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LAMIERA 2023: a Good Trend for the Applications to Exhibit
The collection of applications to exhibit is going on expeditiously for the next edition of LAMIERA, the international exhibition dedicated to sheet metal forming and cutting machines and related technologies, scheduled to take place at fieramilano Rho (Milan, Italy) from 10 to 13 May 2023.
Promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, the Italian machine tools, robots and automation systems manufacturers' association, and organised by CEU-CENTRO ESPOSIZIONI UCIMU, LAMIERA – the only trade show exclusively focused on the sector – will again take place in odd-numbered years. Considering the economic framework, which is still favourable despite some factors of uncertainty, LAMIERA is getting ready to receive positive feedback from the enterprises of the sector. Besides the foreign markets, they will have a very dynamic and receptive Italian market at their disposal, also thanks to the Government incentives in force until after 2023. After an extremely positive 2021, in the first six months of 2022 the Italian industry of the sector confirmed its growth trend, registering double-digit increases in the international trade data concerning the exchange of sheet metal forming and cutting machines. In particular, in the period January-June 2022, the world exports of sheet metal forming and cutting machine tools (laser, waterjet, plasma, etc.) reported a 12% upturn compared with the same period of 2021, totalling more than 8 billion euro. Worldwide imports also grew, by 16%, exceeding 6 billion euro. In this context, Italy highlighted highly satisfactory performances, confirming to be the second most important consumer market in the world in 2021 (latest available data). “Supported by the Government incentives 4.0, in effect for the whole year 2023 and afterwards - pointed out Alfredo Mariotti, general manager of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE - domestic demand will certainly reward the exhibitors participating in LAMIERA”. The organisation secretariat is observing a great attention to this event, given not only by the “habitués”, the usual exhibitors, representing all major segments in the repertoire, but also by new enterprises, as well as by companies that have decided to exhibit again at LAMIERA after years of absence. “Confirmations, new entries and returns - added Alfredo Mariotti – show how significant the interest is in this event, which, edition after edition, has been stabilising its position as the © Ucimu only trade fair of reference for the sector in Italy and improving its appeal even to foreign operators, thus strengthening its image worldwide”. Machines, systems, equipment for sheet metal processing and cutting, tubes, sections, wires, metal structural work, presses, dies and moulds, welding, surface treatments and finishing, parts, components, accessories, tooling, fastener materials, technical and industrial subcontracting are some of the “traditional” technologies on show. Besides the large offering of machinery, plants and equipment for sheet metal processing and cutting, tubes, sections, wires, metal structural work, the exhibition will focus on 6 technological themes that have an increasingly crucial impact on the sector today. FABBRICAFUTURA/
© Ucimu © Ucimu

© Ucimu

FACTORY OF THE FUTURE, dedicated to software and technologies for connectivity, data management, automation, robotics and digital systems applied to sheet metal processing; SALDATECH, offering an overview of the wide and diversified world of welding, one of the most important sheet-metal joining technologies; FASTENER INDUSTRY, presenting a proposal of screws, bolts, fastening and clamping systems; WORLD OF HEAT AND SURFACE TREATMENTS, hosting machines, systems, accessories and consumables centred on pre- and postproduction treatments, for ferrous and non-ferrous materials, offering a complete overview of this segment that is continuously developing; METROLOGY & TESTING, focused on testing, measuring and qualitycontrol systems and machines, which are essential for production in this field; BLECH ITALY SERVICE, technical subcontracting and services for
© Ruggiero Scardigno
the industry of the sector. In addition, as usual, LAMIERA will propose a full programme of in-depth cultural, thematic meetings arranged by the organisers and the exhibitors. The meetings will be hosted at LAMIALAMIERA, a real arena that will be set up within one of the exhibition halls to facilitate a free participation of the present operators. The trade show will take place in partial conjunction with Made in Steel, the exhibition dedicated to the production chain of steel, which will be held in the halls next to those occupied by LAMIERA, thus enabling operators and journalists to visit the two separate but complementary events on one business trip.
For further information: www.lamiera.net

StocExpo Launches Registration with a New Look and Feel for 2023
StocExpo, the world’s longest and largest running event for the tank storage and future fuels industry, will be celebrating the evolution of the energy industry when it returns to the Rotterdam Ahoy (Netherlands) from the 14-16 March 2023.

Registration is now open for next year’s StocExpo, the highlight event of the tank storage and future fuels industry. As always, the threeday exhibition and conference will provide an opportunity to learn from the brightest minds in the industry, see the latest innovations from the supply chain, and rub shoulders and strike deals with key decision makers. Held as part of StocExpo, the FETSA Tank Storage Conference will be Europe’s largest tank storage conference and will attract terminal operators, ports, traders, policy makers, future fuel, chemical and oil & gas producers from around the globe. Brand new for 2023, StocExpo will also be running an Asset Management & Maintenance conference alongside the FETSA Tank Storage Conference focusing on safety, innovation and efficiency targeting HSE managers, asset managers and maintenance managers. Rikki Bhachu, StocExpo’s Head of Marketing, says, “For 2023, we are focusing on inspiring, connecting and sharing knowledge across the bulk liquid storage community. Thought leaders from around the world will be gathering – alongside exhibitors and visitors – to discuss the future of the industry. As ever, it is a perfect event for networking, doing business and boosting careers. Highlights will include an incredible exhibition and conference, the StocExpo Forty Under 40, Women in Tanks and the Global Tank Storage Awards. The last StocExpo was an incredible success, and we can’t wait to bring everyone back together again. See you in March!”
About StocExpo
StocExpo is a three-day exhibition and conference for the tank storage and future fuels industry. Industry leaders will meet to stay ahead of the competition, network and gain new business at the Rotterdam Ahoy, Netherlands from the 14-16 March 2023.
For further information: www.stocexpo.com - use code 8501 to register for free.
EniProgetti, TotalEnergies, Petrobras and Enbridge Employee Services Canada to Participate at Pipeline Coating in Vienna, Austria
The 16th edition of the Pipeline Coating event will take place on 13-15 February 2023 in Vienna (Austria).

AMI, leading provider of market intelligence and events for the global plastics industry, has released the agenda for the 16th edition of the Pipeline Coating event on 13-15 February 2023. Taking place at the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen in Vienna, Austria, this event is the annual meeting place for industry experts to connect and discover the latest developments in the world of pipeline coatings. The agenda will start with a detailed overview of the market looking into new trends, current situation, and future forecasts. Speakers and panellists will discuss strategies and solutions within the hydrogen economy, share views on how the industry is transitioning into greener technology, and compare steel pipes and composite pipes for hydrogen transportation. Several oil and gas operators will participate in a panel debate surrounding the impact of global energy diversification on product transportation and position of pipelines. There will also be a session on cutting-edge innovative coating solutions, developments, and application technology, as well as insightful presentations on field joint coating. This event attracts operators and asset owners, contractors and lay engineers, raw material suppliers, pipe coaters, specifiers, machinery suppliers, researchers and testing and certification organisations. Speakers and panellists include: • Dr Haralampos Tsaprailis, Coatings Specialist, Enbridge Employee
Services Canada, Canada • Denis Melot, Expert Non Metallic Materials and Coatings, TotalEnergies, France • Michele Castano, Senior Coating Engineer, EniProgetti, Italy • Thierry Kerzerho, Integrity Engineer, GRT Gaz, France • Guilherme Eller Haverroth, Mechanical Engineer – Technology of
Polymers Consultant, Petrobras, Brazil • Dr Somaieh Salehpour, Vice President, Technology and Strategic
Marketing, Seal For Life, USA • Dr Jeffrey D. Rogozinski, Global Product Director, The Sherwin-Williams
Company, USA • Dr Boris Kuzmanović, Segment Sales Manager, Akzo Nobel Powder
Alongside the two-day agenda, Pipeline Coating offers over 12 hours of face-to-face networking, two evening receptions and a lively exhibition space. This event is a perfect place for the entire supply chain to re-establish their network, make new business connections, and gain insights into the latest research contributions and business trends.
SIFER 2023 – Coming Back at Full Speed
The 13th International Exhibition of Railway Technology will take place from 28 – 30 March 2023 at Lille Grand Palais in France.
SIFER is a unique international railway meeting point in France. For over 20 years, the event has been reuniting all the stakeholders of the industry: rail operators, infrastructure authorities, vehicle builders, suppliers, rail transport policy makers and planners. After two challenging years affected by the pandemic, the organisers at Mack-Brooks Exhibitions are happy to continue supporting the rail sector by holding the next edition of SIFER. The event aims at reinforcing the commitment to meet stakeholders’ expectations in terms of networking, business opportunities and keeping up to date with market trends.
New at SIFER 2023 – The Innovation Hub
In line with the recovery plan set up by the government, aiming at renewing and modernising the rail network, SIFER 2023 is looking at the future with the creation of an Innovation Hub at the heart of the show. This space will be dedicated to startups with highly innovative and creative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges. SIFER has always proved to be at the forefront of the sector tendencies and innovations. The organisers have continuously amplified the importance given to rail infrastructure, reflecting the trends of the market.
Exhibitors and partners renewing their trust
Numerous exhibitors have renewed their attendance at this next edition, proving the influence of SIFER in the railway market. 85 companies are already on the participants’ list to showcase their solutions next March, of which several of the big names of the industry, such as ABB France, ROV Development, Rail Europe Solutions, Sirail, Direct SAS or ACC M. 15% of registered exhibitors are new participants that will show their products for the first time at the event. All official partners of the show will also be present, including the following: Hauts-de-France region, Unife, the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) and Railcoop. Throughout the 3 days of the show, visitors will be able to enjoy: - A comprehensive programme of activities aimed at fostering networking, knowledge exchange and keeping up to date with the latest innovations; - Conferences addressing the key topics and future trends of the industry such as sustainability and digitalisation; - An on-track display: sections of track laid in the exhibition hall to showcase rail mounted vehicles and track-related equipment, allowing visitors to experience all rail products in real life.

About the organiser
Mack-Brooks Exhibitions specialises in the organisation of B2B events of dedicated to specific industrial sectors and works globally. It is a leading organiser of the most important railway shows in Europe, including partner shows: • Railtex: 9 - 11 May 2023 NEC, Birmingham, UK • EXPO Ferroviaria: 3 - 5 October 2023, Fiera Milano Rho, Milan, Italy
For further information: www.sifer-expo.com
Successful Start of the Trade Show Trio
The start of the trade show trio Solids, Recycling-Technik and Pumps & Valves which took place on 22-23 June in Dortmund (Germany), was successful.
Good things come to those who wait. After the break caused by Corona, the trade show trio Solids, Recycling Technology and Pumps & Valves 2022 in Dortmund proved to be an indispensable business platform. In summery temperatures and despite the new challenges caused by the crisis, almost 4,000 visitors finally exchanged views with the experts of the 430 exhibitors face-to-face again, followed the numerous technical lectures and live explosion demonstrations and explored the exhibition along one of the four topical tours. For many, it was important to be able to turn to the experts with concrete concerns for technical challenges. “Like everyone involved, we were very pleased to finally be back on site in Dortmund with the trade shows. The large number of well-known companies and the intensive discussions at the stands clearly show us how important the personal exchange and how useful the new trade show combination is for the industries”, confirms Sandrina Schempp, Head of Processing Cluster from the organiser Easyfairs Deutschland GmbH. For the first time, the representatives of three trade shows presented themselves at the same time in Dortmund. The combination of Solids, Recycling-Technik and Pumps & Valves was very well received by exhibitors and the public, because the sectors around the processes of pouring, recycling and pumping are closely linked.

© Easyfairs
High quality contacts and satisfied exhibitors
With more than 3,800 trade visitors from various sectors, the trade show trio was therefore well attended despite the new crisis-related challenges such as high inflation, sharply rising energy prices and still disrupted supply chains. Representatives of renowned companies such as BASF, Caterpillar, Estato Umweltservice, Haribo, Volkswagen or
© Easyfairs Stahlwerke Bochum went in search of new technologies on the two days of the trade show. The visitors were often looking for very specific solutions to technical challenges in their plants. Optimally prepared, the representatives of bulk solids, recycling, valves and pump technology showed their possibilities and were able to make numerous valuable contacts. This ensured great satisfaction among visitors and exhibitors. Cynthia Günther, Strategic Buyer at Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, can also confirm this: "I was at the trade show because we have a design problem with a slide valve. I was hoping to find a supplier or dealer at SOLIDS, RECYCLING-TECHNIK and PUMPS & VALVES Dortmund who would support us with our request, and fortunately we did. I have found someone who is now taking on the project together with us."

Show programme impresses the visitors
In addition to the promising innovations, the visitors were also enthusiastic about the informative show programme. Many listeners followed the high caliber lectures on the stages of the Innovation and Solution Centres and picked up valuable and practical suggestions. The pre-planned topical tours were also well received. Numerous visitors took advantage of the opportunity to explore the exhibition along one of these routes and obtained specific information on certain core topics. In addition, there was still plenty of room to discuss markets that are under pressure. Besides process automation and sustainable production, fire and explosion protection, agricultural and feed technologies were on the tour programme.
Into the future with the trade show trio
The successful debut of the three trade shows in Dortmund and the positive response of the participants encourage the trade show organiser Easyfairs Deutschland GmbH to continue to rely on the trio in the future. Just in time for the end of this year’s event, participants can already start thinking about the next edition of the big three on 29th and 30th March 2023. Until then, the organisers and experts will keep the community of Solids, Recycling-Technik and Pumps & Valves Dortmund up to date via blogs, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Protective Coatings ®
Eos Mktg&Communication srl www.eosmarketing.it - info@eosmarketing.it www.myipcm.com - info@ipcm.it
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grafico@ipcm.it Protective Coatings ®
ipcm_PC digital on www.myipcm.com ISSN 2282-1767 ISSN 2282-1767
2022 - 11th Year | Quarterly - N.44 December
Starting from January Protective Coatings will retire to make room to Corrosion Protection
The international magazine about corrosion control and prevention technologies
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