Policy Maker Tool 4 Self-assessment tool: providing an optimum environment for play The Committee on the Rights of the Child asserts that children have a spontaneous urge to play and participate in recreational activities and will seek out opportunities to do so in the most unfavourable environments. However, certain conditions need to be assured, in accordance with children’s evolving capacities, if they are to realise their rights under article 31 to the optimum extent. The Features column: sets out the features of an optimum environment as set out in General comment No. 17 (para. 32) Red (0), Amber (1), Green (2) (RAG) status is a tool to communicate status quickly and effectively. You can use the colour or number system.
RAG Status Criteria not met.
Criteria partially met.
Criteria fully met.
RAG status column: can be used by an organisation to show its assessment of whether that feature is fully met, partially met, or not met. Evidence to support strengths column: should be used to provide the reason for the chosen status and how the evidence is held. Shortfall column: should be used to explain the areas in which the play space/opportunities/ provision do not fully meet the criteria.
Policy Makers section
Identified Action column: should be used to show the intended action to rectify shortfalls.