CONCLUSION Favelas are complex, unusual and highly dense settlements which are located almost every region of Rio de Janeiro. Instead of many upgrade projects in the history aiming to improve the life standarts of favelas, it is hard to talk about a serious change in terms of integration, stigmatization and segregation. Rio is a divided city where rich and poor visibly use the space differently with physical, visual or social barriers due to the economic, educational and life style differences. Public spaces for HSE3 project is a beginning point, an ideaology which aims to improve favelas from many different aspect. These aspects would affect directly the reduction of several differences that formal city and favela residents have. Therefore, stigmatization and negative attitude towards favelas would go down dramatically. In addition, Public Spaces for HSE3 does not only to break the social borders between favela and formal city, but also improve the life quality of favela residents by providing spaces for their educations, economies, social life, as well as for environment and health. Public Spaces for HSE3 does not suggest definitive design solutions, but proposes methodology and ideology in order to first define the problems and favela features more deeply, and after find long term solutions which does not work only for physical changes, but also social progress which would show its visible effects after a couple of generations.