ipcm® 2012 n. 14

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ipcm digital on www.ipcm.it w ww.ipcm.it 2012 20 012 12 3rdd Y YEAR YEA EA AR Bimonthly Bimo Bi montthly mont mo hly hl N°14-March N1 N° 14 4-M Mar arch ch h


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Effects for a Future World… Reazione ad effetto…



This is Quality Control, Too Anche questo è controllo qualità



Albixon Implements Powder Coating and Sublimation for Finishing its Swimming Pool Covers Integrazione di verniciatura a polveri e sublimazione per la finitura di coperture per piscine Albixon


Painting Line With Shot Blasting Equipment for Finishing of Agricultural Machinery Linea di verniciatura e granigliatura per la finitura di macchine agricole


Faultless Operations Operazioni impeccabili


Ultra Thin Film and Low Temperature Powder Coating for Exterior Applications Vernici in polvere con film ultrasottile e a bassa temperatura per applicazioni da esterno

© Albixon


Tyler Boyesc fotolia



Pre-Treatment With Nanotechnology Il pretrattamento con nanotecnologie


Applications of UV Coating Systems in the Automotive Industry Applicazioni di prodotti vernicianti UV nell’industria dell’auto


Innovation in the Cleaning of Conveyor Chains of Painting Plants Innovazione nella pulizia delle catene di trasporto pezzi su un impianto di verniciatura


Specific Features, Energy Efficiency, Special Effects: the Key Words of Powder Coatings Development Funzionalità, efficienza energetica, effetti speciali: le parole chiave nello sviluppo delle vernici in polvere




Horizon 2020: a new driving force for businesses Horizon 2020: un nuovo motore per le aziende

ICT Industrial Cleaning Technologies ICT EDITORIAL © Technosupply



The Company Richard Geiss GmbH L’azienda Richard Geiss GmbH


Industrial Cleaning Technology is Playing a More and More Important Role at Companies Around the World Le tecnologie di lavaggio industriale giocano un ruolo sempre più importante presso le aziende di tutto il mondo




© Dürr Ecoclean GmbH


Higher Efficiency Through Processes Optimization. Looking Beyond the Cleaning Machine Maggiore efficienza grazie al processo di lavaggio ottimizzato. L’impianto di lavaggio da solo non basta


Series Cleaning of Investment Cast Parts: Dual Tank System for Complex Geometries Lavaggio in serie di parti fuse: sistema a due vasche per geometrie complesse

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EDITORIAL by Paola Giraldo Investing in Efficiency n the field of surface treatment, Innovation is synonymous with Efficiency. Efficiency is the ability to produce with minimal waste, cost, resources and time. In the last few years, technological innovation in this field has focused on energy efficiency, since the preparation and the finishing of surfaces are the production stages that require more energy consumption, and on resources and materials efficiency, since their cost is steadily rising because of the price increases in raw materials. Speaking of innovation, and therefore of investment, in this time of stagnant economy might sound rash, but investing in efficiency means giving rise to a virtuous cycle of optimisation, quality and savings, which can give the edge especially to the small and medium enterprises. The technological innovation aiming to the product and process efficiency is the common thread that unites the offer of the 400 exhibitors at the most important international event for the field of surface treatment: PaintExpo 2012, to be held in Karlsruhe, Germany, on April 17th to 20th. It will bring together the elite of the manufacturers of coatings, plants and related technology and provide the large, medium and small enterprises operating in this field with the most specialised and influential supply and information platform in Europe. This issue of IPCM is a special issue: it is rich in content and deals with all the technological innovations displayed at PaintExpo, some key issues on which the researchers have recently focused (e.g. nanotechnology and the functional, UV, low cross-linking temperature or hyper-technological coatings) and a few success stories of investment in technology. I consider it an “optimistic” issue because, while looking through it, the reader can actually feel the enthusiasm and the R&D efforts of the companies operating in the field of surface finishing. In this picture, only one piece is missing: financial support for investment. The liquidity – exceeding all expectations – supplied by the European Central Bank to the loan banks of the Old Continent has positively impacted on the financial market, but we are now looking forward to the positive effects on the real economy. The nearly one thousand billion euro that filled the European Banks’ coffers between December 2011 and early March will serve to revive the economy, reopening access to credit for businesses, especially the small and medium-sized ones, which are the industrial backbone of all European countries and which, historically, have always been at the forefront on issues such as innovation and internationalisation. Only in this way there will be a real perspective not only of recovery, but of development.


Investire in Efficienza el settore del trattamento delle superfici Innovazione è sinonimo di Efficienza. Efficienza è la capacità di produrre con il minimo di scarto, di spesa, di risorse e di tempo impiegati. L’innovazione tecnologica in questo settore negli ultimi anni si è focalizzata sull’efficienza energetica, perché la preparazione e la finitura delle superfici rappresentano le fasi più energivore di un ciclo produttivo, e sull’efficienza delle risorse e dei materiali, i cui costi sono in costante rialzo a causa degli aumenti delle materie prime. Parlare di innovazione, quindi di investimenti, in un momento di economia stagnante può sembrare un azzardo, ma investire in efficienza significa attivare un circolo virtuoso di ottimizzazione, qualità e risparmio. Una marcia in più, soprattutto per le piccole e medie imprese. L’innovazione tecnologica volta all’efficienza in termini di prodotto e processo è il fil rouge che accomuna l’offerta dei 400 espositori della più importante manifestazione internazionale per il settore del trattamento superficiale: PaintExpo 2012, che si svolgerà a Karlsruhe, Germania, il prossimo 17-20 aprile, riunisce il gotha delle aziende dei prodotti vernicianti, dell’impiantistica applicativa e delle tecnologie collaterali e offre alle grandi, medie e piccole imprese che verniciano la piattaforma di approvvigionamento e informazione più specializzata e autorevole d’Europa. Questo numero di IPCM è un numero speciale, ricchissimo di contenuti, che presenta tutte le innovazioni tecnologiche in mostra a PaintExpo, approfondisce alcuni temi fondamentali della ricerca di questi anni (le nanotecnologie, ad esempio, o i prodotti vernicianti funzionali, UV, a bassa temperatura di reticolazione o iper-tecnologici) e presenta alcune case-history di investimenti in tecnologia di grande successo. Mi piace definirlo un numero “ottimista” perché, scorrendone le pagine, il lettore riesce a percepire l’entusiasmo e gli sforzi in ricerca e sviluppo fatti dalle aziende del settore della finitura superficiale. In questo quadro di fermento industriale manca solo un tassello: il sostegno finanziario agli investimenti. L’inieizione di liquidità – di entità superiore a qualsiasi aspettativa - operata dalla Banca Centrale Europea agli Istituti di Credito del Vecchio Continente ha reso euforico il mercato finanziario, ma ora se ne attende con ansia la ricaduta positiva sull’economia reale e industriale. Perché i quasi mille miliardi che tra dicembre 2011 e i primi di marzo sono piovuti nelle casse delle Banche Europee dovranno servire a rilanciare un’economia affaticata, riaprendo l’accesso al credito da parte delle aziende, soprattutto quelle medio-piccole che costituiscono l’ossatura industriale di tutti i Paesi Europei e che, storicamente, sono in prima linea su temi quali l’innovazione e l’internazionalizzazione. Solo così si potrà offrire una prospettiva concreta non solo di ripresa ma di sviluppo.


Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief / Direttore Responsabile international PAINT&COATING magazine maga - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


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Un’ innovativa e diversificata serie di vernici in polvere che per tecnologia, applicabilità, specificità e varietà sono un preciso riferimento nel trattamento delle superfici. Europolveri vi sorprenderà inoltre con la gamma "Effetti Speciali", con oltre 8oo prodotti a stock, con l'organizzazione logistica e con la disponibilità e competenza nel formulare prodotti "su misura".

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EFFECTS FOR A FUTURE WORLD… Reazione ad effetto… Stefano Corrado & Laura Zanini, Business Field Coatings, Merck SpA – Italy


rendwatching is not an exact science: it is something for people with good “sensors”. Signs of future trends are already visible today, but, of course, nobody can be sure of them. Small phenomena could either grow into larger ones or disappear. A lot of aspects, from artists to fashion, from public debates to silent revolutions, from media to ethics, from technology to science,… may influence color and effect trends for future successful products & services. How hard it could be the goal to try to understand what consumers will prefer and want to buy in a few years from now in terms of colours, material preferences, look and feel! Also because everyone of us reacts in a different way to the everyday challenges, e.g. the economical crisis, family disorientation, breakdown of social values… There is the “Science Reaction”: catching from science forms and behaviours to create innovative and trendy nd trend ndy products. Science is both a pragmatic and a creative eative approach to Life at the same time: the consolidated formula of mixing ingredients to get unsuspected results. It is based on a continuous observation of well established rules and practice mixed up with the unique spark of a new hunch. That’s how the idea for a new ew coloured design chandelier ndel elier can arise from somee laboratory la test-tubes filled in with either flowers or coloured liquids. Projected by Maria Pani Jurek, it is inspirated to the Nobel-prize winner Maria Sklodowka-Curie; it is able to get colours and life from a “cold” test-tube, life from science. The Fractal art is a kind of “Science Reaction” 6

N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine


l trendwatching non è una scienza esatta. Diciamo che è un’esperienza per persone che hanno i sensi sempre all’erta: indizi delle tendenze future sono già disseminati nel quotidiano, ma non possiamo essere sicuri che si svilupperanno come appaiono oggi. Piccole tendenze odierne possono sia evolvere in fenomeni di massa sia scomparire del tutto. Molteplici sono gli aspetti che possono influenzare tendenze di colore e di effetti per le produzioni future: dall’arte alla moda, dai dibattiti alle rivoluzioni silenziose, dai media alla coscienza etica, dalle scoperte tecnologiche a quelle scientifiche. E’ realmente una sfida cercare di comprendere quale direzione prenderanno nel prossimo futuro le preferenze dei consumatori in termini di colore, materiale, look, tecnologia. Anche perché ciascuno reagisce in maniera differente agli eventi quotidiani: la crisi economica, il disorientamento della famiglia, il cambiamento dei valori sociali… Si può osservare una “Science Reaction”: mutuare forme e comportamenti dalla scienza per creare prodotti innovativi e di tendenza. Quello Quel scientifico è un approccio contemporaneamente pragmatico e creativo: pra la formula consolidata di fo miscelare elementi comis nosciuti per ottenere no rrisultati innovativi. Si basa sull’osservazione continua di regole e pratiche assodate unita alla scintilla unica della creativittà. Questo spiega come l’idea di un nuovo m lampadario possa nalam scere dall’assemblaggio scer provette di vedi semplici sem laboratorio, da riempitro da la liquidi colorati o con fiori. re con liquid Maria Pani Jurek, questa Progettata da Ma creazione (che si ispira al premio Nobel Maria Sklodowka-Curie), riesce ad estrarre colori e vitalità da una “fredda” provetta da laboratorio. Anche l’arte frattale (dal latino fractus = rotto, spezzato, frammentato) può essere considerata come “Science Reaction”: è creata calcolando funzioni ma-

ANALYSIS too: the art of creating images, music, animations starting from fractal calculations. The USA textile stylist Jhane Barnes lets draw his inspiration for socks, shirts and men wear from fractals (from Latin tin word fractus = broken, fractured, d, fragmented). The way to answer with a math approach, with a fixed rule (the Mandelbrot theory) to the everyday chaos that seems to swallow us in onee go. Fashion gives its own reaction according to Science too: its present future is high-tech style and its new limit is the air appearance given by any transparent, impalpable, iridescent material. al. If our reaction would ld be b to refer f to “Science”, “S i ” as source of ancient and always new knowledge, we could guess that our trend are colours that merge high-tech and nature, airy colours and white coloured effects: interference effects on white, multicolor on white, coloured clear coat on top of silver whites and pearlescent; coloured sparkle effects on top of natural colours. Someone else could try another approach: the “Pessimism Reaction”! That means: what better than “strong” optimism could fight against heavy pessimism? Unusual shapes, hazardous patterns, strong colours

tematiche frattali e trasformando i risultati dei calcoli in immagini, animazioni, musica, o altre forme di espressione artistica. Le immagini frattali sono grafici animazioni frattali sono sedei risultati dei calcoli, oli, le anim a qquenze di questi grafici. La musica frattale asssocia ai risultati dei ccalcoli dei toni musiccali o altri suoni. L’arttee frattale è creata solitamente con l’ausilio lit ddii un computer, al fine ddii accelerare il processso o di calcolo della funzione frattale. Lo stilista zio americano Jhane Barnes am trae ispirazione proprio ttra da frattali per le sue colddai di calze, magliette llezioni ezi abbigliamento maschile. e ab EE’’ uun percorso che risponddee con c un approccio matematico, con una regola (la mati m teoria te eori di Mandelbrot), al caos ca os quotidiano che sembra inghiottirci in un solo boccoingghio ne. la moda fornisce ne. Anche A la sua “Science Reaction”: il suoo futuro prossimo è lo stile fu high-tech e il nuovo limite è higgh-t l’eff l’ ffetto et “aria”, ottenibile con l’utilizzo l’ ili di di materiale i l trasparente, impalpabile, iridescente. Se, quindi, la nostra reazione attinge dalla sicurezza della Scienza, quale fonte di sapere antico e sempre nuovo, possiamo ipotizzare che la tendenza si indirizzi su colori che amalgamano high-tech e natura, colori luminosi ed effetti bianchi perlati: colori interferenziali o multicolori su bianco, finitura trasparente, ma colorata, su bianchi argentati e perlescenti, effetti brillanti su colori naturali. Qualcun altro potrebbe tentare un approccio diverso: la “Pessimism Reaction”! Traduzione: cosa può contrapporsi al pessimismo dilagante meglio di un incrollabile ottimismo? international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Effects For a Future World…

(reds, blues, pinks), combination of strong colours and strong effects, which sometimes risks to be closed to the boundary of kitsch (and even beyond). Gold and luxury baroque to exorcize weakness poverty. ss and po This would be the optimistic answer er to react to the prevailing pessimism. Basing on the news that media broadcast every day, we could form the hypothesis that there could be a third way: the “Ethical Reaction”. ”. Leaded by slogans, crowd, new movements dialoguing through social networks, who voice people hope in a better and more democratic future, man(and woman-) shaped. Objects and products should reflect this way of being: broken lines, short statements, people standing up... Dutch designer Sebastiaan Straatsma pictures well the slogan-world on his dust collectors; another French designer signifies the changes into the society using the metaphor of the explosion of shapes and materials… 8

N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Forme non convenzionali, disegni con geometrie ardite, colori forti (rossi, blu, rosa accesi), combinazioni di colori forti su effetti eccentrici, che talvolta t rischiano di sconfinare nel kitsch. Oro e motivi barocchi per esorcizzare debolezza e povertà. Questa vorrebbe essere le la rrisposta ottimistica per contrastare il pessimismo imperante. sim Le notizie trasmesse quotidianamente dai media richiamano alla mente la possibilità di una terza scelta: la “Ethical Reaction”. Governata da sloggan, folle, movimenti che comunicano ttramite social network, che danno vocce e speranza ad un futuro migliore e ppiù democratico in ogni parte del monddo, un futuro plasmato a misura umanna. Oggetti e prodotti riflettono questo modo di approcciare la Vita: linee spezm zzate, slogan, folle che protestano in pieddi nelle piazze. Il designer olandese SSebastiaan Straatsma interpreta con incissività il mondo degli slogan tramite la reaalizzazione dei suoi vasi; un altro designer ffrancese interpreta i cambiamenti della ssocietà attraverso la metafora dell’esplossione delle forme e dei materiali.

ANALYSIS Colours to express this aim create contrast through strong colours, at the same time inspired by exploded and burnt materials: graphite shimmer or colours inspired by heated metals. To be ethical, any honest colour is welcome: subtle effect colours with no colour shifts; only an addition of chroma and depth by using effect pigments. “No man is an island” (J. Donne): at Merck we know very well, that no one can give the best performance working alone; this means that these indications of trendwatching were compiled with the help and presentation materials prepared by our colleagues from Merck group worldwide. In order to join the efforts and get the most reliable results, Merck works in strict cooperation with several experts, to supply effects pigments based on innovative design and technology to offer undreamed-of styling possibilities.

pannelli e celle 1 Rotoli, in fibra di vetro

e pannelli 2 Rotoli in fibra sintetica

vernice 3 Accumulatore “Columbus” Rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber


Rolls and panels of synthetic fiber


Paint accumulator “Columbus”


Filtering cells for high temperatures


“Andreae” filters


Filtering cartridges


Absolute filters


Special applications


filtranti per 4 Celle alte temperature

5 Filtri “Andreae” 6 Cartucce filtranti 7 Filtri assoluti 8 Applicazioni speciali

Questo desiderio si esprime attraverso il contrasto tra colori forti, ispirati a materiali che superano le prove più dure: colori ispirati ai metalli fusi o alla nera lucentezza della grafite. L’etica tende la mano ai colori onesti: effetti delicati, senza variazioni di colore; pigmenti ad effetto solo per aggiungere intensità e profondità al colore. “Nessun uomo è un’isola” (J. Donne): in Merck sappiamo bene che i migliori risultati non si possono ottenere da soli; la redazione di queste indicazioni di trendwatching è stata possibile grazie all’aiuto e alle osservazioni preparate dai nostri colleghi Merck di tutto il mondo. Unire gli sforzi è garanzia di risultati migliori e più attendibili; per questo Merck lavora in stretta collaborazione con esperti ad ogni livello per fornire pigmenti ad effetto che siano un vero e proprio concentrato di creatività e tecnologia. info@defil.it www.defil.it

BRAND-NEW SUSTAINABLE PAINTSHOP FROM DÜRR SETS NEW EMISSION STANDARDS IN CHINA L’impianto di verniciatura sostenibile di Dürr fissa nuovi standard di emissione in Cina


ietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, February 1st, 2012 – Dürr is building ietigheim-Bissingen, Germania, 1 febbraio 2012 – Dürr sta installando an automobile paint shop with the lowest emissions in China for un impianto di verniciatura per auto per la joint venture FAW-VW con le the FAW-VW joint venture. This paint shop, which will go into operation emissioni più basse in Cina. Questo impianto, che inizierà la produzione nel in March 2013, will have completely automated primer, base and top marzo 2013, avrà l’applicazione di primer, fondo e finitura completamente aucoat application. With this plant, FAW-VW has expanded its capacities in tomatica. Con questo impianto, FAW-VW aumenta la sua capacità produttiva Changchun. a Changchun. Dürr is responsible for the construction of the complete paint shop, Dürr è responsabile per la costruzione dell’impianto completo, inclusa la tecincluding application technology and exhaust air purification. In striving to nologia applicativa e la depurazione dell’aria esausta. Sforzandosi di assicuensure sustainable painting, FAW-VW relies on the latest Dürr technology. rare una verniciatura sostenibile, FAW-VW si è affidata alle ultime tecnoloFor this reason the EcoDryScrubber has been put into use once again gie Dürr. Per questa ragione a Changchun è stato utilizzato ancora una volta in Changchun. This system for the dry separation of overspray reduces l’EcoDryScrubber. Questo sistema per la separazione a secco dell’overspray energy consumption up to 60% in comparison to conventional spray riduce il consumo di energia fino al 60% rispetto alle cabine di verniciatura trabooths by using air recirculation. Fresh water and coagulation chemicals dizionali attraverso l’impiego della ricircolazione dell’aria. Si può fare completacan be completely dispensed with and overspray bound by limestone mente a meno di acqua dolce e di prodotti di coagulazione e l’overspray legato powder can be reused. alla polvere calcarea può essere riutilizzato. The use of water-based paints in the Anche l’impiego di vernici all’acqua sia primer and basecoat section is also per il primer che per la mano di fondo new and environmentally friendly è un aspetto nuovo e a basso impatas well. Nevertheless, as with the to ambientale. In ogni caso, similmente clearcoat application, exhaust air alla fase di applicazione del trasparenflow from the paint booth is cleaned te, l’aria esausta che fluisce dalla cabibefore it leaves the plant. This is a na di spruzzatura viene purificata prima first in China, and a special feature che lasci l’impianto. Si tratta della prima worldwide. The EcoDryScrubber volta in Cina, e di una caratteristica spewith its air recirculation and the highly ciale in tutto il mondo. L’EcoDryScrubber ® efficient Ecopure KPR exhaust air con la ricircolazione dell’aria e il sistema altamente efficiente di purificaziopurification system create a perfect symbiosis, since the use of dry ne dell’aria esausta Ecopure® KPR 1 separation in the spray booth produces creano una simbiosi perfetta, dal moSaving energy, minimizing particulate emissions and reducing booth mento che l’impiego della separazione a highly concentrated and particularly cross-section: the EcoDryScrubber from Dürr. efficiently filtered exhaust air. secca nella cabina di spruzzatura produRisparmio di energia, riduzione al mimino delle emissioni di ce un’aria esausta altamente concentraThis allows for the use of a very particolato e riduzione della sezione trasversale della cabina: compact exhaust air purification system l’EcoDryScrubber di Dürr. ta e soprattutto filtrata in maniera efficace. and lowers the investment costs of the Questo consente di utilizzare un sisteexhaust system by 60%. ma di purificazione dei reflui particolarmente compatto e abbassa del 60% i In this combination the energy demand is reduced by 80% and the costi di investimento per il sistema di scarico. Grazie a questa combinazione solvent emissions by as much as 90%. The exhaust air from the ovens is la richiesta di energia si riduce dell’80% e le emissioni di solvente del 90%. cleaned by the integrated Ecopure® TAR afterburner where the recovered L’aria esausta in uscita dal forno viene pulita dal postcombustore integrato heat is then in turn used to heat the ovens. Ecopure® TAR dove il calore è recuperato e in seguito riutilizzato per riscaldare i forni. The Ecopaint RoDip M rotational dip coating process, which is already A Changchun la tecnologia di verniciatura ad immersione rotazionale used around the world in 46 different paint shops for PT / ED applications, Ecopaint RoDip M, già utilizzata nel mondo in 46 diversi impianti di verniciais used in pre-treatment and electro dipping in Changchun. With this tura per applicazioni PT / ED, è utilizzata per le fasi di pretrattamento e catathe rotation of the entire body in the tank optimizes the dipping, flooding foresi. Grazie ad esso la rotazione della scocca intera nella vasca ottimizza


10 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

by Paola Giraldo

and draining process. By eliminating the entry and exit ramps the tank volume is decreased, dramatically reducing the need for energy and chemicals. Prior to the filler and basecoat applications, the car body is cleaned by six EcoRS Clean robots and sword brushes. Interior and exterior painting is fully automated, using a total of 62 painting and handling robots from the EcoRP L series. EcoBell3, the new atomizer generation for electrostatic paint application with better performance and less complexity, provides the perfect application of primer, base coat and clear coat. Seam sealing, including the hemflange application, underbody protection and pore recognition, is carried out by 16 EcoRS robots. This automotive paint shop, with the lowest emissions in all China and a capacity of 34 vehicles per hour will go into operation to paint various Audi models starting in March 2013. The contract, which Dürr is handling as general contractor, was awarded in the third quarter of 2011.

l’immersione, lo riempimento e il drenaggio. Grazie all’eliminazione delle rampe di ingresso e di uscita il volume della vasca diminuisce, riducendo così drasticamente il fabbisogno di energia e di prodotti chimici. Prima dell’applicazione del filler e della mano di fondo, la scocca dell’auto viene lavata con sei robot EcoRS Clean e spazzole a taglio. La verniciatura degli interni e degli esterni è completamente automatizzata grazie all’impiego di 62 robot di verniciatura e movimentazione della serie EcoRP L. EcoBell3, la nuova generazione di atomizzatori per l’applicazione elettrostatica della vernice con migliori prestazioni e minori difficoltà, fornisce una perfetta applicazione di primer, tinta e trasparente. La sigillatura delle giunzioni inclusa l’applicazione delle flange, la protezione sottoscocca e l’identificazione dei pori, è eseguita da 16 EcoRS robot. Questo impianto di verniciatura automobilistico, con le più basse emissioni in tutta la Cina e una capacità di 34 veicoli l’ora, entrerà in funzione nel marzo 2013 per la verniciatura di diversi modelli Audi. Il contratto di fornitura, per cui Dürr è il capocommessa, è stato attribuito nel terzo trimestre del 2011.



n the last decade, the global trade in counterfeit and pirated items has skyrocketed. The counterfeiters continually develop more and more sophisticated methods to bypass the security systems of brands. Adapta Color has developed an anti-falsification powder coating that helps identify and distinguish without doubt a product manufactured by a particular company compared to similar or even falsified products that could be traded on the market. Our research laboratory works jointly with the customer to analyse the needs of safety and traceability of its products and to achieve a solution meeting its requirements. The particles of the coating we have developed, if irradiated with energy with a specific wavelength, absorb this energy and then emit it in a different section of the electromagnetic spectrum, thus allowing to be identified by means of visual or sound decoding tools. This technology of adding detectable markers to the powder coating opens an interesting range of applications, not only in terms of protection of the brand, but also in terms of safety or of functionality of the products. In other words,

ell’ultimo decennio il commercio mondiale di oggetti falsificati o piratati è aumentato di anno in anno in maniera vertiginosa. I falsificatori sviluppano di continuo metodi sempre più sofisticati per evitare i sistemi di sicurezza dei marchi. Adapta Color ha sviluppato una vernice in polvere anti-falsificazione che consente di identificare e differenziare senza alcun dubbio un prodotto fabbricato da un determinato marchio rispetto a prodotti similari, o anche falsificati, che possano essere commercializzati sul mercato. Il nostro laboratorio di ricerca collabora congiuntamente con il cliente per analizzare le esigenze di sicurezza e tracciabilità dei suoi prodotti per raggiungere una soluzione che soddisfi le specifiche richieste. Le particelle del rivestimento sviluppato, se irradiate con energia con una lunghezza d’onda specifica, assorbono questa energia e tornano ad emetterla in una sezione diversa dello spettro elettromagnetico potendo così essere identificate mediante strumenti di decodificazione visivi o sonori. Questa tecnologia, che inserisce nella vernice in polvere alcuni marcatori rintracciabili, apre un interessante ventaglio di applicazioni, non solo dal punto di vista della protezione del marchio, ma anche dal punto di vista della sicurezza o della funzionalità del prodotto. Ciò significa che con l’inserimento di questi marcatori possiamo assicurare che le specifiche di verniciatura che prevedono l’utilizzo di un nostro prodotto siano seguite rigorosamente, riuscendo in questo modo a sapere se alla fine è stato utilizzato il rivestimento selezionato o prescritto dalla specifica. Ma si può anche arrivare più lontano, e capire se la funzionalità selezionata della vernice è presente nei nostri prodotti, soprattutto in


12 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

by Paola Giraldo

thanks to these markers we can ensure that the specifications for painting involving the use of our products are strictly followed, because we can know whether the selected or prescribed coating has been used or not. But we can get even further and ensure that a given feature is present in our products, particularly with respect to intrinsic characteristics hardly visible to the naked eye, such as the conductivity, the resistance to microorganisms and so on. These new coatings developed by Adapta are an easy to implement, safe and very profitable solution, ensuring a reliable protection of one’s brand and avoiding complaints about products not manufactured by one’s company or nor fitting their intended use. The mechanisms of identification must be chosen in the development stage and can exploit visual or sound systems, infrared visible or invisible tracking technologies and fully customised tracking and detection systems. For further information: www.adaptacolor.com

merito a quelle caratteristiche intrinseche difficilmente osservabili a vista, come ad esempio la conduttività, la resistenza ai microorganismi e così via. Questi nuovi rivestimenti sviluppati da Adapta rappresentano una soluzione facile da implementare, sicura e molto redditizia, che permette una protezione sicura del proprio marchio ed elimina reclami relativi a prodotti non fabbricati dalla propria azienda o prodotti che non si adattano all’uso per cui sono stati sviluppati. I meccanismi di individuazione devono essere studiati in fase di sviluppo e possono essere sistemi sonori o visivi, tecnologie di tracciabilità visibili o invisibili ai raggi infrarossi e sistemi di tracciabilità e individuazione completamente personalizati. Per ulteriori informazioni www.adaptacolor.com

Join us! About us - Adapta Color is a Spanish powder coating manufacturer truly aimed at innovation and creativity fields. Focusing on developing high quality metallic effects and smart coatings, Adapta has become a rapid time-tomarket company as key differentiator for success.

What do you need? – If you have experience in this field, as second language you speak English or Spanish, you want a competitive Salary + Benefits and you want to join our team, send your CV to: rrhh@adaptacolor.com

What are we looking for? – We would like to have a SALES AREA MANAGER in Germany with at least two years of experience in relation to powder coatings industry. Even we would value the knowledge in surface treatment products, facilities or similar paint application. If the candidate did not have this experience we would incorporate a professional with practice in an aluminium coater plant. Both are good presentation cards for us.

Ctra. Nacional 340. km. 1041.1 12598 Peñiscola (Castellón) SPAIN Telf. +34 964 46 70 20 ~ Fax. +34 964 46 70 21 Adapta Color Italia Srl Piazza Serenissima, 60 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (TV) Italy www.adaptacolor.com

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


BRAND-NEW ALBIXON HAS OPENED THE LARGEST POWDER COATING SHOP IN CENTRAL EUROPE WITH PAINTING AND DECORATING OPTIONS ALBIXON ha inaugurato il più grande impianto di verniciatura a polveri in Europa centrale con linea decorativa


orˇovice, Czech Republic, February 2012 – The ALBIXON a.s. orˇovice, Repubblica Ceca, febbraio 2012 – l’azienda ALBIXON a.s. company opened a new powder coating shop with a Decoral line, ha inaugurato un nuovo impianto di verniciatura a polveri con linea which is the largest facility of its type in Central Europe, during a ribbon Decoral, il più grande del suo tipo in tutta l’Europa centrale, durante una cutting ceremony last February 2nd. Representatives of the Ministry of cerimonia di taglio del nastro lo scorso 2 febbraio. Alla cerimonia erano Industry and Trade, the Chamber of Economics of the Czech Republic, presenti rappresentanti del Ministero dell’Industria e del Commercio, la the CzechTrade Government Agency, the press – among them the Camera dell’Economia della Repubblica Ceca, l’Agenzia trade magazine IPCM in European exclusive - residents of the village of Governativa Governa del Commercio Ceco, la stampa – fra cui la riHorˇovice and many other important guests attended the ceremonial vista tecnica IPCM in esclusiva europea – residenti opening. del d villaggio di Horˇovice e molti altri ospiti The ALBIXON a.s. Company has been manufacturing swimming pools importanti. L ALBIXON a.s. produce piscine e coperLa and roofing for over 20 years. At its own development centre, it works tu per piscine da oltre 20 anni. Presso il prowith the most modern technologies and focuses on continuous ture prio prrio centro di ricerca e sviluppo, lavora con le improvement of quality, safety, function and design of all its products. più iù moderne tecnologie e si focalizza sul continuo miglioramento di qualità, sicurezza, funzioThe Czech company places emphasis on quality, first of all. It has several nalità e design di tutti i suoi prodotti. L’azienda Ceca pone una grande enfasi sulla tens of patents and industrial models for swimming pools and roofing qualità, innanzitutto. Possiede a proprio nome svariate decine di brevetti e modelli industriaacknowledged and it only works with leading world manufacturers and suppliers, li per piscine e coperture e collabora solo con i COLOURS with SOUL principali produttori e fornitori a livello mondiale, such as Brilix or Jacuzzi. Products by ALBIXON are exported abroad under the Idealcover trademark. quali Brilix o Jacuzzi. I prodotti ALBIXON sono esportati all’estero con il marchio Idealcover. ALBIXON considers quality a key element with regard to customer satisfaction. This was also one of the reasons why the company ALBIXON considera la qualità un elemento chiave per la soddisfazione del cliente. Questa è una deldecided to invest into a completely new and modern le ragioni che ha spinto l’azienda a investire in una linea powder coating line, spreading over an area of over 4,500 completamente nuova e moder2 m . The paint shop has a fully na di verniciatura a polveri, che automated line with chemical copre un’area di oltre 4.500 m2. pre-treatment, very rapid colour L’impianto di verniciatura è comchange and a curing oven with pletamente automatizzato con regulated temperature and pretrattamento chimico, cambio pass-through speed (a complete colore rapido e un forno di polidescription of the state-ofmerizzazione con temperatura the-art powder coating line is regolabile e velocità pass-through available at pags. 26-31 of this (alle pagg. 26-31 di questo numeissue). ro è disponibile una descrizione “We are fully aware of the completa della linea di verniciatuimportance of social and ra a polveri all’avanguardia). ecological responsibility and these issues are part of our corporate “Siamo pienamente consapevoli dell’importanza rivestita dalle problemapolicy. The powder coating and decorating technology are among tiche sociali e ambientali e questi aspetti sono parte della nostra politica the most ecological and cost-efficient technologies. However, we aziendale. Le tecnologie di verniciatura a polveri e decorazione sono fra


14 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

by Paola Giraldo

guarantee high quality, resistance and long service life of the surface treatment. The Decoral system is not chemically objectionable and is not harmful to the environment,” explains Antonín Pátek, director of the surface treatment division. The company is also among the most successful Czech export companies. Its main markets are countries in the European Union or the Commonwealth of Independent States. In recent years ALBIXON has also started activities on other continents. One of the speakers at the press conference, the Managing Director of the CzechTrade Government Agency, Mr. Ivan Jukl, said: “The story of the ALBIXON Company is inspirational for small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly for its determination to seek out large and attractive markets regardless of distance. We believe that cooperation with CzechTrade specialists in Brazil will provide the company with additional important contacts.” It is the only company in the Czech Republic to have its own powder coating and Decoral line. As a result of this it manufactures swimming pool roofing in various RAL colours and other special finishes. ALBIXON powder coating plant is characterized by ˇ top quality meeting all requirements of the CSN EN ISO 9001:2009 standard. ALBIXON hold a quality control certificate and can also satisfy the most demanding clients in the building industry, public buildings, commercial buildings and automotive industry. For more information: www.albixon.com and www. powderpaintplant.com

le tecnologie di finitura più ecologiche ed efficienti dal punto di vista dei costi. In ogni caso noi garantiamo sempre un’elevata qualità, resistenza e lunga durata del trattamento superficiale. Il sistema Decoral è ineccepibile dal punto di vista chimico e non è pericoloso per l’ambiente” spiega Antonín Pátek, direttore della divisione trattamenti superficiali. ALBIXON è fra le aziende ceche di maggior successo dal punto di vista dell’esportazione. I suoi mercati di riferimento principali sono i paesi dell’Unione Europea e del Commonwealth. Negli ultimi anni ALBIXON ha anche iniziato a introdursi nei mercati di altri continenti. Uno degli speaker della conferenza stampa, il Direttore Generale dell’Agenzia Governativa per il Commercio Ceco, Ivan Jukl, ha affermato: “La storia di ALBIXON è una fonte di ispirazione per le piccole e medie imprese, in particolare per la sua determinazione a cercare mercati di grandi dimensioni e interessanti senza tenere conto della distanza. Crediamo che la cooperazione con gli specialisti del Commercio Ceco in Brasile fornirà all’azienda ulteriori contatti importanti.” ALBIXON è la sola azienda nella Repubblica Ceca a possedere il proprio impianto di verniciatura a polveri e linea Decoral. Grazie a ciò può produrre coperture per piscine in tutta la gamma di colori RAL e con finiture speciali. L’impianto di verniciatura ALBIXON è caratterizzato da una qualità elevate che soddisfa i requisiti della norma ˇ CSN EN ISO 9001:2009. ALBIXON possiede certificati di qualità e può soddisfare i clienti più esigenti nel settore dell’edilizia commerciale e pubblica e dell’auto. Per ulteriori informazioni: www.albixon.com and www.powderpaintplant.com

BRAND-NEW THE AMAZING WORLD OF FINISHING - FUORISALONE 2012 THE SURFACE FINISHING INDUSTRY MEETS THE WORLD OF CREATIVE DESIGN The Amazing World of Finishing. Evento Fuorisalone 2012- L’industria delle ďŹ niture superďŹ ciali incontra il mondo della creativitĂ progettuale

< \D'45 L< \D'45 L C

esano Maderno, February, 17th 2012 – On Friday, April 20th 2012, at the premises of the performing space Spazio THECA, an event called The Amazing World of Finishing – an exhibition of new finishes, smart coatings, aesthetic and tactile special effects and innovative materials applied to objects of daily use – will take place. It will be addressed to planners, architects and designers, who have to tackle the issue of finishes every day. The exhibition is the culmination of the project “The Language Of Finishing�, a series of six refresher seminars held in 2011 and 2012 for designers, architects, design centres and corporate research centres in order to train and inform the operators about the many opportunities offered by the development of the industrial finishing technologies and to create a dialogue and a cooperation between designers and surface coatings manufacturers. Starting from the assumption that the finish is one of the variables involved in the development of a product, with the task of combining market needs, creativity and product function, the event will offer the chance to discover the wonderful and diverse world of the finishing technologies that give the surfaces not only aesthetic, but also functional features. The Amazing World of Finishing will offer the possibility to see, touch and interact with objects with different intended uses finished with the latest and cutting-edge technologies. This exhibition will be held during the Fuorisalone Milano Design Week, which for years has been a reference point for the more than 280,000 operators (70% of which are foreign) who gather every year in the city of Milan for the week of the Salone del Mobile. Fuorisalone is an alternative to the traditional trade fair and offers the possibility to hold events in a more flexible, dynamic and friendly context. The Amazing World of Finishing will be held at the premises of Spazio Theca, Piazza Castello 5 on April, 20th 2012 from 10.00 to 21.00. The event has been organised by EOS Mktg&Communication in collaboration with

esano Maderno, 17 febbraio 2012 - VenerdĂŹ 20 aprile 2012 presso lo spazio sensoriale THECA, si terrĂ l’evento The Amazing World of Finishing, mostra di nuove ďŹ niture, rivestimenti smart, effetti speciali estetici e tattili, materiali innovativi applicati ad oggetti di uso quotidiano. L’evento si rivolge ai progettisti, architetti e designer che quotidianamente si confrontano con il tema delle ďŹ niture da utilizzare nell’ambito dei propri progetti. La mostra costituisce il punto di arrivo del progetto “Il Linguaggio Della Finituraâ€?, una serie di sei seminari di aggiornamento, svoltisi a cavallo fra il 2011 e il 2012, e rivolti a designer, architetti, centri stile e centri ricerca di aziende per fare formazione e informazione sulle molteplici opportunitĂ offerte dagli sviluppi e dalle innovazioni delle tecnologie industriali di ďŹ nitura e per creare un dialogo progettuale e collaborativo tra i creativi e le aziende produttrici di rivestimenti superďŹ ciali. Partendo dall’assunto che la ďŹ nitura è una delle variabili coinvolte nello sviluppo di un prodotto, cui spetta il compito di armonizzare esigenze di mercato, creativitĂ e funzione del prodotto, l’evento offrirĂ un percorso esperienziale alla scoperta del meraviglioso e multiforme mondo delle tecnologie di ďŹ nitura che attribuiscono non solo estetica ma anche funzionalitĂ alle superďŹ ci. Durante la mostra The Amazing World of Finishing sarĂ possibile vedere, toccare e interagire con oggetti di uso diverso ďŹ niti con le tecnologie piĂš recenti e all’avanguardia. Questa presentazione si inserisce nella Fuorisalone Milano Design Week che da alcuni anni costituisce un punto di riferimento per gli oltre 280.000 operatori del settore (di cui il 70% internazionali) che ogni anno conuiscono nella cittĂ di Milano per la settimana del Salone del Mobile. Fuorisalone rappresenta l’alternativa allo stand in ďŹ era, e offre la possibilitĂ di creare eventi che propongono un contenuto e un’esperienza in un contesto piĂš essibile, dinamico e conviviale. L’esposizione The Amazing World of Finishing presso lo Spazio sensoriale Theca, Piazza Castello 5 rimarrĂ aperta agli operatori dalle 10.00 alle 21.00 del 20 aprile 2012. L’evento è o ganizzato da EOS Mktg&Communication in collaborazione con


With the sponsorship of - Con il patrocinio di

16 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

by Paola Giraldo

NEW WET ABRASION SCRUB TESTER Nuovo strumento per prova di lavabilità/abrasione


QC has expanded its line of test equipment for the paint and coatings industry with a brand new wet scrub washability tester. Surfaces that are likely to be cleaned often such as table/desk tops, white goods, furniture, floors and walls, automotive interiors etc. need to be tested on their resistance against mechanical cleaning with or without use of detergents and check for parameters such as gloss retention, scratches, discolouration and other signs of mechanical wear. The TQC scrub tester is a very flexible machine that can be used to test various materials such as hiding power test charts, scrub panels, metal-, plastic-, ic-, or wood panels or parts, etc.. For popular ISO and ASTM standards the settings are pre-set in the machine but all parameters are fully flexible. Cycle speed d (1 to 60 str/min), stroke oke length (2 to 300 mm),, pum pump mp volume (0 to 3 ml/min), n), numb number of cycles or test duration on can all be set digitally by the operator. ator. The machine has two separate dosing sing pumps which allows simultaneous testing of two different media. The volume of the pumps can be set individually. An integrated marker makes it possible to set marks individually per channel to remind the operator when certain damage on the surface has occurred. A flexible acoustic signal is available to mark a (user preset) number of cycles. To meet the requirements of different standards and tests a wide range of tools such as wild boar brushes, nylon brush, sponges, abrasive pad etc. are available. For more info www.tqc.eu

QC ha esteso la linea degli strumenti di controllo destinati all’industria delle vernici e dei rivestimenti con il nuovo strumento per la misurazione di abrasione/lavabilità a umido AB5000. Le superfici che devono essere pulite spesso come tavoli, scrivanie, elettrodomestici, mobili, pavimenti, pareti, interni auto, ecc. devono essere testate sulla resistenza alla pulizia meccanica con o senza l’uso di detersivi e per verificare la presenza di parametri quali brillantezza, graffi, macchie e altri segni di usura meccanica. L’abrasimetro TQC è una macchina molto flessibile che può essere utilizzata per testare diversi materiali, quali cartoncini potere coprente, pannelli in legno o altri n metallo, metallo plastica, p materiali. mat ateriali. Le norme norm rme ISO e ASTM sono preimpostate impo postate nella ne macchina, ma tutti i para parametri sono completamente flessibili. me Il ciclo di velocità (1-60 str / min.), la lun(1 ghezza della corsa g (da 2 a 300 mm), il volume pompa (da 0 a 3 ml / min.), il numero di cicli o la durata della prova possono posson n essere impostate digitalmente g dall’operatore. d La macchina macchin ina ha due du pompe dosatrici, che prevedono la prova simultanea di due differenti aree. I volumi delle pompe possono essere impostati individualmente. Un indicatore integrato consente di impostare singolarmente ogni canale per permettere all’operatore la verifica dei danni. Un segnale acustico flessibile è disponibile per indicare il numero di cicli. Per soddisfare i requisiti dei diversi standard internazionali, è disponibile un’ampia gamma di accessori quali spazzole di cinghiale, spazzole in nylon, spugne abrasive, pad ecc. Per maggiori informazioni www.tqc.eu


Heating technology of the future :: Rippert dryers and furnaces can also be fired by biomass from now on, whereby intermediate heat transfer media such as heat transfer oil or the like are no longer necessary. Environmentally-friendly and CO2neutral fuels such as wood chips, pellets or elephant grass are used. With these renewable primary products around 70% of the heating costs can be saved in comparison with oil and gas. Not only that, measures for the use of renewable energies are subsidised in many countries.

info@rippert.de | www.rippert.de Phone +49 (0) 52 45 | 9 01-0


by Paola Giraldo

COIL COATING IN THE NEW MILLENIUM – TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM AT MILAN POLITECNICO UNIVERSITY Coil Coating in the new Millenium – simposio tecnico presso il Politecnico di Milano


ilan, February 27 - The University Foundation POLIEFUN is organizing the half day technical-scientific symposium titled Coil Coating in the new Millenium and dedicated to innovations in coil coating technologies, which will be held at Milan Politecnico University next May 15th with the presence of ECCA - European Coil Coating Association. The program of the symposium will be as follows: 1. Introduction, ECCA HQ 2. Pretreatment for coil coating, NPCoilDexter 3. Liquid paints and powder coatings for coil coating, AkzoNobel 4. Process and product challenges in the coil coating field, Novelis. Researchers and industries are requested to present short presentations (oral or poster) on their research works, ideas and projects. Main topics are: coatings, materials and applications, plants. The POLIEFUN scientific board will review the abstracts. All the presentations will be published on the POLIEFUN website. The abstracts will be of one page maximum and clearly indicate the author(s), the affiliation and the work objectives. The deadline for the abstracts presentation is the 13th April 2012 and abstracts must be submitted to segreteria@poliefun.org. POLIEFUN joins the forces of the surface treatment industry and the university under the technical-scientific supervision of Milan Politecnico University to create real cooperation opportunity between the working world and the university education. For further information: www.poliefun.org ©

ilano, 27 febbraio - L’ente universitario POLIEFUN sta organizzando un simposio tecnico scientifico di mezza giornata intitolato Coil Coating in the new Millenium e dedicato alle innovazioni nelle tecnologie di preverniciatura del metallo, che si terrà presso il Politecnico di Milano il prossimo 15 maggio 2012 con la presenza della ECCA - European Coil Coating Association. Il programma del simposio sarà il seguente: 1. Introduzione, ECCA HQ 2. Il pretrattamento per coil coating, NPCoilDexter 3. Le vernici liquide e in polvere per il coil coating, AkzoNobel 4. Le sfide nei processi e nei prodotti del coil coating, Novelis. Ricercatori e industrie possono inviare brevi presentazioni (orali o sottoforma di poster) dei propri lavori di ricerca, idee e progetti. Gli argomenti principali sono: vernici, materiali e applicazioni, impianti. Il Comitato Scientifico di POLIEFUN recensirà gli abstract. Tutte le presentazioni saranno pubblicate sul sito web di POLIEFUN. Gli abstract dovranno essere di una pagina al massimo e dovranno indicare chiaramente l’autore(i), l’affiliazione e gli obiettivi del lavoro. La scadenza per la presentazione degli abstract è il 13 aprile 2012 e sono da inviare a segreteria@poliefun.org POLIEFUN unisce le forze dell’industria del trattamento delle superfici e dell’università sotto la guida tecnico-scientifica del Politecnico di Milano per creare una collaborazione reale fra mondo del lavoro e istruzione universitaria. Per maggiori informazioni www.poliefun.org



PRIMER E SMALTI IDROSOLUBILI VERNICI IDROSOLUBILI CARATTERISTICHE GENERALI Da sempre INVER ha perseguito l’obiettivo di eliminare i solventi organici dal prodotto verniciante. La loro presenza, infatti, serve unicamente nella fase di produzione della vernice e durante l’applicazione della stessa. Così facendo si disperde nell’ambiente qualcosa di pregiato tra l’altro inquinando l’aria che respiriamo. La filosofia del prodotto idrosolubile consiste proprio nel sostituire quanto più possibile il solvente organico con acqua; una volta che la fase è evaporata, la fase solida (resina+pigmento) è indistinguibile da quella di un prodotto a solvente, sia esso di tipo tradizionale o alto solido. La sostituzione anche parziale di solvente con acqua consente di ridurre l’impatto ambientale, eliminando in buona parte i rischi legati all’infiammabilità e contribuendo già alla fonte ad un risparmio energetico, limitando l’uso di prodotti di origine petrolifera.



CARATTERISTICHE SPECIFICHE DEL CICLO INVERPUR È un ciclo bicomponente idrosolubile composto da primer e smalto, catalizzati dallo stesso componente. Garantisce un elevato potere anticorrosivo e un’ottima aderenza su diversi supporti metallici, mantenendo un aspetto estetico brillante con elevate resistenze agli agenti atmosferici. DA OGGI ANCHE IN VERSIONE LOW SOLVENT, CON CONTENUTO DI VOC IN APPLICAZIONE INFERIORE AL 5%.


w w w. s e f i t a l i a . n e t e-mail: sefitalia@sefitalia.net

ph.: +39.0362.805575/4

THIS IS QUALITY CONTROL, TOO Anche questo è controllo qualità Ivano Pastorelli Cierrepi, Milano, Italy



or over forty years I have been working in the area of ono da oltre quaranta anni nel settore della verniciatucoating, finishing and quality control and I was really ra, del finishing e del controllo qualità, e mi fa veramente pleased to read the editorial by Mrs. Venturi (Editor-inpiacere leggere un editoriale della D.ssa Venturi (Direttore ReChief of IPCM – International Paint&Coating Magazine) sponsabile di IPCM – International Paint&Coating Magazine) in the issue of 12th November 2011. In her article sul numero 12, Novembre 2011, in cui una giovane imprenditrice stimola la professionalità, la ricerca e il coraggio per ricerMrs. Venturi describes a young entrepreneur, who care continuamente nuove soluzioni con ottimismo e, appunencourages his employees to continuously seek new to, professionalità. solutions by being optimistic and professional. Questo incoraggiamento richiama la visita da me fatta a fine This encouragement reminded me of the visit I made in 2011 presso una azienda di produzione di strumenti di conlate 2011 to a manufacturer of surface control equipment trollo superficiali a Geretsried, nei pressi di Monaco di Baviebased near Munich in Geretsried, Germany: BYK-Gardner ra, Germania. L’azienda in questione è la BYK-Gardner GmbH, GmbH. It is a leading manufacturer of instruments for leader nella produzione di strumenti per il controllo del gloss, the quality control of gloss, colour and orange peel, and, del colore e della buccia d’arancia, e nel corso di questa visita as I have noticed during that visit, in this company the ho visto applicati i principi a cui accennava la D.ssa Venturi nel principles mentioned by Mrs. Venturi in her editorial have suo editoriale. been put into practice. La prima, positiva, impressione The first thing that struck l’ho avuta dal tipo di rapporto esime was the relationship stente fra il personale dell’azienamong the employees. da. Partendo dal Presidente al From the President to the management, dal tecnico all’ultimanagement, from the mo operatore, ho notato un rapengineer to the operator, porto personale diretto e collabothere is a straightforward rativo nell’operatività quotidiana, and cooperative personal pur nella diversità delle mansioni. relationship in the everyday Il Presidente dell’azienda mi ha ilroutine, despite of the lustrato l’importanza di scegliere diversity of the different 1 l’operatore giusto per la mansiotasks. The President of the ne giusta, della scrupolosità pocompany explained to me 1 sta in ogni tipo di mansione, un how important it is to select Dr. Georg Schröder, managing director of BYK-Gardner GmbH. obiettivo condiviso da tutti per il the right person for a job bene di tutti. and to carry out the work Ho poi iniziato la visita di tutti i reconscientiously, a goal shared parti produttivi. In un’aula situata alla fine degli uffici, una venby all employees for the benefit of the whole company. tina di impiegati erano impegnati in un corso di formazione We started the company tour in the development interno, gratuito ma organizzato al di fuori dell’orario d’ufficio, department. In a classroom located behind the offices, per utilizzare al meglio un nuovo software di gestione nell’orabout twenty employees were following a training course ganizzazione delle lavorazioni. Sono poi passato all’esterno a about a new manufacturing management software – free visitare la nuova ala dello stabilimento recentemente realizbut organised after office hours. Subsequently, we went to see the recently completed new building housing the zato con le sale di verifica e controllo dei materiali prima del departments production, logistics, and incoming inspection. montaggio degli strumenti. In questo settore la scrupolosità Before components are assembled or mounted in the nei controlli dei componenti da montare sugli strumenti è equipment it is vital that they are accurately inspected and d’obbligo; pensiamo, ad esempio, ai fotodiodi di illuminaziotested. For example, just think of the photodiode lights that ne che vanno inseriti negli strumenti: sono controllati ad uno are mounted inside of the instruments: they are checked ad uno in merito a range di emissione e stabilità e il risultato one by one as regards emission range and stability and è che, su cento fotodiodi forniti, solo una decina sono ritenuti the result is that, out of a hundred photodiodes, only ten idonei all’utilizzo. Così pure dove il controllo riguarda le fotoare considered suitable for use. The same applies to the camere, utilizzate sia per gli spettrofotometri che per il concameras used for both the spectrophotometers and orange trollo della buccia d’arancia. Sono rimasto stupito dal fervore

22 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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e dalla competenza con cui un operatore ha risposto a una mia richiesta di chiarimento: era chiaro che, in quel momento, egli si sentiva parte integrante di un gruppo di lavoro in cui credeva con orgoglio. Il passaggio al settore del montaggio strumenti comporta una vestizione con tute antipolvere e sovrascarpe antistatiche in quanto tutto l’ambiente, pavimento compreso, è a prova di correnti statiche e di polvere, quasi sia un laboratorio farmaceutico. Lo stesso tipo di isolamento è presente anche nelle sale di controllo in cui gli strumenti vengono sottoposti (in camere adeguate) a varie temperature e a tassi di umidità diversi per stabilirne l’affidabilità garantita e richiesta. Dopo il controllo definitivo e una volta approntate le apparecchiature per le spedizioni, ho visitato il settore in cui si gestisce – direttamente dalla sede – l’aggiornamento degli strumenti riconsegnati da mezzo mondo per le certificazioni. Nel caso in cui questa operazione richiedesse troppo tempo, l’azienda mette a disposizione una serie di strumenti sostitutivi da inviare al cliente per non interrompere la loro produzione o le loro attività di laboratorio durante il tempo necessario per la riparazione o la certificazione del loro strumento. Lascio l’azienda ormai al crepuscolo, con un ringraziamento per la visita ed i doverosi complimenti a tutto la staff. Questi sono i motivi per cui l’editoriale della D.ssa Venturi a cui accennavo mi richiamava questa visita. La fiducia delle aziende nelle proprie risorse e nella propria qualità deve dare loro il coraggio di proporre sempre nuove soluzioni nonché alternative tali da non lasciarsi intimorire da una crisi di mercato in una determinata area del mondo. Rimanere in placida attesa degli eventi non serve a nessuno: se ci sono potenzialità umane, fiducia nelle proprie capacità e tecnica bisogna saperle investire per essere pronti ad affrontare la ripresa che noi stessi generiamo. L’esempio di efficienza descritto nella mia visita sopra riportato lo dimostra.


peel control. I was amazed by the dedication and the competence with which the operator responded to a request for clarification on my part: it was clear that, in that moment, he felt to be an integral part of a team in which he proudly believed. The entrance to the assembly department requires everyone to wear anti-dust overalls and antistatic overshoes because the whole environment, including the floor, is proof against static electricity and dust, almost like in a pharmaceutical laboratory. Also the control rooms, where the tools are subjected (in appropriate chambers) to different temperatures and moisture levels in order to ensure the reliability required, are insulated in the same way. After having passed through the quality control department and the shipping department, I visited the service department where equipment received from all over the world is recertified or calibrated. If this process requires too much time, the company provides the customer with loaner instruments so that the customer’s production or laboratory activities are not interrupted during the time needed for repair or recertification of the instruments. I left the company at dusk after thanking and congratulating the staff. These are the reasons why the aforementioned editorial by Mrs.Venturi reminded me of this visit. The companies must have confidence in their resources and qualities in order to encourage their employees to offer always new solutions and alternatives without being afraid of a market crisis somewhere in the world. Waiting is useless: if the companies have potentials, self-confidence and technical knowledge, they should invest them in order to be ready for the recovery which is solely generated by themselves. The model of efficiency described above proves this.



La sede della BYK-Gardner a Geretsried, Germania.

Via B. Cellini, 6 20020 Solaro (MI) - Italia

prodotto da


BYK-Gardner headquarter in Geretsried, Germany.


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N°14 - March

... On the road to IPCM™ n. 14... ...Verso IPCM™ n. 14...

The first district of Italian design together with EOS to promote the Fuorisalone event The Amazing World of Finishing. Il primo distretto del design italiano collabora con EOS per la promozione dell’evento Fuorisalone The Amazing World of Finishing. Dear business friends, dear guests, we would like to invite you to the opening Ceremony of the new powder coating paint shop of the company ALBIXON a.s., which is to be held on February 2, 2012 at 1:30 PM in Hořovice. The new powder coating paint shop with Decoral line will be the largest powder coating plant in Central Europe. The ribbon will be festively cut in the presence of Minister of Industry and Trade, Chamber of Commerce, Czech Trade and other guests. We look forward to welcome you.

Please confirm your participation within one week of receiving this invitation card to the email lukas.rosenbaum@albixon.cz or to the phone +420 775 858 022. Invitation is valid for one person. Business clothing is recommended.

State-of-the-art agricultural machines on show at Verona Trade Fair, Italy.

Antonín Pátek Director Division Surface Finishing, Member of the Supervisory Board


Macchine agricole di ultima generazione in mostra a VeronaFiere. Invitation to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the largest powder coating plant in Central Europe. Invito alla cerimonia di taglio del nastro del più grande impianto di verniciatura a polveri in Europa Centrale.

The Leading Russian exhibition for the paint&coating industry. La principale fiera russa per l’industria delle vernici e dei rivestimenti.

The right place to gather updated information on technical innovations in the field of metalworking machines. L’occasione giusta per aggiornarsi sull’innovazione tecnologica nel settore delle macchine utensili per la lavorazione dei metalli.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


© Albixon

ALBIXON IMPLEMENTS POWDER COATING AND SUBLIMATION FOR FINISHING ITS SWIMMING POOL COVERS Integrazione di verniciatura a polveri e sublimazione per la finitura di coperture per piscine Albixon Alessia Venturi

Opening photo: The telescopic cover “Casablanca Infinity” produced by ALBIXON . Foto d’apertura: Una copertura telescopica modello “Casablanca Infinity” prodotto da ALBIXON.


n 1990, the desire of a father to build a swimming pool for his children in the home garden gave life to one of the largest European companies producing aluminium telescopic covers (see opening photo). The will to produce a high quality product and the difficulties in finding skilled and competent staff drove Jaroslav Smetana (Fig. 1) to establish a small engineering company that nowadays, after 20 years, produces up to 1,000 covers per month and sells them around the world. ALBIXON currently employs about 350 people and implements the best production and finishing technologies in its plant located on an area of 50,000 m2 in Hořovice, Czech Republic, about 50 km away from Prague. In early February, the company unveiled the largest powder coating plant for aluminium profiles ever made in the Czech Republic, which is also the largest one in Central Europe in terms of size of the parts that can be treated and production capacity (Fig. 2). Internationally oriented and about to reach also Brazil with its Idealcover brand (with which it markets its products

26 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine


el 1990 il desiderio di un papà di realizzare una piscina coperta per i propri figli nel giardino di casa, ha dato vita a una delle più grandi aziende europee produttrici di coperture telescopiche in alluminio (vedi foto d’apertura). La volontà di produrre un manufatto di alta qualità insieme alla difficoltà a reperire manodopera specializzata e competente, spinse Jaroslav Smetana (fig. 1) a fondare una piccola azienda meccanica che oggi, a distanza di 20 anni, produce fino a 1.000 coperture al mese e le commercializza sui mercati di tutto il mondo. La ALBIXON di Praga, Repubblica Ceca, impiega oggi circa 350 persone e le migliori tecnologie di produzione e finitura nello stabilimento situato su un’area di 50.000 m2 a Hořovice, a circa 50 km di distanza dalla capitale. All’inizio di febbraio l’azienda ha inaugurato il più grande impianto di verniciatura a polveri per profili in alluminio mai realizzato in Repubblica Ceca e il più grande di tutta l’Europa Centrale in termini di dimensione dei pezzi verniciabili e capacità produttiva (fig. 2). Fortemente orientata all’internazionalizzazione e in procinto di sbarcare anche in Brasile con il marchio Idealcover (con cui


Jaroslav Smetana – owner and founder of Albixon, on the left – with Alessia Venturi of IPCM and other guests at the inauguration of the plant on February, 2nd 2012.


Jaroslav Smetana – titolare e fondatore di Albixon, sulla sinistra con Alessia Venturi di IPCM e altri ospiti all’inaugurazione dell’impianto lo scorso 2 febbraio 2012.


abroad), ALBIXON has decided to invest in a cutting-edge and low environmental impact technology in order to meet its growing production needs and to provide the architecture and automotive fields with nobled coated aluminium profiles. The choice fell on the Italian technology: the plant has been completely designed and built by Euroimpianti, based in Valeggio sul Mincio (Vr, Italy).

commercializza i propri prodotti sui mercati esteri), ALBIXON ha deciso di investire in una tecnologia all’avanguardia e a basso impatto ambientale per soddisfare le proprie crescenti esigenze produttive e per fornire profilati in alluminio verniciati e nobilitati ai settori dell’architettura e dell’automobile. La scelta è ricaduta sulla tecnologia italiana: l’impianto è stato completamente progettato e realizzato da Euroimpianti di Valeggio sul Mincio (Vr).

The background

Le premesse

The primary need of ALBIXON was to complete its production cycle by adding to its manufacturing activities the painting and decorative finishing not only of aluminium, i.e. for its own products, but also of iron, in order to act on the European market as a painting contractor. In its area, no company is able to provide an effective and high quality coating of iron ensuring a corrosion-resistant finish, while at the same time being environmentally friendly and cost-efficient. Another need of the Czech company was to offer a very diverse range of surface finishes for its profiles – not only the classic RAL colours, but also effect and decorative finishes and finishes imitating different materials. For this reason, besides requiring a very quick colour change on the coating line, ALBIXON chose a sublimation line for the surface nobling of profiles. The line can therefore treat both aluminium and iron. It occupies an area of 2,000 m2 and is served by a 650 m long dual-rail overhead conveyor (Fig. 3) with a chain speed of 1.5 m/min. It can handle pieces with maximum dimensions of 9 x 2.4 (h) x 0.6 m; the maximum capacity of each piece carrying jig is 750 kg, while the average production capacity of the line is one piece carrying jig every 5 minutes. With the full automatic cycle, only four operators are required

L’esigenza primaria di ALBIXON era completare il ciclo di produzione, affiancando alla propria attività di officina meccanica per profili di alluminio per coperture di piscine, quella di verniciatura e finitura decorativa non solo dell’alluminio, quindi riservata alla produzione interna, ma anche del ferro, proponendosi sul mercato europeo come terzista di verniciatura. Nella zona territoriale ove è ubicata, non esiste alcun impianto in grado di verniciare il ferro con efficacia e qualità garantendo una finitura resistente nel tempo alla corrosione, ma nel contempo rispettosa dell’ambiente ed efficiente dal punto di vista dei costi. Un’altra esigenza dell’azienda ceca era fornire una gamma molto varia di finiture superficiali dei propri profili, una gamma quindi che contemplasse non solo i classici colori RAL ma anche finiture ad effetto, decorative e ad imitazione di materiali diversi. Per questo motivo, oltre a richiedere l’opzione per una cambio colore molto rapido sulla linea di verniciatura, ALBIXON ha completato la nuova installazione con l’inserimento di una linea di sublimazione per la nobilitazione superficiale dei profili. La linea è quindi strutturata per il trattamento sia dell’alluminio che del ferro. Occupa un’area di 2.000 m2 ed è asservita da un trasportatore birotaia aereo (fig. 3) lungo 650 m lineari con una velocità della catena di 1,5 m/min. Può trattare pezzi con dimensioni massime di 9 x 2,4 (h) x 0,6 m; la portata massima di ogni singola bilancella è di 750 kg, mentre la capacità produttiva media della linea è di una bilancella ogni 5 minuti. Se attivo il ciclo automatico completo, il numero degli operatori


Bird’s eye view of the powder coating plant, the largest ever installed in Central Europe in terms of size of the pieces and productivity. Vista panoramica dell’impianto di verniciatura a polveri che, per dimensioni dei pezzi e produttività, è il più grande mai installato in Europa Centrale.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


IF IT’S 3 3

A detail of the 650 m long overhead conveyor with piece carrying jigs.

YOU’LL SEE High Class SURFACES a better finish for a better world

TIGER Drylac ITALIA s.r.l., Bergamo(BG) Tel: +39-035-4133580 Fax: +39-035-270387 e-mail: office.it@tiger-coatings.com home: www.tiger-coatings.com




Un dettaglio del trasportatore birotaia di 650 mt lineari con le bilancelle di carico.

to work on the line.

Characteristics of the plant The plant is structured as follows: - Loading station (fig. 4) - Station for the automatic tilting of the piece carrying jigs, aimed at facilitating the treatment and drying stages and make them quicker and higher quality - Pre-treatment tunnel. The cycle for aluminium is made up of 7 stages (degreasing, neutralisation, 2 rinses with fresh water, 2 rinses with demineralised water, passivation); the cycle for steel is made up of 5 stages (phosphodegreasing, 2 rinses with fresh water, 2 rinses with demineralised water) (fig. 5) - Drying oven - Station for the restoration of the piece carrying jigs - Visual inspection area where the pre-treated and dried pieces are checked - Spray painting booth placed inside a clean room (air-conditioned in summer and heated in winter) ensuring a clean environment during the powder application stage (fig. 6). - Curing oven - Storage and cooling buffer - Unloading station.

Important technological aspects The system features a few relevant technological aspects. “The polymerisation of the powder coating takes place in two stages – Flavio Dal Sasso of Euroimpianti explains. – First of all, there is a 5-minutes gelification step, where the oven temperature is constant and the heat is static (i.e. absence of ventilation), for stabilising the powder applied. Afterwards, the powder is cross-linked in the traditional way. On leaving the oven, the pieces can take two different pathways: they may proceed to the storage/cooling buffer or return to the line and to the spray painting booth for the application of the second coat. The loading/unloading stations are ergonomic and equipped with automatic lowerators (Fig. 7) allowing the operators to work at “eye level” and always at ground level. This solution is one of the aspects that, together with the automation that dramatically decreases the work of the operators, make

SE È 4 4

The loading and unloading station, equipped with lowerators at eye level with the piece carrying jigs’ storage buffer on the left. La stazione di carico e scarico dotata di discensori ad altezza uomo con, sulla sinistra, il polmone di accumulo delle bilancelle.

necessari al funzionamento della linea è di sole quattro unità.

Conformazione dell’impianto L’impianto si sviluppa nel modo seguente: - Stazione di carico pezzi (fig. 4) - Postazione di inclinazione automatica delle bilancelle per facilitare, rendere più rapidi e di alta qualità trattamento e asciugatura dei pezzi) - Tunnel di pre-trattamento. Il ciclo per l’alluminio prevede 7 stadi (sgrassaggio, neutralizzazione, 2 risciacqui con acqua di rete, due risciacqui con acqua demi, passivazione); il ciclo per l’acciaio prevede 5 stadi (fosfosgrassaggio, 2 risciacqui con acqua di rete; 2 risciacqui con acqua demi) (fig. 5) - Forno di asciugatura - Postazione di ripristino bilancelle - Zona di controllo visivo per verificare i pezzi pretrattati e asciugati - Cabina di verniciatura inserita all’interno di una clean room (stanza climatizzata per l’estate e riscaldata per l’inverno) che garantisce un ambiente pulito durante la fase di applicazione polveri (fig. 6). - Forno di cottura - Polmone di accumulo e raffreddamento - Stazione di scarico.


di Grande Classe

Importanti aspetti tecnologici L’impianto presenta alcuni aspetti tecnologici rilevanti. “La polimerizzazione del rivestimento in polvere avviene in due tempi – spiega Flavio Dal Sasso di Euroimpianti – è prevista una prima fase di gelificazione (o pregelo), dove la temperatura del forno è costante e dove i pezzi sostano circa 5 minuti in calore statico (cioè in assenza di ventilazione), per stabilizzare la polvere applicata. Successivamente la polvere viene reticolata in modo tradizionale. All’uscita dal forno i pezzi possono prendere due vie distinte, ossia procedere verso il polmone di accumulo/raffreddamento oppure rientrare sulla linea e procedere nuovamente verso la cabina di verniciatura per l’applicazione della seconda mano. Le stazioni di carico/scarico pezzi sono ergonomiche e dotate di discensori automatici (fig. 7) che consentono agli operatori di lavorare ad “altezza uomo” e sempre a livello terra. Questo accorgimento impiantistico è uno degli aspetti che, unitamente agli automatismi che diminuiscono drasticamente

così si vernicia oggi

TIGER Drylac ITALIA s.r.l., Bergamo(BG) Tel: +39-035-4133580 Fax: +39-035-270387 e-mail: office.it@tiger-coatings.com home: www.tiger-coatings.com




Albixon Implements Powder Coating and Sublimation for Finishing its Swimming Pool Covers


Overview of the pre-treatment plant (left) and the drying oven (right). Vista generale dell’impianto di pretrattamento (a sinistra) e il forno di asciugatura (a destra). 6

The clean room that encloses the area of automatic application of the paint. The low content of micro-dust particles in suspension ensures high purity of the air in the application area, with a significant reduction in the surface defects. La clean room che racchiude l’area di applicazione automatica della vernice. Il basso contenuto di micro particelle di polvere in sospensione garantisce un’elevata purezza dell’aria nella zona di applicazione, con una riduzione notevole della difettosità superficiale dei pezzi. 7

A detail of the lowerators that make the system user-friendly. Dettaglio della struttura discensore che rende l’impianto user friendly.


the system user-friendly. Furthermore, the line has been designed so as to ensure a “zero” environmental impact: neither the vapours nor the wastewater are released to the environment. The plant is completed by a wastewater treatment system providing for the recirculation of the treated water.”


il lavoro degli operatori, rendono l’impianto user-friendly. La linea, infine, è realizzata con tutti gli accorgimenti necessari ad assicurare un impatto ambientale “zero”: né i vapori né le acque di scarico vengono immesse nell’ambiente. L’impianto è completato infine da un ciclo di trattamento acque con ricircolo delle acque depurate”.


The surface decoration line

La linea di decorazione superficiale

The aluminium profiles market requires more and more effect finishes: not only the traditional metallic colours or the quasi-anodised look are sought after, but also fantasy finishes and finishes imitating wood, marble or other hightech materials such as carbon. For this reason, ALBIXON chose to implement a sublimation system to complete its powder coating line. “The sublimation allows us to exactly recreate a design through a heat transfer process on the painted surface of the profile - Antonín Pátek, director of the surface treatments division of ALBIXON, explains. “There is virtually no limit to the choice of the pattern to be transferred. Besides the wood effect, the most sought-after decoration for windows and construction elements, we can apply any finish to a large number of products in aluminium and steel: granite, marble, carbon, jean fabric, raindrops, fruit, and so on. Moreover, the sublimation line allows us to reproduce high quality abstract and three-dimensional images with absolute accuracy.”

Il mercato dei profili in alluminio richiede sempre più finiture ad effetto, non solo i tradizionali colori metallizzati o simil-anodizzato, ma anche finiture fantasia, ad imitazione del legno, del marmo o di altri materiali high-tech come il carbonio. Per questo motivo ALBIXON ha scelto di implementare il sistema di sublimazione a completamento del servizio di verniciatura a polvere. “La sublimazione consente di ricreare l’aspetto esatto del disegno di partenza tramite un processo di trasferimento a caldo sulla superficie verniciata del profilo – spiega Antonín Pátek, direttore della divisione trattamenti superficiali di ALBIXON. Praticamente non vi è alcun limite alla scelta del disegno da trasferire. Oltre alla decorazione effetto legno, la più richiesta per i profili per finestre ed elementi per costruzione, possiamo applicare una decorazione fantasiosa a molti manufatti in alluminio e acciaio: granito, marmo, carbonio, jeans, gocce di pioggia, frutta, e così via. Inoltre la linea di sublimazione consente di riprodurre immagini astratte e tridimensionali ad altissima qualità e con accuratezza assoluta”.



The key words that summarise the reasons for success of ALBIXON are quality, innovation, work and export. The investment described, carried out also thanks to incentives that the Czech government provides to the companies investing in environmentally friendly technologies and developing industrially depressed areas, will allow ALBIXON to address the foreign markets in an even wider way.

Le parole chiave che riassumono le ragioni del successo di ALBIXON sono qualità, innovazione, lavoro ed esportazione. L’investimento, realizzato anche grazie a incentivi statali che il governo Ceco eroga alle aziende che investono in tecnologie ecocompatibili e che sviluppano aree industrialmente depresse, consentirà ad ALBIXON di affrontare in modo ancora più completo i mercati esteri.

30 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Q low running cost Q totally flameless Q high productivity Q uniform drying

Q no pollution

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Q minimum loss of heat

Q exceptional kcal/h out-put

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INFRAGAS Nova IMPIANTI s.n.c. - Via Santorre di Santarosa, 32 – 10040 LEINÌ (TO) ITALY


With an infrared emission spectrum of 3 ÷ 12 micron, our catalytic panels are used for the melting, gelling, polymerization and curing of powder coatings. Many are the advantages of Infragas system: it saves space, due to shorter pre-ovens and tunnels; it saves time and increases productivity thanks to shorter polymerization times; it provides fast gelling and melting of powders while significantly reducing the air pollution due to fluttering powder particles; it reduces waiting times and space required for colour changes; it is easy to install and, finally, it is flexible and easy adjustable. Our use of ‘clean energy’, natural gas or LPG in catalytic combustion produces carbon dioxide and a small quantity of water vapour.

Q small dimensions

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Design and construction of catalytic radiant drying and curing systems

© Maschio Gaspardo Spa

PAINTING LINE WITH SHOT BLASTING EQUIPMENT FOR FINISHING OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY Linea di verniciatura e granigliatura per la finitura di macchine agricole Enzo Dell’Orto OMSG, Villa Cortese (Mi), Italy

Henry Panigutti Imel Spa, Codroipo (UD), Italy


aschio Gaspardo is a leading global manufacturer of agricultural machinery for working the soil, sowing and maintaining green areas; it offers a wide range of milling cutters, harrows, mulchers, precision seeders, cereal seeders, combined seeders, mowers and minimum tillage equipment (opening photo). The company, based in Campodarsego (PD, Italy), has 4 production plants in Italy, one in Romania, one in China, and one in India as well as 14 sales branches all over Europe. The agricultural machinery industry requires a high-quality coating, comparable with the one required by the automotive field, and a high mechanical and chemical resistance performance due to the context of use of the machines.

32 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine


aschio Gaspardo è leader mondiale nella produzione di attrezzature agricole per la lavorazione del terreno, per la semina e la manutenzione del verde; offre una vasta gamma di frese, erpici rotanti, trince, seminatrici di precisione, seminatrici per cereali, seminatrici combinate, falciatrici, e macchine per la minima lavorazione del terreno (foto d’apertura). L’azienda di Campodarsego (PD) vanta 4 stabilimenti produttivi in Italia, uno in Romania, uno in Cina e uno in India e 14 filiali commerciali dislocate in Europa. L’industria delle macchine agricole richiede una verniciatura di altissima qualità, comparabile alla qualità richiesta nel settore dell’auto, nonché elevate prestazioni di resistenza meccanica e chimica visto il contesto d’uso delle macchine. Per ottenere questa qualità di finitura non si può pre-



In order to achieve such a quality finish, a perfect surface preparation is crucial. In its production plant located in Romania, in the area of Chisineu-Cris, Maschio needed to obtain an adequate surface cleaning of the pieces to ensure proper adhesion of the subsequently applied coating. The degree of final surface preparation required was SA 2½, in compliance with the standard ISO 8501:1. The collaboration between the shot blasting equipment and the coating plant manufacturers allowed not only to meet the quality requirements of the company, but also to implement an in-line shot blasting step ensuring a continuous operation. The technology installed at the Romanian plant of Maschio is completely Italian. Imel of Codroipo (UD), thanks to its vast experience in the field of painting lines in the sector of agricultural and earth-moving machinery, designed, built and installed the powder coating line, while OMSG of Villa Cortese (MI) provided shot blasting equipment.


scindere dall’effettuare una preparazione superficiale a regola d’arte. Presso lo stabilimento produttivo situato in Romania, nell’area di Chisineu-Cris, Maschio aveva l’esigenza di ottenere un’adeguata pulizia superficiale dei pezzi da trattare, per garantire il corretto aggrappaggio della successiva verniciatura. Il grado di preparazione superficiale finale richiesto era SA 2½ secondo la normativa ISO 8501:1. Grazie alla collaborazione fra il produttore di granigliatrici e l’impiantista di verniciatura, è stato possibile non solo soddisfare i requisiti qualitativi del cliente ma anche inserire in linea l’operazione di granigliatura dei pezzi per ottenere un’operatività in continuo. La tecnologia installata presso lo stabilimento rumeno della Maschio è di matrice completamente italiana. Imel di Codroipo (UD), in virtù della sua vasta esperienza in materia di impianti di verniciatura nel settore delle macchine agricole e movimento terra, ha progettato, realizzato e installato la linea di verniciatura a polveri, mentre OMSG di Villa Cortese (MI) si è occupata della fornitura di un impianto di granigliatura.

An impeccable surface preparation The shot blasting system installed at the premises of Maschio is a tunnel machine type Tunnelblast 2025/16 that can treat parts with maximum dimensions of 2,000 x 2,500 mm (Fig. 1). The plant is equipped with 16 singledisc turbines patented by OMSG, with direct transmission and a power of 7.5 Kw each. The shot blasting is carried out in one step inside

Una preparazione superficiale priva di difetti La granigliatrice installata presso la Maschio è una macchina a tunnel modello Tunnelblast 2025/16 con dimensioni massime di sabbiatura 2.000x2.500 mm di altezza (fig. 1). L’impianto è dotato di 16 turbine monodisco, con trasmissione diretta, brevettate da OMSG, con potenza applicata di 7,5 Kw/cad. La granigliatura si effettua in un unico passaggio du-


A large-sized agricultural machine component at the entrance of the shot blasting tunnel installed in line with the coating plant. The finishing degree guaranteed is SA 2½. Un componente di macchina agricola di grandi dimensioni all’ingresso del tunnel di granigliatura installato in linea con l’impianto di verniciatura. Il grado di finitura garantito è SA 2½. 2

The shot blasting system by OSMG has been designed to treat also thin sheets that, through the correct regulation of power and media, are not deformed during the treatment. La granigliatrice OSMG è impostata anche per trattare componenti di lamiera sottile che, grazie alla calibrazione di potenza e abrasivo, non subiscono deformazioni durante il trattamento.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Painting Line With Shot Blasting Equipment for Finishing of Agricultural Machinery



The powder coating application area on the line installed by Imel. La zona di applicazione della verniciatura a polveri sulla linea installata da Imel. 4

The painted and cured components proceed to the unloading station. I pezzi verniciati e polimerizzati procedono verso la stazione di scarico pezzi.


the blasting chamber. The whole surface of the pieces is treated in a uniform manner by the metal media projected by the centrifugal turbines. A media recirculation system allows to recover and clean the abrasives. The main functions and the “communication” with the coating system are handled by a PLC. Downstream of the shot blasting machine a manual blowing cabinet has been installed to allow an operator to remove any abrasive deposited on the parts, so as to avoid to transfer the metal abrasives to the coating plant. Since the shot blasting machine must also treat sheets with very low thickness (Fig. 2), a few inverter turbines have been installed and combined with some special media control and metering valves, in order to limit the kinetic energy of the metal abrasives and therefore to avoid any deformation of the sheets themselves.

rante la traslazione attraverso la camera di granigliatura. Il pezzo viene raggiunto in modo uniforme su tutta la superficie dall’abrasivo metallico sparato dalle turbine centrifughe. Un adeguato sistema di circolazione dell’abrasivo permette il recupero e la pulizia dello stesso. Le principali funzioni e la “comunicazione” con l’impianto di verniciatura sono gestite da un PLC. A valle della granigliatrice è stata installata una cabina di soffiaggio manuale, con operatore, per permettere la rimozione dell’eventuale abrasivo depositato sui pezzi, onde evitare di trasferire abrasivo metallico all’impianto di verniciatura. Siccome la granigliatrice deve trattare anche manufatti con spessori di lamiera piuttosto sottili (fig. 2), sono stati installati degli inverter turbine abbinati a delle valvole speciali di controllo e dosaggio abrasivo, per contenere l’energia cinetica della graniglia metallica ed evitare quindi eventuali deformazioni delle lamiere stesse.

A flawless finish

Una finitura impeccabile

The coating line installed in Romania by Imel, used for powder finishing the agricultural machines components, has been designed so as to allow the future integration of a cataphoresis system to be utilised as anti-corrosive primer. The current line can handle parts with a maximum size of 6,200 L x 1,800 W x 2,300 H mm and a maximum weight per suspended tray conveyor of 1,500 kg. After the loading, the pieces proceed to the shot blasting station and afterwards to the blowing station for the removal of dirt and media

La linea di verniciatura installata in Romania da Imel prevede la finitura a polveri dei componenti di macchine agricole ed è stata progettata in modo da rendere possibile il futuro inserimento di un impianto di cataforesi utilizzato come primer anticorrosivo. La linea attuale consente la finitura di pezzi con le dimensioni massime di 6.200 Lu x 1.800 La x 2.300 H mm e un peso massimo per bilancella di 1.500 kg. Dopo il carico, i pezzi procedono verso la stazione di granigliatura e di successive soffiatura per eliminare i residui di sporco e graniglia. Successivamente i pezzi subiscono un pretrattamento chimico che pre-

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FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY residues. Subsequently, the pieces undergo a chemical pre-treatment with the following steps: phosphodegreasing, double rinse in fresh water, spray rinse with demineralised water, drying. After the natural cooling in the dedicated storage buffer, the parts proceed to the spray painting booth (Fig. 3) for the application of the powder coating and are finally polymerised in the hot-air oven (Fig. 4). A similar coating line, only able to handle smaller and lighter components (3,000 L x 1,000 W x 1,500 H mm; maximum weight per suspended tray conveyor of 400 kg) is being installed at the plant of Pune, India. This line allows to apply both powder and liquid coatings and requires the integration of an in-line shot blasting tunnel, too. The pre-treatment carried out on the line installed in India implies the use of a nanotechnological pre-treatment preceded by an alkaline degreasing. Afterwards, the pieces can be finished with either a powder or a liquid coating.




vede fosfosgrassaggio, doppio risciacquo in acqua di rete, risciacquo a spruzzo con acqua demineralizzata, asciugatura. Dopo il raffreddamento naturale dei pezzi lungo il passaggio nel polmone di accumulo apposito, i pezzi procedono verso la cabina di verniciatura (fig. 3) per l’applicazione della finitura in polvere e sono poi polimerizzati in forno ad aria calda (fig. 4). Una linea di verniciatura similare, ma con dimensioni e peso dei pezzi trattati più piccole (Lu 3.000 x La 1.000 x H 1.500 mm – peso massimo per bilancella di 400 kg) è in corso di installazione presso lo stabilimento Maschio a Pune, India. La linea in oggetto prevede la possibilità di applicare alternativamente una finitura in polvere o liquida e presuppone anch’essa l’integrazione dell’impianto con un tunnel di granigliatura in linea. Il pretrattamento della linea installata in India prevede l’impiego di un pretrattamento nanotecnologico preceduto da uno sgrassaggio alcalino. Successivamente i pezzi possono essere finiti alternativamente a polvere o a liquido.







Photo: Samo Uranjek

FAULTLESS OPERATIONS Operazioni impeccabili


Opening photo: The plasma provides for high activation and microfine cleaning of the rounded off PP surface and ensures optimum adhesion of the printing paint.

or more than ten years atmospheric plasma technology is securing the printing processes on the high-gloss polypropylene handles of BSH immersion blenders. The Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH - competence center for small motor-driven appliances is located in Nazarje, Slovenia. It is responsible within the BSH Group for the development and production, the quality and worldwide sales of these products. The production of immersion blenders makes up the largest portion of the production.

a oltre dieci anni la tecnologia del plasma atmosferico garantisce i processi di stampa sui manici in polipropilene ad elevata brillantezza dei frullatori ad immersione BSH. La Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, il centro di competenza per i piccoli elettrodomestici a motore situato a Nazarje (Slovenia), è responsabile all’interno del gruppo BSH per lo sviluppo e la produzione, la qualità e la vendita nel mondo di questi prodotti. La produzione di frullatori a immersione costituisce la porzione più grande delle attività produttive.

Difficult - printing on PP

La difficoltà – stampare sul PP

Foto d’apertura: Il plasma fornisce elevata attivazione e micropulizia delle superfici arrotondate in PP e assicura un’adesione ottimale della vernice da stampa.

For this product BSH built a new production line in 1999 with the goal to increase the capacity while reducing costs at the same time. With these considerations in mind, the previously processed, expensive ABS plastics was to be replaced, among others, by equally high-quality but lower-priced

Nel 1999 BSH costruì una nuova linea produttiva per questo prodotto con l’obiettivo di aumentare la capacità riducendo al contempo i costi. Con queste considerazioni in mente, si dovette sostituire il costoso ABS precedentemente utilizzato con il PP (polipropilene), ugualmente di qualità ma meno costoso. C’era solo

Inès A. Melamies Management Consultancy Blue Rondo International, Bad Honnef, Germany

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FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY PP (polypropylene). There was only one problem: the difficult printability of PP. To enable printing of the rounded off handles of the immersion blender in tampon print, a previous optimal pretreatment of the polypropylene is mandatory since without microfine cleaning and high activation of the plastic surface a strong, long-term stable adhesion of the printing paint cannot be achieved.

un problema: la difficile stampabilità del PP. Per consentire la stampa tampografica dei manici arrotondati dei frullatori a immersione, era necessario un ottimale pretrattamento del polipropilene dal momento che in mancanza di una micropulizia e di un’elevata attivazione della superficiale plastica non sarebbe stato possibile ottenere un’adesione forte e stabile a lungo della vernice di di stampa.

Pretreatment with corona, flame or low pressure plasma would have been conceivable on principle but these methods were not suited for the product given the particularly sensitive high-gloss surfaces. A corona treatment would have left “crows feet”, i.e. mat lines on the plastics which would have remained visible while printing. In the case of a flame method, the gas would form cloudy, mat surfaces with the same negative effect on the appearance. A plasma treatment under low pressure would have necessitated a laborious vacuum chamber system on the one hand and could have hardly been integrated into the line on the other. The manufacturer found the solution to the problem in the Openair® Plasma technology.

In linea di principio si sarebbe potuto utilizzare un pretrattamento corona, una flammatura o il plasma a bassa pressione ma questi metodi non erano adatti al prodotto data la sua superficie sensibile e molto brillante. Un pretrattamento corona avrebbe lasciato “zampe di gallina”, cioè linee opache sulla plastica che sarebbero rimaste visibili durante la stampa. In caso di flammatura, il gas avrebbe formato delle superfici nebulose e opache con il medesimo effetto negativo sull’estetica del prodotto. Un trattamento con plasma a bassa pressione avrebbero comportato l’uso di un laborioso sistema con camera sottovuoto difficilmente integrabile in linea. L’azienda produttrice ha trovato una soluzione al problema con la tecnologia del plasma Openair®. 1

For more than 10 years this plasma unit has pre-treated the PP-surfaces of immersion blenders. Da oltre 10 anni questa unità al plasma pretratta le superfici in PP dei frullatori a immersione.


Photo: Samo Uranjek

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Faultless Operations


The figure shows a plastic surface that was pretreated as a function of distance and speed with Openair plasma. Treatment renders the surface polar and the surface energy rises to >72 mJ/m2 with a large process window. La figura mostra una superficie plastica trattata con il plasma Openair in funzione della distanza e velocità. Il trattamento rende la superficie polare e l’energia superficiale aumenta a 72 mJ/m2 fornendo un’ampia finestra di processo. 2

Cold Plasma

Plasma a freddo

The Openair plasma technology developed by Plasmatreat in 1995 for the pre-treatment of material surfaces is used worldwide today. Unlike low pressure plasma, this process does not need a vacuum chamber but operates under completely normal atmospheric conditions. The systems are made for simple inline integration into automated, continuous production lines. The intensity of this ‘cold’, potential-free plasma is so high that processing speeds of several 100 m/min can be achieved. The heating typically undergone by typical plastic surfaces is less than 30 °C. The system is characterized by a triple effect: It activates the surface by targeted oxidation processes, discharges the surface at the same time and leads to micro fine cleaning. The activation results in a distinct increase of the surface energy so that completely new adhesion properties can be generated. Trials at Plasmatreat have revealed that the surface energy of many nonpolar plastics can be increased to over 72 mJ/m2, an optimal precondition for adhesion in the bonding process. Thanks to this technique, in some cases it is even possible to achieve adhesion between incompatible plastics without bonding, simply by using plasma. Apart from the strong activation and microfine cleaning effects, the user benefits from the high electrostatic discharging effect of the free plasma beam, and also its ultrasonic emission speed which effectively removes all loose and micro fine particles from the surface.

La tecnologia al plasma Openair, sviluppata da Plasmatreat nel 1995 per il pretrattamento delle superfici, oggi è utilizzata in tutto il mondo. Diversamente dal plasma a bassa pressione, questo processo non necessita di una camera sottovuoto ma opera in condizioni di normale pressione atmosferica. I sistemi sono pensati per una semplice integrazione in linea sugli impianti produttivi automatici e in continuo. L’intensità di questo plasma “freddo” a potenziale zero è così elevata che si possono raggiungere velocità di lavorazione di 100 m/min. Il riscaldamento tipicamente subito dalle superfici plastiche è inferiore ai 30 °C. Il sistema è caratterizzato da un triplo effetto: attiva la superficie con processi di ossidazione mirata, allo stesso tempo scarica la superficie e comporta una pulizia micro sottile. L’attivazione sfocia in un aumento netto dell’energia superficiale che rende possibile la creazione di proprietà di adesione completamente nuove. Prove effettuate presso Plasmatreat hanno rivelato che l’energia superficiale di molte materie plastiche non polari può essere aumentata fino a oltre 72 mJ/m2, un presupposto ottimale per l’adesione nei processi di incollaggio. Grazie a questa tecnologia, in alcuni casi, è anche possibile ottenere adesione fra materie plastiche incompatibili fra loro senza incollaggio, semplicemente utilizzando il plasma. A parte gli effetti di forte attivazione e di pulizia micro fine, l’utilizzatore beneficia del notevole effetto di scarico elettrostatico del raggio libero di plasma, e anche della sua velocità di emissione ultrasonica che rimuove efficacemente dalla superficie tutte le particelle libere e micro sottili.

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FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Long-lasting solution

Una soluzione a lunga durata

The test series revealed that this plasma technique Le prove condotte hanno rivelato che la tecnologia al not only provided the best adhesion results but was plasma ha fornito non solo i migliori risultati di adealso the only method to leave no visible traces on sione ma si è anche rivelata l’unico metodo in grado white and very bright polypropylene. Moreover, the di non lasciare tracce visibili sul polipropilene bianco system had been developed for automatic production e molto brillante. Inoltre, il sistema è stato sviluppato and could be readily employed by the producer per la produzione automatica ed è stato immediatainline. When black PP was mente impiegato dal prointroduced for the product, duttore nelle proprie linee a material on which di lavoro. Quando è stato printing and painting introdotto in produzione il is even harder then on polipropilene nero, un malight colored PP, BSH teriale su cui la verniciatuadditionally purchased ra e la stampa sono ancora from Plasmatreat the più difficili che sul PP chiaRD1004 rotation system ro, BSH ha acquistato da which now also imparted Plasmatreat un sistea perfect appearance to ma a rotazione RD1004 dark, high-gloss material. che adesso conferisce un In December 1999 the aspetto estetico perfetto new production line with anche al materiale scuro the Plasmatreat nozzle ad alta brillantezza. system was taken into Nel 1999 è partita la nuova operation. Since that linea produttiva con il sitime the plant has been stema Plasmatreat a ugelin continuous operation. li. Da allora l’impianto ha It is working round the operato in continuo. Lavo3 Photo Samo Uranjek clock on a 3-shift cycle, ra 24 ore su tre turni, senfailure-free, and still with za guasti, e con la medesi3 the same process safety ma efficienza e sicurezza Plasma treatment by means of the patented rotation and efficiency as before. di processo degli inizi. Fijet RD 1004 imparts a perfect appearance also to dark, high-gloss polypropylene and ensures strong adhesion Up to now 10,500,000 no ad oggi alla BSH di Naof the printing paint. immersion blenders have zarje sono stati pretrattati Il trattamento al plasma attraverso il sistema brevettato been pretreated with this 10.500.000 frullatori a ima getto rotante RD 1004 impartisce un’estetica perfetta plasma technology at BSH mersione con questa tecnoanche al polipropilene scuro e ad alta brillantezza e assicura un’adesione resistente della vernice di stampa. Nazarje. logia al plasma.

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Foto: EBM-Papst

ULTRA THIN FILM AND LOW TEMPERATURE POWDER COATING FOR EXTERIOR APPLICATIONS Vernici in polvere con film ultrasottile e a bassa temperatura per applicazioni da esterno Karl Bubenhofer AG Gossau, Switzerland


odern ultra thin film powders are becoming increasingly widely used in the field of powder coating. This type of powder has brought three benefits for a fan manufacturing company. Energy usage in the production process has been reduced as a result of the low temperature system, the powder meets the company’s stringent, internal environmental regulations and it can be used without problems for exterior applications. Products manufactured by EBM-Papst (opening photo) can be found in the vast majority of businesses and households. The company, which is based in Germany, is a global innovation leader in the field of fans and motors. Its extensive product portfolio ranges from tiny fans for electronic applications through to huge fans an drive units for air conditioning systems. This broad range of products and applications and the company’s high levels of innovation require a very flexible and comprehensive surface coating system.

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e polveri moderne con film ultrasottile stanno diventando sempre più diffuse nel settore della verniciatura a polveri. Questa tipologia di polveri ha portato tre vantaggi a un produttore di ventilatori. Il consumo di energia nel processo produttivo è stato ridotto grazie all’impiego del sistema a bassa temperatura e la polvere soddisfa i requisiti stringenti dell’azienda e le normative ambientali interne e può essere utilizzata senza problemi per applicazioni in esterno. I prodotti fabbricati da EBM-Papst (foto d’apertura) si possono trovare nella stragrande maggioranza delle aziende e delle case. L’azienda, che ha sede in Germania, è un leader globale nell’innovazione nel settore della ventilazione e dei motori. Il suo ampio portafoglio prodotti spazia da piccoli ventilatori per applicazioni elettroniche fino agli enormi ventilatori che servono da motore per i sistemi di condizionamento dell’aria. Questa ampia gamma di prodotti e applicazioni e l’elevato livello di innovazione dell’azienda richiedono un sistema di rivestimento superficiale molto flessibile e completo.

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Thin film powders used for internal applications

Polveri con film ultrasottile utilizzate in applicazioni per interno

For five years EBM-Papst has been using PES-50-UDS ultra thin film powder from the powder manufacturer Karl Bubenhofer. Together with electrophorectic deposition technology, the powder proved to be the ideal solution for the company’s varied requirements. The mixed PES-50-UDS powder was the first ultra thin film powder in the form which we are familiar with it today. It was developed for interior use and, as a result, is not particularly weather resistant. However, EBM-Papst had a growing need for a powder for exterior use. For this reason, an ultra thin film powder suitable for exterior applications was developed. This was the first low temperature polyester powder. The powder manufacturer was asked to produce an ultra thin film powder in the low temperature range for use in exterior applications. This combination of properties was not available on the market at the time. The new powder PES166-UDS produced by Karl Bubenhofer meets these requirements. It can be cured at 160° C, compared with conventional powders which require a temperature between 180° and 200° C.

Per cinque anni EBM-Papst ha utilizzato la polvere ultrasottile PES-50-UDS del produttore Karl Bubenhofer. Insieme alla deposizione cataforetica, questa polvere si è dimostrata la soluzione ideale per soddisfare le esigenze molto varie dell’azienda. La polvere mista PES-50-UDS fu la prima polvere con film ultrasottile nella forma che conosciamo oggi. Fu sviluppata per uso interno, quindi non era particolarmente resistente alle intemperie. Tuttavia, EBM-Papst aveva la necessità crescente di una vernice in polvere per uso esterno. Per questo motivo è stata sviluppata una polvere a film ultrasottile adatta alle applicazioni in esterno. Si trattava della prima polvere poliestere a bassa temperatura. Al produttore di polveri fu richiesto di produrre una polvere con film ultrasottile a bassa temperatura per l’utilizzo in applicazioni da esterno. Questa combinazione di proprietà non era disponibile sul mercato in quel periodo. La nuova polvere PES-166UDS prodotta da Karl Bubenhofer soddisfa questi requisiti. Può essere polimerizzata a 160° C, diversamente dalle polveri tradizionali che richiedono una temperatura fra i 180° e i 200° C.

Opening photo: A fan manufacturing company has chosen an ultra thin film powder for exterior use for the first time. The low temperature system allows the company not only to reduce its energy consumption, but also to meet its own strict environmental standards Foto d’apertura: Un’azienda che produce ventilatori ha scelto per la prima volta una polvere a film ultrasottile per applicazioni da esterno. Il sistema a bassa temperatura consente all’azienda non solo di ridurre il consumo di energia, ma anche di soddisfare i suoi severi standard ambientali.


Due to their aerodynamic shape, fans are difficult to coat properly. 1

Foto: EBM-Papst

Presso la EBM-Papst i pezzi sono dapprima verniciati manualmente poi in automatico.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Ultra Thin Film and Low Temperatrure Powder Coating For Exterior Applications

Foto: EBM-Papst


At EBM-Papst the parts are first coated manually than automatically. A causa della loro forma aerodinamica, i ventilatori sono difficili da verniciare correttamente.


Complex components

Componenti complessi

The shape of fan components is not ideal for powder coating. The aerodynamic design of the fan wheel blades (Fig. 1) is such that applying the coating requires a great deal of instinctive feel. Using the hangers as efficiently as possible and introducing continuous improvements to the coating work-flow are important aspects of the production process. With 14’500 different parts to be coated, this is a difficult and never ending task. Specially designed hangers are used in the powder coating line for different types of parts. Some components are combined in such a way that masking and finishing are kept to a minimum (Fig. 2). In addition to its thin film and low temperature properties and it suitability for exterior use, the powder also has to meet other requirements. For example, it must have regular, smooth flow. Equally important is a precise, reproducible coating thickness. The special ultra thin film powders produce excellent, reliable results from a thickness of 15 μm upwards (Fig. 3). It is particularly crucial for the smallest fans that the coating is as thin as even as possible. Even the smallest deviations will inevitably lead to an imbalance which will prevent the fan from operating smoothly and quietly and shorten its service life.

La forma di un ventilatore non è ideale per la verniciatura a polveri. Il design aerodinamico delle pale del ventilatore (fig. 1) è tale che l’applicazione delle polveri richiede una grande quantità di istinto innato. Utilizzare le bilancelle nel modo più efficiente possibile e introdurre continui miglioramenti al flusso di lavoro della verniciatura sono aspetti importanti del processo produttivo. Con 14.500 parti diverse da verniciare, questo è un compito difficile e infinito. Sulla linea di verniciatura a polvere si utilizzano bilancelle appositamente progettate per tipologie di pezzi diverse. Alcuni componenti sono combinati in modo tale da ridurre al minimo le operazioni di mascheratura (fig. 2). Oltre alla proprietà di creare un film ultrasottile, alla bassa temperatura e alla sua adattabilità alle applicazioni per esterno, la polvere soddisfa anche altri requisiti. Deve avere, ad esempio, una distensione liscia e regolare. Ugualmente importante è uno spessore preciso e riproducibile del rivestimento. Le speciali polveri con film ultrasottile producono risultati eccellenti e affidabili a partire da uno spessore di 15 μm in su (fig. 3). È particolarmente importante per i ventilatori più piccoli che il rivestimento sia il più sottile possibile. Anche le più piccole deviazioni porterebbero inevitabilmente a uno squilibrio che impedirebbe al ventilatore di funzionare in modo regolare e silenzioso e che accorcerebbe la sua vita utile.

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40 percent less powder Much smaller quantities of this type of powder are needed than is the case with conventional powders and, in addition, its low level of abrasiveness reduces the wear on components such as hoses and injectors. This makes it an economical solution and allows for powder savings of up to 40%. There are still some minor restrictions on its use, as the substrates are constantly being developed. In many cases, the fan manufacturer does not know in what condition the parts will be delivered. However, solutions have been found to these problems as a result of in-depth knowledge sharing.

3 3

Comparison of film thickness between a standard and an ultra thin powder coating. Comparazione di spessori del film tra una vernice in polvere standard e una con film ultrasottile.

40 per cento in meno di polveri Sono necessarie quantità molto inferiori di questo tipo di polveri rispetto alle polveri convenzionali; inoltre, il suo basso livello di abrasività riduce l’usura di componenti quali manicotti e iniettori. Ciò la rende una soluzione economica e consente un risparmio di polveri fino al 40%. Ci sono ancora alcune restrizioni secondarie al loro uso, dal momento che i substrati sono in continua evoluzione. In molti casi, i produttori di ventilatori non conoscono in quali condizioni i pezzi saranno consegnati. Tuttavia sono state trovate delle soluzioni a questi problemi grazie alla condivisione di conoscenze approfondite.


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Tyler Boyesc fotolia

PRE-TREATMENT WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY Il pretrattamento con nanotecnologie Claudio Caldana, Alessandro Manera NPCoil Dexter Industry, Gorgonzola, MI, Italy


he last few years saw a continuous research and development work aimed at replacing the traditional coating pre-treatment systems – both the simple ones such as the phospho-degreasing and the complex ones such as the tricationic phosphating – with low environmental impact nanotechnologies. Several sectors (e.g. household appliances, electronics, office furniture, etc.) have already replaced traditional technology with nanotechnology obtaining the same results in terms of adhesion and corrosion resistance. In the automotive field, the results achieved by the nanotechnologies are always closer and closer

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egli ultimi anni è in corso un continuo lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo nella sostituzione dei tradizionali cicli di pretrattamento alla verniciatura, sia quelli semplici quali il fosfosgrassaggio sia quelli complessi come la fosfatazione tricationica, con tecnologie a basso impatto ambientale di tipo nanometrico. Diversi settori (quali l’elettrodomestico, l’elettronica, i mobili per ufficio, ecc.) sono ormai in grado di sostituire le tecnologie tradizionali con i cicli nano-tecnologici ottenendo medesimi risultati in termini di adesione e di resistenza alla corrosione. Nell’industria automobilistica assistiamo ad un progressivo avvicinamento dei risultati di resistenza alla corrosione e di adesione tra nanotecnologie e cicli standard;

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE to ones of the standard systems, although, at the moment, in an in-line production environment, the tricationic phosphating is still the only pre-treatment cycle able to achieve consistent results even on low quality surfaces. The quality of the surface, be it of steel or galvanised steel, is more crucial than ever in the choice of the nanotechnological processes. Namely, both the laboratory tests and the industrial trials carried out by all major industry players (Henkel, Chemetall, PPG, Nihon Parkerizing, NPCoil Dexter) showed a considerable variability as the quality of the base metal changes. An example of this is the pre-conversion pickling effect typical of the tricationic phosphating, which works at a pH of 3.0-3.3 and at a temperature of 45-50°C, while the current nanotechnological applications work at a much more neutral pH and at room temperature, thereby effecting a very limited attack on the base metal (which also explains the reduced formation of sludge in the conversion bath). The homogenisation and the surface attack of metal, therefore, take place during the degreasing and preliminary preparation steps only, although with the limitations of the alkaline base. The study, approval and industrialisation of the conversion nanotechnologies are therefore still an important passage for all the major manufacturers of chemical products intended for the pre-treatment of surfaces to be painted. The “typical” characteristics of the nanotechnology conversion processes are: • No conversion sludge • Usage at room temperature (during the conversion stage) • Lower ordinary maintenance of facilities • Reduction of the degree of “chemical risk” compared to the amorphous and microcrystalline conversion technologies • VOC free • High approval performance • Multimetal • Can be used as a pre-treatment to any coating technology. Npcoil Dexter Industries conducted these activities from its own perspective, significantly distancing itself from the main international competitors.

anche se al momento il ciclo di fosfatazione tricationica risulta essere ancora l’unico pretrattamento che, in condizioni di produzione di linea, riesce a dare un risultato costante anche in presenza di scarsa qualità del supporto base. La qualità del supporto base, sia esso acciaio o acciaio zincato, risulta essere ancora più determinante nella scelta dei processi nano-tecnologici, infatti sia test di laboratorio sia le prove industriali effettuate da tutti i maggiori player del settore (Henkel, Chemetall, PPG, Nihon Parkerizing, NPCoil Dexter) hanno evidenziato anche notevoli variabilità di risultati al variare della qualità del metallo base. Un aspetto molto esplicativo di questo comportamento è legato all’effetto di decapaggio pre-conversione tipico del ciclo di fosfatazione tricationica, che lavora ad un pH intorno al 3,0-3,3 ed a temperature intorno ai 4550°C, mentre le attuali applicazioni nano-tecnologiche lavorano ad un pH molto più neutro e a temperatura ambiente, attuando quindi una aggressione del metallo base molto limitata (il che spiega anche la minore formazione delle melme nel bagno di conversione). L’attività di omogeneizzazione ed aggressione superficiale del metallo è quindi concentrata nella fase di sgrassaggio e di preparazione preliminare, anche se con i limiti della base alcalina. Lo studio, l’omologazione e l’industrializzazione delle tecnologie di conversione nanometriche, costituiscono quindi ancora un punto importante di passaggio per tutte le principali aziende di prodotti chimici atti al pretrattamento delle superfici da verniciare. Fatte salve le caratteristiche “tipiche” dei processi di conversione nanotecnologica, quali: • Eliminazione dei fanghi di conversione • Utilizzo a temperatura ambiente (in fase di pura conversione) • Riduzione della manutenzione ordinaria degli impianti • Riduzione del grado di “rischio chimico” rispetto alle tecnologie di conversione amorfa e microcristallina • VOC free • Elevate performance di omologazione • Multimetal • Utilizzabili come pretrattamento a qualsiasi tecnologia di verniciatura. Npcoil Dexter Industries, ha svolto queste attività partendo da un’ottica propria, discostandosi nettamente dai principali competitors internazionali. Vista, infatti, l’attuale congiuntura economica, che ha international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Pre-Treatment With Nanotechnology

Due to the current economic situation, which led to a sharp slowdown in new plant investment and/or a reduction of the personnel, this research focussed on the integration of these processes into the currently operating plants, without prejudice to their performance in terms of corrosion resistance. The currently operating systems often exploit basic phospho-degreasing cycles that, until now, have not been able to implement any nanotechnological process. In its research laboratories, Npcoil Dexter Industries has developed a product called DEXBOND SZR 100, which, together with a targeted package of surfactants, allows to “clean” and nanometrically convert the metal surfaces in one step. The demineralised water is not essential, but, as in any conventional process, can improve the final result, if used for the final rinse.

portato ad un forte rallentamento nei nuovi investimenti impiantistici e/o alla riduzione del personale operante, il focus di tale studio, fatto salve le performance prestazionali nella resistenza alla corrosione, è stato la reale industrializzazione negli impianti attualmente operanti e i controlli qualitativi di linea, di tali processi. Gli attuali impianti operanti spesso rispecchiano un elementare ciclo di fosfosgrassaggio in testa a cui era, fino ad ora, preclusa qualsiasi industrializzazione di processi nanotecnologici: Npcoil Dexter Industries presso i propri laboratori di ricerca ha sviluppato un prodotto denominato DEXBOND SZR 100 che, additivato ad un pacchetto tensioattivi mirato, consente in una fase unica di testa, di “pulire” le superfici metalliche e convertirle nanometricamente. Non è richiesto come pregiudiziale l’utilizzo di acqua demineralizzata che risulta comunque, come in qualsiasi processo anche tradizionale, migliorativa se impiegata nella fase di risciacquo finale.



The converted surface increases its resistance to corrosion (the test concerns powders / 70 µm), assessed by salt spray test (ASTM B 117) compared to a normal amorphous iron phosphate of medium thickness. The deviation is even more marked as the hours of application increase.

La superficie così convertita aumenta la resistenza alla corrosione pre-verniciatura (il test si riferisce a polveri / 70 µm), valutata con test di nebbia salina (ASTM B 117) rispetto a un normale fosfato di ferro amorfo di medio spessore, con uno scostamento ancor più favorevole, come si evince, all’aumentare delle ore di applicazione del test.

Hours in salt spray

Migration of corrosion in mm with conversion Iron phosphate (Up to cross)

Migration of corrosion in mm with conversion Nanotechnology (Up to cross)

50 100 150 200 250 300 350

1 1.3 1.6 1.8 2 2.3 2.6

1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2

50 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine


If we consider the application of the nanotechnology in a more complex system, i.e. comprising an alkaline or acid degreasing step, the process can be represented as follows:

Se si considera invece un’applicazione nanotecnologica in un ciclo piĂš complesso, comprendente cioè una fase di sgrassaggio alcalino o acido in testa, il lay-out è schematizzabile come segue:

Degreasing Rinse DEMI Nanotechnology DEMI






Pre-Treatment With Nanotechnology

This process, compared to a normal microcrystalline phosphating cycle (to which the activation step and at least one washing step following the conversion must be added), leads to a definite reduction of the processing steps. A strong limitation of the nanotechnologies thus far studied and industrialized is the “iridescent gold” colour they give to the ferrous material before the coating step. Often, this phenomenon is not clearly distinguishable from the surface corrosion phenomena and a careful management of the physical - chemical parameters of the process is therefore necessary. Indeed, promptly perceiving many mechanical (stopping of the pumps, movement of the nozzles and/or ramps, etc.) or physical-chemical (concentration not suitable, pollution, degreasing steps not operating at full capacity, etc.) problems can be very difficult for the operators; the damages arising from such issues are deduced only from the


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Tale schema, paragonato a un normale ciclo di fosfatazione microcristallina (alla quale va abbinata la fase di attivazione e almeno un lavaggio successivo alla conversione), porta a una netta riduzione delle fasi di trattamento. Una limitazione forte delle nanotecnologie fin qui studiate e industrializzate è l’attribuzione di una colorazione “oro iridescente” al materiale ferroso che le caratterizza prima della fase di verniciatura. Tale colorazione, risulta spesso molto attigua a fenomeni di corrosione superficiale e risulta necessaria una attenta conduzione dei parametri chimico – fisici del processo. Risulta, infatti, molto complicato per gli operatori intuire tempestivamente problematiche impiantistiche (interruzione delle pompe, spostamento di ugelli e/o rampe, etc.) o chimico – fisiche (titolo non idoneo, inquinamenti, fasi di sgrassaggio non a regime, etc.); i danni derivanti da tali problematiche, si evincono solo per fenomeni corrosione sotto pellicolare presso l’utenza o dopo test di corrosione accelerata.

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE corrosion phenomena under the film that take place at the customers’ facilities or after accelerated corrosion tests. That having been said, Npcoil Dexter Industries uses a technology called DEXBOND SZR 500, which converts the surfaces with an “electric blue” colour that clearly highlights both the machinery and the physical-chemical deviations (Fig. 1).

Sistema di verniciatura a polveri senz’aria DDF The performance of this nanotechnological process is similar to that of a conventional tricationic phosphating cycle. It can be therefore used as a conversion step prior to any electrophoretic, powder or liquid coating process. Nanotechnology is certainly a positive development in terms of environmental friendliness and of thermal and water conservation, but is not able to meet the stringent needs of the automotive industry yet. Perhaps, in response to its corrosion resistance and adhesion requirements, a single pre-treatment and cataphoresis process will be developed sooner.

Dato il focus di partenza del nostro studio di base, come sopra indicato, Npcoil Dexter Industries utilizza una tecnologia denominata DEXBOND SZR 500, che converte le superfici con una colorazione “blu elettrica” che facilmente sottolinea difformità chimico – fisiche e o impiantistiche (fig. 1) Le performance di tale nanotecnologia sono perfettamente paragonabili ad una tradizionale fosfatazione tricationica ed è utilizzabile come fase di conversione precedente a qualsiasi tecnologia di verniciatura elettroforetica, polveri o liquida. Le nanotecnologie rappresentano sicuramente una evoluzione positiva in termini ambientali e di conservazione delle risorse termiche ed idriche, ma non sono ancora in grado di rispondere alle necessità della primaria industria di verniciatura che è quella automobilistica. Forse per rispondere a tali richieste di resistenza alla corrosione e di adesione si arriverà prima alla industrializzazione di un singolo processo di pretrattamento e cataforesi?

Powder coating system Airless DDF

CM SPRAY s.r.l. w w w. c m s p r a y. i t Sistema automatico di miscelazione delle vernici liquide pluri-componenti con metodo proporzionale Automatic mixing of multi-component liquid paints with a proportionate system


c m s p r a y @ c m s p r a y. i t

© Lankwitzer Lackfabrick GmbH

APPLICATIONS OF UV COATING SYSTEMS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Applicazioni di prodotti vernicianti UV nell’industria dell’auto Simone Sanseverinati Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH, Osimo (AN), Italy

Opening photo: Technology made in Germany: the paint production line of Lankwitzer. Foto d’apertura: Tecnologia “made in Germany”: l’impianto di produzione vernici alla Lankwitzer.


he challenge of developing low VOC, recyclable, cost reducing painting systems still continues and increases. The processing of conventional coatings causes solvent emissions, which have to be reduced beyond the restrictions of official regulations by using suitable technical equipment or low solvent content paints. Until recently two were the possible alternatives in this area for a company with an in-house coating facility: powder coating or waterborne coating. These two coating systems allow to reduce VOCemissions thanks to their reduced (waterborne coatings) or almost zero (powder coatings) VOC content, but at the same time they put great demands on surface preparation prior to coating, investments cost and energy consumption. In recent years the development of UV coating

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a sfida di sviluppare sistemi di verniciatura con un basso contenuto di COV, riciclabili, e che riducano i costi continua e aumenta di giorno in giorno. L’utilizzo delle vernici tradizionali comporta l’emissione di solventi, che devono essere ridotte al di sotto dei limiti delle normative ufficiali, utilizzando apparecchiature tecniche apposite oppure vernici con basso contenuto di solvente. Fino a poco tempo fa due erano le possibili alternative in questo ambito per un’azienda con un impianto di verniciatura interno: vernici in polvere o vernici all’acqua. Queste due tecnologie di verniciatura consentono di ridurre le emissioni di COV grazie al loro ridotto (nel caso delle vernici all’acqua) o inesistente (nel caso delle polveri) contenuto di solvente, ma allo stesso tempo pongono dei requisiti molto elevati sulla preparazione superficiale prima della verniciatura, richiedono costi di investimento e consumi di energia elevati.

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE systems offered a further choice to reduce VOC emissions in coating processes, beside helping to reduce energy consumption, shorten processing times and achieve perfect finishes with high corrosion, chemical and mechanical resistance. Nowadays, UV-curing products are modern coatings which show superior advantages on both the operating and the quality side.

Negli ultimi anni lo sviluppo di sistemi di verniciatura UV ha offerto un’ulteriore alternativa per ridurre le emissioni di COV dei processi di verniciatura, oltre ad aiutare a diminuire il consumo di energia, ridurre i tempi ciclo e ottenere finiture perfette con elevata resistenza meccanica, chimica e alla corrosione. Attualmente, i prodotti UV sono vernici moderne che mostrano vantaggi superiori sia dal punto di vista operativo che qualitativo.

Main advantages of UV-curing coating systems

Principali vantaggi dei sistemi di verniciatura UV

• They are solvent-free and compliant with the environmental law about VOC emissions • They assure a high grade homogeneous coating throughout 360o • The coating process works online and – thanks to compact UV equipments – requires less floor space • Curing time is lower than 1 second, which means that coating speeds of up to 120 m/min can be achieved • They assure perfect adhesion and mechanical resistance • They assure a high grade corrosion protection, up to 6 months in outdoor-storage • They are user-friendly: they can be sprayed with air-mix, HVLP or pneumatic spray guns • They allow the recycle of the overspray up to a 95% • They have low service and operating costs and clean operating condition. The benefits of UV coatings are particularly appreciated in the automotive industry where the coating process is the most energy intensive production step and where quality requirements in terms of corrosion, mechanical and chemical resistance are very strict. UV coatings prove to be the best choice for the coating and protection of engine components, brakes but also for exterior and interior parts of car and vehicles. Today, one of the market leader for UV coatings in this sector is Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH. The company started to develop UV coatings for metal in 1990. Today, thanks to its internal R&D for raw material, the cooperation with top industrial players, and a 20 years experience with UV technology, the company is highly experienced and offers UV curing paints with 100% solid content for different applications in the metal coating industry.

• Sono privi di solventi e in linea con le normative ambientali sulle emissioni di COV • Assicurano un rivestimento omogeneo di alta qualità a 360° • Il ciclo di verniciatura è in linea e – grazie alle apparecchiature UV compatte – richiede poco spazio utile • Il tempo di polimerizzazione è inferiore a 1 secondo, il che significa che si possono raggiungere velocità di linea fino a 120 m/min • Garantiscono un’adesione e una resistenza meccanica perfette • Garantiscono un elevato grado di protezione anticorrosiva, fino a 6 mesi in deposito all’aperto • Sono semplici da utilizzare: possono essere spruzzate con pistole air-mix, HVLP o pneumatiche • Consentono di recuperare l’overspray fino al 95% • Hanno bassi costi operativi e un ambiente operativo pulito. I benefici delle vernici UV sono particolarmente apprezzati dall’industria dell’auto dove i processi di verniciatura rappresentano le fasi produttive più energivore e dove i requisiti di qualità in termini di corrosione, resistenza meccanica e chimica sono molto severi. Le vernici UV si confermano la scelta migliore per la verniciatura e la protezione di componenti motore, freni ma anche parti interne ed esterne delle auto e dei veicoli in genere. Oggi uno dei leader nelle vernici UV in questo settore è Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH. L’azienda iniziò a sviluppare vernici UV per il metallo nel 1990. Oggi, grazie al suo laboratorio R&S interno per le materie prime, alla collaborazione con i principali attori di mercato, e a 20 anni di esperienza con la tecnologia UV, l’azienda è molto esperta e offre vernici liquide con polimerizzazione UV con il 100% di contenuto secco per applicazioni di tipo diverso nell’industria della verniciatura del metallo. international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Applications of UV Coating Systems in the Automotive Industry

Lankwitzer manufactures both mono-cure and dual-cure UV coatings: dual-cure UV systems are superior in terms of overspray recycle, high gloss finish and high durability, while mono-cure systems find application in the finishing of light alloys and allow for shorter coating processes and higher chemical resistance of the surface.

Lankwitzer produce sia vernici UV mono-cure che dual-cure: i sistemi UV dual-cure sono superiori in termini di recupero dell’overspray, finitura ad elevata brillantezza ed elevata durabilità, mentre i sistemi mono-cure trovano applicazione nella finitura di leghe leggere e consentono cicli di verniciatura più brevi e maggiori resistenze chimiche della superficie.

Cost Benefit Of UV Coatings

I benefici di costo delle vernici UV

One of the immediate benefits of UV-curing coatings in comparison with traditional coatings is the cost benefit. Even if their cost per Kilo or Liter is significantly higher than conventional coatings, UV coatings prove to be cost-effective: due to their 100% solid content not only they reduce VOC emissions in atmosphere to almost zero, avoiding the need for VOC abatement systems, but also has a very high yield and the overspray during application can be completely recycled. The following cost comparison shows in detail the cost benefits that UV coatings bring about in the coating process both concerning materials costs (Table 1) and the general operating and process costs (Table 2). Table 3 shows the cost efficiency of an UV coating in comparison with a waterborne coating system.

Uno dei benefici immediati delle vernici UV rispetto alle vernici tradizionali è a livello dei costi. Anche se il loro prezzo al chilo, o litro, è significativamente più alto rispetto alle vernici tradizionali, le vernici UV dimostrano di essere efficienti dal punto di vista dei costi: grazie al loro contenuto secco del 100% non solo riducono quasi a zero le emissioni di COV in atmosfera, evitando la necessità di sistemi di abbattimento, ma possiedono anche una resa molto alta e l’overspray di applicazione può essere completamente recuperato. La seguente comparazione di costo mostra nel dettaglio i benefici di costo che le vernici UV comportano in un processo di verniciatura rispetto ai costi delle materie prime (tabella 1) e ai costi operativi generali e di processo (tabella 2). La tabella 3 mostra l’efficienza di costo di una vernice UV comparata con una vernice all’acqua.

Table 1 - Material Costs

Tabella 1 - Costi per i materiali

Paint price Thinner price Solid content (idM) Thickness (paint in the mix) Thickness (Diluition) Dry film thickness Yeld Surface/piece Number of pieces Overspray Paint consumptio per Year ** Diluition Thinner consumption per Year

Content €/Kg €/Kg Kg/kg €/Kg €/l % Kg/l Kg/l My m2/kg m2 piece/year % Kg/year % l/year

Paint cost per year Paint cost per piece

€/year €/piece

Paint price Hardener price

56 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Traditional coating 6.50 10.00 10.0 6.82 2.30 50 1.1 0.89 35 9.92 0.5 500,000 50 50.389,71 20 10.077,94

UV coating 15.00

366,745.44 0.73

150,090.96 0.30

15.00 100 1.1 30 26.76 0.5 500,000 3 10,006.06 0


Tabella 2 – Costi di processo

Waste paint disposal cost Waste of paint Recyclable Waste disposal cost/kg Waste disposal cost per year Waste disposal cost per piece

Content Kg/year % €/kg €/year €/piece

Emissions Abatement Costs Flat rate

Traditional coating 25,194.85 2.65 66,766.36 0.13

UV coating 300.18 97 2.65 23.86 0.00

Plant Operating Costs, drying (application costs are comparable) Cycle time (per year) Electricity cost Maintenance costs for the drying oven Cost for a UV lamps set Life service of UV lamps Plant costs per year Plant costs per piece

kW/h h €/kW €/year € h €/year €/piece

46,900.00 0.09

2,000.00 2,000 23,760.00 0.05

Total costs for painting per year Total costs for painting per piece

€/a €/piece

480,411.80 0.96

173,874.83 0.35

Table 3 – Cost comparison between an UV and a waterborne clear coat applied on steel tubes Coating System

180 1,500 0.17 1,000

64 2,000 0.17

Tabella 3 – Comparazione dei costi tra un trasparente UV e uno all’acqua applicato su tubi di acciaio UV


1s (no oven)

3h (needs oven)

Solid Contents



Theor. Productivity [m2/kg] Dry Coat Thickness 30 μm [0,12 mil]

20 m2

9 m2



19,4 m2

4,5 m2



NO (coating hard after 1) NO (low)

YES (coating soft while handling) YES (high)

10,00 €

3,50 €

0,51 €

0,78 €

clearcoat for steel tubes

Drying Time

Overspray Pract. Productivity [m2/kg] Dry Coat Thickness 30 μm [0,12 mil] Corrosion Protection (1=very good, 5=bad) Damages of coating during drying Maintanance Costs (Maintanance per shift) Price per kg (clearcoat for steel tubes) FINAL PRICE PER sqm [m2] [11 sq.ft.]

Applications of UV Coating Systems in the Automotive Industry



Big efforts in research and development were made by Lankwitzer to improve the final quality of UV coatings, to adjust the UV technology and make it the perfect choice for the automotive industry. Today UV coatings find application in the finishing of: - Exterior parts: chassis components, tank and pressure tank, transverse link, axels, brake discs, - Interior parts: like seat adjustments, small plastic or metal parts - Drive: engines, valves, gearboxes, clutch discs, fuel pumps, spark plugs. One of the key aspects of UV coatings in terms of quality is their outstanding corrosion protection of metals and high resistance to aggressive chemicals used in motor vehicles, like fuel and brake fluids. Table 3 shows how the Lankwitzer UV coating UE 179502/0 meets the quality specifications requested by different standards in terms of corrosion resistance.

Lankwitzer ha compiuto grossi sforzi in ricerca e sviluppo per migliorare la qualità finale delle vernici UV, per regolare la tecnologia e renderla la scelta perfetta per l’industria dell’auto. Oggi le vernici UV trovano applicazione nella finitura di: - Parti esterne: componenti di chassis, serbatoi e serbatoi a pressione, assali, dischi freno - Parti interne: regolatori dei sedili, piccole parti metalliche o plastiche - Trasmissione: motori, valvole, scatola del cambio, dischi frizione, pompe del carburatore, candele. Uno degli aspetti chiave delle vernici UV in termini di qualità è l’eccezionale protezione dei metalli dalla corrosione e l’elevata resistenza ai prodotti chimici aggressivi utilizzati nei veicoli a motore, come il carburante e il liquido dei freni. La tabella 3 mostra come la vernice UV Lankwitzer UE 179502/0 soddisfi le specifiche di qualità richieste dai diversi standard in termini di resistenza alla corrosione.

SALT SPRAY TEST RESISTANCE 1000 H EN ISO 9227:2006 on zinc-phosphated surface (Fig. 1)



RUSTGRADE EN ISO 4628-3:2003

WB < 2MM







HUMIDITY CYCLE TEST 1000h DIN EN ISO 6270-2:2005-09 on zinc-phosphated surface (Fig. 2) VDA Wechseltest 621-415 * 10 CYCLES

WB < 2MM

* Testing of the corrosion resistance according to VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie - German Association of the Automotive Industry)

* Prova della resistenza alla corrosione secondo la VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie - German Association of the Automotive Industry)

The corrosion protection provided by UV coatings is so strong that good results can be obtained on not pre-treated surfaces too. The corrosion resistance of Lankwitzer UV black 1 coating UE 1795020 has been tested in 400h salt spray test according to DIN EN ISO 4628 on untreated steel tubes with a film thickness ranging from 80 to 100 μm. Results are shown in Fig. 1, 2 and 3.

La protezione dalla corrosione fornita dalle vernici UV è così forte che è possibile ottenere buoni risultati anche sulle superfici non pretrattate. La resistenza alla corrosione della vernice nera UV Lankwitzer UE 2 1795020 è stata testata in nebbia salina per 400h secondo la normativa DIN EN ISO 4628 su tubi in acciaio non trattati con uno spessore del film da 80 a 100 μm. i risultati sono mostrati in fig. 1, 2 e 3.

58 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE filmthickness: 100 μ, after 400h

Results: - creeping from cut after 240 h: 1 – 1,5 mm - creeping from cut after 400 h: 1,5 mm - blistering: m0 / g0.


filmthickness: 80 μ, after 240h

filmthickness: 80 μ, after 400h

Examples of UV Coating application in the automotive sector on metal surfaces

Risultati: - corrosione dell’intaglio dopo 240 h: 1 – 1,5 mm - corrosione dell’intaglio dopo 400 h: 1,5 mm - blistering: m0 / g0.

Esempi di applicazioni di vernici UV su metallo nel settore dell’auto


Coating of tubes - Material: steel - Curing time: 0.4 seconds - Benefit: the UV process enables a continuous coating without damages/defects


Verniciatura di tubi - Materiale: acciaio - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 0,4 secondi - Beneficio: il ciclo UV consente una verniciatura in continuo senza danni/difetti


Coating of valves assembly - Material: cast iron - Curing time: 10 seconds - Benefit: high cost savings thanks to compact production plants


Verniciatura di valvolame - Materiale: pressofusione di ferro - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 10 secondi - Beneficio: elevato risparmio grazie a impianti produttivi compatti


Coating of common rail pumps - Material: steel/aluminium - Curing time: 25 seconds - Benefit: immediate packing directly after coating, no cooling needed which mean savings of space and time


Verniciatura di pompe common rail - Materiale: acciaio/alluminio - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 25 secondi - Beneficio: imballaggio immediato dopo la verniciatura, nessun raffreddamento richiesto il che significa risparmio di tempo e spazio




international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Applications of UV Coating Systems in the Automotive Industry


Coating of airbag cartridges - Material: steel - Curing time: 15 seconds - Benefit: efficient mass production


Verniciatura delle cartucce di airbag - Materiale: acciaio - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 15 secondi - Beneficio: efficiente produzione di massa


Coating of brake discs or drum brakes - Material: steel - Curing time: 20 seconds - Benefits: improved resistance to brake fluid; flexibility in production in case of fluctuating orders


Verniciatura di freni a disco o freni a tamburo - Materiale: acciaio - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 20 secondi - Benefici: resistenza migliore al liquido dei freni; flessibilità produttiva in caso di fluttuazione negli ordinativi


UV Coatings applications li i on plastics l i

Applicazioni l d delle vernici UV sulle materie plastiche

UV coatings prove to be efficient not only where high grade technical performances are required but also where decorative issues are the main concern and UV coatings can be applied on plastic surfaces as well. Here follows two example of UV coatings application on plastics items for daily-use.

Le vernici UV dimostrano di essere efficaci non solo laddove sono richieste performance tecniche di alto livello ma anche dove l’aspetto estetico è la preoccupazione principale e le vernici UV si possono applicare anche sui materiali plastici. Seguono due esempi di applicazione di vernici UV su manufatti in plastica per uso quotidiano.




Coating of flowerpots - Material: polypropylene (PP) - Curing time: 5 seconds - Benefit: smaller curing areas avoid the overheating of plastics

Coating of hoovers - Material: ABS - Curing time: 10 seconds - Benefit: the coating process can be operated in-house thus reducing the costs for material handling and transport, and improving flexibility.


Verniciatura di vasi da fiori - Materiale: polipropilene (PP) - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 5 secondi - Beneficio: lo spettro di polimerizzazione più piccolo evita il surriscaldamento della plastica

Verniciatura degli aspirapolvere - Materiale: ABS - Tempo di polimerizzazione: 10 secondi - Beneficio: il ciclo di verniciatura può essere eseguito internamente riducendo in questo modo i costi per la movimentazione e il trasporto del materiale e migliorando la flessibilità.

Conclusion Shorter cycle times, less VOC emissions, less production waste, energy savings, high gloss finish with outstanding chemical resistance and high corrosion protection: these are the key issues that a company with an in-house coating facility should take into consideration when choosing the right technology to improve the costefficiency and quality of its coating process. 60 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Conclusioni Tempi ciclo più brevi, emissioni di COV e scarti ridotti, risparmio, finitura ad alto gloss con eccellente resistenza chimica ed elevata protezione anticorrosiva: questi sono gli argomenti principali che un’azienda con un impianto di verniciatura interno dovrebbe prendere in considerazione per scegliere la giusta tecnologia per migliorare l’efficienza e la qualità dei propri processi.




nG de i


Premium Coatings

Lavorando con l’industria, rispettando l’ambiente Working with Industries, saving environments

Corrosion protection and Industrial Paints

Protezione corrosiva e vernici industriali

Lankwitzer’s corrosion protection coating systems have applied successfully for years on steelwork and bridges as well as in many industrial facilities. Our systems have proven exceptionally durable in all climates. In addition to excellent corrosion protection, we emphasize optical aspects of our paints. Our industrial paints are successfully applied on railway vehicles, buses, trailers, automotive parts, equipment for construction and agriculture as well as on many other applications.

I sistemi di protezione anticorrosivi della Lankwitzer, sono stati applicati con successo per anni su strutture in acciaio e ponti, così come su molti impianti industriali. I nostri sistemi hanno dimostrato una durata eccezionale per tutte le condizioni climatiche. Oltre ad un eccellente protezione contro la corrosione, vogliamo sottolineare gli aspetti ottici delle nostre vernici. Le nostre vernici industriali vengono applicate con successo su veicoli ferroviari, autobus, rimorchi, componenti automotive, attrezzature per la costruzione e l’agricoltura così come in molte altre applicazioni. Tra i nostri clienti soddisfatti citiamo aziende leader come Komatsu, ZF Friedrichshafen, Bosch, Siemens, Bombardier, Voest Alpine e Mannesmann.

Komatsu, ZF Friedrichshafen, Bosch, Siemens, Bombardier, Voest Alpine or Mannesmann.

Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH

Haynauer Strasse 61-63 D-12249 Berlin Tel: +49 30 768887-133 Fax: +49 30 768887-115 e-mail berlin@lankwitzer.com www.lankwitzer.com

Lankwitzer Italia

Sanseverinati Simone sanseverinati@lankwitzer.com mob +39 339.577.33.89

INNOVATION IN THE CLEANING OF CONVEYOR CHAINS OF PAINTING PLANTS Innovazione nella pulizia delle catene di trasporto pezzi su un impianto di verniciatura Adriano Antonelli Tecno Supply div. di Ibix Srl, Santa Maria in Fabriago (RA), Italy

Opening Photo: A basic Speedy Cleaner mounted on a conveyor chain of a painting plant. Uno Speedy Cleaner basic montato su un trasportatore di un impianto di verniciatura.


he cleaning of the conveyor chain of a painting plant is crucial to eliminate production waste due to the dirt that may fall on the painted components, lengthen the service life of the chain itself and reduce the maintenance costs of the plant, as well as possible downtime caused by deposits of dirt and grease. Already several years ago, Tecno Supply developed a chain cleaner device – called Speedy Cleaner – applicable to any type of conveyor and hanging hook, which ensured a constant cleaning of the conveyor chain through a system of polyamide brushes (Fig. 1). After years of experience and research, the company has added to its product range a new chain cleaner that meets the needs of an increasingly demanding market in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. In this new version of the Speedy Cleaner device, the now proven polyamide brushes with abrasive grains have been fully confirmed. In fact, the possibility to wash the brush with water and detergent, the non ferrosity of the wire, the long service life and the memory of the material that tends to return

62 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine


a pulizia della catena del trasportatore dei pezzi su un impianto di verniciatura, è un’operazione fondamentale per evitare scarti di produzione dovuti allo sporco che può cadere sul pezzo verniciato, per allungare la vita utile della catena stessa, per ridurre i costi di manutenzione dell’impianto, nonché possibili fermi impianto causati da incrostazioni di sporco e grasso. Già svariati anni fa, Tecno Supply mise a punto un’apparecchiatura pulisci catena – denominata Speedy Cleaner – applicabile a qualsiasi tipologia di convogliatore e di gancio di appensione scelto da un’azienda, che garantiva una pulizia costante della catena del trasportatore grazie a un sistema di spazzole in poliammide (fig. 1). Dopo anni di esperienza e di studio dell’ufficio tecnico, l’azienda ha aggiunto alla propria gamma produttiva un nuovo pulisci catena che soddisfa le richieste di un mercato sempre più esigente dal punto di vista dell’efficienza e dell’efficacia. In questa nuova versione dell’apparecchiatura Speedy Cleaner, le spazzole ormai collaudate in poliammide con granuli abrasivi sono state ampiamente confermate. Infatti, la possibilità di lavare in acqua e detersivo le spazzo-



The basic version of the Speedy Cleaner by Tecno Supply


to its initial state are features that can hardly be chemically reproduced with other synthetic fibres. The new version of Speedy Cleaner features, however, with motorised brushes. For a greater effectiveness and cleaning efficiency, the rotating brushes provide a more thorough cleaning without affecting the running of the chain. The possibility to add brushes to the central body allows for extensions without the limits of a pre-defined structure. The new machine was enclosed in a protective box. In this way, the chain cleaner can be installed at any point of the conveyor. The dirt of the chain does not fall on the parts and does not spread in the working 2 environment. A suction system inside the container collects the impurities in a tank, while the nozzles shoot compressed air to remove the dirt that the brush alone does not manage to eliminate (Fig. 2). The corporate statistics show that the brushes must be replaced for the first time after 10 years, in case of 8-hours working days. The chain cleaner can be disabled for any reason with a simple operation. The new version – like the basic one so far produced by Tecno Supply – can be installed on cross, beam, or power and free double rail conveyors.

La versione base dello Speedy Cleaner di Tecno Supply.

le, la non ferrosità del filo, la lunga durata nel tempo, e la memoria del materiale che tende a ritornare allo stato iniziale sono prerogative che difficilmente possono essere ripetute chimicamente con altre fibre sintetiche. La nuova versione di Speedy Cleaner prevede la motorizzazione delle spazzole. Per una maggiore efficienza ed efficacia pulente, le spazzole rotanti garantiscono una pulizia più profonda senza influire sulla marcia della catena. La possibilità di aggiungere spazzole al corpo centrale permette di avere allunghi senza essere vincolati ad una struttura pre-definita. La nuova macchina è stata chiusa in un contenitore protettivo. In questo modo il pulisci catena può essere installato in qualsiasi punto del convogliatore. Lo sporco della catena non cadrà sui pezzi e non si propagherà nell’ambiente di lavoro. Inoltre all’interno del contenitore è stata prevista un’aspirazione per raccogliere le impurità in un serbatoio. Nello stesso, sono presenti ugelli che sparano aria compressa per togliere le impurità che la spazzola da sola non riesce ad eliminare con una prima passata (fig. 2). Statistiche interne aziendali dimostrano come la macchina necessiti il primo ricambio di spazzole dopo 10 anni considerando una giornata lavorativa di 8 ore. Il pulisci catena può essere anche disattivato per qualsiasi ragione con un’operazione elementare. La nuova versione – così come quella base finora prodotta da Tecno Supply può essere installata su convogliatore a croce, a trave, per doppio binario power and free.


Design of the boxed Speedy Cleaner. Disegno tecnico del Nuovo Speedy Cleaner scatolato.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


SPECIFIC FEATURES, ENERGY EFFICIENCY, SPECIAL EFFECTS: THE KEY WORDS OF POWDER COATINGS DEVELOPMENT Funzionalità, efficienza energetica, effetti speciali: le parole chiave nello sviluppo delle vernici in polvere



Opening Photo: An item coated with the U0-858-C001-B03 “Mirrorlike” powder.

n the last few years, powder coatings have ceased to be regarded by the industry as “poor” and low quality compared to the liquid ones; on the contrary, they are now recognised as reliable and high quality coatings, with the highest ecofriendliness possible for a paint. The innovation in field of powder coatings has three main development drivers: the energy efficiency, i.e. a reduction of consumption of the energy needed for the cross-linking of the film; the attribution of special features related to the intended use of the product on which they are applied; and the introduction of increasingly particular aesthetic effects to meet the needs arising from new industrial targets. The new series of powder products developed by the R&D laboratories of ST Powder Coatings are perfectly in line with this trend.

Epotherma and Exatherma series

Serie Epotherma ed Exatherma

Foto d’apertura: Un pezzo verniciato con la vernice in polvere effetto specchio U0-858-C001-B03

These new powder coatings withstand very high temperatures (up to 500°C for the Exatherma series) and are therefore perfect for applications on wood

Si tratta di nuovi rivestimenti in polvere in grado di resistere a temperature altissime (picchi fino a 500°C per la serie Exatherma), ideali per le applicazioni su

Franco Martinazzo ST Powder Coatings, Montecchio Maggiore (VI), Italy

64 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

a alcuni anni le vernici in polvere hanno cessato di essere considerate dall’industria come un rivestimento “povero” e di bassa qualità rispetto alle loro omologhe liquide; al contrario l’industria a tutti i livelli le ha ormai riconosciute come un rivestimento affidabile, di qualità, con la massima eco-compatibilità oggi possibile per un prodotto verniciante. L’innovazione nei rivestimenti in polvere oggi segue essenzialmente tre driver di sviluppo: l’efficienza energetica intesa come riduzione del consumo di energia destinato alla reticolazione del film; l’attribuzione di funzionalità particolari legate alla destinazione d’uso del prodotto su cui sono applicate; l’introduzione di effetti estetici sempre più particolari per soddisfare l’esigenza di nuovi target industriali. Le nuove serie di prodotti in polvere messe a punto dai laboratori R&S di ST Powder Coatings sono perfettamente in linea con questo trend.

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE burning stoves and pipes that need to reach high temperatures and to be aesthetically attractive at the same time.

stufe e tubature che raggiungono alte temperature, ma hanno comunque bisogno di essere esteticamente accattivanti.

Temperature Profiling for Industrial Coatings

High Heat-Resistant Powder Coatings



Operating Temperature

Operating Temperature

From mom temperature to 200°C

From mom temperature to 350°C (according to colour and type)

Peak Temperature 300°C

Complete Solutions

Peak Temperature 500°C Understand What is Happening in your Paint Cure Oven

The Epotherma series was specifically developed for protecting steel components, which require temperatures up to 200°C with peaks up to 300°C. Based on a perfect balance between a resin characterised by a high thermal resistance and a resin whose strong point is the chemical resistance, this series allows to reach high standards also in terms of corrosion resistance.

La serie Epotherma è stata appositamente sviluppata per la protezione di componenti metallici in acciaio il cui uso specifico prevede il raggiungimento di temperature fino a 200°C con picchi fino a 300°C. Basata su un perfetto equilibrio tra resine caratterizzate da elevatissima resistenza termica e resine il cui punto di forza è la resistenza chimica, questa serie consente di raggiungere elevati standard anche per quanto riguarda la resistenza alla corrosione.

Table 1

Tabella 1

Guarantee cure quality Minimise rejects and re-work Solve oven problems efficiently Reduce downtime Improve paint line product throughput Reduce oven energy costs

Thermal stability test of a black Epotherma finish on Bonder panels of iron phosphate WH/60/0C 300°C x 24 hours ISO 7724-3 Delta E = <5 300°C x 96 hours ISO 7724-3 Delta E = <9

The unique thermal resistance properties of the Exatherma powder coatings are obtained through a quality process and the specific properties and interactions among the paint components. These coatings have been specifically formulated for protecting metallic components whose use requires the achievement of high temperatures – 250 to 350°C, with peaks up to 500°C. The coatings’ polymerisation requires the items to stay at least at 200°C (item temperature) for 30

Le straordinarie proprietà di resistenza termica dei rivestimenti in polvere della serie Exatherma sono invece basate sulla qualità, sulle proprietà e sulle mutue interazioni dei vari componenti che costituiscono la vernice. Questi rivestimenti sono stati appositamente formulati per la protezione di componenti metallici il cui uso prevede il raggiungimento di temperature elevate da 250 a 350°C, con picchi fino a 500°C. La polimerizzazione del rivestimento prevede la permanenza del manufatto ad almeno 200°C (temperatura oggetto) per 30 minuti.

PaintExpo 2012 Hall 2 Stand 2530 www.datapaq.com The Worldwide Leader in Temperature Profiling

Specific Features, Energy Efficiency, Special Effects: the Key Words of Powder Coatings Development minutes. A higher curing temperature (230°C) can improve the mechanical properties of the coating film and its adhesion to the substrate.

Una più elevata temperatura di reticolazione (230°C) può migliorare le caratteristiche meccaniche del film di vernice e la sua adesione al supporto.

Table 2

Tabella 2

Thermal stability test of a black Exatherma finish on Bonder panels of iron phosphate WH/60/0C 350°C x 24 hours ISO 7724-3 Delta E = <5 350°C x 48 hours ISO 7724-3 Delta E = <7 350°C x 96 hours ISO 7724-3 Delta E = <10 500°C x 1 hour ISO 7724-3 Delta E = <10

The adhesion properties of the Epotherma and Exatherma series are influenced by the thickness of the applied film, the kind of support and the type of pre-treatment. While applying the product, we recommend not exceeding a thickness of 40 microns.

L’adesione del film di vernice delle serie Epotherma e Exatherma al supporto è influenzata dallo spessore del film applicato, dalla natura del supporto e dal tipo di pretrattamento eseguito. Si consiglia di applicare il prodotto con spessori non superiori a 40 micron.

Cool Powder

Cool Powder

In the last few years, the environmental sensitivity has been a crucial social issue. The studies carried out by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) have clearly and unequivocally determined that the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions (as provided for by the Kyoto treaty) is fundamental in order to ensure a liveable world for the future generations. The manufacturing companies must therefore use new processes and/or new materials allowing a reduction in the energy consumed and consequently in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere – a sign of great responsibility and great respect for the environment. The Cool Powder coating addresses this need. It is a polyester powder coating characterised by: − Good mechanical properties; − Excellent weather and UV radiation resistance; − Low temperature curing: 150°C instead of the traditional 180°C. The low temperature curing offers two advantages: − Economic: low temperature curing means lower electricity or gas consumption for fully curing the powder coating (especially if the item to be coated is large-sized) − Environmental: lower electricity or gas consumption means lower carbon dioxide emissions and, therefore, greater respect for the environment. All of this does not negatively impact on the general characteristics of this powder coating. Its excellent outside resistance performance is summarised in the graph in Fig. 1, which shows the gloss retention of several RAL tones in the accelerated aging test.

La sensibilità ambientale è una delle principale istanze sociali di questi ultimi anni. Gli studi condotti dall’IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) hanno stabilito in modo chiaro ed univoco che la riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica (così come prevista dal trattato di Kyoto) è una strada obbligata per assicurare alle generazioni future un mondo vivibile. Le aziende manifatturiere sono le prime a dover implementare nuovi processi produttivi e/o nuovi materiali che consentano una riduzione dell’energia consumata, e quindi una riduzione della quantità di CO2 emessa nell’atmosfera, è segno di grande responsabilità e di grande rispetto verso l’ambiente. Il rivestimento Cool Powder risponde a questa esigenza. Si tratta di una polvere poliestere caratterizzata da: − Buone proprietà meccaniche; − Ottime resistenze alle intemperie e alle radiazioni UV; − Ridotta temperatura di polimerizzazione: 150°C anziché i classici 180°C. La riduzione della temperatura di polimerizzazione porta con se un duplice vantaggio: − Economico: riduce i consumi di energia elettrica o di gas necessari per portare a completa reticolazione il rivestimento in polvere (in particolar modo se i manufatti da verniciare sono di grosse dimensioni). − Ambientale: riduce le emissioni di anidride carbonica e quindi rispetto dell’ambiente. Le ottime performance di resistenza all’esterno di questa serie sono riassunte nel grafico di figura 1 che riporta la ritenzione di gloss di diverse tonalità RAL al test di invecchiamento accelerato.

66 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Figure 1: Accelerated aging test Figura 1: Test di invecchiamento accelerato

Conditions used for the accelerating aging test Tool: UV/se Lamps: UV-B 313 nm Cycle: 4 h condensation at 40째C 4 h irradiation at 50째C Emissions: 75 W/m2/nm

Paint and Assembly Systems

Environmental Aircraft and a n d E n e r g y S y s t e m s Te c h n o l o g y S y s t e m s

Cleaning and Filtration Systems


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Specific Features, Energy Efficiency, Special Effects: the Key Words of Powder Coatings Development Its mechanical properties fully meet the traditional market standards too. Some of the mechanical tests performed on these finishes are shown on Figure 2.

Anche le proprietà meccaniche soddisfano adeguatamente i classici standard di mercato. Alcuni dei test meccanici eseguiti su queste finiture sono riportati in figura 2.

Figure 2: Sheets coated with the new powder coatings series Cool Powder on which a few mechanical tests have been performed. Figura 2: Provini verniciati con polveri della serie Cool Powder sui quali sono stati eseguiti alcuni test meccanici.

Impact Test: > 2,5 Nm (ASTM D 2794/2004) Drawing > 5 mm(ISO 1520/2006) Support: Chromate Aluminium panel 0,8 mm

Mirror-like Powder Coatings

Vernici in polvere Mirror-Like

The chrome effect finishes are very popular in the powder coatings market, especially for their “metallic” look. However, by comparing an item coated with these powders to a chrome item (or, even better, a mirror), it is easy to realise how limited is its ability to reflect the light. ST Powder Coatings has decided to fill this gap by creating its “Mirror-like” finish, a new metallic powder coating which is shiny and bright enough to be comparable with a mirror. The “Mirror-like” (product code U0-858-C001-B03) is produced by using an innovative binding process able to bind the metallic pigments to the powder coatings’ particle1. The binding process limits the separation of the metallic particles during the application, thus allowing the use of powder recovery systems.

Le finiture ad effetto cromo sono molto richieste nel mercato delle vernici in polvere principalmente per la loro bellezza “metallica”. Se, però, un manufatto verniciato con queste polveri viene casualmente avvicinato ad un oggetto cromato (o, cosa peggiore, ad uno specchio), ci si accorge immediatamente quanto povera sia la loro capacità di riflettere la luce. ST Powder Coating ha colmato questo gap creando la finitura Mirror-Like, una nuova vernice in polvere metallizzata talmente brillante e luminosa da poter essere comparata ad uno specchio. La produzione avviene mediante un innovativo processo di bonderizzazione che permette di legare fisicamente i pigmenti metallici alle particelle di rivestimento in polvere1. Il processo di bonderizzazione limita la separazione delle particelle metalliche durante la fase di applicazione permettendo l’utilizzo dei sistemi di recupero polvere.

1 The excellent metallic finish of the U0-858-C001-B03 makes the film coating sensitive to humidity and to scratches. In order to solve these problems, it is recommended to overcoat the metallic finish with a suitable transparent powder coating.

1 L’eccezionale finitura metallica del prodotto U0-858-C001-B03 rende il film di vernice sensibile all’umidità e ai graffi. Per ovviare a questi problemi si consiglia di sovra-verniciare l’effetto metallico con un adeguato rivestimento in polvere trasparente.

68 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

L’innovazione al servizio del Cliente.

La divisione METALLURGY produce p e commercializza specialità p chimiche per il trattamento superficiale dei metalli. In particolare offriamo sgrassanti per l'industria e detergenti, interoperazionali, disossidanti, decapanti, fosfatanti, fosfosgrassanti, prodotti per la conversione dell'alluminio (ossidazione anodica, cromatanti, fosfocromatanti, trattamenti di conversione esente cromo) svernicianti, coagulanti ed ausiliari di lavorazione. La divisione si occupa anche di prodotti per il trattamento di acciaio inox, trafilatura e brillantatura.

Proponiamo inoltre, per la preparazione alla verniciatura, una serie di prodotti innovativi a basso impatto ambientale esenti da cromo, fosfati e metalli pesanti.

Tecnologia e prodotti per il trattamento superficiale dei metalli Per maggiori informazioni: +39.0321789760 · salesmet@macdermid.com · www.macdermid.com Macdermid Italiana Via Vigevano 61 – 28069 San Martino di Trecate (NO)

The key to success.

Xirallic速 high chroma crystal effect pigments are the proven solution for creating desirable and top-selling colors for automotive, consumer goods and architecture. Like no other effect pigment, Xirallic速 excels due to its high transparency, high chroma and living sparkle.

Xirallic速. Your key to successful color stylings and sales. www.merck4coatings.com


Lechsys Hydro Le nuove soluzioni di verniciatura all’acqua per l’industria nuova qualità e affidabilità dei cicli sicurezza e produttività dei processi finiture pastello, metallizzate e perlate fondi e primer per cicli completi migliaia di colori supporto tecnico dedicato

first in hydro technology

Lechler Tech è ancora più nuovo! Un nuovo concetto tecnologico che abbraccia sistemi industriali di produzione e tinting ad alta automazione con una gamma di prodotti che definiscono le nuove frontiere prestazionali della generazione water based. Per lʼIndustria… dove la vernice conta!

Wherever paint matters!



ROUGHLY 400 EXHIBITORS PRESENT SOLUTIONS FOR MORE EFFICIENT PAINTING AND COATING Circa 400 espositori presentano soluzioni per verniciature e rivestimenti più efficienti berboihingen – When the doors open for the 4th PaintExpo at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre on 17 April 2012, roughly 400 exhibitors from 22 countries will be on hand. During the course of the 4-day event, they will present solutions for more efficient liquid painting, powder and coating coil coating on more than 105,000 square feet of net exhibition floor space. Offerings cover the entire process sequence from pre-treatment right on up to quality control for practically all materials. With impressive increases in exhibitor numbers, internationalism and floor space, PaintExpo is further expanding its position as the leading international trade fair for industrial coating technology, and is providing visitors from companies with in-house painting operations and jobshop coaters with multi-sector offerings for a comprehensive range of materials which are unavailable anywhere else to this extent. The portfolio encompasses equipment and application technology, paints, drying and cross-linking systems, conveyor systems, automation solutions and painting robots, measuring and test equipment, quality control, environmental engineering, accessories, consumable materials and services, as well as printing, identification and packaging.


berboihingen – Quando si apriranno le porte della 4° edizione di PaintExpo presso il centro fiere di Karlsruhe il prossimo 17 aprile 2012, saranno presenti circa 400 espositori da 22 paesi. Durante i 4 giorni della manifestazione, presenteranno soluzioni per cicli di verniciatura liquida, a polvere e coil coating più efficienti su uno spazio espositivo di oltre 32.000 m2 netti. L’offerta spazia lungo l’intera sequenza di processo dal pretrattamento fino al controllo qualità per praticamente qualsiasi tipo di materiale. Con una crescita impressionante nel numero degli espositori, in termini di internazionalizzazione e spazio occupato, PaintExpo sta ulteriormente aumentando la propria connotazione di fiera leader internazionale per le tecnologie di verniciatura industriale, e fornisce alle aziende che verniciano in proprio e conto terzi soluzioni multi-settoriali per una gamma completa di materiali, che nessun’altra fiera è in grado di offrire in questa misura. Il portfolio comprende tecnologie applicative, prodotti vernicianti, sistemi di asciugatura e reticolazione, sistemi di trasporto, tecnologie di automazione e robot di verniciatura, strumenti di misurazione e controllo qualità, ingegneria ambientale, accessori, materiali di consumo e servizi, stampa, identificazione e packaging.

Lots of New Products and Enhancements in all Exhibition Segments Numerous exhibiting companies take advantage of PaintExpo to present newly developed and enhanced solutions. These are laid out to conserve resources and reduce energy consumption, and at the same time to increase process reliability, quality, flexibility and ecology. Various exhibitors will present new processes and products based on nano-ceramics for more efficient and ecological pretreatment of metallic surfaces. In the field of application technology, a world’s first in the field of paint feed based on a compact, high pressure, double diaphragm pump with gear ratios of 7:1 and 16:1 will also be presented. This innovation allows for large delivery rates of 2.6 or 1.25 litres per double stroke, and at the same a small number of double strokes, minimal shear effect in the fluid and extremely low-noise operation. The exhibitors at this year’s PaintExpo will also showcase lots of new products in the areas of liquid and UV paint systems, as well as powder coating systems. In addition to developments involving increased corrosion protection, systems which offer reduced curing temperatures, as well as the associated savings and higher throughput rates, are also a focal point where powder coatings are concerned. PaintExpo will take place at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre from 17 through 20 April 2012, and will be open Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Further information and the exhibitor list can be accessed at www.paintexpo.com .

Numerose innovazioni e miglioramenti in tutti i segmenti espositivi Numerose aziende espositive sfrutteranno l’occasione di PaintExpo per presentare soluzioni innovative e potenziate, volte a conservare le risorse e ridurre il consumo di energia, e allo stesso tempo aumentare l’affidabilità, la qualità la flessibilità e l’ecologia. Diversi espositori presenteranno nuovi processi e prodotti nano-ceramici per un pretrattamento delle superfici metalliche più efficiente ed ecologico. Nel settore delle tecnologie applicative, sarà presentata per la prima volta una pompa di alimentazione vernice a doppia membrana, compatta, ad alta pressione, con rapporti di 7:1 e 16:1. Questa innovazione consente volumi di alimentazione della vernice di 2,6 o 1,25 litri a doppio colpo, e allo stesso tempo un basso numero di doppi colpi, un minimo effetto taglio nel fluido e un funzionamento estremamente silenzioso. Gli espositori di questa edizione di PaintExpo esporranno anche nuovi prodotti nel campo dei p.v. liquidi, UV e a polveri. Oltre agli sviluppi che coinvolgono una maggior protezione anticorrosiva, un altro punto focale nel settore delle vernici in polvere sono i sistemi in grado di offrire basse temperature di reticolazione, con i risparmi a livello di costo e di aumento della produttività ad essi associati. PaintExpo si terrà presso il Centro Fieristico di Karlsruhe dal 17 al 20 aprile 2012, e sarà aperto da Martedì a Giovedì dalle 9.00 alle 17.00, e il Venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 16.00. Ulteriori informazioni e la lista degli espositori sono disponibili presso www.paintexpo.com.


72 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

PaintExpo Expo Halle 1

Von Halle 2 from hall 2

Zehnt- Airner protech 1653















Hugo Claus






1524 1522


ON- Foster Syst. ChemiWurster




MIPA 1611








Pelatec Metacap

Grimm Pulverlack


Bersch + Fratscher






V&R Pulverlack







ok Steinl




WIWOX Lückerath antalis

Wiltec 1633



Dresdner 1542 Lackfabrik novatic

TIGER Coatings



Siver 1643


1523 1521





ASIS 1511


1551 1448 1452

Powder Coatings




Sistem Teknik Makina











1249 1247




rhoba chemie


IBS Seppke




Akzo Nobel



1139 1137 Ziegener Chem+ tech Frick


ABL Technik



Haug Chemie


Pansan Pomtava








ILS Innovative Lackier Systeme



















Helm Hellas 1216



Mäder Lacke






IPCM 1202









Haug Ionisation



PaintExpo Muster Schmidt Hensel Infostand / Artkim

Fachsch. f. G.-DaimlerLacktechnik Schule Stuttgart Sindelfingen

SLV Duisburg


Special Coatings





1651 1316


Frei Lacke







Huelsemann 1413



Keller Lufttechnik




Ideal Line


Fusion UV

Zeller + Gmelin







parts2 Cresclean cocito







IBAR Kündig

CTI Systems


Colorificio Damiani









TFX Railtechnik



Fraunhofer IPA



IBA Kimya








Oerli- besser kon Bar- lackmag ieren




Ramseier Koatings





Lutz Pumpen

Pulver Kimya

Hall 1





1428 1426


Funktion & Design






Futura Convogliatori Aerei




Eingang West Entrance West


Halle 2


CIT 2657



Plus IndustrieMinus bedarf

Merlin Yantai Technology Electr. Maxon

B&B Kwasny Coating





2558 2556




Luft- Global technik Mask


2557 2555


IST RokuMetz Print

Steier PCP

Adphos Uveco


TurboQNC Seperator





2550 2548















D-O-K Chemie



FST Drytec

SCHMUTZ + sohn





Dan Fugt

Ervin Amasteel





Exel Automotive



Sandstrahl Bay




IVS Powerclean

Hauptkorn 2625


2528 2526

HELM Fördertechnik Woelm


Haver Vulkan & Boe- Inox cker









2529 2527











Luterbach SFB

Eingang Ost Entrance East










Sprimag 2511


JOWI goto Winkler


2456 DF Blast


OpSytec 2458


Viso- Pantamax tec










2428 2426




Rembrandtin Eco Polifix

Freuden- DETE berg


IWM Strahltechnik OMSG SciTeex RME



Rösler 2451







Verder Mantion





Müller Boysis 2357






List Magn.









Geholit + Wiemer KABE

Conveyor Teknik




2250 2248

2246 2244

mann IWT Hygrex
















mo 2302



SW Color


Walther Trowal 2415




Votteler Heuer

Rapid Coatings










Hall 2 NeuFilter

Arena Comet








Riedel Sölch 2362




















Schiweck Göttert








Hitech Resins




Triab Gläsner



2251 2249

2247 2245




Perfect Henke Finish






Koch K&W Che- Solutions mical Tech. mtv Frei messStahl- technik bau 2243


Winter- Non- Keller & thur paint 24 Wokurka



Finest Fog

2238 2236




Bolin KUPTechn. CA



Emptmeyer I-KON



2239 2237


colour spray





Morgen -stern

Ecco Finishing







Oltrogge MK Stadelmaier






Meeh Reiter

2223 2221












Leutenegger + Frei







Schwanheimer 2101

Von Halle 1 from hall 1

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





DETE Dr. Tettenborn GmbH

DETRONIC MIX – 2C/3C Mixing-/Dosing unit With the DETE DETRONIC MIX multi-component liquids and varnishes can be processed both, material and time saving. Also, an electronically controlled solvent intermixture (3C) is possible. The unit can also be configured as a mere filling or

dosing unit, e.g. for adhesives. Numerous optional functions such as the explosion-proof booth remote control, the automatic material banking or the PC-remote surveillance help to simplify the everyday coating business. The most important advantage for the


New PCLS System

Steinfeldstrasse 15, 90425 Nürnberg, Germany, Phone +49 911 34770, dete@dete.de, www.dete.de Hall 2, Stand 2426

The system is ready for immediate use. The lid has a special tube which can be fixed into a stainless steel adapter, just by twisting the lid 45 degrees in the adapter. The lid system only contains 2 plastic parts and is completely dust free. The


ECCO Finishing AB

Automatic gun E75AP – Paint Savings up to 12% One highlight at the booth of ECCO Finishing AB is the automatic gun E75AP. The gun provides great spraying quality, 12% paint savings resulting in 2 month payback time and 6 month between the maintenance stops on car manufacturer’s

DETE Dr. Tettenborn GmbH,

system can be refilled, no cleaning costs, less use of solvents and less use of time.

E.M.M. Deutschland GmbH

During PaintExpo EMM will present their new PCLS, a paint system, which fits on the well-known 700 ml Colad mixing cup. PCLS is a special lid with integrated strainer, available in 4 different meshes: 90, 130, 190 and 280 micron.

user is the modular concept of the unit: both soft- and hardware functions can be retrofitted and partially directly be activated by phone. Thereby the unit can be customized to production alterations at all times. A live-presentation at the stand is possible at any time.

production lines. E75AP has several features build into the gun reducing the paint consumption. Foremost the low atomizing pressure and the use of the company’s High Efficiency Technology. Besides for coating cars the gun is used to coat plastic

E.M.M. Deutschland GmbH, Auf der Wahnsbach 13, 56368 Katzenelnbogen, Germany, Phone +49 6486 90050, verkauf@emm-automotive.com, www.emm-automotive.com Hall 2, Stand 2347

bumpers, mobile phones, packaging, leather, ceramic, wood, etc., it can apply water based, solvent based or UV paints. A large range of air caps and tips are available to adapt the E75AP to many kinds of applications.

74 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

ECCO Finishing AB, Afsengaten 6, 53237 Skara, Sweden, Phone +46 511 13445, info@eccofinishing.com, www.eccofinishing.com Hall 2, Stand 2231


EFC Systems UK

Electrostatic Rotary and Spray Atomizers for Flexible Automation EFC Systems Inc. is a worldwide manufacturer and supplier of electrostatic finishing systems and components for the automotive, aerospace and general Industries. The company specializes in electrostatic rotary and

spray atomizers for flexible automation. EFC Systems also manufactures numerous replacement parts such as bell cups, air turbines, colour valves, colour racks, nozzles and high tension components for OEM’s such as SAMES, ABB, FANUC and many others.

EFC Systems UK, Unit 16 Mapledean Works, Maldon Road, Latchingdon, Essex CM3 6LG, UK, Phone +44 7771 665729, steved@efcusa.co.uk, www.efcusa.co.uk Hall 2, Stand 2253



Mini Merkur™ ES Efficient Spray Packages Graco is pleased to announce the introduction of the Mini Merkur™ ES efficient “Ready-To-Spray” finishing packages with a new pump at an affordable price. The new Mini Merkur ES is a line of efficient sprayers, stand or wall mount, designed for long

lasting efficiency in a compact, high performance package, in air-assisted or airless technology. Quick flush system reduces material and solvent use. Very low material volume is required to fill the system. It delivers a superior consistent spray finish.



ProMix™ 2KE Two Component Electronic Proportioning System Graco is pleased to announce the introduction of the new ProMix™ 2KE entry-level electronic proportioning system. It is a very compact system, easy to operate, easy to maintain and designed to make the mix of 2K paints easy and consistent. The

ProMix 2KE is available to be used in hazardous or non-hazardous areas and features an all stainless steel fluid path. With an intuitive user-friendly controller and advanced pot-life controls, ProMix 2KE offers substantial cost and material savings.

GRACO B.V.B.A., Industrieterrein-Oude Bunders, Slakweidestraat 31, 3630 Maasmechelen, Belgium, Phone +32 89 770700, www.graco.com Hall 2, Stand 2445

You can select a system that has built-in pumps that can be configured to work with any spray technology, or a meter-based system in either single or three colours with the possibility to apply Graco’s well-known sequential (standard) or dynamic (optional) dosing technology. All ProMix 2KE systems come standard with automatic timed flushing of both the resin and catalyst sides.

GRACO B.V.B.A., Industrieterrein-Oude Bunders, Slakweidestraat 31, 3630 Maasmechelen, Belgium, Phone +32 89 770700, www.graco.com Hall 2, Stand 2445

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Finishing Applications

Mini Merkur ES TM

Efficienti unità di spruzzatura airless e misto aria

ProMix 2KE TM

Dosatore multicomponente compatto di livello base

Pompe a soffietto La tecnologia più innovativa per le pompe a pistone

Visitateci durante Paintexpo, Hall 2, Stand 2445 Graco BVBA - Slakweidestraat 31 - 3630 Maasmechelen - Belgium





Cortek® ED C6200 tecnologia per prodotti acrilici ad alta resistenza chimica ed alle intemperie da applicare per elettrodeposizione catodica technology for high chemical and weathering resistance acrylic coatings to be applied by cathodic electrodeposition

Alcea produce vernici nel rispetto dell’uomo e dell’ambiente / Alcea manufactures paints respecting man and environment azienda certificata da CERTIQUALITY /certified company by CERTIQUALITY: UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 - UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 - OHSAS 18001:2007


Alcea sarà presente al

PAD.1 STAND 1143 Leading International Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology 17 - 20 aprile 2012 - Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre




ITW Oberflächentechnik GmbH

MAPLE 15/3 – Air Driven Pump The Maple Pump is a horizontal piston pump for pumping solvent/waterborne paints, solvents and other suitable materials. The unit combines an energy efficient air motor with low shear fluid section technology from the range of Smart Electric Pumps.

The Maple Pump achieves a reciprocating drive by using high technology ground steel spool and sleeve air valves to control the air motor reversal, providing reciprocating motion. The patented air valve design ensures a positive magnetic detent for the main and pilot

air valves thus removing the possibility for a stall condition. The air motor also utilizes the patented Binks Low Ice quick exhaust technology to prevent air valve freezing conditions when high cycle speeds are employed. Equal thrust on each stroke due to the horizontal configuration incorporating the dual piston rod design gives a balanced fluid pressure output and reduces fluid pressure fluctuations to a minimum.

ITW Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 31, 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany, Phone +49 6074 4001, marketing-de@itwifeuro.com, www.itwifeuro.com Hall 2, Stand 2311


ITW Oberflächentechnik GmbH

Raptor LITE - 32:1 Air Assisted Airless Spray Package The Binks Raptor LITE is a tripod mounted spray package featuring the NEW Binks Stainless Steel MX 4/32 Pump with the NEW Binks AA4400M Air Assisted Airless Spray Gun. Raptor LITE outfits have been designed to provide users

with a low cost, robust industrial spray outfit, able to apply a wide range of industrial coatings and providing the very best quality of spray finish.

Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 31, 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany, Phone +49 6074 4001, marketing-de@itwifeuro.com, www.itwifeuro.com Hall 2, Stand 2311


ITW Oberflächentechnik GmbH

Advanced HD - Conventional and Compliant Manual Spray Guns The comprehensive Advance HD (High Demand) spray gun range ensures there’s a DeVilbiss spray gun to suit all types of industrial spray finishing applications. Pressure, suction and gravity feed, the Advance HD family

ITW Oberflächentechnik GmbH,

ceramic and vitreous enamel materials. They guarantee perfect atomization and performance parameters but with improved and more stable fan shape.

utilize a comprehensive, wide range of compliant air caps to provide outstanding coatings’ atomization for handling all types of solvent, waterborne, high solids and 2K materials. The new air caps 462 and 477 are for pressure applications on

78 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

ITW Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 31, 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany, Phone +49 6074 4001, marketing-de@itwifeuro.com, www.itwifeuro.com Hall 2, Stand 2311


different robot brands and types. This innovative product reduces the complexity of voltage block technology for the electrostatic application of waterborne paints.

LacTec GmbH

Evolution from Concept to a Final Product In 2010 LacTec has introduced a first concept of a new voltage block system located close to the atomizer. Nowadays in 2012 the company will exhibit the final product. This modular voltage block system is based upon the reliable and

widespread used IsoValve system. Due to a very compact design the IsoValve Compact allows faster colour change sequences and reduces paint losses. Any adaption of pigging technology for paint recovery is also possible. The IsoValve Compact fits to



New high-efficiency products in electrostatic, 2K, airless, airmix and low pressure spraying technology LARIUS, for over 40 years leading manufacturer of high-quality paint spraying equipment, transferextrusion pumps and solutions, will showcase its new highlights at the PaintExpo. As very innovative and unique electrostatic

paint spraying system, LARIUS will introduce its new STAR 3001 for water and solvent-based paints. Further new products will be the light and high-efficient new MISTLESS airmix gun L400, the automatic low pressure and airmix guns



New Equipment for metals, wood and plastics fine superficial finishing At PaintExpo LTF Spa will introduce a new air mix pneumatic spraying equipment for both solvent-based and waterborne paints and suitable for painting metals, wood an plastic. The new equipment is user-friendly and ergonomic; it can be hanged on the wall

when not used; it ensures faster performances thanks to an air regulation device; it is customizable. The air operated pneumatic piston pump is equipped with an air assisted airless spray gun which is indispensable for the application of waterborne

LacTec Gesellschaft für moderne Lackiertechnik GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Strasse 6-8, 63110 Rodgau, Germany, Phone +49 6106 84470, info@lactec.com, www.lactec.com Hall 2, Stand 2315

L100 and L200, LARIUS 2K MIX und MULTI MIX K bi- and multicomponent mixing and dispensing systems, and the high-performance pneumatic piston pumps SUPER NOVA and SUPER OMEGA. With its wide and interesting range of industrial paint spraying solutions, LARIUS is aiming at renewing and increasing its distribution net worldwide.

LARIUS Srl, Via Stoppani 21, 23801 Calolziocorte (LC), Italy, Phone +39 0341 621 222, export@larius.com, www.larius.eu Hall 2, Stand 2352

paints in compliance with the laws against pollution. This new spraying equipment can be easily switched from air mix to airless mode.

LTF Spa, Via Cremona 10 24051 Antegnate (BG), Italy, Phone: +39 0363 94901 ltf@ltf.it, www.ltf.it Hall 1, Stand 1252

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14






Third Generation Technology Nordson is the leader in precision dispensing equipment for applying industrial liquid and powder coatings, adhesives and sealants to consumer and industrial products during manufacture. The company has a reputation for developing

advanced technological solutions. Known for its work in horizontal coating, Nordson is also leading the way when it comes to vertical coating innovation, through the dense phase HDLV system. Using a combination of High Density powder and Low Velocity air,


STR Teknik Makina Ltd. Sti. ̧

Electrostatic Powder Coating Equipment STR Teknik Makina Ltd. Ş ti. is producer of electrostatic powder coating equipment, powder enamel equipment, electrostatic powder coating lines and powder enamel lines; from the very simple lines to fully automated ones; including powder coating

and powder enamel manual and automatic spray guns, hoppers, booths, ovens and conveyor systems and epoxy powder coating systems. The products are registered under the brand of Strong3000. The products are manufactured in special design offer high


Verder Deutschland GmbH

Precise Metering without Material Degradation In contrast to other traditional dosing pumps, the piston diaphragm pump series Verderbar provide a smooth, linear and pulsation free flow that meets and exceeds the API 675 requirements. The precise metering is achieved by

regulation with a frequency inverter and eliminates the need for an inaccurate stroke adjustment. Thus the pump achieves a high level of reproducibility, linearity and accuracy. Traditional diaphragm metering pumps are equipped with

the company’s dense phase powder coating technology has been designed to address every one of today’s concerns. A so-called 3rd generation technology, dense phase coating has brought genuine process control to the powder coating industry for the first time. All achieved by removing the inconsistent variables of traditional Venturi based powder pump designs and improving first pass transfer efficiencies.

quality as well as ergonomic design, high efficiency and easy to use properties. For the efficient work of the system, the necessary electrical and pneumatic equipment, electro-pneumatic control box containing a special panel design and easy handling characteristics is insured to offer users comfortable and without problems operating systems.

NORDSON Deutschland GmbH, Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 42, 40699 Erkrath, Germany, Phone +49 211 92050, info@de.nordson.com, www.nordson.com

NORDSON UK Ltd., Wenman Road, Thame Oxon OX9 3SW, UK, Phone +44 161 4981512 Hall 2, Stand 2415

STR Teknik Makina Ltd. Şti., Turgutreis Mh. Giyimkent Sitesi D4 Blok B34 Sok. No:113-114, 34235 Atışalanı – Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey, Phone + 90 212 4385691, info@strong3000.com, www.strong3000.com Hall 1, Stand 1438

a normal PTFE diaphragm that is subject to wear especially when pumping low temperature fluids. A worn membrane can cause inaccurate metering results and produces high maintenance costs. That is why Verder also offers other elastomeric materials for an excellent chemical resistance and a good flexibility in many different applications.

80 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Verder Deutschland GmbH, Retsch-Allee 1-5, 42781 Haan, Germany, Phone +49 2104 2333200, info@verder.de, www.verder.de Hall 2, Stand 2443


Josef Wagner GmbH

The Next Generation of Electrostatic Guns for Liquid Applications The Wagner highlight of this year’s PaintExpo is the worldwide introduction of the new generation of electrostatic guns. The new guns are a real high runner: They are the smallest and lightest in their category and offer in addition to

the well-known quality an optimal ergonomic design, best atomization and transfer efficiency as well as a convincing serviceability. Furthermore, the company will present additional highlights for liquid and powder coating


New Wide Jet Nozzle

Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 18, 88677 Markdorf, Germany, Phone +49 7544 5050, wagner@wagner-group.com, www.wagner-group.com. Halle 1, Stand 1431

appearance of the surface is more even. The new nozzle is available in various diameters and lengths, e.g. with diameters 8x5, 15x5 and 20x11 mm, in short form with 70 mm length or 150 mm. The connection to the nozzle holder is done with a


Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co. KG

Purge Fluids for Hydro Based Paints Zeller+Gmelin presents at PaintExpo highly efficient purge fluids for hydro paints. Divinol HPT Cleaners allow realizing operational objectives such as reduction of VOC during application, lower utilisation concentrations

Josef Wagner GmbH,

2 "coarse thread as well as in the conventional nozzles. The nozzle is made of highly stable boron carbide.


The new wide-jet nozzles from KIESS produce a wider stream on the workpiece surface compared to conventional blasting nozzles. Thus, shadows on the surface will be reduced, the nozzle reaches a higher area capacity and the

solutions on the exhibition as well as new solutions for systems with innovative developments in powder coating technology.

and boost of the cleaning efficiency of purge fluids. Besides shortened purge times, subsequent costs for disposal, the internal water management can be optimised. The liquid cleaning concentrates for both application and mixing

KIESS GmbH & Co. KG, Wiehagen 25, 45472 Muelheim, Germany, Phone +49 208 49580, info@kiess.de, www.kiess.de Hall 2, Stand 2346

equipment are suitable for water based primer/filler, base coat (even 2C-systems) and clear coat. Divinol HPT Cleaners are perfectly suitable for the use in paint preparation stations, paint mixing containers, high speed rotational bells, pressurised air dusters and ring lines.

Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co. KG, Schlossstrasse 20, 73054 Eislingen, Germany, Phone +49 7161 8020, info@zeller-gmelin.de, www.zeller-gmelin.de Hall 1, Stand 1414

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





Berlac AG

Economical and Eco-Friendly Single-Coat High-Gloss UV Clear Lacquer The latest development from Berlac is a coloured, high-gloss one-coat UV clear lacquer with an appearance similar to piano lacquer, which is intended as an attractively-priced and highly-resistant alternative to multi-coat piano lacquers

with high covering power. This black pigmented single-coat high-gloss clear lacquer offers a visually appealing alternative which – in combination with a high-gloss black substrate – comes very close to the effect achieved by piano


Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM

Lower Drag due to “Sharkskin” Surface The riblet coating system can reduce the surface frictional resistance of large objects such as aircraft, ships, and wind turbines by up to 8 %. This allows the fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and costs to be reduced and, in case of wind

turbines, the energy output to be increased. The coating has a microstructured surface which mimics sharkskin. The system consists of a UV-curable, nanoparticle reinforced coating and a roller applicator which automatically applies, structures and cures


Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG

E3 - Energy-efficient Electrodeposition Coatings Surely, anodic electrodeposition coating systems baked by 130 degree object temperature exist for more than ten years. But until now, considerable cut-backs with regards to mechanics and corrosion protection had to be accepted. FreiLacke has taken another

step towards energy efficiency by developing a 140-degreesystem. It is not only characterised by a reduction of the baking temperature by 30 degree, but also the corrosion protection data – amongst others – have been considerably improved. Due to this, a

lacquer. It can be applied easily and without waste in an economical and ecofriendly process. Thanks to outstanding resistance to abrasion, scratching and the effects of chemicals, this lacquer system meets the highest demands of the automotive sector in all respects.

Berlac AG, Allmendweg 39, 4450 Sissach, Switzerland, Phone +41 61 9769010, info@berlac.ch, www.berlac.ch Hall 2, Stand 2512

the paint/lacquer. It can be readily used for coating 3-dimensional, curved surfaces. The coating can withstand very demanding conditions, for example temperatures of -55 to +70 °C and aggressive UV radiation.

Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Lacktechnik, Wiener Strasse 12, 28359 Bremen, Germany, Phone +49 421 22460, info@ifam.fraunhofer.de, www.ifam.fraunhofer.de Hall 2, Stand 2229 (IKON booth)

longer load period could have been achieved – what can be demonstrated for example by salt spray testing. But not only can the reduction of the baking temperature lead to savings, also a matching system structure can essentially contribute. In praxis, there are already facilities running in which the anodic EC priming is initially cross-linked at 100 degree and after a following powder-coating both are baked in a topcoat dryer.

82 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Frei Lacke Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG, Am Bahnhof 6, 78199 Braeunlingen, Germany, Phone +49 7707 1510, info@freilacke.de, www.freilacke.de Hall 1, Stand 1322

PaintExpo Expo COATINGS


Individual special industrial coatings including service What many competitors no longer offer is the credo of the paint manufacturer Huelsemann: customised paints, tailor-made to suit customers’ special requirements and above all their possibilities. One major advantage the company

has to offer is personal consultation before and after the development of individual paints. Thanks to its own application engineers who investigate all relevant factors on site it was for example possible to introduce water-based

coating systems without high investments. The manufactured industrial coatings, special coatings and mini coatings provide all desired effects and textures. The entire liquid coatings range – both conventional and water-based – complies with highest requirements of product reliability, environmental directives and usage guidelines.

J. Carl HÜLSEMANN GmbH & Co. KG, Duesseldorfer Strasse 59, 42115 Wuppertal, Germany, Phone +49 202 271450, info@huelsemann.com, www.huelsemann.com Hall 1, Stand 1413


IBA Kimya San. ve Tic. A.

Keep It Fresh Manufacturing of white goods is one locomotive sector for the powder coating business. So far, IBA Kimya by working closely with the sector members, has developed significant products and solutions to the sector. “Thin coating” was a resulf of this effort. Dropping the coating thickness

from 60-70 μm to 30 even 20 μm was a big saving opportunity. Now the focus is on creating added value for consumers of white goods. A new powder coating technology developed by IBA Kimya and called “Keep it fresh” prolongs the storage life of produces in the fridge.

IBA Kimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş, 1.Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Oǧuz, Caddesi No:22, 06930 Sincan-Ankara, Turkey Phone +90 312 2670983, export@iba.com.tr, www.iba.com.tr Hall 1, Stand 1341


Oxyplast Belgium N.V. / S.A.

AG-KOTE – the Green Technology, Qualicoat certified Oxyplast Belgium, the Belgian part of the Canadian ProtechOxyplast Group, introduces at the PaintExpo AG-KOTE their innovative green technology. This completely new, semi super durable polyester powder offers versatile characteristics and advantages, such as

Qualicoat- and GSB-on-steel certified and excellent degassing properties. It is a low bake system (150°C) and thus energy saving. The powder is approved for aluminium and architectural applications and provides excellent edge coverage as well as increased efficiency.

Oxyplast Belgium N.V. / S.A., Hulsdonk 35, 9042 Gent-Mendonk, Belgium, Phone +32 9 3267920, info@oxyplast.be, www.oxyplast.be Hall 2, Stand 2322

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14






Expert in Powder Coatings Pulver offers a wide range of products, such as metallics (bonding technology, chrome effect) clears, special surface effects (wrinkles, textures, crocodile effect) and tailor made products. The product range includes all type of chemistries, wide

range of colors, corona / tribo safe and 140-200_C curing abilities. The powders are used for body building and sports equipment, bi-cycles, motor-cycles, refrigerator cooling systems, car rims, in the door industry and other applications.


Rapid Engineering Company Pvt. Ltd.

Innovative Powder Coatings for Versatile Applications Rapid Coat is one of the largest manufacturers of thermosetting and thermoplastic powder coatings in India. Amongst others, the company will present its newly designed product, a High Adhesion Polymer Alloy (HAPA), which

provides very high abrasion resistance and outdoor durability. Typical applications are welded and chain link fences, outdoor benches and furniture. Epoxy polyester powder coatings will be also on display. The program includes efficient solutions


Ring International Holding AG

Coatings for the Future The companies Rembrandtin Lack (Wet Coating), Rembrandtin Powder Coating (Powder Coating) and Ecopolifix (Powder Coating) are members of the Ring International Holding (RIH) Group. At the Paint Expo they will first present their wealth of strengths on one booth. Rembrandtin numbers

amongst the international leading manufacturers of special coatings for industrial applications. The company is specialised in four product areas: electrical sheet varnish, street marking systems, industrial coatings and corrosion protection systems. Rembrandtin Powder Coating is an innovative manufacturer of powder coatings which provides unique solutions in the areas of highly flexible anti-dirt systems (HFAS),

The company is the pioneer in powder coatings manufacturing in Turkey and proud to be the prominent powder coatings supplier in the domestic market since 1988 and in various export markets since 1994 with a wide range of high quality products and service.

PULVER KIMYA SAN.VE TIC.A.S., Gebze Organize Sanayi Bolgesi (GOSB), Tembelova Alani 3200 Sokak No:3201, 41400 Gebze – Kocaeli, Turkey, Phone +90 262 6430001, www.pulver.com.tr Hall 1, Stand 1349

for automotive components, machines, electrical enclosures, fire extinguishers, garden tools, hospital equipment, light fixtures, office furniture, oil filters, power tools, shelving and more. Architectural powder coatings which withstand conditions such as UV rays, rain, heat and dust will be showcased as well as energy saving low bake powder coatings.

Rapid Engineering Company Pvt. Ltd., A-11/1, Site 4, Link Road Industrial Area, 201010 Sahibabad, UP, India, Phone +91 120 2896655, mail@rapidcoat.com, www.rapidcoat.com Hall 2, Stand 2425

scratch-proof structural coatings as well as conductive and nonslip powder coatings. Ecopolifix produces in two facilities powder coatings for office furniture, garden furniture, machine tools, fittings, heating ovens, lighting and household appliances.

Rembrandtin Powder Coating GmbH, Siegufer 1, 3783 Eitorf, Germany, Phone +49 2243 91810, office@rembrandtin-powder.de, www.rembrandtin-powder.de

Ecopolifix S.r.l., Rembrandtin Lack GmbH Nfg. KG,

Via Strada del Confine, 41,

Ignaz-Koeck-Strasse 15,

36056 Tezze sul Brenta (VI), Italy,

1210 Vienna, Austria,

Phone + 39 0424 848555,

Phone +43 1 277020,





Hall 2, Stand 2347

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PaintExpo Expo COATINGS

low cure products help to save energy, reduce oven throughput times, enhance productivity and open up new fields of application for thermo-sensitive substrates.

TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG

The Latest Trends and Effects in Powder Coatings At PaintExpo, the powder coatings manufacturer TIGER Coatings will present the latest trends and effects. Special focus will be given to innovations in metallic and special effects: utilizing the unique in-house bonding process, TIGER Metallic

and Special Effects are outstandingly brilliant, rich in variation and of superior quality, improve the object appearance and greatly enhance their value. In addition, the global color and coatings specialist shows its efficient LC powder coatings:


Karl Wörwag Lack- und Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

Innovations in Coatings At the PaintExpo Wörwag’s exhibit will focus on new products and technologies. These include an in-line direct coating process for injection-moulded components. The next generation of UV coatings offers an eco-friendly,

cost-effective alternative to conventional thermal curing methods. The company’s especially energy- and resource-efficient foil coating technology meets the most exacting demands in terms of appearance and performance. The name Coatiq® Wörwag


Negrellistrasse 36, 4600 Wels, Austria, Phone +43 7242 4000, office@tiger-coatings.com, www.tiger-coatings.com Hall 1, Stand 1547

Premium Basecoats stands for a new concept for water-based coatings. This allows standards for high-end products to be perfectly aligned with the customer’s specifications and deliver optimal application performance. As well as focusing on technological issues, the company will demonstrate its knowledge and skills in paint design.

Karl Wörwag Lack- und Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Strohgäustrasse 28, 70435 Stuttgart, Germany, Phone +49 711 82960, info@woerwag.de, www.woerwag.de Hall 1, Stand 1229

heavy-duty storage and surface treatment systems as well as production and access equipment.

CTI Systems S.A.

Turn-Key Surface Coating Solutions CTI Systems will present at the PaintExpo their turn-key surface coating solutions for pretreatment (Shot blasting, degreasing, pickling, iron or zinc phosphatizing, nano surface treatment), coating (cataphoretic

TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG,

coating, powder coating, autophoretic coating and wet painting), curing with air and infrared dryers, waste water treatment and air cleaning systems. The company is a manufacturer of customized equipment for automated material handling,

CTI Systems S.A., Z.I. Eselborn-Lentzweiler, 12, op der Sang, 9779 Lentzweiler, Luxembourg, Phone +352 2685 2000, cti@ctisystems.com, www.ctisystems.com Hall 1, Stand 1245

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





DETE Dr. Tettenborn GmbH

Carbon neutral coating of surfaces With the service “carbon neutral coated“ companies are able to execute painting processes carbon neutral and to decrease energy costs permanently. These facts are enabled by the combination of a carbon balance and a specific carbon

compensation mechanism specified in the Kyoto-Protocol. Companies benefit by the innovative, sustained character of that service in both the B2Band the B2C-marketing. Furthermore energy consumption and carbon


Caldan Conveyor A/S

Conveyor Systems for Unit Load Weights from a Few Grams to 6,000 kg Caldan offers an extensive range of conveyor systems. The program of overhead conveyors includes simple manual systems, powered single line (mono rail) and complex Power & Free systems. A total of 6 different systems have been developed

for unit load weights from a few grams to 6,000 kg. They are designed for the extremes of the surface finishing industry and for operating at high efficiencies with minimum maintenance. When it comes to chain based floor conveyor systems the


KEWESTA Fördertechnik GmbH,

New Developments in Conveyor Technology Kewesta presents numerous technical innovations and further development at PaintExpo. Besides the subject of energy-saving conveyor chains application in high temperature range beyond 250°C as well as maintenance-free drives

emission sources become transparently evident – energy savings up to 10% without any invest at all can nearly always be detected. Besides, the company carbon emission knowledge creates a database increasingly inquired throughout the economic system.

DETE Dr. Tettenborn GmbH, Steinfeldstrasse 15, 90425 Nürnberg, Germany, Phone +49 911 34770, dete@dete.de, www.dete.de Hall 2, Stand 2426

company offers the most comprehensive range. A total of 8 different systems are available for unit load weights up to 2,000 kg. They are characterized by high accuracy of presentation of product to process and by excellent stability characteristics.

CALDAN Conveyor A/S, Roddikvej 91, 8464 Galten, Denmark, Phone +45 8694 7071, cc@caldan.dk, www.caldan.dk Hall 1, Stand 1338

power&free systems will be presented to visitors at close range. In this field Kewesta possibly possesses the widest range of conveyor systems in the market.

are on focus. Furthermore, the company introduces the implementation of these systems in overhead and floor conveyor systems and displays new developments for turning station. The well-proven systems for overhead conveying and

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KEWESTA Fördertechnik GmbH, Industriestrasse 2-6, 63526 Erlensee, Germany, Phone +49 6183 91680, gl@kewesta.de, www.kewesta.de Hall 1, Stand 1548

PaintExpo Expo DRYING


Competitively Priced Gas Line Burner The new MAXON V-LINE natural gas line burner was developed to offer customers a standardized and competitively priced solution to heat combined spraying and drying booths. Using preheated process air (max. 200 °C) and having a wide range (40:1) the

V-LINE is extremely versatile and reduces energy costs. Its compact design with mounting flange and attached pipetrain ensures a fast and simple installation. The most important parameters are set by default, so the setup can be handled quickly.


HARTER Oberflächen- und Umwelttechnik GmbH

Harter drying systems – faster, better, economically With the Airgenex drying systems from Harter a wide range of industrially manufactured products can be dried: The drying technology operating at low temperatures achieves homogeneous results especially when it comes to the often delicate

drying of water-based paint. It is a flexible system and can be adapted to customer’s requirements. The drying systems can be operated on in continuous drying plants or in batch operation. Airgenex utilizes available waste heat in the closed system. Thereby


Heraeus Noblelilght GmbH

Infrared Emitters Improve Lacquered Surfaces Many screens, internal claddings in cars and high value cosmetic packages are manufactured from plastics and contain a protective lacquer or finishing. The drying of the coating on the plastic components is not a trivial matter, for the surfaces

need to be perfectly cured without applying to much heat to the plastic. Infrared heaters transfer energy in a contact-free manner and are easy to control. Consequently, the heat is precisely dispensed and the quality of the lacquered

MAXON GmbH, Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse 17, 71394 Kernen, Germany, Phone +49 7151 949040, www.maxoncorp.com Hall 2, Stand 2645

operating costs are reduced and the efficiency is increased considerably. Compared with conventional processes, with Airgenex up to 50% drying time can be saved. Gentle, soft product drying is guaranteed as the drying process is executed at low temperatures. Consequently waste is avoided and cooling zones can be abandoned.

HARTER Oberflächenund Umwelttechnik GmbH, Harbatshofen 50, 88167 Stiefenhofen, Germany, Phone +49 8383 92230, info@harter-gmbh.de, www.harter-gmbh.de Hall 2, Stand 2437

surface is improved. The combination of infrared heat and UV lacquers is innovative. On one hand, the energy efficiency of the lacquer curing is improved and on the other hand the curing itself is significantly better through the pre-heating. Heraeus Noblelight is presenting infrared emitters at PaintExpo and there will also be an opportunity for face-to-face discussions with application specialists.

Heraeus Noblelilght GmbH, Reinhard-Heraeus-Ring 7, 63801 Kleinostheim, Germany, Phone +49 6181/35-8545, hng-infrared@heraeus.com, www.heraeus.com Hall 1, Stand 1519

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14



D Yllanal§ \a K9NAE =MJGH= hYjl] \YddY hjg_]llYragf] Úfg YddY [gfk]_fY [`aYna af eYfg \a AEHA9FLA AF<MKLJA9DA <A N=JFA;A9LMJ9& DY hjg\mragf] [gehj]f\] [YZaf] ] ^gjfa \a n]jfa[aYlmjY$ aehaYfla [gehd]la \a n]jfa[aYlmjY kaY Y daima\g [`] Y hgdn]ja$ aehaYfla YmlgeYla[a \a n]jfa[aYlmjY h]j dYea]j] ] hjgÚdYla& The activity of SAVIM EUROPE starts from the planning up to the delivery of INDUSTRIAL PAINTING PLANTS. The production includes spray booths and ovens, complete powder coating and liquid coating plants preservation lines for sheets and beams.

Savim Europe s.r.l. Via Venezia, 2 - 37024 Arbizzano - Verona - Italy Tel. 0039 045 7514099 - 7514188 Fax 0039 045 7514205 E-mail: info@savim-europe.com - www.savim-europe.com





Infrared Catalytic Gas Panels INFRAGAS manufactures infrared catalytic gas panels for surface thermal treatments such as paint coating drying, pre-heating, dehydration, drying of different substrates. The flameless oxidation of the gas lets operating in total

safety with consequent possibility of application in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX-CE and FM certification). The catalytic operation abates the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) by reducing the pollution. Ovens


IWT Infrarot - Wärmetechnik GmbH

Innovative Infrared Equipment IWT - Infrarot Wärmetechnik GmbH is manufacturer of infrared equipment for industrial applications. In all infrared applications within the German automotive industry the company is market leader in this sector. Technical innovation has

however be seen in other industries, so developed IWT the first movable IR dryer for wind power rotors, or improved the energy consumption of paint and powder coating dryers by specific adaptation of the lamp output to the object


IBT.InfraBioTech GmbH

Fast and efficient drying of paints and functional coatings IBT.InfraBioTech GmbH presents new infrared emitter plant technology using ceramic-coated emitter surfaces with internal fixed heating elements. These so called SIP emitters offer the advantage that they can be

built with IR INFRAGAS catalytic systems require less space for installation as the thermal process is focused on the surface of the exposed items with consequent energy savings. Infragas is supplier of ovens manufacturers at international level.

INFRAGAS srl., Via Lavoresco, 10, 10072 Caselle Torinese (To), Italy, Phone +39 011 9976811, sales@infragas.com, www.infragas.com Hall 1, Stand 1421

and the feeding speed considerably. The company supplies components, as well as complete turnkey systems from concept through design and manufacturing to installation and commissioning, worldwide.

IWT Infrarot - Wärmetechnik GmbH, Heegwaldring 10, 63694 Limeshain, Germany, Phone +49 7042 870048, info@iwt-infrarot.de, www.iwt-infrarot.de Hall 2, Stand 2250

innovative modular system where product-specific variable spacing of the emitters is required.

mounted vertically, which covers every productspecific variant of emitter configuration. To make use of these advantages in large-scale applications, IBT. InfraBioTech has developed in cooperation with Zacher COMPONENT GmbH an

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IBT.InfraBioTech GmbH, Am St. Niclas Schacht 13, 09599 Freiberg, Germany, Phone +49 3731 16830, ibt@infrabiotech.de, www.infrabiotech.de Hall 2, Stand 2637


R. Scheuchl GmbH

Efficient Recuperator for Different Industries The R. Scheuchl GmbH will present heat exchangers and exhaust air cleaning systems. Large-scaled rotary heat exchangers for paint booths of automobile manufacturers are the main focus. Besides the very robust construction

of the heat exchangers, customers appreciate the sorption coating which was developed by the company. This sorption coating is capable to transmit humidity independent of condensation. In 2011 Scheuchl was commissioned by a large


Freudenberg Filtration Technologies KG

Energy-efficient, Cost-cutting Filter Concepts Products and services from Freudenberg Filtration Technologies have for many years now been used successfully in paint-spray booths for cars at wellnigh all major automakers. Besides Viledon® filter products, the company will

also be showcasing the Viledon® filterCair service capabilities, a package featuring a comprehensive program of filters, supportive services and reassuring warranties, aimed at optimizing painting processes, increasing line availability


Koch Membrane Systems

Membranes for E-Coat Applications Leading global manufacturers in the automotive and appliance industries rely on membranes and systems from Koch Membrane Systems. These solutions provide to maximize paint recovery and minimize water

and wastewater processing costs. The 8” and 10” KPAK™ UF Module has been developed for use with anodic and cathodic paint. It offers fast installation and removal, potted spirals/zero-bypass, reduced worker safety

German automobile manufacturer to produce and install more than 30 heat exchangers because of the high quality and efficiency of its sorption coating. In addition to this product, heat exchangers for industry and process technology as well as for high temperature applications (up to 500 °C) and exhaust air cleaning systems or condensation technologies for VOC are manufactured.

R. Scheuchl GmbH, Koenigbacher Strasse 17, 94496 Ortenburg, Germany, Phone +49 8542 1650, info@scheuchl.de, www.scheuchl.de Hall 1, Stand 1422

levels and cutting the operating costs involved. The exhibits will be complemented by a live demonstration, where dirt-in-paint examinations are simulated.

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies KG, 69465 Weinheim, Germany, Phone +49 6201 806264, info@freudenberg-filter.com, www.freudenberg-filter.com Hall 2, Stand 2428

hazards, lower electrical power consumption compared to conventional spiral designs, and easy to use connection hardware. EDCORE® Elements are in use for electro dialysis processes. These can dry out membranes provide higher energy efficiency than flat sheet membranes.

Koch Membrane Systems, Kackertstrasse 10, 52072 Aachen, Germany, Phone +49 241 413260, infoeurope@kochmembrane.com, www.kochmembrane.com Hall 2, Stand 2242

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





Wiltec B.V.

Faster Replacement of Filters with Columbus Wireframe Columbus wireframe helps to reduce the filter- and operating costs. The filter has a two to four times longer service life for the same filter surface, compared with matchable products. This applies less waste and reduces operating costs. The

filter efficiency is 96% till 99%, which means higher efficiency, improved filtering of overspray, and lower resistance to air flow. Because the filter is designed with wireframe it is easy to change. The size can be adapted to the respective filter wall.


QNC Andrzej Stasz

Innovative Coating of Small Metal Parts by Means of Electromagnetic Induction QNC is one of the cooperating entities within the Flying Fish Group. The company offers an innovative method of coating metal parts which makes use of electromagnetic induction for soaking the paint charge (so-called metal-wear).

It is soaked with the inductor causing eddy currents that raise its temperature. Batch annealing process is regulated by a PID controller integrated into a feedback loop with temperature sensor. When paint reaches the desired temperature the


ROTOVER Lackiertechnik GmbH

Decorative and Functional Coating of Small Mass-produced Parts Rotover specialises in the coating of small massproduced parts. A wide range of parts made from metal, plastic, wood or glass are coated as bulk material in special drum coating processes. International customers from the textile,

shoe and leather industries as well as the electronics, automobile, furniture and construction industries appreciate the company’s experience and flexibility. Rotover also swiftly supplies customers with small test batches for new products.

Wiltec B.V., Energielaan 3, 5405 AD Uden, Niederlande, Telefon +31 413 244444, sales@wiltec.nl, www.wiltec.nl Halle 1, Stand 1633

process of applying paint automatically begins. It is performed with a spray gun. The whole process is fully automated and can be controlled with the control panel. It is the process of annealing the batch that makes the technology of coating the metal parts innovative in comparison to the traditional one. It enables significant energy savings thereby reducing the cost of the whole process of painting.

The drum coating process is generally implemented with decorative coatings, but functional systems such as special anti-friction coating systems are also used. Metallic effect paints – which replace electroplate finishing – and water-based paints which meet the demand for environmentally friendly raw materials are also becoming more and more popular.

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QNC Andrzej Stasz, ul. Lublańska 11A/6, 31-410 Kraków, Poland, Phone +48 12 500059564, biuro@qnc.pl, www.qnc.pl Hall 2, Stand 2553

ROTOVER Lackiertechnik GmbH, Duesseldorfer Strasse 59, 42115 Wuppertal, Germany; Phone +49 202 271640, info@rotover.de, www.rotover.de Hall 1, Stand 1413


Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM

PolyShear – the Miniature Test Loop of the Fraunhofer IFAM This laboratory unit for paints and coatings was specially developed for paint/lacquer manufacturers and users. PolyShear subjects the paint/ lacquer to shear following a test protocol. The system only requires a liter of material. PolyShear simulates the

shear stress on a paint/ lacquer on a laboratory scale and provides key information about whether the material meets specific paint/lacquer requirements. ¾ Rapid information about the shear and storage stability of paints/lacquers


HangOn GmbH

HangOn – Smart Solutions for Masking Tasks As one of the new SmartProducts11 HangOn will showcase test panels with protective film KOP. These new “knock out” test panels minimize paint build up on the panel edge due to the sacrificial frames. No hanging marks are produced

due to the 4.0mm holes in the frames which allow vertical or horizontal hanging. The test panels have a protective PE film on the prepared side (which is recognized by the large radius top right corner on each panel) to protect from scratches, corrosion and

¾ Laboratory scale unit, hence low space requirements ¾ Minimal material usage and environmentally friendly: small quantities of paint/lacquer, short cycle and rinsing times ¾ Very good reproducibility of actual processes in large loops

Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Lacktechnik, Wiener Strasse 12, 28359 Bremen, Germany, Phone +49 421 22460, info@ifam.fraunhofer.de, www.ifam.fraunhofer.de Hall 2, Stand 2229 (IKON booth)

finger prints. The film is easily removed when the product is suspended. These panels are suitable for Qualicoat, GSB, QIB and ISO Standards.

HangOn GmbH, Erlenstrasse 12, 71297 Moensheim, Germany, Phone +49 7044 9006889, verkauf@hangon.de, www.hangon.de Hall 2, Stand 2211



Mixing Pump Tube – ATEX Certified and Safe to Run Dry JESSBERGER will showcase a mixing pump tube made of Stainless Steel 1.4571 at PaintExpo. It is suitable to run dry and ATEX certified. This pump tube is used for the mixing of clean, thin-fluid, lightly viscous, aggressive and non-

aggressive, inflammable and non-inflammable liquids in drums (1000 mm) or containers (1200 mm) and for pumping these media out of such drums/ containers.

JESSBERGER GmbH, Jaegerweg 5, 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany, Phone +49 89 666633400, info@jesspumpen.de, www.jesspumpen.de Hall 1, Stand 1401

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





REITER GmbH & Co. KG Oberflächentechnik

European premiere of the new FANUC painting robots P-250iB/15 by REITER At PaintExpo, as a long-time partner of Fanuc, REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik presents the new painting robots P-250iB/15 manufactured by FANUC together with its own automatic gun AGR-08 and high rotation atomiser HR Center Bell. The P-250iB/15 has a hollow wrist with an internal hose guide for maximum

cleanliness. In addition, process equipment, valves, dosing pumps motors etc. can be mounted in cavities inside the robot arm (J2 and J3-axis) which consequently is subject to even less obstructions, it is easier to clean and the droplet formation and contamination by paint residues are even more safely prevented. Thanks to the large work area of the


REITER GmbH & Co. KG Oberflächentechnik

European premiere of the new FANUC painting robots P-50iB by REITER At PaintExpo REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik will also present the new compact painting robots P-50iB/15 and P-50iB/10L, which feature a hollow wrist and an internal hose guide, are easy to clean and avoid the droplet formation and the contamination with paint residues. Thanks to the large work area and the

ceiling or wall mounting, it is possible to paint very large pieces. The long arm version P-50iB/10L has a range of 1.8 m. The high axis speed ensures the best cycle times and coating rates. The high load capacity of 15 kg allows the use of all types of spray guns and additional equipment. The small size of the P-50iB allows


Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH

Fully Automatic Discharge of Paint Sludge At PaintExpo Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH presents innovative centrifugal force systems for the fully automatic discharge of paint sludge produced by overspray. These highly sturdy and easy to maintain systems feature an indirect belt drive with the drive

motor being totally separate from the rotary drum. The drum has a capacity of up to 30 kg of sludge ensuring long time intervals between sludge peeling cycles. But the Rösler technology offers additional advantages: In conventional centrifuges the peeling knife,

P-250iB/15, which can be also ceiling and wall mounted, it is possible to paint very large-sized components. The high axis speed ensures the best cycle times and coating rates. The high load capacity of 15 kg allows the use of all types of spray guns and additional equipment. The installation of valves, motors, pumps, colour changers etc. on the J3 arm provides for short tube lengths, low response time and minimal paint consumption. The precise movements, the rapid reorientation and the suitability for high voltage applications minimise the overspray and the paint consumption.

to build ultra-compact spray painting booths operating with minimal air and energy consumption. Additional space and cost savings can be achieved thanks to the ceiling or overhead mounting option and the compact robot controller. The installation of valves on the J3 arm provides for short hose lengths, fast response time and minimal paint consumption, thus allowing to improve the quality and save paint. The precise movements and the rapid reorientation further increase the quality and the material savings.

powered by a gear motor, is continuously rotating inside the rotating drum, whereas in the Rösler centrifuges the peeling knife is stationary; a much simpler mechanical design that is less prone to defects. During the peeling cycle a pneumatic cylinder simply pushes the peeling knife towards the inner drum wall for peeling out the sludge. This takes place without any excessive loads on the bearings.

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REITER GmbH & Co. KG Oberflächentechnik, Berglenstrasse 23-25, 71364 Winnenden, Germany, Phone +49 7195 18542, info@reiter-oft.de, www.reiter-oft.de Hall 2, Stand 2201

REITER GmbH & Co. KG Oberflächentechnik, Berglenstrasse 23-25, 71364 Winnenden, Germany, Phone +49 7195 18542, info@reiter-oft.de, www.reiter-oft.de Hall 2, Stand 2201

Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Vorstadt 1, 96190 Untermerzbach, Germany, Phone +49 9533 9240, info@rosler.com, www.rosler.com Hall 2, Stand 2451


Arena Comet NV

Efficient Paint Removal with Fluidized Beds The Calima and Scirocco systems have proved to be valuable to companies with large cleaning volumes that need to be processed in a short period of time. They are suitable for high quality cleaning of painting line tools like hangers, jigs,

grids, skids. Contaminated parts are loaded in a carrier and submerged in the bubbling sand reservoir, which operates at 420 – 480 °C. Paint evaporates and oxidises without combustion occurring. The standard cleaning time is an hour.

Systems are designed for 24h/d operation and comply with the most stringent environmental regulations. Fluidized beds are available in standard and customized sizes.

Manca pubblicità PLASMATREAT

Arena Comet NV, Warandestraat 1, 9420 Zele, Belgium, Phone +32 52 453700, sales@arenacomet.com, www.arenacomet.com Hall 1, Stand 1454




Foster Chemicals GmbH

New Paint Stripping Products For many years Foster Chemicals GmbH develops and distributes highquality paint stripping products for all materials. In addition the company offers paint stripping and rinsing machines with full service including bath

maintenance and recycling. N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP; a very good paint stripper) was classified as toxic since late last year. So the company has developed NMP-free and NMP-reduced products, which are not toxic. These products reach


Lückerath B. V.

Low Oxygen Thermal Cleaning Lückerath is the specialized producer of pyrolysis ovens for thermal cleaning of metal parts such as hooks, frames, skids, dies, extrusion screws, and wrongly painted materials. The ovens have already proven their value in the coating

and painting industry, at furniture manufacturers, plastic industry, suppliers for industrial bakeries, and much more. The company will not only provide operational cost savings in the painting/ production line, but also more flexibility in the management


Pollution Control Products Co.

Leading Thermal Stripping Technology Pollution Control Products Co. manufactures Controlled Pyrolysis® Cleaning Furnaces, commonly referred to as Burn-Off Ovens. Introduced by the company in 1971, these cleaning ovens were designed to help

manufacturers comply with new EPA clean air standards. Their primary purpose was then, as it is now: to provide manufacturers a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly way to clean, reclaim and recycle metal parts and industrial equipment.

nearly the same paint stripping results as the full NMP-products. The product offer of Foster Chemicals includes besides the paint stripping products also the area of deagreasing and pretreatment agents.

Foster Chemicals GmbH, Neusser Strasse 160, 41363 Juechen, Germany, Phone +49 2165 91490, info@foster-chemicals.de, www.foster-chemicals.de Hall 1, Stand 1522

of production resources. All ovens comply with the latest European emission guidelines. The industrial burners, the build-in afterburner chamber and the user friendly touchscreencontrol IPC guarantee an easy operation and an excellent performance.

Lückerath B.V., Lammerdries 11, 2440 Geel, Belgium, Phone +32 14 259312, info@luckerath.com, www.luckerath.com Hall 1, Stand 1541

Pollution Control Burn-Off ovens safely clean paint fixtures and racks, automotive engine blocks, electric motor stators, breaker plates, extrusion dies, nozzle tips, heat exchangers, spinnerettes and hundreds of other metal parts coated with small amounts of cured paint, grease, cured varnish, cured polymer, or other organic material.

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Pollution Control Products Co., 2677 Freewood Drive, Dallas, Texas 75220, USA, Phone +1-214-358-1539, roland@pcpconline.com, www.pcpconline.com Hall 2, Stand 2556



Eisenmann Spotlights Solutions At this year’s PaintExpo plant engineering specialist Eisenmann will unveil a solution-oriented booth. It has shifted the focus away from product presentations featuring fully functional models and towards a thematic approach that

addresses key current challenges. As well as its diverse service offering – including conventional customer service to build, operate and transfer (BOT) models – the company showcases a range of intelligent paint-application



Energy and Cost Saving IR-UV Technology EUROIMPIANTI, one of the leading companies in innovation and production of highly efficient powder coating plants for metallic substrates, will be joining the Paintexpo for the first time. The company will showcase the preview of

its new IR-UV technology applied as an integrated part of a complete powder coating plant. This innovative powder coating solution is ideal to those who refinish their products (electric motors, pumps, pneumatic cylinders, etc.) today by using liquid


solutions. Also in the spotlight: eco-friendly solutions that save energy and conserve natural resources. Eisenmann is positioning itself at PaintExpo as a leading supplier of end-to-end systems for coating plastic and metal parts, and underlining its global footprint. Following acquisitions in China and India, the specialist for finishing and environmental technology now has a local presence in all major markets worldwide.

coating and who wants to switch to the powder coating technology. Moreover, this technology is also useful to those who are already involved in the powder coating process but need to optimize: reduce production time, increase cost and energy savings, and enhance quality.

Eisenmann Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Tuebinger Strasse 81, 71032 Boeblingen, Germany, Phone +49 7031 780, www.eisenmann.com Hall 1, Stand 1415

EUROIMPIANTI s.r.l., Via Cavour, 44, 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona, Italy, Phone +39 045 7950777, info@euroimpianti.com www.euroimpianti.com Halle 1, Stand 1149

long term 24 x 7 duty and fulfilling international environmental norms.


From Components to Turn-key Surface Treatment Lines EUROTHERM is an Italian company producing industrial surface treatment equipment, i.e. painting booths, curing ovens and relevant ancillary equipment as well as turn-key surface treatment lines. The company provides a good

quality cost ratio due to following reasons: design skills of its engineers, in-house production of value added components and integration of proven CORAL components such as fans, filters. The painting equipment is suitable for

EUROTHERM s.r.l., Via Pisa 78, 10088 Volpiano (TO), Italy, Phone +39 011 9951743, info@eurothermsrl.it, www.eurothermsrl.it Hall 1, Stand 1318

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





GÖTTERT do Brasil Ltda.

First Class Technology Coming from Brazil and Argentina Göttert is an international supplier of surface finishing technology and material flow automation with sites at Argentina and Brazil. Göttert has been introducing the technological breakthroughs of each era, bringing about an extensive

client portfolio to which the company supplies with highly specialized industrial installations. The success of projects in the Latin American market for many years and globalization took as to cooperate with many clients and operate

globally. Qualified and highly motivated employees, engineers, technicians and specialists across various disciplines handle the planning, design, construction and startup operation of the most advanced systems.

GÖTTERT do Brasil Ltda., R. Gonçalves Dias, 531, 80240-340 Curitiba – PR, Brazil, Phone +55 41 33422822, www.gottert.com.br Hall 2, Stand 2257


Ideal Line Ideal Engineering AS

Up to 30% Energy Savings by Intelligent Plant Control Ideal Line will present a software solution for a new central plant control. It is able to operate energy efficiently through identification of the actual treated volume in the plant and by that reduce the energy consumption of plant components such as pumps,

fans etc., corresponding the start/stop function in modern motor vehicles. This makes it possible to save up to 30% of the total energy consumption in the plant.

Industrivej 8, 5600 Faaborg, Denmark, Phone +45 6261 6125, mail@ideal-line.dk, www.ideal-line.dk Hall 1, Stand 1238


LHS Clean Air Systems GmbH

Plants for Coating, Air Conditioning and Dedusting LHS Clean Air Systems is a specialist in three complementary business segments: surface engineering, industrial ventilation and dust removal. In the field of surface technology the company offers paint shops,

Ideal Line Ideal Engineering A/S,

starting from consulting and planning, and concept creation, complete plants including assembly and the services. Strengths are individual solutions. LHS is part of ENTECCOgroup, a Germany-based group in the business of environmental

technology focusing upon clean air control. This will expand the product range and the possibilities even further by the expertise of other companies in the group.

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LHS Clean Air Systems GmbH, 4673 Gaspoltshofen, Austria, Phone +43 7735 80200, office@lhs.at, www.lhs.at Hall 2, Stand 2349


E. Luterbach AG

Wet Painting and Powder Coating Systems The E. Luterbach AG is dedicated to engineering and manufacturing of powder coating and painting plants. As a general contractor the company has the overall responsibility, from planning through to successful integration into the daily

operations. Together with customers, the company sets the goals into a conceptual solution and determines the optimal ratio of capital and operating costs, safety and ergonomics, performance and environmental requirements. The plants


Rippert Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Heating technology of the future Rippert has delivered a new powder coating plant for sheet metal parts to Hargassner (an Austrian manufacturer of biomass boilers). The dryers and furnaces are heated with biomass. Rippert dryers and furnaces can also be fired by biomass

from now on, whereby intermediate heat transfer media such as heat transfer oil or the like are no longer necessary. Environmentally-friendly and CO2-neutral fuels such as wood chips, pellets or elephant grass are used. With



Innovative Coating Systems for Small Parts The SFB AG is committed to the engineering and manufacturing of innovative powder and wet coating systems. The company has developed a revolutionary process, in which small parts positioned on a flat conveyor can be coated all over

manually or automatically. This is happening continuously at a line speed of up to 2 meters per minute. Depending on part size, a standard powder coating machine is able to coat up to 20’000 parts/hr. Worldwide over 20 such powder coating

differentiate through innovative solutions, short implementation times, high availability - and that at an all-inclusive price. At PaintExpo Luterbach will inform about actual projects and explain the procedures and the reached goals as well as additional benefits for the customers.

E. Luterbach AG, Muelacher 10, 6024 Hildisrieden, Switzerland, Phone +41 55 2125420, info@luterbach-ag.ch, www.luterbach-ag.ch Hall 2, Stand 2519

these renewable primary products around 70% of the heating costs can be saved in comparison with oil and gas. Not only that, measures for the use of renewable energies are subsidised in many countries.

Rippert Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Paul-Rippert-Strasse 2-8 D-33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz Phone: +49 5245 / 901-130 info@rippert.de, www.rippert.de Hall 2, Stand 2323

lines are in operation. More than one billion small parts (ferrite cores, wheel weights, etc.) are powder coated on these systems each year.

SFB AG, St. Dionysstrasse 31, 8645 Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, Phone +41 55 2125428, info@sfb-ag.ch, www.sfb-ag.ch Hall 2, Stand 2519

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





TRIAB / Tri Innovations AB

New UV and ULB Powder Coating Lines for Coating MDF Surfaces TRIAB develops new processes and manufacture the equipment to meet today’s and tomorrow’s demands for environment friendly production methods, lower cost and still achieving higher product quality. This work is made in co-

operation with leading paint and material manufactures. These solutions are used in the automotive and metal industry, the wood and furniture industry. For coating products manufactured of MDF such as TV stands, office furniture,

table tops the company has supplied several UV and ULB powder coating lines. The fine textured powder is based upon a single coat system and meets the requirements for DIN 68861 and other international standards. New processing methods have enabled complete automation of the substrate preparation prior to powder coating. At PaintExpo the company will present these solutions.

TRIAB / Tri Innovations AB, Ålegårdsgatan 3, 43150 Mölndal, Sweden, Phone +46 31 272130, info@triab.com, www.triab.com Hall 2, Stand 2247


Venjakob Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Economically Priced Entry Model in Fully Automated Spray Coating At this years PaintExpo, Venjakob introduces the VEN SPRAY SMART, an economically priced entry model in fully automated spray coating. The new plant offers unique flexibility through paper band, as well as conveyor belt transport

system. The paint recovery device saves material and makes the plant economic and environmentally friendly. Furthermore the VEN SPRAY SMART convinces with its easy operation and low running costs.

Augsburger Strasse 2-6, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany, Phone +49 5242 96030, info@venjakob.de, www.venjakob.de Hall 2, Stand 2331


Oltrogge & Co. KG

Complex Paint Delivery Systems As a full provider for wet paint applications, the Oltrogge Group introduces complex paint delivery systems and demanding application technology at the PaintExpo with MK Stadelmaier. The company displays convincing

Venjakob Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG,

measurement and monitoring systems for decisive error avoidance in application for those responsible for quality and processes. The impressive ZELOX monitoring program illustrates the full painting process for the first time

and provides all of the parameters for process analysis. Oltrogge and MK Stadelmaier have positioned themselves successfully in the area of surface technology over the past years. The product range, from simple paint guns through to complex paint systems, is orientated towards process safety, availability and saving resources.

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Oltrogge & Co. KG, Finkenstrasse 61, 33609 Bielefeld, Germany, Phone +49 521 32080, info@oltrogge.de, www.oltrogge.de Hall 2, Stand 2129


Promera Anlagen-Systeme Gmbh

A World’s First: Double Membrane Pumps with Transformation Ratio of 7:1 and 16:1 Promera will introduce most innovative and energy efficient double membrane pumps to convey liquid and high viscose media. These pumps are available in two high pressure types with transformation ratio and convey volumina of

7:1 – 2,6 l / DH (40 bar) and 16:1 - 1,25 l / DH (94 bar). The new invented and robust double membrane pump allows a high flow rate by simultaneous small double passes, low shear efficiency factor in the fluid and a very low noise volume


Plant Engineering and Application Technology vertical and horizontal reciprocators, reading and management systems. Industrial painting today means automation, thus we offer a range of electrostatic guns that can be used in a wide variety of painting situations. The new Top Gun

Kreuzstrasse 41, 97526 Sennfeld, Germany, Phone +49 9721 675050, info@promera-germany.de, Hall 2, Stand 2438

SIVER s.r.l., Via Salvatore di Giacomo, 30, 06073 Taverne di Corciano (PG), Italy, Phone +39 075 5068008, info@siver-srl.it, www.siver-srl.it Hall 1, Stand 1641


Adapta Color S.L.

+bio-Nox - Photocatalytic Powder Coatings These innovative coats transform contaminating nitrogen oxide (NOx) into substances which are harmless to human health. NOx is a general term which refers to a group of very reactive gases such as nitrous oxide (NO) and nitrogen

Promera Anlagen-Systeme GmbH,


series combines efficiency, quality, optimization of costs and increased production. The booths designed by Siver has been studied down to the last detail to reduce color changing times to a minimum, obtaining a high degree of recovery efficiency and excellent painting gun production performance.

SIVER s.r.l.

SIVER SRL, a company with a great experience in electrostatic painting, is specialized in the design, production and monitoring of manual and automatic guns, manual spray booths, automatic spray booths, rapid color change systems,

(< 70 dBA). Through the chamber-free structural shape of the drive system, energy savings of 30% are possible compared to up to date used dye pumps. The unrivaled double membrane pumps are a real alternative to the big comparable piston pumps, which can be found in the color blending rooms of the automotive supplier industries.

dioxide (NO2) - which contain nitrogen and oxygen in various proportions. In addition to their toxicity, nitrogen oxides react with hydrocarbons without burning and are the main causes of acid rain. They are gases which contribute to climate change and the

global warming of the planet and they are around 300 times more harmful than CO2 itself. Photocatalytic paints capture the nitrogen oxide particles (NOx) emitted in the combustion of vehicles, decomposing harmful gases (oxidative mineralisation) into harmless nitrates thanks to the action of the ultraviolet rays which solar radiation contains and the oxygen in the air. With the rain these soluble nitrates are easily dragged by water.

ADAPTA COLOR S.L., Ctra. Nacional 340, km. 1041.1, 12598 Peñiscola (Castellón), Spain, Phone +34 964 467020, www.adaptacolor.com Hall 1, Stand 1352

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





Cinkarna Metallurgical and Chemical Industry, Celje, Inc.

Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Cinkarna will showcase the EKOLAK powder coating system, one product of the environmentally friendly product range. It boasts a number of ecological and technical features which makes it very competitive to clasical coatings.

Therefore it is used for the protection of domestic appliances housings, car industry components, metal accessories and many more.

3000 Celje, Slovenia, andrej.cucek@cinkarna.si, www.cinkarna.si Hall 1, Stand 1639


Colibri – Particularly Soft Sandblasting

There is an option for a water nozzle which makes a dustfree sandblasting possible, also for very fragile surfaces.

machine is very handy and can be carried on a ladder. The system works with 2 mm and 3 mm nozzles, which enables a precise work and the full cleaning of workpieces as you can reach very sharp angles which is not possible with other machines.



Topolino 18 – The solution for all fine sandblasting projects With Topolino, ACF offers an innovative sandblasting system. The infinitely adjustable pressure enables optimal work on every surface as for example steel, aluminum, wood, glass, concrete, brick-work and a lot of other materials.

Kidriceva 26, Phone +386 3427 6000,


The new micro sandblaster device of ACF enables soft sandblasting of steel, aluminium, wood, glass, concrete, brick-work and a lot of other materials. With a reduced air consumption, it is possible to use it with an electrical compressor. This

Cinkarna Metallurgical and Chemical Industry, Celje, Inc.,

Handiness and low weight make the Topolino suitable even for hardly accessible applications. Nevertheless, this sandblaster is very durable and needs little maintenance. Topolino removes rust and cleans metal surfaces quickly and

ACF, 8, Chemin du Chêne, 69380 Civrieux d’Azergues, France, Phone +33 478 436262, acf@acf-france.com, www.acf-france.com Hall 2, Stand 2538

quite easily. This machine brings you the best results. The cleaning of welds and the removing of corrosion takes place faster and more thoroughly than with other usual systems on the market.

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ACF, 8, Chemin du Chêne, 69380 Civrieux d’Azergues, France, Phone +33 478 436262, acf@acf-france.com, www.acf-france.com Hall 2, Stand 2538


commission of the systems will be done by highly qualified employees.


Increasing the Surface Energy of Plastic Parts To reach an optimal adhesion of paint on polymer plastics, a high surface energy is necessary. This can be reached with the “ASIS Rob Flame” flaming equipment. The accurate regulation of the Gas- and Air mixture is controlled and

regulated by a state of the art PLC system and can be integrated in a supervision process control system. Special burner geometries can be constructed and manufactured for the different customer demands. The installation and


CHEMTEC s.r.l.

Cleaning, Degreasing and Organic Phosphating of Metals in One Step CHEMTEC SRL will present the ECOPHOR® system, equivalent of an iron phosphate process and TORAN 3® system for superior corrosion and increased adhesion on non-ferrous metals. The process works in a single step and at room

temperature, creates no liquid or solid wastes, requires only very low energy and no water, and emits extremely low amounts of CO2. The technology is based on a set of particular organic high boiling fluids, a specific blend of polymer modified with

ASIS GmbH, Kiem-Pauli-Strasse 3, 84036 Landshut, Germany, Phone +49 871 27676-0, mail@asis-gmbh.de, www.asis-gmbh.de Hall 1, Stand 1501

phosphate groups (organic polyphosphate). Process time is about: treatment 60 – 120 seconds, dripping off 5 minutes, drying off 8 – 10 minutes at 130 – 150°C. As soon as the parts treated are dried off, they are ready to be painted by either powder coating or wet paint.

CHEMTEC s.r.l., Via G. Puccini 7, 20010 Ossona (MI), Italy, Phone +39 02 92867461, info@chemtec.it, www.chemtec.it Hall 1, Stand 1137



Sandblasting and More As a leading manufacturer in surface treatment and finishing industry, DFBLAST Co., Ltd. offers a wide range of products used in the field of sandblasting, safety and industrial connecting, such as sandblast machines (CE certificated) and related

accessories like helmets, hoses, nozzles, couplings, etc. All products are made according to international standards. They are available in different sizes and types as well as adapted to customer’s special requirements.

DFBLAST Co., Ltd, 1st Floor, No. C Building No. 161 Zhenye Road, 201619 Shanghai, China, Phone +86 21 6767159411, sales@dfblast.com, www.dfblast.com Hall 1, Stand 1554

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





Dollmar S.p.A

Innovative Surface Treatment Products and Application Technologies Dollmar will present with Dollcoat nanotechnological passivation products for all kinds of metals, ideal to iron, aluminum and zinc final passivation. It allows the elimination of heavy metals such as chrome, nickel, zinc, and can be used for the

simultaneous treatment of every mix of metal support. The use of each kind of paint and painting system including electrodeposition is also possible. In addition Dollcoat reduces the cost to run pretreatment line and is used in the following



Plasma for a Perfect Appearance At this year’s PaintExpo, Plasmatreat, the market leader for atmospheric plasma jet technology will demonstrate live its high tech surface pretreatment method Openair-Plasma, used to create the most important prerequisite for optimal wetting of paints and coatings in order to obtain an immaculate surface, long stable

adhesion, thinner layer thicknesses and a perfect paint gradient. Behind the large protective glass windows of the fully automated robotic cell, visitors will experience how the plasma beam impinges with almost sonic speed on the glass surface being treated, cleaning it to a microfine level and activating it at the same time.


Simco Nederland B.V und Ziegener + Frick GmbH

High Efficient Solutions for Cleaning Surfaces Simco and Ziegener+Frick will show many high efficient solutions for cleaning surfaces in combination with neutralising static electricity. Neutralising static electricity has become very easy with the new Simco Performax Easy anti-static bar. The bar

has a fully integrated high voltage supply and only needs 24V DC. It is compact and sturdy and can be used in many applications because it is IP66. Status information is visible on the anti-static bar and is also available as an output signal. The airknifes

market segments: job shop coaters, architecture, appliances, automotive components, coil coating, and hot dip galvanizing. For the application of the nanometric conversion products the company offers the Softrain system. Due to the total nebulization it enables to achieve a higher quality standard at lower costs.

Dollmar S.p.A., Via Bruno Buozzi 2, 20090 Caleppio di Settala (MI), Italy, Phone +39 02 9509611, info@dollmar.com, www.dollmar.com Hall 1, Stand 1446

This step is followed by automatic water spraying. The effect becomes obvious immediately: Water drops on the untreated side compared to an absolutely homogeneous water film in the plasma-activated area. The high degree of water wettability is made possible by the strong activation effect of the plasma increasing the surface energy of the glass to over 72mJ/m2. A second demonstration will show the same basic principle on plastic material. This time the visitors are invited to conduct the test by themselves on a non robotic device.

of the MISTRAL series of Ziegener+Frick are also suited to discharge redundant lacquer application. By use of the compact cleaning hood you are able to clean contactless from above and below with the aid of an ionized air curtain. Ziegener+Frick also presents the new highly effective FORANO-Air Nozzles.

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Plasmatreat GmbH, Bisamweg 10, 33803 Steinhagen, Germany Phone +49 52 04 99 60-0, mail@plasmatreat.de, www.plasmatreat.de Hall 1, Stand 1331

Simco Nederland B.V., PO Box 71, 7240 AB, LOCHEM, The Netherlands, Phone +31 573 288333, general@simco-ion.nl, www.simco-ion.nl

Ziegener+Frick GmbH, Schillerstraße 50, 74248 Ellhofen, Germany, Phone +49 7134 139920, info@ziegener-frick.de, www.ziegener-frick.de Hall 1, Stand 1139


customer provided work pieces in the factory in Greven.

SLF Oberflächentechnik GmbH

Novelty: Blasting Robot ReCo-Blaster Novelty: Blasting Robot ReCo-Blaster SLF, manufacturer of airblast, paint spraying and conveying systems for large components, will introduce its new blasting robot ReCoBlaster. The newly developed blasting robot offers

an up to 5 times higher surface capacity compared to manual blasting, a continuous blasting process with reproducible blasting results as well as an ergonomic workstation. The blast cleaning robot is available for tests with


Innovative Application System for nanotechnological conversion products It allows to increase the performances of the pretreatment process in terms of: - Quality: higher and constant quality are guaranteed by the fact that the solution is always fresh and not recirculated. There is no


Wandres GmbH

Innovative Brush Cleaning Solution During the PaintExpo 2012, Wandres GmbH microcleaning will present innovative brush cleaning solutions for flat and arched surfaces. The patented Ingromat® system not only uses the mechanical brushing effect but also

Grevener Landstraße 22-24, 48268 Greven, Germany, Phone +49 2575 971930, info@slf.eu, www.slf.eu Hall 2, Stand 2229

pollution from drag-out and no contamination by accumulation of reaction products. - Costs: lower running costs by reduced chemicals consumption, no sludge, no waste, room temperature, no maintenance. Softrain system is already in use among job shop coaters, and in the fields of automotive components, appliances, architectural aluminum, batch hot dip galvanizing.

Soft Rain Srl

At PaintExpo Soft Rain Srl presents an innovative equipment for the application of nanometric conversion products by means of nebulization. The Softrain system can be easily integrated into existing pretreatment lines or planned for new projects.

SLF Oberflächentechnik GmbH,

capillary attraction to remove particles and fine dust. The linear brushes are micro-moistened with an antistatic fluid. The subject surface itself remains dry so that it may be lacquered or coated right after the cleaning process. Unlike

cylindrical brush rollers, linear brushes may also adapt to arched surfaces. The brushes are mounted on a flexible pressure buffer at the product contact area. If a robot uses this type of cleaning module (Robot Sword Brush) it may clean structures up to -30/+10 mm in relation to the flat surfaces. Robot-assisted cleaning with Sword Brushes provides a constant cleaning quality at low operating costs.

Soft Rain Srl, Via dell’Artigianato SNC, 47824 Poggio Berni (RN), Italy, Phone +39 0541 62705, info@softrainsystem.com, www.softrainsystem.com Hall 1, Stand 1446

Wandres GmbH, Dorfstrasse 12, 79256 Buchenbach, Germany, Phone +49 7661 93300, info@wandres.com, www.wandres.com Hall 1, Stand 1651

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





ExTrade Trapp und Partner GmbH

Surface Technology with Waterbased Cleaners ExTrade is partner for surface pretreatment and the exclusive Master Distributor for Simple Green in central Europe. The company presents the concentrated cleaner of the Extreme Simple Green product series for industrial surface technology,

the cleaner creates a temporary protection from rust and oxidation to preserve the paintable surface.

parts cleaning and maintenance. These products help to simplify these tasks. After cleaning a surface with Extreme Simple Green no additional rinsing with water is needed. This makes it the ideal product for efficient cleaning systems. Additionally

ExTrade Trapp und Partner GmbH, Oberdorster Strasse 4, 53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany, Phone +49 2247 969490, info@ extradeweb.de, www.extradeweb.de Hall 2, Stand 2229


PantaTec GmbH

Wheel Blasting with PantaTec – Oil-free Surfaces without Elbow Grease PantaTec is the additive designed for use with circulating metallic blast media that cuts the number of working stages from five to three: PantaTec ULTIMATE blast media additive allows items with oil- and greasebased surface contamination

to be directly subjected to the wheel blasting process. The laborious pre-blasting washing process is no longer required. The additive is simply added to the blast media in the wheel blasting machine. Vital, but now unwanted, substances


Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH

Shot Blasting Technologies Offer More Efficient Paint Preparation One highlight at the booth of ECCO Finishing AB is the automatic gun E75AP. The gun provides great spraying quality, 12% paint savings resulting in 2 month payback time and 6 month between the maintenance stops on car manufacturer’s

production lines. E75AP has several features build into the gun reducing the paint consumption. Foremost the low atomizing pressure and the use of the company’s High Efficiency Technology. Besides for coating cars the gun is used to coat plastic

like grease and oil, are simply separated from the metallic blast media and the processed metal surfaces and can be removed easily from the blasting process. When the additive is used to clean the metallic blast media, system performance remains consistently high. It removes processing substances from blasted surfaces so effectively and thoroughly that the subsequent washing stage can be eliminated.

PantaTec GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 8, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany, Phone +49 5734 51488610, info@pantatec.de, www.pantatec.de Hall 2, Stand 2453

bumpers, mobile phones, packaging, leather, ceramic, wood, etc., it can apply water based, solvent based or UV paints. A large range of air caps and tips are available to adapt the E75AP to many kinds of applications.

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Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Vorstadt 1, 96190 Untermerzbach, Germany, Phone +49 9533 9240, info@rosler.com, www.rosler.com Hall 2, Stand 2451


they must be evaluated and benchmarked by a QM-software. ASIS offers complete solutions for these applications.


Automatic Color Measurement More and more exterior parts of cars are produced and painted by different suppliers. This includes the big risk that paint charges of OEMs are different to the ones suppliers use. To eliminate these potential differences, it becomes necessary to

define common tolerances for color matches between OEMs and suppliers and to control their compliance. This can be done by an automatic color measurement system, based on a robotic solution. For the use of the automatic generated values,


Datapaq LTD.

Datapaq launches new website offering oven temperature profiling solutions for industrial coatings applications Datapaq, the world's leading supplier of temperature profiling systems, has launched a new website www.datapaq.com. The new website provides quick and intuitive access to its versatile product line, as well as extensive resources for customers with demanding heating processes in industrial coatings, high-temperature heat treatment, electronics assembly, solar photovoltaic

manufacturing, food production and kiln firing. Simplified site navigation and a new search capability make it quick and easy to find appropriate product or application information; software demonstration downloads allow visitors to “try before they buy”; and an online video library features examples of Datapaq products, as they


Elcometer LTD.

Elcometer Features Coating Thickness and Ultrasonic NDT At PaintExpo Elcometer will feature the Elcometer 456 Coating Thickness Gauges alongside the new range of ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing equipment available from the Elcometer NDT division. The Elcometer 456 sets new standards, making

measuring dry film thickness measurement faster, more reliable and very accurate. Available in four different models: E, B, S and T, each model provides the user with increasing functionality according to the type. Elcometer NDT corrosion

ASIS GmbH, Kiem-Pauli-Strasse 3, 84036 Landshut, Germany, Phone +49 871 27676-0, mail@asis-gmbh.de, www.asis-gmbh.de Hall 1, Stand 1501

would be used in various manufacturing environments. Datapaq is recognized as an innovative, robust company with a secure future and long-term commitment to its customers and channel partners. Datapaq is the preferred supplier of in-process temperature profiling solutions to the global industrial market, and is relied upon by thousands of satisfied customers to help maximize the potential of their industrial heating processes. Datapaq has the strength, knowledge and long-term experience to provide the best temperature profiling solution for a wide range of applications.

gauges, precision gauges and flaw detection gauges are ideal for measuring wall thicknesses and the detection of flaws in a wide range of applications, including the oil and gas, marine, power and civil engineering sectors.

Datapaq LTD., 160 Cowley Road Cambridge, CB4 0GU, UK Phone: +44 1223 423141 websales@datapaq.co.uk, www.datapaq.com Hall 2, stand 2530

Elcometer LTD., Edge Lane, Manchester, M43 6BU, UK, Phone +44 161 3716000, sales@elcometer.com, www.elcometer.com Hall 1, Stand 1512

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14






Portable Color and Gloss Measuring Instrument The overall appearance of a product is influenced by color and gloss. In order to get a uniform appearance, both attributes need to be controlled. ERICHSEN provides with Spektromaster 565 a portable color and gloss measuring instrument,

which measures color and gloss simultaneously. There are two versions available: Spektromaster 565-45 for simultaneous measurement of color (geometry 45/0) and gloss (geometry 60°) for measurements “due to visually valued impression"


iLF Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Lacke und Farben mbH

The Testing Institute of the Coatings Sector The testing of powder coatings has been an elementary part of the business activities of the iLF for many years. Thus, iLF is active as an accredited test lab of the GSB as well as in line with regulations of the DB AG (e.g. TL 918340). Moreover, iLF offers tests of coatings according to the different

specifications and standards of the automotive industry, for engine construction, for steel and concrete buildings, and other trades. The analytical characterisation of coatings and surfaces and the determination of physical properties complete the work of iLF. Within various research projects, also


List Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH

Innovation: TOP-CHECK Coating Thickness Meter LIST-MAGNETIK GmbH will introduce the new Top-Check coating thickness meters. The new meters excel with their extraordinarily refined design and replace Easy Check models. Top-Check features a sturdy, beautifully designed metal housing

as well as SPEKTROMASTER 565-D, for simultaneous measurement of color (geometry 8/d - sphere acc. to Ullbricht) and gloss (geometry 60°) - for color matching/recipe matters, pigment testing, measurements of color alteration after weathering exposure and also for reception control.

ERICHSEN GmbH & Co. KG, Am Iserbach 14, 58675 Hemer, Germany, Phone +49 2372 96830, info@erichsen.de, www.erichsen.de Hall 2, Stand 2514

in cooperation with partners from different industries, current problems of the raw materials industry, of paint manufacturer and of the coatings industry are investigated, e.g. craze cracking in powder coatings, outgassing resistance of powder coatings, investigations into filiform corrosion on aluminium wheels, influencing factors on the weathering stability of superdurable coating powders, influence of de-icing salts on materials and coatings of the automotive industry.

iLF Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Lacke und Farben mbH Fichtestraße 29, 39112 Magdeburg, Germany, Phone +49 391 60900 contact@lackinstitut.de, www.lackinstitut.de, Hall 1, Stand 1250

technology. Top-Check is also equipped with the worldwide unique swinging probe, which permits measurements to be made easily in inaccessible places.

with IP64 protection (against splash-water), which is insensitive to mechanical shocks. The dimensions have been significantly reduced (Ø 28 x 98 mm Length) with built-in measuring probe. Data transmission takes place by means of bluetooth

108 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

List Magnetik Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich List GmbH, Max-Lang-Strasse 56/2, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany, Phone +49 711 9036310, info@list-magnetik.de, www.list-magnetik.de Hall 2, Stand 2414


Opti-color Mess- und Regelanlagen GmbH

Viscometer for process and lab usage Opti-color will present the complete program of process viscosity controls with latest generation of falling ball and inline-rotational systems. Single and multiplex controls allow individual machine setup. The sensors are optionally also available for

usage in Ex-Areas. Test cups are the basic element for many users regarding viscosity detection. opti-color process viscometers are offering pre-programmed scales and displays based on standard test cups such as DIN, ISO,


Zehntner GmbH

Fast, Precise, Easy to Use Zehntner will present a comprehensive portfolio of measuring and testing instruments for quality control of all kinds of surfaces. In addition to the Swiss precision, the company focuses on innovative technology, easy

operation and sturdiness. Outstanding are the ZGM 1120 glossmeters with uniquely small measuring areas which are ideally suited for gloss measurements on curved surfaces and difficult-to-access areas. The robust aluminium


Techno-Step GmbH

Software for Process Data Management With myDAS Techno-Step offers a powerful system for process data analysis. Easy data link over fieldbus listener and the scalability allow a flexible use for every application, from a compact system for test benches up to server/client systems for complicated production lines. The software DiagNet offers an in-

depth analysis of the process data from myDAS by modelling of virtual signals. These allow the generation of characteristics as well as error detection and condition monitoring that is capable of parameterisation. The modelling of the virtual signals is made offline and does not affect production. The software ADS-

FORD with direct display of corresponding seconds. ViscoLab rotational units are available for the stationary usage in labs and also as portable systems for measurements on site. The units can directly display the dynamic viscosity; some models also included functions for simple evaluation of rheological behavior.

Opti-color Mess- und Regelanlagen GmbH, Vor dem Dorf 2, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany, Phone +49 5064 8077, info@opti-color.de, www.opti-color.de Hall 2, Stand 2633

housings withstand even the roughest wear in heavy duty everyday use. The included “GlossTools” measuring and evaluation software offers many possibilities to facilitate the measuring routine. Among other things, threshold and reference values can be defined, stored, and displayed as colour coded pass/fail information. Test reports in pdf and Excel format can easily be generated as well.

Agent offers a diagnostic agent for monitoring the process data from myDAS, generated by DiagNet. The software Safir offers an information portal for linking and visualising process data from myDAS and quality data (e.g. analysis of cycle times, malfunctions, material data, consumptions). The quality data is generated by DiagNet or may be made available by external data sources. The data is displayed in management reports which can be adapted specifically for the respective requirements.

Zehntner GmbH, Testing Instruments, Gewerbestrasse 4, 4450 Sissach, Switzerland, Phone +41 61 9530550, zehntner@zehntner.com, www.zehntner.com Hall 1, Stand 1649

Techno-Step GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 36, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany, Phone +49 7031 714540, info@techno-step.de, www.techno-step.de Hall 1, Stand 1231

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14





Proaqua GmbH & Co. KG

Proaqua - Your Water Your Profit Proaqua is a system supplier for complete tasks in the area of water treatment. The company’s wide range of products, both chemical and physical ensures readyto-use solutions, tailored to the individual needs of customers. The international

approach with own sales offices as well as distribution partners in many countries around the globe makes proaqua a truly global player in water treatment and environmental technology.

Dekan-Laist-Strasse 13, 55129 Mainz, Germany, Phone +49 6131 9713100, info@pro-aqua.net, www.pro-aqua.net Halle 2, Stand 2326



Coverall SAFETY It is getting more and more important to protect painter as well as products and to represent the company with uniformly, stylish workwear (CI). As further development FIDI will present the new coverall ‘SAFETY’, which is specific to the demand of

Proaqua GmbH & Co. KG,

the user. It convinces by its breathable, comfortable and congenial wearing comfort, which is underlined by the premium processing of the seam (Bound Seam). The coverall is made of a texture with lint-free polyester filaments, in which

a carbon yarn is weaved to bleed off possible electrical loading. Moreover the coverall is prepared with dirt- and water-repellent Teflon-finishing. The fabric has been tested on numerous standards.

FIDI GmbH, Baeckerstrasse 9, 21244 Buchholz i.d.N., Germany, Phone +49 4181 92303, Info@FIDI-GmbH.de, www.FIDI-GmbH.de Hall 1, Stand 1425


PANSAN Chemische Produkte GmbH

Paint Sludge Removal PANSAN is a producer and supplier of coagulants and also offering a wide range of defoamers and biocides exhibits together with its subsidiary RODAP GmbH. The lesser company will showcase the improved SR 185 WF an automatically working, self-

cleaning unit for the extraction of solvent and water based paints from spray booth water. Also in exhibition are accessories like level control device, dosing equipment and sludge container. Latest novelty is a device for automatic control of foam levels.

110 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

PANSAN Chemische Produkte GmbH, Herzogstrasse 23, 40764 Langenfeld, Germany, Phone +49 2173 23072, info@pansan.de, www.pansan.de Hall 1, Stand 1329


advanWIN GmbH

High quality surface refinement AdvanWIN GmbH is a system provider of surface refinement in the field of water transfer printing, eddy current technology and powder coating. At PaintExpo the focus will be on presentation of products in the range of water transfer printing technology. This

technique allows high quality surface refinement - not only in the automotive industry - threedimensional parts can also be processed with standard or customized designs. In addition to a large assortment and the typical designs like carbon, wood and camouflage there are

many individual possibilities. Beside the wide range of different dipper and washer, the focus will be upon the individual options of automation. Automatic dipping-arms and fully automatic activation-units offer stable process results and high quality. The level of automation can be customized. Water transfer printing procedure is a process with high cost effectiveness - in coating single parts as well as in serial production.

advanWIN GmbH, August-Thyssen-Strasse 2-4, 52511 Geilenkirchen, Germany, Phone +49 2451 910545, info@advanWIN.com, www.advanWIN.com Hall 2, Stand 2153

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14 111


APRIL 2012 PAINTEXPO Karlsruhe, Germany April 17-20, 2012 www.paintexpo.de

METEF Verona, Italy April 18-21, 2012 www.metef.com

SALONE INTERNAZIONALE DEL MOBILE Milan, Italy April 17-22, 2012 www.cosmit.it

HANNOVERMESSE Hannover, Germany April 23-27, 2012 www.hannovermesse.de

MAY 2012 BIEMH Bilbao, Spain May 28-June 2, 2012 www.biehm.com

LAMIERA Bologna, Italy May 9-12, 2012 www.ucimu.it

VETECO Madrid, Spain May 8-11, 2012 www.ifema.es

INACOATING Jakarta, Indonesia May 9-12, 2012 www.inacoating-exhibition.com

PLAST Milan, Italy May 8-12, 2012 www.plastonline.org

SURFEX PLUS Birmingham, UK May 29-30, 2012 www.surfexplus.co.uk

JUNE 2012

JULY 2012

O&S Stuttgart, Germany June 12-14,2012 www.messe-stuttgart.de/ounds

INASAL Jakarta, Indonesia July 11-13, 2012 www.ina-sal.com

SEPTEMBER 2012 AUTOMECHANIKA Frankfurt, Germany September 11-16, 2012 www.automechanika.de

112 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Profintech Brno, Czech Republic September 10-14, 2012 www.bvv.cz/profintech

by Paola Giraldo

OCTOBER 2012 2012

EUROCOAT Barcelona, Spain October 2-4, 2012 www.eurocoat.expo.com

MADE EXPO Milan, Italy October 17 -20, 2012 www.madeexpo.it

BIMU Milan, Italy October 2-6, 2012 www.bimu-sfortec.com

PARTS2CLEAN Stuttgart, Germany October 23-25, 2012 www.parts2clean.de

ALUMINIUM Dusseldorf, Germany October 9-11, 2012 www.aluminium-messe.com

euroBLECH Hannover, Germany October, 23-27 2012 www.euroblech.com

SURFACE Hertogenbosch, Netherland October 9-11, 2012 www.surfacevakbeurs.nl

NOVEMBER 2012 EIMA Bologna, Italy November 7-11, 2012 www.eima.it

INTERFINISH Milan, Italy November 14-16, 2012 www.interfinish2012.org

EICMA Milan, Italy November 13-18, 2012 www.eicma.it

JANUARY 2013 BAU Munich, Germany January 14-19, 2013 www.bau-muenchen.com

MARCH 2013 European Coatings Show Nuremberg, Germany March 19-21, 2013 www.european-coatings-show.com

MAY 2013 SF EXPO CHINA Guangzhou, China May 21-23, 2013 www.sf-expo.cn/en/index.asp

COAT EXPO CHINA Guangzhou, China May 21-23, 2013 www.coatexpo.cn/en/index.asp

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


HORIZON 2020: A NEW DRIVING FORCE FOR BUSINESSES Horizon 2020: un nuovo motore per le aziende Marcello Zinno Segretario UCIFUnione Costruttori Impianti di Finitura


he spotlight is still on Horizon 2020, a very interesting issue from the point of view of Research and Development, on which Europe is concentrating a significant portion of future investment. After the introduction on the Horizon 2020 project published on IPCM vol. 3, no. 13, January 2012, let us now explore this great opportunity for companies.


The Horizon 2020 project has finally started. This framework integrating the different funding options designed to facilitate the growth of the programme of research and innovation for the future of Europe is beginning to influence the economic systems of the European Countries. More than 70 billion euro have already been made available to boost the research and innovation activities in Europe. Horizon 2020 also aims at giving a strong boost to the business, by facilitating above all the SMEs, particularly those that already stand out

Ormai i tavoli di Horizon 2020 sono aperti. Il pacchetto anche noto come “Orizzonte 2020”, quadro di riferimento che integra i diversi strumenti di finanziamento volti ad agevolare la crescita del programma di ricerca ed innovazione del futuro dell’Europa, sta iniziando a far muovere i sistemi economici dei singoli paesi. Gli oltre 70 miliardi di euro messi a disposizione per dare una spinta alla ricerca ed all’innovazione del sistema Europa sono già a piano. La strada tracciata da Orizzonte 2020 è anche quella di dare un forte impulso alle imprese, agevolando soprattutto le PMI, in particolare quelle che già deno-

114 N. 14 - 2012 MARCH/marzo - international PAINT&COATING magazine

ontinua l’attenzione sul piano Horizon 2020, molto interessante per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo. Un tema su cui l’Europa concentra un’importante fetta dei futuri investimenti. Dopo un’introduzione sul piano Horizon 2020 pubblicata su IPCM vol. 3, n. 13 Gennaio 2012, passiamo in questo numero ad approfondire questa opportunità per le aziende.

STANDARDS & LEGISLATION - UCIF Informs as “innovative” and that will be able to exploit this project in the perspective of a sustainable technological development. Furthermore, a particular attention has been paid to the simplification of the processes for allocating the funds: a balanced approach between trust and control has been preferred, trying to avoid the bloat of bureaucracy while closely monitoring the error rate to avoid any negative impact on the funds. The issue of costs is important too: Horizon 2020 aims at increasing the reimbursement of the direct costs by almost 50%, with a flat rate reimbursement of 20% of the indirect costs incurred. The objective of the Commission is to support the companies as regards specifically the research cost centre, instead of the general business costs. The first priority is always the field of Research and Innovation: the smart specialisation strategies launched by the European Commission in the middle of last year and due to involve more and more stakeholders of Horizon 2020 will have to be implemented. In order to capitalise on this economic opportunity for Europe, it is necessary to abandon the rigid concept of the separate budgets for each individual subject area. The multidisciplinary approach to the project and ultimately the global involvement, up to the single regions, are now crucial. Establishing round tables and increasing the participation of all potentially interested actors are important goals in order to create a close-knit group not only at European, but also at national level and to concentrate the efforts on a limited number of shared priorities. It is necessary to embrace the concept of simplification on which Horizon 2020 is based and change attitude towards such imposing projects by offering practical solutions with the courage needed to further improve the innovation rate reached at European level. It must be remembered that this is not just a European project: the Italian Minister Profumo confirmed that the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research) intends to quickly improve the Country’s capacity to participate in the European programs and stated that national programs will be in full harmony with the European ones and will be aimed at improving the Country’s ability to contribute to the European actions.

tano una connotazione “innovativa” e che possono sfruttare il progetto in questione per creare davvero uno sviluppo tecnologico sostenibile. Non è tutto, perché forte è stata l’attenzione rivolta alla semplificazione dei processi di assegnazione dei finanziamenti: si è optato per un approccio equilibrato tra fiducia e controllo, cercando di evitare la pesantezza della burocrazia e cercando comunque di tenere sotto stretto monitoraggio il tasso di errore per evitare ripercussioni sui gettiti dei finanziamenti. Anche il discorso dei costi è molto sentito da Orizzonte 2020: la proposta tende ad aumentare il rimborso dei costi diretti di quasi il 50%, mentre per i costi indiretti sostenuti è previsto un rimborso forfettario pari al 20%. L’obiettivo della Commissione è ovviamente oliare i meccanismi aziendali legati al centro di costi specifico della ricerca, anziché incentivare la più generica area dei costi generali d’impresa. La priorità assoluta è sempre legata all’ambito di Ricerca e Innovazione: il lavoro dovrà proficuamente seguire la logica delle smart specialisation strategies, lanciate dalla Commissione Europea a metà dell’anno scorso, che dovranno coinvolgere sempre più operatori interessati ad Orizzonte 2020. Al fine di sfruttare al meglio questa opportunità economica per l’Europa bisogna superare l’impostazione a comparti stagni, con singoli budget distinti per ciascuna area tematica. È necessario seguire l’approccio multidisciplinare del progetto e soprattutto ottenerne un coinvolgimento globale, fino alle singole regioni. Creare dei tavoli di lavoro comuni o incrementare la partecipazione di tutti gli attori potenzialmente interessati è un obiettivo importante in modo da presentarsi compatti non solo a livello europeo ma anche a livello nazionale e concentrare l’azione su un numero limitato di priorità condivise. Occorre cavalcare la semplificazione su cui Orizzonte 2020 si basa e cambiare atteggiamento nei confronti di iniziative così imponenti, proponendo delle idee concrete di sviluppo con il coraggio giusto per aggiungere dei tasselli sul tasso d’innovazione raggiunto al livello europeo. Ma bisogna ricordare che non si tratta solo di un progetto europeo: il Ministro Profumo ha confermato l’intenzione del Miur di procedere rapidamente a rafforzare la capacità del sistema Paese di partecipare ai programmi europei sottolineando inoltre che anche la programmazione nazionale sarà in piena sintonia con i temi europei e sarà utilizzata anche per migliorare la capacità del Paese di concorrere alle azioni europee. international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/marzo 2012 - N. 14


Industrial Cleaning Technologies - Insert n° 2 - 2012



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A different washing system for each level of cleanliness “Industrial cleaning” is too a general term to indicate the complexity of an issue such as the final or interoperational cleaning of industrial parts. The cleaning of components is a task that must be carefully planned in relation to the level of cleanliness required, the complexity and sensitivity of the parts to be cleaned, their intended use, the function of the cleaning step itself, the overall production cycle. For this reason, we do not believe that the choice of a cleaning system should be based only on it being solvent-free. Research has made much progress in the field of cleaning solvents: the new containment technologies, the hermetic machines and the stabilised, non-ozone destructive and less hazardous solvents mean that the solvent is still an inescapable choice for the cleaning of a few parts. Much progress has been made also in the formulation of water-based cleaners to the point of being able to replace the solvents in many fields. In both cases, innovative products and systems meeting any need in terms of cleanliness of components have been developed. The articles published on this second “Industrial Cleaning Technologies” supplement of IPCM will prove this.


Ad ogni livello di pulizia il suo lavaggio Lavaggio industriale è un termine troppo generico per indicare la complessità di un tema quale è la pulizia finale o interoperazionale dei pezzi industriali.Il lavaggio dei pezzi è un’operazione che va attentamente pianificata in relazione al livello di pulizia richiesto, alla complessità e sensibilità dei manufatti da lavare, alla loro destinazione d’uso, alla funzione dell’operazione di lavaggio stessa, al ciclo produttivo complessivo in cui essa si inserisce. Per questo motivo non riteniamo che il discrimine per la scelta di un ciclo di lavaggio sia unicamente il fatto che esso non preveda l’impiego di solventi. Molta strada è stata fatta dalla ricerca nel campo dell’impiego dei solventi di lavaggio: nuove tecnologie di contenimento, macchine ermetiche, messa a punto di solventi stabilizzati, non ozono distruttivi e meno pericolosi per l’uomo e l’ambiente fanno si che il solvente sia ancora una scelta indispensabile per la pulizia di alcuni pezzi. Molta strada è stata fatta anche nella formulazione di detergenti a base acquosa al punto da riuscire a sostituire i solventi in moltissimi campi. In entrambi i casi la ricerca ha messo a punto prodotti e cicli innovativi che risolvono qualsiasi esigenza di grado di pulizia dei manufatti. Gli articoli che seguono in questo secondo inserto Industrial Cleaning Technologies di IPCM ne sono una prova.

Francesco Stucchi Editor

MEG S.r.l. Via Rometta, 13 G 35018 S. Martino di Lupari (PD) - Italy Phone +39 049 9461165 Fax +39 049 9461133





ichard Geiss GmbH is for over five decades one of Europe´s leading expert in solvent preprocessing. In terms of industrial parts cleaning family-run business from Offingen nearby Günzburg is counting on the many advantages of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) and on a comprehensive range of products and services. To settle for doing this Richard Geiss GmbH is not satisfied in a traditional service. The customers get everything they want on the subject of solvent - from consulting and analysis for the disposal and recycling to delivery high-purity distillate and fresh products. As solvent specialist, Richard Geiss is liven the economic cycle up the closed loop recycling management, which is of high quality, economically worthwhile, highly secure and absolutely sustainable.


Industrial parts cleaning with solvents: Reduced costs – increased environmental efficiency – unbeatable oil removal and degreasing

Lavaggio industriale con solventi: costi ridotti – maggiore efficienza ambientale – rimozione imbattibile di oli e grassi

The de-oiling and degreasing with solvents (in particular CHC) has been well trusted for many years, since it does absolutely safe and reliable – especially for complex part geometries. The solvents are used for industrial cleaning of different parts, whether turning and precision parts, stampings and deep drawn components, optoelectronic instruments, lamp holders, condenser and aggregate

ichard Geiss GmbH è da oltre 50 anni uno dei maggiori esperti nella pre-lavorazione dei solventi. In termini di lavaggio industriale dei pezzi l’azienda a conduzione famigliare di Offingen, vicino a Günzburg (Germania) si affida ai numerosi vantaggi degli idrocarburi clorurati (CHC) e su una gamma completa di prodotti e servizi. Nel fare questo la Richard Geiss GmbH non è si è accontentata di un servizio tradizionale. I clienti ottengono qualsiasi cosa essi richiedano in materia di solvente – dalla consulenza all’analisi per lo smaltimento e il recupero, alla fornitura di distillati ad elevata purezza e prodotti nuovi. In qualità di specialista dei solventi, Richard Geiss aiuta il ciclo economico con la gestione a circuito chiuso del recupero del solvente, di alta qualità, utile dal punto di vista economico, molto sicuro e assolutamente sostenibile.

Per molti anni ci si è fidati della disoleazione e dello sgrassaggio con solventi (in particolare i CHC), dal momento che è assolutamente sicura e affidabile, soprattutto per pezzi dalle geometrie complesse. I solventi si utilizzano per il lavaggio industriale di pezzi diversi, siano essi pezzi torniti o di precisione, stampi e componenti imbutiti, strumenti ottico-elettronici, supporti di lampadine, condensatori e assemblati o ancora pezzi di inge-

2 MARCH 2012

Bettina Nilius, Richard Geiss GmbH, Offingen, Germany

or part of the precision engineering and galvano technique. Richard Geiss GmbH processes the used solvent products at its plant in Offingen and that outperforms even the specification of recycled materials, with their fresh products.

gneria di precisione e galvanotecnica. Richard Geiss GmbH lavora i solventi usati presso il proprio impianto di Offingen e i suoi prodotti nuovi superano in prestazioni anche le specifiche dei materiali riciclati.

The approved portfolio of product and service of Richard Geiss GmbH for industrial parts cleaning

Il portafoglio prodotti e servizi di Richard Geiss GmbH per il lavaggio industriale

The delivered products in the industrial parts cleaning which Richard Geiss GmbH offers its customers: • Chlorinated hydrocarbon: perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene (stabilized according to customer requirements) • Stabilizers for perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene • Hydrocarbon solvent Isofin (with different boiling ranges) • Modified alcohol (RG Cleaner 63) • Tubing, solvent pump and complete suitable connection systems for the emission-free removal and filling of solvent plant. • Double walled safety containers in various sizes • Test kit for the solvent care (Geiss-3-steps-test kit)

I prodotti che la Richard Geiss GmbH offre ai propri clienti per i lavaggio dei pezzi sono: • Idrocarburi clorurati: percloroetilene, tricloroetano (stabilizzati secondo i requisiti del cliente) • Stabilizzatori per percloroetilene e tricloroetano • Solventi idrocarburi Isofin (con diversi punti di ebollizione) • Alcoli modificati (RG Cleaner 63) • Tubazioni, pompe per solvente, e sistemi di connessione completamente idonei per la rimozione e lo riempimento senza emissioni dell’impianto a solvente • Contenitori di sicurezza a parete doppia in varie misure • Kit di prova per la cura del solvente (Geiss-3-steps-test kit)

The Service that Richard Geiss GmbH offers its customers in the industrial parts cleaning: • Recycling and treatment of any solvent-containing used product as well as proper disposal of residues • Sales of high-purity distillate and fresh products • Own fleet of vehicles and special trained drivers ensure a proper and safe transportation of fresh and used solvents • Security systems for the use of solvents • Customer support on all topics related to their solvent. All the above points are proven customer-focused services that Richard Geiss GmbH offers for decades and continually improved. In this way they can - together with its customers – live a futureorientated and sustainable recycling management. But this is far from anything that Richard Geiss GmbH has to offer.

Il servizio che Richard Geiss GmbH offre ai propri clienti nel lavaggio industriale sono: • Recupero e trattamento di qualsiasi prodotto esausto contenente solventi e smaltimento dei residui • Vendita di distillati ad elevata purezza e prodotti nuovi • Flotta di veicoli propri e autisti addestrati assicurano un trasporto sicuro e adeguato di solventi nuovi e esausti • Sistemi di sicurezza per l’utilizzo di solventi • Assistenza al cliente in tutte le questioni relative ai solventi. I punti sopraesposti dimostrano come Richard Geiss GmbH offra da decenni al cliente servizi in continuo miglioramento. In questo modo l’azienda, insieme ai propri clienti, può attivare una gestione del recupero dei solventi sostenibile e orientata al futuro.

3 MARCH 2012



Laboratory services

Servizi di laboratorio

Due to the advanced state of technology in the market for Grazie all’innovazione avanzata della tecnologia nel mercaindustrial parts cleaning most modern equipment and cleaning to del lavaggio industriale oggi si utilizzano gli impianti e i process are in use. These are characterized by a very efficient processi di lavaggio più moderni. Questi sono caratterizzati and resource-efficient solvent application. The solvents are thus da un utilizzo dei solventi molto efficiente anche dal punto used longer and are exposed to much higher pressures, so that an di vista delle risorse. I solventi in questo modo vengono usaeffective, accurate and ti più a lungo e sono Laboratory sustainable solvent care esposti a pressioni is required. Accordingly, molto più alte, il che the monitoring of the richiede una cura del bath, in respect of solvente efficace, acPredistillation the alkalinity, the acid curata e sostenibile. capacity (TSA) and the Di conseguenza, è solvent compatibility necessario il monitoof the oil used is raggio del bagno, rinecessary. guardo ad alcalinità, Richard Geiss GmbH Richard Geiss GmbH capacità acida (TSA) Sustainable Solvent Recovery Recovery of oil The circulatory system of develops its range of e compatibilità del RICHARD GEISS GmbH Parts cleaning services following the solvente con l’olio market and all these utilizzato. Richard growing demands. Geiss GmbH sviluppa The following services la propria gamma di are offered to our servizi secondo quecustomers: ste crescenti richie• Strong customer ste: Laboratory service and • Forte assistenza al consultation on cliente e consulensite: Training and za in loco: instruction to employees of the customer as on formazione del personale del cliente sulla protezione work- and environmental protection, solvent handling, bath dell’ambiente interno ed esterno, movimentazione del solmaintenance and stabilization of the solvents. vente, manutenzione del bagno e stabilizzazione dei sol• The use of the “Geiss 3-steps test kit“ is trained to the customer venti and gives him the opportunity, to measure quickly and safely • L’utilizzo del kit di prova “Geiss 3-steps test kit“ viene spiegato even the reserve alkalinity and total acid acceptance of the used al cliente e gli offre la possibilità di rilevare velocemente e in solvents and to make targeted after stabilization. sicurezza anche l’alcalinità residua e l’accettazione acida totale Richard Geiss GmbH has its own advanced laboratory in which del solvente e di eseguire una stabilizzazione mirata. Richard Geiss GmbH possiede un laboratorio avanzato che può various analysis can be performed. The laboratory is of course eseguire diverse analisi. Il laboratorio è quindi utilizzato per used for internal purposes of Richard Geiss GmbH (such as input-, scopi interni (ad esempio controlli sul materiale in ingresso, output- and production controls). Furthermore, analysis are also in uscita o sulla produzione). Inoltre, offre il servizio di analisi offered to customers as individual services or service package. ai clienti anche sottoforma di pacchetti. Richard Geiss GmbH Richard Geiss GmbH meets with this to the market for a full-service soddisfa l’esigenza del mercato di avere un fornitore globale in provider around the solvent – also in the analytical field - and materia di solvente, anche in campo analitico. stands for absolute sustainability. analysis

Waste collection according to Commitment of returned goods

Seperation of chlorinated hydrocarbons and impurities

Filling and Delivery of the fresh product

Pure distillation of pure produced quality

Quality Assurance

Analysis to determine the pH-value, alkalinity, the acid acceptance (TSA), density and water content as well as contact water analysis or cooking tests (for solvent compatibility test with respect to the oils used) are just a selection from the range of laboratory services of Richard Geiss GmbH.

Analisi per determinare il valore del pH, l’alcalinità, l’accettabilità di acido (TSA), la densità e il contenuto di acqua, ma anche l’analisi dell’acqua di contatto o il test di compatibilità del solvente rispetto agli oli usati sono solo una selezione della gamma di servizi del laboratorio di Richard Geiss GmbH.

4 MARCH 2012


by Paola Giraldo


INDUSTRIAL CLEANING TECHNOLOGY IS PLAYING A MORE AND MORE IMPORTANT ROLE AT COMPANIES AROUND THE WORLD Le tecnologie di lavaggio industriale giocano un ruolo sempre più importante presso le aziende di tutto il mondo


significant indicator for this trend is the 18% increase in visitor numbers at parts2clean in 2011. 4,800 visitors from 49 countries (roughly 20% from outside of Germany) travelled to Stuttgart. This trend is further confirmed by the high quality meetings experienced by the exhibitors during the 9th leading international trade fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning, on the basis of which concrete projects and orders have already resulted for exhibiting companies. This corroborates the importance of parts2clean as a worldwide, multi-industry and multi-technology information and procurement platform for industrial cleaning technology with above-average numbers of decision makers amongst the visitors: Roughly 90% of all visitors are involved in company investment decisions. On the one hand, solutions for fine cleaning and micro-cleaning are in demand at parts2clean. On the other hand, a considerable percentage of the users are interested in more efficient and ecological solutions for deburring and simpler cleaning tasks in production and MRO. The parts2clean Theme Pavilions at Surface INDIA and the Turkish WIN Part 1 trade fair have also demonstrated that demand for industrial cleaning technology is experiencing international growth. For more information: www.parts2clean.de


n indicatore significativo di questo trend è l’aumento del 18% del numero dei visitatori di parts2clean nel 2011. 4.800 visitatori da 49 nazioni (circa il 20% sul totale) sono arrivati a Stoccarda per la fiera. Questa tendenza è ulteriormente confermata dall’alta qualità degli incontri avuti dai visitatori durante la 9^ edizione della fiera internazionale leader per la pulizia e il lavaggio industriale dei pezzi, sulla base dei quali sono emersi progetti concreti di investimento e ordini per le aziende espositrici. Questo corrobora l’importanza di parts2clean come piattaforma mondiale di informazione e approvvigionamento multi-settore e multi-tecnologia con un numero superiore alla media di decision maker presenti tra i visitatori: circa il 90% sul totale dei visitatori sono coinvolti nelle decisioni di investimento aziendali. Da un lato, a parts2clean sono molto richieste le soluzioni tecnologiche per la pulizia finale e di precisione. Dall’altra, una percentuale considerevole di utilizzatori sono interessati a trovare soluzioni più efficienti ed ecologiche per la sbavatura e per le operazioni di lavaggio più semplici sia in produzione che per la manutenzione. I padiglioni tematici di parts2clean presso le fiere Surface INDIA e WIN Part 1 in Turchia hanno anche dimostrato che la richiesta di tecnologie industriali di lavaggio stanno sperimentando una crescita a livello internazionale. Per ulteriori informazioni: www.parts2clean.de


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HIGHER EFFICIENCY THROUGH PROCESSES OPTIMIZATION. LOOKING BEYOND THE CLEANING MACHINE Maggiore efficienza grazie al processo di lavaggio ottimizzato. L’impianto di lavaggio da solo non basta

Photo: Dürr Ecoclean GmbH

Opening photo: The extent to which a cleaning machine will work efficiently and economically, depends on a variety of factors surrounding the cleaning procedure. Foto d’apertura: La qualità dei risultati, la rapidità e l’economicità del sistema di lavaggio dipendono anche da diversi fattori legati solo indirettamente al processo di lavaggio vero e proprio.

etal processing companies are increasingly challenged by a market that demands high throughput and defined cleanliness specifications. This is particularly true for the automotive, precision engineering and hydraulics industries. The demands on cleaning of industrial parts are also increasing. To improve the cleaning quality, it makes sense to take a closer look at the upstream and downstream processes. It is crucially important to have a cleaning machine which is optimally adapted to comply with the cleaning requirements of parts. How well the cleaning machine works, however, can always be influenced by external factors, regardless of its design.



Optimally prepare the parts prior to cleaning

Preparare in modo ottimale i componenti al lavaggio

For the most part, the effort required to clean a workpiece is predetermined by its design. “On the one hand, geometry plays a role. For instance, a continuous drilling is simpler to clean than a dead end drilling. On the other hand, the surface condition of the parts also has an influence on their ability to be cleaned. Dirt doesn’t stick to a smooth surface as well as it does to coarse or porous surfaces,” Dr. Katja Mannschreck, Head of the EcoCTec Training and Education Center at Dürr Ecoclean GmbH, explains. Another crucial aspect is the amount of contamination.

Già dalla progettazione dei componenti si può intuire come si dovranno lavare gli elementi prodotti. “Da un lato gioca un ruolo importante la geometria del pezzo: ad esempio, si riesce a pulire più facilmente un foro continuo che un foro cieco; dall’altro lato la facilità con cui si riesce a pulire i pezzi viene influenzata anche dalla rugosità superficiale. Su una superficie liscia aderisce, infatti, meno sporco che su una superficie ruvida o porosa“, spiega la Dr. Katja Mannschreck, direttrice dell’EcoCTec Training und Education Center presso la Dürr Ecoclean GmbH.

a necessità di garantire un’elevata potenzialità produttiva soddisfacendo i livelli di pulizia richiesti pone chi lavora nella lavorazione dei metalli di fronte a dure sfide – in particolare quando si tratta di componenti per l’industria automobilistica, per la meccanica di precisione e per il settore idraulico. Le richieste di pulizia dei componenti industriali sono in continuo aumento. Per migliorare la qualità della pulizia è opportuno valutare attentamente anche i processi a monte e a valle di tale operazione. Ovviamente, un impianto di lavaggio adattato in modo ottimale al compito da svolgere è il presupposto fondamentale per ottenere il grado di pulizia richiesto. Ma la qualità dei risultati, la rapidità e l’economicità del sistema di lavaggio dipendono anche da fattori legati solo indirettamente al processo di lavaggio vero e proprio.

6 MARCH 2012

Doris Schulz, Schulz. Presse. Text, Korntal, Germany

Photo: Dürr Ecoclean GmbH

Un altro punto fondamentale è costituito dalThe smaller the amount of oil, fat, la quantità di contaminante. Più è ridotta la particles and other contaminants quantità di olio, grasso, e/o truciolo, tanto più q contained on the parts, the more quickly rapidamente si ottiene il risultato richiesto. and easily the required cleaning result Nella maggior parte dei casi, se si lavano i pezzi can be achieved. Most of the time it is tra possible to significantly improve the t le singole fasi di produzione o se si compie un desired result and reduce the required u lavaggio preliminare prima di quello finale o del lavaggio di precisione, è possibile micleaning time, either by including a gliorare il risultato conclusivo e ridurre il temcleaning step between the individual g po necessario per svolgerlo. Inoltre il lavaggio production steps or by pre-cleaning intermedio impedisce che sui pezzi si formino prior to the fine or finest cleaning. i contaminazioni di tipo distinto che potrebbeFurthermore, an intermediate cleaning c ro causare dei problemi nel processo di lavagstep also prevents the mixing of different gio. processing fluids on the components, g “E’ molto importante che l’impianto per il which can lead to subsequent cleaning i lavaggio finale sia impiegato solo per que1 sto problems. “In this regard it is important s scopo. Si potrebbero altrimenti formare 1 dei depositi di sporco all’interno dell‘impianto to ensure that the machine used for fine cleaning is used exclusively for this A prerequisite for attaining a high degree of cleanliness in che si ritroveranno in seguito sugli stessi pezpurpose. Otherwise, dirt can accumulate the course of fine cleaning is to ensure that the parts are zi, anche al termine di un processo di pulizia di completely deburred in advance. precisione” spiega l’esperta. in the cleaning machine and leave Un presupposto fondamentale per ottenere nel lavaggio E a proposito di lavaggio di precisione: prima deposits on the parts meant for fine di precisione un elevato grado di pulizia è la completa di questa operazione i componenti devono cleaning”, Mannschreck explains. sbavatura dei pezzi. essere sbavati in quanto attorno alle bave poWith regard to fine cleaning, it is trebbe accumularsi dello sporco, oppure, duessential to ensure that the parts are rante il processo di pulizia o le analisi di laboratorio, potrebbero stacalso deburred (Fig. 1). Dirt can accumulate around the burrs or the carsi delle bave (fig. 1). Entrambi i fenomeni hanno come conseguenza burrs can come loose during the cleaning procedure. In either case, l’inquinamento del grado di pulizia richiesto che probabilmente non the required cleanliness is frequently not attained or the analysis verrà raggiunto e l’alterazione del risultato delle analisi. results are unreliable.

Deploying the correct product carrier

Impiegare il giusto portapezzi

The product carrier as such also has a significant influence on the cleaning result, duration and energy consumption. Whether the parts are cleaned in bulk or staged, cleaning baskets made of stainless steel round wire are recommended (Fig. 2 and 3). The right baskets allow access to the parts for the cleaning media and processes to do their jobs. “Quite frequently, when using baskets made of galvanised perforated sheet metal, which are still quite common, it occurs that the ultrasound is reflected away from the basket. This prevents the ultrasound from being effective or, alternatively, the spray pressure doesn’t enter the inner part of the perforated metal basket in the first place which in turn leads to longer and more energy-intensive drying processes,” Mannschreck explains. If parts are cleaned in bulk, the cleaning effect is supported by rotation and swivel movements in the cleaning machine. If it is not possible to achieve this kind of movement, due to the risk of part damage, one can improve the results by reducing the number of parts in the batch. Fewer parts may allow the cleaning media greater access to the parts.

Il risultato del lavaggio, la durata di tale operazione e il consumo energetico sono fortemente influenzati anche dal supporto impiegato per trasportare i pezzi (figg. 2 e 3). Indipendentemente se questi ultimi siano lavati alla rinfusa o disposti singolarmente in un portapezzi, si consiglia sempre l’impiego di cesti in filo tondo di acciaio inossidabile, in quanto garantiscono che la soluzione detergente acceda ai componenti da tutti i lati ed in maniera omogenea. “Per esempio, nelle ceste in lamiera perforata zincata che sono ancora impiegate frequentemente, gli ultrasuoni vengono riflessi e pertanto perdono di efficacia, oppure la pressione degli spruzzi non riesce neanche ad arrivare all’interno della cassa perforata. Anche il comportamento di queste ceste nello sgocciolamento non è buono e ciò comporta processi di asciugatura notevolmente più lunghi, e dunque dispendiosi, in termini di consumo energetico”, spiega Katia Mannschreck. Se i pezzi sono lavati alla rinfusa, l’oscillazione o la rotazione del cestello nell’impianto favorisce l’efficacia della pulizia. Se non è possibile movimentare il cesto per il pericolo di danneggiarli, si ottengono risultati migliori diminuendo l’altezza di riempimento del cesto affinché la soluzione detergente riesca a raggiungere meglio i componenti più all’interno.

7 MARCH 2012




Photo: Dürr Ecoclean GmbH


The product carrier makes the difference. Both lots were cleaned under the same conditions – right in a galvanized perforated steel basket, on the left in a product carrier made of stainless steel round wire, which offers optimal accessibility for the cleaning medium and mechanisms. Il cestello fa la differenza. Entrambe le cariche sono state lavate alle stesse condizioni, ma a destra in una cassa di lamiera perforata, a sinistra in un cestello in filo tondo di acciaio inossidabile, il quale consente alla soluzione detergente e al processo di raggiungere in modo ottimale i componenti.

Keep a consistent level of contamination

Mantenere la contaminazione costante

Particularly for those machines operated with water-based cleaning agents, the bath maintenance measures must suit both the type and amount of contamination. A change in the process or contamination, caused for example by a different composition of the cooling lubricant, a different processing medium or a higher amount, can result in insufficient preparation of the detergent solution. This in turn will 700 lead to parts not being cleaned 600 sufficiently. This is not only the case for film contamination but 500 also for particulate cleaning. Small 400 disturbing particles are always embedded in a film, and when one 300 does not succeed in chemically 200 dissolving these so-called “couplers”, the particles will remain on the parts. 100

Negli impianti che utilizzano una soluzione acquosa con detergente, il processo di lavaggio è studiato per quel tipo e per quella quantità di contaminazione. Per esempio, una variazione nella composizione del lubrorefrigerante o una maggiore quantità di utilizzo, potrebbe non essere più sufficiente e dunque si avrebbe un lavaggio non adeguato alle esigenze. E ciò non solo per quanto riguarda l’eliminazione 50-100 μm dell’emulsione o dell’olio, ma anche 100-150 μm quando si tratta della rimozione di tru150-200 μm cioli. Di fatto, questi piccoli elementi 200-300 μm 300-500 μm sono sempre trattenuti da quel sottile strato di unto che aderisce sul pezzo, e se non si riesce a sciogliere chimicamente questo cosiddetto “accoppiatore”, anche le particelle rimangono attaccate ai componenti.

Clean handling of the parts after cleaning As soon as the workpieces have left the cleaning machine, there is the risk of re-contamination by the surrounding environment or personnel. “In the event of high cleanliness requirements, the parts should be transported



Manipolazione dei componenti dopo il lavaggio


Non appena i pezzi abbandonano l’impianto di lavaggio, c’è il pericolo che su di essi si depositi nuovamente lo sporco proveniente dall’ambiente e dal persoIl grafico mostra il contaminante residuo sui pezzi in lavorazione: la barra nale di officina. “Nei casi in cui è richiea sinistra del grafico mostra il particolato dopo il lavaggio in un cestello sto un alto grado di pulizia, l’ideale è di lamiera perforata zincata, la barra a destra mostra il contaminante dopo il lavaggio in un cesto in filo tondo di acciaio inox. trasportare i componenti attraverso un The graphic shows particulates found on work pieces: left bar chart show particulates after cleaning in a galvanized perforated steel basket, right bar chart show particulates after cleaning in product carrier made of stainless steel round wire.

8 MARCH 2012

Doris Schulz, Schulz. Presse. Text, Korntal, Germany

via a tunnel into a clean area or clean room and then removed. This prevents environmental contaminants settling on the cleaned workpieces during transportation,” explains Mannschreck. Employees who handle the parts after cleaning should wear lint-free gloves, work coats and hair covering. “The same also applies for packaging that correlates with the degree of cleanliness required,” Mannschreck adds.

tunnel direttamente in una zona pulita o in una camera bianca e poi da qui prelevarli . Ciò impedisce che nel trasporto si depositi sui pezzi puliti della contaminazione proveniente dall’ambiente circostante“, osserva l’esperta di training della Dürr Ecoclean. Gli operatori che per il prelievo dei pezzi indossano guanti, grembiuli da lavoro e cuffie per trattenere i capelli contribuiscono a minimizzare il rischio che i pezzi si sporchino di nuovo. “Importante è anche un imballo adeguato al grado di pulizia richiesto”, aggiunge Katja Mannschreck.

Informed and qualified personnel

Personale sensibilizzato e qualificato

As the demands on cleaning processes increase, it is equally important to educate employees about the role they play in overall part cleanliness. “In so doing, the awareness of the employees regarding the significance of cleanliness increases. Another major factor is the understanding what actually happens in the cleaning machine and how, for instance, bath maintenance measures or regular maintenance work is performed on the cleaning machine,” explains Mannschreck. The investment in training and further education of employees in the field of cleaning is essential for attaining a high degree of cleanliness in a reliable and economically viable manner.

Con l’aumento delle esigenze richieste sulla pulizia dei pezzi e alla tecnica di lavaggio, anche i requisiti posti agli addetti che lavorano in questo settore della produzione sono divenuti più restrittivi. “La sensibilizzazione degli operatori a proposito della pulizia costituisce un importante fattore. Determinante è anche la conoscenza di ciò che avviene nell’impianto di lavaggio e di come si svolgono le varie fasi del processo o i lavori di manutenzione ordinaria del sistema di lavaggio”, descrive Katja Mannschreck. L’investimento in corsi di formazione e aggiornamento degli operatori nel settore del lavaggio rappresenta pertanto un importante pilastro nel perseguimento dell’obiettivo di garantire elevati gradi di pulizia in modo affidabile ed economico.

Una pulizia impressionante

EcoC Base C2

La Dürr Ecoclean EcoC Base C2 permette di rimuovere grandi quantità di oli, grassi, trucioli ed emulsioni con un’efficienza molto grande e con dei costi contenuti. La sua flessibilità è indicata per disoleare così come per una pulizia fine o per attività di conservazione.

Per avere informazioni più complete visitate il nostro sito web o contattateci al Tel. +39 -02-702121, Email: ecoclean@olpidurr.it www.durr-ecoclean.com



SERIES CLEANING OF INVESTMENT CAST PARTS: DUAL TANK SYSTEM FOR COMPLEX GEOMETRIES Lavaggio in serie di parti fuse: sistema a due vasche per geometrie complesse

Opening photo: At FEINGUSS BLANK, sensitive parts with complex geometries are fixed with special frames into the basket system of the MAFAC-ELBA, while less sensitive parts are placed into the basket as bulk material. Foto d’apertura: Presso la FEINGUSS BLANK, le parti sensibili con geometrie complesse sono fissate su telai speciali nel cesto della MAFAC-ELBA, mentre le parti meno delicate sono posizionate alla rinfusa.


round 25,000 parts made of high-alloyed steel and nickelbased material are cleaned every week at a manufacturer of investment cast parts. These are sensitive components with complex geometries that need to be reliably cleaned (ref. Opening photo). For that reason, the company chose a system that fulfils their cleanliness specifications under series production conditions. A conventional cleaning process is not sufficient for the cast parts manufacturer Feinguss Blank to clean its produced parts according to specifications. The company supplies complete


irca 25.000 pezzi di acciaio ad alto contenuto di carbonio e materiali a base di nichel vengono lavati ogni settimana presso un produttore di pezzi fusi. Si tratta di componenti sensibili con geometrie complesse che hanno bisogno di essere lavati in modo affidabile (rif. Foto d‘apertura). Per questo motivo, l’azienda ha scelto un sistema che soddisfa le proprie specifiche di pulizia in condizioni di produzione in serie. Un ciclo di lavaggio tradizionale non è sufficiente per il produttore di fusioni Feinguss Blank per lavare i propri manufatti secondo le specifiche. L’azienda fornisce componenti completi

10 MARCH 2012

Wolfgang Pfau, Werbeform GmbH Baiersbronn, Germany

per i tutti i settori dell’industria metalmeccanicomponents for all sectors of the metalworking ca, ad es. auto, ingegneria meccanica, distribuindustry, e.g. automotive, mechanical zione dell’energia, tecnologie mediche ed eletengineering, power engineering, medical trotecnica. technology as well as electrical engineering. Si utilizzano tutti i tipi di pezzi fusi, dalle fusioni All types of investment casting, from steel di acciaio e in vuoto fino alle fusioni di allumiand vacuum investment casting right through nio e a base di rame. I pezzi realizzati in acciato aluminium and copper-based investment io ad alto contenuto di carbonio non mostrano casting, are used. The workpieces made of segni visibili di contaminazione residua dopo high-alloyed steel show no visible signs of dirt il lavaggio acquoso. In ogni caso, le specifiche residues after aqueous cleaning. However, the di company’s cleanliness d pulizia dell’azienda richiedono un secondo cispecifications require a c clo second cleaning process. c di lavaggio. Per questa applicazioFor this application, P ne, Feinguss Blank decided n Feinguss Blank ha deciso di installare un to install a new cleaning d nuovo impianto di lasystem. They chose n vaggio. Hanno scelto un an “Elba” dual tank v sistema“Elba” a doppia system from Mafac. s vasca di Mafac. “Questo “The system was the v sistema è stato l’unico only one that fulfilled s in our specifications i grado di soddisfare le nostre specifiche in conunder series production n dizioni di produzione in conditions,” said d serie” afferma il direttoTechnical Director s re Torsten Wolf. r tecnico Torsten Wolf. IlI processo decisionale The decision-making in process in favour of the i favore di questo sistema system took two-and-am è durato due anni e mezzo. “Nonostante i half years. “In spite of m numerosi requisiti, quethe many requirements, n sto this system achieved s sistema ha ottenuto 1 risultati ottimi in condivery good results under r zione di produttività e production conditions 1 si è dimostrato di molto and proved to be far A total of three programs are stored in the ELBA cleaning superiore ai sistemi di superior to systems from system which can be activated by the “Maviatic” touchscreen operating concept. altri fornitori,” aggiunother suppliers,” said Tre programmi sono memorizzati nel sistema di lavaggio ge Alexander Augustin, Alexander Augustin, ELBA e possono essere attivati con il sistema operativo Head of Operating MaHead of Operating touchscreen “Maviatic”. terials Planning. Materials Planning.

Cleaning sensitive components

Lavare componenti sensibili

The new system cleans machined parts made of high-alloyed steel and nickelbased materials. This is not the first cleaning process that the workpieces go through, but it is the decisive one. As the workpieces have already been cleaned, they only have minor residues such as dust and oil. But these must also be completely

Il nuovo sistema lava pezzi meccanici di acciaio ad alto contenuto di carbonio e materiali a base di nichel. Non è il primo ciclo di lavaggio cui i pezzi sono sottoposti, ma è quello decisivo. Dal momento che i pezzi in lavorazione sono già stati lavati, hanno solo una contaminazione residua minima come polvere e olio. Ma questa

11 MARCH 2012

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With a weekly throughput of around 25,000 cleaned parts, the baths of the ELBA at FEINGUSS BLANK have a service life of around ten working days. Con una produttività settimanale di circa 25.000 pezzi lavati, i bagni della ELBA presso la FEINGUSS BLANK hanno una vita di servizio di circa 10 giorni lavorativi. 3

A separate tank is used to store demineralised water for the cleaning process. Additional modules allow a tank with demineralised water to be connected to the MAFAC-ELBA and to be used as a second rinsing bath as required. Una vasca separata viene utilizzata per stoccare acqua demi per il ciclo di lavaggio. Moduli addizionali consentono di connettere la vasca con acqua demi all’impianto MAFAC-ELBA ed utilizzarla come un secondo bagno di risciacquo, se necessario.


removed, as the parts will be subsequently further machined in a sensitive production process. A total of three programs are stored in the system. These can be activated by the “Maviatic” touchscreen operating concept (Fig. 1). All three programs work with MAFAC’s patented, worldwide unique process technology of rotating spray cleaning. It makes the basket system rotate in the opposite direction to the rotating spray system, which is fitted with solid stream nozzles. Effective cleaning is guaranteed because the relative movement between the holding basket which can either be rotating, rocking or steady and the spraying system which is either co- or counterrotating, is individually adjustable. Sensitive parts with complex geometries are fixed with special frames into the basket system, while less sensitive parts are placed into the basket as bulk material. The entire cleaning process takes around seven minutes. Around two thirds of this time is taken up by the wet phase, which includes a cleaning and rinsing process. Between the cleaning and rinsing processes, the spray system is blown through to prevent carryover of the cleaning agent. The cleaning phase is followed by a drying phase, which is a keyy 3 component of the entire process. Drying takes place using an air pulse system.

deve essere completamente rimossa, poiché i pezzi subiranno ulteriori lavorazioni meccaniche in un ciclo produttivo sensibile. Nel sistema sono salvati tre programmi. Questi possono essere attivati attraverso il sistema operativo touchscreen “Maviatic” (fig. 1). Tutti e tre i programmi lavorano con la tecnologia di processo unica al mondo brevettata da MAFAC del lavaggio a spruzzo rotante. La tecnologia fa ruotare il cesto in direzione opposta rispetto al sistema a spruzzo rotante, che è dotato di ugelli a flusso continuo. In questo modo si garantisce un lavaggio efficace perché il movimento relativo tra il cesto portapezzi può essere alternativamente rotante, po o oscillante o fisso e il sistema di spruzzatura, che os a sua volta può essere in co- o contro rotazione, è regolabile individualmente. I pezzi delicati con geometrie complesse sono fissate con telai spege ciali nel cesto, mentre i pezzi meno delicati sono ci posizionati nel cesto alla rinfusa. p LL’intero ciclo di lavaggio dura circa sette minuti. L’ Circa due terzi del tempo servono per la fase baC ggnata, che include un ciclo di lavaggio e uno di rissciacquo. Tra il ciclo di lavaggio e di risciacquo, il ssistema di spruzzatura viene pulito con aria per prevenire il trascinamento dell’agente di lavagp ggio. La fase di lavaggio è seguita da una fase di asciugatura, che rappresenta una componente chiave dell’intero processo. L’asciugatura ha luogo attraverso un sistema di impulsi d’aria. I componenti sono asciugati con getti di aria compressa calda e poi esposti ad aria riscaldata.

12 MARCH 2012

Wolfgang Pfau, Werbeform GmbH Baiersbronn, Germany

The components are dried with pulses of warm compressed air and then exposed to heated air. The basket system rotates in the opposite direction to the rotating drying system. The two tanks with the cleaning agents are first used for cleaning and then for rinsing. The cleaning agent in the first tank, which has a capacity of 475 litres, includes a corrosion protection additive, while the cleaning agent in the second 300-litre tank has no additives. With a weekly throughput of around 25,000 cleaned parts, the baths have a service life of around ten working days (Fig. 2). Coarse and fine contamination that can be skimmed off is removed using a coalescense separator with a surface skimmer. The oil and grease which is removed is collected in a separate container. Both cleaning tanks have a single-stage prefiltration unit. A separate tank is used to store demineralised water for the cleaning process. Additional modules allow a tank with demineralised water to be connected to the cleaning machine and to be used as a second rinsing bath as required (Fig. 3). “We don’t know what requirements our customers will have in the future. Therefore we have equipped our cleaning system to enable us to activate the water tank as a second rinsing bath at any time,” said Technical Director Torsten Wolf.

Il sistema di contenimento ruota nella direzione opposta rispetto al sistema rotante di asciugatura. Le due vasche con l’agente di lavaggio sono prima utilizzate per il lavaggio e poi per il risciacquo. L’agente di lavaggio nella prima vasca, che ha una capacità di 475 litri, include un additivo che protegge dalla corrosione, mentre l’agente di lavaggio nella seconda vasca da 300 litri non contiene additivi. Con un tasso di produttività settimanale di circa 25.000 pezzi lavati, i bagni hanno una vita utile di circa 10 giorni (fig. 2). La contaminazione sia grossolana che fine che può essere schiumata è rimossa con un separatore a coalescenza dotato di skimmer. L’olio e il grasso rimossi sono raccolti in un contenitore separato. Entrambe le vasche di lavaggio possiedono un’unita di pre-filtrazione monofase. Una vasca separata viene usata per immagazzinare l’acqua demineralizzata per il ciclo di lavaggio. Moduli aggiuntivi consentono di connettere una vasca con acqua demineralizzata all’impianto di lavaggio e di utilizzarla come un secondo risciacquo ove richiesto (fig. 3). “Non conosciamo quali requisiti i nostri clienti avranno in futuro. Quindi abbiamo dotato il nostro sistema in modo tale che ci consenta di attivare la vasca d’acqua come secondo risciacquo in ogni momento,” ha affermato Il direttore tecnico Torsten Wolf.

Lavaggio ad ultrasuoni

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Weber Ultrasonics GmbH Im Hinteracker 7 D-76307 Karlsbad-Ittersbach Tel. +49 7248 9207- 0 Fax +49 7248 9207-11


13 MARCH 2012


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Adolfo Acquati: Enamelling lines

Dr. Ezio Pedroni: Coil coating

Attilio Bernasconi: Paint stripping technologies and cryogenic processes

Loris Rossi: Surface treatment on aluminium

Ernesto Caldana: Coil coating pretreatment Michele Cattarin: Electrostatic application of powder coatings EDITOR IN CHIEF/ DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE


ipcm digital on www.ipcm.it w ww.ipcm.it


Enzo Colapinto: UV systems and technologies

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2012 20 012 12 3rdd Y YEAR YEA EA AR Bimonthly Bimo Bi montthly mont mo hly hl N°14-March N1 N° 14 4-M Mar arch ch h

Ivano Pastorelli: Measurement and quality control

Dr. Thomas Schmidt: Powder coatings and inks Giuseppe Tarquini: Liquid coatings Gianfranco Verona: Water treatment Dario Zucchetti: Coating lines Lauro Gatti: Air treatment


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MEDIA SALES FRANCESCO STUCCHI stucchi@ipcm.it NICOLE KRAUS kraus@ipcm.it MARCELLO MOLINARI molinari@ipcm.it


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The first international magazine for surface treatments La prima rivista internazionale sui trattamenti superficiali

Registrazione al Tribunale di Monza N° 1970 del 10 Dicembre 2009 Eos Mktg&Communication srl è iscritta nel Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione con il numero 19244

Dr. Felice Ambrosino: Marketing Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti: Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies Prof. Paolo Gronchi: Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section

Prof. Fabrizio Pirri: Department of Material Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Turin, Micro and Nanosystems, Nanomaterials and Surfaces Prof. Stefano Rossi: Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design Dr. Antonio Tolotto: Marine and industrial anticorrosive coating cycles Dr. Fulvio Zocco: Environmental and quality


Kevin Biller The Powder Coating Research Group

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