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Conclusion .

Bina Braga Development Framework provides supplementary recommendations to complete the loophole in local planning system regarding slum improvement in Bandung. Key to the framework is to develop the capacity of the community and improve the physical infrastructure by using upscaling process. Investing to the community is imperative to generate a longterm change not only for the community but for institutional level. As kampung has been treated as autonomous region, handing back the ‘autonomy’ to the community in kampung development is essential. Having inclusive community engagement, involving the community in decision-making process, and applying Indonesian traditional community value to collaborate with other stakeholders are the key value.


In general, Bina Warga and Bina Ruang have covered social, political, economic, and spatial aspect that is essential for planning framework. However, there are some issues that need to be further examined. In project financing, although the potential funding scheme has been mapped, there is need to specify the number and allocation for each action within the time frame. In institutional issues, as community associations has long been practiced, the feasibility of simplifying them needs to be further analysed and discussed. Moreover, unique to kampung context, there are other community associations exist, for instance religious group associations and cultural group associations. Therefore, this framework provides the opportunity for further research on the effectiveness of local governance system in kampung.

This book is context specific to Kampung Braga, however it sets up a general framework for kampung development in Bandung by looking at historical context, significance of the area, assets, and main threat that the kampung has experienced. Knowing the kampung is critical because each kampung has its own geographic condition, social value, economic activity, and internal and external pressure, therefore one-size-fits-all approach will never work. To implement the actions, collaboration between stakeholders in different level is highly fundamental. This includes the importance of having motivated and devoted leadership starting from neighbourhood level to at least city level to continuously nurture and develop kampung.

Overall, Bina Braga Development Framework is hoped to become the example of kampung development program in Bandung. It is envisioned that Bandung could incorporate kampung development framework into local planning policy and regulatory framework. Thus, kampung will not be simply seen as slums and the improvement will not be generalised and based on the binary of legality and illegality.

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