Public Spaces for HSE3 in Favelas - Favela Upgrade Strategies in Rio de Janeiro

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4 | Proposal for Favela Upgrade: Public Spaces for HSE3

4.4 FAVELA CATEGORIES AND PROPOSALS 4.4.1 Cathegory 1 : Favelas with High Density Another important effect that high density of favelas causes is the inadequate space for greenary. WhiFavelas are settlements naturally with high density. le green areas hold an crucial role for the environDue to the lack of adequate land and high number of ment, at the same time it has many positive effects population, the built areas required to be too dense. on humans. Firstly, they provide shelter for extreme However, high density of favelas have several impor- sun and rain, which is important in a climate like Rio tant problems for the public, as well as for individuals. de Janeiro. Secondly, greenary areas create environments for relaxation, socializing and integration in In favelas, the houses and other buildings are very community. They contribute to biodiversity since close to each other that fresh air cannot circula- they can host many different species. However, the te properly. While it causes many diseases, at the serious amount of built environment prevents all same time it helps the spread of disease very qui- these possible benefits. ckly. Moreover, due to the high density, sunlight cannot reach the interior of the houses and inhabi- Among the 25 favelas chosen for this work, 4 of tants cannot benefit from daylight. In addition, the them shows extreme density. Especially Planning sunlight provides human with vitamin D, and is very Area 3 (AP3) is richer in terms of high density of faimportant for children's cognitive and physical deve- velas. AP5 does not have many favelas with extreme lopment. High density of favelas also prevents pe- density, since that region is pretty far from the center ople to get enough sunlight for their bodies' health. and is not preferred in the way that other favelas are prefered due to the closeness to work places. RocinHigh density of built area is harmful also for the ha, one of the most known and crowded favela has environment. The materials used in building density of 0.082 person/m2. It is the highest density construction affects the environment significant- in AP2 region. In north side, Jacarezinho and Nova ly. Construction materials which is used in bu- Holanda in Mare shows high density with 0.080 and ildings are produced in non-sustainable way. 0.088 respectively. Last but not least, in planning reThe factories that make the materials produce gion 4 (AP4) Favela Rio das Pedras has the highest damaging CO2 emissions ( density with 0.095 person/m2. 200

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