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1.3. URBAN DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF RIO DE JANEIRO in 20th CENTURY Rio de Janeiro has exposed to several urban design strategies and applications throughout the history. It is quite significant to understand the planning decisions under specific circumstances which result in positively or negatively in order to interpret today’s problems. This session will be discussing the different urban factors of 20th century involved in the urbanization process: How the different actions resulted in to shape the urban design of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the effects of the world-wide developments on the urbanization of the city. Moreover, one of the biggest problems of the city of Rio de Janeiro is the shanty towns (favelas), inequality and lack of housing. The root of those problems will be analysied in this session by looking closer to the source and beginning of these facts. 1.3.1. Hausmanization Strategies and Pereria Passos Period
ges of Rio’s colonial urban design. In Passos period, the redesign and development of centre of Rio was the main purpose in terms of urban design. It was desired to increase the importance of Rio in international level. At that time, political buildings were mixed with the poor slum houses and this image was not matching with the purpose of Passos. So as a result of it, Rio had a radical urban transformation. Since the aim was to heighten the prestige of Rio, the great Europen capitals were taken as examples. Especially Paris became the city which Rio was desired to be transformed like. So grand avenues ending in impressive urban squares surrounded by public buildings were all aimed to beautify the city of Rio.
In the same period, some large scale urban interventions funded by Federal Government existed in the Engineer Pereria Passos was the mayor of Rio de city. Their effects were huge for Rio although they Janeiro between 1902 - 1906 who had important were not so many in the numbers. The most imporeffects to shape Rio’s urbanization. The core of the tant of them was the opening of Central Avenue. city went through a period of intensive construction Parisian type of boulevard designed by Haussmann work which leaded the destruction of the last vesti- was the main goal to achieve. In order to do that, so
In Passos period, the redesign and development of centre of Rio was the main purpose in terms of urban design.