ipcm Protective Coatings n. 38 - June 2021

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ISSN 2282-1767

Protective Coatings ®


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in this issue 01 EDITOR’S LETTER



Corrosion under COVID-19 in Southern Africa


The importance of automatic shot blasting and anti-corrosion treatments in the production of silos for the cement industry: Euromecc’s experience

© Comau

© Euromecc


16 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Comau’s new MATE-XT: a robust, lightweight exoskeleton to support coating operators and reduce muscle strain


© die-o-zahnaerzte.de

© ipcm


18 HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Preempting market needs: Mirodur’s forward-looking vision


© Adobe Stock

22 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE New fire protection coating for interior concrete structures


Zimetal: a more complete and diversified service thanks to the synergy between hot-dip galvanising and powder coating

34 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Impact of scraping activities on coated pipelines


Coating inspections: inspection of steel surface preparation, Part 3

45 BRAND NEW 46 FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Inhibiting corrosion in vessels containing saltwater or brine


5 things to do to improve the website’s usability


© Adobe Stock

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Shotblasting Washing Air-blasting

Gritblasting Wet-blasting Shot-peening

Descaling Paint preparation Surface preparation Mechanical pickling

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urface preparation is always the key! As mentioned in the April edition of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, in our “logbook

of the perfect inspector” (a series of articles providing a guide to all the essential

aspects and steps of inspection procedures), this summer edition focuses on surface preparation. In particular, it includes some success stories of companies that invested in pre-coating preparation technologies to make a quantum leap in terms of corrosion protection and product durability. We have repeatedly stressed that applying a coating or paint on a perfectly clean surface with the correct roughness profile is the essential starting point for guaranteeing its quality and durability – in other words, the key to highly effective, reliable, and long-term corrosion protection. At a time when sustainability – of development, of technology, of fashion, of everyday life, and so on – is a must, it is good to know that the effective, lasting corrosion protection of assets is one, perhaps the most important, way of promoting sustainability. Indeed, it means improving the service life of assets, saving on maintenance costs, avoiding premature restoration, and indirectly reducing harmful emissions into the environment, waste of natural resources, and so on. In this context, surface preparation, often treated as a “Cinderella” among the phases of an anti-corrosion treatment cycle, becomes the ideal technical measure to achieve superior coatings. In this magazine, you will find two success stories of firms that have managed to increase the performance of their applied anti-corrosion coatings by implementing automatic shot blasting operations. They have thus not only obtained the direct benefit of higher product quality, but also the indirect benefit of greater flexibility and autonomy in processing. Naturally, surface preparation must also be inspected and checked for quality to determine whether it has been carried out to the required specifications. Moreover, in this issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, we finally get back to talking about trade fairs and events. Of course, everyone’s gaze is set on 2022, as almost all events planned for 2021, including Eurocorr, have been transformed into digital events – but this is a very positive sign, in which we want to believe.

Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



Corrosion Under COVID-19 in Southern Africa Greg Combrink President of CorrISA, Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa, and CEO of Corrosion Hub (Pty) Ltd.


The Market Close Up’s interviews continue with a clear analysis of the corrosion industry’s situation in South Africa, in the light of the health crisis and the current economic issues.


orrosion is a very diverse issue. In general, it crosses over

corrosion or at a higher even more sophisticated level where for

traditional disciplinary boundaries and influences all aspects of life

instance exotic materials and sophisticated surface treatments are

and industry from the construction and local infrastructure industries,

the order of the day to provide the required level of mitigation and

health sciences, biotechnology, agriculture through the electronics


and road and sea transport and power generation industries to the

Typically, in the Southern African context preventative measures

more sophisticated industries such as manufacturing, aerospace,

can generally be classified to be one of or even combinations of the

petrochemical and nuclear industries in the scientific and engineering

following measures:

aspects thereof. This diversity is also of course, present in Southern

• Application of organic coatings

Africa. However, the sophistication and elegance of counter measures

• Electrochemical in nature (cathodic and anodic protection)

are often provided at either a very basic level where for instance

• Selection of materials (use of more corrosion resistant materials for

purely a coat of paint will have a vast effect on the retardation of

specific environments)

© Adobe Stock


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


© Corrosion Hub

Internal corrosion of a steel pipe in seawater environment.

© Corrosion Hub

Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) in Circ Piping 11 seawater cooling system power plant.

• Use of metallic coatings (cladding, galvanizing, anodizing,

because of product leakages due to corrosion can take decades to

sherardizing, other diffusion coatings, thermal sprayed, CVD and PVD

completely rehabilitate.

to name a few)

Because of the complex nature of corrosion mechanisms where oft

• Use of inhibitor technology (water treatment, modifying the

times several mechanisms may be occurring at the same time and in

environment, Vapour-phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCI))

fact one mechanism can result in the establishment and acceleration

• Design against corrosion (water shedding structures and self-

of a secondary mechanism, it is imperative that the mechanisms are

cleaning structures and also plant operation processes).

clearly understood and also how they are interdependent so that

In many cases in Southern Africa the first port of call is using organic

the root cause of the problem can be addressed as opposed to only

coatings where a wide variety of options exist some manufactured

the symptoms. Thus, education is of paramount importance to the

locally and others sourced from foreign sources. Often this is coupled

Southern African industry. To this end the 61-year-old Corrosion

with supplementary preventative mechanisms. Thus, one may find

Institute of Southern Africa has an array of courses aimed at not

that an at-risk object is protected firstly by a suitable organic coating

just increasing awareness but also training engineers, scientists,

system that is supplemented by the use of Vapour Phase Corrosion

technicians, technologists and applicators how to recognize corrosion


and its underlying causes and how to take appropriate action to

Corrosion is driven by thermodynamics and given enough time and

mitigate and prevent reoccurrence thereof.

exposure most metals will indeed interact with their environment

In early 2020 Southern Africa along with the rest of the world was

chemically resulting in loss of desired properties. The rate at which

caught unawares to how life in general and also our industries

this occurs is the domain of the corrosion specialist engineers and

would change. In the words of Neil Young “Rust never sleeps” and

scientists and most of the mitigative measures mentioned above

this is indeed true when the literal meaning is taken and the fight

act in a way to retard the rate of corrosion reactions. In the RSA

against it is one of keeping a constant wary eye out for signs of its

the direct costs of corrosion are estimated to be around 5% of the

occurrence followed by a rapid addressing of the problem whilst it

country’s gross domestic product (GDP) equating to around R260

is still a small one. This requires constant vigilance and a constant

billion wastage annually. If one considers the indirect cost too this

laborious intervention, however the new rapidly introduced COVID-19

amount easily doubles (if not more) with collateral damage, loss of

protocols restricting our movement and physical interaction resulted

production, increased insurance costs being significant contributors

in less people actually physically being at their place of work with

to the indirect costs. Furthermore, damage to the environment

many jobs being changed from ones requiring actual site attendance

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© Corrosion Hub

Corrosion coupons after exposure inside a raw fresh water pipeline for 12 months.

© Corrosion Hub

Closer view of a corrosion coupon exposed in raw fresh water for 12 months.

to ones where people worked remotely from home. This has

slower as transportation opportunities to the Southern African sub-

resulted in a huge upheaval in addressing corrosion matters and

continent are a lot less than before. This is especially the case in

how we in the corrosion industry should do business. In many cases

the RSA due to additional restrictions being applied by our trading

maintenance including addressing issues of corrosion have been put

partners due to the very real fear of contracting the “South African

on the back burner in the interests of reducing the risk of people

Strain” of COVID-19. As a result, only a very limited number of carriers

contracting COVID-19. The effect of this reduced maintenance will in

service the Southern African region and, in most cases, items shipped

many cases not be immediately felt but will rather take several years

from some countries are firstly unloaded at intermediate ports

to manifest especially if a catch-up process is not implemented at the

before being transferred to a carrier that flies to the RSA.

first available opportunity. But this will still be more costly than had

After the first wave, many South African industries implemented

the issues been addressed at the early stages of development.

different strategies to continue to operate in a competitive way and

Another negative development has been the rapid and exorbitant

many thousands of jobs were shed or redefined as “work-from-

increase in costs.

home” positions. This of course raises the question of whether staff

Manufacturers have in most sectors seen huge increases in

can work productively at home for the specific job they are doing.

commodity prices resulting in massive increases in costs for

From a pro point of view working from home means less traveling,

produced goods. In some cases, prices have increased by more

less expenses for the company for rentals and related costs, also

than 200%. COVID-19 has had a domino effect on prices. Higher

the work environment for some people at least, is a more relaxed

manpower and other input costs are being experienced at every

environment but on the opposite side the cons also appear.

stage of manufacturing and supply as production costs have

Are the staff as productive as they need to be, is the home

increased significantly. Worldwide production rates are at a low

environment not perhaps a distraction and of course one can’t in

and shortages are the order of the day. These shortages have also

many cases just pop down to the warehouse to check if the inventory

contributed to slower production in Southern Africa as items and

shown on the system is correct etc. Thus COVID-19 protocols have

commodities (such as steel) needed for manufacturing of finished

resulted in a new working dispensation for many jobs that can be

goods are just not available in the quantities needed.

converted to one that can be performed remotely. It will of course

Another contributor to the issue of slower production (and

evolve to encompass more and more tasks as the AI (Artificial

subsequently higher input costs) is shipping (especially by air freight)

Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) develops, however at this

that is now provided at extremely high premiums and shipping is

stage fighting corrosion has not yet reached that level where it can


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in most cases be performed remotely. It is also at this stage unlikely that coating applicators will be replaced within the next five years by machines. However, with the ingenuity of man to create things to make life easier, it is not an unthinkable thing to foresee that thereafter many aspects that can be performed by machines which in turn can be deployed remotely will indeed be performed by such machines. In my opinion the lockdown due to COVID-19 has hastened the rate of changeover for remote deployment of machines and the use of the IoT. I predict that in the short term a 5-to-10-year transition period will prevail but very soon driven by technology, even the corrosion industry will enter the 4th industrial revolution with much AI becoming more and more part of life in the South African corrosion industry. ‹

© Corrosion Hub

A mousehole in anodized aluminium after 25 years service.


Hempel Provides Coating Solution for Orbital O2 Tidal Energy Turbine To protect the world’s most powerful tidal energy turbine, the Orbital O2, Hempel provided high-performance anti-corrosion coatings, as well as its Hempaguard X7.


or the Orbital O2 project, in which Hempel has been involved

more sustainable path,” said Nick Frowen, Managing Director at

since 2015, when Orbital’s prototype SR2000 turbine was built, the

Hempel UK Ltd.

company has supplied high-performance anti-corrosion coatings, as

“Our ambition is to double our energy business by 2025 with particular

well as Hempaguard X7 for the O2’s turbine rotor blades. Hempaguard

focus on sustainability to ensure we are leading the way in enabling all

X7 was developed specifically to combat biofouling, such as algae and

energy projects to maximise efficiency and minimise carbon emissions.

barnacles, in order to keep the rotor blades free from biofouling so

By participating in a project as ground-breaking as Orbital’s O2, we

they can deliver full power with each rotation.

illustrate the value of a trusted partnership and we demonstrate what

O2 is set to operate in the Orkney islands (UK), at the European Marine

our solutions are capable of supporting increased sustainability for the

Energy Centre (EMEC), where tidal currents can reach over four meters

energy sector”, added David Heal, Global Head of Renewable Energy of

per second. To harness this energy, Orbital’s O2 comprises two 1 MW

Hempel which aims to make Hempel the leader in renewable energy

turbines, which together create a 600 m2 rotor area and can generate


2 MW of clean, predictable energy. O2 is capable of supplying enough

“We rely heavily on our supply chain to help deliver our pioneering

energy to power around 2,000 UK homes.

technology such that it exceeds expectations, and in that regard, we

“We’re proud to be playing a part in the development of the O2, a

are delighted to continue our relationship with Hempel for our novel

ground-breaking project with the potential to help make tidal energy

coating applications,” said Andrew Scott, CEO of Orbital.

a viable source of energy in the UK and overseas. We see enormous potential in helping customers like Orbital put the world on a

For further information: www.hempel.com

© Hempel


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

BRAND-NEW © Sherwin-Williams

Brunel Building in London which was coated using FX6002 by Sherwin-Williams.

Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation 2021 Awarded to Sherwin-Williams’ FIRETEX Intumescent Fire Protection Technology Sherwin-Williams’ FIRETEX Intumescent Fire Protection Technology, which delivers time and cost saving fire protection for structural steel, has been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation 2021.


herwin-Williams has been awarded The Queen’s Award for Enterprise:

Walker, Managing Director for Protective & Marine at Sherwin-Williams

Innovation 2021 for its FIRETEX® FX6002, an intumescent coating

EMEAI. “Key stakeholders can take advantage of a wide range of benefits

which delivers passive fire protection for structural steel, allowing a fast

throughout the project lifecycle, including time and cost savings,

speed of curing and dry handling times. This ultra-fast drying intumescent

enhanced durability, and aesthetically pleasing finishes.”

coating, launched in 2018, can be applied off-site: it means less downtime,

The Queen’s Awards are designed to celebrate excellence and help foster

fewer bottlenecks and faster project completion, as paint applicators can

economic growth. The innovation category displays industry expertise and

transport steelwork in a matter of hours rather than days.

technology innovation.

The Queen’s Award for Enterprise is a recognition that celebrates

“FIRETEX FX6002 further demonstrates our long-standing commitment to

business excellence and innovation for UK companies. This is the second

innovation, which dates back to 1866. Our highly skilled and experienced

time in the span of five years that Sherwin-Williams receives the award:

team continue to push the boundaries, embrace the latest technologies

the first one was awarded to Dura-PlateTM 301W in 2016.

and anticipate future trends to develop products that benefit our global

“To win two Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: Innovation in just five years

industrial and commercial customers,” commented Walker.


is a fantastic achievement for the Sherwin-Williams team. With FIRETEX FX6002 we have created a unique protective coating that is ideal for

For further information:

use in high-value infrastructure and construction projects,” said Ian




ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



© HMG Paints Ltd

A Prehistoric Adventure for Falcon Cranes and HMG Paints As part of a restoration project of a fabricated dinosaur skeleton, which includes surface treatment and painting, Falcon Cranes collaborates with HMG. The British paint manufacturer supplied several products for project.


huge fabricated dinosaur skeleton in need of restoration, including

• Acrythane 4G Clearcoat, which offers a finish normally reserved for high-

surface treatment and painting, was presented to the Falcon Cranes

end and luxury commercial vehicles.

team. For this project, Terry Mulligan, paint shop supervisor, and his team

“We have worked with HMG for a number of years and knew that their

turned to the expertise of HMG Paints.

versatile product portfolio would be ideal for this project. The skill and

The British paint manufacturer has supplied several products including:

technique that went into this project, is applied to all aspects of our spray

• Monothane, a 2K polyurethane finish designed for use on ferrous

booth, whether it be commercial vehicles and tower cranes or in this case,

substrates without the need for a primer;

a dinosaur”, says Terry Mulligan.

• Acrythane SC601, a coating that provides exceptional properties including fast drying, high gloss and ease of use;


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

For further information: www.hmgpaint.com


Cortec Launches EcoClean Scale and Rust Remover Cortec Corporation has launched EcoClean Biodegradable Scale and Rust Remover, which, powered by Nano-VpCI, allows to effectively dissolve heavy scale, corrosion and oxides off metals.


o ensure the efficiency and overall service life of heat exchangers,


condensers, chillers, and cooling towers, Cortec Corporation® has

EcoClean Biodegradable Scale Remover is available in liquid form or

developed EcoClean® Biodegradable Scale and Rust Remover, a product

as a water-soluble pouch that will dissolve upon entering the water.

that allows to quickly act on scale build up. In fact, it can eliminate heavy

Since it works even in hard-to-reach areas, EcoClean Biodegradable

scale, corrosion, and naturally occurring oxides on iron, carbon steel,

Scale Remover can potentially eliminate the costly equipment

stainless steel, copper, aluminium, magnesium, and their alloys. Being

dismantling that is sometimes required to repeatedly check,

powered by Nano-VpCI™, it ensures protection from flash rust. It also

verify, and re-attempt successful scale removal with less effective

improves heat-transfer efficiency by creating clean surfaces on all heat-


exchanger equipment and improving water flow in obstructed pipes.

It is safer than extremely caustic chemicals such as hydrochloric acid

EcoClean Biodegradable Scale and Rust Remover is a USDA Certified

and is also readily biodegradable, making disposal easy compared to

Biobased Product that contains 100% USDA certified biobased content,

other chemicals that are more likely to incur costly discharge fees or

therefore meeting the minimum biobased content requirements under

pose environmental concerns.

the mandatory federal purchasing initiative of the USDA BioPreferred Program1, making it ideal for use by federal agencies and their 1


For further information: www.cortecwatertreatment.com

© Cortec

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38


© Euromecc

© Euromecc


The Importance of Automatic Shot Blasting and Anti-Corrosion Treatments in the Production of Silos for the Cement Industry: Euromecc’s Experience Gabriele Lazzari ipcm® Euromecc, an Italian company that has been designing and manufacturing machines and plants for the concrete and cement industry for over fifty years, has equipped itself with a new automatic shot blasting system for surface preparation. The new machine’s automation now enables it to quickly handle large parts and maintain consistent quality levels.


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ince 1969, Euromecc (Misterbianco, Catania, Italy) has been designing and manufacturing large-scale plants for the

construction sector, such as silos for storing cement and powdery materials, always adapting their design to its customers’ specific requirements. It deals with all types of steel treatment and processing operations, from hacksaw cutting to pantograph cutting, up to machining, carpentry, welding (including with robots), assembly, and electrical wiring. Export manager Daniele Sciuto summarises all these activities in a short sentence: “We usually say that Euromecc is where iron comes in and machines go out: we start with raw materials and we deliver finished products.” With a fully vertically integrated production cycle, the company also handles its pretreatment and anti-corrosion coating phases in-house. In order to automate one of the most important steps in its coating preparation phase, Euromecc has recently installed a new shot blasting machine supplied by OMSG (which is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year), capable of pre-treating even the largest-sized components.

© Euromecc

Euromecc’s headquarters in Sicily (Italy) and, above, two of the storage terminals built by Euromecc.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



The evolution of Euromecc

Euromecc nowadays

Euromecc was established at the end of the 1960s based on the

Currently, Euromecc consists of three main branches: the long-

idea of Salvatore Attanasio, who founded OMC (the company’s

standing one serving the construction sector (e.g. production of

original name) to design and produce concrete mixers with an

concrete batching plants), the second devoted to the construction-

auxiliary engine and a power take-off. Three years later, it designed

related bulk materials industry (handling, transport, and storage of

and subsequently produced its first concrete batching plant. In 1989,

materials with a grain size of up to 50 mm, cement, gypsum, and

the firm changed its name to Euromecc and its management was

ashes), and the third operating in the field of ecology and building

entrusted to Salvatore’s sons, Daniele and Fabrizio, who decided

material recycling. The firm’s headquarters has an area of 220,000

to expand the range of products offered and, at the same time,

m2, of which about 20,000 m2 are covered, and employs almost

specialise in the design and construction of concrete batching

200 highly specialised people, including engineers, technicians, and

and prefabrication systems. In 2004, the company developed its


first system for use abroad: a dry plant with four compact storage

The purchase of the new shot blasting machine was part of Euromecc’s

sections and low transport requirements. Three years later, mass

plans to strengthen its production by seeking constant innovation in

production of two lines of space-saving systems followed, specially

both its products and processes. Its factory is equipped with systems

designed and engineered for the foreign market. More recently,

for both machining and medium-heavy metalworking operations.

in 2015, Euromecc was taken over by Alfio Daniele Attanasio, who

Its high production capacity and large storage areas enable it to

strengthened and renewed the company’s range which today

offer different types of customised solutions. In particular, for the

includes concrete production and prefabrication plants, as well as

manufacture of concrete batching and cement storage and handling

bulk storage and handling plants, port terminals, inertisation plants,

equipment for cement plants operating in different environmental

and concrete recycling systems.

conditions, Euromecc needs to identify the right anti-corrosion coating


The shot blasting system designed and installed by OMSG.


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system for the specific needs of each customer and, consequently, to pre-treat its parts’ surfaces perfectly. “Surface treatment,” notes Sciuto,” has the functional purpose of guaranteeing the high durability of our products within a corrosion class ranging from C2 to C5. Several factors may increase the corrosion risk of the base material, i.e. carbon steel, depending on the characteristics of the installation site. For example, storage terminals often have to be installed in marine environments, so high corrosion resistance is crucial. This is why surface preparation by shot blasting is of strategic importance.”

The transition from manual to automated shot blasting Whereas galvanising operations are outsourced to external suppliers, the rest of the production is done in-house, including both manual and automatic coating. “Euromecc,” indicates Sciuto, “is equipped with advanced machines, capable of treating its products with any protection system required, from single-layer to three-layer systems applied with one-component epoxy paints. We also have our own in-house specifications that we offer for concrete batching plants and standard applications, for which


The inside of the shot blasting plant: the cabinet is equipped with 16 turbines, each with a power of 7.5 kW.



the most popular blasting grade is SA 2.5. After years of manual shot blasting, we decided to rely on a fully automatic turbine machine, which has enabled us to optimise productivity, increase production, and ensure greater consistency in the quality of our coatings. The shot blasting cabinet we have just acquired was a sort of missing piece in the production process, which is now almost fully automated and ready to meet all the different customisation requests of our customers. “Previously, our operators were blasting by hand for almost the entire working day. Therefore, we decided to invest and


automate this process with an OMSG turbine shot blasting machine, which projects metal grit directly onto the surfaces to be treated, much faster and with a continuous flow. We were thus able to reduce the dwell time of components in our shot blasting cabinet by more than half.” The arrangement of its turbines guarantees that the entire surface of the workpieces is reached by the metal grit. “With the manual process, this step was based on the operator’s ability to project the flow onto the parts to be treated. Now, however, our workpieces are perfectly cleaned in a homogeneous manner, thus ensuring an adequate degree of substrate preparation.” © OMSG

Technical features of the OMSG shot blaster “The system installed at Euromecc’s headquarters,” states Enzo Dell’Orto, the CEO of OMSG, “is a TUNNELBLAST 2530/16 H210 C tunnel shot blaster with a useful cross-sectional area of 2,500 mm in width and 3,000 mm in height and two hoists that can lift up to 10,000 kg each. The plant features 16 turbines, each with a power of 7.5 kW, and as many 7.5 kW-turbine inverters for lower energy consumption, as well as 16 special valves to feed the turbines themselves. The machine is also prearranged for use in line with the Industry 4.0


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A bird’s eye view of the coating system. © Euromecc

parameters: it will be possible to fine-tune the entire shot blasting

balance between quality of service and price.”

process by means of a bar code matched with the translation and

The successful installation of this new shot blasting machine enabled

rotation speed of the turbines (controllable and adjustable through

Euromecc to increase production at its Sicilian plant and thus meet

the inverters). Also with a view to process control, the system

all the different needs of its vast customer base: “Our headquarters

sensors constantly detect the level of abrasives in the machine and

in Catania are supported by a network of partners and distributors

keep it stable, thus ensuring consistent results at every shot blasting

on all continents, serving a wide range of global customers with

cycle. Finally, the plant is equipped with a Protech manual retouching

different specific needs. We deal with private, family-run companies

booth (6,000 width x 5,000 height x 17,000 mm length) whose

as well as large players in the sector, such as Heidelberg and

filters, together with those of the shot blasting machine, guarantee

Holcim for powdered cement, but also Calcestruzzi-Italcementi

atmospheric emissions below 5 mg/Nm .”

Group SpA and Webuild SpA for concrete batching systems: thanks


to its partnership with OMSG, Euromecc is now able to meet the

A winning choice The path to choosing OMSG was quite straightforward and, as

requirements of every customer, from the smallest firms to the

world-renowned multinational companies,” concludes Di Pietro. ‹

confirmed by Giacomo Di Pietro, the senior purchasing manager who handled the purchase, it did not disappoint: “Once we had identified the type of machine we needed, we carried out a search for possible suppliers in our area and a technical and economic market research. We therefore compared several offers from different suppliers and, in the end, we chose the solution provided by OMSG. We are now pleased with our machine, which has fulfilled

In the previous page, from top to bottom:

contract commitments from all points of view, in terms of both

- Silos after the shot blasting phase.

quality and production. OMSG was able to fully meet to our requests

- The plant is equipped with two hoists that can lift up to 10,000 kg each.

and, although this was a major investment, we found the best

- Parts coming out of the shot blasting machine.

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Comau’s New MATE-XT: A Robust, Lightweight Exoskeleton to Support Coating Operators and Reduce Muscle Strain Stefania Bernabeo Comau, Grugliasco (Turin) – Italy


Finishing operations require considerable physical effort from operators. Comau’s MATE-XT reduces the fatigue experienced by coating line workers even in less than ideal conditions and environments, without sacrificing convenience and safety. Certified EAWS by the Ergo Foundation, the MATE-XT exoskeleton effectively reduces the biomechanical risks encountered by coating operators, typically involved in loading/unloading or manual painting activities. It is now available in a more light and slim, and highly breathable version, offering more adjustment options and providing an excellent, measurable improvement in ergonomics.


he work performed on a coating line subjects operators to continuous

require ever-higher quality and effort levels. Finally, Comau’s global sales

muscular and bone strain, which can lead to health problems, mainly

network enables it to quickly meet any user needs and solve any issues

in the back area, and general fatigue. Both while hanging parts on frames

that operators may face when using its exoskeletons, wherever they may

and during manual coating activities, the physical effort and repetitive


movements required of workers are high and constant. At the beginning updated version of its wearable exoskeleton, which is particularly suitable

Certified, measurable physical wellbeing of coating operators

for supporting operators during finishing processes.

MATE-XT is currently the only exoskeleton available on the market to

of December last year, Comau presented MATE-XT, a revised and

be included in the ergonomic risk evaluation index of EAWS (Ergonomic

Reducing physical effort

Assessment Work-Sheet) issued by the Ergo Foundation, which attests

Comau has been developing industrial automation systems and

to a system’s ability to reduce biomechanical loads while carrying out

products for almost half a century, specialising also in wearable and

particularly demanding work. More than half of the workers who wore

collaborative robotics solutions that reduce operator fatigue during

this exoskeleton said that they felt a much lower level of exertion – the

coating operations. With the aim of helping companies, whatever their

muscular activity of shoulders decreased by 30%, and a considerable

size or sector, to improve the quality and productivity of their processes

back support is guaranteed – which led to positive improvements in the

and at the same time the wellbeing of their workers, the development

quality of their working day.

of this type of product has been an absolute priority for this company. By providing support during physical activities, Comau’s exoskeleton

Improved efficiency: a positive side effect

reduces the effort required, thus making operations less burdensome

In addition to the health benefits for workers, Comau’s new product

and improving operators’ health. Thanks to its very thin, lightweight

also reduces the risk of painting defects due to operator fatigue. In fact,

carbon fibre structure and its extremely intuitive adjustment system,

from an operational point of view, MATE-XT promotes higher precision,

MATE-XT can be quickly adapted to any body type, from the slimmest to

quality, and performance. Customers can easily calculate their return on

the largest ones. By replicating the physiological movements of human

investment (ROI) through measurable ergonomic performance factors.

operators and providing optimal upper body support, it facilitates any

Comau itself carried out studies with its customers using the EAWS

coating operation while greatly reducing the effort required.

calculation method and it found that its MATE-XT exoskeleton can help

In addition, the MATE-XT exoskeleton does not require batteries, motors,

to increase work precision during activities involving continuous arm

or other devices to operate, which could hinder the workers’ movement

lifting by 27% and speed of execution by 10%. Moreover, cycle times are

and make the equipment heavier. There are currently 8 different levels

reduced by at least 5%.

of support available, which can be set or changed quickly even while the

Resistant to water, dust, ultraviolet rays, and high temperatures, MATE-

activity is in progress, thus guaranteeing a high degree of convenience

XT is particularly suitable for industrial, non-industrial, and outdoor use

during use. An exoskeleton of this type, therefore, facilitates the day-to-

in finishing and coating operations, but also for carpentry, construction,

day operations carried out during finishing and coating processes, which


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agriculture, assembly, and logistics applications. ‹


© Comau

The MATE-TX exoskeleton developed by Comau. With the new product the muscular activity of shoulders decreases by 30%, and a considerable back support is guaranteed.

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Preempting Market Needs: Mirodur’s Forward-Looking Vision From an interview with Marco Vitelli, Massimo Vitelli, and Riccardo Vitelli © Mirodur

Mirodur factory in Aprilia (Italy).


he world of paints and coatings has always been extremely

How was Mirodur created?

competitive and carving out a place for one’s own company in this

Marco Vitelli: Our father, Ugo, together with his brothers Mario

environment is no easy task. Italian firm Mirodur has managed to do

and Renato, founded Mirodur in 1957. They bought a patent from

so thanks to its ability to innovate and preempt the needs of the sector

a Belgian company that had developed a paint used to protect

through both new technologies and new products, thus establishing

mirrors. Hence the name Mirodur, from “miroir durée”, referring to

itself in the international market and getting included on the vendor

the durability of mirrors guaranteed by this coating. They started

lists of leading companies such as Gazprom.

producing this paint in a small factory on the outskirts of Rome and

ipcm® had the opportunity to interview two of the three generations

they were immediately successful, especially because this sector did

carrying on Mirodur’s story: Marco Vitelli and Massimo Vitelli, sons of

not exist in Italy at the time. This opened up new growth prospects for

one of the company’s founders and its current directors, and Riccardo

our father and uncles, thus enabling them to move to a larger factory

Vitelli, its marketing and communication manager, belonging to the

in Pomezia. The range of paints offered was also extended to include

third generation of the family.

industrial coatings. In 1982, it became necessary to move to an even larger building in Aprilia, which is still our headquarters today. In 2016, finally, we acquired the industrial branch of Turin-based Albesiano-Sisa Rossi, bringing its production operations here to Aprilia.


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How is Mirodur now?

system: the centrifugal force created by the rotation of the basket

Marco Vitelli: Nowadays, we no longer deal with the glass sector,

compresses the beads and gives them greater shear force, thus

but we specialise in industrial paints, producing water and solvent-

ensuring excellent grinding results despite having a smaller grinding

based liquid coatings for both the heavy industry and the general

chamber than other mills. Milling and cleaning times are also shorter,

industry. Our production area extends over 15,000 m2, of which

bringing a significant advantage in terms of production times.

8,000 m are covered. Besides coatings, we have developed our 2

Miromix colour mixing systems with converters and colouring

Besides product diversification, what is your main strength?

pastes of our own production. This has allowed us to collaborate

Marco Vitelli: Undoubtedly our service. Mirodur has distinguished

with several retailers, which are increasingly crucial for the quick

itself in the market by its ability to fine-tune its coatings to its

distribution of small batches especially at a time when all companies

customers’ needs and production lines. In fact, apart from a few

tend to stock less.

standard ones, we do not have a stock of finished products: our

Massimo Vitelli: Another business branch that is very important

fifteen mills are used to develop ad hoc paints at the time of our

to us and that has contributed to the reputation of Mirodur is the

customers’ requests. In order to do so, we closely cooperate with

design and production of our Turbomill devices. More than thirty

each customer from the very first moment, providing it with the

years ago, we patented a paint production machine, which we

know-how of our technicians to create its required product according

decided to market in the 1980s: since then, we have sold more

to the time schedule and characteristics of its coating plant, the

than 1,500 Turbomill devices in over seventy countries around the

intended use of the paint, and its expected performance. Clearly,

world, both to small and medium-sized firms and to multinational

our service does not stop at the product development stage: we are

companies. It is an immersion mill with a patented rotating basket

also present in the subsequent phases, from the first application

© Mirodur

Turbomill, the immersion mill with a patented rotating basket system designed and manufactured by Mirodur.

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© Mirodur

Pipelines coated with an anti-friction product without solvent.

to the resolution of any problems or any emergency interventions.

them with our coatings, albeit at a slower pace due to Covid-19.

We manage to do all this despite being a small-to-medium sized

Marco Vitelli: Another important field is the military one. Indeed,

company with thirty-five employees thanks to a very organised

we have developed some coatings, including finishes with special IR

production and our Turbomill systems, which help cut production

reflective pigments, that have been certified by the Italian Ministry of


Defense Directorate General for Land Armaments for the application on vehicles of the Defense Administration.

What are your target sectors?

We operate also in the field of the remediation of tanks containing

Massimo Vitelli: The most important sectors for our firm are

petroleum products, solvents or acids. We are one of the leading

those in which two-component, solvent-based or water-based,

manufacturers of this type of paints for non-destructive remediation

epoxy or polyurethane paints are used. We cater for both the

and this has enabled us to work with one of the largest applicators in

general industry, including the ACE and earthmoving sectors, where

the industry. Therefore, epoxy paints have carved out an increasingly

functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand in terms of quality

important role in our production volumes, in addition to our well-

and performance, and the heavy industry. A particularly important

established paints for the general industry.

sector for us is oil & gas, where we have many important customers, especially in Russia.

How are you coping with the current situation, which is

This has led us to certify several of our products, including Epomir

dominated by the pandemic and by several problems in the

PTG, an ultra high-solids epoxy coating applied inside gas pipelines

supply of raw materials?

and approved by SNAM, Gazprom and C4Gas – an excellent calling

Massimo Vitelli: Despite the difficult year marked by the pandemic,

card at the international level. We are the suppliers to two of the

Mirodur has never stopped working, in fact reaching in 2020 the

three largest Russian pipes manufacturers; we are still providing

same turnover as 2018, after a record-breaking 2019. Currently,


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© Mirodur

Hydrocarbons tanks.

another challenge, partly triggered by Covid-19, is that of raw materials’ supply issues and rising prices. In many years of business, we have had to deal with several raw material crises, but these were limited to individual products. Now, this situation is affecting all of the more than 600 raw materials we have in our catalogue, as well as several other sectors besides coatings. This leads me to think that we will never get back to where we started. Therefore, we will need to plan production for the long term in order to be able to stock up on the raw materials that are essential to us, such as epoxy resins, isocyanates, and titanium, as well as to implement a strategy geared towards innovation and flexibility in order to be able to cope with every situation. We are trying to meet the demands of the market as much as possible and, in some cases, to preempt them, as we have done in the past with our gas pipelines paints: we were the first to make solvent-free internal flow coatings. If a company is not able to continuously renew its offer and production methods, it cannot survive. ‹

© www.die-o-zahnaerzte.de


New Fire Protection Coating for Interior Concrete Structures Edited by Sika Deutschland GmbH Stuttgart – Germany


The fire protection coating for concrete surfaces Sika Unitherm Concrete W has recently been launched on the market. Initial application examples confirm the construction industry’s need for such a product for fast and cost-effective retrofitting of fire protection in both renovation and change of use of existing buildings.


he new, 1-pack fire protection coating Sika Unitherm Concrete W forms a heat-insulating intumescent layer when exposed to heat.

This prevents concrete spalling during a fire and additionally delays the heat input into the steel reinforcement.

Efficiently providing existing buildings with state-of-the-art fire protection Sika Unitherm Concrete W can be applied directly to the cleaned concrete surface without adhesion agents or grids. The new development is compatible with repair mortar products from Sika and is therefore particularly advantageous when renovating or changing the use of concrete buildings: the applicable fire protection requirements can be brought up to date quickly, cost-effectively and in a space-saving manner - existing walls, ceilings or beams do not have to be replaced with new ones at great expense. The compatibility of the fire protection coating Sika Unitherm Concrete W with Sika repair mortars has been tested and proven in the event of fire. Sika is the only manufacturer on the market that can provide this performance feature. The fire protection coating can be applied easily and directly to the concrete by hand or by airless spraying. Thanks to a new method developed by Sika, the dry film thickness can be determined nondestructively on the concrete surface. Adhesion and functionality of the fire protection coating are not affected by this method. If required, the water-based top coat Sika Unitherm Top W is suitable for decorative, colourful interior design.

Detail of the Woolworth Haus in Mühlheim an der Ruhr (Germany).


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© Sika Deutschland GmbH

In the existing building “The O” in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, the concrete ceiling had to be retrofitted for fire protection without burdening the statics. A fire protection coating with Sika Unitherm Concrete W provided the solution.

As a water-based intumescent, Sika Unitherm Concrete W is

of the former department store.This was because the concrete ceiling

ecologically harmless. The content of volatile organic compounds

was too thin and therefore insufficient to adequately protect the

(VOC) is less than one percent. This makes the product suitable for use

reinforcing steel in accordance with the required fire protection class


R60. Due to the building’s statics, however, it was not possible to clad the ceilings with heavy fire protection walls or to apply an additional

Renovation of a landmarked department store

five-centimetre-thick concrete layer. The new fire protection coating

The building known as “Woolworth Haus” in the centre of Mühlheim an

for concrete, Sika Unitherm Concrete W, therefore came into question

der Ruhr in Germany dates back to the 1920s.

as an optimal, weight-reduced alternative. After sample surfaces

As a high-quality, artistically outstanding building, it represents the

had been laid with Sika Unitherm Concrete W, the product received

architecture of the time and is therefore a listed building.

positive evaluations from all project participants and was therefore

In the course of a change of ownership, the concrete building was

used in the existing building.

converted and renovated. This also required a fire protection retrofit

To achieve the required fire resistance R60, the applicators applied

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a uniform film thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 millimetres in two work

Individual design of the fire-protection coated surfaces

steps, depending on the respective existing surface structure. The

The building, which now bears the name “The O” in memory of the

processing company confirmed the particularly easy application of

first building owner Hugo von Othegraven, will in future house an

Sika Unitherm Concrete W: after training the employees, they were

apartment and a penthouse apartment in addition to gastronomy and

able to apply the product professionally right away. After application,

commercial space. In some of the new retail spaces of “The O”, the

the fire protection coating must dry out for eight hours before its

concrete ceiling was to remain visible, creating a modern and elegant

dry film thickness can be determined. Sika’s special method is used

industrial look. This requirement was optimally implemented with the

for this purpose, since the dry film thickness on concrete substrates

top coat Sika Unitherm Top W in the colour black.

cannot be determined with conventional measuring equipment. The handy drums in which Sika supplies the fire protection coating also

Renovation of an underground car park

proved to be advantageous for smooth logistics on the construction

In addition to several public buildings in Austria, the underground


parking garage of the Unterland School Centre in Eschen, Principality © Sika Deutschland GmbH

The fire protection coating for concrete Sika Unitherm Concrete W can be applied quickly and easily by airless spraying.


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© Sika Deutschland GmbH

A wet film thickness gauge is used to check the thickness of the fire protection coating. To achieve a fire resistance of R60, the coating must be up to 2 millimetres thick.


© Sika Schweiz AG

© Sika Schweiz AG

of Liechtenstein, has now also been fire-protection retrofitted with Sika Unitherm Concrete W. The concrete ceiling of the parking area was coated with Sika Unitherm Concrete W in a film thickness of 0.5 millimetres. As a result, the prescribed fire resistance R60 can now be achieved despite the lack of reinforcement cover. Verification of the correct coating thickness using the Sika method was carried out at control points on ten concrete columns in the underground garage. Sika Unitherm Top W in the colour RAL 9016 was applied as the top coat. Sika products were selected because of their simple and time-saving application. Another decisive factor was that the parking area could be designed according to the aesthetic requirements of the client.

Sika Unitherm Concrete W fulfils numerous European and national standards The fire protection coating Sika Unitherm Concrete W has successfully passed numerous tests: the fire resistance of the fire protection coating system was tested for concrete structures “walls and ceilings” in accordance with EN 13381-3:2015 for concrete strengths C 30/37 and C 50/60. It may also be used for columns and beams of strengths C 30/37, C 50/60 and C 90/105 according to EN 13381-3:2015. At C 90/105, the protective coating prevents concrete spalling for up to 120 minutes. Furthermore, environmental product declarations and

sustainability data sheets are available for Sika Unitherm Concrete W. ‹

The underground car park of the Unterland school centre in the Principality of Liechtenstein has recently been renovated with Sika Unitherm Concrete W for fire protection. The concrete ceiling of the parking area under the Unterland School Center in Eschen has been coated with Sika Unitherm Concrete W in a film thickness of 0.5 millimeters. This means that the prescribed fire resistance R60 has now been achieved.

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© ipcm


Zimetal: A More Complete and Diversified Service Thanks to the Synergy Between Hot-Dip Galvanising and Powder Coating Monica Fumagalli ipcm® Hot-dip galvanising or coating? Until recently, these two processes seemed irreconcilable within one production environment. Established in 1992 and since then considered one of the most important hot-dip galvanising companies in Italy, Zimetal decided instead to prove that, if well integrated into the production flow, they can actually be combined to deliver higher performance in terms of corrosion resistance and aesthetic quality.


ur strength,” states Ugo Bottanelli, shareholder and managing director of Zimetal (Solero, Alessandria, Italy),

“has always been our ability to quickly understand the technological developments in the market and adapt our equipment and systems to anticipate the demands of our customers, which mainly operate in the building and architecture, transport, urban equipment, energy, agriculture, animal husbandry, and environment sectors. Such diversification has enabled us to achieve a leading position, to which the uncommon size of our galvanising plant has undoubtedly contributed by guaranteeing significant production capacity and meeting all of the increasingly demanding requirements of our customers”. “In order to respond to these ongoing market developments, it had been our intention for some time to combine galvanising with a coating process. Actually, these have always been considered two synergistic and complementary processes, but they are rarely carried out in the same production environment. This is obviously because they perform two very different surface treatments, which require specific skills and equipment. However, we have always been

One of the large-sized structures that are powder coated by Zimetal.


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convinced that offering both processes to our customers would


not only give us a competitive advantage, but also ensure greater control over our operations and, consequently, faster delivery and improved results. Now, not only are we one of the few companies that have combined these two processes, but our new coating line is also a rarity in this industry, because it includes a shot blasting machine integrated into the workflow.” In order to realise this project, in the first place, Zimetal had to overcome several difficulties related to planning permission for the construction of a new building. “We did not want to move our headquarters, because it is strategically located with respect to the transport connections of Northwest Italy,” says Bottanelli. “It is in fact at the centre of the “industrial triangle” formed by Milan, Turin, and

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Genoa, in a position that is easily accessible from the motorways that connect these three cities with the rest of Italy and Europe. Here, we have a large area of 190,000 m2 at our disposal, where we chose to also locate our new coating division. We wanted it to have the same size and production capacity as our galvanising plant (11,000 m2) and to be located a short distance from the latter. We imagined that a large portion of production would be dedicated to coating galvanised steel, as well as other materials such as iron and aluminium. “Some of the most important players in the Italian coating sector worked with us: Silvi Srl (Lesmo,

© ipcm

Monza e Brianza) for the system, then integrated with the dense phase powder application booth designed and installed by Siver Srl (Taverne di

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Corciano, Perugia), Futura Convogliatori Aerei Srl (Robecco Pavese, Pavia) for the conveyor, and Cogeim Europe Srl (Casorezzo, Milan) for the shot blasting machine. Thanks to them, Zimetal was able to install an advanced coating line designed according to Industry 4.0 parameters, capable of handling up to 24 tonnes of steel per hour.”

Reducing environmental impact The aim of the project was not only to finally provide a comprehensive service to Zimetal’s customers: one of its main drivers was the will to make the two processes more environmentally friendly. “The issue of sustainable manufacturing has been a priority for us for a long time,” notes Bottanelli. “However, being a sustainable company sometimes means making

© ipcm

From top to bottom: The loading station’s lowerator, the two-rail conveyor that has a maximum capacity of 3 t per rack and the tunnel shot blaster installed by Cogeim Europe.

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© ipcm

The inside of the tunnel shot blasting chamber.

© ipcm

Some of the 16 turbines mounted in the shot blasting machine.

compromises in terms of performance. Actually, in this case, we were

to insource such an important production phase, instead of keeping on

able to design two zero liquid discharge processes while maintaining

outsourcing it with the consequent delivery management problems that

the guarantee of adequate corrosion resistance of the treated surfaces.

one can easily imagine.”

In 2008, we became the first company in Europe to carry out hot-dip reactive steels and without the use of lead and nickel, now integrated

Hot-dip galvanising: Zimetal’s long-standing core business

with the ZinCare® green galvanising system. We wanted our coating

Each raw material delivered to the plant is identified, controlled, and

plant to reflect the same low environmental impact commitment.

traced from the reception phase throughout the entire processing

“The result is one of our main sources of pride and one of the reasons

cycle, up to testing and delivery. “We only use certified raw materials,

why we are pleased with our investment in this project, which we

high-tech alloys and zinc of Special High Grade (SHG) 99.995%,”

completed at a time when everything seemed to be working against us:

indicates Bottanelli. “The parts to be galvanised are hooked onto the

it was a time of market contraction, followed by the lockdown due to the

loading frames and then sent to the various process steps. These are

health crisis. However, it was this last unexpected event that enabled

largely automated and assisted by a central management system that

us to calmly complete the construction of the new coating plant and

guarantees high flexibility and greater punctuality in responding to the

take the time to analyse it in detail, including the possible reaction of

needs of an increasingly demanding market, in terms of both quality and

customers to this important innovation – which would have allowed us

service. All production phases are constantly monitored and recorded

galvanising operations with the HAL-GA® technology for the control of


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

Elegant Protection Xirallic® NXT M260-70 SW AMUR BLACK Bluish black with silky-silvery shade Strong hiding power Intense darkness Balanced black stylings Charcoal black effect and "Living Sparkle®" The manual shot blasting station.

by the management system and every variable in the production

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cycle is controlled, also through internal and external laboratory analyses.”

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Zimetal has a modern galvanising plant that, thanks to its large surface area, can treat components of a considerable size. “The pre-treatment process prior to galvanising is carried out in a segmented tunnel with a fully automatic management system, also recording the parameters applied in the various stages of degreasing, pickling, cleaning, flushing, and pre-heating, which occurs with an automated device for heat build-up up to 110 °C and heat recovery from the galvanising plant’s oven. Galvanising takes place in a tank measuring 14 x 1.8 x 3.3 m, followed by 7 stations for air cooling and 1 tank for water cooling, 1 station for applying the passivating solution, and 5 drying stations with automatic heat build-up at room temperature.” The galvanised materials are finally unloaded and then tested, finished, and

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packed if the order only includes galvanisation, or taken to our coating

metres. It is the element that, through a sophisticated management


system 4.0, keeps all parts of the plant connected to the company’s central management system, thus enabling it to track and monitor

Total control of the new coating line

all processing steps, from material preparation, automatic in-line

This is how Ugo Bottanelli describes the installed coating plant, one of

low or high-pressure sandblasting, and 12-stage chemical treatment

the largest in Italy: “Our new coating line covers an area of 11,000 m

to drying, dense phase powder application, curing, packaging, and

and it is capable of treating substrates of different materials, such as

logistical sorting. Every phase, including powder feeding and ZLD

iron, zinc, stainless steel, and aluminium. We have selected the best

waste water treatment, is subject to precise controls in order to

technologies to guarantee the highest quality standards, reduced

achieve the best possible results.”


processing times, and the possibility of monitoring and recording each are always respected.” The aim was to achieve high productivity in all

An integrated shot blasting machine for 5-tier corrosion protection

conditions and with all materials. “This is why we first identified the

“A further advantage of in-house management of the galvanising

ideal speed of the two-rail conveyor and we then set the parameters

and coating processes is the possibility of designing and developing

for the other systems based on this. The conveyor installed by Futura

specific treatment cycles for each product we handle. For instance, for

Convogliatori Aerei is one of the devices that propel Zimetal into the

outdoor iron structures and parts, Zimetal has developed the VERNIX®


system, consisting of 5 phases: hot-dip galvanisation of the substrate

This moves the parts along the sandblasting and coating lines, which

with the ZinCare® system and HAL-GA® technology, fine sandblasting,

cover nearly 2 km. “It is equipped with 50 racks, each with a capacity of

12-stage chemical treatment, nanoceramic conversion, which

3 tonnes and capable of transporting workpieces up to 10 x 1.2 x 2.5

completes the chemical treatment of the materials by improving paint

step to ensure that the parameters of the pre-set processing cycles

© ipcm

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On leaving the shot blasting machine, the two-rail conveyor sorts the frames for further processing.


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adhesion and resistance through the use of nanotechnology, and

“The first automatic sandblasting stage is performed by 16 opposed

coating with Qualicoat approved powders. The integration of a shot

single-disc turbines, each with a diameter of 380 mm and a power of

blasting plant into the coating line further increases the performance

15 kW, which treat the parts up to the SA 2.5 grade at a speed of 0.6

of our entire anti-corrosion system by adding to the production

to 4 m/min, adjustable through speed controllers. This guarantees

line a fifth element aimed at providing a higher level of protection

excellent coverage of the workpiece by the abrasive mix consisting of

than conventional powder coating systems. This results in the ideal

slightly angular metal grits.

technical combination of the various process steps, leading to

“The recirculation of the grit needed to feed the 16 turbines is

coatings with superior properties.”

ensured by the presence of a screening unit with two elevators. The

“The integrated shot blasting machine is a rarity in this industry,”

media used during the work cycle are therefore always clean and

confirms Cogeim sales manager Alessandro Nicolis. “This is a GTU-

free of waste that could compromise the correct operation of the

type shot blasting plant consisting of a 56 m-long, continuous flow,

turbines. The plant is also equipped with automatic, pneumatic doors

suspended-load tunnel, which includes manual retouching, blow-

to prevent the abrasive from escaping during processing. Finally, a

off, and sandblasting chambers, with the latter located after the

soundproof box was installed around the sandblasting chamber to

automatic sandblasting one. The racks used for the automatic shot

minimise noise from the turbines and the blasting process in general.”

blasting process can accommodate workpieces with a maximum

The system is even pre-arranged for development in compliance

cross-sectional area of 1500x2500 mm, a length of up to 16 m, and a

with the Industry 4.0 parameters, in order to guarantee total process

weight of 3000 kg each. The chamber is equipped with a motorised

control and better production and monitoring management.

trolley that also allows manually processing large workpieces up to 3000x2500 mm in size and up to 16 m in length, with a maximum

From pre-treatment to powder coating

total weight of 7000 kg”.

“The chemical treatment phase,” explains Daniele Fumagalli, the owner

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The powder application booth and the powder centre.

The post-retouching phase after automatic powder application.

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© ipcm

The unloading station’s lowerator.

From left to right: Alessia Venturi from ipcm®, Alessandro Nicolis from Cogeim, Gabriele Brambilla and Luca Tomassoni from Siver, Margherita Rubiolo and Ugo Bottanelli from Zimetal, and Daniele Fumagalli from Silvi.

of Silvi Srl, which designed and installed the new coating system,

cooling booth equipped with hot air extractors and a forced fresh

“is carried out by means of spray nozzles in a tunnel with tanks

air supply. Finally, they are unloaded for final testing and verification,

containing around 700 m of chemical solutions specially designed

before packaging and shipping.


to clean and prepare all surfaces perfectly. The treatment cycle


comprises 12 stages, ending with the nanotechnology conversion

Zimetal’s bridge to the future

of the metal substrate. All waste water is transferred to a closed-

“Thanks to perfect coordination between our galvanising and coating

circuit, zero-discharge evaporation plant that allows regeneration and

divisions, the extreme attention paid to both processes, and, last

recovery of water for recirculation into the treatment cycle.”

but not least, our collaboration with important companies in the

Coating is carried out in a Silver Booth installed by Siver for the dense

industrial coating sector,” concludes Bottanelli, “we are now able to

phase application of thermosetting powders, equipped with an

meet our target delivery times of one week even for large batches,

automatic rack pre-reading system and with 12 automatic Nordson

to respect the environment and the health of our employees, and to

Encore HD guns and 3 manual guns for pre and post-retouching.

achieve the quality and corrosion resistance results required by our

The special feature of this booth is the automatic powder recovery

customers. One of our historic claims defined hot-dip galvanising as

system with 2 containers, which guarantees rapid colour change

a bridge to the future, as it is indispensable for creating structures

operations with very limited downtime by reducing waiting time for

of various kinds, such as the most futuristic architectural buildings.

gun cleaning.

Now, Zimetal’s bridge to the future also includes the powder coating

The coating booth is followed by the curing oven at a temperature of

of products made of different materials, with no limit to their size

190 °C and with a volume of 1500 m3, equipped with indirect flame

and always with an eye on innovations in the sector: without this, we

burners that prevent any colour changes even with thicknesses of

would never have become a benchmark in the field of innovative and

up to 50 mm. The workpieces leaving the oven enter directly into a

environmentally friendly galvanising and coating.” ‹

N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

Since 1970





Via Villapia 9/11 20010 Casorezzo (MI) - Italy Tel.: +39 02 9032261 - info@cogeim.it

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Impact of Scraping Activities on Coated Pipelines Hassan Al-Sagour and Mana Al-Mansour Saudi Aramco, Dhahran - Saudi Arabia


This study was conducted to validate raised concerns on the possible damage scrapers could cause to internal pipeline coatings. The scope of this paper covers aspects of scraping activities, quality of pipeline internal coating, and the interface between them. The need for scrapers was questioned in the first place. Then, the design of different types of scraping tools was examined. Also, the qualification program of pipeline internal coatings was explored to determine whether such coatings could withstand abrasion forces associated with pigging activities. The study concluded that there is not enough evidence to prove a significant damaging effect of scrapers on pipeline coatings.


audi Aramco started to standardize the use of internal coating of

which had increased the total suspended solids (TSS) once again [2].

pipelines in 1988 [1]. Prior to that year, Saudi Aramco had used bare

Thus, Saudi Aramco switched to internally coating its pipelines which

carbon steel pipes for its water injection system, which was commissioned

was well justified economically compared to either the injectivity losses

in 1978 [2]. At first, the internal corrosion of pipelines generated

or cost of intensified water treatment [3]. At the time, Fusion-Bonded

significant amounts of iron products which started plugging well heads

Epoxy (FBE) coating had been already used for corrosion protection of

and hindered well injection rates [3]. To improve well injectivity, Saudi

pipe externals with excellent track records since the 1960s [4]. Therefore,

Aramco started in 1983 an intensified water treatment program using a

the decision was taken to apply coatings for the internal protection as

combination of biocides (1500 PPM) twice a week and a weekly scraping

well, given that treated seawater was less aggressive than soil in terms

[2]. This expensive treatment had resulted in great improvements by

of lower temperatures and lack of dissolved oxygen [3]. At a later stage,

1985. Yet, it was relaxed one year later in terms of dosage and frequency,

liquid epoxy coatings were used to coat the internal of field girth welds,


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


using robotic crawlers. The current corrosion protection protocol involves

pipelines will be addressed. Then, each scraping equipment will be

internal coating as the first line of defence. In certain cases, internal

discussed briefly to show how they interface with the internal of pipelines,

coatings are backed up with corrosion inhibition dosages and scrapers

coated or bare. Subsequently, the qualification tests for internal coatings

to distribute the chemicals properly. Scrapers are also used in internally

will be explained to show how coatings should/could resist such

coated pipelines to clean sludges/debris or as a prerequisite to using the

damaging mechanisms. Finally, collected data from different countries

expensive In-Line Inspection (ILI) tools.

will be displayed, to see if they support or refute the assumption of the

Several concerns were raised from different stakeholders on any possible

“damaging effect” of scraping activities on internally coated pipelines.

impact of cleaning scrapers, gauging scrapers, callipers, and ILI equipment on internal pipeline coatings. To address these concerns, it is important

The need for scraping internally coated pipelines

to understand how these tools are designed and their interface with

The first question that comes to mind would be whether scraping

coatings. On a typical case, cleaning scrapers are usually sent through

activities are necessary for coated pipelines. Although internal coatings

pipes for a general cleaning purpose, and sometimes to allow for

can be extremely effective as a corrosion mitigation method, it is

subsequent pigging activities. Gauging scrapers are sent to scout pipes

recommended to back them up with a secondary line of defence, injection

prior to sending more sensitive equipment. Gauging scrapers can detect

of corrosion inhibition, yet at a lower rate than if coatings were not

sharp intrusions and pipe defects that may damage ILI equipment. They

applied. In such cases, scraping tools are needed to help distribute these

are also used to confirm whether ILI equipment can negotiate through all

chemicals evenly around the circumference of pipes, including the top-

bends. To collect more information on the location and extent of defects

of-line. In other cases, it is mandatory to still use scrapers to clean coated

a smarter tool is used as a gauging scraper (i.e. callipers). Once a pipe is

lines from process-accumulated sludge.

clear for inspection equipment, ILI equipment (e.g. UT or MFL) are sent with confidence that they would complete the measurement trip without

Types and designs of scraping equipment

damage to their expensive parts. It is important to agree that scraping/

Here, we will address the most common design of scraping tools and how

pigging equipment used for coated pipelines are slightly different than

each equipment interface with coated pipelines.

those for uncoated pipes to avoid damage to internal coatings. Cleaning Scrapers

Data and methodology

As described in Figures 1a and 1b, cleaning scrapers for coated lines are

In this section, the need for scraping activities in internally coated

© Nord-West-Oelleitung

Figure 1a: Cleaning scraper for uncoated pipes [5].

different than those made for bare/uncoated pipes. Cleaning scrapers

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 1b: Cleaning scraper for coated pipes.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



© Saudi Aramco

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 2a: Polyurethane ring.

Figure 2b: Polyurethane cup.

for uncoated pipes contain metallic brushes that can scratch paint, and

Gauging Scrapers

hence are not used for coated pipes. For coated pipes, some metallic

This equipment is used for manual scouting of pipelines. In addition to

parts are replaced with polyurethane (PU) rings which are the only parts

the typical PU rings, they contain metallic brushes, a sizing aluminium

in contact with coatings.

ring at the back and aluminium plates at the middle to evaluate bends

To further protect internal coatings, some designs replace the PU rings

accessibility (Fig. 3).

with PU cups, which have a unique geometrical shape that works on

For coated pipelines, however, gauging scrapers are not equipped

reducing friction with the internals of pipes.

with metallic brushes. Their aluminium rings and plates are coated

This change in design is gentler on internal coatings, but it requires

with a thick layer of PU. The PU layer covers the edges and the front

more scraping runs for good results. Both designs are vividly illustrated

completely as shown in Figure 4.

in Figures 2a and 2b.

Even when damaged, the PU layer is not expected to be removed

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 3: Gauging scraper for bare pipes.


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 4: Aluminium plates coated with PU (front and edges).


© Saudi Aramco

© Saudi Aramco

Figures 5a and 5b: Coated aluminium plates after scraping activities (no severe damage).

completely especially that it is sized, at most, 95% of the pipe size and


thus away from indentation by intrusions. The coated aluminium plates

Callipers are basically smart gauging scrapers. In addition to the typical

may be bent in some sharp changes of direction, but the damage is not

shape of a scraper, callipers also consist of flexible arms, sensors and

expected to be sever to the point where the plates will form a sharp

electronics that enable end-users to collect more information about

edge scratching FBE paint.

pipe defects and/or bends.

Figure 5 shows an example of a damaged PU coating on aluminium

The measuring arms end with plastic wheels that touch the coating

plates in one scraping projects. Gauging pigs are usually free of charge,

softly as they rotate. In case of bends or ovality, these arms are

but if end-users prefer not to use them, they could opt to use callipers

extremely flexible and can retract back rather than press against pipe

instead – the more expensive option.

walls (Fig. 6).

© Saudi Aramco

© Saudi Aramco

Figures 6a and 6b: Calliper equipment (left) and close-up at calliper wheels (right).

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38




Figure 7: Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) equipment [6].

W D. T. illi n so am SA

In-Line Inspection (ILI) Equipment

2. Ultrasonic (UT) PIG

1. Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)

Like cleaning pigs, the UT equipment does not include metallic parts in

ILI equipment used in oil and gas companies are typically MFL type. For

contact with the coated pipe, and thus should not be of concern (Fig. 9).

the magnetic field to be generated across two different locations of the pipe, the magnetic pads need to touch the pipe wall. The magnetic pads

Internal coating qualification

are made of carbon steel, but the design pertaining to coated pipes is

Looking at the properties of oil & gas approved internal coatings, it is

different. The magnetic pads for bare steel have multiple sharp edges that

important to note they have to go through an extensive testing protocol

could damage coatings, while the pads used for coated pipes are rounded

for properties such as flexibility, adhesion, electrochemical impedance,

at edges to leave only a flat-to-flat contact with FBE (Fig. 7).

porosity, chemical resistance and abrasion resistance. Abrasion

As seen in Figures 8a and 8b, the flat-to-flat contact between metallic

Resistance Test is commonly conducted in accordance with ASTM D4060.

pads and coated pipes is minimized using larger diameter PU rings. In

Abrasive wheels with a load of 1,000 grams on each wheel would run

addition, the internal surface of pipes is usually wet.

against cured coating samples for 1,000 cycles. The mass lose should be below 100 milligrams, or otherwise the coating would not be approved.

© Saudi Aramco

© Saudi Aramco

Figure 8a: MFL pads for bare pipes.


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Figure 8b: Pads for coated pipes.


Passing such an aggressive test indicates the coating has a good endurance to reasonable abrasion forces, such as flat metal plates (e.g. MFL magnet pads), sand and/or debris. Yet, it is not precise how these forces combined or separate would behave in actual conditions. It is important, however, to mention that this test includes pipe coatings (i.e. fusion-bonded epoxy FBE) and the area of girth welds as well (i.e. high solid epoxy liquids).

Local and international experience A field survey was conducted with different plants in and outside Saudi Arabia. The objective of the survey was to learn of any confirmed coating failures, resulting from scraping activities. The survey sample included operation personnel, piping engineers and corrosion engineers. The data was collected from upstream facilities in different geographic locations, handling different media. The number of scraping runs was also collected for different pipes of different diameter sizes. To make the task simpler,

© Saudi Aramco

there was no need for official documents or engineering ai162322881627_Protective Coatings magazine June 2021 - 230 X 140 - Final.pdf 1 09/06/2021 09:53:39

Figure 9: Ultrasonic PIG [7].


reports, as the word of mouth could also be considered, especially with

Internationally, the data collected was mostly by word of mouth. However,

operation personnel.

we managed to get some reasonably reliable track records from service

As a result of the survey, the collected data was put in Table 1, for a

providers, which is displayed in Table 2.

better presentation. The data included the name of facility, which is replaced with letters in this


paper. It included the number of pipelines that went through scraping,

The collected information in this paper leads to neglect the potential of

their size and length and service medium. The number of runs could also

coating damage in coated pipelines. However, this could only be achieved

have a reference to how old the facility is. The last question was whether

by having the right coating, the right application, and the use of especially

there were signs of coating damage post scraping activities.

designed scraping tools for coated pipelines.

Table 1: Data collected from Saudi Arabia.




SIZE (inch)



















14 each pipeline























water injection







6-11 each

water injection

12 each pipeline







water injection

4 each pipeline







disposal water

18 each pipeline










Table 2: Track record of scraping activities with no subsequent coating failures.












Water (sea)






Water (inh. sea)





Water (inh. sea)





Oil (crude)















Gas (natural)





Gas (natural)





Gas (natural)




XT Service

Gas (natural)

China Malaysia Mexico


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


The two tables show that the vast

corrosion inhibitors to cover for holidays

© Saudi Aramco

majority of coated pipelines did not

and minor damages. Then, the different

experience a coating damage post

equipment that are used for cleaning,

scraping activities. Although this is a

gauging or inspection of the internally

favourable result, but we should also

coated pipelines have been illustrated to

consider that the judgement here needs

understand their interface with internal

a little bit of more detail.

pipeline coatings. The testing program

In the case of Facilities A and B, in Table

that internal coatings go through was

1, there were a few reported coating

explored and found adequate, in terms of

failures. The root cause analysis was

abrasion resistance testing.

conducted and concluded the failures

The coating sheets and debris that have

were not related to scraping activities.

been found in the field have all been from

Firstly, the damages were localized whilst

one source (i.e. Facilities A & B), attributed

they should have been general had

to different causes none of which was

they been related to scraping. Secondly,

scraping-related. If coatings were under-

the collected samples in a few cases

cured or damaged already, scrapers will

showed the thickness of internal coating

be carriers only, but not the cause.

double the requirements in project

There is no hard evidence confirming

coating specifications, which is a sign

that scraping is damaging to coatings.

of improper application. Some coating

However, we cannot rule out the

pieces collected at pipe screens are

possibility of a damaging effect once

shown in Figure 10. In another cases,

hard evidence is present. If any coating

the cause was found to be subjecting

failures are suspected to be scraping-

the coating to operating conditions exceeding its limitations, which helped

Figure 10: Coating pieces and debris.

related in the future, we will be keen to further investigate on a case-by-case

fail the internal coatings in that line. In all cases, no residue of coatings

basis. Unless there are other factors that have not been addressed here,

was found on scraping equipment.

it may be concluded that scraping activities of the mentioned types is an industrial practice that should not have an impact on coatings, unless otherwise proven. ‹

Conclusion In this study, the need for scraping internally coated pipelines was well justified and found necessary and cannot be ruled out. The corrosion-

The authors would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful data

protective coating is usually backed up by and supplemented with

without implication for any remaining errors.

References 1 Saudi Aramco Standard SAES-H-002 (1988). 2 Bayona H.J. (1993), A Review of Well Injectivity Performance in Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar Field Seawater Injection Program, SPE Middle East Oil Technical Conference & Exhibition, Bahrain, 3-6 April 1993. 3 Chen, E. Y. (1998), Why Internally Coated Piping Is Used for the World’s Largest Seawater Injection System, SPE Annual Technical Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 27-30 September 1998. 4 Kehr, Alan (2000), FBE, a Foundation for Pipeline Corrosion Coatings, NACE International Conference, Houston, Texas, USA. 5 https://www.neustroppl.in/pipe-line-cleaning-pig.html 6 https://www.ubsco.net/inline_insp.html 7 http://www.fullmost.com.tw/Ultrasonic-UT-Intelligent-Pigging/

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38


© Adobe Stock


Coating Inspections - Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 3 Massimo Cornago NACE International Certified Coating Inspector, NACE CIP PEER Reviewer



s mentioned in our previous article1, we will now discuss other

or “pitting” traces on the surface to be protected. Although many

surface preparation systems and their related inspections to be

different initial conditions can be found, SSPC has divided them into

carried out during the works themselves, starting with the inspection of

four construction conditions based on the rust grade classification

hand tool and power tool cleaning operations based on the appropriate

of SSPC-Vis 1 “Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel” and


three maintenance conditions based on SSPC-Vis 3 “Visual Standard for Power- and Hand-Tool Cleaned Steel” for already painted surfaces.

Initial steel conditions The amount of time, work, and effort required to achieve any particular

Inspection of hand and power tools

degree of surface preparation largely depends on the initial conditions

Hand cleaning tools include wire brushes, non-woven abrasive pads,

of the surface to be cleaned. It is necessary to take into consideration

scrapers, chisels, knives, and chipping hammers. When hand tool

the amount of “rust”, “old paint”, “contamination”, and “active corrosion”

cleaning is included in the project specifications, the Coating Inspector

1 https://www.ipcm.it/en/open/protective-coatings/2021/37/46-47.aspx. Editor’s note: In this article, we delve into the NACE Standard No. 5/SSPC-SP 12 “Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Water-Jetting Prior to Recoating”, which has been edited and replaced with the following standards in 2012 and 2017: NACE WJ-1/SSPC-SP WJ-1 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Clean to Bare Substrate (WJ-1) NACE WJ-2/SSPC-SP WJ-2 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Very Thorough Cleaning (WJ-2) NACE WJ-3/SSPC-SP WJ-3 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Thorough Cleaning (WJ-3) NACE WJ-4/SSPC-SP WJ-4 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Light Cleaning (WJ-4). However, we chose to do so because the earlier standard is still internationally recognised and used.


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should verify that all the tools are clean (completely free of contaminants

and diameter for correct and optimal operation: long lengths of small

such as grease and oil) and of the appropriate type, size, and shape to

diameter hoses should be avoided.

enter the area to be cleaned. Indeed, hand tools should be in such a condition that they can be safely used for effective cleaning operations

Testing for surface cleanliness

without gouging the steel surface. Wire brushes with too many lost or

The Coating Inspector should verify that the specified level of surface

bent bristles should be rejected. Scrapers should be sharp and made of

cleanliness is attained. SSPC has developed written and visual standards

tempered tool steel. Chipping hammers should have a blunt edge.

that are used together to verify the cleanliness degree of surfaces by the

Power tools for surface cleaning are classified as impact cleaning

non-abrasive blast cleaning methods of “solvent cleaning”, “hand-tool

tools, rotary cleaning tools, and rotary impact cleaning tools; they

cleaning”, and “power-tool cleaning”. The written standards (SSPC-SP 1,

may be pneumatic or electric. When power tool cleaning is included

2, 3, and 11) describe the various degrees of surface cleanliness.

in the project specifications, the Coating Inspector should verify that all the tools are appropriate for the substrate and the material to be

Visual Standard SSPC-Vis 3

removed, they are capable of producing the specified finish without

The Visual Standard (SSPC-Vis 3) is a book containing colour prints

driving rust and scale into the surface (e.g. dull tools), and they can be

illustrating the various hand and power-tool cleaning results over

safely and effectively operated in the work space available. Since worker

various rust grades of structural steel. It is intended to supplement the

fatigue is often a severe problem during prolonged use of power tools,

written descriptions.

the operator’s preference may also be a factor in determining the

The determination of the initial condition(s) of the steel surface to be

appropriateness of a power tool.

cleaned should be done by comparing it to the seven photographs

The Coating Inspector should verify that the tools used are capable of

representing the different options as follows:

guaranteeing the required cleanliness level. The manufacturer should

• Condition A: Steel surface completely covered with adherent mill scale;

be consulted about their recommended operating speed. For power

little or no visible rust.

tools that contain abrasive media (i.e. non-woven abrasive, rotary wire

• Condition B: Steel surface covered with both mill scale and rust.

brushes and coating abrasive discs or flap wheels), it should be verified

• Condition C: Steel surface completely covered with rust; little or no

that the tool is compatible with the size and speed rating of the abrasive

pitting visible.

media themselves. For air-driven tools, it should be verified that the air

• Condition D: Steel surface completely covered with rust; pitting visible.

supply is clean, dry, and adequate and that moisture separators and

• Condition E: Previously painted steel surface; light coloured paint

filters on air lines are in place. Air-driven tools should also be properly

applied over blast-cleaned surface, paint mostly intact.

lubricated and they should contain hoses of the appropriate length

• Condition F: Previously painted steel surface; zinc-rich paint applied









The Visual Standard SSPC-Vis 3’s pictures illustrating the various hand and power-tool cleaning results over various rust grades of structural steel.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



over blast-cleaned steel, paint mostly intact.

considered adherent if they cannot be removed by lifting with a dull

• Condition G: Paint system applied over mill scale bearing steel; system

putty knife.

thoroughly weathered, thoroughly blistered, or thoroughly stained.

Power tool cleaning (SSPC-SP-3) Immediately prior to painting, one should open the section of SSPC-Vis

Conventional power tool cleaning is a method of preparing steel

3 about the condition determined in the previous step and select the

surfaces by the use of power-assisted hand tools. Conventional power

photograph that represents the specified cleanliness level.

tool cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, loose paint, and

For SSPC-SP3 and SSPC-SP11, it is also necessary to identify the specific

loose detrimental foreign matter. It is not intended to remove adherent

power tool to be used to clean the steel surface.

mill scale, rust, or pain; mill scale, rust and paint are considered adherent if they cannot be removed by lifting with a dull putty knife.

• SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning (Power Wire Brush) • SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning (Sanding Disc)

Power tool cleaning to bare metal (SSPC-SP11)

• SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning (Needle Gun)

This method includes several types of power tools that provide bare

• SSPC-SP11 Power Tool Cleaning to bare Metal (Needle gun or Rotary Flap)

metal surfaces. When viewed without magnification, the metal surfaces

• SSPC-SP11 Power Tool Cleaning to bare Metal (Non-Woven Disk).

prepared in compliance with this specification should be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion

Thus, if Rust Grade B steel is to be cleaned to SSPC-SP3 with a sanding

products, and other foreign matter.

disc, the photo to be used is “BSP3/SD”: it should be compared to the

Slight residues of rust and paint may be left in the lower portion of pits if

cleaned steel to help determine whether it meets the written standard or

the original surface is pitted.

not. It should also be noted that variations from the photos might occur

When painting is specified, the surface shall be roughened to a degree

in the texture, shade, colour, tone, or amount of mill scale or pitting.

suitable for the specified paint system. The surface profile should not be less than 25 micrometres (in fact, this is the only surface preparation

Hand tool cleaning (SSPC-SP2)

standard to determine a minimal profile level).

Hand tool cleaning is a method of preparing surfaces by the use of non-powered hand tools. It removes all loose mill scale, loose rust,

In the next article, we will have the opportunity to discuss other surface

loose paint, and loose detrimental foreign matter. It is not intended to

preparation systems and their related inspections to be conducted

remove adherent mill scale, rust, or paint; mill scale, rust, and paint are

© Adobe Stock


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

during the works themselves. ‹

© Hempel


Hempel Launches Hempafire Pro 400 Hempel has launched Hempafire Pro 400, a new passive fire protection coating optimised for 90 minutes of cellulosic fire protection.


empel has launched Hempafire Pro 400, a new passive fire

We developed Hempafire Pro 400 to meet this need,” stated Roger

coating protection which is able to maintain the stability of steel

Soler, Hempel’s Group Product Manager for Cellulosic PFP.

structures in case of a fire for up to 120 minutes and that has been optimised for a maximum efficiency in the loadings for a 90-minute

The Hempafire Pro range


Coatings of the Hempel’s Hempafire Pro series can be applied to all steel

Passive fire protection coatings allow to insulate steel structures, in

profile types, both in-shop or on-site. They can also be used outdoor

case a fire occurs, by extending load-bearing capacity and providing

and in environments subject to corrosion up to C4 category, meeting

more time for the evacuation of people and emergency intervention.

the ISO 12944 standards. Hempafire Pro 315 and 400 are available in

In 2018, Hempel created its Hempafire Pro 315 which provided up

two different versions, standard and fast-drying.

to 60 minutes of cellulosic fire protection and dry film thicknesses.

Other advantages of the range include:

Now, the new Hempafire Pro 400 – which meets the BS 476 20/21

• Optimised fire protection for 60 and 90 minutes

standards – extends the fire protection to 90 and 120 minutes.

• Lower loadings: reduced paint consumption and fast drying times

“Our Hempafire Pro range of products has proven to be very attractive

• Excellent aesthetic appearance

for applicators and specifiers. The exceptionally low loadings help to

• Suitable for all steel profiles.

reduce both the total paint consumption and the number of coats

As it was designed by keeping in mind applicators, Hempafire Pro possess

required. This in turn means our intumescent coatings dry faster than

outstanding application properties and the number of coats required can

similar coatings, which helps to speed up project completion times.

be minimised by applying up to 1,600 microns DFT in one coat.

Since we launched Hempafire Pro 315, our customers have asked for a coating with similar properties certified for a 90-minute fire duration.

For further information: www.hempel.com

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



Inhibiting Corrosion in Vessels Containing Saltwater or Brine Ana Juraga Cortec® Europe Advertising Agency


The M-645 Float Coat developed by Cortec extends ballast tank life and minimizes cost repairs.


arine environments are extremely aggressive and corrosion

and side shells—with a sufficient amount of product to protect against

protection in these areas requires an especially careful approach.

corrosion. M-645 is ideal for ballast tanks that are frequently emptied

Application of VpCI® inhibitors in the hydrostatic testing process is of

and refilled. Because M-645 floats on the surface of the water, the

great importance since the test water can be aggressive to pipeline

non-aqueous formula does not contaminate ballast water, allowing for

material. The same goes for seawater ballasting of ships. M-645 is a float

normal discharge procedures. It is also an effective corrosion inhibitor

coat used to inhibit corrosion in vessels containing saltwater or brine. It

for hydrotesting large aboveground storage tanks (ASTs). The product

floats on the surface of the water, forming a self-healing protective film

is non-hazardous, non-flammable and self-reapplying. It will provide

on adjacent metals.

corrosion protection for a broad range of saltwater/brine applications. M-645 extends ballast tank life, minimizing costs for dry docking repairs,

M-645 Float Coat’s features

and does not interfere with ballast water discharge. It is effective for

The film displaces water containing chlorides from the surface of the

multiple tank refills.

vessel. As the water is raised or lowered, M-645 coats every square

Typical applications include:

inch of the vessel’s interior— including ring stiffeners, girders, piping,

• Hydrostatic testing of pipelines, vessels, and ASTs © Cortec

M-645 is a float coat used to inhibit corrosion in vessels containing saltwater or brine.


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings


• Seawater ballasting of ships, buoys, and oil rigs. M-645 is available in 5-gallon (19 L) pails, 55-gallon (208 L) metal drums, liquid totes, and bulk.

A specific application In one application of M-645, the subcontractor needed to perform hydrostatic testing on tanks fabricated for the customer. The project involved 11 vessels with capacities varying from 10,382 cubic meters (2.7 million gallons) to 45,156 cubic meters (11.9 million gallons). The subcontractor needed an economical and environmentally acceptable method of corrosion protection for interior carbon steel surfaces during the hydrostatic testing process. Due to the scarcity of potable water in the UAE, it was decided to use seawater. Cortec’s system, consisting of M-645 Float Coating and S-7 Oxygen Scavenger, was selected for corrosion inhibition. M-645 Float Coating at a concentration of 6 m2/L (244 ft²/ gallon) and S-7 Oxygen Scavenger at 100 ppm were added to a tank before filling them with the required volume of seawater. The length of the hydrostatic tests varied from 35 to 45 days, and

© Cortec

the seawater was reused in several tanks. When testing the next tank in line, the full calculated amount of M-645 and a reduced amount of S-7 were added. After hydrostatic testing, the interior surfaces of the tanks were immediately cleaned with Cortec’s VpCI®-418 L, a non-foaming cleaner, diluted 3-5% with potable water, to remove any residual chloride prior to application of an epoxy coating.

The advantages of M-645 Cortec® proposed this chemical system as an economical and environmentally responsible method of effective corrosion protection for interiors of carbon steel tanks subjected to hydrostatic testing using seawater. The customer did not need additional biocide, which would have been both costly and environmentally undesirable. The treated seawater, after hydrotesting, met all requirements for discharge back to the sea. In addition to providing a high level of corrosion protection, Cortec® technology also offered important environmental benefits for the application. ‹

© Cortec

M-645 is ideal for ballast tanks that are frequently emptied and refilled as well as hydrostatic testing applications. Typical applications of M-645 float coat include hydrostatic testing of pipelines, vessels, and ASTs, and seawater ballasting of ships, buoys, and oil rigs.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



© NASA/Joel Kowsky

PPG Helped ULA’s ATLAS V 541 Rocket to Launch NASA’s Perseverance to Mars The products developed by PPG were used to protect the ATLAS V 541 rocket that launched NASA’s Perseverance rover to the Red Planet.


PG has announced that its aerospace sealants, coatings and adhesive

ATLAS V 541 is one of the best rockets among ULA’s fleet, thanks to its

products were provided to United Launch Alliance (ULA) for the rocket

four solid rocket boosters that provide optimal performance in order to

ATLAS V 541 that, in July 2020, launched NASA’s rover Perseverance to

deliver several ranges of mission. The PPG application support centre

Mars. After almost seven moths travelling through space, Perseverance

in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) cooperated closely with ULA and provided

landed on Mars in February 2021.

technical support and products such as the polyurethane topcoat PPG

“Our aerospace sealants, coatings and adhesives helped ULA provide

DESOTHANE™ CA8200 Series HS, the rapid-curing fuel tank sealant

protection for the Atlas V 541 rocket, which aided the Perseverance rover

PPG PR-2001 Class B – a two-part, epoxy-cured PERMAPOL™ P-3.1

in reaching its final destination. We are proud to support this important

polythioether compound – and PPG PR-1665, a cryogenic potting and

and historic mission and look forward to a continued partnership with

moulding compound that possesses high tear and tensile strength.

ULA for years to come,” said Sam Millikin, PPG global director, coatings and sealants, aerospace.


N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings

For further information:



MONTI-Werkzeuge GmbH Appoints a New Distributor in Italy Bruce Systems Srl, an Italian start-up specializing in the technical advice for companies from different kind of industry sectors, has been chosen by MONTI-Werkzeuge GmbH as the distributor of its surface preparation products in Italy.


nnovative solutions for blasting without grit.

in the past, to offer combined different solutions, and we are pleased to

Onshore and offshore. Testing, removing, cleaning, profiling.

continue and expand our co-operation.”

MONTI-Werkzeuge GmbH, which is part of the Monti Group, is pleased

Bruce Systems knowledge of the market will be invaluable in supporting

to announce that it has recently appointed Bruce Systems as the

the power of MONTI solutions to overcome issues with loose abrasive

new representative for its surface preparation technologies in Italy.

blasting to clients from Offshore to industrial markets.

Bruce Systems will offer expert guidance on instrument selection and

The patented Bristle Blaster® by Monti is the first hand-held brush belt

configuration, advising customers in Italy on the best Monti solution for

system in the world that produces a quality of surface roughness and a

their particular needs. Customers in Italy can discuss their requirements

result comparable to that achieved by ‘sandblasting’.

with David Marzi, Managing Director of Bruce Systems. With a strong

The patented technology removes corrosion and coatings quickly

technical background, they have the knowledge and experience to

and thoroughly. At the same time, the Bristle Blaster® creates surface

ensure their recommended solution will suit the customer’s application.

preparation grades comparable with Sa2½.

Jan Frederik Doddema, CEO of the Monti Group with other offices in Groningen, Holland, Houston Texas and Manassas, Virginia, said, “We are

For further information:

delighted to be working with Bruce Systems. We have worked with them

www.bruce-systems.com and www.montipower.com

© Bruce Systems Srl

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



5 Things to Do to Improve the Website’s Usability Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl


In the current competitive scenario, in which consumers are increasingly connected but less willing to accept errors, problems and long loading times, the usability and ease of use of a website have become important differentiating factors. In this article we delve deeper into what usability is and how to make your website easy to navigate.


hen developing or restyling a website, one of the main factors to

fundamental goal for every business, as it allows to increase visits,

consider is usability. Developing a digital product that is visually

conversions and improve the ranking of our site on the Search Engine

appealing or a web page full of interesting content is not enough if we

Results Page (SERP).

want to win over users and encourage them to use our products again.

Fortunately, there are techniques to be adopted when developing a

The first rule of having a good website, in fact, is to ensure that it is as

website that allow you to improve its usability. So, here are the 5 things

beautiful to look at as it is easy to browse.

to put into practice to optimize your website navigation.

It seems obvious, but it is not. Just think, for example, of how many times we landed on a site and got lost navigating it without finding what we

What is usability?

were looking for; or to all the times we have encountered problems in

Jakob Nielsen, web usability consultant and founder of the American

loading a web page.

consulting firm for UX Nielsen Norman Group, defines usability as a

Being able to make user interactions – and, in general, the user

quality indicator that defines how simple an object/platform is to use.

experience - as simple and intuitive as possible is therefore a

More precisely, it outlines the degree of learning and efficiency for

© Canva


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Figure 1: The interface of PageSpeed Insights.

Figure 2: PageSpeed Insights shows useful tips to improve performance and resolve any issues.

the purpose of use. If the user fails or does not want to use a given

The principle is simple: developers ask participants to perform tasks

functionality of an object or program, that functionality may as well

and observe how users interact with the product, if they encounter

not exist.

errors and problems and if the product meets their expectations.

Very often the term usability is mistakenly confused with that of User

Finally, there is not a precise number of usability tests to run:

Experience (UX): in truth, usability is the most important phase of a

generally, it is preferable to run a test at the end of the development

wider UX project. While the latter concerns a more holistic approach

phase and before the launch of a product. There is not even a precise

that includes all the aspects that revolve around the interaction of

number of users to involve, although experts say that with around 15

a user with a product or service of a company, the term usability

users you are able to identify 100% of the problems and consequent

focuses on the performance and satisfaction of users in achieving

improvements to be made.

their goals in certain contexts of use.

From theory to practice - 5 things to consider What characteristics should a usable product have?

Speed up your website

According to Jakob Nielsen, the 5 main features that a product - be it

The loading time of a website is essential for many factors. First of

an app, a website or any other digital tool - must incorporate are:

all, improving the loading speed is important to prevent users from

• Learnability: ease with which the user performs basic tasks the first

leaving our site immediately: statistics show that users leave a website

time it interacts with a product interface;

with a loading time of more than 3 seconds1.

• Efficiency: speed with which a user is able to learn how to use the

Not only that, every millisecond is also essential for Google, as the

interface and complete a task once it has learned it;

loading speed contributes to ranking your site on search engines,

• Memorability: time it takes a user to become familiar with a product

determining which are the websites that deserve to get a better

after a period of inactivity;

position within the SERP and consequently have greater visibility.

• Errors: number of errors made by the user, the seriousness of the

There are many tools online that allow you to check the speed of

error and the time required to resolve it;

2 your website. One of these is PageSpeed Insights ​​ , a Google tool that

• Satisfaction: user satisfaction in using the product.

analyses your site by assigning a score from 0 to 100: the closer the result is to 100, the faster the site is (Fig. 1).

To test whether a site reflects these 5 characteristics and, more

In addition to calculating the score, PageSpeed Insights ​​ will also show

generally, to verify the usability of a product, a test called Usability

useful tips to improve performance and resolve any issues (Fig. 2).

Test is usually conducted at the final stages of the development of the product. This test involves a panel of users and consumers, thus allowing the evaluation of a product from the users’ point of view.





ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38


Figure 3: Primary navigation.

Pay attention to each element

switch from one section to another or from one page to another at any

Content is the king, but even the best content in the world is not enough

time (Figs. 3 and 4);

to give users an excellent browsing experience on your site.

• The “home” item must always be present to allow the user to return to

Leave nothing to chance and pay attention to all the elements that make

the home page. Usually, the logo, as well, is used to redirect the user to

up your website: from the menu structure to the information in the footer.

the home page;

Regarding the structure of the navigation menu, there are some best

• The sections of the menu must concisely communicate the landing

practices that we will have to take into consideration:


• Split your content into primary navigation and secondary navigation.

• The menu must be as readable as possible and must not contain too

The primary navigation includes the main sections of the site while the

many items to prevent the user from getting lost;

secondary navigation includes the related subsections;

• The menu must also be present in the responsive or mobile version;

• Primary navigation must be visible on all pages to allow the user to

• The user has to always know which page he is on through the so-called

Figure 4: Secondary navigation.


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Figure 5: Bold helps users to instantly understand their position within a website.

“you are here” indicator. There are various ways we can make users

your contact information, show the user – once again – the sections

understand their position within the website, including bold, colours,

that form the site or encourage users to carry out an action (i.e.:

and pointers (Fig. 5).

subscribing to the newsletter).

• To instantly indicate the location of a user within the website, we can also take advantage of breadcrumbs. This term indicates the “path”

Make your website mobile-friendly

made up by the pages previously visited by a user until the current

Designing a mobile-friendly site in 2021 is basically compulsory.

one. Usually, breadcrumbs are displayed at the top of the page, below

The number of users who browse from smartphones and tablets is

the title bars or headers and have a structure similar to the one in the

constantly growing and has now exceeded the number of users who

following photo (Fig. 6).

surf from desktop (Fig. 7).

Finally, don’t forget the footer: giving the bottom of the page “the short

So, if until a few years ago users accepted the idea that mobile

end of the stick” is wrong. The footer can indeed be used to display

browsing was incomplete compared to the variety of contents that can

Figure 6: Breadcrumbs also indicate the user’s position on a website.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38


Figure 7: The number of users who browse from smartphones and tablets is constantly growing, as the Global mobile phone website traffic share from 2011 to 2021 displays.

be accessed by laptop, now this is no longer the case.

that make up our page such as images, videos, icons, etc.

Having a responsive website or a mobile version specifically designed

Yet, the human eye analyses everything it sees on the screen,

to meet the needs of users browsing from smartphones is the

unconsciously defining similarities between the elements or

prerequisite to avoid losing a large portion of users.

differences in shape and colour between the various objects. In fact, as

As a matter of fact, if your site is not designed properly, the user will

Steve Krug, a professional in the field of user experience, writes:

be forced to enlarge and resize a web page on a smartphone every

“One of the best ways to make a page easy to grab at a glance is to

time he finds relevant information. This will generally force the user to

make sure the appearance of things on the page - every visual clue -

leave the page and, disappointed by the unpleasant navigation, will not

clearly and accurately portrays the relationships between the objects

return to our site easily. In addition, in March 2021, Google launched

on the page: what things are related to and what things are part of

the new Mobile Indexing First update which resulted in the exclusion of

other things. In other words, each page should have a clear visual

all desktop-only content from the SERP. You can find more information


in our article: 6 digital marketing trends to follow in 20213. How to put this into practice? Make the most important elements visible

• You should emphasise the titles: play with the font size and the types

Each website should be structured according to an attractive visual

(bold) or choose a different font from the rest of the text. Users read at

hierarchy that allows the user to grasp the information and the most

first the texts with a larger font, as the human eye is naturally attracted

important elements at a glance.

to anything that takes up more space.

Often, when we talk about visual hierarchy we tend to focus on the

• To highlight the titles, you can also play with colours, for example by

hierarchy of texts, without paying much attention to other elements

choosing strong shades such as red, black and blue that are able to grab the attention.




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Figure 8: This website has been defined as the worst one in the world.

• Make CTAs visible by using buttons or particular colours.

site in the world. The succession of texts, colours, images and banners

• Make links visible by marking them with a different colour.

makes the homepage too confusing and messy, so the user is not

• Use bold to highlight the most important concepts.

intrigued in continuing the navigation.

• Create bulleted lists to attract the reader’s attention.

Conclusions Take advantage of blank spaces

In addition to producing high-quality content and an eye-catching

As we have seen in the previous point, improving the usability of a

design, we have seen that the underlying structure of a website is of

site and offering users an optimal User Experience also means to pay

utmost importance, as well. Ensuring an optimal user experience and

attention to the visual dimension of a website, resulting in another

being able to design an easy-to-use site is certainly one of the most

discipline included within the holistic concept of UX we talked about

crucial steps in order to achieve success and online visibility.

earlier: UX Design.

If you need more information on how to make your website more

A fundamental tool that a UX Designer cannot live without is blank

efficient, scan the QR Code and discover our consulting services. ‹

space (or negative space). In Web Design, negative space indicates the empty space between and around the different graphic elements or sections, that help to improve the balance of your website, its readability and make your project smooth and clear. The blank spaces also allow the user to “take a breath” between one section and the others, without feeling overwhelmed by the information. The Figure 8 shows what has been defined as the worst

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



IVS WARM-UP, the Scientific Dialogue Space on Industrial Valves and Components, Wraps Up Over a thousand experts and industry professionals have gathered from all over the world during fifteen online conferences, waiting to meet live at IVS 2022.


VS WARM UP, the two-day event of technical and scientific

the supply chain dedicated to the industrial valve and flow control

conferences allowing the players in the global supply chain of

solutions. The event, promoted by the organisers Confindustria

industrial valves and components to meet in virtual mode and

Bergamo and Ente Fiera Promoberg, was organised in collaboration

discuss the most topical and innovative issues in the international

with Valve Campus that has always been the scientific partner of

debate, has ended. The epicentre of the digital conferences was the

reference of IVS.

city of Bergamo (Italy), where the fourth edition of IVS - Industrial

“The success of IVS WARM-UP confirms the importance of creating

Valve Summit will be held on 25th and 26th May 2022.

connections and stimulating scientific discussion and insights,

Twenty-five speakers, representing as many companies and

maintaining the attention on a key event that promotes a supply

research centres, led the fifteen conferences of the event

chain of excellence, an international point of reference for quality

attracting, “remotely”, over a thousand operators and experts

production” - says Paolo Piantoni, General Manager of Confindustria

from all continents to Bergamo. Numbers confirming the credit

Bergamo. Conferences have confirmed the value of IVS as a place

and centrality that the Industrial Valve Summit represents within

to exchange knowledge and know-how even in the digital edition.

© Ente Fiera Promoberg


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© Ente Fiera Promoberg

Over the years, IVS has been an important driver of innovation for

the discussion moved to the management of fugitive emissions and

the sector, embodying the identity of a territory oriented towards

developments in sealing technology. On Thursday, the focus was

development and projected onto the future. We are already working

on actuators and control systems, followed by a discussion on the

on the 2022 edition of IVS that will be held at the Exhibition centre

international standards. At the end, IVS WARM-UP hosted a panel

at last, a great opportunity to revitalise the industry and Ente Fiera

discussion shedding light on the evolution of the global demand for


industrial valves and their components in the medium term. On this

“We are satisfied with the results of IVS WARM-UP”, explains Fabio

occasion, participants analysed the influence of the energy transition

Sannino, President of Ente Fiera Promoberg. “The success of the

and new strategies following the pandemic scenario.

digital conferences gives us hope for the success of the actual

In view of IVS 2022, the aim of the Organizers is to continue the growth

physical event in 2022. Over the years, the summit has positioned

path of the exhibition as witnessed by the increasing number of

itself as our most international and visited event. To open the

visitors, exhibitors and traffic on communication channels.

doors of the Fiera di Bergamo to IVS once again is a crucial step

The third edition of the summit attracted over 250 companies and

for the relaunch of the entire trade fair system, for Bergamo and

about 11,000 visitors to Bergamo, numbers 36% higher than the 8,000

for its industrial fabric. Confirming the numbers recorded in the

registered in the 2017 edition and tripled compared to the 3,500

last editions means generating considerable linked activities in

registered in 2015. Access to the fair’s website quadrupled in the

favour of the territory, also in terms of visibility”. Back to the topics

months leading up to the exhibition, moving from 70,000 in 2017

of the conferences, four different debates marked the event’s

to 300,000 in 2019.

programme. Wednesday morning was dedicated to innovation in valve design, control, manufacturing, and materials. In the afternoon,

For further information: https://industrialvalvesummit.com/

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 JUNE - N.38



SPE Offshore Europe Live Event Postponed to 1-4 February 2022 SPE Offshore Europe 2021’s face-to-face event is moving to 1-4 February 2022 at P&J Live, Aberdeen (Scotland, UK) and the conference will run virtually from 7-10 September 2021.


onathan Heastie, Portfolio

would be significantly higher

Director – Energy & Marine

and sufficient to merit holding

at RX (Reed Exhibitions), co-

the face-to-face event next year.

organiser with the Society of

Furthermore, all the international

Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

pavilions expect to attend in

said: “With September rapidly

February 2022.”

approaching, many health and

“We thank all the stakeholders

safety uncertainties still exist

in SPE Offshore Europe for their

around holding major indoor

continuing support to delivering

events of the scale of SPE Offshore

an event that provides maximum

Europe. The Offshore Europe (OE)

value for the industry in these

Partnership has consulted widely

COVID-impacted times.”

across the industry including

Leader of Aberdeen City Council,

operating and service companies,

Cllr Jenny Laing, said: “For almost

SMEs and industry organisations

50 years Aberdeen has proudly

on options for the 2021 event.

hosted Offshore Europe, a fitting home for one of the energy

The overwhelming support is to proceed with the conference programme in a virtual format in

sector’s flagship events as a European energy capital. The event

September 2021, which will facilitate timely discussion pre-COP26, and

provides us with a platform to not only showcase our world-leading

to hold the face-to-face event in February 2022.”

industry capabilities and projects, but places our city and wider region

Phil Chandler, Director, Europe & Caspian Events at SPE said: “The

on the global stage.

September conference will be strongly focused on the energy

“Whilst it is disappointing that the face-to-face element of Offshore

transition and supporting the industry’s role in delivering net zero.

Europe 2021 has to be postponed as a result of COVID-19, we support

With further high-level energy transition content at the face-to-face

the decision made by the organisers. We will work to make the virtual

event in February 2022, SPE Offshore Europe will straddle COP26,

event a success whilst turning our focus to delivering an exceptional

providing a unique learning opportunity as strategies, experiences and

and safe event in February 2022 when Aberdeen will once again be

technologies are shared.”

proud to bring the delegates together.”

The virtual conference in September will include opening ceremony,

Chris Walker, Head of Communications and External Affairs, Oil and

plenary panel, and keynote and technical sessions. Full programme

Gas Authority said: “Offshore Europe was always going to be different

details will be announced in the next few weeks.

this year and the decision to split the event in two was made with safety

The live event will include an in-person socially distanced exhibition,

and public health considerations at heart. With a firm focus on energy

new energy transition keynote conference content, show floor features

transition and industry’s role in supporting net zero, the virtual event

including Energy Transition Zone and Theatre, Decommissioning

in September promises to bring together a stellar line-up of leading

Theatre, a TIDE (talent investment & diversity) programme and

industry speakers and a world-class technical programme. While nothing

networking events.

in life is guaranteed, the prospect of a safe, well-managed ‘physical’

Jonathan Heastie added: “We are excited to look forward to a live

exhibition next year is something very exciting to look forward to.”

event in February 2022 which will offer greater potential for visitor

Existing exhibition space bookings for the September 2021 event will

attendance, networking and international participation. We conducted

roll over to February 2022.

a survey of previous visitors and the results were decisive; by holding the event in Q1 2022, both domestic and international visitor levels


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For further information: www.offshore-europe.co.uk


Leading Spanish and International Companies Confirm Attendance to + Industry 2021 Pumps&Valves, one of the 7 important trade shows of + Industry, will take place from 26 to 28 October at Bilbao Exhibition Centre (Spain).


he most advanced industry will meet from 26 to 28 October

Acciona Agua, Dow Chemical, Farmhispania, Airbus, Mercedes Benz

at + Industry, the first event held in Spain this year gathering

and Campofrío, Arcelor Mittal, Nestle España, Solvay Química, Getamp,

concurrently 7 important trade shows – Pumps & Valves,

Grupo Volskwagen - Seat S.A., Opel España, Aernnova, Grupo Aciturri

Subcontratación, Addit3D, Industry Tools by Ferroforma, BeDigital,

and ITP Aero have already registered to visit the fair.

Maintenance and Fitmaq – at Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Leading

With the aim of becoming a strategic meeting point and an ally for

companies in manufacturing processes, equipment for industrial

the sector’s economic reactivation, + Industry 2021 has been planned

processes, and products for asset and facility maintenance, as well as

as a very dynamic fair that will include several spaces where visitors

the latest technology, digitalisation and additive manufacturing, have

can interact and discover the latest products and innovations in very

already confirmed their participation in the event.

different ways.

Some of these are renowned companies such as Pekos Group,

To achieve this, the event combines an exhibition area with live

Pneumax, Iberfluid, LKS Next, Grupo Amper, EuskaltelFieldeas,

demonstrations, Innovation Workshops and additional tools that will

Hydropyc and IFM. Also Alberdi, Empronor, Fundiciones Inalza,

increase the impact on business in alternative formats. In this context,

Maquinser, Renishaw, Creaciones Joviar, Gomur Mecanizados, Inse

one of the most attractive elements of + Industry is the chance to take

Fundición and Mecanizados Tame, as well as Addilan, HP, Farmlab,

part in various networking spaces, like pre-arranged B2B meetings.

Samylabs and Optimus3D, EGA Master, Herramientas Iridoi and

Visitors and exhibitors will also have to chance to attend a wide range

Incoimsa. Thanks to the participation of these and other companies

of talks addressing the sector’s major challenges, latest features and

and entities dedicated to R&D&I and the new smart manufacturing

trends. Representatives of leading companies in the sector will share

paradigms, the event will be a unique opportunity to foster cross-

their knowledge and experience from success stories in industry 4.0.

sectoral synergies, share knowledge, showcase new solutions live, and close deals. To date, representatives of important companies like

For further information: www.bilbaoexhibitioncentre.com



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Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti

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ISSN 2282-1767

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