The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2021
12th Year - Bimonthly
Tip top: our corrosion protection is thinner than a single hair. And easier to maintain! Despite the wafer-thin coat thickness, our coatings achieve excellent results and offer a high level of protection. And even better: we address your wishes and requirements individually, instead of brushing you off with standard service.
A century of experience
RIMOR, Cutting-edge solutions in industrial ventilation and surface treatments with its own brand companies CAMIT and TEKIMP
KTL - Cataphoresis system Powder Coating System Cleaning and pretreatment system Zinc Application Lines Liquid coating systems Galvanic and Zinc Coating Systems Via dei Pini, 21/F - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (TV) - Italy
Sandblasting Paintings Units Painting Booths Suction and Filtration Systems Mobile Tunnels
RIMOR SRL | Via Luigi Santagata, 43 - 10156 Torino (TO) – Italy Ph. +39 011 2238561 |
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other company of Rimor Group:
It’s time for METALSTRIP Line of products for the chemical paint stripping of metals The METALSTRIP range is suitable for the paint stripping of many metals and alloys. It offers the best technology on the market, it has a low environmental impact and its products can be filtered and reused. All the paint strippers are developed in our chemical laboratory, in order to guarantee the best possible result, always.
ALIT Technologies Srl - San Bonifacio, Italy +39 045.245.6638 -
© Comer Industries
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Comer Industries: Innovative Industrial Choices with a View to Sustainability, Industry 4.0, and Coating Technologies Integrated in a High-Efficiency Plant
© ipcm
52 05 06 08 10 22 24
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY How to Eliminate a Bottleneck in the Two-Coat Powder Finishing of Heavy Machine Parts: Cassetto’s Experience
Protecting the World and Making it More Sustainable: The Coatings Industry is Ready to Start Again with New Drivers
ITA Airways: Does the Paint Chosen for the Livery Weigh too Much?
In-house Powder Coating of High-Quality Enclosures for Technical Systems
INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Protect and Beautify Farm Machinery, a High-Tech Challenge
Sherwin-Williams listed Within the Best 100 ESG Companies of 2021
Nissan Optimizes Paint Room Operations
Adapta’s Granite Vivendi Collection: Super-Durable Powder Coatings for Architectural Aluminium Imitating Natural Stone. The Sustainable Alternative for the Architecture of the Future
When Automatic Shot Blasting is a Recipe for Quality: Ideal System’s Automatic Mechanical Surface Preparation Line for MaximumFinishing Quality of Earthmoving Machinery Components
Emiliana Serbatoi’s New Water-Based Top Coat Halved Drying Times and Increased Production Throughput
A “Cartesian” Coating System and a New Pre-Treatment Process to Increase Corrosion Resistance Fivefold. Alpego: When Chemistry Matters.
Dürr Builds Two Paint Shops for Sinotruk
Future-proof and reliable overhead
and floor MONORAIL and P+F CONVEYOR systems that can be perfectly integrated into your production processes. We take care of all your requirements and create a tailor-made and cost-optimized concept for you.
© ipcm
© Sud-Ouest Laquage
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY SIGE S.p.A.’s Upgraded Coating Booths for Improved Product Quality and Reduced Environmental Impact
84 90 96 100 102 116
The Key Role of Multi-Metal Pre-Treatment in Improving Powder Coating Adhesion and Quality
© acp
© Ecoclean
Reduced unit costs thanks to higher cleaning performance and lower energy consumption
Cranes with Perfect Surfaces
BRAND NEW INNOVATION: PRESENT&FUTURE Fully Automatic Coating System for Complex Gear Components
AkzoNobel’s White Paper on the Importance of Powder Coating for EVs
Profilglass Choose Recycling and an Advanced Water Treatment System to Reduce the Environmental Impact of its Aluminium Processes
INNOVATION: PRESENT&FUTURE An Innovative, High-Tech, Easy-to-Use Portable Tool: The QNix 9500 Thickness Gauge
ICT - TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Optimal cleanliness for the next production step
136 138
Chemical Companies Team Up to Accelerate Net-Zero Climate Technologies
Merck Establishes External Expert Advisory Panel for Sustainability
BASF`s Coatings Division presents Automotive Color Trends 2021-2022
Shortage of Skilled Personnel: The Training Needs of Companies
Is Corporate Sustainability a Mirage?
167 172 182
Graco’s Winning Team to Celebrate the Best Cyclists in the World
Sonic Bloom: Communicating Through Colourful Horns
2022 Social Media Trends: Everything There is to Know
Ecoclean: efficient and reliable cleaning with the optimum solution
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The perfect solution For pain�ng and/or coa�ng automa�cally and quickly small parts (metals and not) in batch, for example: bu�ons, bolts, screws, springs, O-rings and much more. The new process An automa�c control of air and paint flow allows you to obtain a perfect we�ability of the pieces in any cycle phase. New temperature control Reliable, accurate, economic. The Data Management The new control SW stores all process data, for a precise consump�on and produc�on costs control, and supports you proposing a plan of preven�ve maintenance opera�ons.
4.0 Rotover MES Easy and interac�ve produc�on planning system for one or more machines. A data-base of working cycles accessible from every machine and easy to be updated: 4.0 interconnec�on. Multifunctionality Interchangeable drums of various shapes, sizes and geometries, designed for different possible types of items and for different materials. Customer Service Send a test batch and Imel will prepare for you the op�mized cycle for your produc�on. All machines are connected to Imel Service Center for a real �me support On the side of the operator Easy and immediate control so�ware. New design Ergonomic, user friendly with no exposed cables and pipes.
Find out more, Scan the QR code to add the contact of our product manager to your device.
IMEL SpA – Via Divisione Julia 10 – 33033 Codroipo, UD – Italy – T +39 0432 908578 – –
Richiedi la versione in italiano a
t has only been two years since 2019, but it feels like we have experienced a time jump that nullified one of them. Yet, we have lived through both 2020 and 2021, albeit for most of the time without certainties and above all without making plans and with only limited visibility of the future, including the immediate future. In the same period, the digital world has colonised large portions of our private and professional lives, becoming something pervasive, which we perceive as an important advance, but also as something inescapable. Such lack of planning, together with the fluctuation of raw material prices, the demand for just-in-time rather than just-in-case production, the crisis in maritime transport with the shortage of containers and skyrocketing container prices, and the spread of Industry 4.0, is reinforcing a trend that had already emerged before the pandemic: that of re-shoring, i.e. the return to local manufacturing, in which companies enhance the value of their country (or continent) of origin by bringing back to it economic activities that had been transferred outside its borders. The continuing pandemic and macroeconomic instability are changing the pattern of the global value chain. This is the opposite of delocalisation – going local instead of going global. “According to experts at A.T. Kearney, one of the world’s leading consultancy firms, the digital revolution is fostering re-shoring. Companies that want to reach the highest technological levels do not need cheap labour specialising in single operations (essential elements of assembly lines), but they rather look for qualified and competent personnel. In short, Industry 4.0 is transforming the production models, defining new essential figures for companies, and calling for different places and ways than the past. Advanced countries that have retained a large manufacturing base, such as America, Japan, Germany, and Italy, will be faced with great opportunities, if they are able to seize them. It is about bringing back the highest valueadded productions, focusing on quality and not quantity, while continuing to work for the whole world.1” This editor’s letter, which is too brief to go into such vast topics destined to affect the whole world’s economy, is only intended to provide some food for thought and a key to interpreting some of the reports and articles you will find in this year-end issue, traditionally one of the most important and rich in content. 2022 is fast approaching. It is impossible to make predictions, because there are still too many elements in play to determine what it will be like in terms of economy and if the positive parameters recorded since the beginning of the summer will be confirmed. However, I believe that one thing is for sure: we should not lose the optimism and resilience that have brought us this far.
From an article by Stefano Cingolati, a professional journalist specialising in foreign policy and economics, in Il Foglio, 17-18 April 2021.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© Adobe Stock
Protecting the World and Making it More Sustainable: The Coatings Industry is Ready to Start Again with New Drivers Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
he interviews in this column, which has
although with very different needs and targets.
In fact, three themes recur in almost all of
been published in the first few pages
Secondly, from the United States to South
our interviews: sustainability, relationships
of our magazine for two years now,
Africa, from Mexico to Italy, there is a clear
with regulatory bodies, and digitalisation. For
have been aimed at offering to our readers
awareness of the importance of our sector
these associations, listening to their members
an authoritative insight into the international
within the production chain. Victor Leal, the
and the sectors they represent means acting
markets at the turn of the century and after
president of the Mexican Paint and Printing
as spokespersons for their needs in these
the pandemic crisis, in order to understand
Ink Manufacturers Association (ANAFAPYT),
three areas. Above all, sustainability is an
how companies in the sector and their
states: “Virtually every man-made product
issue that has come up frequently in recent
representatives, such as associations and
has a coating that not only allows it to retain
years and has been receiving increased
institutions, are reacting. This time, we want to
its value, but also gives it colour, protection,
attention on the occasion of events such
draw some conclusions from our investigation
and durability.” André Vieira de Castro, former
as the recent COP26. Raising awareness
activity. First of all, while the pandemic is
Chairman of the Board of CEPE, the European
and guiding companies towards reducing
still unfortunately having a major impact on
Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artists’
emissions, of which our sector is among the
the industry and the manufacturing sector,
Colours Industry, who ended his mandate in
most responsible, seem to have become
a consistently positive approach has always
October this year, confirms that “paints are
priorities for all the organisations interviewed.
emerged from the answers to our questions.
inherently environmentally friendly products.
The Green Deal, the set of initiatives promoted
This includes the voices of a market, that of
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, they act
by the European Commission to achieve
wall painting, which we do not usually cover in
as a protective barrier against weathering
climate neutrality by 2050, has become a
our articles specialising in industrial coatings,
and microbiological degradation of all types
major focus for the European ones. On the
but which has actually played an important
of substrates, thus increasing the service life
other hand, relationships with the institutions
role in dragging the coating market out of the
length, safety, and performance of products
that establish the dangers and, therefore,
doldrums it had found itself in. Most of the
and structures. Therefore, paints contribute to
the legal limits of the substances used in the
associations we contacted have in fact two
the overall objective of greater sustainability,
formulation of paints represent one of the
cores, managing relationships with members
thanks to the longer service life they
most complex tasks for the associations to
from both the wall and industrial fields,
manage. In many cases, this is made more
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
complicated by the regulatory misalignment
recently, finally returning to face-to-face
support the industry in finding solutions for
between different countries and continents.
more environmentally friendly and digital processes and products.
Last, but certainly not least, the digitalisation issue has been booming with the fourth
It is not always easy to understand and
These few lines explain why we gave the stage
industrial revolution, also called Industry 4.0,
represent the needs of a sector, to interact
to associations in the midst of the pandemic.
which is involving the entire industrial sector
with companies of different sizes and
We were looking for a firm point of reference
without exception, from SMEs to multinational
therefore with different needs, and to collect
with impartial, positive opinions, able to
their requests, ideas, and even complaints. It
convince companies that, if things could not go
The tools used by the associations are
is a balancing act, in which many factors have
back to the way they were before, they would
different, but all based on a common element:
to be weighed up. This is why there is the
go back to being even better. This is also
clear communication, reinforced through
need to thoroughly know the sector and how
the reason why we will continue to interview
different channels, such as social media and
to approach it as clearly and transparently as
associations in future issues of ipcm® as well,
websites, and through meetings, fairs, or
possible. At the same time, it is necessary to
to provide a different view of the industry and
training courses organised by the associations
interact with authorities and reference bodies,
a lucid analysis of market needs in the various
themselves. Even during government-imposed
conveying the needs of companies, and then
lockdowns, these were promptly replaced by
educating these back on new regulations,
online meetings or, immediately at the onset
making it easy for them to understand the
of recovery, by hybrid meetings that occurred
new rules and helping them find compliant
partly in presence and partly remotely, while
solutions. In the same way, it is important
Waterborne Solventborne High solid
Mirodur S.p.A. Via delle Scienze, 3 - 04011 Aprilia (LT) Tel. +39 06 9281746 Fax +39 06 9280644 -
September and October in Review The return of face-to-face meetings and the newfound importance of trade fairs.
eptember brought with it a moment that we had been waiting
editorial programs, which will follow the trade fairs even more closely.
for over a year: the return of in-person meetings and fairs.
In fact, 2022 promises to be a year full of important events for the
At last, we were able to personally distribute our magazines
sector, starting with PaintExpo, which will return for its eighth edition in
and meet our customers at various national and international fairs,
Karlsruhe, from 26 to 29 April.
such as the Salone del Mobile.Milano, Expo Ferroviaria (Milan), OMC (Ravenna) and Eurosurfas (Barcelona). There, we have met companies
The month of October reconfirmed the positive trend in terms of
and people who are enthusiastic about being able to interact again in
participation in trade fairs and events, together with great international
person and ready to face the new challenges that the market offers.
Another meeting we took part in (this time virtually, due to restrictions
Many trade fairs took place in these 31 days, and the ipcm® team
on travels to the United States still in force) is the Powder Coating
participated in-person to many of them. Among these, the three most
Summit, officially opened by Alessia Venturi, editor-in-chief of the
important events of the year for the industrial cleaning sector stand
ipcm® magazines, with a presentation dedicated to Smart Coatings. An
out: at EMO Milano, parts2clean in Stuttgart and DeburringExpo in
important occasion that we hope to be able to repeat soon, this time
Karlsruhe we distributed over 600 copies of the latest October issue of
in person.
ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies.
September also meant the publication of one
The pleasure of getting together, traveling
of the most important issues of the year: the
again and participating in international
special issue dedicated to architecture and
events is also reflected in the video-
design of ipcm . An edition full of inspiration,
interviews from the DeburringExpo fair that
of many “wow!” articles for insiders, and
we broadcasted live on our social media
of numerous innovations in the field of
channels. Several exhibiting companies
had the opportunity to briefly present
The new ipcm blog ®
their industrial company as well as their impressions about the post-pandemic
We inaugurated on 13 September the official
trade fair experience.
blog of ipcm®: Surface Treatment 101.
Regarding the events, on 7th October we
Currently available in English and Italian, the
were invited by the paint manufacturer PPG
articles that we will publish in this new space
to the inauguration of the new chemistry
aim to help those taking their first steps in
laboratory dedicated to STEM education
the world of surface treatment to have a
at the National Museum of Science and
better understanding of the processes and
Technology “Leonardo da Vinci” in Milan,
technologies that rule it.
created thanks to the support of the US
The first article that officially launched the
multinational company.
blog is dedicated to PVD processes, and explains what they are, the most common
On the 14th, on the other hand, we
industrial uses, application technologies and
participated in the inauguration of the
the advantages in terms of production and
Axalta Coating Systems Colour Experience
Room in Cavenago di Brianza (Italy), a
Work in progress for 2022
permanent space where the company’s experts will be able to present their
As always in the last four months of the
range of colours and powder coatings for
year, we are actively working on next year’s
architecture to architects and designers.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Ilaria Paolomelo and Barbara Pennati, ipcm®
A new issue October was also the month of the 39th issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, our magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control technologies. This number is focused on innovative technologies and processes to mitigate and contrast corrosion that are less conservatives and used. Think for example of high-thickness water-based paints, which also have the advantage of being nonflammable, or powder coatings, which are an effective and zeroemission solution for the protection of external structures and metal carpentry.
Training continues While we are defining the last details of the training program for the 2022 course for Technicians of Industrial Surface Finishing Processes organised by ipcm®_Academy, five modules of the second session of 2021 took place in October: powder coatings application, liquid coatings application, controls, failure analysis and maintenance. During the training day dedicated to controls, the trainees had the opportunity to try out numerous coating measuring and control tools and to (finally) get to know each other and the ipcm®_Academy team in person. Stay tuned to discover topics and complete programme.
Rostirolla Develops the GNW Interlocking system Rostirolla has recently registered the design for the GNW interlocking system, which allows the quick and easy insertion of hooks of various shapes and sizes.
© Rostirolla
© Rostirolla
n order to facilitate and speed up the hanging operations of the items to be coated, Rostirolla has developed and registered the GNW interlocking system.
GNW has a diamond-shaped punched slot in which hooks of various shapes and sizes can be easily inserted. In fact, the system is specially designed to quickly and easily insert hooks and springs into the slot– an operation that takes only a few seconds. GNW is available in stock and ready to be assembled. In addition, it can be used in combination with Rostirolla’s P20 and P25 systems, designed for hanging both small components and pieces that require a more robust structure. The combination of the P20 and P25 columns and the GNW system makes the preparation of the pieces to be coated even faster and more flexible, and guarantees the management of a smaller number of coating accessories, making the paint stripping operations more streamlined, as well. “At Rostirolla we always strive to create solutions that can help our customers manage industrial coating processes quickly and easily,” says Simone Rostirolla who, together with his brother Pierluigi, is at the helm of the company. “GNW is one of the latest systems developed for this purpose. Its structure and the possibility of installing it on columns such as the P20 and P25 make it the perfect solution for every coating need”. “Like many of our products, GNW is available in stock. Furthermore, our customers can request a sampling kit to personally test the ease of use of this system”, adds Pierluigi Rostirolla. For further information:
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Rostirolla
AkzoNobel’s Interpon Cr: All the Shine, None of VOCs Interpon Cr creates a brilliant metallic-effect finish which is far more sustainable, durable, and more flexible than real chrome plating.
he powder coating that enables general trade coaters (GTCs),
Daniela Vlad, Managing Director of Powder Coatings at AkzoNobel,
OEMs and designers to deliver the style and appearance of
says the new powder coating provides the reliability and performance
chrome plating but with a powder coating has been launched by
professionals need: “The Interpon Cr Basecoat and Clearcoat system
AkzoNobel’s Interpon brand.
provides resistance to corrosion and staining, as well as the durability
Interpon Cr provides a sustainable alternative that is free from Volatile
to protect products from all life can throw at them. Designers can now
Organic Compounds (VOCs) and produces no hazardous waste. With a
achieve a bright metallic effect, even on the more challenging shapes
simplified finishing process, customers can quickly and easily produce a
and angles, and have the comfort of knowing the product they are using
brilliant metallic-effect finish that is less harmful to the environment.
is better for the environment and more sustainable in every sense.”
Perfect for metal furniture, the automotive aftermarket, components
She adds that Interpon has built a powder coating to meet the needs
and fittings, lighting, leisure equipment, retail displays and small
of the modern day: “Interpon is a global leader in powder coatings
household appliances, the powder coating is applied in a simple and fast
technology and has used its vast experience as well as its state-of-
two-step process, which does not require any additional preparation
the-art R&D facilities to create a sustainable, cost-effective and high
steps, such as grinding and polishing. As such users are able to reduce
performing powder coating to meet your business needs.”
costs compared to traditional chrome plating, which is often timeconsuming and expensive. This enables businesses not only to increase
For further information:
productivity but also accelerate delivery times.
© AkzoNobel
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Efficient and reliable
© Rösler
solutions for surface coating since 1988.
Rösler Has Developed the New MultiShape Ceramic Media Rösler has expanded its range of mass finishing consumables with the new MultiShape ceramic media with a globally unique geometry.
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
ösler, a provider of surface finishing solutions, has expanded its range of mass finishing consumables with MultiShape, the new ceramic media with globally unique geometry that is able to
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
adapt to different work pieces. Usually, ceramic media gets lodged in the work pieces, especially during the treatment of parts with complex shapes and extensive inner channels, preventing excellent finishing results. Rösler has then
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
developed MultiShape, a globally unique shape of ceramic media with rounded areas on all sides. Rösler MultiShape is ideal for the precise finishing of complex parts with difficult-to-reach surfaces, edges, notches and slits. Even after
IR and UV drying systems
extended usage, the new media maintains its shape and prevents the risk of lodging. In addition to this, it increases the speed of the media movement in the processing bowl by up to 10% compared to other similar products, while also producing a higher material removal rate
robot and reciprocators
on the entire work piece. The new product has an especially positive effect on the overall costefficiency, because it reduces the required processing times, allows using the media for a longer time period and eliminates unwanted costs for rework. An international patent application for the MultiShape ceramic media has been filed under WO 2020/052797 (PCT/EP2019/000264).
For further information:
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
Evonik Launches Three Universally Applicable Matting Agents The three new matting agents based on precipitated silica will expand Evonik’s ACEMATT® product line.
he Coating Additives Business Line of
The main application field for the new matting
agents in the portfolio, plus our tried-and-
Evonik has recently announced that it is
agents are coatings for plastics – for example
true ACEMATT OK 520 has been joined by an
expanding its ACEMATT product range
on laptops or smartphones – and wood
unwaxed variant, ACEMATT HK 520, which
with three new universally applicable matting
coatings, for example on parquet flooring,
performs equally well,” added Morin.
agents which are based on precipitated silica:
tabletops or kitchen countertops. In the
One of the advantages of the untreated
the fine-particle products ACEMATT OK 390
applications on interior components for the
silicas in ACEMATT HK 390 and ACEMATT
and ACEMATT HK 390 and the versatile silica
automotive industry, such as dashboards
HK 520 over waxed silica is their better
and trim, the matting silica provides also a
orientation in water-based systems that
The three new matting agents developed by
glare-free matte surface. Moreover, despite
prevents uneven particle distribution in
Evonik are characterised by a combination
the small size of the particles, customers will
some plastic coatings, resulting in a smooth
of ultra-deep matting, high transparency and
be allowed to reach the same deep degree of
and deep matte surface. On the other hand,
extremely fine surface haptics. They can all be
matting with the same amount of powder as
the post-treatment of precipitated silica in
used universally in water- and solvent-based
with products with larger particles.
ACEMATT OK 390 ensures that the product
systems, as well as in pigmented and clear
“As a result, they produce a very fine surface
does not settle during storage, so it is more
feel. This means the same efficiency without
stable in the coating. The three new silicas
“Due to their outstanding transparency
sacrificing transparency,” commented
show little influence on the viscosity of the
properties, they provide a deep matte surface
Thomas Klotzbach, head of ACEMATT
formulation and have excellent dispersion
without a milky white haze, especially in clear
application technology.
coatings,” stated Maximilian Morin, the head
“Now the whole ACEMATT family consisting
of the Industrial & Transportation Coatings
of surface-treated and untreated silica is
For further information:
market segment at Evonik.
complete. We have fine particle matting
© Evonik
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
H2O Released a Guidebook on Wastewater-Free Production The guidebook on wastewater-free production is freely available on H2O GmbH website.
he German manufacturer of wastewater
We want neutral, valuable information that gives
recycling systems H2O GmbH has recently
us a good overview. This is not only the case in the
published a new guidebook on the subject
consumer sector, but also in industry. That’s why
“Wastewater-free production”. The guidebook is freely
we created this guidebook. Over the years and the
available on the company’s website, both in German
multitude of different projects, H2O GmbH has
and English language.
gathered a lot of useful experience that not only
Sharing their industry knowledge on the field of the
concerns pure vacuum distillation, but also other
professional treatment of industrial wastewater,
technologies, processes and regulations,” stated
H2O has provided interested users with informative,
Catherine Akintschin, the public relations officer of
practical and comprehensible articles on various
H2O GmbH.
industrial processes, as well as functional
The English version of the guidebook contains five
descriptions, regulations and comparisons of
articles so far, new contributions will be published
different technologies and processes.
“The need for information in this digital world is enormous. Before we buy something, we want to
For further information:
know exactly about the technologies on the market.
Dörken Expands the Analytical Services With a New Microbiological Laboratory At the end of October, Dörken inaugurated a new microbiological laboratory to ensure the quality of products, materials and production environments through accurate hygiene management process and samples analysis.
or manufacturers of paints and varnishes, the issue of hygiene
then possible to develop special cleaning and disinfecting measures.
management in production is a very important one. All stages
Ramona Lux, Biological-Technical Assistant, praises the new lab: “Overall,
need to be carefully investigated, from the development of a
the lab gives us the opportunity to analyse our products, materials
product to the procurement of raw materials and on to the production
and the production environment quickly and regularly on site, and to
and application stages. This relevance has increased further with
process the findings promptly.”
the growing number of water-based paints and varnishes, since
In addition to analysis in the laboratory, further hygiene measures
water causes the proliferation of germs. For this purpose, a new
are also carried out. “Ramona Lux regularly conducts hygiene training
microbiological laboratory has now been established as part of
with the employees,” explains Torsten Zimny, Hygiene Manager at
Analytical Services of Dörken in order to conduct detailed analysis into
Dörken. “Ultimately, people also obviously transfer germs. In addition,
these aspects.
we have already installed a new process water system for our paste
In the new lab, the products, the materials, the water and the monitoring
production hall.” These measures serve to promote the CIP - continuous
samples are accurately checked to search for any microbiological
improvement process - and significantly enhance corporate hygiene.
content. Possible and potentially critical contamination sources are sampled and investigated thoroughly. With the aid of these findings, it is
© Dörken
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Wagner Upgraded the SprayPackE Control Unit Wagner made its SprayPackE control unit more flexible and efficient.
agner has recently announced the upgrade
simultaneously for all guns, by groups (up to 8
of SprayPackE, an entry-level control unit
groups) and also individually. The automatic gap
particularly suitable for painters who are
and height control, as well as depth control via
switching from manual application to automatic
recipe parameters also ensure that the spraying
coating that allows to easily and efficiently control
takes place only when the workpiece is actually in
automatic guns and motion systems in a connected
front of the guns, and the distance between the
powder booth. The new function upgrade now
guns can be further optimised. The raw data of the
ensures even more flexibility and opportunities to
coating, for example application, movement and
increase productivity. Previously SprayPackE could
recipe parameters, can either be shared with the
control a maximum of 20 automatic guns, while the
customers’ central control system for documentation
new expansion module now allows to connect up
via an MES interface (OPC-UA) or processed with the
to 32 guns. Moreover, the intuitive touch-screen
information and management platform COATIFY.light
ensures menu-guided colour changes and other
provided by Wagner.
operations that save both time and money, avoiding also operating errors.
For further information:
The required powder quantity can be set
© Wagner
IEC+ Joins IM GROUP Silvio Cimenti IM Group – San Gillio (Torino) – Italy
IEC+ announced that it has joined IM GROUP with the aim of strengthening their presence in the market globally.
M GROUP has announced that IEC+ srl, the specialist in mechanical
was to lay the foundations of IM GROUP by structuring our brands to
engineering renowned for the design and manufacture of
focus on their individual specialties, yet for them to come together to
dispersing, grinding and mixing equipment, as well as complete
offer total process-engineering solutions, under a single group, when
engineering studies and turnkey solutions, has joined the group.
required. The second phase was to evolve this to an advanced stage,”
IEC+ has been collaborating with IM GROUP for several years offering
said Christophe Rizzo, CEO of EMEA/Americas, IM GROUP. “Today, we
dispersing, grinding and mixing equipment. Now the entry of IEC+
are adding a significant boost to our portfolio with the addition of a
represents a unique opportunity for the evolution of both companies.
company that will act as a central catalyst to unite and spearhead each
The decision to announce the joining of IEC+, six months after the
of our other brands into: Advanced engineering solutions”, continued
launch of IM GROUP, is based on a dual strategy. “The initial phase
IEC+’s entry into IM Group was announced during an event held at the IEC+ headquarters in Traversetolo (Parma) with (from left): Silvio Cimenti, Christophe Rizzo, Roberto Guerra, Valentina Cigna, Gianluca Incerti, Fabrizio Musi and Antonio Riggio.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The announcement was filmed at the IEC+
capital initiatives such as advanced IoT training, to
headquarters in Traversetolo (Parma, Italy), at
improve industry 4.0 experience and skills”, explained
Inkmaker in Shanghai (China) and at the IEC Plant
Engineering headquarters in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
“IEC+ is an extraordinary company with a technical
and recently presented on YouTube, in occasion of
know-how gained from over 20 years’ experience
the conclusion of the third quarter of the year 2021
of its team. It can offer, ‘advanced engineering’,
of the Group.
by this we mean that the design, projection, and
In anticipation of the news spreading throughout
management services are extended to all the
the market, Roberto Guerra, CEO of IM GROUP Asia
production processes, site management and
Pacific, said: “we are ready—with our industry-4.0-
software interface. This starts from preliminary
equipped factories—to offer our clients this next
engineering studies through to the complete project
phase. Other than just expanding our premises we
implementation and delivery—as such this will use
have been busy, paving the way, by strengthening our
the specialisations from all our brands,” explained
bond with Malaysian-based IEC Plant Engineering,
Gianluca Incerti, Global Commercial Director, IM
a specialist in this industry since 1992. They have
GROUP, “each brand will continue to be differentiated
an extensive sales and service network throughout
through their expertise, and compete in their
Southeast Asia; especially in Malaysia, India and
individual market sectors, and when required, they
Vietnam. Additionally, their CEO, PM Ravi, an existing
will come together on large projects for IM GROUP.”
shareholder of IEC+, has been fine-tuning an excellent
Lau Kar Seng, General Manager of Inkmaker Shanghai
inter-brand relationship with us—which is a bonus”.
and member of the board, explained that even in
“The two companies will also share a lot of human
China, since the launch of IM GROUP in April, the
resources,” explained Valentina Cigna, Global Director
company has been finalising preparations on two
of HR and President of IM GROUP. Plans are also
fronts: firstly, by expanding its offices to align with
underway to create new jobs for the Parma office.
IEC+’s specifications to manufacture and customize
“We plan to increase IEC+’s workforce, by around
large heavy equipment for dispersing, grinding and
15-20% within the next 5 years, and invest in human
mixing and; second, to form a joint venture company,
An IEC+ Installation for a prominent client in Europe.
The ‘Plusmill’ basket mill developed by IEC+.
The IEC+’s mobile-tank double shaft dissolver.
with Zhuhai Longtec Corp. Ltd., called “Inkmaker Intelligent Systems” in
Fabrizio Musi, founding member of IEC+, who will continue to work as
order to offer the service, experience and machinery of IEC+. “Longtec,
operations manager, said: “this is a significant moment in a strategic
is a large cooperation, listed on the Shenzhen New Third Board, and
global plan, I am confident that, through IM GROUP’s leadership
will significantly boost our market reach throughout China,” explained
and by joining the IM GROUP family of brands, IEC+ has secured the
Mr. Lau, “the addition of IEC+ is a bonus that many competitors will be
continuity of its business and is set to make the group stronger and
unable to match in China, especially with IEC Plant Engineering (in Asia)
increase its market position,” he concluded, “Antonio Riggio, is a proven
as our partners.” IEC+ shareholder and Inkmaker’s long-term partner
General Manager with a very good track record and I warmly welcome
PM Ravi, CEO of IEC Plant Engineering, said: “I am particularly happy
him in his new role at IEC+.” Antonio Riggio, General Manager of IEC+,
with this outcome. It is an ideal collaboration for all; IM GROUP, IEC+
concluded by outlining the strategy for IEC+ in the short term which
and IEC Plant Engineering, too”. With over 30 years of experience in
will be based on 3 pillars: strengthening system engineering capacity,
the Southeast Asian region, IEC Plant Engineering boasts an extensive
increasing production capacity and improving service.
network of subsidiaries, factories and after-sales service facilities as well
IEC+ has set itself the goal of doubling the size of its facilities by the
as a workforce of skilled engineers.
end of the year.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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ITA Airways: Does the Paint Chosen for the Livery Weigh too Much? According to the estimates of Italian newspaper Domani, the metallic blue paint chosen for the new Italian flag carrier, ITA Airways, weighs more than a white livery, resulting in a greater waste of fuel.
he Italian newspaper Domani revealed that the metallic blue
aircraft, where small leaks of hydraulic oil often occur, it is easy for
livery chosen for the planes of the newborn ITA Airways weighs
the paint to get damaged.
up to 300 kg more per aircraft due to the use of mica to obtain
However, some industry experts argue that the controversy is not
the metallic effect. This would result in a greater waste of fuel, a
justified. In particular, analyst Gregory Alegi, journalist and lecturer
greater impact on the environment and a competitive handicap, as
active in the aerospace field for over 35 years, declared to newspaper
fuel consumption has become the first item to be cut down to reduce
La Stampa: “If ITA had chosen the white livery of the old Alitalia,
costs and increase profit margins.
someone would have stigmatized the lack of imagination. I see a bit
According to the newspaper, the top management of ITA admitted
of bad faith in these excessive criticisms that tend to be made of ITA.
the inconvenience. However, according to the technicians of the new
Counter-proof: when the white plane with the words ‘Born in 2021’
airline risen from the ashes of Alitalia, the additional weight of the
was presented, I did not hear praises for the ecological value of that
mica blue paint would be of maximum 120 kg.
In addition to the weight problem, the choice of this livery could
The analyst adds that “in the recent past, Alitalia had excessive
also entail higher maintenance costs. Particularly in the belly of the
scruples on fuel saving, so much so that pilots criticized the company
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Barbara Pennati, ipcm®
for the practical management difficulties that this
KLM has a blue livery and is not the only airline
policy entailed. So, let’s not point our finger at ITA
that opted for a colour other than white. As for why
as major polluter only because the chosen paint
white predominates, in my opinion the real reason
weighs a little bit more”.
is that if you take or return leased aircrafts, having
On the fact – cited by many critics – that most
white as the base colour of almost all operators
airlines opt for a lighter, easier-to-maintain white
is the simplest solution to change the livery of an
livery, Alegi notes: “Colour other than white is an
aircraft with the minimum aesthetic intervention
unusual but not extravagant choice. For example,
on the nacelle”.
Hooks & CE Hooks
From the in-stock small and thin hook to the special hook Ø30 with EU certification and loading capacity calculation, for both small and heavy parts to be coated.
ITA Airways ITA Airways, operating since November 2020, is a company state-owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance for the exercise of activities in the air transport sector. The company’s goal is to guarantee Italy quality connectivity both with international destinations, so as to encourage tourism and foreign trade, and within the country, also taking advantage of integrated mobility. ITA Airways was established to provide Italy with a flag carrier following the end of the extraordinary administration of Alitalia, whose brand was acquired by ITA on 14th October 2021 for 90 million euros. The first flight, which took place via an Airbus A320, departed on October 15th from Milan Linate and landed at Bari airport. The first two aircraft belonging to the new company, EI-EJN (Airbus A330) and EI-EIB (Airbus A320), have the wording “Operated by ITA” on the fuselage. The metallic blue chosen as colour was conceived as a symbol of unity, cohesion and pride for the country, being also representative of the Italian national sports
teams. On the helm, the aircraft of the fleet also display the tricolour flag, the gold, white and red logo of ITA Airways and some stylized icons inspired by the national artistic heritage. ITA currently operates a fleet of 52 aircraft, however the company has already announced that by the end of 2025 the fleet is expected to grow by another 27 units. ITA Airways will initially operate with a network of 44 destinations and 59 routes, for a total of 191 flights (24 domestic and 56 international). In 2022, destinations are expected to increase by 14 units and routes by 15, to reach a total of 74 destinations and 89 routes by 2025. The company has also expressed its intention to equip itself with a more modern, technological fleet that allows it to reduce the environmental impact of operations.
In-house Powder Coating of High-Quality Enclosures for Technical Systems Edited by Nordson Corporation
The de Crignis Blechverarbeitung GmbH German company is specializing in manufacturing steel, stainless steel, aluminium and non-ferrous metals machine enclosures. It chose the Nordson’s dense-phase technology in order to increase quality and flexibility of its coating process and save costs.
he company de Crignis has powder coated externally the
tradition, de Crignis Blechverarbeitung GmbH has grown into a well-
finishes of its high-quality enclosures for technical systems
known system supplier of equipment enclosures.
for years.
Their advanced machinery assists the motivated employees in all steps
The intention for having its own system was to make production more
of metal processing - only the finishing has always been entrusted to
flexible and save time and costs. In 150 years of company and family
external specialists.
© Nordson
The Spectrum HD powder feed centre with PowderPilot HD control system.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The challenge: outsourcing requires high logistics effort
The solution: in-house powder coating
In Germany, almost
a suitable solution, CS
anyone who parks at
a parking meter, then
Nordson‘s representative
deposits coins or money
for the southern part of
into the automatic
Germany, was soon found.
acceptance point is
They offer their customers
probably interacting with
consulting, planning and
a machine enclosure
construction of a powder
made by de Crignis. “With
coating system all from
the move to our current
one source.
location in Augsburg,
“CS Oberflächentechnik
Germany, we made the
was a really lucky choice
step from sheet metal
for us because of their
processor to system
experience with all
provider for sophisticated
available powder coating
enclosures around 20
technologies as well as
years ago,” recalls Herwig
with systems of any size”,
Kleiner, Managing Director
says Mr. Kleiner. “And the
at de Crignis. “Since
close and well-rehearsed
During the search for
cooperation between
then, we have had the most modern punching, bending and laser technology at our disposal and since 2007, we have
© de Crignis
De Crignis Blechverarbeitung GmbH’s range of products and services focuses on enclosure construction including system solutions.
them and Nordson made it possible that the installation was completed only four months after the
also had an extremely efficient welding shop.”
order was placed and we were able to start testing the operation with
For most device enclosures, the finishing is an essential part of their
our system”.
functionality: parking ticket machines are exposed to the weather for
De Crignis installed Nordson’s ColorMax® 3 booth with a Spectrum® HD
many years, special demands are made on the powder coating of
powder feed centre and advanced controls. The booth is designed to
medical devices, and reverse vending machines must withstand high
provide reliable powder containment while also ensuring soft airflow
mechanical specifications. To ensure that the external enclosure still
in the spray area. The booth floor is made of the patented composite
protects the technology installed in them for a long period of time, both
material “Apogee” and the AirWash automatic floor cleaning system
the coating materials and the coating processes are engineered for the
keeps the powder overspray in the booth to an absolute minimum. The
intended end use. “Until mid-2018, we had the coating done externally,”
ColorMax³ fast colour change powder coating booth is designed for
explains Kleiner. “These steps were outsourced to specialists, but the
fast, thorough powder contamination, and easy colour changes within
logistical effort was still enormous. Preparation for transportation,
minutes and is equipped with eight Encore® HD automatic powder
packaging, and receipt of the finished coated parts cost us almost a
coating guns. These are controlled by reciprocators for maximum
five-figure sum every month! In order to minimize these costs and
efficiency and automatic coating.
the dependence on external partners, while at the same time making
The Spectrum HD Powder Feed Center, in combination with the HDLV
our own production even more flexible, the de Crignis management
(“High Density, Low Velocity”) pumps of the Encore HD spray system,
decided to install their own powder coating system in-house”.
ensures highly efficient supply of powder.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© Nordson
The ColorMax® 3 booth with eight Encore HD automatic powder guns.
The complete powder management and application solution is
as those produced by the Augsburg company for Tier 1 suppliers to
designed for convenient powder handling with low operator and
the aerospace and medical technology industries, are also consistently
maintenance effort, so the powder feed centre plays a significant role
applied. “We regularly use the function of storing recipes in the powder
in the efficiency of the entire system.
coating system and retrieving them at any time,” explains Mr. Kleiner.
“After one year of in-house powder coating in single-shift operation,
“Instead of having to spend time adjusting the system to the new order
we are still in a phase of recording data, but we can already safely
after a changeover, we simply call up the required parameters from
note three interesting observations as interim results: In terms of
the system controller and off we go,” he says and he is very pleased
quality, throughput time and costs, our expectations have even been
with the minimal set-up times.
far exceeded,” says Kleiner, summarizing his experience. “The dense-
They also benefit from the user-friendly operation of the entire system
phase technology is absolutely convincing for us in terms of application
via the colour touch screen of the PowderPilot® HD control system.
efficiency and coverage, and even when coating corners and recesses,
All parameters of both the powder application and the booth control
we achieve a superior coating quality.”
are displayed and controlled centrally using easy-to-read icons. For
Single coatings are usually applied to layer thicknesses between 60
different products and powder materials, numerous, highly adaptable
and 80 microns and achieves uniform high coating quality and film
programs can be stored so that processes leading to optimum
thickness without reworking. Particularly demanding enclosures,
coating results can be reproduced as desired. The system operator
such as parking meter machines, are double coated to withstand the
is supported in his work by step-by-step instructions, thus reducing
effects of weathering for a long period of time. Special coatings, such
intensive training phases to a minimum.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Nordson
The soft spray of the Encore HD powder coating system ensures maximum process control.
The result: unmatched coating quality and savings As expected, the company has also recorded a major time savings in terms of throughput times, “For the quantity of sheet metal and other parts that we now process in the course of a shift, we had to allow for around five days in the times of outsourced job coating - and we also had a great deal of logistical effort, which is now also eliminated,” says Kleiner. Since time is money, the managing director calculates that without any logistics adds up to monthly savings of around 10,000 euros. “As I said, we are currently still collecting data that we will systematically evaluate in the near future in order to incorporate the knowledge gained into the further optimization of our processes,” says Mr. Kleiner. It is quite possible that de Crignis will then make its knowledge available to external customers. “We cover our own requirements with our highly efficient system in singleshift operation. A second shift would create large capacities that we could offer to sheet metal processors in the region. The powder coating system would then add job coating to our portfolio”.
Sherwin-Williams Listed Within the Best 100 ESG Companies of 2021 IBD’s third annual list of best ESG companies doubles the number of businesses involved and places Sherwin-Williams third in the Industrials category.
nvestor’s Business Daily (IBD), the American website and magazine
into consideration environmental, social and corporate aspects.
specialising in equity markets, international business, economics
Because of Millennials, who do not accept dispensations on sustainable
and finance, publishes annually a list of the best ESG companies
policies anymore, and the increasing interest shown by investors in ESG
in the world. “ESG” is the acronym for “Environmental, Social,
issues, the list of companies with high sustainable performance has
Governance”. In the economic and financial sector, it indicates the
doubled in the space of a year.
companies dedicated to responsible investments that will allow to
The third annual list published by IBD increases the number of
pursue the typical objectives of financial management while also taking
companies from 50 to 100, dividing them into 9 categories:
© Adobe Stock
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
• Consumer Goods • Financials
Custom-built painting installations Macchine e impianti realizzati su misura
• Health Care • Industrials • Mining & Minerals • Retail • Services (Commercial, Retail)
Shot blasting booths Cabine di sabbiatura
• Technology • Transportation Microsoft was named the best ESG company, while SherwinWilliams, the US company specialising in the production, distribution and sale of paint products, ranked third in the Industrials category, after Linde and Xylem. “ESG turned a corner this year, with a wide range of companies
Washing tunnels Tunnel di lavaggio
adapting their practices in positive ways,” said Susan Warfel, managing editor of IBD. “This has been key to market health, as investors care more deeply than ever about social, environmental and governance issues. Many simply will not invest in companies that don’t align with their belief systems.” Liquid painting installations
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Nissan Optimizes Paint Room Operations Edited by Graco Distribution BV Maasmechelen – Belgium
Graco’s ProMix PD2K helps Nissan St. Petersburg improve paint quality, increase efficiency, and reduce downtime.
n the northern outskirts of St. Petersburg, Russia, in the
changing the clear-coat painting line from one-component to two-
municipal settlement of Pargolovo, Nissan operates one of
component. Also called plural component paint, 2K involves a resin
its highest quality factories globally. Established in 2009 on
and a catalyst that are mixed together in a certain ratio to start a
an area of 60,000 square meters, 1,500 people work at the plant to produce the Nissan Qashqai, Nissan X-Trail and Nissan Murano. The
plant’s production capacity is 100,000 cars per year.
The benefits of 2K
Not surprisingly, top-quality paintwork is a priority.
Compared to single component paint, plural component paint
To raise the bar still further, Nissan decided to increase the durability
displays improved durability. It has a higher mechanical strength
of the paint applied to its cars in St. Petersburg. This involved
which allows it to withstand abusive conditions better than other
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
paints. It also has better chemical resistance, so can better withstand
In St. Petersburg, another challenge was that two different types of
exposure to a wide range of abrasive chemicals. 2K paint is therefore
clear coat had to be used on one line. At first sight this might not seem
being increasingly applied by automotive manufacturers.
problematic, but remember that the cars are constantly moving along
Plural component paint demonstrates increased flexibility. This means
the conveyor line; the right paint must be ready instantaneously when
that painted polymeric substrates such as a car bumper are less likely
needed. A further potential bottleneck in the process is that although
to crack on impact. Another benefit is that less energy is required to
most of the painting is done by robots, the door openings and trunk of
cure the paint. Ovens can therefore be run at lower temperatures,
each car are painted manually.
which reduces cost. Faster cure times are possible with plural
Furthermore, management at St. Petersburg was keen to reduce the
component paints, and curing is much easier to control.
effect of the production process on the environment. VOC emissions as
Increasingly important these days, especially with companies keen
well as paint waste had to be reduced to the absolute minimum.
to enhance their green credentials, are the environmental benefits of plural component paint due to lower VOC’s because there’s no
Call in the paint-shop experts
necessity to evaporate solvent. Finally, plural component paints can
To get some help navigating through these often conflicting
have a higher solid content, which leads to better surface coverage.
requirements, Nissan sought the advice of paint-shop specialists from
The challenges of 2K
Graco. After visiting the factory and talking with management and engineers, Graco’s specialists went away to work out what was the
However, 2K isn’t free from its challenges. The 2K mixing process
best equipment and configuration to use for the task at hand. They
requires constant monitoring. Moreover, to ensure the specified
recommended the Graco ProMix PD2K, the company’s most advanced
characteristics, the mixture must always be fresh.
2K mixing and spraying technology to date.
© Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
© Graco
© Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
A phase of the underbody automatic processing in the Nissan’s paint shop in St. Petersburg.
The Graco’s proportioner ProMix PD2K is provided with electrically powered and controlled positive displacement dosing pumps.
Opening photo: the top-quality paintwork is one of the priorities of the Nissan automotive manufacturer. In the Nissan’s plant in St. Petersburg (Russia) the Nissan Qashqai, Nissan X-Trail and Nissan Murano models are manufactured.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Graco’s 2K proportioner ProMix PD2K is based on unique technology of electrically powered and controlled positive displacement dosing pumps. The use of 100% positive displacement technology allows accurate mix ratios (within 1%) and consistent performance. It’s particularly ideal for short pot life materials, as the ProMix PD2K mixes the material close to the gun so the flush zone is significantly smaller. This allows for faster colour changes, less material usage, © Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
and reduced disposal costs. In fact up to 80% reduction in flushing waste is possible compared to the most efficient traditional proportioning systems. It also stalls under pressure for consistent, on-ratio results, and is field serviceable in less than 20 minutes, which means there’s no need for costly factory rebuilds like gear pumps.
Complete control with minimal waste One of the key reasons why Graco recommended PD2K is its inherent modularity. This allows it to be configured – or even customized – directly to meet the specific requirements of the application. In this case, the unit was equipped with four dosing pumps controlled by one control © Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
module. This approach made it possible to use two types of clear coat separately and independently from each other. As to implementation, the control panel of the unit and special flushing boxes are installed in the spray booth, where the spray gun is placed when it is not used by the operator or when it needs flushing.
From top to bottom: – Topcoat application. – The bodies exiting the paint shop. © Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
– The bumpers are coated in a different line.
Once the operator at the control panel asks for the material they
errors and sends reminders of planned maintenance.
want, it is ready to spray in less than 15 seconds. This has the
Despite the fact that the proposed configuration is intended for
significant advantage that the material does not have to be kept ready
manual operation, Nissan engineers immediately indicated the need
in a mixed state. As soon as the operator sees that he needs more
to connect the PD2K to the factory PLC to collect and analyse all
material, he simply presses a button on the remote control panel and
the data. This was implemented via a pre-selected communication
in a matter of seconds he can start painting.
protocol. As a result, plant management can receive complete
This has an important knock-on effect. As the material is mixed in
information about the mixing and painting process from a remote
the immediate vicinity of the spray gun, this reduces the quantity of
solvent required to flush the system, thereby reducing environmental
They can see in real time all the parameters used by the system, keep
emissions. And since the system automatically maintains the preset
records, and timely track and prevent possible errors.
paint pressure, it is possible to reduce paint waste during the painting
That’s not all. To ensure consistently high mixing quality and trouble-
free operation, the Graco PD2K system regularly self-diagnoses
Data logging reduces maintenance
for problems, and immediately notifies personnel if any action is necessary. Finally, customizable maintenance notifications improve
The benefits of the PD2K extend long after the paint has dried. During
the efficiency of regular service and avoid unexpected downtime.
its operation, the Graco system collects and stores a wealth of data on
All in all, Nissan management is delighted with the significant benefits
the material used.
of higher paint quality, improved operational efficiency, reduced
It links paint usage to specific operators, and monitors all events
maintenance, and less waste thanks to the implementation of the
that occur during the mixing process. It logs and reports operational
Graco PD2K at the St. Petersburg factory.
Adapta’s Granite Vivendi Collection: Super-Durable Powder Coatings for Architectural Aluminium Imitating Natural Stone. The Sustainable Alternative for the Architecture of the Future Alessia Venturi ipcm®
ranite is one of the most abundant
certainly the best known among those
on the September1 issue of ipcm®, a second
types of rock on the earth’s surface.
offered by the powder coating industry to
series developed by Adapta Color in 2020 and
A natural stone, its name describes
produce aluminium profiles – also widely
launched in January 2021 stands out in the
its particular structure made of medium to
preferred by the modern construction sector
range of aluminium finishes imitating natural
large grains. Mostly consisting of feldspar,
to less sustainable and more laboriously
stone: it is the Granite Vivendi Collection,
quartz, and mica, its colour is highly variable:
and frequently maintained wooden profiles
made up of 36 finishes that evoke the effects
white, yellow, pink, red, brown, and green.
– recalling the warm effect of the natural
of granite stone in all its shades of colour and
Because of its beauty, scratch resistance, and
texture of real wood. However, over the last
grain size.
intrinsic hardness, granite has always found
ten years, companies have created many new
wide application in architecture and design:
finishes with nature-inspired effects. One of
from washbasin tops and kitchen countertops
the most active and capable of developing
to windowsills, door and gate thresholds,
truly evocative colour ranges is Adapta Color
The world’s most famous peaks to evoke the finishes of the Granite Collection
fireplaces, and even street furniture and
(Peñiscola, Castellón, Spain). After the Patina®
From beiges, creams, and greiges with a fine
Ceramic Collection, which was presented
grain and rough feel to solid greys and warm
For some time now, however, all these sectors
browns with a dense texture, from metallic
have been gradually moving
shades where the granite
towards the adoption of
effect is barely noticeable as
more sustainable materials,
it blends with the metallic
which are lightweight, anti-
particles and the effect
seismic, and recyclable
is velvety to the touch to
and whose life cycle has
colours with a smooth finish,
a lower environmental
all the shades included in
impact. These materials, of
the Granite Collection are
which aluminium is the best
inspired by the world’s most
known, can be ennobled with
famous mountain peaks. This
finishes that imitate natural
creates a journey that crosses
materials, so as to combine
the American continent
an already well-known and appreciated aesthetic effect alternative materials. Wood-effect finishes are
A. Venturi, Patina® Ceramic Collection: Adapta’s Dreamlike Journey Along the Colours of the Silk Road”, ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 71, Vol. XII, September-October 2021.
with the modernity offered by © Adapta
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Your Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge
© Adapta
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Simple Principle from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru to Georgia,
to natural granite stone. The powders in this range
Canada, and Alaska; the Asian continent between
are available in various gloss levels, finishes, and
China and Nepal, Pakistan and India; Africa, with
colours, with the possibility to create custom-
the peaks of Kenya, Tanzania, and Congo; and the
colour formulations. They have been formulated
European continent between Russia and Turkey.
with the Vivendi SDS technology, which guarantees
The world’s 8000-meter peaks well represent the
excellent outdoor durability together with high gloss
shades of beige, cream, warm white, and greige
retention and colour stability. Every paint, from all
through to brown and taupe. The Latin American
Adapta collections, formulated with the Vivendi SDS
peaks inspire the whole range of reddish browns and
technology meets or exceeds the requirements
burnt earths through to light and metallic greys. Cool
of international specifications for architectural
blues, blacks, greys, and browns recall the colours
aluminium, such as Qualicoat Class 2, GSB Master,
of the North American peaks, while darker shades
and AAMA 2604. In terms of corrosion resistance,
of brown, grey, and black are typical of African and
these coatings exceed 1000 hours in salt spray and
European mountains. A source of inspiration for
humidistat chambers, as well as 30 cycles without
architects and designers, the Granite Collection
blistering in Kesternich tests with SO2.
complements the Patina® Ceramic Collection and
The use of the Adapta Rustproof primer is
completes Adapta Color’s range of colours and
recommended to further increase the corrosion
finishes to imitate natural stone.
resistance of both aluminium and hot dip galvanised
Technical characteristics of the Granite Vivendi Collection powders
steel. The use of Adapta’s CR-0000 cleaning, removal, and maintenance solution is also highly recommended as part of an effective façade
Much like the Patina® Ceramic Collection, the Granite
maintenance programme, in line with the cleaning
Vivendi Collection consists of powder coatings
protocol or procedures outlined by Qualicoat
based on TGIC-free saturated polyester resins and
and the American Architectural Manufacturers
it has been developed as a sustainable alternative
Effective Result
Leading companies rely on vacuum distillation systems for the sustainable treatment of industrial wastewater. Do you want to benefit from a zero liquid discharge production with VACUDEST aswell?
n. 72
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro
rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber
celle filtranti per alte temperature
filtering cells for high temperatures
rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica accumulatore vernice “Columbus” filtri “Andreae” cartucce filtranti filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali
rolls and panels of synthetic fiber paint accumulator “Columbus” “Andreae” filters filtering cartridges absolute filters special application
FILTRO ALVEOLARE MAX PAINT distributori esclusivi per l’Italia
massima efficienza massimo accumulo di vernice massima durata
minori costi di smaltimento minori costi di manutenzione
L’esclusivo design alveolare permette di trattenere quantità di overspray notevolmente superiori rispetto ai filtri oggi in commercio
© Adobe Stock
40 44
Comer Industries: Innovative Industrial Choices with a View to Sustainability, Industry 4.0, and Coating Technologies Integrated in a High-Efficiency Plant
90 96 100
How to Eliminate a Bottleneck in the Two-Coat Powder Finishing of Heavy Machine Parts: Cassetto’s Experience
When Automatic Shot Blasting is a Recipe for Quality: Ideal System’s Automatic Mechanical Surface Preparation Line for Maximum Finishing Quality of Earthmoving Machinery Components
Emiliana Serbatoi’s New Water-Based Top Coat Halved Drying Times and Increased Production Throughput
A “Cartesian” Coating System and a New Pre-Treatment Process to Increase Corrosion Resistance Fivefold. Alpego: When Chemistry Matters.
Protect and Beautify Farm Machinery, a High-Tech Challenge
Dürr Builds Two Paint Shops for Sinotruk
Cranes with Perfect Surfaces
BRAND NEW INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Fully Automatic Coating System for Complex Gear Components
AkzoNobel’s White Paper on the Importance of Powder Coating for EVs
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Discovering Long-Term Rust Prevention for Automotive and Heavy Equipment Parts The VpCI®-369 and EcoLine® 3690 rust preventative products were developed by Cortec in order to supply automotive and heavy-equipment parts manufacturers with an innovative alternative to many common long-term rust preventatives on the market.
n the far-flung world of automotive and heavy-equipment parts suppliers, both short-term and long-term rust prevention is critical to prevent serious loss from rust claims.
Equally critical is finding a rust preventative that will be effective and easy enough to use. Cortec’s VpCI®-369 is one excellent option with widespread popularity. It has been found to be a convenient, superior alternative to many common long-term rust preventatives on the market. VpCI®-369 is an oil-based temporary coating that provides extreme corrosion protection in aggressive environments and is one of Cortec’s most-popular wet film corrosion inhibitors. It is an excellent option for protecting auto service parts and heavy equipment components before assembly. Since VpCI®369 is thixotropic, it can be mixed so that the product changes consistency to enhance sprayability for application with an airless sprayer. Once applied, it thickens so that it does not run off the metal. VpCI®-369 can be tinted to blue, green, or other © Cortec
custom colours if desired to help workers detect sufficient product coverage. Those working with military agencies can use VpCI®-369M as a MIL-spec version that conforms to MIL-PRF16173E (Grade 2). VpCI®-369 is a great option for protecting bare, unpainted metal equipment parts that suppliers need to ship to the assembly plant. As a long-term rust preventative, it is also excellent for service parts or spares that will be laid aside for five or 10 years before they might be needed again (e.g., marine engine crankshafts). Because VpCI®-369 does not dry, it can be used as a dual lubricant and rust preventative for moving parts. It is much easier to remove than other coatings that dry to a waxlike texture. Hence, there are countless industrial components that can benefit from a light coating of VpCI®-369 for either short- or long-term rust prevention: • Crankshafts • Camshafts • Engine heads • Engine assemblies • Wheel assemblies
© Cortec
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
• Axles, and more.
Those interested in branching off into greater environmental responsibility while still achieving excellent corrosion protection may be interested in trying Cortec’s biobased version of VpCI®-369 rust preventative: EcoLine® 3690. EcoLine® 3690 has been approved for 10-year long-term storage protection of service parts for a major automaker. Based on canola oil, EcoLine® 3690 contains 72% USDA certified biobased content. It is ready to use and designed for protection in severe marine and high humidity conditions. Very similar to VpCI®-369, EcoLine® 3690 leaves behind an oily protective film that does not dry. Whether a supplier or assembly plant chooses VpCI®-369 or Cortec’s biobased version, EcoLine® 3690, users can rest assured knowing they are getting an outstanding long-term rust preventative alternative to other options on the market, with a history of prominent industry users. For further information:
© Cortec
Powder coating system • Economical entry into automatic coating • Optimized powder recovery with Energy Efficiency Package (EEP) • Fast color changes possible
• • • •
Intuitive operation via 7“ or 12“ touch display Fully integrated system control Excellent, reproducible coating quality Low space requirement
© Noah Buscher
Axalta Launches New Imron Industrial High-Performance Urethane DTM Primer Axalta has expanded its Imron Industrial portfolio with a new high-performance urethane direct-to-metal primer.
xalta announced the expansion of its US Imron Industrial
for applicators. “Our new primer technology increases spraying
Porfolio, with a sustainable, fast-cure, corrosion-resistant primer
productivity and improved application efficiency with its ability to use
for the agriculture, construction, and earthmoving equipment
one common activator for primer and topcoat applications,” said Dave
markets. The new product is a high-performance urethane (HPU)
Heflin, Vice President of General Industrial Americas at Axalta.
direct-to-metal (DTM) primer, which increases spraying efficiency while
“Combined with the long-term corrosion protection comparable to an
providing superior corrosion protection to its substrates.
epoxy, Imron Industrial HPU DTM primer showcases the added value
This technology offers corrosion protection typically observed with
and diversification of our Imron Industrial portfolio.”
epoxy primers as well as providing wet-on-wet topcoat application in as little as five minutes without sacrificing topcoat gloss. In addition, the versatility of the urethane primer uses one common activator for
For further information:
primer and a urethane topcoat, which simplifies the coating process
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Co
Comer Industries is a global player in the sector of transmissions for agricultural and earthmoving machinery.
Comer Industries: Innovative Industrial Choices with a View to Sustainability, Industry 4.0, and Coating Technologies Integrated in a High-Efficiency Plant Alessia Venturi ipcm®
In the era of interconnectedness, global competition, and just-in-time production, the industry can only remain competitive if it continuously innovates. The successful combination and integration of process engineering, product know-how, innovation, sustainability, quality, and efficiency were the winning factors that enabled the pool of Italian companies CMV, Verind, CMA, and Inver to meet the important requirements of sustainable industrialisation placed by Comer Industries, a global player in the sector of power transmissions for agricultural and earthmoving machinery, with the aim of enhancing the company’s technological competitiveness.
lant digitalisation is now standard for the surface technology
is a set of tools, machines, and equipment managed in an integrated
industry. The Industry 4.0 concepts are perfectly implemented
way and interconnected through a supervisory and control structure
in coating lines, allowing constant monitoring of operating
and through on-site sensors. What matters, therefore, is no longer just
parameters, complete traceability of products, and an ever-watchful
the digitalisation of the machines that make up the coating plant, but
eye on necessary maintenance. The latest lines installed, however, saw
rather their integration into a superior system that guarantees efficiency,
a positive move away from pure digitalisation, which is becoming just
operational and environmental sustainability, cost control, and material
one component of increasingly “smart” systems. A smart coating plant
flow efficiency.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
This fully reflects the characteristics of
including axles, wheeldrives, and planetary
© Comer Industries
the line implemented by Italian company
gearboxes for excavators and construction
Comer Industries in 2021 as part of a plan
and earthmoving machinery – each with its
to expand and completely reorganise
own painting line. This new, automotive-
its Reggiolo (Reggio Emilia, Italy) plant.
inspired production and logistics structure
Initially only devoted to the production of
has rationalised all spaces, doubling
components for the agricultural sector
the Reggiolo site from 20,000 to 40,000
and already the subject of an ipcm® report
m2. In addition, the new coating system
in 2015 , Comer Industries’ Reggiolo
enables us to coat components with a
production unit now also houses the firm’s
larger size and mass than before. We have
second painting line and the assembly department of components intended for
The Reggiolo plant of Comer Industries.
therefore taken the opportunity provided by our market’s needs to innovate on several fronts: structure, technology, and
the industrial sector. “Our company’s positive performance over the last few years has
brought with it the opportunity to expand the Reggiolo production site,
Comer Industries also places great importance on sustainability.
not only by installing a new coating line and some new assembly lines,
This is also evident in the layout of the factory, where a series of
but also by upgrading the existing ones and relocating all logistics to an
measures aimed at improving the internal working environment, such
external hub adjacent to the production facility, where assembly kits are
as microclimate control, correct lighting, and the presence of green
prepared and subsequently sent to the assembly lines,” says Silvestro
plants, dominated the technological and product choices underlying
Carlucci, the Manufacturing Engineering Director of Comer Industries.
the design of the new coating line. The same suppliers who had
“In this way, we have brought together in a single production unit our
been involved in the development of the first painting line installed
agricultural products’ flow, gearboxes, and our industrial products’ flow,
in Reggiolo co-engineered this new project. These were CMV, which
M. Fumagalli, “Mechatronics for a flexible and sustainable factory: challenges for an increase in energy efficiency and a reduction in lead times” on ipcm® no. 35, Vol. VI, September/October 2015, pages 78-86.
took the prime-contractor role and designed and installed the plant, complete with a Power&Free conveyor, a pre-treatment system, drying and baking ovens, coating booths, a complete electric and softwares
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Frontal view of the new liquid painting installation designed and installed by CMV of Pesaro.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
systems; Verind, belonging to international group Dürr, which designed the paint management and application systems; CMA Robotics, which focussed on paint application automation with its articulated robots; and Inver, belonging to multinational company Sherwin-Williams, which supplied the water-based paint products, i.e. primers and top coats, and designed a coating system similar to the one used on the alreadyexisting line. “We asked our suppliers for an approach inspired by the concepts of Industry 4.0, but with an even deeper integration than before: indeed, our new coating plant is fully interfaced with the factory logistics systems through specially developed software. We also put a lot of emphasis © ipcm
on robotics, automation, process traceability, and Human-Machine Interaction, with an approach inspired by the technologies we use on our assembly lines, where the machines suggest a series of checks that the line operator must complete to ensure that the component can move forward,” indicates Carlucci. “Finally, as regards environmental friendliness and energy efficiency, we have equipped all our plants with software for monitoring energy consumption in order to eliminate waste and, at the same time, make the most of the renewable energy self-produced by the photovoltaic systems installed at Comer Industrie’s sites.”
An innovative, increasingly green coating system Verind’s Industry Sector Sales Manager, Alessandro Soba, comments: “Every day, the industry is confronted with issues concerning shapes, surfaces, materials, and design on the one hand and productivity, cost © ipcm
optimisation, the environment, innovative technologies, and safety on the other hand. This mix contributes to a technological vision that integrates into production processes where excellent surface finishes are required as well as coatings with high protective and anti-corrosion performance.” The main objectives pursued by the Comer Industries team in the design of the new industrial coating plant were as follows: • Designing a coating system managed according to the concepts of digitalisation, with control logics and integrated automation towards robot stations; • Guaranteeing the best surface finishes, with the management of the various 2K coatings and of the whole process entrusted to specific automation systems – Application & Robots; • Monitoring all productivity/consumption information and any deviations from the set standard in order to take corrective action; • Ensuring savings on paints and cleaning products for colour changing
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From top to bottom:
operations; • Developing a remote service with predictive maintenance and remote assistance actions;
- The control unit of the CMV painting installation.
• Meeting the highest quality standards required by customer
- An axel to be painted hanged to the power&free conveyor.
specifications in terms of product application and resistance to
- One of the two paint mixing rooms equipped with Dürr pumping and electronic dosing system.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The new industrial plant The installation of the new coating plant at the Comer Industries’ premises started in February 2021 and it was completed in October with the product approval phase. The system was conceived to coat parts from Comer’s industrial range. The CMV-designed plant, which is the counterpart of the one supplied in 2015, occupies an area of 1200 m2 and it is equipped with a two-rail conveyor and loading and unloading overhead cranes to help line operators. It can coat up to 200 different parts with a fully water-based system. “Given our specialisation and experience in water-soluble coatings, the new plant in Reggiolo was built with our constant support in defining the layout,” notes Giuliano Grandi, Area Manager at Inver and the Comer Industries customer manager. “The line uses a high-performance, two-component, water-based system that includes
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The pre-treatment tunnel.
the Idroxinver Extra epoxy primer in 4 colours and the Inverpur
technicians carried out a set of salt spray tests that approved the
polyurethane top coat in 25 colours. These did not require any
pre-treatment cycle for a resistance degree meeting the products’
customisation, as they are suitable and widely used in numerous high-
specifications. “The pre-treatment tunnel is controlled by a PLC
level plants such as Comer’s.”
that monitors concentrations and operating parameters, manages
The pre-treatment tunnel was designed and manufatured by CMV
automatic backwashing operations, and signals any deviations from
to perform a 4-stage cycle with Chemetall chemicals, including
pre-set standards via SMS,” explains Saimon Frati, the owner of CMV
phospho-degreasing, first rinse with mains water, second rinse with
(Pesaro, Italy). “The two coating booths are pressurised and supplied
demineralised water, and application of the Oxsilan nanotechnology
with conditioned air that is treated with a triple dry filtration system
conversion product to increase paint adhesion and corrosion
(non-woven fabric, paint stop, and a synthetic filter for overspray)
resistance. Prior to the start-up of the new plant, Comer Industries’
serving both the suction and feeding pipes.”
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From top left clockwise: - Dürr EcoDose 2k control panels with PLC. - The EcoDose 2k dosing and mixing unit. - The pressurised coating booths and paint kitchen booths line up.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Each booth is equipped with a CMA GR 650 ST 6-axis painting robot, working in self-learning and point-to-point programming mode depending on requirements. A third blow-off robot was installed between the pre-treatment and drying stations. “The coating process required of this plant is complex and articulated, given the significant number of variables involved,” states Giovanni Benevelli, Area Sales Manager at Verind. “Joint and coordinated work with the other suppliers has ensured the development of innovative and industrially sustainable solutions, meeting the fundamental requirements of the market: environmental friendliness and safety in the working environment, limitation of transformation costs, high product quality, and digitalisation. For Comer Industries, we have developed a flexible and modular system that combines electrostatic application (through servo-assisted airless guns with an atomising air pressure of 1 bar and a threshold of 10 to 50 kilovolts) with an automatic electronic 2K paint dosing and mixing system (with fibre
optic flow meter technology), the remote-control version of the EcoDose2k device. “The main technical performance values are as follows: • 1:1 to 30:1 stoichiometric catalysis ratio • possibility to store over 1024 treatment programs • dosing tolerance of less than 1% • Direct Injection Technology (D.I.T.) for dosage with two channels (A and B) and separate cleaning circuits: • modular and expandable automatic colour change system for paints and catalysts • advanced management of the pot-life and pot-time parameters (i.e. status control of the pre-mixed paint in the pipes before reaching the automatic gun) • closed-loop flow control • local and remote function control.”
Industry 4.0 The most significant objective achieved by Comer Industries with the installation of this coating line is the level of integration reached: thanks to a major co-engineering effort, industrial systems from three different suppliers can work, dialogue, and interface perfectly to guarantee high production reliability. “On this line, we went even further in terms of plant integration,” states Silvestro Carlucci from Comer Industries. “We developed an MES that automatically sends orders to the plant, which in turn loads the programs to be performed. In this way, we can take the Human-Machine collaboration to an even higher level. We offer smart videos on each workstation that suggest SOPs (Standard Operational Procedures) to the operators to carry out any non-automated steps while maintaining high quality and productivity standards. Digital selfcontrol sheets will also be integrated for full process traceability.” “The plant is interconnected with the factory’s logistics systems, in
MATE-XT is the exoskeleton that brings the qualities of MATE to an eXTreme level. The new MATE-XT is the latest version of the Comau exoskeleton that has been vastly improved, taking its benefits to the next level and adding important new features. Resistant to water, dust, UV rays and high temperatures, it is ideal for applications in difficult environments.. MATE-XT is easy to put on, easy to adjust and easy to use, ensuring the worker: • Reduction of muscle fatigue • Improved posture and comfort MATE-XT è l’esoscheletro che porta le qualità di MATE ad un livello eXTreme. Il•nuovo MATE-XT è l’ultima Comau che è stato estremamente Reduction of versione risk dell’esoscheletro from biomechanical overload migliorato, portando i suoi vantaggi a un livello superiore e aggiungendo nuove importanti funzionalità. certified with EAWS methodology Resistente all’acqua, alla polvere, ai raggi UV e ad alte temperature è ideale per applicazioni Better quality of work in•ambienti difficili. MATE-XT è facile da indossare, facile da regolare e facile da usare, garantendo al lavoratore:
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Each booth is equipped with a CMA GR 650 ST 6-axis painting robot.
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The control desk of the CMA articulated robot.
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Finished axels arriving at the unloading area.
From the left Alessandro Soba and Giovanni Benevelli of Verind, Silvestro Carlucci and Federico Ferrario of Comer Industries and Saimon Frati of CMV.
particular with the SAP MII (Manufacturing Intelligence & Integration)
“The major automation effort we asked CMA and Verind to make in
tool, which connects to the system and sends all the order details to
relation to the robots’ self-programming phase involved the possibility of
the CMV PLC during loading,” says Federico Ferrario, a Manufacturing
switching electrostatics on and off or modulating their power at certain
Engineering Specialist at Comer Industries. “The PLC managing the
stages of the coating process to reduce overspray even further,” adds
CMV-designed plant, which is the line master, provides the CMA and
Ferrario. “With the robots of our first line, electrostatic application is
Verind slave PLCs with the right painting recipe depending on the
always on or always off, but that would have been a limitation due to
component in the booth. On the other hand, the SAP MII tool collects
the particular geometry of the components treated on this second line.
information on each order’s status, including paint consumption
CMA’s solution now enables us to make an even smaller impact on the
statistics per application station from Verind’s equipment and spraying
environment by avoiding paint waste and improving our results’ quality
cycle times from CMA’s robots. All these parameters are essential for
level, especially in terms of paint application consistency.”
process optimisation, traceability, quality, and waste reduction.”
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
How to Eliminate a Bottleneck in the Two-Coat Powder Finishing of Heavy Machine Parts: Cassetto’s Experience Alessia Venturi ipcm®
When the finishing requirement for its agricultural and construction machinery components changed from a one-coat to a two-coat powder system, Cassetto Srl, an Italian supplier of components to major companies in the ACE sector, acted on two fronts to avoid creating a bottleneck. It upgraded its powder application equipment and it integrated Infragas Srl’s catalytic IR technology to gel the first layer before applying the second coat.
hen times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge.”
This quote from American entrepreneur, writer, and businessman Robert Kiyosaki perfectly reflects the history of Cassetto Srl over the last decade. Based in Lugnacco (Turin, Italy), this company traces its roots back to 1966, when it was founded as a workshop producing frames for galvanic plants. At the beginning of the 1980s, the desire to expand progressively led Cassetto Srl to enlarge its factory and implement new processes such as laser cutting, bending, and punching with numerically controlled machines. Such transition from an artisan to an industrial business laid the foundations for the firm’s future.
The panels manufactured by Infragas Srl.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
The actual turning point came twenty-
of the workforce at the Lugnacco plant
five years ago, when it crossed paths
to over seventy employees. “One of
with Caterpillar, the world’s leading
the things we focus on, and of which
manufacturer of construction and mining
I am very proud, is the significant
equipment, with whom a partnership
generational growth within our staff.
was established that grew so much
We have both experienced employees
so that, in 2014, Cassetto began to
who have been with us for over twenty
work exclusively for this American
years and new, very young employees
who we are improving their skills with us, but above all we are seeing roles
In 2016, when Caterpillar decided to rationalise its sites and close one of the factories that Cassetto had been supplying for some time, the Turin-based
© ipcm
From left to right: Andrea Spinelli, Gianfranco Calabrese, and Francesca Marabotti.
being passed on from father to son,” adds Calabrese. “Now, Cassetto is a major supplier to leading companies in the ACE sector such as Caterpillar, CNH,
company suffered a bigger crisis than the one that had just passed in 2009. However, it is in moments like these
Liebherr, Manitou, Mecalac, and Merlo. Our target market is that of
that true entrepreneurs unleash their skills: in 2017, Cassetto decided
agricultural, earthmoving, and road paving machinery. We have greatly
to change its industrial target. “We have embarked on a completely new
expanded our production range, focussing on machine components
path, which has led us to a different customer base from the previous
and avoiding bodywork or large parts, which are not in our industrial
one, although still concentrated in a particular industrial sector,” states
DNA. Our manufacturing process is complete, from 2D-cutting sheet
Gianfranco Calabrese, the Plant Director of Cassetto Srl. “As a result,
metal to selling assembled and coated workpieces to customers. For
we have experienced very significant growth. This has entailed a series
each machine, we produce several hundred components, all of which
of strategic changes involving all areas of our company, from logistics
are welded or bent metal parts.
to technology, with substantial investment in new machinery and
“We have equipped ourselves with a station including numerically
production equipment.”
controlled machining centres to meet customisation requirements and
Such progress was crowned by an increase in turnover and the doubling
we have adopted management software that takes care of the entire
© ipcm
The coating plant.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
manufacturing process, from acquisition of the raw material to delivery
solvent-based liquid systems, which were later replaced by water-
of the end parts. We work with external partners for the galvanising
based ones. It was in 2014, with the advent of Caterpillar, that we
operations, but we have chosen to manage the coating process in-
switched to powder finishing and converted our existing water-based
house. This accounts for just over half of our production, the remainder
paint line into a powder application one – first with one booth and
being sold raw to customers.”
then with two, applying black and yellow, respectively. The latest step
Coating: a very important sales lever
was the implementation of a two-coat powder system to meet the growing demand for this technology, able to give a more durable finish
“For Cassetto, finishes have a mainly functional purpose, protecting
to components,” explains Gianfranco Calabrese. “It was a challenging
components and extending their service life,” states Purchasing
transition, which meant we had to upgrade our plant to maintain high
Manager Andrea Spinelli. “However, the expansion of our product range
productivity and coating quality degrees. LEM Impianti Srl managed the
has also increased the number of colours we apply from our classic
line upgrade. After analysing our new work cycle, they introduced us to
3 (black, yellow, and grey) to around 15. While acting as an important
Infragas Srl (Mappano, Turin), which worked four-handedly in synergy
market lever, this choice of aesthetic customisation has brought a
with the manufacturer and helped us remove the bottleneck that had
number of critical issues to manage, such as the timing of colour
been created in the coating phase and that was slowing down our
change operations and the optimisation of work shifts. In addition to
entire production process.”
these requirements, we also switched from a one-coat to a two-coat
“The problem was that, in the absence of a suitable coating plant, after
powder coating system (epoxy primer + polyester top coat) in order to
the application of the epoxy primer the parts had to move around the
increase our components’ outdoor durability and corrosion resistance.”
entire chain to reach the curing area, then returned to the same booth
The evolution of coating systems and a few necessary plant upgrades
to apply the polyester top coat, and finally went back to the oven for the final curing stage,” explains Spinelli. “Productivity was practically halved, even when one of the two booths was assigned solely to
Cassetto’s path in coating faithfully reflects the evolution of finishing in
primer application and the other to top coat application. This, in turn,
the ACE sector over the last twenty years. “We started with conventional
forced us to manage all colour change operations on an outdated
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Workpieces entering one of the powder application booths.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The powder centre.
booth. With the advent of new customers and new colours, even this solution was no longer manageable. The first step, therefore, was to dismantle our old application booths in favour of two new fibreglass booths with a semi-automated colour change process, which we are now able to complete in an average time of 7 minutes.” “In order to overcome the bottleneck that had reduced our productivity by 50%, together with the manufacturer we decided to integrate a tunnel with gas catalytic infrared panels provided by Infragas Srl, which gels and pre-cures the primer and prevents the parts from having to move around the chain twice,” says Calabrese. “With LEM and Infragas, we carried out various tests and analysed our production dynamics in detail. We then concluded that a 1.5-metre IR tunnel was the right choice for our needs. Infragas also tested different temperatures in order to find the ideal one for gelling our epoxy primer. At the end of such research process, we started up our IR tunnel, which now enables us to paint our products with two coats of powder in a single run while, at the same time, providing durable products that can pass the stringent cyclic corrosion tests of the American standard ASTM D1654.” “As the parts leave the IR tunnel at a temperature of almost 150 °C, in order to cool them down before the application of the polyester top coat, Infragas and LEM suggested we install a series of fans at
The ultimate coating solution for large parts
MagicCompact® EquiFlow® XXL
- Color change friendly solution for the coating of big parts - Superior EquiFlow technology - Perfect coating conditions inside the booth - Flexible design concept for any customized solution - Perfect integration with 3D Dynamic Contour Detections © ipcm
The gelling oven has a length of 150 cm. Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486 F +39 02 48 400 874
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The gas catalytic panels of the primer gelling oven.
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After pre-curing with IR, the parts pass through the cooling zone before entering the booth for the application of the second coat.
Some components at the end of the coating cycle.
the exit of the tunnel itself, which lower their surface temperature to
on the powder coating to be cured, without stressing the component:
around 60 °C before they reach the entrance to the finishing booth,”
indeed, the radiation is completely absorbed by the organic material
adds Spinelli. “After application of the second layer, the coating process
and the treatment times are short to optimise the process and save
ends with the curing stage at 180/200 °C for 12 to 15 minutes.”
energy. The Infracat® 16.40 panels installed at Cassetto’s premises by
Infragas Srl has been manufacturing catalytic panels and gas radiant
manufacturer LEM Impianti, in particular, are 1000 mm x 400 mm in
systems for industrial ovens since 1971. Its main strength is its R&D
laboratory, where it tests the most suitable plant solutions for each requirement together with customers.
Future projects
“We supplied Cassetto with static infrared panels, called Infracat
“The installation of the tunnel with Infracat® infrared panels has
to emphasise the combination of INFRAred energy and CATalytic
enabled us to maintain the same coating times as we had before
technology and characterised by a surface temperature that can
we started using a two-coat powder system,” comments Gianfranco
be adjusted from 180 to 550 °C,” explains Francesca Marabotti, the
Calabrese. “Our future goal is to further expand both our clientele and
Marketing Manager of Infragas.
our product range. Today, however, we are still in the consolidation
“With the catalytic technology, the gas is converted into infrared energy
phase of what we have achieved so far: we aim at concluding it in 2023,
without developing flame. The Infracat® panels allow IR irradiation with
when we intend to be efficient enough to trigger a development phase.
a medium to long wavelength, between 2 and 10 microns. The infrared
The investment in our coating plant and the optimisation achieved with
rays are concentrated on the surface of the exposed workpiece, i.e.
Infragas’ technology have been a significant step in this direction.”
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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When Automatic Shot Blasting is a Recipe for Quality: Ideal System’s Automatic Mechanical Surface Preparation Line for Maximum Finishing Quality of Earthmoving Machinery Components Alessia Venturi ipcm®
In order to increase productivity by eliminating a bottleneck upstream of its painting process, but above all to improve the quality degree of its coating systems – combining cataphoresis and powder primers and top coats – Ideal System (Gambettola, Italy) has created an independent, automatic mechanical surface preparation line. This includes a new-generation, automatic tunnel shot blasting machine supplied by OMSG (Villa Cortese, Italy) and a manual sandblasting and blow-off chamber, connected by a Power&Free conveyor designed by Futura Convogliatori Aerei (Robecco Pavese, Italy) with a 2.5 tonne capacity. The result? The removal of the production bottleneck and the achievement of smooth, pit-free surfaces that guarantee excellent coating film distension.
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Ideal System has specialised in the one, two, and three-coat finishing of components for heavy and construction machinery.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
includes micro, small, and medium-sized companies with very
History and evolution of one of Italy’s largest contractors
different specialisations in terms of processes, products, and
This company was founded in 1989 by dynamic entrepreneur Marco
he Italian contract coating sector is a highly diverse market that
target industries.
Sfienti, its current owner, as a Technogym supplier. It has then grew
Unlike in other European markets, especially those of Central
rapidly, soon replacing liquid coating with the powder technology and
and Eastern Europe, in Italy there are only a few large, structured
implementing cataphoresis processes.
businesses that offer contract coating services alone. These are the
Since the beginning of its activity, Ideal System has provided not only
companies that were the first to focus on providing more than mere
high quality-coated products, but also complementary services, such
labour, by offering services for which they had developed technical
as pre-assembly and packaging of parts with their related assembly
skills, made continuous investments in technology, implemented highly
kits. In short, it can manage its customers’ entire orders.
automated procedures, and even experimented with and developed
Over the last ten years, at the same time, this company has never
processes capable of subverting traditional treatment technologies
ceased to evolve, gradually growing by upgrading its coating systems,
– for example, by replacing liquid with powder paints even in those
offering new services, and even expanding its factory. What has
markets where it seemed they could have never taken hold.
determined its success, however, is its passion and will to experiment
In other words, these firms have become not only market but also
with new processes towards a goal shared by its whole staff, from
opinion leaders in the field of liquid and powder coating. One of them
managers to operators: guaranteeing a visible, tangible, measurable,
is Ideal System (Gambettola, Forlì-Cesena, Italy), already featured in an
and lasting quality level. Meanwhile, Ideal System’s core business
ipcm® report in 20161.
has moved from the finishing of sports equipment to that of heavy machinery. Currently, it treats large components, frames, rotating turrets, telescopic booms, and other parts of earthmoving and construction
Monica Fumagalli, “The Development Of Nanotechnology Processes: A Plus For Optimising Painting Cycles” in ipcm® 40, Vol. VII, July-August 2016
machines, which it paints with three different coating systems: two
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A general view of the new automatic mechanical surface preparation line.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
two-coat systems (epoxy primer + polyester powder top coat or cataphoresis + polyester top coat) and, for maximum outdoor durability, a three-coat system including cataphoresis, an epoxy primer, and a polyester top coat.
Surface preparation: the magic word for perfect coating It is obvious to anyone with a basic knowledge of industrial finishing that, in order for complex coating cycles such as those used by Ideal System to be of high quality and resistant, surface preparation is of the essence. This does not only ensure excellent adhesion and durability of the coatings when subjected to mechanical and chemical stresses, but it also produces smooth, homogenous, and glossy finishes. © ipcm
In fact, such aesthetic features are now also a must in the off-road vehicle sector. Ideal System’s latest technological investment was aimed at maximising quality precisely in this area: an automatic shot blasting and sandblasting line that treats every product to be painted before it reaches the chemical pre-treatment phase. “With the help of OMSG, which supplied us with a new automatic shot blasting machine, we have solved a major bottleneck,” explains Ideal System production manager Angelo Baldacci. “Today, the market demands mechanical surface preparation by shot blasting or sandblasting for all the components we are asked to coat. The old set-up of our mechanical preparation department, equipped with an old generation automatic hanger machine and a manual sandblasting chamber, did not allow us to meet such demand despite working in three shifts. Our coating plant often had to
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stop because it was not being adequately fed
The loading and unloading elevator of the Futura Power&Free conveyor connected to the shot blasting line (top photo). Within the OMSG machine and the blow-off chamber, the parts are handled by the Futura overhead Power&Free conveyor using the same load bars as the coating line’s conveyor.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
by the shot blasting department, which, on the contrary, was constantly overworked.” “Not to mention that the quality of our manual shot blasting operation was not
even remotely comparable to that offered by our new OMSG automatic tunnel machine with 12 direct drive turbines, in terms of both treatment uniformity and surface roughness,” adds Marco Sfienti. “In other words, such major investment has both increased our productivity and raised our treatment quality degree.”
The layout of the new mechanical surface preparation department With this investment, Ideal System did not just install a new automatic shot blast machine, but it rather created a truly independent and autonomous mechanical preparation line, which integrated all existing equipment with the new OMSG plant through a Futura Convogliatori Aerei tworail conveyor with a loading and unloading © ipcm
elevator. The line is structured as follows: • Power&Free conveyor with 5 loading units storage buffer with 3 spaces before the tunnel • shot blasting machine • manual sandblasting and blow-off chamber (created by upgrading the existing manual chamber) • hoist and tumble shot-blasting system. “With the creation of this department, separate but perfectly integrated with the coating plant’s flow, we have improved our product quality, our overall productivity, and even the quality of the operators’ work,” comments Angelo Baldacci. “This does not mean that we have replaced our workers or reduced our staff, but that our operators can now carry out cleaner and more comfortable operations.” “Two key aspects of increasing our powder
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finishing quality level were the improvement of metal surfaces after shot blasting, i.e. the creation of less rough and pitted surfaces, and the achievement of more complete and consistent treatment coverage,” notes Sfienti.
Hung workpieces entering the OMSG automatic tunnel shot blasting machine type TUNNELBLAST 1525/12 SP. OMSG’s 12-turbine machine is combined with a 20,000 m3/h self-cleaning filter and it has wear-resistant rubber slats at both the inlet and outlet to prevent metal abrasive from escaping.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
“Indeed, we have also seen a noticeable improvement in terms of film distension. Therefore, we are very pleased with the investment in our shot blasting department. OMSG’s machine is easy to use, effective and efficient, sturdy, and fully digitalised. The choice of the Futura Power&Free conveyor was a winning one as well, because it enabled us to replicate our coating line’s part coupling device, thus being able to use the same load bars. “We have maintained our existing manual chamber, of course after retrofitting it and integrating it on the line, to perform three operations: cleaning all parts by blow-off after the automatic shot blasting treatment, treating any oversized parts, and helping handle any maintenance-related downtime needed by the OMSG ‘s shot
© Focchi Spa
© ipcm
TIGER 075/70258 highest UV stability 4000 hours of weathering zero VOC emissions 96% recovery
Vespa Sabbiatrici’s manual blow-off and sandblasting chamber placed in line with the shot blasting machine.
blasting machine and the Futura’s conveyor” Stenti ends. In fact, we have made it automatic in its operation, as it receives all commands from the OMSG automatic shot blast machine. Finally, we have maintained the historic hoist and tumble shot blasting machine, which was installed in 2003, and treats all small parts that can be processed in groups.”
Features of the new automatic shot blasting machine OMSG supplied Ideal System with a tunnel shot blasting machine type TUNNELBLAST 1525/12 SP, with a maximum workpiece size of 1500 mm in width and 2500 mm in height. The plant is equipped with 12 7.5-kW turbines with one-disc
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Ideal System is currently testing the implementation of a pair of Lesta articulated robots on its powder coating booth.
impeller and self-locking vane insertion
more articulated robots supplied by Lesta.
This continues the powder application
The shot blasting machine is combined
automation project we have started a while
with a 20,000 m3/h self-cleaning filter with
ago by testing two opposing Lesta robots
24 antistatic polyester cartridges, which
on one of our two existing coating booths.
guarantee a maximum emission of less than
In future, each booth is going to feature one
5 mg/Nm3.
robot at the entrance and one at the exit,
The workpieces are moved inside the
with the aim of further improving the powder
machine by an overhead handling system
coating application. The first robot will carry
made by Futura. At both the entry and exit
out the initial 3D painting operation, then
of the shot blasting machine, wear-resistant
the 16 guns mounted on the reciprocators
rubber slats with a steel core prevent metal
will coat the parts’ entire exterior, and
abrasive from escaping. A Vespa Sabbiatrici
finally the second robot will carry out the
manual blow-off and touch-up booth is
post-retouching phase, while the manual
placed downstream of it. The whole flow is
workstation will be used mainly for quality
controlled by a PLC and the shot blasting
plant is Industry 4.0-ready.
“However, the most important news I want to
All turbines are controlled by individual
share with you is that Ideal System is going
inverters and special two-pneumatic piston
to expand to a new production plant, located
feed valves to guarantee as follows:
500 m from the current site, where we will
• avoiding possible deformation of the most
install a new powder coating plant. The
delicate parts;
semi-automatic line with manual application booths and a static oven will coat even
• if needed, reducing the grit’s impact on the workpieces (milder shot blasting);
© ipcm
larger parts, with masses of up to 3 tonnes, which we currently cannot treat because
saving energy.
our cataphoresis + powder coating line can
A bright future for Ideal System
handle a maximum of 50 parts weighing up
As mentioned at the beginning of this article,
to 2.5 tonnes,” announces Marco Sfienti.
Ideal System has never stopped evolving
“It will be an autonomous plant, which will
since 1989.
carry out a paint treatment from A to Z like
In fact, after the investment described
the current one, with its own shot blasting
here, two others are in the pipeline: one is
line, a chemical pre-treatment unit, and an
already underway and the second, much
independent application and curing area. We
larger one is due to be completed in 2023,
are very proud of this achievement, because
when ipcm® will visit Ideal System again.
it shows that what has always seemed
“The first investment will be completed
unfeasible, that is, powder coating parts
early next year,” says Marco Sfienti. “We
with such large masses, is actually a piece of
are building a new car park with 90 spaces
cake… if you know how to do it!”
and a new warehouse to have our loading and unloading yard finally cleared and made fully operational. With the second, most significant one, we will replace the current coating booth for applying the corrosion protection primer with a new full recovery one, which will be equipped with last-generation applicators, and four
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
In the operational configuration of the booth, the Lesta robot at the entrance will apply a layer of paint, which will then be completed by the automatic guns mounted on the reciprocators and touched up by the second Lesta robot at the exit.
Emiliana Serbatoi’s New Water-Based Top Coat Halved Drying Times and Increased Production Throughput Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Reducing the duration of coating processes is one of the most frequent requests received by paint manufacturers from applicators. Emiliana Serbatoi turned to Inver, belonging to multinational group Sherwin-Williams, for the development of INVERPUR/R, a water-based top coat capable of halving drying times even at room temperature and thus doubling its production capacity related to its world-famous tanks.
roduction times are among the biggest costs of a company.
that can reduce our products’ delivery times to increasingly demanding
Emiliana Serbatoi (Campogalliano, Modena, Italy), a company
local and international markets.” Moreover, in 2015, the firm switched
known globally for the production of tanks for the storage,
from solvent-based to water-based paints and, since then, the drying
transport, and dispensing of fuels and liquids in general for agricultural
times of its tanks have increased due to the inherent peculiarities of this
and industrial use. “This is why,” states Gian Lauro Morselli, the founder
particular coating technology. Based on a well-considered management
of the company in 1983 together with his father Giancarlo and its
decision aimed at sustainability, however, it chose not to install a drying
current president, “we are always on the lookout for innovative solutions
oven in its coating department, which would have certainly reduced
© Emiliana Serbatoi
One of the latest products made by Emiliana Serbatoi (Campogalliano, Modena) and coated with INVERPUR/R.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
processing times. As the President explains, “this would have had a significant evintonmental impact, in contradiction with the green principles that have always been pursued by Emiliana Serbatoi, which considers environmental friendliness a priority – as is also demonstrated by the recent installation of a photovoltaic system, aimed at meeting our company’s energy needs.” The company, on the other hand, chose to continue to believe in the ability of its water-based coatings’ supplier to find the right solution for its needs and, in the end, it did. INVERPUR/R, the top coat developed by Inver1’s laboratory during the pandemic, meets the demand of all those applicators that, like Emiliana Serbatoi, choose to let their products dry at ambient © ipcm
temperatures, which are not always optimal because they are difficult to control, thus avoiding the oven. Since the 1960s, when the path that would have led to the foundation of the company in 1983 began, “Emiliana Serbatoi has stood out for its non-conformist choices such as this one,” the president says, “which have led it to become an international benchmark” to the extent that it has been called upon by governments all over the world to offer its expertise in the development of regulations for the complex sector of the manufacture and securing of tanks for petroleum products and liquids in general.
Emiliana Serbatoi: from farmland to oil tankers Emiliana Serbatoi started its business with the construction of gravity tanks for diesel fuel (now no longer legally compliant) intended mainly for farms, quarries, and construction sites © ipcm
that needed fuel dispensers for their work vehicles in easily accessible areas. Hence, the urgent need to especially regulate the production of agricultural tanks, which at that time could reach a volume of up to 9,000 litres: the risk of accidents that would cause potential harm not only to people but also, in the event of a spill, to the soil and the surrounding environment was unacceptable. “Emiliana Serbatoi was the first company to obtain ministerial approval for its single-walled steel tanks equipped with a containment basin for the storage of diesel fuel,” says Paolo Cinquegrana from the firm’s marketing department. “These tanks were the initial core business of our company, which since then has also continued to collaborate with the Italian ministry of the interior first and then with foreign governments as well to make a technical contribution in the drafting of new environmental safety regulations.”
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From top to bottom: - Some tanks waiting for mechanical pre-treatment before painting. - Brushed tanks.
A brand of The Sherwin-Williams Company.
- The coating booth.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© Emiliana Serbatoi
© Emiliana Serbatoi
An INVERPUR/R top coat application phase.
In the 1990s, a new figure emerged in the agricultural sector, that of the
Emiliana Serbatoi was no longer able to cope with increased market
contractors who used their own machinery to work the fields to order.
demands. Therefore, we decided to insource some processes such as
“With this came the need to build transportable tanks that followed the
the construction of tank casings and to acquire another company in
contractors’ vehicles and were capable of safely transporting diesel fuel.
San Donà di Piave (Venice, Italy), which carried out the same production
In addition to our established line of storage tanks, we therefore started
as us and had an in-house coating department, but was no longer able
manufacturing transport tanks, which have in turn evolved into a series
to cope with manufacturing costs. We then decided to only perform
of plastic transportable tanks. Actually, polyethylene products now
our sheet metal processing operations there and close the paint shop,
account for 50% of our production, with sheet metal tanks accounting
in order to concentrate the finishing processes in Campogalliano
for the other 50%,” indicates Cinquegrana.
and thus have greater control over our coating quality, while avoiding
The company has now achieved an annual production of 18,000
unnecessary additional handling and, consequently, longer delivery
plastic transportable tanks made with 25 proprietary moulds and
times. This decision also led us to expand our product portfolio, which
4,500 iron tanks. It has also significantly diversified its target markets
now range from 50-litre to 80-m3 tanks, with no limit on customisation.”
beyond agriculture, which still remains among the priority sectors, to
The acquired Venice-based company took the name of Espa Enerlab
include the industries of construction, oil and gas – for example, it was
and it now manufactures finished tanks that it then sends to the
approached to supply a container station to be mounted on an oil
Campogalliano plant. “However, it is thanks to the experience that
tanker – automotive, transport, shipping, aviation, industrial equipment,
San Donà’s technical staff had in the field of painting that we heard
gardening, and food. “We have also developed a department devoted to
about Inver and its water-based paints for the first time,” adds Filippo
special tanks, particularly for the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors,
Cucchierato, the technical manager of Emiliana Serbatoi. “Before
for which we are receiving more and more requests,” notes Gian Lauro
employing these products into our coating process, we carried out
Morselli. “This is further proof that we are not afraid to go against the
a number of tests that gave very good quality results compared with
tide: our competitors are currently focusing on standardising their
the products we were using at the time and with which we were
production, while we are going in exactly the opposite direction with
experiencing durability problems. In fact, we needed paints that
our constant search for innovative products.”
would give the coatings a high degree of resistance not only against
The production structure In the second decade of the 2000s, the company revised its production structure. As Morselli explains, “with the Campogalliano site alone,
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the chemicals present in the fuels contained in our tanks, but also against the severe weather conditions to which our products are often subjected.”
Fast. Powerful. Consistent. © ipcm
Coated tanks in the drying phase.
The competitive edge provided by the fast-drying top coat Once the tanks reach the Campogalliano plant, they are degreased and mechanically pre-treated to remove any residues of dust and contaminants left by previous processes and then sent for painting. “In our manual coating booth, we use an airless gun to apply two coats of primer, also supplied by Inver: one on the most difficultto-reach areas such as welds and undercuts and one on the entire surface of the tank,” says Cucchierato. “The product is then left to dry at room temperature and, once dry, it receives a coat of INVERPUR/R, followed by drying in the booth at room temperature,
Become a winner with Atotech’s efficient paint removal processes Master Remover® 7000 paint removal process, together with Master Remover® ESPRIT integrated equipment, provides a powerful in house solution for powder paint removal.
Free of hazardous solvents
aided if necessary by mechanical ventilation. While the entire cycle used to take 48 hours, thanks to the coating developed by Inver it now takes just 24 hours, leaving the tank to dry overnight. We can thus cope with a high production rate of 15 to 25 tanks per day, with delivery times of 3 days. We apply different colours, but the predominant one is a green shade called “Emiliana” because it is the typical tint of our products: it accounts for 80% of the paints we use, whereas customised colours on request account for the rest. Inver’s cooperation has also proved to be optimal in the management of batches, from the largest ones to the smallest ones needed to meet the most particular requirements.”
Features of INVERPUR/R
• Fast powder paint removal • Simplified operation and control with Master Remover® ESPRIT plug and play equipment • Consistent performance, all day everyday • Efficient use of energy and space
“The top coat developed in our laboratory,” says Sherwin-Williams’ sales representative Michael Benedini, “is a water-based, twocomponent polyurethane acrylic resin. The main challenge faced Atotech Group
Table 1: INVERPUR/R speed of drying.
100 µM WFT (≈ 50 µM DFT) Drying conditions INVERPUR 25% 72870
INVERPUR/R 30% 40301
150 µM WFT (≈ 70 µM DFT)
40 °C
60 °C
40 °C
60 °C
Tack-free time
>8 h
>1 h
30 min
>8 h
>1 h
35 min
Dry-to-handle time
>8 h
>2 h
35 min
>8 h
>3 h
40 min
Tack-free time
20 min
10 min
3.5 h
20 min
10 min
Dry-to-handle time
30 min
10 min
4.5 h
50 min
15 min
© Emiliana Serbatoi
© ipcm
An example of a tank with customised colours.
Emiliana green is the most used tint.
when creating the most suitable coating system for Emiliana Serbatoi’s
fact that it stores in its warehouse the equivalent of the volume of
needs was its high quality standard, combined with its processing time
paints we need for one and a half months’ work is also indicative of
requirements to cope with peak production. We conceived a water-
our two-way, consolidated relationship of trust.”
based, two-component product that works perfectly both in optimal conditions such as those of a drying oven with pre-set temperature
parameters and in less than perfect conditions such as ambient ones.”
“INVERPUR/R’s development,” explains Cesare Bonora, the GI Italy
“Thanks to the development of INVERPUR/R,” emphasises the
area manager of Sherwin-Williams, “started in 2019 to respond to
Modenese company, whose headquarters are located just a stone’s
the market’s needs for optimisation of coating times and processes
throw from the A22 motorway exit, a genuine gateway to Europe,
following the switch from faster-drying solvent-based paints to water-
“we were able to increase production capacity without integrating a
based ones. Indeed, the limitation of this technology lied in its drying
drying oven, doubling shifts, or expanding our production space. We
time. Our R&D laboratory set out to researching new water-soluble,
appreciated the professionalism of Inver’s team in its consultancy
acrylic resins to develop this product, which, after being industrialised,
service and its willingness to carry out the many tests we needed.
has found one of its most successful applications in Emiliana Serbatoi.
We chose this supplier because of its large corporate structure
We have overcome one of the most difficult challenges: to create
that ensures an average daily production of 80,000 kg of paint, but
a top coat that, even in less than perfect ambient temperatures,
we would like to underline that we have never received a negative
guarantees drying characteristics comparable to those of conventional
response even when we ordered just a few cans of a tint. Lastly, the
technology. Objective achieved!”
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A “Cartesian” Coating System and a New Pre-Treatment Process to Increase Corrosion Resistance Fivefold. Alpego: When Chemistry Matters. Alessia Venturi ipcm®
Providing a coating with corrosion resistance properties is never a one-man show, but rather teamwork involving all the different elements that make up a painting process. Alpego Spa, a global leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery, is well aware of this. Its new pre-treatment cycle developed by ALIT Technologies with Alufinish products, combined with an unconventional coating line that is perfectly suited to its needs, has increased its products’ salt spray resistance fivefold.
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One of the agricultural machines included in Alpego’s range of products.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
he agricultural, construction, and construction machinery (ACE) sector is comparable to the automotive one in
terms of plant engineering, painting, outdoor resistance, and, last but not least, coating sustainability requirements. Not only does the heavy machinery and off-road vehicle market now demand finishes with a “bodywork” aesthetic quality degree comparable to those applied by automotive OEMs, but the issues of the durability and the mechanical, chemical, and corrosion resistance of coatings is also just as central as in the car industry. Although the coating departments typically set up in the two industries are not comparable, not least because in the ACE sector the metal masses involved are very large and therefore require very different plant arrangements than in a classic automotive paintshop, the issues of sustainability, energy efficiency, and the environmental impact of paint systems are
© ipcm
equally important. For both sectors, the key process for guaranteeing the durability of coatings is surface pre-treatment. Only a perfectly deoxidised, clean, passivated surface with the correct surface roughness value can guarantee excellent adhesion of the paint film and increase its resistance to corrosion. Clearly, once the ideal pre-treatment has been found, it must also be integrated in a process context where the coating products and their application are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible. Alpego Spa (Almisano, Vicenza, Italy) is a company aiming at optimising agricultural production with its machines by listening to the needs of a constantly evolving sector. Its experience in this respect is paradigmatic. After years of intensive study of all possible coating system solutions, which required seven visits to the PaintExpo trade fair in Germany and countless trips around Europe to analyse its competitors’ choices, Alpego spent four years planning its perfect painting
© ipcm
General view of the pre-treatment tunnel and the drying oven after the pre-treatment stage.
plant, which was finally completed in 2014.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© ipcm
Components of agricultural machinery being powder coated.
Its collaboration with Alit Technologies (San Bonifacio, Verona, Italy),
pickled sheets are purchased in Sweden, which is a leading producer
a supplier of pre-treatment products that is the Italian distributor of
in the sector, and the remaining 10% of purchased parts are made in
German Alufinish products, was strategic in achieving its corrosion
Germany and the United States.
resistance targets.
Since its foundation, Alpego has boasted constant growth in all
About Alpego
international markets, with double-digit increases in terms of both number of machines produced and turnover, reaching the threshold of
It is in the middle of the Veneto region, one of the richest and most
40 million Euros in 2021 with 190 employees.
industrialised areas in Italy, covered in vineyards and surrounded by the
Today, the company has three plants with a total area of 41,000 m2, of
splendid Dolomite Alps, that Alpego was founded in the 1980s as a small
which 15,000 are covered:
family business. It is still 100% owned by the Pegoraro family, now in its
• Almisano: the new headquarters since 2012, covering over 21,000
third generation. Flail mowers, subsoilers, tillers, rotary cultivators, seed
m2. It houses the administrative, technical, and sales offices, a large
drills, fertilisers, vineyard equipment, power harrows, and cultivators
assembly department, the coating line, a machine dispatch area, and a
make up the vast product range of Alpego, which manufactures 4000
spare parts warehouse.
machines a year.
• Gambellara: the company’s first headquarters, now housing a
All products continue to be conceived and designed in-house in
carpentry shop with advanced laser cutting systems, press brakes, and
order to maintain the complete know-how of each individual project.
welding robots.
The company always reinvests 4% of its turnover in research and
• Lonigo: an assembly service plant that was recently acquired in order
development and it has 40 active patents and trademarks. For the
to increase production capacity.
sake of quality and reliability, Alpego’s machines also continue to be
Alpego has a wide sales network consisting of numerous importers and
produced in-house or with the help of high quality Italian suppliers. 80%
dealers, as well as two European subsidiaries, Alpego France and Alpego
of the components purchased are produced in Italy, while high-strength
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The development of an unusual coating system
were collaborating with Alit Technologies, which
“Alpego has always coated its machines in-house,”
workpieces, mainly made of thick (8-10 mm) black
states Luciano Pegoraro, the current owner of
iron sheets, called for an aggressive pickling process
Alpego together with his brother Giovanni. “Painting
in order to obtain surfaces suitable for high quality
is too important to be assigned to an external
painting. The only alternative would have been to
supplier. At our original Gambellara site, we had a
combine chemical pre-treatment with a controlled
conventional liquid coating line with an overhead
shot blasting phase. However, once again, our line
conveyor, a classic “ring” with a phosphodegreasing
did not allow us to do that.”
and a drying station, two painting booths for primer
“Despite several adjustments to the pre-treatment
and top coat application, and a final baking oven.
cycle, with the coating products and plant conditions
We used to apply a high-solids coating system but,
of the time, we could not make Alpego’s products
although we complied with atmospheric emission
achieve a salt spray resistance value over 170 hours,”
limits, we wanted to switch to water-soluble
says Loris Rossi, the CEO of Alit Technologies, the
products. However, our plant’s design did not enable
Italian distributor of Alufinish products. “The pre-
us to do so. Too many parameters would have had
treatment tunnel presented a major problem of
to be monitored and adjusted to achieve high quality
rinsing water pollution and the quality of surface
coating results with water-soluble products: the
preparation could not be further improved without
process was incompatible with the installation itself.
modifying the plant.”
In addition, we needed to increase the corrosion
“Based on all these reasons, in the early 2000s we
resistance of our machines, as many of them were
decided that it was necessary to invest in a new
exported by sea. Already with that old plant, we
coating line,” adds Luciano Pegoraro. “However, I did
supplied us with phosphodegreasing products. Our
© ipcm
Finished components hanged onto the coating line designed by Tekimp of Castelfranco Veneto, Italy.
not want to install a traditional
with the selected
line with a two-rail conveyor
coatings, Alpego has
again. I found the layout of those
been able to achieve
lines too rigid for our production
a salt spray resistance
flow. Moreover, this type of plants
value of 500 to 700 hours
takes up too much space: in fact,
but, above all, it has
the first project submitted to us
achieved excellent quality
covered more than half of our
new Almisano plant.
“This was a great team
“We therefore decided on a
effort,” comments
clear change in several areas of
Luciano Pegoraro. “Alit
our production flow. First of all,
already made sure we
we changed our raw material:
achieved good pre-
from black iron, we switched
treatment results despite
to buying only pickled sheet
the difficult conditions of
metal, mainly from Sweden. Secondly, we implemented laser cutting operations on sheet metal in order to eliminate
© ipcm
Luciano Pegoraro (left) with Loris Rossi in front of several Alpego’s agricultural machines ready to be shipped all over the world.
the previous line: with the new plant, the results are top notch!”. “Alpego placed great trust
as much as possible the problem of oxidation on high thicknesses.
in Alit. We already had a good business relationship that had started
Thirdly, we specified a water-based coating system consisting of an
when working on the old line, also thanks to the proximity between
epoxy primer and a two-component acrylic top coat and we started
their factory and Alit’s,” says Loris Rossi. “Then, the four years spent
considering using powder coatings, which we then actually did. Finally,
on designing this plant were years of mutual technical growth and
at PaintExpo we were inspired to no longer design a ring system but a
exchange of knowledge and experience. Alit felt valued by Alpego and
line of stations, based on a concept that is completely different from
we worked closely to fine-tune all chemical aspects.”
conventional plants.”
“Although a few changes were made during the construction phase, the path mapped out in the design phase proved to be correct, in
Quintupling corrosion resistance with the right chemicals, applied with the right equipment
terms of both plant engineering and chemistry,” notes Pegoraro.
Tekimp (Treviso, Italy), part of Rimor Group, designed for Alpego a
A new, challenging scenario
compact, functional plant that Pegoraro defines as “Cartesian” and
Working with the new system entailed a total change of paradigm
storage buffer-free, to emphasise the absence of a classic conveyor
for Alpego, from painting complete machines to coating individual
in favour of a handling process using trolleys that take the workpieces
components. “Initially, the system seemed gigantic compared to
to the relevant treatment stations, following pre-set routes that
what we had before, so we had a few problems making it work well,”
are independent of each other. The plant also includes an in-line
indicates Pegoraro.
modular shot blasting machine, which performs fine shot blasting
“For the first four years, we only applied liquid coatings. Then, in 2018,
of high thickness (8-10 mm) parts. These components undergo two
we implemented a one-coat powder finishing process by installing
pre-treatment phases, first mechanical and then chemical with the
a Gema automatic booth, separating the components that could be
new Alufinish system, while thin sheet metal parts only undergo
powder coated from those that could not. The new painting line is
the chemical pre-treatment process. Each load bar can be assigned
very complex in terms of production scheduling software: start-up and
a different shot blasting grade. The Alufinish pre-treatment cycle
industrialisation were difficult. Now, almost eight years later, the plant’s
supplied by Alit Technologies includes a strongly alkaline degreasing
capacity is saturated and we would need a new one. Over the last
stage at 55 °C for 10 minutes, two rinses with mains water, a
few years, in addition to the painting plant, we have invested 7 million
nanotechnology passivation stage, a rinse with demineralised water,
Euros in Industry 4.0-oriented production machinery. Now, we are
and a drying stage. With this new pre-treatment process, combined
ready for new coating challenges!”
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Partners for the successful renovation, implementation and commissioning of your coating plant.
Revamping, implementation, renovation, modification, recovery, and relocation of painting installations professionality
Protect and Beautify Farm Machinery, a High-Tech Challenge Edited by SAMES KREMLIN Meylan – France
Agricultural machinery manufacturers design machines that are able to withstand the weather, chemical and mechanical aggression. Today, they must also offer paints with finishes as meticulous as those on cars. This dual challenge requires the use of high-tech application equipment.
ho would have thought that metallic paints would one day
Sales Director for Industry in France. “The acquisition of a piece of
make their appearance on agricultural machinery? But
agricultural machinery is an investment over several decades. The
that’s what we’re seeing now: light grey, anthracite grey and
quality of the finish is a guarantee of seriousness, a reassurance about
metallic red are being used on tractors and trailers, which can even be
the lifespan of the machine and ... a way of enjoying it, quite simply”.
customised. The shine of their painted surfaces is on a par with that of
These requirements led to the development of new references by paint
car bodies.
manufacturers who could not offer their usual products dedicated to
Combining durability and aesthetics, a challenge for paint manufacturers This quest for aesthetics also affects, to a lesser extent, combine harvesters, sprayers, soil preparation and planting equipment.
the automotive market. Indeed, the chemical composition would not have withstood the harsh life of the fields. They expanded their ranges for agricultural machinery by introducing metallic colours, mainly in the form of liquid paints.
Agricultural machinery has always been required to be robust and
Hardeners, zinc or titanium particles...
durable to withstand the sun, frost, rain, dust, shocks, vibrations,
However, the fundamentals of paints, those that ensure their durability,
chemical aggression and sometimes salt spray. Now they must also be
have not changed. These are mostly “two-component” paints. They
combine a base (for example, an epoxy if maximum durability is desired,
“It is understandable that farmers think like this”, says Gilles Valbrecq,
or a polyurethane for an impeccable finish) and a hardener. To reinforce
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the mechanical properties of the coating, microparticles of zinc or titanium are sometimes incorporated. This very specific market relies on application equipment that is just as specific. Their role is first to extract the products from their container, drum or barrel. It is then to mix and dose them, particularly for twocomponent base-hardeners. Finally, it is to spray them onto the parts, combining precision, productivity, homogeneity of thicknesses and colours, low environmental impact, etc. SAMES KREMLIN, one of the major players in this market, relies on
a wide range of proven technologies from other industrial sectors: automotive of course, but also construction, aeronautics, railways, furnitures, household appliances, etc.
From manual guns to automated industrial lines In the agricultural machinery segment, SAMES KREMLIN equips from small-scale trailer manufacturers to world-class companies. For the former, it supplies manual electrostatic spray guns for painting large flat parts with high productivity (Airmix® range) or parts with complex geometry where the smallest gap must be protected
with a complete service that includes system design manufacturing installation technical support chemicals
(Airspray range). In the latter case, it sets up particularly innovative industrial lines. One example is an automated installation in Northern Europe that applies powder paint to beet harvesters. It includes a conveyor belt, a powder booth, a powder conveying and recycling system, a colour change module, pre-touch and touch-up stations and an oven. “Such a line paints simple shaped parts at a very high rate,” says Christophe Denis-Bosio, Global Business Development Manager. “In addition, a part recognition and measurement system place the guns at the optimum distance, without human intervention”. Another example of a SAMES KREMLIN installation for the application of liquid paints is the four booths installed on platforms for the top-down treatment of large elements. From these gondolas, the operators monitor their movements as well as the complete control of the paint lines, without having to return to the ground.
Pumping, mixing, spraying, the key links in the paint chain To measure the high technical nature of the painting installations, it is best to describe their three main components: pumping, mixing and spraying. Bases and hardeners are transported from their original storage to
a mixer by pumps. The hardener must be kept away from humid environments; it would crystallize, attack the pump seals and clog the injectors. SAMES KREMLIN has eliminated this risk with its Flowmax® technology, which has been on the market for over 25 years in its range of pumps. A patented bellow completely isolates the hardener from the air. Via E. Torricelli, 79 - Z.I. Fossatone 40059 MEDICINA (BO) Tel +39 051 856263
The second step is the mixer where the base is combined with a hardener. Just like in the kitchen, the correct dosing of the ingredients and the quality of the mixing are decisive for the final result. The Cyclomix™ electronic dosing machine from SAMES KREMLIN meets these requirements. It prepares the required volume of paint in the right proportions. Compared to manual mixing, the advantages are major: repeatability of parameters, no risk of human error, and product losses reduced to a strict minimum. The resulting paint retains constant characteristics. This guarantees the stability of the colour and mechanical properties of the tractors or trailers that come off the line.
Paint droplets and grains charged at 80,000 volts
Finally, spraying uses electrostatic technology: the droplets or paint particles, electrically charged by a high-voltage unit that can reach 80,000 volts, are attracted to the metal parts to be coated and are deposited there. The resulting layer is more even than with a non-electrostatic hand gun, because the charged paint particles repel each other and do not clump together. Most of the paint ends up on the workpiece, without dispersing as it would with a compressed air spray gun. This “transfer rate” - as it is called - is a record 93% for the Nanogun Airmix® manual electrostatic spray gun from SAMES KREMLIN. This low product loss reduces costs, waste volumes and VOC emissions, which improves the environmental balance of the industrial tool. Sames Kremlin is also working on this
issue with installations for water-borne paints. “We have already equipped several customers. They generally apply a solvent-based primer for durability, followed by a waterbased topcoat,” concludes Gilles Valbrecq, Sales Director for Industry in France.
From top to bottom: - Application with manual electrostatic spray gun for painting large parts with Airmix® high productivity technology. - Automatic application of powder coatings. - Electrostatic application.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Dürr Builds Two Paint Shops for Sinotruk Dürr is currently building two state-of-the-art paint shops in China for manufacturer of heavy trucks, Sinotruk.
© Dürr
ürr is building two paint shops in Laiwu and Zhangqiu, in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong, for the manufacturer of heavy trucks, Sinotruk. The paint shops, equipped with
state-of-the-art technology, will be used to coat Sinotruk subsidiaries Ji’nan Truck and Ji’nan Commercial Vehicle’s truck cabs and pickups, including flagship brands such as Yellow River, SITRAK, and HOWO, with which Sinotruk aims to enter the league of world-class manufacturers. The Sinotruk plants are scheduled to start production in 2021 and 2022, respectively.
Flexible conveyor technology with AGVs At Sinotruk, Dürr’s automated guided vehicles (AGVs) will transport truck cabs for the first time. In order to move the heavy loads, the EcoProFleet has been designed
© Dürr
with an unladen weight of 850 kg in good proportion with the maximum load capacity of 1,000 kg. The fleet is intelligently controlled by the DXQcontrol software, making sure that all AGVs execute their transport assignments and are permanently on the move. The energy concept with supercap technology also contributes: AGVs are charged within just 1.5 minutes, and at charging points where the AGV is stationary anyway for picking up or setting down the bodies.
The coating process The Sinotruk paint shops feature the RoDip rotational dip process, which provides the optimal prerequisites for subsequent processes. The electric variant RoDip E permits individual dip curves for pretreatment (PT) and cathodic electrocoating (EC), which optimize the coating quality when dealing with different cab models. With this method, each cab is transported through the complete PT and
© Dürr
EC process using a freely programmable trolley. Each trolley has a conveying drive and a rotating drive, which enable horizontal and rotating movements to be controlled independently of each other for each cab. The immersion tanks for the rotational process are smaller than with a traditional pendulum conveyor, which means that less energy and chemicals are required, saving resources and reducing operating costs. In each of the two paint shops, two EcoRS sealing robots seal the inner seams and another two apply liquid sound deadener in a fully automatic process. The base coat and clear coat in each paint shop are applied by 19 of the latest generation of EcoRP painting robots, which are equipped
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
with EcoBell3 high rotation atomizers, which ensure optima painting results in terms of colour shade and flow values, as well as particularly uniform layer thicknesses. At the same time, the Dürr application technology creates less of an impact on the environment thanks to high rotation atomizers with electrostatic charging that are extremely efficient in their material use. With the colour change technology and the EcoBell Cleaner
D2 for cleaning atomizers, paint loss during colour changes and consumption of flushing agent and solvent (and thus VOC emissions) are also minimized. The EcoDry X dry separation system, which doesn’t require water or chemicals, is another technology used in the new Sinotruk paint shops. The system uses inexpensive cardboard filter boxes
HMG Specialise in
to efficiently separate overspray and, if necessary, saturated filter boxes can even be replaced during production time. At the end of the painting process, the body surface is checked
Bespoke Product Development
at a fully automatic quality control station. Here, a robot follows defined checkpoints on the truck cabs and uses sensors to record data about colour variations, surface texture, and layer thickness. This automation saves time compared to manual
measurement. This data is transferred to the database and
visualized digitally for the worker. This way, the worker always has
an eye on the quality.
Testing technology Dürr has also implemented end-of-line testing technology. In Laiwu, four x-wheel truck d test stands equipped with highprecision 3D measurement technology are used to measure and adjust the vehicle axis geometry. Dürr meets the specific requirements of the heavy trucks in terms of load carrying capacity, wheelbases, and tracks widths with components specially developed for this area of application. The safetyrelevant driver assistance systems of the trucks are precisely adjusted using Dürr test technology. With the modular test stand concept x-DASalign, the sensor technology for the lane departure warning system and the advanced emergency braking system are perfectly aligned in relation to the geometric driving axle of the respective vehicle. Sinotruk also ordered additional test stands for another plant in Zhangqiu in August 2021. The production plant for light trucks will use the x-wheel wheel alignment stand with the latest x-3Dsurface measurement technology and the multifunctional roll, brake and ABS test stand x-road medium truck. For further information:
Market Leading Technical Support Colour Matching & Development
Book a meeting or request product information by emailing
A single-track crane trolley manufactured by ABUS.
Cranes with Perfect Surfaces Ulf Kapitza AGTOS GmbH, Emsdetten – Germany
When crane systems and lifting gear with a load capacity of 80 kg to 120 t are constructed, the surface also needs to be perfect. ABUS, one of the most important European manufacturers of indoor cranes, erected a completely new plant in Gummersbach and works there since 2019 with AGTOS shot blast machines. These embody special functions and have been adapted to meet high ergonomic and safety requirements.
or over 50 years, ABUS has been finding efficient and well thought
Gummersbach, it is represented globally by seven further locations as well
through crane solutions for all kinds of industrial buildings and
as an international sales and service network.
factory floors. Where a variety of heavy loads are moved daily,
“The high-quality standards achieved by ABUS crane systems are
quality and precision down to the smallest component is sought after,
only possible because of the extreme care taken in production. Our
and this is exactly what makes ABUS one of the leading indoor crane
production facilities represent the state of the art, from the preparation
manufacturers in Europe.
of steel plate using high-performance blast cleaning systems and
In addition to the company headquarters and the production site in
welding using machinery with automated weld sequences through to
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the application of the high-quality paint system,” says Michael Wirths,
change requests. Design changes were also realised efficiently by AGTOS
Component Plant Manager at ABUS.
Project Managers U. Wietkamp (Design) and Christian Remmes (Sales).
When it came to choose the most suitable devices to renovate the shot
We were very impressed by the project work”.
blasting department, ABUS had no doubts. “Our contact with AGTOS,“ Wirths continues, “arose in the early 2000s in relation to spare parts for
Special features of both shot blast machines
the Schlick shot blast machines we then operated. We were very pleased
Both shot blast machines are installed on vibration isolation mats that
with the cooperation, as AGTOS had speedy response times and offered
reduce vibration and noise. The two machines are also equipped with
excellent service. For us, it was apparent that AGTOS would also be the
a generously dimensioned Type TP 1500 touch-panel to ensure that
company to approach when it came to new investments. Cooperation
personnel enjoy optimum operating conditions. Swivel arms facilitate
in the project was marked by a spirit of partnership, commencing with
flexible positioning, contributing to optimum machine operation.
the definition of requirements, compilation of a specification and the
Batches are recorded through barcodes, triggering the appropriate
offer and continuing through explanations and speedy consideration of
predefined blasting program in each case.
From top left, clockwise: Loading the AGTOS Type BS wire mesh conveyor shot blast machine; A large panel with a swivel arm facilitates optimum machine operation; AGTOS wire mesh conveyor shot blast machine outlet; Behind the acoustic insulation: the blasting chamber is at the heart of the wire mesh conveyor shot blast machine.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Maintenance hatches and doors were enlarged, adapting them to ABUS
high-grade weld quality. The welding process is followed by coating with
requirements with regard to ergonomics.
waterborne and solvent based 2-components paints, depending on
In the event of a service assignment inside the blasting cabin, the
customer requirements and wishes.
dedusting system which normally leads to the associated cartridge filter mobile extraction units can be dispensed with. Nevertheless, the filter
AGTOS wire mesh conveyor shot blast machine features and process
systems are equipped with fire detection equipment and extinguishers.
Wire mesh conveyor shot blast machines are, essentially, extremely
The performance of filter systems is set to separation efficiency levels far
flexible in terms of their use. The fact that workpieces are simultaneously
higher than statutory requirements.
shot blasted from above and below considerably broadens the
The first wire mesh conveyor shot blast machine delivered was used for
spectrum of workpieces that can be processed. The machines are used
processing flame-cut blanks for single-track crane trolleys. Blasting in
for applications such as deburring, descaling and cleaning of cast and
this case achieves optimum cleaning of the parts prior to welding. Rust
laser-cut parts.
and scale need to be effectively removed through blasting to achieve
Automatic workpiece detection upstream of the inlet sluice starts
switches to indoor extraction. The advantage here is that additional
From top left, clockwise: Simple abrasive filling with the refill hopper mounted directly on the bucket elevator; AGTOS roller conveyor blast machine intake for profiles; Christopher Fritz Dietrich, Project Engineer for factory planning and organisation, demonstrates the ease of operation on the clearly arranged panel; AGTOS wire mesh conveyor shot blast machine.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the needs-based abrasive supply to the four active AGTOS high-
organisation, emphasises the compact design of the machine, a feature
performance turbines. These are equipped with 11.0 kW motors at
not available in this form from other manufacturers. ABUS placed
ABUS, enabling the achievement of blasting speeds of up to 2.0 m/min.
particular importance on a few special features, including installation of
Workpiece detection ensures that shot blasting only occurs when the
a perspex safety pane on the working platform to protect any worker on
workpieces are in the shot blasting area.
the platform from a crane passing close by. In addition to hearing the
This reduces the stress on wear parts in the machine and saves energy.
noise of the approaching crane, the worker can also see it.
The inlet sluice is equipped with wear-resistant rubber curtains for
Dietrich is impressed. “The blasting performance exceeded the
sealing purposes. Workpieces that have passed through the shot
demands stipulated by us in the specification, enabling an expansion in
blasting zone move to a blower unit. Abrasive remaining on the
the product range”.
workpiece surface is removed here and fed back into the abrasive
The most recently delivered AGTOS system, a roller conveyor blast
machine, blasts undercarriage supports for travelling cranes. Points of
The abrasive keeps circulating and is cleaned for continuous use.
particular importance to ABUS in the first project were implemented
Cleaning is realised in a special air separation system. It cascades here
here from the outset.
over an edge, while a finely adjustable air flow is fed through at the same fines to the impact separator where coarser particles are separated.
AGTOS roller conveyor blast machine features and process
The abrasive continues to the cartridge filter system which eliminates
This machine type is used for descaling and rust removal on sections/
undersized particles and dust. An abrasive dosing device is used to
profiles and sheet metal. The rollers convey the deposited workpieces
convey the cleaned abrasive from the storage hopper to the high-
through the blasting chamber and upstream brush blower unit. The
performance turbines.
machines can be integrated in production lines with sawing, drilling,
Christopher Fritz Dietrich, Project Engineer for factory planning and
blasting and conservation stations.
time. This is generated by the cartridge filter system fan. It guides the
Say goodbye to masking Overspray-free paint application with EcoPaintJet Revolutionary precision in automatic application brings efficiency to product customization. Dürr’s solution EcoPaintJet applies sharpedged paint lines on surfaces, pushing the limits for efficient and resource-saving coating: No overspray, no more masking of your product.
Michael Wirths, Component Plant Manager at ABUS, in front of the AGTOS wire mesh conveyor shot blasting machine.
Undercarriage support for ABUS travelling cranes.
The workpieces actuate the switching threshold upstream of the inlet
workpieces are also cleaned using a blower unit.
sluice for the automatic abrasive supply of the high-performance turbines.
A further detail is the maintenance platform tailored to special customer
This also ensures that shot blasting in this machine only occurs when the
requirements. It improves accessing during service assignments.
workpieces are in the shot blasting area.
The quality of the blasting process on both machines is assured through
The machine at ABUS has four high-performance turbines, each with a
abrasive analyses conducted by AGTOS.
drive power of 15.0 kW. This ensures that a high blasting speed can also
Cycles are initially shorter, being extended as experience is gained and
be achieved with this machine.
the machines are run in. The operating mix is analysed and compared
The inlet sluice is equipped with wear-resistant rubber curtains and other
with previous values. What is important in this context is checking to see if
sealing elements for sealing purposes. Workpieces that have passed
too many fines are present, as these contribute significantly to wear inside
through the blasting zone move to a combined brush blower unit.
the machine.
Abrasive remaining on the workpiece surface is fed back here into the
Conversely, consistent quantities of coarse particles are necessary for
abrasive circuit. Cleaning of the abrasive is also achieved through an air
the blasting performance, and consistent quantities of fine particles for
separation system on this machine.
the blasting overlap. A consistent operating mix achieves the consistent
The unique feature of this machine is the brush station. As workpieces
blasting performance desired and an efficient process.
with differing heights are processed on this blast machine, the cleaning
Maintenance is achieved with the support of a plan compiled by ABUS
brush also has bristles of differing lengths to follow the individual profiles
that, simply and clearly, depicts the steps to be realised and confirmation
of workpieces. This ensures that the bristles are not pressed down too far
notations provided by personnel.
during lowering in the case of taller workpieces, as this would accelerate
Positive collaboration and a coherent service concept bode well for future
wear. This measure also ensures the efficiency of the process. The
cooperation between ABUS Kransysteme GmbH and AGTOS.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Your fast efficiency. 5/5
We care. Surface cleaners
A Look Inside the Paint Shop of Tesla Gigafactory in Shanghai Tesla Shanghai has released a rare video that shows its completely automated paint shop and reveals Tesla’s focus on paint, which has increased since talk about Giga Berlin’s advanced paint shop started.
esla released a short video which shows the step-by-step
Moreover, in the months following Tesla’s announcement of the
automated painting process that all Made in China Tesla vehicles
Gigafactory in Germany, Elon Musk teased about Giga Berlin’s
go through at the company’s Gigafactory in Shanghai.
advanced paint shop, stating that “Giga Berlin will have world’s most
The clip shows that most of the painting process is automated.
advanced paint shop, with more layers of stunning colours that subtly
The car body undergoes a rotational dip process, through which
change with curvature”.
an anti-corrosive primer is applied by dipping the car body in an
To build Giga Berlin’s paint shop, Tesla partnered with Geico Taikisha
electrically conductive bath.
and it appears that the company plans to retrofit Giga Shanghai with
The topcoat is then applied with fully automated robots that feature
Geico Taikisha machines once the technology has been tested at Giga
rotary atomizers with electrostatic technology.
The paint shop features advanced process technologies, including an exhaust gas centralized combustion system. The paints employed are VOC free. All this ensures that the coating process is highly efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly. The footage also reveals some of the different colour options available to Tesla customers, including Tesla China’s Deep Sea Blue, China Red, Pearl White, Cold Light Silver and Pure Black colour options. This video comes after a Tesla app update, which teased new colour options available for cars produced at Giga Berlin, similar to the ones seen in the Tesla China video.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Scan the code to take a look inside the paint shop
HMG Improves Its Acrythane 4G Topcoat
he Research and Development section at
the ones in the new HMG ColourBase Colour Box, a
HMG Paints has added a new thinner to
multi-function tool containing chromatic codes that
its Acrythane 4G, in order to speed up the
identify existing colours on the market for reference.
application process of the topcoat specifically
It presents over 2400 colour chips displayed in
intended for commercial vehicles. “The major
chromatic order within 20 fan decks.
benefit for applicators is the ease of use of
“The unique properties Acrythane 4G provide us
Acrythane 4G. Our customers are complimenting
easy application, fast drying and a superior finish,
us on a daily basis about how easy Acrythane 4G is
it’s so nice to use I can just put it on and walk away.
to use and produce high quality results, especially
I love it, the depth of image on jobs is fantastic and
when compared to competitor products,” stated
customers are now specifying it for their whole
Martyn Binnington, the Distribution Manager for
fleet,” added Paul Rafferty of Rafferty Coachworks.
HMG Paints.
Acrythane 4G is also being used in other industries
Launched in 2019, Acrythane 4G is a high solids
as a VOC and REACH compliant topcoat to provide
acrylic polyurethane coating developed to satisfy
excellent gloss final appearance and durability. Its
the strict requirements of the commercial vehicle
advanced properties and thinner options allow to
sector. The optimised balance of early hardness, fast
use the paint in cold and warm weather conditions.
The topcoat Acrythane 4G developed by HMG is now faster to apply.
cure and long pot life makes the topcoat particularly suitable for OEM, repairers and builder.
For further information:
Acrythane 4G is available in several colours, including
Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222
Tough Love We’re setting new benchmarks in the agricultural and construction equipment (ACE) market. ACE vehicles and their various components help create the realities of tomorrow; from the food we harvest to the buildings in which we live. Which means they need to perform. With a performance proposition and proven track record, an array of high-quality finishes, and environmental, chemical protection, the ACE range of powder coatings is the ultimate partner for vehicles often pushed to the limit of their endurance. We’re driving the current to power your future
PPG Teamed Up with Toyota to Reimagine the Iconic Toyota Chinook Camper Experts of PPG’s automotive OEM coatings and refinish businesses collaborated with Toyota Motorsports Garage to bring back to life the vintage colour scheme of the iconic Toyota Chinook camper for a reimagined version of vehicle.
PG unveiled the new colours developed for the Toyota “Tacozilla”
white basecoat and vintage yellow, orange and bronze accents.
4x4 overlander concept vehicle – a reimagination of the iconic
“This was a very fast-paced, exciting project that demonstrated our
Toyota Chinook camper of the 1970s and 1980s – during
team’s unique ability to create and execute a colour scheme that helped
the 2021 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in
bring our customer’s concept to life,” said Misty Yoemans, PPG colour
Las Vegas. Tacozilla is an off-road-ready Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
styling manager, Americas.
featuring a fully insulated “micro-house” with modern conveniences
Complete Customs in McKinney, Texas, applied all three PPG colours
that can comfortably accommodate two people for on- and off-road
with support from PPG distributor English Colour and Supply in
adventures. The Chinook was introduced by Toyota in 1972 as a fuel-
Richardson, Texas.
efficient alternative to conventional motorhomes. Experts from PPG’s automotive OEM and refinish businesses collaborated with Toyota Motorsports Garage in selecting the vehicle’s
For further information:
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Fully Automatic Coating System for Complex Gear Components Kornelius Berg VENJAKOB Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.KG - Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany
Fully automatic coating in serial production is part of many companies’ everyday operations. Order-specific production, on the other hand, is a different matter, because small batch sizes and the variety of parts requiring coating create significant challenges for the automation system. The following is a description of a system developed by Venjakob that permits fully automatic coating of complex gear components from a batch size of 1.
he components requiring coating are fully machined and pre-
who managed the project. “Each of these components got their own
cleaned components for planetary and angular gears made of
programs in the plant control system. They are differentiated by
steel and aluminium. The varied range of components comprises
diameter, length, geometry, coating parameters and colour. Once the
15 different gear types of different sizes. Measurements range from
component has been identified, the system selects the corresponding
an exterior diameter of 50 mm to 350 mm, a length of 40 mm to 420
coating program and automatically completes the associated set-up,”
mm and a weight of 0.5 kg to 30 kg. The outer surface of the gear
Kornelius Berg describes the process.
component requires coating.
Component identification by bar code
Crucial controls and mechanical components
The only manual work involved is loading and removal. For each
“The particular challenge in this case was that the system had to be
requirement, a suitable number of workpiece carriers is available, on
designed for batch sizes as low as 1 and had to adapt to different
which the machine operator can place the gear components with a
gear components automatically,” explains Kornelius Berg of Venjakob,
jig for areas that should not be coated. It is not necessary to position
© Venjakob
© Venjakob
Fully automated and compact robotic coating solution for complex gear components (left) and paint supply system with integrated 2 K technology for 4 different colour cycles.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
towards the future
the components in a specific way. “Everything was supposed to be quick and simple. In response to this request by the customer, we implemented suitable safety mechanisms,” explains Berg. After placement the operator scans the bar code of the gear component,
the control system activates the associated coating program and pressing a release button starts the program. After release, the system automatically detects the position of the workpiece on the carrier. This means incorrectly positioned components can be detected. During this process the system also checks whether the data transmitted by the bar code matches the workpiece dimensions. If the bar code does not match the component, the system immediately enters malfunction mode and signals the error. If the scanned bar code information matches the workpiece, the workpieces are transported through the coating process by a chain conveyor system in a clock-controlled manner.
Coating results with consistently high quality After position detection, the workpieces are transported into the closed coating booth containing the coating robot. To ensure that a wide variety of gear parts (with and without connecting flanges), and rotationally symmetrical and asymmetrical parts, can be coated fully automatically with a spray gun, the coating robot was equipped with programs referred to as “master programs”. These programs are activated based on the component, taking the parameters into account. As previously described, the parameters are transferred to the control system when the bar code is scanned at the loading station. For the coating process this means that e.g. the coating speed or the coating angle of the spray gun are automatically adapted to the size and geometry of the gear part. Another important factor for consistently good coating results is the permanent air conditioning of the coating booth. The controlled air supply ensures that the temperature and air humidity are suitable for the coating process year-round.
Solutions for reduced material consumption The system is designed for multiple coating materials. Venjakob engineers used a variety of approaches to keep the material consumption as low as possible. The coating material supply is positioned directly next to the coating booth in a closed ventilation and venting booth. As the system is used for coating gear components of different sizes, it is possible for e.g. only every second workpiece
Epistolio Srl.
carrier to be filled. For this reason, a scanning unit checks whether
Via Piemonte 120 21100 Varese (VA) ITALY Ph: +39 0332 212692 Fax: +39 0332 223666
or not the spindle is empty during entry into the coating booth. If the spindle is empty, the coating process is paused. Use of the coating robot permits targeted spraying. This already reduces overspray, but any overspray that still remains is collected by a filter system and can
be reused.
© Venjakob
© Venjakob
View into air-conditioned robot coating spray booth.
View into drying section with continuously variable temperature setting from 50-90 °C.
Automatic cleaning of covers
into the evaporation channel, then into the jet drying channel. In this
After the coating process, the workpieces are first transported to the
section, the coating material is dried by recirculating air blowers. The
jig removal station. This station uses a horizontal and vertical axis
temperature is continuously adjustable. The air humidity is kept at a
system with grippers to remove the jigs that were put in place in the
consistent level. After the drying process the now fully coated gear
loading area and transport them to the cleaning station. Cleaning is
components are transported by the chain conveyor through the
performed in three steps: alkaline cleaning, rinsing with water, warm
cooling channel and returned to the loading and removal area from
air drying. Then a conveyor belt returns the jigs to the loading area,
the other end, in a manner of speaking.
where they can be reused.
Removal possible before drying
A quantum leap of change Where coating was previously performed manually in 3-shift operation,
The final important stations for the coating result are the evaporation
the fully automatic robot coating line with a spindle chain conveyor
channel and the jet drying channel. A removal point upstream of the
system achieves the same output in 2-shift operation, reducing
evaporation zone was created for cases in which a coated workpiece is
both the cost of labour and of coating material while simultaneously
not supposed to pass through the dryer.
ensuring consistently high coating quality. “The change from manual to
Heavy workpieces can be removed with a crane at this point.
fully automatic coating represents a quantum leap in this case,” says
Otherwise, the gear components on the spindles are first transported
Kornelius Berg.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
AkzoNobel’s White Paper on the Importance of Powder Coating for EVs AkzoNobel has released a new white paper that explores how powder coating can help prevent EVs’ batteries from overheating and maximise performance.
owder coatings are essential for the future evolution of Electric
These are two of the many themes that are explored in the new
Vehicles (EVs), particularly to prevent batteries and other
White Paper recently published by the Powder Coatings business line
components from overheating, as well as insulate assets to
of AkzoNobel, entitled: “The critical importance of powder coatings
maximise performance.
in driving an electric future”. The White Paper explains how powder
Moreover, they are also supporting EV OEMs and tiers in developing
coatings can help to protect an electronic vehicle’s cooling systems
a more sustainable manufacturing process that meets strict
by electrically insulating and protecting its components, keeping the
international environmental regulations and directives.
battery within its optimal temperature range.
© Interpon
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Furthermore, it also reveals how powder coatings support the
waste and enable powder that has been over-sprayed to be re-used.
longer-term performance of the battery by protecting it against
Gustavo Carvalho, Automotive key account and Segment Director at
corrosion and other threats and how they protect the wider electric
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings and author of
ecosystem of the vehicle – its cooling plates and tubes, stator
the White Paper, states: “Global CO2 emission targets and changing
hairpins, bus bars, battery cell and housing – many of which have
consumer behaviours are driving change. Many manufacturers
long-term heat resistance requirements.
are now switching to powder coatings because of the technical
More specifically, the White Paper addresses the evolution of
performance and environmental credentials that a powder coating
Interpon and Resicoat powder coatings from AkzoNobel over the last
delivers. They are also switching because in becoming more
50 years and the benefits they can bring to current and future OEM
sustainable, they are also gaining in performance.”
designs. It details the environmental advantages of products that are free of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), create no hazardous
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Profilglass Choose Recycling and an Advanced Water Treatment System to Reduce the Environmental Impact of its Aluminium Processes Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Is it possible to make aluminium processing more sustainable? The industry specialising in the processing of aluminium and aluminium alloy products has been wondering about this sensitive issue for some time. An international leader in this sector, Profilglass (Pesaro e Urbino, Italy) has decided to implement a recycling cycle and install a latest-generation water treatment technology developed by CIE (Milan, Italy) to handle organic and inorganic contaminants from various finishing processes.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ne of the main challenges that the aluminium industry is
7,000 m2 of aluminium to over 280,000 m2,” explains Profilglass general
facing and will have to face with greater urgency in the coming
manager Marco Sangiorgio. “We process an average of 200,000 tonnes
years is the need to reduce the environmental impact of its
per year and we have established ourselves as a global industry leader,
manufacturing processes while still meeting the ever-growing demand
exporting to over 85 countries. Not many Italian companies have seen
for this material. According to data reported by the International
a similar growth and have decided to concentrate their activities in a
Aluminium Institute , despite the economic scenario made uncertain by
single production site. This development has led owners Giancarlo and
the pandemic, aluminium production has reached 65,325 million tonnes
Stefano Paci to reflect on the possible consequences of such intensive
within a year. Faced with such high production volumes, the aluminium
processing on the environment and our company’s surrounding
processing and surface treatment industry is now looking for new ways
area, with which we have strong ties. An analysis of aluminium’s
to make its processes more sustainable. Profilglass Spa (Fano, Pesaro
main peculiarities offered us the answer: this particular material is
e Urbino, Italy), a manufacturer of profiles, coils, sheets, strips, discs,
environmentally friendly, light, strong, non-toxic, and highly formable
tubes, and rolled products in aluminium and its alloys since 1982, has
and mouldable and these qualities are preserved even when it is
chosen a scrap recycling cycle and the integration of highly efficient
recycled. In our recycling division, we now check and process hundreds
waste water treatment systems as its waste management solutions.
of tonnes of waste materials and cans every day, using the latest
“In almost forty years, our company has gone from a production area of
technology to sort, process, and transform them into new semi-finished
products. As a result, 80% of our aluminium is made from scrap, in line 1
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with the principles of the circular economy.” Opening photo: Profilglass produces coils by continuous and/or discontinuous casting in aluminium and its alloys, with different physical states and surface finishes.
A section of the new alkaline cleaning and degreasing and flattening line for rolled metal.
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The outside of the cleaning and degreasing tanks.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
The other area on which Profilglass focussed
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to improve sustainability was the treatment of the waste water produced by its aluminium cleaning operations. “In order to guarantee excellent cleanliness of their aluminium surfaces, our products undergo several cleaning and degreasing stages aimed at ensuring optimal adhesion of the paints and films that our customers apply in subsequent processing phases. Between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, we installed two water treatment plants supplied by CIE (San Zenone al Lambro, Milan, Italy), a company specialising precisely in the design, manufacture, and installation of waste treatment systems for finishing lines devoted to metals, and especially aluminium. The two systems filter waste water coming from two separate lines, one dedicated to cleaning rolled products and the other to hardening and passivating rolled metal intended for the automotive industry and produced in our specialised division, required to meet particularly strict cleaning standards.”
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Profilglass: evolving aluminium since 1982 Profilglass started its activity by offering a new product on the market, a spacer profile for double glazing, in the production of which it has then specialised. “In the 2000s, we entered the field of rolled products,” says Sangiorgio, “to meet the ever-increasing demand for aluminium and differentiate the application fields of our products, which now range from the construction sector to the automotive industry, from electronics to household goods and mechanics. Double glazing profiles are the only products that are painted in our factory, whereas all the others are delivered as semi-finished parts; the final processing steps are then handled by our customers.” From top: Oil residue filtration devices and the demineralisation plant.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
From scrap to semi-finished products The evolution of Profilglass has gone hand in hand with the vertical integration of its production system. “As our company was growing, we progressively insourced the processes and treatments that we considered most strategic, such as cutting, machining, and foundry operations with both continuous and discontinuous casting technology, up to the creation of an ad hoc division for the automotive sector, called LamiAL. Indeed, the most interesting aspect of our production and the one that sets us apart is the full integration of our manufacturing cycle. We start with the scrap that we recycle and end up with semi-finished parts, thanks to a production system divided into five macro-areas: • recovery and treatment of aluminium scrap and waste, produced both by us and by external companies; • foundry, where raw material is processed with a production capacity of 10,000 tonnes per month; • hot rolling, with a plant capable of rolling approximately 150,000 tonnes per year of aluminium plates with a thickness of up to 5 mm; • cold rolling, in 4 rolling mills with a production capacity of approximately 280,000 tonnes per year;
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CIE’s chemical-physical plant for the treatment of waste water produced by the rolled metal cleaning process.
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• finishing in our flagship department devoted to the production of coils, strips, and discs, with 20 state-of-the-art machines that guarantee cutting accuracy and precise adherence to even the smallest tolerances imposed by our end customers.” The rolled metal’s finishing phase is preceded by heat treatments, which give the material the mechanical characteristics and the workability degree needed in the finishing stages, and by surface treatments, which improve the performance of aluminium, favouring the adhesion of paints and coatings, any subsequent decoration, or corrosion protection in order to maintain consistent exterior qualities over time.”
Cleaning automotive components Profilglass installed its first waste water treatment plant at its LamiAL division, equipped with a continuous-flow oven and a passivation line. As Alessio Guidi, the technical © ipcm
department manager, indicates, “this CIE plant is connected with the line carrying out continuous heat treatment of coils, upstream of which we installed a pre-cleaning station to prevent any machining oil residues exposed to the thermal treatment oven’s heat from leaving stains on surfaces. This additional spray cleaning step is performed with water heated to 60-70 °C. In the next step, the coils are heated and then quenched through rapid cooling with water, which becomes contaminated on contact with them. The waste water contaminated with aluminium and oil residues is collected and conveyed to the purification plant, which treats both solid and liquid waste. Unlike the rolled product degreasing line, where basic products are used, here we use hydrofluoric and sulphuric acids suitably formulated in pre-defined concentrations, in order to achieve surface deoxidation of the material. After this first
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From top: The detail of the settling unit and filter press installed at the LamiAL division and the operational centre that manages and controls every stage of the production process.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
pickling phase, the coils can be subjected a passivation process with products based on zirconium and titanium, to protect them
against future oxidation. Again, the water treatment plant collects process overflows and any solid contaminants.” “The waste produced,” says CIE project manager Antonella Monaco, “can basically be classified as acid concentrates from the pickling and passivation phases, alkaline concentrates from the degreasing phase, alkaline rinses, and acid rinses. Therefore these effluents, distinguished according to their conductivity (in rinses and concentrates) and their pH (acid or alkaline) are collected separately in different tanks.”
Different cleanliness degrees of rolled aluminium “Depending on the intended use of parts,” indicates Francesco Berti, a process engineering expert at Profilglass, “different specific requirements may apply in terms of cleanliness degree. The demand for
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rolled products subjected to alkaline degreasing, together with ever-higher flatness requirements, which are crucial for perfect surface adhesion, has led us to install a new line in order to relieve our saturated department and streamline our production process. The new line actually integrates the processes of alkaline spray degreasing and tensioning (flattening of rolled metal under tension), previously carried out in separate steps. “The removal of rolling oils and surface residues is performed during the pre-cleaning stage, where a mechanical brushing action is combined with a chemical action to maintain the line’s subsequent sections in the best conditions and avoid the risk of marks or imprints being transferred to the metal surfaces, while also meeting any flatness requirements before the last process stage, that of degreasing, which takes place in a 40 m long section of the plant. Each chemical treatment step is followed by a rinse in demineralised water before drying. The water and alkaline solutions used are recovered
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From top: The production department of the LamiAL division and a bird’s eye view of the CIE waste water treatment plant.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© ipcm
© ipcm
The cleaning department of the LamiAL division.
A detail of the settler.
and fed back into the bath preparation system until they meet the
and discharged into the public water system), and that managing the
conductivity parameters. Overflow effluent is sent to the CIE purification
sludge created on the bottom of the lamella settler (which is sent to
plant for disposal.”
the thickener and then filter-pressed, so as to dehydrate it and reach a
“This plant,” says Monaco, “has a maximum treated flow rate of 10 m /h
dry percentage of between 35-40% in order to dispose of it as non-
and it treats the whole waste generated by the coil alkaline degreasing
hazardous special waste).”
line, divided into alkaline concentrates and rinses. The CIE treatment plant is also capable of filtering boiler purge water: since both lines use
hot process fluids, heating is carried out through steam generators into
“Having a water treatment system that automatically handles the
which chemicals are injected to preserve their operation and which
preparation and dosage of chemicals and allows us to manage the
must be purged periodically, once the water quality thresholds are
different types of organic and inorganic contaminants is fundamental
for us, given the peculiarities of our production processes,” notes
Common features of the two CIE plants
Sangiorgio. “After purification, our water flow is conveyed into the public water
“The two chemical-physical treatment plants,” adds Monaco, “have some
system, whereas the filter-pressed sludge is disposed of as special
common features, such as the relaunch and accumulation section,
waste. Thanks to the specific products developed by MST Chemicals,
which includes the effluent collection sumps and tanks, and the actual
the two plants are optimised for the abatement of pollutants, mainly
treatment section, which performs the coagulation, neutralisation, and
aluminium, COD, sulphates, and fluorides, in full compliance with local
flocculation stages. The effluent in this section is treated with lime and
regulations, which are stricter than national ones, for both liquid and
three products developed by MST Chemicals, the company of the CIE
solid waste.
Group dedicated to chemical formulation: PUROSORB M31, a product
“CIE also helped us positioning the two systems, which are very
of fundamental importance for adsorbing oils and surfactants and
compact and, thanks to this particular configuration, enable us to
reducing the COD value so as to comply with the expected emission
manage transport and disposal logistics at best, with a flexibility
limit value; PURODEP A11, a coagulant that also helps reduce the final
that our previous plant did not offer. In addition, their complete
concentration of fluorides; and PUROFLOC A14, a polyelectrolyte that
automation and Industry 4.0 readiness put them among the most
allows the formation of flocs, which sediment more easily. The other
advanced systems implemented in our company. They demonstrate
sections common to both plants are the sludge settling section, the
Profilglass’ environmental commitment as one of the companies in this
section for the management of clarified water (which, after leaving
industry that are pushing the hardest towards a sustainable future for
the lamella settler, is collected in a specific tank and then filtered
aluminium processing.”
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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SIGE S.p.A.’s Upgraded Coating Booths for Improved Product Quality and Reduced Environmental Impact Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
The quality of metal accessories for storage furniture is the result of the right combination between their coatings’ aesthetic and functional, especially protective, characteristics. Active in this industry for over fifty years, SIGE has never stopped improving its production processes, up to expanding its market presence worldwide. Its latest investment in finishing, two Gema quick-colour change booths, has enabled it to achieve an 80% improvement in its finishes’ quality while reducing its manufacturing process’ costs and environmental impact.
s food has always been synonymous
Italian excellence abroad
with conviviality, it is not surprising
Over the years, this company has grown from
that the kitchen is one of the home
a small family business in the Marches region
environments that is given the most attention
to its current size: an industrial unit with an
when making decorating decisions. This
11,000 m2-wide covered space and a very
is why this rapidly growing sector is now
strong presence on the foreign market. “Like
committed to providing high quality furniture
many Italian companies, we started out as a
and accessories, in terms of not only
local business in 1969 and now we are known
aesthetics but also strength and durability.
worldwide: we are present in 57 countries and
SIGE S.p.A. (Polverigi, Ancona, Italy), a producer
over 90% of our production is exported. This
of metal accessories for storage furniture,
has enabled us to increase our turnover over
has therefore chosen to upgrade its coating
the years: in 2021, it should further grow by
department by installing two Gema quick-
around 30%,” states Mauro Galassi, the Chief
change colour booths that give its products
Executive Officer of SIGE. “The Italian kitchen
even higher finishing quality and reduce its
sector, and especially that of the Marches
production costs and environmental impact.
region, is synonymous with quality both in Italy
and abroad. We chose to focus on foreign markets during the 2007 crisis, when we suffered a 45% drop in turnover. We invested 1
heavily in our foreign sales network, as well as in our products and technology. This gave us
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
© ipcm
Left photo: A storage furniture for kitchen equipped with metal accessories manufactured by Sige Spa of Polverigi, Ancona, Italy. In the last few years Sige has been introducing many new products to its range and new, unique finishes in metallic colours.
Uniqueness and quality to stay competitive In addition to the quality of its products, an important element that distinguishes SIGE is the continuous evolution of the technologies it adopts: “Our goal is to always improve in terms of quality, technology, and research, because we believe that these enable us to stand out and remain competitive on the foreign market.” The company’s continuous evolution and focus on technological developments is reflected in the investments made in its coating department, which have enabled it to constantly improve the quality of its range and reduce the environmental impact of its production activities. In the past, SIGE the impetus we needed to grow and reach our
used immersion plasticisation, but this had
current size.”
limitations in terms of available colours. “Until
SIGE started out as a manufacturer of kitchen
five years ago, coating did not play a major
storage furniture accessories in metal wire,
role in our industry, as galvanic finishing was
such as dish racks and crockery containers.
predominant. Then, many markets started to
“Then, however, the markets changed and
demand powder coating, along with a greater
so did customer demands. In order to meet
variety of colours, especially dark ones. We
them, we expanded our product range up to
therefore decided to differentiate ourselves
including all other kitchen accessories featuring
from our competitors by applying powder
guides, such as drawer storage baskets, bottle
coatings in order to offer high quality and
racks, pull-out tall units, and parcel containers.
exclusive products,” explains Galassi.
We have also started using materials other and wood – which is now a very important
Fewer coating booths but greater efficiency
part of our offer, so much so that we created
In order to ensure adequate preparation
a carpentry department. For a short time, we
prior to painting, the accessories produced
were also interested in expanding into the
by SIGE undergo a pre-treatment process
household appliances market too, but that
including two phospho-degreasing and
sector requires completely different coatings
two rinsing stages, one of which is done
from those we specialise in and, therefore, we
with demineralised water, followed by a
decided to focus exclusively on accessories for
nanotechnology conversion stage. “We
storage furniture.
implemented this less than two years ago
than metal wire, such as sheet metal, glass,
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
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and the difference in the treatment’s quality was immediately noticeable.” SIGE initially used three painting booths with triboelectric technology. Due to increased demand for finishes in different colours, in December 2020 the company decided to further upgrade its coating department by installing two Gema Magic Compact booths with a powder management unit for quick colour change operations, which replaced the three booths already in use. “When we decided to replace our booths, we looked at the various options available and tested some of them, including those from Gema. Having already used this supplier’s products, and being pleased with the results of the analyses carried out, we decided to invest in its MagicCompact® EquiFlow® booths,” explains Galassi. Initially, the second booth did not include a powder center. “However, after only one month of use, I requested that the new powder management unit OptiCenter All In One be added, because
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their results were exceptional.” The intake air system keeps the surrounding area clean by means of a fan that sends air from outside the booth into the inside to prevent powder from escaping, while the permanent suction system integrated into the booth floor guarantees automatic cleaning and avoids any accumulation of overspray. The reduced amount of powder coating required and the presence of a cyclone make recovery and cleaning quick and easy: therefore, SIGE’s production times are also faster than before. SIGE typically applies five tints from two standard AkzoNobel series in the 80-120 µm range, but its new booths also enable it to customise its colour offer to meet any specific customer requirements. The plant comprising the two Gema booths, supplied by O.M.SA S.r.l., is also equipped with a one-rail conveyor and two curing ovens, which allow applying two coats of paint – if specifically requested by the
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clients – without the parts having to repeat the same route twice. “In this case, after primer application and cross-linking in the dedicated oven, the components reach directly the second Gema booth, where the top coat is applied, and finally the second drying oven. This speeds up the whole process. We placed our trust in O.M.SA in 1995: they have always supported us in an excellent and quick way, whenever we wanted to upgrade our systems.
From top to bottom: - One of the two new power application booths MagicCompact® EquiFlow® by Gema installed by Sige in 2021. - The loading area of the coating system supplied by O.M.SA of Besana Brianza. The system is composed by a spray pretreatment tunnel, a mono-rail conveyor and two curing ovens. - Metal parts hanged on the coating line.
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The entrance of the parts in the booth. On the right there is the powder center OptiCenter All In One.
It is also thanks to them that our production has reached its current volumes and timescales,” comments Galassi.
The right choice for part protection and sustainability About a year after upgrading its coating department, SIGE is finding a much higher quality degree of its finishes. “In the past, we had had a few qualification issues, especially with sheet metal, on which an uneven layer was created. Since when we started using the new booths, the quality of our coatings has improved by around 80%.” In addition to their ease of use, the Magic Compact booths reduce powder consumption by 15-20%. “We dispense less and recover more of it, whereas transfer efficiency has improved. As a result, our environmental impact and costs have decreased dramatically. This was a big investment, but we are completely satisfied with it.” As well as sustainability and cost savings, the thermosetting powder coatings used also provide protective properties that enable SIGE
to export its products abroad without any damage during transport. “The strength and durability characteristics of storage furniture accessories are often underestimated, but they are crucial. Some of our products are exported in containers on ships for oftenprolonged periods, in corrosive environments, and with temperatures sometimes exceeding 80 °C. This is compounded by the climate and humidity of the countries where they will be sold. It might seem irrelevant, but the location of a house in Milan, in China, or on the ocean shore can make all the difference to the durability of a product. The main advantage offered by Gema’s booths and AkzoNobel’s epoxy powders is that they provide greater resistance. They also allow obtaining smoother surfaces, which are important for any accessory intended to be placed on bearings made from soft materials such as polyethylene. Previously, we had
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problems giving this feature to the products that required it, but the Magic Compact booths have enabled us to improve this aspect as well.” In over fifty years of business, SIGE has experimented with different manufacturing processes in order to always offer accessories for storage furniture that are strong, durable, and able to meet the demands of an everchanging market. Gema’s booths were the company’s latest investment aimed at remaining competitive in a globalised sector where product quality is of paramount importance.
Automatic application of the powder coatingand the MagicControl 4.0 module.
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N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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The new QNix 9500 thickness gauge developed by Automation Dr. Nix.
An Innovative, High-Tech, Easy-to-Use Portable Tool: The QNix 9500 Thickness Gauge Adriano Antonelli Tecno Supply - Ibix Srl, Santa Maria in Fabriago (Ravenna) – Italy
In the field of surface treatments, coating quality control has become essential to guarantee complete customer satisfaction. The engineers at Automation Dr. Nix – a German manufacturer of portable instruments for nondestructive thickness measurement on metal substrates, distributed in Italy by Tecno Supply, a division of Ibix Srl – have developed a new, innovative thickness gauge that meets even the most complex requirements, called QNix 9500.
n many industries, such as contract liquid and powder painting,
industries, for example. Especially in the automotive sector, quality
coatings are being required to meet increasingly high quality
assurance is particularly crucial because the layers of paint applied
standards in terms of aesthetics, durability, and reliability
are very thin and the tolerance range is relatively small. Thickness
while costs are simultaneously rising; quality assurance and order
gauges are therefore indispensable for the evaluation of a vehicle;
documentation are therefore indispensable for a coating process. In
they are essential for carrying out an assessment after an accident or
other sectors, including surface treatments, galvanising, and Eloxal,
estimating the value of a vehicle, for taking out a lease, buying a used
functional coatings give the processed surfaces precise anti-corrosion
car, or checking and documenting bodywork and paintwork.
and wear-resistant properties for use in the automotive or mechanical
QNix 9500, a thickness gauge that is robust, accurate, versatile,
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
and easy to understand, has been launched after a three-year
simple adjustment on rough, smooth, and curved substrates;
design phase. The engineers aimed at developing a state-of-the-art
• sturdiness and durability for reliable and long-lasting use even in
instrument that would meet any measurement requirement. Produced
adverse conditions;
by Automation Dr. Nix and distributed in Italy by Tecno Supply, a
• fibreglass-reinforced five-part body with IP65 dust and water
division of Ibix Srl, this thickness gauge stands out for its unrivalled
resistance properties;
robustness and ease of use combined with excellent quality, versatility,
• three-layer protection to absorb shock;
and precision.
• H6 chemical and scratch-resistant LCD screen;
The advantages of QNix 9500 are particularly clear in the fields of
• operating temperature from -20 °C to +70 °C;
heavy-duty corrosion protection, industrial coating, and surface
• stainless steel probes with an anti-dust membrane (IP65).
treatments for both in-house and contracting operations. Critical issues related to compliance with norms and standards, verification of
A systematic procedure and, often, impeccable documentation are
incoming and outgoing specifications, or internal controls related to
required for carrying out and monitoring coating operations in the
processes and quality are overcome thanks to its software package,
heavy-duty corrosion protection sector. Hardly any other application
which allows creating the necessary documents quickly and easily with
field has as many provisions, standards, and directives: here, demands
customised reports.
on people, machines, and tools are significantly high. For this reason,
The main features of QNix 9500
a great deal of importance was attached to making QNix 9500 particularly robust and ergonomic. Its five-part fibreglass-reinforced
The QNix 9500 thickness gauge guarantees high standards of accuracy
plastic body for reduced shock effects, its display, and its electronic
and correctness and it features as follows:
components are designed for this purpose, as is the cable, conceived
• high accuracy over the entire measurement range;
for use at an industry-standard distance and easily replaceable on site
• high repeatability of measurement results;
if required.
• thermal compensation directly in the sensor;
Numerous pre-configured parameters simplify the setting of limit
• precise measurements also on curved surfaces and small parts;
values and calibration in compliance with standards including, for
© Automation Dr. Nix
QNix 9500 can measure thicknesses on all ferrous and non-ferrous substrates. The analysis of user requirements enabled a thorough design development of the new measuring instrument.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© Autom
. Ni ation Dr
r. N
u ©A
The complete kit of the new QNix 9500 thickness gauge.
QNix 9500 comes complete with a cable and an interchangeable probe.
example, ISO 19840, SSPC PA2, and IMO SSPC. If the minimum limit
innovative instruments on the market. Some of the features that make
value is not reached or the maximum limit value is exceeded, this
it so are as follows:
is signalled by an acoustic alarm, an optical alarm (a sudden colour
• portable instrument for Fe, NFe, and Dual probes;
change on the display), and an RGB LED in the probe tip.
• quick switch to cable probes;
This enables the operator to concentrate fully on the points to be
• an integrated probe and a cable probe with one instrument;
measured. The high measurement speed (up to two measurements
• greater versatility thanks to the quick probe change operation;
per second) guarantees fast operations on large components. The
quick adaptability to different measuring tasks.
simple, user-friendly menu makes it easy to become familiar with the instrument.
Ergonomic design for fast measurement
A user-friendly configuration QNix 9500’s intuitive use saves time and costs thanks to the following features:
With the aim of saving time and effort at work, even with continuous
• simple calibration;
use, the QNix 9500 thickness gauge includes as follows:
• portable instrument and software user-friendly interface: only 3 clicks
• direct feedback through the probe’s RGB LED and the display
are required to get a report;
showing the limit values;
• one quick access button to customise with a chosen function;
• 2.4”, 600 lm, high light intensity IPS LCD colour screen with a reading
• pre-configured norms and standards.
angle of 70°; • excellent readability even under direct solar radiation. Automatic or
The QNix 9500 probes
manual brightness adjustment;
The new QNix® standard probes have been developed in a highly
• automatic or manual screen rotation by 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°;
innovative way. Small and particularly robust, they are suitable for
large, soft touch keys and low centre of gravity.
measurements on iron and steel (Fe), non-ferrous materials (NFe), or
A flexible and interchangeable structure With its interchangeable probes, QNix 9500 is one of the most
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
both (Dual). Some of their technical features are listed here below: • stainless steel probes with a protective membrane and IP65 dust and splash water resistance;
• durable measuring head in polished ruby; • chemical resistant material, cleanable with solvents (acetone, nitro thinner); • limit value indication LED on the probe tip; • PUR adapter cable for use in cable drag chains. A digital copy of the last calibration certificate is stored software. All standard interchangeable probes of QNix 9500 can also be used with the new QNix 5500 tool for maximum
© Automation Dr. Nix
on each probe and can be integrated into a report via PC
customer flexibility.
The QNix 9500 software programme During the design process, particular attention was paid to the graphical user interface, which is user-friendly, easy
The new QNix® probes are small and particularly robust.
to understand, and quick to use. In the preliminary phase, numerous interviews were carried out with users from a wide range of industries in order to define the main practical requirements for the PC software package. This resulted in the creation of intuitive software that is easy to
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© Automation Dr. Nix
navigate, saves time, and optimises work. The QNix 9500 software programme is completely browser-based and requires no installation, making it independent of the Windows version being used. The operating logics of the new PC software package has also been applied to the user interface of the QNix 9500 portable instrument. All configurations made on the tool can also be set up via PC software. Thanks to the powerful statistical functions integrated, measurements can be checked and documented in just 3 clicks. Pre-configured and freely placeable text modules for tables and charts allow creating professional report templates with dragand-drop functionality. Logos, photos of the measured object, the last calibration certificate, the measured values history, statistical data, jobs, and areas can easily be included in the report. All these features make QNix 9500 an innovative, high-tech, convenient, and easy-to-use tool for all professionals in the coatings industry.
© Automation Dr. Nix
A measurement operation with QNix 9500 in the field of heavyduty corrosion protection and an application in the automotive sector.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Chemical Companies Team Up to Accelerate Net-Zero Climate Technologies Key players from the chemical industry, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, are teaming up to move the Low-Carbon Emitting Technologies (LCET) initiative into its implementation stage by the end of 2023.
everal key players from the chemical industry – including Dow,
reason, most industries are customers of the chemical industry. Our
BASF, Solvay, Clariant, Air Liquide, Covestro Mitsubishi Chemical
role is to enable our customers to reduce their carbon footprint. In
Corp., Royal DSM, SABIC, and SIBUR – have joined forces to
order to address these challenges, we need to share technologies and
establish a breakthrough development platform by 2023, within the
common approaches,” said Conrad Keijzer, Chief Executive Officer at
LCET initiative framework.
Following a two-year period of analysis and collaboration between
A Project Development Company (PDC) will be designed as a
the industry players and the World Economic Forum, this agreement
new stand-alone entity operating on a pre-competitive basis and
represents the transition from a knowledge-sharing platform to an
supporting partners in setting set-up joint projects aiming to share
implementation tool aimed at accelerating greenhouse gas reductions
early-stage development risks and invest jointly in the development
in the chemical production chain.
and implementation of low-carbon technologies.
“Chemicals are present in almost all products of daily life. They are
“We are working together in the LCET initiative to jointly address
essential to more than 95% of the goods produced worldwide. For this
mission-critical technology challenges that cannot be tackled by one
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
company alone,” commented Martin Vollmer,
“This will require extraordinary business
Chief Technology Officer at Clariant. “We want
transformation, unprecedented partnerships
to actively contribute with our outstanding
and collaboration both within the private sector
research and development expertise in the fields
and across all stakeholders including society
of biomass valorisation focusing on agricultural
and governments”, commented Roberto Bocca,
waste streams for the production of advanced
member of the executive committee at the
biofuels and bio-based chemicals, as well as in
World Economic Forum.
the field of innovative, high-performance catalysts
“As the LCET initiative moves into the critical
to support the transformation of our industry
implementation stage, it will demonstrate the
towards net-zero emissions.”
ground-breaking innovation that our industry can achieve through
The companies add that the LCET initiative provides opportunities
collaboration. By working together to co-develop and upscale low
for co-marketing schemes that could encourage collaboration with
carbon-emitting technologies, we will accelerate our circular carbon
adjacent industries, such as electrical grids and pipelines, in order
economy journey to carbon neutrality”, added Yousef Al-Benyan, vice
to develop infrastructure for new technologies. The initiative is also
chairman and CEO of SABIC, and LCET Co-Chair.
aiming to facilitate coordination between academic institutions,
The companies and World Economic Forum are calling for more
governments, and civil society. The LCET initiative is aiming to achieve
producers, technology providers, and value chain partners from the
net-zero emissions in the chemical industry by 2050.
chemical industry to join the LCET initiative going forward.
We create chemistry that makes lines love curves. Coatings give a car more than just long-lasting protection. Brilliant gloss and innovative colors transform contours into dynamics and design into emotion. Lines and curves are united and edges and contours are brought to life. When color and shape come together, and paint evokes passion, it’s because at BASF, we create chemistry.
Merck Establishes External Expert Advisory Panel for Sustainability As part of the sustainability strategy of Merck, the company has established The Merck Sustainability Advisory Panel (MSAP), which is made of six independent international experts who will advise the company on sustainability issues.
erck has established an
Merck’s sustainability strategy
external expert committee
Merck presented its sustainability
for sustainability, The Merck
strategy in November 2020, which aims
Sustainability Advisory Panel (MSAP).
at pursuing specific goals in the areas
The new committee consists of six
of science and technology and value
independent international experts
chains as well as climate change and the
on sustainability-related topics who
will advise Merck on selected issues
• Goal 1: In 2030, Merck will achieve
and critically assess its sustainability
human progress for more than one billion
performance as well as the company’s
people through sustainable science and
planned activities.
The experts will also apply their
• Goal 2: By 2030, the company will
knowledge to help address societal and
integrate sustainability into all its value
political challenges and developments
that could impact the businesses of
• Goal 3: By 2040, Merck will achieve
Merck, covering a wide range of topics:
climate neutrality and reduce its resource
from shaping and implementing ideas
for environmental and climate protection to entrepreneurial sustainability
Merck also wants to make a clearly
principles, future-oriented business
recognizable contribution to the
leadership, and sustainability
The members of the Merck Sustainability Advisory Panel
transformation as well as ESG key figures
• Glynda Bathan-Baterina (Philippines): Deputy
Over the past several months, the
and sustainable finance.
Executive Director of Clean Air Asia
company has made clear progress in the
“As a science and technology company,
• Michael Braungart (Germany): Founder and CEO
implementation. For example, the most
we want to find answers to the most
of Braungart EPEA Internationale Umweltforschung,
recent Annual General Meeting agreed
pressing challenges of our time. That’s
Professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg
to a resolution to integrate sustainability
why we have embedded sustainability as
• Todd Cort (United States): Faculty Co-Director of both
aspects into the compensation system of
a key element of our corporate strategy
the Center for Business and Environment (CBEY) and
the Executive Board.
and set ourselves ambitious goals. The
the Initiative on Sustainable Finance (YISF) of the Yale
The company is working to systematically
internationally renowned experts of the
School of Management
incorporate sustainability into all company
Merck Sustainability Advisory Panel will
• Maja Göpel (Germany): Expert for sustainability
support us in achieving these goals,”
policies and transformation research, Honorary
said Herwig Buchholz, Head of Group
Professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg
For further information:
Corporate Sustainability, who chairs the
• Ioannis Ioannou (United Kingdom): Associate
MSAP for Merck.
Professor for strategy and entrepreneurship at the
The MSAP supplements the existing
London Business School
expert panels on bioethics and digital
• Huiyao (Henry) Wang (China): Founder and President
of Center for China and Globalization (CCG).
and international trade, sustainable
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
BASF`s Coatings Division presents Automotive Color Trends 2021-2022 Joerg Zumkley BASF Coatings GmbH – Münster, Germany
The designers of BASF’s Coatings division studied the uncountable number of world’s colour variations and based the new Automotive Color Trends collection on them.
esigners for BASF’s Coatings division have delved into new
EMEA – Eye-opening and thought-provoking colours
colour spaces for the 2021-2022 Automotive Color Trends
Colours designed for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) use
collection. Borrowing a phenomenon from quantum mechanics,
familiar colour positions, but change them with the help of new effects,
this year’s collection is called SUPERPOSITION, which is a state where
subtle colour gradients, or a specific sparkle behaviour.
the limitation of binary systems is overcome.
Shades of grey change their colourfulness according to the angle of
In other words, things aren’t just black or white, heads or tails, one or
view. Shades of blue are light, reflective and structure the surface.
zero. The world has an uncountable number of variations, and this
“These eye-opening and thought-provoking colours are a superposition
collection immerses itself in those variations. The colours benefit from
of complex tones that challenge our perception,” said Mark Gutjahr,
an unlimited vocabulary of design, which can be playful and serious,
head of Automotive Color Design, EMEA.
comfortable and disturbing, or clear and chaotic all at the same time.
© SF
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Asia Pacific Recharge and think ahead
Asia Pacific saw societal change as its biggest trend for 2021. Many used the time they had to recharge, think ahead, and build energy for the future. Out of a uniformity in thoughts, products and materials of the past came flexibility and freedom. Everybody and everything should be accepted – not only people, but also products and materials. Everything can be flexible. “Asia Pacific’s key colours are light, clean shades evoking the exciting look of spring and the forward-looking hope it brings,” said
Chiharu Matsuhara, head of Automotive Design for Asia Pacific. “They show a higher
level of understanding of our diverse world.”
North America The concept of balance North America’s future colour designs looked to the concept of balance that strikes a chord with human steadfastness. The colour spaces are anchored in optimism and resilience, and show the potential for humanity to move forward despite the challenges. “We found the equilibrium between the natural and the synthetic world to create calming, unwavering, and thought-provoking colours. They draw the viewer into unique
sensations that operate on multiple nonbinary levels,” said Paul Czornij, head of
Automotive Design for the Americas.
Colour expertise of the Coatings division Every year, the designers of BASF’s Coatings division study future trends which they use as foundation for the development of surface, texture and colour positions. They draw inspiration from industry, fashion, consumer products, nature, and more. This research is shared with BASF’s customers, the automotive designers, to drive future mass production plans.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Graco’s Winning Team to Celebrate the Best Cyclists in the World Wim Belmans from Graco actively collaborated with street artist Thomas Daem, employing two Cordless 390 Classic units, to paint the portraits of famous cyclists along the road of the 2021 UCI Road World Championships.
im Belmans, District Manager CED of Graco, has cooperated
collective Puncheur searched for better equipment and finally chose
with the art collective Puncheur for a special street art
Graco airless machine to lift his art to a higher level. Belmans became
project on the famous Flander’s cycling roads. Aiming to
immediately fascinated with the projects, and after some initial tests
honour the greatest cyclists in history, they employed two Cordless
they both discovered that Graco cordless 390 classic units made their
390 Classic units to paint the faces of the athletes along the trail of the
work faster and easier.
2021 UCI Road World Championships, which took place in Belgium
In total, the team painted 16 portraits of 3.75 m x 2.55 m in just three
from 18th to 26th September 2021.
days, working tirelessly from 09:20 am until past midnight.
The original idea came to the Belgian graphic designer Thomas Daem
“Graco as a partner is very proud to cooperate in this very unique
for Tom Boonen’s last year as a professional cyclist in 2017. The artist
sports event and is even more proud that the lightweight and compact
and his dad created some basic stencils with spare cardboard from the
design of the new battery-powered sprayer, which was on top of that
grocery store and painted the face of Boonen on the road. Since then,
highly portable, turned out to be the ideal help for this paint jobs,”
Daem made several other portraits, such as the ones of Peter Sagan,
commented Belmans.
Frank Vandenbroucke, Johan Museeuw, Bradley Wiggins and Wout van Aert, becoming very renowned in the world of cycling and street art. For the 2021 UCI Road World Championships, he and the street-art
© Graco
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
© Graco
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© Sud-Ouest Laquage
Some of the products powder-coated by Sud-Ouest Laquage (Barbezieux, France).
The Key Role of Multi-Metal Pre-Treatment in Improving Powder Coating Adhesion and Quality Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
The integration of a 5-stage automatic multi-metal pre-treatment tunnel in its powder coating department has enabled Sud-Ouest Laquage to improve paint adhesion on steel and aluminium substrates and, thanks to the faster production process, deliver high-quality products within just a few days, thus optimising its ability to penetrate markets other than its own.
or more than twenty years, the art of transforming metal has
of product quality, led this French company to create a new production
been one of the specialisations of Charente Pliage, a company
unit dedicated exclusively to powder coating small and large products.
based in Montboyer (France) machining and painting aluminium,
Charente Pliage thus founded Sud-Ouest Laquage in 2021. It set it up
stainless steel, galvanised steel, and other components, be they
with a shot blasting cabin, a metallisation cabin, a powder coating booth,
mass produced or made to measure for the architectural sector. The
and two curing ovens, all supplied by Industrie-Systèmes (Bouches du
continuous search for solutions capable of preempting the needs of
Rhône, France), which has been offering turnkey painting products and
the market and reducing process times, without of course losing sight
equipment since 1985.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“Although our company is young,” states Mickaël Matignon, Associate
its professionalism and in-depth experience in the supply of turnkey
General Manager at Sud-Ouest Laquage, “our team has many years of
plants,” says Emmanuel Lafon, General Manager at Sud-Ouest Laquage.
experience in powder coating. Thanks to this know-how, we are already
“Its collaboration with Italian company Eurotherm has given it an even
receiving more and more requests from both our local market, that
more international profile and enabled it to consolidate its business
is, the southwestern region of France, and the national market. This is
beyond France. We visited the Eurotherm factory in Volpiano (Italy) to
why we decided to speed up our preparation phase prior to painting
see the results of their solutions for ourselves. We were immediately
by integrating an automatic pre-treatment tunnel, and once again
convinced of the need to continue working with them in order to
we turned to our trusted supplier, Industrie-Systèmes.” Since 2010,
improve our paint adhesion and product quality levels and thus fully
Industrie-Systèmes has been working in partnership with Eurotherm
meet the demands of our partners – which, after only a few months
Spa, an Italian company specialising in the design, manufacture, and
since the start of our activity, are becoming not only more numerous,
installation of liquid and powder coating lines, whose commercial
but also highly varied in terms of industries.” The latest addition to this
activities conducted in France were managed by the former.
partnership was Aertech, specialising in supplying technical solutions for
An established team of suppliers
industrial coating and surface treatment departments, which provided the chemicals for the pre-treatment process. Aertech is the sister
Sud-Ouest Laquage worked with Industrie-Systèmes to design
company of the Chemtec Italian company which has been producing
and install its powder coating line from the outset. “We knew the
and distributing chemical products for the metal surface and water
reputation that Industrie-Systèmes had acquired in France thanks to
treatment for the coating industry since 2010.
© Industrie-Systèmes
The exterior of the pre-treatment tunnel, the powder coating booth, and the curing oven.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© Industrie-Systèmes
© Industrie-Systèmes
The 5-stage pre-treatment tunnel, the latest system to be integrated into the coating department.
The inside of the pre-treatment chamber, where components of different materials can be cleaned.
“Our collaboration with Industrie-Systèmes and the team of companies
up to 4 m long, which we powder-coat in a large booth: the problem
working with it” - continues Lafon - proved to be a winning choice: they
was to find a pre-treatment system that would not only be effective on
understood what we needed and supported us very carefully through
any metal substrate, but would also provide optimal powder adhesion
every stage of the development and installation of our 5-stage pre-
results. We therefore worked with Industrie-Systèmes to develop a pre-
treatment tunnel.”
treatment tunnel capable of meeting all these requirements.”
The flexibility of the new pre-treatment tunnel
“The concept of this tunnel is unique,” states Mathieu Breton, General Manager of Industrie-Systèmes, “because it allows carrying out two
One of Sud-Ouest Laquage’s most pressing needs was to find a
different pre-treatment processes in the same chamber, depending on
pre-treatment solution that would be effective for different types of
the type of material to be treated. In the case of steel and galvanised
materials and components. “We process parts characterised by different
steel, we perform a phosphodegreasing or alkaline degreasing stage,
dimensions, materials, and shapes. We carry out metallising or shot
followed by three rinses, including two with mains water, and one with
blasting treatments on products that need extra corrosion protection.
osmosis water and nanometric conversion. In the case of aluminium,
However, for the other components, we were also looking for a solution
on the other hand, acid pickling is carried out first to remove the oxides
that would ensure greater resistance to weathering and corrosion and
that remain on the workpieces’ surfaces after welding and annealing,
excellent powder adhesion. Our plants are capable of treating products
followed by three rinses, including two with mains water and one with
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Industrie-Systèmes
© Industrie-Systèmes
The feeding system of the pre-treatment tunnel.
Electric recirculation pumps.
osmosis water, and nanometric conversion.”
“The possibility of choosing between these two processes,” notes
“The chemical products are formulated and manufactured by Chemtec
Mr. Matignon, “ensures we always achieve the best level of metal
in Italy and distributed by Aertech in France” - says Carlo Giudetti,
preparation prior to coating, in terms of both mechanical strength and
CEO of Chemtec. “This double pre-treatment cycle guarantees the
anti-corrosion resistance.” The tunnel has been designed to minimise
highest quality level for each type of metal. The formulations have
the risk of contamination of liquids during rinsing. “In addition, to avoid
been developed specifically for single-chamber tunnels, which always
contamination of the pre-treatment chamber due to the performance
represent particular applications due to the high contamination rate of
of different processes, we have equipped the plant with a zero-liquid
the rinsing tanks. The passivation applied to each surface is the latest
discharge water treatment system that filters the different chemicals
innovation available in the pre-treatment industry: the PRONORTEC
used during the cycles, purifies the liquid, and sends clean water back to
process developed by Chemtec is the only nanotechnological conversion
the machine.”
that exploits the chemical features of organic phosphorus compounds.
Thanks to this special system, entirely designed and supplied by Aertech,
It is totally free of heavy metals, does not require rinsing, has a very long
it is no longer necessary to drain water from the rinsing tanks to ensure
life and very simple application and is able to guarantee the same coat
the high quality of the processes: water consumption corresponds to
adhesion and corrosion resistance levels as the ones guaranteed by
the actual use of the system without drains or wastewater.
microcrystalline zinc phosphating”.
The 5-stage pre-treatment is followed by the drying phase and the
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
© Sud-Ouest Laquage
Some special workpieces painted by Sud-Ouest Laquage.
application of powder primers and coats, in which Sud-Ouest Laquage
have improved the working conditions of our operators by making them
specialises. After curing, the coated products undergo a quality control
less burdensome, thanks to the elimination of sanding operations before
and then they are ready for packaging and delivery or collection by
painting, now replaced by chemical pre-treatment. Finally, thanks to the
water recovery and recirculation system, we have even minimised our
running costs. The latest plant innovations by Eurotherm and Industrie-Systèmes
“Thanks to this investment,” says Mr. Lafon, “and to the quality of service
combined with the technological development in the surface treatment of
provided by the team made up of Industrie-Systèmes, Eurotherm, and
Chemtec and in the water treatment of Aertech guarantee us to achieve
Aertech, Sud-Ouest Laquage now has the opportunity to increase its
excellent results in terms of coat adhesion and corrosion resistance
production capacity and respond more promptly to requests not only
without using technologies with a strong environmental impact, creating
from the architectural sector, with which we were started out thanks to
wastewater rich in toxic substances, and discharging polluted water, by
the reputation of Charente Pliage, but also from other industries, such
minimizing energy and water consumption. Technological innovations
as furniture and carpentry, without limitations on the materials treated
now guarantee the coating industry to achieve the objectives of the green
and with the certainty of offering a high quality service. Moreover, we
and circular economy”.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.
© Alter Projects
Sonic Bloom: Communicating Through Colourful Horns Yuri Suzuki’s colourful art installation at the centre of London allows visitors to listen to city sounds and communicate with each other in-person again, thanks to the antibacterial paintings used to coat the entire sculpture.
ringing people together through sound and facilitating their
any landscape. I have created sculptures in public realms before and
communication is the main goal of Sonic Bloom, the colourful
primary colours do not conflict with landscapes and environments.”
interactive, community-focused, multi-sensory art installation
The layout of the artwork was designed to be inclusive, so it features
created by the sound artist and designer Yuri Suzuki.
seats and horns in various positions, in order to make it possible
Located at Brown Hart Gardens in London’s Mayfair area, near the
for people with disabilities and elders to experience the sculpture. “I
Oxford shopping district, Sonic Bloom is open to the public from 23rd
personally think just a statue standing in public realms does not give
August 2021 and will be possible to visit it for a year. The artwork
enough function to the community. If people actively use it, then public
features a cluster of colourful horn-shaped speaking tubes through
art has a meaning,” explained Suzuki.
which people can communicate. Moreover, the ones at the top of
The art installation includes also digital elements for people that are
the sculpture capture the city’s sounds and amplify them. To ensure
unable to travel to the British capital: the voices of the users have been
the safety of the people and allow them to gather and experience
recorded and edited into flower animations that are freely accessible on
community life without risks, the entire sculpture has been painted
the neighbourhood’s website. This aspect further expands the important
using antibacterial coatings and is cleaned daily.
concept of accessibility and inclusiveness, especially during a period
The name of the installation derives from its form, a network of red,
national lockdowns and travel restrictions.
yellow and blue trumpets resembling a blooming flower. The choice
Sonic Bloom has been developed to be dismantled and then
of the painted colours has been dictated by the artist’s favourite
reassembled easily in other locations, avoiding waste.
colour palettes. “I chose primary colours because I am dyslexic and they help with reading. With these clear divisions, people can easily
For further information:
identify the passage of sound. Primary colours also will fit very well into and
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
2022 Social Media Trends: Everything There is to Know Barbara Pennati eos Mktg&Communication Srl
In this article, we summarize the most important 2022 social media trends that will drive digital content and strategies next year.
e have reached that part of the year in which the major
experts – which help us fully understand the digital world and adjust
marketing players publish reports on the main trends in
the focus of our communication strategies.
the digital world for the following year. Important data
So, let’s inaugurate this series of articles on next year’s marketing
and insights – obtained through surveys and interviews with industry
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
trends by talking about 2022 Social Media Trends.
TikTok will continue to grow and other apps will adapt
and easily, without redirecting to other sites.
TikTok was the first non-Facebook-owned app to reach 3 billion
For this reason, on the eve of 2022, brands that sell online should
downloads globally. Just by this we should understand the power of
re-evaluate their sales funnel and consider taking advantage of social
this social network, which is based on user-generated content (UGC),
selling opportunities through posts, stories, reels, etc. Clearly, the
leading to very high levels of engagement and cross-platform sharing.
rule always applies that the easier and faster the purchase process,
When we spoke of 2021 social media trends, we mentioned the
the more chances we will have of concluding the sale. Furthermore,
importance of such content, the role that TikTok plays in promoting
it will also be important to provide support through chatbots and
it and the fact that more and more apps will adapt to try to imitate
verify through analysis tools that the costumer journey is as smooth
TikTok, as Instagram has already done with Reels.
as possible.
Today, we can say that this trend has been confirmed and shows
To be successful in social selling we will have to speak the same
no signs of dying out, especially since TikTok is launching further
language as users and in particular that of our audience, by
innovations, including the e-commerce aspect, new monetization
creating content that attracts their attention but also by exploiting
models and #TikTokResumes, a new feature that will allow users to
user-generated content. In fact, UGC is an effective way to sell on
upload their CV and apply for a job directly through the platform.
social media as they generate trust in the brand, while increasing
The hashtag launched to promote the initiative is already attracting
the attention of younger people who will surely use their creativity to
However, if on the one hand social networks have become the heart
apply and stand out in the eyes of employers.
of shopping, on the other, brands must commit to offering, through
Therefore, what we will see will be an even more widespread
social media, a punctual and efficient customer service.
dissemination of TikTok-style content, not only on TikTok itself but
In fact, consumers, tired of waiting, have discovered that the
also on all other platforms (as it already happens, to the point that
customer service provided via social media is immediate, convenient
Instagram has come to penalize the content reposted directly with
and effective, and they prefer it: in a Nielsen survey commissioned by
the TikTok watermark). For this reason, other apps will adapt to host
Facebook, 64% of people said they prefer to send messages rather
similar content, while inspiring users to create it.
than calling a company. The pressure on companies to adapt to as
Therefore, if our target is on TikTok, it’s more important than ever
many digital support channels as possible is therefore skyrocketing.
to follow this trend, abandoning the more traditional forms of
But it’s not just customers who expect their needs to be met
communication and embracing new formats but without distorting
on social media: some regulatory bodies, such as the Australian
the brand. The consequence of the success of TikTok-style content
Securities and Investments Commission, are starting to require
is also clearly visible at the advertising level: despite the fact that we
organizations to provide support through customer-preferred
come from reduced budget times, the largest increases in advertising
spending compared to last year were assigned to TikTok, Pinterest
In this context, it is also important to remember another factor: our
and Snapchat. Marketers are shifting their assets to where they
customers don’t make the distinction between customer service,
can make the most impact, and increasingly, this is happening on
marketing or sales team. For them, every interaction is simply an
platforms that weren’t prioritized in the marketing mix before.
experience with the brand. It is therefore important to ensure
Therefore, our creativity must not fail when it comes to advertising:
that the various teams work in tandem and communicate without
brands that want to stand out in 2022 will have to commit to creating
constraints, so that they can easily and immediately deal with
ads that reflect and enrich the experience offered by each social
requests and mitigate any problem.
network. accept the need of experimenting, without focusing too much on the
The way we advertise and manage the privacy narrative will change
metrics, making mistakes and trying again and again.
At the time of the war on cookies and the tracking policies adopted
To keep up with all these changes, it is clear that we will have to
Social Selling will take on a leading role
so far, learning to balance the need to offer personalized services and the need to obtain the consent of users, acting in accordance
Thanks to the collaboration with Shopify, Instagram introduced
with the new regulations, will be of primary importance.
Shoppable Posts in 2018, which allow users to purchase products
As we have already seen when talking about digital marketing trends
without leaving the app, with a simple touch. Since then, the goal of
of 2021, people are, in fact, worried about their online privacy.
the main social apps has been to offer users the ability to buy quickly
However, such concerns do not seem to translate into a more
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
conscious behaviour for the time being. This was demonstrated by an
experiment by, which added the right to name the user’s
In addition to user-generated content, we can also take advantage of
first child in the consent form. 98% of users agreed to.
influencer marketing, which to date remains one of the promotional
The truth is that many times the language of privacy policies is too
forms with the highest return on investment, capable of generating
complicated and verbose and people have neither the time nor the
high engagement rates without being invasive, and increasing the
desire to read them. However, with privacy policies changing and
credibility of a brand.
the need to address user concerns, brands will need to take matters into their own hands and set a strategy. This presents a challenge as
The metaverse will be the future
well as an opportunity: that of rewriting the privacy narrative, using a
Driven by the world of gaming, the metaverse is a fusion of the
more concise and direct language and building a relationship of real
physical world, augmented reality and virtual and, according to Mark
trust with users.
Zuckerberg (and many others), it will be the future.
One of the ways to do this and advertise our brand at the same time
Many brands, from fashion to automotive, have already exploited the
is to recognize that consumers trust other consumers more than
metaverse to launch their products, offering the public an immersive
brands. Therefore, UGCs must once again be part of our strategy to
experience and investing heavily in this new technological challenge.
address both growing user concerns and the fact that advertising is
Then we have the recent launch of Meta, which brings together all
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
by the apps and technologies owned by Zuckerberg under a new
corporate brand. Meta’s goal, as stated in the official press release, will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities and grow businesses. The metaverse will be a hybrid of today’s online social experiences, which will embrace both a three-dimensional and physical world, allowing users to live different immersive experiences, from social connection, to entertainment, to games, to fitness, to work, to education, right up to business. Considering that Zuckerberg owns some of the most widely used social apps in the world today, it is clear that this new project will have significant proportions and consequences for anyone who does online marketing. Having said that, we must always keep in mind that projects for their own sake lead nowhere: our audience will not be interested in our brand, our platform or our space if what we have built does
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not actually meet their actual needs nor their interests. So, let’s not get carried away by the enthusiasm of these new digital and technological revolutions but, before diving into the metaverse and the infinite possibilities it offers, let’s take the right time to
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reflect and gather information on consumers.
Brands will need to be attentive to social issues Environmental sustainability was perhaps the first major topic of social interest to be embraced also at a corporate level. To such an extent that in some cases we speak of greenwashing, a term that indicates all those marketing and communication strategies aimed at presenting a company as eco-sustainable when in reality it is not. Today, however, the time for bla bla bla – to put it as Greta Thunberg did – is over: whether we are talking about environmental sustainability, racial issues or gender inclusiveness,
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brands will have to have an opinion on it because that is what consumers expect and what they will be judged for. Having said that, one does not become socially aware and inclusive overnight. You need to devote time, research and commitment to seriously and sincerely engage not only your audience on the issues of greatest interest but also the entire company. Therefore, let’s not imitate the popular sentiment to keep our
audience engaged but let’s strive to be a truly inclusive and aware brand.
The power (and potential) of communities will grow As mentioned, the line between digital and physical is becoming more and more blurred and younger generations are driving this
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Gucci Garden, hosted on the Roblox gaming platform, allows users to stroll through the virtual garden designed by Gucci and to try and buy digital Gucci items.
change, by networking and sharing online. All social networks are
communities to life. This means building trust by investing in partner
moving in this direction, just think of the aforementioned metaverse
creators, taking the lead in distributing their content and amplifying it
but also of the new Twitter Communities, which aims to offer people
across our channels.
a virtual place to connect, share and get closer to the discussions
So, instead of trying to create a community from scratch – which
they care about the most.
requires time and money that are not always available – it is better
Last year we wrote about how brands focused on listening and
to introduce ourselves and tap into existing creator communities
finding their place within the conversation before making their voices
to learn more about our customers, simplify content creation and
heard online.
increase brand awareness and affinity.
This year, we need to take it one step further: not only do we need to
What do you think of these trends? Let us know with a comment
listen to what people say within the online communities we address,
on our website and contact us for more
but also actively support the content creators who bring those
information on our social media management services.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Shortage of Skilled Personnel: The Training Needs of Companies Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
Our editorial team asked a few questions to company owners and coating managers in order to better understand the needs of the labour market and how the ipcm® Academy training course can match supply with demand.
he labour market is constantly changing. Moreover, it often
We are now witnessing a growing demand for soft skills to fill these
seems that schools and universities are excessively focused on
gaps in practical activities1.
theoretical knowledge and unable to prepare future professionals
However, on the other hand, the surface treatment industry is
to the possible challenges they will face. 1
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Lack of training courses especially for young people
Italy) specialising in plastic and metal surface
of training courses enabling people to learn technical knowledge related to the activities
Countless companies report having
an extensive search for a resource capable
performed in the coating and surface
difficulties in finding adequately trained
of managing its entire painting department.
treatment world.
staff. Therefore, our editorial team decided
“The biggest challenge was to find people
This is why the ipcm Academy courses,
to ask specifically about recent experiences
with experience in the whole coating process
aimed at paint operators, paintshop
in recruiting new professionals and about
and in the management of all systems, from
managers, paint manufacturers’ sales
the knowledge and characteristics that
pre-treatment to manual and automatic
engineers, and quality control managers,
these professionals should have. “In my
application of various types of paint, through
give access to a training programme based
experience,” says Massimo Arcuri, the
to polymerisation. Ideally, we were looking
on the current demands and needs of the
industrialisation and coating technology
for an engineer or a technical graduate, with
labour market, through classroom lessons
manager of IMR Industries (Carate Brianza,
about two years’ experience in various coating-
with highly qualified teachers boasting many
Monza e Brianza, Italy), “I have noticed that
related activities. Alternatively, we were
years of experience in the field of surface
there is a preference for seeking out and
willing to also consider technical graduates
treatments, including both a theoretical and a
hiring resources with a technical background
with production experience. We were not
practical part.
but willing to be professionally trained by
looking for an expert, but for a resource to
the company itself. The lack of specific
keep training and making grow professionally
schooling and academics makes it difficult to
in our company. Unfortunately, there are
find people who are already professionals,
very few candidates with experience in the
especially among young people. In addition,
various processes involved in painting. We
the continuous evolution of our sector
have had feedback from some coaters, albeit
requires continuous training.
with difficulty, or from people who in the
“That is why I attended the ipcm® Academy
past also supervised coaters as part of their
course as well, although I already had
duties, but nobody experienced in running
some knowledge of the topics covered –
a whole painting department. Therefore, we
and I regret not having attended it earlier,
also considered a person who had managed
maybe even at the beginning of my career,
other types of processes and was willing to be
because it would have given me a better
trained in-house.”
understanding of many aspects of the coating
Massa only found out about the ipcm®
process. Therefore, I would also recommend
Academy courses after this lengthy research,
it to young people who have just entered
but he says they would have been a useful
the world of work and started out in this
reference to turn to for immediate feedback
sector, so that they can better understand
during the research phase. “As mentioned, our
the various processes and obtain training
difficulties were due to a lack of knowledge
that is perhaps ancillary to their specific
tout court. Therefore, courses such as those
tasks, but still necessary for their professional
run by ipcm® Academy would certainly have
development. The world of work certainly
helped in finding staff with the characteristics
needs more training, and a course of this kind
we were looking for. Moreover, for example,
can enable these professionals to mature
the possibility of participating in individual
quickly. In fact, the company I work for is also
modules could enable coaters to acquire
looking for a similar course that focuses on
technical expertise on further aspects of the
surface treatment field and expand their
experiencing the opposite problem: the lack
© Adobe Stock
Comprehensive experience in paintshops and equipment
treatments, which has recently carried out
knowledge. The industry suffers from a lack of training paths of this kind.”
This is also exemplified by the testimony of Michael Massa, the general manager of
For further information:
SIVE SpA, a company based in Cirié (Turin,
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Is Corporate Sustainability a Mirage? Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
hen we talk or read about
(global) markets. Precisely in order to better
different opportunities, such as, for example,
sustainability, we often come across
understand how to orient in the (green) jungle
the industrial symbiosis approach (waste from
slogans, marketing strategies
of environmental issues, UCIF started with the
one company could be turned into resources
with little substance, or even questionable
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
for another). In addition, there are measures
media phenomena and personalities. Hardly
and its seventeen macro goals, which, together
to promote the right to reuse and repair and
any thought is given to how companies
with the Paris Agreement on climate change,
there will be an increasing move towards
should and could concretely become more
constitutes the roadmap for a better world
disassemblable products to allow for the
sustainable – which would also give them a
and a global framework for international
proper disposal of each individual component
competitive advantage, as the two factors
cooperation on sustainable development
(eco-design). As if that were not enough,
are not exclusive, but complementary. In fact,
and its economic, social, environmental, and
sustainability will also become a part of each
transitioning to technologies with a reduced
governance aspects. In order to achieve
organisation’s “corporate culture”, aimed at
environmental impact does not just involve
the Agenda’s objectives, the European
creating engagement on different levels: with
the ability to tap into dedicated economic
Union has promoted a series of policies and
shareholders, because in future no one will
resources (often public), but it is also about
binding targets, such as the 55% reduction in
want to invest in a polluting company; with
changing one’s own production approach
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and the
employees, because the younger generations
and adopting a new business philosophy that
even more ambitious goal of the EU’s climate
are attentive to these issues and will not want
brings various benefits.
neutrality by 2050, which necessarily involves
to bring their skills to a non-green company;
It was with this in mind that, in the framework
a process of decarbonisation of each member
and in terms of corporate strategy, because no
of its We Talk format, UCIF organised a
state (based on their NECPs, national energy
corporate mission will be conceivable without
digital meeting that saw the participation of
and climate plans).
including respect for or protection of the
two experts who addressed this issue with
Nevertheless, why should companies go in this
environment that surrounds us.
a focus on companies and the business
direction not only due to social responsibility,
This and much more was discussed during
benefits of embracing sustainable choices.
but also on economic grounds? First of all,
the digital meeting, one of the many events
In fact, while it is true that citizens are often
because the national recovery and resilience
that our Association is organising to support
sensitive to these topics, it is also true that
plans (NRRPs) stipulate that 37% of the funds
companies – because, in order to be actually
many industrial sectors do not yet know how
should be allocated to green transition, which
sustainable, it is necessary to act together.
to harmonise attention to the environment
is one of the plans’ six missions. Secondly,
While useful, individual contribution remains
with the economic constraints imposed by
because circular business models can create
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
COVERED by ipcm®
PPG Supported the “Leonardo da Vinci” National Museum of Science and Technology in the Construction of a new Chemistry Laboratory Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®
he “Leonardo da Vinci” National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan (Italy) has recently renewed
its space dedicated to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education by creating a new chemistry laboratory: iLab Chimica. Created thanks to the support of coating, paint, and special material manufacturer PPG, the new laboratory is an innovative and interactive area mainly conceived for new generations and aimed at bringing people and, in particular, primary and secondary school students closer to scientific disciplines and chemical phenomena. Such important result has been the fruit of the synergy between the museum’s educational expertise and PPG’s technical and scientific know-how – for years, this company has been helping bring colour and brightness to communities in line with its purpose, “We protect and beautify the world”. During the creation of this laboratory, the paint manufacturer’s experts and researchers selected the most innovative and sustainable products and recommended the most suitable and high-performance technologies with the aim of giving the community a new symbol of beauty and culture, a project to be experienced, seen, and experiences. Inauguration of the new laboratory The inauguration of iLab Chimica, which took place on 7th October 2021 at the “Leonardo
© ipcm
da Vinci” Museum, saw the participation
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
COVERED by ipcm®
of numerous speakers who explained the reasons behind the
and fall in love with this complex and invisible but unexpectedly
development of a new laboratory. Creativity and innovation were
beautiful world that is woven into all aspects of our lives,” stated Maria
the common keywords among their speeches. Indeed, the creativity
Xanthoudaki, the Museum’s Education Director.
of chemistry is expressed in the possibility of combining existing
“We are very proud to be an active part of this STEM project with
elements – chemical elements, molecules – with connections, links,
our expertise and innovations, alongside an important scientific and
and reactions and generating original associations that create new
educational organisation such as the “Leonardo da Vinci” National
products and knowledge. On the other hand, innovation is provided
Museum of Science and Technology. We believe that science and
by an innovatively designed space, an unconventional educational
chemistry are closely linked to our mission, which is to protect and
approach, and unusual instrumentation including thermal imaging
make the world more beautiful, with colour as an essential element.
cameras, microphones, and sensors that make chemistry perceptible
This has guided us and will continue to guide us in future: at PPG, we
through different senses.
have been committed for years to using it in all its forms, making it
“The new laboratory aims at introducing chemistry through
the protagonist of our business and of a path to spreading knowledge
educational experiences designed to bring out the creativity that lies
of its beauty. In particular, with this new iLab Chimica project, we
in the synthesis or transformation of elements. This is made possible
wanted to show how the intertwining of innovation, colour, and
by a space designed to encourage group work and the direct use
sustainability can give rise to valuable initiatives. We hope that this
of tools making this subject perceptible through the five senses,
educational resource we are inaugurating will bring children closer
also thanks to an approach that favours open and experimental
to the discovery of science, intrigue adults, and surprise enthusiasts,”
learning. Our goal is to create a context in which each person can
commented Andrea Giunta, PPG’s Vice President Science &
directly experience chemistry, explore and discover it, ask questions,
Technology, Color, Corporate.
075/2018 BMXX18R
COVERED by ipcm®
The new iLab Chimica
• tables that can be rotated and stacked to
The laboratory extends longitudinally, looking
flexibly adapt the space to the activities to be
out onto the garden of one of the two
carried out;
cloisters of the former Olivetan monastery,
• light boxes in the centre of the tables
and is characterised by a succession of strips
that change colour as required, helping to
in different materials and with different
observe any surprising reaction and setting
shapes, colours, and surface finishes,
the ideal stage for the many recording
which give rise to a dynamic, creative, and
instruments connected to the monitors;
innovatively designed space.
• three showcases containing familiar or unfamiliar, historical or contemporary
This is completed as follows:
objects, engaging visitors with informal
• two large projections welcoming visitors
questions that trigger reactions of curiosity
with artistic images from the international
and a desire to play and marvel at the
Beautiful Chemistry project;
countless possibilities that chemistry offers.
• large closets containing tools useful for teaching activities;
The laboratory has been open to the public at the Museum since 9 October 2021.
© Galimberti
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Scan the code to watch the presentation of the new laboratory
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COVERED by ipcm®
Axalta Opens its first Colour Experience Room in Italy Barbara Pennati ipcm®
Customers, architects, and stakeholders can visit and admire in person the colours and finishes of Axalta’s new Colour Experience Room, inaugurated in October at the group’s Italian offices in Cavenago, just outside Milan.
he choice of colours and finishes is a fundamental step in the
Colour Experience Room at its offices in Cavenago di Brianza (Monza e
creation of any product. This is even truer for architectural
Brianza, Italy).
structures, which do not only have to fulfil specific functions
This contemporary and bright area of 80 m2 has been designed to
and comply with safety standards, but are also increasingly seen as a
welcome all those interested and allow them to get a closer look at the
valuable aesthetic and stylistic element of urban skylines. In order to
range of colours and finishes offered by Axalta.
guide its customers, but also architects and designers, in the choice of
“This Colour Experience Room in Milan is the first in Italy and the sixth
effects and tints for their architectural projects, Axalta has created a
in Europe,” explains Cristian Palmieri, the Sales Manager Italy of Axalta,
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
COVERED by ipcm®
during the opening
member of the Green
walk-in of the exhibition
Building Council, a
space. “It is deliberately
non-profit association
all white to highlight the
active in more than
1200 colour variants
seventy countries
displayed in a chromatic
around the world
sequence, which also
for the sustainable
include several special
construction market,
effects such as wrinkled,
which promotes
metallic, or bonderised.
certification protocols
Customers, designers,
whose parameters
and architects visiting
establish precise
this space have the
criteria for the design
opportunity to assess
and construction
our range up close, pick
of healthy,
up the sheets they are
interested in, and create
their own personal
friendly buildings.”
colour palette.
Customers, architects,
“The decision to open a
and designers are
Colour Experience Room
also guided in their
in Italy was driven by the
choice of tints and
desire to offer a high
finishes by Vibes, a magazine published
added value service to both our customers and our customers’ customers, that is, architects
by Axalta every year to collect all main colour trends identified by
and designers. In particular, Milan alone has the largest professional
analysing different sectors of our daily life, from fashion to automotive.
association of architects in Italy, with over 12,000 people.”
Finally, the Colour Experience Room is not the only way through
“The language of architecture is different from the industrial one: it
which customers and designers can approach Axalta’s paint range.
has its own specificity and an emotional component, intrinsic in colour,
The company has installed around 200 ColourSelectors in Europe,
which must be taken into account. This calls for someone who ‘speaks
including 23 in Italy.
the same language’ and has the same skills as our visitors. That is
“These are walls set up with sheets coated in our 490 most popular
why, in each country where there is a Colour Experience Room, Axalta
colours, belonging to the Alesta® AE, Architectural Polyester, and
works with different architects in order to both create and manage
Alesta® SD (Super Durable quality) collections. Wherever they are, our
the exhibition space and its guests. In Italy, we have welcomed to
customers have the opportunity to see these tints in person, feel the
our team Ana Cecilia Montel, an architect and a Colour Specialist and
texture of different finishes, and, by scanning the specific QR code,
Specification Leader at Axalta, who supports all visitors in the selection
send their order directly to Axalta,” explains Palmieri.
of tints and finishes. In the competitive market of architectural paints,
“The opening of the Colour Experience Room at Axalta’s Italian offices
this project, together with the possibility of benefiting from specific
was well received by local customers and architects. It is the result of
know-how in the field of design and architecture, has enabled us to
an internal restructuring work carried out by Axalta to manage this
diversify and gain a competitive edge by focussing on design and
venture and offer an additional service to the Italian market, which
finishing,” states Palmieri.
is very important for us. We are delighted that this exhibition space
“Sustainability also plays an important role, from the choice of raw
has finally been realised and that we can once again welcome our
materials to the manufacturing processes and the chemical nature of
customers in person. For the future, we have other projects aimed at
our products, be they powder or liquid coatings, which we try to make
the world of architecture, on which we are already working,” concludes
as environmentally friendly as possible. Since last year, we have been a
Cristian Palmieri.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
COVERED by ipcm®
Dürr Hosted Its First Virtual Open-House Focused on Intelligent Flexibility Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
Dürr’s 12th open-house, focused on intelligent flexibility, presented smart solutions for the paint shop of the future, that will improve efficiency and profitability while reducing costs and environmental impact.
or the first time, Dürr held its open-house virtually. From 8th to
The 12th open-house included presentations, interviews and technical
12 November 2021, the company presented its new products
demonstrations focused on solutions that would replace the previous
to increase efficiency and profitability in manufacturing while
line concept with a future-oriented configuration based around flexible,
reducing resources for large volume manufacturers and small electric
intelligently connected process modules which can be scaled to meet
car start-ups.
customers’ requirements.
© Dürr
EcoProFleet AGV at Dürr’s test centre in Bietigheim-Bissingen (Germany).
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
COVERED by ipcm®
“What manufacturers need most these days from the painting process is flexibility, cost efficiency, and sustainability. We answer this need with our concept of the paint shop of the future, which overcomes the limitations of the inflexible production line. Instead, the 120 or so individual operations are executed in scalable modules or small sections, in parallel and timed precisely to the needs of the individual body,” stated the CEO of Dürr, Jochen Weyrauch. “This makes it easy to extend capacities and channel different vehicle types through the painting process. Ideally, even individual items can be handled while production is underway.”
The paint shop of the future: flexibility and artificial intelligence Single stations can be custom equipped using the automated guided vehicle EcoProFleet, the first AGV specifically developed for
© Dürr
paint shops. In combination with a high-bay
The automatic applicator EcoSealJet Pro allows to paint hard-to-reach surfaces.
storage, it lays the foundation for intelligent material flow control along the whole process. The DXQcontrol software controls each AGV, so all modules are always efficiently used directly from the pre-treatment phase. The new modular system design of EcoProWet PT, on the other hand, is based on standardized chambers instead of immersion tanks arranged one after another, in order to allow more flexibility and save space. Dürr has further automated the seam sealing phase with the new EcoSealJet Pro automatic applicator and the DXQ software powered by artificial intelligence. The box configuration for the painting process in the EcoProBooth combines the application of the primer and basecoat layers in one single spray booth, eliminating two of the three usual conveying operations. Moreover, it is also suitable as a standard spray booth with the same robot equipment for both basecoat and clearcoat. © Dürr
EcoPaintJet Pro can paint vertical surfaces without masking and avoiding overspray.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
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© Dürr
EcoProBooth allows to apply for several coating layers in a single painting booth.
The overspray-free EcoPaintJet Pro painting system is now able to
data, messages, and information, helping to identify correlations and
automatically apply two-component paints (2C), besides two-tone lines
avoid errors. A feedback feature constantly provides the algorithm with
for car roofs, colour changes, vertical surfaces and decorative paint
additional information, so predictions about the need for maintenance
applications. In addition to this, the atomizer generation EcoBell4 can
can become more and more precise.
deliver shorter colour change times and automated atomizer cleaning,
“The many participants from all over the world, well in excess of 1,000,
therefore allowing to paint more units at the same time. Low paint and
and all of the enthusiastic feedback are indicators of the great interest
solvent consumption help to make production more sustainable by
generated by the first virtual open house. Our concept for the paint
reducing VOC emissions.
shop of the future is a complete success. It delivers exactly what
The software belonging to Dürr’s DXQ series ensure that the processes
manufacturers need,” concluded Weyrauch.
interact smoothly in the modular concept, transforming the boxbased painting system into a smart factory. uses AI algorithms and machine learning modules to collect and analyse sensor
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
COVERED by ipcm®
Neuce Powder Coatings’ XIII Technical Day: “Technical Evolution and State-of-the-Art of Powders”
n 18 November, Neuce Powder Coatings celebrated its XIII
• Thicknesses on edges / edges in profiles / aluminium sheets.
Technical Day entitled “Technical Evolution and State-of-
Comparison of painted profiles in Europe (powder) and the USA (liquid).
the-Art of Powders” at the Hotel Rafael Atocha in Madrid
Metallographic study. Guarantee - Patricia Saez-Torres
(Spain). This technical event, which Titan Powder Coating (now Neuce
• Structured coatings. How to maintain consistency and gloss in all
Powder Coatings) has been celebrating for several years now with
applications. Adhesion on anodised, galvanised, and polyamide surfaces -
great success in terms of both participation and content, is aimed at
José Arrieta Segura
illustrating the latest research studies, experiences, ideas, and projects
• Technical coordinates of the last forty years in powder coating
on the subject of powder coatings. The meeting was well attended by
development - José Manuel Azpeitia
customers, suppliers, engineering companies, application equipment manufacturers, and firms specialising in surface treatments – which,
A round table discussion was held after the speeches, presenting the
together with coatings, are decisive in obtaining sound industrial
experience of three top companies and enabling all those present
finishing systems that meet all kinds of technical requirements. The
to actively interact with the speakers and stimulate an interesting
day’s programme addressed some common application problems faced
debate. This saw the participation of as follows: Iván Ortiz from POWER
in powder finishing. One example is the delicate issue of thicknesses
ELECTRONICS, a leading designer and producer of inverters for the
applied on the edges/corners of many aluminium profiles, which tend
photovoltaic industry and for electrical stations; Roberto Mínguez
to be problematic when it comes to guaranteeing the durability of the
from ALUCOIL, a manufacturer of panels for the industry and the
coating, as happens with bent sheet metal. All these issues have been
construction sector; Diogo Barreto from LACOVIANA, the leading
incorporated in a framework of constant technical evolution over the
independent aluminium coating contractor on the Iberian Peninsula.
last forty years, both in the application and pre-treatment fields, which
At the end of the day, the highest representatives of AEA (the
has enabled powders to successfully overcome major changes, also
Spanish aluminium and surface treatments association) presented a
discussed during the conference.
commemorative plaque to José Manuel Azpeitia in recognition of his contribution to the powder coating sector.
Speeches of the day • Electron microscopy as a tool for characterising powder coatings
For further information:
Daniel Arias (Technology Development and Control)
© ipcm
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Nuremberg, Germany
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International Trade Fair for Die Casting: Technology, Processes, Products Detecting trends, getting inspired, sharing ideas – trade fairs are all that and more. Come and discover EUROGUSS and its possibilities on site. #ReExperienceLive
Honorary sponsors VDD Verband Deutscher Druckgießereien CEMAFON The European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association
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A demonstration of the Production Process 4.0 during the UCIF Members’ Meeting Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
The latest Ordinary General Meeting of the Members of UCIF (the Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association) allowed participants to discuss a few major issues relating to industrial finishing and witness a demonstration of the production process 4.0, from design to the end of the product’s life cycle.
ADE, the Industry 4.0-related competence centre created
UCIF association aims at gathering the players of the surface technology
within the Politecnico di Milano’s Bovisa campus, hosted the
sector (producers and users of surface technologies) to talk about how
2021 Ordinary General Assembly of the Members of UCIF
this industry can contribute to production process improvement and
(the Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association)
on Wednesday 17 November. MADE is a digital and sustainable factory
This was followed by the traditional analysis of the final balance sheet
that supports manufacturing companies in their digital transformation
for 2020 and of the budget for 2021 and 2022, presented by treasurer
towards Industry 4.0. It provides a wealth of knowledge, methods, and
Claudio Minelli. The Assembly ended with the observations and
tools on digital technologies ranging from design to engineering, from
proposals of some Members and of the specialized magazines (including
production management to delivery and end-of-life management.
ipcm®) that are Associate Members.
With its large, 2,500 m -wide demo centre, training rooms, and co-
After a convivial lunch organised at the same premises in order to keep
working and meeting spaces, it is a truly unique solution. The special
on discussing and networking, a few qualified experts of MADE CC I4.0
growth path towards digital transformation it has developed is based
presented the mission and services of the large demo centre that was
on three phases: displaying and providing information about Industry
hosting the Assembly. The event also included a demonstration of the
4.0-oriented technologies, explaining them through ad hoc training
manufacturing process 4.0, from design to the end-of-life of a product.
activities, and transferring and implementing technological solutions
The tour involved 6 technology areas with 20 demonstrators: digital
through specific projects.
backbone, artificial intelligence, hybrid cloud, 5G, collaborative robotics,
It was a very good stage for the latest UCIF Annual Meeting, which
smart operator assistance systems, digital twin, virtual commissioning,
focussed on important topics such as process sustainability,
lean production 4.0, quality 4.0, product traceability, additive
digitalisation, and the transition towards a more efficient, respectful, and
manufacturing, big data analytics, IoT smart connected products, smart
ethical industry. The Assembly, which was not an elective one, began
monitoring and control of industrial processes, smart energy monitoring
with a welcome speech delivered by UCIF President, Daryush Arabnia,
and control, smart maintenance, virtual design and new product
who recalled the operational difficulties encountered over the last two
development, and logistics 4.0.
years due to the pandemic crisis: the lack of planning, the fluctuation of raw material prices, and the demand for just-in-time processing only are offering partial and short-term future readiness to all companies in the surface technology sector – which on the other hand are showing great resilience, despite everything. Arabnia then presented UCIF’s new image, which has brought with it a more precise definition of the association’s mission and vision as well as of the benefits offered to Members, summarised in a new presentation that will be used to expand the membership base in the coming years. Finally, the President presented the S.M.A.R.T.2 conference, which will be held on 18 May 2022 at Fondazione Cariplo’s offices in Milan. The main theme of this second edition of the UCIF conference will be “Technological Innovation and Sustainability for a New Start”. After the success of the first edition of S.M.A.R.T. (the acronym of Surface, Manufacturing, Advanced, Research, Trends) in 2019, the
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
ESTAL 2021 Virtual Congress “Taking aluminium to new Horizons” Explored Important Developments for Powder Coating and Anodizing The first virtual Congress hosted by ESTAL offered the opportunity to gain up-to-date information on the developments regarding the market of aluminium surface finishing during three sessions focused on powder coating and anodising industry.
he virtual congress “Taking aluminium to new Horizons” that took
of interest for both the anodising and the coating industry, such as
place on 6th and 7th October was organised around 3 half-day
how political actions and worldwide trade interventions impacted the
sessions and the digital platform offered participants the possibility
aluminium market and investigations on the effects of increased recycled
to network and to contact industry suppliers via the virtual exhibition. It
contents in aluminium alloys and on the corrosion susceptibility of coated
attracted over 430 registered participants from 44 different countries
The first session was dedicated to powder coatings and started with
President Ivo Vermeeren announced satisfaction for the attendance
update on the colour and finishes trends for the architectural powder
and with the lively Questions & Answers sessions that followed the
coating market, followed by a lecture on powder coatings with added
presentations. He addressed his warmest thanks to the sponsors and
properties such as anti-microbial efficacy. After that, it included a scientific
exhibitors for their financial support, to the speakers and organisers. The
presentation on how to quantify global and local corrosion process in
2021 virtual Congress offered an excellent opportunity to be informed
some aluminium alloys.
about the developments on the market of aluminium surface finishing.
The Anodizing Session began with a presentation explaining how issues
He invited the participants to attend the next ESTAL Congress that should
emerging during the pre-treatment of high-alloyed and secondary
take place in Budapest in 2022 or 2023.
aluminium could be resolved by principles of chemical machining. In the
For registered congress participants, the congress platform gives access
late afternoon the session ended with a fascinating presentation on the
to all presentations on demand as well as the possibility to contact the
anodizing basics for aluminium surfaces that showcased the nature and
exhibiting companies until the end of November 2021.
mechanism for anodic aluminium oxide development and growth. The second day of ESTAL virtual congress was dedicated to topics
For further information:
President Ivo Vermeeren opening the virtual congress.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
March 29-31, 2022 Paris Expo - Hall 2.2 Porte de Versailles
International Exhibition & Congress
Dedicated to production & formulation of paints, varnishes, inks, glues and adhesives
Join the 1st European exhibition gathering the coatings community since 4 years!
MILLING An event co-organised by:
TINTING MACHINES To exhibit: Cyril LADET +33 (0)1 77 92 96 84
To visit : Aïda AMINE +33 (0)1 46 99 31 32
More Than 70 Companies Have Already Announced the Participation at Interlakokraska 2022 The organisers of Interlakokraska 2022 have opened the registrations for the next international trade fair dedicated to paints, coatings, raw materials and production technologies that will take place in Moscow from 1-4 March 2022. Over 150 companies from 15 countries are expected to participate.
© Interlakokraska
© Interlakokraska
he organisers of the 2022 edition of Interlakokraska have
The next edition is expected to allow even more business opportunities
announced that the registrations for the international trade
and the circulation of knowledge. Over 70 companies have already
fairs dedicated to paints, coatings, raw materials and production
booked a stand.
technologies are now open. The exhibition is planned to take place at
The 2022 edition of Interlakokraska trade fair is expected to include:
the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds (Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14) in Moscow
• More than 150 companies from 15 countries;
from the 1st to the 4th of March 2022.
• Over 10,000 m2 of fair ground;
Traditionally, during the first week of March the EXPOCENTRE
• Around 6,000 professional visitors.
Fairgrounds becomes a meeting place for manufacturers and suppliers
Interlakokraska offers several participation formats. The trade fair can
of machinery, equipment and advanced technologies for the paint and
be reached with the underground, at Vystavochnaya and Delovoy Tsentr
coatings industry and consumers of finished products and services.
metro stations.
85 companies from Russia, Germany, China, Belgium, Luxembourg,
The opening hours are set to be from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
France, Switzerland, the Republic of Belarus, Turkey and Ukraine
Interlakokraska is held with support of the Russian Ministry of Industry
participated in the exhibition in 2021. Moreover, several foreign
and Trade, the Chimvest Scientific and Technical Centre, the Russian
companies were represented by their Russian partners.
Chemists Union, NIITEKHIM OAO, the Mendeleev Russian Chemical
The feedback from past participants and visitors proves quality of the
Society, the Centrlack Association, the Paint Quality Association, and
event, especially during these challenging times for the industry. Visitors
under auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
and exhibitors gained the most out of their participation: productive negotiations, concluded contracts and new business partners.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Impianti di lavaggio Washing machines
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aquaroll® EE40 con Rulliera Motorizzata per un’alta ed efficiente produttività for high and efficient productivity
aquaroll® MR9 – Macchina Rotativa a 9 stadi per un’eccellente qualità di lavaggio nel rispetto delle specifiche piu restrittive for excellent washing quality in compliance with the most restrictive specifications
STS Srl - Sede legale e operativa: Via L. Galvani, 8 - 48123 Ravenna RA (Italia) Sede amministrativa e magazzino: Via G. Ferraris, 7 - 48123 Ravenna RA (Italia) Tel. +39 0544 456731 - Fax +39 0544 456733 - -
Supplemento a IPCM n° 72 - Novembre/Dicembre 2021
ICT digital on
water-based met al cleaning m achin es, hydrokin etic v acuum m achin es, cabins, tunn els
Hydrokin etic v acuum water-based cleaning m achin e RH series
Máquin a de lav ado hidrocin ética al v acío serie RH
plant as de lav ado mediante detergentes, cabin as hidrocin éticas, al v acío y tún eles en contínuo
Met al degreasing system using chlorin ated solvents under v acuum hermetically sealed met al degreasing m achin es using chlorin ated solvents, hydrocarbons and modifi fie ed alcohols
Plant a hermética de desengrase de met ales al vacío por disolventes clorados
plant as hérmeticas de lav ado de m e t a l e s m e d i a n t e d i s o l ve n t e s c l o r a d o s , hidrocarburos y alcoholes modifi ficcados
Water-based high pressure cleaning m achin e RHS series
Máquin a de lav ado de alt a presión a base de agua serie RHS
SMART SOLUTIONS FOR METAL CLEANING w w w. u n i o n m e t a l c l e a n i n g . c o m
Tunnel washer for continuous or step by step cleaning TN series
Tún el de lav ado en continuo o “paso a paso” serie TN
Innovative water based washing solutions that you would never have imagined.
Parts washers macro models machine versions available accessories infinite combinations
12 107 220
Lavapezzi macro modelli versioni macchina accessori disponibili infinite combinazioni
PA R T S WA S H E R S S I N C E 1 9 6 7
We have the experience, know-how and a wide range of machines to guarantee t h e be s t s o lu t io n s fo r p a r t w a s h in g.
Abbiamo l’esperienza, il know-how e una vasta gamma di macchine per garantire le migliori soluzioni per il lavaggio dei pezzi.
Machines for precision cleaning and surface treatment
Electronic grade coating Tropicalization of printed circuit board assemly with complete or selective immersion. The most modern solution for a thin synthetic resin coating! • Automatic immersion-drying cycle in 1 minute • High precision and repetibility of the result • User-friendly process • No masking • Easy reworking of the PCB • Respect for the environment • Low consumption of energy and product
Follow us on
uring the annual assembly of an Italian association of which ipcm® is a member,
I had the opportunity to talk to a leading representative of the industrial cleaning sector in Italy, a player who has made the history of this industry, a person who
has never stopped experimenting to find the best performing solution with the lowest environmental impact. In this exchange of views, his sentence that struck me the most was as follows: “Today’s customers are not asking for a cleaning machine, but for cleaning results.” This sentence perfectly encapsulates the editorial philosophy of ICT, which is aimed at presenting its readers with the cleaning results that can be achieved with the best technologies available on the market – without being pigeonholed into rigid currents of opinion in favour of one technology or another, one approach or another. Too easy? Perhaps. But the job of journalism, including technical journalism, is to
Francesco Stucchi Editor
investigate reality, understand it, and report on it, as precisely and objectively as possible. This means that ICT’s task is to tell about technologies, to show the results obtained and have them presented by those who have chosen these technologies, and even to collect dissatisfaction or discontent for such choice, while being well aware that issues such as sustainability, efficiency, low environmental impact, and ethical awareness are crucial for industrial production. This magazine and the editorial services it offers are a tool for companies to show their progress, their approach to technical issues, their services, and above all their strengths compared with competitors. It is democratic: it can and must give space to everyone within the scope of its editorial policy. At the same time, each magazine chooses its readers and advertisers by selecting what to publish or not to publish. Everything else is pure sales.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
MicroCare Acquired Certol International to Expand Its Presence and Offerings The acquisition will allow MicroCare to fuel growth through the delivery of innovative, value-added solutions and services for the global critical cleaning industry. icroCare LLC, a global supplier of critical cleaning fluids and
solutions to our customers. With this acquisition, MicroCare will
materials used in the electronics, medical device manufacturing,
continue to be well-situated to capitalize on the many emerging trends
fibre-optic and metal finishing markets, has announced that it had
in the dental and medical markets. We view this important acquisition
acquired Certol International, a Denver-based manufacturer of
as an excellent step to position the business for continued growth
specialty cleaning and disinfecting products for the medical, dental and
as we work with customers to solve their cleaning and disinfecting
consumer marketplaces.
“We are very excited to announce this acquisition. Certol has a 40-
This acquisition is aligned with the MicroCare strategic goals and
year history of providing EPA registered high performance surface
priorities to fuel growth through the delivery of innovative, value-added
disinfectants and specialty cleaners engineered for use in dental
solutions and services into the global critical cleaning industry. The
offices, medical offices, and hospital settings. Certol also manufactures
Certol leading product and development initiatives will amplify the
specialty products used in industrial, marine and consumer cleaning
already strong programs in the MicroCare pipeline and will enable
applications,” stated Tom Tattersall, Chief Executive Officer at
continued focus on high growth segments, such as automotive,
MicroCare. “We believe that the Certol product lines, customer
medical, electronics and fibre-optic communications.
relationships, and centralized U.S. location will reinforce our position as a leading supplier to the industries we serve, and will allow us to more efficiently deliver an expanded range of complementary
For further information:
© Certol
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
About MicroCare, LLC MicroCare, LLC is a global company based in New Britain, CT (USA). Since 1983 it has focused on manufacturing safe, environmentally progressive
chemistries and tools used by industry for critical cleaning. These products are supplied to industries as diverse as electronics, metal finishing, transportation, communications, medical devices and aerospace with the goal of helping companies improve the performance and service life of products they make. MicroCare has an ISO 9001:2015 registered quality system and is continually improving and expanding its range of products. MicroCare products include the MicroCare™ critical cleaning fluids, Sticklers™ fibre optic cleaners, MicroCare Medical™ lubricants and Certol™ disinfectants among its brands.
About Certol International, LLC Certol International, LLC has been developing
Experience the cleaning of your parts live
Discover how cleanliness requirements will be
innovative products for the healthcare and industrial
met on point
markets for more than 40 years, focusing on
Feel the advantage of ergonomic parts loading
infection prevention products for the healthcare
See the advantages of the the optimal cleaning
community as well as cleaners for a variety of industrial markets. Certol has a partnership with the Government Services Administration (GSA). In addition, many Certol products hold certifications from organizations such as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Certol follows good manufacturing practices (cGMPs) and is FDA and EPA
Use more than 15 machines on over 1,100 m², to find your individual cleaning process. Hall 4 | St. D04
Make your appointment now! +49 (0)8231 6011-883
25 years of SITA Messtechnik GmbH In December, Sita will celebrate its 25 years of innovation for quality and economic efficiency for the industrial cleaning industry. ITA Messtechnik GmbH will celebrate its 25th anniversary
The company operates worldwide in over 64 countries thanks to its
in December 2021. The international operating company
network of global partners.
headquartered in Dresden (Germany) was founded in 1996 by Prof.
With its solution and products, SITA Messtechnik GmbH has a long-
Dr. Lothar Schulze, who developed with his team innovative technology
term and sustainable impact on the areas of industrial parts cleaning
for measuring the dynamic surface tension of liquids and gradually
and surfactant analytics. The company is also an active member of
established the company as a market leader for measurement and
FIT, the Association for Industrial Parts Cleaning and supports training
control technology, as well as for quality assurance in the parts
and qualification in order to strengthen as well as technically and
cleaning industry by offering customised solutions for qualified process
qualitatively drive the industry. The management and innovative
development that was shaped for 25 years by the owner Prof. Dr.
At present day, the company employs 27 professionals that develop,
Lothar Schulze, is now continued by the Managing Director Juliane
produce and sell products used for cleanliness inspection of
Schulze, CFO Robert Scheurle and the entire team of SITA Messtechnik
components and surfaces, as well as for monitoring process media
in cleaning processes. Customers of various industries such as the
The future objective is to strengthen and expand the worldwide
automotive industry, medical technology, electrical engineering and
position as a leading provider of measurement and control technology
electronics, the chemical industry, machinery and plant engineering,
for quality assurance in industrial parts cleaning.
as well as the aerospace industry use the intuitive mobile measuring devices and the robust Inline measuring devices.
For further information:
© Sita
From left, Robert Scheurle, Juliane Schulze and Prof. Dr. Lothar Schulze.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Dollmar Won the EcoVadis Silver Medal for Sustainability Dollmar joined the EcoVadis rating programme and won the 2021 Silver Medal for sustainability.
ollmar Spa has joined the EcoVadis rating programme for the year 2021 with the aim of constantly improving its
commitment in terms of corporate sustainability. EcoVadis is an international certification provider that assesses the performance of companies in the categories of environment, labour, human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement, giving them a score from 0 to 100. This assessment provides a picture of a company’s current sustainability level and better understanding of what can be further improved. Thanks to several internal initiatives to drive its business towards
25 Years of Innovation for Quality and Economic Efficiency in Industrial Cleaning Processes
a high level of sustainability, Dollmar was awarded the silver medal. “This important milestone is proof of our strong social responsibility, our constant will to improve, and our care for our employees, business partners, and not least the environment,” the company states. For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Reduced unit costs thanks to higher cleaning performance and lower energy consumption
© Ecoclean
Ecoclean launches EcoCcompact, the new compact plug & play system for efficient solvent cleaning and preservation.
EcoCcompact accomplishes cleaning tasks ranging from pre-cleaning and intermediate cleaning to final cleaning and preservation - fast, needs-based manner and at minimized unit costs.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ith features such as a large batch capacity, improved washing
On the one hand, the working chamber’s standard diameter of 550
mechanics and wash fluid reconditioning, as well as energy-
mm results in a batch capacity which is ten percent higher than that of
optimized system technology with effective heat recovery, the new
conventional systems in this segment.
generation of EcoCcompact machines keeps unit cleaning costs low
On the other hand, the high flooding volume means that parts are
even when cleanliness requirements are high.
fully immersed in the wash fluid during the process. In addition, the
The small footprint and flexible changeover between hydrocarbons
powerful, frequency-controlled flood pumps not only ensure that the
and modified alcohols also contribute to the excellent economic
working chamber is filled and emptied quickly; they also achieve a
efficiency and future-proof concept of the compact plug & play
high mechanical cleaning effect during the standard injection flood
cleaning system from Ecoclean.
washing step. This can be further enhanced by integrating an optional,
Ever-stricter demands on component quality and rising product
frequency-controlled rotary drive to rotate and position the parts to be
diversity are calling for increasingly complex and versatile solutions in
cleaned in a specific way.
the parts cleaning sector.
Besides the high capacity and effective washing mechanism, the
To keep production competitive, it is also essential to minimize
EcoCcompact’s energy-optimized system technology makes the
resource consumption and unit cleaning costs while maximizing
machine even more economically efficient. For example, the second
cleaning performance.
and third flood tanks are warmed by heat recovered from the
The latest generation of the cost-efficient EcoCcompact solvent-based
distillation process. Among other things, this has led to a significant
system has been adapted to meet these requirements. Requiring a
reduction in energy consumption. Thanks to the efficient distillation
space of just 3,200 x 1,600 x 2,450 mm (L x W x H), the compact plug
process, the machine also has impressively low solvent requirements.
& play solution allows you to switch easily between hydrocarbons
This has been attained by installing the distillation unit in a vertical
and modified alcohols (semi-polar solvents) during ongoing operation
position, which requires hardly any mounting fixtures. The design
without any conversion work.
reduces sump formation, prevents dirt build-up and results in an extended bath life.
Optimal cleaning results achieved faster and more cost-effectively
A seven-inch HMI touch panel and self-explanatory pictograms
The machine comes with two or three fully-integrated flood tanks,
visualization also makes process tracking and maintenance easier and
each fitted with a filtration system in the supply and return lines in
more intuitive.
the form of bag-type or high-performance filters and bypass filtration.
With these features, the EcoCcompact not only meets the
This flexibility enables optimum results to be achieved in short cycles,
requirements of factories with comparatively low production capacities
all the way from pre-cleaning and intermediate cleaning tasks to final
and varying cleaning requirements but also those of large factories
cleaning and preservation.
with decentralized cleaning stations.
guarantees simple, safe and fast operation. Integrated parts
SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany
Optimal cleanliness for the next production step The surfaces of parts that are coated or measured after machining must be exceptionally clean. To ensure that even small workpieces such as valve components and indexable inserts are cleaned reliably, more and more manufacturers are turning to the quattroClean snow-jet technology. This cleans single parts effectively and efficiently in a fully automated and integrated process.
he demand for precision, process reliability and high efficiency is
costs. At the same time, the trend towards automating and digitizing
causing many companies to put the processes and technologies
processes is playing an ever-more important role. Consequently, even
they use to the test and parts cleaning is no exception. This involves
where it concerns smaller components, manufacturers prefer a dry and
achieving the necessary level of cleanliness for the next production
fully automated cleaning solution such as the quattroClean snow-jet
step, such as coating or measuring, reliably yet at reduced operating
technology from acp systems AG.
© acp
During the process, a robot uses a specific motion sequence to move the cleaning unit over the valve components at a defined distance. To ensure reliable cleaning results, the consistency of the jet is continuously monitored by a sensor system.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Partial cleaning to remove dried impurities before PVD process
© acp
This was also the case with a valve manufacturer. The valve in question is a rotationally symmetrical part made of steel with a diameter of approximately five millimeters and a length of around five millimeters, which is partially coated in a PVD process. After machining, which generates heat, the surface is soiled with a mixture of dried-on machining medium (oil) and particles that is difficult to clean off. Although the amount of dirt is comparatively small, it is essential that it is removed from certain areas in order to ensure optimum adhesion and a long-lasting coating. A wet-chemical cleaning process was ruled out because of the high effort, space requirements and energy consumption associated with drying.
CO2 snow process optimally prepares surfaces for coating
The workpiece carriers, which are loaded with around 150 parts, are fed into and out of the cleaning cabin via appropriately-sized locks.
Extensive cleaning tests in the acp systems technical center demonstrated that partial cleaning with the quattroClean snow jet technology achieves the cleanliness needed to obtain an optimal coating result. The process uses liquid carbon dioxide as a medium. CO2 is a by-product of chemical
manufacturing processes and biogas energy generation, thus making it climate neutral. In the cleaning process, liquid carbon dioxide is passed through the inner ring of a wear-free, two-component ring nozzle and expands on exiting to form fine CO2 crystals.
This jet of snow is then bundled by a separate jacket jet of compressed air (outer ring) and accelerated to supersonic speed. The easy-to-focus jet of snow and compressed air impacts on the surface to be cleaned at a temperature of minus 78.5°C, triggering a combination of thermal, mechanical, sublimation and solvent effects. The cleaning action brought about by the interaction of these four effects removes the dried-on mixture of machining oil and particles in a dependable and reproducible manner. The detached impurities are carried away by the aerodynamic force of the jet of compressed air and eliminated from the cleaning cell together with the sublimated CO2 in the gaseous phase. This
reliably prevents parts from becoming recontaminated.
Tailored fully-automated process To clean the valve components, acp built the fully-automated Jetcell cleaning system using standardized modules, tailoring it to the application and to the manufacturer’s production conditions. The workpiece carriers are used both for the cleaning step and for the partial PVD coating process. Process
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
The Jetcell cleaning system, designed as a stand-alone solution, has an integrated extraction unit to efficiently remove impurities and sublimated carbon dioxide from the system.
© acp
parameters, such as the volume flows for compressed air and carbon
parts have been cleaned, the lock on the output side opens and the
dioxide, type of jet nozzle, distance of jet away from the part, cleaning
workpiece carrier is advanced to the encapsulated unloading area.
time, as well as the motion sequence, are appropriately adapted. This enables the required cycle time of six minutes for cleaning a fully-loaded workpiece carrier with around 150 parts to be met.
CO2 cleaning process integrated into measuring cell
Indexable inserts, which are manufactured in small quantities with
To optimally integrate the cleaning system into the existing workflow,
individual geometries and dimensions varying between ten and twenty-
buffer that holds five workpiece carriers is located on the input and on
five millimeters, have extremely tight tolerances that may not exceed
the output side. The carriers, which are marked with a digital matrix
one to two micrometers. To ensure this high accuracy, the entire
code to ensure seamless documentation of the cleaning process, are
contour of the carbide parts is measured at the manufacturer’s after
fed one at a time into the cleaning cabin via an appropriately-sized
grinding. Since impurities on the surface from machining residues and
lock. As soon as the lock is closed, the cleaning process starts. Using
grinding dust can cause measurement errors, in the past the inserts
a specific motion sequence, a robot moves the cleaning unit with jet
were cleaned manually at great expense. The manufacturer wanted to
nozzle over the valve components at a defined distance. A sensor
integrate this process into the automated production line. Here, again,
system continuously monitors the consistency of the jet. Once all
after cleaning trials and defining process parameters, the decision was
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
made in favor of the quattroClean technology. In this case, a cleaning module was integrated into the measuring cell, which is docked directly to the grinding machine. This solution allows the existing robot to remove the inserts from the grinding machine via a lock, move them in a defined short motion sequence under the snow jet and then set them down neatly in the measuring area. The motion sequences, jet-cleaning times and respective volume flows for the various indexable inserts are all stored in the control system as part-specific programs. By precisely tailoring the cleaning step to the application and cycle time specifications, as well as being able to operate the system as a stand-alone unit, inline and in interlinked manufacturing environments, the Industry 4.0-capable quattroClean snow jet technology can play a major role when it comes to automating and digitizing production processes. Thanks to standardized interfaces, it is no problem to integrate the cleaning system into higher-level host computers and control it via these. To ensure seamless documentation and traceability, all process parameters are automatically recorded and transmitted to the host computer.
© acp
To clean the indexable inserts, a quattroClean module is integrated into the measuring cell. The parts are handled by the existing robot.
SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany
© Ecoclean
Meeting defined particulate and film-type cleanliness specifications that can be reproduced and at the lowest possible cost. These requirements can only be implemented with cleaning solutions that are optimally adapted to the task.
Ecoclean: efficient and reliable cleaning with the optimum solution Today, parts cleaning has become a quality critical manufacturing step in all industry sectors. Often it takes great effort to reproducibly meet particulate and film-type cleanliness specifications. At the same time cleaning is to be done at the lowest possible cost. These contradictory requirements imperatively call for processes and machines tailored to specific needs.
rom machine and plant engineering, electrical and power
Although the parts are manifold, they have one thing in common:
engineering to connecting elements, the so-called general industry
to ensure the quality of downstream processes such as machining,
contains a multitude of sectors. In these industry sectors, components
heat treatment, coating, bonding and assembly and to guarantee
of the most diverse materials like metals, plastics, ceramic and
lasting functionality, they necessitate cleanliness levels in line with
composite materials are manufactured and processed using very
requirements. In many areas, ever higher requirements concerning
different manufacturing technologies.
particulate and film-type cleanliness must be met. And there are often
Products include, for example, cast and machined parts, stamped, bent,
added challenges such as high throughput rates and weights, a strongly
pressed and deep-drawn parts, hydraulic parts and, more and more,
varying range of parts to be cleaned, short delivery times and also small
additively manufactured components.
margins in some cases.
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Adapting cleaning processes to tasks on hand
A matching process technology minimizes cleaning cost
© Ecoclean
This means there are
In order to minimize
different requirements for
the cost per cleaned
part cleaning. As supplier of
part, it is necessary that
complete future-oriented,
the existing cleanliness
flexible and energy-efficient
specification is not only
solutions for industrial parts
reliable, but also quickly
cleaning, Ecoclean covers
reached. Therefore the
the complete range of
systems are equipped with
wet-chemical procedures.
various application-specific
Cleaning processes and
treatment technologies such
systems for batch or single-
as spray, high-pressure,
part cleaning can be optimally
immersion, ultrasonic and
adapted to the respective specifications. To do so the following factors have to be
Solvent-based systems for wash load sizes up to 1,250 x 840 x 970 mm and weight of one ton for high throughput requirements are available.
plasma cleaning, vapour decreasing, injection flood washing, deburring, pulsated
taken into consideration: Material, size, geometry and weight of the
pressure cleaning (PPC) as well as a passivation/preservation process
part, type and quantity of contaminants, downstream process and
as required.
the resulting cleanliness specifications and throughput requirements.
By combining these cleaning procedures, the cleaning result and
On this basis it can be determined whether the contaminants can
duration for the specific parts can be influenced in a pinpointed
be removed most effectively with a water-based detergent, an
manner. The PPC procedure in combination with an aqueous or
environment-friendly solvent or a modified alcohol with lipophilic
solvent-based immersion cleaning for example, reliably and quickly
and hydrophilic properties. What is more, this information enables
removes contaminations from small cavities. In case of complex and
engineers to define the best suited process and drying technology.
bulk parts, spray processes and injection flood washing with adjustable
© Ecoclean
Besides the right cleaning fluid, the process technology - ultrasonics in this case - plays a vital role to reliably and quickly reach cleanliness specifications.
© Ecoclean
By integrating two cleaning processes in one system, such as wet-chemical and low-pressure plasma cleaning, quality, cost and cycle times can be optimized.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
nozzles between 10 and 16 bar also deliver markedly improved cleaning results and shorter process times in solvent cleaning processes. Quality and cost can be optimized by combining processes that formerly required several machines in one single cleaning system. Among them are chamber machines designed for solvent-based or aqueous batch cleaning with a subsequent low-pressure plasma process. Among other things, this method effectively and efficiently prepares the part surface for a subsequent coating or bonding. Ecoclean’s extensive product range also offers the respective solutions for pinpointed deburring and cleaning of single parts, for example hydraulic and motor components in one system.
Dry-cleaning - selective or whole surfaces Cleaning tasks also change along with changing manufacturing and joining technologies. The focus lies more © Ecoclean
and more on dry-cleaning processes, be it for removing film-type contaminations from joint surfaces in a pinpointed manner, cleaning electronic components and assemblies, removing powder residues from additively manufactured components or cleaning integrated in assembly. For this and many more applications, the equipment manufacturer has developed a special toolbox for cleaning processes with atmospheric pressure plasma, laser, CO2
snow, conditioned vacuum air as well as saturated and dry water vapour. Depending on the specific application, these ‘tools’ too are applied alone or combined. This extensive portfolio of cleaning solutions is supplemented by Technology Centres around the world.
They perform tests with original soiled parts under conditions similar to production for all the different tasks existing in part cleaning.
From top: - The combination of high-pressure water jet deburring and low-pressure part cleaning processes enables efficient and automated processing of single parts, for example hydraulic components, in conveyorized manufacturing lines. - Dry cleaning methods such as vacuum air cleaning can be integrated into assembly lines and used for depowdering of additively manufactured parts.
© Ecoclean
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
DeburringEXPO Announced Satisfaction for the Success of its 4th Edition The DeburringEXPO has successfully met the expectations of both exhibitors and visitors.
ore than 1.100 visitors and 105 exhibiting companies from 12
Quality leads and significant RFQs
different countries attended the 4th edition of the DeburringEXPO,
Almost all of the 105 exhibiting companies were satisfied after the
the trade fair dedicated to deburring technologies and precision
three-day event. The organisers reported that 94% of the exhibitors
surface finishing held from 12 to 14 October 2021 at the Karlsruhe
expect now very good to satisfactory post-fair business. The trade fair
Exhibition Centre in Germany.
generated top-quality leads and substantial RFQs, in fact about nearly
The exhibiting companies showcased their new developments
44% of the visitors of the trade fair prepared or finalised an investment
and technologies, while participants had the opportunity to gather
decision. “As expected, fewer visitors attended the trade fair this year
information and industry insights about current trends, latest
than in previous years, but the quality is very good. Visitors are coming
developments and best practice solutions. Over 82% of the visitors
to our booth from widely differing industries with very specific tasks and
said they were very satisfied to satisfied with the offerings and more
projects, “commented Michael Striebe, sales manager for barrel finishing
than 75% would recommend the trade fair to colleagues and business
technology at Rösler Oberflächen GmbH.
“DeburringEXPO is very specialised and fits together perfectly with the
“For us there was no question that if DeburringEXPO would be staged
products we offer and the work we do. The visitors who come to the
as an on-site event, we would exhibit and present ourselves as a
trade fair are seeking solutions in a targeted manner. The quality of the
solutions provider for tasks in the field of deburring and precision
leads is excellent as a result. Furthermore, participating at the event also
finishing. And it was the right decision, because we were able to talk
provided us with the opportunity of meeting our customers face-to-
to existing customers about upcoming projects and their plans, and
face once again,” confirmed Jaume Miras, head of analytics and global
generate interesting new leads. We’re quite satisfied with the way
marketing at GPAINNOVA.
things went at the trade fair,” stated Maria Loula, managing director of
“We’re pleasantly surprised – not only by the number of leads, but
Perfect Finish GmbH.
rather by their quality as well. Interest in ultrasonic deburring is very
“Fortunately, DeburringEXPO has remained with us as an up-to-date
strong and visitors come to us with highly detailed requirements for
information platform. Not only does it provide a quick and adequate
specific components,” added Iris Münz, commercial director of ultraTEC
overview of new products, trends and innovations in the industry,
Anlagentechnik Münz GmbH.
it also facilitates an effective exchange of information with other
The next DeburringEXPO will be held at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre
exhibitors. For me, there couldn’t have been a better way to start
from the 10th to 12th October 2023.
participation at the trade fair”, declared Igor Pleis, sales manager at For further information:
ATL Anlagentechnik Luhden GmbH.
© fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG
N. 72 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG
Successful Restart for parts2clean With more than 2,000 visitors from Germany and neighboring European Union countries, parts2clean restarted successfully after the pandemic-induced break. Approximately 130 exhibiting companies, one in five of them from outside Germany, presented new products and solutions for a wide variety of industry applications at the meeting point for parts and surface cleaning.
arts2clean in Stuttgart demonstrated the increasing
© Deutsche Messe
provided a unique knowledge platform for all topics related
importance of cleaning processes
to parts and surface cleaning.
in the age of Industrie 4.0 and
Hundreds attended the forum
AI. Steadily growing demand for
on-site and 1,500 participants
clean surfaces and components
joined online. Frank-Holm Rögner,
requires highly efficient cleaning
division manager at Fraunhofer,
technologies as well as seamless
reported, “We are extremely
integration of processes
satisfied with the high level of
throughout the production chain.
participation in our forum, where
Exhibitors from more than ten
we were able to welcome not only
countries informed the trade
national but also international
visitors about new products and
visitors. The number of visitors
solutions for clean parts and
is lower overall than in 2019,
surfaces. “We are delighted that
but the quality is very good. The
parts2clean restarted so successfully and confirmed its role as the
topics ‘challenges due to film contamination’ and ‘cleaning for medical
most important international platform for industrial parts and surface
and pharmaceutical technology’ were particularly well received. There
cleaning,” says Arno Reich, senior vice president at Deutsche Messe
was also strong interest in the areas of standardization and guidelines
AG. “We are very satisfied with the number of visitors under the given
and the exhibitor product presentations. The demand for up-to-date
conditions, especially since the quality was extremely high.”
information is huge, which is a great position for the parts2clean forum.”
Roughly 2,000 visitors came to parts2clean in Stuttgart, one in five
The exhibitors were also completely satisfied.
of them from abroad. The strongest visitor countries were Austria,
Samuel Wolf, Assistance to the Management, vapic GmbH:
France, Italy, and Switzerland. Visitor quality was excellent: every third
“As the leading trade fair for industrial parts cleaning, parts2clean has
visitor came from top management, every fifth from the department
been the most important of all trade shows for us for years. What makes
manager level. Every third visitor came to part2clean with specific
parts2clean special is that customers come with specific project ideas
investment plans. The strongest visitor industries were the automotive
and want to develop solutions together on-site. Visitors demand a wide
industry (33 percent) as well as mechanical and plant engineering,
range of specialist knowledge to meet their requirements. We rate this
followed by medical and semiconductor technology and the aerospace
year’s show just as successful as parts2clean 2019 and thank all visitors
for their interest. We look forward to starting the new projects.” Wolfgang Kaufmann, Head of Sales, Zippel GmbH:
Innovations and further developments
“We were pleasantly surprised that on the morning of the first day we
parts2clean featured numerous new and further developments. Trade
had many visitors at the exhibit. That was the best morning at the show
show premieres included plant, process and process technology,
so far. The other two days of the fair were also very well attended. Of
clean and cleaning rooms, cleaning media and containers, work piece
course, we cannot compare the absolute number with 2019, but the
carriers and washing baskets, degreasing and cleaning solutions,
visitors who were at parts2clean were specifically looking for solutions
ultrasonic devices for cleaning, bathroom maintenance, cleanliness
and were not only interested in our standard systems, but also in tailor-
control, corrosion protection, and packaging.
made solutions, which we manufacture completely customer-specific.”
Expert forum a magnet for visitors Fraunhofer’s cleaning division organized the parts2clean forum, which
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 - N. 72
Eos Mktg&Communication srl - - Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:
Kevin Biller
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
The Powder Coating Research Group
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
The smart journal for surface treatments
Environment and quality
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on
Prof. Stefano Rossi:
12th Year - Bimonthly
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The smart journal for surface treatments
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