The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on
12th Year - Bimonthly
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6th International Industrial Coating Technologies Exhibition 25 - 27 November 2021 Istanbul Expo Center
Co-Located Supporter
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ST Powder Coatings S.p.A. Via E. Segrè, 46 36075 Montecchio Maggiore ITALY Tel.: +39 0444 165400
ST Powder Coatings España S.L. C/Batalla de Brunete, 11 28946 Fuenlabrada - Madrid ESPAÑA Tel. +34 916 977 292
ST Powder Coatings Portugal L.d.a. Rua R.B. Rodrigues, 210 4475-132 Maia - Porto PORTUGAL Tel. +351 220 944 229
Barten S.r.o.
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Ružová 307, Louky 763 02 Zlin CZECH REPUBLIC Tel. +420 573 332 198
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ST Powder Coatings Polska, Sp. Z o.o. Ul. Sienna, 73 00-833 Warsaw POLAND Subscribe to our Newsletter
© Adapta
Painting Cars for Mars
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Patina® Ceramic Collection: Adapta’s Dreamlike Journey Along the Colours of the Silk Road
© Lester Ali Photography
© Ethimo
05 06 10 16 22 26
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY A FOX System for In-Line Pre-Anodising and a C-Expert Booth: Alural’s Future-Proof Technical Choices
IPCM IN REVIEW BRAND NEW HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH ST Powder Coatings: Growth at Full Speed in 2021
29 36 38 40 42
MARKET CLOSE UP Aluminium and Steel Coatings Towards Certification of “Sustainability”
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Outdoor Furniture: Excellent Paint Adhesion and Corrosion Resistance Thanks to a Technologically Innovative Chemical Process
BRAND NEW SUCCESS STORIES PIMC Now Also Available in a Metallic Look
SUSTAINABILITY Powdura ECO Powder Coatings: from Plastic to Powder
62 64
Smart Windows that Protect Against Solar Radiation
Perfect Powder Adhesion on Furniture Components, Thanks to a Combination of Mechanical and Chemical Pre-Treatment Stages
BRAND NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Efficient and Consistent Powder Coating of Components for Office Desks
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
Casa Batlló Reopens its Doors with the Anodized Aluminium Chains of Kriskadecor
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY State-of-the-art Coating System A for High and Low-Pressure Operations Ensures Efficient Production
78 80 88 98
SUCCESS STORIES GEINSA Supplied French Manufacturer FERRAND with a New Pre-Treatment and Powder Coating Plant
SUSTAINABILITY Teknos Reduced Energy Consumption by 13% in Its Danish Site
100 114
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Flexible Surface Coating for 1000 and One Functional Door
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Surprising Steel: Brombal Insourced its Coating Operations and Obtained Exceptional Finishes for Exclusive Window and Door Frames
INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE New Sustainable and Water-Resistant Coatings Developed with Ultrathin Self-Healing Polymers
© Saype
ART WITHIN SURFACES Revolutionary Artwork Made with Graco Paint Sprayers
SUCCESS STORIES Interpon Powder Coatings Puts Rodi on the Fast Track to Sustainability
Electrostatic Solution for Glass Bottles
Graco Launches New Line of Air Assist and Airless Spray Guns
IM GROUP Foundation’s Chair Exhibits Sculptures to Raise Funds for Malaysian Children
An Industrial Painting School in the Future of ipcm® Academy
Robots Become “Painters”
How to Create a Successful Webinar
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rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro
rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber
celle filtranti per alte temperature
filtering cells for high temperatures
rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica accumulatore vernice “Columbus” filtri “Andreae” cartucce filtranti filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali
rolls and panels of synthetic fiber paint accumulator “Columbus” “Andreae” filters filtering cartridges absolute filters special application
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diting an international magazine in the field of surface treatment means having the opportunity to explore, discover, and understand how “things” are created. The noun “things” used to describe the world around us is typical of the most basic or childish language, but it is also the only term that is so generic and non-descriptive as to be the most appropriate to indicate the extreme variety of objects, artefacts, parts, components, and structures – indeed, things – that are subjected to some kind of surface treatment, be it functional, aesthetic, or simply protective. In these twelve years at ipcm®, I have seen the biggest trucks in the world and the smallest dentures being made. I have witnessed the forging of magnesium wheels for racing cars and the metalworking of bodies for some of the fastest cars in the world. I have watched the aluminium profiles for the façades of some of the most iconic buildings of our time being painted, and I have caressed the shiny, freshly produced hardware of some of the world’s most famous it-bags. Being in the surface treatment business means getting to the essence of objects. No other industrial sector has such a vast impact, ranging from furniture, appliances, heaters, and clotheslines to nuclear reactors, aircraft, trains, excavator shovels, shoe heels, surgical instruments, screws, bolts, and perfume caps, in an extraordinary whirlwind of surfaces, colours, effects, textures, and functions. It is easy to grasp the vastness of the world of surface treatments, if we think that an object’s finish represents its interface with the outside environment. Such interface can be functional, enabling it to perform tasks in addition to the primary one for which it was designed; protective, extending its service life and reducing its need for maintenance; aesthetic, satisfying the desire for beauty; or emotional, capturing attention and making a product desirable. This consideration stems from two opportunities I had at the turn of the summer and autumn: one, alas, partly missed and one fully seized. On 23 September, I was due to open the Powder Coating Summit in Columbus (Ohio, USA) with a talk on smart coatings. Unfortunately, I could not be there due to the impossibility of travelling to the United States for non-essential business reasons. I solved the problem by sending a video recording of my presentation – thanks to which I realised for the first time how much paints can enrich a product with their chemical complexity and how much smart they have become, up to being able to interact with their surroundings. The second opportunity, this time taken, was to visit Milan’s Salone, the world’s most important meeting point for designers and architects, returned after more than a year’s break. Most exhibitors kept their major product innovations in reserve for the next edition, to be held just six months after this one, and they left it to finishes to surprise, foster technical discussion, and provoke emotions. In turn, I suggest you to let this September/October issue of ipcm® – which as per tradition includes a focus on innovations in finishing applied to design and metal architecture – stir some emotions in you. I will not bore you with the usual summary of the most important contents. Suffice it to say that this issue is a container of inspiration, of many “wow!” articles for insiders, and of numerous innovations in the field of chemistry. I will simply wish you a lot of emotions.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© HangOn
Figure 1 - Diagram of the efficiency degree achieved through appropriate hanging and masking systems.
The recovery Adriano Antonelli Tecno Supply - Ibix Srl, Santa Maria in Fabriago (Ravenna) – Italy
ll indicators are pointing to a rapid recovery of the market.
we are experiencing these days, are another crisis factor that should
Renewed consumer and business confidence is boosting
not be underestimated: if not managed in time, they will be a serious
investment. Consumption is picking up and new projects and
brake on economic recovery. Moreover, putting hospital systems
major works are being outlined. However, critical issues remain that
under pressure again could cause serious problems and force people
could make global economy lose momentum. Imported inflation, for
to isolate one more time.
example, while remaining within the Italian government’s hoped-for
On the other hand, an important resource that could support
2 percentage point level, is causing demand to cool. The double-digit
recovery in Italy will undoubtedly be the Next Generation You funds,
increase in the cost of raw materials is putting producers in a difficult
although institutions have not yet clarified how it will be possible to
position, with negative effects on the market, while sourcing them has
manage and take advantage of this funding – which is only partly non-
become increasingly difficult.
repayable. For now, it appears that such funds will be disbursed at
Unfortunately, the increasingly long product value chain in foreign
different work stages: they do not seem to be immediately available,
markets has resulted, as in this case, in a lack of control over
also in view of the significant financial effort faced by the states to
production processes. The new Covid variants, the severity of which
combat the Coronavirus.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Get more from water Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators From top left: Figure 2 - Optimisation of the space available for hanging parts. Figure 3 - The direction in which workpieces are hung is a key factor. Figure 4 - The flexibility of the new frame reduces the cost of unused load bar space. Figure 5 - Flexi-frame, the new frame launched by HangOn and distributed in Italy by Ibix Industrial.
Filtering systems Batch type systems Flotation units Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
In this context, it becomes essential to use the right tools to cope with the demands of the market as smoothly as possible and without inefficiencies that could absorb the gains of the recovery.
Flexi-frame: the new flexible frame that helps recovery In this article, we present a new product launched by HangOn and distributed on the Italian market by Ibix Industrial, a division of Ibix Srl. It achieves an efficiency degree that is now the standard required especially of coating contractors (Fig. 1). Its features are as follows: • flexibility, which avoids the need to build a frame for every single workpiece to be hung, thus reducing costs and avoiding problems in the management and implementation of tools; • hanging density (Fig. 2): optimisation of the hanging space is one of the keys to reducing line costs, because the pre-treatment plant and the oven work both with and without hung parts; • hanging direction of parts (Fig. 3): the workpieces must be positioned as required and according to their conformation, in order to avoid that any water traces from the pre-treatment process remain inside them (e.g. box-type parts) or that certain areas are not painted due to
Beware of imitations, buy the original!
shading effects;
• storage savings (Fig. 4): this is a key element in saving space in
The benefits of using this bar are therefore manifold:
company facilities. The ability to reduce the cost of unused load bar
• time saving: up to 30 times faster than using single hooks;
space is vital.
• minimised mark left by the hook;
Flexi-frame, the flexible frame launched on the market by HangOn,
• hooks made of harmonic steel;
meets all these requirements (Fig. 5). First of all, it is stable and firmly
• possibility to request bars with special hook configurations;
fixed, so that there are no swaying issues during construction.
• smart packaging to reduce transportation costs.
The assembled frame is equipped with an automatic blocking system
H11B bars are punched bars inside which hooks are housed (Fig. 7).
to ensure the stability of the entire structure. It can also accommodate
In this way, contacts remain clean and protected and it is possible to
any bars already in the production range.
change the hanging hooks when necessary.
Other cost-effective solutions
Both standard and twin hooks can be used with the same bar. The latter are special hooks capable of fitting between two punches marks and remain fixed.
much so that they can even be used as disposable products (Fig. 6). In
HCL bars have slots where it is possible to insert springs and hooks
order to hang parts symmetrically, a 1 mm-diameter, double-structure
formed from rod or sheet metal (Fig. 8). Their ends are protected with
hook is inserted in the bar. For instance, the HQL 800X33 bar features
silicone caps that allow easy removal and ensure good conductivity.
46 hooks along a length of 800 mm.
The bars can feature either single or double slots to increase hanging
These bars can be integrated into the HCF universal system. In this
density. The system thus is extremely flexible and guarantees a
way, the system becomes modular and it is possible to insert bars
reduction in the number of frames built for the different workpieces
according to the length of the workpieces to be treated. Their related
to be coated. The bars can also be used for cataphoresis processes
HQL G6 caps, finally, guarantee perfect electrostatics. A 1.5 mm hook
thanks to their cap system, which guarantees that the ends are
bar is now available, also made of harmonic steel.
protected (Fig. 9).
© HangOn
HQL bars are produced fully automatically to reduce their cost so
From top left: Figure 6 - The HQL bar. Figure 7 - The H11B bar. Figure 8 - The HCL bar. Figure 9 - Frame used for cataphoresis processes.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The superior H2B bars can house hooks with a
the adapter that allows extending an HQS frame
maximum diameter of 5 mm. In addition, a HQS
by using any standard or currently available one.
frame can be fitted (Fig. 10); this has metal slats
HQS frames can be applied to different operations,
that allow hanging components consisting of
including hanging small parts, more or less heavy
individual parts or profiles. The central 4 or 5 mm
components, and profiles.
hook guarantees an overall resistance of the frame up to 100 kg. HQS frames have been recently
launched on the market with various types of
The new system presented complements HangOn’s
hooks, thanks to which each customer can find the
range of standard frames.
best configuration for its specific use. The tree can
The universal welded, fixed frame guarantees a
be up to 2,400 mm in length, while the slats are
flexibility degree that we have already analysed
1 mm thick and 18 mm high. It is also possible to
in the pages of this magazine, whereas the new
create different configurations: slats on one side
system as a whole ensures unprecedented ease
only (i.e. sheared), zigzag-shaped, or bent from 0
of storage and warehouse space reduction, with
to 180°. This type of frame was also designed to
the possibility of inserting any bars included in the
avoid using single hooks. Again, the fact that the
frames are produced automatically guarantees a
Such an efficient and flexible tool can be a true
limited cost, comparable to that of single hooks.
trump card for our customers.
The new configurations offered will allow every user to find the most appropriate hook shape for its components. Another recently-launched feature is
© HangOn
Figure 10 - The HQS frame that can be inserted in the H2B bar.
July and August in Review
uly is a month full of anniversaries for
August edition of the publications dedicated
on students will be able to choose whether
the ipcm editorial office: we celebrated
to the Iberian and South American markets:
to attend classroom lessons or connect
three birthdays, in addition to the 12th
ipcm®_Ibérica and ipcm®_LatinoAmérica.
remotely by following the online course.
anniversary of EOS Mktg&Communication
In case it will be impossible to carry out in-
of ipcm® publications. This obviously
Working for the second session of the ipcm® Academy courses
translated into moments of conviviality, joy
After the success of the first session of the
and sharing as well as being a goal we are
ipcm® Academy courses, which ended on July
proud of.
2nd with the final exam, we prepared the new
A gift to the Red Cross
training session, which started on
In July we also donated to the SOS Novate
September 16th.
Milanese, a voluntary association of First Aid
This session will last a total of 100 hours,
and Public Assistance - Onlus that operates
divided into 12 days of attendance –
in the field of emergency and urgent care,
July is also a month full of interviews,
including two days of practical activities and
8 office chairs that will be placed inside
business trips and video-calls to create the
a day dedicated to the final exam.
the offices at the headquarters of the
new issues of the ipcm® magazines. At the
The novelty of this second session is the
end of July, issue 70 of ipcm®_International
hybrid participation modality of the lessons,
A small gesture accompanied by a deep
Paint & Coating Magazine was published,
a decision generated by the desire to
sense of gratitude towards the medical
an issue full of reports on investments
promote a versatile training that is really
personnel who have been fighting the
in innovation made by companies in the
close to the needs of individuals and
pandemic at the frontline for months.
surface coatings sector. We also set up the
companies. As a matter of fact, from now
(, publisher
Always working to provide the industry with the latest news
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
classroom lessons because of the pandemic or other contingent situations, the online course will always be provided.
Ilaria Paolomelo, ipcm
For the ipcm® editorial office, August is synonymous with summer holidays, a time to recharge the batteries and to enjoy a bit of relaxation after long months of work. The return to work is always a hectic period and mainly dedicated to the finishing touches to the summer editions
Maximum efficiency in powder coating
of ipcm® Ibérica and ipcm® LatinoAmérica, the magazines dedicated to the Iberian and South American markets, as well as to planning the projects that we will face in the last months of the year. One of these is the special issue dedicated to architecture and design that you are reading. This is one of the most anticipated issues of the year for which in August we carried out interviews, reportages and business trips to offer our readers exclusive articles on the latest innovations in the sector. Also, on the digital front we launched many innovations with the aim of providing users with a 360° information service through a greater number of contents published daily that allow them to stay up to date on the latest news in the sector and through in-depth articles mainly dedicated to those who are taking their first steps in the field of surface treatments.
Nordson HDLV dense-phase technology – everything under control The heart of Nordson HDLV® technology is patented High Density, Low Velocity (HDLV) Encore HD® pumps delivering exceptional powder coating results. Significant powder savings and productivity gains from: higher application efficiency, uniform coating thickness, faster color change and minimum maintenance downtime. Explore the unique features of our powder coating systems online or get in contact with us today for more information! Scan me
Painting Cars for Mars DC Agle Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA – United States
What does NASA do to get a rover ready for Mars? JPL’s paint shop does a thousand different paint jobs a year. And while every piece of spacecrafts that comes through the shop is important, one headed for the Red Planet adds a little extra oomph. After four-and-a-half months and a painstaking work of masking and coating, the Perseverance rover was ready for its mission to the Mars. This is the story of how it was built and coated.
e do a thousand different
In mid-April 2018, more than 20 freshly-
Each hole in Mars 2020’s chassis began its life
paint jobs a year at JPL, from
machined, large, shiny chunks of 7050 and
as a hand-drilled pilot hole. Next, a larger bit is
components as small as a pill
7075 aluminium that would make up the
introduced to expand the hole slightly. Then a
to entire spacecraft fuselages,” said John
primary structure of the chassis were collected
final drilling of the same hole takes place.
Campanella, coating expert at NASA’s Jet
in a clean room in Building 18 at JPL, along
“We drill holes in steps because it gives us
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
with about a hundred smaller secondary parts.
the best chance to catch any errors, stresses
“I have worked on the first Mars rover
Over the following four-and-a-half months,
the metal less, and the increments make
Pathfinder, the Deep Impact mission, GRAIL,
Mars 2020 engineers and technicians planned,
it easier to drill by hand,” said Pakbaz. “It’s
Juno and Cassini, and I think my paint is just
measured, examined, consulted, drilled and
detailed work and at times can be tedious, but
about everywhere in the solar system. When
fastened until those many parts became a
everyone knows what is at stake.”
we finished off the Mars 2020 chassis, we had
single Mars rover chassis.
to get everything as close to perfect as we can
“The plan called for 610 rivets, 730 washers,
Prep Work
get it.”
644 nuts and 964 mechanical fasteners to
At the end of 5,000 engineering hours of
While there are thousands of steps that could
hold the rover chassis together,” said Stephen
assembly, involving more than 3,000 drillings
be chosen to start a story about producing an
Pakbaz, lead engineer for the Mars 2020
and well beyond a thousand rivet and fastener
SUV-sized, nuclear-powered six-wheel-drive
chassis assembly. “That means there are well
applications, the rover’s chassis was complete.
vehicle for the Red Planet, we will begin ours
over 1,000 holes in the Mars 2020 rover. But
But it still was not ready for the paint guns of
four-and-a-half months before Campanella
in almost all cases we don’t just drill once
Campanella’s team. There are locations on the
and his colleagues trained their highly-trained
for each hole; we drill three or more times -
rover’s chassis where paint is strictly verboten
paint guns on the rover.
entirely by hand.”
- places where electronics boxes have yet to
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Your Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
JPL mechanical technician Eduardo Castro uses a paint meter to measure the paint thickness on the Mars 2020 rover chassis. The reading on the meter indicates a thickness of 5.4 thousandths of an inch.
be bolted on, wiring harnesses are still to be run
visit from Quality Assurance. But with five Mars 2020
and attachment points for hypersensitive science
engineers logging 500 hours over seven days, the
instruments that require bare metal surfaces to
task was finally complete. On Aug. 6, 2018, the Mars
perform their best.
2020 rover chassis - festooned with metal overlays
“Any good paint job is preceded by a great tape job,”
and masking tape, and then covered in sterile
said Campanella. “I wouldn’t freestyle flames on a
antistatic wrap - was gingerly forklifted 150 yards
Camaro, and we sure don’t freestyle Mars rovers.”
from Building 18 to JPL’s paint shop.
Numbering more than 600, the pieces of masking tape for the rover came in all shapes and sizes. Many
A “Martian” painting
were smaller than a coin, but a few were about the
“With any spacecraft, after you get the static wrap off
size of a bagel, and one (covering where fibre optic
and inspect the rover, you start with surface prep -
cable channel will go) was shaped like a serpent and
abrading the surface with sand paper so the paint
as large as a microwave oven. All were applied by
will adhere better,” said Campanella. “To prevent any
hand and smoothed out to prevent bubbling.
chance of corrosion or oxidation, the rule is, once
“One hundred and thirty-five temporary sheet-metal
you start sanding, you have six hours to complete
stencils also were applied during this time,” said Ryan
everything - sanding, priming and painting.”
van Schilifgaarde, a support engineer for Mars 2020
As spacecraft paint jobs go, the Mars 2020 rover
assembly. “They mask larger locations on the rover
was big, and occupied much of the paint room.
that require a more rigid cover during this part of the
Because of the rover’s size, Campanella worked with
just two other people, and this small team took on
The masking team measured success by the
the rover in stages. They painted the top deck first,
millimetre, and more than one application of
then let things cure for a day before tackling the
masking tape had to be recut and reapplied after a
sides. Another day off and they finished with the
Simple Principle
Effective Result
Leading companies rely on vacuum distillation systems for the sustainable treatment of industrial wastewater. Do you want to benefit from a zero liquid discharge production with VACUDEST aswell?
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
Engineers prepare the Mars 2020 spacecraft for a thermal vacuum (TVAC) test in the Space Simulator Facility at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
In this illustration NASA’s Perseverance rover fires up its descent stage engines as it nears the Martian surface. The rover launched in July 2020 is collecting and storing rock and soil samples on the planet’s surface that future missions will retrieve and return to Earth.
front and back. Even with the job spread out,
Ready to Bake
and descent stages tasked with getting the
sanding and meticulously cleaning the results
On Aug. 14, the Mars 2020 rover chassis was
rover safely to Mars.
of said sanding ate up over two of the six
again carefully sheathed in antistatic wrap and
“When we are in the paint room, it is all about
available hours. “You can’t think about where
transported “up the hill” to Building 144, where
business,” said Campanella. “But now that
it’s going or how much history it can make,”
it would be baked in a vacuum chamber.
our job is done, I wanted to make sure my
said Campanella. “We use the same paint guns
“Cooking the chassis at 230°F (110°C) in a
team took a moment to let it sink in that they
on the same setting and fire them from the
vacuum for three days not only hardens
are part of a dedicated team of professionals
same distance and move at the same speed
the paint, it literally bakes out contaminants
working on a historic mission of exploration.”
each and every time.”
from the paint that could possibly outgas in
“It may not have flames or racing stripes,” he
The primer and paint used on Mars 2020 are
flight,” said Pakbaz. “Since Mars 2020 is an
added, “but it still looks beautiful.”
able to adhere to aluminium, and they have
astrobiology mission, ensuring Mars samples
Mars 2020 launched from Space Launch
been proven through rigorous testing to be
have not been contaminated is paramount.
Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force
able to endure the jolts, vibrations, UV rays
Baking the rover goes a long way to making
Station in Florida and landed on Mars in
and other indignities of a trip to Mars, as well
that possible.”
February 2021. It is currently carrying out
as be hearty enough to survive the Martian
On Monday, Aug. 20, the rover chassis came
its mandate to seek signs of ancient life and
cold - all the while not outgassing organic
out of the oven. After inspection, it was again
collect samples of rock and regolith (broken
compounds and other materials that could
covered in sterile, antistatic film and returned
rock and soil) for possible return to Earth.
affect the mission’s science experiments.
to the clean room in Building 18 for some final
Less than five hours in and the three-layers’
touches and inspections. About two weeks
application, the first painting session on the
later, on Sept. 5, a forklift gently carried the
Mars 2020 rover chassis drew to a close: the
assembled, painted and baked chassis at no
rover’s chassis was coated with a blanket of
more than 3 mph back down the hill, a half-
paint between 4 and 6 mils (or thousandths of
mile to JPL’s Spacecraft Assembly Facility High
an inch).
Bay 1, where it took its place next to the cruise
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Scan the QR code to see NASA’s Mars 2020 Rover prepping
Partners for the successful renovation, implementation and commissioning of your coating plant.
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BRAND-NEW © Rich Vintage
Dörken Launches a Series of Webinars on “Soft Handling” Starting from September, Dörken held a webinar series which addressed some of the most important questions on the subject of “soft handling”.
örken has decided to transfer its knowledge in a five-part
Dörken as well as external experts explain the different handling stages
webinar series on “soft handling” that provided information
in the value chain. Dr. Pellkofer – head of Corrosion Protection and
on the influence of the handling of parts throughout the value
Surface Technology at Daimler Truck AG – provided exclusive insights
chain on corrosion protection, on by whom, when and how parts should
into the Daimler history of the quality offensive and the Daimler DBL
be processed and on how to check the quality after the subsequent
9440 supplier specifications. Other speakers are Mr Bingeser (Richard
processes. The origin of this topic is the discovery by the German
Bergner Holding GmbH & Co. KG), Mr Mondin (Primat S.p.A), Mr Mauri
automotive manufacturer Daimler that bolts showed completely
(A. Agrati S.p.A.) and Mr Yazgan (R+FK Schulte KG). The series of webinar
different corrosion processes at various positions on the car, despite
is part of the Dörken Academy, a project intended to pass on the
originating in the same production and coating batches.
bundled expertise and experience on the protection and coating of
All the webinars are held in English. The September webinars treated
surfaces in seminars and training measures. As by the company motto,
the following themes:
“Discover Expertise”, Dörken aims to transfer knowledge - including
• History of Daimler’s Quality offensives & special focus on soft handling
practical content - and improve dialogue, so it offers a platform on which
issues in DBL 9440
people from different sectors and positions along the value chain can
• New version of the guideline of the Deutscher Schraubenverband &
interact with one another. Subjects range from corrosion protection
accordance with ISO 10683 for zinc flake coatings
to structural coatings and on to pigment pastes and colour systems.
• Bolt production & coating process.
Further information and registration options can be found in the “Academy” category of the company’s website. Here there are also listed
The next webinars will take place on:
further German and English language seminars and training offers.
• Sorting, re-rolling of threads and patching – Scheduled: 05/10/21 • Packing, transport and assembly – Scheduled: 12/10/21
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Zaniolo CdA-01.21
To the pow er of two
advanced solutions for metal surfaces treatment
Europolveri offers a wide range of Powder Coatings that are available in several different finishings and gloss level. A stock of approximately 1000 different colors is always available and developed to assure the highest quality level as to satisfy the widest needs of the market, it has also specialized in “Coil Coating” application technologies for flat surfaces. For this purpose, Europolveri technicians and R&D created a brand-new series of products under the name Series 2 Architectural Flex that incorporates the range of products suitable for Coil Coating and PCM (Phase Change Material) sheet plates. Europolveri technicians and R&D department develop products side by side with every customer to answer to specific needs such as application speed and technology and crosslinking requests.”
EUROPOLVERI S.p.A. - Sandrigo (VI) Italy - Ph. +39.0444.750643 - Fax +39.0444.750653 FILIALI/Branch Office: Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) Ph.+39.02.92148001 - Erbusco (BS) Ph.+39.030.7704158 DEPOSITO/Depot: Iori Colori, Reggio Emilia Ph.+39.0522.327248 -
P O W D E R C O AT I N G S I N C E 1 9 8 2
Wagner Expands Its Airspray Gun Series with TOPFINISH GM 1030G Wagner has developed the new versatile airspray gun TOPFINISH GM 1030G that allows excellent atomisation for small-area applications. © Wagner
agner has expanded its airspray gun series with the model
GM 1030P – can be used, and the hard plastic cups can be also used
TOPFINISH GM 1030G, a gravity cup gun particularly suitable
several times. The new gravity cup produces an efficient uniform
for small-area applications that enables high-quality painting
spray pattern, just like its predecessor, and the optimised air channel
results and efficient material consumption.
allows to generate very low paint mist and save material consumption.
Wagner airspray guns portfolio also includes the automatic model
In addition, the TOPFINISH GM 1030G model is equipped with a
TOPFINISH GA 1020/1030 and the manual gun TOPFINISH GM 1030P
fixable needle stroke adjustment for process-reliable coating with
with paint connection. The new TOPFINISH GM 1030G with gravity cup
a consistent material flow rate. The large material and air passages
can be used for a wide range of applications in several fields, including
of the components support perfect atomisation while allowing fast
wood, metal and plastics industries.
working at the same time, as the gun’s low weight and ergonomic
Versatility and durability
design support fatigue-free work even over longer periods. “This additionally optimizes material use. Overall, an application
In order to allow flexible processing of low- to high-viscosity materials
efficiency of up to 88% can be achieved during coating,” stated Peter
with a high solids content, Wagner’s new product:
Neu, Senior Product Manager at Wagner.
• has a nozzle with a maximum material passage of 9 mm
Another characteristic of the company’s new model is its long service
• the components in contact with the material are made of durable
life: the two-part nozzle consists of nozzle head and nozzle nut,
stainless steel
allowing customers to replace only the head, if needed. Finally, the
• the solvent-resistant seals ensure uncomplicated use of the gun with
long-life needle packings and the solvent-resistant seals made of
both water- and solvent-based materials.
polyethylene contribute to lower maintenance.
According to the type of application, many air caps, nozzle sizes and other accessory components – all compatible with GA 1020/1030 and
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
ChemQuest Group Announced the Acquisition of Powder Coating Research Group The Acquisition of PCR Group will provide ChemQuest with expertise on powder formulations and applications.
he ChemQuest Group Inc., a global business
years. Kevin Biller and his team are consummate
strategy and external technology development
professionals. Both are innovative organizations with
firm with focus and expertise specific to the
deep knowledge of history and a strong view of the
specialty chemicals markets, has announced the
future. We parallel each other in our approach to
acquisition of the Powder Coating Research Group,
clients and delivering on our promises. These are
an independent powder coating formulator, tester
synergies people say they want but rarely get in a
and developer from Columbus (OH, USA), founded by
merger or acquisition,” declared Dan Murad, CEO of
Kevin Biller. The acquisition will allow ChemQuest to
improve its expertise on powder coating formulation
“We are looking forward to capitalizing on the
and to count on another laboratory. The two
synergies between the two organizations. By
companies will join forces, with the aim of becoming
combining ChemQuest’s extraordinary market reach
a comprehensive resource for powder coating
and CQTI’s world class application facilities with PCR
technology. The novel powder coatings created by
Group’s vast experience and industry presence, we
the PCR Group can now be applied at the ChemQuest
foresee an amazing future,” stated Kevin Biller, CEO
Technology Institute in a replicate manufacturing
of Powder Coating Research Group.
environment. “It is my pleasure to announce the acquisition of
For further information:
PCR Group, an organization I have admired for many
© The Powder Coating Research Group
Dan Murad, CEO of ChemQuest.
Kevin Biller, CEO of Powder Coating Research Group.
Covestro Showcased Developments in Digital Application of Automotive Coatings at Digital Expo 2021 From September 14 to September 16, Covestro showcased the developments in digital printing technology, supporting partners and customers in the transition towards modern processes.
ovestro attended Digital Expo 2021,
becomes even more complex.
resistance, they are high-gloss and ensure
on September 14-16, during which
Covestro aims at supporting its customers
non-yellowing coatings.
a webinar was hosted with digital
and partners in transitioning towards the
This project is part of the “Digital@Covestro”
printing and coatings experts Dr. Fabian
most modern process of digital printing,
program with which Covestro is driving
Schuster and Dr. Inga Noll.
which offers automotive and coatings
forward digitalization. One of the three
In conventional automotive OEM coating,
manufacturers great opportunities to
pillars of the program is the development of
multi-layer, 1- or 2-component coatings are
combine precise digital application of
new business models and digital technical
typically applied by spray. However, spray
coatings with flexible, customized production.
services. One focus area is a more efficient
application causes overspray and high energy
The result is an efficient coating with the
production at customers and the digitization
consumption during drying, but above all
quality of a conventional spray application but
of entire value chains. The two other pillars of
during conditioning of the process air. In
without overspray and need of masking, and
the program are focused on digital operating
addition, in the case of multicolour painting,
reduced energy consumption.
processes in the company’s own production
the painted body parts have to be masked
In addition to its extensive expertise in digital
and the development and use of digital
with films at great expense for protection. If,
printing technology, Covestro also provides
chemical trading platforms.
in the future, paints with different functions
Desmodur polyurethane raw materials.
are to be applied that are particularly
Polyurethane coatings based on Desmodur
resistant to UV radiation, bird droppings
hardeners used for this purpose feature
For further information:
or stone chips, for example, the process
proven good chemical, scratch and weather
© Covestro
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
BYK Launches a Post-add Surface Additive for the Matting of Powder Coatings BYK has launched BYK-3938 P, a highly innovative, post-add additive for matting powder coatings – label-free.
YK has launched a highly innovative new
BYK-3938 P, the new product launched by BYK,
post-add additive for matting powder
solves this problem by not requiring labels for the
coatings that does not require any labels.
matting of powder coatings. BYK-3938 P is available
Unlike liquid coatings, the matting of powder
in powder form and can be easily added to the
coatings poses a major challenge for the coating
finished powder coating.
industry as only minimal shrinkage occurs during the
The amount of additive to add depends on the
baking process which does not make conventional
final result desired: it allows to cover a wide
matting with powder coatings possible.
range of applications, from a few units of gloss
To obtain a matt finish, gloss can be reduced by
for adjustment during quality control up to very
mixing various incompatible binders or by exploiting
opaque surfaces for decorative applications.
the incompatibility of binders and special hardeners. However, some hardeners are subject to labelling. This ultimately results in the labelling of powder
For further information:
ST Powder Coatings: Growth at Full Speed in 2021 Eugenio Menato ST Powder Coatings SpA – Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), Italy
New investments and acquisitions are propelling ST Powder Coatings towards record results and confirming the company’s intention to position itself among the leading European players in the production of thermosetting powder coatings.
espite the complicated situation worldwide due to the spread
A new production line
of Covid-19, ST Powder Coatings is not standing still. On the
Its biggest investment in 2021 has been the installation of a new
contrary, it is continuing to grow, invest, and believe in product
production line specifically designed for small batches, called
research and in the pursuit of its own ambitious goals, geared towards
Piccolini (”Little ones” in Italian). The newly inaugurated plant has
becoming one of the leading European players in the market of
been fully integrated into its factory, already manufacturing over
thermosetting powder coatings.
10 thousand tonnes of product per year: with a total of 20,000 m2
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
devoted to production, this company is able
Technologies for Industry 4.0
(Vicenza, Italy), currently with 130 employees,
to offer customers a variety of more than
The year 2021 was characterised by
has been reinvented with the aim of creating
10,000 products, of which about 1,000 are
investments in highly efficient machinery
flexible and functional workspaces. Moving
immediately available, even in small quantities.
interconnected with corporate software. The
away from the idea of traditional work, ST
“This new production unit is innovative in our
implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies,
Powder Coatings has taken up the concept
sector because it enables us to attack the
such as collaborative robots, an automated
of smart working and designed smart
market from an unexplored channel: that of
vertical warehouse, machine monitoring
offices with quiet areas for focussed work,
micro-lots. The Piccolini line, therefore, allows
systems, and complete data connection
spaces organised to facilitate teamwork, and
us to look to the future and, at the same time,
systems, guarantees extreme optimisation of
relaxation areas. Four meeting rooms were
it consolidates one of our main strategic pillars,
the entire production process and ensures
also created, all equipped with advanced
namely the development of highly customised
better quality levels. All these investments
audiovisual systems for remote meetings,
solutions,” states CEO Marco Zadra. “This
made it possible to activate a third work shift
which are increasingly common since the
investment gives us the opportunity to better
and hire around twenty new employees.
spread of Covid.
Commercial expansion abroad
4.0-oriented technologies to create flexible
Smart offices and smart working as the focus for designing modern spaces
processes and improve our quality levels and
The operational and administrative
has finalised the establishment of Polish
production standards,” adds Zadra.
headquarters in Montecchio Maggiore
company ST Powder Coatings Polska, Sp. Z
support our customers with product solutions in any weight – the sky is the limit. We have also decided to adopt the best of Industry
In pursuit of its long-standing policy of commercial expansion, ST Powder Coatings
© ST Powder Coatings
© ST Powder Coatings
The operational and administrative headquarters of ST Powder Coatings in Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza). One of the four meeting rooms equipped with advanced audiovisual systems for remote meetings.
© ST Powder Coatings
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© ST Powder Coatings
o.o., based in Warsaw. This operation
saw record growth rates in terms of sales
is preparatory to the opening of a new
in the first half of 2021.
commercial subsidiary in Poland, which will
“The results for the first six months of
directly oversee the local market. Entirely
2021 consolidated the positive trend
controlled by the Italian parent company,
that began in the last quarter of 2020.
ST Powder Coatings Polska has thus
They put the company back on a growth
joined the Group’s foreign distribution
path, thanks to revenues and profits that
network consisting of Spain’s’ ST Powder
were even higher than the same period
Coatings España, Czech Republic’s Barten,
in 2019,” states CEO Marco Zadra. “All
Hungary’s Porfesték, and Portugal’s ST
business segments and geographical areas
Powder Coatings Portugal.
in which we operate grew at double-digit
With this new subsidiary in Poland,
rates compared to the first half of 2020.”
the Group will now have five offices all
“The level of orders for the coming months
over Europe, in addition to important partnerships with local distributors in the main EU countries.
Record growth in the first half of 2021
© ST Powder Coatings
Above, the inside of the factory, recently renovated in line with the Industry 4.0 principles. The implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies has involved the installation of collaborative robots.
is also steady. Our Group is constantly monitoring the impact of the current shortage of raw materials, but based on the present scenario and the results achieved in the first half of the year, we expect to achieve the target of €40 million
Although the market remains in a state
in sales in 2021 and thus enter the circle
of general uncertainty due to some
of the leading European powder coating
exogenous factors, ST Powder Coatings
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The new electrostatic powder range Inocoat
Inogun R
Robotic powder coating gun
Inogun A
Inogun M
Automatic powder coating gun
Manual powder coating gun
INOCOAT, ENHANCED SOLUTIONS IN POWDER COATING High productivity Unique application performance Remarkable sustainability *: except wearable parts
Easy to integrate and use Efficient powder transfer thanks to the TEC-5 technology
n. 71
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
22|25 NOVEMBRE 2021 fieramilano
#costruiamoilfuturo BIM & TECNOLOGIE
promossa da
con il patrocinio di
© Adobe Stock
38 40
Patina® Ceramic Collection: Adapta’s Dreamlike Journey Along the Colours of the Silk Road
Aluminium and Steel Coatings Towards Certification of “Sustainability”
PIMC Now Also Available in a Metallic Look
62 64
Powdura ECO Powder Coatings: from Plastic to Powder
A FOX System for In-Line Pre-Anodising and a C-Expert Booth: Alural’s Future-Proof Technical Choices
Smart Windows that Protect Against Solar Radiation
Perfect Powder Adhesion on Furniture Components, Thanks to a Combination of Mechanical and Chemical Pre-Treatment Stages
Efficient and Consistent Powder Coating of Components for Office Desks
Outdoor Furniture: Excellent Paint Adhesion and Corrosion Resistance Thanks to a Technologically Innovative Chemical Process
Teknos Reduced Energy Consumption by 13% in Its Danish Site
Flexible Surface Coating for 1000 and One Functional Door
Surprising Steel: Brombal Insourced its Coating Operations and Obtained Exceptional Finishes for ExclusiveWindow and Door Frames
Casa Batlló Reopens its Doors with the Anodized Aluminium Chains of Kriskadecor
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
Patina® Ceramic Collection: Adapta’s Dreamlike Journey Along the Colours of the Silk Road Alessia Venturi ipcm®
Patina® Ceramic, the innovative collection of special-effect powder finishes released by Adapta in September, is the result of a long, half-historical and half-dreamlike journey along the Silk Road. The story of this trade route has inspired Adapta’s R&D laboratories to formulate new outdoor powder coatings with unprecedented tints and effects. The resulting new range is available to customers with super-durable features, and meets the highest technological standards and it is perfectly suited for application on the façades of the most demanding structures. © Adapta
The new Patina® Ceramic Collection Catalogue by Adapta Color features a 9-leg journey along the Silk Road. Each leg includes a collection of 6 to 8 and the description of what have inspired them along the journey. It is the first example of an interactive catalogue designed to be viewed in full screen mode with a series of browsing tabs.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Silk Road: an inexhaustible source of inspiration
materials: for example, the oxidation of metals exposed to the
The Silk Road was a mythical network of trade routes stretching over
weather, the surfaces of natural materials such as stone, marble,
8000 kilometres that for centuries linked the Far East to the West
and granite, the look of wet surfaces of various kinds, and so on, up
and where several illustrious figures set their feet, from Alexander
to ceramic materials such as porcelain – precisely the subject of the
the Great to Marco Polo. It grouped all the land, sea, and river trade
latest collection, called Ceramic.
routes existing between the Chinese and Roman empires, in a
These ranges of finishes combine stunning, emotional colours and
melting pot of customs, art, flavours, and colours that gave impetus
aesthetic effects with all the sustainability advantages of powder
to numerous technological and creative developments. For centuries,
coatings, which have a solids content of >99%, produce zero
trade and travel between these regions have greatly enriched our
emissions, and are recoverable during application. With their infinite
number of special-effect finishes and thanks to their extremely
The Silk Road also served as the charming, mysterious inspiration
high outdoor durability, powder coatings have also contributed to
behind Adapta’s Patina® Ceramic collection, the company’s newest
the success of aluminium in the architectural sector, an excellent
range of colours and effects for metal architecture. Launched for the
technological alternative to steel, brick, and ceramic materials thanks
first time in 2017, Adapta’s Patina® collections are the technological
to its lightness and recyclability characteristics. “The journey along
response to the market’s need for finishes that imitate other
the Silk Road has led us to discover very special colour combinations,
© Adapta
The places that inspired the colours collection of the second leg.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
especially in the particular use of ceramics and tiles to decorate the
bright greens, and dark to light greys, all inspired by the green roofs
exteriors and interiors of the most emblematic buildings encountered
and reddish balconies of Xi’an’s monuments (such as the Ming-era
along the path,” states David Pellicer, the general manager of Adapta.
Bell Tower and the Abakh Hoja tomb, a masterpiece of the Uyghur
“That is why we decided to add the Ceramic series to our Patina
architecture) and the largest mosque in Central Asia, Bibi Khanum, in
collections. The result are 56 very special colours inspired by the
architectural peculiarities of each region crossed by the Silk Road:
The second leg continues into the heart of Asia, starting in Afghan
over 50 cities in 20 different countries.”
territory and then winding through Turkmenistan, Iran, and Syria,
A 9-leg journey, 56 evocative and vibrant colours
where some of the world’s most beautiful mosques stand. Here, there are 6 colours, from light blue and blue to almost purple – tints of the
The route along which the Patina® Ceramic collection accompanies
Islamic tradition that can also be reflected in contemporary buildings.
designers and planners in their quest for never-before-seen effects
With the third leg of the Patina® Ceramic collection’s journey,
starts in China, in the ancient capital Xi’an, known as the easternmost
designers land in Turkey and visit its main cities past and present:
point of the Silk Road, and passes through six ancient Chinese
Antioch, Tarsus, Nicosia, Ankara, and Constantinople, now Istanbul.
cities before arriving at the mythical Samarkand in Uzbekistan. This
This part of the collection includes all shades of vermilion, the colour
first leg of the journey includes 8 colours: earthy tones, dusty and
that dominates the imposing façade of Hagia Sophia, the interiors of
© Adapta
The Italian leg of the journey plays with deep and light blue, deep green and light sand beige.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the Blue Mosque, and the decorations of the Topkapi Palace: from
penetrating the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean on the
fiery red to dark red and burnt sienna.
Portuguese coast. This is dominated by bright, clear, vivid tints
The fourth leg takes us to Greece and Croatia, travelling along the
inspired by the white marble and golden decorations of the Italian
Aegean Sea and discovering the cradle of our civilisation, architecture,
Renaissance and Baroque styles, the blue, green, and yellow ceramics
and history. The walls, columns, and friezes dating back more than
of the Mudéjar style, and the white and blue Portuguese azulejos.
twenty centuries in the Temple of Athena Nike in Athens, Diocletian’s
The seventh leg is set in North Africa, winding its way through
Palace in Split, and the Large Onofrio’s Fountain in Dubrovnik inspire a
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Malta: picturesque, colourful places
group of colours in all shades of grey, from dark to silvery to the very
where the diversity of sounds, smells, and tastes gives rise to a range
current greige.
that includes primary colours, browns, and sand tints.
The greens and deep blues of the sea, the blue of the sky, and the
The journey continues by sea and reaches the city of Tripoli, where
beige of the sand characterise the fifth leg of the route, which runs
the eight stage starts to explore Libya, Egypt, and Israel. Phoenicians,
through Italy, from Ravenna to Sardinia via Rome, Naples, Bari, and
Romans, and Arabs left their mark on these regions. The great wealth
and diversity of places and architecture inspire the captivating colours
The most colourful leg of the collection’s journey is the sixth one,
of this leg: deep reds, deep blues, and bright greens.
which takes designers from Sicily through Spain and Portugal,
The Patina® Ceramic collection ends its journey in the Near East, in
© Adapta
The Italian palaces and churches that inspired the colours collection of the fifth leg.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq, before returning to China. Browns and
• Flexibility, thanks to higher bending strength, which gives the façades
reds dominate this ninth leg together with warm gold. They were
better mechanical resistance;
inspired by the floors of Hisham’s palace in Jericho, the balconies of
• Lightness, as the weight of painted aluminium is one third less than
first-century temples in Lebanon, and the tiled exteriors of the Al-
that of porcelain stoneware: this is also an important feature for
Kadhimiya mosque in Baghdad.
earthquake-resistant construction concepts;
Aluminium coated with high-quality, super-durable powders – the sustainable alternative for the architecture of the future All powder coatings included in the Patina® Ceramic collection are
• Possibility to install very large formats, even on curved façades; • Easy integration with other structural elements such as doors and windows; • Speed and lower costs of assembly, elevation, and placement.
developed as a sustainable alternative to ceramic materials.
Technical characteristics of the Patina® Ceramic powder products
In addition to great environmental sustainability, the combination of
The powder coatings in this range have been formulated with the
aluminium + powders offers a number of application and operational
Vivendi SDS technology, which features excellent outdoor durability,
advantages over traditional ceramic materials, including as follows:
gloss retention, and colour stability. Paints formulated with this
• Recyclability;
technology meet or exceed the requirements of international
• Cost-effectiveness, thanks to lower transport costs and higher
specifications for architectural aluminium, such as Qualicoat Class 2,
project profitability;
GSB Master, and AAMA 2604.
© Adapta
based on TGIC-free saturated polyester resins and they have been
The complete Patina® Ceramic Collection.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Adapta
In terms of corrosion resistance, these coatings exceed 1000 hours in salt spray tests and in humidistatic chambers, as well as 30 cycles without blistering in Kesternich (SO2) tests. The use of the Adapta Rustproof primer is recommended to further increase the corrosion resistance of both aluminium and hot dip galvanised steel. The utilisation of the Adapta CR-0000 cleaning, removal, and maintenance solution is also highly recommended as part of an effective façade maintenance programme and it adheres to the cleaning protocols or procedures outlined by Qualicoat and the American Architectural Manufacturers Association. All paints in the Patina® Ceramic range are available in batches of 15, 20, or 25 kg. Besides being interactive in its digital format, the Patina® Ceramic Collection Catalogue allows the user to see colours and effects in 3D. It incorporates a template simulating a metal mesh that once overlapped to the desired colour gives the user an idea of the final result of the coating.
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COATINO® Campus – The new standard for knowledge transfer in the coatings and inks industry. It’s never been so easy to learn how additives work – how to test, choose, and handle them. Get access to information that simplifies your formulation work, saves time, and leads to better coating and ink performance. Join live seminars or train yourself via e-Learnings at any time. Your latest learning platform is just a click away! Register now!
Aluminium and Steel Coatings Towards Certification of “Sustainability”
© GSB International
Interview with Werner Mader, Managing Director of GSB International e.V., Düsseldorf - Germany
Werner Mader.
there was no established quality standard for
are carried out for preliminary approval and
coated aluminium used in architecture. The
are then followed by outdoor weathering tests
quality assurance for steel and galvanized
for the final approval. Outdoor weathering
steel was added in the following years.
for alternative pre-treatment chemicals takes
We have a board of management and two
place in Hoek van Holland. The outdoor
quality committees, one for steel and one
weathering for coating materials takes place in
for aluminium. The quality committees
Florida. The quality of the certified chemicals
are constantly working on our quality
is continuously monitored. For this purpose,
regulations and are also active in research.
samples are taken for laboratory testing at
For example, we are significantly involved in
GSB-certified coating companies. The quality
the advancement of chrome- and chrome-
of the certified coating materials is also
VI-free pre-treatment chemicals. The special
continuously monitored by laboratory tests. In
thing is that the GSB is democratic. If the
the case of the coating materials, samples are
quality committees propose amendments
even continuously sent to Florida for outdoor
to the quality regulations, then the member
weathering. Coating companies wishing to be
companies vote on the changes.
certified by GSB are first audited announced.
SB is one of the historical European
The GSB is centrally organized and all
The auditor then writes a specification
Associations for certifying aluminium
inquiries of the approx. 180 member
sheet and shows the deviations from our
and steel coatings. In this interview, its
companies are processed directly by the
quality regulations. This is followed by an
Managing Director, Mr. Werner Mader, reveals
headquarters in Düsseldorf. Our members
unannounced inspection. If this is passed,
the background of its activity and explains how
are manufacturers of pre-treatment
the company receives one of our prestigious
eco-compatibility requirements are and will
chemicals and coating materials as well
quality seals. In order to keep the seal, the
become increasingly essential to obtain the
as coating companies. In addition, we also
coating companies are inspected twice a
quality certifications.
have supporting members such as coating
year without prior notice. The auditor checks
equipment manufacturers. GSB-members are
whether everything is carried out according
GSB is one of the historical European
spread all over Europe. Some are also active
to our quality regulations. For instance, a
associations for the quality certification
far beyond the borders of Europe.
mandatory factory production control must be carried out by the coaters. Samples are also
of coatings on aluminium, steel and galvanized steel. What is the mission
What is the procedure that a company
taken for corrosion tests during the audits.
of your association? Can you briefly
must follow to obtain the certification?
Finally, I would like to mention that our audits
describe its history and structure?
That depends on the type of company. A
and tests are carried out by independent
We offer assured quality for coated surfaces
coating is only GSB-compliant if GSB-compliant
certified testing institutes.
made of aluminium and steel by defining
pre-treatment processes and GSB-certified
standards that go beyond the norms of the
coating materials are used by a GSB-certified
GSB focuses its certification activities
industry in order to ensure that architects,
coating company.
in the architecture and construction
building owners and industrial partners
If a manufacturer of pre-treatment chemicals
sectors, always characterized by a great
maintain the value and lasting attractiveness
or coating materials wishes to approve a
ferment. How have they changed after
of their façades, buildings and products.
chemical or coating material, this is done in
the global health crisis?
The GSB was founded in 1977. At that time,
a step-by-step process. First, laboratory tests
The construction sector was less severely
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
affected by the pandemic than, for example, the aviation industry
chemicals. We also address this topic in our training courses, which
or the tourism sector. The demand for GSB-compliant coatings is
are regularly attended by the employees of our member companies.
currently very high. The auditing system itself, or more precisely the
In addition to this the Recycled Metal Content (RMC) of aluminium
audits at the coating companies, were affected to a greater extent. In
profiles and sheets used in architecture is an important topic in the
some cases, state-of-the-art solutions had to be used to comply with
sustainability discussion. The GSB is currently evaluating the influence
hygiene regulations. For example, audits have already been carried out
of the RMC on the quality of chemical pre-treatments.
with employees wearing helmet cameras and showing relevant things to the auditor who was connected online.
What will be the evolution of the architecture and building projects in the near future? How will it impact on the
In addition to the quality requirements, another parameter
development of the coatings market?
that companies must comply with to obtain the GSB
More and more attention is being paid to sustainable coatings.
certification is that one of the coating sustainability cycles.
To be sustainable, coatings must be environmentally friendly and
How important has this issue taken on in recent years?
durable at the same time. In this way, resources for unplanned
We were already active in the field of chrome- and chrome VI-free
repair work can be saved and used more effectively elsewhere.
pre-treatment chemicals from the very beginning. Alternative pre-
The challenge here is to deliver the required high quality despite
treatment chemicals of this kind have been approved by us since 1995.
increasingly stringent environmental regulations.
We also provide our member companies with advice and support in
This challenge is a matter of heart for us, because sustainability and
the changeover process to chrome- and chrome-VI-free pre-treatment
environmental protection are at the top of our list of priorities.
ve r t i c a l p l a n t s
over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines
pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry
Europolveri’s Evolution in the Architecture Sector Since 1998, Europolveri has been active in the architectural sector with special series of powder products made specifically for the different needs of architects and designers. © Europolveri
uropolveri, a leading manufacturer of powder coatings, has been widely involved in the architecture industry since its first Qualicoat approval in 1998. It
is a reliable partner, helping its customers meet the new challenges of an increasingly demanding market in terms of quality and speed of service. Powder coatings play a key role in architecture because the possibility of choosing from a wide and increasingly specific range of products is one of the main components that contribute to the final result of a project, in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and durability. In particular, Europolveri’s lines of powder coatings for architecture, starting with the specific Architectural Plus and Architectural Lignum series, have been specially formulated and tested to provide sound solutions for architects and designers who are looking for high performance materials for the finishing and surface protection of buildings and structures. Its technical and R&D team is able to follow projects on a global level, responding to the needs for high speed and excellent application technology, calibrating products according to plant requirements, and researching particular mixes of polymeric agents and pigments that are highly stable and able to guarantee high technical, functional, and aesthetic performance. The company’s last application challenge concerned coilspecific technologies. For this field, Europolveri created a specific product series called Architectural Flex, which includes all products suitable for application on continuous strip (Coil Coating) and flat metal sheets (PCM) used in the construction of flat surfaces such as roofs, curtain walls, false ceilings, soundproofing panels, large household appliances, refrigeration products, etc. Europolveri’s powders are also subjected to rigorous tests, both in natural and artificial environments, to guarantee that they meet the standards of major certifications. For further information:
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?
BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system
TRAS-MEC is the first company to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.
PIMC Now Also Available in a Metallic Look New formulas and raw materials offer new opportunities: FreiLacke has expanded its Powder In-Mould Coating (PIMC) portfolio and becomes the only manufacturer to offer metallic colour shades for this process. This development was triggered by a facade engineering customer. FreiLacke’s coating experts successfully made it happen in just three months.
lastics are popular because of their low dead weight and an
against chemicals, graffiti and UV radiation.
extremely high dimensional stability.
Globally, this process had previously only been available for standard
That makes them an all-rounder for countless industries
RAL colours. FreiLacke researchers managed to expand the spectrum
and applications. Such as the Sheet Moulding Compound (SMC) and
by adding three metallic colour shades – standard, pearl lustre and
the Bulk Moulding Compound (BMC): here, panel-shaped, doughy
silver. Additional colour shades will follow soon.
masses made of thermoplastic reaction resins and glass fibres are
“The challenge with metallic colour shades is that the application
pressed into their future shapes.
on a hot mould surface results in an uneven effect following the
A powder coating can be integrated directly into the pressing
alignment of the metallic particles after the coating process”, explains
process. The powder coating is sprayed into a mould and hardens
Daniel Hauser, one of FreiLacke’s laboratory technicians. “The
within a few seconds.
effect formation in the case of PIMC is vastly different than that of
The SMC/BMC can be inserted and pressed right away. During the
conventional coatings. We were able to overcome this challenge by
hot-pressing process, the powder coating then enters into a chemical
using new formulas and innovative raw materials”.
bond with the material. It is scratch resistant and very resistant
© FreiLacke
The challenge with metallic tones is that the application on a hot mould surface produces an uneven effect.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Inquiry about facade elements
and are well-suited for a continuous use outdoors.
A specific customer inquiry triggered the
The material is free from solvents, hazardous
development at FreiLacke. A manufacturer of facade
substances or carcinogenic raw materials. PIMC
elements, who has been working with the German
is fire-retardant in accordance with EN45545,
Black Forest coating experts for years, wanted to
HL3, R1 and, thanks to its good properties, it
directly provide the coatings of its PIMC elements
can be used for many applications – for example
with a metallic look. The coating experts got to work
kitchen sinks, shower trays, façades, lights, athletic
and managed to develop a practical solution in just
equipment or in vehicle construction.
three months.
A major benefit of this process: by combining
In its laboratory in Döggingen in the Black Forest,
pressing and coating into a single work step,
FreiLacke has a state-of-the-art laboratory press
the laborious subsequent coating (including the
with cooling unit that meets all of the requirements
associated parts handling) can be eliminated,
to create samples for viewing or inspections. “We
as well as the extensive logistics required when
used it to perform experiments on the original
transporting the components to the internal
substrate with different time, temperature and
coating plant or for external coating. When using
pressure settings”, explained Hauser. In addition,
the PIMC process, the components stay in-house
many surface and cause analyses were conducted
until they are completed and can then be shipped
in the laboratory until the correct parameters were
to the customer right away. Another advantage:
added value for the operators and lower costs
Fewer work steps and less logistics
and higher quality for customers.
The surfaces generated in the PIMC process feature
For further information:
an excellent chemical and mechanical resistance
© FreiLacke
PIMC can be used for kitchen sinks, shower trays, facades, lights, sports equipment or in vehicle construction.
Powdura ECO Powder Coatings: from Plastic to Powder The Sherwin-Williams scientists developed a new process which converts plastic waste into a durable, high-performing polyester resin that contains 25% pre-consumer recycled plastic (rPET).
he issue of plastic waste polluting our oceans is well documented
(polyethylene terephthalate) contains the same monomers (building
and reported to be around 12 million tonnes of pollution each
blocks of polymers) as the resins used in the binders of powder coatings. The novel process the scientists developed to capture and stitch these
year - this is the equivalent of > 700 billion plastic water bottles . 1
Why is this happening? Plastic is cheap, strong, lightweight and malleable
monomers directly into the backbone of the Powdura ECO powder
making it ideal for single-use plastic containers, which have been widely
coating resin not only reduces the environmental footprint of the coating
adopted as a convenient way to package and carry food and drinks. Once
by 20%, as demonstrated in life cycle analyses, but the resulting coating
the contents are consumed the container is discarded as waste that
has the same protective, decorative and functional properties as a
eventually makes its way, via the waste cycle, into the oceans.
product made from virgin resin’.
Many polymers are difficult or expensive to recycle, however the
The Sherwin-Williams scientists put Powdura ECO through its paces,
scientists at The Sherwin-Williams Company have found a way to re-
probing the performance with an exhaustive array of mechanical,
purpose the polymer used to manufacture plastic water bottles and
environmental and chemical tests against a class-leading control with the
convert it into a powder coating. Powder coatings are amongst the
results in the table below exceeding expectations.
most sustainable coatings available as they contain no VOCs and have
As the recycled material is polymerised into the resin backbone this gives
utilisation rates >95%. ‘Using pre-consumer PET waste that would
a wide degree of formulation flexibility with Powdura ECO being offered
normally go to landfill and recycling it into a functional coating that
in a full range of colors, gloss levels, effect and textured finishes.
is used to protect products from corrosion, extending their service
The incorporation of recycled PET, the equivalent of 35 plastic bottles
life, makes perfect sense’ explained Aliette Brochier, Product Director
per kg, into Powdura Eco translates into quantifiable environmental
of The Sherwin-Williams Company. ‘Not only does this support the
benefits, creating a competitive advantage for manufacturers looking to
circular economy by recycling waste material, but it further reduces
achieve corporate sustainability targets, differentiate their products in the
the environmental footprint of powder coatings by capturing the
market-place or meet the requirements of third-party certifications such
good carbon contained in the waste PET’, she went on to explain. ‘PET
“Plastic Waste Inputs from Land into The Ocean”, Science, Feb. 2015, Vol. 347, Issue 6223, pg. 768-771.
For further information:
Powdura ECO’s tests results.
Smoothness Rating @ 2.0 mils
PCI #20
Impact (Direct/Reverse)
ASTM D2794
160/160 in. lbs.
Conical Mandrel Bend
1/8” No Cracking
Pencil Hardness
ASTM D3363
Crosshatch Adhesion
ASTM D3359
100% (5B)
Re-coat Adhesion
ASTM D3359
100% (5B)
Chemical Resistance (100% MEK)
PCI #8
Humidity Resistance (500 hrs.)
ASTM D2247
Blister Rating: 10, no blisters Rust Rating: 10, no rust
Salt Spray Resistance (500 hrs.)
Avg. creep from scribe = <1.0 mm Blister Rating = 10, no blisters Rust Rating = 10, no rust
Xenon Resistance (500 hours)
60° Gloss Retention = ≥85% - ∆E = ≤1.0
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Your perfect cleanliness. 4/5
We care. Interoperational cleaners
© Lester Ali Photography
The Rheingold building at 10 Montieth Street, Brooklyn, NY (top photo), and a house in Martis Camp, Truckee, CA. Located midway between historic Truckee, California and North Lake Tahoe, Martis Camp is a 2,177-acre private, luxury community. Loverde Builders.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A FOX System for In-Line Pre-Anodising and a C-Expert Booth: Alural’s Future-Proof Technical Choices Alessia Venturi ipcm ☺ ®
Flash oxidation as an additional pre-treatment step for aluminium profiles to ensure even longer outdoor durability has been a topic of debate for some ten years now. Another debated aspect is the difficulty of coating such profiles’ increasingly complex shapes, which prove that their developers take little account of the technical peculiarities of finishing operations when designing new parts. In this article, we show how Alural, one of the largest aluminium coating contractors in the world, has tackled (and solved) these technical issues with the cooperation of its plant engineering partner SAT.
ith 2 production sites, 350 employees, and a production
specialisation, and excellent service are the mission of this company
capacity of 9,250,000 m2 of painted material and 660,000
with 35 years’ experience in the aluminium treatment market,
m2 of anodised metal, Alural is one of the largest aluminium
continuous technological innovation is what has made Alural a leader
finishing contractors in the world. Active in several European
in its field. It continuously invests in new production and process
countries, it offers a complete service to extruding and plant
technologies and in new plants, while at the same time exchanging
engineering firms: powder coating with various types of pre-treatment
information and knowledge both within its Group – it was acquired by
processes, wood-effect finishes, and anodising, but also storage, order
Reynaers Aluminium in 2011 – and within the associations to which it
management, packaging, and logistics. Whereas high quality, high
belongs. © ipcm
The latest SAT vertical coating line installed at Alural at the beginning of 2021.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
SAT’s new generation application booth called C-Expert for its peculiar C-shape. The gun arrangement has remained the same as the one of the V-shape, given its proven efficiency. It allows spraying on both sides of a profile at the same time.
Company history
(Qualicoat and Qualanod) and covered by an insurance policy, as well as
The industrial history of Alural began 35 years ago in Boom (Belgium)
reliability, precision, and punctual deliveries. For the producers of other
as a small contract coating firm. Today, it has two production sites, in
components, such as shutters, awnings, doors and gates, greenhouses,
Lummen and Tisselt-Willebroek. In these two factories, Alural provides
and bioclimatic pergolas, Alural is a partner capable of providing
its customers with totally finished products, managing batches of any
customised logistical solutions in addition to finishing services.
size thanks to its impressive equipment, which includes three vertical
“Since its takeover by Reynaers Aluminium in 2011, Alural has grown
coating lines, two horizontal lines, a painting system for small parts, a
faster and faster,” starts off Philip Hilven, the Sales and Commercial
sublimation plant for wood-effect finishes, and an anodic oxidation line.
Manager of Alural NV. “We are no longer strictly dependent on market
Alural also represents the perfect link between system houses (such
demands because our parent company supplies us with material every
as Reynaers, Schüco, and AluK to name but a few) and manufacturers,
day, accounting for 60% of our workflow. In order to meet demand,
guaranteeing extreme product customisation and perfect coating
our plants operate in three shifts. Our main market is Belgium,
quality in compliance with the most stringent European standards
followed by the Netherlands, Great Britain, and for some time now
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
also France, which is gaining increasingly more
systems, in order to work more smoothly and easily
importance. This is why our most recent investment
and to readily replace spare parts if necessary. Italian
was the construction of a new automated high-bay
company SAT was selected for this role: all the three
warehouse with 4,100 pallet spaces. Until today,
lines operating in Alural’s factories, one in Tisselt
logistics has been a limitation for our activities: we
and the other two in Lummen, were designed and
lose at least one day in transport alone. With this
installed, and subsequently revamped in the case of
warehouse, we will be able to offer warehousing
the two oldest ones, by this Verona-based firm.”
and on-demand order picking services and to limit
Indeed, over the last two years, SAT has carried out
transport to deliveries alone, while expanding our
three major interventions on Alural’s vertical coating
area of influence to half of Germany on the one hand
lines: in 2020, the Tisselt plant was almost completely
and to Bordeaux in France on the other hand.”
revamped, with the exception of the conveyor, and
A single plant engineering partner to ensure business continuity
the two application booths were replaced with newer V-Shape ones. In 2021, SAT installed a new vertical system in Lummen, which included the C-Expert
“In order to make a profit, a contractor with our
application booth launched by the company in March
current structure has to run its plants 24/7,” explains
this year. Also in 2021, SAT integrated the already-
Hilven. “We cannot afford to rely on suppliers who
existing vertical plant in Lummen with a FOX system
do not deliver powder coatings or chemicals on time,
for in-line pre-anodising processes.
for example, just as we cannot have the slightest and remotely: if one of our finishing lines stops for
C-Expert: the innovative features of the last system installed
two hours, we send our operators home to avoid
The latest vertical coating line installed at Alural
losses. This is the reason why Alural’s owners chose
has two innovative elements: a new type of ovens
to rely on a single partner for our vertical coating
for drying and curing, with some technical features
technical problem that cannot be solved quickly
© ipcm
The second major intervention carried out by Alural in cooperation with SAT earlier in 2021 was the addition of a FOX (Flash OXidation) system to the existing vertical line at the Lummen factory.
© ipcm
© ipcm
The crane lowers the aluminium profiles in the flash oxidation tank.
Back in 2015 Alural’s plant had already been prearranged by SAT for the integration of the FOX system and its necessary electrical wiring.
and a general set-up that make them energy efficient and simplify
profiles with very complex geometries, as it is able to maintain a
maintenance, and SAT’s new generation application booth, launched
constant painting configuration for each difficult-to-coat profile.”
earlier this year and called C-Expert. “Compared to our V-Shape
“The biggest problem with plant engineering companies’ R&D
booths, the shape and structure of the C-Expert ones is slightly
departments is that they do not take into account the difficulty of
different (C-shaped), while the gun arrangement has remained the
coating the geometries of the profiles they develop,” states Philip
same, given its proven efficiency. It allows spraying on both sides of a
Hilven. “The coating phase, with all its critical aspects and peculiarities,
profile at the same time, creating a powder cloud that helps increase
is not considered at all during design. This results in the development
transfer efficiency,” explains Alberto Formenti from SAT. “The C-Expert
of very large profiles with difficult-to-reach bends and grooves. A
machine was conceived in our test laboratory in Verona, where we
second problem that undermines the quality and consistency of the
carry out numerous tests to improve our existing products and
powder coating operation is the insulation of profiles: the insulation
develop new technologies. This booth has been designed for those
strip between different components partially hinders paint adhesion.
customers, mainly contractors, which paint a high number of different
However, with the new line we commissioned from SAT, which features
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
electrostatic optimisation features, and in particular thanks to the
resistance of aluminium profiles is growing at such a rate that I predict
C-Expert booth, these two critical aspects are 100% under control. The
that, within five-years years, pre-anodising will be prevalent in the
new drying and curing ovens’ concept is also very satisfactory because
coating market,” says Philip Hilven. “Before we integrated the Lummen
it enables us to recover residual heat to pre-heat the powder and thus
line with the FOX system for in-line pre-anodising, our anodising plant
avoid using an IR oven, which, on the other hand, we are still using
was practically only devoted to this process. This saturated its capacity
on the Tisselt line. Revolving doors also contribute to greater energy
and caused us to lose up to five days on delivery times. Not to mention
efficiency and therefore cost savings.”
the fact that we had to turn down requests for anodised or electro-
As far as pre-treatment is concerned, the new Lummen coating line
coloured profiles, which have been increasing in the powder coating
features a traditional reverse cascade tunnel with a “French” cycle, i.e.
market lately.”
alkaline degreasing and acid etching. “Demand from the French market
“Why do I believe that pre-anodising will be strategic in ten years at
is growing, and therefore we have chosen to offer the alkaline+acid
the most? Firstly, because of the quality degree of primary aluminium,
pre-treatment cycle as a standard to meet the Qualimarine certification
which is not always constant enough to guarantee the outdoor
requirements,” indicates Hilven.
resistance level required by our customers. Secondly, because of
In-line pre-anodising: a trump card for meeting market challenges
the widespread use of recycled aluminium, which should certainly be safeguarded but which calls for greater care during extrusion. Unfortunately, unlike the quality of aluminium, the quality of extrusions
The second major intervention carried out by Alural in cooperation with
is something we cannot measure. This is why we guarantee a minimum
SAT earlier in 2021 was the addition of a FOX (Flash OXidation) system
standard of 2 g/m2 of etching with traditional pre-treatment, but we
to the existing vertical line at the Lummen factory, which was installed
prefer to focus on pre-anodising as a quality strategy. Now, thanks to
by SAT itself in 2015. “The demand from some markets for flash
our in-line pre-anodising system, we can offer this additional processing
anodising as an additional pre-treatment step to increase the outdoor
at a lower cost and within the cycle time of a normal painting process.”
© ipcm
The transport system of the FOX system transfers the profile from the monorail conveyor to the crane that lowers them into the flash oxidation tank.
© ipcm
From the left Alessia Venturi, Philip Hilven of Alural and Alberto Formenti of SAT.
The future of aluminium coating In 2015, Alural’s plant had already been prearranged for the integration
“At Alural, we believe that an excellent pre-treatment process and the
of the FOX system. This is why the implementation of such an important
application of Qualicoat certified powders, combined with premium-
technical improvement was a “little miracle” and everything worked
quality raw materials and extrusions, are the only way to guarantee
perfectly, also thanks to Alural’s in-depth knowledge of anodising
an outdoor durability of 20-25 years, as required by northern
processes. “We are talking about the installation of a very large system,
European markets,” says Hilven. “This is why we never apply Qualicoat
with complex components, special requirements such as a deep
3 powders: although they guarantee the same resistance degree as
installation pit for the anodising tank, complex electrical wiring, and
Qualicoat 2 ones, they are too expensive, present mechanical issues,
a complex handling unit,” adds Alberto Formenti. “This project came
and are available in only a few colours. We chose to propose, or rather
eleven years after the installation of our first FOX plant, in Vietnam: the
impose, pre-oxidation as a winning technology and a guarantee of
experience gained during this time has enabled SAT to improve the
quality. Numerous company are already interested in our FOX system.
system and achieve even greater performance in terms of line speed.
Many of them are asking to come and see this frankly impressive line.
Some components have been completely redesigned with respect to the
Thanks to the latest investments made with SAT, Alural can respond
original FOX system in order to avoid the occurrence of certain critical
much more quickly to market demands than any other contractor
problems; the chemical pre-treatment cycle prior to the flash anodising
on the market and with far greater volumes: we have a production
phase has been improved to ensure the application of a minimum
capacity of 35,000 m2/day and we can produce pre-oxidised coatings
thickness of 4 microns of oxide in a uniform and constant manner, as
in almost the same cycle time as traditional coatings. The market is
required by current regulations. Clearly, this is a top-level technology,
rewarding us with a boom in orders: we have already exceeded our
which requires a major investment not only in the system itself but also
2021 forecasts by 30%.”
in the factory (appropriate foundations, deep pit, etc.).”
This is very good news – for the entire European aluminium market.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
GENERAL INDUSTRIAL BRANDS IN EMEAI Sherwin-Williams®, Inver® and Syntha Pulvin® provide a complete range of Industrial Coatings for Heavy Equipment, Transportation, Rail, Military, Building Products, Appliance, General Finishes, Energy, Electronics and Solar Mirror. To earn your business, we become your partner utterly committed to your long-term success. Let us show you how we can improve your business with our Waterborne, Solventborne, UV, High Solid, Powder, and E-Coat coatings solutions. Your current challenge might be our next innovation. Inver® and Syntha Pulvin® are brands of The Sherwin-Williams Company
Contact: | Visit:;
© Fraunhofer
For buildings with large glass façades, installing electrochromic or thermo-chromic windows can save up to 70 percent of heating and cooling energy consumption.
Smart Windows that Protect Against Solar Radiation Edited by Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC (Würzburg) and Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP (Dresden) Germany -
Fraunhofer researchers have developed an intelligent coating for glass windows that darkens in the sun. This uses electrochromic and thermochromic materials that react to electricity and heat. In buildings with large glass façades, it stops the rooms from getting too hot because of solar radiation, thereby reducing the demand for energy-intensive air conditioning.
he building sector is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse
They heat up in the sun, especially in summer.
gases. According to the German Environment Agency, buildings
However, using blinds and jalousies to provide shade is often unpopular,
are responsible for around 30% of the country’s CO2 emissions
as they detract from the aesthetic appeal of the glass and disturb the
and 35% of its final energy consumption.
view outside. Instead, the interior is cooled with air conditioning, which
Buildings with large glass façades and roofs are particularly problematic,
requires enormous amounts of electricity and increases the carbon
such as the office towers that dominate modern cities.
footprint of the building.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Fraunhofer
The structure of a window with Switch2Save technology: versions with electrochromic or thermochromic coating are possible, as well as a combination of the two technologies in one window.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg and the
factors such as brightness and temperature, sending the results
Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma
to control systems. This sends a current or voltage pulse to the
Technology FEP in Dresden have developed a sophisticated solution
conductive film, triggering the window to darken. The surface of the
to this problem. In the Switch2Save project, researchers have been
glass gradually darkens whenever the temperature or brightness level
working on transparent coatings for windows and glass façades using
becomes too high. This stops rooms from becoming overheated and
electrochromic and thermochromic materials. These add a variable,
reduces the need for air conditioning, which is particularly useful in
transparent dark tint to the outside of the windows, which keeps the
sunnier climes and buildings with large, glazed façades. It also serves
rooms cool. The Fraunhofer Institutes have partnered with universities
as anti-glare protection on sunny days. On cloudy days and in the
and industrial partners across six EU countries for this EU-funded
evening the windows will be kept in bright state.
research project.
Fraunhofer researchers have also thought about the suitability of the
Electrochromic and thermochromic coating
“The windows don’t turn dark suddenly, but are gradually tinted over
“The electrochromic coating is applied to a transparent, conductive film
a few minutes,” explains Schott. Energy consumption is very low. In
which can then be “switched on”. Applying an electrical voltage triggers
optimal circum-stances, electrochromic film only requires electricity for
the transfer of ions and electrons, which darkens the coating and
the switching process and a very low voltage is enough to initiate the
tints the window. On the other hand, thermochromic coating works
tinting process. Thermochromic materials do not require electricity at
passively. When a certain ambient temperature is reached, it reflects
all, instead reacting passively to the heat generated by the sun. They
the heat radiation of sun,” explains Dr. Marco Schott, Group Manager
can be used to complement a switchable system or as an alternative,
of Electrochromic Systems at Fraunhofer ISC.
where a switchable solution is not required.
With electrochromic elements, sensors can be used to measure
Engineering and service from a single source | +49 521 3208-444
technology for everyday use.
© Fraunhofer
The coatings are manufactured using a roll-to-roll process. At just a few hundred micrometres thick, both the electrochromic film and the thermochromic thin glass substrate are extremely thin.
© Vasakronan AB
This office building in Uppsala, Sweden, has been equipped with Switch2Save windows. It serves as a demonstration building and is helping to test and further develop the technology.
Demonstration buildings in Athens and Uppsala
thermochromic coating, on the other hand, uses a thin glass substrate.
Switch2Save promises huge energy savings in areas where outside
Wet chemical and vacuum coating processes are used in a cost-effective
temperatures are high, i.e., in southern regions, by reducing use of
roll-to-roll manufacturing system. The switchable components are
air conditioning systems or removing the need for them entirely. Dr.
then laminated under vacuum onto a 4 mm thick sheet of window
John Fahlteich, Switch2Save Project Coordinator and Head of the
glass, which is integrated to an insulating glass unit thereafter. The
Research Group at Fraunhofer FEP, explains: “In warm regions of
coating process is also economically feasible on an industrial scale.
Europe, the cooling and heating energy demands of modern buildings
The electrochromic and thermochromic switchable elements are only
can be reduced by up to 70%.” Savings are not so extensive in colder,
a few 100 μm thick and less than 500 g per square meter. Thus, they
northerly regions, but the systems could also be used here as anti-glare
hardly add any weight to the windows, which means that they can be
protection against direct sunlight.
retrofitted in existing buildings without needing to alter the building
In principle, the combination of electrochromic and thermochromic
layers in a composite window offers the greatest possible flexibility. By using this, architects and developers can provide individual solutions
Curved glass and colourful windows
for a variety of regions and buildings. “We are in the process of installing
The project consortium is currently working on improving the
the technology in the Pediatric Clinic of the second-largest hospital in
technology further. For example, the team of experts is researching
Greece, in Athens, and an office building in Uppsala, Sweden. In both
how electrochromic and thermochromic elements can be combined
buildings, energy consumption will be monitored and compared for
in a composite window to make even better use of the technology’s
a whole year both before and after installation of the new windows.
potential. Further research objectives include adapting the coating to
By doing this, we can demonstrate the real-life performance of the
curved glass forms and adding more colours to the existing options
Switch2Save technology and can continue to test and refine the
of blue and grey. Global warming and the objectives of the European
technology for different climate zones,” says Fahlteich.
Green Deal will significantly increase the demand for energy-efficient
Roll-to-roll manufacturing
building technology in the next few years — and all buildings in the EU are expected to be carbon neutral by 2050. The electrochromic and
The researchers have also resolved challenges for manufacturing. The
thermochromic windows of the EU Switch2Save project can make an
electrochromic coating is applied to a polymer-based film substrate. The
important contribution to this.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Nitesco
One of the tables built and powder-coated by Nitesco International.
Perfect Powder Adhesion on Furniture Components, Thanks to a Combination of Mechanical and Chemical Pre-Treatment Stages Giorgia Ricchiuti ipcm®
Nitesco Srl, a company that has been producing, supplying, and contract coating table and desk components for more than twenty years, will now enter the market with its own brand. It has relied on DN Chemicals for the supply of chemicals for the pre-treatment of its high-end furniture parts.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ne of Italy’s major cultural and economic poles of attraction is the world of design. Attention
to detail, originality, and refined taste have always been the main elements that set it apart from other countries. This is also the belief of Francesco Cazzaro, the owner of Nitesco Srl, a company based in Castelminio di Resana (Treviso, Italy) that has been working in the office and home furnishing sector for over twenty years, designing suitable, competitive, and wellstructured solutions from draft drawings received from customers. Nitesco is the expression of Italianness in all its facets: ties with its local community, constant search for quality, attention to detail, and innovative design.
Over time, it has evolved and developed
© ipcm
its know-how, up to creating its own furniture brand after years of advanced research activity, which will soon give life to the first collection of tables and chairs designed entirely by Nitesco. This will be characterised by a unique combination of design and technical excellence, with which the company aims at repositioning itself in the sector and enter the Italian and international markets with its own brand, no longer as a reliable supplier of semi-finished products but as a proactive partner in the realisation of new projects. Thanks to the technological innovations implemented in production and its ability to conceive customised system solutions, Nitesco can thus penetrate the niche market of designers and interior architects who require increasingly highperformance products suitable for both indoor and outdoor use in response to current trends (bars, restaurants, hotels, etc.). After all, this firm has always been known for its focus on creating surfaces with excellent resistance to chemicals and weathering, particularly suitable for use in architecture. “We have worked with some internationally renowned companies,
© ipcm
The coating system with the power&free conveyor supplied by Futura Convogliatori Aerei and the pre-treatment tunnel.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
such as Cattelan, Calligaris and, indirectly, Ikea; the latter had very difficult requirements to meet. But our strength lies precisely in our ability to find a suitable solution for each problem. We are well known within the industry for the high quality of our products and their finishes. However, we were facing a critical issue related to the presence of moulding oils on the surfaces of products to be painted. We solved it thanks to the collaboration of DN Chemicals, a Group that can provide complete solutions for all surface pre-treatment cycles, including nanotechnology-based ones, but also for water treatment and paint stripping operations.” Although also a supplier of design objects to international brands, Nitesco is aware of the important role that contract coating activities have played, and still play for its industrial success. “Contract coating is essential for us: most furniture companies actually know us for
© Focchi Spa
TIGER 075/70258 highest UV stability 4000 hours of weathering zero VOC emissions 96% recovery
© ipcm
The inside of the pre-treatment tunnel.
Pre-treatment: a strategic step in the protection of Nitesco’s furniture components The Treviso-based company is therefore well established in the world of contract coating. “We are a fully-fledged coating contractor. For us, coating is fundamental. The most important step in our painting cycle is pre-treatment. Without proper, effective pretreatment, it is not possible to guarantee good paint adhesion.” The production of the tables and bases in the new Nitesco collection begins as follows: “We start with hot-dip galvanised sheets, which are mechanically pre-treated to remove any zinc oxide residue with a specially developed high-pressure system and then chemically pre-treated with DN Chemicals’ products, before proceeding to the coating station.” Pre-treatment is performed with a conventional cycle including a 4-stage phosphating process. However, thanks to the chemicals supplied by DN Chemicals,
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The powder centre.
Nitesco has solved a serious problem faced in the past: the presence of moulding oils on the parts to be painted. Initially, the company only used phosphating, but this was not sufficient to effectively remove them: it was necessary to increase the number of pretreatment steps. “Following our collaboration with DN Chemicals, and therefore the improvement of our pre-treatment step, we have immediately noticed a clear change in the quality of finished products, so much so that we are already thinking of integrating other nanotechnology solutions into our production flow.” Nitesco was already certified to reach the corrosion class C5 in salt spray tests. After starting to use DN Chemicals’ products, in one of the first tests carried out it obtained a © ipcm
600-hour salt spray resistance value without the application of a primer. “If we were to immerse one of our metal table bases in seawater, it would not be damaged in any way, thanks to our combination of mechanical and chemical metal pre-treatment stages.”
Contract coating: Nitesco’s strength “The coating plant is 30 metres long. It consists of a power&free conveyor supplied by Futura Convogliatori Aerei (Robecco Pavese, Pavia, Italy), a polyester powder application booth with 12 guns mounted on two opposing reciprocators, and two stations for manual pre- and post-retouching operations. We are thinking of integrating a new booth alongside the existing one, to be devoted to small lots by diverting the conveyor route to create another storage buffer,” Cazzaro concludes. “After a long time, we have managed to achieve an average of eight change operations per day instead of 12 or 13,” continues the company owner, “but a second booth would give us much greater flexibility.”
© ipcm
The pre-retouching station of the Gema Europe powder application booth. Nitesco coats all its components in-house.
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Nitesco’s future projects One of the projects that Nitesco has in mind for the future is the improvement of its pretreatment plant through the integration of a Soft Rain unit. This state-of-the-art system for the management and control of water and the application of innovative nanotechnology products on metal surfaces gives the treated parts increased paint adhesion and corrosion resistance properties. The company’s second objective is to succeed in the short term in positioning itself on the market as a furniture manufacturer and not just as a subcontractor. Already present on Archiproducts1, a portal devoted to design and architecture where firms can make their catalogues available to a qualified audience and get in touch with professionals and enthusiasts all over the world, Nitesco wants to establish itself as a manufacturer of tables and chairs for the office sector, thus integrating its contract coating activity with the sale of its own brand products.
© ipcm
© ipcm
The unloading station’s storage buffer and a detail of coated parts.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings Bring Depth to 2022 Colour of the Year AkzoNobel Powder Coatings has released the 2022 Colour of the Year for the architectural segment: it is Baku, a soft, shimmering grey, with hints of indigo blue and silver, that reflects the shades of limitless skies.
rchitects looking for
© AkzoNobel
We’re excited to bring surfaces
a sophisticated take
to life with our Interpon Futura
on AkzoNobel’s 2022
Collection and its carefully
Colour of the Year can benefit
selected Colour of the Year,
from Interpon’s Baku. Building
on the light and airy shades of
She adds that sustainability
Bright Skies, which draws out
is integrated into everything
themes such as expansion,
created by Interpon: “We strive to
open air and the great
lead our industry by pioneering
outdoors, Baku is part of the
a new world of possibilities by
2022-2025 Futura Collection,
empowering people, reducing
and provides bold, neutral
our impact on the planet and
tones to bring the collection
consistently innovating to deliver
down to Earth.
the most sustainable solutions
Many events over the past two
for our customers. That’s why we
years have thrown the social,
call our approach to sustainable
economic and environmental
business People.Planet.Paint.
aspects of our lives into
The four inspiring palettes of
sharper focus. Extensive
the 2022 Colour of the Year
global trend research done by
– Workshop, Greenhouse,
a team of AkzoNobel experts
Studio and Lighthouse – offer
and international designers
inspiration in the form of on-
reveals that we’re reassessing
trend shades, textures, metallics
what really matters and
and special effects, including
ready for a fresh approach to
several ultra matt finishes, for
both interior and exterior applications.
Conducted annually by AkzoNobel for nearly 20 years, the research
With no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and significantly less waste,
generates valuable insights that are translated by paints and coatings
superdurable Interpon powder coatings are a sustainable option. They
experts into their respective segments. The result is on-trend, market-
require less maintenance and stand the test of time in high touch areas
specific products, and design inspiration, such as offered by the Futura
such as tables, chairs, filing cabinets, lockers, furniture and aluminium
Collection, that help customers make a strong statement. The Futura
windows and doors.
Collection has been the leading colour range in the powder industry for
Drawing on centuries of expertise in paints and coatings, AkzoNobel
decades, with a colour palette which is updated every four years.
pioneers a world of possibilities for customers and consumers to
“Helping customers bring their imagination to life is integral to our
differentiate themselves, their products, and their spaces so they can
Interpon brand,” says Daniela Vlad, Business Director of AkzoNobel
show the world who they truly are.
Powder Coatings. “Our products – enhanced by our colour trend research – are key to achieving architectural beauty, whether we’re
For further information:
making a building stand out or blend seamlessly into its environment.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
LINAK Profiles manufactures lifting columns for height adjustment of modern office desks.
Efficient and Consistent Powder Coating of Components for Office Desks Edited by Nordson Deutschland GmbH Erkrath, Germany
Nordson Corporation, one of the world’s leading producers of powder coating equipment, supplied LINAK Profiles, a company headquartered in Denmark, with its innovative automatic systems to apply even coating with a high level of process control on the lifting columns for height adjustment of modern office desks manufactured by the Danish factory.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
our years ago, LINAK Profiles, known until 2018 as AKK Industri ApS in Sønderborg, Denmark, converted
its production to solve its growth-related capacity requirements for lifting columns while at the same time increasing production efficiency. LINAK Lifting Columns are hi-tech electrical devices able to convert rotational motion in low voltage DC motors into linear push/pull movement. In the newly built hall, state-of-the-art robots and production facilities have since then ensured extensive automation of the processes involved in the manufacture of lifting columns for height adjustment of modern office desks. “In order to raise or lower the desk, precisely engineered profiles are required,” explains
Kim Paulsen, plant operator at LINAK
The LINAK’s production area of around 6,500 m2 in Sønderborg, Denmark.
Profiles. “Also, to meet the high design demands, it is important to provide these profiles in a wide variety of shapes and colours.” In addition, the sliders of the multipart columns have very narrow tolerances and must have a uniform coating for accurate mobility.
The solution LINAK Profiles decided to build a completely new production line in 2016, equipping it with state-of-the-art technology and relying on a high degree of automation to achieve a higher efficiency and throughput. In a production area of around 6,500 m2 in Sønderborg, around 50 employees have developed and produced approximately 20,000 lifting columns engineered to the highest quality every week since its opening. The welding is carried out by robots with LIN
is replaced by the high-performance dense
powder coating the Venturi spraying system
extreme precision and high speed. In
phase technology with Nordson HDLV pumps. The efficient powder coating system is divided into pre-treatment, heating, powder
Some of the lifting columns manufactured by LINAK.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© Nordson
The fast colour change system includes the Spectrum HD powder feed centre with PowderPilot HD control system.
© Nordson
The ColorMax3 booth equipped with seven Encore HD automatic powder guns.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
application and finishing areas. After pre-treatment, the parts are transported to the cubed ColorMax3 coating booth. The total of seven Encore HD automatic spray systems apply uniform coating with a high level of process control over a long period of time to ensure extremely consistent powder application. The Nordson Encore® HD spray system delivers powder to
UHS platform technologies VOC-compliant coating
the products with minimum air resulting in a soft spray and high application efficiency. This avoids manual rework during production. An Encore HD manual spray system is also available for coating special shapes. The ColorMax3 booth is designed for fast colour changes to minimize production interruptions and can accommodate up to 10 colour changes per shift. The application efficiency is maximized due to the combination of the soft spray delivered by the Encore HD spray systems and high density of the products loading on the line. The minimal over-sprayed powder is recovered through a twin-cyclone system with more than a 95% reclaim efficiency. The Nordson Spectrum HD powder feed centre offers a clean coating environment and optimum powder handling conditions for production confidence and reduces operator interaction. The powder coating system is controlled by the PowderPilot HD control system. An icon based, touchscreen user interface provides the operator with relevant information about the status of individual system modules and step-by-step instructions when, during a colour change, for example an operator interaction is needed.
The benefits: highest quality, flexibility and economy “Building a new facility and then renewing all the production components at the same time was a challenge for everyone involved,” recalls Mr. Paulsen. “Once the robots for cutting, punching and welding moved in and the new powder coating system, conveyor, pre-treatment and ovens installed, it still took about a year before the automated modules worked well together and everything ran smoothly. The plant operator did report one exception, as the Nordson system worked exactly as it should from day one. “Our Nordson representative kept his word. Peter
Johansen of Lakteknik ApS promised a trouble-free and onschedule installation of the powder coating system, and the very professional and experienced Nordson team was successful in getting that right.” Four years have passed since the technology upgrade and the powder coating system leaves no desire for modernization or renewal. “Compared to the previous system in the old plant with Venturi injectors technology, we save powder material of around 30%.
The conversion from solvent-based to water-borne coating systems is often linked with high investment costs. The new ultra-high-solid platform technologies from FreiLacke can significantly reduce solvent consumption, even without system conversions. FreiLacke is now using its new ultra-high-solid systems (or UHS for short) which entirely meet the demands for a reduction in the VOC content in paints and coatings. With a solids content of up to 80 percent by weight, they have a VOC value of less than 350 g/l.
Throughout our three-shift operation we coat consistently day in, day out with a layer thickness between 80 µ ±10 µ – which is crucial for assembly of the products,” explains Kim Paulsen. “The sliders of our multi-part columns have such tight tolerances that an uneven coating would complicate assembly and cause stuttering during the testing, leading to damage and malfunction.” Mr. Paulsen adds.
Conclusion In addition to the efficiency, flexibility and robustness of the system, it is particularly easy to operate. Although LINAK Profiles use two operators per shift, this is purely a safety measure, for a backup in the event of an illness. “The powder coating system from Nordson is easy to program, user friendly and all surfaces that need to be © Nordson
The soft spray of the Encore HD powder coating system ensures maximum process control.
cleaned or maintained are easily accessible. Even with our 7 to 10 colour changes per shift, this can easily be done by one person alone,” says Kim Paulsen, summarizing his experience. “We are very pleased with our decision to partner with Nordson. With their unmatched customer service, we feel confident that Nordson will continue to make powder coating easy for our operations. The benefits we see are very clear, we couldn’t be happier,” states Mr. Paulsen. Finally, he adds: “I am very excited to see what other great technologies Nordson will develop in the future.”
© Nordson
Up to 10 colour changes per shift – the colour change data recorded by the system is part of the toolkit for monitoring operating efficiency and for continuous improvement.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Outdoor Furniture: Excellent Paint Adhesion and Corrosion Resistance Thanks to a Technologically Innovative Chemical Process Giorgia Ricchiuti ipcm®
2020, it is not easy to make decisions that revolutionise the know-how of one’s own company. Ethimo, a leading company in the international outdoor furniture market, has taken this risk and, in cooperation with Chemtec and Eurotherm, it has insourced the coating phase within its production process, thus creating a successful partnership oriented towards quality and sustainability.
ontinuity and innovation are the watchwords of a company
a family-run business founded in 2009, which has always cultivated a
that has been able to renew itself without changing its
passion for green spaces and has been a leading player in the world
identity, by implementing new skills and experiences without
of outdoor and gardening for over forty years. Ethimo (from Ancient
neglecting passion and enthusiasm: this is the philosophy of Ethimo,
Greek “étumon”, “return to origins”) has embarked on a journey that
© Ethimo
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
has led to the creation and spread, first in Italy and then in the rest of
“The decision to insource coating within our production flow was
Europe, of a culture based on living outdoors with style and elegance
well-considered and, thanks to a number of factors, it turned out
and on the awareness that such space can be seen as a natural
to be a winning one,” he adds. “Among the many advantages it has
extension of home interiors.
brought, there are greater quality control, because the treatment is
Outdoor spaces are therefore conceived, designed and, above all,
performed in-house, and the possibility to customise our products
utilised as a natural extension of indoor spaces, with an eye on our
more efficiently, with lower costs and a shorter time-to-market.”
relationship with nature, which has taken on a significant private According to Marco Confidati, the owner together with two other
A focus on coating pre-treatment as the first stage of designing the line
partners, over the first few years this outdoor furniture manufacturer
Contrary to what normally happens, Ethimo started from the
has focussed its investments on commercial and product-related
fine-tuning of the metal pre-treatment cycle, in the design and
aspects, as well as on communication. One of Ethimo’s long-standing
commissioning of its coating plant. Indeed, from the moment the
goals and plans was to insource the coating process. In fact,
company expressed its desire to integrate painting into its production
despite the lockdown period, difficult for everyone but especially
process, it relied on Chemtec (Corbetta, Milan, Italy) for targeted
for businesses, the company decided to take a risk by improving its
advice on the most suitable pre-treatment process for the wide
manufacturing process through the installation of a painting system.
variety of materials it coats, i.e. stainless steel, tropicalised aluminium,
“I believe that an entrepreneur must seize an opportunity even at
and hot-dip galvanised and electro-galvanised sheet metal.
a time when there are no certainties in the market,” says Confidati.
“We know that surface preparation plays a key role in quality
meaning, and on the immersion in nature as a philosophy of life.
© Ethimo
© Ethimo
From left to right: The Venexia lounge armchair. Ace, the referee’s stool, belongs to the new collection by Patrick Norguet. The outdoor lounge Elisir, a 2021 news by Ethimo.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© ipcm
Overview of the powder coating system supplied by Eurotherm. From the left: pretreatment tunnel, application booth and the loading area.
© ipcm
Work pieces entering the pretreatment stage.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
towards the future
assurance, process management, paint adhesion, and corrosion resistance performance,” states Chemtec CEO, Carlo Guidetti. “Specialising in the formulation, production, and marketing of technologies for the industrial finishing sector, Chemtec does
not only supply chemical products, but it also acts as a strategic partner by supporting its customers, understanding their requirements, and providing comprehensive advice. When we first came here, listening to Ethimo’s needs, we realised that the best choice for treating their substrates was a multi-metal process with our PRONORTEC passivation product, which guarantees excellent corrosion resistance and coating adhesion levels. We also realised that a traditional coating plant with a two-rail conveyor would not be suitable for them, as they treat small batches of very different parts with a very high degree of customisation in terms of colours and finishes. We therefore suggested opting for a semi-automatic plant with a manual paint application unit, a choice that would give Ethimo extreme operational flexibility,” explains Guidetti.
High corrosion resistance with an environmentally sustainable chemical process “Historically, chemical pre-treatment based on heavy metals, such as hexavalent or trivalent chromium and tricationic zinc phosphating, was used to achieve a very high level of corrosion resistance on non-ferrous metals. However, these processes create difficulties in terms of toxicity, operator safety, and environmental safety and they generate high costs for disposal and authorisation,” says Carlo Guidetti. “Chemtec suggested that Ethimo used the metal-free, multi-metal (i.e. suitable for ferrous alloys, aluminium, and galvanised steel), one-component nanotechnology conversion product PRONORTEC, which does not need any additives to correct pH values or the concentration of other metals. This type of process guarantees the same quality degree as a chromium-based treatment, but in a much more environmentally sustainable way.” The pre-treatment process developed by Chemtec consists of an alkaline degreasing stage, used to remove all traces of machining oil and grease from surfaces; two rinsing stages with mains water; one rinse with pure osmosis water; and the spraying of the nanotechnology passivating solution PRONORTEC, a technologically innovative chemical based on the use of organic phosphorus compounds.
Epistolio Srl.
The nano coating created by the PRONORTEC process has
Via Piemonte 120 21100 Varese (VA) ITALY Ph: +39 0332 212692 Fax: +39 0332 223666
a thickness between 30 and 50 nanometres and it is highly hydrophobic, guaranteeing excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance: the tests carried out gave results of 1000 hours of resistance in neutral salt spray and over 500 hours in acetic salt
© ipcm
Powder application with dense phase technology supplied by Gema Europe.
The product also creates no sludge, thus reducing waste water
that allows us to carry out up to 15 colour change operations during
treatment costs and minimising environmental impact.
a daily production of 150 workpieces, as was the case yesterday,”
“With this pre-treatment process, our products also acquire an
says Marco Confidati. “Manual application enables us to customise all
intangible value, linked to the sustainability of the operations used
products in terms of colours, effects, and textures, thus meeting the
to manufacture them,” notes Marco Confidati. “This issue is central
needs of each individual customer.”
to Ethimo’s mission: we have installed photovoltaic panels that can
The powder coating plant supplied by Eurotherm consists of as
produce 100 kWh, thanks to which we are able to meet 82% of our
factory’s needs. Moreover, all the wood we use is FSC-certified, which
• 1 automatic cleaning cell
means it comes from well-managed forests, controlled sources, or
• 1 powder coating booth with a manual dense-phase powder
recycled materials.”
application unit
A coating plant that meets Ethimo’s needs
• 2 separate ovens for drying and curing • A manual overhead conveyor
Now a benchmark in the international high-end outdoor furniture
• A reverse osmosis plant with a flow rate of 100 l/h (supplied by
market thanks to its simple and elegant yet sober and attractive style,
Ethimo relied on Eurotherm (Volpiano, Turin, Italy) for the provision of
• Prearrangement for the implementation of Industry 4.0-oriented
a coating line suitable to its needs. “We chose a super-flexible plant
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Another view of the Eurotherm coating system: the drying and curing ovens with a buffer for finished pieces in the middle.
The maximum dimensions of the parts that can be processed in the
to the feeding pump of each tank. They are arranged in such a way
plant are 1,100 x 5,000 x 2,000 mm (W x D x H). The maximum weight
that the sprayed liquid evenly covers the surfaces to be treated.
that can be hung onto the load bars is 500 kg.
At the entrance to the tunnel, there is a chamber for suctioning the
The spray pre-treatment process is performed after the workpieces
vapours escaping from the treatment areas, whereas a centrifugal fan
are deposited in the cleaning tunnel by means of an overhead
is located on the roof of the tunnel, over the hot spraying section, to
conveyor. The chemical solutions that drip from the parts being
convey the suctioned fumes outside. The hot treatment tank is heated
treated are collected in tanks located below the plant and then
by a gas burner with heat exchanger, placed inside it. Both ovens are
recirculated by means of pumps and manifolds that feed the nozzle-
of the static type, with a forced-air direct heating system linked to an
holding bars surrounding the tunnel.
air vein burner.
The latter is made of a stainless steel panel structure that has spray
For the operation of this plant, Eurotherm has developed an Industry
nozzles within it. All the nozzle supply pipes, that have been mounted
4.0-oriented, MySQL-based order and production cycle management
externally, are exclusively dedicated to a single step in order to
software package. The system includes a database server and control
reduce the contamination of the different liquids sprayed during each
software for order creation and monitoring. 15” touch-screen panels
cleaning phase. At its bottom, properly sloped drainage sheets collect
were placed in the loading, coating, and unloading stations.
the liquids and return them to their respective tanks.
Through the control software programme, the operator always has
The nozzles are equipped with direct connections to the manifold and
the order situation under control and can make changes to data or
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
create reports for production statistics. The software package advises the operator of any colour match among batches to optimise the workflow and it recalculates the delivery data at each end of the job (unloading phase). “For the application of powders, we have chosen a manual unit with Gema dense-phase feeding pumps, which enables us to achieve a higher coating quality level and 30% paint savings – an important factor for Ethimo, since we do not recover paint,” states Marco Confidati. “We rely on two exclusive partners for the supply of powder coatings: AkzoNobel and Axalta. We mainly use colours from the RAL chart, but we often request customised tints specially formulated for us.”
Technical expertise and efficient service “I have been pleasantly surprised by the collaboration with Chemtec, especially given the short time they required to handle the © ipcm
various corrosion resistance tests carried out on samples treated with their system,” says Marco Confidati. “They were able to have the pre-treatment process approved long before the plant was started: we defined the initial degreasing phase, the rinsing and conversion phases, and the application parameters and times at best. Without their help, we would not have been able to navigate with such confidence the huge world of surface treatment, which was unknown to us.”
The reverse osmosis system with a flow rate of 100 l/h (supplied by Chemtec).
© ipcm
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Carlo Guidetti, on the left, with Marco Confidati.
color change
MagicCylinder® EquiFlow® The booth for quick color change! MagicCylinder is the best performing solution for a powder application booth, capable of allowing very fast color change, without the need of complicated automation.
Gema Europe S.r.l. | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI) | Italy | T. +39 02 48 400 486 | F. +39 02 48 400 874
© Teknos
The headquarters of Teknos A/S in Vamdrup, Denmark.
Teknos Reduced Energy Consumption by 13% in Its Danish Site Thanks to 20 dataloggers, the Danish site of Teknos managed to cut 1755 tons of CO2 and reduce energy consumption by 13%.
eknos Group has reached one of its sustainability goals:
These data are then measured and analysed, allowing to test
in 2020, the company’s Danish site reduced its energy
different options and make informed decisions.
consumption by 13% in relation to production. Two years
Teknos managed to cut 1755 tons of carbon dioxide while also
prior, Teknos set a target to improve its environmental footprint and
saving tens of thousands of euros in costs in just over two years. This
reduce energy consumption by 5% annually.
reduction is equal to the energy used in one year in 192 homes, or
The Danish site, located in Jutland, produces between 23 and 24
greenhouse gasses emissions from 346 cars for one year.
million litres of water- and solvent-based liquid paints, UV lacquers
“We began datalogging the functions that had the best reduction
and thinners per year. It is almost 25% of the entire Teknos Group’s
potential. The data enables us to improve our processes to operate
production. The site is completely operated on electricity and 70% of
more energy efficiently and detect deficiencies. We also make
it derives from wind energy.
experiments to find new ways of doing things, and the data shows
One of the key elements of this success are 20 dataloggers that
almost immediately the results of these tests”, clarifies Brian Creutz,
monitor and record the use of electricity and natural gas for
Plant Manager of Teknos’ Danish site. “We started seeing the results
ventilation, heat pump, heating of binder tanks and compressor.
enabled by datalogging immediately.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
In 2019, we reduced energy by four percent and in 2020
About Teknos
by 13 percent. We had conducted actions to save energy already before installing the dataloggers, but we were surprised to see the additional energy savings potential. With our reductions and energy efficiency measures,
Teknos is a global coatings company with operations in more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia, and the USA.
we can also support our clients in achieving their own
It employs approximately 1,800 people and the net
sustainability goals as they monitor the annual emissions
sales in 2020 was EUR 384 million. Teknos is one of the
of their suppliers.”
leading suppliers of industrial coatings with a strong
The Danish site of Teknos is now considering investing in a new heat pump to further improve its sustainability
position in retail and decorative paints. Teknos wants
efforts. Moreover, other Teknos sites are also planning
to make the world last longer by providing smart,
to implement similar datalogging solutions in the near
technically advanced paint and coating solutions to
future. The company has estimated that, by adopting
protect and prolong. Teknos always works in close
this practice alone, it could reach its 5% reduction target without other interventions. For further information:
cooperation with its customers. It was established in 1948, and is one of Finland’s largest family-owned businesses.
Say goodbye to masking Overspray-free paint application with EcoPaintJet Revolutionary precision in automatic application brings efficiency to product customization. Dürr’s solution EcoPaintJet applies sharpedged paint lines on surfaces, pushing the limits for efficient and resource-saving coating: No overspray, no more masking of your product.
Flexible Surface Coating for 1000 and One Functional Door Nicole Mihlan VENJAKOB Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.KG - Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany
RWD Schlatter, the Swiss market leader for functional doors in the contract sector, does not focus on standards in volume, but on variety. This variety must be produced in the shortest possible time and in the most diverse quantities – starting from a one door batch – in a customer-oriented manner. Cost awareness, quality aspects as well as a higher flexibility in the production process were decisive reasons to carry out the surface treatment inhouse via a modern door coating line. For this purpose, the production hall at the headquarters in Rockwill was expanded and a door finishing line from Venjakob, which was individually adapted to the customer’s needs, was set up and put into operation during ongoing production.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
n Switzerland, the requirements for manufacturers of functional
Zöchbauer, head of process and process technology at RWD Schlatter.
doors are particularly challenging. Due to the small scale of urban
In addition, he said, the quality was not as good as it is now. “The raw
development and the diversity of buildings, there is less demand
door leaves had to be shipped to the external paint-shop via a freight
for standards in the commercial sector, but for a wide range of doors.
forwarder and then transported back again for finishing. This often
RWD Schlatter develops and produces door blanks for fire, smoke and
resulted in damage during transport. This had an impact on quality.
sound protection for general contractors, architects, module builders
The same applies to the fact that hand spray coating does not meet the
and the specialized trade. With in-house product development and its
market standard for an industrial surface,” explains Zöchbauer. Anton
own testing laboratories accredited to European standards, as well as
Zöchbauer was able to assure himself of the improved surface quality
a high degree of automation in the production process, RWD Schlatter
at the Venjakob technical centre in Rheda-Wiedenbrueck/Germany
wants to serve its customers individually and efficiently. According to
before the order was placed. There, a batch of door blanks was coated
the company, today about 80,000 door blanks are produced per year.
on the Ven Spray Perfect spray coating machine and compared with the
External surface treatment cost-intensive
batch from the previous suppliers. The door manufacturer was particularly impressed by the exact
Before deciding to coat the doors in-house, the door manufacturer
reproducibility of the surface quality, which is only possible with an
resorted to external partners. “Too cost-intensive,” found Anton
automatic spray coating machine.
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
Batch picking before the coating process. Control panel for central system control. The workpieces are barcoded; the programs are called up automatically.
Opening photo: The Presswerk cultural centre in Arbon, Switzerland, needed a door’s type that would harmonize with its industrial-style furniture. The doors manufactured by RWD Schlatter met these requirements.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
From top left: - VEN CLEAN SMART: Workpiece passes through a dust removal system to be freed from loose adhering sanding dust. - VEN SPRAY PERFECT: the automatic spray coating machine with quick colour change system is the heart of this flexible coating line. - View into the spray booth of the VEN SPRAY PERFECT with paint recovery system and double washing unit for continuous production, even during cleaning.
Commission production requires high flexibility
package: a highly dynamic, flexible surface finishing centre with a high
Door production for the contract business at RWD Schlatter is based
degree of automation and possible interface integration of a sanding
on the “Tannenbaum”-principle / stage concept. Depending on the
machine from a third-party manufacturer. Venjakob took over as
order, the stacks of door blanks to be processed are completely
general contractor and developed an economical overall concept,
different in length, width, thickness, material as well as in their
starting with the conveyor technology and the control system
requirements for coating and further assembly.
through to the heart of the spray coating system with a sophisticated
This had to be considered by the machine manufacturer Venjakob
colour management system that has extremely short colour change
during the planning phase. The customer wanted a complete
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The following components are included in the overall
© RWD Schlatter
“door coating line” concept: • Conveyor technology, designed for batch operation; • Door edge sanding machine; • Wide belt sanding machine; • Dust removal system for use after sanding; • Spraying machine with special colour management system, designed for 2K or 3K technology; • Dryer: flash dryer, 10-level dryer with longitudinal flow method, nozzle drying channel, UV drying channel; control panel; • Remote diagnosis system; • Supply air system incl. humidification.
Surface coating in batch operation Since May 2020, the automatic door coating line from Venjakob has been coating approx. 95 percent of doors and 5 percent of door panels, lining strips and door bolts, partly in 3-shift operation. As requested by RWD Schlatter, a stand-alone wide belt sander from Weber was fully integrated into the line. A Venjakob door edge
Pumps stand for paint supply.
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
From top left: - VEN DRY OIR: drying channel with optimized infrared technology for particularly gentle drying of water-based and water-based UV coatings. - 180° rake angle transfers with housing. - VEN DRY UV: UV channel for curing the UV coating.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
sanding machine, which sands both the longitudinal and the top edge in continuous operation, rounds off the sanding process without compromise. The complete surface coating system operates in batch mode. This means that within a batch, doors and door elements are coated in the same way and dried uniformly. Mainly 2K water-based UV coating systems are used. Within a batch, there can be any number of parts of different lengths, as long they have the same thickness, remain within a certain size (5,500 mm x 1,600 mm) and the maximum weight per batch
remains below 300 kg. As a rule, two doors with a maximum door length of 2,600 mm are run one behind the other on one batch. Longer doors are run individually per batch. In the case of door stacks which vary greatly in their sequence, it is also possible to run with only one door batch sizes, if there is no other option.
Variable drying system for different coating materials The drying system of the coating line with four different drying
with a complete service that includes system design manufacturing installation technical support chemicals
units is also designed for variability. This means that different types of coatings can be used with different conditions in terms of drying time and type. A distinction was made between three scenarios: 1. always the same type of coating; 2. coating systems that dry quickly as well as stains; 3. coating systems that require long drying times such as special colours or special coating types. These can, for example, be coated as last in the late afternoon hours, dry overnight in the 10-level dryer and be stacked directly manually in the morning.
Fast colour changes and paint recovery If you want to respond flexible to customers’ design wishes, you need a spray coating machine that is designed for all colours, can implement fast colour changes, and delivers reproducible surface quality. The installed fully automatically controllable spray coating machine is equipped with a reinforced high-performance linear drive and can be operated with up to 12 spray guns. The gun speed is continuously adjustable and sprays at the same speed across the entire working width. All spray guns are connected to a circular flushing system for fast
spray material changes. To ensure that as much coating material as possible can be used, the belt cleaning system has been equipped with a V-rake device for returning the coating from the belt to the container. A special colour management system for 2K and 3K coatings was also installed. This enables fully automatic
Via E. Torricelli, 79 - Z.I. Fossatone 40059 MEDICINA (BO) Tel +39 051 856263
colour changes within a very short time. One of the reasons for this is that the relevant components have been “piggybacked” to the rear of the spraying machine above the axis with very short paint lines. Should a system malfunction occur, it can be diagnosed via a remote maintenance system. This enables rapid assistance. To support quality control, several digital cameras have also been installed to monitor the entire machine line. All components required for maintenance are easily accessible or easy to remove.
First cooperation with Venjakob © RWD Schlatter
For RWD Schlatter, this was the first time they worked with Venjakob. Project manager Anton Zöchbauer became aware of the machine builder due to the good references in the door and furniture industry. With RWD Schlatter, Venjakob now has another good reference. “Our requirements were fully met according to the specified parameters. The support and service after final acceptance was also very flexible and top in every respect,” says Zöchbauer, confirming the good performance of the Venjakob team.
© RWD Schlatter
© RWD Schlatter
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
From top to bottom: - Drum turner: here the batch is rotated to be fed to another circulation. - Outfeed of the door coating line and removal of the coated doors.
Protection upgraded
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Surprising Steel: Brombal Insourced its Coating Operations and Obtained Exceptional Finishes for Exclusive Window and Door Frames Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Brombal has specialised for over fifty years in the production of custom, luxury window and door frames in steel and brass. Thanks to a far-sighted company policy, it decided to insource and automate its steel painting processes – without sacrificing the artisanal nature of its production, highly appreciated by the overseas market. In order to do so, it worked with Tekimp, a Rimor Group company specialising in the design of automatic coating systems.
he global window frame and curtain wall markets have been
increasing importance of finishes in this very active sector. However,
experiencing strong growth for some time now, driven by public
whereas the powder coating of aluminium window and door frames
infrastructure improvement programmes and government
is now a well-established finishing technology that is subject to strict
incentives for renovation. This exponential increase was further
certifications, particularly within the European market, the same cannot
amplified after the standstill period due to the health crisis. On the
be said for steel window systems, where there is still plenty of scope for
pages of our magazine, we have repeatedly emphasised the ever-
developing new coating solutions. One of the companies involved in this
© Brombal
Brombal headquarters in Caselle di Altivole (Treviso, Italy).
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
research activity is Brombal (Caselle di Altivole, Treviso, Italy), with branches in the USA, Oceania, and Asia. “Our products are made for high-end customers,” indicates CEO and sales manager Pierpaolo Brombal. “The choice of the rarest materials for the sector, such as steel and brass, alone proves our will not to follow beaten routes but to go against the tide, by offering products designed for an exclusive clientele. Brombal manufactures custommade windows and doors that increase energy efficiency, protect against water and air infiltration, and guarantee the buildings’ high structural integrity and safety against impacts.” These characteristics have determined its success, particularly in the US market, where the harsher weather conditions and the frequency of exceptional climatic events, such as hurricanes, mean that a very solid, resistant type of window is preferred, although without
© ipcm
renouncing aesthetic quality. In February 2019, the company’s new robotic coating line went into operation, thus meeting the highest quality standards in finishing and automating a wide variety of functions with the utmost precision. “Painting,” adds Brombal, “is the crucial process to achieve long-lasting protection, perfect aesthetics, and unique customised finishes. Our new automatic coating system was designed and installed by Tekimp (Castelfranco Veneto, Treviso, Italy), belonging to the Rimor group and specialising in surface treatment solutions. Thanks to it, the liquid coating quality of our windows and doors has reached the highest possible level in terms of precision, speed, and quality control, which was the goal we set ourselves when we chose to insource a process that we previously entrusted to external suppliers.”
Brombal: metal windows and doors craftsmanship Pietro Brombal established this company in Altivole in 1970, as a small carpenter’s workshop for the design and construction of high-end windows and doors. Now, the
© Tekimp
The coating system built by Tekimp at the Brombal plant and the inside of the sandblasting booth.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© Tekimp
© Brombal
© Brombal
From top left: - The storage buffer for workpieces waiting to be painted or burnished. - The inside of the coating booth with the CMA robot. - The coating management unit supplied by Wagner. - The PLC controlling the CMA robots.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
business is run by his sons Leonardo and Pierpaolo. “The turning point came in 1990,” states Pierpaolo, “when Brombal developed the first sample of a thermal break window, which achieved high quality and energy performance levels with minimalist design and
Enduring. Powerful. Consistent.
thin profiles. This new manufacturing process was developed without altering the artisan essence of production: the ability to combine technological innovations in terms of machinery and processes with the artisanship of operations is in fact the flagship of this company. Today, we produce unique customised systems, which cannot be repeated except in our own factory, made in galvanised steel, stainless steel, weathering steel, and brass. The high performance degree of these metals, our attention to details in the manufacture of products, and the meticulous control of each process stage have enabled us to expand beyond the Italian borders and open new offices in the United States (2011), Oceania (2016), Asia (2019), and UK (2020).” Despite only being on the global market for ten years now, the company’s growth seems unstoppable. “Thanks to insourcing our painting process we are able to design and create new finishes without any creative limits due to operational difficulties” Pierpaolo Brombal continues. “We invested in a coating plant so that we no longer had limitations in creating and customising our finishes. In this way, our craftsmen can freely bring to life the new finishing ideas that arise through collective brainstorming – from which, among others, the “Distinctive Metals Collection” was born, consisting of 15 finishes that are Brombal’s pride”. The insourcing of the coating operation, finally, also stemmed from the need to achieve total control over the company’s production flow and the quality of its painted parts, now guaranteed by the consistency and repeatability of robotic application. “Coating automation,” notes Brombal, “does not compromise the craftsmanship of our processes, but it rather improves them and makes them even more perfect.”
The devil is in the details The Brombal’s production department was extended and renovated at the end of 2018, the offices in 2020, and further expansions are still in progress. In the factory the production flow starts with the reception of semi-finished products. Technical and production manager Leonardo Brombal says: “After rigorous quality control, steel and brass profiles are placed on metal racks to facilitate quick retrieval, while small components are handled by an automated warehouse for fast and tidy storage. The profiles are then cut and machined with a 5-axis machining centre capable of performing different operations: milling, drilling, threading, and cutting of wide steel and brass bars. Its very high cutting precision is the added
Become a winner with Atotech’s systems approach to cleaning UniPrep® is the pinnacle of long life cleaning technology – outlasting the competition and preserving our environment for future generations • Cleaning process enhanced with UniPrep® ISOtect, our specialized oil elimination equipment • Reduced carbon footprint with low temperature cleaning • Improved cleaning consistency and finished part quality • Reduced oil and chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels
value that makes the difference during assembly. This is followed by welding, mechanical finishing, measurement checks, and profile
Atotech Group
© Tekimp
© ipcm
The drying oven and its drying burners and fans.
pre-assembly. In the final process stage, all the accessories are
galvanising epoxy primer,” indicates Leonardo Brombal.
disassembled and sent with their related frame to the coating
Shotblasting is followed by manual blow-off and sanding. “Before
department, or to the burnishing one.”
entering the second booth,” adds Leonardo Brombal, “a 3D scanner
Depending on its intended use, each window or door undergoes a
analyses and checks the workpieces’ surfaces, sending their relevant
different surface treatment process. “At Brombal, we apply countless
data to the 4-pump coating management unit and to the booth’s
different coating systems, to the extent that almost every customer
application system (both provided by Wagner), in order to achieve
has its own customised cycle, each of which is meticulously controlled
uniform application. The dry application booth is equipped with a
at every stage,” states Leonardo Brombal.
6-axis painting robot and high-efficiency inertial filters. Again based on
An automotive-degree coating process
the frame’s intended use, we apply primers, base coats, and top coats in three or four layers using solvent-based one-component paints, just
The new automatic coating line was designed and built by Tekimp to
like in an automotive paintshop. We are also currently evaluating the
meet Brombal’s needs. It is a compact system that can handle large
feasibility of switching to water-based paints.”
workpieces (4800 x 4000 mm), transported by 15 load bars arranged
The final process phases are drying and polymerisation in a ventilated
on two levels and managed by control software that can track each
oven at a constant temperature, which is also managed by the control
production step. It includes two chambers equipped with two 6-axis
software package. After exiting the coating or burnishing plant, each
robots supplied by CMA Robotics (Pavia di Udine, Udine, Italy). One
individual window and door is inspected and retouched to eliminate
chamber is devoted to shot blasting and spray galvanising operations,
any possible imperfections. After all the hardware components, hinges,
the second one only to coating. The sideshift inside each booth
and seals have been assembled, our doors and windows are ready for
allows the large frames to be rotated first to one side and then to the
other, so that the robot can only move longitudinally along its track. “Depending on the intended use of the windows and doors, Brombal
Characteristics of the coating plant
chooses whether to carry out a thermal spray metallisation process
“We have succeeded in creating a plant with innovative features in
on products to be installed on the sea front or to apply a conventional
terms of both operation and size,” says Hans Guarda, project manager
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
at Tekimp Srl, the prime contractor for Brombal’s coating line project. “We had initially based the plant’s operating concept on a high degree of automation, which was later scaled down to meet the need for meticulous control of each individual part. We have therefore devised a conveyor system where each load bar is independent and can be “recalled” at any stage of the work process and at any time during the cycle, lasting on average 3 hours. A traditional system would have been much more rigid and would have prevented such flexibility. Now, Brombal has the ability to manage the flow of load bars without any constraints, so that processing priorities can be set and, if necessary, parts can be sent directly to the application stage or to the storage buffer while waiting for the booths to become free.” “The tailor-made software package helps us with this,” confirms Leonardo Brombal, “and it represents an advantage in terms of both management and optimisation of the different process phases. The special features of Tekimp’s system also include an interesting technical measure related to the conveyor: thanks to the accumulation of the chain at strategic points along the route, we can © ipcm
reduce volumes on board and ensure that the belt also develops along the branches leading to the parts storage and retrieval areas.
Some parts leaving the oven.
This characteristic, which makes it a hybrid system halfway between a one-rail and a two-rail conveyor, enables us to concentrate 15 load bars in a 20x10 m area and solve a major space problem.”
Future steps Since 2018, Brombal has been working with the Black Water Laboratory to carry out mechanical and thermal tests and certify its windows and doors to US standards, obtaining, among others, the hurricane certification for doors and windows destined for Florida. Since September 2019, the Black Water Laboratory has also been performing tests for windows and doors installed in Oceania. “Our main objective,” states Brombal, “is not just to pass strength tests, but also to meet precise parameters with our complete window or door systems. We see this as an indispensable step in keeping our brand at the level of recognition it has enjoyed to date. This process of perfecting our manufacturing flow has also included the implementation of a machine to carry out salt spray tests – which are particularly strategic for windows and doors intended for particular structures, such as offshore platforms – and the recent acquisition of a colour mixing system that enables us to © ipcm
achieve maximum precision in paint formulation and dosage”. “Architecture,” states Pierpaolo Brombal, “is the greatest art form mankind has ever created, an art that spans time and can be admired for generations. However, whereas art can be about beauty alone, in architecture this must be combined with safety, reliability, and sustainability. These three aspects are the cornerstones of our corporate philosophy – and also of the vision of Tekimp, which has managed to create a system that is tailored to our needs, as unique as our products.”
scan the code to view the plant’s operation © ipcm
A detail of the hybrid conveyor designed and built by Tekimp and the salt spray test chamber.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Urban reflections City lights are versatile and changeable. Various colors such as gold, orange and later the blue shades of dusk reveal endless shining dots as night approaches. Like glittering gems, countless lights and reflections stand out from the darkness. Be inspired by the surprising effects of Colorstream® and Pyrisma® together with the Living Sparkle® of Xirallic® NXT effect pigments.
Merck Srl Electronics | Surface Solutions Via Monte Rosa 93 | 20149 Milano MI | Italia tel. 00 800 72771666
Casa Batlló Reopens its Doors with the Anodized Aluminium Chains of Kriskadecor Curtains made of anodized aluminium chain links: this is one of the innovative elements that the architectural firm Kengo Kuma & associates has chosen to give new light to Casa Batlló, Gaudí’s modernist building that has reopened after a long restoration.
fter a long remodelling period, Casa Batlló, the famous
additional 2,000 m2 of never-seen-before itinerary provides a long list
modernist UNESCO’s world heritage building which Antoni
of novelties. The new vertical communication nucleus designed by
Gaudí built in Barcelona from 1904 to 1906, reopens its doors
Kengo Kuma stands out among them.
to present Casa Batlló 10D Experience, the new one hundred percent
Just like Casa Batlló is a tribute to the light of the Mediterranean,
immersive visit, which is ground-breaking and unique worldwide. An
the Kengo Kuma & associates project is an homage to Gaudí’s use
© Casa Batlló
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The lighter shades of aluminium are found at the
architect’s own words, “it travels from the rooftop’s
beginning of the course, on the roof, and little by
bright sky to the dark depths of the coal bunkers.”
little they darken until they reach the black hues
164,000 meters of anodized aluminium chains, that
that dress the space of the old coal bunkers in
are made by the Spanish company Kriskadecor,
the basement. With that gradation of light, which
adorn the atrium, the new staircase that connects
replicates the use of colour in the courtyard, a
the eight floors and the coal bunkers. According
story that accompanies us throughout the journey
to Kengo Kuma, “we have imagined this space
is spun without words. We start from the roof to
dressed in aluminium link curtains, which with their
end up in the cellars; from the heavens down to
meticulous materiality catch the light, as if they
earth, from light to shadow... and all this explained
were fishing nets, and show it to us in all its forms:
only through light, as if it were the house’s own
brightness, silhouettes, shadows... This way, by
of light in this modernist building. In the Japanese
omitting the use of any other materials, and erasing the presence of this blind box and its staircase using
For further information:
these chains, we are able to speak of light and light
© Casa Batlló
Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222
New Sustainable and Water-Resistant Coatings Developed with Ultrathin Self-Healing Polymers Edited by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (IL) – United States
A group of researchers has found a new method to create ultrathin surface coatings that are water resistant, self-healing and tough enough to survive scratches and dings. The new material was developed by combining thin films and self-healing technologies.
hrough a study conducted by Nenad Miljkovic, mechanical
and thin-film, finds a wide spectrum of potential applications, including
science and engineering professor, and Christopher Evans,
self-cleaning, anti-icing, anti-fogging, anti-bacterial, anti-fouling and
materials science and engineering professor, from the University
enhanced heat exchange coatings.
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the researchers were able to create a new ultrathin surface coating. According to this study, the rapid
The goal of the research
evaporative qualities of a specialized polymer containing a network
The research team’s main goal was to increase the efficiency of steam
of dynamic bonds in its backbone help form a water-resistant, self-
power plants, which are the largest generators of electricity in the
healing coating of nanoscale thicknesses. Furthermore, the coating is
world, by using this type of coating in their condensers.
robust enough to resist scratches and dings.
“The coatings, when applied to the surfaces of the condensers, make
This new material, developed by merging self-healing technologies
them more water-resistant and efficient at forming water droplets, © Adobe Stock
A steam turbine.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
which optimizes heat transfer,” said graduate research assistant Jingcheng Ma, a co-lead author of the study. According to the researchers, thin coatings used in steam power plants can run into various durability problems. Coatings can break down in a week and sometimes even a in few hours. Such a short duration makes the real-world application of the coatings an ongoing challenge. This has been a fundamental problem in mechanical and materials sciences for about eight decades as although thicker coatings are more durable, they reduce heat transfer and erode the underlying benefits of the coating. Previous studies have revealed that most ultrathin coatings have small pinhole defects after being cured on the surface. Steam penetrates through these defects, resulting in the gradual delamination of the coating. Therefore, the researchers’ goal was to develop a pinhole-free, water-resistant thin film and improve the overall energy efficiency of steam power plants by several percent. Called dyn-PDMS, the material can be easily dipped onto nanoscale layered materials on various surfaces such as silicon, aluminium, copper or steel. “Self-healing materials can recycle and reprocess themselves. We have found that we can successfully utilize the healing enabled by dynamic bonds, allowing coatings to self-repair in response to scratching or to prevent pinhole growth”, Evans said. “One of the reasons we can get such thin layers is because the solvents used in the reaction evaporate very quickly, leaving only the polymer,” the professor continued. “Also, once cured, the material repairs itself from scratches very quickly, so fast it’s hard to see it in real time. We do not see this behaviour in large, bulk samples of the material, only in the thin film, and this is a question we are trying to answer now”.
© L. Brian Stauffer
From left, graduate student Ellie Porath, professor Nenad Miljkovic, professor Christopher Evans and graduate research assistant Jingcheng Ma.
Surface Coating Installations
© OCSiAl
Erie Powder Coatings Has Developed New Powder Coatings with Graphene Nanotubes The Canadian producer Erie Powder Coatings has created new coatings with graphene nanotubes for EMI and RFI applications.
any types of equipment might be affected by
The company uses a standard powder coating production extrusion
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency
technology in order to incorporate the nanotubes with no special
interference (RFI), so Erie Powder Coatings has developed
adaptation. Because of their unique morphology, nanotubes are able
new powder coatings with graphene nanotubes that demonstrate
to build a uniform conductive, reinforcing network inside the material
both conductive and static dissipative properties, with resistance
with no increase in melt viscosity. Moreover, the unmatched ultra-low
ranging from 103 Ω/sq to 109 Ω/sq.
working dosage allows producers to expand the range of product
The graphene nanotubes provided by OCSiAl’s TUBALL, introduced at
colours and gives greater flexibility in the final formulation.
the premixing stage, allow also environmental compliance. The Initial
“Due to the ultra-low working dosages of graphene nanotubes that
laboratory tests showed positive results in combining the targeted
start from 0.01%, our clients globally recognize the excellent price-
conductivity with aesthetic.
per-performance ratio of TUBALL nanotubes, along with nanotubes’
“Traditionally formulated high conductivity powder systems rely
better environmental compliance and the full range of properties they
on conductive carbon black, which limits pigmentation options. By
enable in coatings,” commented Sergey Zasukhin, OCSiAl Business
switching to a graphene nanotube system requiring lower dosage
Development Director for Canada, Mexico, Central and South
levels, a significantly wider range of colour options are available,”
stated Tyler Siska, Erie Powder Coatings Research & Development Manager.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Dörken’s DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 120 Obtains Approval for BMW Specifications
The DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 120 zinc flake system developed by Dörken has been officially included in the BMW group standard GS 90010.
ollowing intensive research work and comprehensive testing by the corrosion experts at Dörken, the DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 120
High performance modified alcohol cleaning machines
zinc flake system was officially included in BMW specification
GS 90010, which defines corrosion protection for automobile screwed fasteners used on the exterior of vehicles, on the underside and in the engine compartment, and according to which the surface
High pressure waterjet deburring and cleaning systems
coating needs to have a high level of resistance to temperatures and corrosion. This means that the coated parts have a red rust resistance of 720h according to DIN EN ISO 9227 and withstand temperatures of up to 180 °C for 96 hours. In addition, the coating must be min. 8 µm thin. DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 120 was ultimately included in GS 90010 and given approval for the ZNS3 surface finish. The zinc flake basecoat satisfies all of the requirements set for both appearance and functionality. In addition, no hydrogen is generated in the coating process and there is therefore no risk of hydrogeninduced stress corrosion cracking. This means that the zinc flake coating is suitable for the required high-tensile steels of classes 10.9 and 12.9 with 1,000 MPa and more. Thanks to the low coat thickness,
Complete integrated in-house build automation
the basecoat is also suitable for parts that require maximum fit, such as screwed fasteners. For further information: © Unsplash
Tel. +39 02 97289696
New Chairmanship at CEPE Roald Johannsen, Vice President of PPG, is the new Chairman of the CEPE Board.
he European Council of the Paint,
than 30 years’ experience in coatings across
with the CEPE Board and team, and all our
Printing Ink, and Artist’s Colours Industry
several geographies and industry sectors.
stakeholders, to raise the image, relevance
(CEPE) elected Roald Johannsen, Vice
On his appointment, Johannsen commented:
and importance that our coatings sector plays
President of PPG, as the new Chairman of
“I am honoured and privileged to assume the
with innovative products and processes in
the CEPE Board. Johannsen joined the Board
role of CEPE Chairman. I have a real passion
supporting the carbon neutral ambitions of
in September 2018 and has served as Vice
for this great industry of ours and I want to
the EU Green Deal, a Circular Economy and
Chairman for the past year. He replaces André
ensure the best possible representation for
the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability.
Vieira de Castro, CEO of Argacol - Tintas e
our entire industry so that paints, coatings,
Our biggest challenge going forward is to
Vernizes, S.A, who successfully served since
printing inks and artists’ colours are seen as
ensure that our sector stays ahead of the
2015 as Member of the Board and since
part of the solution to enhance and enable
fast-changing regulatory environment and
October 2020 as CEPE Chairman.
ensuring that we remain competitive.”
Johannsen, who is based at PPG’s European
With regards to his key priorities, Johannsen
As outgoing Chairman, André Vieira de
Headquarters in Rolle, Switzerland, has more
said: “I am looking forward to working together
Castro remarked: “It was an honour for me to
From left: Roald Johannsen, new Chairman of the CEPE Board, Christel Davidson, Managing Director of CEPE and Vieira de Castro, who served since October 2020 as CEPE Chairman.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
represent our entire industry, including the many SMEs. It has been a demanding time, marked by a persistent shortage of raw materials and inflated transportation costs that are weighing on our industry. I welcome Roald Johannsen and believe he is the right person to take our sector forward. I wish him the best of luck for the coming period.” The General Assembly has also re-elected to the Board Paula Salastie, Teknos. Newly joining the Board will be Rachel O’Connor, General Paints Group, and Andreas Bubenhofer, Karl Bubenhofer AG. Leaving the Board will be Daniel Llinas, Industrias Titan (ES) after successfully serving since 2017.
About CEPE CEPE, The European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist’s Colours Industry represents the interests of Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist’s Colours manufacturers in Europe. As the voice of the sector to the European Union, we discuss with all stakeholder to improve the framework conditions in Europe. We support policy making based on science that leads to a more competitive, healthier, and sustainable future. For further information:
Stainless Steel Blast Media
3 Lowest consumption 3 Less waste disposal Surface enlargement
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Sweep Blasting
PRG, Levitation 29 and Surrey NanoSystems Will Host a Vantablack Demo Space for Stage and Screen Creators PRG and Levitation 29 have teamed up with Surrey NanoSystems, creator of Vantablack, to the showcase it to the entertainment sector.
roduction Resources Group LLC (PRG), Levitation 29 and Surrey
The companies will host a special Vantablack demo space in New York,
NanoSystems have announced that they will partner in order to
so that creative and set designers will be able to experience it entirely.
allow the live entertainment and media industry to use Vantablack
super-black coatings and coated products on stage and on screen.
PRG will also explore the coating’s application across several markets, including music events, esports, television and film, corporate events, and theatre at its Secaucus, New Jersey Digital Studio.
© Surrey Nanosystems
Originally developed for space applications, Vantablack coatings absorb light uniformly from all angles and have very low reflectance. These characteristics offer the ability to alter the viewer’s perception by making 3D objects look flat, things seemingly disappear and create the illusion of infinite depth. “Vantablack is one of those things that you have to see to believe. We invite the industry to come and experience the future of black with their own eyes and to let it feed their imagination. We are excited about what this partnership could unlock for live entertainment and events as well as broadcast TV and new audience formats,” stated Emma Laugier, CEO of Levitation 29. PRG is trying to manufacture a Vantablack product based on its proprietary LED framing system, in order to make it portable and scalable. It is expected to become soon available to rent via PRG’s American hubs for a quick deployment or it could also be customised for a permanent installation. “Having worked with Vantablack and seen its impact on audiences, we believe it will open up new creative possibilities for our customers. The potential here is expansive and game-changing for both live stage and filmed applications from creating total immersion as if in a black-hole, to things appearing to float in front of your eyes,” commented Troy Atkinson, General Manager of PRG Scenic. “We’ve only just scratched the surface for super-black materials applied in entertainment and media. With the combined experience of Levitation 29 and PRG, many more people will experience the magic of super-black surfaces and 3D objects,” concluded Ben Jensen, inventor of Vantablack and CTO of Surrey NanoSystems. For further information:, and
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Axalta Launches Imron Industrial NISO 3325 in North-American Markets Imron Industrial NISO 3325, a non-isocyanate acrylic coating for industrial customers developed by Axalta, has been presented to North America.
xalta, a global supplier of liquid and powder coatings for
“The ACE market demands coatings with exceptional appearance that
several industrial applications, has announced the launch of
provide durable protection and can withstand harsh environments.
Imron Industrial NISO 3325, its new non-isocyanate cross-
Imron Industrial NISO 3325 offers best-in-class coverage without
linked acrylic enamel topcoat for the agriculture, construction and
harmful isocyanates. It is easy-to-apply and dries quickly, making it an
earthmoving equipment (ACE) markets of North America. This latest
industry-leading product for the ACE market”, stated Dave Heflin, Vice
solution developed by the company is able to offer increased technical
President of General Industrial Americas at Axalta.
performance without the health and safety risks related to the
Axalta’s Imron Industrial NISO 3325 can be applied with air-assisted,
airless or air spray equipment, as well as electrostatic. Moreover, it is
Imron Industrial NISO 3325 proved to be superior in weathering
available in factory packaged colours with mixing machine capability.
performance and to have higher gloss and distinctness of image (DOI), as well as excellent flexibility and chip resistance – comparable to that of urethanes – when compared with the performance requirements of
For further information:
similar competitive products. © Unsplash
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
IBIX Expands in Germany with IBIX Deutschland In order to grow at a European level and to strengthen its identity on the German market, IBIX Srl has created a new company in Germany, IBIX Deutschland.
BIX Srl, an Italian company specializing in cleaning and
surface treatment technologies, has set up a new company, IBIX Deutschland GmbH, with registered office in Munich,
operational offices in Stockstadt and warehouse in Kreutztal, in Nordrhein Westfalen. The new company, 100% owned by IBIX Srl, was created with the aim of growing at a European level and becoming an international reference point. Established on June 29, 2021, IBIX Deutschland became fully operational on September 20, 2021. “Strengthened by a long presence in the country started with our historic partnership with Eurorubber, today IBIX reaffirms its commitment to the German market with this new important investment. It will be essential to capitalize on the work carried out over the years by Eurorubber to further develop IBIX’s activities in Germany and to seize the great opportunities offered by this European and global restart phase”, comments the company. The direct presence in Germany, an important market at European level, will allow IBIX to follow the territory more closely and respond to every customer need through all the products and services offered by the company divisions. For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
A State-of-the-art Coating System for High and Low-Pressure Operations Ensures Efficient Production Edited by Oltrogge GmbH & Co. KG Bielefeld – Germany
Oltrogge GmbH & Co KG (Bielefeld, Germany) develops and implements efficiencyenhancing solutions for already existing or new industrial production cycles. It has recently revamped the coating plant at the STOPA company, specialising in manufacturing automated storage and parking systems of all sizes.
s a European leading premium manufacturer in the metalworking industry, STOPA produces automated storage and parking systems of all sizes.
The large and heavy components required for these are all coated manually at its main factory in Ortenaukreis (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). However, the existing plant could no longer cope with the steadily growing number of orders. This is why STOPA collaborated with its long-standing partner Oltrogge to design and build a new coating plant, which is one of the most advanced of its kind in terms of efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability and which has significantly improved its production.
The large and heavy components for produces automated storage and parking systems manufactured by STOPA.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
Weighing up to 3 tonnes, the components are transported to the coating booth by the overhead crane.
Coating quickly
More flexibility and efficiency
“Coating is a potential bottleneck in our production flow,” explains
STOPA’s long-standing partner Oltrogge, which had installed the
paint shop manager Michael Pflipsen. “Almost every part we install has
existing Graco plant and had then been maintaining it, was happy to
to be painted beforehand: if there are delays, these affect our entire
take up the request for a more efficient and faster coating process.
production.” With its order volumes steadily growing, STOPA decided to
Working together with Michael Pflipsen, they developed a customised
expand and future-proof its already existing Graco 2K coating system.
concept that exactly matched the firm’s requirements.
Michael Pflipsen says: “Several parts are painted in our two standard
“First of all, we expanded the plant to include two coating booths with
colours. The old plant was only designed to apply one tint, so time-
three manual spray guns each, able to apply both standard colours
consuming colour change operations were often required. In addition,
(blue and white) as well as special tints,” reports Oltrogge project
we coated exclusively at low pressure and the additional drying phases
manager Rupert Hammerl, who has been in charge of the plant’s
reduced our productivity even further. There is no comparison with
maintenance for years. “In addition, each booth can operate at either
the new system: the investment was really worth it!”
high or low pressure.”
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
The ability to switch between high and low-pressure operation was a special request from STOPA. Generally, all parts intended to remain visible are given a highquality surface structure by low-pressure treatment, whereas the rest is painted faster and more efficiently at high pressure. “We also added a cleaning booth, a masking station, two drying stations, and a very large multi-functional booth in which components up to 12 meters long are cleaned, coated, and dried,” says Rupert Hammerl while outlining the project. “The old two-component coating system actually continues to be used in the multifunctional booth, after being retrofitted and integrated with a new booth and a modern extraction unit.”
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
Efficient in-house development Another key requirement was to speed up colour change operations in order to significantly increase efficiency. “Our proprietary two-component dosing system Regular 30 was clearly the first choice here,” explains Oltrogge area sales manager Ingolf Erhart. “We installed three of these, two of which are devoted to low-pressure treatments and the third to high-pressure ones. In addition, the system features a supply container that enables paint drums to be switched even during coating. In order to make the colour change phase even faster, all coating booths are equipped with automatic gun flushing units, in which the spray guns are cleaned and paint is dispensed at the push of a button. In addition, the gun is automatically rinsed at the end of the pot life.”
Manual painting in the multifunction booth with the already existing two-component coating system. The coating booths with their three automatic gun flushing units.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting © Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
The spray guns are cleaned and paint is dispensed at the push of a button.
Best occupational safety and environmental protection
IR and UV drying systems
robot and reciprocators
STOPA set high standards not only in terms of efficiency, but also of environmental protection. “Thanks to their new extraction systems and ventilation concepts, our spray paint booths remain much cleaner than before,” notes Michael Pflipsen: as the paint shop manager, he sees this as a significant advantage for his employees. “A healthy working environment is a clear benefit for the operators. This is why we also made sure that all the solvent needed in the colour change operations is prepared in a special distillation system. This separates paint residues from solvent solvent is then fed back into the cycle to be reused. Therefore, this
particles, thus minimising the waste to be disposed of; the distilled
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
system paid for itself after only 6 months and our paint residues-related disposal costs could be reduced to only 3%.” Investment in environmental protection is a matter of course for STOPA – also because sustainability is increasingly becoming a clear competitive advantage for companies. Thanks to the farsightedness of the Oltrogge team, the firm is now well equipped for future challenges. “The new plant should enable us to achieve a turnover of 100 million Euros a year,” sums up Michael Pflipsen. “Thanks to its flexible and fast dosing and dispensing technology, we can now optionally also work as a coating contractor. In the long term, this could help us use our plant at full capacity on a multishift basis, of course after completing our own coating operations.”
Modern colour dispensing technology: the 2K dosing systems with large drums for blue and white as well as smaller containers for special tints.
© Oltrogge @pixxlrocker
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Paint shop manager Michael Pflipsen (left) and Oltrogge area sales manager Ingolf Erhart (right).
Interpon Powder Coatings Puts Rodi on the Fast Track to Sustainability Rodi, specializing in manufacturing aluminium rims and wheels for bicycles, has chosen the Interpon 610 Low-E powder coatings to reduce environmental impact of the coating process and ensure high-quality performance.
he cycling accessories team at Rodi – the Portuguese
was a bespoke Interpon powder coating that delivers a smooth, soft
manufacturer of aluminium rims and wheels – has found an
ultra matt finish –with just 3% gloss. It also comes with AkzoNobel’s
innovative way of accelerating its environmental ambitions
X-Pro technology which delivers better protection against scratches,
by switching from anodizing to a more sustainable, energy-efficient
UV light and the weather.
process using Interpon powder coatings from AkzoNobel.
Rodi’s partnership with the Interpon team is built on a shared
Rodi needed an alternative to anodizing that was durable, sustainable,
ambition to protect natural resources and reduce energy
and capable of delivering style with a lower gloss finish. The answer
© AkzoNobel
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Rui Mendes, Manager of Rodi’s Rims and Wheels business, says he already has plans to further increase production
© AkzoNobel
Rui Mendes.
capacity with the team’s support: “It’s a formula that attracts the trust of some of Europe’s largest bicycle manufacturers including ACCELL, Pon Holdings and Decathlon,” he explains. “We are serving an environmentally conscious audience who are pushing a more sustainable agenda which we take very seriously. For us, this starts with the suppliers we work with and the products we use, and it is why we use Interpon.” The partnership began two years ago when AkzoNobel demonstrated how switching from a previous supplier to an Interpon 610 Low-E powder coating reduced Rodi’s energy consumption by 25%. Interpon 610 Low-E requires much lower curing temperatures (170°C compared to 195°C required by the previous brand) and allows them to coat 20% more rims per box than was previously possible. Rodi also became the first manufacturer in its sector to use
Powder coating system • Economical entry into automatic coating • Optimized powder recovery with Energy Efficiency Package (EEP) • Fast color changes possible
• • • •
Intuitive operation via 7“ or 12“ touch display Fully integrated system control Excellent, reproducible coating quality Low space requirement
© AkzoNobel
AkzoNobel’s OptiMesure software which controls paint usage and
Rui Mendes says that in a typical year, Rodi manufactures 3 million
minimizes any reworking by carefully measuring and managing the
rims and 500,000 wheels at its 60,000 m2 manufacturing site in
thickness of the coating being applied.
Aveiro, Portugal: “With the Interpon team’s technical support we have
Daniela Vlad, Director of AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings business, says
created the most efficient production line possible, with minimal
that collaboration is the key to success: “We continue to develop new
powder wastage, and high-quality output so no resources or energy
ways to help customers improve their efficiency and performance
are wasted. We believe we have an exciting future ahead and one in
and lower to their environmental impact. Our expertise goes beyond
which Interpon powder coatings will play an important role.”
the powder in the box, and we are delighted to support Rodi in becoming even more sustainable and competitive.”
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Our 70 years experience in Surface Treatment is ready for the E-Mobility market. Research, innovation, development. In 70 years, our vision towards the future has never stopped. Today, Tecnofirma provides quality to the electric market which is the most evolving technology in the automotive industry. Our impregnation, cleaning and painting plants are the result of the constant commitment to offer cutting-edge solutions and products anytime, anywhere.
TECNOFIRMA SpA - V.le Elvezia, 35 - 20900 Monza (MB) - Tel. +39 039.23601 - Fax +39 039.324283 - -
© Wiegand-Glas
Coating plays a crucial role in the production of high-quality and resistant glass bottles with individual design.
Electrostatic Solution for Glass Bottles Katja Villnow J. Wagner GmbH, Markdorf – Germany
At its paintshop in Bavaria (Germany), the Wiegand-Glas company, specializing in manufacturing individual packaging solutions made of glass and PET for the beverage and food industries, simplified and optimized its paint application process with innovative equipment provided by WAGNER.
he family-run Wiegand-Glas Group manufactures and sells
already met Wiegand-Glas’ high demands in terms of material efficiency
individual packaging concepts made of glass and PET for the
and productivity very well.
beverage and food industries at several locations in Bavaria
However, the previous coating process had a high level of complexity due
and Thuringia (Germany). The competencies of the long-established
to the processing of conductive water-based paint in combination with
company also include services related to finishing, logistics and recycling.
electrostatics. Wiegand-Glas wanted to reduce this complexity and make
With almost 2,000 employees, more than 8 million glass containers are
the entire process simpler. Due to the internal charging of the previous
produced every day.
application equipment, the entire system was permanently under high
The challenge
voltage during production, and the paint supplies stood on insulated pedestals. In order to access the components during production, for
At its site in Steinbach am Wald (Bavaria), Wiegand-Glas produces
example to provide a second paint container, a complex potential
around 3.5 million glass containers per day. Coating plays a decisive
separation with two paint kitchens was necessary. Wiegand-Glas was
role in the production of high-quality and resistant glass bottles with
therefore looking for a new, more efficient solution with optimized line
individual designs. Wiegand-Glas also attaches particular importance
lengths that would achieve the same high surface quality as the existing
to a sustainable production process. In Steinbach am Wald, a system
system. The control system was also to be more intuitive in order to
for electrostatic liquid coating had been in use for several years, which
minimize operating errors.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
In the new liquid coating system, the first step is to process the glass bottles with the GA 1030 automatic airspray guns. Below, electrostatic coating with external charging with WAGNER TOPFINISH Bell 1S ECH, which is mounted on a linear axis.
The solution
AUMENTA LA TUA PRODUTTIVITÀ Soluzioni compatte per impianti di verniciatura industriale
After successfully testing the WAGNER solution on site over a longer period of time, Wiegand-Glas decided to use it in the future instead of the previous solution. In order to continue to achieve the highest possible application efficiency, Wiegand-Glas also relied on electrostatics for the new liquid paint system. WAGNER supplied the application equipment, paint supply and associated control system, while the liquid coating booth of the previous system remained in place. In a first step, the glass bottles are processed in the paint booth with the GA 1030 automatic airspray guns. The upstream guns generate an initial paint film on the glass. Lesta Srl 0331 430817 -
Lesta srl
Via Damiano Chiesa 42 20036 Dairago Mi Italy
Lesta robot
Lesta srl
The control concept enables intuitive operation with repeatable results of the highest quality.
Several Zip 52 double diaphragm pumps ensure a reliable paint supply from the paint containers.
Due to the conductive water-based paint, the paint film forms a bridge
system. This control concept supports users in achieving repeatable
to the ground potential. This makes the glass electrically conductive in
coating results in consistently high quality.
the first place and creates an electrostatic effect. Airspray guns are also used to paint the bottom of the bottle in a different colour from the
The customer experience
main bottle.
The major advantage of high-speed rotation atomization with external
For the subsequent electrostatic coating, the WAGNER TOPFINISH Bell
charging became apparent at Wiegand-Glas immediately after
1S ECH is used, a high-speed rotation atomizer with external charging,
commissioning of the new system: the new concept gives application
which is mounted on a linear axis. The high voltage emitted via the
engineers permanent and safe access to the paint supply. Line lengths
electrode ring creates ambient ionization in such a way that the sprayed
were optimized and changeover times between colours and paint
material is charged. This high-speed rotation atomizer was specially
stations were significantly reduced. The intelligent control system
developed for demanding coatings with water-based paints.
reduces operating errors to a minimum. In the previous system with
Compared to the version with internal charging, the overall system
internal charging, there was also a risk of leakage currents due to
does not have to be specially insulated. The Bell 1S ECH can also be
contamination on the insulated platform. Since this disadvantage is
used very flexibly - the spray pattern can, for example, be adapted to
eliminated in the system with external charging, the solution from
suit the coating and the respective bottle shape by means of different
WAGNER is significantly easier to maintain and clean.
disk sizes and adjustable steering airs. With the very fine atomization an
Wiegand-Glas’ desire to simplify the entire coating system was fully met
application efficiency of over 80% can be achieved, depending on the
with the WAGNER system. With the new application equipment, very
material, the flow rate and workpiece. The liquid paint system therefore
high material efficiency and excellent surface quality were achieved,
also contributes to sustainable production. Several Zip 52 double
which at the same time also makes the entire coating process very
diaphragm pumps ensure a reliable paint supply to the coating system.
sustainable. Wiegand-Glas therefore considers itself very well positioned
The system is managed by an intelligent control system that has been
to meet the challenges of the future and to continue to offer its
specially tailored to the needs of Wiegand-Glas and, among other
customers high-quality coated glass bottles, in a wide variety of shapes
things, allows all parameters to be stored in a recipe management
and sizes.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Future-proof and reliable overhead
and floor MONORAIL and P+F CONVEYOR systems that can be perfectly integrated into your production processes. We take care of all your requirements and create a tailor-made and cost-optimized concept for you.
GEINSA Supplied French Manufacturer FERRAND with a New Pre-Treatment and Powder Coating Plant GEINSA, a Spanish company that designs and builds industrial surface treatment equipment, has provided FERRAND, a manufacturer of machinery for the wine sector, with a new pre-treatment and coating line.
he coating system supplied by GEINSA will improve the quality
construction of a pre-treatment and coating line: design, engineering,
results of French manufacturer FERRAND. With almost fifty
production, assembly, and after-sales service. In the case of FERRAND,
years of experience, FERRAND specialises in the design and
this was the second surface treatment plant supplied by the company.
manufacture of machinery for the wine sector. With the aim of
The project included a pre-treatment and painting line consisting of
improving its products and particularly increasing their quality degree,
a 6-stage pre-treatment tunnel, a drying oven, a first powder coating
it has made a few major investments, including the installation of a new
booth for primer application, a second powder coating booth with a
surface pre-treatment and painting line.
quick colour change solution, and two curing ovens. The components
GEINSA has obtained over 3,000 approvals in more than 30 countries
are handled by an overhead conveyor equipped with four loading and
and it offers complete solutions by managing every phase of the
unloading elevators. The plant also includes a liquid coating booth.
A bird’s eye view of the system and the powder application booth.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The pre-treatment tunnel supplied by GEINSA and a 3D drawing of GEINSA’s coating plant.
The GEINSA pre-treatment tunnel features a water heating system with a heat exchanger, a unit for the production of osmosis water, and an oil separator for the maintenance of the baths. A real-time communication system between the different control devices has been integrated into the line, thus simplifying the development of strategies to improve energy efficiency and exploit maintenance tools. Finally, remote assistance allows all operations to be monitored, it simplifies consultancy and the implementation of any improvements, and it optimises predictive maintenance. For further information:
Graco Launches New Line of Air Assist and Airless Spray Guns Carrie Cotch Graco Inc. – Minneapolis (MN) – United States
Graco has launched PerformAA, a new line of manual and automatic applicators.
raco Inc., a leading manufacturer of fluid handling equipment,
features seldom found in AA guns commonly used in wood, metal and
announces the launch of PerformAATM air assist (AA) and airless
general industrial finishing. “For a high-quality finish, one air cap does
spray guns. The new line of manual and automatic applicators
not fit all,” said Wendy Hartley, global product manager for manual
delivers performance above all with material-specific air caps and other
finishing equipment in Graco’s Industrial Products Division.
© Graco Inc.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“To produce consistent atomization and a clean pattern when spraying certain materials, it’s important to have air caps designed for them.” Air caps geometrically designed for general finishing, wood lacquer, low viscosity, high viscosity, quick drying, top coat, and waterborne applications fit both manual and automatic PerformAA models.
Lowest manual AA gun weight on the market At one pound (460 grams), PerformAA 15, 50 and Airless are the lightest manual AA spray guns available. Other operator-friendly features include: • Ultra-light trigger pull to reduce fatigue and muscle stress • Ergonomic handle and finger rest to fit comfortably in any sized hand • Cartridge-style components that minimize maintenance downtime.
Only automatic spray gun with air cap orientation
PerformAA Auto is the only automatic air-assisted spray gun on the market with features that help operators and maintenance technicians set and quickly repeat exact air cap orientation. This is especially important in flat-line finishing automation. “We observed people out in the field using protractors and levels to try to get air caps back to that same angle that they had originally,” said Bill Heuer, global product manager for automatic finishing equipment in Graco’s Industrial Products Division. “To assist in this, we created the Graco Gauge and added angle marks into the fluid housing on all PerformAA Auto guns.” The Graco Gauge air cap alignment tool, plus the angle indicators, help save time and labour whenever air caps are cleaned or guns are serviced.
About Graco Graco Inc. supplies technology and expertise for the management of fluids and coatings in both industrial and commercial applications. It designs, manufactures and markets systems and equipment to move, measure, control, dispense and spray fluid and powder materials. A recognized leader in its specialties, Minneapolisbased Graco serves customers around the world in the manufacturing, processing, construction and maintenance industries.
© Saype
Revolutionary Artwork Made with Graco Paint Sprayers The Graco’s LineLazers and airless paint sprayers have a wide audience in the artists’ world: this professional painting equipment is among the preferred tools for creating very impressive, even revolutionary artwork, like the Saype’s giant land-art paintings.
he French-Swiss artist Saype is known all over the world for
values such as togetherness, kindness and openness to the world.
his sustainable giant land-art artworks painted on the grass.
It kicked off with the transformation of the grass fields at the foot of
Guillaume Legros (the real name of Saype) is born in France in
the Eiffel Tower into one giant artwork measuring 15 000 m2. The
1989, and he started his career in graffiti art at the age of 14. Today, he
artwork fades over time as the grass grows. The paint is also 100%
has become a true master at ‘land-art’.
biodegradable. “This particular artistic technique on the grass took many
Since 2019, Saype has gained worldwide fame with his ‘Beyond Walls’-
years of research in order to reduce the impact of our paintings” – said
project: ‘The largest human chain in the world’. This project aims at
the artist. “I use chalk for white, charcoal for black and casein, a milk
creating the largest symbolic human chain around the world, promoting
protein, to make the paint stick to the grass”.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
in Ita ly
Saype’s 9th piece can be admired in Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa. It consists of three frescoes using approximately 1000
litres of his biodegradable pigments. The artwork in Cape Town was motivated by the country’s persisting need for reunification.
Senza titolo-5 1
22/01/2014 12:08:51
The three frescoes representing widely different populations and realities within the city were created in Sea Point (6000 m2), the Philippi township (800 m2) and the Langa township (800 m2). “Creating a piece this large in such a short period of time is only feasible with an airless paint sprayer. An assistant relentlessly prepares the paint, a mixture of pigments. A rather large compressor, with a sixty-meter pipe, applies pressure to the paint. I start sketching, I go from the lightest colour to the darkest, and that’s it. The timing was tight, I could not afford a single material breakdown. Luckily I know that I can count on Graco’s qualitative paint sprayers.” For this artwork, he used a combination of the Graco Ultra HandheldTM and the Ultra MaxTM II 795 airless paint sprayers. ‘Beyond walls’ has the ambition of being one of the biggest art projects ever created. So far, nine cities have had Saype visit them to create land art paintings: Paris, Andorre, Geneva, Berlin, Ouagadougou, Yamoussoukro, Turin, Istanbul and Cape Town. Saype created his latest and 10th piece in Ouidah, Bénin. Other cities will follow in the coming years. For further information: and
© Saype
PAINT STRIPPING OVENS Forni pirolitici per termosverniciatura e...
Sverniciatura bilancelle
Sverniciatura serbatoi gas
Rigenerazione motori elettrici
Pulizia estrusori
Restauro carrozzerie
Hooks paint stripping
Gas tanks paint stripping
Electric motors regeneration
Extruders cleaning
Body work restoration
For. Tec. Forniture Tecnologiche S.r.l. – Waste Incinerators Manufacturer Via Nazionale Appia Km. 186,900 - Francolise (CE ) – ITALY Tel. +39 0823/88.11.05 Fax. +39 0823/88.28.89 P.IVA. 02913520611 – REA 205421
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IM GROUP Foundation’s Chair Exhibits Sculptures to Raise Funds for Malaysian Children Alice Chang Guerra, chair of IM GROUP Foundation, has revealed the artworks that will support autistic children in Malaysia.
he owner of the Lai Lai Art Studio and Chair of IM GROUP Foundation, the Malaysian-born artist Alice Chang Guerra, has revealed to the public her latest artworks: “The Three Graces of
Malaysia”. The sculptures, created to celebrate the country’s 64th year of independence, will also raise funds to support children in need. The art installation, three two-metre-high sculptures, is currently showcased in a joint exhibition with artist Datuk Luciano Mirri at Kuala Lumpur’s Four Points Hotel by Sheraton. Currently on sale, the sculptures aim also to raise funds through the IM GROUP Foundation to support autistic Malaysian children. The artist was inspired by “The Three Graces”, a neoclassical 19th century marble sculpture made by Antonio Canova, that represent the story of the three daughters of Zeus who were believed to be able to grant humanity with gifts: Euphrosyne (mirth), Aglaia (elegance) and Thalia (youth and beauty). “I felt a connection that evolved strongly in me to produce a very personal work, as a woman; as a sister, daughter and mother – able to grant more than mirth, elegance and beauty but to represent strength, courage and
© Lai Lai Art Studio
determination – the mother of a nation, if not the world, who carries the generations to come. The 3 Graces of Malaysia – Siti, Ah Lian and Shanti – represent the women of our nation tied by the harmony, cultural and racial diversity of our country,” stated Guerra. The three sculptures were created using cement and recycled pieces of broken ceramics, in order to carry a symbolical powerful message of global hope: “The pandemic has had a tremendous impact on everyone at a phycological and professional level. The Three Malaysia Graces show that, even from broken pieces, we can rebuild a beautiful tomorrow.” IM GROUP (previously Inkmaker Group), a total process-engineering solutions brand specialising in coating, ink and specialty-chemical industries, has planned several initiatives during 2021 to work with and support the local communities in which the company operates. For further information: and
© Lai Lai Art Studio
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
New 2021 The new frontier for the mass painting
Luca Floreanini designer
The perfect solution For pain�ng and/or coa�ng automa�cally and quickly small parts (metals and not) in batch, for example: bu�ons, bolts, screws, springs, O-rings and much more. The new process An automa�c control of air and paint flow allows you to obtain a perfect we�ability of the pieces in any cycle phase. New temperature control Reliable, accurate, economic. The Data Management The new control SW stores all process data, for a precise consump�on and produc�on costs control, and supports you proposing a plan of preven�ve maintenance opera�ons.
4.0 Rotover MES Easy and interac�ve produc�on planning system for one or more machines. A data-base of working cycles accessible from every machine and easy to be updated: 4.0 interconnec�on. Multifunctionality Interchangeable drums of various shapes, sizes and geometries, designed for different possible types of items and for different materials. Customer Service Send a test batch and Imel will prepare for you the op�mized cycle for your produc�on. All machines are connected to Imel Service Center for a real �me support On the side of the operator Easy and immediate control so�ware. New design Ergonomic, user friendly with no exposed cables and pipes.
Find out more, Scan the QR code to add the contact of our product manager to your device.
IMEL SpA – Via Divisione Julia 10 – 33033 Codroipo, UD – Italy – T +39 0432 908578 – –
An Industrial Painting School in the Future of ipcm® Academy Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
e continue our series of interviews
systems for metal finishing lines. Thanks to
undoubtedly the variety of sectors to which
with the protagonists of the
their experience in the educational field,
the students belong and the fact that they
professional training courses
we have gathered many interesting ideas
do not always have a university education, as
organised by ipcm® Academy, our publishing
and suggestions that will also help lay the
is the case for some of the lectures we give
house’s division specialising in the education
foundations for the project of setting up an
at the Politecnico di Milano. This is exciting
and training of coating technicians. This time,
industrial painting school, which is among the
because, on the one hand, we are confronted
we have involved two lecturers who started
next main objectives of ipcm® Academy.
with people with different work experiences (including, sometimes, no experience at all,
their collaboration with the Academy in 2019: Franco Falcone, an expert in aluminium
“One of the most stimulating aspects that
as in the case of high school graduates), and,
surface treatments, and Anastasios Vergani,
a vocational teacher can find in the ipcm®
on the other hand, we are called to find the
an expert in waste water treatment and ZLD
Academy courses,” says Franco Falcone, “is
key to help people with different levels of
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
technical knowledge understand the basics of such complex subjects as surface treatments.
ipcm® Academy News
Indeed, one of the suggestions I would like to make in order to optimise the Academy’s
Since 2011, ipcm® Academy has been training surface treatment specialists with the aim of supporting them in the present and future market through in-depth study of the most up-to-date issues with specialised theoretical and practical courses. For about a year now, the professional training courses organised by ipcm® Academy have been designed to train new Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologists, a profession now included in the Framework of Professional Standards of the Lombardy region and recognised at both the Italian and European levels. Thanks to this course, eight Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologists have already been certified to date.
teaching schedule is to introduce an initial module providing an overview of the different coating cycles that are going to be explored in more detail in the following modules, so that those approaching this world for the first time can start off by learning some basic notions.” “One of the advantages of a modular structure such as that of the ipcm® Academy’s course, with its 100 hours of lessons over 12 days,” confirms Vergani, “is precisely the number of hours available to study different topics in depth, even the most difficult ones, and ensure that all the students have time to grasp
However, ipcm® Academy never stops: it is already up and running with its autumn session courses and it is planning important innovations to expand its educational offer by including among its course topics the formulation of paint products and plastic coating processes. Next year’s educational programme and the date of the next Open Day, when all the new 2022 innovations will be presented, will soon be available on the website
them. For example, 7-day-a-week intensive courses certainly do not offer this possibility.”
© ipcm
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Franco Falcone (left), an expert in aluminium surface treatments, and Anastasios Vergani, an expert in waste water treatment and ZLD systems for metal finishing lines.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© ipcm
A moment from the class “Pretreatment prior to metal coating” of the ipcm® Academy training courses.
From this perspective, the plan for an actual
the context of surface treatment processes
operators is the official recognition of the
“industrial painting school” has already been
and gradually specialise in the field, thus
new profession of Industrial Surface Finishing
drawn up. “In order to implement it,” indicates
becoming indispensable resources who are
Process Technologist by the Lombardy
Falcone, “we need a scientific committee
difficult to replace precisely because they are
Region, obtained last year thanks to the
made up of experts in the field to define
trained and “shaped” in the factory.”
partnership between ipcm® Academy and
the annual programme and technical and
“As a former student at a technical institute
the ASP Mazzini Institute (Cinisello Balsamo,
scientific coordination between teachers,
who went on to become the technical
Milan, Italy). “This certification fills a historical
which is often lacking in vocational training
director of a company specialising in waste
gap in our industry,” states Falcone, “and it
courses. This project for a painting school is
water treatment,” says Vergani, “I can confirm
offers a further contribution to the industrial
very interesting and it has my full support not
that the training course set up by the ipcm®
culture not only in Italy but also at the
only as a lecturer but also and above all as an
Academy is an important tool for those who,
European level.”
entrepreneur. We are always looking for well-
like me, undertook studies other than the
The Academy’s journey, therefore, cannot
trained staff, which is still hard to find in our
sector in which they later chose to work. Its
stop here. Meanwhile, one of its main short-
industry. I would like my team to include not
school could be the link between secondary
term objectives is to expand the range of
only people with technical-scientific degrees,
education and industrial world that everyone
courses and introduce further modules to
but also young graduates with sound training
is calling for, but which is difficult to achieve in
explore the peculiarities and critical issues
and the right skills, such as those that the
today’s world of work.”
of an ever-increasing number of surface
Academy school could provide. They would
A further element in the increasingly
processes, in terms of both materials and
be ready to take on the most diverse tasks in
specialised training of future paintshop
application cycles.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Robots Become “Painters” Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
or several years now, the Italian Surface
supply chain should adapt to such changes
much so that this is often referred to as “pixel
Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’
– always with an eye on process automation,
painting”, because it is potentially possible
Association (UCIF) has been emphasising
since the focus is on mass-produced items.
to create any type of image on the selected
that, thanks to the high level of technology
One of the solutions identified and already
achieved, finishing processes have managed
available on the market is automated coating
Such technological development is therefore
to significantly reduce both paint and energy
without overspray. This guarantees accurate
not only linked to the characteristics of the
consumption and waste production. By
paint application thanks to a complex,
specific coating product used, but it is also
comparing the coating processes performed
integrated system consisting of robots,
achieved thanks to the high automation level
twenty years ago with those carried out
software, and sensors, which automatically
and programming potential of the robots
today using highly sophisticated machines
assesses the surface to be coated to identify
employed, which can first recognise the area
and systems, one quickly realises how much
where to operate (a very useful option for
to be treated and then apply the desired tints,
the industry has changed. The need for
two-tone finishes) and detect how much
just as a printer reproduces an image on
technological developments has arisen from
product is needed in order to obtain, among
paper. We could arguably see these robots as
market demands, with customers requiring
other things, maximum waste reduction. This
“modern painters” who, after being suitably
different colours, often including two-tone
avoids the need for manual application while
trained, paint a picture on a surface. Maybe
finishes, for different parts and products. Cars
making every surface coatable regardless of
it will come to the point where cars’ roofs
are a clear example of this. As colour trends
the decorations and colours chosen. Coating is
will be customised with works of art... For
change according to fashion and depending
therefore transformed from a simple coating
now, we can say that this is at least possible
on the historical period (UCIF organised a
process into a precision operation: the nozzles
and it further confirms the strategic role
training course some time ago to talk about
can be as small as 1/100th of a millimetre in
played by the Italian finishing industry on the
design applied to mechanics), the entire
diameter to achieve maximum accuracy, so
international level.
© Adobe Stock
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© Adobe Stock
How to Create a Successful Webinar Barbara Pennati, eos Mktg&Communication Srl - Cesano Maderno, Italy
Webinars are certainly among the most useful tools for disseminating and, at the same time, promoting our products and services to a specific target. Let’s see why they are important and how to organize an effective and successful webinar.
nglish neologism created by fusing together web and seminar, the
The choice of the topic must therefore go hand in hand with the
webinar is an online training session, in which participation is in
identification of our audience and its needs.
Although it is certainly not a new format, in times of pandemic, webinars
Set your success metric
have undergone strong growth in all sectors, from business to university,
Once we have decided who we want to address and with what topic,
and are among the most useful tools to promote our brand and educate
let’s set ourselves a goal. What do we want to get from this webinar?
customers and prospects about our own products.
Based on the answer to this question, let’s choose a metric for defining
Webinars are a very versatile and adaptable format. They can last an
success, i.e., the number of subscribers, participants, new contacts or
hour or more, count several “episodes”, one or more presenters; they
subsequent requests for information.
can be sponsored, free or paid. Whatever our choice of formats and topics, there are best practices that will help us plan, organize and
Pick a platform
deliver a successful webinar. Let’s see them together.
Choosing a professional platform through which to deliver our webinar
Choose the audience and the topic
is important to ensure access to all those who are interested and also to facilitate its organization. Webinars, in fact, are not online meetings and
It goes without saying, but the first thing to do when planning a
therefore Zoom or Skype may not be the best solution in this case.
successful webinar is to pick a topic. However, it is not enough to
Platforms created for webinars such as GoToWebinar, ClickMeeting,
pick a topic that it is relevant to our business. In the current scenario,
Demio, BlueJeans or other proprietary software, will allow us to take
where supply often far exceeds demand, if we really want to arouse
advantage of a multitude of useful tools to set up our webinar, and
the interest of our target audience, we must intercept their needs and
support us with webinar automation, that is, sending invitations,
identify more precisely the topic of greatest interest.
reminders, sharing the registrations or participation certificates,
To do this, social listening1 and feedback from customers and
and more. Alternatively, if we do not want to invest in a platform or
stakeholders can help us.
if we want to test the waters first, it is also possible to rely on sector
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
publishers, who usually provide sponsored webinar services. This is
the case of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, published by
when they have a clearer idea of the time they can dedicate to our
EOS, which makes its database of contacts and its own platform for
organizing webinars available to the surface treatments sector. In this case we will not only have organizational support, but we will also be
Test test test
able to count on highly profiled contacts relevant to our business.
If there is one thing that this pandemic and the hours spent talking online have taught us, it is that technical problems are always around
Prepare the event
the corner, regardless of our efforts to avoid them. So, let’s arm
At this point we should have identified targets and objectives, picked
ourselves with calm and patience and prepare ourselves for the
the topic and the platform that best suits our needs. We are therefore
possibility of having to face some technical issues.
ready to set up our event.
Having said that, before going live it is always useful to run some tests to
First of all, based on the topic and the time needed to present it,
make sure the audio and video are working properly.
let’s define the duration of the webinar and set up a schedule that
Not only that, since the webinar usually has a very specific duration, let’s
regulates the various phases. Generally, a webinar includes a very short
also rehearse the presentation to make sure we stay on schedule.
introduction to the topic, a longer central part dedicated to the actual presentation and finally a moment reserved for questions and answers.
Engage with attendees
There is no real rule in terms of duration and schedule, but keep in
We are now ready to go live!
mind that attending an online seminar is not the same as attending
During the webinar, let’s not forget to welcome attendees, make sure
a seminar in person: the attention span is much shorter online and
everyone can see and hear correctly, and encourage any question,
therefore the pace will have to be faster and more engaging.
which we will answer at the end of the presentation.
Let’s choose date and time, which will be clearly visible on the
Let’s also remember to register the event: it can be useful both for
invitation. If we address an international audience, let’s not forget
future promo and to share it with those who could not participate or
about time zones.Then, let’s identify the speaker(s), that is, who will
with anyone who requests it.
do the presentation. It is also good practice to choose a moderator
Finally, let’s provide the necessary contact information and invite
who supports the presenters during the webinar, making sure that the
attendees to follow us on our channels.
schedule is respected, moderating the chat, and managing the Q&A phase. Finally, let’s decide if we want to offer a free or paid webinar.
Follow-up and evaluate the performance After the webinar, let’s remember to contact those who have requested
Promote the webinar
further information, to share the aforementioned registration and to
After having finalized the details and sent the first invitations, we must
send the certificate of participation. The automation guaranteed by the
not forget to continue promoting the webinar.
webinar platforms can help us with all this.
As anticipated, if we have chosen a professional service, we will be able
Last but not least, let’s analyse the performance and evaluate the metrics to establish the
to rely on the automation offered directly by the
© ClickMeeting
success of our webinar.
promote our webinar on all
The ultimate webinar checklist
the channels available to us,
To help you organize the
from the website to social
webinar, we have created a
networks, by setting a kind of
checklist that includes the most
countdown until the date of
important steps to take before,
the webinar.
during and after the event.
In our experience, reminders,
Download it here for free
both automatic and via web
and social channels, are very
important, even close to the
and contact us to find out
event: often, many decide to
more about our marketing and
However, it is important to
register at the last moment,
Online events organized on the webinar platform ClickMeeting in 2019 vs 2020.
communication services.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
© Adobe Stock
advertising is the real engine that drives the word of mouth.
for advertising, contact
your unique partner for the development of your company
Let’s get back on track 12th International Exhibition of Railway Technology 26 - 28 October 2021 | Lille Grand Palais Exhibition Centre, France
Meet the entire industry at France’s premier rail event! Compare products and source new suppliers active in the following sectors: • • • • • •
Passenger and freight rolling stock Track and infrastructure On-board comfort Fare collection technology and products Passenger information Signalling and train control systems and equipment
There is even more to it! 3 exhibition halls dedicated to rail innovations Product demonstrations in the on-track display area International B2B meetings Conferences, seminars, technical presentations
MADE expo will be Held From 22th to 25th November 2021 The tenth edition of MADE expo, the appointment with the world of construction, will be held from 22 to 25 November 2021 at Fiera Milano (Rho, Milan - Italy).
ADE expo 2021 turns attention to the future of the built
interpreted by MADE expo 2021 in a new layout that facilitates the visit
environment and places a strong focus on sustainability.
of professionals, favouring the encounter between technical challenges
Sustainability which guides design choices in the context
and innovative solutions, and between demand and offer:
of new constructions and redevelopments, which in turn reshape
• MADE BIM & TECHNOLOGIES presents hardware and software
residential and tertiary living spaces on the needs of a society that
solutions for construction and architecture and tools for design and
is changing its lifestyle and mobility habits. #webuildthefuture is the
key topic of this year, born from a growing awareness of the need to
• MADE CONSTRUCTIONS & MATERIALS. Performance, comfort and
reduce the environmental impact. The main topics of this edition are:
sustainability are connected to MADE CONSTRUCTIONS & MATERIALS,
• “Digital & Technology” to make plants, processes and services more
where converge solutions for infrastructures, innovative construction
systems, high-performance materials for building and redevelopment,
• “Climate Effect” will address the theme of sustainability both in terms
materials for finishing and colour, systems and equipment for the
of materials and processes;
construction site.
• “Resources & Recycling” will experiment with new working methods,
procedures and obligations for professionals, companies and
DOORS, WINDOWS & CLOSURES, design interprets the best technology
materials to achieve good circularity in numerous construction
for comfort and safety.
• MADE BUILDING ENVELOPE & OUTDOOR offers a 360° view on
• “Next Living” to investigate the ‘homes of tomorrow’ in terms of
transparent and opaque facade systems, on the world of glass and on
quality of space, comfort and well-being.
that of outdoor and solar shading.
Four new areas Design, construction, renovation, redevelopment, maintenance are
© MADE eventi
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further
© MADE eventi
SFCHINA, the Asian Surface Finishing Show, to Come Back in November The 34th edition of SFCHINA is on track to open its doors from November 16 to 18, 2021 at Hall E1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), P.R. China.
on a total gross exhibition
Meeting the industry and exhibitors live broadcast
area of over 11,000 square
The event will include live
his year SFCHINA will be held
meters. Over 190 exhibitors from
interviews of some selected
15 countries/regions will showcase
exhibitors onsite under the
their new products, services
theme ‘Converting Innovations
and solutions in 3 exhibition
into Competitive Edges’, to learn
zones, including ‘Electroplating &
more about industry challenges,
Finishing Technology’, ‘Environmental, Safety & Protection’ and ‘Coating
technology trends, as well as new products and applications from the
Applications & Coating Products’.
views of these industry professionals. Together we will spark discussions
In addition to the physical exhibition, SFCHINA will be accompanied
to realize new opportunities and generate values in the markets.
again with an Online Show this year, bringing exhibitors and visitors together and helping them to match businesses in a hybrid format.
Asia is the leading region for the finishing industry
Continue to stage an online show this year SFCHINA series of exhibition always aims at providing seamless experience to the finishing industry. In addition to the physical
Although the global pandemic has somewhat constrained market
exhibition to be held in Shanghai, we continue to host an Online Show
growth, the finishing industry is consolidating and picking up the pace
( to be held alongside the 3-day exhibition in
as global manufacturing industry has gradually recovered in the second
Shanghai (November 16-18, 2021) and will stay online before and after
half of 2020.
the physical exhibition for a total of 30 days, from November 10 to
Asia is taking the lead globally due to thriving construction and
December 10, 2021.
automobile industries in developing countries like India and China.
This year, the Online Show will consist of all confirmed physical
Such growth can be attributed to the ever-rising population, rapid
exhibitors, as well as exhibitors who choose to exhibit virtually. Other
urbanization, growing disposable incomes and increasing government
features include Chat Room, Exhibitor’s Live Streaming, Business
investments in infrastructure development in the region. SFCHINA
Matching, enhanced Product Search Function and a new Video Meeting
is one of the few sizeable industry exhibitions to take place as a live,
Function to enable visitors to schedule one-on-one video meeting with
physical event this year.
exhibitors online.
Forum for electroplating & coating technologies under ‘Dual Carbon Goals’
Visitor registration for physical & online exhibitions is now open
The Forum addressing topics on ‘High Value-Added Electroplating
Visitors can now register on SFCHINA’s official websites www.sfchina.
Technologies & Equipment’, ‘Green & Smart Coating Technologies’ and
net to visit the Physical Show and on to visit the
‘Environmentally Friendly Technologies for Surface Finishing’ will be held
Online Show. Visitor Registration is also available on the official wechat
during Day 1 and 2 of SFCHINA2021. Visitors can choose to participate
platform (ID: chinacoat_sfchina).
in-person or on our Online Show Platform live and/or as playback free of charge afterwards.
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - N. 71
Eos Mktg&Communication srl - - Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:
Kevin Biller
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
The Powder Coating Research Group
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
The smart journal for surface treatments
Prof. Stefano Rossi:
Environment and quality
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on
12th Year - Bimonthly
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The smart journal for surface treatments
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complete plants
IDEAS NEED TALENT C.M.V. srl - Via dell’industria, 2 - 61036 Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro, PU - Italy - T +39 0721 892274 - -