The ModiďŹ ed Mid-Anterior Portal for Hip Arthroscopy Dean K. Matsuda, M.D., and Angel Villamor, M.D.
Abstract: The modiďŹ ed mid-anterior portal is a utilitarian hip arthroscopy working portal that permits dual-portal comprehensive surgery for femoroacetabular impingement and related chondrolabral procedures without the need for interportal exchange. Its distal location facilitates labral reparative and reconstructive procedures while minimizing iatrogenic acetabular chondral damage. The relatively lateral location permits instrument navigation not only along the anterosuperior acetabular rim and anterolateral proximal femur typically required for acetabuloplasty and femoroplasty but even to the posterior regions of the hip in cases of global pincer femoroacetabular impingement and posterior extensions of cam morphology and the anteromedial proximal femur while avoiding direct injury to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
ip arthroscopy is the fastest growing orthopaedic procedure,1 with expanding indications across multiple orthopaedic disciplines. However, the learning curve is substantial, and the rate of hip arthroscopy complications, though typically small in prevalence and severity, may be higher than initially appreciated.2 Historically, 3 portals were typically used for hip arthroscopy: anterolateral portal (ALP), posterolateral portal, and anterior portal (AP). The ALP continues to be popular and remains the primary viewing portal, often used with a 70 arthroscope. The posterolateral portal is less frequently used, often for cases in which posterior hip access is desired. The AP provides a useful working portal for commonly encountered anterior hip pathology (e.g., anterior or anterosuperior labral tears, classic cam and/or pincer femoroacetabular impingement [FAI]), but its relative proximal location limits its utility in arthroscopic labral reparative and reconstructive procedures. Often, accessory distal portal(s) are required to safely drill and seat suture anchors in close
proximity without violating the acetabular rim articular cartilage.3 The mid-anterior portal (MAP) is a popular distalbased portal that facilitates labral repair because of its relative distal location.4 It is signiďŹ cantly anterior and distal to the typical ALP. During our use of this portal, we modiďŹ ed its location and found that our ability to perform arthroscopic acetabuloplasty, labral reďŹ xation, and femoroplasty was further enabled. We began using the modiďŹ ed mid-anterior portal (MMAP) for all of our dual-portal arthroscopic hip procedures in 2005 and discovered that it enabled arthroscopic access to expanding areas of the acetabular rim and proximal femur, which facilitated the development of procedures such as arthroscopic posterior cam decompression,5 arthroscopic femoroplasty of the anteromedial “critical corner,â€?6 arthroscopic decompression of subspine impingement,7 and arthroscopic surgery for global pincer deformities including severe coxa profunda8 and protrusio acetabuli.9
From the Kaiser West Los Angeles Medical Center (D.K.M.), Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.; and Clinic iQtra Advanced Medicine (A.V.), Madrid, Spain. The authors report the following potential conict of interest or source of funding: D.K.M. receives royalties from Smith and Nephew for intellectual property. Received February 21, 2014; accepted May 8, 2014. Address correspondence to Dean K. Matsuda, M.D., Kaiser West Los Angeles Medical Center, 6041 Cadillac Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034, U.S.A. E-mail: Ó 2014 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America 2212-6287/14150/$36.00
Because the MMAP is established in relation to the anterolateral viewing portal (ALP), it is important to establish this viewing portal with precision and consistency. Likewise, the relation of both portals to the acetabulum will change with setup positioning of the operative hip. Hence we standardize our supine arthroscopic setup by aligning the pelvis in the coronal and sagittal planes to a vertical C-arm uoroscopic imaging device by the uoroscopic templating technique.10 Hip distraction is performed with the operative hip in 10 of hip exion (which relaxes the iliofemoral ligament), 20 of abduction, and approximately 30 of internal rotation
Arthroscopy Techniques, Vol 3, No 4 (August), 2014: pp e469-e474