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Bina Warga

Goal 4. Access Point Activation

The current access points in the perimeter of Kampung Braga have signified the existence of the kampung but they do not stand out. Access points could improve the visibility of Kampung Braga. It becomes the first element to interconnect the urban production.


4.1 Designate the Main Access Points

The current four main access points will be strengthen by designating them into different themes. Access points in Braga Street will have heritage character while those in Banceuy Street will have commercial character. Residents are also advocated to specify new main access in north and south side of kampung.

4.2 Redesign the Access Points

Both main and secondary access points are encouraged to be redesigned based on the character from Goal 4.1. The priority lies on the main access points. The design process must involve the residents through public meeting or workshop.

Access point in Apandi Alleyway must be carefully created because it is located in disputed land and under heritage building. Therefore, assistance from Society for Heritage Conservation and local government is needed.

4.3 Refine the Quality of Transition Zone

Access point improvement includes the transition zone used as economic activity. Replacing the worn-out building material will be the priority.

4.4 Advocate for Additional Informal Sector

Another priority is to advocate the private sector, in this case Gino Feruci Hotel, to open its blank wall for informal traders. It will accommodate the desire of the residents and widen the transition zone.

According to Bandung Spatial Plan 2011- 2031, private sector must provide 10% of the area for informal sector. However, the clause is vague and further assistance from local government is needed.

4.5 Involve the Media for the Opening of New Access Point

Media plays pivotal roles in framing and portraying Kampung Braga to public gaze. Thus, by inviting media during the opening, more people will realise and recognise Kampung Braga. The local media or bulletin could be potentially engaged with.


RW Boundary RW Office Active Space Vacant Land Residential Area New Access Point

Private land accommodates informal traders

Gate that signifies Kampung Braga

Goal 5. Street Network Improvement

It aims to improve spatial connection and flow of distribution in Kampung Braga. Since streets, or alleyways, are used for multiple activity by different groups, improving the their quality is essential.

5.1 Identify Potential Alleyways for Main Street Network Extension

The residents are encouraged to map the street network and identify the most desired pathway for future’s main street network, mainly in northern and southern part. It involves the advocacy to the affected residents as some part might need to get widened.

5.2 Advocate for Alleyways Greening

Currently, RW8 has started the idea from the program of Ecovillage. This could be expanded into the whole kampung mainly the main street networks. The greening could utilise the blank walls.

5.3 Place Wayfinding

Since the alleyway network in kampung is meandering, and since one of the RW has been selected as Tourism Kampung, wayfinding can help people circulate the kampung more easily.

5.4 Advocate for Additional Footbridge

The most ambitious idea is to create additional footbridge between RW4 and RW7. Based on the interview, some residents wish to have the connection, but they are sceptical about the land availability, resources, and safety. They believe the connection could better mobilise the residents within the kampung and increase flow of interaction. Collaboration between Kampung Braga Committee, Pokja Bandung, and provincial government is needed because it will need large financial resources and be constructed on top of natural significance of Bandung and West Java.

5.5 Incorporate the Alleyways into Mapping Service

As part of acknowledgement to Kampung Braga, street network in Kampung Braga needs to be mapped and incorporated to mapping service such as Google Maps, at least for the main street networks that connect to outer area.

The current situation does not include large proportion of kampung’s street network into mapping service thus it becomes more invisible from public gaze. Having the streets mapped can improve the orientation, strengthen the existence of the kampung, and support the future program and centre of activity.

5.6 Advocate to Name the Streets

Currently, only the main street networks have legal street name. It is encouraged for the residents and local government to collaborate in naming the alleyways as part of kampung acknowledgement.


RW Boundary Active Space Main Street Network Proposed Street Network Main Access Point New Access Point

Greening and wayfinding for incremental street improvement Improvement Program | 69

Goal 6. Social Node Upgrading

With the proposed recommendation, the social node activity is expected to expand in the future. Since all the social nodes are located near vacant lands, the development of vacant lands is encouraged to accommodate the expansion. An urban design framework must be developed for each future social node as each character will be specific.

6.1 Identify Community’s Interests

Meeting the community’s needs are always important. Workshop and public meeting should be organised to list down what the residents wish in the new social nodes.

6.2 Advocate for Land Renting

The National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019, National Law No. 1/2011, and Government ordinance No. 14/2016 strongly underlines the importance of utilising the vacant land owned by government, private, or individual.

The government had attempted to buy the vacant land next to RW3 office but the landowner’s offer was too high, hence the government cancelled the intention. Based on the National Law No. 5/1960 regarding Agrarian Basic Regulation, land could be rented for 30 years and up to 20 years extension.

Kampung Braga Committee, Pokja Bandung, and local government could offer the scheme to lease the land to the landowner in longterm basis. The space could be used for economic production, learning hub, rented housing, and public space. The landowner will get the incentives from providing the land for public benefit.

6.3 Creation of Urban Design Framework

Urban Design Framework is critical in this process to spatialise how the space is utilised. This framework is useful to provide different scenarios from the top-down planning to the incremental development. Moreover, as gentrification from new development is unavoidable, the framework could help suggest the most possible development with the least gentrification effect.

6.4 Advocate the Building and Environment Plan

As part of the incorporation to local planning system, local government is encouraged to finalise the Building and Environment Plan particularly for Alun-Alun Activity Centre.


RW Boundary RW Office Active Space Vacant Land Main Street Network Proposed Street Network Future Social Node

Urban Design Framework Example (Valverde, 2019) Improvement Program | 71

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