi:: PJ fStyg �� ITT {t:i'.,

• AA $ $ , 11!

Ji:, �$!� ::k.

�$J#��:;k�.ffH t , @Ji:, Athletic DNA ITT • !VJJltlJ�!pff: ITT q [l!�. �--tLevel 2 ITT PlfStrt *' �m �� fl]Athletic DNA ITTBooth, ftkiflx.X 1-8!�--taT:tl!JAJ!*· Athletic


��fi:: � *aT ITT �Bi<Jk-f-, � - T 111&�M 60% off f1J J'r. �ITT na�•®· -ft�1J!JrlJLf.X Level

nt* ITT · T�m�:t-f1J-��� ITT A��

.f0-'¥60% off ITT deal, �iJliE:fi::� {:t-@�, 11!Ji:: , BET1ER IBAN NOTIIING. Y!l*aT ITT PlfStJk-f-Jtf1J ) Tennis Recruiting li�i&�:tfJi:: Blue Chip

J3:-t �AA!•WJq[l! $w�'¥.

ITT Jk -f-, 90% off ITTAthletic DNA iE:fi::

:ffi 3 fr I!& iJ I JJ ITT local

AM +

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m § c.�.wtt.

ATH L ETIC DNA = , ��Mllb�: rt�xtE:t-f1J ITT •WJ•fr Wilson, Nike .f[]-@::k����iYJ �AA!. Nike ITT

�-ffnm rux.gx;:��WJ ilti, r 1 t!l�$Xfl\..

• !VJ � :¥: ft R • WJJJ�@ JW w_ ITT :cy! § .fO ::kAA!� 25/J Ill

=\ �t�Mllb��: J3'.� ITT1t: i'.rt�$ rt :flOHead, Prince, Yonex, Babolat, Solinco��. 5 8 MARCH 2014



Wilson ITT . !VJ M a

cg � fir ITT �lYJ Jll .

lift }j� @ a � 00 1-1�

Wilson ITT • !VJ - . � � fi5

1f��&xJ:: ITT N R BJ< � , ___C 8 � fSt � , ---'=. 8 � YOUTH OFWE CHINESE

fj� :$ .¥1J Wilson EE! M Jl}J Ffli , ��'MB � 1f - -t ]( JL f-:l3t <t&

grips,N -i' BJ< -§. , BJ< ff , � BJ< W W ,

EE! pock�. ��--t••�a�e�--tffiM EE!&�. @ � , %loon ili�if-®�*' �� fif;&, �fflWilson ErtJBJ<;J:a, .fsJ<'el" BJ<;J:a_t�i;nw Wilson EE! Logo, -�� 1T :$:d>:tm tJ, _l EE! b�W W W , ® H , � - - -t � W EE! #� A ft ili if 1' � * '


mJ Wilaon. 1Z9 ,

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MARCH 2014


We all love our kids, trying to provide the best for them : nutrition, education etc. But bring a mom of teenagers, I found that we need a little of letting go to give To "let go" does not mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else. To "let go" is not to cut myself off, it's the realization I can't control

but to be supportive.

but instead to search out my own

To "let go" is not to judge,

shortcomings and correct them . To "let go" is not to adjust

another. To "let go" is not to enable,

but to allow another to be a

everything to my desires,

human being. but allow learning from natural

To "let go" is not to be in

but to take each day as it comes


the middle arranging all the

and cherish myself in it.

To "let go" is to admit


To "let go" is not to criticize or regulate anybody,

powerlessness, but to allow others to affect their destinies.

but to try to become what I

in my hands.

To "let go" is not to be

dream I can be.

To "let go" is not to try to change


To "let go" is not to regret the

which means the outcome is not


or blame another, it's to permit another to face it's to make the most of myself.


but to grow and live for the

To "let go" is not to care for,

To "let go" is not to deny,


but to care about.

but to accept.

To "let go" is to fear less and love more.

To "let go" is not to fix,

To "let go" is not to nag, scold

Remember: The time to love is


(Yanping f짜lf.j ) MARCH 2014 61

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MARCH 2014 63

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84 MARCH :2014

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p_�J�� u[UJ o --�{PJiJH�� " YOUTH OF WE CHINESE

MARCH 2014 65


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m��ffl �� m• . �ff.

Jfr;. ff 1¥1 El 1¥1 Jiff{£ o� ? :fit fn :::f � f f m rrn���� � . :::f � m r

1i:Jl1. ffJ f-')I. v� , ;z.; �lg il:. �+A

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��A * p�?

ft*f* , ::!3 M � ¥9:ffl l¥J , ill ff.Jt

�ff, ff.Ji3VZ: �-1'7CPT�

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nuir �t:ua l� fJ : = ' m�o +rnl±l:E:�£

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ft�-� � $ � $ . *� i � . � � -tt . :*�¥�§ .

.=, M1:Jt , l±l ".t:�w1�$ m�w* ® , flfirn�*� ,

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it " , ��05'-t:M��if ffl 1¥1 , 66 MARCH 2014

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MARCH 2014 67

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68 MARCH 20 1 4


2013�9 J=l , ft11"llll �T�11"lt£-fl!l�@�!(t:p. �f1Jit!!11"lt£ tpl!iJ �m5'f:, �@�fiill\.&*l! mt . it!!11"l �li!i'mQa, it!!11"J �Qa*l!lllft11"l (mQaJ . it!!11"l�io*i'Si!.!ltt!l 7MflJft11"lJ1Qa��

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.lr�la.lrl!ll � *��la�9•��Rl!IRT.

:)c��)J:ff�������J. ��m&a* 7it!!11"l�.l!�i!�ra.�. *���.� • •��c. (2013. 12i.

Ji-* 1$,. ( Angelina Ludena ) � aryV.!M.�$ :ll. ��. � 0 0 1¥1.Y:� • .f.l!.lr-Jgg,\!,;k�. $

ft!! 1¥1 :X S:ff .�HI!\ � fili � ?.f ��$�� 1¥1 Jfa.left. •

re WJx: sma�� ��JE 52.:k�a.fm�. �a.f00.w� �a :k �� ll'il. r,oaa.f 11.u.� WJ ··�l@.��.*.W��tf#l �_l �:ff � r.,, lm , 0 0 1¥1 11.U.� , .f.l!. WJ�w.s. �B;Jff.t£f,\ll fi.1 . � w. S�fiz ��� �$� ��.JE 1¥1� li. � � 11.U.� �J�tH�. � w. Sa.f��®�� WJaG.WWJM �l.H.S��-�-$. ��­

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� R� AfJlll bt , ilU il ff H:; � 8'f .f.l!. MARCH 2014


1FH&.tlt�*�t7J o cm�:fMUt :'.X:ffeJT M ffi: 1¥J � !i L :flt1FHllr�

1F5 1¥1 M ffi: o :flt 1F5 %JM 1¥1$5t ti1� :flt 1F5

§1%11¥1ffi: &IL

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�¥% 0 =�M M . ffil�tl�

Angelina Ludena (J.l 4£: Jj.. ) Our mother, Grace, is Gong Gong's1 daughter.

In 2013, I was selected to be on the girls under

Our father, David, and his parents, are a mix of­

twelve Olympic Development Program. They take

Peruvian, Spanish, German, and Native American

the best players from many Southern California

ancestors. Our parents met at the University of Virginia

soccer clubs and create a super team to compete regionally and nationally. This opportunity has

where Gong Gong and Pou Pou2 worked. At first,

given me the chance to play amazing soccer and

our mother's family worried that they might not get along with our father. Gong Gong's mother, Grand

to meet players across the State of California. As many other players stick to their team mates, I ven­

Nai Nai3, lived in New York City. Grand Nai Nai

ture out to meet new friends. Many of whom have

was strong and wise. Our mother and father visited

become good friends, and we seek each other out in

Grand Nai Nai telling her stories about our families

tournaments. Because I have the will to make new

and helping her by doing chores. In time Grand Nai

friends, me and my friends build strong relation­

Nai and our father became very good friends. After


that, our mother's amily welcomed our father, and

Our coaches say some players in our team, when

we became one extended, happy family.

grown up and performed well, will be selected to

We get to enjoy American and Chinese cultures, and we can change the world by having two dif­

play on the National Soccer Team of USA. If I ever get selected, I will play against the players of the

ferent things/personality. For instance, if someone

world. If we do compete with China, we want to

is new to our school, we make him feel welcome.

win. But off the soccer field, I will be their friend.

An example is my friend Andrae, he just moved

Our family's diversity makes us strong. We en­

from China and he doesn't speak much English at

joy sharing our mixed culture with others. Our hard

all. Me and my classmates all greeted him; making

work, art, music, study, and love show the world

him feel welcome. Me, Shane, Brian, and Mia are

that we can be strong together, despite what might

pretty good friends with him.

seem to be nearly impossible differences.

70 MARCH 2014


Great Grandfather. You were a writer and military strategist. During World War II, you advised the Chinese


govenunent affairs and the fight against

about your heritage from my grand parents, my grand uncles and aunts so that I can get the United States of America to become a real friend of China.

Japan. You wanted China to become a strong and prosperous country. Please advise whedter I am do­ ing right on making friends and winning justice for my family. I will study your books and learn more

••a<J�@�: �M, � m � . ���� �' �a<J���.

B��ftfl',�---F]� 7 re �, �R}J[7�::tfl��t.Ra<J � r&.fll �!t�::a<J:tl�. a ill .fll re ¥�-FJ.tgjl. ��fta<J*A.fll


Gong Gong �� is grandpa in EJ>glish.


Pou Pou �� is Grandma in English.


Grand Nai Nai �HJJ is Great Grandma in EJ>glish.

ft@••7� �•a<J•••• � . -��, ftITli�-. � a<J@�, 00�ft, ���� -®�*il.��01•. -�: # � ' �1f�;fD}g ?

·1'H��1ffml��a<J� B . ill �� t!i�..lJi.lf1fa<J� -Tfl',ill ��

A,�..lg:00�ft-�1Ea<J )t�4&Jft�m:. -�¢cl�m:, li�=����1aiJUll ::k1a. ��:tm:@•, ftRJLOJ�f,fJW �)t�9=ra<J;)t�$71. 00'8IDfft, ��-��t!i �a<J.fll ����. -�..l'Sg}f 00�a�am..la<J.fll ��� � . -�.fll ii�a<J)di\:*1iEfJE �.f!JJW. �ill �tWJM15tiW�ra� � . ft�1E .fll 00;/l13� ���


-t.Ra<J��. ft ITTf' 1*, fff, � fHfddH1{

:k•MMA* J.i--7-•..ti<:.M A**1#.-1i!I *•·

A..frl .VJ-� ld.bt. ,;If M *--ir- .It Jl *., ;lfM•.Jr-&•�AM#.Jr-&•• A<. •,\lj ,;If M �.;.. Jt-1§, .�.A<.Jt �.V ,tir

·�··A.·�� �1i!l:k·���. *� A-T•..t%S�KMA*��­ � . �t '.II -Ii• El ,f.A.,

El .!ff.A.' � �

*flf-��me., ����""'*�· m * ""' * · rn A *

<JF.Z.. /, .

""'* Ill�. �)6. El ' 1952


Zoe Ludena Dear Great Grandpa:

( S.. ;5- 1iX )

My family and I went home for an amazing

Hello Great Grandpa I'm Zoe Ludena,your Great

Thanksgiving Dinner. Before the dinner I was

Grand Daughter.Yesterday I went to the beach with

reading some books. My Grandfather, Gong Gong,

my family and grand parents. I foundmany treasures

asked me ifl wanted to read some articles written by

like sea shells and pretty rocks.

you. I said "Sure, why not."


MARCH 2014 71

This morning Gong Gong gave me an article4 to

We love you, your great grand daughter Zoe.

read. I read the article. I knew the second passage it 4

was about the beach and ocean. I wanted to study more to understand the rest of this article .

Art of War as an Ocean The Art of War of Sun Z i and Clausewitz is somewhat like an


Gong Gong told me that you were a Peacemaker

People go and play on the beach. Some pick up shells. Some

for the World. I told Gong Gong right away

collect colorful stones. Some take pieces of sea weed.

I was a Peacebuilder for my school class. I stand up

anyone who can tak e the ocean home.

Some catch a few fish or several crabs. However, we do not see To study

to bullies making peace. I also help my friends with

Art of War of Sun Zi and C lausewitz is just like this

beach outing. With the sm art Japanese and Germans,

any problems. I think you and Gong Gong would be

they only learn some of the Art of War. To write Art of War is hard. To know and use Art of War is not

very proud of me.


I hope your birthday is a very happy one. I hope

In «.Essays on Military Doctrines>» , by Yu-Ri Lee, 1952

all children in the world will be happy as well.

q:: :A-;R ( Justin Le ) ft l¥1 � 1ll.X:*m B , �­

� ill ,,


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*�A7t•C,- z��{/& I±\l)(�o *==", §lf$ EEJ\tt tJJ �.f. ��D� T!!l , rJ: � �o !),, � o m .wt� ©t M� 1$ En tt tiJ S. :JJo fi � , Pt.� I±\ � ::f :@: En {/& I±\ � ¥ ft ¥@©t � f.13. 0

>l ffl T 1�$ �JH� EE1tta . * �

ll;b �,WY B :;t:�BJg:j!f o &'ft"'f§ J - ffjl -f)f ]i!.$� wg � tfl � , ft :f� ilft M � f.13. :Sl � 1il.]I! .$ � BJg % ft $ re;$�ft3 ��m 1� !t�®o HPt.fttE-*& :ff � � ft3 ' ft ffi {j§ ft3 - JE � 1il � A � ilft En ftli , ft :f� 12Jftfi!: 0


My Great Grandfather Justin Lee My Great Grandfather, Lee Yu-Ri, was a writer

( � � ffi. )


of War. When water tosses a rock it's

and a military strategist. I think that is very cool. My

because of momentum. Sun Zi believes that even the

Great Grandfather was born in

He once got

best prepared attacks can be ruined if momentum is

put in a Japanese prison soon after the Japanese in­ vasion of Shanghai in 1932. I don't know how he

lost. Make your enemy prepare on his left and he


was able to liv e but he did! ! He was very lucky to stay aliv e. Like my Great Grandfather I believe in peace.

will be weak on his right. It means if you distracted your enemy with something else then you can attack while he is distracted. Let your plans be as dark as night then strike like a thunder bolt. Sun Zi says keep

Peace is one thing the world has not mastered yet.

your plans in absolute secrecy then strike with the

There are always war, arguments and fighting. Peace

element of surprise. I heard that my great grandpa

means quiet, still, and no fighting. Something can

used a lot of these elements to help defeat Japanese.

make you feel peace like meditating. I always do it

Having enjoyed learning about the military strate­

to help me focus. I also know that my Great Grandfather was a

gies, I admired my Great Grandpa the fact that

he was a military strategist. I wished he lived much military strategist. I am very interested in the art of longer. Although I never met him, I am sure he is a great guy, and I'm proud being the first Great Grandwar. ( �� if ) Here are a few things I have learned from Sun Zi son ofhis.w'w'w

[.Z;liji!ff.§cl $1B B Pf!l � 'i=t

� m: 1-t;: Ci :3 !![ * :@. � *


� {i!{

*1.! �1JD m B � ¥ . ��8 � ,

m1� !SJ � * �m:1-i;:** e: fi! , .� :3 l'Bt 0J 5'� h: llil ( ���- JI ) �:::f �JW 0

E1=! $ 1B B Pf !J Z. -=f$C:h:1L $

tJ�� � � � :@. , �� .fit l±J l\& 81 «$1B B ��» 81 � J=f



MARCH 2014 73

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m�J�I : ftff] £ -l!f'f:l


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s"J o

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MARCH 201 4

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(* � H*3£ 1� )




;t lli. Y'? j1J ll;j(. (Karen Liu) J Brr JltJ:Jl i1JJt , PHH" 'T-D!ff �fW: .f-;;f:i1UJP)t ? J tm :J¥':1��:ff 1 63SU2037 s" J�

Brr s"J � tt # ::r: � r mt � fl! �

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fW:Pf , �t� /E ;ll:A� :f � :f& lt m 1)'c , ey � ::f '.J6\ W: � o {_§ � � MARCH 2014 75

9�*$&W:fIT, :fttIT#Qffi , *M2h� #M�� m M B . ��B�m�tt��. � � J§.�o

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DDS., MS .

;5�1CJ�, il!iemail: y outhofwechinese@gmail.com

76 MARCH 2014


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MARCH 201 4


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