Empowering the Black Community

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Professional Women 2023
Lola Mercedes Parker Foundation for Economic Empowerment of

“The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” Malcolm X

“Black men and boys face disproportionate hardships that result in disparities in areas including education, criminal justice, health, employment, fatherhood, mentorship, and violence. These hardships have negative consequences for national productivity, especially for Black families and communities”. Ms. Wilson of Florida; Congressional Findings– House of Representatives 2019

"African Americans have been disadvantaged racially, socially, and economically for decades and their health has been drastically affected by this trend through a number of factors." The Reality of Health Disparities in the African American Community, Malaika Bates (2020).

The Black Community faces challenges of access to selfcare and quality physical and mental health care, education, and opportunities for growth in employment and entrepreneurship. The Lola Mercedes Parker Foundation for the Economic Empowerment of Business and Professional Women (LMPF) aims to create a positive impact by working to affect economic prosperity across Black Communities.

The LMPF is invested in overcoming the societal and cultural barriers to success that they face, and to the successful recognition of their potential. Furthermore, we seek to transform that potential into dynamic energy that ensures a thriving community.

LMPF seeks to address the condition of the Black Community through four critical EMPOWERING PILLARS:


Mental New Age Careers Vocational Stability

Selfcare Entrepreneurial


"BlackpeopleintheUnitedStatesaremorelikelytodevelopcertainconditionsorhaveworseoutcomesfrom those conditions.Thereasonsforthisareoftensomecombinationofgenetic,social,andeconomicfactors." 11Conditions ThatDisproportionately Affect BlackPeople,A.L.Heywood(2023)

The health and wellness of the Black community includes physical, emotional, and social well-being. These aspects of health and wellness affect one’s quality of life by influencing how we think, feel, act and live. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. The health and wellness of an individual is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

The Black Community faces challenges of access to quality self, physical and mental health care. Blacks have high rates of conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, and black children have high death rate from asthma. Studies show that these conditions are found at higher rates in Blacks compared to other groups. Less access to quality medical care is the top reason Black Americans have generally poor health outcomes and reduced quality of life in the United States. To support Black health and wellness, our community must advocate for living financially stable, holistic, and fulfilling lives.


Black workers regardless of gender earn less than white workers, and white men havesubstantially outearned white women and Black workers since 1980,according to CurrentPopulationSurvey data.

Physical Traditional Higher Education Literacy
On The Job Training Generational Wealth

As children we are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Everyone wants to be successful, but everyone isn’t given the same opportunities. Traditional Job Vs Non-Traditional Occupation Vs Gig Economy and what does it mean to the Black community.

Traditional jobs are jobs that still maintain traditional methods in accomplishing their work. Traditional jobs are slowly drifting away from society as many people tend to pursue career paths that are more promising such as doctor or engineering.

A non-traditional occupation is defined as any occupation in which women or men comprise less than 25 percent of the workforce. Some examples include women in automotive, electronics or welding careers, or men in education, nursing, or cosmetology careers.

A growing number of people are now working in the Gig Economy. A study by the American Staffing Association found that most Americans see the gig economy as the new to describe independent contractors.

“The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit.” BrainyQuote

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them” Chris Grosser

“Not every woman will choose a nontraditional career, but every girl and woman should have the information so she can consider it.” Jocelyn Riley

“Passion is fuel behind a successful career”. Meg Whitman

“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.” Oprah Winfrey


Black girls are denied educational justice, demeaned, adultified and robbed of their childhood by punitive, discriminatoryzero-toleranceschooldisciplinepoliciesthatpushthemoutofschoolandrobthemoftheopportunity to learn and thrive, not because they pose any sort ofthreat, but for simply being whothey are”. Congresswoman AyannaPressley

For the past decades, there has been an effort to direct graduating high school students towards traditional colleges and universities. But many have come to realize that college may not be the only path to a successful career. It is important that African American students choose a path that works best for them. There are many factors such as cost, and time involved in choosing the best path to a successful career. Tuition cost, earning potential, time commitment, flexibility and family needs are also factors that can help them choose their pathway. We will consider three pathways that can lead to skilled successful workers and professionals. They are Higher Academic Education, Vocational Training and On-the -Job Training

Higher Academic Education refers to learning at a college or university to earn a degree. Higher Academic Education involves facts, theories and thinking skills with the usual subjects such as literature, history, math, etc. For some jobs that require a lot of background knowledge and thinking skills, such as doctors, teachers, engineers and lawyers, higher academic education is required.

Vocational Training (otherwise known as: Career Education, Technical School, Apprenticeship Training or Trade Training) involves earning a certificate or license to certify that a person has been trained in a particular job skill. Most vocational programs take two years or less, while a bachelor's degree takes four years.

On-the-Job Training (also known as Co-Worker Training, Shadowing, Mentoring, Understudy, or Coaching) is very different from higher education or vocational training because it incorporates actual instructions or training at work. It

involves watching others and lots of hands-on experience under the supervision of a coworker or manager. It means gaining knowledge, skills, and competency in your job.

Either of these pathways can prepare students for a variety of careers. Today, where a college degree does not guarantee financial stability, it is important that African American students weigh all factors when deciding on a pathway to a career. Which is better for them, vocational, on-the-job training, or academic education? “They cannot stop me. I will get my education if it is in the home, school, or anyplace.” Malala Yousafzai.


“McKinsey & Company” The Case for Accelerating Financial Inclusion in Black Communities Feb.25, 2020, notes “a lack of financialinclusion forblack Americans exists ateverylevelofthe financialsystem. The wealth gap leavesmanyblackfamiliesatasignificanteconomicdisadvantage,withlessfinancialsecurityandlessabilitytofully participate in the economy. Withoutthe ability toaffordably save, investand insure themselves againstrisks, many blackfamiliesstruggletotranslatetheincometheyearnintowealth.”

Financial empowerment is the bridge between improved economic opportunity and outcomes. If Black communities can be empowered financially through programs, lectures, and webinars the view through their lens would be totally different. Instead of the monochrome shades of grays and blacks, all hues of the color spectrum would be visible. Black communities would have:

• Greater opportunities to invest and grow their wealth.

• The ability to make everyday transactions through a safe and affordable transaction account.

• The finances to plan for goals or rainy days.

• Access to financial experts on learning how to accumulate long-term wealth.

• Finances to manage unexpected financial shocks.

It is vital for black communities to listen and learn financial empowerment to be financially successful, economically stable, and the ability to act in achieving their financial goals.


In conclusion, the Lola Mercedes Parker Foundation for Economic Empowerment of Business and Professional Women asserts the following:

 The promotion of education and awareness of our personal health and wellness, which includes finding ways to lower the risk of illness by managing stress and increasing energy, is paramount to the overall well-being of the Black community.

 The identification and understanding of the multiple pathways to becoming a skilled successful worker, professional, or entrepreneur in the Black community adds to the overall economic stability of the community. We must embrace all avenues of education and career opportunities to build a thriving community.

 The Black community needs to understand the basic foundations of financial literacy which leads to financial freedom. Furthermore, awareness of the structural flaws embedded in the financial systems that stop families from achieving wealth and keeps them in a cycle of poverty is critical to the future of the Black community.

To address these pillars, the Lola Mercedes Parker Foundation for Economic Empowerment of Business and Professional Women willprovidegrantsto chaptersof Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporatedtodevelop relevant ongoingprogramming to address these critical areas in the Black community.


For Official Use Only

Proposed Project Name:

Project Contact Information

Chapter Name: Region:

Chapter President:

Application Point of Contact Name:

Application Point of Contact Phone: Email:

Type of Request: (Pick one only) New Request

Continuation/next phase of project in progress

Select the most relevant empowering pillar aim for this project (Please select all that apply)


Select at least one of the below empowering pillar activity elements (Please select all that apply)

Physical Health Mental Health Selfcare

Traditional Careers Entrepreneurial New Age Careers

Vocational Training Generational Wealth Financial Literacy

Enter the requested amount for each budget category and the total application request amount.

Planning/Implementation Food/Supplies/Tokens Workshops Travel Mgmt. & Admin.

List exactly what will be purchased based on the above budget categories.

Financial Health

Higher Education

Financial Stability

Summarize the project and how the empowering pillar elements you have selected will be implemented.

Explain the local impact of this project in your area.

Identify the target group expected to benefit from this project.



For Official Use Only

List local resources/community partners that will be involved with the implementation or will benefit from this project (name of churches, schools, or organizations)

Please describe your project’s expected outputs and outcomes that will be used to measure the success of this project. If the provided outputs and outcomes do not apply to your project, please change them to those that will specifically correspond with your project.


Number of workshops expected to be held:

Number of presentations or interactions expected to be held:


Number of participants:

Number of attendees:

Number trained: Provide

Number of trainings expected to be held:

Based on the time of performance, please list the appropriate milestones that will occur throughout the project. Identify

Authorized Signatures: Each application must be reviewed and approved for submission by the Chapter President prior to submission. Application Point of Contact: * Chapter President:

Please submit the following supporting application documentation: Detailed Chapter Operating Budget, Chapter Funding/Giving History, Audited Financial Report (if available), and the list of current Chapter Executive Committee with term dates.

*Electronic signature indicates approval as requested

For Official Review Process Only

Received date:

Application Reviewer Signature:

Approved Amount:

Authorized by:

the project’s time of performance (month/date/year – month/date/year)
Milestone and
Phase Start (MO/YEAR) Finish (MO/YEAR) Initiate Plan Execute Closeout Choose one.
Associated Activities

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