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Policy Alignment

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Historical Context

Historical Context

In general, the national, provincial, and local governments has incorporated the issue of slum upgrading in their policy document and regulation. There are several key aspects that each level share to improve the quality of slum settlements:

Community participation;


Multi-level stakeholder collaboration;

Socio-economic capacity building;

Establishment of coordinating group;

Precinct plan; and

Physical improvement.

These documents have put both physical and social development as the priority for slum improvement, although major limitations are found in the social aspect. There are three steps for slum improvement:

Acknowledgement through mapping, profiling, land certification, and land registration;

Physical improvement; and

Action to prevent further slum formation. However, the policies are rigid in which the improvement is still based on legality of tenure presented in the levels of slum improvement. They are:

Rehabilitation is a form of in-situ upgrading without large intervention such as painting and fixing uneven street surface.

Reconstruction is a large-scale upgrading where the residents are moved to temporary house and move back to the original location after the construction is complete.

Resettlement is to move the residents to other places if the kampung is illegal, no matter the condition of the settlements is.

In other word, regardless the condition of slum settlements, if it is illegal, they will get displaced.

In provincial and local level, slum settlements situated in inner city is encouraged to be improved as vertical housing. Meanwhile, slum settlements located along the riverside shall be acquired and cleared to convert the area for green network. The rigid framework of these policies could threaten the position of Kampung Braga.

In provincial level, one of the criteria for the residents to receive improvement or incentive for their house is by having legal land or building certificate. In other words, residents living in very poor slum area, who commonly do not have legal tenure, cannot get benefitted from the improvement program. It gives a sense that tenure security shall be the priority.

The multilevel policies have mentioned the urge to create precinct plan or Building and Environment Plan which is contextspecific. However, there is no Building and Environment Plan for Braga area although the area is designated as regional activity centre that is subject for rehabilitation.

National Level

National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019 National Law No. 1/2011 regarding Housing and Settlements National Law No. 23/2014 regarding Local Governance Ministerial Ordinance of Public Works No. 2/2016 regarding Quality Improvement of Slum Housing and Settlements Government Ordinance No. 14/2016 regarding Implementation of Housing and Settlements Urban Slums Alleviation and Quality Improvement Guideline (RP2KPKP) from Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing

Provincial Level

Medium-Term Development Plan of West Java 2018-2023 Draft of West Java Provincial Ordinance regarding Housing and Settlement Area Development Plan 2019-2039 Governorial Ordinance No. 46/2015 regarding Uninhabitable House (Rutilahu) Improvement Guideline

Local Level

Medium-Term Development Plan of Bandung 2018-2023 Bandung Spatial Plan 2011-2031 Bandung Detailed Spatial Plan 2015-2035 Local Ordinance No. 01/2013 regarding Mater Plan of Local Tourism Development 2012-2025 Mayoral Decree of Bandung No. 648/2010 regarding Stipulation of Slum Housing and Settlement Location

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