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Bina Braga Framework

Vision Kampung Braga will be an integral part of well-connected Alun-Alun Regional Activity Centre. The plan will strengthen the kampung’s position and significance which offers unique urban fabric and socio-economic activity.



Based on the problem analysis, issues, literature reviews, and examples, Bina Braga is divided into two key themes to strengthen social and spatial connectivity.

Bina Warga (foster the community)

This aims to bring more transformational change by challenging the rooted cultures, habits, and paradigm of the community. The intervention will be multi-layered from individual to institutional.

Bina Ruang (develop the space)

It aims to improve the spatial quality of Kampung Braga to be more connected and integrated with surrounding area. The improvement will support the socioeconomic activity of kampung residents.

Bina Warga

Literally translated as ‘foster the community’. Investing to the community is highly important to have more transformational change and longer-term impact because they are the socio-economy driving force. Through community empowerment, knowledge sharing, and strong leadership, community could elevate the position of Kampung Braga to become integral part of Alun-Alun and Braga.

Currently Kampung Braga residents have supported the urban production notably in Braga Street and Banceuy Street but they are still being overlooked. Some programs have been initiated both by the residents and external group, but the impact is not significant both within and outside the kampung.


1. Shared vision for all 2. Pilot program and knowledge sharing platform 3. Governance structure reform

Bina Ruang

Literally translated as ‘foster or develop the space’. Bina Ruang aims to strengthen the spatial connectivity both inside and outside the kampung to improve the flow of distribution and production. It also projects to improve the visibility of Kampung Braga, especially in the perimeter, to strengthen its significance.

Developing the space is crucial to support the goal of Bina Warga by providing and utilising more space. As Kampung Braga is part of the tourism area, and one of the RWs has been selected as Tourism Kampung, it becomes the opportunity for Kampung Braga to strengthen the relationship with the larger system by improving the space quality of Kampung Braga.


4. Access Point Activation 5. Street Connectivity Improvement 6. Social Node Upgrading

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