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Bina Ruang

Bina Ruang

Articles, Books, & Reports

Achmadi, A., Connor, J., Rosmarin, T., & Sintusingha, S. (2019). Contested Riverscapes in Indonesian Cities: Urban Kampungs in the Age of Design Activism and the Image Economy. Paper presented at the The 12th International Forum on Urbanism: Beyond Resilience, Jakarta, Indonesia. Adger, W. N. (2000). Social and ecological resilience: are they related? Progress in human geography, 24(3), 347-364. Anindito, D. B., Indriansyah, N. R., Maula, F. K., & Akbar, R. (2019). A Quantitative Perspective on Kampung Kota: Elaborating Definition and Variables of Indonesian Informal Settlements. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 53-74. Cobban, J. L. (1974). Uncontrolled urban settlement: The kampong question in Semarang (1905-1940). Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde, 130(4), 403. Dovey, K. (2016). Incremental urbanism: The emergence of informal settlements. In Emergent Urbanism (pp. 61-70): Routledge. Dovey, K., & King, R. (2011). Forms of informality: Morphology and visibility of informal settlements. Built Environment, 37(1), 11-29. Dovey, K., & Raharjo, W. (2010). Becoming prosperous: Informal Urbanism in Yogyakarta. In K. Dovey (Ed.), Becoming Places (pp. 79-101): Routledge. Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses. Global Environmental Change, 16(3), 253-267. Jenkins, P. (2006). Informal settlements: Infernal and eternal?. Informal settlements: A perpetual challenge, 84-102. Jones, P. (2017). Formalizing the informal: Understanding the position of informal settlements and slums in sustainable urbanization policies and strategies in Bandung, Indonesia. Sustainability, 9(8), 1436. Kamalipour, H. (2016). FORMS OF INFORMALITY AND ADAPTATIONS IN INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS. ArchNet-IJAR, 10(3), 60-75. Kumorotomo, W., Darwin, M., & Faturochman, M. (1995). The implementation of slum and squatter improvement programs in the river basins of Yogyakarta. Populasi, 6(2), 1-14. Kusno, A. (2014). Behind the postcolonial: Architecture, urban space and political cultures in Indonesia: Routledge. Kusyala, D., Darmana, A., & Lim, Y. (2018). Unconventional approach to housing design and construction practice in Indonesia and its challenges. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, Melbourne, Australia. Leitner, H., & Sheppard, E. (2018). From Kampungs to Condos? Contested accumulations through displacement in Jakarta. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(2), 437-456. Longstaff, P. H., Armstrong, N. J., Perrin, K., Parker, W. M., & Hidek, M. A. (2010). Building resilient communities: A preliminary framework for assessment. Homeland security affairs, 6(3), 1-23. Martokusumo, W. (2002). Urban Heritage Conservation: Experiences in Bandung and Jakarta. The Indonesian town Revisited, 1, 374-389. Mauludy, M. F. (2019a, 19 January 2019). Gang Affandi & Sejarah Perjuangan Republik: Ada Darah Pejuang di Sana [Affandi Alleyway & The Historical Battle of the Republic: Bloods are over There], Daily News. Pikiran Rakyat.


Mauludy, M. F. (2019b, 18 January 2019). Ketua RW 08: Sebanyak 110 Keluarga Bakal Terdampak - Warga Tolak Penutupan Gang Affandi [Head of RW 08: 110 Households will Get Impacted - Residents Reject the Closure of Affandi Alleyway], Daily News. Pikiran Rakyat. Minnery, J., Argo, T., Winarso, H., Hau, D., Veneracion, C. C., Forbes, D., & Childs, I. (2013). Slum upgrading and urban governance: Case studies in three South East Asian cities. Habitat International, 39, 162- 169. Moore, M.-L., Riddell, D., & Vocisano, D. (2015). Scaling out, scaling up, scaling deep: strategies of non-profits in advancing systemic social innovation. Journal of Corporate Citizenship(58), 67-84. Obermayr, C. (2017). Sustainable City Management: Informal Settlements in Surakarta, Indonesia: Springer. Raharjo, W. (2019). People-driven urbanism: implications in the making of Indonesian urban character. Paper presented at the MATEC Web of Conferences. Raksadjaya, R. (2007). Bandung Colonial City Revisited, Diversity in Housing Neighborhood. The Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation, 289. Reerink, G. (2015). From Autonomous Village to ‘Informal Slum’: Kampong Development and State Control in Bandung (1930–1960). Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs (pp. 193- 212): BRILL. Roy, A. (2005). Urban informality: toward an epistemology of planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(2), 147- 158. Sihombing, A. (2004). The Transformation of Kampungkota: Symbiosis between Kampung and Kota A Case Study from Jakarta. Paper presented at the International Housing Conference in Hong Kong, Housing in tlte 21st Century: Challenges and Commitments. Simone, A. (2014). Jakarta, drawing the city near: University of Minnesota Press. Sullivan, J. (1986). Kampung and state: The role of government in the development of urban community in Yogyakarta. Indonesia, 41, 63-88. Torabi, E., Dedekorkut-Howes, A., & Howes, M. (2018). Adapting or maladapting: building resilience to climate-related disasters in coastal cities. Cities, 72, 295-309. Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. (2015). Public Participation in Government Decisionmaking. Retrieved from Melbourne: https:// www.audit.vic.gov.au/sites/default/ files/20150130-Public-Participation-BPG. pdf Walker, B., & Salt, D. (2012). Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world: Island press. Widodo, J. (2012). Urban Environment and Human Behaviour: Learning from History and Local Wisdom. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 42, 6-11. Wihadanto, A., Barus, B., Achsani, N. A., & Bratakusumah, D. S. (2017). Analisis Karakteristik dan Penilaian Tingkat Kekumuhan Kawasan Permukiman ‘Kampung Braga’-Kota Bandung [Analysis on Characteristics and Untidiness level of Kampung Braga - Bandung City]. Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning, 1(2), 132-144.


Indonesia National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019 Indonesian National Law No. 1/2011 regarding Housing and Settlements Indonesian National Law No. 23/2014 regarding Local Governance Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning on Draft of National, Provincial, and Local Zoning Regulation Guideline Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Ordinance No. 2/2016 regarding Quality Improvement of Slum Housing and Settlements Indonesia National Government Ordinance No. 14/2016 regarding Implementation of Housing and Settlements Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Document regarding Urban Slums Alleviation and Quality Improvement Guideline (RP2KPKP) from West Java Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan of West Java 2018-2023 West Java Provincial Ordinance regarding Draft of Housing and Settlement Area Development Plan 2019-2039 West Java Governorial Ordinance No. 46/2015 regarding Uninhabitable House (Rutilahu) Improvement Guideline Bandung Local Medium-Term Development Plan of Bandung 2018-2023 Bandung Spatial Plan 2011-2031 Bandung Detailed Spatial Plan 2015-2035 Bandung Local Ordinance No. 01/2013 regarding Mater Plan of Local Tourism Development 2012-2025 Bandung Mayoral Decree of Bandung No. 648/2010 regarding Stipulation of Slum Housing and Settlement Location


Cityplan. (2019). Build for Bandung. Retrieved from https://build.cityplan.id/ bandung/peta_rdtr/index Leiden University. (2019). Dutch Colonial Maps. Retrieved from http:// maps.library.leiden.edu/cgi-bin/ iipview?krtid=9690&name=03844-1. JPG&marklat=-6.90786&marklon=107.6028 1&sid=4259644896203&seq=2&serie=1&la ng=1&ssid=&resstrt=0&svid=409343&dispx =1622&dispy=959 The Noun Project. (2019). Icons for Everything. Retrieved from https:// thenounproject.com/ Sudiarno, T. (2015). Kampung code: A colorful urban corner. Retrieved from https://www.thejakartapost.com/ news/2015/08/11/kampung-code-acolorful-urban-corner.html Pertamina. (2019). Pertamina RU VI Latih Warga Mendaur Ulang Sampah [Pertamina RU VI Trained the Community on Waste Recycling]. Retrieved from https://www. pertamina.com/en/news-room/csr-news/ pertamina-ru-vi-latih-warga-mendaur-ulangsampah Hasmawati. (2012). Potret Braga Festifal 2012 [Portrait of Braga Festival 2012]. Retrieved from http://penaasma.blogspot. com/2012/10/potret-braga-festival-2012. html

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