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Ecoclean: focus on high-purity applications, medical technology and service

Ecoclean is responding to the changing requirements in industrial parts cleaning with greater diversification of its product and service portfolio. Thus, in addition to cleaning equipment and systems for classic tasks in various industries, optimally adapted solutions for high-purity applications, for example components for DUV and EUV technology, for vacuum technology systems (UHV, XHV, UCV), and precision optics are the focus of the company’s trade fair presentation at this year’s parts2clean (hall 4, booth C26). Furthermore, turnkey solutions for cleaning and sterile packaging of medical devices in compliance with MDR and FDA requirements will be featured. Among other things, the Customer Service Station will provide information on future-oriented services, the service app, and ways to make cleaning more energy efficient.

BATH MONITORING Endress+Hauseer Flow AG (SensAction)

Process transparency through online monitoring of bath and cleaning media concentration

With LiquidSens, SensAction, a brand of Endress+Hauser Flow Deutschland AG, presents an efficient measuring system for precise and reliable online monitoring of the concentration of cleaning media, hardening polymers and corrosion protection products in liquids – even in integrated or Industry 4.0 manufacturing. Even the smallest changes are measured and recorded. An app concept allows the system to be easily and quickly adapted to different applications. In addition, the LiquidSens Mobile is a mobile device for the random monitoring of cleaning systems. The user interface and the memory management have been specially designed for monitoring multiple cleaning systems. Adaptation to the respective application is also simple via media apps.

© Ecoclean GmbH

Ecoclean GmbH

70794 Filderstadt, Germany, Phone +49 711 70060, www.ecoclean-group.net

Hall 4, Stand C26

© Endress+Hauser Flow Deutschland

Endress+Hauser Flow Deutschland AG

96450 Coburg, Germany, Phone +49 9561 976230, www.sensaction.de

Hall 4, Stand C43

ACCESSORIES – NOZZLES Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology S.L.

Nozzles for optimum cleaning performance and efficiency

© Eurospray

Eurospray provides a wide range of cleaning solutions for food, beverage, automotive, chemical, pharma, and industrial fields; worldwide. Washing applications depend on many factors such as the cleaning application type, the residue to be removed, and the temperature and sprayed product type. The flat spray nozzle is the most common nozzle for these applications. It delivers a medium force impact spray making it perfect for rinsing and cleaning applications with light to moderate residue. On the other hand, a high-impact nozzle, designed to maximize impact force, is excellent for applications with embedded residue. For applications that require wide cleanings, such as tank cleaning, the ideal solution is rotating washing heads that provide full coverage up to 360° and effective cleaning.

Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology S.L.

08970 Sant Joan Despi, Spain, Phone +34 934 773846,

www.euspray.com Hall 4, Stand D32

ASSOCIATIONS Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V. (FiT)

Expert know-how, knowledge transfer and an award for parts cleaning

The Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung (FiT) e. V. will be coming up with an attractive program at this year’s parts2clean. In addition to support in the form of basic knowledge and recommendations for action, as well as cross-technology initial advice for versatile tasks in industrial parts cleaning, there will be plenty on offer in the action area of the FiT booth. This includes presentations on the latest trends and developments as well as an exciting program of lectures on trend-setting topics. One of the highlights will be the first-ever presentation of the FiT2clean Award on October 13. The award, worth 10,000 euros, recognizes outstanding achievements and solutions to a current challenge in industrial parts cleaning. The FiT2clean Award will be presented annually in the future.

CLEANING SYSTEMS HÖCKH Metall-Reinigungsanlagen GmbH

Energy Efficiency and Industry 4.0 in Parts Cleaning

High electricity costs make cleaning parts economically more difficult. Energy efficiency is therefore high on the agenda at Höckh Metall-Reinigungsanlagen GmbH. “With energy efficient and frequency controlled components, intelligent heating adjustment as well as standby mode our Multiclean systems are the first choice to continually ensure technical cleanliness in an economical way”, David Bartels, Head of Laboratory / Process Engineering / Sales at Höckh Metall-Reinigungsanlagen explains. Trade fair visitors can also find out how their parts cleaning machines can communicate with the ERP system via OPC-UA and which advantages this offers. News about Artificial Intelligence in parts cleaning round off the company’s presentation at parts2clean.


NOYEN Sp. z o.o.

New cleaning system with focus on ergonomics and efficiency

At parts2clean, Noyen will present the Compact 100, a new cleaning system designed with ergonomics and efficiency in mind. It makes installation and technical checks of the machine quick and easy. The working chamber is equipped for spray, immersion and ultrasonic cleaning processes. A precise filter system ensures a long service life of the cleaning medium and in addition thermal insulation saves energy. The touchscreen control panel with simple user interface makes working with the machine intuitive. The new cleaning system reliably meets ISO 16232 and VDA 19.1 cleaning standards. The machine’s automation monitors every parameter. To increase productivity and reduce costs, the cleaning system can be further optimized at any time.

© FiT

Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung (FiT) e. V. Geschäftsstelle

72639 Neuffen, Germany, Phone +49 7025 8434-100, www.fit-online.org

Hall 4, Stand B01 + C01

© Höckh

HÖCKH Metall-Reinigungsanlagen GmbH

75305 Neuenbürg, Germany, Phone +49 7082 41093110 www.hoeckh.com

Hall 4, Stand C42


NOYEN Sp. Z. o. o.

20-270 Lublin, Poland Phone +48 81 7450598


Hall 4, Booth D49


Effective, gentle and reliable ultrasonic cleaning of sensitive components

With the Sonopower 3S Megasonic Boost system with frequencies of 500 and 1,000 kHz, Weber Ultrasonics has developed an efficient solution for the demanding cleaning of sensitive components. It ensures particularly gentle and at the same time effective treatment of components with high degrees of cleanliness. The system consists of the intelligent Sonopower 3S Megasonic Boost generator and the tuned Sonoplate HF high-frequency transducers. In operation, the generator, which is available in 250 and 500 watt power classes, uses various innovative features to ensure that cleaning is gentle on the surface but reliably removes contaminants. The combined frequency and amplitude modulation ensures homogeneous sound fields and prevents so-called standing waves. The Sonoscan automatically determines the optimum working frequency, adjusts system settings accordingly and during the process the frequency can be continuously monitored and automatically adjusted. Integration into higher-level plant control systems is achieved via optional fieldbus interfaces, such as Profinet, Ethercat and ModBus TCP.


WIGOL W. Stache GmbH

New acidic cleaner for aluminium surfaces

With the VRX 46 V, Wigol W. Stache GmbH introduces a new, acidic cleaner that has been designed especially for applications on aluminum surfaces. The non-foaming cleaner can be used in spray and pressure liquid circulation cleaning systems. It offers good demulsifying properties. Emulsions, metal soaps, processing oils and dried emulsion residues are reliably removed. A specially adjusted acid mixture also ensures a slight and attractive brightening of aluminum surfaces. AF 03, a water-soluble, temporary anticorrosive, is suitable as a protective measure for corrosion-sensitive steel materials and cast iron. It can be used at high injection pressure and if higher demands are placed on corrosion prevention. The demulsifier VRX P1 is an efficient additive for breaking oil-in-water emulsions. It supports removal of oils and grease if gravity separators are connected to the cleaning system.

© Weber Ultrasonics

Weber Ultrasonics AG

76307 Karlsbad, Germany Phone +49 7248 92070 www.weber-ultrasonics.com

Hall 4, Stand D42


WIGOL W. Stache GmbH

67547 Worm, Germany Phone +49 6241 41410, www.wigol.de

Hall 4, Stand D52

High requirements have to be met for both the production and the cleaning of complex machined precision parts.

Sia la produzione che il lavaggio di complessi componenti di precisione devono soddisfare requisiti molto elevati.

© Willo AB

Future-oriented parts cleaning

The production of high-precision parts with complex interior geometries requires top quality along the entire production chain. In order to be optimally prepared for future cleanliness requirements, a Swedish manufacturer replaced one of its existing solvent cleaning systems. They chose an Ecoclean EcoCcompact fitted with Ultrasonics PLUS, to mention only one of the system’s features.

When company founder Willy Loeffel came from Switzerland to Växjö in Sweden in 1956, he brought entrepreneurial spirit, extensive technical know-how in the operation of sliding spindle lathes and high quality awareness with him. He combined these qualities with the Swedish business culture to create a company which has been setting standards in the industry to this day. The business which is family-run in the second generation specializes in machining of small complex precision products for partly critical applications in the fields of medical and power engineering, valve technology and general industry.

Lavaggio di componenti orientato al futuro

La produzione di componenti di alta precisione con complesse geometrie interne richiede il massimo della qualità lungo l’intera catena produttiva. Al fine di poter soddisfare in modo ottimale le specifiche di lavaggio future, un produttore svedese ha sostituito uno dei suoi sistemi di lavaggio a solvente scegliendo EcoCcompact di Ecoclean, dotato di Ultrasonic PLUS, per citare solo una delle tante caratteristiche del sistema.

Quando Willy Loeffel, il fondatore dell’azienda, si spostò dalla Svizzera a Växjö (Svezia) nel 1956 portò con sé spirito imprenditoriale, un vasto know-how tecnico sul funzionamento dei torni a mandrino scorrevole e la consapevolezza dell’alta qualità. Combinò queste qualità con la cultura imprenditoriale svedese, per creare un’azienda che ha finora fissato gli standard di settore. L’azienda, alla seconda generazione di conduzione familiare, è specializzata nella lavorazione di piccoli e complessi componenti di precisione per importanti applicazioni nell’ingegneria medica ed energetica, nella tecnologia delle valvole e nella general industry.

The system concept as well as numerous features available as standard options such as the three flood tanks for the Wash, Rinse/Rinse or Preserve process steps were major decision criteria in favour of the EcoCcompact.

La scelta di EcoCcompact è stata dettata principalmente dal concept di sistema e dalle sue numerose caratteristiche opzionali, come le tre vasche per lavaggio, risciacquo/risciacquo o conservazione.

© Willo AB

Since the beginning Willo has been experiencing in average two digit growth rates in these business fields. This is why its production area will be extended by approx. 1,500 square meters within the next two years with the construction of a new building. State-of-the-art machinery including innovative measuring technology for constant production monitoring of precision parts made of different steel alloys, aluminium, titan, copper, brass and plastics among others ensures that even tightest tolerances are observed. ‘This also concerns parts cleaning where particles and residues of machining oil have to be removed from exterior and interior part contours. On the one hand, the quality of downstream processes such as heat treatment or coating depends on this cleanliness. On the other hand, the observance of defined cleanliness specifications in final cleaning is a must for both potential further processing in validated processes at our customers’ and for the function of the parts in the final product’, explains Peter Hultkvist, technical manager at Willo.

Higher requirements regarding cleaning quality and process stability

For parts cleaning the company has been using Ecoclean solvent Sin dall’inizio Willo ha registrato in questi settori tassi di crescita media a due cifre, motivo per cui amplierà la sua superficie produttiva di circa 1.500 m2 entro i prossimi due anni, con la costruzione di un nuovo edificio. Dei macchinari all’avanguardia, tra cui un’innovativa tecnologia di misurazione per il monitoraggio continuo dei componenti di precisione realizzati in diverse leghe di acciaio, alluminio, titanio, rame, ottone e plastica, garantiscono il rispetto delle più rigide tolleranze. “Questo aspetto riguarda anche il lavaggio dei manufatti, dalle cui aree esterne e interne è necessario rimuovere i residui particellari e degli oli di lavorazione. Da un lato, la qualità dei processi a valle quali trattamento termico e verniciatura dipende dal livello di pulizia. Dall’altro lato, il rispetto di determinate specifiche di pulizia nel lavaggio finale è un must, sia per le potenziali lavorazioni future validate presso i nostri clienti, sia per il funzionamento dei componenti nel prodotto finale”, spiega Peter Hultkvist, Direttore Tecnico di Willo.

Requisiti di qualità e stabilità di processo più elevati

Per il lavaggio dei componenti l’azienda si affida da più di vent’anni ai sistemi a solvente di Ecoclean.

© Willo AB

Due to the future-oriented scanner system with integrated software, the cleaning system can be interfaced with the MES at any time. Grazie al suo sistema di scansione orientato al futuro con software integrato, il sistema di lavaggio si può interfacciare con il MES in qualsiasi momento.

cleaning systems for more than two decades. When the almost 25 years old system was to be replaced, it was clear that the new cleaning system had to meet not only present, but also future cleanliness requirements flexibly and reproducibly. ‘It was important for us that we would be optimally prepared for our customers’ future higher demands regarding particle and film-type cleanliness specifications, process consistency and productivity. Maximum process stability as well as being prepared for automatic data transfer to our MRP were further requirements’, explains Peter Hultkvist. Another criterion was the best possible use of the available production time by optimally selecting the cleaning steps used in the system. They talked about these issues with several cleaning system manufacturers. The fact that they opted for Ecoclean’s EcoCcompact was due both to the system concept and its optional features and their good experience with the manufacturer’s systems and service as well as advice and support based on their cleaning know-how.

Future-proof investment through high flexibility

The compact solvent cleaning system which only needs 3,200 x 1,600 x 2,450 mm (L x B x H) of space, operates under full vacuum. At Willo’s it is used with the hydrocarbons they have been using so far, however it Quando è giunto il momento di sostituire il sistema vecchio di quasi 25 anni, è stato chiaro che il nuovo sistema avrebbe dovuto soddisfare i requisiti di lavaggio attuali ma anche futuri, in modo flessibile e riproducibile. “Per noi era importante essere preparati in modo ottimale alle future e più rigide domande dei nostri clienti in merito alle specifiche di pulizia da contaminanti particellari e pellicolari, all’omogeneità e alla produttività. Ulteriori esigenze erano la massima stabilità del processo e il poter trasmettere in automatico i dati al nostro MRP”, spiega Peter Hultkvist. Un altro criterio era il miglior utilizzo possibile del tempo produttivo disponibile tramite la selezione ottimale delle fasi di lavaggio da utilizzare. L’azienda ha discusso di questi argomenti con numerosi impiantisti. La scelta è ricaduta su EcoCcompact di Ecloclean per il concept del sistema e le sue caratteristiche opzionali, per la positiva esperienza già avuta con i prodotti e servizi di Ecoclean, nonché per il supporto fornito grazie al suo know-how.

Investimento a prova di futuro grazie all’elevata flessibilità

La compatta macchina di lavaggio a solvente, che necessità di soli 3.200 x 1.600 x 2.450 mm di spazio, funziona in pieno vuoto. Willo utilizza gli idrocarburi che ha sempre usato, ma il sistema può funzionare anche

can also easily be operated with modified alcohols (semi-polar solvents) subject to minor modifications. The company opted for a standard machine configuration with three fully integrated flood tanks for the process steps wash, rinse/rinse or preserve. Depending on type, parts are supplied in bulk or arranged in part carriers and treated in accordance with one of the ten programs stored in the machine control system and which are currently still selected manually. For interfacing with the company’s MRP, the machine is equipped with a future-oriented scanner system with integrated software.

Equipped for fine cleaning...

In accordance with the selected cleaning program, the parts can be degreased with vapour before the actual cleaning process. With this technology, the spent solvent is not piped into the flood tank, contrary to common practice, but directly into the distillation unit integrated as a standard feature. This is done to counteract oil accumulation in the solvent. What is more, vapour-degreasing with wash fluid as final cleaning step is feasible.

© Willo AB con alcoli modificati (solventi semi-polari) sottoposti a lievi modifiche. L’azienda ha optato per una configurazione standard della macchina, con tre vasche completamente integrate per lavaggio, risciacquo/ risciacquo o conservazione. A seconda della tipologia, i componenti sono sfusi o disposti in cestelli portapezzi e trattati in base a una delle dieci ricette di lavaggio memorizzate nel sistema di controllo della macchina e, al momento, ancora selezionate manualmente. Per l’interfaccia con l’MRP dell’azienda la macchina è dotata di un sistema di scansione con software integrato.

Adatto al lavaggio fine…

A seconda della ricetta selezionata i componenti possono essere sottoposti a sgrassaggio a vapore prima del lavaggio vero e proprio. Con questa tecnologia il solvente esausto non viene convogliato nella vasca come accade di solito, bensì nell’unità di distillazione integrata. Questo per contrastare l’accumulo di olio nel solvente. Inoltre, è possibile lo sgrassaggio a vapore come fase di lavaggio finale.

The Ultrasonics PLUS feature - complementing the classical ultrasonic process - ensures that contaminants are also reliably removed from complex interior part geometries. Ultrasonic PLUS – complementare al classico processo a ultrasuoni – assicura un’affidabile rimozione dei contaminanti anche da manufatti con geometrie interne complesse.

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